democracy (182)

Please read Part 1:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:

I believe that the following article from the recent past relates to this issue-You Decide:

U.S. intelligence agencies feud with Republicans over Russian hacking!-Posted on Reutrers-By Mark Hosenball-On December 16, 2016:

Republican members of Congress are complaining that U.S. intelligence agencies are refusing to brief them widely on a classified CIA report that concluded Russia hacked Democratic Party data in an effort to help Donald Trump win the presidency.

The Republicans said Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has refused their requests for full briefings of Congress' two intelligence committees. U.S. government officials said the leaders of Congress and the chairmen of the two intelligence committees, known as the "Gang of Eight," have been briefed on the Central Intelligence Agency's conclusion.

Nevertheless, Representative Devin Nunes, the California Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee and is a member of President-elect Trump's transition team as well as the Gang of Eight, has called for a briefing for his entire committee on the CIA assessment.

"The committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us," Nunes said.Representative Ron Johnson, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said his panel also has asked for a briefing but the CIA refused.

"It is disappointing that the CIA would provide information on this issue to the Washington Post and NBC but will not provide information to elected members of Congress," Johnson said in a statement on Friday.

Three U.S. government sources, who all asked for anonymity to discuss classified information, told Reuters that while the full congressional committees have not been briefed, the congressional leadership has, which is the standard procedure for briefing Congress on sensitive intelligence.

The sources said that Nunes was personally briefed on the CIA finding. A congressional official denied Nunes was briefed, however.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a statement that because President Barack Obama last week ordered the intelligence community to conduct a full-scale "review of foreign efforts to influence recent presidential elections – from 2008 to the present," the agencies would not comment further until the study is completed.


ODNI, which oversees all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, said that when the review is complete, the U.S. intelligence community "stands ready to brief Congress."

The office said it also would make the study "available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods."

The CIA based its conclusion about Russia hacking to influence the election not on irrefutable evidence but largely on its analysis of the fact that the Russians hacked both political parties while only publicizing information damaging to Democrats and their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said a U.S. official familiar with the agency's work, who also requested anonymity.

Two of the government sources said on Friday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation now backs the CIA assessment that the Russian hacks were aimed at helping Trump win. The ODNI also agrees with the assessment, all three government sources said.

There was no immediate comment from the FBI.

The FBI, which has responsibility for counterintelligence investigations inside the United States, initially did not endorse the CIA's finding because it did not meet the standards of evidence necessary to win a conviction in a U.S. court or identify individuals whose hacking violated American law, one source said.The debate over Russian hacking also is opening a rift between Trump and some Republican members of Congress.

The president-elect continues to dismiss the intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the hacking.

On Friday, Senator Richard Burr, Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, announced his committee will conduct a review in the new year of U.S. intelligence on Russian activities and its cyber activity more broadly.

The review will include questioning of both Obama and Trump officials, “including the issuance of subpoenas if necessary to compel testimony,” Burr said in a statement.

(Reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Warren Strobel, John Walcott and Tom Brown)

Source Link:

The following recent videos revealed: 1) that Fox News Hannity recent got an in-person intervbiew with WikiLeaks founder regarding alleged Russian hacking of American political parties, the 2016 election and the Donald Trump and Barack Obama administrations; and 2) that the WikiLeaks founder recently stated again that Russia never gave WikiLeaks hacked documents and that he believes that Obama is attempting to ‘delegitimize the Trump administration’ as it goes into the White House. If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: Hannity Gets In-Person Interview With WikiLeaks Founder!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jack Davis-On January 2, 2017:

Video: Assange: Russia Never Gave WikiLeaks Hacked Documents!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jack Davis-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent articles and video contained therein revealed: 1) that Fox News Tucker Carlson recently 'demolished Russian rigged election' assumption with just one question; and 2) that the Washington Post recently corrected its story (fake news article) regarding the ‘Russians hacking the Vermont utility.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Tucker demolishes Russian rigged election assumption with just one question!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Scott Morefield-On January 4, 2017:


Washington Post Corrects Story of Russian Hack of Vermont Utility!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On January 2, 2017:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that two months after the election the FBI now admits that they 'never looked at the DNC email server before placing blame on Russia'; 2) that Assange recently confirmed that the ‘media is colluding with the Democratic Party’; 3) that a former CIA Director recently stated that the election hacking wasn’t just Russia; and 4) that Steve Pieczenik recently stated that there is ‘no more Democratic Party’ and that the ‘Russians were not involved in hacking.’ Could this be True?-You Decide:

Two Months After Election, FBI Admits They Never Looked At DNC Email Servers!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Kosar, Breaking News Editor-On January 5, 2017:

Video: Julian Assange: Media Is Colluding with Democrat Party in America!-Posted on james hoft-On January 3, 2017:

Former CIA director suggests that China and Iran were also involved in the Clinton/DNC hacks

Fmr. CIA Director: Election Hacking wasn't just Russia!-Posted on Punching Bag Post-By Alice Greene, Staff Writer-On January 5, 2017:

Video: Steve Pieczenik: There Is Really No More Democratic Party As Far As We Are Concerned!-Posted on OpenMind-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump and Pence support Assange's remarks on alleged ‘Russian Hacking.’-You Decide:

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

Trump, Pence Support Assange's Remarks on Alleged Russian Hacking!-Posted on The New American-By Steve Byas-On January 4, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently threatened President-elect Donald Trump by telling him that he is ‘being really dumb’ by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities because ‘they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Schumer: Trump 'really dumb' for attacking intelligence agencies!-Posted on The Hill-By Mallory Shelbourne-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that outgoing Intel Chief Clapper recently stated that truthful reporting on US corruption is part of Russian conspiracy and hints at ‘Act of War’; 2) that if anything related to emails impacted the 2016 election, it was Hillary Clinton’s completely insecure private email server, but that’s the 8,000lb. gorilla in the room that Democrats and the left media would rather ignore as they scramble to ‘delegitimize’ Donald Trump with stories of ‘Russian hacking and influence in the election’; 3) that Trump recently asked the chairs of the House and Senate committees how NBC got ‘Top Secret’ report on Russian hacking and wants them to investigate leak; 4) that Donald Trump's face-off with spy chiefs on hacking recently came to a head and will now play out behind closed doors on Friday, January 6, 2017, when the President-elect will be given a briefing on allegations of election-related hacking by Russia; and 5) that Putin recently sent a message directly to the American people basically ‘denying the allegations.’ I wonder if this is why Obama recently sent U.S. Special Operations Forces to the Russian border? If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Intel Chief Clapper: Truthful Reporting on US Corruption is Part of Russian Conspiracy — Hints at ‘Act of War’!-Posted on The Free Thouhgt Project-By Claire Bernish-On January 6, 2017:


Hacking Trump!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On January 6, 2017:


Trump asks how NBC got secret report on Russian hacking!-Posted on GOP US-By GOPUSA Staff-On January 6, 2017:

Intel chiefs' take on Trump

Donald Trump's face-off with spy chiefs on hacking comes to a head!-Posted on James Masters, CNN-On January 6, 2017:


BREAKING – Putin Sends THIS Message Directly to the American People. What Do You Think?-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent articled revealed that Trump recently dropped a bombshell that blew the ‘Russian Hacking’ story wide open-You Decide:


BREAKING – Trump Drops Bombshell, Blows the ‘Russian Hacking’ Story WIDE OPEN!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Former CIA and NSA Officials recently joined forces and debunked the Russian “Hack” conspiracy theory-You Decide:


Former CIA and NSA Officials Just Joined Forces & Debunked the Russian “Hack” Conspiracy Theory!-Posted on The Free Thought Project-By Claire Bernish-On January 7, 2017;

The following recent article revealed that the NY Times 'intentionally' ignored a key line from intel report in rush to make ‘Trump look bad.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


NY Times ignores key line from intel report in rush to make Trump look bad!-Posted on BizPac Review-By BPR Wire-On January 7, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Kellyanne Conway’s recent battle with liberal media circuit over 'Russian leaks' came to a head at CNN when she placed the public perception that the alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails led to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directly at the doorstep of the ‘mainstream media’-You Decide:


Seething Kellyanne Conway’s battle with lib media circuit over Russian leaks comes to a head at CNN!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Michael Dorstewitz-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the White House recently dodged questions regarding ‘Top Secret Intel Report’ leaks to NBC.  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

"I can't speak to the inner workings of the intelligence community, particularly as it relates to the compiling of this specific report," press secretary Josh Earnest said Friday, referencing a report about Russian cyberactivity that President Obama has already reviewed. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

White House dodges questions on leaks to NBC!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Sarah Westwood (@sarahcwestwood)-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump uncovered evidence of a possible ‘traitor’ in a powerful position regarding ‘Top Secret Intel report leak to NBC’ and immediately called for investigation-You Decide:


ALERT – Trump Uncovers Evidence of a TRAITOR in a Powerful Position, Calls For Investigation!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 8, 2017:

The following articles revealed: 1) that FBI Director Comey recently went rogue and exposed ‘Dirty Little Secret’ that Hillary made him hide regarding the allegedly ‘hacked DNC computers’; and 2) that Obama recently ‘caved in to Castro’ again regarding 'special' refugee program for Cuban exiles. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


ALERT – Comey Goes Rogue, Exposes ‘Dirty Little Secret’ Hillary Made Him Hide!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 16, 2017:


Obama Caves to Castro—Again: ‘The truth about the "special" refugee program for Cuban exiles’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Humberto Fontova-On January 16, 2017:

The following articles revealed: 1) that Putin recently stated that the people behind Trump’s dossier are ‘Worse Than Prostitutes’; and 2) that a Russian Official recently stated Trump’s pragmatism could lead to ‘progress’ between U.S. and Russia-You Decide:

Vladimir Putin (Credit: Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

Putin: People Behind Trump Dossier ‘Worse Than Prostitutes’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Peter Hasson, Reporter, Associate Editor-On January 17, 2017:

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said American-Russian relations could improve once Donald Trump's administration took over.

Russian Official: Trump’s Pragmatism Can Lead To Progress Between U.S., Russia!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jack Davis-On January 17, 2017:

The following video revealed an ‘Obama burn in hell’ banner that was recently unrolled in front of the U.S. Embassy in Russia-You Decide:

'Obama burn in hell' banner unrolled in front of US embassy in Russia

Video: 'Obama burn in hell' banner unrolled in front of US embassy in Russia!-Posted on January 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Obama recently freed Oscar Lopez-Rivera, the Marxist ‘terrorist bomb maker.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Obama Frees Terrorist Bomb Maker!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent articles revealed that experts are predicting that President Trump’s DOJ will likely find many offenses in ‘voter fraud’ probe-You Decide:

Trump DOJ Likely to Find Many Offenses in Voter Fraud Probe, Experts Say!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Fred Lucas-On January 25, 2017:


How to prove rampant voter fraud in U.S.: ‘Experts say federal investigation could verify Trump's claim’!-Posted on Garth Kant-On January 25, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump argument was recently bolstered when study found that Clinton received ‘800,000 votes from non-citizens’-You Decide:

Hillary Clinton is estimated to have collected 81 percent of noncitizen votes, which may have helped her carry a state, a researcher says. (Associated Press)

Trump argument bolstered: Clinton received 800,000 votes from non-citizens, study finds!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times-On January 26, 2017:

The following recent article revealed the ‘Leftmedia’ isn’t interested in knowing the actual number of ‘illegal immigrants who voted or how many votes dead people cast or how many individuals voted multiply times’-You Decide:


Just How Much Voting Fraud Does Exist?-Posted on The New American-By Thomas Gallatin-On January 26, 2017:

The following recent article revealed California’s recipe for ‘voter fraud’ on a massive scale-You Decide:


California’s Recipe for Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale!-Posted on by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly-On January 27, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that a CIA Agent recently dropped a bombshell and revealed that President Trump’s Administration has been ‘penetrated by his Chief of Staff Reince Preibus.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Video: Trump Penetrated! CIA Agent Drops Bombshells!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 28, 2017:

I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 10, 2016:


Communist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 9, 2012:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

4064271308?profile=originalWhy did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?

4063523633?profile=originalRevolutionary Communist Party!


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Obama Just Caught In Big Lie: ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!'t-been-told-about-the-president's-background/


Who Is George Soros?


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


Investigators find 'source' for Obama's online birth certification image: ‘Forensic experts say long-form document from White House copied’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 15, 2016:

4064271356?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

4064258232?profile=originalObama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!


CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!


Vote Fraud – What They Aren’t Telling You!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 7, 2012:

Chaos In Colorado May Be Signs That The Globalists Are Making Their Move!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 13, 2016:


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Tea Party Comman Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 25, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on July 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 25, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on August 26, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

Please see Part 1:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:

I believe that the following article from the recent past relates to this issue-You Decide:

U.S. intelligence agencies feud with Republicans over Russian hacking!-Posted on Reutrers-By Mark Hosenball-On December 16, 2016:

Republican members of Congress are complaining that U.S. intelligence agencies are refusing to brief them widely on a classified CIA report that concluded Russia hacked Democratic Party data in an effort to help Donald Trump win the presidency.

The Republicans said Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has refused their requests for full briefings of Congress' two intelligence committees. U.S. government officials said the leaders of Congress and the chairmen of the two intelligence committees, known as the "Gang of Eight," have been briefed on the Central Intelligence Agency's conclusion.

Nevertheless, Representative Devin Nunes, the California Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee and is a member of President-elect Trump's transition team as well as the Gang of Eight, has called for a briefing for his entire committee on the CIA assessment.

"The committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us," Nunes said.Representative Ron Johnson, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said his panel also has asked for a briefing but the CIA refused.

"It is disappointing that the CIA would provide information on this issue to the Washington Post and NBC but will not provide information to elected members of Congress," Johnson said in a statement on Friday.

Three U.S. government sources, who all asked for anonymity to discuss classified information, told Reuters that while the full congressional committees have not been briefed, the congressional leadership has, which is the standard procedure for briefing Congress on sensitive intelligence.

The sources said that Nunes was personally briefed on the CIA finding. A congressional official denied Nunes was briefed, however.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a statement that because President Barack Obama last week ordered the intelligence community to conduct a full-scale "review of foreign efforts to influence recent presidential elections – from 2008 to the present," the agencies would not comment further until the study is completed.


ODNI, which oversees all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, said that when the review is complete, the U.S. intelligence community "stands ready to brief Congress."

The office said it also would make the study "available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods."

The CIA based its conclusion about Russia hacking to influence the election not on irrefutable evidence but largely on its analysis of the fact that the Russians hacked both political parties while only publicizing information damaging to Democrats and their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said a U.S. official familiar with the agency's work, who also requested anonymity.

Two of the government sources said on Friday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation now backs the CIA assessment that the Russian hacks were aimed at helping Trump win. The ODNI also agrees with the assessment, all three government sources said.

There was no immediate comment from the FBI.

The FBI, which has responsibility for counterintelligence investigations inside the United States, initially did not endorse the CIA's finding because it did not meet the standards of evidence necessary to win a conviction in a U.S. court or identify individuals whose hacking violated American law, one source said.The debate over Russian hacking also is opening a rift between Trump and some Republican members of Congress.

The president-elect continues to dismiss the intelligence agencies' conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the hacking.

On Friday, Senator Richard Burr, Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, announced his committee will conduct a review in the new year of U.S. intelligence on Russian activities and its cyber activity more broadly.

The review will include questioning of both Obama and Trump officials, “including the issuance of subpoenas if necessary to compel testimony,” Burr said in a statement.

(Reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Warren Strobel, John Walcott and Tom Brown)

Source Link:

The following recent videos revealed: 1) that Fox News Hannity recent got an in-person intervbiew with WikiLeaks founder regarding alleged Russian hacking of American political parties, the 2016 election and the Donald Trump and Barack Obama administrations; and 2) that the WikiLeaks founder recently stated again that Russia never gave WikiLeaks hacked documents and that he believes that Obama is attempting to ‘delegitimize the Trump administration’ as it goes into the White House. If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: Hannity Gets In-Person Interview With WikiLeaks Founder!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jack Davis-On January 2, 2017:

Video: Assange: Russia Never Gave WikiLeaks Hacked Documents!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jack Davis-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the Washington Post recently corrected its story (fake news article) regarding the ‘Russians hacking the Vermont utility.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Washington Post Corrects Story of Russian Hack of Vermont Utility!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On January 2, 2017:

I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


Communist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 9, 2012:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

4063523633?profile=originalRevolutionary Communist Party!


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Obama Just Caught In Big Lie: ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!'t-been-told-about-the-president's-background/


Who Is George Soros?


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


Investigators find 'source' for Obama's online birth certification image: ‘Forensic experts say long-form document from White House copied’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 15, 2016:

4064271094?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

4064258232?profile=originalObama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!


CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!

Chaos In Colorado May Be Signs That The Globalists Are Making Their Move!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 13, 2016:


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Please See:

Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’! (Part 2)-Posted on New American Gazette-On January 3, 2017:
Read more…

I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking article with you because it reveals that, although Russia does not hold free and open elections of its own it has often intervened in America, which does hold free and open elections, a hallmark of a 'democratic republic.' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On December 12, 2016:

The CIA is claiming that Russia “intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency,” according to the Washington Post, which identified “actors” with connections to Russian intelligence who were allegedly part of a wider operation “to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.”

The CIA’s “secret assessment,” came one day after Hillary Clinton, in her first speech since the election, decried the “epidemic” of fake news. It was not about “politics or partisanship,” the losing candidate said, but voters have good grounds to believe it is about politics and partisanship.

Recall Clinton’s claim, in the second presidential debate, “We have never in the history of our country been in a situation where an adversary, a foreign power, is working so hard to influence the outcome of the election.”  As is often the case, the former First Lady and Secretary of State was wrong about that.

Though it held no free and open elections of its own, Russia has often intervened in America, which does hold free and open elections, a hallmark of a democratic republic. It might surprise millenials to learn that Russia had its own political parties in America, and ran their own candidates. Russia wanted those candidates to win and the other candidates to lose. 

In 1948, Communist Russia, then under the mass murderer Josef Stalin, backed the Progressive Party. At the top of the ticket was Henry Wallace, a former vice-president and agriculture secretary for FDR. 

Communist Russia, part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, wanted Wallace to win. Russia wanted Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Thomas Dewey to lose. Truman prevailed over Dewey, and Russian-backed Wallace finished last, behind even the Dixiecrat Party of southern segregationist Strom Thurmond.

Millenials and even baby boomers may be unaware that the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was not like American political parties. The Communist Party was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR, a division of Soviet foreign policy. 

It was tough for the Party after the death of their hero Stalin and Khrushchev’s revelations of 1956. In 1964, however, the Communist Party backed Lyndon Johnson, claiming this was necessary to block anti-Communist hardliner Barry Goldwater. The Democrat Johnson prevailed over the Republican, a victory of sorts for the Communists.

In 1972, the CPUSA candidate for president was Party boss Gus Hall, with African-American running mate Jarvis Tyner on the bottom of the ticket for vice-president. The Russians wanted Hall and Tyner to win but Republican Richard Nixon carried 49 states, prevailing easily over Democrat George McGovern, who began his career in the 1948 Wallace campaign. 

In 1976 the Communist Party ran Hall and Tyner again. The Russians, a hostile foreign power, wanted Hall and Tyner to win but Democrat Jimmy Carter managed to squeak out a win over Republican Gerald Ford. During the campaign, the Republican Ford had proclaimed  “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and there never will be under a Ford administration,” perhaps the stupidest statement by any candidate in U.S. history. The Russians continued to dominate Eastern Europe and in 1980 the Communists’ big issue was new U.S. missile deployments, which the Soviets opposed. 

That year the running mate of the white Stalinist Hall was black Communist Party militant Angela Davis, a feminist professor arrested in 1970 for supplying guns for a bloody courthouse takeover. The Russians wanted Hall and Davis to win against the Republican Reagan, the Democrat Jimmy Carter, and the independent John Anderson. Reagan prevailed in a landslide, carrying 44 states. 

Communists Hall and Davis teamed up again in 1984. As in 1980, the USSR, a foreign adversary, wanted Hall and Davis to win but they lost to Ronald Reagan. Also in 1984, the nuclear freeze movement, backed by the USSR, played a role in the election of pro-freeze senatorial candidates John Kerry of Massachusetts, Tom Harkin of Iowa, and Paul Simon of Illinois, all Democrats.

Meanwhile, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave Russia pretty much everything it wanted in the so-called Russian re-set, and Clinton Cash noted other favors. Hillary Clinton, like her former boss in the White House, did not exactly take a hard line against Putin’s advancement in Ukraine and threats to the Baltic States. 

As the record shows, foreign adversary Russia tends to back the losers in American elections. A month after her loss, Hillary Clinton decries an epidemic of fake news, claiming this charge has nothing to do with politics or partisanship. The next day comes the CIA charge that Russia aided Donald Trump. That claim is entirely understandable, completely predictable, and totally without significance, as big a whopper as Hillary Clinton’s notion about unprecedented election intervention. 

The CIA’s Russia allegation confirms that the outgoing president has commandeered the intelligence community, headed by the clueless James Clapper. In similar style, the current president has corrupted the IRS, the Justice Department, and even the FBI, whose director James Comey found no basis for charges against Hillary Clinton. As David Horowitz noted, this was the most breathtaking fix in American history

The CIA’s Russia caper is a major strike of a campaign to delegitimize president-elect Donald Trump. The campaign is certain to continue, with free ad copy from the old-line establishment media. 

Source Link:

The following recent article revealed that the Democrats secretly worked with the Russian government to oppose President Reagan, which I believe relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking article. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Image: Democrats Secretly Worked With Russia to Oppose My Dad

Democrats Secretly Worked With Russia to Oppose My Dad!-Posted on Michael Reagan-On December 13, 2016:

I believe that the following articles from the recent past relate to and/or further support the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles-You Decide:


Communist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!-Posted on Gulag Bound-By Trevor Loudon-On November 8, 2012:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On March 31, 2014:

Additionally, the following The Post & Email articles revealed a declassified FBI report that exposed then Senator Obama’s ties to the 'Weather Underground', which was a 'radical Marxist terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers.' These articles also revealed the objectives of the ‘Students for Democratic Society (SDS)’, as stated by Bernadine Dohrn (Bill Ayer’s wife) during a National Council meeting of SDS in December of 1968: “We are building a working class revolutionary movement to overthrow the capitalists, and the imperialist structure of the United States and the world.”  She stressed the importance of an international alliance with the “third word” in order to “smash American imperialism” and advocated the creation of an international revolutionary consciousness.  Suspiciously this information was also kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by the 'government controlled main stream media outlets' that are funded by 'anti-American George Soros', as a means of helping then Senator Obama get elected President.  I believe that these articles relate to and/or further support the disturbing information revealed in the above articles-You Decide:


Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part I-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 26, 2009:


Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part II-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 27, 2009:

I believe that the following recent articles and videos relate to and/or further support the disturbing information revealed in the above articles-You Decide:

Why Have Democrats Turned on Their Russian Communist Brothers!-Posted on Black Sphere-By Kevin Jackson-On December 13, 2016:

Ex-TV newsman has meltdown over 'usurper' Trump: ‘Keith Olbermann says president-elect may end future U.S. elections’!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On December 13, 2016:

Secret Agenda: Are They Planning To Use ‘Russian Interference’ As An Excuse To Invalidate Trump’s Election Victory?-Posted on The Economic Collapse-By Michael Snyder-On December 11th, 2016:

Video: The CIA's SECRET Plan For President Trump!-Posted on Insurgency Broadcast Network-On December 10, 2016:

Video: Rogue CIA Calls For New Election Could Lead To Trump Assassination!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On December 11, 2016:

Breaking: Man With Backpack Full of Weapons Arrested at Trump Tower!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty, Featured Contributor-On December 13, 2016:

Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Carmine Sabia-On December 11, 2016:

2nd Amb. Comes Forward… EXPLODES CIA Election Claims… Says He Knows Where Info Came From… Not Russia!-Posted on Conservative Tribune-On December 12, 2016:

Video: CNN: Trump’s Win a ‘National Emergency!’-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Philip Hodges-On December 12, 2016:

'Total B.S.': Russian election hack blasted as 'fake news': 'It's the Democrat Party trying to change the outcome of the election'!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On December 12, 2016:

10 Ways the CIA’s ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’!-Posted on Joel B. Pollak-On December 12, 2016:

Clinton Campaign Backs Electors Seeking Intel About Alleged Russian Involvement In Election!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Randy DeSoto-On December 12, 2016:

McCain, Graham Join Democrats, Demand Probe into Claims of Russian Hacking!-Posted on Ben Kew-On December 11, 2016:

Sen. Mitch McConnell calls for investigation of Russian cyberattacks: ‘Possible campaign meddling will be probed by Intelligence Committee’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Tom Howell Jr., The Washington-On December 12, 2016:

White House slams Trump, GOP over probes of Russian hacking in election!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On December 12, 2016:

There’s a Psy-OP, All Right, But It Isn’t “The Russians”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Daisy Luther-On December 12, 2016:

John Bolton wonders if DNC hack was a ‘false flag’ thrown by ‘significantly politicized’ Obama admin!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Frieda Powers-On December 11, 2016:

FBI Rejects CIA Claim that Russia Assisted Trump in Presidential Election as “Fuzzy and Ambiguous”!-Posted on The Free Thought Project-By Jay Syrmopoulos-On December 12, 2016:

Now CIA vets are warning against ‘rush to judgment’ on potential Russian hacking!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Samantha Chang-On December 12, 2016:

Washington Post-CIA connections destroy Post’s “election hack” claim!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Jon Rappoport-On December 13, 2016:

CIA: Washington Post Report Linking Russian Government to Trump & Election Hacking Is “Outright Lie”!-Posted on True Pundit-By admin-On December 12, 2016:

11 reasons not to trust Obama's CIA: ‘Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains background of agency chief John Brennan’!-Posted on Joseph Farah-On December 12, 2016:

Former army intel officer: CIA director is playing political games, ‘John Brennan is a political animal’!-Posted on BizPac Review-By BPR Wire-On December 13, 2016:

Is the Deep State at War – With Itself?-Posted on The Daily Sheeple-By Charles Hugh Smith-On December 13, 2016:

Russian Hacking Hysteria: ‘The Left can't stop blaming the vast Russian conspiracy’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On December 13, 2016: - disqus_thread

The Left’s never-ending war: ‘With their policies rejected by voters, the purpose of the Left isn’t to govern. It is to render their societies ungovernable’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Caroline Glick-On December 13, 2016:

The Demo 'Rigged Election' Coup?-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On December 13, 2016:

Video: The CIA Coup Against Donald Trump!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 13, 2016:

Video: Government Caught Lying About Russian Hacking -Classic Psyop Using Fake Headlines!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 13, 2016:

Harvard professor says 20 GOP voters may flip against Trump!-Posted on The Hill-By Brooke Seipel-On December 13, 2016:

Video: Tucker Carlson Grills Professor For Proof That Russians Helped Trump – Watch What Happens Next!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty, Featured Contributor-On December 14, 2016:

Forty Electoral College Members Now Calling For Intelligence Briefing Before They Vote!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Randy DeSoto-On December 13, 2016:

Why Did Electors Not Ask for “Briefing” Before Casting Votes for Obama?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 13, 2016:

Video: Gingrich: Hack claim is perfect example of propaganda media!-Posted on Fox News-On December 12, 2016:

UFO nut, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta calls for CIA to brief Electoral College on Russian takeover of America!-Posted on December 14, 2016:

Video: Judge Napolitano: US Intelligence Was Behind WikiLeaks Revelations!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Editor-On December 13, 2016:

Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election!-Posted on Charlie Spiering-On December 13, 2016:

CIA Investigation of Trump’s Connection to Putin a Sham: Experts!-Posted NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri-On December 14, 2016:

The Communist Chinese Aided the Clinton Campaign-Where Is the MSM?-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 13, 2016:

Plot to Frame Julian Assange by Obama Administration Revealed by Iceland Interior Minister!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On December 12, 2016:

Russian Narrative Falls Apart – Wikileaks Operative Claims Clinton Emails Handed Over By “Disgusted” Democrat Whistleblowers!-Posted on The Daily Sheeple-By Mac Slavo-On December 14, 2016:

Lawmakers fume over agency refusal to brief House panel on Russia hacking claims!-Posed on 1776 Coalition-By December 15, 2016:

Cracks appear in CIA Russian-hack scenario: 'If they have proof they should cough it up'!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On December 15, 2016:

DHS Found Guilty Of Faking Russian Hacking Attempts!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On December 15, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that the effort for California’s secession (#CalExit) is being organized and/or run by someone who lives in Russia and is getting help from a Kremlin-approved anti-American group called ‘Anti-Globalist Movement of Russia.’ Seems like those California liberals that are whining about Russia helping Trump defeat Hillary are actually winding up working as 'Russian patsies to tear apart the U.S.' If True- What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Is the California Secession Effort Being Run From Russia?-Posted on The Constitution-By Tad Cronn-On  December 9, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that Mikhail Gorbachev recently accused the West of attempting to 'provoke' and ‘undermine’ Vladimir Putin-You Decide:

Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev accuses the West of attempting to 'provoke' and undermine Vladimir Putin!-Posted on Daily Express-By Cyrus Engineer-On December 13, 2016:

The following recent thought-provoking video revealed that ‘anti-American George Soros’ has supposedly directed (ordered) Obama to stay in Washington after he leaves office. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: George Soros Orders Obama To STAY IN WASHINGTON!-Posted on Insurgency Broadcast Network-On November 17, 2016:

Please read Part 2:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’! (Part 2)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 3, 2017:

And finally, I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


Communist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 9, 2012:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

4063523633?profile=originalRevolutionary Communist Party!


The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!


Obama Just Caught In Big Lie: ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!'t-been-told-about-the-president's-background/


Who Is George Soros?


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


Investigators find 'source' for Obama's online birth certification image: ‘Forensic experts say long-form document from White House copied’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 15, 2016:

4064265992?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

4064258232?profile=originalObama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!


CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!

Chaos In Colorado May Be Signs That The Globalists Are Making Their Move!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 13, 2016:


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!


Read more…

I wanted to share the following recent Washington Post (fake news outlet) article and videos contained therein that reported that a recent secret CIA assessment concluded that Putin possibly helped Trump win the White House, although it fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies because there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment because some questions remained unanswered. Also included is a recent article that revealed the Trump Team’s response. Could this be another evil attempt to derail Trump’s election?-You Decide:


Wash Post: CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller-On December 9, 2016:

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”


The Post's Ellen Nakashima goes over the events, and discusses the two hacker groups responsible. (Jhaan Elker/The Washington Post)

The Obama administration has been debating for months how to respond to the alleged Russian intrusions, with White House officials concerned about escalating tensions with Moscow and being accused of trying to boost Clinton’s campaign.

In September, during a secret briefing for congressional leaders, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) voiced doubts about the veracity of the intelligence, according to officials present.

The Trump transition team dismissed the findings in a short statement issued Friday evening. “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again,’ ” the statement read.

Trump has consistently dismissed the intelligence community’s findings about Russian hacking.

“I don’t believe they interfered” in the election, he told Time magazine this week. The hacking, he said, “could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.”

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Agency briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was Russia’s goal, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says he wants to investigate whether Russia interfered with the 2016 U.S. election, amongst claims that Donald Trump's rhetoric on Russia and Vladimir Putin is too soft. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)

The CIA presentation to senators about Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.

For example, intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin “directing” the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said. Those actors, according to the official, were “one step” removed from the Russian government, rather than government employees. Moscow has in the past used middlemen to participate in sensitive intelligence operations so it has plausible deniability.

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said in a television interview that the “Russian government is not the source.”

The White House and CIA officials declined to comment.

On Friday, the White House said President Obama had ordered a “full review” of Russian hacking during the election campaign, as pressure from Congress has grown for greater public understanding of exactly what Moscow did to influence the electoral process.

“We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned,” Obama’s counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, Lisa Monaco, told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said. The review will be led by James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, officials said.

During her remarks, Monaco didn’t address the latest CIA assessment, which hasn’t been previously disclosed.

Seven Democratic senators last week asked Obama to declassify details about the intrusions and why officials believe that the Kremlin was behind the operation. Officials said Friday that the senators specifically were asking the White House to release portions of the CIA’s presentation.

This week, top Democratic lawmakers in the House also sent a letter to Obama, asking for briefings on Russian interference in the election.

U.S. intelligence agencies have been cautious for months in characterizing Russia’s motivations, reflecting the United States’ long-standing struggle to collect reliable intelligence on President Vladi­mir Putin and those closest to him.

In previous assessments, the CIA and other intelligence agencies told the White House and congressional leaders that they believed Moscow’s aim was to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system. The assessments stopped short of saying the goal was to help elect Trump.

On Oct. 7, the intelligence community officially accused Moscow of seeking to interfere in the election through the hacking of “political organizations.” Though the statement never specified which party, it was clear that officials were referring to cyber-intrusions into the computers of the DNC and other Democratic groups and individuals.

Some key Republican lawmakers have continued to question the quality of evidence supporting Russian involvement.

“I’ll be the first one to come out and point at Russia if there’s clear evidence, but there is no clear evidence — even now,” said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. “There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

Though Russia has long conducted cyberspying on U.S. agencies, companies and organizations, this presidential campaign marks the first time Moscow has attempted through cyber-means to interfere in, if not actively influence, the outcome of an election, the officials said.

The reluctance of the Obama White House to respond to the alleged Russian intrusions before Election Day upset Democrats on the Hill as well as members of the Clinton campaign.

Within the administration, top officials from different agencies sparred over whether and how to respond. White House officials were concerned that covert retaliatory measures might risk an escalation in which Russia, with sophisticated cyber-capabilities, might have less to lose than the United States, with its vast and vulnerable digital infrastructure.

The White House’s reluctance to take that risk left Washington weighing more-limited measures, including the “naming and shaming” approach of publicly blaming Moscow.

By mid-September, White House officials had decided it was time to take that step, but they worried that doing so unilaterally and without bipartisan congressional backing just weeks before the election would make Obama vulnerable to charges that he was using intelligence for political purposes.

Instead, officials devised a plan to seek bipartisan support from top lawmakers and set up a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 — a group that includes House and Senate leaders, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of both chambers’ committees on intelligence and homeland security.

Obama dispatched Monaco, FBI Director James B. Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to make the pitch for a “show of solidarity and bipartisan unity” against Russian interference in the election, according to a senior administration official.

Specifically, the White House wanted congressional leaders to sign off on a bipartisan statement urging state and local officials to take federal help in protecting their voting-registration and balloting machines from Russian cyber-intrusions.

Though U.S. intelligence agencies were skeptical that hackers would be able to manipulate the election results in a systematic way, the White House feared that Russia would attempt to do so, sowing doubt about the fundamental mechanisms of democracy and potentially forcing a more dangerous confrontation between Washington and Moscow.

In a secure room in the Capitol used for briefings involving classified information, administration officials broadly laid out the evidence U.S. spy agencies had collected, showing Russia’s role in cyber-intrusions in at least two states and in hacking the emails of the Democratic organizations and individuals.

And they made a case for a united, bipartisan front in response to what one official described as “the threat posed by unprecedented meddling by a foreign power in our election process.”

The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.

According to several officials, McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.

Some of the Republicans in the briefing also seemed opposed to the idea of going public with such explosive allegations in the final stages of an election, a move that they argued would only rattle public confidence and play into Moscow’s hands.

McConnell’s office did not respond to a request for comment. After the election, Trump chose McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, as his nominee for transportation secretary.

Some Clinton supporters saw the White House’s reluctance to act without bipartisan support as further evidence of an excessive caution in facing adversaries.

“The lack of an administration response on the Russian hacking cannot be attributed to Congress,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who was at the September meeting. “The administration has all the tools it needs to respond. They have the ability to impose sanctions. They have the ability to take clandestine means. The administration has decided not to utilize them in a way that would deter the Russians, and I think that’s a problem.”

Philip Rucker contributed to this report.

Source Link:


Trump team has an idea for what the CIA should do with a report about Russia helping him win; see statement!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Michael Dorstewitz-On December 10, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that the Washington Post article regarding the secret CIA’s assessment conclusion is based on ‘old news.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

About-face: Obama orders ‘deep dive’ on Russian hacking scare – and CIA says it’s about Trump

WaPo’s “Shocking” Headline About the CIA’s Review of Russia and the Election is Based On Old News!-Posted on Minutemen News-By J.E. Dyer-On December 10, 2016:

I believe that the following articles and videos contained therein from the recent past confirmed that it was rouge ‘U.S. Intelligence Operatives’ that leaked the Clinton Campaign emails and not the Russian government-You Decide:


Steve Pieczenik: Counter-Coup to Stop Clinton Happening Now Within Intelligence Community!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Stewart Rhodes-On November 2, 2016:

Former U.S. State Dept. Official: “U.S. Intelligence Community Has Started a Counter-Coup Against the Clintons”!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Lily Dane-On November 2, 2016:


Confirmed: US Intel Operatives Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails, Not Russia!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Paul Joseph Watson-On November 2, 2016:

I also believe that the following recent articles and/or videos relate to and/or further support the disturbing information revealed above-You Decide:

Homeland Security: Georgia Computer Breach Incident Likely Inadvertent

Shock Claim: ‘Homeland Security’ Tried to Hack Georgia Voting Office!-Posted on Tea Party News-On December 8, 2016:


Leftist news site's 'best-case scenario': Assassinate Trump: 'Our double agent is ready to carry out the order'!-Posted on December 9, 2016:

Hillary Supporters Issue DEATH THREATS To Trump Senior Advisor!-Posted on Tea Party News-On December 9, 2016:

Video: L.A. County schools brainwash kids to hate Trump!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On December 9, 2016:

Video: Time names Trump Person of the Year - the latest and worst example of leftist media bias!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On December 7, 2016:

Denzel Washington blasts media for selling 'BS'!-Posted on The Hill-By Judy Kurtz-On December 6, 2016:

The following recent video revealed that Steve Pieczenik recently stated that Obama is a ‘CIA plant’, there is ‘no more Democratic Party’ and that the ‘Russians were not involved in hacking.’ Could this be True?-You Decide:

Video: Steve Pieczenik: There Is Really No More Democratic Party As Far As We Are Concerned!-Posted on OpenMind-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that Democrats are now attacking Trump’s legitimacy after baseless report (Fake News) that Hillary lost due to Russian hackers; 2) that The Huffington Post (fake news outlet) is now reporting that the courts could “install” Hillary instead of Trump because of Russia’s interference; 3) that Republicans recently slammed the supposed ‘Secret CIA Report’ as not being proof that Russia interfered in the election; 4) that the Former UK Ambassador recently stated that the CIA’s Russian conspiracy claims are ‘BS’ and ‘They Are Absolutely Making It Up’; 5) that Trump is blaming Democrats for "Ridiculous" Russia hacking report; 6) that Judge slams "Namby Pamby Pathetic Losers" and asks Obama "Why Are You Obsessed WIth Russia?"; and 7) that the recent Secret CIA Assessment story about Russia helping Trump is the ‘Fake News’ you’ve been warned about. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Chuck Schumer

Democrats Attack Trump's Legitimacy After Baseless Reports Hillary Lost Due to Russian Hackers!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Jenni Fink-On December 10, 2016:


Reid: Russian Involvement In Election ‘A Hanging Chad 1,000 Times Over,’ Trump ‘Lost the Election’!-Posted on Breitbart News-By Ian Hanchett-On December 2016:


HuffPo: Courts Could “Install” Hillary Instead of Trump Because of Russia’s Interference!-Posted on Minutemen News-On December 11, 2016:

Republicans Slam CIA 'Secret' Report: "What Proof Does Anyone Have? ...I've Heard Zero"!-Posted Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On December 10, 2016:


Fmr. UK Ambassador: CIA’s Russian Conspiracy Claims Are ‘Bulls**t,’ ‘They Are Absolutely Making It Up’!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Chris Menahan-On December 11, 2016:

Trump Blames Democrats For "Ridiculous" Russia Hacking Report!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On December 11, 2016:

Video: Judge Slams "Namby Pamby Pathetic Losers", Asks Obama "Why Are You Obsessed WIth Russia?"!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On December 11, 2016:


Secret CIA Assessment Story About Russia Helping Trump is the ‘Fake News’ You’ve Been Warned About!-Posted on The Free Thought Project-By Jay Syrmopoulos-On December 10, 2016:

The following recent thought-provoking article revealed the ‘covert mind control programs and mass shootings in America by the CIA.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Covert Mind Control Programs and Mass Shootings!-Posted on Waking Times-By WakingTimes-On January 9, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently threatened President-elect Donald Trump by telling him that he is ‘being really dumb’ by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities because ‘they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Schumer: Trump 'really dumb' for attacking intelligence agencies!-Posted on The Hill-By Mallory Shelbourne-On January 3, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that an Ex-CIA director recently stated that Trump’s comments will lead to ‘wave of resignations’ at the CIA. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Ex-CIA director: Trump's comments will lead to 'wave' of resignations

Ex-CIA director: Trump's comments will lead to 'wave' of resignations!-Posted on The Hill-By Mallory Shelbourne-On January 7, 2017:

The following recent eye-opening article revealed that Hillary Clinton is now trying to cut some kind of a deal and has produced proof that 'H.W. Bush was actually arrested fleeing the Texas Book Depository on November 22, 1963 after John F. Kennedy was assassinated' and was questioned at the Dallas police department for 3 hours.  During the interrogation by the Dallas Police Department ‘Bush told them he was working for the CIA.’ Additionally, the article revealed that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers lead by General Michael Flynn are now in possession of the ‘Dallas Police report that documents the arrest and interrogation of then U.S. CIA agent George Herbert Walker Bush’, on November 22, 1963, ten minutes after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Could this be true?-You Decide:

H.W. Bush Arrested Over JFK Assassination in Dallas!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 8, 2017:
The following recent articles revealed: 1) that a ‘major threat’ has recently been made against President-elect Trump; and 2) that approximately 5,000 National Guard Troops will be attending Trump’s Inauguration because of an alleged ‘murder plot.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:
trump electoral college
BREAKING – Major Threat Issued Against Donald J. Trump, Please Pray!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:
Thousands of National Guards deployed to Trump inauguration amid assassination fears
5,000 National Guards To Attend Trump Inauguration Over Murder Plot!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On January 8, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the CIA, FBI and NSA continue to lose ‘credibility’ after issuing second Russian Hacking Report. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


America’s CIA, FBI and NSA Continue to Lose Credibility, Issue Politicized Second Russian Hacking Report!-Posted on Restoring Liberty By Lawrence Sellin-On January 8, 2017:

The following article reveals why the one-sided CIA report against Trump smells like a ‘political hatchet job’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


'Trust Me' Doesn’t Cut it on Russian Hacking: ‘This one-sided report smells like a political hatchet job’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Kenneth R. Timmerman-On January 9, 2017:

The following article reveals that it was recently ‘confirmed’ that the CIA report against Trump was completely ’fabricated.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016

BREAKING – CIA Report Against Trump Was Completely Fabricated, It’s Confirmed!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 9, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that ‘traitor’ John McCain passed on anti-Trump ‘disinformation to dossier to FBI.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Donald Trump

Traitor: John McCain passed anti-Trump disinformation dossier to FBI-Posted on INTELLIHUB-By Alex Thomas-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent video reveals that it was the ‘NSA and CIA’ that harvested financial information on Trump not Russia. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Conway reacts to intel claims on Russia

Video: The NSA and CIA harvested financial information of Trump, not likely Russia, says whistleblower Dennis Montgomery!-Posted on CNN Money-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the intelligence community and the liberal mainstream media have recently used the existence of a document that no one has ‘verified’ to attack President-elect Trump, but the attack appears to be ‘backfiring’ and CNN is quickly losing what ‘credibility’ it had left, along with the intelligence community appearing to be attempting to ‘distance’ itself from the document it considered worthy of attaching to the official report on the ‘unproven allegations’ of a Russian campaign to influence the election. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Ex-CIA director: Trump's comments will lead to 'wave' of resignations

Trump Never Got 2-page Summary of Allegations; Intel Director Backpedals!-Posted on The New American-By C. Mitchell Shaw-On January 12, 2017:

The following recent article reveals that there is no surprise to anyone who has been following the news over the past few months that President-elect Trump is ‘hated and feared by the power base of both political parties and the current leadership of the intelligence community’ and that the recent events related to the spurious ‘dossier’ appended to the intelligence community’s report of alleged ‘Russian interference in U.S. elections' shows just how deep that hatred and fear run. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Trump Under Fire From Political, Intel, and Media Enemies!-Posted on The New American-By C. Mitchell Shaw-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent video reveals that it was recently confirmed that the CIA plans to ‘stop Trump’s Inauguration.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video Confirmed: CIA Plans To Stop Trump Inauguration!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On January 12, 2017:

The following recent article reveals the possibility of the ‘CIA assassinating Trump’ due to him continually questioning the ‘Russian hacking conclusion.’  If-True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Will the CIA Assassinate Trump? “He’s Being Really Dumb For Questioning Russia Conclusions”!-Posted on Mac Slavo-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that 'Guccifer 2.0' recently came out of hiding and admitted that he ‘breached the DNC Network’ and that the Intel Russia Report is ‘A Crude Fake.’  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Guccifer 2.0 Comes Out of Hiding: I Breached DNC Network, The Intel Russia Report “A Crude Fake”!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that a former intelligence officer recently admitted that the ‘CIA is attempting a coup against Trump.’  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

trump in chair

Former intelligence officer admits CIA is attempting coup against Trump!-Posted on INTELLIHUB-By Alex Thomas-On January 14, 2017:

The following recent article revealed a report that exposed a secret meeting that recently took place between ‘U.S. Intel sources and Israel’s Mossad’ regarding an alleged plot to ‘hide intelligence from Trump.’ The reason behind this plot is allegedly due to Trump continually ‘lashing out at the U.S. intelligence community.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Report: US Intel Met Secretly With Mossad, Plotting to Hide Intelligence From Trump!-Posted on Information Liberation-By Chris Menahan-On January 14, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump recently asked CIA Director John Brennan if he was the leaker of ‘Fake News’ regarding completely unverified and unsubstantiated story about President-elect Donald Trump allegedly paying Russian prostitutes to 'urinate' in a bed that Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah once slept on-You Decide:


Trump to CIA Director John Brennan: Were You The Leaker Of "Fake News"?-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On January 16, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that a former CIA Officer Gary Berntsen recently ‘destroyed’ CIA Director John Brennan On Fox & Friends-You Decide:


Former Cia Officer Gary Berntsen DESTROYS CIA Director John Brennan On Fox & Friends!-Posted on Jim Browski 2.0-On January 17, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that Attorney Larry Klayman recently stated that CIA Director Brennan should be ‘prosecuted for crimes against the American people’ and sent to ‘Guantanamo’-You Decide:

Video: CIA Director Brennan Should Be Prosecuted For Crimes Against American People And Sent To Guantanamo!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On January 17, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that 23 U.S. intelligence, military and diplomatic veterans have written an extraordinary letter calling on Obama to release the evidence that Russia had ‘hacked the 2016 presidential election’ in order to elect Donald Trump, or admit that there is 'no proof'-You Decide:

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

23 intelligence-military veterans demand Obama release proof of Russian hacking or admit it’s a lie!-Posted on Fellowship of The Minds-By Dr. Eowyn-On January 18, 2017:

I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the above articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following recent blogs-You Decide:

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Implicated In Bankrolling of Extremist Terrorist Movements Around The World!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 16, 2017:

Attention Obama: Ft. Leavenworth is Calling You For Treason!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 10, 2017:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 8, 2016:

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

Office of the President Elect Logo

Suggestion and/or Idea Recently Submitted to The Trump Team (Re: George Soros' Anti-American Agendas)!


Why Has George Soros Enjoyed a Free Hand in his Subversive Attempts to Redesign America?

CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!–Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on September 22, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Please See:

CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on New American Gazette-On December 10, 2016:

Read more…

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!

I wanted to share the following recent article that revealed the Left’s coming counter attack after the majority of American voters rejected and/or dismissed the circus-mirror image of America being peddled by the left and their fawning, complicit media because they were tired of being beaten about the head and shoulders while those they elected to defend them stood by holding the coats of their abusers and elected a brawler of their own-You Decide:
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar
The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!-Posted on American Thinker-By Joe Herring-On December 5, 2016:

When the Soviet Union fell, all the little commies didn't wake up the next morning and say, "You know, those wacky Americans were right all along!  Let's go do some freedom and liberty stuff!"

No, they woke up bitter and furious...spreading out among the intelligentsia of western Europe; Great Britain; and, to a lesser extent, the United States.  They were welcomed by their fellow travelers: first and foremost, the misfit toys inhabiting the islands of academia – who were already busily nurturing bitterness and envy among their charges with the care of a master gardener.

They threw themselves into plotting and agitating, insinuating themselves into every possible position of influence they could manage – all to keep the flame of statist oppression lit, though necessarily hidden.

They found suitable vehicles in the international environmentalist movement and newly created issues that could be weaponized for use against that evil hegemon of economic and individual liberty, the dreaded victor of the Cold War, the United States.

The "crisis creation" machine went into high gear, fueled by alarmist junk science and billions of federal research dollars.

Eisenhower's famous warning about the military-industrial complex was soon greatly overshadowed by his lesser known warning from the same speech about the potential of a "scientific-technological elite" dominating policy, creating a "rule of experts" who derive both their funding and their marching orders from government.

Case in point: "climate change," née "global warming," née "global cooling," etc.  When a nation's institutions of higher learning derive upwards of 75% of their total research budgets from government, it is an impossible task to prevent the creation of a vast echo chamber, crafted to suit the whims of the funders.

This is precisely the danger of which Eisenhower spoke.

After years of pruning, fertilizing, and watering their post-secondary gardens, the left has reaped a bountiful harvest of indoctrinated political automatons, gleefully tightening its hold on the generations destined to govern our future with each passing graduation ceremony.

These first fruits of statist insinuation naturally gravitated toward public employment, in agencies where their misbegotten fantasies of a static climate and unspoilt wilderness could be realized.  They have risen through the ranks, hiring like-minded graduates in their wake – until today, the left lies resplendent in the glory of dominance in both the social and natural sciences, waving wands made of tax dollars in furtherance of their transformative ideas of how we all ought to live.

They felt their oats fully with the election of one of their own in 2008.  They abandoned all pretense and threw open the doors to their diseased inner sanctum...baring their storehouse of wilted values and stunted virtues.

The insults came more rapidly then.  Men became women, or even little girls, merely by saying so, and those of us who dared to reproach the deviant for wishing to toilet with our children were derided as bigots and threatened with the full force of government if we didn't acquiesce.

Foreign enemies of all we believe were imported to our cities under the flag of tolerance and rescue, and those who stood against this suicidal tide were soon awash in recriminations from our well-meaning but ill-informed neighbors, who hammered their narrative in our churches and our schools.

When we finally turned away in disgust, they unleashed their most potent weapon – our own children – whom they had taught to worship at the altar of a gray, formless morality, where rights are derived from acceptance into the collective, and justice is a relative concept subject to the whim of government.

We sent our offspring to them for an education, and they sent them back to us, spitting with hatred for the way of life that enabled their ease.  "You dare defy us?  Our soldiers are your own flesh and blood!"

They threw them at us like grenades – warped, misguided and misinformed, filled with explosive fury and lit by an impossibly short fuse.  Wave after wave, they sent them into the streets to burn, to riot, and to cloak their debauchery of liberty with the fresh face of a new generation.

And we backed down, knowing we had been gravely molested but unwilling to challenge the perpetrators for fear of ensnaring our own children in the fray.

We held elections.  We elected majorities who then refused to fight.  We listened to our "leaders," who told us to appease the gnashing beast because the world was changing and we had to remain "relevant."

Now, after a great while and innumerable offenses, we have elected someone who sees no value in the bureaucrat's mantra of "that's the way we've always done it."  We explored unfamiliar electoral terrain and found someone who respects the origin of our ideals as embodied in our founding documents.  A man who brusquely (and entertainingly!) dismissed the circus-mirror image of America peddled by the left and their fawning, complicit media.  Tired of being beaten about the head and shoulders while those we elected to defend us stood by holding the coats of our abusers, we elected a brawler of our own.

Those repudiated on November 8, 2016 have not yet fully realized that voters hadn't failed to understand what we saw when they revealed their inmost desires to us.  Rather, we understood all too well, and we turned away, revolted by the sight.

When they fully comprehend the enormousness of their rejection, we had better be prepared, because these are people who would see the whole nation brought to ruin before permitting it to succeed despite them.

This election was a modern-day Fort Sumter – the first shots of a long and brutal struggle to come.

The left will stop at nothing.  They will riot at the slightest provocation.  They will use our children as suicide bombers, blowing families apart over made up differences.  They will abuse the court system, the regulatory agencies, and every damn little ordinance in the tiniest of backwater towns to harass and beleaguer our efforts.

We must fight for our children as we fight for our future.

There are those who will counsel appeasement, as they always have.  Reject their advice without hesitation.  Compromise is possible only when both parties agree on an outcome, merely debating the best method to achieve it.  Despite what the quisling class tells you, traveling together is an impossibility when you are going in opposite directions.

The last eight years have been a dumpster fire, with the foundational timbers of our republic as fuel.  You can't leave glowing embers behind.  By debating the demonstrable fantasies of the left, we grant them legitimacy, leaving them as glowing embers in the minds of successive generations.

It won't be easy, and the left will ensure that it won't be bloodless, but it's as necessary as food and water to the health of the body.  Prime the fire hoses and disperse the rioters.  There can never be such a thing as "space to destroy."

I tell you this not to depress you, but to alert you, so you aren't caught off guard by the ferocity of the coming counter-attack.  History teaches that the leftist leviathan of November 9 is the same leftist leviathan of November 7.

Source Link: - ixzz4S1hOJIxu

I believe that the following articles from the past relate to and/or further support the above article-You Decide:

Why The Government HAS to Indoctrinate Our Children!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Chris Carrington-On March 8, 2014:

How the Elite Control Us and What They Will Do When They Lose Control!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On February 2, 2015:
I believe that the following recent Freedom Watch Podcast and articles relate to and/or further support the above articles-You Decide:

The Clintons' Overthrow of our Country!-Freedom Watch Podcast With Larry Klayman-On December 5, 2016:

trump vote recount
Devious plot grows to 'shut down' Trump's inauguration: ‘Plan would force president-elect to take oath of office 'behind closed doors,' if 'at all'!-Posted on Chelsea Schilling-On December 7, 2016:
The New York Times still Lying about Fidel Castro: ‘The Left's romance with a communist monster continues’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Humberto Fontova-On December 7, 2016:
Inline image
The Globalist Monopoly on Fake News!-Posted on iPatriot-By Vigileaks-On December 7, 2016:
Inline image
Possible Threat to Alternative Media: House Passes “Russian Propaganda” Bill!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On December 5, 2016:
Inline image
We Know Something That Most Americans Don't: ‘How I became a thought-criminal’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Oleg Atbashian-On December 7, 2016:
The following recent article revealed proof that the Elite really do want a ‘Global Society’ where you have no possessions, privacy or freedom-You Decide:

Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society Where You Have No Possessions, No Privacy And No Freedom!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-On December 7, 2016:
The following recent articles revealed: 1) that Congressional Democrats were attempting to ‘challenge Trump’s Electoral College win’; 2) that Trump's Electoral College 'win was certified', when Biden shut down Democratic challenges; and 3) that the N.Y. Times is aiding Communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist’s plans for ‘Inauguration Day mayhem.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:
trump electoral college
Congressional Democrats Attempt Challenge to Trump’s Electoral College Win!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Kosar, Breaking News Editor-On January 5, 2017:

Trump's Electoral College win certified, Biden shuts down Democratic challenges: 'It is over'!-Posted on Washington Examiner-By Nicole Duran (@Duranni1)-On January 6, 2017:


N.Y. Times Aids Communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist Plans for Inauguration Day Mayhem!-Posted on The New American-By William F. Jasper-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent article and video revealed; 1) that Obama recently made a major move to ‘keep power’ once Trump is sworn in; 2) that the Democrats recently called for Senate to ‘delay hearings on Trump’s Cabinet picks’; and 3) that Obama and his DHS Chief have federalized the election system as a means of ‘overturning Trump’s Election.’  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

trump vote recount

TYRANT – Obama Makes Major Move to Keep Power Once Trump is Sworn In!-Posed on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:

Dems call for Senate to delay hearings on Trump's Cabinet picks

Dems call for Senate to delay hearings on Trump's Cabinet picks!-Posted on The Hill-By Nikita Vladimirov-On January 7, 2017:

Video: Breaking! Obama/DHS Preparing to Overturn Trump Election!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that a ‘major threat’ has recently been made against President-elect Trump; and 2) that approximately 5,000 National Guard Troops will be attending Trump’s Inauguration because of an alleged ‘murder plot.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

trump electoral college
BREAKING – Major Threat Issued Against Donald J. Trump, Please Pray!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:

Thousands of National Guards deployed to Trump inauguration amid assassination fears

5,000 National Guards To Attend Trump Inauguration Over Murder Plot!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On January 8, 2017:

The following recent article reveals a Communist and Islamic plot/plan underway to ‘overthrow the U.S.’ before inauguration Day. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

NavyJack – Communists Intend to Overthrow the United States before Inauguration Day

NavyJack – Communists Intend to Overthrow the United States before Inauguration Day!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Navy Jack-On January 10, 2017:

The following recent article reveals that recently Obama stuttered and stammered accusations against Russia during his final push for ‘War.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Obama Stutters And Stammers Accusations Against Russia During His Final Push For War!-Posted on Activist Post-By Brandon Turbeville-On January 12, 2017:

The following recent article hinted that there was a ‘hidden message’ in Obama’s farewell speech-You Decide:

President Barack Obama speaks at McCormick Place in Chicago, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017, giving his presidential farewell address. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

The hidden message in Obama's 'farewell' speech!-Posted on Bill Whalen-On January 10, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that ‘George Soros’ and ‘Bill Ayers’, along with numerous other ‘Russian/Communist collaborators’, to include ‘U.S. Representatives’ have teamed up to coordinate ‘violent riots that will allegedly include bombings and killing of Trump supporters.’ These riots are scheduled to take place during ‘Trumps Inauguration.’ Also included are the steps that are being taken by the military and numerous other civilian law enforcement agencies to protect the Inauguration. If True-What ‘s wrong with this picture?-You Decide: 

Video: The Steps Being Taken to Protect the Inauguration -Mike Adams and Dave Hodges!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-On January 9, 2017:

The following recent article reveled a shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo as part of a ‘Cartel-Terrorist’ attack planned for Trump’s Inauguration. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 21: U.S. President Barack Obama gives his inauguration address during the public ceremonial inauguration on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol January 21, 2013 in Washington, DC. Barack Obama was re-elected for a second term as President of the United States. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) ORG XMIT: 159076355

Shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo Part of Cartel-Terrorist Attack Plan for Trump Inauguration!-Posted on Judicial Watch-On January 12, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Anarchists (DisruptJ20) plan to ‘paralyze’ Washington during Trump’s Inauguration. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Anarchists Plan to Paralyze Washington During Inauguration!-Posted on GOP USA-By Boston Herald-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the Left is preparing for its counter-attack on ‘American democracy’ on Inauguration Day. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


The Inauguration War; ‘The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By David Horowitz-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that ‘Bikers for Trump’ and other biker groups, along with other pro-Trump groups plan to show show up at Inauguration to help stop the thousands of crybaby liberals from getting out of hand, as they did throughout the general election campaign-You Decide:

Bikers 4 Trump

“Bikers for Trump” Just Revealed Epic Inauguration Plan… Parks Dept. Freaks!-Posted on Conservative Tribune-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that ‘Bikers for Trump’ will form ‘wall of meat’ so rioters don’t ruin the inauguration-You Decide:

bikers for trump wall of meat protest

Bikers for Trump will form ‘wall of meat’ so rioters don’t ruin the inauguration: Bring it, snowflakes!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Samantha Chang-On January 15, 2017:|

The following recent article revealed that Obama is supposedly ‘firing the National Guard Chief’, a key figure overseeing riot control at the inauguration, during Trump’s Inauguration which could trigger mass riots and ‘threatens Trump’s life.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Riot Stand Down: Obama to Fire National Guard Chief During Inauguration

Riot Stand Down: Obama to Fire National Guard Chief During Inauguration: ‘Obama's latest move could trigger mass riots, threats to Trump's life’!-Posted on Kit Daniels | January 13, 2017:

The following recent video reveals that it was recently confirmed that the CIA plans to ‘stop Trump’s Inauguration.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video Confirmed: CIA Plans To Stop Trump Inauguration!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On January 12, 2017:

The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that at least ‘36 protests’ are scheduled across America for Trump’s Inauguration, along with the main (lame) stream media’s ongoing ‘Anti-Inauguration.” hype.  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


“Shut It Down!” At Least 36 Protests Scheduled Across America for Trump’s Inauguration as Mainstream Media Hypes “Anti-Inauguration”!-Posted on On The Daily Sheeple-By Melissa Dykes-On January 14, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the various Federal agencies involved to provide security for Trumps Inauguration (e.g., DHS, FBI Secret Service, etc.) are operating as if this inauguration will be no different than previous inaugurations and are allegedly ‘understaffed’, which means that should the protests spin out of control, they will be ‘displaced and overrun’ creating significant risk for all those participating in the various inauguration events. It also reveals the most likely scenario of events, to include the groups that are allegedly protesting (rioting). If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

NavyJack – The Presidential Inauguration (or not) of Donald J. Trump (Updated 01/15/2017)

NavyJack – The Presidential Inauguration (or not) of Donald J. Trump (Updated 01/15/2017)!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Navy Jack-On January 14, 2017:

The following recent article revealed an open letter to ‘Anti-Trump protestors’ telling them to show their commitment by ‘quiting their jobs’-You Decide:

Daisy Luther

Dear Anti-Trump Protesters: Show Your Commitment. Quit Your Jobs!-Posted on The D.C. Clothes Line-By Daisy Luther-On January 15, 2017:

The following recent video reveals the most stunning interview in the history of The Common Sense Show that recently interviewed Paul Preston regarding a ‘Red Dawn’ scenario that is currently developing across the southern boarder that involves ‘Mexican drug cartels, MS13 Gang members and Islamist radicals.’  This Red Dawn scenario includes ‘violent riots that will start in Mexico and will spread into the U.S.’ and are scheduled to take place on Inauguration Day. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: Red Dawn Has Started: Paul Preston Interview!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed a report that revealed that ‘Jeb Bush’ was recently implicated in the Russian ‘dirty dossier’ that was allegedly compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and that Trump is reportedly furious. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

REPORT – Jeb Bush Implicated in BOMBSHELL Scandal. Trump is Reportedly Furious!-Posted on Tea Party News-On January 14, 2017:

The following article revealed that Trump fired right back at ‘U.S. Senator John Lewis’ after he recently stated that he did not see Donald Trump as being a ‘legitimate president.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Trump Lewis

Trump fires right back at John Lewis: ‘All talk, talk, talk . . .’ pay attention to your ‘crime infested’ district!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Carmine Sabia-On January 14, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that WikiLeaks recently sent out a mysterious tweet that hinted of a ‘assassination attempt’ against WikiLeaks staff, to include the editor. It also revealed that Hillary Clinton once ‘joked’ about ordering a drone strike on the Ecuadorian embassy in London where the WikiLeaks founder sought asylum. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


ALERT – Alarming WikiLeaks Messages Hint Assassinations May Be Coming!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 15, 2017:

The following recent articles, reports and videos revealed: 1) that Hillary Clinton’s operatives are stoking doubts of Trump’s presidency by ‘spreading rumors’ about ‘Russian vote rigging and pushing protests’; 2) that the Obama White House refuses call Trump a ‘Legitimate President'; 3) that supposed ‘Grassroots’ organization is offering '$2.5k' to protest Trump Inauguration, to include providing travel expenses, and insurance benefits to 'operatives'; 4) that anarchists plan to target ‘balls, events and Trump supporters all over D.C.’ during Inauguration week; 5) that anti-Trump activists plan to have an ‘acid attack’ during Inauguration; 6) that anti-Trump activists plotting to set off ‘stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes’ during Inauguration; and 7) that  CNN/Buzzfeed (fake news outlets) will allegedly be releasing damaging new Trump tape ‘48 hours before Inauguration.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a reception celebrating the completion of the U.S. Diplomacy Center Pavilion at the State Department in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017. (AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz)

Hillary Clinton’s operatives stoke doubts of Trump presidency: ‘Spread rumors about Russian vote rigging, push protests’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By S.A. Miller, The Washington Times-On January 15, 2017:

Report: ‘Grassroots’ Organization Offers $2.5k to Protest Trump Inauguration

Report: ‘Grassroots’ Organization Offers $2.5k to Protest Trump Inauguration: Online job postings claim to provide travel expenses, insurance benefits to 'operatives'!-Posted on Adan Salazar, January 17, 2017:

Obama and McDonough (Pete Souza / White House / Getty)

Obama White House Refuses to Call Trump ‘Legitimate’ President!-Posted on Joel B. Pollak-On January 15, 2017:

Trump Protest Sign - Photo by Fibonacci Blue

Anarchists Plan To Target Balls, Events And Trump Supporters All Over D.C. During Inauguration Week!-Posted on End of The American Dream-By Michael Snyder-On January 17, 2017:

Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

Video: Acid-attack plot for Trump inauguration: 'Going to fight everything he stands for with no quarter asked, no quarter given'!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 16, 2017:

The U.S. Capitol looms over a stage during a rehearsal of President-elect Donald Trump's swearing-in ceremony, Sunday, Jan. 15, 2017, in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Video shows anti-Trump activists plotting to set off stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times-On January 16, 2017:

Report: CNN/Buzzfeed to Release Damaging New Trump Tape 48 Hours Before Inauguration

Report: CNN/Buzzfeed to Release Damaging New Trump Tape 48 Hours Before Inauguration!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson-On January 16, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Pro-abort billionaire George Soros gave nearly $90 million to ‘feminist anti-Trump protest groups.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Featured Image

Pro-abort billionaire George Soros gave nearly $90 million to feminist anti-Trump protest groups!-Posted on  Life Site-By Claire Chretien-On January 16, 2017:

The following recent article revealed a shocking video that revealed that some ‘Americans want martial law to stop Trump.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

A woman in New York City says she prefers martial law over Donald Trump being president. (AFDI video screenshot)

Shock video: Americans want martial law to stop Trump: 'I agree with anything not to have Donald be our president'!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On January 17, 2017:

The following recent article revealed an Oath Keerpers ‘Call to Action’ to help defend free speech from violent thugs at Inauguration-You Decide:

Oath Keepers Call to Action: Help Defend Free Speech from Violent Thugs at Inauguration!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Stewart Rhodes-On January 17, 2017:

The following recent article exposed the ‘sponsors of anarchy’-You Decide:

Sponsors of Anarchy!-Posted on Michelle Malkin-On January 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that protests (riots) have already started at the U.S. Capitol two days before Trump’s Inauguration. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Protests Erupt Before Trump Inauguration: ‘Anti-Trump agitators descend on nation's capitol’!-Posted on January 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Journalists were recently warned to prepare for ‘Ferguson-Style Riots’ during Trump’s Inauguration. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Journalists Warned to Prepare For Ferguson-Style Riots During Trump Inauguration

Journalists Warned to Prepare For Ferguson-Style Riots During Trump Inauguration!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the DC Police will not be allowed to have their body cameras on as it’s ‘against the law’ for them to film and monitor the protesters present at the inauguration. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Check out the NBC4 Community Calendar!

DC Cops Given Disgusting Order For Trump’s Inauguration Day!-Posted on Tea Party News-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent video revealed ‘Bikers For Trump’ recently rolling into D.C. to protect 'their President’-You Decide:

Video: Bikers For Trump THUNDER Into D.C. to Protect Donald J. Trump, Our PRESIDENT!-Posted on Tea Party News-On January 19, 2017:

I believe that the above articles relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 10, 2016:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:


Revolutionary Communist Party!

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!

Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!
Trump Will Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization! (Part 3)
The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Read more…

Please read Part 1:

Walid Phares

Trump Will Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization! (Part 1)

The following recent article relates to and/or further supports my above blog regarding this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:


ISIS Claims Responsibility for OSU Attack: ‘While the Left tries to blame guns for the near-massacre – even though guns weren’t used’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On November 30, 2016:

The Muslim terrorist group Islamic State has claimed responsibility for U.S. green card holder Abdul Razak Ali Artan’s brutal car-and-machete attack at Ohio State University.

On Monday morning 18-year-old Artan drove his car through a crowd of pedestrians at OSU’s Columbus campus. He exited the vehicle and then began hacking away at people with his knife. A police officer at the scene shot and killed him. Media reports indicated 12 people were injured in the attack but none suffered life-threatening injuries. Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs promptly said “I think we have to consider that it is” a terrorist attack.

Sure enough, on Tuesday Islamic State claimed responsibility for the terrorist assault. The group’s Amaq News Agency stated the OSU attack was perpetrated by a "soldier of the Islamic State."

Artan did in fact follow the express directives of Islamic State. In September 2014 the group issued this order to its followers:

So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be….If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him….

On Facebook, Artan referenced jihadist mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki and wrote: “I am sick and tired of seeing my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured EVERYWHERE. … I can’t take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries … [if] you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks.”

As soon as details about Artan began trickling out it was obvious to anyone not wearing politically correct blinders that the attack was an act of Islamic terrorism. reported “Artan was a Somali refugee and Ohio State student who left his homeland with his family in 2007. They lived in Pakistan before coming to the U.S., where Artan became a permanent resident in 2014.”

Somalia and Pakistan are “two epicenters of the global jihad,” writes Robert Spencer. If President-elect Donald Trump’s proposal to place a temporary moratorium on immigration from jihadist-friendly countries had been in effect “Monday’s jihad attack at Ohio State University would never have happened,” he adds.

Under President Obama, Somali refugee resettlement has surged by an astounding 250 percent. As Jim Stinson writes at LifeZette:

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation. Over 99 percent of Somalians are Muslim, according to Pennsylvania State University. Mass Muslim migration to Western nations in recent years has generated major concerns about cultural assimilation, vetting procedures, and, ultimately, instances of radicalization and violence.

Somali refugees have taken up residence in communities across America, creating Little Mogadishus across the fruited plain. Somalis in Columbus have been implicated previously in Islamic terror plots.

Despite the evidence pointing to jihad as the motive, talking heads spent untold hours on cable news networks Monday handwringing as they cautioned against leaping to conclusions about the motive of the killer. This is the way it works nowadays. The Obama administration, local authorities, left-wing kooks on Twitter, and the media play a gigantic game of pretending not to notice that terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks.

Knee-jerk leftists immediately tried to change the subject from terrorism after the attack, blaming guns even though firearms were not used in the attack.

At 11:52 a.m. Monday, recently defeated vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) had already jumped on the let’s-blame-it-on-guns bandwagon, tweeting “Deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning. Praying for the injured and the entire Buckeye community[.]”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) tweeted "Today is yet another ... sad day in our country because of a senseless shooting at an Ohio State University.

Annoying affective actor George Takei joined in, tweeting, "Tired of the shootings, and the complicity of the NRA? Join us to help fight.” He included a link to his (closed) Facebook group.

Gun control fanatic Shannon Watts tweeted "For school shooting victims it's not too soon to discuss our nation's lax guns laws - it's too late[.]"

The Left has no ideas. They use the same old script from the same old playbook.

On June 12 of this year the mangled bodies of 49 dead Americans were still warm on the blood-stained nightclub floor at Pulse in Orlando, Fla. when the Left launched a propaganda campaign to protect the totalitarian ideology of the Muslim terrorist who methodically slaughtered these innocents. The killer, Omar Mir Siddique Mateen, had carried out the worst mass shooting in American history and the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. 

Journalist Tom Brokaw editorialized at the time that the real problem was guns not Islam. “Everything seems to get settled by a gun for whatever reasons,” he said. 

The lies, reflexive reactions, and red herrings of TV talking heads like Brokaw were repeated over and over again by left-wingers all over the Internet and their allies in the media echo chamber.

Democrat lawmakers blamed inanimate metal objects for the terrorist massacre. They staged a raucous “sit-in” in the House of Representatives on June 22 in an attempt to force a vote on expanded gun control measures. Journalists indulged the politicians by providing saturation media coverage of the stunt.

Soon after the attack, President Obama shrugged, claiming it was too early to know “the precise motivations of the killer.” New York’s toxic leftist mayor, Bill de Blasio, blamed firearms, lamenting that “we have lost precious lives to the gun.” Salon writer Amanda Marcotte blamed conservatives, Christians, and “the cult of toxic masculinity.” Purported comedian John Fugelsang attacked gun rights, quipping that so many victims were killed rapidly because “in America, maniacs still have a God-given right to not have to reload mid-massacre.” 

The Left used the deadly Dec. 2, 2015 Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., to advance the gun control agenda. Before much was known about the perpetrators, the media spent the afternoon of the day of the attack speculating about the shooters, predictably blaming conservatives, Tea Party supporters, and militia groups.

President Obama demanded "common sense gun safety laws" and called for a law blocking individuals on the "No Fly List" from legally purchasing firearms, a measure that would almost certainly violate the Constitution.

Democratic candidates for president tripped over each other as they raced to express choreographed outrage on Twitter. Hillary Clinton urged "action to stop gun violence." Bernie Sanders whined, "This sickening and senseless gun violence must stop." Martin O'Malley declared, "Enough is enough: it's time to stand up to the @NRA and enact meaningful gun safety laws."

Of course it was a gun that ended Abdul Razak Ali Artan's terrorist attack in Columbus.

And as long as the Second Amendment is respected, Americans armed with guns will keep on foiling Muslim terrorists.

Source Link:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that the Ohio State University attack is now confirmed and was carried out by at least 3 Muslims;  2) the full text of Somali refugee terrorist Abdul Razak Ali Artan’s Facebook rant; 3) that the Ohio State attacker ’Should Not Have Been in Our Country’;  4) that there have been 8 bloody terror attacks in U.S. in 18 months and they all have 1 thing in common; and 5)  that the CIA Chief recently warned Trump that tearing up the Iran nuke deal would be 'Disastrous.' What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Ohio State University Attack Is CONFIRMED - Was Carried Out By At Least 3 Muslims, 1 Named Ali Mohammed And Has All The Hallmarks Of An ISIS Lone Wolf!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Walid Shoebat-On November 29, 2016:


Read the Full Text of Somali Refugee Terrorist Abdul Razak Ali Artan’s Facebook Rant!-Posted on InformationLiberation-By Chris Menahan-On November 29, 2016:

Abdul Razak Artan, a third-year student in logistics management, sits on the Oval in an August 2016 photo provided by The Lantern, student newspaper of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, U.S. on November 28, 2016. Courtesy of Kevin Stankiewicz for The Lantern/Handout via REUTERS

Donald Trump: Ohio State Attacker ’Should Not Have Been in Our Country’!-Posted on Charlie Spiering-On November 30, 2016:

Abdul Razak Artan, a third-year student in logistics management, sits on the Oval in an August 2016 photo provided by The Lantern, student newspaper of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, U.S. on November 28, 2016. Courtesy of Kevin Stankiewicz for The Lantern/Handout via REUTERS

8 bloody terror attacks in U.S. in 18 months have 1 thing in common: ‘Media fail to connect dots: 'They're willfully lying to the public'!-Posted on Leo Hohmann-On November 30, 2016:

Image: CIA Chief Warns Trump: Tearing Up Iran Nuke Deal Would Be 'Disastrous'

CIA Chief Warns Trump: Tearing Up Iran Nuke Deal Would Be 'Disastrous'!-Posted on Mark Swanson-On November 30, 2016:

The following recent articles and videos revealed; 1) that an Ohio State Official recently defended OSU terrorist; 2) that a North Carolina man recently plead guilty to plotting terror attacks against Americans; 3) that a Muslims of America group is preparing for ‘Jihad’ against Trump; 4) that Dr. Sebastian Gorka recently stated that Obama’s counter-terrorism policy is ‘absolute insanity’; and 5) that 9/11 families recently stated that Sen. McCain and Graham’s change would “effectively gut” bill that allows lawsuits against Saudi Arabia. What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Ohio State Official DEFENDS Terrorist… FB Post Will Make You Physically Ill-Posted on Conservative Tribune-On December 1, 2016:


North Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Plotting Terror Attacks Against Americans!-Posted on Christian News-By Heather Clark-On November 30, 2016:

American Islamist Group Preps for Conflict Against Trump

Muslims of America Group Prepares for Jihad Against Trump!-Posted on November 29, 2016:

Video: Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Obama counterterrorism policy is ‘absolute insanity’!-Posted on December 1, 2016:


9/11 Families Say McCain, Graham change would “effectively gut” bill that allows lawsuits against Saudi Arabia!-Posted on GOPUSA-By Associated Press-On  December 1, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that the incoming UN Chief recently directed Europe to 'ignore its voters' and open its borders to Muslim migrant refugees. What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

4063518162?profile=originalNew UN Chief to Europe: Ignore Voters, Open the Borders!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On December 1, 2016:

The following recent articles and video(s) contained therein revealed: 1) that a radioactive device was recently stolen in Iran and officials warn that it could yield a “Dirty Bomb”2) that World War III is upon us;  3) that the Islamic State recently released a video threatening to ‘assassinate’ President-Elect Donald Trump; and 4) that the 9/11 mastermind recently revealed that Trump’s plan to fight terrorists would work-You Decide:


Report: Radioactive Device Stolen In Iran: Officials Warn: “Could Yield A Dirty Bomb”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Mac Slavo-On December 1, 2016:


World War III Upon Us!-Posted on iPatriot-By Ray Thomas-On December 2, 2016:

Islamic State Releases Video Threatening to Assassinate President-Elect Donald Trump!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Walid Shoebat-On December 2, 2016:


9/11 Mastermind Reveals Trump’s Plan to Fight Terrorists Works: ‘Khalid Sheikh Mohammed shows anti-war leftists were playing into Al Qaeda’s hands’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On December 2, 2016:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that ISIS plans 'Jihad attacks' on Trump’s Inauguration day; 2) that an Islamist group on American soil is stockpiling weapons because they expect a confrontation with Feds under Trump; 3) that an ABC News Report recently reported that the San Bernardino terror attack was triggered by a ‘Christmas Party’; 4) that over 100,000 Muslims & Africans are waiting on the US-Mexico border ready to invade the US; and 5) that Turkey is provoking a ‘WWIII false flag event.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

EXCLUSIVE: ISIS declares WAR on Trump's inauguration day calling it 'BLOODY FRIDAY'

ISIS plans JIHAD ATTACKS on Trump’s Inauguration day calling it ‘BLOODY FRIDAY’!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Pamela Geller-On December 4, 2016:

Holy Islamberg Islamist Groups

Islamist Group on American Soil Stockpiling Weapons; Expect Confrontation with Feds Under Trump!-Posted on Minutemen News-On December 3, 2016:


Warped ABC News Report: San Bernardino Terror Attack Was Triggered By Christmas Party!-Posted on Liberty Alliance-On December 2, 2016:


Over 100,000 Muslims & Africans Waiting On The US-Mexico Border To Invade The US!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Walid Shoebat-On December 4, 2016:


Video: Turkey’s Is Provoking WW III-False Flag Event Is Imminent!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 2, 2016:

I believe that the following article from the past relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Putin says the illuminati plan to use Islam in order to spark World War 3

Putin: Illuminati Plans To Use Islam To Spark World War 3!-Posted on You News Wire-By Baxter Dmitry-On April 2, 2016:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that in Germany a Muslim refugee recently raped and murdered a Government Officials daughter and in Sweden five Muslim migrants gang-raped and brutally beat a young boy at knife point, but these disturbing cases got very little attention in the U.S., where the Democratic Party and the news media are in agreement with President Barack Obama’s desire to bring tens of thousands of Muslim refugees with no plausible method of “vetting” the asylum seekers; 2) that major Companies, Humanitarian Organizations, and NGOs are working with the EU to smuggle millions of illegal Muslims into Europe using our taxpayer dollars; 3) that WikiLeaks exposed Obama’s key ally in the war against ISIS as financier of Islamic State; 4) that Obama recently blamed U.S. intelligence for missing rise of the Islamic State; 5) that Obama's National Security Report Card is ‘Unsatisfactory’; and 6) that UN Chief recently compared populist success of Trump and Farage to ‘Islamic State.’ What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Germany: Muslim Refugee Rapes, Murders Government Officials Daughter!-Posted on NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri-On December 9, 2016:

The victim, who is under 15, was filmed during the attack, which happened in woodland in Uppsala (file picture), south east Sweden

Five Muslim migrants gang-rape, brutally beat, boy at Knifepoint!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Pamela Geller-On December 6, 2016:


Major Companies, Humanitarian Organizations, And NGOs Are Working With EU To Smuggle Millions Of Illegal Muslims Into Europe Using Your Taxpayer Dollars!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Walid Shoebat-On December 6, 2016:


WikiLeaks Exposes Obama’s Key Ally In The War Against ISIS As Financier Of Islamic State!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Yochanan Visser-On December 6, 2016:

President Obama said that during his eight years in charge, "no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland." (Associated Press)

Obama blames U.S. intelligence for missing rise of the Islamic State!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On December 8, 2016:

Obama's National Security Report Card – Unsatisfactory!-Posted on David Limbaugh-On December 9, 2016:

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage (right) poses with US President-elect Donald Trump in New York

UN Chief Compares Populist Success of Trump and Farage to Islamic State!-Posted on Liam Deacon-On December 9, 2016:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that the former Dean of Islamic Law in Qatar recently stated that Islamic Jihad ‘has accompanied Arab societies throughout Islamic history’; 2) that the 'Secret' refugee resettlement program is a ‘Trojan Horse’ that is transforming America; 3) that Putin has his military on full alert following Obama’s ‘Christmas Threat’; 4) that Obama is once again illegally sending 200 troops to Syria; 5) that Obama recently told troops that they may ‘criticize our President’ and that this is not a war between the U.S. and Islam; 6) that Obama recently stated that ‘no foreign terrorist organization’ has attacked in the U.S. during his tenure; 7) that AG Lynch is scheduled to visit a ‘radical Mosque’ favored by Obama and Johnson (DHS); 8) that Trump could expose Obama’s crooked ‘Iran Nuke Deal’; 9) that a Dutch court recently ruled that Dutch nationalist lawmaker Geert Wilders’ expression of ‘patriotism and free speech’ is considered to be a criminal offense; and 10) that Facebook is censoring Germans demonstrating against 'Muslim rapefugees.' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Former Dean of Islamic Law in Qatar: Islamic Jihad “Has Accompanied Arab Societies Throughout Islamic History”!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On  December 10, 2016:


'Secret' refugee resettlement transforming America: 'If they're not assimilating, then we're creating a huge Trojan horse'!-Posted on Paul Bremmer-On December 11, 2016:

Vladimir Putin puts Russian military on full alert as Obama issues 'christmas threat'

Putin: Military On Full Alert Following Obama’s ‘Christmas Threat’!-Posted on You Wire News-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On December 11, 2016:

FILE - In this June 30, 2016, file photo, Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon.

Obama Once Again Illegally Sending 200 Troops to Syria!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On  December 10, 2016:

Obama to Troops: You May “Criticize Our President,” but This is Not a War between the United States & Islam!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On December 9, 2016:

Obama: “No foreign terrorist organization” has attacked in US during my tenure!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Pamela Geller-On December 8, 2016:

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch speaks about the killing of police officers in Dallas, Texas, during a press conference at the Department of Justice in Washington, U.S., July 8, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

AG Lynch To Visit Radical Mosque Favored By Obama, Johnson!-Posted on GOP Daily Dose-By Rick Wells-On December 10, 2016:

Trump Could Expose Obama’s Crooked Iran Nuke Deal!-Posted on The Black Sphere-By Dawn Gaye-On December 9, 2016:

Patriotism, Free Speech Ruled Criminal Offense For This Leader

Patriotism, Free Speech Ruled Criminal Offense For This Leader!-Posted on GOP Daily Dose-By Rick Wells-On December 10, 2016:


Fakebook Censors Germans Demonstrating Against Muslim Rapefugees!-Posted on The Black Sphere-By Kevin Jackson-On December 6, 2016:

The following recent thought-provoking article reveals that cities in Sweden are being told to prepare for War-You Decide:

Cities in Sweden Told to Prepare For War!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Paul Joseph Watson-On December 15, 2016:

The following article and video revealed: 1) that the Obama Administration ‘laundered’ U.S. cash to Iran via the New York Federal Reserve and several European banks; and 2) that Judge Jeanine Pirro recently exposed something eye-opening regarding Obama and Islam on live TV-You Decide:

John Kerry, Javad Zarif / AP

Obama Admin ‘Laundered’ U.S. Cash to Iran Via N.Y. Fed, Euro Banks: ‘Congressman: ‘Administration laundered this money in order to circumvent U.S. law’!-Posted on The Washington Free Beacon-By Adam Kredo-On September 19, 2016:


Video: Judge Jeanine Goes on Live TV, Exposes THIS About Obama… And Islam!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On December 24, 2016:

The following recent thought-provoking article explores the 'real life spiritual warfare' that we are currently dealing with here at home and around the world-You Decide:


Delivering us from evil: David Kupelian goes beyond 'The Exorcist' to explore real-life spiritual warfare!-Posted on David Kupelian-On December 14, 2015:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that Obama recently got rid of visitor registry before Trump takes office; and 2) that Obama has made our holidays hazardous due to some of his statements (e.g. The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, etc.). If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Obama gets rid of visitor registry before Trump takes over

Obama gets rid of visitor registry before Trump takes over!-Posted on The Hill-By Jessie Hellmann-On December 22, 2016:


The Season of Living Dangerously: ‘How the outgoing president has made our holidays hazardous’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On December 23, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that the Obama Administration and the main (lame) stream media are lying to the American people about the recently cancelled registry program supposedly used as a ‘Muslim tracking system.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


You Are Being Lied To: The Cancelled NSEERS Program Is NOT A Muslim Tracking System!-Posted on Liberty Alliance-On Decmeber 23, 2016:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that a study recently revealed that ‘90,000 Christians were killed in 2016, which relates to 1 Every 6 Minutes’; and 2) that Trump recently stated that ‘Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


90,000 Christians Killed in 2016, 1 Every 6 Minutes: Study!-Posted on The Christian Post World-By Samuel Smith , CP Reporter-On December 30, 2016:


‘Islamist Terrorists Continually Slaughter Christians’: Trump Says What Obama Refused to Say!-Posted on The Stream-By Michael Brown-On December 20, 2016:

The following recent article revealed a leaked audio of Secretary Kerry revealing that Obama ‘intentionally allowed the rise of ISIS’ as a means of deposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government. This article also revealed that ‘Evan McMullin’, who ran for President in 2016 against Trump, was caught paling around with ‘#NeverTrump Adam Kinzinger’ in Turkey in 2014 while meeting with the ‘Muslim Brotherhood affiliates (guise SETF)’, who are essentially the political arm of ISIS under a differing name, which seems to make a good case for why they adamantly opposed Trump.  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Absolutely Stunning – Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals President Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS…!-Posted on The Last Refuge-By sundance-On January 1, 2017:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that Trump recently stated that if you leave the U.S. to join ISIS, ‘you’re banned from returning for life’; 2) that a 'refugee' named Mohamed recently 'sexually assaulted a disabled U.S. woman’ and the main (lame) stream media is silent; 3) that former Congressman Joe Walsh recently stated that the reason Obama hates Israel is because ‘he's Muslim’; and 4) that Obama was caught on tape stating what he really thinks about the ‘Bible’ and ‘it’s sick.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: Trump: If You Leave The U.S. To Join ISIS, You’re Banned From Returning For Life!-Posted on The GOP Daily Dose-By William Smith-On January 4, 2017:

Daadab camp near the Kenya-Somalia border is one of the world's largest refugee camps. The government of Kenya says it will shut down the camps soon because they are an economic burden and a "breeding ground" for terrorism.

'Refugee' named Mohamed sexually assaults disabled U.S. woman, media silent: 'They won't put this in the paper'!-Posted on Leo Hohmann-On January 3, 2017:

Former Congressman Joe Walsh on Why Obama Hates Israel: "He's Muslim"!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On January 3, 2017:

Video: Obama Caught On Tape Saying What He Really Thinks About The Bible - It’s Sick!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By MIchael DePinto-On January 3, 2017:

Please read Part 3:

Walid Phares

Trump Will Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization! (Part 3)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2017:

I believe that the above articles and/or videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Implicated In Bankrolling of Extremist Terrorist Movements Around The World!!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 16, 2017:

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

When A U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood!
The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!

‘Civilization Jihad’ And Obama’s Connections!
Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!

Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!

Hypocrisy Watch: Networks Pound Bannon, But Ignore Democrat Ellison’s Radicalism!

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

4064258232?profile=originalObama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 17, 2016:

The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 30, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on May 1, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Please See:

Trump Will Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization! (Part 2)!-Posted on New American Gazette-On December 1, 2016:

Read more…

I wanted to share the following thought-provoking article with you because it reveals a recent daunting Quinnipiac poll that shows large majorities or pluralities of Americans oppose reducing regulations, oppose across-the-board tax cuts, and favor increased federal spending on infrastructure and other goodies. Could this be true or is it 'fake poll'?-You Decide:


GOP Has Golden Opportunity to Expand Liberty: But do Americans actually want to limit government?-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Louis DeBroux-On November 30, 2016:

For those who work to restore constitutionally limited government — as we in our humble shop do daily — a recent Quinnipiac poll is daunting. It shows large majorities or pluralities of Americans oppose reducing regulations, oppose across-the-board tax cuts, and favor increased federal spending on infrastructure and other goodies.

Leaving aside the accuracy of the poll (Quinnipiac had Hillary Clinton +7 nationally less than two weeks before the election), the polling reveals a paradox in the mindset of the American electorate. Every American — Republican and Democrat, men and women, young and old, black, white, Hispanic or Asian, rich or poor — wants government to mind its own business … except for their preferred program or regulation.

John Stossel writes, “Few people bother to go to Washington to ask for spending cuts. Even though America is heading toward bankruptcy, 90 percent of congressional testimony comes from people who want more stuff.”

What far too few Americans understand is that to empower government is to restrict individual liberty, and once you agree to grant government power over A, you have opened the door to granting government power to do B, C and D.

That is why the Founding Fathers strictly limited the power of the federal government, forbidding it from any and all actions not specifically authorized under the U.S. Constitution and, for emphasis, declaring in Amendments IX and X the primacy of the individual and the states over every sphere not listed in those enumerated powers.

The Founders understood the truth and wisdom in George Washington’s declaration: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master!”

Few Americans, for example, would disagree with the idea that everyone should have access to health care, but the devil is in the details. Without the vote of a single Republican, arrogant Democrats, invigorated by their electoral victories, passed ObamaCare, ostensibly to guarantee health care to every American. As a result, the IRS was granted access to our medical information, we were forced to buy an outrageously expensive product whether we wanted it or not, we faced a bevy of new taxes and burdensome regulations, and tens of millions of Christians were forced to fund abortion through their insurance.

Government is necessary to protect the rights of individuals, but it is the nature of government to expand and acquire power, and that power is acquired at the expense of individual liberties. As another Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, so eloquently put it, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”

Ironically, the very government that we empower to do our bidding against our neighbor ends up being the government that becomes our master.

Disagree? Keep in mind that when the 16th Amendment (the income tax) was proposed, its proponents promised that it would only affect the very rich. The bottom bracket was a 1% tax on income over $20,000 ($488,341 in 2016 inflation-adjusted dollars) and a top bracket of 7% for income over $500,000 ($12,208,535 in 2016 inflation-adjusted dollars). It was a way, its proponents argued, to make the rich pay their “fair share” (sound familiar?). Yet in a very short time the rates went up and the entry point for the bottom bracket went down, eventually capturing many more Americans in its web, and creating the IRS, possibly the most feared institution in American government, with the power to ruin your life and take everything you own.

Government is a necessary evil. As a third Founder, James Madison, argued in Federalist No. 51, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.”

Thus, individual liberties are safest when government is smallest, and when the power of government is closest to the people. As constructed by the Founders, the vast majority of government is enacted at the local and state level, with only a small portion belonging to the federal government.

When they held the White House, Senate, and House under George W. Bush, the Republicans blew a golden opportunity. Instead of reducing the size and scope of government, they doubled government spending and gave us Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, and an expansion of nearly every federal department and agency.

In 2016, Republicans get a do-over. While Democrats claim the GOP has no mandate because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, Republicans can counter with the fact that the GOP won a 3.2 million national popular vote majority in House races, and under Barack Obama, Republicans have won a net 11 Senate seats, 63 House seats, 14 governorships, and roughly 1,000 state legislative seats.

Republicans have a rare opportunity to reduce the size and scope of government at every level, and return to the form envisioned by the Founders, where government is limited and individual liberty is vast. It’s in the best interests of every American to encourage them to do just that. Our job is to educate our fellow Americans accordingly.

Source Link:

I believe that the above thought-provoking article relates to and/or further supports my following blogs-You Decide:


Why Democrats Don’t Want To Make America Great Again!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

I wanted to share the following thought-provoking article with you regarding the disgusting actions of the "fake news" Main Stream Media-You Decide:

Mainstream Media 'Fake News': ‘The MSM conglomerates are now the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas’!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On November 30, 2016:

“Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullibility takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.” —Thomas Jefferson (1822)


The mainstream media’s opinion-shaping conglomerates are desperately searching for “plausible explanations” to account for the Trump phenomenon. Indeed, these hapless scribes completely ignored the groundswell of grassroots support nationwide that led to Donald Trump’s victory over their shoe-in favorite, Hillary Clinton, and her crime family syndicate.

Clearly, the mainstream media (MSM) missed it because they are a collective of inbred print and cable media echo chambers that exist in a few major urban centers such as New York, Washington and Los Angeles. This collective has little interest — much less contact — with those deplorable grassroots folks from flyover country.

The MSM’s latest effort to explain Trump’s victory is that his knuckle-dragging supporters were virally circulating “fake news” stories about Clinton. The MSM claims these stories were generated on fake websites by minions of Trump’s BFF, Vlady Putin. Yes, apparently another example of how the Russians “rigged the election” for Trump after Clinton’s Russian reset button failed and her secret communications subterfuge as secretary of state was exposed.

Last week, the Washington Post led with a claim that Russian fake news websites enabled “an insurgent candidate … to claim the White House.” As the WaPo’s “investigative journalists” opined, “The sophistication of the Russian tactics may complicate efforts by Facebook and Google to crack down on ‘fake news,’ as they have vowed to do after widespread complaints about the problem.”

“Efforts by Facebook and Google” to do what?

That’s right, millions of Americans turn to their Facebook news feeds for information. Thus, the MSM is lobbying CEO Mark Zuckerberg to modify the software his company produced for the Red Chinese, enabling them to censor content before it reaches their people, and apply that software to the American Facebook and Google market, ostensibly, to stop fake news.

Caveat emptor!

Now, for the record, our editors don’t pull news from untested foreign sources, and our American sources are highly reputable. Long before sunrise each day, The Patriot Post’s editors review hundreds of news and policy reports in order to select the few important trending stories from the endless loop of MSM noise — so that YOU don’t have to. And we have fact-checking redundancies for our news, policy and opinion pages, because even the most reliable sources are wrong on occasion.

Accuracy has always been the first standard for our content.

Indeed, 10 years ago at the annual American Conservative Union gathering in Washington, our staff received the Accuracy in Media award for outstanding Grassroots Journalism. We received that award in part for having coined the term “leftmedia” to describe the MSM’s “dezinformatsia” alliance with statist leftists as their de facto public information office. And in every edition we strive to shine the bright light of Truth on that corrupt alliance.

We also defined the “pollaganda effect” to describe how the MSM uses media polling as propaganda, to dictate public opinion rather than discern it — particularly in election cycles like that of 2016. Most media polls are outcome-based, which is to say designed for a subjective outcome, which is then promoted as an allegedly objective outcome in order to propagate and expand the subjective goal — promoting a leftist viewpoint or candidate.

How ironic it is that media outlets claim they refrain from exit polling on Election Day, ostensibly to ensure that they don’t influence those who’ve not yet voted and, thus, the election outcome. However, they promote their outcome-based polling incessantly up until the last minute before Election Day, and they do so precisely to influence the voters and, thus, the election outcome. Of course with advanced absentee voting at almost 40% in 2016, the pollaganda effect is more pervasive than ever.

Of course, we’ve also continuously exposed the dangers of entertainment as political indoctrination — again, an area where lacking a functional filter of discernment results in a liberal lemming effect.

From day one, our editors' steadfast focus on Liberty has accounted for the success and growth of our highly acclaimed publication, now in its 20th year online — longer than any other news, policy and opinion digest.


Conversely, over the last 20 years the powerful MSM news conglomerates have steadily declined. Notwithstanding their recent “fake news” fakery, the reason for that decline is the MSM outlets are now the most prolific and insidious “fake news” propagators in the marketplace of ideas. Increasingly, the MSM’s audience is wising up, and turning to the most powerful First Amendment forum since that very amendment’s ratification — the Internet.

The once venerable Washington Post now has a subscription circulation under 500,000 — more than The Patriot Post’s subscription circulation, but fewer than the 518,000 people who follow our news, policy and opinion on our Facebook page.

Writing on the First Amendment, Thomas Jefferson noted, “Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.”

But the MSM does not exemplify a “free press” today. It is predominantly enslaved by the prevailing leftist winds, and its pages, bandwidth and airtime are filled with subjective opinion poorly masquerading as “objective journalism.”

Thus, millions of Americans whose opinions subsist on a steady diet of MSM “journalism,” particularly those who don’t develop the gift of discernment, fall victim to the principle of “garbage in, garbage out.” Because the MSM’s mixture of facts and opinion/fiction still enjoys relatively wide and influential circulation, while being subjected to less scrutiny, it’s a far more dangerous form of fake and fallacious news.

There are three modes of truth-telling.

First is “the truth,” as opposed to a complete lie. Second is “the whole truth,” as opposed to intentionally withholding facts to slant a story. And third is “nothing but the truth,” as opposed to adding embellishments that receive the imprimatur of legitimacy by being mentioned in the same story.

The MSM has developed a Pulitzer Prize-winning ability to invert all three modes, often in the same story, to the end that much of what they produce is 10% substance and 90% fragrance. But again, lacking the ability (or the desire) to discern, millions of Americans simply soak it up.

As I was preparing to look for a notable example of how MSM fake news bias is picked up and propagated through social media, one fell right into my lap.


At 9:50 Monday morning, there was an attack at The Ohio State University. Shortly thereafter, the MSM launched reports of an “active shooter” on campus and multiple victims.

At 11:52, a full two hours after that incident, former Demo VP wannabe Tim Kaine broadcast this Tweet: “Deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning.” Given his status as Hillary Clinton’s former running mate, he has many followers who instantly Re-Tweeted his Tweet.

So Kaine picked up an MSM news report about an “active shooter,” and broadcast it across his social media platform, where it quickly went viral. And his “gun violence” claim kicked off an immediate #guncontrol trend!

Problem is, the “active shooter” at Ohio State turned out to be an “active Islamist” immigrant who assaulted 11 students with his car and then a butcher knife. Fortunately, the only “active shooter” on campus was the police officer who shot the assailant.

Kaine failed to correct his fake news Tweet until almost one and a half hours later, Tweeting: “Updated reports say attacker used a vehicle & knife. Horrifying & senseless.”

Again, responding to the lack of media discernment and fake MSM news, I close with those ever apropos words from Thomas Jefferson: “Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullibility takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.”

(Footnote: On the subject of Tweets — please, somebody on Trump’s transition team, suspend his Twitter account! Though I agree with his sentiments about flag burners, the Supreme Court has ruled on both flag desecration and revoking citizenship. Notably, in his opinion on flag desecration, Justice Antonin Scalia agreed with Trump, noting he would throw them in jail! So get Scalia’s replacement on board and let’s test this case again. Oh, and a footnote to this footnote, recall if you will that 10 years ago, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton cosponsored the Flag Protection Act, arguing, “I hope … that we can pass a law that criminalizes flag burning and desecration… I agree that this burning, this desecration, that can happen to our flag, is something that people have a right to ask this body to try and prohibit and prevent.”)

Pro Deo et Constitutione — Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis

Source Link:

I believe that the following recent article relates to and/or further supports the above article-You Decide:

Somali refugee Abdul Ali Artan, suspect in the Ohio State University campus stabbing spree on Nov. 28, 2016 (Photo: Twitter/The Lantern)

8 bloody terror attacks in U.S. in 18 months have 1 thing in common: ‘Media fail to connect dots: 'They're willfully lying to the public'!-Posted on Leo Hohmann-On November 30, 2016:

The following recent article revealed the ongoing disgusting actions by main (lame) stream media ‘fake news’ conglomerates-You Decide:

putin popcor

Exposed As A “Putin Stooge”, Russia Obliges Paul Craig Roberts’s Request for Passport… Developing!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Mac Slavo-On December 2, 2016:

The following recent articles and video revealed: 1) that the bizarre shooting at DC pizzeria is linked to Hillary Clinton and ‘pizza-gate’ story; 2) that Ron Paul recently stated that ‘Fake News’ hysteria is ‘An Inside Job’; and 3) that Congress has recently launched a program to take over and shut down independent media. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

View image on Twitter

Bizarre shooting at DC pizzeria linked to Hillary Clinton and ‘pizza-gate’ story!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Tom Tillison-On December 5, 2016:

Ron Paul blames the U.S. government for the rise of 'fake news'

Ron Paul: Fake News Hysteria ‘An Inside Job’!-Posted on You News Wire-By  Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On December 4, 2016:

Video: Congress Launches Program to Take Over and Shut Down Independent Media: ‘Globalists attempt to blacklist truth tellers worldwide’!-Posted on December 3, 2016:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) that Hillary recently hammered ‘fake news’ in 2nd post-election speech and immediately gets pounded by her own massive hypocrisy; 2) that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video, recently called ”fake news” a danger that must be addressed quickly and even called this an epidemic; 3) that MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski recently stated that the Clinton Campaign tried to get her ‘pulled off the air’ for criticizing them; 4) that the media covered SPLC’s lies about Trump crimes, but ignored crimes against Trump supporters; 5) that the Washington Post recently admitted that its ‘fake news’ story relied on a ‘fake news source’; and 6) that Hollywood is now pondering America's hatred of Muslims while they regularly stereotype Christians as psychotic power-crazed hypocrites or mock the Christian God as a trinity of dicks. What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Hillary hammers ‘fake news’ in 2nd post-election speech, then gets pounded by her own massive hypocrisy!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Scott Morefield-On December 9, 2016:


Video: The Woman Who Said Benghazi Was Caused By A YouTube Video Wants You to Believe THIS!-Posted on Conservative Videos-On December 8, 2016:


Video: MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Clinton Campaign Tried to Get Her ‘Pulled Off the Air’ for Criticizing Them!-Posted on Eagle Rising-By Philip Hodges-On December 9, 2016:


Media Covered SPLC’s Lies about Trump Crimes, Ignored Crimes Against Trump Supporters!-Posted on Onan Coca-On December 9, 2016:


Washington Post now admits its “fake news” story relied on… get this… a FAKE news source!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Mike Adams Natural News-On December 8, 2016:

Hollywood Ponders America's Hatred of Muslims!-Posted on L. Brent Bozell III and Tim Graham-On December 9, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that a Clinton fan manufactured ‘faked news’ that MSNBC personalities spread to discredit 'WikiLeaks documents.' If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


A Clinton Fan Manufactured Faked News That MSNBC Personalities Spread To Discredit WikiLeaks Docs!-Posted on 1776 Coalition-By Glenn Greenwald, December 10, 2016:

The following thought-provoking video reveals what the ‘fake news outlets’ are not telling you about the ‘real fake news’-You Decide:

Video: What They're NOT Telling You About Fake News!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson-On December 13, 2016:

The following thought-provoking video reveals that the son of the CIA's top hit man recently exposed the ‘Fake News Agenda’-You Decide:

Son of CIA's Top Hit Man Exposes Fake News Agenda!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On December 14, 2016:

The following thought-provoking video reveals that the CIA's Brennan, who claims that Russia hacked the Clinton campaign and influenced the presidential election, has through the CIA, himself 'illegally hacked and spied on millions of Americans!' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Video: CIA's Brennan who claims that Russia hacked the Clinton campaign and influenced the presidential election, has through the CIA, himself illegally hacked and spied on millions of Americans!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On December 14, 2016:

I believe that the following recent articles relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Was Obama’s Birth Certificate the Ultimate “Fake News?”-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 12, 2016:

Get ready for rights reduction

This New Law Just Killed Press Freedom!-Posted on Punching Bag Post-By Sean Gibbons, Staff Writer-On December 14, 2016:

The following thought-provoking article reveals that the unrelenting ‘hatred of the Left’ continues to set the state for a ‘Revolution.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Hatred of the Left Continues to Set Stage for Revolution!-Posted on Armstrong Economic-By Martin Armstrong-On December 15, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that after years of fostering the narrative of President Obama as a 'messiah' and often with soaring language, sometimes in photographs capturing him in a halo, members of the media now seem to have developed a sudden aversion to attributing divine attributes to the leader of the free world. But now they seem alarmed by the claim that the GOP thinks President-elect Donald Trump is Jesus-You Decide:

"The Truth" by Painter Michael D'Antuono which will be unveiled on President Obama's 100th Day in Office at NYC's Union Square. (PRNewsFoto/NOAH G POP FAM) (Newscom TagID: prnphotos080981) [Photo via Newscom]

Media suddenly critical of 'messiah' references: ‘After haloes for Obama, even unintended suggestions of Trump earn blasts’!-Posted on Jack Minor-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent article revealed: 1) that a hard left ‘journalist’ recently declared that 60 million Americans who voted for Trump are ‘racist deplorables and a threat to democracy’; 2) the hate crimes and media double standards because of the leftist press's curious caution over the ‘racially motivated torture of a mentally disabled white man’; and 3) that the recent news coverage of four black young adults torturing a mentally disabled young white man revealed just how committed the left media is to the 'progressive' narrative regarding racism in America, which is namely that ‘only white people can truly be racist’, even with clear video evidence of the four perpetrators ‘declaring their racist motivation.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Salon: 60 million Americans who voted for Trump are racist, threat to democracy!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Alex Thomas-On January 6, 2017:


Hate Crimes and Media Double Standards: ‘The leftist press's curious caution over the racially motivated torture of a mentally disabled white man!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Joseph Klein-On January 6, 2017:


Race in America: The Chicago Facebook Beating!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent article revealed the N.Y. Times is aiding Communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist’s plans for ‘Inauguration Day mayhem.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


N.Y. Times Aids Communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist Plans for Inauguration Day Mayhem!-Posted on The New American-By William F. Jasper-On January 6, 2017:

The following recent thought-provoking article does a meticulous job of laying out the facts regarding ‘fake news.’-You Decide:


Fake News Everywhere: Who Do You Trust?-Posted on Devvy-On January 9, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the New York Times stated that the ‘American dream is slipping away’ and there’s nothing trump can do about it. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


The New York Times: The American Dream Is Slipping Away!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On January 9, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump recently went ‘nuclear’ on ‘fake news’ giants ‘CNN and BuzzFeed.’-You Decide:


Trump goes nuclear on 'fake news' giants in media: ‘CNN, BuzzFeed smear collapses: 'This should never have been released'!-Posted on Garth Kant-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent article reveals that CNN recently defended its decision to publish Intelligence document, which is allegedly ‘deeping the divide’ between the ‘American public and free press.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

CNN Defends Decision To Publish Intelligence Document, Deepening Divide Between People And Free Press!-Posted on Western Journailism-By Charles Campbell-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent article revealed the bizarre 'media blackout' of hacked ‘George Soros’ documents-You Decide:

The mainstream press has completely ignored the leak of thousands of eye-opening documents that expose Soros' far-flung efforts to push his leftist views in the U.S. and abroad. (Jiri Rezac/Polaris/Newscom)

BREAKING – George Soros’ Top Documents LEAKED, Massive Revelation Exposed for First Time!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 11, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the 'CIA controls the German media', has been found dead at the age of 56. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German media, has been found dead.

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead!-Posted on Your Wire News-By Baxter Dmitry-On January 15, 2017:

The following recent video reveals ABC’s new ‘fake polls’ on Obama and Trump’s approval ratings-You Decide:

Video: New Fake ABC Polls on Obama & Trump’s Approval Ratings!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On January 18, 2017:

The following recent article I believe makes a good case for why Congress should ‘stop funding PBS’-You Decide: 

GOP voters should not be forced to pay for purely liberal services

Congress Should Stop Funding PBS!-Posted Punching Bag Media-By Alice Greene, Staff Writer-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article reveals that Krauthammer recently slammed the ‘lame’ stream media for their deplorable double standard Inauguration ‘boycotts’-You Decide:

Krauthammer Slams Media Double Standard on Inauguration Boycotts; ‘Heads Would Explode’!-Posted on MRC News Busters-By Curtis Houck-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article reveals that MSNBC and ABC hosts deem Trump inaugural address as 'militant,' 'anti-Semitic.'  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Terry Moran (left) and Rachel Maddow.

MSNBC, ABC hosts deem Trump inaugural address as 'militant,' 'anti-Semitic'!-Posted on January 20, 2017:

The following recent article revealed the media’s bizarre obsession with associating ‘Republican Candidates’ and a ‘Left-Wing’ Batman villain-You Decide:


The Media's Bizarre Obsession With Associating Republican Candidates and a Left-Wing Batman Villain!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On January 23, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the media recently covered ‘fake’ Mike Flynn story, but ignored bombshell on secret ‘Obama and Iran’ meetings. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Media Covers Fake Mike Flynn Story, Ignores Bombshell on Secret Obama/Iran Meetings!-Posted on PJMedia-By David Steinberg-On January 25, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the Fake News’ media recently reported State Department ‘mass resignations’, but the officials were actually ‘fired.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

state department

Fake News: Media Reports State Dept. ‘Mass Resignation,’ Officials Actually Fired!-Posted on John Hayward-On January 26, 2017:

The following recent article revealed a note to CNN, Washington Post and New York Times: ‘If you don’t knock it off, President Trump will destroy you’-You Decide:


Note to CNN, WaPost, NYTimes - If You Don't Knock it Off, Trump Will Destroy You!-Posted on Punching Bag Media-By Joe A. Gilbertson, Staff Writer-On January 26, 2017:

I also believe that the above articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


George Soros Secretly Gave $4 Million to Destroy Israel and The Is Media Hiding It!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 12, 2017:

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


Trump Will Declare the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization!


Hypocrisy Watch: Networks Pound Bannon, But Ignore Democrat Ellison’s Radicalism!

It’s Happening: They Are Shutting Down “Fake News” Websites to Punish Alt Media Hillary Opponents!


Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence embrace at their election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Left's Coming Counter-Attack!

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:


What Happened to Free Speech?


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Brainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY’!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…

I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking article that reveals why the Democrats don’t want to make America great again-You Decide:


Why Democrats Don’t Want To Make America Great Again!-Posted on J.B. Williams-On November 30, 2016:

Article IV - Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution reads – “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.” - This is a Constitutional idea and promise that today’s Democratic Party is 100% opposed to…

The Obama administration has done everything it could do to undermine the guarantee made in Article IV – Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. In part, it is this section of the Constitution which is at the foundation of Democrat claims that our Constitution is an old, outdated, useless document that stands in the way of their vision for a Global Marxist Open Society via Democratic Socialism – their new definition for “democracy.”

To put a fine point on the subject, there is nothing at all “democratic” about today’s Democratic Party, which is why that party is on the brink of extinction in America. In fact, today’s Democrats want neither a “Republican form of government” as guaranteed by our Constitution, or a true “democracy” ruled by popular vote alone.

The hot button topics that keeps the DNC afloat would all go down in flames under a pure democracy wherein voters would decide every issue by popular referendum.

Gay marriage would be voted down
Abortion would be voted down
Higher taxation would be voted down
More regulation would be voted down
Open borders would be voted down
Refugee Resettlement from the Middle East would be voted down
Government run health care would be voted down
Affirmative action would be voted down

In fact, nothing today’s Democratic Party stands for could survive a public referendum by pure democratic process. So, it isn’t “democracy” that today’s Democrats want, nor is it the Republican form of government guaranteed every state and every American in this country under Article IV – Section 4.

If you look at the basic “special interest” planks of the DNC in the bullet points above, you will see that the DNC has made itself a “minority interest organization” based upon issues opposed by the vast majority of Americans. They are NOT the “all inclusive” political party they claim to be in their campaign rhetoric. Their party includes everyone except Americans…

Therefore they, to include the remaining democrats in Congress, on the courts, at the State Houses, mayors and city councils will fight tooth and nail against Trumps effort to “make America great again.” They don’t want America to ever be great again!

After all, it isn’t Marxism, liberalism, progressivism or democratic socialism that made America great in the first place. It was free market capitalism, personal freedom, individual liberty, the sacrifices of the millions in pursuit of their own happiness under their own steam, by the sweat of their own brow, that once made America the greatest nation ever known to mankind. It was a Republican form of government that allowed the people to flourish and prosper, and grow a great society of free people.

Unfortunately, Marxist progressives have wormed their way into academia, pseudoscience, governmental bodies and the courts. As a result, we have college students hating Donald Trump and loving the likes of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Karl Marx – Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton.

In the book TRUMPED: The New American Revolution released in May 2016, we lay out who the real enemies of freedom and liberty are, their written game plan for destroying our Constitutional Republic step-by-step, their war tactics for accomplishing that goal and what the American people were poised to do about it in the 2016 election, which has since happened with the election of Trump-Pence.

The book was not written about Donald Trump, or as a campaign endorsement, or even to help Trump-Pence win the election. It was researched and written to help every American understand what Trump, Pence and all Americans are up against in the effort to make America great again. It was written to engage all Americans in a lofty goal that Trump alone, will not be able to accomplish.

In truth, many who voted for Trump did so simply because they opposed everyone else. Others bought into Trump’s vision for America, without knowing what Trump must overcome, or what they must help him overcome to make that vision a reality. TRUMPED was written for all of them… but it was also written for all Americans who have been trained to “fear” a Republican form of government. Trained to seek government tyranny to protect them from freedom and personal responsibility.

Those who have read the book understand completely that today’s Democratic Party is totally destructive of the Constitutional Republic and the party needs to be dumped on the ash heap of history and a new truly democratic party formed.

They also understand that they will have a critical personal role to play in Trump’s success if we are to ever make America great again.

I voted for Trump… believing that Trump will do everything in his power to make America great again – but at the same time, knowing he will not be able to do that alone, without the help of millions of Americans who will remain engaged in a productive way after the election.

Today’s Democrats do not want America to be great again. Many average democrat voters do, but they have been trained to work against themselves by the DNC and Democratic Socialists. Until the people learn the truth about who has kept a boot on their neck all these years, while claiming to protect them, they will not be able to make America great again.

TRUMPED: The New American Revolution should be under every Christmas tree this year, a copy for each member of the family, for the immediate future and for all posterity. It is necessary for every American to know who is really working against them and how, as well as who is really working for them.

Until every American understands what it takes to make any country great and who stands in the way, they will fall short of their stated goal, to make America great again!

Source Link:

The following recent article revealed that the Leftists recently rediscovered the ‘Constitution’ that they normally ‘don’t respect and now their hiding behind it’ after Trump got elected. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


In Age of Trump, Leftists Rediscover Constitution; ‘Democrats don't really respect it; they're just hiding behind it’!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Louis DeBroux-On January 13, 2017:

I believe that my following blogs relate to and/or further support the above articles-You Decide:

Attention Obama: Ft. Leavenworth is Calling You For Treason!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 10, 2017:


Why Has George Soros Enjoyed a Free Hand in his Subversive Attempts to Redesign America?


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!


GOP Has Golden Opportunity to Expand Liberty, But do Americans actually want to limit government?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 1, 2016:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Please See:

Why Democrats Don’t Want To Make America Great Again!-Posted on New American Gazette-On November 30, 2016:

Read more…

Anti-Trump Riots Are A Smoke Screen!

I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking article with you because it seems to give us one reason why we’re probably experiencing the anti-Trump riots across our country-You Decide:


Anti-Trump Riots Are A Smoke Screen!-Posted on Tom DeWeese-On November 27, 2016:

The Real Goal - Eliminate the Electoral College

Many seem bewildered by the anti-Trump riots and demonstrations. And many keep trying to find a reasonable response. Give it up. You can't reason with them with words.

Here is my take. They know full well that they aren't going to overturn the election. These privately funded forces are being used to create pressure to destroy the Electoral College so they won't have to deal with it next election. This is how the Left operates. Make a big deal over here to force the hidden agenda over there. The plan is to make enough trouble that Congress will move to abolish the EC to get some peace.

For clues on who is behind this effort one only has to watch to see which member of Congress proposes such action. The answer of course is California Senator Barbara Boxer. It only took a week after the election for her to come to the rescue of the broken and distraught Left.

Meanwhile, hidden forces are now meeting with and brow beating members of the Electoral College to get them to change their vote from the true winner of their state and vote out Trump.

The danger is real and gaining ground. But it didn’t start with this election result. A campaign to eliminate the Electoral College and “let the people elect the president,” has been gaining steam for several years. A group called “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact,” started in 2006, has won commitments from eleven states to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. These include, Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, California, New York, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. These states control 165 electoral votes. They only need states representing 105 more electoral votes to join and the Electoral College will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, such legislation is under consideration in Missouri, Oklahoma and Arizona, to name a few.

When a state passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, it pledges that all of that state’s electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide. These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation. States with electoral votes totaling 270 of the 538 electoral votes would have to pass NPV bills before the compact kicks in and any state’s bill could take effect.

As usual, it’s easy to get people to join this cause - yet another sound bite based on emotion rather than knowledge or logic. “Let the people decide.” “It’s the American way.” “It’s Democracy at work.” Yep, that’s why America was never set up as a democracy. Here’s another sound bite for you - “Democracy is a lynch mob.”- Here’s another one - “Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.” Majority rule violates the rights of minorities. It’s not a good thing. Get the picture?

The United States was created by the individual sovereign states. They were already free and independent governments on their own. As they came together to create a central government they feared it would grow too strong and overpower the states, making them subjugated to the central government. So, to prevent that, the states created the Electoral College to make the election of the President a STATE election.

Throughout history, certain factions have challenged the legality of the Electoral College. Opponents point out that our President is actually elected by 538 virtually unknown people who are members of 51 small delegations in fifty States and the District of Columbia. Moreover, in most states the electors are not even bound to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote. In fact, many Constitutional scholars believe that’s just what the founders intended, 538 independent thinkers, bound to no one. There is reason and logic behind the idea.

The Founding Fathers, particularly those from small States, were very concerned that they would be smothered by the larger states. Under the representative republic (not a democracy) established by the founders, the United States is made up of fifty sovereign States. Under the Constitution, except for limited powers specifically defined for the central government, power for the rule of law is intended to reside in the States.

To deal with the problem, the founders decided on a compromise that would establish two chambers for the Congress; the House of Representatives, whose size would be dictated by the population in each state and the Senate in which every state would get two representatives, regardless of its size or population. You see, in the beginning, the states appointed Senators to be their representatives in Congress. But, like these so-called scholars of today who want to wreck the Electoral College, previous “experts” came up with the idea that Senators should be elected by the people ? “It’s only fair,” wentt the mantra! The result is an imperial Senate that answers to no one but their own elite club members. That’s what happens when you mess with the real genius of the Constitution.

The same problem arose in deciding how to select a President, the one nationally-elected official. Here again there was the fear that election by popular vote would overwhelm the will of smaller States. Again, compromise was reached to address the issue in a fair and equitable manner in order to maintain the power of the states. Each state was assigned a number of presidential electoral votes equal to its representation in the House and the Senate. In each state, the electors would vote for a President and Vice President. The candidate receiving the largest number of electoral votes would be elected.

Under the plan, the connection to the popular vote was the selection of state electors. The popular vote was to be used to select individuals trusted by the people to select the President. Each presidential candidate has a slate of electors committed to them. As the people vote for a candidate, they are actually electing his/her slate of electors. Again, the selection of electors goes directly to local control of the process. Under the Constitution, even the smallest state was assured at least three votes in the process. To provide a further check to protect the smaller states, in the event no candidate won a majority of the electoral vote, the names of the top five would go to the House of Representatives, where each state delegation would cast one vote for one of the candidates. In this process each state, again, is equal.

To understand the Electoral College one must realize that the Founders considered the states as the dominate power in the nation. Election of the office of President was a bit like the selection of the Chairman of the Board, with the states serving as the board of directors for the nation. The great mistake Electoral College opponents make is to believe the President was supposed to be elected by the people. It was never the plan.

There are fundamental and often regional differences in how Americans view the role of government and the leaders they elect to run it. Little wonder those who seek to strengthen the power of the central government prefer that elections be decided by the popular vote. It’s a great sound bite- but the results will not give “the people” the “fair” result they desire.

Such a move will eliminate the power of individual states in favor of elections decided by the population of large, politically liberal cities. I’ve actually heard it said by residents of California, San Francisco, in particular, “why do we even let people in Ohio and Iowa vote?” Such elitism is behind the “National Popular Vote” movement which apparently believes that only the East and West Coasts count. The rest is just flyover country.

Keep these facts in mind as we watch the enforcement of Sustainable Development policies that lead to Smart Growth cities. The stated plans of such ideas are that most people will eventually be ‘persuaded” to leave the rural areas and migrate to the cities. In addition, we now are witnessing the invasion of illegal immigrants who normally land in such communities and swell their size.

The “feel good” propaganda of the National Popular Vote movement insists that a popular vote would not change the face of the nation. However, by design or not, the fact is their scheme plays right into the hands of the Sustainablists who openly seek top down control through the establishment of mega cities. By forcing the massive majority of citizens into such areas, a majority vote in just a few will drown any other area in the nation.

In such a planned agenda for the 21st Century, individuals living in the majority of the nation’s territory will quickly learn how little their “popular vote” counts if the Electoral College is abandoned by the “National Popular Vote” scheme. Those smaller states (and therefore their votes) may have no impact on the election of the President, just as our founders feared. Control by a few over the many can only be defined as tyranny.

The abolishment of the Electoral College would, in fact, establish an election tyranny giving control of the government to the massive population centers of the nation’s Northeastern sector, along with the area around Los Angeles. If these sections of the nation were to control the election of our nation’s leaders, the voice of the ranchers and farmers of the Mid and Far West would be lost, along with the values and virtues of the South. It would also mean the end of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty.

Not happy to even let the states decide if they want to support the idea of the National Popular vote or not, the hard Left has manufactured the unrest in the streets to pressure a fast solution. Senator Boxer has answered the call with immediate legislation to end the Electoral College. Her bill masquerades as the answer to the people’s unrest. And the deal is done. Just like that. In the end, the result will have nothing to do with Donald Trump. He is just the convenient excuse.

Allow that to happen now and the great silent majority of middle America in this nation will never again have a fair say in who is elected our president. And that is the true goal of today’s unrest.

Source Link:

I believe that the following thought provoking article and videos from the past relate to and/or further support the information contained in the above article-You Decide:

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House!-Posted on The American Spectator-By Quin Hillyer-On November 6, 2008:

Video: Saul Alinsky Takes the White House!-Posted on Linda Clements-On November 6, 2008:

Video: Hillary Clinton - Saul Alinsky's Radical Protégé!-Posted on American Patriot-On July 24, 2016:

Video Dr. Ben Carson on Hillary Clinton's Saul Alinsky Letters: ‘We’ve Had These Kinds of Warnings!-Posted on Butler Deleon-On July 31, 2015:

Video: The Truth About Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals!-Posted on Stefan Molyneux-On September 8, 2016:

The following recent articles and video revealed: 1) the latest on the election recount; 2) that a Virginia school-board member goes nuclear on Trump and quits after massive backlash; 3) that a Wisconsin insider recently stated that we should expect massive DNC voter fraud to be exposed during recount in that state; and 4) that Wisconsin election officials are confident that recount will still favor Trump-You Decide:


Everything you need to know about election recount: ‘Ulterior motives to changing outcome could be driving push’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 28, 2016:

Video: America Talks Live | Larry Klayman discusses Hillary/Stein's recount!-Posted on NewsmaxTV-On November 28, 2016:

Jenny Poore

School-board member goes nuclear on Trump, quits!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On November 29, 2016:


Wisconsin Insider on Recount: Expect MASSIVE DNC Voter Fraud to be Exposed!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On November 28, 2016:

Wisconsin election official expects recount to uphold Trump win

Wisconsin Election Officials Confident That Recount Will Still Favor Trump!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Charles Campbell-On November 28, 2016:

The following recent articles and video revealed: 1) that Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote; 2) that a GOP Elector is refusing to vote for Trump and quits after criticizing ‘Corrupted’ Electoral College’; and 3) that threatening electors violates federal law but Obama’s DOJ is not doing anything about it. What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote: ‘Voter-integrity activists say non-citizen election participation is rampant’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 29, 2016:


GOP Elector Refusing To Vote Trump Quits, Criticizes ‘Corrupted’ Electoral College: "It is not in their best interest"!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Johnathan Jones-On November 28, 2016:

Harassment in the workplace.

Threatening Electors Violates Federal Law. So Why Isn’t Loretta Lynch Doing Anything About It?-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Hans von Spakovsky and Jennifer Matthes-On November 29, 2016:

The following recent articles and video revealed: 1) that approximately 15 Electors will refuse to vote for Trump; 2) that Jill Stein now admits that there’s no evidence of voter fraud and confirms that recount is a ‘huge scam’; and 3) that Freedom Watch recently asked for our help in intervening against Clinton/Stein fraudulent recounts meant to destroy Trump presidency-You Decide:

Report: 15 Electors Will Refuse to Vote For Trump: ‘Sensational plot to sabotage president elect’!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson-On December 1, 2016:

Anderson Cooper and Jill Stein

Jill Stein Admits There’s No Evidence of Voter Fraud! Confirms It’s a HUGE Scam!-Posted on Conservative Tribune-On November 30, 2016:

Video: Help Freedom Watch intervene against Clinton/Stein fraudulent recounts to destroy Trump presidency!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On November 29, 2016:

The following recent articles and videos revealed: 1) the Globalists’ three-pronged strategy to steal the election; 2) that some Electoral College Electors have formed a ‘527 Group’ to prevent Trump from becoming President; 3) that approximately 5 million voters have taken unprecedented step to overturn Trump victory on behalf of Hillary; 4) that Obama's DOJ declines to comment on why her agency won’t investigate threats to Electors; 5) that Trump is extending lead in Wisconsin recount;  6) that Trump 'lost 16,648 votes' in Pennsylvania In the last week; and 7) that Attorney Larry Klayman from Freedom Watch is currently taking action to stop Hillary Clinton and her accomplices from overturning the election-You Decide:


The Election Is On The Verge of Being Stolen: The Globalists’ Three-Pronged Strategy!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On December 5, 2016:

Oh Boy: Some Electoral College Electors Form 527 Group To Prevent Trump From Becoming President

Some Electoral College Electors Form 527 Group To Prevent Trump From Becoming President!-Posted on TownHall-By Matt Vespa-On December 1, 2016:

5 million voters have taken unprecedented step to overturn Trump victory on behalf of Hillary!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Tom Tillison-On December 3, 2016:

A folder with the seal of the Department of Justice, sits on a table prior to the start of the Universal Periodic Review of the U.S. at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, May 11, 2015. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Obama's DOJ Declines To Comment On Why Agency Won’t Investigate Threats To Electors!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Kerry Picket,  Reporter-On December 3, 2016:

trump vote recount

TRUMP EXTENDS LEAD in Wisconsin Recount!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Pamela Geller-On December 5, 2016:


WHAT’S GOING ON? Trump Loses 16,648 Votes in Pennsylvania In the Last Week!-Posted on Tea Party News-By Gateway Pundit-On December 5, 2016:

Clinton Supporters Are Now Harassing Arizona's Presidential Electors

As predicted, the Wicked Witch is back! ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman takes action to stop Clinton, accomplices from overturning election’!-Posted on Larry Klayman-On December 2, 2016:

I believe that my following blogs relate to and/or further support the above articles and videos-You Decide:


Why Has George Soros Enjoyed a Free Hand in his Subversive Attempts to Redesign America?


Why Trump Won’t Stop The Land War In The West!

Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?’s-rules-define-this-administration’s-governing-style-2/

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Please See:

Anti-Trump Riots Are A Smoke Screen!-Posted on New American Gazzette-On November 28, 2016:

Read more…

I wanted to share the following recent report and video that revealed that Admiral Mike Rogers recently prevented a false flag attack in the U.S. and is now being punished by Obama!-You Decide:

Top US Spy Chief Flees To Trump After Stopping “False Flag” Attack!-Posted on Sorcha Faal-On November 20, 2016:

An astonishing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that US Navy Admiral Mike Rogers, who heads the Obama regimes National Security Agency (NSA), United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and is the Chief of the Central Security Service (CSS), fled to New York City on Thursday (17 November) seeking an urgent meeting with President-elect Donald Trump just hours after he, Rogers, singlehandedly aborted the unauthorized flight of one of America’s “Doomsday Planes.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


New American hero Admiral Mike Rogers

According to this report, during the late afternoon (Moscow time) of 16 November, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) requested urgent “assistance/guidance” from the SVR relating to the takeoff from California’s Travis Air Force Base (TAFB) of a US Navy Boeing E-6 Mercury airborne command post and communications relay aircraft (popularly known as a “Doomsday Plane”) that was designated with the radio call sign of “IRON99”, and whose destination was not able to be determined.

The flights of these types of “doomsday” aircraft, this report explains, are strictly “governed/observed” under the procedures, protocols and guidelines of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) signed between the Federation and the Obama regime that took effect on 5 February 2011—and that this “IRON99” doomsday plane flight was in “strict/blatant” violation of due to the US failing to notify the MoD of its exact mission status.

Upon being notified by the MoD of this grave New START treaty “war threat” violation by the Obama regime, this report continues, SVR Director Sergey Naryshkin contacted his US counterpart Admiral Mike Rogers—and though the exact details of their conversation are higher classified than this general report allows, it is important to note that immediately after Director Naryshkin contacted Admiral Rogers, this “doomsday planes” flight was halted over the skies of Denver, Colorado, where it was put into a “holding pattern” with it eventually returning to Travis Air Force Base.


 Holding pattern of “IRON99” doomsday plane flight over Denver

 As to why the US Navy ordered this doomsday plane to take flight at all, this report notes, is “highly alarming” as the American Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has previously been implicated by the SVR as a “controlling partner” in the “false flag” attack events known as “9/11” that occurred on 11 September 2001—and that were only able to be stopped when a cruise missile was fired into ONI’s Pentagon communication center.

The 9/11 video that was aired once and never aired again!-Posted on dustin lehr-On December 22, 2011:


 First photo taken of Pentagon on 11 September 2001 after cruise missile destroyed US Office of Naval Intelligence communication center

With Admiral Rogers having stopped what was another obvious “false flag” attack from occurring at the hands of the ONI, and his fleeing for protection to President-elect Donald Trump afterwards, this report continues, the Obama regime and its mainstream propaganda media sycophants have now placed this esteemed US military commander under a withering public assault and are calling for him to be removed from office—and that President Obama is said to now be considering

And in what this report states can only be described as “farcical irony”, the same Obama regime propaganda mainstream media lapdogs that are now calling for Admiral Rogers destruction, were just 3 days ago praising him for his public statements saying that a nation-state (presumably Russia) was responsible for the hacking of secret Hillary Clinton related emails.

But to the “real/true” reasons behind the Obama-Clinton regime wanting to stage another “false flag” attack upon America, SVR intelligence analysts in this report say, is their fears over President-elect Trump’s assembling what is being described as a “nationalist dream team” to defeat the satanic and tyrannical forces of globalism forever. 


And so decimated have these elite globalists become in America, this report notes, these warmongers are only able to rule now from what are called their “Coastal Citadels with fully one third of all US Congressional seats held by their communistic Democrat Party coming from just three States—California, New York and Massachusetts.

Even worse, this report continues, these elite globalist Obama-Clinton Democrats are still failing to realize that President-elect Trump won the popular vote when adding 49 States (out of 50) and lost the popular vote only when adding in the communistic State of California.

With President-elect Trump winning these 49 States with 57.8 million votes compared to Secretary Clinton’s 55.9 million, this report further states, the Obama-Clinton supporting Washington Post newspaper is astonishingly even today beginning their re-writing of American history falsely proclaiming that Trump won only 14 States—which has led the highly respected former US Congressman, and presidential candidate, Ron Paul to include this propaganda mouthpiece on his list of real “fake news” media sites that not only colluded with Hillary Clinton, but continue to lie to the American people too. 


Protecting these real “fake news” Obama-Clinton media sites, this report continues, are America’s top technology giants—and who were joined yesterday by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg whose message for his billion-plus users is most plainly stated as: “you're not capable of deciding for yourself what is 'news' and what is not, so we will do it for you”.

And among the many things being kept hidden from the American people by these real “fake news” propaganda mainstream media sites, this report says, are the astounding 81,640 pages of new regulations the Obama-Clinton are unleashing upon these unsuspecting people before President-elect Trump can take power, and that goes along with the stunning $2.4 trillion of additional debt they are being saddled with too.

Not making any sense either about the elite globalist supporting propaganda US mainstream “fake news” media, this report continues, are their astonishingly insane “new ideas” for America—and that include Japan establishing a large military training facility in the United States to create jobs and boost real estate values.

Continue Reading:

Video: US Spy Chief Stops False Flag! Obama Retaliates!-Posted on Truth Warriors-On November 21, 2016:

I believe that the above article and video relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


Why Was A Mysterious Navy Plane Conducting “Secret Electronic Command/Control Drill” Over Denver?

Retired Head of the FBI Tells All about Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings in U.S. Government!


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!

Please See:

Top US Spy Chief Flees To Trump After Stopping “False Flag” Attack!-Posted on New American Gazzette-On November 25, 2016:

Read more…

As we near the 53rd anniversary of JFK’s assassination I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking article by someone whom I consider to be a true Patriot, Dave Hodges-The Common Sense Show-You Decide:

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Peace is possible with President Trump. But will the globalists let him fulfill his destiny, or will he be thrown into the bone yard of history without living out his destiny as was JFK.

trump and jfk

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On November 20, 2016:

Peace is impractical. War is inevitable. That is what the globalists and their puppet media would have mankind believe. The problems that are created by war are man-made and therefore, can be solved by man. However, our right to self-determination and peace have been robbed from us by people like David Rockefeller.

When war becomes the number ONE business venture of the globalists, they obfuscate the benefits of peace and prevent the directing of a nation’s assets towards the betterment of its people. Rockefeller, Rothschild et al, hold humanity in such disdain that they seek to make money on the forced decline of mankind. For in their eyes, mankind cannot be allowed to prosper and grow, man must be subjugated and turned into cannon fodder in the next bankster-created war.

It was true in JFK’s time and it is even more true today in Donald Trump’s time.


One President saw things as they were and sought to shift the focus of the nation towards peace. That President had such dangerous ideas in the eyes of the elite. President John F. Kennedy was a visionary. He sought to remove the stranglehold that the banksters had on our government by reducing the oil depletion allowance, printing C-notes to slowly erode the Federal Reserve, enact a foreign policy to keep the U.S. out of Vietnam and above all else, he sought to reduce the threat posed by the previously unrestrained growth of nuclear weapons. Trump is promising to do the same types of things. In this sense, he is spitting on history

In June of 1963, JFK called out the elitist war mongers in his famous American University speech. Unfortunately, JFK’s enlightened attitude was a threat to the prevailing establishment and he paid for his idealism with his life five months after delivering the American University Commencement speech.

We had never seen a President championing the virtues of peace and the elevation of the concern for the common man. We will not likely ever see this kind of leadership again. The following excerpts of JFK’s American University speech show us what could have been and why the elite could not handle four more years of a JFK Presidency. For if JFK had lived, the following ideals would have formed the goals of an energized nation.

Here are the words of a young, idealistic President as spoken at American University in June of 1963:

“…So, let us not be blind to our differences–but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal…

…First: Chairman Khrushchev, Prime Minister Macmillan, and I have agreed that high-level discussions will shortly begin in Moscow looking toward early agreement on a comprehensive test ban treaty. Our hopes must be tempered with the caution of history–but with our hopes go the hopes of all mankind… 

…Confident and unafraid, we labor on–not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy of peace…”

A slightly less eloquent, but more simple Donald Trump said “I can work with Russia to eliminate ISIS, and wouldn’t everybody be better off if we could talk and work things out?”  The answer is yes, but the globalists are determined to have their war of population reduction.

JFK Became a Changed Man

When JFK entered the White House, his party ways came with him, but there would soon be a series of events that would make John Kennedy a changed man. In 1961, the CIA and director Dulles circumvented JFK by launching a secret invasion of Cuba in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. It was only at the last moment did JFK discover the unfolding events in which he refused to provide air cover and the invasion failed on the beach. Kennedy fired Dulles and threatened to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. This even marked the beginning of the bifurcation between JFK and the elite because the CIA had become their errand boy. The elite and their mafia partners desperately wanted Cuba back under their control and JFK blocked their ambitions. The following year, as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK had another chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the elite and again he failed. It did not matter that JFK had averted WWIII, he failed to put boots on the ground in Cuba and again, the elite and their designs for Cuba were thwarted.

vietnam protestors

Simultaneous to the events in Cuba, JFK was dragging his feet on Vietnam. He was reluctantly continuing on the path of allowing combat advisers to continue to operate in South Vietnam.

Vietnam was potentially a huge cash cow to the establishment elite. There was the promise of lucrative drug trafficking from the Golden Triangle”. Also, Chrysler Corporation received 90% of all US defense contracts in 1963, mostly in a middleman capacity. Bell Helicopter and Chase Manhattan Bank would reap record profits from the Vietnam War. All of these corporations were Rockefeller owned institutions. Unfortunately for the elite, JFK was growing more isolationist. He became a changed man following the Cuban Missile Crisis as this event shook him to his core. He feared putting the US in military situations that could result in another confrontation with the Soviets. In 1963, JFK had announced that he was bringing home all combat advisers in 1965. JFK and South Vietnamese President, Diem, agreed that America would never send ground troops to Vietnam. Diem and his brother were assassinated by the CIA and 21 days later, JFK was dead. Nine months following these assassinations, America sent 100,000 ground troops to South Vietnam following the now discredited, false flag event known as the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the elite bathed in their blood money. AS I PREVIOUSLY SAID, SUBSTITUTE “TRUMP” FOR “JFK” AND “SYRIA” FOR “VIETNAM”.

JFK had been so shaken by the real possibility of WW III, that he and the Soviet Premier were actually having discussions regarding the capping of nuclear arms production. The elite could not have any part of  this unprofitable course of action. There is no money to be made in peace especially if you are Martin Marietta (today known as Martin Lockheed). The establishment elite wanted to continue down the path arming America’s nuclear arsenal to the teeth. JFK had become a major impediment to profits in this regard. Remember, if peace was profitable for the globalists, there would be no more war. I am certain that Trump is all too aware of this point.

Trump Became a Changed Man

I doubted Trump when he first announced he was going to run for President. He was ultimate free-trader, an insider’s insider. Somewhere, he must have looked at people he loved and said “What have I done?”, and the result is what we have today. Like JFK, Trump is a changed man. Like JFK, he is a man on a mission. And like JFK, will Trump be ….?

The Changed Man/Men Take(s) Center Stage

JFK, no doubt motivated by the fear of WW III, was blocking Vietnam and was going to kill the cash cow of nuclear arms production. No doubt, JFK saw the establishment elite as the enemy of humanity. They were willing to take the country to war so that they could fatten their wallets.

JFK began to take action against the elite. He was taking away half of their unwarranted oil depletion allowance. JFK stuck a big stick in the eye of the Federal Reserve by printing over $4 billion dollars of silver backed money, thus threatening the stranglehold the Federal Reserve had enjoyed over the country for the past 50 years.

JFK began making speeches, very damning speeches, in which he called out the establishment elite and their “secret societies” and then JFK signed his death warrant with his American University speech in which he announced, among other things, a desire to pursue peace with the Soviets. Once again, there is no money in peace.

On behalf of “the greater good”, JFK had to be eliminated and he was. However, I have often wondered if JFK had survived, how would America have been changed. Through Donald Trump’s Presidency, we have an opportunity to find out.

Trump will kill the free-trade agreements in their present form.  The election of Trump has already killed the latest free trade deal with the EU according the Merkel. Trump will greatly reduce the flow of cheap labor into the United States by putting real controls on our border. He will build a country based upon peace and negotiation with our foes. Don’t mistake this for weakness, JFK and Trump never have backed away from a challenge.

If JFK Had Lived

jfk plot

If JFK had lived, so too, would have 58,000 Americans and untold millions of Vietnamese. If JFK had lived, we would not have spent two trillion dollars on nuclear arms. The money could have been spent, as JFK suggested, on education. America might not have become the hopelessly dumbed down nation that it has become. If JFK had lived the Federal Reserve would have eventually gone the way of the two previous central banks in the United States. The US Congress would have retaken the constitutional power of coining money, interest free money. America would have remained solvent.

If JFK had lived, he would have continued to confront the oil companies and today, we might have achieved energy independence and could be paying about a buck for a gallon if gas. Alaska would be the new Middle East and the petrodollar, which threatens to plunge us into a world war over Syria and Iran, would no longer be a problem. The world would be coming to the US for its energy needs and our economy would be booming. Trump insists he is going to unleash America’s energy potential which means the opening of oil development on the North Shore of Alaska. This will break the monopolistic grip the oil companies have enjoyed over energy since the beginning of our industrialization period in the 1880’s.

If JFK had lived, the people would have had their true representative in the White House. The events in Cuba so changed John Kennedy, that he became a true Ron Paul/Donald Trump in the last two years of his life. It was the last time, that anyone, outside the elite establishment, had anyone in top level government that cared for them, until now.

The day that John Kennedy died, November 22, 1963, was the beginning of the end for America. These same forces, the interlocking directorates of the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve, the major oil companies and the media that they control, continued to suck the life out of America to the point of where we stand today, a shell of our former country. The day Donald Trump was elected, November 8, 2016, America has one last chance to right the wrongs of our recent past.

Donald Trump Must Live

JFK died with his work incomplete. Donald Trump can finish the job, even in a manner that Reagan could not. Trump is taking this country forward. He will appoint enemies as well as allies to his administration. He knows that to avoid a civil war, he must get a significant number of people from the other side on board to participate in his government. To not do so is to perpetuate and exacerbate the differences that area already there.


I AT ONE TIME, falsely held out the hope that the 50th Anniversary of JFK’S death would rekindle a curiosity about who killed JFK and why and then subsequently link that knowledge into today’s America and our desperate need for a populist revolution. This could have been the impetus for change in America. Alas, the elite controlled the narrative in the fall of the 50th anniversary of JFK’s death with a plethora of documentaries which lead away from the truth that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. As a result, the country’s interest will continue to wane and with it, the belief that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

In 20 years, if we still have any freedom of the press left, will history be saying the same thing about an assassinated Donald Trump? To prevent this question from every being asked we must remain in prayer and be of like mind.

In 1993, 80% of the country believed that JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy. If Donald Trump is assassinated, don’t believe the lone nut gunman theory who had a diary saying what he was going to do. IF Trump is assassinated, it will be by the hand of the criminal elite. I am not interested in playing the same parlor games with Trump that we have done for 50 years with JFK’s death with an endless discussion of “who dun it?”

The elite weathered the storm of JFK’s assassination and have continued unabated on their journey towards sucking the life out of this country. They will continue to do so until there is nothing left and we are thrown onto the junk pile of history. Donald Trump offers real hope. His journey began with JFK and could end with an assassins bullet. If Donald Trump is assassinated we must all treat the event as if it were perpetrated by an enemy of the United States and react accordingly.


On November 22nd, on this 53rd anniversary of JFK’s murder, as we turn our collective eyes back on our future and reminisce about JFK, let us realize that we have been given a temporary reprieve in Donald Trump,

Remember that in June of 1963, JFK called for peace with the Soviet Union, and today Donald Trump is doing the same with Putin. Will this be Trump’s death warrant as it was with JFK?  It is said that the JFK assassination marks the time where modern America lost her soul and any remaining semblance of her moral compass. Trump has given us a second chance. The more we write and speak of this, the more hesitant that the globalists will be in carrying out the ultimate act against Donald Trump.

This is our last chance America, be vigilant and be vocal.

Source Link:

The following recent articles and/or videos revealed: 1) the shooter and the mastermind behind the JFK murder; 2) that an Ex-Naval Intelligence Officer talked about JFK assassination, the Giza Pyramids and the Cydonia Mars connections; and 3) JFK, RFK and MLK were all killed by the sames forces and Trump needs to beware-You Decide:

jfk 232

The Shooter and the Mastermind Behind the JFK Murder-The Final Word!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By David Hodges-On November 22, 2016:

indiana jones

Ex-Naval Intelligence Officer Speaks Out On JFK Assassination, the Giza Pyramids and the Cydonia Mars Connections!-Posted on The Common Sesne Show-By Dave Hodges-On November 22, 2016:

The fate of all effective reformers.

JFK, RFK, MLK Were All Killed By the Same Forces- Trump Needs to Beware!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On November 21, 2016:

The following recently published book revealed ‘Who Really Killed John F. Kennedy’, which I believe relates to and/or further supports the above article and videos by Dave Hodges-The Common Sense Show-You Decide:

Who Really Killed Kennedy? (Hardcover) (Also available in digital format)-By Jerome Corsi:


Product Description

Almost nothing gives rise to more national intrigue than the murder of an American president. And on November 22, 2013, the nation will experience the 50th anniversary of one of the most traumatic events in modern American history, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

From day one, the truth behind JFK’s assassination has been mired in controversy and dispute. The Warren Commission, established just seven days after Kennedy’s death, delved into the who, what, when and where of the tragedy, and over the course of the following year compiled an 889-page report that arrived at the widely contested conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin.

In "Who Really Killed Kennedy?" No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., provides readers with the ultimate JFK assassination theory book. One-by-one, each chapter examines the strongest arguments regarding the killing of JFK, including theories surrounding the mob, the CIA, Cuban radicals, LBJ, right-wing extremists and more.

By book’s end, "Who Really Killed Kennedy?" will provide convincing analysis that existing evidence rules out the possibility that JFK was killed by a lone assassin. Fifty years after this epic American tragedy, there’s still a gunman on the loose.

About the Author

Dr. Jerome R. Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972. He is a senior staff reporter for WND where he works as an investigative journalist. In 2004, Corsi co-authored the No. 1 New York Times bestseller, “Unfit for Command,” with John O’Neill. Since then, he has devoted his time to writing on politics and economics, two fields in which he has considerable expertise and experience. In his career he has written numerous books, including six New York Times bestsellers.

Source Link:

The following articles from the recent past revealed: 1) that Putin had warned Trump that the ‘New World Order’ was out to get him’; and 2) that Trump had stated that there would be a ‘Civil War’ if he ends up being assassinated, which I believe relate to and/or further support the above articles, videos and book-You Decide:

Brave Vladimir Putin has delivered a scathing attack on the New World Order and warned Donald Trump that the 'secret cabal' have him 'in their crosshairs.'

Putin Warns Trump ‘New World Order Out To Get You’!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Baxter Dmitry-On June 19, 2016:

Grassroots political observers think Donald Trump is right to believe there could be an uprising leading to a civil war if the popular Republican presumptive nominee is assassinated.

Trump: If I Am Assassinated There Will Be Civil War!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Baxter Dmitry-On May 31, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that 53 years after JFK assassination the CIA now admits that one of the ‘conspiracy theories is actually fact.’ What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


53 Years After JFK Assassination CIA Admits This Conspiracy THEORY Is Actually FACT!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Matt Agorist-On November 25, 2016:

The following recent article and video revealed: 1) that there is currently a Darknet website taking donations for ‘Trump and Pence assassinations’; and 2) that Clinton News Network (CNN) wishes ‘death’ on Trump. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Darknet Site Takes Donations for Trump Assassination

Darknet Site Takes Donations for Trump Assassination: ‘We have to go further as it will require much more than cyber attack to defend ourselves..’!-Posted on Mikael Thalen-On December 2, 2016:


Video: Clinton News Network Wishes Death on Trump!-Posted on Daniel Nussbaum-On December 3, 2016:

The following recent article revealed that a top 'CFR Globalist' recently warned that the UN will get ‘hammered’ by Trump and the GOP controlled Congress-You Decide:

4063518162?profile=originalTop CFR Globalist Warns UN Will Get “Hammered” by Trump!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-O January 3, 2017:

The following recent articles revealed: 1) that a ‘major threat’ has recently been made against President-elect Trump; and 2) that approximately 5,000 National Guard Troops will be attending Trump’s Inauguration because of an alleged ‘murder plot.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

trump electoral college

BREAKING – Major Threat Issued Against Donald J. Trump, Please Pray!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:

Thousands of National Guards deployed to Trump inauguration amid assassination fears

5,000 National Guards To Attend Trump Inauguration Over Murder Plot!-Posted on Your News Wirw-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On January 8, 2017:

The following recent eye-opening article revealed that Hillary Clinton is now trying to cut some kind of a deal and has produced proof that 'H.W. Bush was actually arrested fleeing the Texas Book Depository' on November 22, 1963, after John F. Kennedy was assassinated' and was questioned at the Dallas police department for 3 hours.  During the interrogation by the Dallas Police Department ‘Bush told them he was working for the CIA.’ Additionally, the article revealed that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers lead by General Michael Flynn are now in possession of the ‘Dallas Police report that documents the arrest and interrogation of then U.S. CIA agent George Herbert Walker Bush’, on November 22, 1963, ten minutes after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Could this be true?-You Decide:





H.W. Bush Arrested Over JFK Assassination in Dallas!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 8, 2017:

The following recent article reveals the possibility of the ‘CIA assassinating Trump’ due to him continually questioning the ‘Russian hacking conclusion.’  If-True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Will the CIA Assassinate Trump? “He’s Being Really Dumb For Questioning Russia Conclusions”!-Posted on Mac Slavo-On January 13, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the D.C. police have recently found a cache of weapons in the Capitol just days before Trump’s inauguration, sparking fears that an ‘assassination attempt is being planned for Inauguration Day.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Weapons cache found in Washington D.C. believed to be part of a Trump assassination plot

Assassination Attempt On Trump:Weapons Cache Exposed In Washington D.C.!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Hank Jordan-On January 15, 2017:

The following article revealed that a man was recently arrested in DC for transporting a huge weapons cache in a truck and that the event is being ‘covered up from the media’ and there is ‘no FBI involvement’ to investigate the incident-Why?-You Decide:


The Seeds of a Potential Assassination!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On January 16, 2017:

The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that the ‘Powers-That-Be (PTB) (Globalists)’, orchestrated by ‘Satan’ himself, have been preparing their global takeover for over a hundred years and have amassed incalculable riches, ascended to unthinkable heights of power and obtained unimaginable intercontinental control and have ‘no intentions’ of relinquishing one dollar, one degree of power, one inch of control, especially to one man. It also reveals that the PTB will do everything within their power to halt the actual swearing in of President-elect Trump, even at the risk of starting a ‘Civil War’ and, if need be, his ‘assassination.’  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Will The Globalists Stop Trump Before He’s Sworn In?-Posted on Al Duncan-On January 17, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the Secret Service recently talked of an ‘unprecedented threat level’ on Inauguration Day. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Clancy works phones checking on details as inauguration approaches. (WTOP/JJ Green)

Secret Service Talk Of Unprecedented Threat Level On Inauguration Day!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Ron Capshaw-On January 17, 2017:

The following article revealed that the Obama Administration is targeting journalists and Trump operatives for ‘murder’-Why?-You Decide:

Report: Obama Administration targeting journalists and Trump operatives for murder!-Posted on INTELLIHUB-By Staff Writer-On January 17, 2017:

The following article revealed that Roger Stone, a Trump operative/advisor, recently survived an ‘assassination attempt.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Trump Operative Roger Stone Survives Assassination Attempt!-Posted on January 17, 2017:

The following article revealed that Trump’s recent challenge to NATO riled the ‘Globalists’-Why?-You Decide:


Trump’s Challenge of NATO Riles Globalists!-Posted on The New American-By Steve Byas-On January 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the top NATO General acknowledges that NATO has some structures that are ‘obsolete’ and changes in the alliances are needed because currently it is ‘very unfair to the United States’-You Decide:

Top NATO General Acknowledges Changes In Alliance Are Needed!-Posted on Western Journalism-By Jeff Demers-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article revealed an alleged Trump Inauguration ‘assassination plot’ by Bush Sr. and Clinton.  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Darknet Site Takes Donations for Trump Assassination

Bush Clinton Inauguration Assassination Plot! They Want to Watch Him Die!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that a Florida man was recently charged with threatening to ‘kill President-elect Trump’ at his Inauguration and was a ‘close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Dominic Puopolo, 51, is being held without bail in Miami on charges of threatening harm against a public servant

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton!-Posted on Daily Mail Online-By Jose Lambiet In Miami, Florida For January 19, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that CNN had recently been criticized for airing a report that revealed that an Obama ‘appointee’ would become president if Trump was ‘killed’ during an attack during the inauguration.  If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

CNN: If Trump is Killed During Inauguration, Obama Appointee Would be President

CNN: If Trump is Killed During Inauguration, Obama Appointee Would be President: ‘Network slammed for encouraging violence with bizarre report’!-Posted on Paul Joseph Watson, January 19, 2017:

The following recent video revealed: 1) that Attorney Larry Klayman (Freedom Watch) recently talked with NewsMax’s JD Hayworth about launching a Judicial Selection Strike Force Coalition, along with his concerns regarding CNN recently airing a report stating that Obama can appoint someone or his choosing to be President, if President-elect Trump happens to be ‘killed’ during his Inauguration; and 2) that Alex Jones also talked about CNN’s disgusting actions, but in more detail-You Decide: 

Video: Freedom Watch launches Judicial Selection Strike Force Coalition - Klayman talks with JD Hayworth!-Posted on Freedom Watch TV-On January 19, 2017:

Video: If Trump is Killed During Inauguration, Obama Appointee Would Be President!-Posted on The Alex Jones Channel-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Trump received the ‘hero’s welcome’ in D.C. on the eve of his Inauguration-You Decide:

President-elect Donald Trump and wife Melania arrived in Washington, D.C., on eve of inauguration Jan. 19

Trump gets hero's welcome on eve of inauguration: ‘See festivities in final hours before new president enters White House’!-Posted on Chelsea Schilling-On January 19, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that President Trump took the establishment bull by the horns and vowed to give ‘Power Back to the People’ during his Inauguration speech-You Decide:

President Donald J. Trump Takes the Establishment Bull by the Horns: "Power Back to the People"!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On January 20, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Attorney Larry Klayman likened Trump’s Inauguration to Allies ‘freeing’ Paris during WWII-You Decide:


Viva la Trump: Washington is liberated! Exclusive: Larry Klayman likens inauguration to Allies freeing Paris during WWII’!-Posted on Larry Klayman-On January 20, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the Trump transition was the ‘best in American history’-You Decide:


The Best Presidential Transition in American History!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 20, 2017:

The following article revealed that President Trump hit Obamacare in his first hour in office by authorizing agencies to immediately ‘ease the burden’ on states, businesses and individuals-You Decide:


Trump hits Obamacare on 1st hours in office: ‘Authorizes agencies to immediately 'ease the burden' on states, businesses, individuals’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 20, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that America dodged its ‘final bullet’ because of President Trump-You Decide:


America Dodged A Final Bullet Because of President Trump!-Posted on Doc Marquis-On January 21, 2017:

The following article revealed that President Trump recently ‘killed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)’ once and for all with Executive Order-You Decide:


President Trump Kills TPP Once and for All with Executive Order Officially Withdrawing!-Posted on Matthew Boyle-On January 23, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Judge Napolitano was floored by President Trump’s executive order regarding ObamaCare because he stated that it’s a first-ever and ‘truly revolutionary’-You Decide:

Judge Andrew Napolitano

Judge Napolitano is floored by Trump’s executive order: It’s a first-ever, ‘TRULY revolutionary’!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Carmine Sabia-On January 23, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that a Bill was recently introduced to ‘remove the U.S. from the UN’-You Decide:

Bill introduced to remove US from United Nations!-Posted on Andrew Plaskowsky, WMAZ-On January 22, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to President Trump, recently received mail containing a suspicious ‘white powder’ and has been assigned ‘Secret Service protection.’  It also revealed that Conway stated that she has Secret Service protection because of what the ‘press’ is doing to her now, along with the way the ‘media’ has covered her boss as the reason for the threats. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Kellyanne Conway gets Secret Service protection!-Posted on The Hill-By Max Greenwood-On January 23, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that a Kentucky woman is facing serious backlash from the public and her own employers after suggesting on Twitter it would be 'kind' for someone to ‘assassinate’ President Trump. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:


Fierce backlash after woman suggests assassinating Trump: ‘This will stay with her for a long time, if not forever'!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On January 22, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that the woman who recently pretended to ‘assassinate’ President Trump had recently been seen in the ‘Oval Office.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Payal Modi, a Dallas teacher, pretends to assassinate President Trump with a squirt gun in front of her class (Photo: Screenshot)

'DIE!' Teacher goes berserk, fires toy gun at Trump: ‘Woman who pretended to assassinate president reportedly seen 'in Oval Office'!-Posted on Chelsea Schilling-On January 26, 2017:

Please Read Part 2:

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists! (Part 2)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 28, 2017:

I believe that the information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


New Evidence in The JFK Assassination!

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:


Why Has George Soros Enjoyed a Free Hand in his Subversive Attempts to Redesign America?

Office of the President Elect Logo

Suggestion and/or Idea Recently Submitted to The Trump Team (Re: George Soros' Anti-American Agendas)!


UN Kangaroo Court Implodes Amid Threat to Prosecute U.S. Troops!

4063542593?profile=originalWho owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
Read more…


POLL: Does the Federal Government routinely assume powers that it is not granted by the Constitution?

Big Daddy Soros gave $6.1 million to liberal groups linked to the IRS targeting scandal.
One News Now reported back in May 2013:

New details regarding the IRS scandal that found the nation’s top tax office intentionally targeting conservative groups are surfacing. Like, for example, the fact that George Soros-funded organizations sent letters encouraging the IRS to investigate conservative organizations.

According to findings reported by the Media Research Center (MRC), Soros gave $6.1 million to liberal groups who urged the Internal Revenue Service to investigate conservative non-profit organizations, including various tea party and Christian groups.

Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture for MRC, says the scandal could be traced to a series of letters that two liberal groups — Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 — sent to the IRS in 2010 and 2011 asking for an “investigation” of political consultant Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS.

“What they need to focus on is this timeline,” Gainor suggests. “We actually carry the timeline here, and the timeline is when these lefty operations sent their letters to the IRS and what the IRS did soon after.”

Pro Publica, The Huffington Post and Mother Jones were just a few of the accomplices that helped instigate IRS investigations. But as of 2010, Pro Publica received a two-year contribution of $125,000 each year from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

“It is a who’s who of far-left organizations,” the MRC spokesman offers. “Remember — this is George Soros, who has given $8.5 billion to charity. Of that … that we could track, $550 million has gone to liberal operations here in the United States.”

READ MORE AT: The Gateway Pundit!!

Read more…

AMERICA is More than the Sum of Her Parts


America is a IDEA. She is much larger than her expansive borders. She is far more profound than her vast natural resources. She is richer than Wall Street or the FED or Fort Knox. She is ...

  • All people created equal under the Law.
  • All people free to express their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and religious experiences.
  • All people free to pursue their own version of the American Dream, their personal road to happiness.
  • All people have the inherent right, given by their Creator, to LIVE, to make their own choices on how to live, and to find their own dream.

The idea of America is rooted in her people.

You know the rest ... "If one sentence captures the quintessential idea of America, surely it the famous assertion contained in the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Almost every word of this remarkable sentence, 236 years old today, is pregnant with meaning and strikingly relevant."

Our Founders were not like the majority of idiots/scoundrels who now reside in Washington, DC. They were brilliant, realistic men who were well educated, not just with books, but with life travels and adventures. They had a profound understanding both of the nature of mankind and the nature of government and, more importantly, they wanted above all else to create a government that would function within specific, restricted boundaries to maintain the individual freedoms guaranteed the American people. Our Founding documents record an Ideal that became America. It is unique in the world. It is NOT democracy ... it is representation.

Democracy is mob rule, majority rules, and "might makes right!" In spite of the various national histories, languages, cultures, religions, and experiences of this nation of legal immigrants, America remains unique in the world. All are welcome. All, according to our Constitution, are offered the same opportunity to reach for your dreams. Sometimes reality doesn't match up to the ideal, but the Ideal remains!
"Neither blood, history, religion, language [bind Americans together] — what else is left? Only an idea: that you could come to America and be whatever you wanted to be. You might have been a bog-trotter in Ireland or a baron in Silesia; in America, you were free to become whatever you could make of yourself."

The enormity of President Obama's numerous crimes against our Constitution and the faith & trust the American people placed in him is heinous. The ease with which he can stand before us and openly & deliberately speak lies is disgraceful. Everything he says and does is designed to further cripple the the American people, to enlarge their (our) dependency on the government, and build a uninformed "slave class" who will blindly accept the promise of an easy life in exchange for their "pursuit of happiness!"

BUT ... The idea of America, the idea of individual freedom issues from the throne of GOD, as does the idea of individuals created equal under the Law. These ideas are rooted and grounded in Biblical truths. While humans are innately imperfect and sinful, G-D planted inside each of us a desire to be free to live as we see fit under His Natural Law. The result is that we each must work to improve our character, our self to obtain our dream of freedom.

President Obama has been ruthlessly successful in his effort to "divide and conquer," to exploit our inherent differences, yet the idea of America As devious as the President has shown himself and his administration to be, as regards our Constitution over the last 5 years, he has no power over the idea of America that resides within a vast majority of her people still.



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Call it what you want, "evil" always overplays its hand and causes the GOOD to rise up in retaliation. Even today (10-13-13), Veterans so abused by the policies and decisions of this administration have gathered in DC to voice their anger. The harder the President pushes to control, to regulate, to corral the American people or any segment of us into a behavioral pen, the more likely a "push-back" will occur. It is the very Nature of the American Idea! We Will Not Be Intimidated! We will Not be Ruled! We are AMERICANS, and we KNOW LIBERTY!


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The ROAD to Socialism

I see a lot of confusion about the term socialism.  To separate fact from fiction, truth from myth, I offer the following.  There are 20 variants of Socialism.  In its pure sense it does mean non profit driven control of production by the government representing "The People".  We are currently on the track of one variant of Socialism and that is what concerns many since it is a departure of what made this nation the most productive, profitable, land of opportunity in the world.  The Social Democracy variant is a political ideology that considers itself to be a form of reformist democratic socialism. Whether stated or not, it is a path for peaceful, evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism.[2] It asserts that the only acceptable constitutional form of government is representative democracy under the rule of law (Lawyers sort of become the ruling class).[3] It promotes extending democratic decision-making beyond political democracy to include economic democracy to guarantee employees and other economic stakeholders sufficient rights of co-determination.[4] Common social democratic policies include advocacy of universal social rights to attain universally-accessible public services such as: education, health care, workers' compensation, and other services including child care and care for the elderly.[5] Social democracy is connected with the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Obama and his administration are not pure socialists.  However, assertions to that effect are partially correct because of the Social Democracy variant.  Any questions?  Remember I am a consultant and it is my job to be thorough, honest, and factual even if the truth is unsettling at times.  I am sort of a messenger, so don't kill the messenger :)

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Obama’s administration has produced the greatest ever reliance on the state in US history. Never have Americans had the option of being so dependent on welfare programs as today.

What is welfare dependence and what does it deliver to the despot or dictator. If a person becomes lost in the vacuum which is non-work, they lose a number of basic but fundamental freedoms. Life as a non worker is one of marginalization, ones sense of value is lessened, and you lose self confidence and independence. Your choices become increasingly limited as the financial trap is set. You don't get to choose your clothes as you can't afford. You can't choose your food as you can't afford and you don't drive the car you want as you can't afford. However, you can get welfare assisted clothing, food and even a mobile phone thanks to the great leader.  The great leader provides for you as you have no other choice. You don't have the freedom that comes with earning a living wage. 

What frightens a welfare slave? Well what frightens everyone? Having things taken away, no money, food, totally losing everything?  The strategic benefit for the despotic regime is that you provide the things. You control everything! You control fear! Someone disagrees with, you take away the things. You blame dissenters for the problems and the fact that no ambition can be fulfilled. They don't believe so they are anti-progressive, an enemy of everyone. After all if they succeed the great leader will not be able to give you things anymore. One day a citizen wakes to find they have no say, choice or chance.

When a person works and chooses their work destiny is based on their effort, their determination and inherent drive to succeed. America is about the chance to succeed without limits. You can drive a Bentley, wear Hugo Boss or eat at any restaurant you choose if only you work for it. That is not unfair. The successful did build that.

The nice liberal term of art for Socialism or Marxism is now social justice. Lets face it its redistribution by any other name. This holds “there should be no disparity in society between the rich or the poor, the lazy or productive”. Its utopianism at its most naive and simply results in mediocrity.  The famous comment from Soviet Workers “While they pretend to pay us we will pretend to work” defines its danger.

Conclusion, socialism isn't about social welfare, social care, social justice or even concern for your fellow man. Its a delivery model for power; its a methodology by which you make an underclass without power or hope. What socialism presumes is that a small elite of theoreticians know better than the majority and therefore, democracy doesn't work as the voters are just not competent. 

Our danger, once you reach the level when a majority of the populace is totally dependent on the benevolence of a great leader, and his bi weekly check. Then democracy fails and we become a dictatorship.

Obama and his key advisor's are socialists, and they do think they are the smartest in the room. We have a great leader in waiting.

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MoveOn Attacks Ryan With Lies

Here is the latest from in the lie filled institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear campaign 4063558227?profile=originalagainst Rep. Paul Ryan.  How does MoveOn expect anyone outside their ever shrinking “progressive” echo chamber think-alike tank to take them seriously? Not only are the assertions about Paul Ryan based on misrepresentations, distortions and outright falsehoods, the only “supportive evidence” provided are links to and other “progressive” sites like Center for American Progress (funded by George Soros), Think Progress, Daily Kos, Huffington Post and The Advocate.  There is no question that the link sites are clearly biased in favor of “progressives” and are heartily devoted to spreading “progressive” propaganda.

4063558141?profile=originalIf this is not a clear cut case of “I’m right because I said so” vapidity then 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

MoveOn even lies to its own people by saying MoveOn gets no big checks from CEOs.  Apparently they count on membership from uninformed people who have never heard of the huge donations MoveOn has received over the years from billionaire George Soros.

Below is the text as sent out in an email by MoveOn:

Dear MoveOn member,

Paul Ryan is bad for America. He's anti-choice, and would give big tax cuts for millionaires, while raising taxes on the middle-class. He's a Tea Party favorite who takes donations from the billionaire Koch brothers, and he introduced one of harshest and most inhumane budgets in recent history. His ideological hero for many years called selfishness a virtue and charity an abomination.

But most people don't know just how bad Paul Ryan is. So we made this list of 10 things to know about Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential pick, Paul Ryan. Read it, then click here to share this list as an image on social media, or just forward this email! The future of America is on the line—from a woman's right to choose to our economy.

10 Things to know about Paul Ryan

1. His economic plan would cost America 1 million jobs in the first year. Ryan's proposed budget would cripple the economy. He'd slash spending deeply, which would not only slow job growth, but shock the economy and cost 1 million of us our jobs in 2013 alone and kill more than 4 million jobs by the end of 2014.1

2. He'd kill Medicare. He'd replace Medicare with vouchers for retirees to purchase insurance, eliminating the guarantee of health care for seniors and putting them at the mercy of the private insurance industry. That could amount to a cost increase of more than $5,900 by 2050, leaving many seniors broke or without the health care they need. He'd also raise the age of eligibility to 67.2

3. He'd pickpocket the middle class to line the pockets of the rich. His tax plan is Robin Hood in reverse. He wants to cut taxes by $4.6 trillion over the next decade, but only for corporations and the rich, like giving families earning more than $1 million a year a $300,000 tax cut. And to pay for them, he'd raise taxes on middle- and lower-income households and butcher social service programs that help middle- and working-class Americans.3

4. He's an anti-choice extremist. Ryan co-sponsored an extremist anti-choice bill, nicknamed the 'Let Women Die Act,' that would have allowed hospitals to deny women emergency abortion care even if their lives were at risk. And he co-sponsored another bill that would criminalize some forms of birth control, all abortions, and in vitro fertilization.4

5. He'd dismantle Social Security. Ironically, Ryan used the Social Security Survivors benefit to help pay for college, but he wants to take that possibility away from future generations. He agrees with Rick Perry's view that Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme" and he supported George W. Bush's disastrous proposal to privatize Social Security.5

6. He'd eliminate Pell grants for more than 1 million low-income students. His budget plan cuts the Pell Grant program by $200 billion, which could mean a loss of educational funding for 1 million low-income students.6

7. He'd give $40 billion in subsidies to Big Oil. His budget includes oil tax breaks worth $40 billion, while cutting "billions of dollars from investments to develop alternative fuels and clean energy technologies that would serve as substitutes for oil."7

8. He's another Koch-head politician. Not surprisingly, the billionaire oil-baron Koch brothers are some of Ryan's biggest political contributors. And their company, Koch industries, is Ryan's biggest energy-related donor. The company's PAC and affiliated individuals have given him $65,500 in donations.8

9. He opposes gay rights. Ryan has an abysmal voting record on gay rights. He's voted to ban adoption by gay couples, against same-sex marriage, and against repealing "don't ask, don't tell." He also voted against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2009.9

10. He thinks an "I got mine, who cares if you're okay" philosophy is admirable. For many years, Paul Ryan devoted himself to Ayn Rand's philosophy of selfishness as a virtue. It has shaped his entire ethic about whom he serves in public office. He even went as far as making his interns read her work.10

If there was ever any doubt that Mitt Romney's got a disastrous plan for America—he made himself 100% clear when he picked right-wing extremist Paul Ryan as his running mate. Paul Ryan is bad for America, but we can't beat him if Americans don't know everything he stands for. Share this list with all your friends by clicking here, or simply forward this email.

Thanks for all you do.

–Justin, Carrie, Steven, Stephen, and the rest of the team


1. "Ryan's Budget, Robin Hood in reverse," Economic Policy Institute

2. "12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan," Think Progress, August 11, 2012

3."Ryan Budget Would Raise Some Taxes; Guess Who Gets Hit?," Off the Charts, April 12, 2012

"Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds," The Washington Post, June 19, 2012

4. "Statement on Mitt Romney's Selection of Rep. Paul Ryan for His Vice-Presidential Running Mate," NARAL, August 11, 2012

"Paul Ryan's Extreme Abortion Views," The Daily Beast, August 11, 2012

"Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds," Huffington Post, August 11, 2012

5. "12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan," Think Progress, August 11, 2012

"Ayn Rand would have HATED Paul Ryan," Daily Kos, August 12, 2012

6. "Pell Grants For Poor Students Lose $170 Billion In Ryan Budget," Huffington Post, March 27, 2012

7. "Ryan Budget Pads Big Oil's Pockets with Senseless Subsidies," Center for American Progress, March 20, 2012

8. "Koch brothers have Paul Ryan's back," Politico, August 11, 2012

9. "Paul Ryan as VP Matches Mitt Romney on Homophobia," The Advocate, August 11, 2012

10."Paul Ryan And Ayn Rand", The New Republic, December 28, 2010

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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4063518143?profile=originalWhat’s deplorable about this in the land of the "supposed free"?-You Decide:


“When I first became involved in political issues and events some 45 years ago as a young man just out of high school, it was because I believed in the ideals of our Founding Fathers. I had a young man’s zeal for the American dream of individuals living their lives free of government control and harassment. I was comfortable in the knowledge that I lived in the greatest nation on earth, where I could speak my mind; choose my own future; and nothing but my own limitations would stand in my way.

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were my guidelines. I learned of them in a public school classroom, where we were taught why the American system of free enterprise and limited government were the reasons the United States had the highest standard of living in the world. It was the reason our solders were proud to serve and defend those ideas. Around the world, we were known as honest, trustworthy friends and allies. We were the envy of the world.

I got involved in politics, supporting these ideas, at a time when radical leftists who hated our style of government, were marching in the streets, carrying placards of Mao and labeling our nation “Amerika.” I stood against them. I gave speeches to local service clubs; I wrote articles; I took action on college campuses, fighting to keep them open and safe as these extremists were shutting down classes and even burning buildings. It was a time of great violence and it was the beginning of a long revolution that has now completely changed our nation.

How severe has America changed? Today, as I stand for exactly the same ideals of American liberty as I did in 1967, I have just been labeled a threat to my country by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). In fact, they say I am a right wing extremist, a racist and a potentially violent domestic terrorist.

In a recent SPLC report entitled, “30 New Activists Heading Up The Radical Right,” I have been named along with what SPLC calls “Islamophobes,” “Political Opportunists,” “Religious Right Anti-Gay groups” and “Patriot groups.” Says the report, “Most dramatically, so- called ‘Patriot’ groups – which, unlike most hate groups, see the federal government as their primary enemy – have grown explosively in just the last three years…” Of course they’re talking about the Tea Party as a hate movement, and I’m pretty sure that’s why I’m listed. In particular, they report on my efforts against Agenda 21, saying “DeWeese’s outfit is only one of several obsessed with what has become one of the main conspiracy theories of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement.” This new report from SPLC is just the latest in a series of attacks against Conservatives and others who support the founding principles of the United States, dating back over the past few years.

In March, 2010, SPLC issued a report entitled “Rage on the Right: The Year in Hate and Extremism,” in which groups opposed to issues like the Obama health care plan and illegal immigration were lumped with white supremacist groups like the National Socialist Movement and Neo-Nazi Skin Heads.

In August, 2010 SPLC launched an attack against my organization, the American Policy Center, and our national conference, The Freedom Action Conference, held at Valley Forge, PA. The event featured such speakers as best selling author Tom Woods, former presidential candidate Michael Badnarik, Sheriff Richard Mack, five respected state legislators, and many more well known spokesmen.

The title of the SPLC attack against me read, “Patriot Rhetoric Becomes Increasingly Violent,” and said we were “united by rage” at the federal government. Not one speaker at our conference advocated violence or lawlessness of any kind. I can prove these statements because we have the entire conference on video tape. Yet we were labeled as dangerous and potentially violent terrorists by SPLC. In fact, Sherriff Richard Mack was specifically singled out as one of our speakers whom they say advocated violence. He has filed a law suit against SPLC and will use our video as part of his evidence.

Of course, annually SPLC puts out its list of what it calls “hate” groups and individuals it deems dangerous to the nation. That list is almost exclusively respected pro-Constitution spokesmen.

I live in the world of rough and tumble politics. Charges are regularly made in both directions. I give as good as I get. I attack over opposition to policy. They attack me for the same reason. It’s called political discourse; debate; and free speech. It’s been our right to participate in such public activity for over 200 years. So, why do I care what this one private organization (SPLC), with its own political agenda, says about me?

I care because the Southern Poverty Law Center has direct ties to the Department of Homeland Security, helping to write official DHS policy that may affect my life, my freedom, my ability to travel and my ability to speak out.

Consider the following facts:

Item: In 2009, The DHS issued a report entitled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

That official document of an agency of the United States government said “Right- wing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly anti- government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

Item: Two weeks later, the DHS released a second report entitled: “Domestic Extremism Lexicon,” designed to provide specific definitions of just who may be Right wing extremists.

That report labeled the following to be extremists, bordering on terrorism: Those concerned over the economy; loss of jobs; foreclosures; antagonism toward the Obama Administration; Criticism of free trade programs; anti-abortion; oppose same sex marriage; believe in the “end times;” stock pile food; oppose illegal immigration; oppose a New World Order; oppose the UN; oppose global governance; fear of Communist regimes; oppose loss of US manufacturing to overseas nations; oppose loss of US prestige; use of the internet (or alternative media) to express any of these ideas.

Right after both of these reports were issued, there was the shooting at the Holocaust Museum. Next to their news reports on the incident, many newspapers carried side bar articles citing the DHS reports, basically confirming that such violence is perpetrated by right wing nuts and justifying the concerns of the DHS – just like clockwork. Yet there was absolutely no connection found between that shooter and the right wing. But the damage was done.

And there’s more.

The Department of Homeland Security has established Fusion Centers in each state. These are designed to combine federal, state and local law enforcement. Their stated purpose is to assure immediate and efficient response to a terrorist attack or a Katrina-like disaster without bureaucratic red tape.

Item: However, in 2009, the Missouri Fusion Center set off a fire storm over a report it issued entitled “The Modern Militia Movement.” Reported Fox News, the report “identifies the warning signs of potential terrorists for law enforcement communities.” In other words, this report was issued to law enforcement agencies across the state as official documentation warning who the cops should look out for as potential violent terrorists.

The list of potential terrorists included Americans who voted for presidential candidate Ron Paul; Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin (who is included on the new 2012 list); and Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr. It also cited those of us who opposed the creation of a North American Union with Canada and Mexico.

Item: Immediately following the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the Arizona Fusion Center issued a report saying that the shooter was influenced by a right wing group called American Renaissance. Immediately the mainstream media picked up the report and flooded the airways with the story that the radical and violent right wing was responsible for the shootings.

The information was completely wrong. There is no evidence that there was ever any connection between the shooter and American Renaissance. Moreover, American Renaissance has never advocated violence or extremism.

Item: in the Spring of 2010, the Department of Homeland Security organized a “Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.” This is an advisory council given the task of creating a plan to reach out to local law enforcement and community activists for training to respond to potential violence and terrorist threat.

Leafing through the report one gets the distinct impression that the plan is basically a “turn in your neighbor,” neighborhood- watch approach. It talks extensively of “sharing” information, along with “training, training, training.”

Training for what? To identify potential terrorists, of course. And who are those potential terrorist? A look at the members of the working group offers a clue. While the group includes several public officials and law enforcement officials from around the nation, and it also includes Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an un-indicted co-conspirator in a case concerning the funding of Muslim terrorist organizations. Note that the new 2012 SPLC report labels those who oppose radical Islamic activities as “Islamophobes.” Coincidence?

The working group member list also includes Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center. In addition, as one of the “Subject Matter Experts,” it lists Laurie Wood, an analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center and an instructor for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

That training center is run by the Southern Poverty Law Center and is one of the most visible direct links between DHS, the Fusion Centers and SPLC. Law enforcement agencies actually send their personnel to these training classes to gain Federal Law Enforcement Training Center certification.

That means that policy for this DHS working group is being created by the very organization that has labeled those who advocate Constitutional law to be potential terrorists. In addition, the “training” called for in the report will most likely be conducted, at least in part, by the SPLC’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

The pattern is clear, one of the nation’s leading hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which opposes even the right of free speech by people it labels potential terrorists, is helping the largest federal enforcement agency in the nation to create its policy.

That policy clearly implies, according to DHS reports, that anyone disagreeing with actions of the American government is a potential terrorist and must be, at least, watched and monitored by federal, state, and local authorities.

The result of such surveillance could possibly lead to loss of freedom, loss of jobs, loss of the ability to travel, and loss of the ability to speak publicly, for anyone who opposes the private agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is an effort to silence their opponents. Honest political debate is now being interpreted as dangerous extremism.

Why is DHS dealing with such people? Are the policies of SPLC the same policies of the United States? If so, then freedom in America is in grave danger, indeed.

I believe there needs to be an immediate Congressional investigation into the ties between the Department of Homeland Security and the Southern Poverty Law Center and any other radical groups.

Particular attention should be paid to SPLC’s tax exempt status and the amount of money it receives from DHS or any other agency. And there should be an immediate stop to American law enforcement being trained by SPLC’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

The specific purpose of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the “STATE” against all enemies. According to its own reports, that has come to include anyone who uses their first amendment right to speak out against specific policies. Apparently, that has been interpreted by DHS to mean a threat to the STATE.

May I remind every American that the tanks, which ran over the student protesters in Tiananmen Square in Communist China were also protecting the STATE against its enemies.

I fear that if private groups with their own political agendas, like the SPLC are allowed to continue feeding their own brand of hatred into the policies of DHS, then such a comparison with China is not too far off. I don’t think that is the America any of us, whether liberal or conservative, wants.”

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.

A native of Ohio, he’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses since the age of 23. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society. Today he serves as Founder and President of the American Policy Center and editor of The DeWeese Report

For 40 years Tom DeWeese has been a businessman, grassroots activist, writer and publisher. As such, he has always advocated a firm belief in man’s need to keep moving forward while protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

The DeWeese Report , 70 Main Street, Suite 23, Warrenton Virginia. (540) 341-8911





4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

4063534957?profile=originalI. Homeland Security Report Labels Those “Reverent Of Individual Liberty” As Possible Terrorists!-Posted on Rob Port-On July 4, 2012:

4063534917?profile=originalII. 4 FROM WND ON MOST DANGEROUS LIST: ‘List of ‘30 new activists’ includes Farah, DeAnna, Mitchell, Geller!’-Posted on May 25, 2012:

4063534972?profile=originalIII. EXCLUSIVE—MCCONNELL: ‘RADICAL, DANGEROUS’ OBAMA ADMIN SEEKS TO ‘SHUT UP’ OPPONENTS!-Posted on Big Government-By BEN SHAPIRO-On June 14, 2012:

4063534984?profile=originalIV. Video: ForgeryGate: Why Was This Anti-Obama Eligibility Youtube Channel Terminated?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 1, 2012:

4063534936?profile=originalV. Irony—Police Shut-down Event Promoting U.S. Constitution. TMLC Files Lawsuit against Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI); Allegan Officials!-Posted on Thomas More Law Center-On April 30, 2012:

VI. Muslims tell DOJ to find a way to criminalize criticism of Islam!-Posted on Creeping Sharia-By creeping-On October 24, 2011:

Note: I believe that the following recent article relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Get ready for rights reduction

This New Law Just Killed Press Freedom!-Posted on Punching Bag Post-By Sean Gibbons, Staff Writer-On December 14, 2016:

Note: I believe that my following blogs relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Why Democrats Don’t Want To Make America Great Again!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:

4063521137?profile=originalWhy Liberals Are Afraid of the Fourth of July!-Posted on Jake Martinez-On July 3, 2012:


GOP Has Golden Opportunity to Expand Liberty, But do Americans actually want to limit government?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 1, 2016:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: I believe that my following blogs relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 14)!

It’s Happening: They Are Shutting Down “Fake News” Websites to Punish Alt Media Hillary Opponents!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 18, 2016:

4063518191?profile=originalWhat Happened to Free Speech?

4063534881?profile=originalAmerican Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!

4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-...

4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!

4063533322?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?

4063534892?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

4063534996?profile=originalWhat are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

4063503385?profile=originalFederal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!

Dr. James Manning Explains Why He Believes Andrew Breitbart Was Assassinated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 12, 2016:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:

4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!

4063371865?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063521137?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

4063370764?profile=originalFollow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-Scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!

Time To Remember The Price Of Freedom!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063359965?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
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Mission Statement[i]
Create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community.

American diplomacy in the 21st century is based on fundamental beliefs: our freedom is best protected by ensuring that others are free; our prosperity depends on the prosperity of others; and our security relies on a global effort to secure the rights of all. The history of the American people is the chronicle of our efforts to live up to our ideals. In this moment in history, we recognize that the United States has an immense responsibility to use its power constructively to advance security, democracy, and prosperity around the globe. We will pursue these interests and remain faithful to our beliefs.

FY 2004-2009 Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan


According to the U.S. State Department, for the fiscal years 2004-2009, the United States mission is to createsecurity, democracy and prosperity throughout the world not only for U.S. citizens, but the people of the world as a whole. While I find this statement to be extremely generous and altruistic, I can’t help but wonder why the U.S. State Departments mission statement is a contradiction rather than an axiom. The premise is fraught with controversy which necessitates discussion.  Typically, actions speak louder than words; I shall endeavor to discuss both the actions and the words of the U.S. State Department.

I suggest we take a look at this mission statement which was taken directly from the U.S. Department of State website and fully examine its meaning. Let’s start with the statement: the creation of a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community. While I would agree the United States has acted in an honorable fashion in the past, such as, the sacrifices made by the American people to end Hitler’s reign of terror. This effort, of course, was not just an American effort; it was an effort by many people of many nations who worked together for a common and righteous goal. I believe the end result was in fact, a more secure, just, and prosperous world. But let’s fast forward to the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty first century and examine our actions.

Iraq is a good example of the U.S. State Departments mission. How many bombs and bullets does it take to create security, democracy or prosperity in Iraq? From January 1991 to December 2011 the expenditure of munitions by the United States and its allies in Iraq hasn’t actually created security, democracy or prosperity; it has created instability, inequality and poverty. I’m not suggesting Saddam Hussein wasn’t a ruthless dictator, I am suggesting he was an ally and protégé of the CIA and the U.S. State Department. So how did this war that basically lasted 20 years (I include the years between Operation Desert Storm and the 2003 Iraq War, when the U.S. military maintained a no-fly zone by bombing Iraq), create a secure, democratic and prosperous Iraq as a result of our CIA protégé Saddam Hussein and the U.S. State Department mission?

Iraq had one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East after the Ba’ath party stepped away from the CIA following the coup in 1968. This increased standard of living happened over the next 22 years, basically through the nationalization of the Iraqi oil industry[ii]. Now that the U.S. military has left Iraq, after 20 years of war, the Iraqi standard of living is improving somewhat, yet in 2008 the World Food Programme[iii] estimated “3.1% of Iraqi households were described as “food insecure” and living with hunger and fearing starvation.” This is a sad but “considerable improvement to the 15.4% figure from the survey in 2005.” In 2010 the BBC reported, “23% of Iraqis live below the poverty line[iv].” However, I find it hard to believe Iraqi’s are more secure as a result of its people fearing starvation or because of the 20 year killing spree in their country by the west, or the 8 years of war with Iran for certain favors by Saddam’s mentor, the CIA and the U.S. State Department. Figures for documented civilian deaths from violence in the 2nd Persian Gulf War, also known as the 2003 Iraq War, alone are between 107,055 and 116,979 people according to IBC (Iraq Body Count) [v].


“…In the case of Iraq, the question that emerges from this consideration is,

“Was there any other way to remove Saddam?” In this case, the answer, as

described above, is yes, but the U.S. government is not sufficiently dexterous

or focused to accomplish lower cost, longer-term solutions.


The conclusion is that American leaders and the American people must assume

that a foreign policy objective must be so important that it is worth doing very

badly--because it is probable that the U.S. government will, in the event, do

it very badly.Good intentions are not enough. Our good intentions, when

acted upon, have done much damage.”


Charles Duelfer[vi]

Excerpt from, Hide and Seek: The Search for Truth in Iraq



I can only wonder how 20 years of war with the U.S. from 1991 to 2011, along with the decades of meddling by the CIA and the U.S. State Department has created a more secure, democratic and prosperous Iraq? If you look at Iraq today you will find a country besieged by violence; the daily Al Jazeera reports of violence in Iraq are all similar, “Iraq: A country still in shambles[vii],” “Scores killed in Iraq attacks[viii],” and “Has sectarian violence returned to Iraq[ix].” Daily reports from the BBC are almost mirror images, “Deadly blasts hit Baghdad, Kirkuk and other Iraq cities[x],” “Iraq violence: Eight killed in Baquba café bomb attacks[xi],” and “Bomb attack in Iraq kills three Lebanese Shia pilgrims[xii].”

Should the United States aggressively fight and act as the policemen of the world? I would argue our Navy should and does protect international waters to keep open all shipping lanes as well as protect mariners on the high seas, but this is just as much a duty and responsibility of other nations Navies as it is ours. But why should the U.S. military actually be required (other than to simply follow orders), or if it is even legal, to act in other nations at the behest of the U.S. State Department as their minions to further a misguided U.S. State Department foreign policy agenda? I’m not certain within how many countries a combative role is played by the U.S. military, or if it is even possible to know the true number, but reports indicate “direct action has been taken by the U.S. military in Yemen and Somalia[xiii].” In 1980, “The Reagan-Bush administration begins funding the Contra War[xiv],” according to, “This ten-year war is fought at the cost of 60,000 lives, 178 billion dollars, and the Nicaraguan infrastructure and economy.” Other reports state, “The U.S. funded the rebels, illegally mined a harbor, taught the rebels terror tactics, and destroyed the elected government’s infrastructure. Nicaragua lost approximately a quarter of its population and the rest were terrorized[xv].” Or the U.S. involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990’s as stated in a report, “Croatian troops were being trained by…Military Professional Resources, which was licensed by the U.S. State Department. Some believe the U.S. actually instructed Croatia when to proceed with their attack and promised to reward them[xvi].”  Further evidence the U.S. acts as the policemen of the world, are U.S. military operations in Africa as reported by Al Jazeera in, “Timeline; US military activity in Africa…from 1993 to 2011[xvii].” I do believe the Congress should act solely based upon what is best for the people of our nation when we are attacked. I must also note; many of the operations in Africa during that time were security and evacuation operations of U.S. citizens, U.S. government personnel at U.S. embassies and third nation citizens which are acceptable under the U.S. Constitution. But the true purpose of the U.S. military is for the common defence as stated in the U.S. Constitution. However, without express consent from another sovereign nation asking for our assistance, we have no authority to act within those borders and we should not be compelled to act within those borders as the world’s policemen. Unless the United States has been attacked byanother nation or our citizens in those nations have been attacked, where is our obligation?

While our fundamental beliefs may be to ensure that others are free, prosperous and secure in their rights; our beliefs, as set forth in the U.S. Constitution[xviii], undeniably are intended for the citizens of this great nation; the United States of America. Can we actually defend policies of the U.S. State Department which bring our economy and the economies of other nations to the brink of ruin[xix]? The U.S. State Department must believe the power of the United States, whether wielded constructively or destructively is a responsible way to advance their form of security, democracy and prosperity around the globe. Reuters reports approximately 250,000 deaths, 365,000 wounded and 7.8 million people displaced in Iraq alone and a possible dollar cost of 3.7 to 4.4 trillion for Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan according to Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies[xx]. The report also noted even with the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, “Iraq and Afghanistan are far from stable democracies.” The National Priorities Project breaks down the costs of the 2003 Iraq War and the Afghanistan War in Cost of War to the United States, which clearly shows, ‘prosperity’ is definitely not part of the U.S. State Department equation[xxi]. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter recently accused the Obama administration of sanctioning the widespread abuse of human rights[xxii] and violating 10 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[xxiii]with regard to drone attacks. How do these violations of individual human rights ‘secure the rights of all’ as described in the U.S. State Departments mission statement?

Should the U.S. engage in activities which cause massive death and destruction in other sovereign nations, such as Iraq[xxiv], without just cause? Chief inspector for the U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group, Charles A. Duelfer stated to a Senate panel, “We were almost all wrong” on Iraq. If Mr. Hans Blix[xxv], head of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) from March 2000 to June 2003, stated the war was illegal, and Dr. David Kay[xxvi]chief inspector of the U.S.-led ISG (who resigned 23 January 2004) and his successor Mr. Charles A. Duelfer, all stated there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, then where was the just cause for the invasion?

Perhaps as a Republic, we should demand the Congress of the United States act in a manner as set forth in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution with concern to the Declaration of War and not hand that power over to the Executive Branch of government, which has the power to Make War, but not declare war. However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit didn’t see it that way[xxvii]. The U.S Constitution also states in Article II, Section 1 with regard to the duties of the President, “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”” If the U.S. President and the U.S. Congress fail to act in a manner as set forth in the U.S. Constitution, then haven’t they violated the U.S. Constitution?

We should act if possible, to provide freedom, prosperity and human rights to everyone on the planet through diplomacy. Unfortunately, the U.S. State Departments attempts in this area are generally at gunpoint or through bribery. But first and foremost, the Constitution of the United States of America was and is intended to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity.”

An example of the U.S. State Departments policy of diplomacy at gunpoint is the invasion of Iraq in March of 2003. Prior to the invasion, the UN Security Council was advised by Mr. Blix the lead weapons inspector, that Iraq was cooperating and had given access, but no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were found. After the invasion, the U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group didn’t find one WMD[xxviii]. The transcript from an interview with Margaret Warner of PBS and chief inspector for the U.S.-led ISG, Mr. Duelfer, states there were no WMD in Iraq[xxix]. An example of the U.S. State Departments policy of diplomacy through bribery is a $7.5 billion dollar aid package to Pakistan. The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated the money would mainly go to seven signature  projects[xxx]. The New York Times report further stated, “Pakistanis see the aid as a crude attempt to buy friendship and an effort to alleviate antipathy toward United States drone attacks against militants in the tribal areas.”

The founding fathers of this nation created a Constitutional Republic, they never intended to create a democracy[xxxi], nor did they intend to export such ideals around the globe. I would unequivocally state, the chronicle of American efforts throughout the history of this great nation have been to uphold such lofty ideals as stated in the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence; which among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness[xxxii]. U.S. citizens have historically been a generous people, who are concerned with the general welfare of others; within the United States as well as outside of her borders. Yet nowhere within the U.S. Constitution does it state, “We the People of the United Stateswill provide these ideals to the entire globe, whether they like it or not.”

Perhaps the U.S. State Departments desire for democracy around the globe should be examined as well as the word itself. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary[xxxiii] defines democracy as “a government by the people; especially: rule of the majority” and “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” However, if we look at the etymology of democracy, I believe we find something entirely different. According to The Olin Revelation[xxxiv], typically, the traditional viewpoint is “democracy is derived from two Greek words: demos, meaning the common people, and kratos, meaning rule.” Other ancient Greek words also “meant or are related to” common people, such as “idiotes” meaning “unskilled person” (“people who didn’t participate in public life”), or “laos” which is where “we get the words laymen and laity” it also means “people of the same community.” However, kratos“appears to be closely associated with acts of strength, courage and/or violence.” So one could easily say and define democracy as “governance by force,” which seems to fit in with the U.S. State Departments mission statement as well as its actions.


                       “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety,

                                                      deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

                                                              Benjamin Franklin[xxxv]


Assume the U.S State Department is concerned with democracy and freedom for the U.S. and others around the globe. Why do their actions point away from so-called democracy and freedom? Under Section 411 of the USA PATRIOT Act, the Secretary of State has the power to designate groups, whether foreign or domestic, as terrorists[xxxvi]. Terrorist activity is defined and states, “…’engage in terrorist activity’ means, in an individual capacity or as a member of an organization--to commit or incite to commit, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity.” By definition, the Secretary of State could label a home-owner a terrorist for killing an intruder within the home in the middle of the night as well as label members of the military or law enforcement agencies who act within the scope of their duties, as such. Another example, is the U.S. State Departments desire to have their own drones as reported by Nextgov, “The procurement…marks the start of a project to provide…UAV assets that could be deployed anywhere in the world[xxxvii].” Of course this is proffered under the guise of security for diplomats, which is undoubtedly a euphemism for spying.

The New York Times reported on 9 December 2011 about a formal complaint to the UN Security Council by Iran, “The hostile and aggressive behavior of the United States in sending a sophisticated radar-evading spy drone over Iranian territory[xxxviii].” Congress has not made a Declaration of War with regard to Iran, yet we violate their airspace with a surveillance drone. I’m certain the U.S. Department of State considers this to be security for the American and Iranian people, just as their desire for a worldwide fleet of drones is for the protection of the world. However, the U.S. State Department is not alone in this endeavor. The U.S. Congress has passed a bill which requires the FAA to open American airspace to drones by 2015. PRESSTV[xxxix] reports, “There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities” according to, Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Project on Government Secrecy[xl]. I can only wonder how this possibly furthers a more secure, democratic and prosperous world. However, I do believe the definition of democracy as “governance by force”applies.

The National Security Agency (NSA) is building a new massive complex in Bluffdale Utah. According to Reader Supported News (RSN) as well as The Extinction Protocol, “near-bottomless databases” will collect and store “all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases and other digital “pocket litter[xli].”” This is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated[xlii].” The upshot according to a senior intelligence official, “Everybody’s a target; everybody with communication is a target.” I believe this is a perfect example of the U.S. government’s desire to control peoples every move; to do away with Justice, to discard domestic Tranquility, to completely forget about the general Welfare, and to remove peoples Blessings of Liberty not only for themselves, but for their Posterity as well. None of what is happening is about security, democracy or prosperity; this is all about governance by force. Invasive government tactics such as these, whether domestic or international, are a threat to our Freedom, our Liberty and our way of life.

I freely state without reservation, the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress and Judiciary as well as the U.S. State Department have nothing but utter contempt and disdain for the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Our Republic has been decimated by those who wish to do the same on a global level. I cannot believe we have been using our power constructively over the last number of decades, or we would have been trying to form a more perfect Union, as our founding fathers envisioned, rather than foisting the U.S. governments and the U.S. State Departments depraved policies on ourselves and on other peoples. By allowing these “Nabobs of Obfuscation and Deceit” the unfettered power to destroy people and nations, “We the People” of the United States are, in fact, also guilty of violating the U.S. Constitution by allowing Hypocrites and Prevaricatorsthe absolute power which they so desperately crave. We have neither advanced security in the U.S. nor abroad. We have not advanced Liberty or prosperity around the globe, and we certainly have not advanced Liberty or prosperity right here in the United States of America.


                “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”

                                                                  Thomas Jefferson[xliii]



God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America. Completed on this 2ndday of July, in the year of our Lord 2012.



Brett L. Baker




[i] U.S. Department of State; FY 2004-2009 Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan


[ii] Michael Parenti. To Kill Iraq, May 2003


[iii] World Food Programme; United Nations World Food Programme, Fighting Hunger Worldwide


[iv] BBC; “Iraq: Key facts and figures,”7 September 2010


[v] IBC; Iraq Body Count, Documented civilian deaths from violence,31 May 2012


[vi] Charles Duelfer; Hide and Seek: The Search for Truth in Iraq,(Page xvi-xvii)  2009

[vii] Al Jazeera; “Iraq: A country still in shambles,”10 January 2012


[viii] Al Jazeera; “Scores killed in Iraq attacks,”13 June 2012


[ix] Al Jazzera; “Has sectarian violence returned to Iraq?”18 June 2012


[x] BBC; “Deadly blasts hit Baghdad, Kirkuk and other Iraq cities,”19 April 2012


[xi] BBC; “Iraq violence: Eight killed in Baquba café bomb attacks,”26 April 2012


[xii] BBC; “Bomb attack in Iraq kills three Lebanese Shia pilgrims,”23 May 2012


[xiii] The Washington Post;, “US declassifies counterterror military

            Campaigns in Yemen and Somalia; no mention of drones”15 June 2012



[xiv]; “Timeline: Nicaragua”


[xv]; “Introduction to Nicaragua”


[xvi] United States History,; U.S. Involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina


[xvii] Al Jazeera; “Timeline: US military activity in Africa, A breakdown of US military

            activity in Africa from 1993 to 2011”14 October 2011


[xviii] Constitution of the United States;17 September 1787


[xix] The U.S. Debt Clock; US Debt


[xx] Reuters; “Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting,”29 June 2011


[xxi] National Priorities Project; Cost Of War to the United States,


[xxii] ABC NEWS;, “Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of ‘Widespread Abuse of Human Rights,’”25 June 2012



[xxiii] The United Nations; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,10 December 1948


[xxiv] The Washington Post;, “U.S. ‘Almost All Wrong’ on Weapons,

            Report on Iraq Contradicts Bush Administration Claims”7 October 2004


[xxv] Common Dreams, Building Progressive Community; “Blix; Iraq War Was Illegal, Blair’s defense is bogus,

            says the former UN weapons inspector,” Independent/UK, 5 March 2004

[xxvi] National Public Radio; “David Kay: WMDs That Never Were, A War That Ever Was,”29 May 2011


[xxvii] United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit; Doe vs. Bush, No. 03-1266,13 March 2003


[xxviii] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, “Iraq War.”


[xxix] PBS NEWSHOUR, “Iraq Findings Conclude No Weapons of Mass Destruction Existed in Iraq,”27 April 2005


[xxx] The New York Times, “U.S. Aid Plan for Pakistan is Foundering,”1 May 2011


[xxxi]  Daneel G. Peterson Ph.D.; America is a Constitutional Republic…NOT a Democracy, 9 September 2006


[xxxii] The Declaration of Independence; 4 July 1776

[xxxiii] Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Definition of DEMOCRACY


[xxxiv] Olin Revelation; Reconsidering the Etymology of Democracy, 2008


[xxxv] Wikiquote; Benjamin Franklin,February 1775


[xxxvi]; USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, Section 411-421,2001


[xxxvii] Nextgov; “State Department Seeks a Global Drone Fleet,”4 April 2012


[xxxviii] The New York Times; “Iran Complains to Security Council About Spy Drone,”9 December 2011



[xxxix] PRESSTV; “Congress OKs drone fights in US airspace,”9 February 2012


[xl] Federation of American Scientists; Project on Government Secrecy


[xli]; “The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

            (Watch What You Say)”15 March 2012



        The Extinction Protocol; 2012 and Beyond; “Total surveillance ‘Big Brother’ society fast

            becoming reality in America”2 April 2012



[xlii] The Bill of Rights;15 December 1791


[xliii] Wikiquote; Thomas Jefferson,27 May 1788




Read more…

4063503170?profile=originalWhat's disturbing about this picture?-You Decide:

OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On June 7, 2012:

Has Barack Obama been caught in a lie that could become a major issue in the upcoming election?

During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Obama’s camp categorically denied he was ever a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

The  denial came amid reports of Obama’s participation with the party, including several articles by WND.

WND previously reported on newspaper evidence showing Obama was listed as a member of the New Party in the group’s own literature.

WND also conducted an exclusive interview with Marxist activist Car..., a founder of the New Party, who recounted Obama’s participation.

In 2010, John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, recalled speaking with Obama at New Party events in the 1990s.

Aaron Klein’s “Red Army: The Radical Network That Must Be Defeated ...

“When we spoke together at New Party events in those days, he was blunt about his desire to move the Democratic Party off the cautious center where Bill Clinton had wedged it,” wrote Nichols in a January 2009 piece published at

Now, researcher and author Stanley Kurtz, writing at National Review Online today, reports on documentation from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society that “definitively establishes” that Obama was a member of the New Party.

Kurtz reported Obama also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

In 2008, Obama’s Fight the Smears campaign website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, as stating: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.”

Fight the Smears conceded the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined.

According to documents from the Democratic Socialists of America, the New Party worked with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his 2008 campaign for president.

Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party’s political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a “visible and active relationship” with the party.

If Obama indeed signed the contract, not only would his campaign be caught in a lie but it could prove highly embarrassing for him at a time when he is fighting claims, including from Mitt Romney’s camp, that his policies are socialist.

Also, Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” has been criticized for its use of a historic socialist slogan.

Socialist goals:

The socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.

Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth; and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

The New Party stated it also sought “the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions.”

Many of the New Party’s founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the 'Communist Party USA.'

Last month, WND reported on a 1996 print advertisement in a local Chicago newspaper that shows Obama was the speaker at an event sponsored and presented by the 'Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.'

WND first reported on the event in 2008.

Obama listed as New Party member:

While Obama’s campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party, print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.”

The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.

New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.”

The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral “fusion,” which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party disbanded in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  On September 26-27, 2009, the following eye-opening articles were published by The Post & Email that revealed a recently released declassified FBI report that exposed then Senator Obama’s ties to the Weather Underground, which was a radical marxist terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers. These articles also revealed the objectives of the 'Students for Democratic Society (SDS)' as stated by Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayer’s wife, during a National Council meeting of SDS in December, 1968: “We are building a working class revolutionary movement to overthrow the capitalists, and the imperialist structure of the United States and the world.”  She stressed the importance of an international alliance with the “third word” in order to “smash American imperialism”, and advocated the creation of an international revolutionary consciousness.  Suspiciously this information was also kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by main stream media outlets that are funded by anti-American George Soros as a means of helping then Senator Obama get elected. If True-What's wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

4063523413?profile=originalDeclassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part I-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 26, 2009:

4063523413?profile=originalDeclassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part II-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 27, 2009:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Posted on Big Journalism-By JOHN NOLTE-On June 7, 2012:

“In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing—Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were this close to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s back, the media was refusing to vet the history and background of anyone in Obama’s past (besides, most every investigative reporter in the free world was in a place called Wasilla), and then along came the news that while in Chicago, as a grown man in his 30s, Barack Obama had joined something called The New Party—a radical, socialist organization whose political endorsement he had sought.

The story threatened to become a late-October surprise, the kind of story that would not only once again prove Obama’s disturbingly radical not-so-distant past, but also tie together just who this man really was (and is). It would also damage Obama’s credibility, and prove that he had been covering up his radical associations, and worse, lying about it.

The corrupt media, naturally, was hoping to run out the clock and was therefore willfully ignoring the story. Online, however, things were heating up. Right-of-center blogs were pushing the story as much as they could and like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, it threatened to spill over into the mainstream media and damage—gasp—a Democrat.

Well, this is why The Media Devil invented Ben Smith and his dark art of BenSmithing.

Jumping into the line of fire to protect his Precious One, Smith wrote this:

“Popping up in my inbox lately, and on some conservative blogs, is the allegation that Barack Obama was once a member of the Communist/Socialist/secretive/evil New Party, which is based (reasonably) on a New Party publication describing him in passing as a member.

When this first emerged, I called up the founder of the New Party, a University of Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers, who objected both to the characterization of the party and Obama’s relationship to it.

On the first point, the New Party was a attempt to build a model of political fusion. It dissolved after losing a Supreme Court ruling aimed at making fusion—a system under which more than one party can run the same candidate, which exists in some states—universal.”

And blah, blah, blah.

This is classic BenSmithing—in which he takes on a controversial subject that might damage Obama, pretends to play investigative journalist, assumes the role of the writer of a “definitive” piece that finally answers all the questions, and then sends the story to sleep with the fishes.  

The corrupt media, of course, loves this. Smith allows them to point to his work and rationalize to themselves that there’s “nothing to see here”—so let’s move along and elect a man no one knows anything about.

Kurtz knew he had been BenSmithed and immediately responded with this piece, but to no avail. When you were BenSmithed in 2008, you stayed BenSmithed.

Truth has nothing to do with BenSmithing. Ben Smith knows this and so does the media that found him so useful. BenSmithing is a political tactic that disguises itself as journalism in order to protect Democrats, most specifically our failed president. The way it works is really quite simple:

1. Something happens or is discovered that might hurt Obama.

2. That something is discovered in the alternative media and uncovered.

3. Ben Smith (or the equally dishonest PolitiFact and Media Matters) pretend to investigate it, write something up disguised as “definitive,” and then hand the complicit media an excuse to ignore it.

Though he’s probably in the top ten-percent, Smith isn’t the most dishonest journalist out there, he’s just the smartest. I’ve been watching this guy and trying to sound the alarm about him for going on four years now. He’s a Journalistic Super-Villain—a genius who has done more to protect Barack Obama and assure the American people never learn the truth than any other individual reporter.

Here are some specific and notable examples:

In February of 2008, Smith wrote the “definitive “nothing-to-see-here” piece covering Obama’s relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The headline itself was a lie: “Obama once visited ‘60s radicals,” and Smith even buried his own lead:

“As Bloomberg News reported recently, Obama and Ayers have crossed paths repeatedly in the last decade. In 1997, Obama cited Ayers’ critique of the juvenile justice system in a Chicago Tribune article on what prominent Chicagoans were reading. He and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for three years starting in 1999. In 2001, Ayers also gave $200 to Obama’s state Senate reelection campaign.

Many details of the 1995 meeting are shrouded by time and by Obama’s and Ayers’ refusals to discuss it.”

Real journalists would follow that up, but until New Media came of age a couple of years later, there were no real journalists available.

There are more 2008 election-year examples, including, of course, the New Party cover up. But let’s fast-forward to July of 2010. Ben Smith was no longer protecting a “historic” candidate, he was now protecting Power, with a “nothing to see here” piece about a scandal that threatened to swamp Obama’s burgeoning presidency.

Eric Holder’s Justice Department had just dropped a slam-dunk case involving the New Black Panther Party, whose members had been notoriously caught on video menacing voters during the 2008 election. There was even a whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, who had testified before Congress that the Justice Department was practicing racial bias.

To the rescue came Smith with this non-story. One conservative dismisses the charges, Smith blows it up into a major feature piece, and now the corrupt media has what they need to move along and pretend there is no story.

Which is exactly what the media did.

Earlier this year, Smith made the mistake of trying to BenSmith us. The day after Andrew Breitbart’s funeral, we all woke up to discover that Smith (who had by then moved to BuzzFeed) had thought he scooped Breitbart News by releasing a 1991 video from Obama’s days at Harvard. In order to control the explosion of this video, Smith spun it into a positive for Obama. Thankfully, because it’s not 2008 anymore, this time his BenSmithing blew up in Ben Smith’s face.

You can read the full story of that sorry episode here.  

If you read the examples linked above, what you’ll discover is that Smith is only disguising himself as a reporter, but what he’s really doing is killing stories and narratives potentially damaging to Barack Obama. If you read the stories, you’ll see that he is either the most incurious reporter ever created or the most easily duped into believing anything.

Believe me, Smith is nobody’s dupe. Because he’s a left-wing operative disguised as a reporter, he simply writes on these subjects without ever doing what real reporters do: asking follow-up questions, raising questions, or demanding proof.   

But acting like a real reporter would give the story life, extend the narrative, and therefore hurt His Precious One—something BenSmithing is designed to ensure never happens.

By the way, Ben Smith owes Stanley Kurtz an apology, but I suspect Smith has known that all along.

“The nice thing about the new-media space is how quickly it self-corrects. Breitbart’s sites now have a growing credibility problem.” Smith added: “And for all the talk of the speed of the Internet, online, like offline, reporting is a long, endless game, and with fewer and fewer trusted institutions to dispense it at will, credibility is a scarce and extremely valuable commodity. - Ben Smith


4063523368?profile=originalII. Obama Caught Lying Again!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On June 7, 2012:

4063523383?profile=originalIII. NEW DOCS REPORTEDLY SHOW OBAMA WAS A MEMBER OF THE FAR-LEFT ‘NEW PARTY’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 7, 2012:

4063523393?profile=originalIV. Obama’s Third-Party History!-Posted on National Review Online-By Stanley Kurtz-On June 7, 2012:

4063523459?profile=originalV. Video: Proof Obama Member Of Socialist New Party!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On June 8, 2012:

4063523447?profile=originalVI. 'NEW PARTY' LITERATURE SUGGESTS OBAMA PAID DUES TO JOIN!-Posted on Big Government-By JOHN SEXTON-On June 8, 2012:

4063523552?profile=originalVII. See no socialist, hear no socialist: Media’s Obama cover-up!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On June 7, 2012:

4063503170?profile=originalVIII. UNMASKING THE MEDIA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE HYPOCRISY!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On June 7, 2012:

4063523513?profile=originalIX. Obama Gives $446 Million to ACORN Veteran!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On June 12, 2012:

4063523532?profile=originalX. Video: Rush on Obama's membership in socialist New Party!-Posted on rightscoop-On June 7, 2012:

4063523541?profile=originalXI. The Nation’s Top “Progressives” … And Socialists And Communists!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PAUL G. KENGOR-On June 8, 2012:

4063523486?profile=originalXII. Video: Do We Really Know Who Barack Hussein Obama II Is?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Continue reading my following blogs that I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

4063503037?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!

4063503080?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!

4063523498?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!

4063503604?profile=originalJust Happened!

4063498165?profile=originalThe coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!

4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?

4063521051?profile=originalCommunist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!

4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!

4063523674?profile=originalThe Audacity of Socialism!

4063359851?profile=originalCommunism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!

4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-...

4063523633?profile=originalRevolutionary Communist Party!

4063523704?profile=originalThe Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

4063518264?profile=originalProgressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!

4063523753?profile=originalProgressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

4063523724?profile=originalWho is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?

4063523803?profile=originalPresident Obama and ACORN Connection!

4063523811?profile=originalACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!

4063523821?profile=originalACORN Charged With Voter Registration Fraud!

4063523855?profile=originalMassive Voter Fraud-Again!

4063523762?profile=originalIs ACORN Really Disbanding or Is It Just Changing Its Name Because of Scandals?

4063422821?profile=originalIs it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

4063518264?profile=originalWho owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

4063523845?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

4063503348?profile=originalCIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

4063370775?profile=originalWhy did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?

4063422901?profile=originalLetter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:

4063359965?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063523936?profile=originalWe The People:

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed articles and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalGod Bless Our Country/Republic!

Semper Fi!


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