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Prayer of a Liberal!

Oh, bama,

Lord of ALL knowledge.
By the Power of Gore, I thank you.

Take our No Good Insurance, our Worthless Doctors, and anything else you can get your eternally growing

Arms around.

 We know you Hear all (NSA), see all (SPY satellites) and are In Control of every aspect of our seemingly inexhaustible Taxable incomes.

Import more votes by allowing the neighbors, we love, to have ALL of our belongings.

You know what’s best for them too.

Let us not put anything foul into our mouths, (like good and real food)  not approved and regulated by your Divine Government.

Take away the weapons of defense and give them to our enemies, for you say they are now our allies.

And We know that you know ALL.
We give Thanks for your Blessings of Global Warming, that have Kept us all from Freezing to Death on this 15th year or cooler (even record LOW) Temperatures.
If not for Your Wonderful insight into what is best for everyone and everything the Arctic and Antarctic Ice would surely have met up in Florida or Maybe Cuba by now.
Bless us even more with TOTAL control of Every Aspect of our Lowly existence.

Sterilize all who might even think of opposing you.
For you know we are totally ignorant of anything good.

Praise your Unholy Name. Amoon.

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Everyone is concentrating on the White House scandals, and with good cause.   One of these scandals involves the murder of four Americans in Benghazi,  then along comes the AP scandal, the IRS scandal, Jim Rosin, and Fast and Furious to name just a few. But there is one that has been hidden from Americans for 13 years which involves the most precious gift on earth: our infants. Our Government, Martek, FDA and USDA have used our babies as guinea pigs.


The story is long and like all Government meddling rather difficult to follow as it has been hidden behind closed doors.  Being a grandmother of eight and caring for my youngest grandchild since birth sets the scene for the rest of the story.


Since birth my grandson was diagnosed with acute reflux disease, meaning most of his food intake comes out again thru the nose and mouth. He is terrified when this happening because his oxygen is shut off and he feels like he’s choking to death.


Finally after 11 months of pain, diarrhea, vomiting, low grade fever and respiratory problems, my son and daughter-in-law took him to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a clinic known world-wide for their expertise with infant reflux and dysphasia.


In two weeks he received every test available for infant and or adults. Mayo determined that there wasn’t any internal problem and diagnosed him with dysphasia. When my daughter-in-law called me to give me this report I stayed up all night reliving the past 11 months trying to find a common denominator that might be causing his health problems.


I started investigating his formula, baby food, and some medication that he as taking.  I was horrified at what I learned in an 8 hour span. Below is the information I gathered.  I will mention names of a few products, but I strongly suggest parents and grandparents take action. This isn’t a conspiracy theory and anyone interested can get the same information by going online and checking out information on DHA and ARA, synthetic oils added to our baby foods and organic foods.


The bottom line is this: these synthetic oils DHA and ARA were banned by the Government in 2010.


We do know that the chemical used to harvest the fungus and algae is a very toxic chemical a bi-product of petroleum, and extremely dangerous. USDA did not approve of these two synthetic oils and yet they appear in most of our infant’s foods and formulas.


Simply Thick, a thickener used for infants with reflux and dysphasia has DHA and ARA additives. Many of the baby food manufacturers like Gerber and others use these synthetic oils in their products. Some of the drugs and vitamins prescribed for pregnant women have AHA and ARA (Omega 3 and Omega 6) in their formula and studies reveal this can be very toxic to the fetus.


There has been about a 56% increase in GERD and similar increase in dysphasia cases. In fact childhood diseases appear to be on the rise. 


By adding DHA and ARA, the baby food companies manufacturing infant formulas also added a 15 to 30% mark-up over standard formulas. 


 A panel of independent scientists selected by the Institute of Medicine concluded:


1. Safety tests for these oils were inadequate and too few safety tests were performed.


2. Lab rats were used for many of these tests with negative results


3. The tests were not performed with nonhuman primates.


4. No carcinogenicity or chronic toxicity studies were performed even in the lab rats.


5. None of he long term safety tests lasted longer than 90 days – not an adequate amount of time to conclusively prove anything.


We know there have been adverse reactions to infants from the chemically processed ingredients. Consumers of organic foods actually believe that only safe and natural ingredients are used in infant’s foods – companies should not be allowed to market their foods as organic if they have added these synthetic oils.


Why are there infant formulas on store shelves that are both certified organic and contain these synthetic oils sold by the Martek Corporation?  Why did the FDA ignore the law to ban the synthetic oils DHA and ARA in 2010?  Why has our Government once again hidden a scandal like this from Americans?  Our Infants Are At Risk!


May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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While very few liberal, progressive or Marxist ideas are worth the powder it would take to blow a copy of Das Kapital to hell and back, every once in awhile they get something sort of right and it behooves the thinking conservative to learn what he can from these rare situations. Since progressives sting us sufficiently with outright lies about instances where we get things 100% right, there’s clearly no sense giving them avoidable ammunition . . . .

What’s Wrong with the Pre-Obamacare

American Healthcare System?

First let us get the obvious out of the way, what can we learn from the usual progressive snafus? The inescapable fact is that President Obama and the whole gaggle of Democrats who created Obamacare know little or nothing about economics, health care or the American Constitution; and they showed less leadership than a dog knocking over a trash can to get to household scraps. Thankfully, they made two monumental errors that enraged the American people as a whole which may very well provide the stimulus to get the whole thing repealed and prevent that monstrous law from ruining our country. A) Instead of using their majorities in the House and Senate to pass a semi-reasonable but very progressive and specious bill that many in the country would have tolerated (unwisely) by say a 75%-25% margin in both chambers of the Congress, they shoved their unpalatable horror down America’s throat in a very high-handed and corrupt way utterly in keeping with the advice of their patron saint Saul Alinsky that “the end justifies the means” (in a book which he literally dedicated to Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan) and B) They won in the short-term but probably lost in the long-run by creating a law in which finding any single part of it unconstitutional invalidates the entirety of the law itself and gives the individual states a serious constitutionality issue by basing a good part of the finances for that law upon their utterly foolish comparison to car insurance where mandated coverage is the norm in every state. While there are other lessons to be learned by using the progressive-Dems Obamacare boondoggle as a bad example . . . those are the major lessons to be studied . . . .

Rajjpuut doesn’t remember why, but one of his college classes was once addressed by an IRS agent. He was an objectionable fellow whose bad breath could be detected seven feet away who started off his lecture by saying something absolutely incongruous: “. . . our tax system is something we all hate, but it’s the best in the world . . .” At which point nausea hit Rajjpuut who grabbed his mouth and ran from the lecture hall post-haste. As a former health-educator, Rajjpuut has also heard the American health care system described as “the best in the world” and also felt like projectile-vomiting was in order. Such jingoistic nonsense by the pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, FDA, etc. is naught but a self-serving lie that conservatives would do well to never repeat. So the progressives have a lot of truth on their side when they criticize the American healthcare delivery system and American medicine. Not even talking about crucial items like the great need for tort reform and malpractice relief . . . the progressives are pointing at a mighty shaky system . . . .

America has easily the most expensive health care system in the world, roughly twice as expensive as the next most expensive country’s system. Without a doubt, Americans have one of the most unwieldy and least effective systems as well, especially when compared on a cost per capita basis. Visit the link immediately below to see what a famous conservative voice who does know something about health care has to say about why that is . . .


We have only to examine one solitary statistic to understand the truth of the claims made in the previous paragraph. Do you know what the 4th leading cause of death in America is? Most Americans have never heard of iatrogeny, also known as “Death by Medicine.” If the full and unvarnished truth were known, iatrogeny would outnumber combined heart attack and cancer deaths in killing our people; not to mention injuring, dismembering, sickening and inconveniencing our people. Pilots have a checklist they go through before takeoff; doctors, nurses and hospitals need such a list but don’t have it. However, the biggest causes of iatrogenic deaths are from A) doctor’s ignorance of health principles (rather than disease) needed to educate their patients in improving their lifestyles B) the absolute dearth of emphasis on “prevention” and C) the evils done by the AMA (American Medical Association), the pharmaceutical companies, and the aforementioned FDA.

The AMA is the Spanish Inquisition of the 20th and 21st Century. They define orthodox medicine and they define heresy. They perpetually side with the most invasive, most expensive and least effective medical procedures and the most expensive drugs with the most and the most evil side-effects. “Prevention” is a concept seldom advanced by the AMA. For example, the AMA has been backing cholesterol reduction as the be-all, end-all for heart attack prevention for over 40 years even though less than 47% of the people who die from heart attacks actually have high** cholesterol. 47%!!!! That's not "cause and effect," that's less than a coin-flip. But they, in league with our unaccountable pharmaceutical companies, and the totally asinine FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) that oversees the pharmaceutical companies have pushed these dangerous concoctions despite knowledge that a "high-cholesterol/heart attack link is a MYTH pure and simple. The sins of the FDA could be the subject of a 500 volume set of encyclopedias.

The AMA created a list of about 60 diseases which they say are caused by problems with the body's immune systems (2nd link above) and called them all "auto-immune diseases" which means they are all in a practical sense incurable and again we set up the patient to A. not be cured B. told he/she must subscribe to a lifetime regimen with very dangerous and expensive drugs. The Mayo Clinic in the 40's and 50's cured people of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but now the AMA prefers more expensive and dangerous MS medications that do not cure anything. In Europe they surprisingly do not have much interest in calling diseases "auto-immune" or "incurable" and not surprisingly they cure people of MS with rather inexpensive resources.

Medicine is a science, or should be, with a bit of art thrown in. The AMA, however, much like the Church in condemning Galileo, believes its authority is the final say. The scientific method starts with asking the right questions and pursuing them wherever they lead, not with relying on anyone's authority, least of all a hidebound entity like the AMA. Despite efforts in Europe and here in the United States to examine these diseases more scientifically, the AMA clings to auto-immunity as the final word.


Looking at just one example of the auto-immune paradigm’s weaknesses, here's a link that will convince any thinking person that there are MS questions, and by extension auto-immune questions we must resolve that canNOT be resolved within the auto-immune hypothesis:


Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

Bob** In the early 70’s high cholesterol was listed as 300 or above; then it dropped to 250; then 220; then 200; and now patients with cholesterol of 180 or higher are said to have “high cholesterol” with some talk of dropping the threshold down to 160. Since 85% of the population has cholesterol readings over 180, there is absolutely no predictive value in their statistic and thus the claim is false. In truth, 350 cholesterol is not uncommon among Eskimos and other quite healthy aboriginal peoples. The “cause” of heart attack is more closely aligned with overall lifestyle, but also more related to high triglycerides and various inflammations according to all the research Rajjpuut’s mustered.

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