rajjpuut (34)


Rasmussen: Only 26% Say

Nation is on the Right Track


            A recent Rasmussen Reports survey shows only 26% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction while 68% of us believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Broken down by party sympathies: 43% of Democrats; 73% of Independents: and 88% of Republicans believe the country is headed the wrong way.  Only 48% of Democrats believe the country is moving in the right direction. Black voters are the only large bloc saying the country is on the right track with 52% agreeing; meanwhile 72% of Whites; and 75% of voters from groups not Black or White say the country is moving in the wrong direction. Here are a few areas of discontent:

ITEM: Rasmussen also showed that 75% want the Obamacare health care law changed at a minimum and 60% believe that it will cost much more than we’ve been told and increase the federal deficit. 55% say it must be repealed.

ITEM: 61% of voters say that Congress (U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate combined), no matter how bad things are, can always make things worse.

ITEM: Chinese President and leader of the Communist Party Hu Jintao has called the U.S. dollar functioning as the global currency a "product of the past" and is promoting a move by the global community toward his Chinese yuan for international investment.  Listen here to the video as George Soros the man who has stated that “the United States is the greatest threat to world stability and vowed to destroy the American Dollar; imagine his “new world order” being led by a Communist China which killed 58 million of its own people since 1950:



ITEM: Today the Environmental Protection Agency moved to keep one of President Obama’s more dubious promises. The EPA in moving toward closing down a West Virginia coal mine seems hell-bent upon confirming a statement that Obama made to the San Francisco Chronicle during Election 2008, “My energy and cap and trade policies won’t prevent you from building a coal mine, but you’ll go bankrupt if you do.” In the same interview, then Senator Obama, said, “My energy policies will necessarily make electricity prices skyrocket.” U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat who’s been pushing for jobs and economic growth was among the first to protest this ridiculous action.

ITEM: The U.S. labor Department is awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and scholarships to fill scarce green jobs.   Despite the fact that no great number, if any, vacancies exist in green jobs across the nation numerous universities and specialized vocational schools are seeking grants of government cash to provide graduates for non-existent or scarce green jobs and the Labor Dept. is giving out the money in keeping with President Obama’s pledge to create five million green jobs. As mentioned earlier, based upon an economic study of the reasons that Spain went from the strongest economy in Europe in 1997 to one of the worst today (4% unemployment to 20.8% unemployed now) subsidies creating five million green jobs here will put eleven million jobs at risk in the real American economy and only 500,000 (10% of those jobs will prove permanent).

ITEM: The EPA is moving by government regulatory edict to force business closedowns for high carbon dioxide emissions having named CO2 a “toxic emission.” The same justification could allow the EPA to kill off all animals and humans as toxic emitters. Of course CO2 is necessary for plant life and plants create the oxygen we need.

ITEM: George Soros, who is right now seeking to destroy the American Dollar (Yes, he declared it openly; it won’t take much, George) after becoming a multi-billionaire by destroying four other currencies including the Russian Ruble and profiting from the meltdowns of seven others (George is known as “The man who broke the Bank of England”) has his CAP (Center for American Progress) providing financial support in the drive to expand California’s Paid Family Leave Law by imposing an increase of 1.2% on payroll taxes so that fathers and mothers will have even more time to bond with their newborns.

ITEM: While the federal government is going bankrupt and the state governments are likewise under huge pressure courtesy of huge union employee pensions and salaries. President Obama moved to freeze federal salaries (when it looks like budget cuts of 15% will be demanded in virtually all other areas of the budget?).

ITEM: The president of one of Ben Bernanke’s federal reserve banks, Charles Plosser, abhors Ben Bernanke's dramatic intervention policies toward the economy. Plosser, President of the Philadelphia federal reserve bank said, "Monetary policy cannot reverse the sharp decline in house prices when the economy has significantly over-invested in housing."  Plossser went on, "I have advocated the elimination of Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, which allowed the Fed to lend directly to 'corporations, partnerships and individuals' under 'unusual and exigent circumstances.” Plosser also said, “We are in danger of assigning to monetary policy a larger role than it can perform, in danger of asking it to accomplish tasks that it cannot achieve, and, as a result, in danger of preventing it from making the contribution that it is capable of making.”

ITEM: Coming soon to a town near you? Just about the worst housing market in the country is found in Nevada. The absolute worst housing market in Nevada is in and around Las Vegas . . . so, guess what? Las Vegas construction companies are building homes like crazy. What, the??? Yes, it’s true. Apparently, because so many Las Vegas homes and especially new homes have stayed empty for so long . . . new home buyers in Las Vegas don’t want to move into the virtual ghost towns infested with mice and rats and other vermin . . . so the only course of action seems to be to build in whole new areas (and eventually bulldoze the empty “ghost towns?”).

ITEM: You know that British health care system that sent thrills up the legs of Obama and his progressive congress?  The system they want to emulate and imitate? British Prime Minister David Cameron says his government will make fundamental changes to Britain's state-run health care system," according to the Associated Press.  Cameron aims to save money and cut red tape by giving control over management to family practitioners rather than bureaucrats. He said Monday, “standards of care in Britain have fallen behind other European countries." You do remember that Dr. Donald M. Berwick, Obama’s Medicare and Medicaid administrator, praised Britain’s National Health Care system as "one of the truly astounding human endeavors of modern times" about 16 months ago.

ITEM: Hypocrisy comes unglued . . . . Is there something in Tucson’s water? One of the victims of Jared Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson nine days ago was a man named James Eric Fuller. Mr. Fuller’s website:  http://www.hypnothoughts.com/profile/JamesEricFuller   states among other things: “I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blasé, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity.” In a crowded Tucson town-hall meeting, Fuller recently told a TEA Party leader, “You’re dead” and when removed by deputies, called out to all those assembled, “You’re wh_res!” This coming less than four days since Fuller made the round of talk show programs on radio and TV accusing Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Speaker of the House John Boehner and the TEA Party of full responsibility for the shooting that killed six and wounded fourteen. So whose speech is “uncivil” and “incendiary” and “violent,” Mr. Fuller? If you listen to the LEFT and you listen to the RIGHT in their own words and watch their actions (violent protests; in Arizona, Oakland, Seattle, Pittsburg, etc. compared with sedate TEA Partiers sitting in lawn chairs) you’ll find the vast majority of instances of such speech have long belonged to the LEFT and the violence of the speech is unquestionably theirs as well. We’re sorry Mr. Fuller got shot, but he and the LEFT needs to practice what he and the LEFT preach: non-violence, tolerance and fairness.


ITEM: The House of Representatives is voting this week to repeal Obamacare. As President Obama’s “State of the Union” speech approaches shortly afterward, we’ll get a good luck at his latest pledges “to work with Republicans” and “to refocus on jobs and the economy.” Shortly after that the House, now controlled by Republicans, will be dealing with raising the debt ceiling and seeking to rollback his unspent stimulus money; and to rollback the budget to levels not seen since 2008 or 2006. The President’s true colors (centrist or leftist) should emerge very soon. 


ITEM:  The Obama Justice Department is siding with Labor Unions wanting to be able to pass out literature in front of shopping centers.  According to the union claims, Girl Scout cookie sellers and Salvation Army Santas show "unfairness" to Unions.  The Supreme Court has long held that unions and political activity can be treated differently than bona fide benevolent organizations with regard to free speech and assembly on private grounds; but Obama wants to waste your money to give the unions another chance . . . .



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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“Recently the airwaves in Florida and across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the numerous racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election."

Now All those Mainstream Media

Claims of ‘Racism’ Make Sense

Despite the fact that those monitoring hate crimes have yet to define exactly what an “ignoramus” is; or that “incompetents” have never before been labeled officially as a racial minority, Attorney General Eric Holder has released figures purportedly proving that since the creation of the TEA Party, anti-meathead racism** has risen dramatically. Specifically, Holder claims that the Obama administration and Pelosi and Reid chambers of Congress have suffered relentless attacks based upon “racially-motivated” hate crimes which his office will begin prosecuting after the New Year. When questioned by reporters about the validity of the new “Ignoramus” minority classification, Holder said, “Perhaps an example will suffice . . . . He held up a large black and white picture of a familiar member of Congress . . . .

“Recently the airwaves in Florida and indeed across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election. Our office will not allow such spurious onslaughts to continue . . . indeed, I have myself endured such brickbats.” Nobel Peace Prize recipients Al Gore and Barack Obama, Holder claimed, have also been the victims of anti-meathead racism.

Holder refused to comment on reporters’ questions about rumors that the Justice Department had already moved on several TEA Party organizations “guilty of prejudicial behavior against incompetents.” More on this crucial story later . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Understanding “Racism”

For readers who have trouble getting a hold on “racism” claims in the mainstream media here are the heretofore unwritten rules determining whether or not official racism occurs. These are the most up-to-date politically correct guidelines available . . . .

1. Racism against majority races is impossible.

2. Racism by minorities against other minorities, (for example, one Black calling another Black an “Oreo” or an “Uncle Tom”) is impossible

3. In case of claims and counter-claims, “Ties go to the Democrat.”

4. The terms “cracker,” “honky,” “offay,” white-trash,” “moon,” “pale-thing,” White-boy,” “albinos,” “blue-eyed devils,” “Cavemen,” “Semen,” “Ghosts,” “Caucasheets,” “Sheets” “Whitey,” “Gomer,” Gringo, Gringo-Salao, Rednecks, Massah, Mayonnaise; Sandwich Semen, Pastyfaces, Palefaces, Not-so-friendly Ghosts, Peckerwoods, Flour, Trailer Park Trash, TPT, Wonderbread, etc. when used by Blacks or other minorities to describe Caucasians are 100% NEUTRAL terms and never to be considered racist.

5. Racial intimidation by Minorities against Whites is impossible.

6. Anti-Asian quota systems at colleges are justified and not racist. Similarly all-claims against Affirmative Action policies as "reverse-racism" are unjustified.

7. Sexism is a form of racism. Men are CRUD and White Men are PALE SEWER CRUD.

8. Regardless of any actions undertaken, the Holder Justice Department and the Obama Administration are post-racial entities.

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President Obama’s latest dog and pony show, the highly ballyhooed Deficit Commission, today did everything possible to dramatically heighten public suspicion of government; and to increase business’ uncertainty in the country. In particular public dissatisfaction (with the idea that the home mortgage interest deduction on income taxes should be eliminated) will probably amount to open mutiny. More importantly, NO real mention of inciting a return to prosperity comes up in the revelations released today as “Chapter 1” of their proposed deficit-reduction package. Those two, prosperity and deficit cutting, MUST go hand in hand.

In a phrase, the Commission recommends gutting the Pentagon; raising taxes; and infuriating the business community and homeowners; oh, and clearly it won’t work! Let Rajjpuut remind you what does work:

1) Cut taxes. Extend all the Bush tax cuts for fifteen years and permanently establish the Bush Estate Tax as the law of the land.2) Establish a six-month income tax embargo on all business and personal income for 2011 to jump-start the economy.
3) Cut, nay SLASH, government spending 20% across the board and 25% for non-defense spending and hold that level of spending for as long as necessary until the current National debt is reduced and surplus is achieved.4) Require a balanced budget, by creating an amendment to the Constitution, and within that budget require a full new funding and gradual refunding of the lock boxes for Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal branches of Medicaid.
5) Cut all federal salaries by 25%. Maintain those levels of government salaries and wages for fifteen years while cutting government employment by 10% in year one; 6% in year two; 5% in year three; 4% in year four; 3% in year five; 2% in year six; and 1% in year seven.6) Raise the retirement age for government workers to 68 years old immediately for all persons now aged 58 or younger.
7) Require all government workers to abide with retirement equal to social security levels. Any surpluses to be put in the social security lock-box.8) Raise the Retirement age for others to 67 years old for all persons now aged 55 and younger; and in 2019 for all persons then aged 55 and younger to 68 years old.
9) Repeal and/or defund Obamacare and start over for a real health care reform addressing costs in a realistic fashion.10) Create an intelligent bi-partisan commission without any academic personalities involved but solely made up of politicians, business people and health experts to discuss successfully cutting unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal side of Medicaid) with a reporting date of 2013.
11) Establish an “all of the above” energy policy and encourage the building of new refineries and nuclear power plants.12) Require all legal bills to reference the U.S. Constitution and prove the bill is justified as Constitutional.

13) Eliminate Federal Reserve Banking and make inflationary spending above 4% at any time illegal. To prevent inflation, abandon Bernanke’s evil idea of “quantitative easing” by the Fed; and abandon the artificially low interest rates Ben Bernanke has established as a means to continue the corrupt idea of “too big to fail” by which (0.25% rates) he has protected five irresponsible banks (J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC with an overall derivative exposure of roughly $210 Trillion; including $188 Trillion in interest-rate derivative exposure). Patriotism is not about protecting stupid banks but protecting the American citizens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Trick me once, shame on you; trick me twice, shame on me!”

Will TEA Party-Inspired Victory

Again Go to Waste for Conservatives?

The man of the hour is House Speaker Designate John Boehner. On the face of it, it appears that the hopes of conservative America could hardly have been put in stronger hands. Mr. Boehner reportedly has never asked for nor taken an earmark in his twenty-year career. Yes, a man of principle is needed. But more than anything else, America needs John Boehner to be a man with an elephant’s fabled memory and an owl’s much lauded wisdom. Will the recent TEA Party-inspired victory at the polls go to waste for conservatives? Something even bigger along those lines happened in 1994 . . . it must NOT happen in 2010.

In 1994 the conservative standard-bearers, the Republican Party swept into control of both the House and the Senate netting 55 new house seats on the way. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had set the victory up by creating a “Contract for America” similar in many ways to the ideas propelling the TEA Party Contract from America and the Republicans Pledge to America, both offered up in 2010. This year things are different in three important respects from 1994:

1) From a conservative’s view point, the 2010 election result was broader but less conclusive. Many more governorships were seized; more U.S. House seats were gained; many more individual state House and Senate seats were won; but the gain of six U.S. Senate seats did not give the Republicans a majority in that chamber.

2) The clear inspiration for the Republican victory was the creation of the TEA Party grass roots fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative movement begun about February, 2009, shortly after Barack Obama, the Democrats and many Republicans passed the $787 Billion Obama stimulus.

3) Republicans running on religious-conservative or socially-conservative lines were uniformly defeated as the old “litmus- test” gave way to a type of conservativism that Independents embraced eagerly.

TEA Party Has Much to Learn;

Republicans, Even More, from 1994

So, what exactly does the TEA Party-inspired conservative victory mean for America?

A. Nothing, if the beneficiary of this Conservative victory (the Republican Party) ends up less than a party of principle and also opts to return to its old “litmus test” of social and religious issues

B. Everything, if the beneficiary of this victory ends up returning to its roots as the party of small government; accountable government; fiscal-conservativism; and Constitutional Conservativism, leaves the old litmus test behind and learns from the debacle of 1994 . . . .

In 1994, the Republican Party had a historic opportunity dropped into its lap and then blew it badly by playing small politics instead of honoring the will of the voters and standing up for Constitutional- and fiscal-conservativism. Back then the voters angered by the Democrats’ failed attempt at Hillarycare and other less than conservative efforts by Bill Clinton also rejected the Democratic Party at the ballot box. The G.O.P. picked up 55 seats in the House of Representatives for a majority there and even won the senate. Like now the Republicans back then had a document working for them, the “Contract for America.” John Boehner has the opportunity to learn from Newt Gingrich’s less than sterling efforts and begin the nation’s return to sanity, principle and fiscal-integrity. You see, Gingrich compromised repeatedly with that wily devil Bill Clinton. Boehner would do well to learn the lesson that only 100% principled bills need to be presented for a vote in the House, not 99% principled bills with one ear mark or one outrider; not 99.9% principled bills . . . but only 100% principled bills. Why?

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to go from 36% approval to 65% approval (in January, 1998, just prior to his escapades with Monica Lewinsky in the so-called “tailgate” or “little blue-dress scandal” becoming the headline story for the next few months).

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to pass three expansions of the Community Reinvestment Act (two in 1995 and the “steroid version” in 1998) which ACORN was able to exploit to turn Jimmy Carter’s ill-conceived CRA of 1977 into a nation-wrecking sub-prime lending crisis**.

Item: You will remember that whereas in 1976 only one in 404 mortgages was offered at less than 3% down payment; that by 1986 the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now (later to expand to become the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) had doubled the rate in the nation to one questionable loan in every 198 mortgages; which had really jumped to one bad loan in every 14 by 1996; and 34 questionable loans in 100 by 2006 and ignited our present financial crisis.

Item: You will remember that ACORN lawyer Barack Obama in Chicago played a key role in that area brow-beating and shaking down lenders to force them to comply with the evil CRA legislation.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of the CRA ’77, ACORN, without Barack Obama, discovered that it was now just as easy to put an ultra poor renter into a $450,000 home as it earlier had been to get him into a $150,000 one.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 by Clinton, ACORN was able to get many loans not at 3% but at ZERO% down payments.

Item: You will remember that people without I.D.; people without jobs; people without anywhere close to decent credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people whose only “income” listed was food stamps; other welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens were being put into $350,000-$500,000 homes courtesy of ACORN’s “street warfare” against mortgage lenders required by law to make knowingly bad home loans.

Item: You will remember liberal news coverage in big cities of protests against banks “Unfair to the poor” or “racist banks” being carried on TV as crowds chanted on the lawn outside bank presidents’ and vice presidents’ homes.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush trying to change this complex of laws in January, 2005, but progressives from both parties (particularly the Democrats) voting him down.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush personally or via spokesmen talking to congress some 26 times about the financial problem these CRA laws were causing.

Item: You will remember finally 30 months after his first attempt to rein in this nightmare runaway train, the Bush administration and bi-partisan patriots passed a watered-down version of his original anti-CRA bill in July, 2007. It was, of course, way too little, way too late and the debacle was on us by October, 2007.

Item: You will remember that three months ago in August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush’s actions for stopping the recession from becoming truly deep and serious and from preventing a critical plummeting in home prices.

Item: You will surely remember that on at least 200 occasions, Barack Obama^^ has told us an analogy about a car in a ditch driven there by the previous administration.

Item: You will surely remember that Barack Obama claims his policies prevented another “Great Depression” caused by the prior Republican administrations and failures of the Free Market.

Item: You will surely remember Barney Frank saying, “Gee, the Free Market created another mess and now government has to come to the rescue . . . AGAIN!”

Item: You may not remember Rajjpuut telling you that the correct version of the “car in the ditch” story was that George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Item: You will surely remember Tuesday’s voting and that courtesy of the awareness created by the TEA Party, the Republicans now have a chance to make amends for their faulty oversight of the nation between 1994 and 2004.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**How exactly did this disaster happen with Republicans owning a majority in both chambers?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!



^^ This is an example of the two most well-known propaganda techniques: the Big Lie in conjunction with Unceasing Repetition.

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“Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course and America be damned.” Rajjpuut
His Obstinacy’ Barack Obama
Refuses to Budge
All men are the same in victory; it is defeat that etches character on a person’s face. “We took a shellacking,” Obama told the Whitehouse press corps at the first conference after an overwhelming defeat for Democrats saw 50 House seats; six Senate seats; and nine governorships slip from his party’s hands to the Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. But this reporter saw only a “false humility and a lot of “personal expressions of feelings” revealed by the conference and not a single clear commitment to positive and needed change. It was quite clear that Obama is not interested in learning anything from the voters whose eloquence was far more powerful yesterday than any feigned contrition by their chief executive this afternoon . . . in a phrase: the president STILL DOESN’T GET IT.
Rajjpuut would like to congratulate the White House press corps which for the first time in the Obama presidency refused to serve up batting practice but instead sent a string of “hard ball” questions at the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama constantly insisted upon putting his own ball on a special tee and allowing himself several practice swings before dealing with the peripherary of the strong and honest questions he faced. Finally, the mainstream media showed some willingness to put Obama the man and Obama the president and Obamanomics (his policies) under a microscope. The headline writers have not been nearly so incisive as the reporters were in their questioning. Already 90% of them report that Obama has shown a “willingness to compromise.” Wanna bet?
Item: Obama still insisted upon lecturing America, his party and Republicans on the fine points of Das Kapital instead of taking to heart these far more terse, powerful and accurate lessons from the free market:
Item: Obama still danced around issues even when they were put squarely to him. Asked about business and jobs and spending and possible new directions, he unleashed a storm of platitudes and invoked the magic word “emergency” at least ten times during the talk. He had his excuse (emergency) and he never let Americans forget it.
Item: When reminded that he had told Republicans “Elections have consequences” after taking office and had NOT worked openly or transparently with the “other side of the aisle” so far during his presidency, Obama refused to admit that his policies or his direction so far could be anything close to misguided or GASP “wrong.”

Item: He talked in platitudes about business and the economy while consistently talking about green-energy and clean environment. He spoke of “natural gas” and “alternatives repeatedly but never once mentioned the words “coal” or “oil” or talked about electrical prices which is key . . . because Mr. Obama has said before his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket." Yet here he was talking about energy in one form or another for perhaps 25% of the speech without once mentioning coal, oil or energy prices? If you, the reader, take nothing else from this blog: remember that simple straightforward honesty means simple straightforward talk not "beautiful words" and phrases spoken in appropriately reverent tones. Mr. Obama cannot be blunt because Mr. Obama cannot be honest about his goals for this country which are dramatically different from mainstream America's goals and the truth about this discrepancy would make mainstream America despise him . . . .


Obama never once seriously talked about businesses’ need for predictability or GASP profits. As a result he never connected needed jobs to needed profits and needed actions by government to cut taxes, cut spending and get out of the free market's way so those business profits could emerge naturally. He mentioned directly and obliquely the disproven idea of global warming as justification never once letting out that Europe as a whole has refuted the idea since the revelations of Climategate came to light. For example, much of the American press and intelligent American people are aware that even the ultra-liberal London Times admits that global warming is a hoax:

Mr. Obama, in Europe the climate-change “deniers” (like Rajjpuut) used to call global warming alarmists “mean-greenies,” but now much of the establishment in business and government in Europe calls them “watermelons” meaning “green on the outside and pink to Deep RED on the inside” because now only socialists and communists still push this 100% disproven effort at science while seeking the necessary 100% government control of business and industry that Cap and Trade requires . . . and yet you mentioned Cap and Trade positively twice in your “contrition speech” before opening up to questions.
Item: Just as he insisted six months ago that the main emphasis of NASA going forward was to “outreach to the Muslim world community” he still apparently believes that the main goal of business is to oppress people and dirty the environment and exploit the rest of the planet . . . absolutely nothing he said today would make any careful listener believe differently.
Item: When a direct question was put to him about his “car in the ditch analogy” where putting the car in R (for Republican or Reverse) was the wrong move and it needed to be put in D (for Democrat or Drive) . . . “Do you admit that your policies might have been taking the country in the wrong direction?” Obama grimaced and said “We’ve at least been pushing in the opposite directions,” a good-sounding answer but one which refuses to face up to the excellent question** he was asked.
Mr. Obama refuses to ever consider that anything he’s done could be fundamentally wrong, therefore HE CANNOT LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES AND CANNOT GROW FROM HIS EXPERIENCE. Hopefully he is doomed to be a one-term president, because the answers to our problems and the decisions for our future cannot come from such a man. Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, while some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course (because he knows best) and America be damned!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The BIG TRUTH of the ditch analogy (what in propaganda science is called a “BIG LIE” is this:
George Bush saw Obama, ACORN and Clinton pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500 foot cliff (utter disaster), jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes to coast it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
This shocking counter-analogy would be best proven with a full expose of the problems that caused the financial debacle running from the creation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966; through the deliberate bankrupting of New York City in 1975 by Cloward, Piven and NWRO leader George Wiley; the creation of the CRA ’77 by Washington and of ACORN in Arkansas both in 1977 with CRA laws forcing lenders to make knowingly bad loans; Bill Clinton’s executive expansion and his three legislative expansions <twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ‘98> of CRA laws . . . an explanation which six or seven pages could barely do justice to. Let it suffice to say . . . .
In January, 2005, (14 months after Rajjpuut had become aware of the serious nature of our housing industry bubble -- subprime lending crisis --- and derivatives bubble and been writing about it) George Bush noticed and acted immediately. His attempts to undo the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977’s most poisonous features were rebuffed by the Democrats. Mr. Bush personally or through other administration representatives talked to Congress at least another 18 times about the seriousness of this matter. Finally, in July, 2007 (30 months later) a bi-partisan very weak bill was passed. It, of course proved to be way too little, way too late and within three months the financial storm clouds were on us. However, Bush’s efforts had gotten us through the worst of the storm. In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s actions from preventing a truly disastrous financial meltdown and ugly run on housing prices.
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Rajjpuut’s Predictions 2010

G.O.P. Dem Ind.

Governors 34 15 1

Senate 52 46 2

House of Reps 268 167 0

But Flynn let drive a single to the wonderment of all

And the much-despised Blakely tore the cover off the ball

And now the dust has lifted and they saw what had occurred

There was Blake SAFE! at second; and Flynn a-hugging third!

And from the gladdened MULTITUDE went up a joyous yell

It rumbled in the mountain tops, it rattled in the dell

It struck upon the hillside and rebounded on the flat

For Casey, MIGHTY CASEY, was advancing to the bat . . . .

Politics: The Art of the Possible

Rajjpuut memorized Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s marvelous poem Casey at the Bat, when he was eleven years old . . . there is something magical there (a proviso to the G.O.P. and presumably John Boehner as well) because, after all “MIGHTY CASEY” did strike out . . . If John Boehner “works with” President Obama he will succeed in repeating the debacle that Newt Gingrich encountered beginning in 1994. What happened there/then? The Republicans won 55 new house seats and also swept into controlling the senate . . . the G.O.P. owned both chambers of the Congress for the first time in several decades. The wily Bill Clinton facing-off against an optimistic Newt Gingrich who pledged to commanding the Republican horde into achieving their "Contract with America" . . . and Clinton . . . made Gingrich very, very sorry . . . and America much, much, much sorrier . . . .

History shows us that it was only after the 1994 midterm elections that Clinton was able to pass his two 1995 expansions of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77 which forced home lenders to make knowingly stupid home loans); and then the steroid expansion of that bill in 1998 which led to the financial debacle that began in August, 2007. To put things in perspective, in 1975, before CRA ’77 was passed just one in 404 home loans was granted at a questionable 3% down payment or less. After almost a decade of ACORN’s shenanigans mostly in Arkansas (it began as the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now in 1977 with the assignment from Cloward, Piven, and Wiley to ACORN creator Wade Rathke to shake things up in voter registration and housing) the national “questionable home loan rate” had doubled from 0.24% to 0.51 of home loans offered at 3% down or less. Clinton, himself beginning in 1993 had started “creating” law via regulatory edict upon CRA ’77 and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And then twice in 1995 with the Republicans guarding the switch Clinton expanded CRA ’77. When the dust had lifted in 1995, 14.1% of home loans were being offered at a highly questionable 3% down payment or less, many required zero down payment. (By 2005 34% of home loans were questionable and now ACORN was pushing for $400,000 homes not $150,000) How did this disaster happen?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

To Mr. Boehner, instead of saying “I wish you bluebirds in the spring,” Rajjpuut says, “I wish you gridlock for two years . . . a spine of steel to dull your tears . . . and most of all, when critics call, I wish you luck!”



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“. . . a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.” Rajjpuut

‘Progressive-Elitist’ John Kerry

Fumes Over Unsophisticated Voters

According to several internet stories, one-time Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is NOT a happy camper. According to Yahoo, Kerry would like to “elect a new people.” Complaining that Americans have “abandoned science and truth,” Kerry insists on preaching to anyone that will listen that Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck have led us into a new era of “know-nothingness.” Kerry, you see, is bitter over the fact that Cap and Trade legislation in the senate (a bill he sponsored) never even came to a vote there over the last 17 months, much less passed into law. Kerry feels that “. . . truth and science and facts don’t weigh in. It’s all short-order, lowest common denominator, cheap-seat politics.”

Kerry, the Senate’s richest man has apparently never read this ten and a half month old story:


Why not? Well, because the American MSM (mainstream media), that gives unrelentingly false and favorable coverage to folks like Kerry of the progressive-elite, failed to publicize the fact that even the ultra-liberal London Times (after examining the evidence released in so-called “Climategate” revelations) agrees that global warming is a hoax. That would mean that some particularly sane Americans like Rajjpuut who have long been “global-warming deniers” have actually abandoned gullibility and inanely following the crowd as far as the Europeans are concerned. By the way, here’s a list of 31,000+ other Americans (all scientists, with 9,000+ of them PhD’s who’ve also long denied global warming:


And then there’s the fact that the 2,500 year model global warming theory was based upon had dropped 500 years out of their data collection. Which 500 years? The Medieval Warm Period when temperatures got so warm that ice virtually disappeared from the Northern Hemisphere and Greenland was truly green and Leif Erikson discovered Greenland, established Viking settlements there and even discovered “Vinland,” a.k.a. Canada’s Newfoundland and even established a short-lived settlement there also. So the reason recent times looked so warm is because the global warming “scientists” (we’ll use the word ‘loosely’) while they’d dropped the Medieval Warm Period from their calculations had put extra emphasis upon the 500 year long “Little Ice Age” that killed off the Vikings in Greenland . . . with all that happening and after creating false “hockey stick graphics,” of course the figures lied and said global warming was factual. Poor Senator Kerry never read this article about all that either:


Not only that but Kerry, who recently got a lot of global-heat from trying to avoid Massachusetts’ taxes on his yacht, likes to complain to other tuxedo-wearing participants at $1,000-a-plate dinners somehow couldn’t connect the outrageous taxes on his yacht to the laws passed by liberal fools like himself, preferring rather to gritch about Limbaugh, Beck, the TEA Party and the stupidity of the great unwashed masses who won’t simply take his every sainted utterance as pure GOSPEL . . . the nerve of them!

Kerry, of course, discounted entirely that Cap and Trade would immediately jack up all prices in the United states by 77% (our present economy is $13 trillion thanks to the recession; adding the $10 Trillion per year cost of cap and traded according to some of its most famous proponents . . . we’d then have a $23 TRillion economy based purely upon the addition of “blue sky”; resulting in 77% inflation) . . . leaving that aside for now . . . Barack Obama, in a rare moment of actual truth-telling, told the San Francisco Chronicle his Cap and Trade policy A) “would bankrupt the coal industry” and B) would also “necessarily make the price of electricity sky-rocket.” I guess the fact that 53% of the country still voted for Obama after that revelation spoiled Senator Kerry . . . he apparently assumed silly voters not only were very, very silly, but also absolutely could NOT learn even when the obvious was staring them in the face.

Of course a frequent tux-wearer on the other side of the Atlantic Lord Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer actually called Cap and Trade “a royal highway to corruption” while a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.

Bjorn Lomborg, the famed “Skeptical Great Dane Environmentalist,” though he believes in global warming is an eminently practical and honest man. Lomborg has said that even if we imposed Cap and Trade, with all of its ability to straightjacket the already paralyzed world economy, it would result in barely a 1-degree difference in Global Warming by the end of this century. In response to the exaggerated alarmism of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” Lomberg created a documentary called “Cool It” which urges hisfellow environmentalists to cool the rhetoric about global warming as an existential threat to the planet.

As for Senator Kerry, the truth is that progressive elites like him owe the country a huge apology. All the worst ideas still plaguing America (and a lot of others as well) right now are rooted in progressivism, all of them. Think of the worst unfunded liabilities initiated for “all the best motives” and you’ve described progressivism to a “T.” Here are some of those ideas and the president’ in power when they began:

1. Truly Big Government: Teddy Roosevelt

2. Government Control over large land tracts: Teddy Roosevelt

3. The Federal Reserve Bank: Woodrow Wilson

4. The Income Tax: Woodrow Wilson

5. Fighting in Europe’s Wars: Woodrow Wilson

6. Government propaganda: Woodrow Wilson

7. Internment Camps: Woodrow Wilson

8. Controlling (and shutting down) the press: Woodrow Wilson

9. Big interfering Government: Herbert Hoover

10.Ultra-high protective tariffs: Herbert Hoover

11. Huge Tax and Spend Government: FDR

12.Confiscation of Gold: FDR

13. Devaluing the Dollar: FDR

14. Ultra-big Government: FDR

15. Social Security: FDR

16. Expansive Welfare: LBJ

17. Medicare: LBJ

18. Medicaid: LBJ

19. Government Bailouts of Cities: Gerald Ford

20. Government control of Mortgage Industry Jimmy Carter

21.Government bailouts of companies: Jimmy Carter

22. Expansions by fiat thrice by legislation to Carter’s CRA: Bill Clinton

23. Motor Voter Act: Bill Clinton

24. TARP bailouts: G.W. Bush

25. Federal Government involved in bankruptcies: Barack Obama

26. Nationalized Healthcare insurance: Barack Obama

27.Government control of auto companies: Barack Obama

28. Government control of Banks: Barack Obama

29. Government control of student loans: Barack Obama

30. Financial control “reform”: Barack Obama

31. Bailouts of Banks and Wall Street: Barack Obama

32. State Socialism: Barack Obama

Remembering the “Watermelon-Connection” wherein ultra-socialists “green on the outside and Deep RED on the inside” want to use Cap and Trade as a stepping-stone to government takeover of virtually everything because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how . . . . isn’t it fitting that Barack Obama and progressive-elitist and would-be president Kerry are so interested in this seriously flawed “science?” And so looking over that unending list of failure every time serious government taxing, spending, control or interference is contemplated, Senator Kerry still just can’t understand why the masses of sheep are no longer following him to the slaughter house, "It's absurd. We've lost our minds," he keeps repeating.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“He has betrayed some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time; and even though he’s been caught betraying the truth on at least 1,000 significant matters*** . . . in accord with the teachings of Saul Alinsky, Obama continues to seek to betray all Americans all the time.” Rajjpuut
Obama’s Friends, Ends, and Means Become Transparent;
and Abhorrent as Americans Slowly Become
Aware of the Identity of the “Real Barack Obama”
Three of Barack Obama’s most surprising support groups in the 2008 presidential election were White voters earning $200,000 or more, Roman Catholics, and Jewish voters. Obama won the election with a 6+% edge over John McCain overall, but among wealthy Whites had an 8.5% edge; a 9% edge as far as Roman Catholics; and with an incredible 60% edge among Jews. It now appears that these three groups; and Independents which he won by a 16 point edge; and women who gave him a 12 point edge are NOW abandoning Obama and his Democrats in droves. People will do that to a politician they regard as treacherous. In truth Obama has betrayed some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time; and even though he’s been caught betraying the truth on probably 1,000 significant matters*** . . . in keeping with the teachings of Saul Alinsky, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. continues to seek to betray all Americans all the time.
Before we get to the meat of this discussion about Barack Obama, let us clear up two important terms: “Progressives” and “Liberals.” Rajjpuut is now amending his definition of the term “Progressive” from “someone who wants to ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated’ and ‘severely flawed’ Constitution of the United States”. Rajjpuut sees now that his old definition is inadequate. The new definition adds this shocker: “Progressive from malice wish to overthrow the United States, a land they hate.” So what, then, is a liberal? Liberals are the unthinking storm troopers of the progressive movement. To be more accurate: liberals are goody-two shoes who are determined to correct the world’s ills by stealing (taxing) other people’s money and power over their own lives; liberals are well-intentioned with your money, of course, but because they are unwilling to think, they are natural cannon fodder for the Progressives who can and will do the thinking for the liberals around them. The chief political produce of the progressive and the chief political diet of the liberal are LIES.
In America a massive amount of evil all begins with liberal White guilt. Now Rajjpuut, who has never owned a slave is not the sort of fellow who feels guilt about much he does, or doesn’t do; or about what he says or thinks – prefers to live life in the moment doing his best . . . but the doctrine of White guilt is one of the more important ones among about 60 key politically correct doctrines that progressives have taught to silly Whites interested in coming to terms with their inner need to feel despicable and unworthy. Now Rajjpuut’s kin folk arrived in America in 1854 and went to raising kids and farms and never owned anybody . . . but just for the hell of it, let’s pretend that the original Rajjpuut to set foot in North America owned 7,000 slaves; beat them daily; raped their women nightly; made a sadistic game out of splitting up families by selling the parents off in two different directions; and sometimes even spit on the sidewalk and took the lord’s name in vain. If that were all 100% true, what in God’s name does it have to do with me here and now?
Do the actions of some crap-head in the mid-19th Century, dead at least a hundred years now . . . do his actions justify anyone’s support of Barack Obama’s efforts to destroy America? Does that long ago evil past justify some present-day progressive crap-head calling me “racist” or “bigoted” or “stupid” or “an extremist” when my life history says I’m not only NOT anything I’m accused of, but that I’m a whole lot more intelligent politically and fiscally and Constitutionally then the top 10,000 of my detractors? Now this is easily understood and pitifully common knowledge, but somehow 53% of all Americans and 48% of White Americans were recruited by a man of absolutely zero accomplishment and a negative value of integrity to participate willingly in their own political and economic annihilation . . . a man whose basis for charisma is that he won’t admit he’s half-White; grew up four years in Muslim schools; and is an out and out Marxist (because surely if he admitted all those truths, he would seem much less charismatic, no?) . . . are we expressing this correctly? And just to kick the “racism accusers” while they’re down: didn’t Obama win the Black vote by 92% while McCain won the Whites by 4%? The real racists are evident, eh?
Up to now we’ve seen a shucking and jiving caricature of the real Barack Obama . . . now as it becomes apparent that his policies have blown back in his face and in the faces of the liberal idiots that voted with him (and I include Republican Senators Snow and Collins among those idiots, as their day is coming) . . . now we are from time to time seeing the emergence of the real Barack Obama . . . a hate-filled pathetic pygmy of a man . . . where is that vaunted charisma now? A president who calls other Americans “enemies” has lost all charisma. A president who treats the American way of life and all Americans as the enemy oppressors in some sick notion of imperialism against the 3rd World which he champions is a sick-sick-sick individual. Our founders could never have envisioned how large, tyrannical, intrusive, wasteful and self-perpetuating our federal government could become—nor could they have imagined an American president using that bloated government to destroy the American free market system.
The media have made a big deal of recent polling data showing Barack Obama losing serious support among Independents, Women, Jews, rich Whites, Hispanics, young people and college graduates. Let’s clear this up here and now, courtesy of the much-reviled TEA Party movement’s forced awareness upon the electorate: Barack Obama is suffering serious loss of support from every single important group in America except racist Blacks . . . and who knows, perhaps the unfair treatment of Juan Williams at the hands of the progressive idiots at NPR will even open some important eyes among wise Blacks . . . hey, if Jesse Jackson can see the light, there’s hope, there’s hope.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
***Progressive Big Lies (the most important tool of the PROPAGANDIST) have become accepted truths because Americans are too lazy to search out the truth for themselves . . . for example:


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Tax and Spend Democrats Sure
to Hit ALL of Us in 2011
In the ultimate condemnation of the Democratic Party and a scenario likely to become common across the nation in the next two months . . . the Wyoming Attorney General’s office has recently been swamped with inquiries about legal steps required to avoid life-saving medical care. The patients involved prefer death in 2010 to leaving their heirs open to sky- high estate taxes following death in 2011 or later. At present and until midnight of December 31, 2010 the estates of dying Americans will not be subject to taxes. After the Bush estate taxes expire one second past “Auld Lang Syne,” the so-called “Death Tax exemption” will go back to $1 million. The effect on small business and family business and family farms is sure to be devastating. Isn’t this a wonderful set of affairs, to save your family’s farm or business, you basically have to do yourself in . . . thank you, thank you, Barack . . . now that’s “fundamental transformation.”
Here’s what you can look forward to as the Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 all expire (information from the great folks at MyDollarPlan.com) unless something is done in Congress very soon:
Tax Cuts Expiring in 2010
1. Income Tax Rates. The top tax rate rises from 35% to 39.6%. In addition, if nothing is done, it will mean higher taxes for every single American and a return of the marriage tax penalty. See the proposed 2011 tax rates for more information.
2. Capital Gains. The 0% long term capital gains rate will go away. Capital gains rates will go up to 10% for lower tax brackets and from 15% to 20% for higher tax brackets.
3. Dividends. Dividends will be taxed as ordinary income, with the new higher rates. Right now the dividend tax rates are 10% and 15%.
4. Child Tax Credit. The child tax credit will return to $500 from the current $1,000 per child. In addition, it may not be refundable for some taxpayers.
5. 529 Plans. 529 plan withdrawals will not be allowed tax free for computer or Internet access.
6. Business Taxes. In addition, various business taxes will change including the payroll tax credit and section 179 expense deduction.
7. Estate Taxes. Without any action, the estate tax (or "death tax" as some like to call it) exemption will go back to a $1 million exemption.
8. Other Tax Credits. The tuition credits will be limited, as will the earned income tax credit.
9. Mortgage Premiums. You will no longer be able to deduct mortgage insurance premiums after December 31, 2010.
Five of these items (#1, #4, #6, #7, and #9) will be especially crippling to the nation as the country strives to rebound from the recent financial debacle. If Barack Obama had any economic sense we would see an across-the-board extension of all nine of these tax cuts. But Rajjpuut’s NOT holding his breath . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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While very few liberal, progressive or Marxist ideas are worth the powder it would take to blow a copy of Das Kapital to hell and back, every once in awhile they get something sort of right and it behooves the thinking conservative to learn what he can from these rare situations. Since progressives sting us sufficiently with outright lies about instances where we get things 100% right, there’s clearly no sense giving them avoidable ammunition . . . .

What’s Wrong with the Pre-Obamacare

American Healthcare System?

First let us get the obvious out of the way, what can we learn from the usual progressive snafus? The inescapable fact is that President Obama and the whole gaggle of Democrats who created Obamacare know little or nothing about economics, health care or the American Constitution; and they showed less leadership than a dog knocking over a trash can to get to household scraps. Thankfully, they made two monumental errors that enraged the American people as a whole which may very well provide the stimulus to get the whole thing repealed and prevent that monstrous law from ruining our country. A) Instead of using their majorities in the House and Senate to pass a semi-reasonable but very progressive and specious bill that many in the country would have tolerated (unwisely) by say a 75%-25% margin in both chambers of the Congress, they shoved their unpalatable horror down America’s throat in a very high-handed and corrupt way utterly in keeping with the advice of their patron saint Saul Alinsky that “the end justifies the means” (in a book which he literally dedicated to Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan) and B) They won in the short-term but probably lost in the long-run by creating a law in which finding any single part of it unconstitutional invalidates the entirety of the law itself and gives the individual states a serious constitutionality issue by basing a good part of the finances for that law upon their utterly foolish comparison to car insurance where mandated coverage is the norm in every state. While there are other lessons to be learned by using the progressive-Dems Obamacare boondoggle as a bad example . . . those are the major lessons to be studied . . . .

Rajjpuut doesn’t remember why, but one of his college classes was once addressed by an IRS agent. He was an objectionable fellow whose bad breath could be detected seven feet away who started off his lecture by saying something absolutely incongruous: “. . . our tax system is something we all hate, but it’s the best in the world . . .” At which point nausea hit Rajjpuut who grabbed his mouth and ran from the lecture hall post-haste. As a former health-educator, Rajjpuut has also heard the American health care system described as “the best in the world” and also felt like projectile-vomiting was in order. Such jingoistic nonsense by the pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, FDA, etc. is naught but a self-serving lie that conservatives would do well to never repeat. So the progressives have a lot of truth on their side when they criticize the American healthcare delivery system and American medicine. Not even talking about crucial items like the great need for tort reform and malpractice relief . . . the progressives are pointing at a mighty shaky system . . . .

America has easily the most expensive health care system in the world, roughly twice as expensive as the next most expensive country’s system. Without a doubt, Americans have one of the most unwieldy and least effective systems as well, especially when compared on a cost per capita basis. Visit the link immediately below to see what a famous conservative voice who does know something about health care has to say about why that is . . .


We have only to examine one solitary statistic to understand the truth of the claims made in the previous paragraph. Do you know what the 4th leading cause of death in America is? Most Americans have never heard of iatrogeny, also known as “Death by Medicine.” If the full and unvarnished truth were known, iatrogeny would outnumber combined heart attack and cancer deaths in killing our people; not to mention injuring, dismembering, sickening and inconveniencing our people. Pilots have a checklist they go through before takeoff; doctors, nurses and hospitals need such a list but don’t have it. However, the biggest causes of iatrogenic deaths are from A) doctor’s ignorance of health principles (rather than disease) needed to educate their patients in improving their lifestyles B) the absolute dearth of emphasis on “prevention” and C) the evils done by the AMA (American Medical Association), the pharmaceutical companies, and the aforementioned FDA.

The AMA is the Spanish Inquisition of the 20th and 21st Century. They define orthodox medicine and they define heresy. They perpetually side with the most invasive, most expensive and least effective medical procedures and the most expensive drugs with the most and the most evil side-effects. “Prevention” is a concept seldom advanced by the AMA. For example, the AMA has been backing cholesterol reduction as the be-all, end-all for heart attack prevention for over 40 years even though less than 47% of the people who die from heart attacks actually have high** cholesterol. 47%!!!! That's not "cause and effect," that's less than a coin-flip. But they, in league with our unaccountable pharmaceutical companies, and the totally asinine FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) that oversees the pharmaceutical companies have pushed these dangerous concoctions despite knowledge that a "high-cholesterol/heart attack link is a MYTH pure and simple. The sins of the FDA could be the subject of a 500 volume set of encyclopedias.

The AMA created a list of about 60 diseases which they say are caused by problems with the body's immune systems (2nd link above) and called them all "auto-immune diseases" which means they are all in a practical sense incurable and again we set up the patient to A. not be cured B. told he/she must subscribe to a lifetime regimen with very dangerous and expensive drugs. The Mayo Clinic in the 40's and 50's cured people of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but now the AMA prefers more expensive and dangerous MS medications that do not cure anything. In Europe they surprisingly do not have much interest in calling diseases "auto-immune" or "incurable" and not surprisingly they cure people of MS with rather inexpensive resources.

Medicine is a science, or should be, with a bit of art thrown in. The AMA, however, much like the Church in condemning Galileo, believes its authority is the final say. The scientific method starts with asking the right questions and pursuing them wherever they lead, not with relying on anyone's authority, least of all a hidebound entity like the AMA. Despite efforts in Europe and here in the United States to examine these diseases more scientifically, the AMA clings to auto-immunity as the final word.


Looking at just one example of the auto-immune paradigm’s weaknesses, here's a link that will convince any thinking person that there are MS questions, and by extension auto-immune questions we must resolve that canNOT be resolved within the auto-immune hypothesis:


Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

Bob** In the early 70’s high cholesterol was listed as 300 or above; then it dropped to 250; then 220; then 200; and now patients with cholesterol of 180 or higher are said to have “high cholesterol” with some talk of dropping the threshold down to 160. Since 85% of the population has cholesterol readings over 180, there is absolutely no predictive value in their statistic and thus the claim is false. In truth, 350 cholesterol is not uncommon among Eskimos and other quite healthy aboriginal peoples. The “cause” of heart attack is more closely aligned with overall lifestyle, but also more related to high triglycerides and various inflammations according to all the research Rajjpuut’s mustered.

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While the overall impact on National Security of having nearly 500,000 classified military documents (about the conduct of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq) exposed has to be rated an unequivocal disaster . . . some seemingly shocking but harmless (from America’s point of view) details about the conduct of the war in Iraq also came to light. These items were revealed in the latest (2nd ) Wiki leaks disclosures:
1) That, yes, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) were found in Iraq in 2004.
2) Incredible savagery between civil-warring tribal elements in Iraq threatened to blow the whole country apart.
3) Despite complaints and accusations to the contrary, it appears that the United States handled its trust in Iraq with remarkable fairness and long-range balance while striving to leave Iraq better for our presence.
4) And most importantly, the huge role played by Iran in arming, training, and transporting saboteurs and instructors (and then in providing logistic support for this shadow organization harmful to Iraq’s quest for peace is also very well-documented.
A. A few comments seem in order: the poison mustard agents found in two separate caches as well as the blister agents (more a personnel incapacitating agent then a WMD) discovered elsewhere can certainly be called “WMDs” . . . they weren’t the manufacturing facilities that the Bush administration was hoping for . . . but they were certainly WMDs. Why then wasn’t the public notified? Who knew about this? If President G.W. Bush knew and refused to reveal it for whatever purpose, it certainly shows a strong resolve considering the lambasting he received from anti-war groups over the next four and a half years.
B. The idea of Vice President Joe Biden to create three separate nations of Iraq for the Kurds, Sunni and Shiite populations is surely shortsighted – for example why not make it four different countries and include the Christians (there are more Christians (3%) than there are Kurds and there are also plenty of Jews, Mandaeans and Zoroastrianists as well)? However, it is fact that the tribal animosities especially those between the Sunni and Shiite peoples constituting the two major blocs and of Iraq’s Muslim population are part of Sadaam Hussein’s legacy but historically also go all the way back to the death of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Overall 94% of the Iraqi people are Muslims and Shia and Sunni Muslims constitute 98% of that 94% and they both call each other infidels. The Shaykhist Muslims are a tiny minority constantly striving to keep out of the other two sects’ gun sights at all times. Really we’re talking about tribes here. In Afghanistan the tribal nature of lifestyle there is quite evident, but despite Iraq’s seeming sophistication, tribal hatred is alive and well even today.
C. After reading some of the Wikileak releases, it’s easy to understand why so many Iraqis are so pessimistic about the future and why so many of them called for the United States to maintain a presence for up to ten years . . . we had our problems but generally dealt with matters in Iraq in a very even-handed manner.
D. Could the reason that the WMD discoveries in Iraq went unreported be that Iran’s interference in Iraq might be at least partially justified by fear of WMDs? Hard to say. Nevertheless, there are a good 640 items dealing with the Iranians among the Wikileaked communiqués . . . and their role cannot be called “benign.” Now what do we think about the Iranian nuclear program, in light of the state-sponsored terrorism Iran has been guilty of?
E. How does President Obama’s decision to pull out of Iraq so precipitously look in light of these Wikileak revelations?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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George Soros Calls for
“Managed Decline of the Dollar”
One of the richest men in the world, who has already profited mightily from the collapse of four separate currencies around the globe, now appears prepared to “encourage” the collapse of the “world’s #1 reserve currency”: the American Dollar. Of course the great Marxist “philanthropist” George Soros is not expected to make a penny from the financial ruin he’s engineering against American citizens and the great hordes of dollar-holders around the globe . . . no, never could happen with the “managed decline of the dollar” he's calling for.
Soros, who along with Hillary Clinton**, helped create the liberal propaganda and attack-foundations Center for American Progress and Media Matters (Media Matters showcases among the most vicious and outspoken left-wing critics and smear campaigns upon Conservatives like Glenn Beck^^, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity)
has long been in the shadows hiding behind his Tides Foundation to
disguise the movement of his millions into leftwing American and European organizations designed to upset the American apple cart.
Over the years the single most effective of Soros’ shadow organizations benefitting from his money was our very own ACORN begun in GASP! Arkansas. ACORN (originally named the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now), of course, was created in Arkansas by Wade Rathke@@ the same year that CRA ’77$$ Legislation was passed and besides all the problems they created (in building up to our recent very own financial collapse courtesy of the ACORN-induced sub-prime lending crisis) also played a major role in ensuring that William Jefferson Clinton would be the state’s governor for 12 of the next 14 years and, oh yes, become the 42nd President of the United States.
Soros, possibly in response to a Glenn Beck challenge the day before to appear on the Glenn Beck Show with him for one hour and reveal his intentions for America, yesterday came out of the shadows long enough to write a check directly to Media Matters for precisely $5 million to hire “investigative journalists.” Since Media Matters has 50,000 hits on the search subject “Glenn Beck” one wonders if George is trying to find something on Beck that’s eluded him so far.
Going back to Soros’ aiming to profit from devaluation of the American dollar . . . as a matter of “full disclosure,” your blogger Rajjpuut, recently suggested that patriotic right-wingers invest in silver and exit the stock market based upon the actions of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who within four months of the September, 2008, financial meltdown upped the amount of greenbacks circulating in the country to 15 times its previous level thus theoretically making the 2009 dollar worth 6.7 cents in 2008 money. Of course, Rajjpuut, has never been accused of deliberately collapsing anybody’s currency, but only of not wanting to hold onto money that’s not worth the paper it’s printed on . . . and suggesting that his relatives, friends, readers, and acquaintances avoid that problem also.
So . . . you’ve been warned TWICE.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
$$ CRA ’77 was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, passed on Jimmy Carter’s watch . . . which opened the door for government to force lenders to make knowingly bad loans to people who did not qualify for a mortgage by any reasonable standards. Bill Clinton after coming into office in 1993 immediately set out to create law by presidential directive to give CRA ’77 the teeth it lacked. Then in 1995, he twice oversaw legislative expansions of CRA ’77. And finally Clinton’s 1998 expansion of CRA laws put the whole system on steroids. What effect did this have? In 1975, 0.24% of all home loans were granted at 3% down payment or less. In 1985, working primarily in Arkansas, ACORN had more than doubled that percentage to 0.51%. Thanks to Clinton’s efforts by 1995 14% of all home loans were granted at 3% down payment or less. After Clinton’s “steroid expansion of CRA in ’98, the 2005 figure showed 34% of all home loans were granted at 3% or less. By the way, ACORN lawyer Barack Obama was shaking down lenders in Chicago between 1994 and 1996. ACORN after Clinton left office found that they could get homeless people into $400,000 homes just as easily as they had put semi-poor folk into $150,000 homes five to ten years earlier. ACORN’s success in putting people without jobs; without decent credit; without rental histories; who gave food stamps as “income”; welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens into homes was the prime cause of the recent sub-prime lending crisis that instigated the financial meltdown we’re now enjoying.
@@ Rathke, who went to Arkansas seven years earlier in 1970, was a lieutenant of George Wiley and part of Wiley’s, Richard Cloward’s and Frances Pivens’ National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). NWRO was created to overwork the Welfare system in 1967 and by 1975 had bankrupted New York City (the federal government bailed them out) and came within a whisker of bankrupting New York State. The trio was seeking to put the infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy (based upon a C-P article in The Nation in 1966) into operation to force the United States into a GNI (guaranteed national income) and they presumed wipe out poverty forever. Rathke ran the Arkansas NWRO. After bragging about their great success Cloward, Piven and Wiley suggested the next areas for “Alinsky!! street theater” and Cloward-Piven Strategy should be voter registration and housing legislation . . . enter Rathke and ACORN two years later.
!! Saul Alinsky was the self-described neo-Marxist author of Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971) who literally dedicated his Rules for Radicals to Satan.

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“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything . . .” (old saying)

“Rajjpuut being a health educator who worked for a health insurance company, Rajjpuutcare (shown later in the blog) is roughly some 50,000% better than Obamacare could ever hope to be even if they got rid of every bad aspect of that hideous law . . . .” Rajjpuut

What Would Real Healthcare Reform Look Like?

Much has been spoken and written about the incredibly corrupt process used to bring the nation the blessings of Obamacare. Talk about outright bribes including new hospitals; special legislative dispensations and the infamous Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, etc., etc., ad nauseum caught the stench of the matter pretty aptly. Politicians can be very corrupt. Progressive politicians exceptionally so, but perhaps more should be said about the private sector sell-outs we’ve come to know and love . . . in a phrase, since the companies and people involved didn't stand up for something, they fell for anything and everything that Obama promised . . . .

Every so often the utterly corrupt and totally INEPT progressive left-wing of the Democratic Party and their charismatic leader Barack Obama get something right in their understanding of the world. Shortly after the inauguration, remembering reading their Lenin that everyone of them has committed to memory chapter and verse, they must have been overjoyed when Barack Obama got the nation’s health insurance to pony up $170 million for advertising the virtues of their coming “Obamacare Healthcare Reform” efforts. A broad collectivist grin must have crossed their faces as they recalled Lenin’s description of “capitalists selling the rope, which we’ll use to hang them with.” Suicide by stupidity and self-destructive treachery . . . .

The insurance industry (unless something akin to repeal or even defunding of Obamacare happens within the next six months) has not only sold their souls to the devil, they sold America out lock, stock and barrel simultaneously. And, not only the health insurance industry per se, the up-till-recently well-trusted American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) also sold out for a hoped for chance to sit down at the final table when Obamacare would be drawn up . . . . Oh, what a sorry lot of Benedict Arnold’s they all turned out to be. And let’s really get to it, shall we, look at all those hundreds of millions of dollars that corporate America and the wealthy of America have donated to Barack Obama and all things progressive (we must ‘progress’ well beyond the outdated and severely flawed U.S. Constitution) over the last 45 years despite the clear progressive goal to undermine corporate America and hold a fire sale thereafter . . . not only traitors, but idiots as well . . . .


If 10% of Corporate American leaders understood the truths revealed by the weblink immediately above and took just a smidgen more pride in being capitalists, entrepreneurs and/or patriots, none of the crap the nation has endured since the “Great Society” first reared its ugly head in mid-1964 would have ever come to beastly fruition. Think of it all . . . . huge expansions of welfare and social security never actually funded; the creation of two brand new entitlement entities Medicare and Medicaid, likewise never actually funded; federal funding of education and the mediocrity it’s brought with it; today $114 TRillion in unfunded liabilities and a National Debt of $13.8 TRillion . . . all made possible because over the years, the corporate world ignored principle and opted repeatedly to fund those whose stated mission was to kill capitalism and replace it with state socialism. Look what they’ve done to themselves and to all of us! And as for all those fat Americans dipping nachos in mayonnaise while they watch sitcoms and reality TV, looks like they got exactly the government their ignorance deserved. Oh, by the way, changes in the state side of Medicaid, now mandated because of Obamacare, will bankrupt all 50 states by not later than 1924. Enough, let’s look at real healthcare reform more closely . . . .

As in all legislative things Democratic under this president, the word “reform” found in the term “Healthcare Reform” referring to Obamacare is a weasel phrase that implies only a far greater control of the healthcare system by the federal government at far greater expense to the productive elements of society and certainly NOT any improvement in citizens’ health or lowering of costs or other benefit. But this begs the question, what would real healthcare reform look like? Leave it to the Ol’ Health Educator, Rajjpuut: here are the features that such real reform would boast of . . . .

REAL Healthcare Reform 5% of Startup Cost

and Huge Saving over Obamacare

Rajjpuut being a health educator who worked for a health insurance company, Rajjpuutcare (shown immediately below) is roughly some 50,000% better than Obamacare could ever hope to be even if they got rid of every bad aspect of that hideous law . . . .

A. Tort Reform capping malpractice awards; cutting doctors’ costs for malpractice insurance and dramatically lowering healthcare costs across the board.

B. Mandated “Procedural Checklists” for hospitals and clinics and operating rooms to reduce malpractice incidences; and dramatically lower the frequency of iatrogenic deaths, illnesses, and injuries (iatrogenic death, or doctors and hospitals and medicines killing people is the 4th leading cause of death in the nation) and lower health care costs.

C. Reform of the FDA and the USDA to ensure that the food supply and the drug industry are safe and actually working for the benefit of the citizens instead of endangering them. One of the most reprehensible facts about iatrogenic deaths is when doctors, nurses and patients do everything right but medicines harm or kill people which happens far too often today. The FDA is almost totally dominated by the pharmaceutical industry and “review” under the FDA is as corrupt a practice as civilization has ever known.

D. Set up a National Health Education office under control of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fund them with the necessary budget ($100 million) to create a series of dvd movies on preventive self-help healthcare and make these movies non-copyrighted properties that any school or individual citizen can buy for $8; or download for $4 off the internet; and that schools, hospitals, clinics and libraries can download and copy for free. Budget a series of public service TV addresses throughout the year 10% aimed at parents or would-be parents of babies and small children; 40% aimed at children 9-14; 30% aimed at most Americans 15-55; 20% aimed at older people and senior citizens . . . all aimed at helping empower people to be responsible for their own health.

E. Require any school receiving federal funds; or any licensed private school or home schooling situation in the nation to teach a minimum of one hour of health education per week; and offer a vigorous PE program (and recess for elementary kids) of 4-5 hours weekly. Part of this health care reform would remove the threat to teachers and coaches for typical incidents and injuries occurring from normal physical activity and only allow non-nuisance law suits where there is solid evidence of serious carelessness; or ignorance, or harmful intent by teachers that caused the problem. Getting kids into the exercise habit is paramount for lowering costs and increasing the health of the nation as a whole.

F. Base the prevention program on check ups conducted by the CDC outreach to give yearly exams to every citizen. Virtually all diseases caught early are much cheaper and more successfully dealt with.

G. Base the prevention and education programs on Rajjpuut’s “Nine Golden Rules of Health,” to wit:

1. No tobacco and no drug use (including minimal use of OTC medicines)

2. Only allow yourself extremely moderate or no use of alcohol.

3. Practice regular vigorous physical exercise appropriate for age and overall health and safety.

4. Maintain a healthy-normal weight with a healthy BMI and a healthy body fat%.

5. Eat a good healthy breakfast daily.

6. Eat 4-5 healthy meals daily with the largest meals early in the day.

7. Adults get 7-8 hours sleep every night; children 8-11 hours sleep appropriate for age.

8. Always use seat belts in moving vehicles and life vests in and around boats.

9. Pass and practice appropriate defensive-driving courses before being granted a driver’s license (and a national learner’s permit progam at age 17.5 and license program at age 18 is also highly recommended). The famous “Smith Technique for Defensive Driving comes to mind.

10.Bonus Rule: develop a good sense of humor; maintain a cheery outlook and don’t be afraid to talk to mental health care officials or teachers, pastors, etc. about incidences of depression.

Comment: A UCLA survey under the auspices of world-famous health educator Lester Breslow, Ph.D. showed that

seven salutatory practices upon which Rajjpuut’s list is based were found in virtually all the extremely vigorous elders the survey followed. When expanded to the general populace, Dr. Breslow’s 7 Golden Rules of Health explained fully what a “healthy lifestyle” was all about because a 55 year old man following 6-7 of the rules had the same life expectancy as a 20 year old man following none or just one of them. In other words, the two men might very well be expected to die on the same day 28 years in the future . . . and the 35 well-lived years difference in their ages is a representation of the sane-living older fellow’s “quality of life.” Achieving that quality of life is the aim of both preventive and educational efforts by the Health Care Reform.

H. “Rajjpuutcare” would look something like this: A healthcare insurance program run through individual insurance companies but funded and overseen by the government. Any proven incidence of abuse or fraud would void eligibility of the company involved for fifteen years. No company without a track record of ten years prior successful claims management, and/or oversight history can be part of the program. It’s set up as a catastrophic health insurance program much like our automobile policies with say $5,000 deductible for an individual unmarried person. People can opt to contract with health insurance firms for dental, vision or ordinary health care if they wish. The program would be only for major illness or accidents and the expenses associated with them. People must be subscribers to the program for twelve consecutive months before the first services might be utilized and reimbursed (this allows a build-up of funds); the government subsidizes the cost in part or in full for low-income citizens through tax credits;

I. Allow program transportability wherever the citizen travels in the United States or its territories.

J. Service will not be confined by state borders, that is, while state insurance boards may control all other forms of insurance . . . insurance companies signed into this program are not bound by state borders for the purpose of marketing or servicing this federally funded and overseen program.

K. At age 20 children must register for their own health insurance coverage – for this catastophic health care program – and serve a separate, individual twelve-consecutive-month waiting period, before being eligible for major medical claims. If say a person of age 55 paid $3,000 annually / $250 per month; a person of 20 proving themselves in decent health might subscribe for $600 yearly/$50 per month. A 25% annual cost savings would be available to those persons who report they are practicing the Golden Rules of health after signing a pledge to continue doing so so long as they are subscribers to the program.

Youthful subscribers would enjoy the same savings if they maintain a driving record free of violations during the previous year.

Because the program requires a year lead-in for fees and is covering virtually the entire population, the additional revenue generated will offset additional utilization costs for physician and hospital reimbursements for the catastrophic treatment expenses.

L. Allow no coverage or funding of abortions under the program.

M. A vastly-improved border control is in place and NO illegal aliens of any age are allowed into the program thus ensuring that the program benefits citizens now and in the future without threat of becoming overloaded by aliens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Our Federal Government’s Become EXPERT

in Fixing Everything that Ain’t Broken Yet

We’ve all heard the old rhyme, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!” You may have also heard that the federal government has moved into crisis mode about the rising bedbug infestation in the country, but you probably didn’t know that under the Clinton administration, the progressive politicians in this country and their most progressive expression of the nanny-state . . . the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . . . began treating the bedbug as an endangered species (not literally, lighten up a bit) and today we’re reaping the rewards of their “enlightened” policies. Furthermore the enlightened feds are not backing down from their enlightened stance so that . . . in a nutshell, just as in the federal government’s law suit against Arizona's new immigration law moves forward, the feds are also giving the state of Ohio an enormously heavy-handed hard time because GASP, Ohio is striving mightily to eradicate the little pests.

How bad has the problem gotten? The EPA has announced its second national bedbug summit for this winter in Washington, D.C. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City and the Wall Street Journal discovered bedbugs in their confines last week. And meanwhile since its last bedbug summit in April, 2009, the problem has gotten much worst and the EPA is still sitting on its hands unable or unwilling to make a decision since then on raising their ban on stronger more effective pesticides first put into effect under the Clinton administration. In the eighteen months since the last bedbug summit, the EPA has not been idle, however, they’ve changed their website info on bedbugs seven times.

The bedbug “problem” was practically non-existent between the end of World War II and the mid 1990’s when Clinton’s people decided to fix what wasn’t broken and ban all-manner of effective pesticides. Congress passed a major pesticides law in 1996 and the Clinton EPA banned several classes of chemicals that had been effective bedbug eradicators. And even now as public health officials around the country are clamoring to bring those chemicals back to help solve the bed bug “emergency,” EPA bureaucrats have downplayed the idea and environmentalists are pushing hard against the effort, citing safety concerns. Yup! Yup, they fixed the problem real good! Yup!

And, yup, EPA chief Lisa Jackson, who dismissed Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s appeals over the issue in a June letter, still pompously assumes that only the feds know what’s best for the rest of us. Ohio has just been “presumptuous” enough to assume that they can allow the use of an effective bedbug fighting pesticide called “Propoxur” which has NOT been banned by the EPA yet. The best that can be said for bureaucrat Lisa Jackson is that she hasn’t outright banned Propoxur YET! Propoxur, you see was allowed for use in residential homes until 2007 and has never been actually banned at all. The EPA, in its wisdom said (without studies one way or another) that they feared that Propoxur might prove dangerous for children. Rather than paying for an expensive re-do of their own original studies of the pesticide . . . knowing the vagaries of the EPA’s whims, the manufacturer of Propoxur decided not to strive to sell the product in the United States. Any Propoxur manufactured before 2007 is still available for use in residential areas, so pest controllers have a limited supply they could use . . . and that’s Ohio’s plan.

Are you getting the gist of all this? The federal government is now in crisis mode to fix a problem they created (a very familiar pattern as you’ll soon see). The federal government has become expert in “fixing what isn’t broken” with GIBs and GBSBs (government interference boondoggles and government big-spending boondoggles) and reducing our freedoms and our lifestyles as a result . . . .

ITEM: based on the non-science of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, the United States and eventually the world moved to ban DDT, the safest and most effective pesticide ever created (you can literally drink DDT or use it on your salad as a dressing). Malaria deaths which dropped to 43,000 worldwide in 1970 now stand at 2,000,000 every year. Ms. Carlson’s book and the EPA over-reaction without doing any real studies have killed 75 million people since 1970.

ITEM: to save a three-inch fish, the delta smelt, from getting sucked into irrigation piping, in the middle of a seven-year drought, the EPA has banned much irrigation in central California around Fresno . . . turning the nation’s vegetable basket into a dry, lifeless center of unemployment.

ITEM: In 1975, the United States was the envy of the world averaging 64% private home ownership year after year. Only one in every 404 home loans was made at 3% down payment or less -- almost all home loans were granted at 10-25% down payment. In 1977, the Carter administration passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) to force mortgage lenders to make bad loans to people who could not reasonably be said to qualify for such loans. In 1993 the Clinton administration used regulatory processes to bypass congress and give the CRA laws real teeth; in 1995 Clinton and congress was able to expand CRA ’77 law twice; in 1998 in a steroid-version expansion of CRA Clinton and congress made another CRA expansion. The result of fixing a system that wasn’t broken?

By 2005, 34% of all home loans were made at 3% down payment or less (an increase of 13,800% in the ratio of presumably unwise home loans in America since 1975); worse, borrowers who would have had trouble getting a $120,000 loan in 1993, were being put into $400-$500,000 homes in 2005. Thanks to the ACORN** efforts (to overload the system a la the same Cloward-Piven Strategy that bankrupted NYC in 1975 after overloading welfare for eight years) on behalf of people without jobs; people with atrocious credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people with food stamps as their only “income”; other people on some form of welfare; and even illegal aliens . . . the country found itself in a “sub-prime lending crisis” that the government with the willing help of ACORN and progressives had created.

Are you still a fan of big government? Do you still think the government knows best? Do you think they can do a better job with your money, after raising your taxes, than you can do with it? Was the system broken before 1965 when Lyndon Johnsons’ “Great Society” programs expanded welfare dramatically; created Medicare and Medicaid (federal and state programs both) and led us to two monstrous entitlement programs that today have put the U.S. government $80 TRillion behind the 8-ball in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that the obligations on the state side of Medicaid will bankrupt all but one or two states by 2024? What about Social Security, did you know that the SSA is $34 TRillion in the hole in UNFUNDED liabilities? That social security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid now are approaching $115 TRillion in UNFUNDED liabilities? Did you know that all three of these programs are “set-asides,” but that rather than setting the money aside as required by law, the government used that money and even borrowed more to create not only those three huge UNFUNDED liabilities but also our present national debt of roughly $13.8 TRillion? Do you understand why so many people are up in arms about respecting our Constitution? About taking care of our nation’s fiscal mess? About reducing taxes? About reducing spending? About taking the country back from politicians and putting it back in the hands of the people? About returning to sanity?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Presidential Seal Abandons Obama,

Moves to Vancouver, Canada

In what’s seen as another serious blow to public perception of the Obama administration’s competence, the presidential seal told reporter Payne Hertz, standing in for Rajjpuut, she was leaving her long time post in Washington, D. C. due to “irreconcilable differences” with President Barack Obama, top administration officials, the Obama czars and First Lady Michelle Obama. The seal, who doesn’t speak human languages vocally and is only semi-fluent in English, had to tap out her Spanish language answers in Morse code on a bongo drum in exchange for sardines turning a short interview into a long, drawn out beat-bop session. Our 96-year old veteran of the journalistic wars claims that he constantly found himself interrupting “the music” to get back to the thread of the interview . . . . “Rather like a really extended Greenwich Village poetry session,” according to Hertz. The video-recorded bongo serenade translates to this:

Hertz: Hola, Como esta` usted? (Hello, Wasap?)

PSL: Estoy harto de Obama hasta aqui (raises flipper above head and says, “I’m fed with Obama at least this much”)

Hertz: OK. How long have you served as the presidential seal?

PSL: Actually, I was the presidential sea lion, most of you humans don’t appreciate the difference . . . .

Hertz: Oh, yeah, I can see your tiny ears. And your flippers are really long; do you have any underfur at all?

PSL: Just a little, of course we sea lions can actually walk on all four flippers and are much more intelligent than those damn seals (sneers). That’s part of the problem. Obama gave me four promises and he’s reneged on all of them.

Hertz: Before we get into that, isn’t it true that Vice President Biden has accused you of “racism?” And . . . .

PSL: Oh, that again. I accuse the veep of stupidity, just as I accuse seals of stupidity. It’s not racism to say that a snail is slow, a skunk stinks or a seal is stupid. Take it up with National Geographic and Discover magazines. They’ve both done testing and seals average 70% lower IQs than we sea lions do and they come out only a point or two above Mr. Biden and Michelle Obama.

Hertz: You’re calling the First Lady unintelligent?

PSL: Look who she married. When it comes to capitalism and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution he’s an illiterate and an ignoramus. On economics, if you can show me a less intelligent fellow . . . .

Hertz: Hold it, you can’t just go around calling down the President of the United States . . . .

PSL: Listen, he made four promises to me and he didn’t keep one of them that’s batting .000 in my book and except for being a pretty-boy and making an occasional four-foot putt or three-point shot, there isn’t much there.

Hertz: Yeah, ah . . . . What were the promises?

PSL: For #1 He would introduce me within three days after the inauguration and explain to the American public the differences between seals and sea lions. He said it would be an excellent “teachable moment.” Instead he’s had the EPA undergo a “spread the intelligence” campaign to call us all “pinnipeds.” It’s like lumping human civilization in with monkey tribes and lemurs and calling you all “primates” to “spread the IQ wealth.”

Hertz: And?

PSL: #2 He said he’d provide me with my favorite snack after every televised appearance with him. #3 He’d allow me input into the Economic Recovery Board. #4 He refrain from any actions against gold traders . . . .

Hertz: Obama promised to allow a seal . . . .

PSL: Sea lion, damnit . . . .

Hertz: Excuse me, Obama promised to allow a sea lion to help make administration policy?

PSL: What? You think I could do worse?

Hertz: OK, OK, tell me more about the promises . . . .

PSL: Well, the most disappointing was about the “teachable moment” and then the snacks . . . .

Hertz: Skip those two . . . just promises #3 and #4.

PSL: Well, he tried to whip it past me, but while he was putting funded abortions in Obamacare, he also snuck in a bunch of onerous control over gold traders . . . I think it was on page 752 . . . I’ve got a cousin near Portland’s really going to be ill-affected by that one. As for the Economic Recovery Board people: they’re only a slightly paler shade of pink then Mr. “Jobs President” himself . . . they’re all experts at killing jobs.

Hertz: You’re claiming the president is a Marxist?

PSL: I swim in the water and hang out with sea lions; he populates his inner circle with commies . . . you get known by the company you keep . . . .

Hertz: That’s hardly conclusive . . . .

PSL: You don’t read much do you, fella?

Hertz: Excuse me?

PSL: You’re a liberal, huh? Dreams from My Father, well, youngster, his father’s dreams included 100% taxes.

Hertz: Well, you’re just a sea lion. Sorry, that was uncalled for, ‘er tell me about the problem with the snacks.

PSL: Pardon me too, I shouldn’t have referred to your age . . . . just get so damned mad, you can’t imagine what it’s like being surrounded by anti-American pinheads 24/7. It was right there in my contract, “four north Pacific herring” after every televised appearance with the two of us . . . and instead he pays me off with three of the tiniest, most tasteless . . . .

Hertz: I see, well it doesn’t sound like you got along very well . . . .

PSL: . . . dried out Delta Smelt, like eating french-fried cockroaches . . . .

Hertz: Did you say, Delta Smelt?

PSL: You’ve eaten ‘em, eh? So you catch my drift?

Hertz: But Delta Smelt are on the endangered species list. They’re stopping irrigation in California’s Central Valley because of the danger to Delta Smelt from being sucked into the piping systems . . . .

PSL: The fewer the Delta Smelt, the more environmental votes they get . . . .

Hertz: I can’t believe . . . .

PSL: Now, maybe you understand why I jumped off his lectern the other day . . . it was all just too much . . . .

Hertz: Well, there must have been something good about the experience . . . ?
PSL: Oh yeah, getting to sit in on sessions with Reid, Pelosi, Frank and Hoyer really made my day! Damn Keystone Cops . . . .

Hertz: (At this point the video-tape’s audio recording reveals only the snoring of a 96-year old man for the next twelve minutes. Hertz takes his afternoon siesta precisely at 2:45 every day . . . .)

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Seeks Texas Scapegoat

for Hurricanes Igor,Julia and Karl

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .


naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow automobile. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I immediately pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat (self-defense with ordinary playing cards), disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, fatter, and far stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker! I could see the hammer and sickle stitched into his club covers and the tattoo of Karl Marx peeked through his white golf shirt. Yep, it was Obama all right!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Chris Mathews, the cub reporter who is currently hosting a program called Softballs for Liberals on MSNBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man, even that out of shape stupid younger man, was great . . . I outdrove Obama on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times before and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. The headline was about something called the Hindenburg Omen which didn’t sound good. I could see the date was October 3rd, somehow I’d leaped exactly three weeks into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Chris-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the happenings of the last twenty-one days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past three weeks? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Chris, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief and I’m not answering questions about that Hindenburg stockmarket crap either . . . . Perhaps you might ask me a question about what it’s like travelling in Air Force One?”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Igor, Julia and Karl were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes . . . and there’d apparently been something real wrong happening on Wall Street. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . besides with a little luck I could make a killing in the stock market when I got back to my own time . . . IF I ever got back to my own time . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Chris, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know our administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Hindenburg scandal thing and of course the slow responses on all three hurricanes.”

Q: “Hindenburg scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the Business and Financial papers would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the 2200 point drop on Wall Street last week ‘the G. W. Bush Crash,’ that’s really not all that much of a thing to overlook in the papers, you’d think . . . And just cause we haven’t helped anybody yet from those three storms . . . .”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for slow response on all three hurricanes and a faltering stock market! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, all us neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Chris Mathews’ fat body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty-one days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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Colorado Gubenatorial Candidate Hickenlooper

Shows Poor Judgment in Indirectly

Funding Recreate ’68 and Colorado ACORN

Gubenatorial candidate and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s 23- year association with the ultra-radical Chinook Fund has given ammunition to his Republican opponent Dan Maes as one questionable decision after another has been exposed. Hickenlooper was one of the founders of the Chinook Fund in 1987 and he’s given tens of thousands of dollars to the fund over the years. He refuses to say if he’s still connected with Chinook at present.

Chinook has donated more than $2 million in just the past 20 years to various Colorado non-profit agencies. Some of the recipients work with the homeless and mentally ill, others seem too radical to believe. For some examples . . . .

Colorado ACORN is part of the greater national organization that has undermined the nation’s financial stability by shaking down home lenders to force unwise loans to people lacking ID; lacking jobs; lacking income other than foodstamps; lacking reasonable credit ratings; lacking even rental history; welfare recipients; and other unworthy borrowers including illegal aliens. ACORN both in Colorado and across the nation has been infamous for massive involvement in voter fraud.

Transform Columbus Day Alliance a group supporting the Colorado American Indian Movement (AIM) is mired firmly in the past, seeking to “transform the ‘racist’ celebration” of the life of Christopher Columbus.

Somos America is a group mainly campaigning for the “rights” of illegal Hispanic immigrants in Colorado and has called upon Latinos and other Coloradoans to boycott Budweiser Beer because the brewery’s distributor Hensley Beverages Co. contributed to state lawmakers who voted for the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law.

HARM Reduction Action Center is a group which enables drug users in Denver rather than seeking to help them stay clean.

Recreate ‘68 is a very radical organization which besides war protests, harrassed, intimidated and annoyed Delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention held in Denver during August, 2008. Their name was taken from the massive and ugly student-led riots and police counter-actions in Chicago in 1968 both inside and especially outside the Democratic Conventions. Aligned with the Colorado ACLU, Recreate ‘68 spent most of its time complaining about the heavy Denver police presence which they said “deprived our protesters of their 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.” Since Hickenlooper was ostensibly doing everything possible to ensure a smooth-running DNC in the city he serves as mayor, his charity’s long-standing association with radical groups such as those mentioned and especially with Recreate ’68 seems a product of questionable judgment at best. Hickenlooper refused to disavow Chinook, Recreate ’68 or any of the other groups that Chinook subsidizes.

The mayor has found himself dogged by many improprieties and annoying revelations of late . . . apparent preferential treatment his restaurant received in cases involving liquor violations and frequent hiring of illegal alien workers have not gone down well with the voters. But the two most high-profile situations are the loss of 31,000 jobs in Denver as Hickenlooper oversaw tax hikes and made Denver a “sanctuary city” bringing thousands of illegal aliens to town to exploit Denver city services. The Chinook, and particularly the Recreate ’68, donations raise deep questions of judment. How does a politician promise to execute a flawless national convention while donating money to people who’s stated interest is to disrupt and villify the convention and the conventioneers? But Hickenlooper’s connection to the utterly corrupt ACORN organization bent upon Cloward-Piven tactics and strategies to undermine the nation’s economy and advance marxist goals shows the man’s real character.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Unspeakable Horrors Up North

While Rajjpuut continues his recuperation from a compound hangnail and aggravated golf-shoulder, 96-year old understudy, Payne Hertz, covers his blog-beat this week.

I found myself singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and getting bewildered looks from the crowd standing at attention around me, then I realized they were singing “God, save our noble Queen” . . . Canada has proven something of a pleasing cultural shock. The last time I visited the country I was 26 and like many adventurous Americans headed north to join the Canadian wing of pilots training for the Brit’s Royal Air Force in hopes of stoppin Herr Hitler. While much has changed on the surface, the underlying benificence of the Canadian people rolls on eternally.

I was assigned a strange story this week, to research “What’s up with the vast emigration of the liberal-elite out of the United States, and specifically the motivations for hundreds of thousands of elite illegal alien liberals sneaking into Canada each and every week?” My first stop was with Robin Glassconk, Dean of the Alberta School of Agriculture and ex institutional head for the Canadian Uranium Network-Technology Outreach. She was a pleasant widow lady who smiled and chuckled after I nimbly deflected her initial efforts to hit-on me with my classic line “Robin, you’re young enough to be my granddaughter . . .” She nodded her head and returned to the business at hand . . . .

“Not since the height of the Viet Nam conflict has Canada witnessed such an influx of leftist malcontents from the States. Frankly, it’s working a great hardship on the Canadian people and we’re only now beginning to understand the causes and how best to deal with this very unexpected phenomenon.”

As some American progressives and progressive-lites a.k.a. “liberals” find themselves facing a complete rejection of their core values at American voting booths this November, the left-wing of America finds itself with two unpleasant prospects: 1) having to take to the streets in demonstrations for the Obama administration and be heckled by the vast new TEA Party majority, the course chosen by virtually all of the ultra-progressive neo-marxist wing . . . OR . . . 2) to flee northward and become illegal liberal American aliens – a path seemingly becoming all too popular for Canada’s native-born and naturalized citizens to embrace.

The Canadian government, initially slow to act, has jumped to this new challenge. The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police a.k.a. “the Mounties”) has quadrupled mounted patrols and walking K-9 patrols of all the most negotiable border crossing hotspots. Robin led me to a small rickety outbuilding at the edge of the campus. There under some loose hay I found the Ridley family from San Ramos, California, all four of them drinking their last sips of the imported bottled-water they’d brought with them. A grim specter haunted their every breath: the recent rise of the TEA Party in America. William Ridley, an ex-Curator for the Museum of Labor Union History who’d also founded seventeen branches of ACORN, explained . . . .

“It’s not just being outvoted, it’s my awful dread of Glen Beck and Greta Van Susteren . . . can you imagine being forced to learn to hunt, trade our SUVs in for one pick up, and pray on our knees. It’s horrible! I can’t imagine my colleagues and I having to discuss Beck, Van Susteren and Chris Wallace all day long.”

Why didn’t the Ridley’s choose to enter Canada legally? Robin Glassconk put it this way. “At first, there were a few legal immigration openings, but they quickly filled up. Our country needs people that are used to doing actual work or better yet entrepreneurial folks who can create jobs and businesses. Canada is still largely a frontier nation and the pioneer spirit is alive and well here . . . I mean, how many lawyers, animal-rights proponents; sociologists, economists and psychologists; radical feminists; environmentalists; and Black Studies profs can we afford to add to our welfare rolls anyway? Did I mention lawyers, one in three liberal illegals has a law degree.”

Checking it out for himself, Ol’ Payne spent a night hidden in a likely forest-crossing point with his infrared scope at the ready. Quickly it was apparent that Canada has a huge problem. One hundred and seventy six illegals crossed in the five hours I maintained my vigil. Children with parents seemed to make up the vast majority of the liberal-elite fleeing American’s mainstream oppression on foot. They came with their sculpted poodles and pedigreed cats. They came with their laptop computers and I-phones pausing occasionally before me to communicate with old friends they might never see again. They came in wave after wave of cold, frightened, hungry, thirsty and exhausted humanity.

They came and later discovered a small all-night diner where they found sadly that organic oranges, almond-mocha-latte coffee, and free-range chicken were not on the menu. They came and only when 100 miles into Canada noticed that Michael Moore movies were not being shown. They came despite brand new 12-foot high chain-link fences with rolls of barbed-wire atop aiming to stop them . . . scaling these fences, tunneling below them and even driving their SUVs through them at full throttle.

They came even though some Canadian border communities had mounted long chains of loudspeakers that blared Ronald Reagan speeches all day and all night and found that 90% of the illegal crossings avoided their towns until the liberal Americans ignored them and crossed with ear plugs. Despite this failure, dairy farmers and egg farmers discovered that Reagan increased typical productivity by 60% and seemed to make their animals more content, so the speeches continue 24-7.

The big problems, Canadian government officials acknowledged, are actually NOT caused by the Americans themselves . . . “The percentages that cross by foot are small. They’re pretty naïve and not used to the ultra-rugged and less comfortable lifestyle up here, it’s the human- trafficking Canadian citizens that are causing most of our problems,” according to a highly placed official in the Canadian immigration service who chose to remain anonymous.

Our “wolverines” can get $70,000 - $80,000 to conduct a family of three or four across and often they just leave them somewhere two hundred miles north of the border beside the road without any clue at all. They’ll promise them anything -- green tech jobs; $200,000 forest ranger positions; professorial seats; even law partnerships, you name it they've promised it.” The official continued. “Helicopters, canoes, tunnels, hot-air balloons, smuggling them across in California wine shipments and organic food crates . . . other than skateboards, it’s all being done. But three or four days later, about the time they find we don’t sell Obama-food or imported drinking water . . . a lot of the illegals turn themselves in to our mounties. I understand a lot of them in our jails discuss trying Cuba next.

“One scam that worked for an awful long time for single persons and childless liberals was to masquerade as senior citizens from the states touring our country by bus or coming north for lower-priced prescription drugs.” The man laughed, “but we stopped that up good, you should see all the gray wigs the border patrol folks collect in any given day!”

The Canadian authorities now give 20-question quizzes to all older Americans. Said one border guard, “If they don’t know the words to “Teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini,” “Splish-splash,” or “Standing on the Corner” they immediately become suspect as a younger person masquerading older. A lot of them have never even heard “Doggie in the Window,” believe it or not. If they’re then shown a dial phone and give us a blank look, they’re busted. But I did have one trivia expert who almost got through our testing process. But when I asked him who “Fess Parker was, he looked blanked and removed his wig to scratch his cue-ball hairless noggin.”

Despite rumors of American plans for “normalization camps” run by the TEA Party where liberals can learn to drink cheap American beer, belch and fart and watch NASCAR, no such re-ed centers are currently planned by the TEA Party or any other conservative groups. "We're pretty much 'live and let live' despite what they believe about us, and only about 35% of us like NASCAR." said one TEA Party activist sporting a "Beck's Right" T-shirt. On the other hand, tensions are mounting among Canadian liberals and the illegals because of projected shortages of imported beer, video rentals of Al Gore’s movie, escargot, caviar and organic foods of all kinds. Initially, sympathetic to the plight of American liberals, Canadians just don’t see the need for any more music history teachers, feminist-lawyers, or art-therapy majors in their country.

In recognition of the crisis and to lessen tensions between the two North American nations, President Barak Obama has 1) promised that the U.S. Mint and Postal service will issue three new collectors’ series -- coins featuring endangered American species and famous labor unionists; and a stamp series featuring Stalin, Che, Mao and other mainstream heroes and 2) Barbara Streisand, Paul McCartney, and several of Mel Gibson’s ex-lovers will all be making Revolution-Victory Tours around the nation . . . according to the president, “It’s very important to reach out to these disenchanted citizens just as we’ll also seek to stymie the hideous efforts of those racists who’ve been oppressing them.”

Note: Even though he posted his story on the internet already, our nonogenarian correspondent Payne Hertz continues his tour of Canada because he so enjoys all the “trivia quizzes” thrown at him every day. He reminds liberals that Fess Parker played Davy Crockett for a Walt Disney movie and make sure you know the words to “Love is a Many-Splendored Thing” should you care to join him . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Seeks Scapegoat for Hurricane Fiona,

Himmicanes Earl and Gaston-Wilbur

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .


naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat, disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, taller and stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Brian Williams, the cub reporter who is somehow anchoring at NBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man was great . . . I outdrove him on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. I could see the date was September 15th, somehow I’d leaped twenty days into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Bry-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the hapnin's of the last twenty days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past twenty days? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Bri, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief.”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Earl, Fiona and Gaston were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Bri, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know the administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Gaston scandal thing.”

Q: “Gaston scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the meterologists would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the third major hurricane to pound the Atlantic Seaboard . . . G.W., that’s really not all that much to ask . . . I mean the storm might have been named 'Gaston-Wilbur,' you know and so G.W. seemed natural enough, but then all those weather people got in a big huff.”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for all three hurricanes! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, we neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Brian Williams’ body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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Nine Reasons to Hold the Republican Party

in Contempt, One Reason to Hope

1. 1. Despite the natural advantages of being a conservative group, they’ve been largely impotent since Ronald Reagan’s days.

All surveys for decades show the country is center-right in fiscal matters and Constitutional matters. Yet the direction the country has moved in since 1964, has largely been dictated by the ultra-progressive wing of the Democrats not by Republicans.

2. 2. The Republicans are inarticulate.

Except for Reagan, no one seems to have caught on to the simple Buckley-Will trick of speaking to 95% of the issues as opportunities to clarify exactly what Fiscal conservativism means and exactly what Constitutional conservativism means on a personal level to the voter-citizens. As a result, the lies and propanda of the left have dominated the political argument for decades.

3. 3. Republicans in the last 20 years have become Progressive Lite

Progressivism (we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) is an insidious cancer eating away at the American way of life; Americans’ freedoms and wealth; and the American Constitution and far too many Republicans such as our two Maine senators are continually voting progressive. Citizens can’t trust Republicans to be Republicans.

4. 4. Most Americans think being a “Pure Democracy” is a good thing and have never heard terms like “tyranny of the masses” because Republicans are seemingly afraid to defend Republicanism.

5. 5. Most Americans do not know that the most Republican Document in the world after the Declaration of Independence is the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 Amendments).

6. 6. Most Americans do not even know what the 10th Amendment is. Nor do Americans appreciate that above all other concepts, this is the one that makes America a place where you can vote “with your feet” and that keeps the size of government under control and the power of government as small as possible. Because of the 10th Amendment no place in America can get too oppressive (with taxes, for instance) because people can pack up and move to a place where more respect for the taxpayer is evident.

7. 7. Republicans are perceived as “holier-than-thou” and sexists and have proven they aren’t willing to be the major party in the country.

Unfortunate as it may be, abortion is the law of the land. Thanks to ridiculous Republican constraints against (very young girls; victims of rape; victims of incest; and women whose lives are endangered by childbirth) sentiment against the right-wing stance has hardened into virtual “abortion on demand” in this country. Commonsense says Republicans need to never say another word against any abortions but late-term ones for about 40 years and stick to areas where the country can agree with Republican stands (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism only). 56-60% of women vote against Republicans routinely because Republicans are seen as a male-dominated party and males, not getting pregnant, have NO RIGHT to decide the decisions that belong between a woman and her God.

8. 8. Unwilling to lose the most radical 8% of the ultra-right, Republicans willingly abandon the combined 27-30 % of conservative Independents and conservative Democrats. Ideas are important, but practical politics is all about winning too. The Republican Party has not since Reagan latched on to pure fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism, common sense small government and integrity in politics as its guiding principles. And the present mess is just part of the price America has paid because the country's major conservative party has expressed very little common sense.

Some Republicans apparently are nearer to fundamentalist Islam than they are to patriotic Americans . . . that is, they believe their religion should be the dominant or perhaps only one allowed in the country. When Republicans willing ignore the doctrine of separation of church and state and insist upon teaching Christmas carols in public schools; and that Creationism must be taught in public school science classes they earn utter contempt. This is why school voucher programs are important . . . send your kids to private or parochial schools as you prefer, but don’t attempt to proselytize your version of religion upon the whole country. If Mormons tried to get “predestinationism” into public school science classes we’d all be outraged . . . what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

9. 9. Neither positively nor negatively have the Republicans shown any stomach for the fight over ideas. Every ridiculous progressive argument holds ten times more value in Americans’ minds than the most sound of Republican ideas. For example: 80% of the people believe these lies are true (they’re discussed** in the footnotes).

a. Nazis were Fascists

b. Nazis and Italy’s Fascists were both conservatives

c. Communists are liberals and the opposite of Nazis and Fascists

d. Communism is a benign philosophy at worst, and has worked well for many countries

e. Right-wingers are racists and are ruining the country

f. Feminism has been a great positive and belongs to the left

g. “Creeping Socialism” is a natural evolution and has been totally positive

h. The rich are the country’s enemies and need to be forced to do their share by super-high taxes

i. Government can create jobs

j. Socialism works real well and protects the poor

k. Just a little government tinkering can make good free-market systems much better

l. Lack of regulatory control played a major part in causing the present financial debacle

m. G.W. Bush and Conservatives put us in our present fiscal hole. That is, drove us into Obama’s metaphorical “ditch.”

n. Barack Obama is a great American patriot and statesman

o. ACORN has little to do with Obama or the Democrats

p. Bill Clinton was a great president

q. Bailouts and stimulus from government eventuall do work and put the economy back on track

r. Once we get past this present bump in the road, it’ll be smooth sailing for America

And meanwhile these truths go unspoken and unknown in America:













There is, however, one great reason for hope. A large group of natural conservatives, many of whom have great disdain for the Republican Party have taken upon themselves the role of activists pushing for fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism, dramatically smaller common-sense government and integrity in politics. I give you the single-most Republican document in America since the Bill of Rights, the TEA Party’s “Contract from America” hopefully about 85% of Republicans (and perhaps 20% of Democrats?) will sign this pledge at:


The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)^^

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

More than ever Americans need a strong conservative choice offered to them in the voting booth and the Republican Party has abandoned that initiative and the country has suffered greatly. Now, if ever, is the time for a renaissance in the Republican vision.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The recent blog


discusses all these LIES and the truths no one seems to know
^^ TEA Party members and Americans at large voted on which of their original 24 concerns should be included in the final ten planks of their Contract from America . . . the percentages shown indicate how much support from the voters backed each issue.
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