labor (5)


18, Graduation soon, but still pushing.
18, Graduation soon, but still pushing.


Pushing Begins in Labor and Continues Through Life

Today is the day after my son turned 18 years old.  Reflecting back, I realize when they told me to push during labor, that was the begining of a continual process.   Whether your child has special needs or is quote "normal," it is a parental job to push children beyond their comfort zone.

Sometimes I have felt guilty for being "General Mommy or Sergeant Mommy;" so nicknamed by dad, my husband Bill.

Bill Adcock husband to Sandra and father of Tanner, now 18.
Bill Adcock husband to Sandra and father of Tanner, now 18.

Tanner was not an easy baby.  He had troubles eating from the start.  He through up and would be considered a colic baby.  Working with doctors and listening to the expereince of my mom(mother of four) resulted in putting rice in each bottle to help decrease the throwing up and weight gain proceeded.

At the age of six months, Tanner landed in the hospital for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).  Funny now but not at the time my sister recalls that I was not making sense and thought I was kidding when I called her to tell her  You see I was a nervous parent going from the doctor's office straight to the hospital and told her he had RSVP virus.

The hospital stay was almost a week.  It may have been worse for my husband and I to endure than Tanner.  Seeing your child in an oxygen tent and having tests ran in a haze of a short time is traumatic.  Then they tell you to move because you are in the way! Parental rights show up in your eyes resulting in a "Please" being spit out immediately and apoligetically.  He came along fine after about three months of nebulizer treatments, beating on the chest with a suction cup to break up secrestions and being on/off antibiotics.

Tanner was sick off and on quite often.  It seems I can remember all of his early holidays being sick.  My sister, that dresses very professionly all the time, was thrown up on and her car when she took him to the doctor for me right before his first Christmas.  That was one of the first holidays he was sick on.

Tanner weighted 17 pounds at one year old. Both my husband I worried about him.  He didn't or wouldn't eat well sometimes.  He stayed on his formula until he was about two years old or a bit older.  He refused milk.

At thirteen months if was obvious we were dealing with more than one could understand. My husband moved a toy or his cup about an inch or two.  He came back running to move it back to the exact position.  I new then and along with some other things observed there was something "wrong" or not quite right.

I am telling you all this for a reason.  This made it hard to make hard choices when he was older.  Worring about his health and weight gain, we let him start eating an unhealthy diet.  This wasn't at the time but it developed into a stance later on.  This also made being hard on him extremely trying.

Thus, began the parental divide on how to parent.  How do you face the something "wrong" or not normal along with health concerns?  I realized that at a certain point I couldn't go the path of least reistance.  Everyone had advise but I read while seaching for the reasons.  Family said not to worry and my husband appeard to me to like "denial."

Then and there I decided a proactive approach was best.  I proceeded to get Tanner into Preschool at age three.  I pushed for extra therapies like, speech and music.  I enrolled him in Kindermusic because of the benefits I had read about music in special needs and other areas of life.  One of his first sentences he said was sung back to me.   On our way to music class I sung to him, "Now it is time for music, music, music."  He was restless and sung back, "Now it's time for Grandma's, Grandma's!"  I was proud.  He had talked some but not like that.

The school said to make picture books and have him say what the picture was.  I made a jillion picture books.  Tanner would have to say his ABC's as I wrote them in the dirt at the park before he could swing.  Later he would have to write them.

I made 26 pages of huge ABC's on letter size paper.  Sensory issues were present and I read about trying differnt tactile approaches.  I cut out Sandpaper ABC's.  I found the experts that I thought could help me with advancing my son's chances of a better life.  I used the program "Handwriting Without Tears," to help him with writing.  This was on top of what the school was doing for him and the extra therapies I could afford like Speech and Occupational Therapy.

Do you see the pushing going on?  This continues for 18 years.  Tanner has autism so pushing can be a delicate balance.  I have him volunteering to gain job skills.  Do or did I feel guilty for being "A hard A$$?"  Sometimes!

Yet, let us ask the questions of what might have happened if I had given up?  Believed those provider's that were foolish to advise me to put my son in an institution?  Gone the path of least reisistance?  I doubt my son would be where he is today.   This has meant many battles in my marriage and in parenting my son with my husband.

Sometimes those with autism have problems with hygeine.  Tanner doesn't like his hair cut or wash it well all the time either.  I have wrestled with this for years. His counselor said to do one thing and my therapist disagrees.

This means another "Big PUSH" to help him into adulthood.  The ultimatum will be to keep his hair clean with two warnings, with the third resulting in a BUZZ CUT!  I have said this before.  Yes, I am human.  I don't follow through on everything. Parenting cam be DEMANDING.  Fights on how to parent wear you out.  However, this time I have the resolve to do it.

Thus, remember from the start of labor and delivery of your child when they tell you to "PUSH" it means for life not only during birth!

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AMNESTY 5-10-13

Would you vote for amnesty if it generates an economic loss of $1.67 TRILLION per year, $16.7 trillion in 10 years, and $100.2 trillion in a 60 year adult lifetime (18-78)??   That loss will stop the moment we stop corruption and lawlessness in the executive, legislative and judicial offices of government.   Constitution, statutes, oaths of office, and truth are literally mocked and openly violated without restraint or fear.    Immediate top down enforcement, prosecution, fines, & jail is the only solution.


According to Fox News, 20 million citizens are unemployed and millions more work part time!  Government says average wage is $43,500.    We have 11 to 30 million illegal aliens working!


When wages are lost, citizens receive unemployment and SNAP cards that trigger many other interlocking webs of local, state, and federal taxpayer funded welfare!     With dependents,” benefits” are significantly above individual $23,000 poverty levels!   Benefits” represent saved productive wealth taxed from someone else by government to give to those without wealth enough to buy-consume food, etc.    Consumption doesn’t generate productivity or wealth.   Wealth generated by productivity provides the capability to demand products and productivity.


ECONOMIC LOSSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT BEGINS AT $1.27 TRILLION!   Citizens lose $870 billion of self sustaining productive salary based revenue when their job is lost (20 million @ $43,500) plus government will tax $400 billion from producing workers to subsidize the unemployed (20 million @ $20,000 consumption)!.   Average unemployed citizen loss is $63,500 each.   The real cost is considerably higher than this example!   That doesn’t include SSI and criminal damages!


Criminal invaders cost ANOTHER $400 billion beyond unemployed citizen economic losses ($36,365 each @ 11 million).      Simultaneously, 11 to 30 million criminal alien invaders work in criminal workplaces.   Because illegal aliens are confined to low wage wage criminal employment our corrupt lawless government gives aliens SNAP debit cards and all other triggered federal, state, and local benefits, without citizenship proof, plus free healthcare, education, etc.!    A recent pro-amnesty study quoted illegal alien cost at $402 billion ($400 rounded), in a bizarre claim that criminal invaders contributed $35 billion to the economy because they saved $437 billion in wage costs!    Inflation and prices are increasing, not falling!


Because illegal aliens are criminals with no rights, they work for pennies on the dollar, and enable their criminal employers to make windfall profits while driving lawful competition out of business!    A $20 citizen wage with taxes & other regulations roughly costs legitimate employers $26+/-.   A minimum $8 wage worker might take home $6.00/hr after 25% FICA & income taxes, etc.   A 10 hour day legitimate worker cost $286 compared to $60 cash with no overtime, taxes, etc., says criminal employers have an illegal $226 advantage that will and has destroyed free competitive wages plus law abiding employees and employers, especially in construction trades!


The Heritage Foundation “study” fails to account for 20 million citizens chronically unemployed on government assistance plus the fact that the US productive infrastructure has been sacked over the past 20+ years by US “global” monopolies such as GE!   Heritage’s assumption that government officials who profitably and  criminally mock Constitution and statute will suddenly stop and serve citizens instead of themselves, is preposterous!    Heritage notes aliens are already (illegally) on government welfare, but fails to account for the cost and effects!   Nothing in the amnesty bill or anything else on the horizon addresses the 20 million citizens who are cast into poverty by criminal alien invaders!  The only thing that will stop lawlessness at the top is prosecutions, fines, and serious jail time!    I don’t quarrel with their assumptions or conclusions, other than, they are immaterial when compared the glaring issues missed – no put down implied!


People like Steve Moore need to be in the tomato patch, buttocks high in the sun, dawn to dusk, trying to keep up with a young person who’s afraid of being arrested if the boss-man decides he’s a few tomatoes shy of his quota!   Add the $6.3 to the $100.2 trillion, and the resulting $106.5 trillion might make sense.   Reiterating mindless talking points aimed at driving the lemmings into the sea are evil


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I remember that Soros was declared a criminal in France and in one SE Asian country, can't remember if it was Cambodia or Laos. He is prohibited entry in these countries because of his destructive efforts to devestate those countries both financially, civilly and politically. He almost brought the British pound down in one of his massive trading schemes to short that currency.

To that end, the article link I am posting below should me a MUST READ for everyone on this site and it should go viral and be sent to both Darrell Issa and all the investigative members on the House investigative committee. They Will and Must pay attention if enough of us contact his and other committee members' through emails and calls.


Until we cut off the ability of Soros, through his secret hedge fund, to manipulate the markets, pay off corrupted elected officials, and the media itself, nothing we do to tinker with the tax code or puny budget "fixes." will delay the destruction of this country. I truly believe we only have several months, at the MOST, to get cracking and get this committee and our elected officials to call for action. Please read the article below to see why all the things we are concentrating on now are nothing but diversions unless we cut off these globalists' ability to control the financials of the market worldwide and bring down our free market to enrich the corrupt of the world and enslave the working men and women of this once great country. Not one word of exaggeration here.

Read and TAKE ACTION! ---

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Labor Day, Schmabor Day



No cushion in a cage for me!

I have several friends who grew up in European countries, married American men and now enjoy the blessings of the greatest country on earth. My friend from Denmark loves America, and her feelings toward this country, its history, beauty, and opportunities are tender. But her mindset is still one of a socialist democrat.  When I was fighting against the Obamacare legislation by making a dozen phone calls during my 20 minute lunch breaks, using time that was my own to devote to the labor of activism, my Danish friend was perplexed that I would basically skip the time off our employer "owed to me." She was also at a loss to understand why I wouldn't want a socialized medical system, and a huge nanny state to care for my physical needs, cradle to grave. That's what she knew in Denmark. It just the way it is in Europe. 

One day I summoned my diplomatic self to explain to her why I was so vehemently opposed to Obamacare and big government. I told her, "Americans are different than Europeans. We value freedom over all other things. We don't want the government making our choices for us. We don't want government dictating what we can and cannot do with our money, our property, or our bodies. Americans value liberty more than comfort."  She countered with, "Well, wouldn't you like to have a 3 week vacation twice every year, and as much sick time as you need?" I told her no. I said, "Americans prefer to work for ourselves. We want lower taxes and smaller government so we can work hard, access the opportunities to become wealthy through our own entrepreneurial efforts if we wish, and take as much time off as we choose." She was a little stunned to hear this, her face flushed but she listened. I continued, "You see, Americans want to choose whether they take off one day or 2 months. It depends on how much money we make, and how much we want to work. We will make the choice. Some of us can work hard and retire at 50, some will work until we die, because we choose to do so. It is about the freedom to do with our lives and work as we will. The government has no business telling us how to live our lives."

After my soapbox lecture my friend quickly changed the subject. She never again asserted that the European model was more desirable, at least not to me.  

I am of Celtic extraction. My Danish friend and I may very well have parallel genealogies. We may even share a common Viking ancestor a thousand or so years back. But the blood that runs in the veins of Americans vs Europeans is very different. The American work ethic is just that, a WORK ethic. Europeans are raised with an ENTITLEMENT ethic. The government will take care of their needs. The government will also limit their freedom and potential. I would not trade the risks and uncertainty and liberties of my life for the cushion in a cage to which European socialists look forward.

My employer, the local school district, has taken today off. But I have not. I am busy writing, helping two friends who are running campaigns, and preparing for work tomorrow. I will take my 15 year old on a hike later today. I don't look forward to time off. I like my life to be filled with time on.

My European friends are lovely people. They love all that America has to offer. But to truly understand America and why her citizens so value liberty over comfort, they may require a blood transfusion.

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