luther (3)

4063727034?profile=original        Are black leaders refusing to acknowledge

                    that the buck stops with them?

Fifty years have passed since Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s noble "I Have a Dream" speech bellowed forth down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and into the homes of America. It was not just a speech filled with words to trigger emotions but was a set of guidelines that were meant to lift up a nation of all people to find the better angels in each American.

Each word and each sentence and passage was crafted to remind America about the fierce urgency of now and to hew out a pathway for economic justice and civil rights that would build a bridge of unity across the chasm of America’s divergent cultures.

Yet fifty years later it appears that the finger pointing, and the name-calling and the segregation of the mind and of the spirit and even of the black culture in poor urban areas appears to be more separate and isolated now. Are black leaders refusing to acknowledge that the buck stops with them?

Certainly one can point to the many countless examples of African Americans being able to eat, drink, visit and even pay for accommodation in the hotels and motels across the nation as progress. But is that all that Martin Luther King wanted for all Americans?

Unfortunately, it appears that instead of lifting African Americans from poverty, and providing educational freedom and liberty from the conditions that shackled them as former slaves, in many ways the conditions have worsened. Are race-based excuse baiters covering up the real problems?

In 1963, there were more families who were headed by a father and a mother in the black community. According to the 1965 Moynihan Report in 1960 approximately eight percent of black babies were born out of wedlock. Now the percentage is 72.3 percent as of 2008.

Black children are dying in escalating numbers at the hands of young black murdering thugs. There are not being beaten by racists thugs, or by police using hoses or being lynched by the KKK. Instead, black children are being murdered by their own. Where are the marches and the outcry for the hundreds of black children that were murdered?

In the hometown of President Obama, 108 of the 500 plus murder victims were children who were murdered by blacks in Chicago in 2012.

Was that the fault of white people who were engaging in nefarious racist actions? Of course the answer is no. The real question is, have civil rights leaders been making money off of these problems by refusing to confront them? Are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton afraid to march for the black community’s freedom from this murderous violence?

Why are the fear mongering and race baiters silent about telling the real truth concerning how King’s Dream has gone sideways in the black community, and they are tolerating it.

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For Dr. King

For Dr. King


Weep Martin, weep.

You had a dream of equity for all.

Weep Martin, weep.

But in fifty years your march wins not its goal.

Weep Martin, weep.

For hatred’s tall white hood still stands its ground.

Weep Martin, weep.

For men foment for gold to line their purse

Weep Martin, weep.

And our courts drive justice from her halls.

Weep Martin, weep.

And men can’t get a job for color’s lack

Weep Martin, weep

The King is dead. His dream is too.

Weep Martin, weep.

‘Tis your “followers” now do the hating.

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Though this blog is about the Big Lie and lies in general, Rajjpuut still believes that “the truth shall set you free.” In that vein he recommends the weirdest movie ever made about truth setting anyone free: “World’s Greatest Dad” starring Robin Williams. The key characters, Kyle Clayton and Lance Clayton, both remind Rajjpuut of Barrack Obama in so many very different ways.

Understanding the Democrats BIG LIES

and All those Smaller Supporting Lies

Two of the three names in Rajjpuut’s “Truman-Reagan-Kennedy Statesmen of the Month Award” belong to Democrats John F. Kennedy and Harry S (no middle name just the initial ‘S’) Truman. It is, however, very obvious that today’s typical Democrat is not only clearly NOT of Truman’s and Kennedy’s ilk, they are not true Democrats at all, but rather merely progressive sycophants of Barack Obama’s ultra-socialist agenda. The extreme left-wing of the party has pushed out all opposition. One of the surest things about today’s Democrats is their consistent and constant use of the propaganda device known as the Big Lie.

The idea behind the Big Lie, first stated in Chapter 10 of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” is that . . . .

“. . . In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

The final “magic” occurs when you audaciously tell your huge lie often enough . . . the sheer power of repetition . . . generally wins the day. The audacity of Barack Obama is so great that he has at least seven Big Lies (like balls he’s forever juggling) up in the air at once.

#1 Everyone opposed (who’s not in line with the beliefs, actions and goals of progressive Democrats and) to Barack Obama is a racist.

#2 The opposition are NOT patriots (nor have they any rational reasons for their abhorrence of Obama’s goals and policies) Ideas like fiscal conservativism, national security from terrorism, constitutional conservativism, and other ‘reasons’ are cover-ups for their hatred of a Black President.

#3 Barack Obama is an American patriot and statesman, who is accountable, honest, open, and wants the very best for all American people.

#4 Racism is White bigotry against Blacks and other minorities only, it can never be the other way around.

#5 Barack Obama is NOT a socialist, much less a communist.

#6 Barack Obama understands economics and has surrounded himself with great and wise people who likewise understand it.

#7 Barack Obama’s big goal is to unite all Americans.

#8. The TEA Party don’t get America and are just fringe lunatics and racists.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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