romneycare (1)


              "Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards."
Would Romney Nomination
Split Conservative Vote,
Hand Re-election to Obama?
            Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the current front-runner in the race for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination, is doing three things very right:  he’s leading the pack while avoiding big gaffes and controversies. Governor Romney, however, came into June with four critical strikes against him and in some conservative eyes he got a 5th strike by refusing to sign a key pro-life pledge recently. It’s beginning to be more and more apparent that Governor Romney is perceived as being very much like John McCain. McCain could at best be called a “Republican Moderate,” although because many of his votes aligned with big-expansionistic government some in his party’s most right-most camps considered McCain a RINO (Republican In Name Only) or even a progressive member of the G.O.P.  Among the candidates and potential candidates out there, Governor Romney clearly appears to be the least conservative of all with the possible exception of ex-Ambassador John Huntsman (whose candidacy at present seems absolutely phantasmagoric).
            Let’s look more closely at Governor Mitt Romney’s presumptive five-strike situation:
1.      Obamacare, President Obama would have us believe, was based upon Romneycare in Massachusetts. Tim Pawlenty, before copping his plea in the most recent debate, even spoke of “Obamneycare.” In truth, while Romneycare went way too far, it resembles much more the sort of healthcare law mainstream Republicans like Newt Gingrich were advocating in the mid-90’s. Certainly at 74 pages rather than 2,773 any valid comparison-contrast is liable to support Governor Romney’s contentions. 
It was a state rather than a federal law but required the individual mandate provision to pay for it. Most importantly, the Massachusetts law stuck to the subject at hand while Obamacare is a total takeover of the healthcare system in a piecemeal fashion. Among other sins of Obamacare, that one monstrous law created 384 brand new federal government agencies (FDR’s twelve-plus years in office saw 40 new government agencies so Obamacare created 9.6 times as much new bureaucracy. Governor Romney’s law was adulterated by the overwhelmingly Democratic House and Senate in Massachusetts and seemingly came out quite different than he planned. Verdict: Romneycare is no real hindrance to Mitt Romney although the Big Lies told about it by Obama and the extreme right of the G.O.P. are somewhat embarrassing. 
Governor Romney needs to say, “The Massachusetts healthcare insurance law that I signed was adulterated by the Democrats in the legislators there, so what finally passed was NOT at all what I set out to pass and I should have been circumspect and vetoed it, regardless of the veto over-ride votes against me. If it happened today, I would veto it. However, comparing it to Obamacare is ridiculous and I will defend it as a mediocre and weak law, but not a horrific and evil law like Obamacare. We actually learned an awful lot from that law. You will recall that 2-3 years before we passed that law in Massachusetts, good strong conservative Republicans like Newt Gingrich and others were considering such a law for the federal government. The law I envisioned would have been 55 to 60 pages long compared to the almost 2,800 pages of Obamacare. I will effectively veto Obamacare my first day in office as president by giving every state and company in the country a waiver from Obamacare; then I’ll seek the votes in congress to veto it once and for all.”
2.     Governor Romney’s alignment with Global Warming alarmists recently applauded by Al (divide-and-conquer) Gore, however, is a serious, serious knock on the candidate’s judgment and an indication that he definitely leans well left of center at times. When tied in with his perceived violation of principle in supporting Romneycare, Governor Romney begins to look a bit like those great “conservative” Maine senators Olympia Snow and Susan Collins and like them appears now to deserve the hideous label “progressive Republican.”    Governor Romney apparently has not delved into the matter at all; never has mentioned the Climate Gate Scandal or the deliberate omission of 400 years of the Medieval Warm Period (also known as the Medieval Optimum which occurred before the Little Ice Age and was why Leif Erikson was able to settle in Greenland because Greenland was Green and almost glacier free then) which would have greatly challenged the whole Global Warming idea. Since in Europe, Global Warming theories now hold as much water as the Cardiff Giant (a famous anthropological hoax that was believed for about 45 years); they call environmentalists “mean greenies” and “watermelons” (green on the outside – pink or red commie-colored on the inside) because it now seems that the whole purpose of the Global Warming theatrics was to provide an excuse for virtually totalitarian government takeover of virtually everything. 
Governor Romney needs to read and understand the information at the following three websites. He then needs to absolutely and unequivocally state that Climate Gate showed that Global Warming was fraudulent science misused by fraudulent politicians to advance anti-business and anti-freedom agendas; and until the science is excellent science he will risk no American jobs or American money on any Global Warming schemes.
3)   Past Flip-Flop Behavior by Governor Romney shows him off potentially as a man of no backbone. He needs to take off 3-6 weeks; examine the positions of Ronald Reagan (and if possible adopt them 100%); of the TEA Party Contract from America; and the Republican Party’s Pledge to America . . . and then create a coherent policy and tell the American people what it is . . . then to follow it to the letter as promised. If this activity is not done soon Governor Romney will lose ALL credibility.
4) Associated with #1, #2, and #3 is the RINO charge held in many corners against Governor Romney. Republicans In Name Only like Scott Brown, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins are an embarrassment to the G.O.P. and since they vote with the Democratic Party 85-90% of the time . . . should NOT be allowed Republican funds for re-election campaigns or to use the G.O.P name. Only by handling this matter and #3 in the circumspect manner mentioned above, can Governor Romney hope to redeem himself. At question in the most significant election in our lifetime is nothing less than the survival of the American experiment in freedom.
5) Governor Romney is a devout Mormon or Latter Day Saint. On the one hand if a Muslim like Obama (under false Christian pretense who openly listened without apparent objection to Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America!”) can get voted into the Oval Office, then a Mormon ought to be more than all right. Whoever heard of a Mormon terrorist? Nevertheless, Governor Romney needs to address the matter proactively and swear greater allegiance to this country’s well-being than to any religious dictates a la John F. Kennedy. Governor Romney will definitely become a lightning rod for the left-sympathizing press and he’s sure to hear questions about Kolob; pre-existence; the mother goddess; becoming divine; multiplicity of gods; etc., etc. in a nasty attempt to discredit the man and the faith. 
At present probably the most devout and God-fearing and generous Christian people of faith on earth are the Latter-Day-Saints . . . but the leftwing American press has shown it has no honor in carrying on its biased campaigns on behalf of progressivism** and the Democratic Party, so expect their usual nonsense heightened by Obama-desperation and dirty tricks. Even a Romney vice-presidential candidacy could become a serious distraction under these conditions.  Has the liberal press given Governor Romney such a pass so far because they believe he’ll be the easiest to destroy later on?
             Rightly or wrongly as far as the crucial question of unifying his party and attracting Independents, unless he begins to act very circumspectly (as suggested above) and very, very quickly, Governor Romney would probably be the least unifying G.O.P. candidate since Gerald Ford in 1976.   He and Governor Sarah Palin may indeed be the dream ticket in the eyes of the Liberal Press. The extreme right of the G.O.P. will oppose him for all five reasons mentioned above . . . Independents will not respect a nominee who cannot control his own party. The Republican Party may well be standing at a “moment of utmost transition” as the Whig Party did in 1852 before total dissolution that year; the abyss in 1854; and non-existence in 1856, the cracks were clearly all there but all good Whigs were in full denial anyway.  Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived American Constitution’ if we are to make ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia. Tied in with the Fabian Socialists in England, they were called progressives in America for about a quarter of a century. Once the evils of the movement became plain under Woodrow Wilson, the term “liberal” was favored for the next 85 years or so. Now the term liberal is associated with liberally taxing and spending America’s resources and “progressive” is the name de jour.

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