global warming (4)
‘Watermelon’ Opposition to CO2 Emission
Threatens World’s H2O, Food Supplies
With Fewer ‘Drops per Crop’
          Could global warming alarmists be deliberately or inadvertently about to unleash history’s greatest man-killing famine upon us? Could the resulting deaths of hundreds of millions, even billions outdo even the evil of Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Carson combined? Could limiting carbon-dioxide  emissions much beloved by plant-life create a worldwide scarcity of water harming not only plants, but domestic and wild animals and, of course man himself?   Are very real potential catastrophes being overlooked while the “cure” for a pseudo-scientific one (global warming) threatens our survival? Read on . . . and discover the world of “mean greenies,” “watermelons” and incidentally . . . the world of actual CO2 science and what it tells us . . . .
            Over 2,400 years ago, the most important advice ever aimed at doctors was spoken and recorded. It was, of course, the famous Hippocratic Oath. The most famous plea within that ancient call for ethical medical behavior, were these four simple words: “First Do NO Harm!” Your blogger, Rajjpuut, believes that it is now high time that politicians and purported do-gooders take that same oath as well. The harm done to human beings by these two groups of “well-meaning” idiots is uncanny and immeasurably monstrous.   The destruction of our present American economy is one cautionary tale; 97 million deaths created by the words of a pseudo-scientist is another. The proposed destructive practice of limiting carbon emissions in the name of preventing global warming is, however, potentially about to bring the world’s worst human disaster down upon us all in short order.
Those four simple words “First Do NO Harm!” are perhaps the single most intelligent sentence in human history. An awful lot of harm has been done by progressive** individuals, groups and political parties over the last forty-five years and the ill-effects are still doing huge damage to us today. Those of you who’ve read Rajjpuut’s blogs recently are familiar with:
wherein we discover not only why Texas is now the only American state significantly producing jobs which also significantly avoided the financial meltdown . . . but we find out that an orchestrated progressive** law and its five expansions (four by Bill Clinton) created the sub-prime lending crisis and ensuing financial meltdown by interfering with the free market in a shocking and debilitating manner with something called CRA ’77.
            Loyal readers are also aware how in the 60’s a pseudo-scientist named Rachel Carson wrote a best-seller (Silent Spring) claiming incredible ill-effects upon the environment from the insect-killer DDT used to fight mosquito-borne illnesses; how the United States and United Nations took her untested, unproven words to heart after 1972 (when malaria deaths worldwide were roughly 43,000) and banned the safest, most effective and tested insecticide in history. Since that time at least 76 million needless malaria deaths and 97 million overall deaths from mosquito-borne tropical diseases have marked Carson’s ignominious legacy.
            Hard to believe, but appears that another righteous progressive cause is today threatening us with even more mayhem than Ms. Carson and CRA ’77 combined. Since Carson is every year adding to her legacy as the world’s greatest mass murderer (20th Century Totalitarian Democides by Mao only killed 60-80 million; by Stalin only 54 million; and by Hitler a mere 25 million <including 13 million victims in concentration camps>) . . . . “What in hell?” you might well ask, “could be these idiots be bringing our way NOW?? In a phrase: worldwide famine.
            As you know, Rajjpuut, has debunked the pseudo-science behind “man-caused global warming” and recently astronomers are now pointing to the effects of sunspot activity . . . or more accurately severely decreased sunspot activity to suggest we may now be running into a period of global cooling (such as the 650 year Little Ice Age^^ which preceded our own times when sun spot activity was relatively subdued??; but NOT necessarily as long). The nature of the debunking of global warming is shocking:
When the ultra-liberal London Times spends eleven days researching the Climate-Gate Scandal story and then finally runs it without caveat or proviso; when Europeans have all but discarded all notions of ‘carbon-trading’ and the whole theory of global warming . . . . a hoax has been promulgated upon mankind. 
In Europe today’s climate (pun intended) has turned dramatically against environmentalists on all fronts. Some call them “mean greenies.” Some call them “watermelons” (“green on the outside, red or very pink in the middle) because once the Climate Gate Scandal broke in European newpapers everybody fled the bandwagon except communist- and socialist-sympathizers who apparently all shared a desire for creating totalitarian societies such as those necessary to implement all-pervasive carbon-trading schemes. This, of course backing up Rajjpuut’s long-time thesis that the real global warming agenda was all about power and control and making the rich (like George Soros and Barack Obama and Al Gore) richer and putting us all under their thumbs.
And it is these perennial malcontents, these nattering nabobs of nihilistic global warming alarm currently operating in virtually all the Third World Countries; still dominating the United Nations (remember, the U.N. and Al Gore got the Nobel Peace Prize for their global warming “studies”); and still dominating the entire progressive wing of the Democratic Party and still very popular among progressive Republicans like Susan Collins and Olympia Snow both of Maine, Massachusetts’ Scott Brown and most notably among powerful Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney . . . it is these folks, by design or by wilful ignorance who may be pushing us toward the brink.
If they have their way carbon dioxide -- a substance that plants adore and which they use to create the oxygen that animals, plants themselves and humans need – emissions would become very rare indeed. Already the Obama administration via the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is shutting down coal mines and coal powered electriciy plants here in the United States.  Now we all agree that dangerous emissions like the old sulphur dioxide from power plants which created the notorious acid rain in the 70’s need to be eliminated as far as possible. But right now it has definitely NOT been proved that CO2 is dangerous . . . quite the contrary.   
Not only is reasonably priced power at stake but WATER as well. You see the simple science is that CO2 in the air is good for plants and generates oxygen. And CO2 dissolved in the soil is a wonderful stimulant for plant growth including for tropical rain forests.   Most importantly from the oxygen production angle, CO2 is necessary for diatoms: river, lake and ocean algae to survive and produce the largest amounts of oxygen of all. And CO2 in the upper atmosphere is vital for producing rain . . . that’s right, and now ain’t that a shocker. The Watermelons could mess up the water-cycle; diminish worldwide rain; dramatically hurt plant life further limiting the water cycle and oxygen production as well . . . getting the picture here, are we? Ignorance is NOT$$ bliss. First Do NO Harm!
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution’ if we are to ever make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. You’ll recognize the direct influence of Communist theorist Karl Marx in those words, no doubt. American Progressivism is an offshoot of Britain’s Fabian Socialist movement. They named themselves after the Roman general Fabius who eventually defeated Hannibal of Carthage (remember him crossing the Alps with war elephants?) after a nearly twelve-year war of attrition. Here’s the Fabian Socialists’ infamous stained glass window from the London School of Economics: note the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing society emblem of the Fabians; and the stack of socialist reading material:
Rajjpuut thinks of progressive this way:  at least half an hour every week they make some public pronouncement that amounts to “praying for” their fellow man. The other 167 ½ hours of the week they’re busy “preying upon” their fellow man.
^^ The starting date and length of the Little Ice Age is much debated. Rajjpuut takes his figures from the excellent History Channel DVD Little Ice Age, Big Chill.
$$ Rajjpuut is being very kind and generous here by insinuating that the Watermelons and George Soroses of the world are NOT deliberately aiming to create chaos they can profit from. The history of the progressive movement and its incorporation of strategies like Cloward-Piven Overloading tells us that the opposite is true (see link below) . . . .
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              "Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards."
Would Romney Nomination
Split Conservative Vote,
Hand Re-election to Obama?
            Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the current front-runner in the race for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination, is doing three things very right:  he’s leading the pack while avoiding big gaffes and controversies. Governor Romney, however, came into June with four critical strikes against him and in some conservative eyes he got a 5th strike by refusing to sign a key pro-life pledge recently. It’s beginning to be more and more apparent that Governor Romney is perceived as being very much like John McCain. McCain could at best be called a “Republican Moderate,” although because many of his votes aligned with big-expansionistic government some in his party’s most right-most camps considered McCain a RINO (Republican In Name Only) or even a progressive member of the G.O.P.  Among the candidates and potential candidates out there, Governor Romney clearly appears to be the least conservative of all with the possible exception of ex-Ambassador John Huntsman (whose candidacy at present seems absolutely phantasmagoric).
            Let’s look more closely at Governor Mitt Romney’s presumptive five-strike situation:
1.      Obamacare, President Obama would have us believe, was based upon Romneycare in Massachusetts. Tim Pawlenty, before copping his plea in the most recent debate, even spoke of “Obamneycare.” In truth, while Romneycare went way too far, it resembles much more the sort of healthcare law mainstream Republicans like Newt Gingrich were advocating in the mid-90’s. Certainly at 74 pages rather than 2,773 any valid comparison-contrast is liable to support Governor Romney’s contentions. 
It was a state rather than a federal law but required the individual mandate provision to pay for it. Most importantly, the Massachusetts law stuck to the subject at hand while Obamacare is a total takeover of the healthcare system in a piecemeal fashion. Among other sins of Obamacare, that one monstrous law created 384 brand new federal government agencies (FDR’s twelve-plus years in office saw 40 new government agencies so Obamacare created 9.6 times as much new bureaucracy. Governor Romney’s law was adulterated by the overwhelmingly Democratic House and Senate in Massachusetts and seemingly came out quite different than he planned. Verdict: Romneycare is no real hindrance to Mitt Romney although the Big Lies told about it by Obama and the extreme right of the G.O.P. are somewhat embarrassing. 
Governor Romney needs to say, “The Massachusetts healthcare insurance law that I signed was adulterated by the Democrats in the legislators there, so what finally passed was NOT at all what I set out to pass and I should have been circumspect and vetoed it, regardless of the veto over-ride votes against me. If it happened today, I would veto it. However, comparing it to Obamacare is ridiculous and I will defend it as a mediocre and weak law, but not a horrific and evil law like Obamacare. We actually learned an awful lot from that law. You will recall that 2-3 years before we passed that law in Massachusetts, good strong conservative Republicans like Newt Gingrich and others were considering such a law for the federal government. The law I envisioned would have been 55 to 60 pages long compared to the almost 2,800 pages of Obamacare. I will effectively veto Obamacare my first day in office as president by giving every state and company in the country a waiver from Obamacare; then I’ll seek the votes in congress to veto it once and for all.”
2.     Governor Romney’s alignment with Global Warming alarmists recently applauded by Al (divide-and-conquer) Gore, however, is a serious, serious knock on the candidate’s judgment and an indication that he definitely leans well left of center at times. When tied in with his perceived violation of principle in supporting Romneycare, Governor Romney begins to look a bit like those great “conservative” Maine senators Olympia Snow and Susan Collins and like them appears now to deserve the hideous label “progressive Republican.”    Governor Romney apparently has not delved into the matter at all; never has mentioned the Climate Gate Scandal or the deliberate omission of 400 years of the Medieval Warm Period (also known as the Medieval Optimum which occurred before the Little Ice Age and was why Leif Erikson was able to settle in Greenland because Greenland was Green and almost glacier free then) which would have greatly challenged the whole Global Warming idea. Since in Europe, Global Warming theories now hold as much water as the Cardiff Giant (a famous anthropological hoax that was believed for about 45 years); they call environmentalists “mean greenies” and “watermelons” (green on the outside – pink or red commie-colored on the inside) because it now seems that the whole purpose of the Global Warming theatrics was to provide an excuse for virtually totalitarian government takeover of virtually everything. 
Governor Romney needs to read and understand the information at the following three websites. He then needs to absolutely and unequivocally state that Climate Gate showed that Global Warming was fraudulent science misused by fraudulent politicians to advance anti-business and anti-freedom agendas; and until the science is excellent science he will risk no American jobs or American money on any Global Warming schemes.
3)   Past Flip-Flop Behavior by Governor Romney shows him off potentially as a man of no backbone. He needs to take off 3-6 weeks; examine the positions of Ronald Reagan (and if possible adopt them 100%); of the TEA Party Contract from America; and the Republican Party’s Pledge to America . . . and then create a coherent policy and tell the American people what it is . . . then to follow it to the letter as promised. If this activity is not done soon Governor Romney will lose ALL credibility.
4) Associated with #1, #2, and #3 is the RINO charge held in many corners against Governor Romney. Republicans In Name Only like Scott Brown, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins are an embarrassment to the G.O.P. and since they vote with the Democratic Party 85-90% of the time . . . should NOT be allowed Republican funds for re-election campaigns or to use the G.O.P name. Only by handling this matter and #3 in the circumspect manner mentioned above, can Governor Romney hope to redeem himself. At question in the most significant election in our lifetime is nothing less than the survival of the American experiment in freedom.
5) Governor Romney is a devout Mormon or Latter Day Saint. On the one hand if a Muslim like Obama (under false Christian pretense who openly listened without apparent objection to Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America!”) can get voted into the Oval Office, then a Mormon ought to be more than all right. Whoever heard of a Mormon terrorist? Nevertheless, Governor Romney needs to address the matter proactively and swear greater allegiance to this country’s well-being than to any religious dictates a la John F. Kennedy. Governor Romney will definitely become a lightning rod for the left-sympathizing press and he’s sure to hear questions about Kolob; pre-existence; the mother goddess; becoming divine; multiplicity of gods; etc., etc. in a nasty attempt to discredit the man and the faith. 
At present probably the most devout and God-fearing and generous Christian people of faith on earth are the Latter-Day-Saints . . . but the leftwing American press has shown it has no honor in carrying on its biased campaigns on behalf of progressivism** and the Democratic Party, so expect their usual nonsense heightened by Obama-desperation and dirty tricks. Even a Romney vice-presidential candidacy could become a serious distraction under these conditions.  Has the liberal press given Governor Romney such a pass so far because they believe he’ll be the easiest to destroy later on?
             Rightly or wrongly as far as the crucial question of unifying his party and attracting Independents, unless he begins to act very circumspectly (as suggested above) and very, very quickly, Governor Romney would probably be the least unifying G.O.P. candidate since Gerald Ford in 1976.   He and Governor Sarah Palin may indeed be the dream ticket in the eyes of the Liberal Press. The extreme right of the G.O.P. will oppose him for all five reasons mentioned above . . . Independents will not respect a nominee who cannot control his own party. The Republican Party may well be standing at a “moment of utmost transition” as the Whig Party did in 1852 before total dissolution that year; the abyss in 1854; and non-existence in 1856, the cracks were clearly all there but all good Whigs were in full denial anyway.  Facing the most crucial election in modern times, this is no time for disunity . . . but disunity seems to be in the cards.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived American Constitution’ if we are to make ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia. Tied in with the Fabian Socialists in England, they were called progressives in America for about a quarter of a century. Once the evils of the movement became plain under Woodrow Wilson, the term “liberal” was favored for the next 85 years or so. Now the term liberal is associated with liberally taxing and spending America’s resources and “progressive” is the name de jour.

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Atlas Shrugged Part I


Eschews Mere Verisimilitude


for Absolute Economic Reality


                One of the strange things about the ‘global warming' advocates is that the most stringent ones among them like University of Wisconsin law professor Joel Rogers are intelligent enough to understand that what they advocate in economic sacrifice wouldn’t actually work anyway.  Rogers (who with Barack Obama, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, George Soros (via about fifty of his progressive foundations), Valerie Jarrett and Goldman Sachs were all behind the now abandoned and almost forgotten CCX <Chicago Climate eXchange> scam) when speaking only (he thought) to his leftwing buddies candidly admits that even taking technology back to 1895 wouldn’t restore conditions sufficient to eliminate what they believe is an inevitable global warming catastrophe, that is, in other words the debate from their viewpoint is all about gaining political power and not about any other reality or potential reality.


           In another global warming speech Rogers literally called for parents to tie the global warming myth in with the Santa Claus myth so that once their little kids grow up to be voters they’d do anything to protect Santa from the global warming floods.  It got a few laughs, but the undercurrent was unfortunately serious.   Of course that’s precisely what’s happening with Saturday morning cartoons all carrying a leftist theme with the corporations and producers always painted as the bad guys.  Thank God, a whole lot of kids still grow up to mistrust all myths and all caricatures and cartoons.


          Putting aside the myth of global warming, what about the reality of $37/gallon gasoline at some time in the future, IF current anti-business, anti-energy, anti-freedom, and anti-human policies are allowed to continue?  That strange but plausible question is the driving force behind the independently produced, tiny-budget big-screen portrayal of Atlas Shrugged Part I.  Could this happen by 2016?  Unlikely, but possible.  Anyway, it is 2016 and gasoline now has reached $37.00 per gallon.  The only viable means of transportation for the masses at those prices are trains and boats with the automobile and aviation industries almost dead and buried . . . only the super-rich can afford them.  That is how Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged gets tied into today’s present reality so beautifully . . . and, of course, it makes 100% economic sense. 

          The economy gets knocked back to the Depression era 1930’s by the effect of a progressive congress' and president’s interference all stifling the profit incentive . . . and the story is free to unfold in a powerful montage of images very similar to today’s 24-hour news cycle.  Make sure to watch Atlas Shrugged Part I, which if the U.S. Constitution is the “Bible of the TEA Party,” Rajjpuut is tempted to call “The TEA Party’s Book of Exodus.”


           In a related mood, two more bits of news.  A)  there’s purportedly a conservative version of YouTube called   which seems worth knowing about, but which seems to me a bit of soft-sell for Obama aimed at swaying gullible independents rather than Constitutional- or fiscal-conservatives, I’d recommend you watch at least five or six of their mini-videos and decide about it for yourself B) If you’ve heard Krista Branch’s “I Am America” and “Remember Who We Are!  then surely here, one of them if it’s not our Star Spangled Banner . . . is  the TEA Party’s America the Beautiful  . . . lovely songs, worth owning both of them here’s where you can buy them both and here are the lyrics, etc. :


I Am America


Pay no attention to the people in the street
Crying out for accountability
Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don't matter 'cause you disagree
Pretend you're kings, sit on your throne
Look down your nose at the peasants below


I've got some news, we're taking names
We're waiting now for the judgment day

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

There is still work that must be done
I will not rest until we've won

I am America

You preach your tolerance, but lecture me
Is there no end to your own hypocrisy
Your god is power, you have no shame
Your only interest is political gain

You hide your eyes and refuse to listen
You play your games and abuse the system
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America

You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I've got a feeling that the tide is turning

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America


Remember Who We Are


It’s our time to take a stand
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)
There’s a call across this land
Remember Who We Are (Remember Who We Are)

We were a city on a hill
A candle in the dark
It started long ago
We have come so far

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard
Remember Who We Are

We’ve paid a price to be free
Remember Who We Are
With our blood sweat and tears
Remember Who We Are
Will our children be the ones asking us one day
Why we didn’t do enough
Why we gave it all away

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how far
Remember Who We Are

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes we will run and not be faint
The time has come for taking chances
We are the masters of our fate.

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We go the distance
No matter how hard

We keep our faith
When there is no way out
When there is little hope
We show no doubt
We know the distance
No matter how hard (oh oh)
Remember Who We Are

Remember Who We Are



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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“Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course and America be damned.” Rajjpuut
His Obstinacy’ Barack Obama
Refuses to Budge
All men are the same in victory; it is defeat that etches character on a person’s face. “We took a shellacking,” Obama told the Whitehouse press corps at the first conference after an overwhelming defeat for Democrats saw 50 House seats; six Senate seats; and nine governorships slip from his party’s hands to the Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. But this reporter saw only a “false humility and a lot of “personal expressions of feelings” revealed by the conference and not a single clear commitment to positive and needed change. It was quite clear that Obama is not interested in learning anything from the voters whose eloquence was far more powerful yesterday than any feigned contrition by their chief executive this afternoon . . . in a phrase: the president STILL DOESN’T GET IT.
Rajjpuut would like to congratulate the White House press corps which for the first time in the Obama presidency refused to serve up batting practice but instead sent a string of “hard ball” questions at the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama constantly insisted upon putting his own ball on a special tee and allowing himself several practice swings before dealing with the peripherary of the strong and honest questions he faced. Finally, the mainstream media showed some willingness to put Obama the man and Obama the president and Obamanomics (his policies) under a microscope. The headline writers have not been nearly so incisive as the reporters were in their questioning. Already 90% of them report that Obama has shown a “willingness to compromise.” Wanna bet?
Item: Obama still insisted upon lecturing America, his party and Republicans on the fine points of Das Kapital instead of taking to heart these far more terse, powerful and accurate lessons from the free market:
Item: Obama still danced around issues even when they were put squarely to him. Asked about business and jobs and spending and possible new directions, he unleashed a storm of platitudes and invoked the magic word “emergency” at least ten times during the talk. He had his excuse (emergency) and he never let Americans forget it.
Item: When reminded that he had told Republicans “Elections have consequences” after taking office and had NOT worked openly or transparently with the “other side of the aisle” so far during his presidency, Obama refused to admit that his policies or his direction so far could be anything close to misguided or GASP “wrong.”

Item: He talked in platitudes about business and the economy while consistently talking about green-energy and clean environment. He spoke of “natural gas” and “alternatives repeatedly but never once mentioned the words “coal” or “oil” or talked about electrical prices which is key . . . because Mr. Obama has said before his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket." Yet here he was talking about energy in one form or another for perhaps 25% of the speech without once mentioning coal, oil or energy prices? If you, the reader, take nothing else from this blog: remember that simple straightforward honesty means simple straightforward talk not "beautiful words" and phrases spoken in appropriately reverent tones. Mr. Obama cannot be blunt because Mr. Obama cannot be honest about his goals for this country which are dramatically different from mainstream America's goals and the truth about this discrepancy would make mainstream America despise him . . . .

Obama never once seriously talked about businesses’ need for predictability or GASP profits. As a result he never connected needed jobs to needed profits and needed actions by government to cut taxes, cut spending and get out of the free market's way so those business profits could emerge naturally. He mentioned directly and obliquely the disproven idea of global warming as justification never once letting out that Europe as a whole has refuted the idea since the revelations of Climategate came to light. For example, much of the American press and intelligent American people are aware that even the ultra-liberal London Times admits that global warming is a hoax:

Mr. Obama, in Europe the climate-change “deniers” (like Rajjpuut) used to call global warming alarmists “mean-greenies,” but now much of the establishment in business and government in Europe calls them “watermelons” meaning “green on the outside and pink to Deep RED on the inside” because now only socialists and communists still push this 100% disproven effort at science while seeking the necessary 100% government control of business and industry that Cap and Trade requires . . . and yet you mentioned Cap and Trade positively twice in your “contrition speech” before opening up to questions.
Item: Just as he insisted six months ago that the main emphasis of NASA going forward was to “outreach to the Muslim world community” he still apparently believes that the main goal of business is to oppress people and dirty the environment and exploit the rest of the planet . . . absolutely nothing he said today would make any careful listener believe differently.
Item: When a direct question was put to him about his “car in the ditch analogy” where putting the car in R (for Republican or Reverse) was the wrong move and it needed to be put in D (for Democrat or Drive) . . . “Do you admit that your policies might have been taking the country in the wrong direction?” Obama grimaced and said “We’ve at least been pushing in the opposite directions,” a good-sounding answer but one which refuses to face up to the excellent question** he was asked.
Mr. Obama refuses to ever consider that anything he’s done could be fundamentally wrong, therefore HE CANNOT LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES AND CANNOT GROW FROM HIS EXPERIENCE. Hopefully he is doomed to be a one-term president, because the answers to our problems and the decisions for our future cannot come from such a man. Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, while some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course (because he knows best) and America be damned!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The BIG TRUTH of the ditch analogy (what in propaganda science is called a “BIG LIE” is this:
George Bush saw Obama, ACORN and Clinton pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500 foot cliff (utter disaster), jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes to coast it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
This shocking counter-analogy would be best proven with a full expose of the problems that caused the financial debacle running from the creation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966; through the deliberate bankrupting of New York City in 1975 by Cloward, Piven and NWRO leader George Wiley; the creation of the CRA ’77 by Washington and of ACORN in Arkansas both in 1977 with CRA laws forcing lenders to make knowingly bad loans; Bill Clinton’s executive expansion and his three legislative expansions <twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ‘98> of CRA laws . . . an explanation which six or seven pages could barely do justice to. Let it suffice to say . . . .
In January, 2005, (14 months after Rajjpuut had become aware of the serious nature of our housing industry bubble -- subprime lending crisis --- and derivatives bubble and been writing about it) George Bush noticed and acted immediately. His attempts to undo the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977’s most poisonous features were rebuffed by the Democrats. Mr. Bush personally or through other administration representatives talked to Congress at least another 18 times about the seriousness of this matter. Finally, in July, 2007 (30 months later) a bi-partisan very weak bill was passed. It, of course proved to be way too little, way too late and within three months the financial storm clouds were on us. However, Bush’s efforts had gotten us through the worst of the storm. In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s actions from preventing a truly disastrous financial meltdown and ugly run on housing prices.
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