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Has anyone else noticed how
 99% ( very popular number ) of Islamist terror suspects are Arabs?

While not discounting Black; Asian; Latino or even White ones the fact remains that most radicalized Muslim terror suspects are Arab.

This observation is sure to raise liberal eye brows despite America allowing disproportionate police focus upon native born Black men due to disproportionate violence of thugs I've labeled " chocolate Klansmen. "

NYPD's " Stop & Frisk " policy comes to mind. Until Black men modify our behavior regarding gun violence the justification for such measures persists. 

The same holds true for Arabs and terrorism- at least theoretically.

When groups effectively police themselves they negate the need for government over reach to do it for them.

One would assume the fact that the overwhelming majority of terror suspects are Arab would materially impact immigration and homeland security policy.

Oops, silly me, Arabs provide America with oil, therefore compelling authorities to conduct public exercises in futility where airports host frenzied screening of broke Black folks; little old White ladies and even children.

Please note profiling these groups has yet to yield one Arab terrorist. 

I'll make the obligatory civil rights statement by declaring all Arabs aren't terrorists- just like all American Black men aren't criminal gunmen.

Hopefully liberal readers now feel better.

All Arabs aren't terrorists but the overwhelming majority of radicalized terror suspects are. Zeroing in on American Blacks daring to cross the threshold of airports and federal buildings does nothing to prevent homicide bombings.

It may have escaped homeland security notice but American Blacks are an overwhelmingly Christian populace. Even our  Muslim minority, while strangely silent about radicalized Islam, has yet to field numerous terror cells , unlike Arab counterparts.

Arab oil seems the likely culprit in this sad scenario. Our homeland security strategy is apparently held hostage to this inconvenient truth.

I leave the consequences to your imagination. 

The same holds true for maintaining an insecure Mexican border in the name of cheap labor and new voters both parties gamble homeland security over.

Foreign money trumps the rights and dignity of native born Americans of all colors.

Those who should be profiled as terror suspects get nary a second glance while those with zero likelihood are treated like potential made bombers.      

Arabs should be profiled as terror suspects- not Black folks; little old White ladies and children.


Cap Black, The Hood Conservative

Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
Please "Like" My Face Book page by the same name


(504) 214-3082 Cell Number
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Where I am work, I am known and mocked for being a passionate conservative voter.  Those who do so do not vote.  One is a nonvoter because he doesn't want to get mad.  One reason I vote is that I am mad at the garbage in the White House.

There is another who just goes with the flow.  Apathy everywhere.  They complain about politicians but do not vote.  The right to complain comes with having exercised the responsibility to research the candidate and vote the best way you can.

Irresponsible voting and nonvoting is the problem.

Another coworker is young, and she asks me questions.  She is thinking about voting.  I am gently trying to educate her about the truth that the liberal media tries to hide, and where she can go to find the truth.  We must mentor a truth seeking person into voting responsibly to protect our republic from the ostrich voters that are the problem.  And counter the "I got a cell phone" voters who are irresponsible voters of the 47%.

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It is time for the ants to organize because winter is coming and the Grasshoppers will be whining soon as fall disappears and the beginning of winter comes.  Whoever put this together was very inciteful and so true.  It is amazing how true to form it is to real life.  Everyone please make sure you vote for the ANT so we can teach the Grasshopper  thing or two.

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We have met the enemy and it is us and Main Stream Media ("MSM") disinformation about the Tea Party and what it stands for is helping to keep people ignorant and keep holding them and the fruits of their labor hostage.  In my heart of hearts, I believe We The People can right the ship, but it has to happen with this election.  Defeating Obama would be great but as long as the House and Senate are not under his "spell" or control, we can stop further decay.  It all starts at the local levels and taking control of Congress so as to clip the wings of the Imperial President.  So I offer the following to be copied, pasted and disseminated in hopes of raising awareness and getting people to think instead of just "feel" and act emotionally:


"In the spirit of letting the Tea Party speak for itself as opposed to allowing others who are not part of the Tea Party to try and control the debate on what it is the Tea Party actually stands for through the steady beat of propaganda through their control of the Main Stream Media (the "MSM") in a manner with respect to which Josef Goebbels would be green with envy, below is a link to the Tea Party Platform from the Tea Party itself.  Of course, I understand through those unbiased and perpetually truthful members of the MSM, the liberal elite and the liberal sages of Hollywood and the Entertainment world that the Tea Party platform is merely a “clever ruse” to disguise a “hidden racist agenda” and that all members of the Tea Party are actually “reactionary bigots” but, just for the sake of argument on the PRINCIPLES espoused as opposed to the unspoken motives of the source of those principles, I offer them for consideration.  After all, is not a basic tenet of the roots of Western philosophy – by that evil racist “DWEM” ** Rene Descartes I believe -- that a principle and/or idea can be tested and evaluated separate and apart from its source which source may not even exist but in one’s own mind? 

Of course, that is just a philosophical tenet stemming form the “Dark Ages” of the Enlightenment and the Renaissance and, as I understand it from the cultures that continue to mutilate women, who still stone people to death for petty offenses or “sex” offenses (but only women), who still have issues with separating their drinking water from their feces and urine, and who still kill innocent people in the name of their “god”, that whole Enlightenment thing and the Renaissance were in and of themselves “culturally biased” to begin with so NONE of that philosophy has any validity anyway.  But just in case you have not been so brainwashed as to reject entirely the basic principles for evaluating what one observes with one’s own mind as articulated by Rene Descartes in his Discourse on Method ( (a fairly short read but a little more difficult than simply traipsing through the latest Danielle Steel “novel”, Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and/or absorbing the “truths” of the talking heads of the MSM like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, i.e., you may actually have to take a little time to reflect and digest the content) check out the Tea Party Platform and tell me what it is exactly that you may disagree with IN PRINCIPLE as opposed to disagreeing with it as a result of the source?


**DWEM:  Short for “Dead White European Males”.  A Word (I cannot remember what you call these summaries for longer phrases.  Please enlighten if you can) created by those who claim cultural bias in all things but what they themselves have figured out in the scant years they have been on the planet who seem tied to the idea of ignoring the past and starting “anew” with each generation.  A group condemned to repeat the errors of the past as they refuse to learn from history."


Let's put people to the test by politely asking them why they support a candidate and politely correcting mistakes of philosophy and/or fact.


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American Flag

Americans don't come in one color.

We do, however, come in one culture.

My American sisters and brothers come in all colors. As the latest waves of Arab hatred wash against our embassies it's worth noting the ties that bind.

Making peace with America creates this close bond. I made peace with American bias by acknowledging American beauty in all its individual glory!

I have great-great grandfathers who founded America and obviously ones brought here against their will.

Some were already on scene when English colonists arrived while others came afterward.

Abraham Lincoln; Jefferson Davis; Ulysses Grant and Robert E Lee- my family once waged a war between its own states and bloodily amended the constitution.

My great-grand fathers include legends like Theodore Roosevelt; Booker T Washington; Frederick Douglass; etc.

Great-grand mothers Soljourner Truth and Harriet Tubman set the standard for courage and still inspire generations.

Admired grand fathers include Paul Robeson; Jackie Robinson; Jesse Owens; Dr King; Medgar Evers; Charlton Heston; George Patton; Douglas MacArthur; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; A. Phillip Randolph; Van Scott; William Holden; Charles Hamilton Huston; Thurgood Marshall; James Farmer; Don King; Arther Fletcher; Jack Kemp etc.

President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are also brothers of mine. Obviously my family has many branches!

Recently my sister Nikki Haley became governor of South Carolina; along side brother Bobby Jindal, Louisiana's governor.

My brother Marco Rubio is a US Senator in Florida while brother Jack Kingston is the Congressman for my hometown.

Speaking of my hometown my big brother Floyd Adams was her first Black mayor and my other local big brother Clarence Thomas sits on the US Supreme Court.

Notable big brothers Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X have special places in my heart alongside Arthur Ashe and Dick Gregory. 

New family members Sonnie Johnson; Shamara " Shay " Riley; Lenny McAllister; Chris Arps; " CC " ( you know who you are ); Jeff Crouere; Denny Shafer and K. Carl Smith tirelessly promote what's best about ourselves in these trying times!

God bless unnamed American sisters and brothers wearing badges and serving in either military or other government service.

I ask a special blessing for the families of my late brother
 Ambassador Chris Stevens and his three coworkers recently killed overseas simply because they were Americans.  

Brother Chris body was dragged through the streets where he died serving his country. You don't do that to a member of my American family and not expect justice in return.

Some people despise us simply because we exist. Faced with such homicidal hatred should that make partisan or other squabbles seem even more petty? 

My family is America... and sometimes we don't get along. At times like these distant enemies remind us that, like it or not, we're all we have!

Cap Black, The Hood Conservative

(504) 214-3082

Help the Cap Black Help-Fund. Help me help others!

Make Peace With America Bros! please " like " my Cap Black, The Hood Conservative Face Book Page!

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This evenings Rally goal and purpose

Please help me by sharing the following with everyone on your Facebook..

Well today is the beginning of journey. We come together tonight to to rally for the next generation who for all intensive purposes do not understand or appreciate
 the time and resources we dedicate to their freedom. Yet in spite of this we do know that we are always one generation away from tyranny. I deeply believe that when a people fear their government that tyranny is afoot and sadly tyranny is present in america. I do not use the word tyranny loosely. Rather I am basing my statements on the definition below. 

1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5. undue severity or harshness.

Ask yourself if the definition above apply's to our representatives today?

Please understand that we may be called rebellious because we desire to restrain our government by the authority granted us by the constitution and bill of rights. To that I say if rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God who as per our founding documents is the guarantor of our freedoms and rights then so be it.

Our goal is to fill Cardinals stadium in September of 2013 with nothing more than citizens who will come together as a board of directors to determine if we are satisfied with the status quot in our employed representatives. Frankly if we cannot bring 60,000 of the 6,482,505 Arizona residents together for a case of liberty and honor in one year I will concede that we are the generation that gave away the hope of freedom for the world.

We who served this country took an oath that does not expire...
"support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same" and did so close with "So help me God"

Well I am and have been asking and pleading for Gods help and he brought me all of you. 

Thank you

Event Location: 
6344 W Bell Rd Glendale AZ 85308
Date 9/29/2012 at 7:00 pm or 19:00 hr
Photo: Please help me by sharing the following with everyone on your Facebook.. Well today is the beginning of journey. We come together tonight to to rally for the next generation who for all intensive purposes do not understand or appreciate the time and resources we dedicate to their freedom. Yet in spite of this we do know that we are always one generation away from tyranny. I deeply believe that when a people fear their government that tyranny is afoot and sadly tyranny is present in america. I do not use the word tyranny loosely. Rather I am basing my statements on the definition below. 1. arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. 2. the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. 3. a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler. 4. oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler. 5. undue severity or harshness. Ask yourself if the definition above apply's to our representatives today! Please understand that we may be called rebellious because we desire to restrain our government by the authority granted us by the constitution and bill of rights. To that I say if rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God who as per our founding documents is the guarantor of our freedoms and rights then so be it. Our goal is to fill Cardinals stadium in September of 2013 with nothing more than citizens who will come together as a board of directors to determine if we are satisfied with the status quot in our employed representatives. Frankly if we cannot bring 60,000 of the 6,482,505 Arizona residents together for a case of liberty and honor in one year I will concede that we are the generation that gave away the hope of freedom for the world. We who served this country took an oath that does not expire... "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same" and did so close with "So help me God" Well I am and have been asking and pleading for Gods help and he brought me all of you. Thank you Walt Event Location: 6344 W Bell Rd Glendale AZ 85308 Date 9/29/2012 at 7:00 pm or 19:00 hr
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                    “ Will The CIA Try To Kill Terry Jones ? “

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“ Will The CIA Try To Kill Terry Jones ? “
Scarey title of the article isn't it ? It's meant to be, and yes.... I believe this article is not only appropriate and timely but a very serious concern for not only myself but should be considered a wake up call to all Americans living both here in America and abroad as well-our nation is being attacked from within. Exposing how deep the level of evil is in Washington DC, and what has recently transpired in Libya and the Arab World, I really do have a concern for Pastor Jones of Florida and his life, and I ask that you let me explain further throughout this article. Please let me start by sharing that ever since the terrorist attack(which is what it was) on our US Embassy property in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, We hear of the blaming of that terrorist attack from the mouth of Barak Huessein Obama, as well as others including up to recently; including that of Secretary Of State Hilary Clinton, all being blamed on a “movie” made about Islam's Muhammad. The US Government's story however continues to change as what, and or whom to blame for the blood shed in Libya and the riots in the Islamist nations but In all honesty, with our government leaders all changing their stories, I do not know who to distrust more in what Obama and Hilary Clinton are doing to our nation...although it is rather a book, not an article that should be written in identifying what is really transpiring with our nation's leaders and involvement in the Middle East, I will lay out as much evidence as possible for you throughout this article so as to consider just who is telling the truth, and what is occurring to those who side with that truth.
If only some of you really knew what was taking place to our nation “behind the scenes” due to the evil actions of these two people-Obama and Clinton. In fact most Americans have no true idea what is really occurring to our nation and how you, I and others are being purposely led down a road in seeing our nation being purposely annihilated from people who are supposed to be not only our own fellow citizens, but as our elected and non-elected government leaders as well. Now I know some of you may wish to label me a “conspiracy theorist”right-away here, but please, hear me out to the end of this article. Let me tell you I have been employed in the area of criminal justice for many years in the past including that of being a Forensic Specialist where by it was my job to know how the criminal mind operated and functioned so as to apply various treatment modalities. Not only do I have a wealth and expertise and knowledge of investigating and profiling those who engaged in criminal activities, but I have also meet some extraordinary people throughout the world who have knowledge of what criminal activities take place in our nation, especially meeting individuals in the nation of the Philippines where some of those individuals have given me quite some tid-bits of information about just what kinds of things our US Government is involved in. So in the remainder of this article, as I have previously shared, I will be laying out some relevance of evidence as leading to fact so that I can prove my case of what is really transpiring currently with our government in relation to the Middle East and that including of those who are engaged in treason in it's highest form against the American Citizens as well as siding with foreign governments who wish to destroy the USA.
Yes indeed, I can “read between the lines” on much of what is happening to our nation and although many Americans believe it's only the “Islamists” who are to blame, I'm telling you what you are seeing on your nightly news is only the fruit of the labor of some of who I am labeling in this article as “Benedict Arnold's.” They are the type who are in our government working hard to purposely bring disaster and ruin to our nation. So what I am saying specifically is this; the Muslims are being manipulated by a small powerful group of American government officials and other skilled government “patriots”(who are not on the US Government payroll but those in Congress and others either know or know of them) to ruin our nation so that a certain elite group of individuals can control the world(George Soros involvement here also ?). Call these people the “NWO”, followers of the anti-christ, what ever you like... the bottom line is that there are indeed people in high positions of authority in America performing acts of treason against We The People, they are Obama and the Clinton's included on that list.
For these very reasons, I can tell you that I believe that the death of Ambassador Stevens in Libya along with three other Americans on that dreadful September 11th day was purposeful, and done in conjunction with the knowledge and help of some very powerful American government leaders. In fact, I firmly believe that Ambassador Stevens along with those 3 other Americans killed, along with the Islamists who already hate the USA, were all “patsies”, that is used as pawns to create chaos and destruction to create an atmosphere of animosity towards America and as well to create a furtherance of a diabolical plan by those in power, chiefly Obama and the Clinton’s, as well as some others to force America into further turmoil and chaos towards the end of destruction. Yes, “patsies”, and so that is why I fear for Pastor Terry Jones' life... he too is being used as a “patsy”, the whole matter of a film that he allegedly was propagating and that he initially became the fall guy and thus blamed for all murders of Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans killed in Benghazi. Even Fox News (aka The Catholic Lawyer Channel) fell for the whole bogus “ Terry Jones fault for a movie mocking Muhammad” scenario started by Obama and Hilary Clinton and making Terry Jones at fault, yep, they fell for it... line hook line and sinker. Fox News' Brian Kilmeade in his usual condescending attitude refereed to Pastor Jones repeatedly as an 'idiot” when the story first broke-Obama and Hilary Clinton couldn't have been happier, they knew how Fox News and other news outlets would react towards Terry Jones, and they obviously calculated correctly. But, guess who looks like and idiot now Mr. Kilmeade of Fox News? No apology to Pastor Terry Jones from Mr. Kilmeade that I am aware of and I know that MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the others gladly followed suit in trashing Dr Jones. Oh, let's not also forget about Fox News' Shepard Smith who also had unkind things to say about Terry Jones that day as well. Bottom line here is that Obama and the Clinton's know just how to manipulate those around them and use the media outlets to their advantage every chance they get, even so called “conservative” Fox News.
Some people may not like Terry Jones and his actions in bringing light to the evils of Islam, including burning the Qu'ran, but I say at least he is doing something. Most Americans including our very own US Government officials do little to nothing to secure our nation from Islamic terrorists. If anything, our nations leaders have taken advantage of the Islamic terrorists attacks and instead of focusing on ridding our world of such evilits, the US and it's State' have placed more restrictions on our personal liberties and in violating our US Constitutional rights..but then again, that's the point isn't it ? Our personal liberties are being fundamentally taken away and violated on a daily basis by those person's in power so that as I shared earlier in this article, a group of relatively small number of people can control our nation, our world and everyone living in it. Those like Obama, the Clinton's and others like them know just which buttons to push to get their evil plans accomplished even in blaming an innocent man like Dr. Jones.
Regarding “plans”...It wouldn't surprise me at all to see China come to world dominance in the next few years. Hilary Clinton travels there a lot. I'd say traveling to China way to often for my liking. Don't think for one minute that woman and the Chinese Government officials are only talking about “world trade” when they get together. I am quite sure the Clinton’s have already secured for themselves some land and a nice house in China somewhere and there is most likely also a house for Obama(if he gets re-elected) where by he will happily(read Obama's own book, he's open about destroying America !) fly to-to officially surrender the USA to the Chinese when we are attacked by the Chinese during an EMP or some other type of attack by whomever.... If Obama is some how not re-elected in 2012, you better believe Hilary Clinton is already in President election mode and the Clinton Political machine is already geared up and ready to go, so don't plan on her to quit her evil plan and carry out the rest of the plan for America's destruction or stop anything at all from what she has already planned out. From “Travelgate” all the way up to Benghazi, that women is in the thick of an evil plan to destroy America as we can see from the work of her very own hands. Count my words, her and “Bubba” have no plans in quitting their diabolical plans and unless you are their close personal friends, don't plan on being on the “survivor list”as their plans in destroying America continues to take place.
It's not just the Clinton's, Obama and about China you know, On the outside some of our government leaders pretend to be concerned about Iran's nuclear ambitions while at the same time doing minimal work to protect our nation and our ally's from Iran's purposeful evil plan to develop nuclear weapons. Do you think that there are not within our American Government there are not those who are working hard to help Iran in getting nuclear weapons and wiping out America and our ally's like Israel ? If not let me ask you this.... remember that America military drone some months ago that mysteriously “drifted off on it's own” into Iran ? You probably do, well... did not Iran just develop and implement it's own version of a military drone and is capable to delivering powerful bombs just like ours as well ? Those of us with some military know-how are fully aware that it matters not what a weapon is shaped or looks like that ultimately counts, what does count, is on the inside- that is the weapon's delivery system... that's what really counts, where did that technology come from? You know... What is my point you may once again ask ? My point here is that I believe that the American military drone that allegedly “drifted off on it's own” did no such thing. Again, “Benedict Arnold” was once again hard at work in helping to destroy America and we can see from the “fruit” just who has their hands dirty with deceit and evil here again in the purposeful destruction of America.
Know your enemies I often say... Obama, the Clinton’s and those with guns and badges that follow their illegal orders are the enemies of We The People and must be brought to justice for treason. Don't wait for Congress to do their job... Charges of treason against Obama and the Clinton's will never happen with spineless wimps and political hay makers like we have here in the USA. For to long now, the Clinton’s have surrounded themselves with “mysterious deaths” of those that have sought to expose the them. I ask you to watch this videos along with others like it as yet more evidence of what I am offering as evidence to all... I am sure that if Mr.Vince Foster were alive today, he also would ask you to do the same as what I ask of you here.... watch that video !. Speaking of friend Dan Gonzalez, a few years back having his own television program, started doing some investigative reporting of the Clinton’s. After a few episodes of his program airing about the Clinton's and and calling into question the illegal activities of the Clinton's and deaths surrounding them, Dan was called into the Station Manager's office one day and told (not asked)not to speak of the Clinton's any longer. You see, that manager received a call from “someone” with obvious high influence and power to tell a television station manager not to air material about the Clinton's. Yes, it does make you say “hmmmmm” doesn't it ? There are obviously people in high positions protecting “Benedict Arnold's” in our nation. Their job is to protect evil and even if that means threatening people or even in taking the life of the one's life who is exposing that evil. Again, I think of the life of Terry Jones.
So as for more evidence of what I am laying out as fact that I have concern for Terry Jones and that truth tellers get killed by our own American and State's governments...I must also mention here the murder of former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer who also exposed nation wide corrupted Family Court, CPS workers, Domestic Violence Programs, attorneys, judges, cops and others involved in destruction of families for cash and involvement in human trafficking as well for cash. In her murder, it was also attempted in being covered up by government agents.... Indeed, know your enemies for as Senator Schaefer was murdered for truth telling, I believe there were people hired in my opinion to tell lies about who murdered her and her husband. She was indeed and in fact warned by her State Republican Party Chairman to stop engaging in exposing the illegal activities of the Family Courts, CPS, Domestic Violence Programs and others like them( Please view video... She did not buckle in to the Republican Party Establishment so she became yet another one of many who have been maliciously murdered for exposing our evil government and plan to destroy our people... so again, I am concerned for Dr. Jones. I know myself what the shadow of death feels like by the hands of corrupted government officials and agents....that feeling of the threat of murder...In my own situation, a City of Batavia, NY cop threatened to murder me after I exposed a Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer and corrupted judges, lawyers and others. There are those who are in power who are actively taking part in a plan to demolish the very fabric of our society... just so a handful of elitists may rule
The world has become a very sick and dangerous place for people who love the truth, especially Biblical truth. Sadly, It seems people would rather be naive to all the evil going on around them rather than what the Bible in Ephesians 5:11 tell us in doing by exposing it. Those of us who love the Biblical God must be like a modern day Nehemiah. We must be prepared for battle and be ready to sound the alarm when we see the enemy. I do hope and pray that all that have read this article take heart to all I have written so that eyes and ears are wide open to see what we all are facing as a nation and who is for us and who is against us. “As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.”
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
**** REMINDER !!!, TIME IS VERY SHORT ! Be sure to get your Voting Poll Guardian Groups together very soon !
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Politics can sometimes become ugly- especially from the Imperious Left! As the " party of the people (???) " their fringe feels entitled to intimidate & even attack conservatives!!!


I offer my services as an anti crime activist & urban safety professional to ANY Republican or conservative with safety concerns regarding public positions taken- for FREE in many cases.


Thugs and bullies can't be allowed to silence voices on the Right exercising their 1st Amendment rights!


(504) 214-3082 is where you can contact me. For e-mail Just put " PRO" in the subject line.


The best solution to a radical Left hook is a responsible Right cross ( Security sharing your values! ).





" Crime ISN'T A Civil Right! "

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A smiling black senior citizen proudly holding up the American flag Stock Photo - 2641982

Patriotism is the new " Black! "

This slogan arrived by Divine E-mail on the highway en route back to New Orleans after serving as a parade marshal for Journey For Justice 2012-an education march of otherwise solid Obama supporters protesting his education policy of closing urban public schools.

Their demands included firing his education secretary Arnie Duncan and an end to a host of urban public school closing  measures. 

I support school choice in theory but current application in too many majority Black school districts excludes local stakeholders.   

Journey For Justice 2012 wasn't disruptive nor stopping traffic on behalf of some imprisoned predator with liberal spin doctors painting him to be a " political prisoner. "

I'm an urban public school graduate so the topic, like Black opposition to Dem Crow, is near to my heart. They were an army of citizen-soldiers from America's most " hood " Hoods fighting to save neighborhood schools!

Saving neighborhood schools is a pretty conservative concept, as is patriotism. Black folks often have a love/hate relationship with America.

One must choose whether one loves ones country or not. This choice doesn't mean ignoring injustice nor blind obedience to whomever sits in the Oval Office.

As patriots Black folks claim our long contested citizenship and dethrone would-be overseers anxious to manipulate feelings of exclusion.

The flag; Mom and apple pie include us too!

A Black community with more practicing patriots means less chocolate klansmen  ( thugs ); sun tanned socialists controlling voters and infinitely more respect and quality of life.

Patriotism isn't about imitating others- it's about being our best selves and demanding the best from our institutions like this weekend's march; rally and meeting with federal education officials illustrated.

It's the new " Black. " Original posting.

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE has a Face Book page he invites you to " like " along with asking anyone angry with our country to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and turn pain into patriotism. You can discuss this transformation by calling:

( 504 ) 214-3082
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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Do you remember this whopper of an excuse?  “No, I didn't. Honest... I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!” A great movie and a great line, with some meaning today. 

We’ll get to that,..

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. ~ Matthew 6:34

No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders. ~ Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

How many emails to you get that tout a bolstered campaign for this person or that person, with a poll that shows a lead in their race?  1? 5?  More than 4,000?  Me too.  Example, just today, I received 2 emails.  One was received at 10:34 saying “Romney is winning!!”  The other was received at 11:35 that stated “Romney is losing.”  So, what are we to believe?  Only one hour difference and Romney takes a dive bigger than the Dow.  What is the truth?  Well, let’s get some reality from another movie line.  First, if you hadn’t figured it out, the excuse above is from ‘The Blues Brothers’ when John Belushi tries to explain why he left his bride to be at the altar.  Now other Saturday Night Live alumni, Bill Murray, had the best line in response.  “IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER!  IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER!..”  And you’re saying, ‘huh?’

Here’s the thing; the polls out there are meant to convince you that the way of the world is going ‘this’ way, so FOLLOW.  But we have learned so much about the dangers of following these past four years.  We the People are the leaders.  Those who govern are supposed to be the followers; following OUR lead – our directions.  But they all just want to save their careers, so if they can convince us to ‘follow’,..  To that I say HA!  Can’t get me anymore.  I have eyes all wide open.  I will not tamely surrender my liberties, or be easily subdued.  I will not let myself become ignorant.  So therefore my ship will not sink.  And if I understand you all, your ship won’t either.  So take a tip from Matthew.  We have enough troubles to contend with today.  Don’t get caught up in the polls; the worries of tomorrow, or Nov 6.  We need to stay focused right now.  Forget the media.  They are only going to tell you what they want to tell you, not the truth.  40 days, is a very long and short time.  Just when you believe you have enough time, the time has already passed.  So, keep focused; don’t worry about tomorrow.  PLAN for tomorrow and execute your plans today.  We will not allow our liberties and freedom to be lamely surrendered.  This is our city on the hill.  It shines because of US, not our federally elected employees.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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File:Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg

" Many Blk Obama supporters feel reelecting him is reparations. We either face this head on or brace 4a VERY RUDE awakening!!! 
" -My Twitter status

A longer statement of this concern  comprises  my Face Book status: 

Folks, it's SO sad 2 say but many of my sisters & brothers of the same color feel very real anger toward their country. When no less than our present 1st Lady said she finally was proud of America 4 the 1st time in her life only after her husband's victory she spoke 4 millions feeling profoundly cheated and hostile. From THAT apocalyptic perspective reelecting Obama becomes a scary contest 2 decide whether America is good enough 2 continue- PERIOD! They feel IT'S.FINALLY.OUR.TURN, That's why I work so hard 2 MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA- SO IT'S.FINALLY. EVERY .AMERICAN'S.TURN. "

These two postings convey in stark terms a largely unspoken reason why Black support for President Obama reaches nearly 100 percent in most projections.

Many Black people feel it's " our " turn now and that America " owes " us another four years of Obama. This is brinksmanship the likes of which we haven't seen since the Cold War with the former Soviet Union.

I have to ask, " What happens if Obama loses, given these cosmic expectations? "

As Americans we need to look long and hard at that question. Its answer carries with it the literal future of our Republic.

The plunger on a racial powder keg is being slowly pushed down and can be halted should cooler heads prevail. Injecting four hundred years of wrongs no one can change is simply not in the country's best interests during this historic election.

President Obama is one man.

His possible reelection shouldn't be a ransom note with which America is held hostage. 

This upcoming date with destiny in November isn't reparations- it's can't be! 

Obama can't change the past and neither can Romney. 

All we have is the present and future to shape with God's help.  But, if we don't put race aside then America won't have much of either. 

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE has a Face Book page he invites you to " like " along with asking anyone angry with our country to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and turn pain into patriotism. You can discuss this transformation by calling:

( 504 ) 214-3082
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Is This Really What America Wants?

4063586804?profile=originalOn Wednesday U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton finally admitted al Qaeda in North Africa was behind the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where the American ambassador and three others were murdered.

Clinton’s statements further muddied the administration’s fumbled explanations about exactly what happened on Sept. 11.  For purely partisan political reasons, Barack Obama’s administration has denied terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack.

To ever admit that the United States is still involved in fighting a war against al Qaeda flies in the face of Obama’s re-election campaign strategy of showcasing the killing Osama bin Laden and the debilitation of Al Qaeda.

Remember Vice President Joe Biden shouting from the Democratic National Convention stage: “Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive”?

To hear “progressive” politicians and their obedient sock puppets in the “progressive” Party Pravda tell it, to 4063586830?profile=originalput two and two together and reason that al Qaeda had access to technology which allowed them to watch the DNC convention, hear what was said and plot a 9/11 revenge is angry, bigoted, conspiratorial racist hate speech from violent right wing extremists who cannot stand having a black man in the Oval Office.

It could not possibly have anything to do with the fact that his domestic and foreign policies can be defined as “man caused disasters”.

While taking care of extremely important, top priority re-election business on a daytime television talk show, Obama cautioned the ladies that describing the incident was impossible due to an ongoing FBI investigation.  However, more than two weeks after the fact, FBI agents are still not in Benghazi, much less at the crime scene conducting an investigation.

The more America learns about the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate, the more it looks like a complete security failure and a calculated government cover-up.

This foreign policy sleight of hand deceit matches the consistent pattern of “evolving” economic news at home.

The latest economic reports reveal that second quarter GDP growth was revised down from 1.7 percent to 1.25 percent.  New orders for U.S. manufactured durable goods fell in August by the most in 3-1/2 years, the biggest drop since January 2009.  This clearly indicates a sharp slowdown in factory activity.

Fear that Washington will fail to reach an agreement and avoid the "fiscal cliff" has reduced businesses incentive to boost production.

4063586859?profile=originalFrom Benghazi to an Ohio manufacturing facility, the strategy and tactics are always the same.  Make the news sound better that it is then enlist your multiple press secretaries within the “mainstream media” to put that “ news” on the front page of the paper, make it a magazine cover story, or put it on as breaking news television.

When far fewer people are paying attention, have those same media minions disclose the truth in a far less prominent place and in a far less spectacular manner.

Welcome to Obama’s America.  Is this really what America wants?

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I recently released an ebook discussing what made America the greatest country in the world and what it will take to return to its glory days. It is dedicated to the legal immigrant. the first 40 pages are available free so browse them before deciding whether I am full of hot air! If you like it, will you refer your friends to the site. It is priced low so that everybody can afford it and we can start fixing the problems our government has created. Thanks to the tea party, people are paying attention but I am convinced that the majority of the tea party members aren't aware of the concept of baseline budgeting.

There is also a discussion on taxation that was recently started. the link follows:

I would love to have your thoughts on the book and the forum which is towards the bottom of the page.

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When I see OLD GLORY!

When I see "Old Glory"   I pause in my mind, and thank God that I live under the Red White And Blue stars and stripes.  Not long ago while I was at Camp Arifjan Kuwait, I looked at our flag and wondered what our founding fathers must have felt.  I tried to feel what they felt, it was no use, I realized that was truly something one had to experience, much like war.   Unable to feel what they felt I tried to write down what it took to give birth to our Glorious flag and what it truly meant.  What I came up with follows.
What is it about it about a piece of fabric that inspires so many, the sight of it can bring tears to the eyes of the beholder.  A simple piece of fabric that has bound a nation together for the past two hundred thirty three years. A fabric which supports the weight of all, we as a people, hold dear. Our Freedoms, Liberty, and Justice, just to name a few, are all supported by and dependent upon the strength of this Red, White, and Blue fabric, symbol the United States Constitution. Creating such a fabric required many different threads, each carefully selected for its ability to withstand time and stress while maintaining its strength, integrity and values. Every thread had to be bound together tightly so they could not be divided thus compromising the integrity of the fabric. Each thread of this fabric has a name, to mention only a few, Honor, Duty, Loyalty, Morality, Strength, Honesty, Trust, Dignity and many more. All the threads in this fabric represent the greatest attributes of the human race, one race, with different shades of one color.  Without love of God, calling upon his name, and yielding every hope to him the miracle called The United States of America never would have existed.

What arrogance, what ignorance, what hatred of everything good and righteous must dwell in the soul of a man who would deny this great nation was a gift.  A gift of from God to those who desired his law to that of the world.  True Americans must desire this same relationship with his creator if he is to protect this gift.  It cannot be done without the strength of God almighty. 
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Yours truly,

DAVID FRISKO TEACHER which you can google.

D/B/A "America's Teacher"  My mission statement, while I was in The Greater Syracuse Chamber of Commerce for the year 2010-2011:

May GOD BLESS AMERICA AGAIN as He/She did in the beginning of These United States of America which are now Dis-Uniting at an ever increasing rate.

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