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A low-quality film mocking the Muslim Prophet Muhammad sparked some Libyan Islamist extremists to attack the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, killing U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomats. Earlier on Tuesday, a group of ultraconservative Egyptians scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and tore down the American flag, angry over the same movie.

So what is this film, and who made it?

The English-language film, portions of which have been online since July, attracted attention in Egypt only over the past few days when someone posted a segment of the movie that had been dubbed into Arabic, according to the New York Times. Some Egyptian TV hosts began airing clips of the film over and over, portraying it as a Coptic Christian and American plot to denigrate the prophet. (Morris Sadek, a Coptic Christian from Egypt and critic of Islam who now lives in the United States, told AP he recently began promoting the two-hour film, which might also explain its rise out of obscurity.) The amateur-seeming "Innocence of Muslims" film shows the Prophet Muhammad as a homosexual who endorses extramarital sex and pedophilia, along with other slurs against Islam. (Many Muslims consider physical or visual representations of Muhammad to be blasphemous.)

Though at first it was unclear who made the movie, the Wall Street Journal tracked down and interviewed Israeli-American real estate developer Sam Bacile, who said he wrote, directed and produced the film. The 52-year-old Bacile told the Journal that he made the film to portray Islam as a hateful religion:

"Islam is a cancer," he said in a telephone interview from his home. "The movie is a political movie. It's not a religious movie."

Mr. Bacile said he raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors, whom he declined to identify. Working with about 60 actors and 45 crew members, he said he made the two-hour movie in three months last year in California.

Bacile told the AP that he is now in hiding, and that his full movie has only been shown once, to a nearly empty theater in Hollywood. The AP said Bacile was "apologetic" about the ambassador's death, but blamed lax security and the extremists who perpetrated the attack. "I feel the security system (at the embassies) is no good," he said. "America should do something to change it."

The inflammatory Florida pastor Terry Jones, best known for burning a copy of Islam's holy book in 2011, has also been publicizing the film. President Barack Obama condemned the attacks in a statement Wednesday, but also made an oblique reference to the "Innocence of Muslims" film. "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said.

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Islamists have done it again!!!

Once again we sit back and watch two of our embassies being attacked by ruthless, barbaric thugs under the guise of religious anger. I spit on their prophet and religion. They are unfit to belong to the family of nations. Embassies are the sovereign territory of the nations themselves. Attacking our embassy is the same as attacking our homeland. These pi$$ants need to be taught a real lesson. They need to be reminded of the last time Marines were sent to Lybia (shores of Tripoli). We kicked their butts back to the stone age once we can do it again. We need to airlift a batallion of Marine hardasses into each embassy, with orders to kill anything that even approaches the site with weapons. If necessary, they can sorte out into the neighborhood, flattening anything that gets in the way. Force and mayhem is the only language these thugs understand. Let's send the Masters of Mayhem in to accomodate them. Semper Fi.

Afterthought: I wonder what the Marines rules of engagement are? Can they shoot back if attacked? Has Obama tied their hands? Maybe he wants the troops sacrificed in order to have his False Flag excuse to declare a national emergency. Obama needs to be removed and someone with cahones needs to conduct the operations in Islamic countries. We are a laughing stock of the world because of the spinless reaction of our wussy politicians and bureaucrats. Fire em all and get some real patriots in there to do the job.


I am past being angry at our government. We need to take positive action now!  Impeach Obama and all the rest of the miscreants. Charge them with treason and malfeasence in their duties to their office. Then try them in a court of law and then take the next logical step..........  They are killing our country, bit by bit.....

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Today, Sept 11, 2012, my siblings and I launched a new website, Go to our site to get action lists and marching orders for election 2012.

We have waited long enough to get Obama and the other Progressives out of DC! Stop yelling at the tv and stop shaking in your boots about the upcoming election! Roll up your sleeves and get involved.

We are four siblings who also felt helpless about restoring America. But we did something about it, Now you can do the same. Go to our website and do what you can. Every person counts! Help us make the difference! We have counted the days until the election in November...but now we can do more. Help restore America! 

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all.  Today I get right to it.

For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. ~ Ephesians 2:10

Let’s Roll. ~ Todd Beamer, onboard United Flight 93, September 11, 2001.

I know that the anniversary is behind us, yet the feelings that come from that day will always be with us.  Good, bad, sad, patriotic, angry, nonchalant.  So, how do we go on?  Well, please let me share. 

We had the vet over to look at our lead stallion, producer of some fine quality quarterhorses; he has been coughing a lot.  My daughter held the rope while the vet checked him.  The news was not good at all.  He has contracted a disease that is incurable and terminal.  He must be put down to save him any more suffering.  My wife heard this and began to cry.  ‘Doc’ is our favorite; the sweetest and most gentle stallion there ever was.  And his babies are so beautiful.  But, the news is bad.  He is suffering.  So my wife tells me through her tears over the phone.  And then we start to plan how to best take care of this.  We love the stud, but knowing what we must do, through our pain of the heart, we plan to take action; to do what is best for Doc.  I share this because we Americans are all like this.  Yes, when we are faced with the sadness of loss, we react sometimes so far out of our norm; it is understandable.  But, we soon take the reins and do what we must do.  Even through the sadness, or inevitability.  Todd Beamer was not the only one that day who took action.  Those on the flights are not the only ones.  Those on the ground were not the only ones.  Those in the buildings, the firefighters, the police, the military personnel, the people on the streets; were not the only ones.  We all took action.  We all stepped up to the plate in front of us and took the action we needed to take for ourselves.  That day, we were all One Nation Under God, no matter how much you may like or dislike that phrase.  You see, as stated in Ephesians, we are all His masterpiece.  His plan for us, set into motion so long ago, continues to mold us as a people even today.  He gave us His son, our greatest gift from Him.  He also gave us Todd Beamer, Rudy Giuliani, Adam Rand, Lee Fehling and the other firefighters, the police, those onboard, those in the buildings, those who flew flags 11 years ago today, those who gave blood, those who gave a stranger a hug.  My wife and I know we have to do something that is sad and painful, but the right thing to do.  Those on United 93 knew they had to do what they did.  Those who survived that day, knew and still know now what America must do.  There is no party platform of any political party that can tell us what to do about our way of life.  Only We the People can decide what is best.  The party platforms are not instructions on how to behave or believe.  They are records, archives if you will; documentation of who we already are.  He has created us anew through Jesus Christ, to do the good things we are supposed to do.  Americans know what we must do; we always have.  Whether it is to stop the suffering of a majestic animal, take care of a lost child, stop someone from cruelly causing pain, save a nation, or just simply remember.  There will always be time to grieve, to let out steam, to try to relax.  And there is time to take action.  Our nation needs help; our constitution is injured and tattered.  Our children and grandchildren will need all the help we can give them.  We are all suffering these days.  Our suffering may not end for a while.  But we are Americans.  It’s time to take action.  So, I say to you: Let’s Roll.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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The "Musings" of a Ron Paul Supporter

This is a very telling article from a long time Reagan supporter who also supported Ron Paul. It's a long read but I think every freedom loving American needs to see it.


(Little need be added to this summary. The GOP/RNC/DNC,  and America, are all in deep trouble! It is time for America and Liberty over party! This lady's experience can be echoed by many of us and likely you also. It is also confirmed by a tidal wave of challenge affidavits and notarized documents from every state in the union, soon to be published. Corruption has become endemic as it permeates the party system in America. Though the bus continues towards the cliff, and the king's new clothes are the order of the convention and congress, there is change coming! There is change coming on the unmentionable issues of war, liberty, money, and the tyranny of big government and international corporate fascism which manipulates them all. Such is in the wind and underfoot. Stay tuned!  RN)

September 10, 2012

‘Musings of a Ron Paul Supporter’

Writes Lynette Rosinger:

Dear Friends and Family,

It was with great joy and anticipation that I watched the New Year’s ball in Time Square usher in 2012! This was the long awaited year of change, an opportunity to rid the White House of Obama and participate in politics once again! Many Presidential campaigns have come and gone since my last political involvement, which was in 1980 for Ronald Reagan. This year I was excited at the prospect of working for Ron Paul, a candidate I could work and vote for, not just accept as the only choice against the Democrat opponent. And what a ride it has been!

You may have received a letter from me earlier this year expressing my reasons for endorsing Republican Ron Paul, the liberty candidate for the Republican nomination. And throughout the year I have sent emails to many of you and I have had conversations with some of you on the phone or in person. Now I write this follow up because I must, because I care so deeply. I am delighted to report that as a result of my involvement in the great fight to rid this country of Obama, I have made new friends, reinforced my knowledge of parliamentary procedure, and even reconnected with my niece Vicki and her family in Sarasota. Emotions for me ran high. Voting for Ron Paul on March 6 brought tears to my eyes and once home, I broke down and actually cried. Watching Ron Paul rallies on the internet also brought tears to my eyes. Then I finally got to be at a rally and lend my voice to the crescendo of screams as 11,000 supporters welcomed Dr. Paul to the podium at the Sun Dome in Tampa, August 26, a day I will never forget. These passions will last forever.

My active involvement this year began at the precinct caucus back in February. Then I was a delegate to the county convention, an alternate to the congressional district convention, and was an alternate to the state convention until the establishment found out whom I supported, and I was crossed off. To summarize the experiences, more people participated than ever had in the past.
The leadership was shocked at the numbers of extra chairs they needed. Bleachers normally empty were amazingly full of people. I know this because as Congressman Tom Price walked in I heard him say as he passed by, “Look at all of these people!” Each one of these extra individuals meant the membership in, and coffers of, the local GOP organizations grew. Party leaders and elected officials were able to address larger crowds.

But I was lied to, 3 times that I know of, and rules were changed at the last minute. Intimidation was the tactic of the worried “in” crowd and an overall feeling of our being controlled, top down, by a higher authority, became evident. The purpose of the convention was to elect delegates and alternates to the next levels, but it was apparent that the real purpose was to hear politicians and party leaders speak. You see, no candidate for delegate position was allowed to speak, which is what we all expected. Unity was the theme of all of the elected officials and party leaders’ speeches. Unity, yes of course. They want our money and our support, and our vote, but do not expect to be granted one, not one delegate or alternate position to the state or national conventions! In other words, you really do not belong here!

Across the nation there were reports of out and out cheating on the part of insiders to prohibit Ron Paul supporters from becoming delegates. In one case, in Clarke County Georgia, the chair said the “ayes” have it on a vote when the opposite was true. The chair ignored calls for “Division,” which calls for an actual count; he just walked out of the room. In some cases ballots were counted behind a screen; names on fake slates were distributed to confuse the Ron Paul people. The stories abound. Some state or district conventions were held in the parking lot because the situation was so unfair. The state chairman of the convention in Louisiana had his bones broken. The elite was very scared.

By now you have probably heard the reports that this same “ax” to cut people out was used at the national Republican convention in Tampa. It may not have been reported on your favorite news program, but 100% of the delegates were not supporters of Mitt Romney. You were not supposed to know that.

Prior to the convention, the RNC removed Ron Paul delegates, individuals duly elected as delegates from Oregon, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Massachusetts. At the convention, the RNC attempted to change their own rule that with a plurality of delegates in five states, an individual could have his name placed in nomination. There was an effort to change this five -state rule to 10 because Ron Paul had a plurality in Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, and Virginia. By the way, did you know that Ron Paul won Iowa? This effort failed however. He unquestionably qualified for nomination under this rule. But, it did not matter, because Maine was stripped of the majority of its delegates.

The RNC and Romney forces replaced Maine delegates with Romney people, ones chosen by people in other states, not Maine. The Ron Paul folks showed up anyway, and when cries of “Seat them now” echoed in the auditorium, the Romney forces had their guys in green ball caps with communication devices in their ears yell “USA.” These chanters were given messages from the RNC what chants to yell and when.

The Rules Committee Romney-approved rules deal as you have probably heard, passed, despite strong opposition. A committee will select delegates to the national Republican convention in the future. Presidential campaigns will be empowered to disapprove and remove delegates and alternate delegates selected by state parties. The large majority will be handed to those who give the most money. States have been stripped of all control and local activists might as well stay home.

The strong opposition to this change did draft a Minority Report, but the delegates were not permitted to vote on it because John Boehner who was the Chair at the time did not allow it. One strong opponent to the rules changes who supported the Minority Report, was Morton Blackwell of Virginia, a member of the RNC’s standing Committee on Rules, former member of Ronald Reagan’s White House staff, and a Romney donor. He could not get to the convention hall for the vote on the rules changes Tuesday because he was stuck on a bus of delegates from Virginia, Iowa, and Rhode Island. The bus circled the convention 3 times, as those on board yelled “let us off this bus.” All of them missed the vote.

Even without them, there was clear division on this issue. Many in the media were quite surprised that Boehner said the “ayes” have it. He ignored all calls for “Point of Order.” You see, the teleprompter had the script all written out for him. “In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it.” So be it.

During the roll call of the states the convention secretary Kim Reynolds declined to read out the delegate votes for any candidate other than Romney. The states with a plurality of Paul votes were recorded as “one” or whatever it was for Romney. She never said Paul’s name. One commentator said he had never seen a convention not announce the votes for all of the candidates.

Ron Paul participants were not permitted to bring signs into the convention hall. This of course was a rule only for them. Romney signs were everywhere.

It is unlikely that your TV coverage pointed out the fact that there was at least one delegate vote for Ron Paul from: Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the Virgin Islands. And, yet, they would not let him speak!

You may not have heard the 3 votes from Georgia because something went mysteriously wrong with the chairman’s microphone.

The delegations from Nevada, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, and Oklahoma were further from the convention floor than the delegations from the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas Islands. No wonder Boehner could not hear them!

Also probably not covered was the walk out Wednesday night by the Ron Paul supporters who said they would not go back. Anyone who might blame them and call them “cry babies” or “poor losers” should understand the treatment they received was rude, and quite unnecessary. Romney had the votes to win the nomination. These Ron Paul delegates worked very hard to get to Tampa. Trust me, it is not easy to get this far, and it is costly, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of time.

So, the opinion of the Chair, the roll call votes, the timing of when and what to chant were all scripted, just like a May Day parade behind the Iron Curtain, everything must and did look powerful, unified, and perfect.

As a guest at the 1976 convention as a Ronald Reagan supporter, I witnessed the strength and power of the establishment. (Interestingly, Ron Paul was one of 4 Congressmen there that year as delegates for Reagan. His son Rand, then 13, was also in attendance.) Georgia, a state at the time that was for Ronald Reagan, who was Ford’s opponent, was housed in a motel in the cornfields of Kansas, hours from the convention. And, the Ford people had 1/3 of the seats, Reagan had 1/3 of the seats, and the White House, guess who…Ford, had 1/3 of the seats. As Chris Manion wrote recently, “Ford’s fixers did everything they could to eviscerate Governor Reagan’s supporters…and then tried to reunite the GOP and try to recoup the Reagan supporters they had alienated, all to no avail. It failed because it was sheer pretense, disingenuous on its face.” We see how it worked out for them.

So, we are left with candidates for President and Vice President on the Republican ticket who supported the National Defense Authorization Act giving the President the power to direct the military to arrest Americans, put them in jail indefinitely with no court order, no trial and no lawyer. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights just get ignored again.

Meanwhile, our nation’s most serious threat, and the reason we have such economic woes, is the deficit. We have a vice presidential candidate who voted for TARP, the auto bailout, every one of Obama’s stimulus bills, to raise the debt ceiling almost every time it was voted on, and with the unions on at least two occasions, causing an increase in the debt of the country. His plan to balance the budget in 2039 or 2040 is dependent on Congresses yet elected, and really we do not have that much time!

We have a presidential candidate who promises to cut the budget and yet is silent on what he would cut. Will he cut the defense budget, entitlements, any department of the federal government? If he is silent now, what do you suppose he will propose if elected? We have a vice presidential candidate who says we must cut deductions for the “wealthy” in order to give everyone a tax cut. What? Cutting tax deductions and loopholes is not a tax cut. We have a candidate for President who receives his largest monetary support from the same banks, Goldman Sachs for one, that support Obama. We have a vice presidential candidate who would establish Washington, DC approved insurance companies for seniors to buy their insurance from with his vouchers. We have the creator of Romneycare running for President. In a Romney administration, US foreign intervention will not decrease, which we cannot afford and which threatens our security.

The current candidate for President and his cronies unnecessarily railroaded a national convention and turned it and future ones into coronation ceremonies. Throughout the primary process his agents did manipulate, but worse, did cheat, did lie, did break the rules, did treat fellow Republicans as the enemy. As H.L. Mencken said, “Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction in stolen goods.”

Friends, if Obama wins, do not blame the Ron Paul supporters, who want sound money, less government, only Constitutional wars, and who therefore will not vote for Romney. Do not say that when we vote for neither one we are voting for Obama when we have spent so much time, effort, and money since January to seek his defeat. By being involved in the trenches and taking our hits in the arenas of politics this year, we got ourselves muddy and our noses bloody; we have every right to complain whether we vote or not, no matter who wins in the current race. We supported a candidate different from Obama someone to vote for. And, if Romney wins, do not expect a safer more prosperous America. Election after election, I was forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. This year I will vote for no evil one.

All the best, Lynette

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Chicago and their Collective Bargaining

Teachers in Chicago need to be fired just like Obummer they both have the same record “Failure”. Maybe folks in that city will wake up and get their head out of were it doesn’t belong. $76,000 a year job most people in order to get that much money have to rob a bank.
At least Wisconsin had some guts to stand up to these unions and said No to Collective Bargaining. If the Mayor of Chicago had some guts which he doesn’t because he’s Obummers buddy. Besides he’s a Democrat with no brain.
Now folks know why they don’t like unions, if they don’t get their why they go on “Strike” that collective bargaining to them.

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After listening the news as far as the Middle East with what went on in Egypt and Libya. We are seating on a time bomb that ready to explode this is no time what so ever to cut back are military. As for Israel YES we need to back them 100% they know what’s coming and they have the right to defend themselves. Guess people don’t know what happened in the 6 day war. Israel took on 4 countries at one time and beat them badly. Also in the 70’s that Jimmy Carter got Israel and the Palestine to stop there fighting.
A lot of these people in the USA have never had a bomb drop on them to understand what it is like to be in a War. Three Quarters of these people that want free hand out will be running out of the country rather than defend it. Like they did in the 60’s but this time there will be no where to hide. Has anybody ever listen to or read History, WWII what lead up to it. History does repeat itself we are seating back waiting for the other side to take the first shot again, and what does the buttheads in Corrupt DC want to do cut back our military. And Obummer wish to do is seat on his hands and campaign. That’s all he’s done since 2008 and if he does get his way in Corrupt DC he throw a tantrum and starts blaming it on Bush. We are going to go to war there is no doubt about that we just need to get this Butthead out of the OUTHOUSE.

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Obama’s “Green” Volt Spews Red Ink!


By John W. Lillpop

President Obama delights in boasting (endlessly) about the success of the government seizure of General Motors. He unashamedly points to the GM “success” as evidence of what government can do, when allowed to interfere in the affairs of private business people.

What Obama conveniently overlooks are the real facts behind the government interference and the actual bottom-line results. As with Solyndra and other “Obama Business” follies, when objectivity and net profit considerations are applied, the myth of government business acumen vanishes in a heart beat.

Like the fabled trillion-dollar “Stimulus,” the disastrous ObamaCare nightmare, and just about every other program that Obama has sullied with his Marxist hands, the Volt is proof positive that it is impossible to convert a non-productive community organizer into a business man just by giving said man an Oval Office and access to the national treasury.

Being “clean and articulate” may be enough for moon bat Democrats looking for an object to worship; however, honest profit and loss measurements are far more demanding and disciplined.

As reported at Reference 1, the Volt experiment is not going well, despite all the crowing and braggadocio spewing from deluded Democrats at the DNC last week:

At their convention, Democrats swore that GM is “thriving,” but the market doesn’t think so: GM shares have lost half their value since January 2011. And while the passing of the Great Recession has meant growing sales for all auto makers, GM is seriously lagging behind its competitors: Its sales are up 10 percent, a fraction of the increases at Kia, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Porsche. With its sales weak, its share price crashing, and its business model still a mess, some analysts already are predicting that GM will return to bankruptcy — but not until after the election.

The Obama administration talks up all of the “jobs” it saved at GM — but jobs doing what? Manufacturing automobiles that are not competitive without a demand. Propping up an economically non-viable enterprise just long enough to get Barack Obama reelected? As much as it will pain the hardworking men and women of GM to hear it, it is not worthwhile to save jobs at enterprises that cannot compete on their own merits. So long as the federal government is massively subsidizing the operation, a job at GM is a welfare program with a fairly robust work requirement. (And we all know how the Obama administration feels about work requirements.)

We have bankruptcy laws and bankruptcy courts for a reason. It may make sense to expedite the proceedings for very large firms such as GM in order to prevent disruptions in the supply chain that would, as Ford’s executives argued, harm other, healthier firms. But bankrupt is what GM was, and bankrupt is what GM is, a fact that will become blisteringly apparent should the government ever attempt to sell off the shares it owns in the company.

The GM bailout was a bad deal for GM’s creditors, for U.S. taxpayers, and, in the long run, for the U.S. automobile industry and our overall national competitiveness. No wonder the Democrats are campaigning on a fictionalized account of it.”

UGLY MATH details about the disaster at GM are provided at reference 2:
General Motors Co sold a record number of Chevrolet Volt sedans in August — but that probably isn't a good thing for the auto maker's bottom line.

Nearly two years after the introduction of the path-breaking plug-in hybrid, GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on each Volt it builds, according to estimates provided to Reuters by industry analysts and manufacturing experts.

Cheap Volt lease offers meant to drive more customers to Chevy showrooms this summer may have pushed that loss even higher. There are some Americans paying just $5,050 to drive around for two years in a vehicle that cost as much as $89,000 to produce.

And while the loss per vehicle will shrink as more are built and sold, GM is still years away from making money on the Volt, which will soon face new competitors from Ford, Honda and others.

GM's basic problem is that "the Volt is over-engineered and over-priced," said Dennis Virag, president of the Michigan-based Automotive Consulting Group.”

There is a glimmer of good news for General Motors and taxpayers in all this:

On November 6, the American people will have a chance to fire the misguided, clueless , profit-hating executive responsible for this Marxist scheme.

Let’s hope we the people are wise enough to do so!

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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By John W. Lillpop

To people like AG Eric Holder, Harry Reid and most liberals, perpetuating the Barack Obama failed presidency is more important than protecting the integrity of the vote.

To Mr. Holder and all the other Democrats in denial, or worse, the case of one Wendy Rosen of Maryland should be required reading.

As reported at Reference 1:

Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Andy Harris in Maryland's First Congressional District, which includes the Eastern Shore, has withdrawn from the race.

The Maryland Democratic Party said it demanded Rosen's withdrawal after discovering Rosen has been registered to vote in both Maryland and Florida since 2006 and has voted in both states in two elections.

In a statement, Yvette Lewis, chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party, said, “Today, the Maryland Democratic Party took immediate and decisive action and demanded the withdrawal of Wendy Rosen as nominee for U.S. Representative in the 1st Congressional District after allegations of electoral law violations were brought to our attention.

“In addition, at my direction, the Maryland Democratic Party submitted a letter to the Attorney General and State Prosecutor outlining all information regarding the alleged violations.

“Any effort to corrupt or misuse the electoral process is reprehensible, wrong and must not be tolerated,” Lewis said.

In the letter to Attorney General Doug Gansler and State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt, Lewis said the Maryland Democratic State Central Committee had learned "Rosen has been registered to vote in both Florida and Maryland since at least 2006; that she in fact voted in the 2006 general election both in Florida and Maryland; and that she voted in the presidential preference primaries held in both Florida and Maryland in 2008. This information is based on an examination of the voter files from both states.

"We believe that this is a clear violation of Maryland law and urge the appropriate office to conduct a full
investigation," Lewis wrote.”

Well, good for you Ms. Lewis! But why the hell did it take six years to uncover this fraud?

Voter fraud by candidates has not been seen as a factor until now, but since Rosen is a Democrat, anything is possible!

You do recall the voter fraud orchestrated by Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa at the DNC last week right? The one in which Villaraigosa pretended that a revision to the party platform, which deleted God and references to Jerusalem as capital of Israel, was approved by voice vote, although the NAYS appeared to win the day?

What the Rosen debacle points out is the urgent need for a federal law requiring Voter ID everywhere!

Especially for Democrat politicians!

Of course, since Rosen is a Democrat, her fraud may not arouse much concern from the likes of Eric Holder!

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By John W. Lillpop

Following Monday’s string of published polls that showed Barack Obama in a position to inflict four more years of choreographed ruin on America and the 300 million or so of We the People looking for restoration of the American Dream and a return to sanity, just the thought of four more years of Obama had caused sales of valium and guns to soar from coast-to-coast.

In Red states run by Republican governors, state bosses tried to ease widespread panic and head-off mass suicides plotted by frightened patriot groups. Red Cross and National Guard resources were put on full alert and told to expect the worse.

In Blue states run by communists and near communists, leftist bosses welcomed the warnings as signs of better days to come.

However, when dawn arrived this morning, it had all slowed down and the Obama “bounce” was corrected to portray the Obama gain as it really was:

A swell of support from illegal aliens, felons, sleeper cells, welfare and food-stamp frauds, and people long since dead and buried. In other words, the typical gang of dim-wits and anti-American losers who always come out in huge numbers for anyone will a D next to their name!

It’s known by clinicians and objective political scientists as the ENTITLEMENT BIAS and it is very popular among mainstream reporters and editors who use it to make Polls reflect their tattered values.

After the poll numbers were revised to reflect “Likely voters” and remove the ENTITLEMENT BIAS factor, R and O were essentially even!

As reported at the Reference:

Today, ABC News/Washington Post released a poll showing a virtual dead heat between Obama and Romney. The survey was conducted September 7-9 among adults with sub-samples of registered and likely voters.
Obama does show a convention bounce gain among registered voters, with a 6% advantage over Romney. In other words, Obama has more support among voters who are probably not going to vote. A more accurate assessment of likely voters have the candidates tied with no bounce: Obama registers with 49% of the vote and Romney at 48%.

The ABC/WaPo likely voter numbers stand in direct contrast to the rather bizarre poll released by CNN yesterday. In that survey, CNN showed Obama up over Romney at 52% to 46% among likely voters. But with a sample of likely voters that included only 4% independent voters, the results are highly suspect.”

Whew! That was what I would term a scary near-death experience!

Evidence of the veracity of the revised poll was confirmed by pharmacists and gun shop owners who report a plunge in the sales of valium and guns!

Now its on to November 6, and VICTORY for America, and to hell with illegal aliens, felons, sleeper cells, and people long since dead and buried.

Let’s go, Mitt! Its all up to you!

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You know, I thought the rules change vote debacle at the Republican Party convention in Tampa, Florida could not be topped for arrogance by the establishment elitists but I was wrong.  The Democrats managed to top that raw example of tyranny and “in your face” arrogance toward We the People at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina last week.  The Democrat establishment managed to actually outdo Joe Biden when it comes to “acting stupidly”.  Can you believe someone actually “out-dumbed” Joe Bite Me???


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9/11/12 God missing?

Today we mark another somber anniversary of one of America's darkest days.
The President has offered a mostly appropriate and  commiserating eulogy, but has, once
again, omitted any mention of the word "God," or the idea of God, or of religion at all.
This transforming, forward, progressive regime set out quite specifically and purposefully
to govern us Americans without the aid, or even thought or mention, of God, or any divine
 entity. This has pleased, of course, the dour, perpetually whining, hyper-sensitive types
 who not only cavil, but who go apoplectic at any reference to the God of our Fathers, in
whose name this nation was miraculously and bravely founded.
  In ludicrous irony, could the Obama/Soros/Far left axis possibly illustrate the utter and abject
 failure of "going it alone" better or more starkly than they have in the past four years? By proclaiming
to the world that this nation is no longer a Judeo-Christian nation, could they be more explicit in
highlighting and underlining Alexis deToqueville's assertion that "America is great because America
is good?" Mr. Obama & Co. have shown us, and the world, that the converse is also true, that overt
 evil, which socialism and tyranny absolutely are, lead to ruin, and the antithesis of "good," is weakness, debility,
and ultimate bankruptcy, both fiscally and morally.
In the brand of government Mr. Obama and his irreligious, over-educated and under-experienced, elite czars
represent, the State IS god, and there can be no competition; no other god need apply.
In the twentieth century, this literally vacuous experiment was done to death to the tune of
 ca. 100,000,000 dead. If America is to save itself from calamitous and imminent demise,
this crowd has got to go.
Harry Hagan

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The issues on the Democratic Party's Platform are very important.  Important, not because the platform actually binds a president to do those things, but because the president, as the leader of his/her party and, as such, supports the majority of his/her party's issues.  Remember the old adage: "Birds of a feather flock together".
Secularism, moral relativism, and a large federal government with centralized control, are all basic tenets of the progressive movement.  Knowing their ideals were too radical for most Americans of the early 20th century, they began making in roads in education and politics. The progressives took many years to educate generations of voters and insidiously take over the Democratic party giving them a national stage to promote their ideas and elect their candidates.  Like boiling a frog, they didn't throw him into the hot water all at once; they put him in cool water and gradually raised the heat.  Traditional Democrats were gradually overcome by those new progressives that were educated in their ideas of liberalism, big centralized government, and moral relativism. It's a "feel good" party. 
Many folks, myself, my friends and family included, had historically been "traditional Democrats".  (I left when Reagan came along and confirmed what I had already realized: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me").  Unfortunately, the "Progressives" have gradually chipped away all of the traditional Democratic party values and now have replaced them with their "feel good", "reasonable", emotion driven rhetoric which they only intend to use to manipulate their party loyalists into supporting a very radical hidden agenda.  Many "traditional Democrats" find it difficult to break with their tradition of supporting Democratic candidates; their "feel good receivers" have been tuned to that frequency for so long they can't switch channels.
God gave us all free will.  We have a right, and a responsibility, to evaluate our positions based on the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.  There may be some gray areas in life, but most of us know that the really important things in life can only be equated to either right or wrong. 
--We know that killing an unborn baby because it is inconvenient is WRONG; God would NEVER support that position. 
--We know that a person "freely" giving to charity is righteous, but being forced to contribute their earnings so someone else can decide where their gifts will go is wrong.
--We know that we have no right to enjoy the fruits of another's labor.  We must earn our own.
--We know that the whole idea of lying to achieve power over others is a corruption of morality.
I hope, and pray, for our country's sake, that people will start to recognize "progressivism" for what it really is: dictatorial, centralized power in the hands of an aloof, elite political class with no moral compass to guide them by a higher authority.
The message we have to get across to our friends who are still locked into that emotionalism of relativism, is that it's O.K. to reevaluate your position.  You don't have to lock step support any political party just because your grandfather, father, or you have always done it that way.  Billy Graham once said: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".  To stand for something, you have to consciously think about your position, understand it, and understand why you feel that way.  The progressives don't want you to use your brains; they want to attack you with emotional appeals, ambiguities, and muddied waters.  They are all about rationalization of behavior and values.
America has been the only place on earth that was established on the principles that the people own the government; not the government owns the people.  As such, for over 200 years, we've wrestled with many of the tough issues of the time.  Being a government "of the people", and people having human flaws, we've naturally had, and still have, flaws that had to be overcome. The most often referenced is equality of all citizens.  This has been, and continues to be, a long fought struggle.  Abolishing slavery, ensuring equal treatment of all regardless of race, creed, sex, color, national origin, or physical disability  have been issues that have been fought for throughout our history.  But, even with all of our imperfections, we've still been the shining light among nations for individual liberty, freedom of religion, of speech, the right to dissent with the government without fear of being killed.  We are the "go to" nation for all of those oppressed throughout the world who seek a better life for themselves and families.
We have a great nation.  We should all be PROUD to be AMERICANS!  We don't have to apologize to anyone for our country being exceptional.  We can only remain an exceptional nation if the citizens respect one another and respect the laws and morality behind those laws which ensure all of us have equal protection.  A tyrant, whether it's a single person or a huge government machine, has no incentive to do anything other than what they want to do.  We don't have an individual tyrant, but our HUGE Federal bureaucracy has become tyrannical and must be controlled.  this coming election can be the beginning to taking control back and limiting government in our lives.
God Bless You All!  God Bless America! 
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.
- F.A. Hayek

When injustice becomes law, then Rebellion becomes duty!
~~~Thomas Jefferson
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it.
--Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

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9/11: Remember The Jumpers

4063577067?profile=originalMary and I flew from Florida to Alexandria, Minnesota where I was the keynote speaker and entertainer (singer) at their “Rally for America”. As we approach another anniversary of the 9/11attacks, I caught segments of various 9/11 documentaries on TV in the hotel room.

I was struck by numerous stories of bravery and self-less acts of courage by our fellow Americans. A twenty-four year old man led a group of fellow employees to safety. He went back into one of the twin towers to rescue more, never to be seen again.

A survivor spoke of the look in the eyes of a fireman going up the stairwell as he passed him going down. The survivor said he felt the fireman knew he was possibly going to his death. And yet, he was speedily taking two steps at a time up the stairs.

I heard about a white man in one of the towers who upon hearing cries for help, pulled a brown man through a wall to safety. They both survived and have become life long friends. The incidents of Americans rising to the challenge on 9/11 are many. Some we will never know.

But there was a group of Americans on 9/11 who for the most part were ignored. I am talking about “the jumpers”. These people, like responsible adults, simply showed up for work on 9/11. Suddenly, they found themselves in an unimaginably horrific situation, having to decide whether to be consumed in an inferno or leap to their deaths. Dear Lord!

Early after the 9/11 attacks, our liberal politically correct media put an “unofficial” ban on showing “the jumpers” in their coverage. Careful not to fuel American outrage, our media is always sympathetic to America's enemies.

Like most Americans, I remember where I was and what I was doing on 9/11. I came out of the bathroom draped in a towel after a failed attempt to take a shower, “Honey, there's no water!” “Sorry”, Mary replied. “I forgot to pay the bill.” So, there I was annoyed because I had to drive two miles to drop a check off to the water company. That was my biggest “issue” of the day.

Meanwhile, my fellow Americans were forced to decide whether to burn or jump.

Witnesses saw a young woman high up in one of the towers at a window as flames raged behind her. She made the sign of the cross and did a swan dive out of the window.

Ponder that image when you hear liberal Democrats, Progressives and Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, say we got what we deserved on 9/11.

Innocent Americans simply showed up for work. Remember, the jumpers.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Gallows of Effigy


Mr. Phipps Explains Himself, and the Gallows of Effigy

This has nothing to do with racism and nothing to do with the Republican Party.  This was done by one man to bring attention to his personal vendetta.

Naturally enough, as was the case with the Gabby Gifford and the Black Knight shootings, “non-racist” “post-racial” “progressive” Democrats are the first to jump on the “This is exactly what comes to my mind when Republicans talk about "reclaiming our country", "taking our country back", or the good old days” bandwagon.

Expose the lies of the “progressive” left!

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