Members of the self-imagined, self-appointed institutionalized “progressive” “intellectual elite” have no desire to discuss the reality of what was the most embarrassing DNC since Chicago 1968…can’t blame them. If they were remotely interested in the truth, they would have already seen the sound wave analysis of the “put God back in the platform” voice vote and know that approving that vote was completely illegitimate. Saying otherwise is pure, unadulterated propaganda, not the truth.
But, what else is to be expected from “progressives”?
They were booing the reinstatement of God and Jerusalem into the Party platform like good little “progressives”. They were happy that bho decided against also reinstating the other deleted portions. The two regarding right of return and Hamas. Or did their “straight shooting” news sources never even mention those?
That is what is best described as typical “progressive” behavior. Especially from bho…”LOOK AT THIS HAND”…meanwhile, while everyone is looking at the one hand, he is picking pockets with the other.
While everyone was busy talking about the voice count debacle, most people never even noticed that the exhalted “progressive” “leader” managed to throw Israel under the bus while convincing low information voters that he had come to Israel’s rescue.
The only way bho wins in 2012 is with massive “progressive” voter fraud. Voter fraud happens to be the one and only reason Al Franken won in MN in 2008 to become the 60th “progressive” Senator. Without cheating “progressives” stealing that election, America would not now be saddled with the biggest tax hike in
American history: obama”care”TAX.
The “progressives” do not want to debate the obama"care"TAX either. After all, it is so much easier to live in denial. They are going to be truly shocked and extremely dismayed to discover the taxes they will be forced to pay. Yes, “progressives” will have to pay. (And to think they are still insulted by being called useful idiots.) Taxes that the "most transparent" administration in history" and its "honesty in government" legislative co-horts hid from them and their fellow "progressive" lemmings. As pelosi said: "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it". If "progressives" successfully steals the 2012 election and the country is stuck with obama"care"TAX, all Conservatives will be able to say to “progressives” is: SUCKERS!!! Don't say you were not warned.
If “progressives” describe Conservatives not wanting government to hand out taxpayer funded contraceptives to women, especially those who can afford to go to Georgetown Law School, or not wanting government to use taxpayer money to pay for the wholesale slaughter of unborn children…if “progressives describe that as being involved in reproductive issues, then they are finally right about something.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
Only "progressives" believe that keeping convicted murderers alive while killing innocent, defenseless unborn babies somehow elevates them to the "moral high ground".
They will claim that owners of media outlets tend to be Conservative...and that balances out media bias. They are obviously deaf and blind or so completely indoctrinated that they believe the Current TV program portraying Rupert Murdock's creation of FOX News as an attack on journalism was unbiased.
It's only natural that 100% biased "progressives" believe, as does their so-called "president", that America only became great AFTER "progressives" saddled the country and ensuing generations with hundreds of trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities. The $16 trillion national debt is only what has been borrowed. Take a look at the bottom of the national debt clock chart and see how much is currently owed in unfunded liabilities like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and obama"care"TAX.
Only a "progressive" who "feels" it is "good" to run up that kind of debt would overlook the harsh reality that that is completely unsustainable. If they are so eager to live in Greece, let then move there and stay there. Losing the likes of “progressives” to Europe would be America's gain.
Sure, they may have been born in this country; they may even have a birth certificate to prove that they are legally citizens. But the "progressive" idea of centrally planned big government, where rights are determined by the government, where an oligarchy dictates to businesses, industries and the masses, deemed incapable of governing themselves, is NOT an American idea. It is a European idea brought to America by the Fabian Socialists from England and the Frankfurt School from Germany. It's as progressive
as returning America to the rule of King George.
The American idea, that men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, where the Freedoms and Liberties of each and every individual are a birthright, originated in the 13 colonies. It is found in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and is explained in the Federalist Papers. All were written in America by Americans.
Someone either believe in the American idea, an idea that made America the greatest nation in the history of the planet, or they believe in the "progressive" idea, which over the past 100 years has been slowly eroding the foundation principles and economic security of the world’s one exceptional nation. The only nation ever founded upon an idea.
If you are a "progressive" you are not an American. If you are an American, you are not a "progressive."
Since “progressives” are demonstrably incapable of perceiving what is subtly conveyed, it should be put in terms even a "progressive" can understand: "progressives" are parasites. Their host will return to health and thrive only after the “progressive” parasites are removed and are no longer draining the host's life blood.
May bho and every other “progressive” politician infesting America lose every election, may every biased member of the institutionalized “progressive” left news media lose every job, may every grey-haired, pony-tailed Marxist lose every position they hold in academia, and may every Hollywood Marxist leave America and remain outside America….in perpetuity.