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4063579290?profile=originalRegarding the Libya attack, Romney said, “It's never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values.” In our Oprah-rized, touchy-feely metro-sexual society, the mainstream media and Democrats are trying to portray Romney as an out-of-control reckless cowboy.

This mindset that the slightest forcefulness and decisiveness is deemed to be extreme reflects the mainstream media's and the Democrat's decades long War on Testosterone. The left takes everything to its extreme. For example: If you believe the definition of marriage should remain between one man and one woman, the MSM and Democrats accuse you of hating gays and seeking violence against them.

Little boys acting like boys is cause for the left to recommend that they be drugged.

Obama's response to the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three staffers is metro-sexual at best. During Obama's press conference in response to the attack, a reporter asked if the Obama administration considered the attack in Libya an act of war. Obama would not respond to the question.

Is real manhood a no-no in America today? In typical fashion, I am sure the left will attempt to distort my celebration of manhood. They will accuse me of attacking womanhood and requesting that Obama act like an idiotic macho Neanderthal. I am not.

Rather than the mainstream media addressing Obama's wimpy response to “our houses” abroad being violated and Americans being murdered, the media is ganging up on Romney for his swift and strong response.

I watched a John Wayne movie the other day in which his character thought his son was dead. When his adult son reappeared, the Duke punched him. “That's for scaring me half to death!” Yes, the movie character’s response was over the top. And, I am not condoning a father punching his son.

But folks, I have to tell you that it was extremely refreshing to witness male toughness in the father and his son. The father and son were not crying on the Oprah show or discussing their dysfunction with Dr Phil.

Manhood is being wimped down folks, from pro football to committed heterosexuality being branded closed-minded. Elementary school kids are taught to be open-minded enough to give homosexuality a try before deciding their sexual preference.

Unlike their liberal counterparts, conservative women do not despise testosterone. Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann would display stronger leadership in response to these attacks on America than our liberal apologetic metro-sexual president.

As our enemies feel more and more embolden by tepid responses, America needs a real Commander-in-Chief.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Obama’s New American Dream Of Islamic Appeasement

4063579199?profile=originalRomney refuses to apologize for American principles and values

Do you remember where you were the day that America’s Dream was assaulted, stripped bare, and left to endure a slow and lingering death?  That day began on June 4th, 2009, when President Obama traveled to Cairo, Egypt and bowed his head to the Muslim World in a speech. He let the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists, know that they had a fellow traveler and friend in the White House.

The president was clear, convincing and concise.  The values and principles of the nation which has guided America’s founders, the defenders, and its citizens for over 233 years, by 2009, was laid upon the alter of Islam, like yesterday’s refuse.  The new American dream of apology first, neutrality second and attack from behind third, was the new legal, moral and presidential construct.

Mitt Romney refuses to lead America into Obama's years of apologetic Islamic darkness. He represents a clear choice for America's Dream and America's Future. There is a difference.

So, as Obama planned his trek to Cairo, Egypt, according to published reports from May 28th, 2009, the president insisted that at “least 10 members of the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend the speech.” to be delivered on June 4th. 

His speech ominously called “A New Beginning” foreshadowed the commencement of a renunciation of America’s values, its principles and time honored sovereignty.  Instead in its place was Obama’s re-interpretation of America, its values and its principles. He used friendly couched phrases to be an apologist first, and allow the nation to be a scapegoat for all real or imagined misdeeds that were offensive to the Muslim world.

Obama stressed, “Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.”  Obama used this as a conditional reason to massage the Muslim world’s feelings of America and the West, not being in step or considerate of Islamic teachings.

But Obama proceeded to ignore the history of Islamic actions and its heinous practices against non-Muslims, Christians, women and other non-believers.  Instead the president announces a new fictitious doctrine that …-  read more: 

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White House Fails at Home and Abroad

Why are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House obsessed with apologizing for an amateur 4063579166?profile=originalvideo that no-one had heard of, seen or cared about?  Why are they so obsessed with singing the praises of “a great religion” who’s leaders are the world’s leading proponent for mob violence and mass murder?

In light of the fact that North Dakota State University has been evacuated after a bomb threat, there has been an 'unspecified' threat at Valparaiso University, an Al Qaeda threat has shut down the University of Texas, a mob at the U.S. London embassy burned an American flag, protesters smashed windows and set fires at the U.S. embassy in Tunisia, gunfire was heard at the embassy in Sudan, clashes at the Cairo embassy continue to intensify, why is the current administration so obsessed with telling violent Islamist extremists “we’re sorry”?

As per to the UK Independent:

“According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted….

There is growing belief that the attack was in revenge for the killing in a drone strike in Pakistan of Mohammed Hassan Qaed, an al-Qa'ida operative who was, as his nom-de-guerre Abu Yahya al-Libi suggests, from Libya, and timed for the anniversary of the 11 September attacks”

The U.S. federal government, who’s responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of America, even though they had advance warning at a time of tremendous unrest in the Islamist world, failed to protect American embassies abroad on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Now their chorus is “We’re sorry”?

There are people who hate America.  The current administration can apologize to them, bow to their kings, try to bribe them with foreign aid and beg for forgiveness all it wants.  People who hate America will continue to hate America.

Instead of trying through appeasement to make friends with those who want to kill Americans, the United States government should ensure that those who hate America at least respect American might and American resolve.

Since even before his election, Obama has sought to soft sell America to the Islamist world.  He has followed the “progressive” approach that if America is nice enough to its enemies for long enough, its enemies will decide to like America in return.

So far, mass violence has broken out in Syria, Egypt and Libya.  In Libya four Americans have died.  Iraq is cooperating with Iran, allowing the Iranian Islamist government to arm Syrian rebels by allowing them safe passage through Iraq.  Israel is under existential threat because Iran thumbs its nose at the world and 4063579211?profile=originalcomes ever closer to building a nuclear weapon.

The results of “progressive” foreign policies have been at the very least, unsatisfactory.

Since “progressives” believe they should be judged solely on their intent, they are incapable of understanding why America’s enemies have rejected their overtures.  To “progressives” their being judged on the results of their policies and initiatives remains a puzzle.  They remain mystified as to why they are being blamed for the failure of their policies.  After all, “their intentions were good”, therefore it can’t possibly be their fault.

For so long as Barrack Hussein Obama, who’s economic, domestic and foreign policies are all designed to curtail American power and influence at home and abroad remains in the White House, the world’s perception of America will remain unchanged.

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Acts of War

Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.

Thomas Jefferson[i]


Once again, our nation has been attacked by the followers of Islam, the so-called religion of peace. This time their claim is a movie which depicts their prophet and their religion, in what they consider to be an intolerable manner, has sparked their outrage and their response is attacks on sovereign U.S. soil. These are not isolated events which were enacted by a few fringe elements of their society. These were coordinated and orchestrated attacks sanctioned by their religious leaders and their governments. Of course, it doesn’t stop there, it never does. Sovereign German and British soil was also attacked in the same manner, yet in no way were the nations of Germany or England even remotely involved in this. Unfortunately, our so-called leaders, making certain they act in a manner which is true to their form, denounce these attacks on our nation in the ‘strongest possible terms’ to assure everyone they are not the impotent, spineless jellyfish which they know themselves to be. We have seen and heard apologies, statements of disgust at this movie, and we have heard the same old rhetoric regurgitated by the leaders of our nation, the United States, which amounts to nothing more than laughable and satirical attempt to assuage our fears that our leaders really have no backbone whatsoever. As we can plainly see, a rose by any other name…is still a rose, but in this case, a bowl of jello is just that, a bowl of jello.

If the so-called act of insulting their prophet and their religion is such a heinous crime, I would have to ask, why is it not a crime when they do the same thing? For years, if not decades or even centuries, they have been calling us infidels. But the truth is, as the United States is and has been a Christian nation, which was clearly stated by our forefathers, as well as by the Supreme Court’s decision in 1892 as well; we are legally and organically a Christian nation. If you stop for a moment and consider that as a Christian nation, we believe in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) as our Lord, King and Savior, but the people who are attacking us do not believe this, so I would have to ask…who are the true infidels? I can assure you the term infidel means godless one. If their argument is that they have been insulted and they have the right to attack the United States as a result of their displeasure, I would argue, their slurs against the United States; calling us infidels, the Great Satan, the devil and a multitude of other false labels, are in fact the exact same types of insults which they claim to find so utterly offensive. The fact that they do not believe in the true Son of God leads one to the conclusion that Satan is within them. However, the people of Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia have committed acts of War against the United States by attacking our sovereign soil. This cannot and should not be tolerated. Their hypocrisy and fallacious arguments are neither an excuse nor logical reasoning for killing our people, destroying our property or desecrating our flag. What they are doing is making their position known. The people of the Middle East do not keep this a secret; the entire world needs to accept Islam as their faith, or be enslaved or killed. This is their mantra. These are their words. These words have been echoed since the time of the Dey of Algiers, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, when he spoke to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, and right up to the present day motto of the Muslim Brotherhood. Personally, I will never submit to their will or to their religion. And I certainly will not allow my own misguided elected leaders within our government make me believe in their way. This will never happen.


We must all hang together, or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin


The question which comes to mind is why do our political leaders allow this to happen with a mere statement of disapproval as their response? The people of the United States know our nation has some of, if not the absolute best intelligence gathering agencies in the world. There is absolutely no way our government did not know this threat existed. Unless the Hussein Obama Administration has changed our policy of having United States Marines guard our Embassies, but that was changed under the Clinton Administration, so we can only wonder why there wasn’t a contingent at each and every U.S. Embassy, everywhere in the Middle East, and North, Central or East Africa capable of dispatching such attacks with the fiery brilliance which they are known to possess. We also have to wonder if orders were given to the few Marines who are there not to fire on those who attacked our nation, and why? It is simply impossible to make the argument that U.S. Marines don’t lay down the heaviest and most sustained firepower against their enemies or attackers, as history has already proved this, time and time again. These attacks could have easily been stopped and we all know it. But Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton have denounced these attacks in the ‘strongest possible terms.’ What does this tell the people of our nation and the world about the President of the United States and the U.S. State Department? I would laugh if I wasn’t so disgusted.

Now we get to the Congress of the United States, which has the power to Declare War. Our nation has been attacked in at least four (4) separate countries. Our government tells us these are acts of a few individuals and not their governments. This is a lie. These attacks were planned, orchestrated and then carried out by their regimes, with the sole intent of killing our people, destroying our property and committing an Act of War against the United States, then lying about it by telling us and the world, ‘they are fringe elements of society’ who perpetrated these acts of aggression against the United States and now Germany and England. But as we all know too well, Congress is only capable of agreeing to give themselves pay-raises. There has been no Declaration of War. So one can only infer our government is willing to allow our nation to be attacked without reprisal. If our elected leaders actually had a backbone, a Declaration of War would have already been made. Our so-called President would have already decided with the help of his advisors and the Joint Chiefs of Staff on how to Make War on those who have furtively and cowardly attacked us. And we would be sitting here in the United States today looking at the aftermath of U.S. response on our television screens. Cairo Egypt, Benghazi Libya, Sanaa Yemen and Tunis Tunisia would be extremely large heaps of rubble. By allowing this sort of attack on our nation, we have only given those nations which are thinking of doing the same, the courage to do so.

We cannot allow our elected government officials, who serve at our pleasure, make these kinds of disastrous decisions. As a sovereign nation, we have every right to defend ourselves against aggression. In this case, we have been attacked in four (4) locations. Our people have been murdered. Our flag has been desecrated. Not to mention, we are forced to listen to a fallacious 4th grade argument for why this has been done and the two faced assurances that these forked tongued governments have condemned these actions. Then we are further subjected by the nonsensical jibber-jabber of our own leaders who tell us this will not go unpunished. Really? To make matters even worse, we know at this moment in time, our government is in negotiations with these same nations with regard to how much foreign aid they will receive from the U.S. taxpayers.

Certainly, I cannot be the only one in this great Republic who finds this to be unconscionable. In fact, I know I am not. I speak to people each and every day who feel just as I do. While I know there are many within the United States who undoubtedly feel this (and everything else) has all been caused by the United States, there are an equal if not greater amount of people who are simply dumbfounded at the continuation of this insanity. I understand as much as anyone else, our foreign policy has and continues to be a thorn in our side and a harbinger of what is undoubtedly yet to come. But despite these foreign policy blunders, in no way does this give other nations the right to attack our nation. How is it, our government supports their Arab Springs, yet they turn around and commit an Acts of War against the United States? There are no excuses. There are no arguments or justifications for these acts. And I state this with absolute certainty, this must not be tolerated.


If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained_we must fight!

Patrick Henry



God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America.


Brett L. Baker


[i] [All Quotes] Spirit of America Liberty Quotes; Quotes from the Founding Fathers,

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Words Obama needs to hear!

Obama needs to hear the words all traitors hear at one time or another: "do you have any last words"? I hear Obama knew 48 hours before the attacks were going to take place and did nothing to warn our people. Congress, this citizen demands the immediate removal, investigation and convection of Barak H. Obama. However, I won't hold my breath, that would require something your kind just do not have, Honor and courage.

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First, I would ask forgiveness for my knee-jerk response to the violence in the Middle East. My opinions of the thugs is probably not material to be placed on the Tea Party web site.

The events however are appropriate. It now seems that the State Dept. had substantial advance warning of the violence - AND TOOK NO STEPS TO MITIGATE THE RISK TO AMERICAN DIPLOMATS! This is not only unconscionable, IT IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Then, after the fact, Mr Obama can't bring himself to stop campaigning long enough to deal with the situation. This administration is disgusting! I feel nothing but loathing and profound hate (yes, hate) for a president and staff who can't be bothered to stop their self-gratification long enough to protect citizens and sovereignty. They are low-life bureaucrats whose only concern is for their own wealth, power, and corrupt existance. There are not enough foul adjectives in the English language to describe the revulsion I have for this administration. The sooner we remove it, the sooner we can get on with restoring our nation's place in the world. Mr Obama has destroyed our national honor and credibility in the family of nations. His abject cowardly and subservient attitude makes us a luaghing stock. He places the lives of our military and diplomatic corps in peril for his own prestige and agrandizement. His behavior and that of his minions is reprehensible and cavalier. He deserves nothing less than a long jail sentence for his malfeasence and deriliction of duty. Failure to impeach this pig at the trough and his cronies should result in the loss of jobs for every congressman and congresswoman who fails in their sworn duties to uphold the Constitution.

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COULD Sept 24th in SCOTUS Be Obama's D-Day - 

Could this be the first day of the invasion of Obama's Eligibility?

In Presidential politics its been said you can't float like a butterfly you gotta sting like a bee. No-sting-Mitt-Romney has been basking in the light that the economy would be the narrow bridge by which he walks into the White House. Cody Robert Judy has quite another escort- Hammer Obama on the Constitution's demand for a natural born citizen in the United States Supreme Court, which Obama has no answer to, and fillet Mitt Romney for being soft on the Constitution - a supposed priority for conservatives and republicans. The result could possibly be the end of the Republican Party as it slips into the deep political abyss forever.

In light of nearly all Media Sources  hiding from the American Public the enormously important case of Obama's ineligibility for the Office of President coming up for conference in the United States Supreme Court  Sept 24th,2012 in Judy v. Obama 12-5276  ., that Americans might be free to choose to support with an intelligence of what is going on ,rather then being told what or whom to support, Cody Robert Judy is threatening to take his message to the people.

"Most people are just now tuning in on what's been happening over the last 12 months in the political arena on Obama's eligibility. While a few cases gained some steam with the Media, most were derision warding off the only thing Obama has no answer to: He's not a natural born citizen."

Protected, coddled, and pampered that's been Obama when it comes to the Media. They have covered, conjectured, and conned America into Obama's Legitimacy based on the 14th Amendment, which has nothing to do with the requirements for President. A natural born citizen by U.S. Precedent is a person born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. No foreign allegiance in birth or in the parental chain. Its just that simple.

One facebook friend in Colorado posted:

 " A most famed and prominent Italian lawyer in Denver history told me he was asked to prosecute the wiretappers of Colorado Governor, Teller Ammons.  "At that time there was no case law on the books for such an invasion of privacy offense, and he had to go way back to 16th Century Brittish commonlaw cases to find a decision rendered which was to drive the offender through the streets in a 'scold cart' to take appropriate action in the governor's behalf."   Anthony Zarlengo, Esq.  (Republican)

Now we are engaged by citizen Robert Cody Judy (Democrat) to support him in his attempt to get a ruling from the US Supreme Court concerning the issues surrounding eligibility as stated in Amendment 2 of the US Constitution.  We can do no less for this concerned citizen.  Race is not an issue.  It is clearly an issue of legal interpretation.   It takes a Writ of Cert to get this far and I think we owe some consideration to this man's pleading before the court which should appear on September 24, 2012.  I believe Mrs. Obama, albeit a disbarred attorney herself, made the statement "we all should play by the same rules" recently at the DNC.  We all like our freedoms, protections and opportunities (once) guaranteed in this great document, don't we?

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,

Barbara Elwood ", while many other facebook friends simply declared "I'm in" when it came to Cody's video requesting $25 or 25 friends as help for a 4500 commercial campaign add leading up to the Supreme Court conference.

"We see the "cloak" of this case the Media has presented as a covert action to undermine America's Constitution with our entire political and journalistic system at the stake as we know it and call for the removal of "The Iron Curtain", the Democratic Party Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy said, "Obama's house is a house cards, that will come crashing down as sure as our Republic will stand".

Commenting on the Kansas Objections Board Hearing featured on the Huffington Post today (Sept 13th,2012)Cody Robert Judy's message to the media, " If you have nothing to fear, why don't you dare to share my case? Go ahead, bask in my defeat if you must. Set it up and kick me to the Moon otherwise at least be descent and let America know that there is no problem with standing (which has been widely held to be the Birther Achilles heel) in this case. Kansas is where we were at about 5 Courts ago in Feb/March."

While Gov. Romney and Obama share jabs at the timing of each other's remarks regarding the tragic slayings of Americans, we share an added emphasis in the tragedy on exactly what American sovereignty means. We share an added emphasis on exactly what makes America different from the rest of the world. Gov. Mitt Romney strongly endorsed American values and our Constitution in his platitude.

We would challenge Gov. Romney's statement as nothing more then lip service or a clandestine form of watered down politicking simply because he hasn't taking a stand against the greatest threat to our national security in Obama's ineligibility and the facts that through the office of the Presidency our enemies can gain more leverage against America then any terror action across the globe.

Not only have our enemies been embolden by the apologetic tone of the Obama usurpation administration, but we Americans are all mocked and chided at having a Usurper in the White House by our allies as well by our enemies and are seen as nothing more than hypocritical at our best and worst. With Mitt Romney covering up for Obama's ineligibility, Obama gains the platitudes of anti-american disdain of which our enemies soak and distribute as gasoline to be ignited against our Constitution and Country.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Cody Robert Judy

Help Tear Down the Iron Curtain of the Media w Cody Robert Judy

Cody's facebook message laid it on the line offending some but cheered by most: "Get Mad? Talk tough? Do nothing or do something positive? United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama 12-5276 Join now with others who have contributed in this effort to bring Obama's eligibility out in the open in the Presidential Race. Do you like doubling your odds at firing Obama or R you a dead-beat patriot? Join us its working!"

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign



Candidate ID P20003372

Committee ID C00501593

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Obummer and his Klan!!!!!!!!!!!

In the past few days with what is going on in the Middle East I can say that Obummer has lit the fuse for a possible War with those people. Those people want nothing but war, what happened to Egypt and Libya and now in Syria. Now they think they can over throw the United States. But isn’t about trying to over throw a government it’s been about religion for a long time it fact for years.
Here in the United States we have a lot of different faiths and over a period of time have been made fun of or criticized for their beliefs. But we don’t riot or destroy things or force them to believe in one faith. I myself I’m Lutheran but I don’t force my beliefs on someone else, it’s personal. It’s what I believe in no one else, between me and the good Lord. And believe me he has pulled me through some tough times, I think you could ask a lot of Veterans, and the GI’s that are coming home today. When the bullets are fly and mortars are dropping and you come out of it without a scratch you kneel down and thank God your alive.
As for Obummer all he’s trying to do is destroy America just like Jimmy Carter but only worse. All he has been doing for 4 years is campaigning. Clint Eastwood was right talking to a empty chair, because that is what Corrupt DC has been talking to for 4 years.
If he would of done his job right as he talked about 4 years ago he would not have to worry about getting reelected to office. Any person that does their job in the private sector would be guaranteed a job because bosses do not get rid of good workers. But if a person is not doing their job then they are fired.
I have a very hard time understanding just how in the H--l these nut cases can vote for this guy. They had better get their heads out. Or do they have to wait until a NUKE falls on their heads. That’s when they will be asking were is are military, that will be to late for them. I have seen the damage of what a Nuke can do when I went to Japan. They may have been pictures but it was horrible to even see those things.
Do they think by letting Iran. That their will not press the button then they got their head stuck in the toilet. Because if just one country lunches a missile with a nuke on it, just how many other countries are going to press that button. The entire world will be destroyed within minutes.
I believe we are going to WAR, just prey to God we can stop a Nuclear disaster before these nut cases get a bomb and use it.
They wish to rule the world with their religion it’s time to stop them and all this Terrorism world wide once and for all.

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Barrack Obama and members of the institutionalized “progressive” left smear machine, otherwise known as 4063578726?profile=originalthe mainstream media, launched a series of seemingly coordinated attacks on GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.  The White House and the press uncannily echoed each other while criticizing Romney for speaking in opposition to the Cairo Embassy’s apology to Islamists for “efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims” on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Obama attacked Romney for having "a tendency to shoot first and aim later".  After firing that salvo, Obama was off to yet another fund raising event in Las Vegas, where he furthered the assault by saying "It appears that Gov. Romney didn't have his facts right".  Meanwhile, Obama’s campaign assailed Romney for using the “tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya” to “launch a political attack”.

It seems that for mysterious, unexplained reasons it has somehow slipped the minds of Obama and the Obama campaign that he politicized foreign policy back in 2008 by attacking George W. Bush and then GOP presidential candidate John McCain for troop deaths in Iraq and their support of the Iraq War.

Not only have the media and the White House been singing from the same sheet music, a discussion caught on an open microphone and recorded immediately before Romney’s Wednesday morning press conference clearly revealed the press corps coordinating hostile questioning aimed at discrediting Romney and knocking him off stride.

While the White House and the “progressive” Party Pravda were busy diverting the public’s attention towards Mitt Romney and away from the sagging economy, new claims for jobless benefits rose again, while a spike in wholesale gasoline costs drove consumer prices higher.

Economists had predicted claims for unemployment benefits would rise to 370,000.  However according to the Labor Department, initial claims rose to a seasonally adjusted 382,000.  That is the highest in two months.  Consistent with a pattern seen since Obama took office, figures from the prior week were again revised upwards, showing 2,000 more applications than originally reported.

For the first time since the Great Depression, the officially reported unemployment rate has been stuck above 8 percent for over three years.4063578700?profile=original

The producer price index, as measured by the Labor Department, jumped 1.7 percent in August.  That increase was the biggest gain in three years.   Gas prices soared by 13.6 percent.  Steep increases in eggs and dairy costs drove food prices up 0.9 percent.

The median income of American households continues to decline on Barack Obama’s watch, dropping to its lowest level since 1995.  According to Census Bureau data, 2011 median income fell to $50,054.  That is 1.5 per cent below the 2010 level and 4.1 per cent below what the median income level was when Obama took office.

This highlights the extent of the damage inflicted upon America’s middle class by Obama’s failed economic policies.

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4063578633?profile=originalHi Patriots. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express VIII: Winning for America. Before joining the tour yesterday, I was in Baltimore where a black woman told me, “They're tryin' to get him! I pray that he wins.” The “they” she was referring to, in her mind, are those evil white racist Republicans who are trying to kick-out her black president. This black woman is a Christian. So I replied, “Well, Obama coming out in favor of same-sex marriage and vowing to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities turned-off a lot of people, including black pastors across America.”

The woman's response was, “I believe Obama only said that for political reasons to get the gay vote.” I thought, here is another willfully brain-dead emotion-driven black Christian who worships the false god of skin-color over her commitment to Christ. No truth will penetrate her idolatry of Obama. The encounter was a bit depressing.

But then, Lee, a black man with whom I chatted with at our Tea Party Express rally in Miami gave me hope. Lee said his eyes were opened years ago about the Democrats, long before Obama. He explained that Democrat policies/programs have destroyed the black family and the black community.

Lee said the last Democrat he voted for was Jimmy Carter. Lee is telling everyone who will listen about the fraud that is Obama and the Democrats. Quite refreshing.

Lee gave me a hug and encouraged me to, “Hang in there brother. I really appreciate what you and your Tea Party Express team are doing.”

After the rally, our team ate at Havana Miami Restaurant. Amazing what they can do with plantains.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Help to patriot candidates - issues and terms

In Maryland, Free State Patriots has conducted forums for vetting patriot candidates, using the tools of the Patriot Vetting Committee.  These are available free to all patriot groups.  We have endorsed several solid patriot candidates who are running hard for election in November.

In the process of the forums, as moderator, I have learned a lot about issues, terms and communication, which I am organizing into commentaries.  I'm sharing this information with any patriot group in the country.  Here are the particulars:

In Maryland, PVC-affiliated 'Free State Patriots" (FSP) has now completed a series of candidate vetting forums, which has already produced some excellent results.  FSP patriot candidates endorsed and still actively running in the November elections are : Daniel Bongino (US Senate); Frank Mirabile (US congress -  07) Ken Timmerman (US congress 08) and Faith Loudon (US congress - 04).  

Beyond that, as moderator of the forums, I have compiled a series of "lessons" we have learned from this experience, which can benefit patriot candidates anywhere. 

Part 1: "Glossary of Terms" -- meaning of phrases, such as 'safety net" used in radical socialism to disguise and confuse their true meaning.  Exposing lies is often the main way of assuring good communication with voters.

Part 2: "Issues" -- key areas of interest in the elections, such as 'deficit spending" "illegal immigration" and "education" -- comments about each, including facts, background, and proposed solutions to help sharpen the clear presentation of issues to the general public; and in debate with candidates embracing radical socialism.

Find these commentaries at the Free State Patriots website:

The Patriot Vetting Committee (PVC) offers help and guidance to patriot groups, such as Free State Patriots who are turning the tide of radical socialism -- to re-direct our country to the path of liberty and limited, constitutional government.  

  For more details, go to the Patriot Vetting Committee website , Affiliate your group, and get on board in this vital fight for liberty and limited, constitutional government. Contact me directly if you have questions or would like personal discussion.


Lee Havis


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The United States has a choice to make

The USA can either Punish the nations that Attack our Embassies with a massive retaliation !


We must withdraw from those nations and cut all ties to/with them.

The massive retaliation should be both economic and military !

Or the withdrawal should include a total end to foreign aid and a blockade of all American goods and services and those goods and services of any allies of the USA! 

However because this is a religiously drive event I would suggest Missile strikes on the Islamic Mosques in the nations that hosted those who attacked us. [ At prayer time ]

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September 12, 2012
Mr. Cal Cogburn
Dear Mr. Cogburn,
Thank you for your message regarding Senate Majority Leader Reid’s claims about Governor Romney’s tax returns. It is good to hear from you, and I apologize for my delayed response.
As you know, in August Senator Reid stated on the Senate floor regarding Governor Romney, “So the word is out that he has not paid any taxes for 10 years. Let him prove he has paid taxes because he has not.” (Aug. 2, 2012, Congressional Record, S5903, 3rd column,
I cannot discuss the merits of this statement because it relates to a political campaign, and by law campaign correspondence and official Senate business must remain separate. For this same reason, however, I am puzzled why Senator Reid used the Senate floor to address this campaign-related issue. In general, Senate ethics rules prohibit the use of official Senate resources for campaign purposes. It is unclear what the relevance of Senator Reid’s remarks were to the policy issues under discussion on the floor at the time. If Senator Reid’s statements constituted an ethics violation, I am sure the Senate ethics committee will investigate.
If you would like to discuss this matter further, you may contact Jerry Morris of my staff on any campaign related matter. Jerry can be reached at
Thank you again for writing. Best wishes.
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator
TC: cak
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Mitt Romney's Clandestine Form of Politicking for The Constitution

Please help spread this . Cairo Embassy attacked, 4 dead including U.S. Amb Chris Stevens,1.5 Billion to Muslim Brohood,Obama apologizes on 11th Ann of 911 to Muslims makes wonder why people wouldn't want to double their odds at getting Obama out in the U.S. Supreme Court and helpn out a little because Obama's seeing the writing on the wall. He's beating Mitt Romney. Please help support the SCOTUS Effort everyone! We might not get another shot at this.

In light of this we call on all Media Sources to quit hiding from the American Public the enormously important case of Obama's ineligibility for the Office of President coming up for conference in the United States Supreme Court  Sept 24th,2012 in Judy v. Obama 12-5276  ., that Americans might be free to choose to support with an intelligence of what is going on ,rather then being told what or whom to support. We see the "cloak" of this case as a covert action to undermine America's Constitution with our entire political and journalistic system at the stake as we know it and call for the removal of "The Iron Curtain".
Cody Robert Judy's message to the media, " If you have nothing to fear, why don't you dare to share?"

We would like to express our sincere and heartfelt sorrow for the  families of those who were slain and pray for those families in whom this tragedy has come to bear such enormous impact. May God bless them in this time of grief and loss of family members.
While Gov. Romney and Obama share jabs at the timing of each other's remarks, we share an added emphasis in the tragedy on exactly what American sovereignty means. We share an added emphasis on exactly what makes America different from the rest of the world. Gov. Mitt Romney strongly endorsed American values and our Constitution in his platitude. We would challenge Gov. Romney's statement as nothing more then lip service or a clandestine form of watered down politicking simply because he hasn't taking a stand against the greatest threat to our national security in Obama's ineligibility and the facts that through the office of the Presidency our enemies can gain more leverage against America then any terror action across the globe.
Not only have our enemies been embolden by the apologetic tone of the Obama usurpation administration, but we Americans are all mocked and chided at having a Usurper in the White House by our allies as well by our enemies and are seen as nothing more than hypocritical at our best and worst. With Mitt Romney covering up for Obama's ineligibility, Obama gains the platitudes of anti-american disdain of which our enemies soak and distribute as gasoline to be ignited against our Constitution and Country.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Cody Robert Judy 
Help Tear Down the Iron Curtain of the Media w Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


Hi my Constitutional Friend of the USA ; )

You know many more people are tuning into the Presidential Race after the conventions now and I have a very special date coming up. That date, TWO WEEKS from now, is Sept. 24th,2012 in The United States Supreme Court, case Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and I need your help because there’s an IRON CURTAIN in the Media that I need your help with in TEARING DOWN! Remember Ronald Reagan saying that? Well guess what its’ here in America now.


As a facebook friend of mine 100 to 1 your conservative and will probably vote for Mitt Romney in the general election, however, I want to ask you if you’d like to double your odds at getting Barack Obama out of the White House before that; for $25.


You know as well as I do Mitt’s behind in 2 major, of the most reliable, polls right now, and there’s at least a 50% chance he won’t win anyway, so why not DOUBLES YOUR ODDS? Talk about a good deal for $25 dollars. Please,..let me explain.


One normal $50 dollar commercial for any company only cost a Presidential Candidate about $25 dollars and is estimated VERY conservatively to reach over one thousand people. I have about 4,500 facebook friends. If each gives $25 dollars we can reach conservatively four and a half million people and tune them into what’s happening in the United States Supreme Court in two weeks; but that’s not all.

With 4,500 commercials we gain major credibility ground with the networks that must air our commercials or can face big law suits for denying the Federal Guideline Standards of Advertisement for Presidential Candidates. That’s a law suit any attorney would delight to get their hands on because of the huge fine. We also gain credibility in the face of the Court which has never been done at this level!

Now $25 dollars is just between you and me, your name does not have to be reported to the FEC unless your contributions exceeds $200, so Mitt Romney is never going to know and you could still vote for him in Nov if you choose. Be my guest if you can contribute more than $200! (smile)


As you know Mitt’s taking on Obama on just the economy, but I’ll bet within the next two months you see gas prices going down, as well as employment numbers reported to the media and by the media by you- know-who. I’ll bet $25 that you might see it reported as 7.9% the first of November and guess what? Mitt Romney loses the economy battle as hope has suddenly and miraculously sprung back into the economy, we have to face it, that’s the way a major portion of our fellow Americans think.


That’s exactly what happened in reverse to John McCain in 2008 to help Obama out; thanks in large part to Saudi Arabia’s kings Obama bowed himself so low to. Don’t you think there was not a reason Obama bowed so low. Of course a U.S. President should never be beholden to a foreign power.


So, we Birthers have one more shot at this in the U.S. Supreme Court that is liberal of course, but guess what? I’m running as a Democrat in the same party objecting to campaign damage because Obama won the nomination and isn’t ‘playing by the same rules’ as Mrs. Obama quoted they think America should, and ‘it’s just not fair’. It’s a no brainer and my case has Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse investigation set in it and has from the onset from the lower Superior Court in Georgia. This has never happened in BIRTHER HISTORY exactly!

How about holding the Obama’s to the same standard they profess? Wouldn’t that be a treat for $25?

If you absolutely positively can’t do $25 dollars today, please send this to 25 friends and we’ll call that just as good; deal?

Otherwise I need you to hit this link now and send me $25 today ok; we only have 2 more weeks to make a statement!

Doubling your odds to get Obama out, preserving your vote for Mitt Romney, and being able to tell God in your prayers tonight you have done all you could do. That’s pretty good deal, and I believe you could hold yourself blameless before God if you could do that.

You see I am a Christian and I don’t mind telling you in my opinion God will do most of the work. He only wants us to just show a little faith in him. Think of coming an inch while God has come a whole mile.


Well most of the work is done. Our case is in the U.S. Supreme Court now; the Campaign has been built from scratch, we just need a little publicity. That’s the inch I think God just wants to see from you, and I believe we can be successful together. I just can’t do it alone.

Here’s a little rhyme for you to think about: “It may come down to one single Justice and I believe God can handle one heart if you will just show him your little $25 part. WE can build this truck together!


Well I believe our Constitution was inspired by our Creator, and I know our Founders and Framers did to. You might not agree with their religious principles or mine, but we both neither can deny the freedom and liberty our Constitution has given to us our whole lifes.


George Washington is my favorite U.S. President, can’t say as I’ve met him, but I’ve sure felt his spirit as a hand on my shoulder throughout the 12 courts over the last 4 years I’ve been through to get to this moment in the United States Supreme Court against Obama’s eligibility. Can you pitch in a little?


A commercial is intelligence and knowledge for the general public and in 1796 Pres. Washington said, “it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened”, “A primary object for our youth should be education of our youth in the science of government. In a Republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important?”, and he said it was our duty, communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of our country.


If you see any other Presidential candidates around with Obama in the U.S. Supreme Court before the General Election I recommend you contribute $25, otherwise my friend, I hope you’ll log on now and get that $25 to me in my goal to reach 4,500 commercials in two weeks. Together we can build this truck!


Can you please help me out and log on to my web site now and contribute that $25? Thank you so much.


Cody Robert Judy

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign YouTube: CODE4PRES




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The killing of Chris Stevens and three staffers in Benghazi, Libya was tragic.  Heartfelt condolences to their 4063578091?profile=originalfamilies and friends are perfectly in order.  However, compared to coverage by international news sources, the way coverage is being handled by the American news media is revealing.

Iran’s Gooya News uses the headline:

America's ambassador to Libya killed in protest of anti-Islam film

Notice how a film considered incendiary by Islamists is featured within the headline.

The first paragraph of Gooya’s story speaks specifically about how the attackers, referred to as protesters, were motivated by an anti-Islamist film made by American pastor Terry Jones.

Following mention of remarks made by Libya’s Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abvshaqvr and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the article launches into an aggressive verbal attack on Jones’ film, assailing it as an assault on the Koran and the Prophet of Muhammad.  Objections are raised to the film’s depiction of Muhammad as a child molester.  Ongoing objections concern themselves with Jewish funding of the film.

BBC Persia headlines their report with:

The killing of America's ambassador and three of its diplomats in Libya is confirmed

While the BBC headline manages to stay on point by reporting the killing of the American diplomats, the story follows the pattern of Gooya by blaming the attack on the Jones movie.  However, BBC largely stays focused on reporting the news event rather than assigning blame for its instigation.  It defers further comment about the movie until the end of the article, choosing rather to relay detailed statements of condemnation made by Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Libyan government.

When the BBC does mention the movie, it does so in the context of how the film is viewed in Iran.  They report that according to Iran’s government, the publishing in America of a film that insults the Prophet Muhammad is a despicable act.  "The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns blasphemy and hurting the feelings of Muslims."  Iran then warns America: “this dangerous trend of cultural hatred and insulting the Great Nation of Islam is blasphemy".

BBC Persia then concludes by relaying how in the United States, preventing the publication of opinions is against the principle of free speech and protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Yahoo News uses its headline to focus on how Stevens was killed and his record of diplomatic service:

Chris Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in rocket attack, served as envoy during revolution

Yahoo commits multiple paragraphs to conveying circumstances of the attack on the Libyan embassy, Barrack Obama’s statement condemning the attack, and details about the diplomatic career of Chris Stevens.

Before featuring Stevens' U.S. Embassy website bio, Yahoo describes how: “Mitt Romney condemned Tuesday's attacks as "disgusting" and "outrageous," but he also attacked the Obama administration for standing by a statement issued by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo that he claimed was an "apology" for American values”.

Romney later stated it was "disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks".

Wednesday morning Romney did not back down from his earlier remarks: "It's a terrible course for America to stand in apology for our values.  It's never too early for the U.S. government to condemn attacks on Americans and defend our values. ... When our grounds are being attacked, being breached, the first response of the United States must be outrage".

Only when attempting to portray Romney as politicizing events by accusing him of “attacking” the Obama administration, does Yahoo even mention Tuesday’s apology, released by the Cairo Embassy apologizing to Muslims for hurting their feelings.

4063578205?profile=originalYahoo never mentions the movie.  How convenient.  When the movie is not mentioned, there is no need for Yahoo to explain away the Cairo Embassy apology.  Since Yahoo publishers chose to omit specific details, there is no need to defend the Obama administration for apologizing (again) to the Islamist world for America.  Out of sight, out of mind, right Yahoo?

An American leader would have immediately condemned Islamists attacks on American Embassies, especially on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America.

Yahoo News, like other card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda, continues to run interference for the Obama administration, and remains devoted to using their voice in the U.S. news media to ensure his re-election through selective censorship.

Surely Tim Russert is rolling in his grave.

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