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Texas Teachers Given Gag Order

Many Texas public school superintendents have thrown aside text books and bought, at great expense to the local taxpayers, an unproven curriculum called CSCOPE.

CSCOPE was never approved by our Texas State Board of Education, nor subjected to public review. What is in the CSCOPE lessons that warrants superintendents gagging their teachers?

How damaging could CSCOPE lessons be for teachers to be coerced into signing a non-disclosure agreement? Teachers are not even allowed to reveal the content of CSCOPE lessons to parents.
If children are not using textbooks and the content of CSCOPE lessons cannot be shared with parents, how can parents be involved in the education of their children? Are parents forbidden to visit classrooms to prevent their viewing CSCOPE material being used?


There are lessons indoctrinating children with Islam and verses of the Quran and the United Nations Agenda.

How can parents keep their children safe if they are not allowed to view instructional materials used by a school?

Is the objective of CSCOPE to wedge out parent involvement?

Do public school superintendents have the legal right to force teachers to not reveal content of lessons? Perhaps it is time to call for public scrutiny of CSCOPE and demand answers to these questions.

Janice VanCleave

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As seen on:
Kansas Tornado Peals Birthers Who Double Down in SCOTUS Judy v. Obama 12-5276 - SOS Kobach says "Its a Federal Issue"
The Kansas Board met today basically in a formality of allowing the withdraw of the complaint filed by the Kansas man Joe Montgomery and essentially doubled down on the fact that this issue must be decided by a Federal Court. In a statement Cody Robert Judy said "This basically was expected and it doubles-down on my case coming to conference in the United States Supreme Court September 24th, where we knew we needed the Constitution upheld."
"Any decision made in Kansas contrary to the general election's forecast of Obama as the Democratic Party nominee would have been met with appeal that ended up in the United States Supreme Court. The letter I sent to Secretary of State Kobach yesterday essentially informed him of Judy v. Obama 12-5276 and it was clear that in reference to the 'federal court handling this', he understood that's where it needed to be decided."
In a report from the Huffington Post Kansas State University employee Joseph Montgomery withdrew his appeal under duress from unidentified threats made to him and his family.
It was reported in the Huff - "paperwork submitted by Obama's campaign attesting to the president's citizenship" was accepted however unreported and also very clear was that the paper work Obama's campaign submitted was "unidentified", and another thing that was clear was that Obama's Citizenship was not under scrutiny as much as the 'natural born citizenship' needed as a qualification to run for the Office of President.
Orly Taitz also present at the hearing, in a futile attempt to assume Montgomery's complaint, argued it could not be withdrawn under duress, however that is not generally applied in a civil case so much as it is in a criminal case that is also prosecuted by an elected authority such as a city,county or state attorney general.
While Obama's rambling identification is off the truth charts when it comes to declaring himself 'not' a natural born citizen by the true virtue of his father never having been a U.S. Citizen, as well as being infiltrated with the foibles and folly of the long form fabrication. Its as palatable that Obama was not born in Hawaii as the records of foreign flights into Hawaii just happen to be missing the week of his birth.
Asserting Obama's long form birth certificate is a concoction, the art work never revealed by Hawaii Officials, we cannot prosecute that action criminally but are forced into the Civil seat of prosecution monetarily asserting damages as Mr. Judy has asserted in his complaint to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 as a Presidential candidate in the Democratic Party objecting to Obama's nomination.
To understand this a little more clearly in reverse the nationally broadcast trial in the O.J. Simpson case failed prosecution in the criminal court, but was awarded in the civil prosecution.
Mr. Judy's case sites the nomination won by Obama in the race for the Democratic Party Nomination Mr. Judy was also a candidate for, was only won by conceding the rules of eligibility and qualification demands of the United States Constitution.
This has been cause of action Mr. Judy has cited that Obama was not playing by the same rules in the nomination process of the Democratic Party, and never has in the '08 election as well as the '12 election, citing in direct implication the 2 different wordings Rep Nancy Pelosi used in the 2 separate application certification papers to the States, in order to get Obama on the ballots, according to what the State demanded.
In the last four years Obama has released fabrications as official identification to quell the public's protest of this demand, at least acknowledging that the demands were legitimate and that he had better quell the demand come hook or, as has been the case, come crook.
The mainstream media has fed into the crook part and the 4 years Obama has lived in the White House has turned into a bleeding call to allow the thief-in-chief to get away with the fraud perpetrated upon the Citizenry in campaign contributions that were nothing more then criminal cabal funding as well as the disenfranchisement of every vote placed for Obama.
If it isn't clear to every American now that Obama's deeds don't match his need's in the escalation of crashing America's economy by favoring foreign economies in oil production, stripping America of any superiority in the production fields of nuclear arms, abandoning America's ally Israel, and interjecting a particular religion upon the middle east with favoritism and 1.5 Billion dollars while at the same time fueling domestic occupy movements and no doubt instigating by silence and withdraw the abandonment of embassies under attack, than I don't think arithmetic is your best science. This is what foreign influence in the White House is all about.
If you can occupy the White House as a favor to foreign identity you can level the playing field. If the playing field is leveled guess what comes? War and a big one. For the Democrats to assert they are not the war-dogs in practically inviting the defeat economically in the first four years of Obama, and the planned defeat militarily the second four years, then you had better take another look and you probably won't need to look in a foreign land this time around, but your back yard will be the scene of the bloody battlefield.
Such is the case when the Constitution is abandoned and flat out replaced. Such is the importance not like any other case of Judy v. Obama 12-5276. This is the last stand for the Constitution's demands for a 'natural born citizen' not to be replaced by the 14th Amendment's definition of "Citizen" and the construction argument of the Constitution not to be placed in the open-for-business field of chaos.
Please consider making a contribution to the Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign which has rightly predicted and with persistence insisted that Obama was the greatest national security risk America has ever faced. We can't afford to let Obama win in any poll or the general election and not only is Mitt Romney's trailing but more importantly he's not Taking A Stand.
Contribute here:
Here is the Plea from Cody directly for your consideration:
Please make a contribution today and Take A Stand with Cody Robert Judy, as America has a process to amend the Constitution and Obama has just skirted America. Please pass this on to 25 of your friends.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Candidate ID P20003372
Committee ID C00501593
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An Untrustworthy White House

One person was killed and dozens more were injured when protesters attempted to storm a U.S. outpost in 4063580284?profile=originalPakistan.  More flag covered coffins will arrive in the U.S. after four American soldiers died over the weekend as a result of 'insider' attacks in Afghanistan.  There are claims a video shows U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens being dragged through the streets to the delight of a jeering crowd.  Sudan rejected an American request to send Marines in to guard the U.S embassy.  Hardline Islamist television is openly inciting anti-American violence in Egypt and elsewhere.   Reports are that many of those participating in the “spontaneous” demonstrations are getting paid to protest.  While acknowledging it has elite troops stationed in Syria, Iran is calling for oil prices to reach $150 a barrel.  Libyan officials maintain they warned the U.S. three days before the attack on America’s Benghazi consulate.

There are people who hate America.  The Obama administration is now making excuses for them.  They have apologized to them.  Obama has bowed before their kings.  In the form of foreign aid, they are still trying to bribe them with money borrowed from China.  Despite Obama’s claims that his election would change Islamist attitudes towards the U.S., the people who have hated America for many long decades still hate America.

Still, U N Ambassador Susan Rice and the entire Obama administration continues to insist that it was all due to an almost entirely unknown video: "In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.  We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to - or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo."

The Obama foreign policy of appeasement towards those who openly desire to destroy America has failed.  In typical Obama fashion, they have chosen a scapegoat and, along with the obedient lapdogs in the “progressive” Party Pravda, carefully orchestrated a full bore propaganda campaign designed to brainwash 4063580340?profile=originalAmericans into believing their lie.

If the White House insisted that the earth is flat would Americans be expected to blindly accept that too?  Just because Obama said so?  Just because Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, George Stephanopoulos et al dutifully repeated that lie?

Is this who America wants to oversee foreign policy and initialize economic recovery?

In the past month the producer price index jumped 1.7 percent, the biggest gain in three years.  Gasoline and food prices continue to soar.  Gasoline alone rose by 13.6 percent.  The median income of American households has continued to decline, dropping to its lowest level since 1995.  2011 median income fell to $50,054, which is 4.1 per cent below the median income level when Obama took office.

Despite economists’ predictions that initial unemployment benefit claims would rise to 370,000, they rose to a seasonally adjusted 382,000, the highest in two months.  Consistent with a clear and consistent pattern of deception shown since the current administration began, figures from the prior week were once again 4063580437?profile=originalrevised upwards, showing there were 2,000 more applications than what had been originally reported.  This subsequent upwards revision of unemployment claims has taken place with every report since Obama took office.

The jobless rate staying over 8 percent for more than three years is the longest since the Great Depression.  Hiring in America is not even increasing fast enough to keep up with population growth, much less change the outlook for tens of millions of Americans.  “Official” unemployment dropped from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent only because so many Americans have dropped entirely out of the labor force.  They have given up on the idea of finding work in an economy stifled and smothered by failed “progressive” economic policies.

America is not better off than it was four years ago.  In fact, at home and abroad, America is far worse off.  On all fronts, Obama’s policies have been met with abject failure.

With fifty days remaining before the November 6th election, Americans must make a choice.

The choice is between retaining the failure of an utterly disingenuous, irresponsible, ineffective, excuse making Obama administration, and supporting the promise of a new American revival in choosing strong, honest, reliable, responsible leadership by electing Mitt Romney.

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my prospective


All the world wide turmoil over the so call violations to the muslim prophet on the internet/you tube , just might be a ploy to allow the UN or New World Government a chance to make/force new "TREATIES or LAWS"  upon Americans.   It is apparent that evil in the world cannot accept our Constitutional Rights of free speech and/or condone that we speak out against injustice, murderers and tyrants , they cannot stand that our freedom of speech spreads CHRISTIANITY around the world. 
I notice they want us to believe our Muslim President Obama is now hated by are enemies.
However I am convinced that he is very much the enemy of this nation,  responsible  for the deaths of our Ambassadors, representatives, soldiers, and innocent Americans world wide ---  too many deaths followed by unwarranted apologies for US actions and positions, and further followed by Whitehouse actions to disarm our military, with more displayed actions against our soldiers and little regard for their safety or any other Americans.
It is more likely that we have a  "TRAITOR in the HIGHEST OFFICE of the United States of America.  As our PRESIDENT and  COMMANDER and CHIEF"  says one thing and does the opposite, while quietly making some 900 new laws that allow him to declare martial law upon this country.   A "TRAITOR" that is doing everything possible to destroy our economy, undermine our Constitutional Rights , as he shows us that he is more than willing to  sacrifice our lives as he plans to tax us into oblivion.   He says and believes we should pay dearly---how high a price we have yet to find out--but if he gets in for another four years -- I am sure he has plans for our country to suffer much much more.
Our constitutional rights will become  obsolete as "NEW TREATIES" will allow the empowerment of a WORLD GOVERNMENT with authority to "ARREST, JAIL, FINE, TAX and CONFISCATE" everything Americans have. all in the disguise of "WORLD ORDER" and a safe and clean planet.
Just cannot decipher whether both parties in this country are controlled by the same off shore money mongers with the same goal in mind.
Just My Opinion
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Dear patriot members of the Tea Party, it has been an amazing four years. Allow me to reflect a bit. Our odyssey began with the Socialists'/Progressives' occupation of America via their perfect Trojan Horse, a handsome, articulate shiny new black man. Barack Obama was the vehicle to usher in their liberal utopia in which government controls EVERYTHING and man replaces God.

In my article published in 2010, “A Black Man: The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse”, I explained how the left exploited white America's goodness, decency and guilt to sell us their Trojan Horse. My article also points out that no “white” president could get away with the blatant lawlessness and governmental power grabs enjoyed by America's first black president.

Obama was marketed as a moderate post-racial Messiah, shepherding in Nirvana. According to the narrative of the mainstream media and the Democrats, the world hated America because of Bush. Under Obama, the world would love us.

Naïve white American voters thought, Finally, we can no longer be called racists. Sadly, they were wrong.

Over the past four years, Obama has been revealed to be the most far-left-radical, socialist/progressive, racially-polarizing and anti-Christian president in U.S. History. More and more Americans are beginning to accept the devastating truth that our president is intentionally undermining our country.

So here we are patriots, with a little over a month left in the final battle to save America. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express.

4063580105?profile=originalBeginning September 29 thru November 5th, I will be on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour. Bay area singer Diana Nagy who you may remember singing the National Anthem at the Republican candidates debate on CNN will be joining us along with numerous prominent speakers. Our goal is to encourage, inspire and energize patriots for these final days of battle before the election.

At lunch, an old friend said, “Lloyd, I am so excited about your upcoming "Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour". God has prepared you for this.” My friend's words gave me goosebumps. After 8 national bus tours, this is my first tour as emcee.

I long to see, hug and fellowship with my brother and sister patriots at our rallies.

As I stated, these past four years have been extraordinary. Highlights and low lights include 1.7 million patriots in DC protesting Obamacare, our 2010 midterm election landslide victory, Justice Robert's betrayal deeming Obamacare Constitutional and most shocking and sad, the passing of our courageous patriot brother, Andrew Breitbart.

Tea Party patriots, I have witnessed your remarkable growth, morphing from rallies of concerned citizens into a well-organized and Constitutionally educated army. Patriots across America are contributing in their own unique and creative ways, exploiting their diverse skills, talents and passions to Take Back America. No effort is too small.

One man, Rick Santelli, made the first clarion call for a tea party. God inspired millions to hear in their hearts and respond. Despite countess attempts to brand the tea party racist, the movement is divinely inspired.

Patriots, this is it. The final battle...ALL HANDS ON DECK!

See the D'Souza film, “2016: Obama's America” and encourage others to see it.

Special thanks to our battalion of conservative bloggers countering the Democrats and MSM lies with the truth.

Kudos to all of our everyday Joes and Janes who entered the political arena for the first-time as Tea Party candidates. God bless you.

Team Obama is gearing up to steal this election via voter fraud. I give a HUGE shout out to patriots who are confronting this crucial issue such as Chalice Jackson at Patriots Heart Network. Her team is politically locked and loaded to deal with this tactic.

Let us not forget our conservative authors who have released a ton of books since Obama's occupation. How about a hearty round of applause for our true “American Thinkers”.

4063580153?profile=original“Tea Are The World” was historic. Conservative musical artists across America came together to record the song, “Taking Back America.” Bands and solo artists of numerous genres also contributed one of their recorded songs to be included in the 44 song package. All proceeds from “Tea Are The World” benefit,

Starting September 29th, in Paul Ryan's hometown, Janesville, WI, I will be emceeing the “Rebuild America Defeat Obama” national bus tour which ends November 5th across from Obama Campaign Headquarters in Chicago, IL.

Patriots, it is going to take each of us doing “our thing” to win this final battle.

I say to you what Oliver Cromwell said to his troops before entering battle, “Put your trust in God...and keep your powder dry.”

Finally, as Todd Beamer said just before sacrificing his life for his country on 9-11, “Let's Roll!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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White House: Mid East Attacks Not Premeditated

The attack on America’s Benghazi consulate was not premeditated.

It was all about the video.

So said the White House, so said the State Department, so said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice:

4063580017?profile=original"Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous - not a premeditated - response to what had transpired in Cairo.  In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.  We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to - or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo.  And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons… And it then evolved from there".

Never mind that Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf said the attack was planned in advance.

What would people who live and work in an official capacity within Libya know about what is going on in their country?

How could Americans possibly believe that the President of Libya knows more about what is happening on the ground in Libya than do Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice or Jay Carney?

Those Americans should be ashamed of themselves.

Rather, Americans are to believe that on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks upon the United States4063580053?profile=original no elements of Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood or any other Islamofascist groups within Libya, Egypt, Tunis, or the other twenty odd countries that purportedly simultaneously and spontaneously erupted into violent anti-American hatred, planned to assault American embassies, besiege American consulates, burn American flags, hoist the Al Qaeda flag over the U.S. Embassy in Egypt and ruthless murder American Citizens in cold blood.

Nobody in any of those countries planned in advance.  No groups coordinated the date, the targets, the weapons, the tactics…nope.

It was all about the video.

It was all because of a low budget privately made video posted online by a relative unknown that a slim few had heard of, much less seen.

A video which, whether the White House, the State Department or anyone else within the institutionalized “progressive” left cares to admit, falls within an American’s God given, constitutionally protected Right to free speech.

The administration of Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, et al are counting on enough American voters being so naive that they will blindly accept any flimsy cover story coming out of the White House.

Of course it definitely helps when everyone save for a brave few souls in the media obediently parrots the "progressive" Party line while hiding, obstructing or completely ignoring entire stories and/or pertinent facts in the process.

It is a pretty darned good bet the people buying this White House cover story concerning anti-American violence in the Middle East also swallowed the equally flimsy cover story about Fast and Furious…hook line and sinker.

Yes, the administration and like-minded members of the self-imagined, self-appointed intellectual “progressive” elite truly believe a sufficient number of Americans needed to re-elect them ARE that stupid, ignorant, sufficiently distracted or simply not paying attention.

Americans have the chance to prove them wrong on November 6, 2012.

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Why President Obama is tearing down America

We were attacked on the aniversary of 911 again!

Why weren't our American posts protected in preparation of 911? And why was President Obama NOT heeding all the warnings on line?

Maybe it's because as he did with the then President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev that after he becomes President "he will have more flexability", to support there nuclear efforts in sending them to Iran.

He is doing the same thing with the muslim countries, making them strong and the U.S. weak! He thinks being simpathic that he can get control of the world!

This sounds a lot like the description in the bible about the antichrist, charismatic, false promises, and world control?

I have been waiting for these Islamics to put on a military uniform and infultrate the trained guards!

Now that is happening, I think it will only get worse, as we pull more of our military out of Afganistan and other countries to better control and manage who is who over there to keep our milatrary safe!

So, do we still keep sending money to these countries?

And how do control the leaders who just want the money, will they get control of the brotherhoods?

What is answer?

Well, I'm sure that when Romney becomes President he will draw a line with these radicals and cut them off until they get things under control, and send more military with strick control of these out of control radicals in ALL the foregin regions, sending them on warning, NOT after they attack us but BEFORE!

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Charlie, We'd like to Report "Your Fired"

Charlie, We'd like to Report "Your Fired"

Here we thought you were interested in reporting news Charlie. We've contacted your publisher/editor and informed them of your rude discourtesy at receiving press releases. 

      Dear Ogden Standard Examiner Editor-In-Chief:
           We have received the following email from Charlie Pomerleau and would like to report it as a discourtesy, not simply to the Campaign, but to the subscribers and readers of the Ogden Standard Examiner.
            Mr. Pomerleau has been a reporter for political events like "Occupy" and other political active events here in Utah, and it is frankly surprising to us here at the Campaign to find such a bias in the reporting atmosphere at the Ogden Standard Examiner.
            Our Press Releases are a matter of public notices as Mr. Judy is a registered candidate in the Federal Election Commission record, and he has also taken Barack Obama clear to the United States Supreme Court case no Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and this is not simply the assertion of Mr. Judy, but the conviction of thousands of hours of law enforcement personal, that Mr. Pomerleau has referred as a "rant".
            We would like an apology from Mr. Pomerleau, or we will consider publicly protesting the Ogden Standard Examiner in front of the community as endorsing and fully representative of Mr. Pomerleau's comments, and position on "the news" that's reported.
            If this is the position of the Ogden Standard Examiner, we would not expect any reply. In the National News it is worth a mention that the Ogden Standard Examiner is "receiving" the news from reporters afar. 

Latest News

Oh look, story number 5 an actual Standard Examiner reporter, and we also notice 6 simply to highlight preceptable 'rants' as actually report able assuming at least a kernel of truth in Mr. Pomerleau's professional insult. Thank goodness for Becky Wright's concern over Utah's past time Mardi Gras, "barely registers in the history books". In real time comparison a Ogden Utah Candidate for U.S. President in the Democratic Party, has the man in the White House on record as ineligible with the results of a full law enforcement investigation included. 
In fact as we scan popular stories from the Ogden Standard Examiner we see barely a glimpse of Obama criticism. Even for a Republican State reporting unbiased news that seems a little strange. 
While the watch-dog for the Public may be concerned with an actual authority to report Obama's fraud and forgery presented to the public out of the White House Press Room, his fabricated selective service card, his total non-transparency on college transcripts and registration profile we assume based on his foreign student gifts from the U.S., his law licence being stripped based on his failure to report going under any other name, and his social security card number not even passing e-verify, (also a big problem for other illegals using forged birth certificates, we have to wonder why exactly the law requires any age restriction on a drivers licence, or entry into a bar, for all must similarly be dismissed to allow the same rules Obama is playing by under the Constitution), ultimately a simple report to the The People, might be a place to start.

Popular Stories

As we assume frankly the Ogden Standard Examiner is remiss to report anything remotely 'national' that doesn't come from Washington DC, we simply can think of no better excoriation than to public transfer this report to every possible colleague of Mr. Pomerleau, as the definitive definition of a lame reporter using his own rant's to define the public news.
While it might be an easier story to sell of a disgruntled political loser whose crying because the media won't report a case in the United States Supreme Court against the occupant of the White House, ... wait a minute... disgruntled political losers don't get to the United States Supreme Court. Call up any attorney and ask them what it cost to take a case from ground zero to the United States Supreme Court, then do a detailed analysis of every republican candidate's expenses from the time they entered the presidential race to the time they ended it. 
Now consider the time necessary to create some 180 Commercials and a 500 page blog that you don't get paid for, all while maintaining your bills and you might come up with a simple dedication to the public trust, our Country and Constitution, that has motivated Cody Robert Judy. If that kind of dedication, tenaciousness, and courage against all odds is simply deserving of no more than a dismissive rant, it seems the real friends to the Country and the Constitution must be parked in some unreported battle giving their life's in a raging war also. God forbid that's your son or daughter.
Mr. Judy said, " You know I myself did not expect to still be in the Presidential Race in September of 2012 when we entered a week before Republican Gov. Rick Perry which I believe was Aug 13,2011. Its been an unbelievable test of grit working through the Courts on this very important issue of Obama's eligibility. The whole State of Kansas is seriously considering taking Obama off the ballot, it just seems the general population is just catching on but we started this defensive fight the first round in the New Hampshire Primary and then worked into Georgia both states going to the Supreme Courts. Ultimately we do believe the U.S. Constitution is the hallmark of the United States Supreme Court it just takes time to get there, but we did it and did so before the general election. I'm so unbelievably proud of every person and contributor that helped us get here. It wasn't done with big PACs or corporations, this is politics at the Mom and Pop stage and I can think of no better claim or compliment for America in general."
Charlie- We'd like to report three things to you 1) Your fired. 2) This blog has sold over 50,000 newspapers , , not bad for a city like Ogden, Utah. 3) of course we've reported it to far more.  We look forward to Washington DC reporting the news to you after Sept. 24th, 2012, at which time you'll look even more ridiculous then you already do for not informing the General Public of the story handed to you. . Of course, that's a bet we know your willing to take and its one we've put far more time and money in than you, so you shouldn't have to worry about your losses?
While we're no fan of Mitt Romney and have highlighted his lack of courage for the eligibility issue we consider to be a national security issue and a direct link to our slagged economy, with friends like this we don't think Mitt Romney needs enemies.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Staff Report

 Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:01:39 -0600
Subject: Re: The Dark Days of America's Scammers in Presidential Politics

 Please unsubscribe me from your rants. I don't care to receive your material.
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Tax proivisions that have already expired

The first time home home buyers credit-Up to $8000 for indvduals on qualified official extended duty outside the U. S. expired June 30, 2011,  This was an extension of the FTHBC whicxh expired in 2010 for military personel.

Other tax provisions that expired Dec. 31, 1911

Non business energy tax credits of up to $500 for the installation of energy saving home improvements

Electric drive vehicle tax credits

Educator expense deduction- adjustment to income of $250 for grade K-12 educators 

Qualified mortgage insurances premiums deductions

Deduction for state and local sales tax

 Tuitiion and fees adjustment to income  deduction of up to $4.000

Qualified chartable contributions-tax free rollovfers of up to$1000,000from IRA"S to q1ualified chartable orginizations is noi longer available (Inasmuch as conservative republicans have been proven to contribute to charity at a significantly higher $ level than democrats, the main efect of this will fall on to conservatives)

The work opportunit tax credit which was an incentive for people to eek gainful employment  has expired

The research and development tax credit which was to encourage business to research ways to improve their products  to benifit the general populace will also expire

The section 179 maximum dectuction on the purchase of qualified business equipment  will be substantialy decreased

The alternative minimum tax patch provision has expired- this will increase the income tax liability of over 30 million middle class taxcpayers.

The Democrat position on these tax proivisions is that they wll ot alloow them to be extended unless there ar substantial increases in business activities which will oly incresethecost of doing business which will increase prices for everyone to purchase the necessities of life.














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I want to pose this question:  Why is no one blaming President Obama for the uprisings all over the world?  Why are the White House AND the media blaming some obscure movie (that by the way, no one has watched)?  During the DNC Obama and everyone there kept bringing up how they "killed Osama and saved GM".... why is this not what riled them up?  These attacks have been "planned", there were signs and weapons, this is obviously coordinated all over the world!


The last two weeks I have been watching Jack Van Impe, he has been brave enough to come out against President Obama and outing all that is happening to Christians in Egypt.  He is also outing the Muslim Brotherhood for what they really are.  If you have missed it be sure and go online and see the programs, they began Sept. 8th.


God Bless the USA.... In God we Trust!



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Have you seen the news about the Sudan refusing to let us increase the Marine presence at the Embassy there?  It's only a company sized unit. On second thought, a company of armed Marines could probably defeat the entire Sudanese army, clean out the Islamists and take over the country. I can understand their concern.

On the other hand, any country is within their international rights to provide protection for diplomatic sites and personnel irrespective of the wishes of the host country. Since the Sudan has proven their inability (or unwillingness) to get the job done, I think a company of Marines is a conservative response. I would rather see  a regiment on the ground. If Sudan continues to be a collective butthole, give the Marines diplomatic passports. That way, they and their kits cannot be detained or confiscated. Diplomatic immunity, pure and simple. As for rules of engagement: if they are threatened, use whatever force level necessary to protect the embassy and the diplomatic staff. If this means bodies in the streets, so be it. Violence is the language of the caliphate. Bloodshed is the voice of reason in these countries. Death is not only accepted, but yearned for. I say accommodate them......

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The patriots in Englewood Florida were excited and fired up when our Tea Party Express tour bus rolled into their town. Our rally was enthusiastic, upbeat and hopeful that real leadership needed to move America forward will be restored in November.

Unlike the Democrats who have accused our troops of being rapists and murders, Tea Party Express celebrates and honors our military. Each of our rallies ends with a military tribute in which we feature Gold Star Mom, Debbie Lee.

4063314721?profile=originalDebbie's decorated son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first U.S. Navy seal killed in Iraq.

At our rally in Englewood Florida, while Debbie was sharing the heart-wrenching compelling story about how her son sacrificed his life to save his fellow troops, an anti-war protester came forward and stood along side the stage with anti-war signs. Debbie said she watched the audience's eyes leave her and focus on the protester.

Thank God testosterone is not totally dead in America. Ray, our bus driver was infuriated by the timing of this jerk's decision to come to the front of the crowd. Ray stormed over to the guy and got in his face. Ray DID NOT touch the protester. Then, Ray turned around facing the audience blocking their view of the protester. The guy kept trying to push pass Ray. But, at 6'3, 250lbs, pushing pass Ray is a Herculean task.

Ray's leadership sparks other patriots, men and women, to come forward, forming a fence which blocked the frustrated protester from the crowd. Debbie continued her extremely moving story.

If only our Commander-in-Wimp had the cojones of Ray, the bus driver.

4063579660?profile=originalDebbie Lee has been dealing with attacks on her from the anti-war crowd for years. Years ago, when Debbie organized a troop support rally in her hometown, Cindy Sheehan tried to have Debbie arrested for in-sighting a riot. Did Debbie Lee bash the fellow Gold Star Mom, Ms Sheehan, for leading numerous campaigns to trash our military? No. Showing remarkable class, compassion and restraint, Debbie's response was, “Grief is a strange thing. I will not judge her.”

In honor of her fallen hero son, Debbie Lee founded,, a non-profit which provides aid and comfort to the families of our fallen heroes. Please check it out.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Crimes commited by Barack Obama

Every day I receive notices from the Tea Party that list what can only be called crimes against the United States by Barack Obama, some tags ask if this will get him fired, or how the Tea Party is exposing America's Fraudulent President.

Over the past three or four years in watching how Obama literally is able to change the laws to fit his needs or what he wants rather than using the system we have (ie: Congress and the House) he simply has an Executive Order filled out, he signs it and wham, instant law, no debate, no discussion and no Republican involvement, in put or idea's.

Obama has failed at just about everything he has done with the exception of giving really good speaches, playing basketball, golfing or vacationing. As far as matter of the state go, I think he made it clear that he prefered to "be at home at dinner time" so the family could all eat at once, that took priority over meeting with the Republicans while setting policy in the first two years, which regardless of what the media says Obama completely excluded the Republican Party, he closed all the doors, held private meeting, offered bribes, back room deals made more promises all to get the Affordable Health Care Law (ie:ObamaCare) passed the majority of America did not want.

To think at this time Obama will be or would be charged for anything he has done in violation of US law since his first day by ingoring our laws, refusing to represent the United States, making racist comments or injecting himself in race related issues, refusing to follow the legal progress, but also blatently commiting Treason by giving a speach that outlined the dates, amount, capabilities and date of return of all US troops he ordered to Afganastan for the Surge he ordered will never happen.

When we have reporters like Juan William, Geroldo Riveria, Alan Comes, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC all these transgressions and acts will never be reported nor will they ever be investigated. This point was not only proven but drove home when we all saw the New Black Panthers not only intimidate voters in 2010, we saw and heard them threaten to "kill all the crackers", we all saw Attorney General Eric Holder not only refuse to comply with Congressional Investigations involving the Fast and Furious Scandal, but Obama gave him  Presidental Priviledge.

Even this week we have 21 US Embassies being attacked by Islamic Terrorist and while US citizens are being killed and our Emabassies are burning to the ground, Obama being the upstanding type guy he is continued to champaing for re-election, there is no media out cry, no aksing why are you not doing your job to protect American interest across the country and world, the media instead focused on Mitt Romney and a comment he made. Yet we also know that when that 3 a,m. call came it was Hillary who answered, not Obama, he was sleeping.

As long as Obama using multiple Social Security Numbers, false or forged Selective Service Records, a forged Birth Certificate, sealed College records, no identifiable past, is in office there is no one that can do anything to stop him. The Democratically Control Senate will not allow any form of legal action to be taken, thus there no chance of Impeachment or charges of Treason being filed. The sad part of course is by the time Obama is done in November assuming he does not buy the election again it will take our kids, kids, kids grandkids to even touch the debt he created, and turn the US back around.

This individual has created such a hardship on the working poor they may never be able to recover, the same Government that created this mess is the same Government that enforces the laws that cause severe hardship on the middle, working class. The cost of everything has doubled or even tripled with no increase in pay or income, the only ones benefiting are the same slobbering Obama lovers, most who live on Welfare and there is no end in sight. There is rumor going around gas is going to hit $5.00 or $6.00 per gallon, if that happens this country will not grind to a hault, it will be like slamming into a brick wall, the Obama Administration's answer is to dump billions more into the economy with apsolutely none of it going to anyone that could actually use it.

In summary, as long as Obama has the Media in his checkbook and they refuse to report the real Barack Obama or even investigate him or his past, the average US citizens has nothing they can do, we cannot demand he be Impeached because niether the Senate or Eric Holder will allow such action to be forwarded or debated, our elected state officials especially if they are Democrat either do not care if we fax, call or complain, they do not or will not speak out against the self appointed Messiah. Obama answers groups that bind toagther to fight his illegal actions such as the Tea Party or anyone who speaks out aganst him like myself are tagged "anti-Obama and Racist, we are put on a domestic Terrorist Watch list, while Obama tells the Armed Forces to prepair to "fight against the Citizens, while buying millions of rounds of ammunition for the Government Agencies and trying to take away our individual rights


Al, United States Air Force Retired, Non Combat Service Disabled Veteran 84-05



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