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4063563496?profile=originalThese three kids wanted to run for the tall grass. It was early 90's at the U.S. Citizenship Ceremony in Maryland. Around 1500 people filled the hall comprising of citizenship applicants, supportive family and friends.

I was backstage with a trio of extremely nervous and intimidated teenagers who were scheduled to sing our National Anthem. These kids had never performed for such a large audience.

I had been the grand finale of the ceremony for years, performing my original song, “Celebrate America” after applicants took their oath of allegiance. I took great pride that my song was the first song thousands heard as official Americans.

When the MC introduced the trio from so-and-so junior high school, the kids were visibly shaking. They began the anthem fine, but one got nervous and stopped singing which threw off the other two and they stopped singing as well. The trio stood in silence.

I walked from backstage and joined the kids center stage. I told the audience that these kids were symbolic of what it really means to be an American and the great family they would soon become a part of. I shared that the kids were very frightened because the event was much larger than they expected. They could have backed down and refused to perform. But despite their fear, these kids found the courage to face the difficult challenge, keep their word and give it a try. This is the American Way.

Together, the trio and I sang the National Anthem. The audience gave us a standing ovation.

Performing my song at U.S. Citizenship Ceremonies rewarded me an opportunity to chat with brand new “proud” Americans. They understood the sacrifice and divine blessing required to make this extraordinarily unique experiment called “America” a thriving reality. They gleefully desired to assimilate into our culture.

Some applicants were extremely old in wheelchairs; their raised right hand assisted by a family member as they tearfully recited their oath of allegiance.

As the sacred sound of the applicants reciting their oath of allegiance, in unison, came to an end, the hall always erupted in cheers and applause. These jubilant people of various races from numerous countries were officially Americans! They respected our laws, followed the rules and were awarded the precious gift of U.S. Citizenship.

With a stroke of his executive pen, Obama awarded amnesty to illegals, pushing them to the head of the line, in front of applicants who are following the legal process to become U.S. citizens. Obama is disrespecting the efforts of those seeking citizenship legally and the value of what it means to become an American.

And yes, there is a dramatically different mindset between those I witnessed at the ceremonies who earned their precious U.S. Citizenship verses those who got it for free because Obama seeks to purchase Hispanic votes.

Many illegals given instant free citizenship by Obama could not care less about assimilating into our society. They refuse to learn English and have little or no respect for our flag. America is simply the place the go for freebies while still proudly waving their Mexican flag.

Meanwhile, American kids are banned from wearing clothing which features the U.S. flag to school on Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday. The song “God Bless The USA (Proud to be an American)” is banned from public school deemed potentially offensive to other cultures.

Illegals given free citizenship from Obama join the socialists/progressives in their “what's-the-big-deal-about-being-an-American” attitude.

So illegals who are clueless as to what it truly means to be an American and have no emotional connection to our amazing country enjoy benefits not even available to legal U.S. Citizens. For example: Thanks to Obama, illegals from outside any given state can get in-state tuition while U.S. Citizens can not.

Even more painful, Obama continues to lower the bar of what it means to be an American.

Obama's speeches and actions imply that he would like to rewrite the words at the base of our Statue of Liberty to read: Bring me your lazy, entitlement-minded, class envious, haters of achievement, those who pervert God's original intent, baby killers and deadbeats. I offer America to you with open arms.

The value and worth of U.S. Citizenship is yet another item on a growing list of sacred laws (The Constitution), freedoms and principles Obama has sacrificed on the socialist/progressive alter of evil to purchase four more years; needed to complete his vowed fundamental transformation of America. God help us.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Ineptocracy is a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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2016 Movie a must see

I saw the movie 2016 yesterday and I was intrigued at the ignorance of this country. This movie is a must see and will open the door to the heart of Obama , his administration, and the plan to destroy this country. This movie just bore witness to me as to the destruction and hatred that is pent up in the heart of this man against whites, wealth, and success. Jesus said "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". We are doomed if he gets reelected. 

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Friday is upon us.  What?  What the heck?  Friday is upon us?  That sounds so,.. stuffy.  Can’t be stuffy about Friday.  Not FRIDAY!  So, WOO HOOOO!  It’s Friday!   Whooopiieeeee!

And now, for your entertainment (oops stuffy again),..

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. ~ Psalm 19:14

The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy." --Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations, 1774

Can someone please forward this to the DOJ, DHS, and maybe the entire cabinet?  It’s obvious that Obama doesn’t care about the law.  Probably why he and Miss Obuttma can’t practice law anymore.  Even Benjamin knew.  Even all the founders knew!  Equal justice, equal rights, equal dispensation of protection.  That is the charge of our government.  It’s in the Constitution.  That is what government is supposed to do.  So, why are we laying back and letting the administration’s flunkies decide what laws they want to enforce, and which ones they don’t?  Members of ICE have filed a lawsuit against DHS for not letting them do their job.  How brave these agents are.  How stupid that they even have to do this.  And, how despicable that the government would even consider mounting a defense.  Well, I say bravo to those agents.  They only want to do their job, enforce the existing law.  They should be heralded as heroes for fighting for their work.  You know, in the military, if a member is given an order from a superior, and the member believes the order to be unlawful, then the member is NOT obligated to follow the order.  I wonder if the same allowance exists in DHS?  Be kind of fun to watch, eh?

In the meantime, I look forward to the time I can rejoice for my heart being glad, while it rests in safety.  I have been there before.  I look forward to being there again.  Until then,

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Obama psychopathology

In Obamas book, '' Dreams of my Father '' Obama out lined his fathers hatred of colonialism, hatred of the west, and over whelming hatred of the United States. Obama stated his fathers hatred of the Americas dominate position in the world do to our economic power which fueled our spreading American culture, and our American military over match against any nation or group of nations. Obama clearly stated that his fathers desire to see America economic and military power curtailed. He also stated his father hated democracy,capitalism and any other religion of then islam.

      Obama clearly stated that he wishes to fore fill his father desire to see the United States fall. To over see see a redistribution of wealth. By  primary to bleed the United states dry transferring economic power to third world countries. Primary muslim countries, tribal nations that are run by dictatorships and murder there own people as a matter of social policy. Obama and his father have a clear fundamental aversion to democracy to the United States, and are clueless that capitalism clearly is superior socialism and democracy serves the people. And Kingdoms thiefdoms and dictatorships are the stuff of nightmares for a modern, educated, civil, democratic, western society.

     Obama overt need to satisfy his drunken, poorly educated, irresponsible, father who abandoned him shows a serious psychopathology. Obama desire to win a approval of a dead reprehensible father shows extremely poor ego development, immaturity, and a lack of insight on his part; do to a less then mighty intellect. His behavior as President and his ant-americanism and just plain stupid polices is proof he is trying to win approval of a dead father, who abandoned him. Obama has cloned himself into a anti-american communist, jihadist as his father wished himself to be who. Obama clearly does not have the slightest understand of America's role in the world, the inter-relationship between allied nations. which keeps the world at peace and provides safety and security for all nations. Plus a basic misunderstanding and  hatred for the American dream, the American practice and belief that personal innovation and hard work equals success. Obama lacks the insight and the lack of prejudice to understand that American power is a force for good for American and the rest of human civilization. Obama does not need a election Obama needs a psychotherapist.

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America Needs a New Sheriff

4063562988?profile=originalThe American labor market showed few signs of new life in the latest jobs report.   First time filings for unemployment benefits rose again last week to a one-month high.  Claims rose for a second week, by 4,000 for the period ended Aug. 18.  After economists had predicted 365,000 new claims, the number climbed to 372,000.

The administration continues to cite the European debt crisis and economic slowdowns in Asia as deterrents to investment.

It is far easier to blame the global economy than to admit that this administration’s energy policies are killing jobs in America.  That this administration poked their thumbs into the eyes of millions of unemployed Americans when they laughed about “shovel-ready” projects not being as “shovel-ready” as advertised.  It is not the least bit funny to Americans when they discover that this administration does not know what they are doing, especially after they spent trillions of taxpayer dollars on plans that did not work and redistributed hundreds of billions of the taxpayer’s wealth to rich “progressive” bundlers for the administration’s campaign machine.

Across the country, Americans have had enough of this administration’s policies, starting with those that kill jobs; like the healthcare reform law that levies huge tax hikes on all Americans and imposes additional 4063563020?profile=originalburdens on businesses.  Americans are done with the policies that are killing America’s energy industry, like stifling EPA regulations that make it impossible to build new petroleum refineries or use coal powered energy.  Americans can no longer tolerate a lack of policy; a lack that precludes any hope for recovery in the housing market.  Many small businesses will find it difficult if not impossible to exist, much less expand and hire while banking regulations imposed during this administration make it virtually impossible for banks to loan them money.

Why does America continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on foreign energy rather than developing the abundant energy in its own country? Why not keep those hundreds of billions of dollars at home in its own sluggish, cash strapped economy?

4063562950?profile=originalAt a time when tens of millions of Americans are struggling to find work and its economy is starving for liquid capital, why does this administration refuse to take advantage of America’s wealth of natural resources? Why does this administration continue to prevent drilling for oil and natural gas or mining for coal? Why not put Americans back to work building refineries and power plants? Why not have Americans delivering gas, coal and natural gas to American consumers?

How many peripheral jobs will be created by that process?

For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new roads built, followed by restaurants, stores, housing, schools and places of worship. All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.

The key to economic recovery in America is a shift in policy.  The only way for that shift to happen is to alter the governing philosophy.  For that alteration to take place, America must elect a new sheriff and new deputies.

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So the GOP wants to distance itself from a moral man running for the Senate seat held by a slimeball democrat.

Some how he believes that a woman raped will not conceive "IF IT WERE TRUE RAPE"  DUH  so he is a bit confused .  He doesn't remember that up to 1/2 the babies born in parts of the English/Scottish coastal regions  were of Norseman blood  [By rape ]

His morals are good as is his heart

So what does that say about those who would kick him off the ticket ?

Your RNC at work

Rino central

We need to kick them to the curb

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The Potter's Vessel

"This word came to Jeremiah from the Lord:  Rise up, be off to the potter's house; there I will give you my message.  I went down to the potter's house and there he was, working at the wheel.  Whenever the object of clay which he was making turned out badly in his hand, he tried again, making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased.  Then the word of the Lord came to me:  Can I not do to you, house of Israel, as this potter has done? says the Lord.  Indeed, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, house of Israel.  Sometimes I threaten to uproot and tear down and destroy a nation or a kingdom.  But if that nation which I have threatened turns from its evil, I also repent of the evil which I threatened to do.  Sometimes, again, I promise to build up and plant a nation or a kingdom.  But if that nation does what is evil in my eyes, refusing to obey my voice, I repent of the good with which I promised to bless it.

And now, tell this to the men of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem:  Thus says the Lord:  Take care!  I am fashioning evil against you and making a plan.  Return, each of you, from his evil way; reform your ways and your deeds.  But they will say, 'No use!  We will follow our own devices; each one of us will behave according to the stubbornness of his evil heart!'

Therefore thus says the Lord:  Ask among the nations- who has ever heard the like?  Truly horrible things has virgin Israel done!  Does the snow of Lebanon desert the rocky heights?  Do the gushing waters dry up that flow fresh down the mountains?  Yet my people have forgotten me: they burn incense to a thing that does not exist.  They stumble out of their ways, the paths of old, to travel on bypaths, not the beaten track.  Their land shall be turned into a desert, an object of lasting ridicule:  All passers-by will be amazed, will shake their heads.  Like the east wind, I will scatter them before their enemies;  I will show them my back, not my face, in the day of disaster.

Jeremiah: Chapter 18, 1-18

The Lord isn't just talking about Israel; he is talking about all nations including the U.S.


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What are we to think of Mitt Romney's pick for the next Vice President? He's not a graduate of Columbia University. He's not a graduate of Harvard. He wasn't selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review. He didn't get a special free quota scholarship ride to any prestigious university and, instead, had to work his way through Miami University of Ohio. For God's sake the man drove the Oscar Mayer Wiener Truck one summer and waited tables another!

One morning when Paul Ryan was sixteen years old he went in to wake his father up and found him dead of a heart attack. He didn't write two books about that experience (like Obama did). Instead, he assumed the role of adult at an early age, never having the luxury to pursue youthful drug use and the art of socialist revolution.

Instead, Paul Ryan and his mother took his grandmother, suffering from Alzheimers, into the household and served as the primary care provider for his grandma. His grandma wasn't the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii (like Obama's) so she could offer nothing in return, except the element of "need".

Once Paul Ryan got his BA in Economics from Miami University of Ohio he was hired as a staff economist in Wisconsin Senator Kastin's office. The job must have not paid well because young Ryan moonlighted as a waiter and fitness trainer. No one offered him a "token honor" position at the University of Chicago and a $200,000 dollar a year salary.

When a still young Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin to run for Congress he didn't demonize his opponent and dig up dirt to shovel against him. He waited until the standing Congressman vacated the office before seeking the office. In Janesville, Wisconsin they don't have a big political machine to promote you, to criminalize your opponent; instead Paul Ryan had to go door to door and sit at kitchen tables and listen to his future constituents.

After getting elected to Congress Paul Ryan didn't triumphantly march into Washington, buy himself a Georgetown townhouse and proceed over to K Street to rub elbows with lobbyists. He bunked in his Congressional office and used the house gym for showers and a fresh change of clothes.

Paul Ryan then married and took his bride back to Janesville. He lives on the same street he lived on as a kid and shares the neighborhood with eight other members of the Ryan clan. He hunts with the local Janesville hunt club and attends PTA meetings and other civic functions.

For those who can't make those public functions, Paul Ryan bought an old bread truck, converted it into a "mobile constituent office" and drives around to meet with those who need his help and attention.

No, I don't know if we can vote for a guy like this. He doesn't have a regal pedigree; he's Irish for God's sake! No one awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize two months after getting elected. No one threw flowers or got "chills down their leg" as a he took his seat in Congress.

What is most despicable about Paul Ryan is that he has had the nerve to write the House Budget for three years in a row. He's is brazen and heartless in advocating in that budget for a $5 trillion dollar reduction in federal spending over the next ten years! The House passed his budget three years in a row and three years in a row the Democratically controlled Senate has let it die in the upper house, without ever proposing a budget of their own. What is wrong with this guy? If Congress were to cut $5 trillion dollars from the budget where would the President get the money to give $500 million dollars to a bankrupt Solyndra? Or $200 million dollars for bankrupt Energy 1? Or $11 billion dollars to illegal aliens filing INIT, non-resident tax returns to claim $11 billion big ones in child tax credits, even for their children living in Mexico?

I don't know. Paul Ryan seems heartless to me. He keeps wanting to cut government waste, he keeps wanting to put a halt to those big GSA conventions in Vegas and, worse, he keeps trying to make people look at that $16.7 trillion dollar deficit! The guy's no fun at all!

Who wants a numbers cruncher? Who wants someone spoiling the party by showing folks the bill? Nothing will spoil a party quicker than sending the host the bill before the party's over.

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