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(I spy on the extremist from time to time - okay, all the time - (know your enemy) and we SHOULD all join them, infiltrate THEM for a change, counter protest now that we know when and where ahead of time and vote on their evil plans. This was an email letter I received.  So I may have also lied to get in... sue me. My commentary is in red... I could not resist.)

More ways to fight back against Tea Party extremists and right-wing corporations.

Dear Mitchina,

Thanks for signing our petition yesterday and joining CREDO Action — I wanted to tell you a bit more about who we are and how we fight for progressive change. (socialism)


CREDO is a social change organization that fights for progressive values. (socialism has no values) Like protecting a woman's right to control her own body. (but will tell everyone what to not eat, or say, or do in resistance to anything BUT socialism) Fighting back against radical attacks on our environment. Or trying to rid our political system of the toxic influence of corporate money. (I believe that includes themselves... so there is an upside to this one) CREDO Action organizers Elijah Zarlin and Becky Bond (remember these people and maybe picket their homes in real Liberal Style) deliver a petition to Elizabeth Warren.

Recently, we've helped block the Keystone XL pipeline, defended Planned Parenthood from defunding, convinced advertisers to drop Rush Limbaugh, and pressured Coca Cola to stop funding ALEC. (here they are - you need to go get 'em)


Working for social change has been at the heart of our work since 1985. (but I am sure not adequately funded until recently by Soros to put them in the game) And we've learned many lessons in over 25 years of progressive activism. We believe that real change comes from the grassroots, not the insiders in Washington DC. (liberal grassroots = useful idiots)


And while we lose many more fights than we win, (thanks to us, the Tea Party) we know that if we fight hard for what we really want (rather than preemptively caving as part of some backroom deal), we can shift the debate in a more progressive direction and sometimes we even win victories that no one thought was possible. (more like most of them due to false claims of injustice or so often of racism) As a member of the CREDO Action email list, you will also get to vote for organizations like Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Action Network and Democracy Now! to receive funding from CREDO. (let's all go there and vote no every time... that would really piss them off)


CREDO has a phone company (CREDO Mobile) (CHECK - on boycott list) that generates donations for non-profits fighting for progressive issues. We donate 1% of our customer's phone bills to 40 non-profits every year. Over the last 25 years, we've donated over $70 million, including more than $2 million to Planned Parenthood — $200,000 just in 2011. (we need to start soliciting our side's non-profits to do this if they do not already or make some campaign for companies to do this)


The votes of our customers and CREDO Action members (that's you) (no it isn't I am just a spy) will determine how much they receive.

Liking CREDO on Facebook is a great way to connect with us on a daily basis.  (I suggest we all go there and see what they are doing or at least put in our own 'trollage team' posting just to be ornery)


Every day, the political team at CREDO shares the articles we're reading and things we're thinking about on our Facebook page. (know your enemy) Then we look to our Facebook fans — that's you! (again, you're on crack if you think I have the same mental disease as yourselves) — for thoughts on the issues, and we often take your opinions into account when we decide what campaign to pursue next. (think we can all fool them into thinking with common sense?)


If you have ever wanted to be part of the process and want your opinions to shape our work, this is a great way to do so.

We're also working to defeat Tea Party Extremists (now THAT is me in an extreme nutshell.. *rolls eyes*) who are waging a war on women, science and equality, and we'd love for you to join us.

The Tea Party Congress elected in 2010 has been the most extreme in history. (except they forget the beginning of our history was further right than us.. what dopes!) They literally cast votes to redefine rape and to let women die by allowing doctors to deny life-saving medical care. (I didn't really catch that detail from any conservative.. in their platform statement or otherwise... are these people on meth?) CREDO has formed the CREDO SuperPAC to defeat and hold accountable ten of the most odious Tea Party members of Congress. (we need to support the fine congress members)


Learn more and help defeat the Tea Party Ten. (as we should be running to go learn this...)


Thanks again for your activism. You'll be hearing from us soon about urgent opportunities to sign petitions, make calls, attend meetings and protests, and more. (knowing ahead of time where they will be will allow us to wage a counter attack of protestors and a disruption of their meetings.. tit for tat I say) Progressive values are under assault every day in Congress, (THANK GOD) and it's vital that we stay engaged to keep raising critical pressure on decision makers when it matters most.

We'll keep fighting (literally) and we're glad you're with us.

Becky Bond,

Political Director

CREDO Action from Working Assets (type here - it was meant to be "asses")

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Are You STUPID Enough to Be a Liberal?

To those undecided between committing suicide and becoming a liberal,
please consider the inconsistency and irrational thinking needed
to embrace the liberal agenda:


* Execution of a convicted killer is cruel, unusual and barbaric;
whereas a woman’s right to abort the life of an innocent child
is inalienable’


* Starving an innocent victim like Terri Schaivo to death is
acceptable; using lethal injection to end the life of a brutal killer is
cruel and unusual;

* Burning Old Glory is acceptable free speech, whereas
conservatives like Rush Limbaugh routinely engage in
unacceptable “hate speech,” when discussing budget cuts and fiscal responsibility;”

* Skyrocketing gasoline prices devastate working American
families,but ending America’s addiction to automobiles is a greater


* Large profits are obscenely un-American, except when enjoyed
by Barack Obama, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, the Clintons,and other


* Conservatives working to preserve American culture are bigoted
hate mongers, but the “cultural heritage” of new illegal immigrants must
be protected and celebrated at all costs.


* Discrimination based on race or gender is wrong. Except when
it is waged against Caucasian men, in which case it is mandated
by law and called Affirmative Action.


* Invading a foreign nation is wrong, except when illegal aliens
from Mexico invade America.


* Those who believe English should be the official American
language are “racist,” whereas Hispanics who prefer Spanish to
English are perfectly justified because “diversity is our
greatest strength.”


* The earning power of American citizens is in sharp decline;
still, the U.S. should grant amnesty to millions of illegal
aliens who will work for lower wages and without benefits.


* Illegal aliens should be licensed to drive– to avoid breaking
the law by driving illegally.


* Freedom of speech must never be repressed, except when
“hurtful” to any constituency of the Democrat party, in which
case it becomes hate speech.


* Tax cuts are wrong when money is returned to people
who actually paid taxes, but perfectly fine when sent to those
who paid none.


* All symbols of Christianity must be quashed so as to offend no
one, whereas all things Islamic must be heavily promoted in the
name of religious awareness, diversity and tolerance.


* Businesses are oppressive, fascist institutions and must not
be allowed to become too large. On the other hand government,
when run by Democrats, creates wealth and happiness and should be
expanded as much as possible.


* Military force must never be used, except when needed to
advance interests not vital to the United States, or to obscure
a Democrat president’s sexual misconduct in the Oval Office.

Think about it– Are you mindless enough to be a liberal?

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Why Mitt Romney Is So Despicable!

4063565377?profile=originalMuch is being said in the media about how Mitt Romney is not "likable”, about how he doesn't "relate well" to everyday people.  A lot is being written about how his background makes it impossible for him to relate to middle class Americans.  After extensive, intensive, investigative research there is now a Top Ten List to explain Romney’s "unlike-ability."

1. He is drop-dead, ad-campaign ready handsome, with a statesmanlike aura.  He looks like every central casting's dream choice to be Commander-in-Chief.  After years of reality TV, America should know better than to trust good looking people who present themselves as competent and capable.  What would Snookie think?

2. He has been married to one woman throughout his entire adult life.  During that time he has remained faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.  If only she had waited until her husband became a viable presidential candidate to be proud of her country the story would be complete.

3. There are no scandals or skeletons hidden in his closet.  Give George Soros, Media Matters,, the DNC and the media time.  They will eventually invent a scandal about Romney not having a closet.

4. He does not speak in an obviously fake, southern "black preacher’s voice" when doing so is thought necessary to reach voters.  Perhaps after the election Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden will be available to give him pointers.

5. He is highly intelligent, having graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.  Oh, and his academic records are not sealed.  After he is elected he can seal his records by Executive Order on his first day in office.  Then will the media finally love him and hide, bury, or distract away from the story to protect him?

6. He does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, and has never done any drugs, not even during the 1960s counter-culture Age of Aquarius that was all the rage when he was in college.  If only he had dropped acid and rolled around in the mud at Woodstock having sex in public like a wild animal.

7. He represents America’s "yesteryear", when people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around on their wives, sacrificed, and worked hard to succeed.  Imagine what a media darling he could be, were he a latch key kid born to a single Welfare recipient mother who had been artificially inseminated, grew up on food stamps and as a teenager served time in prison for selling crack.  That would qualify him to be a cultural hero…or land him a hip-hop recording contract and MTV airtime.

He is a family man with five accomplished sons, none of whom have police records or needed to go to drug rehab.  Naturally, they were raised by a stay-at-home Mom.  How old fashioned.  Today that "choice" deserves America’s scorn.  If only Romney had set the right example the boys could have turned out more like Bernie Madoff or John Corzine.

9. Oh yes, he is Mormon.  Americans need to be especially fearful and contemptuous of a religion that teaches its members to live cleanly, be patriotic, to manage their lives in a fiscally conservative manner, to be charitable, self-reliant, and honest.  No wonder Mitt Romney never stood a chance at becoming a pop icon like Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain or Michael Jackson.

10. One more very important point.  Pundits keep repeating the mantra that because of his personal wealth, he simply cannot relate to average, ordinary Americans.  It must be because he made that money himself instead of marrying it, inheriting it from Dad, winning the lottery or cashing in on a frivolous lawsuit by suing a big corporate conglomerate.

Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness demonstrate that he is a proven leader and a fine citizen who is qualified to become President of the United States.  America knows what his religion is, that he will not desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or redistribute taxpayer’s money to political cronies through fiscally irresponsible faux “stimulus” plans.

America will not like taking some of the steps necessary to recover from a mountain of debt, but someone with Romney's extensive business education, experience and background knows how to do it.

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The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a sprawling economic report, and it underscored how dire our looming economic forecast looks. If we can somehow avoid falling off the fiscal cliff and deflect Taxmageddon, thereby averting a wave of scheduled tax hikes as the "Bush Tax Rates" expire, we can hopefully stay stagnated as we are today. Keep in mind that this is an overly optimistic forecast and a best-case scenario for the U.S. economy next year. This means the BEST we can hope for if Americans give Barack Obama another four years is 8 percent unemployment, and economic growth of 1.7 percent--That is as good as it gets.

Whether one likes to admit it or not, the deficit has hovered near $1 trillion for each year of the Obama presidency, meaning that Obama did not satisfy his 2009 promise to halve the deficit by the end of his first term. Obama said this about his budget, "We built this budget around the idea that our country has always done best when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the same rules." The only rules the Obama administration are imposing are Marxist ones attempting to spread the wealth around. It is worth examining what the President’s budget proposes for the next four fiscal years.

Yes, the national debt will surpass $20 trillion by 2016.

  • Under the President’s budget policies, federal debt will increase to $25.4 trillion by the end of 2022, an increase of $10.6 trillion (72 percent).
  • Federal debt at the end of the current fiscal year will stand at $16.2 trillion—$6.2 trillion above where it was 4 years earlier.
  • In the last 4 years, the debt increased by more than it did in the previous 17 years.
  • The $1.8 trillion in tax hikes in the President’s budget finance $1.4 trillion in spending above projected growth, not deficit reduction.
  • Debt will remain permanently elevated above 100 percent of GDP — a level of debt that economists believe results in weaker growth and millions of lost jobs.

The CBO report goes on to summarize that if we continue or increase our current tax and spending policies our economic outlook would only improve in the short run but would boost deficits and debt significantly and would place the budget on a path that is ultimately unsustainable. The Senate has done nothing to remedy this situation. The president has done nothing. Remember, President Obama's budget was embarrassingly rejected by the Democrat controlled Senate 99-0 and in the House it failed to garnish one stinking vote where it failed 414-0. Watch Stu Burguiere explain what he calls “the deficit blame game” while he compares President Obama’s deficit to the total deficit of former President George W. Bush, who Obama routinely blames for all of his administration’s shortcomings. (Well, that and tsunami's, headwinds from Europe, ATM's, and even on-line travel sites)

Obama knows that his economic policies are conducive of neither liberty as traditionally conceived by Americans nor prosperity. He is many things, but he is not incompetent. His policy flows from his vast knowledge and exposure to both Keynesian economics and neo-Marxian philosophy. The problem is that most Americans did not realize what Barack Obama meant when he envisioned a "fundamental transformation" for our country. Obama's idea is unlike the image most Americans have acquired an affection for and even more unlike the America which our ancestors called  home. The philosopher Ronald Dworkin said and Obama would agree that "a more equal society" -- a society where the resources of which are equally "distributed" -- is better than the contrary, even if its citizens prefer inequality. What this means is nothing short of the death of America as it is currently constituted. While the president genuinely believes that his plans are what's best for the country, his policy prescriptions are indeed ultimately destructive. Barack Obama blames everyone but himself, DO NOT FORGET THAT THE DEMOCRATS CONTROLLED BOTH THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE FOR THE FIRST HALF OF HIS TERM, and Obama got passed every piece of legislation he desired. Under such leadership, American incomes declined more in the three-year expansion that started in June 2009 than during the longest recession since the Great Depression, according an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by Sentier Research LLC. The research firm’s Gordon Green, who previously directed work on the Census Bureau’s income and poverty statistics program, “Almost every group is worse off than it was three years ago, and some groups had very large declines in income, we’re in an unprecedented period of economic stagnation.”

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In case you missed it, our government perpetrated a crime against its citizenry recently by scooping up an American off the street and holding him indefinitely without charge for exercising his right to free speech.  This is truly frightening and clearly illustrates just how close to that edge of despotism we are currently teetering.  Glenn Beck refered to this act as a "shark bump".  A shark bump is what a shark does to potential prey to gauge its vulnerability before deciding to strike.

After posting a Facebook comment labeled “The Truth”, where Brandon J. Raub listed grievances against the American ruling establishment, the FBI involuntarily detained him for psychiatric evaluation.  All Raub did was to expresses his belief that the American principles of limited government and personal liberty are being ignored and that corporations and international bankers run the state, not the people.  Raub has directly called for the arrest of bankers and politicians who consistently defy their oath to the United States Constitution.  He is a combat veteran who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan who was openly anti-war and a 9-11 Truther.  His personal opinions DO NOT CHANGE THE CRIME THAT WAS COMMITTED, no matter how stupid or crazy you think they may be.

Brandon Raub did not have a history of violence and had no record of mental instability.  He was contained after refusing to a warrantless search of his home.  Again, he was detained without charge, without Miranda rights, with no signs of a psychotic disorder and actually forced to undergo psychological evaluations against his will - this goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon.  FBI, Secret Service agents and police in Virginia's Chesterfield County questioned him about what they said were ominous posts talking about a coming revolution, pointing out the quote "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads."(which turned out to by a lyric from a Canadian hip-hop group)  Police – acting under an obscure state statute that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments [for 30 days] upon the recommendation of a mental health professional – took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell, VA without charging him with any crime.

It is significant to point out that one of the 1963 long-term goals of the Communist party in their quest to communize America was to "Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals."  Classifying dissidents as mentally ill is a timeless art.  In the former Soviet Union, millions were condemned to “psikhushkas,” or psychiatric prisons, in order to  isolate, discredit and destroy dissent and activism.  Even in our country, President Woodrow Wilson unsucessfully sought to silence suffragette Alice Paul through legal declarations of insanity.

Authorities have used the recent mass shootings to justify their actions in this case.  Dee Rybiski, a FBI spokeswoman in Richmond said, "We received quite a few complaints about what we're perceived as threatening posts, given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints."  The big concern here is that government officials are monitoring citizens' private Facebook pages and detaining people with whom they disagree.  This is where the hypocrisy really is.  The Obama administration uses a double standard when determining right or wrong and even truth and lies and the cooperate mainstream media goes along with it.  Watch the video showing Liberal hate speech that maybe should be getting some media coverage and investigated before the next libertarian or tea party group. Under the Obama administration's NDAA, it is reasonable to assume that if Raub (or any other dissident) can be deemed a “terrorist”, even before manifesting intent to act, federal authorities could skip the entire judicial process and imprison him at the pleasure of the President.  Very few civilized nations allow unchecked power of this magnitude in the 21st century.  Further, the language of the NDAA is so vague that Raub’s entire family, friends  or anyone who “substantially supported” him or “associated forces” could also be  indefinitely detained without trial.

This is a scary new chapter in this nation’s history.  It is an unspoken understanding of the politically aware that the federal government monitors social media accounts of American citizens to mine for political opinions.  The extent of the snooping is classified, but a Freedom of Information Act release revealed that General Dynamics was awarded the $11.3 million dollar tax-payer funded contract to spy on social media.  Keyword-generated status reports “capturing public reaction” and opinions that “reflect adversely” on the federal government were produced weekly for the Department of Homeland Security.  Senior officials insist the government can be trusted and that citizens are not tracked by their political views at this time, but Ginger McCall, director  of the EPIC’s open government program points out, “The language in the documents  makes it quite clear that they are looking for media reports that are critical  of the agency and the U.S. government more broadly.  This [monitoring] could have a substantial chilling effect on legitimate dissent and freedom of speech.”

A comment from an on-line article on the case is interesting, “After the recent shootings and the Virginia Tech massacre, can the authorities really ignore threats that seem immediate?  Their job is to protect us."  Surely, it must have been from a liberal idiot, but it should remind you of another famous quote.  Benjamin Franklin once said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." 

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In July 2011, President Obama asserted that the two sides ought to come together and Israel should go back to the 1967 border. Obama’s stand last July gave me the inner push I needed to write the story of my life.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Why do we say that? You should never feel hopeless because hard times always lead to better times.

Having said that, like it or not, Adam and Eve, the first humans on earth, ate the forbidden fruit and knew good and evil. Good to one is evil to another, but God gives everyone the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What about the woman bearing an unwanted child? One suit does not fit all. What right do we have to kill a chicken and eat it? Why is a human life more sacred than a chicken’s life? And why should one individual have more than another individual? And who among us is so wise as to fairly distribute? The law is not working. Each side wants the other to give.  We are locked in struggle. What problems will the election solve?  We’re solely concerned with symptoms, not the cure.

I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved. My life is good. You can read about me in my just published book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, now available at Amazon.



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Texas Judge Warns of Civil War

Texas Judge Warns of Civil War

You’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t mess with Texas.” Well now a Texas judge is calling for the state to be prepared in the event that Barack Hussein Obama is re-elected and says those preparations should begin now.
Fox News Reports:
    Lubbock County Judge Tom Head told that he wants his county to be prepared, which is why he’s backing a new tax hike to pay for extra deputies and attorneys.
    “(Obama is) going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?” Head asked, according to “I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.”

    Head went on to predict that if that happens, Obama will “send in U.N. troops.”
    “I don’t want ‘em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say ‘you’re not coming in here,’” he said, adding he wants “trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”

Head also has opponents to the opinion he voiced.
County Commissioner Gilbert Flores said,”I have better words to use, but it’s not appropriate for this court,” he said. “I am ashamed of what we are going through. I don’t know Tom, I think you better plan to go fishing pretty soon.”

Flores also said, “I am ashamed at what he said. There are some words that were not taken out of context, he meant exactly what he meant.”
However, there were citizens who defended the Judge Head.
“Judge Head thank you, and God Bless,” one citizen said.

I am glad that this Judge Tom Head spoke out. He may think he is only speaking for those in his community, but he truly is speaking for our nation. I am very proud of Judge Tom Head, and I am going to write him a letter of thanks. I am working on finding out the contact information for his office. I have called the courthouse where I believe he works and left a message. As soon as I get that information confirmed I will post it on here for anyone else who wants to call or write him to show their support.

I wish we had more judges speaking out and telling it like it is. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get him into the Supreme Court? Just a thought.

Now Democrats are calling for the judge to resign. They must be upset that he may foil their plans.

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Are the Asians and the Indians going to eat our lunch in the future?





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Tyrant n Chief

How can anyone possibley deny that Obama is a tyrant - the first self-styled King, King Hussein I of America.

He already treats the U.S. as his personal fiefdom.  Even if he's voted out, he may very well stay in the White House, in power, by executiver order.


There is no too low for him to stoop to, and there are enough traitors in our government by now to go along with all this.

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Is It Finally Time For A Third Party?


TAMPA — The Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted 63-38 to approve a new rule granting the Republican National Committee — and Mitt Romney — sweeping new powers to amend the governing document of the GOP.

The move came at the encouragement of Mitt Romney supporters on the committee, including Romney's top lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who stressed that it would grant "flexibility" to Romney and the committee to adapt to changing political environments. The rule allows the RNC to amend the party's rules without a vote by the full Republican National Convention. - - BuzzFeed Politics

Now, why would Mitt Romney need the “flexibility” to adapt to changing political environments? Better stated, why would he need to stray from the party platform?

Read More At Conservative Outcry

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What’s the Future of the Middle East?

For those who support the institutionalized “progressive” left’s or Ron Paul’s positions on foreign policy, consider these perspectives expressed in an article posted August 24, 2012 on

“With the beginning of the Islamic awakening movement in the Middle East, the United States and its allies in 4063563790?profile=originalthe region, fearing the increasing waves of anti-American and anti-Zionist sentiments, tried to insinuate to the world a false interpretation of this movement…

The Zionist regime of Israel has the world's largest network of state terrorism and has committed numerous crimes in the countries of the region, including the killing of the people of Gaza, the assassinations of resistance forces in different countries and assassinations of nuclear scientists of the Islamic Republic of Iran…

The West is forced to revise its policy of unilateral and unfair support to the Zionist regime. They are well aware that the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa began thanks to Islamic awakening and they have an anti-Zionist character. This region will never reflect Zionist domination in the future…

Today, with the removal of the ruling dictators in some countries in the region that were in legion with the Zionist regime, the people of the region are screaming that the installation of the Zionist regime has no legitimacy on Palestinian territory, even if it is the size of the palm of the hand...

Now, an historic opportunity has arrived, the sovereigns in the world should take advantage and set history in the right direction, take away the invader of the scene and return the homeland to the Palestinians”

These proclamations made by an Iranian ambassador make crystal clear the intentions of the Islamist/Fascist Iranian regime and their allies towards Israel, the United States and Western Civilization.  To knowingly and willfully ignore this clarion call to defend the Western/Judeo/Christian world approaches sedition, especially in light of the fact that this statement was published by Russia’s Pravda, almost certainly with the approval of President Vladimir Putin’s Russian government.

When Ron Paul believes that Mutual Assured Destruction will deter Iran from attacking Israel and its western allies, he displays naïveté to the differences between the Communist atheist belief that there is no afterlife and it is in their best interests to avoid the termination of their worldly existence in a nuclear exchange, and4063563840?profile=original an Islamist/Fascist State that reverently believe in the Mahdi, the 12th Imam of Shi'ite lore, and therefore considers it preferable to die as martyrs than to share the planet with the Western/Judeo/Christian world.

It was disturbing enough when the current White House occupant stabbed former Soviet bloc countries turned American allies Poland and the Czech Republic in their backs when he unilaterally cancelled missile defense shield deals they had made with the previous administration.  That occupy Oval Office was also so eager to abandon national security in favor of nuclear disarmament that he would voluntarily declassify the number of nuclear warheads the U.S. possesses demonstrates a dereliction of duty on his part as Commander in Chief of the United States of America.

Mitt Romney recently outlined plans that will make America energy independent through development of its own abundant natural resources and less susceptible to an increasingly aggressive Iran’s impact on Middle East petroleum delivered through the Straits of Hormuz.

Romney has consistently condemned Iran for developing a nuclear bomb-capability.  When referring to Iranian President Ahmadinejad's statements against Israel Romney has said "There is one place of course where I'd welcome Ahmadinejad with open arms, and that's in a court where he would stand trial for incitement to genocide, under the terms of the Genocide Convention."

Romney also correctly identifies the threat posed to the west by Islamist/Fascist jihad as "the defining challenge of our generation."

Contrary to the opinion of Ali Mohaghegh, the future of the Middle East is not carved in stone, it is still being written.  How the next chapter reads depends largely on who is elected as the next President of the United States.

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Most congressional observers believe Congress will address the issue of empowering states to collect sales tax on the purchases of goods bought on the Internet.  The issue is not typical of other tax issues as it finds conservatives like Steve King (R-Iowa), Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and others supporting the states ability to collect their sales taxes for online purchases.  A strong argument can be made that they have embraced the conservative position.


Make no mistake about it; there is deep division about this issue.  Mom-and-pop small businesses hate the disparity that was created when the Supreme Court ruled that businesses needed a "nexus" within a state for sales taxes to be collected.  That ruling allowed companies like Amazon to avoid sales taxes while small business are forced to collect them.  They argue that the decision, especially in a poor economy, creates economic incentives that hurt their bottom line.  Why should consumers shop in more expensive local stores when shopping online creates built-in no sales tax savings?

Others argue that allowing states to collect sales taxes for Internet purchases is tantamount to a tax increase.  As opponents have noted, America's budget problems are not revenue problems but spending problems.  Government's bring in enough revenue but can't get their spending in control. 

There is tacit acknowledgement of this argument as many supporters of the "Marketplace Equity Act" are governors who are struggling to balance their state budgets.  Billions of dollars in sales are made every year online that have escaped the reaches of the state tax collectors. 

But there is a bigger issue at stake -- federalism.

Allowing online merchants to charge, collect and remit sales taxes based on their physical location would level the playing field with Main Street small businesses and, perhaps most importantly, restore federalism to the issue.  The government should treat merchants equally.  It should not be making it harder for small businesses to compete.  In addition, the federal government should not bar states from enforcing their laws as long as they don't interfere with interstate commerce.

In some ways this is a complicated issue.  But in others it's clear that fairness and federalism should play a role in the final deliberations.   

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By John W. Lillpop

As We the People prepare to vote in what may be the most vital election in our history, it is well that we be reminded of the huge stakes involved, and, most importantly, what we CAN DO by acting responsibly in the privacy of the voting booth.

To assist in the deliberative process, the following ideas are offered:

Imagine, a president who has a passionate love for the history, tradition, and values of America, including blemishes and frailties, and is completely dedicated to preservation of our culture and values.

Imagine, a president who respects the rule of law, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the separation of powers under our form of self- rule.

Imagine, a president loathe to apologize for American values, religion, or leaders while on foreign soil.

Imagine, a president who really believes in the Exceptionalism of America’s people, Constitution, and culture.

Imagine a president NOT so arrogant and delusional as to believe that he is capable of, and should, “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation in human history.

Imagine, a president who respects the fact that we are a nation of laws, including those which significantly limit his powers and ability to act unilaterally.

Imagine, a president who believes in free-market capitalism, private enterprise, and the capabilities of individual Americans, when free from excessive government regulations, bureaucrats, and tax burdens.

Imagine, a president who understands that only private enterprise creates and sustains good-paying jobs, and then only when government is kept at bay.

Imagine, a president who believes that, “You CAN Build That!”

Imagine, a president who believes that responsible governance includes the obligation to “live within our means” and who understands the inevitable ruin that ensures when that is not heeded.

Imagine, a president loathe to use the power of government to “bankrupt” energy alternatives with which he differs ideologically.

Imagine, a president who would never use the tax code to divide American citizens and to punish Americans for over achieving.

Imagine, a president who believes that individual initiative, ability, and accomplishments should be allowed to determine success, and who utterly rejects the notion that wealth should be doled out based on some bureaucrat’s vision of “fairness.”

Imagine, a president who understands the American drive to succeed and profit and who is committed to implementing policies which encourage success and profit!

Imagine, a president who respects the First Amendment to the US Constitution and the freedom of religion expressed therein.

Imagine, a president who understands and respects the concept of American sovereignty, secure borders, and full enforcement of existing immigration laws.

Imagine a president who understands that the “war on terror” is not over.

Imagine, a president who sincerely wants the best for the nation and all citizens.


Imagine a president who is all American and who is “One of us.”

Imagine a nation reunited with the principles and ideals upon which America was formed.

Imagine America restored—and vote accordingly on November 6!

Read more…

     Let me start with a series of questions. Why does Michael Bloomberg keep coming up with such ridiculous nonsense (ie limiting soda size, hiding formula and demanding that women breastfeed)? Why are we being forced as Americans to slave to the whims of people like Michael Bloomberg to change what have been American institutions and OUR right to self-determine what we will do in our OWN lives? Where does this come from?

I truly believe that one of the main reasons Americans of conservative ideology are being put back on their heels with every election, is simply this; we don’t know where the politicians are getting their information, nor do we really seek out the answers as we are too darn busy earning a living, paying taxes, bills, taking kids to soccer practice and just trying to survive, and reacting to the nonsense that comes across the headlines every day. The key in the last sentence is reacting. Are you tired of reacting? Are you tired of being hit every single day with a barrage of Anti-American idealism and then wonder “where in the hell is this coming from, and why now”? If you are ready, and really want to know, there is an insane amount of information available to assist you.

Our country is in real trouble. Do you believe that statement? Good. If you don’t, get ready to see why. I am going to use Michael Bloomberg as an example, because he represents the “elite” in our nation.

Michael Bloomberg has come out with a number of troubling statements regarding what US citizens should be restricted from, and how they need to live.

Salt: "By working together over the past two years, we have been able to accomplish something many said was impossible -- setting concrete, achievable goals for salt reduction,"  in 2010.

Tobacco: “Smoke-free parks and beaches will make these recreational spaces more enjoyable for everyone by providing open space, clean air, and healthy activities.” in 2011

Trans fats: "not going to take away anybody's ability to go out and have the kind of food they want, in the quantities they want. . . . We are just trying to make food safer." in 2006

Formula for infants: “Most of the public health officials around the country think that this is a great idea. I gather that the immunities that a mother has built up get passed along to the child, so the child is healthier,” in July 2012

Soda: “We’re not banning you from getting the stuff. It’s just if you want 32 ounces, the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses. That’s not exactly taking away your freedoms. It’s not something the Founding Fathers fought for. And all the studies show if the glass or the plate in front of you is smaller, you’ll eat less.”  in June of 2012

In all of his quotes, he alludes to the idea that he isn’t really restricting Americans from doing what they want, but he is just so concerned for the health and well-being of all people that these are just attempt to give people choices and assist in providing healthy alternatives. Isn’t that lovely? A government official so concerned that he just wants what is best for you and me?  It made me wonder where these ideas have come from. Really, what is the inception for his “caring”?  I say that it is from the United Nations, and a global push for absolute control of our population and absolute control. Think I’m nuts; because you’ve never seen it before?  Let’s have a look at what the United Nations has put forth PRIOR to Mr. Bloomberg;

Salt: “A report published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has called on multinational food companies to lower the salt content of their products to the lowest level possible in all countries where they market, and have advised that if goals are not met in a timely way, regulatory approaches should be initiated and enforced.” in 2007 fully three years before Bloomberg’s “revelation”  directly from the UN World Health Organization

Tobacco: “The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) requires Parties to implement tax and price policies on tobacco products to reduce tobacco consumption.

As at December 2010, only 27 Member States had set taxes above 75% of the retail price for packets of the most sold brand of cigarettes.” in 2010, how much have taxes increased since this report? Not JUST in NYC, but EVERYWHERE? A subsequent question to ask is: Is this substance illegal? If not, WHY do the taxes keep going up; ostensibly for “smoking cessation” programs. What about your state? How many times have taxes gone up in the last 2 years? How much tax is there; both Federal and State on a pack where you live?

Also see Tobacco control from the United Nations:

Trans Fats: “Geneva/Rome, 3 March 2003 - A diet low in energy-dense foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars, and abundant in fruit and vegetables, together with an active lifestyle are among the key measures to combat chronic disease recommended in an independent Expert Report prepared for two UN agencies.

The report, commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), from a team of global experts, aims to identify new recommendations for governments on diet and exercise to tackle the ever increasing number of people who die each year from chronic diseases. The burden of chronic diseases – which include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and obesity – is rapidly increasing worldwide. In 2001, chronic diseases contributed approximately 59% of the 56.5 million total reported deaths in the world and 46%of the global burden of disease.”  in 2003

Formula for Infants: “The Programme of Action asserts that all Governments should extend integrated reproductive

health-care (including family planning) and child-health services to all the population (para. 8.17).

Specific services mentioned include prenatal care, delivery assistance, neonatal care including exclusive

breastfeeding, provision of micronutrient supplementation and tetanus toxoid, and ensuring that all

children live in a sanitary environment. Surprisingly, there is no explicit mention of immunization or oral

rehydration therapy.”

Also look at the guidelines set up by the UN

match that with the NYC program Latchon NYC

Latch On NYC

A hospitalbased initiative to support a mother’s decision to breastfeed


 Breastfeeding is a healthier choice than infant formula for mothers and babies.

o Breastfeeding reduces a mother’s risk of breast and ovarian cancers.

o Breastfeeding reduces an infant’s risk of ear, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, and

asthma, and promotes maternal bonding and optimal growth and development.

 Formula feeding markedly increases serious health risks for infants, including:

o 257% excess risk of hospitalization for lower respiratory infection

o 178% excess risk of diarrhea and vomiting

o 100% excess risk of acute ear infections

o 67% excess risk of asthma for infants with a family history of asthma (35% for infants with no

family history of asthma)

 Ninety percent (90%) of NYC mothers start breastfeeding. However, by the time the baby reaches two

months, only 31% of NYC mothers are still exclusively breastfeeding. These suboptimal rates result in excess

health care costs and preventable infant illness and death.

 The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the

World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding until an infant is six months old to

obtain the full health benefits for mothers and infants.

May 9, 2012 – New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Farley today launched “Latch On NYC,” a new citywide initiative to support mothers who breastfeed their infants by asking city maternity hospitals to voluntarily sign on to support a mother’s choice to breastfeed and limit the promotion of infant formula in their facilities which can interfere with that decision. Twelve private New York City hospitals have already made the commitment and all 11 public hospitals run by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation also joined “Latch On NYC,” going beyond the significant steps they previously took to support breastfeeding when they banned formula from gift bags and promotional materials in 2007. Additionally, a new Health Department subway and hospital poster campaign showing the benefits of breast milk, such as reducing the risk of ear infections, diarrhea, and pneumonia, will launch next week. Commissioner Farley made the announcement at Harlem Hospital, the city’s first Baby Friendly Hospital, where he was joined by New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation president Alan D. Aviles and other executives representing more than half of all maternity hospitals in New York City.

“Human breast milk is best for babies and mothers,” said Commissioner Farley. “When babies receive supplementary formula in the hospital or mothers receive promotional baby formula on hospital discharge it can impede the establishment of an adequate milk supply and can undermine women’s confidence in breastfeeding. With this initiative the New York City health community is joining together to support mothers who choose to breastfeed.”

"HHC has been banning formula from gift bags and promotional materials from our labor and delivery units since 2007,” said HHC President Alan D. Aviles. “We are proud to have been a leader in supporting and educating mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding. We are committed to doing all we can to improve the health of the littlest New Yorkers and encourage the use of mother’s milk for the 22,000 babies born in our hospitals each year."

“Mothers who choose to breastfeed their baby are making a healthy choice for their child and themselves,” said State Health Commissioner Nirav R. Shah. “We commend Dr. Farley and the City Health Department for launching this new initiative and partnering with health care facilities to encourage breastfeeding, beginning when a new mother is still in the hospital. Medical evidence shows that breastfeeding leads to better health outcomes and is a great way to protect the health of your child from day one.”


His younger sister, Marjorie Tiven, is Commissioner of the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, and was appointed by her brother

Must be a nice gig if you can get it.

Due to Mr. Bloomberg’s focus on international solutions (There are more than the above lists) he was awarded the distinction of being one of Conde Nast Travelers “12 Most Remarkable Global Citizens”. Isnt that grand? A GLOBAL citizen. Get ready folks, his policies and the UNs are going to be implemented EVERYWHERE, quite soon.

For more information, please visit www.unamericantakeover,org





Read more…


What’s disturbing about this?-You Decide:

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 23, 2012:

“(Aug. 23, 2012) — Last week, former Marine Brandon Raub was arrested without being charged with a crime nor read his Miranda rights.  He was held in a psychiatric hospital until a judge ordered his release today.

Raub was arrested on August 16 by the Chesterfield, VA police, members of the FBI and Secret Service for posts on his Facebook page which were allegedly “terrorist in nature.”  Raub’s Facebook page was reportedly private, and his attorneys claimed that his First Amendment rights had been violated.

Supporters of Raub had claimed that he was “kidnapped.”  The Huffington Post reported that Raub’s Facebook posts were “anti-government” and discussed “a coming revolution.” A Texas judge stated that he believed that if Obama is re-elected in November, a “civil war” will result, but he was not arrested or detained against his will.

Millions of citizens have expressed concern as a result of Obama’s record-level spending, socialist agenda, and plans for a second term.  Others, like Raub, believe that the federal government was involved in the 9/11 attacks and are “seeking the truth.”

Attorneys from The Rutherford Institute defended Raub, and a circuit court judge ruled today that the claims against him were “devoid of any factual allegations.”

An opinion piece on Raub’s case states that “retaliation” was used against him.  Was Raub taken into custody for a “thought crime” and labeled “mad,” as Winston Smith was in the novel 1984?

The same day Raub was released, a report of a similar arrest of an Ohio veteran states that his firearms were taken and that he must report for a psychiatric evaluation without formal charges having been brought.  The Obama regime is known for its anti-Second Amendment position, and the veteran’s arrest was speculated as not having been initiated locally.

A Presidential candidate and columnist for The Post & Email has repeatedly said that the federal government under Obama intends to disarm the American people.

Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, a 25-year Navy veteran, has been jailed on numerous occasions in Monroe County, TN forexposing government corruption.  Darren Wesley Huff was sentenced to four years in federal prison in Texas after no crime was committed.  Huff had attempted to lend support to Fitzpatrick on April 20, 2010 by driving to the courthouse for Fitzpatrick’s arraignment hearing.  He was not arrested that day, but rather, ten days later, after an expenditure of approximately $450,000 was made deploying police officers of all levels into the small town to allegedly stop a “courthouse takeover” which was never attempted.

Fitzpatrick described Obama as a threat to the United States more than three years ago, and a billboard in Texas now makes the same claim.  Military members take an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Have Huff and Fitzpatrick been persecuted for their postings and for what they allegedly “believe?”  Are “sovereign citizens” actually Americans who wish to exercise control over their government and preserve individual liberties, as the Founding Fathers did?  The Founders established the first true form of self-government, which requires that each person takeresponsibility for keeping a watchful eye on government and taking care of his own affairs without government intrusion.  Obama, in contrast, believes in wealth redistribution such that an increasing number of people will become dependent on government’s largesse at the expense of others.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama described people struggling in a poor economy  as “cling[ing] to guns or religion.”  Some believe that Obama’s fatal Fast & Furious gunwalking operation was intended to turn American sentiment against gun ownership.

The Second Amendment allows Americans the right to bear arms and was written with the purpose of “enforcing” the First Amendment, according to Dick Morris.  In colonial days, able-bodied men served in a militia as a matter of course and, according to Morris, were “the backbone of the American Revolution.”  The citizen militia was “a product of English heritage” with “common law origins.”

Huff and Fitzpatrick have been depicted as “sovereign citizens” capable of violence even though both men have publicly denounced violence as a means to restoring constitutional governance.  The FBI, which reports to Eric Holder’s U.S. Department of Justice under Obama, states that “sovereign citizens” are a “domestic terrorism threat.”

A Department of Homeland Security report dated April 7, 2009 had warned that “returning veterans” could be persuaded to join “extremist” groups, whose activity was expected to increase because of the election of the “first African American president” and an increasingly poor economy.  The DHS report suggested that “restrictions on firearms ownership and use” might occur.  The DVD contains several sections, one of which is entitled “Suspicious Activity Report Line Officer Training.”  The language used in the training program is similar to that of the DHS report.  Early in 2011, DHS also announced its intentions to “monitor media content, including social media data.”

Some members of the military have been discharged because of their disagreement with how Obama is handling military affairs. Soldiers who perceive Obama’s orders to be illegitimate have been punished, including Dr. Terrence Lakin, who spentfive months in Ft. Leavenworth for questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to issue orders to the military.

Fitzpatrick accused Obama and General Martin Dempsey of treason for ordering U.S. Army troops into Samson, AL on March 10, 2009 to perform civilian police duties, an action which was deemed by the Army Inspector General to have been a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.  Instead of being disciplined, Dempsey was promoted by Obama.

Carl Higbie, a former Navy SEAL, was “forced to retire” after writing a book describing what he saw as deficiencies and political posturing within his military command.  Higbie was reportedly one of the SEALs who carried out the raid on Osama bin Laden last spring.   Higbie’s book is due to be released on September 11, but the Pentagon may prosecute him for writing it. Higbie’s stated purpose in writing the book is his personal effort “to save the American dream.”

Other military officers claim that Obama’s White House leaked “classified information” about the bin Laden raid “for political benefit.”

For 21 years, Fitzpatrick has termed the upper echelons of the military “command racketeers.”  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has criticized retired officers for speaking out against Obama’s policies.  Fitzpatrick named Dempsey in commission of treason after he and putative Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta stated that they followed the lead of the “international community,” not Congress, in committing U.S. troops to war earlier this year.

Obama has also been personally accused of allowing sensitive information to be leaked to the media, including his “Kill List” of alleged terrorists around the world and the creation of the Stuxnet computer virus designed to disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities.  “Treason” is defined “acting to overthrow one’s government” or “treachery,” among others.

The Obama regime recently sued the state of Ohio, contending that its new law allowing veterans to cast early votes for three additional days over other early voters, claiming that there is “no rational basis” for military men and women to receive extra time to to vote.

Will other military veterans be arrested in the coming days and weeks on apparent pretenses?  Has the Obama regime done away with due process of law?

On April 30, The Post & Email exclusively broke the story on the FBI/U.S. Department of Justice “Sovereign Citizen” training program which no other news outlet or newswire service will distribute.  Perhaps the label and its effects are more widespread than previously believed.  While the FBI and Secret Service appear to respond rapidly to Facebook posts and threats against certain individuals in government, The Post & Email can confirm that credible reports of threats against specific persons reported in good faith are completely ignored.

Is Big Brother here with his accompanying “mass surveillance?”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:



Foreign and Domestic: Exposing America's True Enemies!-Posted on TheJoshTolleyChannel-On July 7, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: What follows are just a few of the numerous videos that reveal a Freedom Rally that was held in September of 2010 by families of some soldiers and Marines that have been convicted of crimes that they allegedly committed while attempting to survive in a combat zone and are currently incarcerated in Leavenworth, KS-You Decide:


I. Rally Supports 'Leavenworth 10'-Posted on kmbctv-On Sep 4, 2010:

II. Leavenworth 10: Intro remarks by Joyce Kaufman & Larry Mendte-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 4, 2010:

III. Leavenworth 10: Wife of Evan Vela reads letter-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

IV. Leavenworth 10: Behenna Family tells Michael's story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

V. Leavenworth 10: Attorney for Corey Clagett tells story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

VI. Leavenworth 10: (1/2) Johnny Horne tells his story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

VII. Leavenworth 10: Combat medic Michael Leahy looking for justice-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

VIII. Leavenworth 10: Beverly Perlson, on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

IX. Lt. Colonel Allen West Talks About The Leavenworth 10-Posted on Mendte-On Sep 4, 2010:

X. Leavenworth 10: (1/2) Allen West speaks out for L10 soldiers-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

XI. Leavenworth 10: (2/2) Allen West speaks out for L10 soldiers-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

XII. Leavenworth 10: (1/2) Elizabeth Kilbride wants military legal system investigated-Posted on Sep 6, 2010:

XIII. Leavenworth 10: (2/2) Elizabeth Kilbride wants military legal system investigated-Posted on Sep 6, 2010:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue:


I. CRITICIZE GOVERNMENT, GET ARRESTED! ‘Civil liberties organization says Supremes need to create ‘deterrent’!-Posted Bob Unruh-On March 10, 2012:


II. Former Marine killed by SWAT was acting in defense, family says!-Posted on Joel Waldman-Updated on May 27, 2011:


III. Marine sergeant faces discipline for Facebook critique of Obama!-Posted on Reuters-By Marty Graham, SAN DIEGO-On March 22, 2012:


IV. Tea Party’ Marine sues Pentagon to stop discharge!-Posted on Fox5 San Diego-By Walter Morris, Fox 5 San Diego Reporter-On April 4, 2012:


V. Video: Marine Stein’s Attorney gives statement on pending discharge for Facebook post on Obama!-Posted on specguests-On April 6, 2012:


VI. Military Board Seeks Discharge of Marine for Obama Criticism!-Posted on Prison Planet-By ALEX NEWMAN,
New American-On April 7, 2012:


VII. Marine Corps discharges sergeant for Facebook posts critical of Obama!-Posted on Associated Press-On April 25, 2012:


VIII. Video: Breaking-Marine Vet Arrested by FBI allegedly “for Patriotic...!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On August 18, 2012:


IX. Facebook posting Marine vet in psych ward: FBI admits questioning, ...!’-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On August 20, 2012:


X. Video: Fox News Interview with Veteran Brandon Raub’s Attorney reveals info about Marine’s background, circumstances!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On August 23, 2012:


XI. EX-MARINE RAUB FREED FROM VA. PSYCHIATRIC WARD!-Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By Cheryl K. Chumley-On August 23, 2012:


XII. They came for Terry Lakin – will you be next? ‘Jim Fletcher reviews chilling tale of man who questioned Obama!’-Posted on August 23, 2012:


XIII. Terry Lakin Denied Medical License in Kansas!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 10, 2012:


XIV. BRAND-NEW CROSSHAIRS, DEATH THREATS TARGET BIRTHERS, GOP: ‘Media anti-eligibility rhetoric blamed for mail, phone threats!’-Posted on BRIAN FITZPATRICK-On January 10, 2011:




XVI. Birther Chris Matthews Attacks "Birther" Navy Seal For Practicing His 1st Amendment Right!-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On August 23, 2012:


XVII. Chronicler of Bin Laden Raid Is Unmasked!-Posted on The New York Times-By JULIE BOSMAN and ERIC SCHMITT-On August 24, 2012:


XVIII. Member Of Leading Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Online Forum Posts Photo Of Navy SEAL Who Participated In Bin Laden Raid And Calls For 'Allah To Kill' Him!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-By Pamela Geller-On August 24, 2012:


XIX. Jihadist Websites Target Navy SEAL Author!-Posted The Atlantic Wire-By JOHN HUDSON-On August 24, 2012:




XXI. Fox Exposes, US Military Threatens & Muslim Terrorists Threaten to Kill, Navy SEAL Hero!-Posted on Gulag Bound-ByMaggie M. Thornton-On August 26, 2012:


XXII. Pentagon Threatens Legal Action Over SEAL's Book; No Mention Of White House Leaks!-Posted on Special Operations Speaks-On August 30, 2012:


XXIII. Attention U.S. Military: You Are Being Demonized!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By BREAKING NEWS-On August 27, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: What follows are other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue:


I. Rules of engagement killing U.S. soldiers:“You won’t believe new rules of engagement in Afghanistan”-Posted on F. Michael Maloof-On December 13, 2009:


II. Rep. Gohmert on Obama foreign policy: Soldiers ‘getting killed under his command for no reason’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle-On August 30, 2012:


III. America’s secret genocide against veterans!-Posted on Stand Up America-By SUAadmin-On August 21, 2012:’s-secret-geno..


IV. Video: Pentagon Destroys Copies of Controversial Memoir Written by Army Lt.Col. Anthony Shaffer!-Posted on September 10, 2010:


V. Hill GOP wants answers on Hezbollah leader tied to soldiers killings, set for release!-Posted on May 17, 2012:


VI. Video: Allen West: Release Of Terrorist “Utter Betrayal”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 18, 2012:


VII. US Commander Excuses Muslim Troop Murderers!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On August 27, 2012:


VIII. Two U.S. Troops Murdered by devout Muslim Afghan ‘ally’!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-By Pamela Geller-On August 27, 2012:


IX. Army willfully ignores Islamic motivations behind Afghan killings o...!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Andrew G. Bostom, Author “The Legacy of Jihad”-On August 27, 2012:


X. U.S. Army Solution to Afghan Attacks: ‘Avoid Arrogance,’ ‘Respect Islam’!-Posted on Jihad Watch-By Robert-On August 28, 2012:


XI. Obama to Military: PC is More Important than your Safety!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By David L. Goetsch-On August 15, 2012:


XII. Video: Allen West: political correctness affecting security!-Posted on usactionnewsdotcom-On April 23, 2012:


XIII. U.S. troops punished for Qur'an-burning!-Posted on Jihad Watch-By Robert-On August 27, 2012:


XIV. U.S. troops punished over Koran burning, urination video!-Posted on Yahoo! News-By By Phil Stewart and David Alexander, Reuters-On August 27, 2012:


XV. Rapper’s Family Got Personal Note From Obama, Fallen SEAL’s Families Get Form Letters!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On August 30, 2012:


XVI. Veterans to RNC, DNC: Don’t forget us!-Posted on Politico-By STEPHANIE GASKELL-On August 27, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Distrubing Issue:

4063564580?profile=originalSpecial Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks!


It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-...


The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!


Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!


Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?


What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


When Loving Your Country Makes You As A Domestic Terrorist!


What Happened to Free Speech?


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-...


President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on August 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 15, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read "Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 2)" for more disturbing revelations regarding this issue:


Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 2):

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



Give Me Back My America!


We Want Our Country Back!


The Fightin Side of Me!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

AARP is an arm of Radical "progressives"


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More and more Americans are realizing tha the AARP does not represent their values – while AMAC does.


Read more…

4063563496?profile=originalThese three kids wanted to run for the tall grass. It was early 90's at the U.S. Citizenship Ceremony in Maryland. Around 1500 people filled the hall comprising of citizenship applicants, supportive family and friends.

I was backstage with a trio of extremely nervous and intimidated teenagers who were scheduled to sing our National Anthem. These kids had never performed for such a large audience.

I had been the grand finale of the ceremony for years, performing my original song, “Celebrate America” after applicants took their oath of allegiance. I took great pride that my song was the first song thousands heard as official Americans.

When the MC introduced the trio from so-and-so junior high school, the kids were visibly shaking. They began the anthem fine, but one got nervous and stopped singing which threw off the other two and they stopped singing as well. The trio stood in silence.

I walked from backstage and joined the kids center stage. I told the audience that these kids were symbolic of what it really means to be an American and the great family they would soon become a part of. I shared that the kids were very frightened because the event was much larger than they expected. They could have backed down and refused to perform. But despite their fear, these kids found the courage to face the difficult challenge, keep their word and give it a try. This is the American Way.

Together, the trio and I sang the National Anthem. The audience gave us a standing ovation.

Performing my song at U.S. Citizenship Ceremonies rewarded me an opportunity to chat with brand new “proud” Americans. They understood the sacrifice and divine blessing required to make this extraordinarily unique experiment called “America” a thriving reality. They gleefully desired to assimilate into our culture.

Some applicants were extremely old in wheelchairs; their raised right hand assisted by a family member as they tearfully recited their oath of allegiance.

As the sacred sound of the applicants reciting their oath of allegiance, in unison, came to an end, the hall always erupted in cheers and applause. These jubilant people of various races from numerous countries were officially Americans! They respected our laws, followed the rules and were awarded the precious gift of U.S. Citizenship.

With a stroke of his executive pen, Obama awarded amnesty to illegals, pushing them to the head of the line, in front of applicants who are following the legal process to become U.S. citizens. Obama is disrespecting the efforts of those seeking citizenship legally and the value of what it means to become an American.

And yes, there is a dramatically different mindset between those I witnessed at the ceremonies who earned their precious U.S. Citizenship verses those who got it for free because Obama seeks to purchase Hispanic votes.

Many illegals given instant free citizenship by Obama could not care less about assimilating into our society. They refuse to learn English and have little or no respect for our flag. America is simply the place the go for freebies while still proudly waving their Mexican flag.

Meanwhile, American kids are banned from wearing clothing which features the U.S. flag to school on Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday. The song “God Bless The USA (Proud to be an American)” is banned from public school deemed potentially offensive to other cultures.

Illegals given free citizenship from Obama join the socialists/progressives in their “what's-the-big-deal-about-being-an-American” attitude.

So illegals who are clueless as to what it truly means to be an American and have no emotional connection to our amazing country enjoy benefits not even available to legal U.S. Citizens. For example: Thanks to Obama, illegals from outside any given state can get in-state tuition while U.S. Citizens can not.

Even more painful, Obama continues to lower the bar of what it means to be an American.

Obama's speeches and actions imply that he would like to rewrite the words at the base of our Statue of Liberty to read: Bring me your lazy, entitlement-minded, class envious, haters of achievement, those who pervert God's original intent, baby killers and deadbeats. I offer America to you with open arms.

The value and worth of U.S. Citizenship is yet another item on a growing list of sacred laws (The Constitution), freedoms and principles Obama has sacrificed on the socialist/progressive alter of evil to purchase four more years; needed to complete his vowed fundamental transformation of America. God help us.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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