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4063525742?profile=originalI received an email on Pastor Waldmiller’s blog, “Romney or Obama….”  The email: “Sir, in all honesty (speaking to me), your religious view is quite peculiar” I agree.  I believe that Jesus is my lord and savior, but I’m not a Christian.

Nestorianism is Christological doctrine (Christian logic). Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople from 428-31, was in conflict with the Christian church’s leadership. Christianity, we know, was a political decision. Roman Emperor Constantine ruled out any form of Christian practice that didn’t agree with his choice of bishops.  Jesus was crucified by such as this thinking.

The “Higher Law,” the background of American constitutional law is based on reason and logic. You have the right believe whatever.  But what gives you the right to say that unless I accept your notions, I don’t go through the Pearly Gate?  It’s fear, not reason and logic.

When we depend on the orthodoxy, be it secular or religious, a human quality is replaced by animal emotion. (I’m the kind that would push grandma over a cliff.)  

For instance, paper money leaves connivers many ways to make you think you are receiving when you are paying.  In Jesus’ day, good money was being exchanged for priest money. The only way you could go to heaven was to pay the priest.  Jesus turned over the money changers tables and paid with his life.

The proof is in the pudding.  We don’t see improvement in the quality of life when we go along with the idea of paying the priest to go to heaven.  

Following  Constantine and his politically anointed Christianity came the Empress Theodora  of Byzantium, who called together the high priests of Christianity for an ecumenical council in Constantinople, in the year 553.  The purpose was to replace reincarnation with resurrection.  Christians go on the idea that this life of turmoil is going to be everything we could hope for in “the sweet bye and bye.”  You don’t get another chance to correct the wrongs of your life.  That’s alright with me if that’s the way you want it.   

When I was forty-nine, after taking action on my constitutional rights, I had a bigger than life calling. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  I don’t have to wait until I die and go to heaven—or hell. How many Christians can say all of their dreams have come true?  I count my blessings every day. I’ve been successful in correcting some of the wrongs of my past lives.  I’m writing a book about my life, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.




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Since the finalization of three DOE loan guarantees at a price tag of over $3 billion of taxpayer money, First Solar has "experienced serious financial problems," in October 2011 fired their CEO Robert Gillette (replaced by former CEO and company founder Mike Ahearn), suffered from declining stock value, and back in April 2012, you guessed it, "laid off 2,000 workers and closed factories." If that wasn't bad enough, now in May, "the firm announced a massive round of furloughs," but it gets more convoluted... 
Follow the Obama Bundlers and Donors –– First Solar Investors
First Solar was an early investment of Goldman Sachs, the number two Top Obama Donor  that gave more than $1 million dollars to his 2008 campaign –– not to mention the Obama administration "is infested" with Goldman Sachs executives.

Furthermore, two Goldman executives sat on Obama's 2008 Finance Committee –– Bruce Heyman and David Heller, while Jennifer Scully and Bruce Heyman were 2008 Obama bundlers. According to the Wall Street Journal in 2009, Obama’s Wall Street Buddies, "Ms. Scully raised $100,000, but didn’t make any large donations personally; Mr. Heyman bundled $50,000 in donations, including a $10,000 contribution he made and Goldman executive, David Heller, donated $25,000."

NOTE: JPEG is what I found during my research in 2010 and 2011 (Goldman Sachs Environmental Markets),
which is no longer available on the Goldman Sachs site.

Also, in Peter Schweizer’s New York Times bestseller, Throw Them All Out, is recorded more interesting data on First Solar. For example, another First Solar investor is billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, who was a 2008 Obama bundler, and the CEO of First Solar, Michael Ahearn, "gives generously (and exclusively) to Democrats."

Troubled First Solar Under Extreme Oversight Heat,  Including its CEO Michael Ahearn
Speaking of Mr. Ahearn, during the May 16, 2012 House Oversight Committee hearing, CA Representative Darrell Issa surmised that First Solar is "not an American company." It turns out that the numbers don't lie because Ahearn admitted, "in sheer numbers, most of our full time [employees] are outside the US." Yep folks, the majority of the jobs that the DOE funded with taxpayer money are going oversees.  

More outrageous information came out of a brutal "House Oversight" confrontation, where Mr. Ahearn, admitted to selling over 700,000 shares in August 2011, of which he personally raked in a whopping $68.5 million! Yet, according to, this has been going on for a while, "between 2008 and 2012 –– a period when First Solar’s stock value dropped by almost 95 percent –– Ahearn sold over $450 million of his own company’s stock."  

Yet, two weeks after this hearing, where Ahearn had told members of the House Oversight committee that his company “remains financially strong and well positioned to execute through the current market environment," First Solar announced that they have "furloughed half of the 240-person workforce at its Antelope Valley Solar Ranch One (AVSR1) power plant near Los Angeles" as reported by The Washington Free Beacon –– FIRST SOLAR FURLOUGH.
Oh, but as Fist Solar sinks and taxpayers lose, the CEO Ahearn is not the only one cashing in. Another Obama ally, a member of  “Patriotic Millionaires” (a group of wealthy Obama supporters backing the president’s effort to raise taxes on high-earners), is "Ultra-wealthy Obama supporter Whitney Tilson" –– again unraveled by The Washington Free Beacon just today. It turns out that "One of the few “winners” in Tilson’s portfolio was his short position in First Solar, a company on the brink of collapse despite receiving more than $3 billion in federal loan guarantees from the Obama administration." 

And, the DOE is not the only government agency that played favorites with First Solar...

First Solar has been facing scrutiny by the Senate Budget Committee over the fact they are part of the "Special Solar Seven" that in March 2009 "received fast-tracked approval by the Department of Interior (DOI) to lease federal lands in a no-bid process," story also tracked by The Washington Free Beacon.  As reported last week by the Washington Examiner, "Lawmakers fear that several politically connected green energy companies received special treatment from the Interior and Energy departments due to their relationship with Obama. [Last November], they focused their inquiry on six companies in particular: Abengoa Solar, BrightSource Energy, First Solar, Nevada Geothermal Power, NextEra Energy Resources and SolarReserve." However, as of late, President Obama's Interior Department –– Interior Secretary Ken Salazar –– is "following the same playbook" as Energy Secretary Steven Chu: "stall, and give Congress as little information and documentation as possible." 

First Solar and Energy Secretary Chu's "DOE's Junk Bond Portfolio"
First Solar is not directly in the "DOE junk bond inventory" that I reported on in April (Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism ––..., but are they are linked to three of the projects on that list. 
  1. Agua Caliente, Arizona –– Rating BB+ by Fitch, Aug 2011 for $967 million –– was purchased by NRG Solar, LLC, and a subsidiary of NRG Energy. It turns out that the plant would supply power to PG&E, and be made with panels from the Temp-based First Solar inc. See my NRG and George Soros post, BREAKING: NRG Energy on the DOE Cronyism Hot Seat, Also Tied to Geo... Also, electricity from Agua Caliente will be sold under a 25-year power purchase agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Co, (another Big Energy firm making BANK off of green energy, including government subsidies that just so happens to be politically connected to the president and the Democrat party)
  2. Antelope Valley Solar Ranch, California –– Rating BBB- by Fitch, Sept 2011 for $646 million –– was purchased by Exelon Corp, yet First Solar, which developed the project, "will build, operate, and maintain the project." Interesting that Exelon Corp. was another 2008 Obama donor, and the AVR project has a 25-year purchase power agreement from PG&E as well.
  3. Desert Sunlight, California –– Rating BBB- by Fitch; Sept 2011 for $1.2 billion (or $1.46 billion –– was sold to NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, the competitive energy s.... Yet, the September announcement also states that, "First Solar will continue to build and subsequently operate and maintain the project under separate agreements." Coincidentally, both CEO's are on President Obama's Job Council, Lewis Hay of NextEra Energy and Jeffrey Immelt of GE (another top Obama donor, donating a whopping $529,855 to his 2008 campaign and reaping billions of green-energy dollars), and there is much to report on both GE and NextEra, in the near future. 
Initially, the DOE had granted conditional loans guarantees to three First Solar projects totaling over  $4.5 billion, yet First Solar's Topaz project located in San Luis Obispo, CA (for $1.5 billion) was not finalized. Later the Topaz project was purchased by (Obama buddy") Warren Buffet for $2 billion, and somehow the Agua Caliente project ended up snagging that $967 million loan guarantee, thus giving First Solar over $3 billion of green-government loans.
First Solar came under extreme heat in the House Oversight Investigation –– "The First Solar Scheme" (pp. 29-38), noting a series of violations and application misrepresentation as wells as "persistent pressure" with even a "threatening" letter to Jonathan Silver documented. And Silver, the former DOE Loan Adviser, according to WSJ Barron’s Magazine (July 10, 2010), had been a managing partner at Core Capital Partners in Washington. Coincidentally, one of Silver's colleagues there was Tom Wheeler, another Obama-Biden fund 2008 bundler. While Silver was supposed to help Chu accelerate loan reviews, he resigned from the DOE this year, amidst the Solyndra Scandal.
Also, within the pages the report released last month by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, evidence emerged "indicating that DOE manipulated analysis and strategically modified evaluations in order to get the [First Solar] loans out the door."
Goldman Sachs DNA all Over "Green" 
Besides First Solar, there are two more Goldman investments that happen to be on the "DOE junk bond list" that received government loans:
  • Cogentrix of Alamosa, LLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs), which had a "B Rating" by Fitch, in September 2011 snagged a $90.6 million DOE loan for a solar site in Colorado. 
  • U.S. Geothermal, Inc (Malheur County, Oregon) with a "BB Rating" by S&P, in February 2011 got a $97 million DOE loan. Schweizer' book notes that Goldman Sachs is the second largest shareholder of U.S. Geothermal. Yet, in 2010 I found more green-government subsidies for U.S. Geothermal...

Since my 2010 and 2011 research, it seems that Goldman Sachs' website has gone through a makeover, and their “Environmental Markets Financing and Advisory ” section clients include at least two green firms that stand out immediately. Both were also recipients of millions of DOE money and have meaningful connections to President Obama, the DOE, and Democrats

While this opens up a need to unveil more "Big Green Favored Portfolios," and much more, here is a snippet:
  • Tesla Motors IPO: Obama Bundler and DOE Advisor, Steven Westly snagged a $465 million ATVM DOE loan (one of five), and in 2011 was tagged as the "Green bundler with the golden touch." While IWatch points to "a trail of [green] loans, grants and tax breaks," I found more –– as of January 2012, over 40% (and counting) of The Westly Group portfolio were winners in the "Obama's Green Spending Spree."
  • Amyris, Inc. IPO: Not only is this company a Westly investment, but also a Kleiner Perkins and Khosla Ventures investment –– both comprise of "heavy-weight" Obama supporters, whose firms snagged multiple green-government contracts, another trail we will expose in due time. Also, according to Peter Schweizer, "California Senator Diane Feinstein and her husband invested $1 million into Amyris Biotechnologies just weeks prior to the company receiving a $24 million grant from the Department of Energy (DOE)." 

Furthermore, it has been reported that Goldman Sachs is credited as the “exclusive financial adviser” for Solyndra, and in June 2009, SpectraWatt, another Goldman Sachs investment, received a $500,000 grant from National Renewable Energy Lab via the stimulus. However, SpectraWatt filed for bankruptcy in 2011, but not before giving "five company executives, including Richard J. Haug, SpectraWatt's President and COO, six-figure 'insider payments' totaling more than $745,000," a very disturbing trend that seems to accompany many taxpayer-funded green firms that go bust!   

Back in 2009 –– since the passing of President Obama's Taxpayer Funded Stimulus Spending Spree, of which over $80 billion was earmarked for alternative energy –– is when I began following the green money. At that time, I uncovered some riveting revelations and connections about Goldman Sachs. But what I found most fascinating came from Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone Magazine piece and video, where he exposed Goldman Sachs' "long-standing and very deep ties to the Democratic Party," and their "long history of putting their former employees in Democratic administrations."


Much more on this huge piece of the Green Corruption scandal –– CLICK HERE to continue...

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Be Encouraged! 6/12/12

Howdy all!  Do you sense an air of anticipation?  Do you feel that the winds of change will be turning?  I sure do.  It’s like there is a big event about to occur; something is about to happen that will change everything.  Wait, I think I see it happening now.  It’s,.. yes it’s,..  it’s, it’s,…..YES!!  The ICE CREAM TRUCK IS HERE!!!!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!

Any hoo,..

So be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. ~ Deuteronomy 31:6

In our private pursuits it is a great advantage that every honest employment is deemed honorable. I am myself a nail-maker. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to Jean Nicolas DÈmeunier, 1795

Well, it’s true; the day jobs are noble and honorable when we treat them as honorable professions.  Sometimes they aren’t enough to get by, so we take on further burden.  But they are noble professions.  Many of us have a second career, or our spouses have that.  That’s just as honorable.  Now, sometimes these second careers are involved with politics.  Is that honorable?  Hmm, that’s a tough question.  But I can tell you of one individual who I find extremely honorable.  He is our representative who goes to Olympia WA to do great things.  His name is Brad Klippert.  I’ll never forget how he makes his entrance when announced at meetings, rallies, even the county convention.  Picture this; bunch of old frumpy looking RINO’s at the stage, giving eh same old blah blah blah.  The candidates and other party speakers get up and use the Ben Stein ‘Buehler’ monotone in their voice for what seems hours.  Then, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Brad Klippert”.  You see this guy run to the stage from the back of the convention hall, run up the stairs, get to the microphone and bellow out the loudest ‘HOORAH!’ and ‘HOW YA DOIN?’  you’ve ever heard.  Then you see the crust and dust fall off the shoulders of the crusty ones ‘managing’ the proceedings.  Brad is a super energetic person, and a great guy with a great family.  Let’s see, he is a sheriff deputy-DARE officer at our town school, preacher, small business man, counselor, and when called he is in the National Guard where he flies Chinook Helicopters.  And he is a tea party member, let alone supporter.  This guy fits the bill with today’s quotes.  He is very strong, very courageous; not afraid at all; does not panic.  And Brad knows that He is there by his side all the way.  That serene smile that is plastered on his face lets us know that He is with him.

I tell you this because, even with all the hype about Obamacare, and the efforts the left may go to just to win, it is possible to share the enthusiasm instead of misery and anxiety with others. It is possible to shine your courage as a beacon at full power.  It is possible to do all we think we can do, and still find the immense ability to do even more; all the while, doing an honest day’s work.

So try it; you’ll like it!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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The audacity of hope?

Did someone mention hope? The audacity of hope? What does that look like?

$6 trillion in debt in 3 years... golfing so much the green fees alone more than average citizen makes per year... wife got raise once 'elected' to prez in amount more than 4 average citizens' salaries...get to kill americans with drones and use other people too even, and state of the art remote control poison flying electronic bugs, that was not very bright, bart, but thank you for the truth coming out, and the audacity for poisoning the coroner too, wow, no shame in dems game... hmmm, ex homo lovers, in dirt not to break my covers... audacity of hope, to keep taking from all angles, and even take your guns away... control the media reports... even cause division by racist connotations, and editing cbs news tapes of a 911 call to incite racial wars... make lying comments about all republicans, so the world really thinks that republicans want them to have dirtier air and water... audacity of hope, to destroy the constitution and american's rights to trial, stamp out more than 2 million u.s. jobs and say jobs are increasing and economy has not problems... audacity of hope, blame 1 percent for the troubles, even though they are the one percent, and funding solyndra and all of the other partners... jp morgan chase, trample gm, in bed with soros, homosexual hollywood, taking money from the youth gen44 and calling them political goods and services on uspto website, audacity of hope continues...

ah, the audacity of hope... get away with murder? multiple murders? perhaps continue to kill children... wow, audacity of hope... let's kill babies in the womb, rip off the people, ruin their economy, lie to them, divide them, keep dividing them, further divide them, declare war on women, give billions to muslim brotherhood who denies all womens rights and completely debases them, audacity of hope to support motherland kenya while the kenya parliament continues to post how born pres in kenya... say stuff like birthers and make people think its a bad thing, even though had published born in kenya on own book publisher info... audacity of hope to say the only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide, then spend millions of dollars dodging 11 states courts wanting proof of eligible natural born citizen, and it could have only cost a few hundred to disclose the truth, but audacity of hope kicks in, not only stealing, defrauding, killing, bullying, supporting homosexual dan savage and his sexual hate crimes and harassment of Santorum, extorting him and slandering him for years, it gets better as obama, pelosi, clinton, google, facebook all fund and support the sexual deviant and his efforts to ‘homosexualize’ america's youth, it gets better... 

audacity of hope is coming to you with a new commercial for part 2 on november 6, 2012...

i think america needs to have the audacity of hope and change the president before november 6th, don't you? Can we risk the voting fraud continuation we had in 2008 and topped off with all that hate, with black panthers even armed at the polling gates… audacity of hope… change america’s diaper November 6, 2012… no more blaming cry babies allowed in the white house… put a man in there or else! Christ died and was buried, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. I hope you’re all ready when the day comes for that, the audacity of hope had better be in the Lord Jesus Christ, and nothing less.

just some of many random thoughts i've heard many discussing these days... i'm sure i've left out the best ones, feel free to feed the comments and share...

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Law of the sea treaty must be stopped !

  WRITE YOUR SENATOR ! We must not let this happen !"  "

For three decades, the United States has declined to sign on to a U.N. Treaty that would give unprecedented taxing and permitting authority over activity on international waters to a U.N.-created agency.

But the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been making its way though committee in the Senate, and a vote could come up before the end of the year. (RELATED: Trent Lott explains support for treaty he once opposed in the Senate)

National security analyst Frank Gaffney warns that signing the treaty would cede a significant portion of American sovereignty to an international body that is not electorally accountable to U.S. Citizens

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Letter to John Boehner

John Boehner has been the worst, most ineffective Speaker of the House EVER.  IF the Republicans of the House were truly concerned about the direction of our Country, they would never allow the investigation and "prosecution" of the Atty General Eric Holder to be swept under the rug.  I say get rid of John Boehner and elect someone with the principles of a Constitutionalist and true Republican. He is a weak, coddler of the president and his horrible policies.  He gets up once in a while and shouts "we are not going to increase the debt ceiling," yet, just watch and see how quickly HE DOES EXACTLY THAT!   He is worthless.

JMC, Houston, Texas

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Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is another letter that I forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez today requesting the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I sent to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today, which I believe relate to and/or further support my numerous requests for the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:

Letter to Governor Martinez:

June 10, 2012

Dear Governor Martinez:

On May 26, 2012, I wrote to you and shared excerpts from a letter that I had forwarded to Senator Udall on that same date, which I believed supported my numerous requests for the removal of President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot because he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief.

I again would be remiss if I didn’t share excerpts from a letter that I sent to Senator Udall today in support of my request for the conduct of an investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which I am also taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to and/or further support my numerous requests to have President Obama removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:

Excerpts From Senator Udall’s Letter:

On or about May 18, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama’s literary agent billed him as being born in Kenya back in 1991 and this continued until on or about 2007.

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“While some quickly dismissed as an anomaly yesterday’s explosive revelation that Barack Obama’s former literary agency billed him as “born in Kenya” back in 1991 in connection with a book he never wrote, WND has discovered much later published references – some dated as recently as 2007 – used to promote his highly touted book “Dreams from My Father.”


As WND reported, Breitbart News originally found a brochure from two decades ago in which literary agency Acton & Dystel promoted Obama as the author of the never-produced “Journeys in Black and White” by declaring Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”Twelve years later, however, the Dystel of Acton & Dystel was busy promoting Obama’s new book, “Dreams from My Father,” and still touting the author as “born in Kenya.”

Through the Internet archive Wayback Machine, WND found an August 2003 listing of Dystel & Goderich’s author bios, including the following: “Barack Obama was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii and Chicago. His first book is ‘Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

Even if the original 1991 brochure’s listing of Kenya as Obama’s birthplace was in error, as the agency has since claimed, it apparently was an error Obama allowed his publicist to persist in for over a decade, right until after he was running for president.

In April 2007, two months after Obama had launched his presidential bid, Dystel was still touting the then-Democratic senator from Illinois as “born in Kenya.”

Another trip to the Internet’s Wayback Machine shows Dystel & Goderich describing Obama this way: “Barack Obama is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.”

Only a few weeks later, the Internet archive reveals, the publicist had changed Obama’s birthplace to Hawaii.

The text of Obama’s biography in the brochure Breitbart reported on, created by Acton & Dystel in 1991, states:

“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.”


“Regardless of the reason for Obama’s odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama – who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media,” the report says.

Yet the biographies are just a few of numerous published reports – as well as personal claims – that Obama was born abroad, including the recent testimony of a Chicago-area postal worker who reported he was told by the parents of Bill Ayers that Obama was a foreigner.

Allen Hulton, a retired Chicago-area mailman, has come forward with his first-person recollection of a clean-cut young man he identified as Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president.

Hulton delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s and claims to have met Obama in front of the Ayers home.

He has given a sworn affidavit to investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to determine whether Obama is eligible for Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. Hulton has recorded about three hours of video interviews with WND.

Hulton says that in conversations with Mary Ayers while on his route he learned of the couple’s enthusiasm and support for a black foreign student. One bright, warm Chicagoland day, he recounts, he met the student who fit Mary Ayers’ description in front of the Ayers home in Glen Ellyn, Ill. That young man, Hulton is convinced, was Barack Obama.

Hulton delivered mail to the Ayers, who are both deceased, when he was stationed at the post office in Glen Ellyn, an upper-middle class suburb 25 miles west of downtown Chicago, from late 1986 to 1997. He was a Postal Service employee from March 28, 1962, through March 30, 2001.

As WND reported, Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers – whom he dismissed in a 2008 debate as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood” – plagued him in the 2008 presidential campaign and could resurface in this year’s election, as many questions remain.

Young Obama

Over a period of years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hulton estimates he spoke with Mary Ayers about 18 to 20 times and once to Tom Ayers, who died in 2007. Mary Ayers died in 2000.

“Sometimes Mary would be out when I delivered the mail, and we would exchange a few words on occasion,” he says, recalling that she liked to talk about her family.

“One day, Mary came to the door when I came up to the house with the mail,” he remembers. “After a greeting, she started enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student they were helping out, and she referred to him as a foreign student.”

Hulton assumed that by “helping” the student, Mary Ayers meant she and her husband were financially supporting the black foreign-exchange student with his education.

See excerpts of Jerome Corsi’s interviews with Allen Hulton:

He says that Mary Ayers told him the student’s name, but that it was a “strange name” that he could not remember, even though at the time it sounded African to him.

“I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him,” Hulton says. “And I believe she said he was from either Kenya or Indonesia, and I favor Indonesia in my recollection.”

WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to 10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.

‘I’m going to be president of the United States’

About a year after discussing with Mary Ayers the foreign student she and her husband were supporting, Hulton recalls meeting a young black male on the sidewalk in front of the Ayers home.

Hulton describes the man as being in his early 20s, noting that he was tall, thin, had a light complexion and that his ears stuck out.

“He greeted me,” Hulton says. “He was very polite, dressed nicely, but informally – slacks and a dress shirt – and he spoke with no accent. Immediately this young black man entered into conversation with me. He told me he had taken the train out from Chicago and had come to thank the Ayers family personally for having helped him with his education.”

Hulton remembers asking the young man what his plans were for the future.

“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says.

“There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”

There also was an internal bulletin from the Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service, or NSIS, that states that the Kenyan government in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in the Obama home village of Kogelo to honor the “birthplace of President Barack Obama” and rededicate the tomb of his father, Barack Obama Sr.

The 2009 NSIS bulletin report said:

“The ministry of national heritage this month hosted a cultural festival in Kogelo and commissioned a cultural museum on a plot donated by a member of the Kogelo community. The cultural festival was attended by the minister for national heritage, William ole Ntimama and U.S. ambassador, Michael Ranneberger.

This was to honour the birthplace of President Obama and re-dedicate the tomb of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., the president’s late father. But the project had been delayed because of ownership wrangles surrounding the plot.”

According to an article in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper July 5, 2010, the Kenyan government’s plans to build a 112 million Kenyan Schilling ($1.3 million) cultural center at Kogelo was locked in a dispute over who should donate land to the government for the project.

The Daily Nation, which published an artist’s sketch of the proposed Kogelo cultural center, referred to it as Obama’s “ancestral home.”

The NSIS memo suggests the Kenyan intelligence agency kept a close watch on the Obama family in Africa.

It noted the Kenyan government provided assistance to Obama’s step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, in the form of additional security and a government stipend of 50,000 Kenyan Schillings ($575) per month.

Kenyan blog, “Jaluo,” reported that Grandmother Sarah caused family conflict when she visited Moammar Gadhafi in Libya “to the surprise and chagrins of the White House in Washington, D.C.,” and “without a proper delegation and approval of the entire family.”

The NSIS bulletin echoed the concern that Sarah Obama was visiting Muslim countries on her own initiative, commenting, “Mama Sarah had requested government assistance to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for Hajj pilgrimage,” but “the Saudi Arabia government through its Nairobi embassy has come to her aid” by announcing “she will be a state guest in Saudi Arabia during her time there.”

WND also reported Kenyan MP James Orengo at one point asked the nation’s parliament, “How could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

On the day after Obama’s election, MP Boni Khalwale asked fellow members, “Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?”

In addition, a number of media sources – including National Public Radio – reported Obama’s birthplace as Kenya prior to his election as president.

Another reference was made in 2008 in the Nigerian Observer.

Under a Washington dateline, Solomon Asowata wrote, “Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next president with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart.”


An African Travel Magazine once reported, “As Kenyan born U.S. Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents.”

An article in the Sunday Standard in Kenya begins, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”

The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press. However, it could not be found either in the AP archives online or the African newspaper’s website.

Also, an African news site and an MSNBC broadcaster referred to President Obama’s birthplace as being outside of the United States.

A report by Modern Ghana posted in advance of the president’s visit stated his birthplace was on the continent of Africa.

“For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth,” the report said.


Even a video of Michelle Obama herself created a stir of new questions when she spoke of her husband visiting “his home country in Kenya”:


On or about December 12, 2009, the following article and/or blog post revealed the foreign influences of George Soros on the Obama campaign in detail, to include who ran cover of Obama’s Islamic background and the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by Obama supporters during the 2008 Election:

Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s Campaign!’-Posted on Post & Email-by John Charlton-On December 12, 2009:

Continue Reading More On This Issue:

On or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama was caught in a lie regarding his being a member of and signing a contract with the “New Party”, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“Has Barack Obama been caught in a lie that could become a major issue in the upcoming election?

During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Obama’s camp categorically denied he was ever a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

The denial came amid reports of Obama’s participation with the party, including several articles by WND.

WND previously reported on newspaper evidence showing Obama was listed as a member of the New Party in the group’s own literature.

WND also conducted an exclusive interview with Marxist activist Carl Davidson, a founder of the New Party, who recounted Obama’s participation.

In 2010, John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, recalled speaking with Obama at New Party events in the 1990s.

“When we spoke together at New Party events in those days, he was blunt about his desire to move the Democratic Party off the cautious center where Bill Clinton had wedged it,” wrote Nichols in a January 2009 piece published at

Now, researcher and author Stanley Kurtz, writing at National Review Online today, reports on documentation from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society that “definitively establishes” that Obama was a member of the New Party.

Kurtz reported Obama also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

In 2008, Obama’s Fight the Smears campaign website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, as stating: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.”

Fight the Smears conceded the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined.

According to documents from the Democratic Socialists of America, the New Party worked with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his 2008 campaign for president.

Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party’s political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a “visible and active relationship” with the party.

If Obama indeed signed the contract, not only would his campaign be caught in a lie but it could prove highly embarrassing for him at a time when he is fighting claims, including from Mitt Romney’s camp, that his policies are socialist.

Also, Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” has been criticized for its use of a historic socialist slogan.

Socialist goals:

The socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.

Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth; and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

The New Party stated it also sought “the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions.”

Many of the New Party’s founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the Communist Party USA.

Last month, WND reported on a 1996 print advertisement in a local Chicago newspaper that shows Obama was the speaker at an event sponsored and presented by the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

WND first reported on the event in 2008.

Obama listed as New Party member:

While Obama’s campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party, print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.”

The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.

New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.”

The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral “fusion,” which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party disbanded in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.”


On or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed how the American public was deceived regarding President Obama’s membership and contract with the “New Party.”

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing—Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were this close to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s back, the media was refusing to vet the history and background of anyone in Obama’s past (besides, most every investigative reporter in the free world was in a place called Wasilla), and then along came the news that while in Chicago, as a grown man in his 30s, Barack Obama had joined something called The New Party—a radical, socialist organization whose political endorsement he had sought.

The story threatened to become a late-October surprise, the kind of story that would not only once again prove Obama’s disturbingly radical not-so-distant past, but also tie together just who this man really was (and is). It would also damage Obama’s credibility, and prove that he had been covering up his radical associations, and worse, lying about it.

The corrupt media, naturally, was hoping to run out the clock and was therefore willfully ignoring the story. Online, however, things were heating up. Right-of-center blogs were pushing the story as much as they could and like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, it threatened to spill over into the mainstream media and damage—gasp—a Democrat.

Well, this is why The Media Devil invented Ben Smith and his dark art of BenSmithing.

Jumping into the line of fire to protect his Precious One, Smith wrote this:

“Popping up in my inbox lately, and on some conservative blogs, is the allegation that Barack Obama was once a member of the Communist/Socialist/secretive/evil New Party, which is based (reasonably) on a New Party publication describing him in passing as a member.

When this first emerged, I called up the founder of the New Party, a University of Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers, who objected both to the characterization of the party and Obama’s relationship to it.

On the first point, the New Party was a attempt to build a model of political fusion. It dissolved after losing a Supreme Court ruling aimed at making fusion—a system under which more than one party can run the same candidate, which exists in some states—universal.”

And blah, blah, blah.

This is classic BenSmithing—in which he takes on a controversial subject that might damage Obama, pretends to play investigative journalist, assumes the role of the writer of a “definitive” piece that finally answers all the questions, and then sends the story to sleep with the fishes.  

The corrupt media, of course, loves this. Smith allows them to point to his work and rationalize to themselves that there’s “nothing to see here”—so let’s move along and elect a man no one knows anything about.

Kurtz knew he had been BenSmithed and immediately responded with this piece, but to no avail. When you were BenSmithed in 2008, you stayed BenSmithed.

Truth has nothing to do with BenSmithing. Ben Smith knows this and so does the media that found him so useful. BenSmithing is a political tactic that disguises itself as journalism in order to protect Democrats, most specifically our failed president. The way it works is really quite simple:

1. Something happens or is discovered that might hurt Obama.

2. That something is discovered in the alternative media and uncovered.

3. Ben Smith (or the equally dishonest PolitiFact and Media Matters) pretend to investigate it, write something up disguised as “definitive,” and then hand the complicit media an excuse to ignore it.

Though he’s probably in the top ten-percent, Smith isn’t the most dishonest journalist out there, he’s just the smartest. I’ve been watching this guy and trying to sound the alarm about him for going on four years now. He’s a Journalistic Super-Villain—a genius who has done more to protect Barack Obama and assure the American people never learn the truth than any other individual reporter.

Here are some specific and notable examples:

In February of 2008, Smith wrote the “definitive “nothing-to-see-here” piece covering Obama’s relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The headline itself was a lie: “Obama once visited ‘60s radicals,” and Smith even buried his own lead:

“As Bloomberg News reported recently, Obama and Ayers have crossed paths repeatedly in the last decade. In 1997, Obama cited Ayers’ critique of the juvenile justice system in a Chicago Tribune article on what prominent Chicagoans were reading. He and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for three years starting in 1999. In 2001, Ayers also gave $200 to Obama’s state Senate reelection campaign.

Many details of the 1995 meeting are shrouded by time and by Obama’s and Ayers’ refusals to discuss it.”

Real journalists would follow that up, but until New Media came of age a couple of years later, there were no real journalists available.

There are more 2008 election-year examples, including, of course, the New Party cover up. But let’s fast-forward to July of 2010. Ben Smith was no longer protecting a “historic” candidate, he was now protecting Power, with a “nothing to see here” piece about a scandal that threatened to swamp Obama’s burgeoning presidency.

Eric Holder’s Justice Department had just dropped a slam-dunk case involving the New Black Panther Party, whose members had been notoriously caught on video menacing voters during the 2008 election. There was even a whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, who had testified before Congress that the Justice Department was practicing racial bias.

To the rescue came Smith with this non-story. One conservative dismisses the charges, Smith blows it up into a major feature piece, and now the corrupt media has what they need to move along and pretend there is no story.

Which is exactly what the media did.

Earlier this year, Smith made the mistake of trying to BenSmith us. The day after Andrew Breitbart’s funeral, we all woke up to discover that Smith (who had by then moved to BuzzFeed) had thought he scooped Breitbart News by releasing a 1991 video from Obama’s days at Harvard. In order to control the explosion of this video, Smith spun it into a positive for Obama. Thankfully, because it’s not 2008 anymore, this time his BenSmithing blew up in Ben Smith’s face.

You can read the full story of that sorry episode here.  

If you read the examples linked above, what you’ll discover is that Smith is only disguising himself as a reporter, but what he’s really doing is killing stories and narratives potentially damaging to Barack Obama. If you read the stories, you’ll see that he is either the most incurious reporter ever created or the most easily duped into believing anything.

Believe me, Smith is nobody’s dupe. Because he’s a left-wing operative disguised as a reporter, he simply writes on these subjects without ever doing what real reporters do: asking follow-up questions, raising questions, or demanding proof.   

But acting like a real reporter would give the story life, extend the narrative, and therefore hurt His Precious One—something BenSmithing is designed to ensure never happens.

By the way, Ben Smith owes Stanley Kurtz an apology, but I suspect Smith has known that all along.

“The nice thing about the new-media space is how quickly it self-corrects. Breitbart’s sites now have a growing credibility problem.” Smith added: “And for all the talk of the speed of the Internet, online, like offline, reporting is a long, endless game, and with fewer and fewer trusted institutions to dispense it at will, credibility is a scarce and extremely valuable commodity. - Ben Smith


Continue Reading More On This Issue:

As I’ve mentioned to you, although I am a registered democrat, on election day of 2008 I decided not to vote for President Obama because I had numerous concerns and/or unanswered questions regarding what I saw as his lack of executive experience and seemingly shady background, to include his association with radical individuals and/or organizations, which were revealed during the process of conducting my own extensive research and/or investigation into each Presidential candidate’s personal, professional and political background with the intent of determining who they were, where they came from and, most important, what they stood for, as a means of educating myself prior to casting my ballot. After having some time to experience and/or evaluate his governing of our country for approximately three and a half years, I am now convinced that my concerns back then were valid as substantiated by the above revelations and numerous others that I have shared with you in the recent past.”

End of Excerpts.

For your information, in my letters of April 26, 2012, May 1, 2012 and May 26, 2012, I graciously requested an opportunity to visit with you for a few minutes regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive matter, but to date I have not received a response from your office to said requests.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions and/or need any additional information from me.

Thank you again for the excellent job that you’re doing as our state’s Governor.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

Respectfully yours,

Jake L. Martinez

Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.

Sincerely, Susana Martinez”

Note: Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to WND, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.

Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:

YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:

Continue Reading:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

The Audacity of Socialism!

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:’s-background-completed-on-november-10-2008/

Where Is America Today?

Note: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:

A Republic, If You Can Keep It!

We The People:

The Fightin Side of Me!

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Letter to John Boehner


I just sent a letter to John Boehner. If I disappear, you'll know why. Just send mail to Frank at FEMA Camp. If you want to comunicate with him, his address is

Here's the love letter I sent him.

Mr. Speaker, I just read that you and your cronies are planning to drop the Fast & Furious case. How dare you do that to We, The People? Holder and Obama should have been held in contempt, at... least, many times over. They both should have been impeached. Both of them have spit on our Constitution, disobeyed legal orders, refused to obey laws they don't agree with, the list goes on and on. Do not think for one minute that We. The People will forget what you have done (or failed to do) this November.

The man in the White House is a liar. According the Constitution, he is not even eligible for that office, since his father was not a US Citizen. Minor v. Happersett (1874) gives the definition of Natural Born citizen. I'm sure you are aware of this Supreme Court decision. It confirms Vattel's Law of Nations definition that our Founding Fathers were familiar with. Lest you say that any citizen can hold the office of the President, read the requirements for members of Congress. They must be "citizens" of a certain age. The only mention of "Natural Born citizen" is in the requirement for President. By failing to properly vet Obama, we had Obamacare shoved through with no GOP input. We had billions of dollars wasted on shovel ready projects that didn't even have shovels. The only thing the "stimulus bills" stimulated was the wallets of Democratic political donors. Americans are being raped, and you, Mr. Speaker, are standing by and watching it happen. Occasionally, you talk tough, but what have you DONE about it?

Shove Fast & Furious under the rug and watch what happens this November. We, the People want Representatives in Washington that actually represent us. Too many of them are worried about keeping their jobs. If you would worry about taking care of your constituents instead of yourself, you would never have to worry about keeping your job. Obama has awaken the “Sleeping Giant” and we will not go back to sleep. We, who love this country, will fight for it. We will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that we take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that we will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Citizen on which we have entered: So help me God. Sound familiar? That is basically the same oath you took upon taking office. I am willing to die to protect my country. Are you at least willing to honor your oath to protect it?

Frank Barnett
Albuquerque, NM

Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is my eighth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that I’ve included the following new revelations that have transpired and/or that I failed to mention in my last letter to him of May 26, 2012:

On or about May 18, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama’s literary agent billed him as being born in Kenya back in 1991 and this continued until on or about 2007.

On or about December 12, 2009, the foreign influences of George Soros on the Obama campaign were revealed in detail, to include who ran cover of Obama’s Islamic background and the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by Obama supporters during the 2008 Election.

On or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama was caught in a lie regarding his being a member of and signing a contract with the “New Party”, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

Finally, on or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed how the American public was deceived regarding President Obama’s membership and contract with the “New Party.”

For your information, I will also be forwarding similar letters to our other NM U.S. Representatives and our Governor.

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:

June 10, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On May 26, 2012, I wrote my seventh letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

For your information, to date I have not received a response from your office to said requests.

But be that as it may, what follows are disturbing revelations that have transpired since my last letter to you, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue:

On or about May 18, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama’s literary agent billed him as being born in Kenya back in 1991 and this continued until on or about 2007.

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“While some quickly dismissed as an anomaly yesterday’s explosive revelation that Barack Obama’s former literary agency billed him as “born in Kenya” back in 1991 in connection with a book he never wrote, WND has discovered much later published references – some dated as recently as 2007 – used to promote his highly touted book “Dreams from My Father.”


As WND reported, Breitbart News originally found a brochure from two decades ago in which literary agency Acton & Dystel promoted Obama as the author of the never-produced “Journeys in Black and White” by declaring Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”Twelve years later, however, the Dystel of Acton & Dystel was busy promoting Obama’s new book, “Dreams from My Father,” and still touting the author as “born in Kenya.”

Through the Internet archive Wayback Machine, WND found an August 2003 listing of Dystel & Goderich’s author bios, including the following: “Barack Obama was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii and Chicago. His first book is ‘Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

Even if the original 1991 brochure’s listing of Kenya as Obama’s birthplace was in error, as the agency has since claimed, it apparently was an error Obama allowed his publicist to persist in for over a decade, right until after he was running for president.

In April 2007, two months after Obama had launched his presidential bid, Dystel was still touting the then-Democratic senator from Illinois as “born in Kenya.”

Another trip to the Internet’s Wayback Machine shows Dystel & Goderich describing Obama this way: “Barack Obama is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.”

Only a few weeks later, the Internet archive reveals, the publicist had changed Obama’s birthplace to Hawaii.

The text of Obama’s biography in the brochure Breitbart reported on, created by Acton & Dystel in 1991, states:

“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.”


“Regardless of the reason for Obama’s odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama – who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media,” the report says.

Yet the biographies are just a few of numerous published reports – as well as personal claims – that Obama was born abroad, including the recent testimony of a Chicago-area postal worker who reported he was told by the parents of Bill Ayers that Obama was a foreigner.

Allen Hulton, a retired Chicago-area mailman, has come forward with his first-person recollection of a clean-cut young man he identified as Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president.

Hulton delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s and claims to have met Obama in front of the Ayers home.

He has given a sworn affidavit to investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to determine whether Obama is eligible for Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. Hulton has recorded about three hours of video interviews with WND.

Hulton says that in conversations with Mary Ayers while on his route he learned of the couple’s enthusiasm and support for a black foreign student. One bright, warm Chicagoland day, he recounts, he met the student who fit Mary Ayers’ description in front of the Ayers home in Glen Ellyn, Ill. That young man, Hulton is convinced, was Barack Obama.

Hulton delivered mail to the Ayers, who are both deceased, when he was stationed at the post office in Glen Ellyn, an upper-middle class suburb 25 miles west of downtown Chicago, from late 1986 to 1997. He was a Postal Service employee from March 28, 1962, through March 30, 2001.

As WND reported, Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers – whom he dismissed in a 2008 debate as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood” – plagued him in the 2008 presidential campaign and could resurface in this year’s election, as many questions remain.

Young Obama

Over a period of years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hulton estimates he spoke with Mary Ayers about 18 to 20 times and once to Tom Ayers, who died in 2007. Mary Ayers died in 2000.

“Sometimes Mary would be out when I delivered the mail, and we would exchange a few words on occasion,” he says, recalling that she liked to talk about her family.

“One day, Mary came to the door when I came up to the house with the mail,” he remembers. “After a greeting, she started enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student they were helping out, and she referred to him as a foreign student.”

Hulton assumed that by “helping” the student, Mary Ayers meant she and her husband were financially supporting the black foreign-exchange student with his education.

See excerpts of Jerome Corsi’s interviews with Allen Hulton:

He says that Mary Ayers told him the student’s name, but that it was a “strange name” that he could not remember, even though at the time it sounded African to him.

“I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him,” Hulton says. “And I believe she said he was from either Kenya or Indonesia, and I favor Indonesia in my recollection.”

WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to 10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.

‘I’m going to be president of the United States’

About a year after discussing with Mary Ayers the foreign student she and her husband were supporting, Hulton recalls meeting a young black male on the sidewalk in front of the Ayers home.

Hulton describes the man as being in his early 20s, noting that he was tall, thin, had a light complexion and that his ears stuck out.

“He greeted me,” Hulton says. “He was very polite, dressed nicely, but informally – slacks and a dress shirt – and he spoke with no accent. Immediately this young black man entered into conversation with me. He told me he had taken the train out from Chicago and had come to thank the Ayers family personally for having helped him with his education.”

Hulton remembers asking the young man what his plans were for the future.

“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says.

“There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”

There also was an internal bulletin from the Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service, or NSIS, that states that the Kenyan government in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in the Obama home village of Kogelo to honor the “birthplace of President Barack Obama” and rededicate the tomb of his father, Barack Obama Sr.

The 2009 NSIS bulletin report said:

“The ministry of national heritage this month hosted a cultural festival in Kogelo and commissioned a cultural museum on a plot donated by a member of the Kogelo community. The cultural festival was attended by the minister for national heritage, William ole Ntimama and U.S. ambassador, Michael Ranneberger.

This was to honour the birthplace of President Obama and re-dedicate the tomb of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., the president’s late father. But the project had been delayed because of ownership wrangles surrounding the plot.”

According to an article in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper July 5, 2010, the Kenyan government’s plans to build a 112 million Kenyan Schilling ($1.3 million) cultural center at Kogelo was locked in a dispute over who should donate land to the government for the project.

The Daily Nation, which published an artist’s sketch of the proposed Kogelo cultural center, referred to it as Obama’s “ancestral home.”

The NSIS memo suggests the Kenyan intelligence agency kept a close watch on the Obama family in Africa.

It noted the Kenyan government provided assistance to Obama’s step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, in the form of additional security and a government stipend of 50,000 Kenyan Schillings ($575) per month.

Kenyan blog, “Jaluo,” reported that Grandmother Sarah caused family conflict when she visited Moammar Gadhafi in Libya “to the surprise and chagrins of the White House in Washington, D.C.,” and “without a proper delegation and approval of the entire family.”

The NSIS bulletin echoed the concern that Sarah Obama was visiting Muslim countries on her own initiative, commenting, “Mama Sarah had requested government assistance to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for Hajj pilgrimage,” but “the Saudi Arabia government through its Nairobi embassy has come to her aid” by announcing “she will be a state guest in Saudi Arabia during her time there.”

WND also reported Kenyan MP James Orengo at one point asked the nation’s parliament, “How could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

On the day after Obama’s election, MP Boni Khalwale asked fellow members, “Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?”

In addition, a number of media sources – including National Public Radio – reported Obama’s birthplace as Kenya prior to his election as president.

Another reference was made in 2008 in the Nigerian Observer.

Under a Washington dateline, Solomon Asowata wrote, “Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next president with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart.”


An African Travel Magazine once reported, “As Kenyan born U.S. Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents.”

An article in the Sunday Standard in Kenya begins, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”

The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press. However, it could not be found either in the AP archives online or the African newspaper’s website.

Also, an African news site and an MSNBC broadcaster referred to President Obama’s birthplace as being outside of the United States.

A report by Modern Ghana posted in advance of the president’s visit stated his birthplace was on the continent of Africa.

“For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth,” the report said.


Even a video of Michelle Obama herself created a stir of new questions when she spoke of her husband visiting “his home country in Kenya”:


On or about December 12, 2009, the following article and/or blog post revealed the foreign influences of George Soros on the Obama campaign in detail, to include who ran cover of Obama’s Islamic background and the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by Obama supporters during the 2008 Election:

Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s Campaign!’-Posted on Post & Email-by John Charlton-On December 12, 2009:

Continue Reading More On This Issue:

On or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama was caught in a lie regarding his being a member of and signing a contract with the “New Party”, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“Has Barack Obama been caught in a lie that could become a major issue in the upcoming election?

During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Obama’s camp categorically denied he was ever a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

The denial came amid reports of Obama’s participation with the party, including several articles by WND.

WND previously reported on newspaper evidence showing Obama was listed as a member of the New Party in the group’s own literature.

WND also conducted an exclusive interview with Marxist activist Carl Davidson, a founder of the New Party, who recounted Obama’s participation.

In 2010, John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, recalled speaking with Obama at New Party events in the 1990s.

“When we spoke together at New Party events in those days, he was blunt about his desire to move the Democratic Party off the cautious center where Bill Clinton had wedged it,” wrote Nichols in a January 2009 piece published at

Now, researcher and author Stanley Kurtz, writing at National Review Online today, reports on documentation from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society that “definitively establishes” that Obama was a member of the New Party.

Kurtz reported Obama also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

In 2008, Obama’s Fight the Smears campaign website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, as stating: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.”

Fight the Smears conceded the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined.

According to documents from the Democratic Socialists of America, the New Party worked with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his 2008 campaign for president.

Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party’s political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a “visible and active relationship” with the party.

If Obama indeed signed the contract, not only would his campaign be caught in a lie but it could prove highly embarrassing for him at a time when he is fighting claims, including from Mitt Romney’s camp, that his policies are socialist.

Also, Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” has been criticized for its use of a historic socialist slogan.

Socialist goals:

The socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.

Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth; and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

The New Party stated it also sought “the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions.”

Many of the New Party’s founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the Communist Party USA.

Last month, WND reported on a 1996 print advertisement in a local Chicago newspaper that shows Obama was the speaker at an event sponsored and presented by the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

WND first reported on the event in 2008.

Obama listed as New Party member:

While Obama’s campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party, print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.”

The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.

New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.”

The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral “fusion,” which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party disbanded in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.”


On or about June 7, 2012, it was revealed how the American public was deceived regarding President Obama’s membership and contract with the “New Party.”

What follows are pertinent excerpts from the article and/or bog post that revealed the details of this disturbing issue, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you in its entirety for effect:

“In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing—Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were this close to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s back, the media was refusing to vet the history and background of anyone in Obama’s past (besides, most every investigative reporter in the free world was in a place called Wasilla), and then along came the news that while in Chicago, as a grown man in his 30s, Barack Obama had joined something called The New Party—a radical, socialist organization whose political endorsement he had sought.

The story threatened to become a late-October surprise, the kind of story that would not only once again prove Obama’s disturbingly radical not-so-distant past, but also tie together just who this man really was (and is). It would also damage Obama’s credibility, and prove that he had been covering up his radical associations, and worse, lying about it.

The corrupt media, naturally, was hoping to run out the clock and was therefore willfully ignoring the story. Online, however, things were heating up. Right-of-center blogs were pushing the story as much as they could and like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, it threatened to spill over into the mainstream media and damage—gasp—a Democrat.

Well, this is why The Media Devil invented Ben Smith and his dark art of BenSmithing.

Jumping into the line of fire to protect his Precious One, Smith wrote this:

“Popping up in my inbox lately, and on some conservative blogs, is the allegation that Barack Obama was once a member of the Communist/Socialist/secretive/evil New Party, which is based (reasonably) on a New Party publication describing him in passing as a member.

When this first emerged, I called up the founder of the New Party, a University of Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers, who objected both to the characterization of the party and Obama’s relationship to it.

On the first point, the New Party was a attempt to build a model of political fusion. It dissolved after losing a Supreme Court ruling aimed at making fusion—a system under which more than one party can run the same candidate, which exists in some states—universal.”

And blah, blah, blah.

This is classic BenSmithing—in which he takes on a controversial subject that might damage Obama, pretends to play investigative journalist, assumes the role of the writer of a “definitive” piece that finally answers all the questions, and then sends the story to sleep with the fishes.  

The corrupt media, of course, loves this. Smith allows them to point to his work and rationalize to themselves that there’s “nothing to see here”—so let’s move along and elect a man no one knows anything about.

Kurtz knew he had been BenSmithed and immediately responded with this piece, but to no avail. When you were BenSmithed in 2008, you stayed BenSmithed.

Truth has nothing to do with BenSmithing. Ben Smith knows this and so does the media that found him so useful. BenSmithing is a political tactic that disguises itself as journalism in order to protect Democrats, most specifically our failed president. The way it works is really quite simple:

1. Something happens or is discovered that might hurt Obama.

2. That something is discovered in the alternative media and uncovered.

3. Ben Smith (or the equally dishonest PolitiFact and Media Matters) pretend to investigate it, write something up disguised as “definitive,” and then hand the complicit media an excuse to ignore it.

Though he’s probably in the top ten-percent, Smith isn’t the most dishonest journalist out there, he’s just the smartest. I’ve been watching this guy and trying to sound the alarm about him for going on four years now. He’s a Journalistic Super-Villain—a genius who has done more to protect Barack Obama and assure the American people never learn the truth than any other individual reporter.

Here are some specific and notable examples:

In February of 2008, Smith wrote the “definitive “nothing-to-see-here” piece covering Obama’s relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The headline itself was a lie: “Obama once visited ‘60s radicals,” and Smith even buried his own lead:

“As Bloomberg News reported recently, Obama and Ayers have crossed paths repeatedly in the last decade. In 1997, Obama cited Ayers’ critique of the juvenile justice system in a Chicago Tribune article on what prominent Chicagoans were reading. He and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for three years starting in 1999. In 2001, Ayers also gave $200 to Obama’s state Senate reelection campaign.

Many details of the 1995 meeting are shrouded by time and by Obama’s and Ayers’ refusals to discuss it.”

Real journalists would follow that up, but until New Media came of age a couple of years later, there were no real journalists available.

There are more 2008 election-year examples, including, of course, the New Party cover up. But let’s fast-forward to July of 2010. Ben Smith was no longer protecting a “historic” candidate, he was now protecting Power, with a “nothing to see here” piece about a scandal that threatened to swamp Obama’s burgeoning presidency.

Eric Holder’s Justice Department had just dropped a slam-dunk case involving the New Black Panther Party, whose members had been notoriously caught on video menacing voters during the 2008 election. There was even a whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, who had testified before Congress that the Justice Department was practicing racial bias.

To the rescue came Smith with this non-story. One conservative dismisses the charges, Smith blows it up into a major feature piece, and now the corrupt media has what they need to move along and pretend there is no story.

Which is exactly what the media did.

Earlier this year, Smith made the mistake of trying to BenSmith us. The day after Andrew Breitbart’s funeral, we all woke up to discover that Smith (who had by then moved to BuzzFeed) had thought he scooped Breitbart News by releasing a 1991 video from Obama’s days at Harvard. In order to control the explosion of this video, Smith spun it into a positive for Obama. Thankfully, because it’s not 2008 anymore, this time his BenSmithing blew up in Ben Smith’s face.

You can read the full story of that sorry episode here.  

If you read the examples linked above, what you’ll discover is that Smith is only disguising himself as a reporter, but what he’s really doing is killing stories and narratives potentially damaging to Barack Obama. If you read the stories, you’ll see that he is either the most incurious reporter ever created or the most easily duped into believing anything.

Believe me, Smith is nobody’s dupe. Because he’s a left-wing operative disguised as a reporter, he simply writes on these subjects without ever doing what real reporters do: asking follow-up questions, raising questions, or demanding proof.   

But acting like a real reporter would give the story life, extend the narrative, and therefore hurt His Precious One—something BenSmithing is designed to ensure never happens.

By the way, Ben Smith owes Stanley Kurtz an apology, but I suspect Smith has known that all along.

“The nice thing about the new-media space is how quickly it self-corrects. Breitbart’s sites now have a growing credibility problem.” Smith added: “And for all the talk of the speed of the Internet, online, like offline, reporting is a long, endless game, and with fewer and fewer trusted institutions to dispense it at will, credibility is a scarce and extremely valuable commodity. - Ben Smith


Continue Reading More On This Issue:

As I’ve mentioned to you, although I am a registered democrat, on election day of 2008 I decided not to vote for President Obama because I had numerous concerns and/or unanswered questions regarding what I saw as his lack of executive experience and seemingly shady background, to include his association with radical individuals and/or organizations, which were revealed during the process of conducting my own extensive research and/or investigation into each Presidential candidate’s personal, professional and political background with the intent of determining who they were, where they came from and, most important, what they stood for as a means of educating myself prior to casting my ballot. After having some time to experience and/or evaluate his governing of our country for approximately three and a half years, I am now convinced that my concerns back then were valid as substantiated by the above revelations and numerous others that I have shared with you in the recent past.

Accordingly, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love dearly and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice for.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”

Note: Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to WND, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.

Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:

YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:

Continue Reading:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

The Audacity of Socialism!

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:’s-background-completed-on-november-10-2008/

Where Is America Today?

Note: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:

A Republic, If You Can Keep It!

We The People:

The Fightin Side of Me!

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Is the Private Sector Doing Fine?

4063524788?profile=originalI hope you all read my message. It is very imortant. I’ve received the final proof  of my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012.  After carefully reading the first thirty pages, I decided I’ve taken too much for granted. My book doesn’t properly communicate the message intended.

When I got to the time in my book, when I went in business with my father, I realized that you people would not know enough in what I wrote to know my message.  I wanted to be concise. People lose interest when one is too detailed.  In being concise I didn’t make my point. This is generally the problem. Writers explain the details and miss the point.  I’ve a lot of work to do to make the point by writing the details that count. 

The following revision in my book is to make the point I missed when I went into business with my father.


After World War II, lumber was in great demand. My father was in the lumber business. He offered to put me in business.  New family owned lumber mills not on a railroad were experiencing difficulty in getting their products to big markets, like our market in Dallas. The Texas Railroad Commission was in charge of issuing for-hire truck permits. It was the doing of bought and paid for Texas politicians,

My father offered to buy a truck and give me ownership. He knew me.  He knew I wouldn’t work for him. I’m too independent. I could pay for the truck with the fees I earned for hauling lumber from mill to market.

We provded a needed service. Some call free enterprise greed. It’s a play on words politicians use to encourage votes from “the poor and needy.”

The competition didn’t like what we were doing. They informed the IRS that we were hauling for hire. The IRS examined our books and saw that we were making more money hauling than selling. We were not making any profit on the haul. The books showed that all the money we received for hauling went to expenses.

The IRS claimed we were operating a subterfuge and left an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) ruling to substantiate the IRS position. Because we owed a lot of transportation tax we had not paid, plus penalty and interest, the IRS employed deceit to collect a tax we did not owe. I checked out the ICC ruling. It was based on the fact that company owned trucks were backhauling for hire. We were not.

I learned from the IRS that contract unloaders were paying transportation tax. Transportation tax was imposed during World War II. This was years after the war ended. Said contractors, poor uneducated blacks with a junk heap truck, were unloading boxcars of lumber a block or two from the final destination. Ninety-nine percent was labor. Transportation tax was imposed on full payment. This was not help for the poor and needy. This was government’s big foot crushing the life out of free enterprise—making the poor and needy dependent on government.

The magic words to the IRS: “I’ll see you in court.” The IRS disappeared and was not heard from again on  this matter. But how many would dare to tell the IRS that they were going to be challenged in court?  We accept authority as knowing more that we know. It dates back to cavemen.  

“For the good of all,” the IRS dishonestly robs Peter to pay Paul. The IRS takes orders from the Secretary of Treasury. He takes orders from the President. Based on how much he can do for them, the voters elect the President. The resourceful, who risk their efforts and capital, are being cheated by self-serving politicians. 

This unconstitutional element, government giving to the individual, is incorporated in New Deal law. My book is dedicated toward making the American people aware that group rights do not point the nation toward good will, peace of mind, or prosperity. The majority vote does not replace rights written into the Bill of Rights. This is especially important for America’s youth to know. You are now responsible for the six trillion dollar national debt preceding generations have left for you to pay, ostensibly, “for the good of all.” 

We, the American people, have not taken responsibility for the politicians we elect. America’s original politicians knew this problem. That’s why we have the Bill of Rights.  

By leaving politicians in control, we, the voters, have left our children with an unconscionable debt to pay. Do I make my point?  Hopefully, you will take the time to read my revised message.  I hope to have my longer version ready in a month or two.



Read more…

“ Romney Or Obama; Calamity And Islam Will Grow In America”
There are often times I wish Americans would really do their “homework” when it comes to not not only political matters but also and even more in importance; that of spiritual and Biblical matters as well. As the political polls continue to pick up their pace regarding the U.S. Presidential race between Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama, one can clearly see that Republican Party Nominee; Mitt Romney is either in a statistical tie with Obama or in some polls, actually moving a head of Obama. It's a big “no brainer” for those who call themselves Republicans, that they are pushing for Romney to be elected. The one group however of those who are also a self described group of Republicans that are less than enthusiastic about Romney's election, are the so called “Evangelicals.” Those are the diehard Biblical Christians who follow Jesus of the Bible and are in no way persuaded in following religions and or religious cults. With the world waning and wallowing many times in it's own poo because of foolish and ungodly decisions, the Biblical Christians within the Republican Party have decided by and large that despite the advice of the so call “conservative” talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh(who is not a Christian), or that of Fox Television News (aka the “Catholic News Channel”), These Biblical Christians have refused to fall for perhaps the worst (presumptive)Republican Nominee in the history of the Republican Party.
I suppose I could go in this article further regarding Romney's horrible political record but I will keep with the most important matter of this article and that is in waking people up from their spiritual slumber. I will state here however that I am in real hopes that those who read this article will finally open their spiritual eyes to where our nation is headed and what a Romney win will cause our nation(we already know Obama will bring a disaster as well). It is not my job to open people's spiritual eyes; that is the job of the Holy Spirit but the weight of this presidential election weighs much heavier than what most people in our nation could ever begin to understand and in all earnest, I feel a bit like Jeremiah from the Bible telling American's they need to really wake up and seek God in these last hours before the destruction comes. There are so many Biblical similarities between Israel's waning from God's Word in the Old Testament of the Bible and what we currently see in America's attitude of rebellion to God's Word as well. As I mentioned earlier, I do feel like Jeremiah as he then seen his fellow Israeli's laugh at and ridicule him for warning all of Israel to repent and return to God. I (and other Biblical Christians who have been giving warning)also am increasingly be ridiculed and my warnings trivialized. I will however continue to write about those matters that I believe the Lord Himself directs me to write in hopes that as many American's as possible will be as the Prodigal Son(Luke 15;11-32) and come to their senses and also then on to the returning to the Father before it's to late for them.
Have you also like I, felt the Lord's direction to warn our fellow citizen's of the impending doom that awaits our nation and to see our nation remove itself from such dire straights ? Or how America has become so poor not only spiritually, but also economically as well? To answer those questions for those not knowing what I am speaking of here and I will do so with other questions to you and those questions being; Have you actually and truthfully thought that the God of the Bible would look the other way when so called “Christians” also turned the other way and or largely ignored that the nearly 70 million babies murdered in our nation ?, or how about in our nation the allowing of homosexuality to run rampant without check or largely without opposition here or really, any one of the hundreds of ungodly matters American so called “Christians” have allowed through their apathy and or silence ? No doubt this country is being led astray by the millions of wicked hearts that have allowed so many wicked and evil things to occur in our nation and God's judgment is already here(and about to get a whole lot worse without repentance). The pulpits in America are rapidly and increasingly filled with ungodly men who preach “doctrines of demons”(1Timothy 4:1). They are the ones like Al Sharpton, Benny Hinn, Jesse Jackson, Joel Osteen, and Jeremiah Wright....and Speaking of Jeremiah Wright, have you ever wondered why Romney refuses to condemn such men as Wright and his cult of the Black liberation Theology even after being encouraged to do so by the Republican Party Establishment leaders ? Does it not also disturb you that a man who may be elected to position of President of The United States will not call out wickedness ??? Here is the reality of Romney refusing to confront wickedness; Romney can't. That's right Romney can't call out evil as “evil” because Romney himself is a “bishop” in his own cult of Mormonism/LDS. Romney cannot label someone else in a different cult “wrong” as a “heretic”, or being involved in any way wrong in “ evil theology” because Romney is quite keenly aware that he himself will be right away attacked for himself having membership in a religious cult as well.
As If Romney being associated with a religious cult wasn't bad enough, now we are finding out he also belongs to the infamously evil Bilderburg group. Apparently he attended their recent last meeting in Virginia and for those who are unfamiliar with the Bilderberg group, they are a group of various world leaders, famously rich persons and other influential persons such as actors who are involved with George Soros ideals like increasing human depopulation throughout the world. Of course that is only one of many wicked matters this group is involved in. It would take me another entire article to describe all the evil's the Bilderburg Group is involved in, but the fact remains that in all appearances and with witness proof, Mitt Romney attended the last Bilderberg meeting and that should raise everyone's alert status not just here in the USA, but also all around the world. If you wish to learn more about the Bilderberg Group, I would strongly urge you to do so. Here is just one of many sites in which the wickedness of the Bilderberg Group is discussed; .

Biblical and spiritual matters my friends... It's time to wake up and wake up now. Those who are arrogant and prideful will reject what I and others like me are “shouting from the roof tops.” You know, I mentioned the prophet Jeremiah earlier. Biblical history shows us that Israel was not right away destroyed and her people led off as captives to foreign lands at first when the people of Israel rejected God(Jeremiah 16:13 “Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night , where I will not shew you favour.”), No--- the Bible tells us that there were warnings from God's men(and sometimes women also) that warned the people to disengage from evil, then repent and return to the Lord. When Israel of old refused to do so, their national borders were invaded with raiding parties and eventually Israeli’s were killed. Soon after when Israel refused to listen to God's messengers to repent and return to God's ways, the land was invaded by foreign armies and finally by God's own hand, Israel was conquered and many Israeli’s were killed. Today, God has sent Islamists to invade our land. They are the curse and plague upon us for rejecting God's Word. Islam and Sharia Law are evil and those who promote the evil of Islam are indeed increasingly invading our nation. Islamic ways are  even growingly accepted by our own American Courts and Government. Obama has widely opened that door to allow Islamic Sharia Law and Islamic ways into our nation and Romney will continue that practice, for he has no room in his own cultic beliefs to condemn such wickedness as Islam. Perhaps you believe my last statement was a bit too strong, if so... then why did this past week as matter of fact, Romney visit a Muslim School ? If Romney is so concerned about America and it's Founding Father's beliefs as we have all heard so often from his Republican Party Presidential debates and campaign speeches( ), then what the heck is Romney doing in a Muslim School and promoting Islam ?

My friends, most American's are being played the fool. The longer Americans keep their hearts closed and refuse to wake up, the worse condition this country will be in. The answer to saving America is not simple but quite direct. The Christian Bible gives the answer; Step number one is to repent to Jesus for all our allowing and even apathy towards evil. Step number two is to disengage from religion and get instead a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Step number three involves removing all evil, first within ourselves and secondly then to remove every single ungodly and unrepentant government leader, judge, lawyer, cop, and person in the pulpit... I mean every last one of them. God of the Bible does not accept half truth nor half hearted attitudes towards Him. The Lord is always looking for men and women to make a real stand and preserve His ways. I pray that if you were unaware of God's Biblical ways, that after reading this article and as of today you will pick up your Christian Bible to read and apply the mantle of God's righteousness and take on as well the responsibility that is yours.
PROVERBS 28:14 “Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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By Ion Mahai Pacepa ;   History usually repeats itself, and if you have lived two lives, as I have done, you have a good chance of seeing that re-enactment with your own eyes. In 1978, I paid with two death sentences from my native Romania for helping her people rid themselves of their Marxist dictatorship, carefully disguised as socialism. Thirty years later I witnessed how the same Marxism, camouflaged as socialism, began infecting the shores of my adoptive country, the United States, which had just won a 44-year Cold War against Marxism and against its earthly incarnation, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The Socialist Mask of Marxism


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President Barack Obama’s deputies are holding “hundreds” of closed-door meetings with a jihad-linked lobbying group that is widely derided by critics as a U.S. arm of the theocratic Muslim Brotherhood.

The admission of meetings with the Council on American-Islamic Relations came from George Selim, the White House’s new director for community partnerships, which was formed in January to ensure cooperation by law enforcement and social service agencies with Muslim identity groups in the United States.

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