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Blessings beloved children of The Living God. Paul writes: Lord, who shall believe our report?! Yes, a question, Yet an Exclamation. And why? Because, God is expecting of us what He alone has endowed us with, Our Faith. Jesus says: Your own Faith has made you whole. We OWN our Faith, Hallelujah! He tells us: Seek Ye FIRST: The Kingdom of Heaven and His Righteousness! And ALL these things shall be added unto you.
They are the Fruits, Virtues, and Gifts of His Holy Spirit. We are saved by GRACE. We live by FAITH. We do not ask Him for anything we already own. Faith is among these things which He filled us with when we became Born Again. Many there are in the Clergy who do not give this information out, let alone teach it unto understanding to the mass. And why not? They have a Paycheck to protect.
Did you ask God, Jesus, or His Holy Spirit of Truth to use your own bathroom? Or, did you ask them to Blink? Breathe? Sneeze? This list goes on infinitesimally. We do not ask Him to use things we already own. Oh, Yes and assuredly we thank Him so reverently for them and that we have them to use and utilize, but they are ours and we do own them only by His Grace. And what is His Grace?
It is reported by many in the Clergy that Gods Grace is unmerited Favor. Hmm?! Where so ever in the scripture or the Gospels does it refer or even speak of such a thing? I have been given to know, acknowledge, work in, and exercise through this word of Glory as I share it now with you as well the viewers’.
It is a long story, but one well worth the time to read, consume, and put into a reality base within each and every heart the world over.
In Matthew 18:11 and John 19:10 is written: The Son of Man is come to SEEK and to SAVE "That!" which WAS lost.
What was the "THAT" which was lost? Our INNOCENCE!
Well, beloved, it was that "WHICH WAS" that was lost. OUR INNOCENCE!
Many equate this to the meaning and the subversive conniving of the brainstorming crowd as: We, Us. ‎"NOPE" When we read His Word, and as Paul also writes: Comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual things! We find a new order of thinking. He also writes: by the renewing of the mind! So, at and by this we find that our conventional ways of thinking must take on a whole new way of processing our information about His Word. Not to dispel any or all that He is about, NO WAY!
It is by the Order (or COMMAND) unto our very Souls that we understand ALL that He has given us from the very beginning unto forever, amen.
So, what was "That which was LOST?!
Our Innocence. As individuals, nations, tribes, peoples, Souls.
In Psalms 88, (and please read it again, this time understanding it is the very spoken words of Jesus as He died on that Cross at Calvary) we read: 6) You have laid me in the Lowest Pit, in Darkness, in the depths.
While Jesus was alive on the face of Planet Earth, He Prophesied upon His very own life and the life of His eternal Soul, even upon the face of His very own Faith: I lay down my life, for I have power to take it up again.
‎:12) Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the Land of Forgetfulness?
As we continue to read and discover all that Jesus did just walking in this life on Earth, we are more profoundly Amazed by His completed work at Calvary and that His real work came at that point of death. For His Journey at that point had just begun.
‎:18) Loved one and friend, You have put far from me, and my acquaintances into darkness. He became Literally "NOTHING!" as in Never was. As if God had never even thought of creating Him to begin with. I know this sounds odd, but Truth never fails. And please do not ask me to explain how this word has come to
In Psalms 88, (and please read it again, this time understanding it is the very spoken words of Jesus as He died on that Cross at Calvary) we read: 6) You have laid me in the Lowest Pit, in Darkness, in the depths.
While Jesus was alive on the face of Planet Earth, He Prophesied upon His very own life and the life of His eternal Soul, even upon the face of His very own Faith: I lay down my life, for I have power to take it up again.
‎:12) Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the Land of Forgetfulness?
As we continue to read and discover all that Jesus did just walking in this life on Earth, we are more profoundly Amazed by His completed work at Calvary and that His real work came at that point of death. For His Journey at that point had just begun.
‎:18) Loved one and friend, You have put far from me, and my acquaintances into darkness. He became Literally "NOTHING!" as in Never was. As if God had never even thought of creating Him to begin with. I know this sounds odd, but Truth never fails. And please do not ask me to explain how this word has come to me other than by faith and obedience unto Him who knows and does all things, amen.
For, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form (order, total chaos) and void (no presence of His Majesty, Love, and Kindness). And Darkness was upon the face of the Deep.
When Lucifer fell and 1/3 of the Angels with him, God needed a place apart from Heaven to send them to. Bamm! Creation.
The whole idea is revealed in the message: And God would that NONE should perish! And this meant even Lucifer and the angels. Hoping upon the Soul of those whom made their choice at that time, that they would miss Heaven and Repent and return back unto God for forgiveness and be rightfully restored into Heaven for the eternal home they'd once knew. But that did not happen. They were having too much fun creating the Dinosaur and Cro-Magnon man after their idealist ways. And we clearly see what happened to them.
For, yes there were planets and moons, earthquakes, volcanoes and all sorts of things going BUMP in the night. But, there were neither Stars nor Suns to give light.
Gen 1:2b-3: And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light!" and there was Light. 4) And God saw the light that it was good and God divided the Light from the Darkness.
So, when LIGHT finally hit the scene, all that (then known) Satan had created, all turned to Stone in an instant, so that God could do His Creativity upon the face of Planet Earth. Hence, why it took Him 6 days to create all that we know of today. Amen.
So, why are we here, existing upon this earth?
Because, Satan (total personality) did not repent, nor did his angels. Remember, God would that NONE should perish.
Gen 2:5c: And there was no man to till the ground
God created man in His image, so that every time Satan and the fallen ones would see them, that when they were wrong and seeking Favor from God, repenting and God forgiving, that someway they (Satan and all those) would see, realize, and repent and be redeemed. Yet, all for naught
The first fall of man, in the Garden of Eden, Eve was Beguiled, tempted, lied to, and manipulated into thinking and believing the lie.
Adam, also believing in the lie, for who was Eve, but his better half, amen, why would she lie? They both ate of the same fruit.
The fruit was the Knowledge. Hmm. Apples, Oranges, Peanut Butter? Oh grow up, you get my drift.
The fruit of the Tree of the KNOWLEGE of Good and Evil, was the Knowledge. Think about how when you burned yourself from the stove or stumped your toe in the night, you hold yourself accountable to this knowledge, a certain level of conscious thought that this will never happen again, right?
OK then. This tree was on a Need to Know basis, and Adam and Eve had no NEED to know of these things. Yet, they believed the lie that they did, and BAMM! Here we are.
It was at this very moment in time that Innocence for all mankind was lost. For God asked them: Who told you - you were naked? (3:11) Until this time, they had been 100% innocent, perfect, holy, and righteous in Gods eyes.
Satan, not remembering what all took place in Heaven before his fall, saw something Golden fall from them at that time. And he (Satan) still seeking to One-Up on God, swooped her (Innocence) up and thrust her into the Land of Forgetfulness. A very real place which does exist. Thinking that if he forgot about her, so would God.
At the time of the fall of Lucifer and the Angels, being slam-dunked into this time/space continuum, God kept their total recall of remembrance unto Himself, so they would not know any of the hidden secrets which only God knew. Hence, this is why Satan, when tempting Jesus in the desert for 40 days, did not recognize Him.
So, for all this time and space which had come and gone, Before man, quite possibly eons of millennia of time, then since man unto the time of Calvary another 4-6,000 years, wow! A long time to remember a password to a FB acct, huh?
Back to Calvary: Jesus, just like Innocence, had been thrust into the Lowest Pit of hell, into the Land of Forgetfulness. Being crushed by the stressors and such in that place is like the Black Hole that Scientists speak of now that produces this event known as total annihilation of particle matter, bodies, etc.
Key point: Revelation 8:1) When he opened the 7th Seal, there was SILENCE in Heaven "About The Space" of half an hour.
Nothing in all creation, time, and space had ever happened. Jesus, The Be-Gotten Son of The Living God, because of the exactness of the Mysteries of God, had become Absolute Nothing, as in Never was. All of Heaven stood in silence about the Space which had been created because of Jesus' Divine work to be accomplished, to REDEEM Innocence from the Lowest Pit of hell.
For, if this would not have happened, Innocence would not have been found, redeemed, and the struggle over the Souls of men would have been put to naught, and the end of all existence as we know it would have happened right then.
This is why all of Heaven was Silent about the space; they all waited to hear the sound of that still small voice from the Abyss, of Innocence herself crying out to Jesus: MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At this point, Jesus (taking up His most Holy Faith) comes back unto Himself, and seeing Innocence with His own eyes, thrusts her into His bosom and makes His trek with her back to the surface of the Earth.
Yet, on His way out of there, Stops and gives the greatest grave-side call of redemption ever known, to all who had lived before Him, to understand the fulfillment of the promise: Though you be dead, Yet shall you live!
Then, as His Imperical Right of Authority over all of Heaven and Earth, Death, Hell, and The Grave, Stands upon the Face of the earth. This is when in that Garden, Mary Magdalene sees Him. And He tells her: WOMAN! Touch ME not, for I have not yet ascended unto the Father. Go! Tell the Disciples of seeing Me and meet Me in the Upper Room. And off to Heaven He goes with Innocence, Placing Her upon the Mercy Seat of God, Adorning Her and hearing the words of the Father, Well done my good and Faithful Son.
Aw, Yes, one little point needs to be placed between the 2 previous posts, And there was a War in Heaven. Revelation 12:7-8) And WAR broke out in Heaven: Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought. But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
All of Heaven had to be completely cleared from the Accuser of the brethren, Satan, the dragon, that old serpent and anything like him. For as described in Job 1:6-7) Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan:"From where do you come?" So Satan answered the Lord and said "From going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it"
For as Jesus speaks with Peter: Simon Bar-Jonah, this day I call you Peter, See this day, I give you the Keys to the Kingdom, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (like in Eden). Upon this Rock of INNOCENCE Build MY Church!
Yet, the scripture says: we are born into sin.
Hold it right there!
The words here, as Paul writes: Study to show yourself APPROVED unto God! A workman, not ashamed, Rightly dividing the word of Truth. Here is where we discern the comparison of Spiritual things.
We are born! Stop right there, shut the book and call it good.
We are born, in this life as new born innocent babies. Pure as the driven snow. For, until the individual point of Age of Accountability (and it is different with everyone) we are innocent. Until we are able to form our own individual thought by ourselves and realizing the difference between right and wrong, even about the thought itself, we are innocent. The rule of Ignorance (Leviticus, you'll find it) applies. For, once enlightened (understanding the exactness of right and wrong) you have no excuse Romans 2:1.
We are born. (Stop) Into Sin! Hmm. OK, we are innocent unto a certain point in our lives. But, after that (between that time {rebellion or whatever} we are catapulted into believing lies from all angles of this life. Known as Learned Behaviors/ Character Defects.
But, at the point of Born Again, we are to be given this information about receiving back our Innocence, where in lies the formidable Wisdom and discernment of the Living God within us, come alive and dwell within us for His Right Righteousness and purpose.
If anyone has never heard of such a thing until now (and I'm sure there are many) then please follow these few instructions to achieve and enter into the place He Father God and Jesus the Son has created for you to do:
Hold out both hands. For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
With your left index finger Point to the thumb on your Right hand and proclaim with a Loud Voice: My Father
Next finger, My Jesus. Next, My Holy Spirit Next, My Kingdom of Heaven Next (Pinky) ME
NOW, Reach towards Heaven and proclaim: I Receive back my Innocence, in Jesus' name.
Place your hand upon your heart. This is the Kingdom of God within you.
Guard your Heart and your Innocence with all you know how to do. Hold it closely and dearly.
For our Innocence is Gods Grace, The Holy Grail, our most Holy Faith, and our First Love.
We are Born Again children of Peace. We have no right to accept anyone else's blame, shame, nor guilt.
We command our gifts, fruits, and virtues of His Holy Spirit of Truth to Come Forth, GO! Before us, and make Straight the Path of The Lord of Glory, Hallelujah!
Blessings to one and all.


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Obama asks for African-American Vote.
Media Happy Happy Happy!
If Romney asked for Caucasian Vote Media would soil themselves in haste to respond negatively!

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I just posted the comment below to the TPP Administrator's comments in "The War On Coal" on the TPP Homepage:

Below is part of an article,May 11, 2012, on "The Foundry" site:

After coming under fire for its consistent hostility to the coal industry, the Obama campaign quietly adjusted its energy policy website to include “clean coal” among the president’s energy initiatives.

The energy policy page of now includes a section for “clean coal,” claiming the stimulus package “invested substantially in carbon capture and sequestration research.”

But until recently, that page made no mention of coal. Its Google cache shows a section for “energy efficiency” where “clean coal” now appears.

The change comes mere days after Obama lost 41% of the vote in the Democratic primary in West Virginia – a state heavily reliant on the coal industry – to a convicted felon and current federal inmate.

The chairman of the WV Democratic Party blamed Obama’s poor showing on his stance on coal energy. “A lot of folks here have real frustration with this administration’s stance on coal and energy,” said state Democratic chairman Larry Puccio. “They are frustrated and they are upset, and they wanted to send Obama a message.”

My Okla Senior Sen.Inhofe  is behind the Res..S.J.Res.37 and he's right...get your Sen to vote YES to Res 37

combatting Obama's War On Coal!...

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More on Obama:
7. The former Constitutional Senior Lecturer (Obama) cited the US.
Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address.
Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence
… not the Constitution.

9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said:
”We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined
in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.

10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr.
President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named
them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and
it reads:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in
the same speech?
…I asked my dog if he liked the Constitution the way it was and he said ”Yes Sir!” (he’s a retired German Shepard Vet who sings country music sometimes on talent shows) and I took this as a more valid answer than Obama’s claim to being a Constitutional Lawyer?Professor!

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Walkin' Tall: Walker Inspires An Army

4063524358?profile=originalA friend informed me that Gov. Scott Walker defeated the recall on the same day President Ronald Reagan passed away, June 5th. She added that Walker reminds her of Reagan.

As Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, I have visited several cities in Wisconsin. Chatting with patriots across the state, they sang the praises of Gov. Walker's reforms and his remarkable courage. Despite intense and relentless pressure, Walker stayed true to championing conservative principles.

While we all knew that the democrat's attack on the Wisconsin governor had national ramifications, the result of Walker's courage is more powerful than anyone could have imagined. My goodness, this man has inspired a nation. Wow!

Gov. Walker stepped up, drew his sword of honor and defeated the multi-headed dragon of liberalism just when our tea party movement desperately needed a hero. Since the beginning of the democrat's absurd recall attack on Walker for simply keeping his campaign promises, Walker and his family have endured horrendous persecution and death threats. Even now, after Walker won the recall, the internet is littered with new death threats on Walker's life. Liberals are tweeting that someone should kill Gov. Walker. Don't you just love the liberal anti-war, let's-be-tolerant-of-everything crowd? Disagree with them and they demand that you be silenced, destroyed or killed.

Countless patriots have shared their research which confirms that our government is racing down various wrong roads, all leading to destruction. These patriots feel hopeless, unable to hit the brakes to turn America around. But Scott Walker has shown us that one brave committed man can make a difference.

Democrat mayor of San Jose, CA, Chuck Reed is battling the unions to restore his city to fiscal sanity. Mayor Reed said some city employees are making more money in retirement than they did when they were working. His city's system is corrupt and insane.

San Diego, CA, mayor Jerry Sanders is fighting to implement reforms which he says will save several billions over the next ten years. On average from 60% to the upper seventies, voters are supporting this new wave of courageous mayors and governors in their quest for fiscal morality and sanity.

Now that Scott Walker has led the way, I predict a tsunami of mayors and governors suddenly finding a backbone to say no to workers receiving immoral unsustainable benefits.

Ann Coulter called Walker's victory, “The recall heard around the world.” That is pretty powerful – one man!

I do not know about you, but I feel empowered – what I do does matter. Your book matters. Your video matters. Your song matters. Your running for office matters.

Brothers and sisters, imagine the power of an army of Scott Walkers – all fully committed to restoring the God inspired conservative principles which have made us a great and prosperous unique experiment – America. My name is Lloyd Marcus and I am Scott Walker!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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Be Encouraged! 6/8/12

Howdy all!  And thank you Richard!  I’ve mentioned recently about inspiration and encouragement.  I hope you recognize your inspiration.  There are so many good signs of what will transpire over the next months until November.  But there are still possible hurdles; some may seem insurmountable.  They are not.  There are still burdens to carry.  They are not heavy.  Inspiration is the track athlete that helped another cross the finish line.  Encouragement is cheering the last contestant in the marathon, 12 hours after the starter’s gun went off.  Now, we have lots to do.  Remember your inspiration.  Use it.  And share it.


Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth - a stranger, not your own lips. ~ Proverbs 27:2

It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please. Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It [the Constitution] was intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect." --Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on a National Bank, 1791

Why is it that the French did not succeed politically after the French Revolution, even though they supported our success, and had the experiences we went through to guide them?  Jefferson knew.  Why does our government have so much trouble getting a handle on our economy?  Jefferson knew, over 200 years ago he knew!  Why do we as tea party, 9/12 and other conservative and constitutional groups push so hard to take our government back, and restore what was meant to be?  Just as Jefferson did, we know.  We know that the Constitution was not supposed to give Congress power to do what they wanted.  We know the Constitution was not meant to be a living document.  We know, because we read, researched, and gained the understanding of Jefferson and the other founders.  We the People own the country.  We the People own the government.  We the People grant powers to the federally elected employees, not the other way around.  We know that we have the power, not them.  What we don’t know is why we put up with the tyranny from our government.  Think about this; only a few months ago, the momentum was not with the GOP, or the tea party, at least not in the view of the media.  Obama and the left had all the momentum, regardless of what was true.  The republicans appeared weak.  In fact, they were weak.  So, what changed?  Was it the Wisconsin recall election?  No. was it the GOP primary process?  Heck no!  That was almost a complete farce.  So, what changed?  Actually, nothing changed.  The change in the wind is not because of change at all.  No, the ‘change’ is really the realization of the true conservative movement that has been going strong over the past 6 years.  Six?  Obama hasn’t been the POTUS for 6 years?  No, but the drive for conservative ideals has really become a tangible effort since about 2006, when the 2 houses of Congress went left.  It wasn’t organized, but there were plenty of individuals who knew this was wrong and had to be corrected.  The tea party-9/12 movement has come out of the darkness, out from its silence and become a force to contend with.  All the ‘old guard’ from both major political parties have to recognize the strength of the conservative movement.  They won’t, until it is too late for them politically.  And they will be dismissed from service with no pomp or circumstance.  Why?  Jefferson knew, and we know as well.  This government belongs to We the People.  We the People grant the power to the Congress.  It is high time they learn that constitutional fact; or be dismissed. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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When Chavez dies will Obama fly the American Flag at one-quarter mast?
The following is verifiable....with more to come...
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no
longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to
escape charges he lied on his bar application. A "Voluntary Surrender" is
not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I
need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary
Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and
you 'voluntarily surrender" your license five seconds before the state
suspends you.

2 Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993. after a
Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or
standing trial for Insurance fraud!
. A senior lecturer is one thing, a fully ranked law professor is another.
Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of

5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March 2008 saying Sen.
Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school-but that is
a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman
for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of Professor of Law," said Marsha Ferziger
Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the
University of Chicago School of Law.
Time for a cup of tea..then onward...

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WASHINGTON -- Members of the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation met in Washington, D.C., this week and called on the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. Several Jewish and Christian leaders, as well as pro-Israel lawmakers, attended the group's Jerusalem Day Prayer Breakfast
on Wednesday. "Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the Jewish people, and it should stay that way,"

Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., said. "It should always be unified under one simple flag, that star of David, because that is David's city." Jerusalem's ties to the Jewish people date back at least 3,000 years, to King David's reign. The city is mentioned 600 times in the Bible's Old Testament and another 160 times in the New Testament. It is never mentioned in the Koran.

Yet a battle continues to rage today over whether Jerusalem should
remain Israel's undivided capital. Palestinian leaders and their international backers want to split the city in two and make eastern Jerusalem the capital of a future Palestinian state "We have to be Israel's friend, and I would implore this president, who I just believe in my heart is not Israel's friend, to have a change of heart," Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., told CBN News. Legislation was passed on Capitol Hill in 1995 calling for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Seventeen years later and that still has not happened. In fact, successive administrations - from President Clinton to President Obama - have used a waiver to delay that decision and keep the Embassy in Tel Aviv. The embassy issue was a major part of the agenda at the Jerusalem Day event. "For us, the greatest country in the world, the United States of America, the greatest country the world has ever known, to be fearful of moving our embassy to Jerusalem, in my opinion, is a disgrace and we need to do that and do that right now," GOP Florida Senate candidate Dave Weldon said. Rabbi Benny Elon, president of the Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, told CBN News that the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem was rooted not in history but hostility. They don't need Jerusalem," he said. "They just want to make sure that we, the Jews, shall not have it." Elon called on all American believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to put pressure on decision-makers in Washington to remedy the problem.

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WASHINGTON -- Members of the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation met in Washington, D.C., this week and called on the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. Several Jewish and Christian leaders, as well as pro-Israel lawmakers, attended the group's Jerusalem Day Prayer Breakfast
on Wednesday. "Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the Jewish people, and it should stay that way,"

Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., said. "It should always be unified under one simple flag, that star of David, because that is David's city." Jerusalem's ties to the Jewish people date back at least 3,000 years, to King David's reign. The city is mentioned 600 times in the Bible's Old Testament and another 160 times in the New Testament. It is never mentioned in the Koran.

Yet a battle continues to rage today over whether Jerusalem should
remain Israel's undivided capital. Palestinian leaders and their international backers want to split the city in two and make eastern Jerusalem the capital of a future Palestinian state "We have to be Israel's friend, and I would implore this president, who I just believe in my heart is not Israel's friend, to have a change of heart," Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., told CBN News. Legislation was passed on Capitol Hill in 1995 calling for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Seventeen years later and that still has not happened. In fact, successive administrations - from President Clinton to President Obama - have used a waiver to delay that decision and keep the Embassy in Tel Aviv. The embassy issue was a major part of the agenda at the Jerusalem Day event. "For us, the greatest country in the world, the United States of America, the greatest country the world has ever known, to be fearful of moving our embassy to Jerusalem, in my opinion, is a disgrace and we need to do that and do that right now," GOP Florida Senate candidate Dave Weldon said. Rabbi Benny Elon, president of the Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, told CBN News that the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem was rooted not in history but hostility. They don't need Jerusalem," he said. "They just want to make sure that we, the Jews, shall not have it." Elon called on all American believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to put pressure on decision-makers in Washington to remedy the problem.

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Three Bullet Points:

1) Cody Rrt Judy v. Barack Hussein Obama has been docketed in the Georgia Supreme Court Case No. S12D1584

2) Within the Application for Review is Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse which concluded there is probable cause that Obama’s long form birth certificate released by Obama is a forged document as well as Obama’s selective service draft registration.

3) With the three questions asked in the Supreme Court Application the Justices will have a candidate with standing, asking about the precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court on ‘natural born citizen’ and the ground work that a denial basically sets starts precedent for a release of anyone who has committed fraud or forgery.
The questions asked a Supreme Court are not to be taken lightly. They involve deep rooted issues that often affect each and every person and touch families in the living room.

Our United States Constitution is a document that is considered whole. In other words, deconstruction of any one part of it is a violation of precedent and the rules of construction. In laymen’s terms you can’t start withdrawing bricks from any wall and expect not to have sirens go off.

De-construction of the Constitution is exactly what Obama subscribes to though and has done so since swearing by oath that he was a “natural born citizen” qualified for the office of the President.

While Court clerks and Secretaries of States’ are the gate keepers, they don’t profess to be able to stand up to someone out right lying to them under oath. That is essentially how Obama has managed his way into the White House since his late summer win over Hillary Clinton in 2008 and subsequent win over Republican Sen. John McCain.
Drawn into the summer, gave Obama a big strategic advantage. Why sue a candidate if he’s not going to be the nominee? Who knows if a challenge should be mounted? I’m sure you get the point. By the time Obama was declared the Democratic Nominee his snowball chance was rolling with loads of cash to protect him from Ballot Challenges in every state, and any Presidential Candidate chances of getting to a Supreme Court that had not already received Obama favors, ie Sen. John McCain’s Sen. Res. 511 declaring the Panama son an American ‘natural born citizen’, co-chaired by Obama, was left to write-in candidates or third party candidates.

In 2011 the 9th Circuit Court of appeals ruled that Presidential candidates have standing, but those challenging in 2008 didn’t seem to be running in 2012, so couldn’t claim continued damages. Retrospective damage was dismissed by the Court in the ruling of Barnett v. Obama.

2012 dawns a new light. While the Birther movement has continually been scalded by the media and stung as fringe, the true sting is an assault upon the qualification of the President to hold office demanded by the Constitution which is as was said not a document that invites further construction without a 2/3rd majority of Congress.
The 8-12 challenges to the clause even from the onslaught of Obama’s political career in Illinois outlining the qualifications of the Office of the President in the legislature have all been soundly defeated.
Why main stream media doesn’t champion those defeats in the legislature and accredit the Birther movement to the sound principle championed by the Legislative Branch to Main Street is pretty good writing on the wall that spots a corporate agenda.

Today, June 7th,2012 Cody Robert Judy ( a presidential candidate in the Democratic Party) v. Barack Hussein Obama has been docketed in the Georgia Supreme Court in a application for review. What makes this case so unique is it is brought by a Candidate for President that started at the lowest level – A Ballot Challenge, for the court that means it has roots, and now that is in the highest court of the State of Georgia that ultimately is charged to protect the United States Constitution, things could be different.
You can’t find an Obama eligibility challenge anywhere in 2012 that has a Candidate for President in the same party, coming to the highest Court of the State, with time for their decision to make a difference before the Democrat National Convention in September. Supreme Courts have a reputation of making sure if they do rule on a case that their decision is not moot.

If the prospective of the Occupant of the White House being a total fraud offering forged documents as accrediting his qualification isn’t enough to unhinge your gate and you think Cody’s just spouting his mouth, wait just a minute there’s more. You probably have heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse that consisted of 2200 hours of law enforcement investigation on Obama’s long form birth certificate?
Cody Robert Judy was the first qualified Candidate for the Office of the President to grab hold of that law enforcement investigation with the integrity of upholding the law and on March 2nd,2012 placed that whole investigation into the Superior Court of Georgia’s consideration which now the Supreme Court has as a staggering dismissal on their plate.

A good read of the questions presented to the Supreme Court shows the corner Obama has placed upon Justice in the United States. If the Court hears the case and agrees with precedent, Obama could be placed as a ‘disability’ to the Constitution and Congress could be placed on Notice to act on his removal as a ‘disability’.
If the Supreme Court doesn’t act, legal construction exist to free anyone in the Georgia penal system or for that matter the United States, to be set free sentenced by the law on crimes of fraud or forgery, because what’s good for Obama ought to be good for any prisoner convicted or sentenced by the law, if allowed, Obama skirts. That quandary exists in Cody Robert Judy’s 3rd question to the Justices in Georgia.

Obama’s probability to have it both ways is the sort of non-transparency that has existed from Obama’s first executive order sealing all his documents. Only problem with those executive orders is they are no good unless they are signed by an eligible President under the Constitution.

Stay tuned for more action and please help Cody and his courageous campaign by logging on to and making a contribution.

Links to Application Reviews Questions:



The Cody Robert Judy for President U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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4063503170?profile=originalWhat's disturbing about this picture?-You Decide:

OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On June 7, 2012:

Has Barack Obama been caught in a lie that could become a major issue in the upcoming election?

During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Obama’s camp categorically denied he was ever a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

The  denial came amid reports of Obama’s participation with the party, including several articles by WND.

WND previously reported on newspaper evidence showing Obama was listed as a member of the New Party in the group’s own literature.

WND also conducted an exclusive interview with Marxist activist Car..., a founder of the New Party, who recounted Obama’s participation.

In 2010, John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, recalled speaking with Obama at New Party events in the 1990s.

Aaron Klein’s “Red Army: The Radical Network That Must Be Defeated ...

“When we spoke together at New Party events in those days, he was blunt about his desire to move the Democratic Party off the cautious center where Bill Clinton had wedged it,” wrote Nichols in a January 2009 piece published at

Now, researcher and author Stanley Kurtz, writing at National Review Online today, reports on documentation from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society that “definitively establishes” that Obama was a member of the New Party.

Kurtz reported Obama also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

In 2008, Obama’s Fight the Smears campaign website quoted Carol Harwell, who managed Obama’s 1996 campaign for the Illinois Senate, as stating: “Barack did not solicit or seek the New Party endorsement for state senator in 1995.”

Fight the Smears conceded the New Party did support Obama in 1996 but denied that Obama had ever joined.

According to documents from the Democratic Socialists of America, the New Party worked with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his 2008 campaign for president.

Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party’s political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a “visible and active relationship” with the party.

If Obama indeed signed the contract, not only would his campaign be caught in a lie but it could prove highly embarrassing for him at a time when he is fighting claims, including from Mitt Romney’s camp, that his policies are socialist.

Also, Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” has been criticized for its use of a historic socialist slogan.

Socialist goals:

The socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.

Among the New Party’s stated objectives were “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ‘social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth; and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

The New Party stated it also sought “the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions.”

Many of the New Party’s founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the 'Communist Party USA.'

Last month, WND reported on a 1996 print advertisement in a local Chicago newspaper that shows Obama was the speaker at an event sponsored and presented by the 'Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.'

WND first reported on the event in 2008.

Obama listed as New Party member:

While Obama’s campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party, print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.”

The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.

New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago’s Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.”

The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral “fusion,” which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party disbanded in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  On September 26-27, 2009, the following eye-opening articles were published by The Post & Email that revealed a recently released declassified FBI report that exposed then Senator Obama’s ties to the Weather Underground, which was a radical marxist terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers. These articles also revealed the objectives of the 'Students for Democratic Society (SDS)' as stated by Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayer’s wife, during a National Council meeting of SDS in December, 1968: “We are building a working class revolutionary movement to overthrow the capitalists, and the imperialist structure of the United States and the world.”  She stressed the importance of an international alliance with the “third word” in order to “smash American imperialism”, and advocated the creation of an international revolutionary consciousness.  Suspiciously this information was also kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by main stream media outlets that are funded by anti-American George Soros as a means of helping then Senator Obama get elected. If True-What's wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

4063523413?profile=originalDeclassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part I-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 26, 2009:

4063523413?profile=originalDeclassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part II-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 27, 2009:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Posted on Big Journalism-By JOHN NOLTE-On June 7, 2012:

“In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing—Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were this close to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s back, the media was refusing to vet the history and background of anyone in Obama’s past (besides, most every investigative reporter in the free world was in a place called Wasilla), and then along came the news that while in Chicago, as a grown man in his 30s, Barack Obama had joined something called The New Party—a radical, socialist organization whose political endorsement he had sought.

The story threatened to become a late-October surprise, the kind of story that would not only once again prove Obama’s disturbingly radical not-so-distant past, but also tie together just who this man really was (and is). It would also damage Obama’s credibility, and prove that he had been covering up his radical associations, and worse, lying about it.

The corrupt media, naturally, was hoping to run out the clock and was therefore willfully ignoring the story. Online, however, things were heating up. Right-of-center blogs were pushing the story as much as they could and like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, it threatened to spill over into the mainstream media and damage—gasp—a Democrat.

Well, this is why The Media Devil invented Ben Smith and his dark art of BenSmithing.

Jumping into the line of fire to protect his Precious One, Smith wrote this:

“Popping up in my inbox lately, and on some conservative blogs, is the allegation that Barack Obama was once a member of the Communist/Socialist/secretive/evil New Party, which is based (reasonably) on a New Party publication describing him in passing as a member.

When this first emerged, I called up the founder of the New Party, a University of Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers, who objected both to the characterization of the party and Obama’s relationship to it.

On the first point, the New Party was a attempt to build a model of political fusion. It dissolved after losing a Supreme Court ruling aimed at making fusion—a system under which more than one party can run the same candidate, which exists in some states—universal.”

And blah, blah, blah.

This is classic BenSmithing—in which he takes on a controversial subject that might damage Obama, pretends to play investigative journalist, assumes the role of the writer of a “definitive” piece that finally answers all the questions, and then sends the story to sleep with the fishes.  

The corrupt media, of course, loves this. Smith allows them to point to his work and rationalize to themselves that there’s “nothing to see here”—so let’s move along and elect a man no one knows anything about.

Kurtz knew he had been BenSmithed and immediately responded with this piece, but to no avail. When you were BenSmithed in 2008, you stayed BenSmithed.

Truth has nothing to do with BenSmithing. Ben Smith knows this and so does the media that found him so useful. BenSmithing is a political tactic that disguises itself as journalism in order to protect Democrats, most specifically our failed president. The way it works is really quite simple:

1. Something happens or is discovered that might hurt Obama.

2. That something is discovered in the alternative media and uncovered.

3. Ben Smith (or the equally dishonest PolitiFact and Media Matters) pretend to investigate it, write something up disguised as “definitive,” and then hand the complicit media an excuse to ignore it.

Though he’s probably in the top ten-percent, Smith isn’t the most dishonest journalist out there, he’s just the smartest. I’ve been watching this guy and trying to sound the alarm about him for going on four years now. He’s a Journalistic Super-Villain—a genius who has done more to protect Barack Obama and assure the American people never learn the truth than any other individual reporter.

Here are some specific and notable examples:

In February of 2008, Smith wrote the “definitive “nothing-to-see-here” piece covering Obama’s relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The headline itself was a lie: “Obama once visited ‘60s radicals,” and Smith even buried his own lead:

“As Bloomberg News reported recently, Obama and Ayers have crossed paths repeatedly in the last decade. In 1997, Obama cited Ayers’ critique of the juvenile justice system in a Chicago Tribune article on what prominent Chicagoans were reading. He and Ayers served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for three years starting in 1999. In 2001, Ayers also gave $200 to Obama’s state Senate reelection campaign.

Many details of the 1995 meeting are shrouded by time and by Obama’s and Ayers’ refusals to discuss it.”

Real journalists would follow that up, but until New Media came of age a couple of years later, there were no real journalists available.

There are more 2008 election-year examples, including, of course, the New Party cover up. But let’s fast-forward to July of 2010. Ben Smith was no longer protecting a “historic” candidate, he was now protecting Power, with a “nothing to see here” piece about a scandal that threatened to swamp Obama’s burgeoning presidency.

Eric Holder’s Justice Department had just dropped a slam-dunk case involving the New Black Panther Party, whose members had been notoriously caught on video menacing voters during the 2008 election. There was even a whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, who had testified before Congress that the Justice Department was practicing racial bias.

To the rescue came Smith with this non-story. One conservative dismisses the charges, Smith blows it up into a major feature piece, and now the corrupt media has what they need to move along and pretend there is no story.

Which is exactly what the media did.

Earlier this year, Smith made the mistake of trying to BenSmith us. The day after Andrew Breitbart’s funeral, we all woke up to discover that Smith (who had by then moved to BuzzFeed) had thought he scooped Breitbart News by releasing a 1991 video from Obama’s days at Harvard. In order to control the explosion of this video, Smith spun it into a positive for Obama. Thankfully, because it’s not 2008 anymore, this time his BenSmithing blew up in Ben Smith’s face.

You can read the full story of that sorry episode here.  

If you read the examples linked above, what you’ll discover is that Smith is only disguising himself as a reporter, but what he’s really doing is killing stories and narratives potentially damaging to Barack Obama. If you read the stories, you’ll see that he is either the most incurious reporter ever created or the most easily duped into believing anything.

Believe me, Smith is nobody’s dupe. Because he’s a left-wing operative disguised as a reporter, he simply writes on these subjects without ever doing what real reporters do: asking follow-up questions, raising questions, or demanding proof.   

But acting like a real reporter would give the story life, extend the narrative, and therefore hurt His Precious One—something BenSmithing is designed to ensure never happens.

By the way, Ben Smith owes Stanley Kurtz an apology, but I suspect Smith has known that all along.

“The nice thing about the new-media space is how quickly it self-corrects. Breitbart’s sites now have a growing credibility problem.” Smith added: “And for all the talk of the speed of the Internet, online, like offline, reporting is a long, endless game, and with fewer and fewer trusted institutions to dispense it at will, credibility is a scarce and extremely valuable commodity. - Ben Smith


4063523368?profile=originalII. Obama Caught Lying Again!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On June 7, 2012:

4063523383?profile=originalIII. NEW DOCS REPORTEDLY SHOW OBAMA WAS A MEMBER OF THE FAR-LEFT ‘NEW PARTY’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On June 7, 2012:

4063523393?profile=originalIV. Obama’s Third-Party History!-Posted on National Review Online-By Stanley Kurtz-On June 7, 2012:

4063523459?profile=originalV. Video: Proof Obama Member Of Socialist New Party!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On June 8, 2012:

4063523447?profile=originalVI. 'NEW PARTY' LITERATURE SUGGESTS OBAMA PAID DUES TO JOIN!-Posted on Big Government-By JOHN SEXTON-On June 8, 2012:

4063523552?profile=originalVII. See no socialist, hear no socialist: Media’s Obama cover-up!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On June 7, 2012:

4063503170?profile=originalVIII. UNMASKING THE MEDIA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE HYPOCRISY!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On June 7, 2012:

4063523513?profile=originalIX. Obama Gives $446 Million to ACORN Veteran!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On June 12, 2012:

4063523532?profile=originalX. Video: Rush on Obama's membership in socialist New Party!-Posted on rightscoop-On June 7, 2012:

4063523541?profile=originalXI. The Nation’s Top “Progressives” … And Socialists And Communists!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PAUL G. KENGOR-On June 8, 2012:

4063523486?profile=originalXII. Video: Do We Really Know Who Barack Hussein Obama II Is?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Continue reading my following blogs that I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

4063503037?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!

4063503080?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!

4063523498?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!

4063503604?profile=originalJust Happened!

4063498165?profile=originalThe coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!

4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?

4063521051?profile=originalCommunist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!

4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!

4063523674?profile=originalThe Audacity of Socialism!

4063359851?profile=originalCommunism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!

4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-...

4063523633?profile=originalRevolutionary Communist Party!

4063523704?profile=originalThe Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

4063518264?profile=originalProgressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!

4063523753?profile=originalProgressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

4063523724?profile=originalWho is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?

4063523803?profile=originalPresident Obama and ACORN Connection!

4063523811?profile=originalACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!

4063523821?profile=originalACORN Charged With Voter Registration Fraud!

4063523855?profile=originalMassive Voter Fraud-Again!

4063523762?profile=originalIs ACORN Really Disbanding or Is It Just Changing Its Name Because of Scandals?

4063422821?profile=originalIs it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

4063518264?profile=originalWho owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

4063523845?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

4063503348?profile=originalCIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

4063370775?profile=originalWhy did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?

4063422901?profile=originalLetter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?

4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:

4063359965?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063523936?profile=originalWe The People:

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed articles and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalGod Bless Our Country/Republic!

Semper Fi!


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Unimployment root cause


Ask yourself 

Do you want a $9.00 an hour job picking fruits and vegetables? How about at a meat packing plant cutting up chickens all day long?   Then those Mexicans are not taking your jobs.

So why is Unemployment over 22% [ actual Shadow Stats shows it is]

Reason #1 The Federal Reserve System  manipulation of the Value of Currency is the very basis of how it began.

Reason #2 Taxes that drive the cost of business up in the USA and Drive business off shore!

Do you really believe that a manufacturing company wants to attempt to teach illiterates to build high tech equipment in some 3rd world nations?  only when forced to by economic forces [Government] 

They want you to believe it is all those other things that did this to our job market but the fact is GOVERNMENT regulations and taxes

Read more…


“We Christians are largely responsible for the current cultural mess. Political and judicial battles may temporarily slow the de-Christianizing of America, but these efforts are doomed to failure.  The true battle is not for control of Congress, the Supreme Court, or the White House, it’s for the hearts and minds of our children. We foolishly focus on electing a few conservative politicians, while millions of new voters graduate each year saturated in the secular humanism taught in government schools. Political action and strong voting have failed. We shouldn’t give up that strategy—just recognize how limited it is.” From page 334 of Protester Voices—The 1974 Textbook Tea Party ( 

The solution is not to continue to try to reform government schools.  We must RESCUE OUR CHILDREN!

Read more…


To anyone that lives in Louisiana please email this to Mary Landrieu just change my name to yours.

As you allreaddy know she is not for the people just for her.So put the pressure on her.


Dear Senator Landrieu,

I wanted to let you know about the results of a new poll on mandatory workplace verification: more than three-quarters of all American voters support it! Isn't this enough reason to support mandatory E-Verify legislation and make sure it makes its way through Congress?

Mandating workplace verification is simply an issue of fairness. Right now, unemployed Americans and legal immigrants don't even have first refusal to U.S. jobs. How is this fair? Shouldn't Americans get first crack at jobs in their own country? Mandating E-Verify will make that happen.

Among likely voters who have an opinion, 94% of Republicans, 84% of independents, and 81% of Democrats support making E-Verify mandatory. This is not a partisan issue and nobody in Congress should be using it as such. The 20 million Americans who cannot find a full-time job do not deserve it.

Please support E-Verify and help these Americans get back to work.

Sincerely, James McClendon



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