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If you have ever read "Vulture's Picnic" I am not so sure this is a good choice.  I used to like Bobby Jindal until I read that book.  He is just like all the rest. 

Ronald Kessler reporting from Washington, D.C.— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is rising as Mitt Romney’s possible pick for vice president, according to campaign sources.

Last month, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist touted Jindal for the vice presidential slot in an opinion piece for Politico.

Read more on Bobby Jindal Rising as Romney’s VP Choice
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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Governments operate on consent.  With this letter, I actively withdraw my consent for the AUMF--the Authorization to Use Military Force, passed by bill in 2001.  Please SPONSOR Rep. Barbara Lee's Bill TO


OK, folks, it is obvious that our government does not need to have more unchecked power's to consider using in any matter; especially, when it has become evident that we always have the danger of some 'power-mongers' gaining the opportunity, or even considering the use of these temporary authorities, that have been established. As in prior time's of war, or so-called policing actions; there always seems to be an element of danger, that at such times of National commitment, duty gets miss-interpreted; there will be abuse of these granted power's! This has become certainly evident NOW. "We-the-People" are in danger of this power being abused and miss-used. Please, make this a matter of withdrawal of consent ASAP! While you are closing this issue, it is also time to do away with the Emergency Powers Act, and completely eliminate Homeland Security. I'm speaking as a concerned citizen;a veteran of the Cold-War, and Viet-Nam; and above all else; a 'Servant of GOD! We need to put our trust in GOD,and repent for the sins of our Nation, according to (2Chr.7:14)! Then we will see, that Our GOD, is more than ABLE! ALL IN WITH JESUS CHRIST ~ Rev. Jerry L. Robertson

(Note:  I want everyone to feel, free to make a copy of this letter; and forward your copy to your REPRESENTATIVE  immediately)

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Walker Victory Bash Short On Blacks.

4063522991?profile=originalOn election night, I was in the hotel hot-tub in Oak Creek, WI when my wife called from our home in Florida. Extremely excited, Mary yelled, “Gov. Scott Walker defeated the recall!” Then, I began receiving joyful texts and phone calls from around the country.

Congratulations to our family of patriots across America who sent money, made phone calls and prayed for Gov. Walker. Despite reports of the Democrats attempting to steal the election via voter fraud, the good guys, Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, still emerged victorious! Praise God!

While I am elated and very grateful for our victory which has huge national ramifications, something still troubles me. How long will a majority of my fellow black Americans keep hangin' with the brain dead partisan idiots?

On election day, our Tea Party Express team toured Wisconsin. We parked our tour buses at various locations – invited locals on board to use our Mobile Phone Bank. Our team stood along side the road waving US flags and signs which read, “We Stand With Walker!”

Motorist's thumbs up for Gov. Walker far out numbered the vile yells and crude hand gestures by the recall supporters. Why are these people so angry and nasty? During our day on the streets/front-line for Gov. Walker, the majority of the anti-Walker sentiment came from youths and blacks.

I attended a media event for Gov. Walker the night before the recall election. Of the hundreds in attendance, I was the only black in the hall other than two black reporters who were covering the event. And yet, blacks are all over the Democrat, Barrett's camp.

I find myself continuously frustrated that more blacks have not embraced the common sense conservative point of view represented by Gov. Walker. The majority of black Americans are always on the wrong side of the issues, sleeping with their enemy the Democrats.

Even more frustrating is sadly, the political stance of a majority of blacks Americans is brain dead; based solely on emotions. Facts, for the most part, are irrelevant.

Here is black America's view on politics: Republicans and conservatives are rich, white and racist SOBs. Black conservatives are Uncle Tom traitors to their race. You can bombard black democrats with the truth/facts all day and it will not matter. Their response will be: Bush got us into this mess. If you are black, you're an Uncle Tom for not supporting Obama. If you are white, you're racist for not supporting Obama's mad dash to socialism.

This morning, I watched the media desperately attempting to play down Gov. Walker's victory which is a devastating defeat for the democrats and Obama. On a local Wisconsin TV news program, a black reporter did a story about there being confusion about whether or not a photo ID is required to vote in Wisconsin. A black woman said she was denied the right to vote even though she had required ID. I find the woman's claim suspect. Am I the only black on the planet extremely insulted by the democrat's claiming that requiring voters to produce a photo ID will disenfranchise blacks? Blacks are not idiots!

On stage at Tea Party Express rallies, I whip out my photo ID. “Look folks, I have a photo ID!!! This confirms that the Obama administration, the Congressional Black Caucus and the NAACP are wrong – blacks are not too stupid to find their way to acquire a photo ID!” Audiences erupt in laughter and applause.

As a black Conservative Republican, I am use to being the only black at a Conservative/ Republican event. Still, I will keep hoping, praying and working to help more of my fellow black Americans to open their hearts and minds to see God's rich bounty available to them in conservative values.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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Gay marriage

I would like to share with others my take on the issue of legalizing homosexual marriage.  It is seen by LGBT as a civil rights issue, but it isn't.  In the first place, there is no such thing as "gay" doesn't exist.  There is not one word in the constitution that gives any special set of rights to anybody based on their sexual practices.  Thus, they have no more rights than anybody else, and the term "gay rights" is a misnomer.  Homosexuals and uninformed politicians lean on the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment to justify legalizing gay marriage.  That doesn't apply, either.  If anybody in the Tea Party wants to know why, contact me by email at and I'll forward a copy of my lengthy essay that makes nonsense of the whole homosexual movement.  I'm not selling anything; I'm just tired of politicians trying to lock hands with genetic freaks and doing a few choruses of kumbaya. 

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Be Encouraged! 6/6/12

Howdy all!  So, the tea party is weak.  The tea party movement has come to a halt.  OK.  They can argue that to the ‘n’th degree.  All we have to say is Scott Walker; and nothing else.


The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged.                  ~ Psalm 69:32

This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Henry Lee, 1825

Yesterday’s vote in Wisconsin tells the tale of the tea party, the 9/12 project, countless other organizations, and just plain Americans who are sick of the direction our federally elected employees have taken us.  This does emulate what Jefferson said.  This was the object of the Declaration of Independence.  Enough of the monarchy rule.  Enough of the tyranny.  ENOUGH ALREADY!  Last night, the call for independence from tyranny recommenced.  The tea party is NOT weak.  The tea party is NOT insignificant.  No, the tea party is alive in every American, all of us.  We do not get up on pulpits and podiums and scream obscenities at our opponents.  We do not disrespect the places where we gather to talk, listen and organize.  We are respectable, humble people.  We do our work to save our country in the most respectable way.  We are not racists.  Yes, there are racists among us.  Yes there are racists among the left.  Yes there are racists and perverts in the White House!  YES there are human beings all over the place.  It’s about time we all acknowledge that no one is “perfekt”.  I know I am not by a long shot.  But I am humble, and I do see God at work.  I asked you all what encourages you, what inspires you.  Like the reply from Sandy, we get encouragement from Him, our Creator.

Let last night’s victory be encouragement to us all that the tea party and the conservative movement is alive and well and coming to an election near you.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Thank God for Scott Walker's victory!

I just hope and pray that voters of both parties in Hawaii (it's already too late to Register the Tea Party as an official political party and get our Conservative candidates on the ballot,) will get the wisdom of Wisconsin voters and vote FOR conservative Candidates as much as possible. Unfortunately our popular former Republican governor, Linda Lingle is now running TV ads much like radical Democrat Colleen Hanabusa ran 2 years ago and our Linda is actually hitching her wagon by name to Obama! She promises to work across the aisle in the Senate and to cooperate - not with RINO Romney, but with Obama - like she expects him to win!

May God help Hawaiians to wake up and follow Wisconsin's example!

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We wholeheartedly agree with you Wisconsin!:

We"re sick and tired of the State and Federal Government Leeches and we're not going to take it anymore!!


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What no Democrat or Republican will admit needs to be done or how to do it!

In listening to the latest back and forth from both sides with the Democrats lying and the GOP responding, it is obvious that neither side of this equation is willing or equipped to put forth the plan that we need to stop the progressive socialist utopian destruction of America. I have shown that since the "Great Society" legislation of 1965 the government has grown 464.4% from  411 federal agencies and offices to 1909 federal agencies and offices while the population from the 1960 census to 2010 census shows a population growth from 179,323,175 to 308,745,538. or 45.36%.

That is a growth differential of 409% yes our government has grown more than 4 1/2 times larger than it was in 1965 to perform the new duties it took away from the states. The federal government over the last 47 years under the umbrella of that legislation and the massive federal government build up has added more than 100,000 new laws and federal regulations to enforce it and its subsequent socialist utopian programs with only one intended net effect, keep the ruling classes ruling while subjugating our rights and freedoms. And to implement and manage them they created a vast departmental bureaucracy to control it and us that has been choking the life from this Republic. This massive federal bureaucracy must either be reduced or completely phased out or we will never recover completely and we will be forced to watch as we become the very thing they want us to be, subjects of a socialist Marxist state. ("we already are")

The 1500 agencies and offices that have been created since then have been adding trillions to the cost of government and are now so fiscally insolvent that we currently borrow 40 cents on every dollar just to pay their bills.

In 1965 the federal debt was $317,273,898,983.64. that's billion with a B.

Today it is 15,728,863,898,758.00 that's trillion with a T.

Yes that is correct while our population has grown by 45% our debt per person has grown by 500%! Our debt thanks to the unchecked and unregulated growth of our federal government is 25 times more per man, woman and child even with the offset of the population growth. That is a staggering number almost 16 trillion dollars in less than 50 years with the democrats running the show for 40 of  them. The debt burden in 1965 for every man, woman and child was less than $2000, it is now $50,108.00 or 25 times more than it was before their legislation started us down the path to the progressive socialist utopian nightmare we are now living in.

There are other factors as well like the fact that it now costs business' more in regulatory expenses than their tax burden. In 2010 the tax burden to business' in both state and local taxes was 1.4 trillion dollars, the cost of compliance of federal regulations was 1.75 trillion. Yes we as Americans now absorb the expense of 3 TRILLION DOLLARS of pass thru costs from business' in America with 80% being federal tax and regulatory based.

The Federal Register is the document that compiles all the federal rules and regulations that businesses are required to comply with. As of 2010 the Federal Register was 81,405 pages long. Federal regulations serve as a hidden tax on the economy. Costs imposed by regulation do not end up on any Federal budget, nor do they add to the national deficit. However, 81,405 pages of regulations strain the economy by creating huge costs that business are obligated to meet.

To fix the problem we must start down sizing and eliminating multiple agencies and departments to match our population growth and actual regulatory needs not the political infrastructure created by the Democrats to enforce their socialist agenda onto America.

I would start by eliminating the departments of Education, Energy,Environmental Protection, Transportation, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Labor, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development and the General Services Administration and pass their operations and funding back to the states with the states keeping the tax funding they now send to Washington to be wasted and abused. I have identified these 10 agencies because they have all demonstrated extreme fiscal malfeasance and since their inception have all had a negative effect on every single area where they have imposed themselves. Since the Dept. of Ed. H.S. graduation rates and over all science and math scores are down over 40%, since the dept. of energy the cost of energy has increased 326% while the reduction in domestic energy production of all types has decreased by 29%.  I can continue this fact based performance evaluation for several thousand pages but it would only re-enforce their incompetence.

I would downsize all other agencies and offices that are not deemed necessary to carry out the Constitutional Responsibilities as defined by the Federalist papers to be necessary for the functioning of the government. I would eliminate the base line budgeting mechanisms and roll back spending to 2000 levels and then introduce a balanced budget amendment that only allows budgetary increases to match stated inflation based on preceding years inflation numbers.

All federal regulations enacted that have not been voted on by both houses and the POTUS will be suspended until reviewed for their cause and effect and any that can and should be the purview of the states shall be returned to the states for individual consideration and enforcement or annulment.  All future federal regulations must pass house over sight and be deemed necessary by the states affected by them.

End Presidential Executive orders and czars, all "cabinet posts" will be vetted and approved by both houses with majority vote rules in effect.

Now no where in this have I stated that Social Security or Medicare and Medicaid have to be eliminated or changed but they should be removed from their federal bureaucratic oversight and re-instituted as stand alone departments with both state and federal oversight shared and administered. Their fiscal mismanagement and the use of the sequestered funds being diverted to the general fund must not go unpunished and must be monitored by outside auditing agencies that are directly answerable to the voter, that is why state run auditors responsible for all of the accounting is necessary. Also an immediate return of all of the funds diverted from Social Security and the guilty parties forced to make restitution, even their heirs and beneficiaries should be held responsible just like any other fiduciary would be.

As the title indicated fixing what's broke in our government will take the effort of every American who believes in the Republic and the Constitution and its return to Rule of Law from rule of man.

Until we elect citizen statesmen in lieu of career politicians who are not part of the ruling class that is destroying us as the current 2 party system is, solutions based on the facts will not be presented and our decline will continue.

In Freedom,

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

President Conservative Party Florida

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Our current President and all the Muslim brotherhood in our White house staff, our military, our homeland security, our Sec. of State Mrs. Clintons top aide Mrs. Weiner (whose entire family serves in the Muslim Brotherhood),etc. keep telling us that the religion of Islam is peaceful, that there is no hate, that it is nothing to worry about, that if we ask questions or say anything about the open manifesto published by the Muslimbrotherhood to destroy America from within or the dangers of radical Islam we are somehow raciest haters.

Most people do not know that Stalin started PC to control people talking about certain subjects.

Will you watch this father (who has already SOLD one of his sons as a martyr) sell his next son to the highest bidder for Islam, will you ignore or will you pass it on to make sure people understand what exactly America and the world are up against, regardless of what the leaders in Washington are trying to say is not happening? The choice is yours, but remember just because you try to ignore evil does not make it so. Most of the 911 bombers came from the Saudi's, wonder what the son's mission for martyr will be?

If you would like to understand that radical Islam is a clear and present danger watch this video from a Muslim who believes we the people of America are in danger.


The Muslium Brotherhood wrote down the goals in the Manifesto of the Muslium Brotherhood, they tell us the truth about their intent. How long will you wait till you stand up, peacefully and say that it is not okay, our nation is under attack from within and they told us exactly how they would do it and they are. Read, watch, learn, then you decide, but stop being a person who does not think that you have no power to have  voice or take peaceful actions.


Watch this video put together by a peaceful Muslium who believes we deserve the truth


Watch this father sell his son to the highest bidder for radical Islam.

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Listen to this CNN video with Lou Dobbs, unbelieveable!
Hopefully the Republican-led House can stop this, if it is true.

Pass this on after you watch it. NOTICE THAT THIS IS FROM CNN, NOT FOX!!!
Click on this link !!!!!! This from CNN news:
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Taking the high ground

The Liberal mass media and newspapers are waging a never ending campaign against anything and anyone who is not a Progressive. They have taken the High Ground and have established themselves as the true “Spokesperson” for the entire United States of America. At this point you may be saying, “tell me something I don't know.”

A few months ago, I hear a retire Air Force general who reminded me of something I had forgotten. Those of us who were in the military took an Oath; it was an Oath that does not have an expiration date. Our country is counting on us to remember that Oath. We need to retake the High Ground.

Wars are not won by throwing the dice for one final major battle, but my winning numerous small engagements, to out maneuver your opponent for the final victory.  Our “small engagements” will be in our communities, our cities, our counties, our state and finally our country.

Each of us and our respected Tea Party groups has special talents and desires; we need to commit those resources for specific engagements that complement these skills.  Starting now, we need to attend each and every school board meeting in your community.  Education yourself on the issues, contact your school board members, and sign up to speak at the school board meetings.  Become an expert on your local school board, hold them accountable, and let them know if their values are in alignment with yours.  This same strategy needs to be applied to the State Board of Education and the Texas Education Agency.  Additionally, we need to become experts on our city councils, the same as with our local school boards.

Tea Party groups and its members need to be reading and writing to the local and national newspapers each and every day.  We need to respond to each and every article that appears in these newspapers that attack our core beliefs. Write letters to the Editor let them there is another side to an issue, copy the writer and their sources.  If an elected official makes outlandish statements, contact their office and let them know, there are two sides to every issue and they all come with a vote.  We need to support our elected official who makes a stand for our values and let them know that we are standing behind them.  This same strategy needs to be applied to television networks.  When they broadcast outlandish information in support of Progressive groups, let them know there is another side to that story.  If they produce T.V. shows that attack family values and attack state and national leaders who promote family values, led them know there is another side to that coin.

Write letters and E-mails to the member of our state and federal legislators; let them know your thoughts, both for and against their position(s).  Find out who are the members of the various committees and what their position on any given issue is, and share with them your thoughts.  Support legislators from other states and contact their opponents and let them know why you are supporting that legislator.

Support our service men and women, contact the USO and the various military groups and let them know you can be a resource for them.  Volunteer at a VA hospital or clinic, make hospital visits, go to the airports and train stations and welcome our service men and women home.

 Most of all pray for our families and for single mothers who are just overwhelm with the lost of a husband and father.


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For several years the number crunchers have been predicting that Social Security and Medicare would run out of money by the year 2027 or some other projected time over 10 years into the future.

This is not true !

We will not run out of money ever under this system !


The money you receive may well be worthless even as toilet paper.

[ to slippery to even wipe your butt with it]

This is exactly the problem facing Europe today and we are not years behind them, we are months behind them at best.

Can you start to imagine the turmoil that will occur if suddenly all those retirees loose 2/3 or more of their buying power?  

Yes it can and will happen and guess what ... You will loose your standard of living as well, and soon

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WE THE PEOPLE-----True it is about us allowing our country to turn into a Socialist and Communist regime.

The word REGIME may be frowned upon by the left but it is what it is a Regime full of diehard, hardcore Liberals that wish to turn us into a Welfare country.

It is no longer what you can do for your country, instead it is what can my country do for me. First thing we can do is to elect a new leader in November and than we can go after the lawmakers that wish to change our way of being a free society governed by the People instead of a bunch of Radicals that choose to be dictators instead of leaders of the people, by the people and for the people.

Addressing the types of retirement systems that I know about may help some folks decide the right way to vote or at least give them an incite on the issues that is killing our country.

MILITARY RETIREMENT---FREE RIDES-------This is an exception to the Free Ride Issue. Warriors that serve in our military have those people that support them and those that are opposed to the military. Many wish to have a strong National Defense but not at their expense. We can not have it both ways--We either pay a military force to protect our country or we sit on our duffs and wait on our enemies to bring the war to our country and than we will have a Terrorist problem, blowing up buildings, buses, trains and whatever. War is HELL and you do not wish to see it in our country. I saw it in Vietnam and when I served in Berlin Germany, I saw parts of Eastern Berlin that still had not repaired the war damage from WWII.

Military Retirement is not free----A price is paid to those that wish to protect our country by serving in the military. Some warriors die in battle and we pay insurance to their families or we pay a disability check to those that can not work but still have a family to support. Those that go on to serve for 20 plus years will receive a decent retirement check but many will still have to work to make ends meet or lower their life style considerably. Their income will be based on a percentage starting at 50% of their salary for 20 years and it goes up by time served and percentage points will be added. At one time it was 75% of their salary for 30 year service. General Officers are governed by a different system for length of service. It should be noted that the military is required to pay into the Social Security System during their stay in the service. Savings accounts is also encouraged by all members and some do invest what they can afford into the stock markets.

CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT-----is based on years served. IT was 40 years served to obtain your full annual salary as a Retirement check. Employees prior to the year 1985 were required to contribute a portion of their salary into their retirement fund and not pay Social Security. When they reach the age of 65 or plus, they can not draw Social Security if they have not paid into the system. Many choose to pay into the system while working and planning for the future.

Employees hired after 1985 were required to pay into the FERS System which allowed you to save money through the Thrift Savings Program and the government matched some of the savings up to 5%------This savings is your retirement planning program, due to the fact that once you serve 20 plus years, your check from Civil Service is going to be very small compared to the old system. FERS system requires the payment of Social Security deducted each pay cycle.

SOCIAL SECURITY-----People say-----Do not receive more than you pay in-------Paying Social Security for 43 years, I doubt if myself and my wife will ever be able to draw all that I have paid in and that troubles me---It is my savings account under my Social Security Number for my retirement and Uncle Sam uses my money to invest to make more money and collect interest. The system pays me nothing for using my money and than we are told the system is running out of money to pay retirees----I have my money---what Uncle Sam did with his money is very questionable.

The Free Ride-----The loop hole---At one time, anyone could go to the Social Security Office and pay in 500 bucks and draw a check for life.--Five hundred dollars was the price for paying or buying 40 quarters in order to be eligible---This included folks from foreign countries that came here to retire in Florida---They never worked a day of their live in our country.

Since than---The system requires you to have worked 10 years straight without a break in order to obtain the 40 quarters needed to be eligible for Social Security, plus the age requirements.

SSI-- FREE RIDE---People that have used drugs to the point they are unable to function as a responsible person can go to a doctor and have them to verify the fact the person can no longer work due to a disability and they are eligible for a disability check and food stamps, plus receive some type of allowance for housing. Some folks call them a (crazy check)----Well this is one way they get them---Who pays for it---the good old taxpayer.

Doctors----Have been caught writing false medical evalutions for disabilities so people could become eligible----Was there a kick back to the doctor-,???----You answer this one.

TEENAGERS / PREGNANCY-----A teen was told to get a job and get out of the house and stop being dead weight on the parents or requiring the parents to feed and support them.----I do not need to work, just get pregnant and my uncle will care for me. He will give me a house, all bills paid, food stamps and all of the other dependant assistance I may need. plus I can have my own rules and be my own boss.-------You know the uncle she was talking about----His name is SAM---UNCLE SAM.---Is this a myth, I wish but it is not and that is why the youths still continue to have their fun and have TAXPAYERS foot the bills for their fun-----Having sex to them is fun---Babies just happen, it could happen to anyone,????. (BET)

FOOD STAMPS------Uncle Sam changed the system to a debit card system to stop the stores / people from buying food stamps or being able to sell the food stamps for money or obtaining booze and drugs. Well they failed------The recipents just purchase things that folks want them to buy---like meat products--STEAKS---Great product to use to swap for drugs or booze and OYES---they stll do business at the 50% rate, same as before, nothing has changed.------Who pays-----TAXPAYERS.

HUD HOUSING-----Apartments are given to teenagers that have a child, an all expense luxury suite for having a little fun (sex)-----Taxpayers should see some of these apartments after these teenagers, their live in friends or visitors get through having a fight or a party---Some are so badly damaged due to neglect-----Who remodels them----Right (taxpayers).

WHITE HOUSE / CONGRESS----------$200,000 dollar jobs as a servant to the people. Retirement checks full salary and security if needed-----Private planes, fuel, allowances for moon lighting on board----Combine business with pleasure---Fly all over the world, attend a small conference and take a little side road to visit some luxury resort or vacation spot.

LIARS----RHINO'S---ROGUE----I reserve this for our lawmakers / goverment officials / executive branches that make a practice of telling lies to the people and to promise them but doing as they please.

I have a lack of respect for those that claim to be a member of one party when in fact their core values / agenda fits the mold of the opposite party. (rhino)---(liars).

We as Taxpayers need to get our arms around these people that take us for stupid fools and vote them out of office-----We need to change laws to protect the people against the radical lawmakers and have them immediately removed from office when they violate their Oath Of Office or do not serve within the best interest of WE THE PEOPLE.


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Be Encouraged! 6/5/12

Howdy all!  Well, I offered a chance to share some of your inspiration with us.  The replies were few, very few.  Folks, I love doing this.  I will continue to do this.  I was very apprehensive at first, thinking no one would read.  Boy was I wrong.  But that also made me think; do you know what truly inspires you?  I hope it isn’t just this daily (mostly) pile of words.  If you do have an inspiration in your life, please share.  Any time you wish.  Your inspiration may actually inspire others.  We all need that kind of camaraderie now and then.

Ok, that said,..

He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. ~ Ephesians 2:8
Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capacity, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence." --Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

Wow, I don’t really have to go far for this encouragement.  It’s our kids.  We are the inspiration for our children and grandchildren.  They may not understand what we are doing, but when they figure it out, they will be truly grateful, and inspired to continue to protect this great nation.  We have to believe this as fact.  We will not be on earth forever.  They will have to fly our flag when we fall.  We may be humble and not comfortable sharing our inspiration with others, and that’s fine.  But we must share our lives, our sacred honor with our children.  They will be the ones to preserve this nation.  God works through us every day.  Even the little things are His work.  Do not shy away from this burden.  Doing so will be more devastating to our nation’s future than anything the progressives could ever think up.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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4063522362?profile=originalTea Party Express Vll national bus tour has added a new feature – a Mobile Phone Bank Bus which gives Tea Party groups an opportunity to make calls to Wisconsin voters for the June 5th recall election.

The first rally of Tea Party Express Vll was Friday, June 1st in Jefferson, WI. The rally was great.

Our tour bus was attacked right before our second rally of the day in Madison. A man threw a beer bottle which smashed just below a window. Then, he swiftly ran away. For people who claim tolerance is the foundation of their religion of Liberalism, liberals are notoriously intolerant of opposing views. Their modus operandi is to always attempt to silence the opposition.

The mainstream media would like you to believe the Tea Party movement is dead. Such is not the case. The movement has become far more sophisticated over that last 3 ½ years. Starting 3 or 4 Tea Party Express national bus tours ago, I began meeting more and more patriots who are working; involved in local and national races, publishing books, releasing songs, producing videos and movies, organizing to cover weak spots in our armor, educating themselves and others – everyone passionately doing their part to restore America.

Local tea party leader Pam Schoenecker and her group hosted our rally in Rhinelander, WI. Pam is a wife and mother of five. She runs 5 facebook pages in support of Gov. Walker. Groups on facebook: Let's March for Governor Scott Walker and Keep Politics Out of the Classroom. Open Pages: Let's March for Scott Walker, Women for Walker and Green Lake County Republican Party.

Most impressive at our Rhinelander, WI rally was 14 year old speaker and activist, Benji Backer. This remarkably bright young lad has been actively involved in politics since the age of 10. Benji is currently a volunteer for the Republican Party of Outagamie County.

At our Tea Party Express rally in Green Bay, WI, I met William Berglund who is Chairman of Republican Party of Door County. I asked William if he is seeing signs of the Tea Party losing energy in his county. William said, “Quite the opposite”. His headquarters usually answer requests for around 200 lawn signs max. So far, they have met requests for over 900, “I Stand With Scott Walker” signs. William said patriots in his county are fired-up like never before.

William Berglund's report confirms what I have been witnessing in my travels on Tea Party Express VII across Wisconsin. The Tea Party is alive, well and extremely active.

For the grand finale of every rally, I invite all of the veterans in the audience to join me on stage while I sing “God Bless The USA”.

Of course, no visit to Green Bay, WI which is famed for cheese would be complete without trying a cheese I have never tasted before – Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Curd. Delicious!

I expect a deliciously awesome win for Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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Wisconsin ----The battle of all battle, Unionized workers getting a free ride on the taxpayer gravy train.

It must be nice to have a job with the state and work for x number of years, retire with a unionized retirement pay where you contributed 0 to the fund plus free medical insurance at the expense of the taxpayer where you contributed 0 as well.

How can we live in a state and allow the state /  Union bosses force the working class to pay Union dues to support the free loaders. Retirement systems are suppose to be supported by the employee investing some of their salary into a retirement fund or the stock market, not to take it all home and force the public to pay for their retirement.


Lawmakers--Congress / Executive Branch

Lawmakers are elected to office by the voters / taxpayers to serve a term in support of their state or district. Most of these lawmakers are millionaires from scratch and when they take the Oath of Office, we allow them to load up on taxpayers benefits while in office or after they are terminated / voted out.

The Congress does not work a full year at what they do. We pay them $200,000 plus to work at a part time job. When the Congress is not in session the lawmakers go home within their state domain. Some get free travel expenses or allowed to deduct the travel from taxes or to get a refund. Most probably have a government credit card that gives them access to free taxpayer money for air fares.

The leaders of the Congress are entitled to a free airplane, free fuel, an expense account for on board luxuries and are allowed to welcome aboard guest that can fly coast to coast, free of charge, eat free and booze it up on board in flight. These lawmakers travel on a weekend so they can return to their state and be home with their families. Monday mornings or sunday evening they hop on that taxpayer plane and ride / fly to work at taxpayer expense with all of the freebies on board and the thousands of dollars being spent on fuel for one ride to and from work each time they have a weekjend off. Should they be forced to live within the area they work and travel back and forth to their home state at their personal expense on the weekends if they so desire.

When these lawmakers finally retire or voted out of office, they get to keep that huge salary as a retirement income and probably free healthcare at taxpayer expense, plus some are probably protected by taxpayer money using security forces hired by taxpayer money. Should lawmakers even be authorized a retirement income when the rest of the government employees have to retire using a Merit Retirement Plan, much like the Military.


Military Personnel----Let us look at the difference in how the military is treated, compared to the Congress and Executive Branch.

Military personnel are assigned a duty station within a state / military installation for duty. They are allowed travel / moving expenses in most cases for the movement of their families and household goods (furniture) which is controlled by a weight allowance. Military personnel are given a housing allowance and what they call separate rations to buy a little food for their families. They have the option in some cases to live on base at which time they forfeit the housing allowance or to live off base and keep the housing allowance.

They get up every day and drive their personally owned car to work using gas they purchased with their monthly salary. They receive a 30 day vacation once a year so they can take a break and maybe return home to see Mom and Dad or their Spouse. They travel using their own cars, or air fares that have been purchased at their own expense. They are not afforded a travel fund or allowed to get a refund from the government, nor are they afforded any type of a government credit card to buy luxury items. When their vacation is over they return to work and repeat the same process until they (EARN) another 30 day vacation.

Military personnel are eligible for retirement at 20 years and some cases it used to be 19.5 years. Their retirement pay is based on a percentage of their salary at the time they retire, based on the number of years served. Twenty years was calculated at 50 % of your salary based on your pay grade at retirement . It did increase for time served over 20 years. The system may have changed to some degree, but it was written to serve no longer than 30 years based upon the Merit promotion System. A certain pay grade had to be obtained to retire based upon the system and number of years served. 

Civil Service personnel are supposely under about the same system as the military as far as pay and promotions.

Merit Promotions Systems is used in the Military and Civil Service for pay grades unless you are fortune enough to get a GS Level position, which is pretty hard for retired military personnel unless you have a buddy.---OYES---it does exist (buddy system)---

TAXPAYERS---Is it not time to stop the unfair abuse and waste of our money to pay these outrageous salaries and retirement plans within the Congress / Executive Branch.----They at time have ask us to work without a pay check to assist them during short falls.----How about doing a service to your country and work for free if you are a millionaire and wavier the retirement pay and the Social Security.

Should there be a Merit Retirement System for Congress, Executive Branches and all other Departments of Government.-------YES 




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