WE THE PEOPLE-----True it is about us allowing our country to turn into a Socialist and Communist regime.
The word REGIME may be frowned upon by the left but it is what it is a Regime full of diehard, hardcore Liberals that wish to turn us into a Welfare country.
It is no longer what you can do for your country, instead it is what can my country do for me. First thing we can do is to elect a new leader in November and than we can go after the lawmakers that wish to change our way of being a free society governed by the People instead of a bunch of Radicals that choose to be dictators instead of leaders of the people, by the people and for the people.
Addressing the types of retirement systems that I know about may help some folks decide the right way to vote or at least give them an incite on the issues that is killing our country.
MILITARY RETIREMENT---FREE RIDES-------This is an exception to the Free Ride Issue. Warriors that serve in our military have those people that support them and those that are opposed to the military. Many wish to have a strong National Defense but not at their expense. We can not have it both ways--We either pay a military force to protect our country or we sit on our duffs and wait on our enemies to bring the war to our country and than we will have a Terrorist problem, blowing up buildings, buses, trains and whatever. War is HELL and you do not wish to see it in our country. I saw it in Vietnam and when I served in Berlin Germany, I saw parts of Eastern Berlin that still had not repaired the war damage from WWII.
Military Retirement is not free----A price is paid to those that wish to protect our country by serving in the military. Some warriors die in battle and we pay insurance to their families or we pay a disability check to those that can not work but still have a family to support. Those that go on to serve for 20 plus years will receive a decent retirement check but many will still have to work to make ends meet or lower their life style considerably. Their income will be based on a percentage starting at 50% of their salary for 20 years and it goes up by time served and percentage points will be added. At one time it was 75% of their salary for 30 year service. General Officers are governed by a different system for length of service. It should be noted that the military is required to pay into the Social Security System during their stay in the service. Savings accounts is also encouraged by all members and some do invest what they can afford into the stock markets.
CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT-----is based on years served. IT was 40 years served to obtain your full annual salary as a Retirement check. Employees prior to the year 1985 were required to contribute a portion of their salary into their retirement fund and not pay Social Security. When they reach the age of 65 or plus, they can not draw Social Security if they have not paid into the system. Many choose to pay into the system while working and planning for the future.
Employees hired after 1985 were required to pay into the FERS System which allowed you to save money through the Thrift Savings Program and the government matched some of the savings up to 5%------This savings is your retirement planning program, due to the fact that once you serve 20 plus years, your check from Civil Service is going to be very small compared to the old system. FERS system requires the payment of Social Security deducted each pay cycle.
SOCIAL SECURITY-----People say-----Do not receive more than you pay in-------Paying Social Security for 43 years, I doubt if myself and my wife will ever be able to draw all that I have paid in and that troubles me---It is my savings account under my Social Security Number for my retirement and Uncle Sam uses my money to invest to make more money and collect interest. The system pays me nothing for using my money and than we are told the system is running out of money to pay retirees----I have my money---what Uncle Sam did with his money is very questionable.
The Free Ride-----The loop hole---At one time, anyone could go to the Social Security Office and pay in 500 bucks and draw a check for life.--Five hundred dollars was the price for paying or buying 40 quarters in order to be eligible---This included folks from foreign countries that came here to retire in Florida---They never worked a day of their live in our country.
Since than---The system requires you to have worked 10 years straight without a break in order to obtain the 40 quarters needed to be eligible for Social Security, plus the age requirements.
SSI-- FREE RIDE---People that have used drugs to the point they are unable to function as a responsible person can go to a doctor and have them to verify the fact the person can no longer work due to a disability and they are eligible for a disability check and food stamps, plus receive some type of allowance for housing. Some folks call them a (crazy check)----Well this is one way they get them---Who pays for it---the good old taxpayer.
Doctors----Have been caught writing false medical evalutions for disabilities so people could become eligible----Was there a kick back to the doctor-,???----You answer this one.
TEENAGERS / PREGNANCY-----A teen was told to get a job and get out of the house and stop being dead weight on the parents or requiring the parents to feed and support them.----I do not need to work, just get pregnant and my uncle will care for me. He will give me a house, all bills paid, food stamps and all of the other dependant assistance I may need. plus I can have my own rules and be my own boss.-------You know the uncle she was talking about----His name is SAM---UNCLE SAM.---Is this a myth, I wish but it is not and that is why the youths still continue to have their fun and have TAXPAYERS foot the bills for their fun-----Having sex to them is fun---Babies just happen, it could happen to anyone,????. (BET)
FOOD STAMPS------Uncle Sam changed the system to a debit card system to stop the stores / people from buying food stamps or being able to sell the food stamps for money or obtaining booze and drugs. Well they failed------The recipents just purchase things that folks want them to buy---like meat products--STEAKS---Great product to use to swap for drugs or booze and OYES---they stll do business at the 50% rate, same as before, nothing has changed.------Who pays-----TAXPAYERS.
HUD HOUSING-----Apartments are given to teenagers that have a child, an all expense luxury suite for having a little fun (sex)-----Taxpayers should see some of these apartments after these teenagers, their live in friends or visitors get through having a fight or a party---Some are so badly damaged due to neglect-----Who remodels them----Right (taxpayers).
WHITE HOUSE / CONGRESS----------$200,000 dollar jobs as a servant to the people. Retirement checks full salary and security if needed-----Private planes, fuel, allowances for moon lighting on board----Combine business with pleasure---Fly all over the world, attend a small conference and take a little side road to visit some luxury resort or vacation spot.
LIARS----RHINO'S---ROGUE----I reserve this for our lawmakers / goverment officials / executive branches that make a practice of telling lies to the people and to promise them but doing as they please.
I have a lack of respect for those that claim to be a member of one party when in fact their core values / agenda fits the mold of the opposite party. (rhino)---(liars).
We as Taxpayers need to get our arms around these people that take us for stupid fools and vote them out of office-----We need to change laws to protect the people against the radical lawmakers and have them immediately removed from office when they violate their Oath Of Office or do not serve within the best interest of WE THE PEOPLE.