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As American citizens we can only pray that there are a few in positions of Honor who still have some Dignity and Honor.  So many in positions of authority have sacrificed values that made this nation great, and for what I can not say.  I live my values of Honor, Loyalty, Duty and Morality regardless of what it might cost me.  Whatever the cost, I am willing to pay it. I simply will not  capitulate or compromise my faith and values.  I get confused by the large number of members of our courts who have betrayed our Constitution and American value system.  My greatest hope and prayer is that we may return to a path of Morality, Honor and Loyalty, it is the only path Freedom and liberty will follow, it is the only way to regain our dignity as true Americans.  If you hold an a position of authority in America, I respectfully ask you to conduct your duty with Honor and Dignity and keep the oath you made to the Constitution of the United States of America.  Your authority will never protect you from judgment.
Art Phillips
Loyal American Citizen
Patriot and faithful Christian
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If you work you may want to see how hard Democrats try to waste your taxes, you even pay to advertise their efforts to use your money to buy votes. Grants should not be advertised, they should be on a need basis, real need , not real greed and misappropriations. This is one of our congressmen form the 28th district and his strings stretch all the way from Texas to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC., he is an active Obama puppet.  Congressmen and senators like him are the reason Barak has brake lights sewn to the butt of his pants.  Read e-mail sent out by this congressman posted below.  Remember, the dollars he giving away come from your labor!


Congressman Henry Cuellar


Join Me
to Find Money for your Organization
Tuesday January 24th 10:00 AM CT- 12:00 PM CT

I will be broadcasting live to local colleges and universities from Washington D.C. to get constituents involved in the grant process. From college students to non profits, from firefighters to professors – all can successfully receive money from the federal government.
I want to help you successfully apply for a grant – in essence, it is federal money brought back to our district that we do not need to repay. Your applications in the past have: provided clean drinking water for rural communities, ensured law enforcement have the proper equipment to keep our communities safe and improved air quality through the installation of an electric bus route to name a few.
I hope you will join me and my staff on Tuesday. I will personally be introducing this monthly grants videoconference initiative from my Washington, D.C. office and welcoming all in attendance.
The following entities will be participating as speakers for our conference:
• Congressional Research Service- Merete Gerli (Grants Specialist) will be providing a general overview of the Grants Process, utilizing my Member Webpage.
• Judy Ceresa will be presenting on the grant application process as administered through the website.
• The Foundation Center- Kim Patton will be advancing knowledge of philanthropy resources in the grants process.
• The FundBook- James Alfano (editor of the FundBook) will explain the usefulness of the FundBook for constituents, emphasizing its utility within the grants process.
We look forward to hosting these monthly informative grant conferences. Please feel free to contact Juan Sanchez, the District Grants Coordinator, if you have any questions.
Juan Sanchez -- (956)-725-0639 --

Congressman Henry Cuellar

To sign up for text messages from Congressman Cuellar, click here.

Congressman Cuellar wants to hear from you. To send him an email, click here.
Social Media
To keep up with news and developments from the 28th District of Texas and Capitol Hill, follow Congressman Cuellar online.

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Help with Federal Grants

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Beware! Romney is a white Obama

Last December 1, 2010, I warned that Perry was not our man.  That threat is now departed.  But even more of a threat is Romney.  We all know that Romney was the precursor to the communist plan of "Obamacare."  Romney is much more dangerous than Perry.  In essence, Romney is a white Obama!  If you don't believe me, just go on over to see McCain's opposition research ( that was done during the 2008 election that America lost to the Communist Party when Obama was "elected."

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Right ON!!

Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 20, 2012:

“A Georgia judge has refused a demand from Barack Obama to quash a subpoena to appear at a series of administration hearings Jan. 26 at which residents of the state are challenging, as allowed under a state law, his name on the 2012 presidential ballot.

WND reported this week when Obama outlined a defense strategy for a number of state-level challenges to his candidacy in 2012 which argue that states have nothing to do with the eligibility of presidential candidates.

“Presidential electors and Congress, not the state of Georgia, hold the constitutional responsibility for determining the qualifications of presidential candidates,” Obama’s lawyer argued in a motion to quash a subpoena for him to appear at the hearings in Atlanta Jan. 26.

“The election of President Obama by the presidential electors, confirmed by Congress, makes the documents and testimony sought by plaintiff irrelevant,” the lawyer said.

Judge Michael M. Malihi, however, took a different view.

“Defendant argues that ‘if enforced, [the subpoena] requires him to interrupt duties as president of the United States’ to attend a hearing in Atlanta, Georgia. However, defendant fails to provide any legal authority to support his motion to quash the subpoena to attend,” he wrote in his order, released today.

“Defendant’s motion suggests that no president should be compelled to attend a court hearing. This may be correct. But defendant has failed to enlighten the court with any legal authority,” the judge continued.

“Specifically, defendant has failed to cite to any legal authority evidencing why his attendance is ‘unreasonable or oppressive, or that the testimony … [is] irrelevant, immaterial, or cumulative and unnecessary to a party’s preparation or presentation at the hearing, or that basic fairness dictates that the subpoena should not be enforced.’”

Hearings have been scheduled for three separate complaints raised against Obama’s candidacy. They all are raised by Georgia residents who are challenging Obama’s name on the 2012 ballot for various reasons, which they are allowed to do under state law.

It is states, usually through the office of secretary of state, that run elections, not the federal government. The national election is simply a compilation of the results of the individual elections within states.

The schedule for the hearings was set by Malihi of the Georgia state Office of State Administrative Hearings. In Georgia, a state law requires “every candidate for federal” office who is certified by the state executive committees of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy “shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”

State law also grants the secretary of state and any “elector who is eligible to vote for a candidate” in the state the authority to raise a challenge to a candidate’s qualifications, the judge determined.

Three different plaintiffs’ groups are lined up for separate hearings, including one represented by California attorney Orly Taitz. She had the judge sign a subpoena for Obama’s testimony, and Michael Jablonski, Obama’s attorney for the cases, argued that he should be exempted.

“Make no mistake about it. This is the beginning of Watergate Two or ObamaForgeryGate. I believe this is the second time in the U.S. history a sitting president is ordered to comply with a subpoena, and produce documents, which might eventually bring criminal charges to the president and a number of high-ranking individuals,” Taitz said.

She told WND that it’s been 40 years since any court issued such a ruling concerning a president.

Separately, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona told WND he also had gotten a subpoena to be at the hearings in Georgia. He said the goal apparently is to ask him about his Cold Case Posse investigation of Obama’s eligiblity, but he said since the investigation remains open, he wouldn’t be able to say much about it.

Citizens bringing the complaints include David Farrar, Leah Lax, Cody Judy, Thomas Malaren and Laurie Roth, represented by Taitz; David Weldon represented by attorney Van R. Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation; and Carl Swensson and Kevin Richard Powell, represented by J. Mark Hatfield.

Hatfield also had filed with the court a “Notice to Produce” asking for Obama’s documents and records.

He wants one of the two original certified copies of Obama’s  long-form birth certificate.

Also, required are medical, religious administrative and other records about Obama’s birth; passports, applications and related records; college and university applications; bar association applications and materials; details on the citizenship of Obama’s father and other documents.

Taitz had filed an opposition to the motion to quash, taking Obama directly to task over what many consider an important constitutional question – the eligibility of a presidential candidate.

“It is noteworthy, that [the quash request] comes on the heels of his extended 17 day Hawaiian vacation, which cost U.S. taxpayers 4 million dollars. Mr. Obama has earned a dubious distinction as a Vacationer in Chief, Tourist in Chief, Partier in Chief and a Golfer in Chief due to his endless vacations, parties and rounds of golf. Considering … it is not too much to ask for Mr. Obama to show up once at a hearing and present his original identification records, which were not seen by anyone in the country yet,” she argued.

Obama’s attorney, Jablonski, also had argued that the state should mind its own business.

“The sovereignty of the state of Georgia does not extend beyond the limits of the State. … Since the sovereignty of the state does not extend beyond its territorial limits, an administrative subpoena has no effect,” the filing argues.

Taitz’s supporters joined a discussion on her website, where she also solicits support for the expenses of the battles she’s confronting, judging that Obama is on the defensive.

“What a joke. He claims to be too busy performing the duties of the president of the United States. How many days of vacation has he taken? How many rounds of golf? If he is too busy to provide the documents that provide the basis for meeting the requirements of the office, then perhaps he better sit out the next four years,” said one.

Wrote another, “The election of President Obama by the presidential electors, confirmed by Congress, makes the documents and testimony sought by plaintiff irrelevant. … This is complete utter nonsense!”

In fact, a presidential elector in California brought a lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility at the time of the 2008 election and was told the dispute was not yet ripe because the inauguration hadn’t taken place. The courts later ruled that the elector lost his “standing” to bring the lawsuit after the inauguration.

Irion said his argument is that the Founders clearly considered a “natural born citizen,” as the Constitution requires of a president and no one else, to be the offspring of two citizen parents. Since Obama himself has written in his books that his father, Barack Obama Sr. was a Kenyan, and thus subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, Irion argues that Obama is disqualified under any circumstances based on his own testimony.

Those who argue against his birth in the United States note that numerous experts have given testimony and sworn statements that they believe Obama’s Hawaiian birth documentation to be fraudulent.

It is that concern that also has prompted Arpaio to turn over an investigation of that issue to his Cold Case Posse. Its investigative report is expected to be released in the next few weeks.

The Georgia hearing apparently will be the first time among dozens of so-far unsuccessful lawsuits brought over Obama’s eligibility issue that evidence will be heard in a court. Other cases all have been dismissed over issues such as standing, without a presentation of the evidence.

There are similar challenges to Obama’s 2012 candidacy being raised before state election or other commissions in Tennessee, Arizona, Illinois, New Hampshire and other states.

The image released by the White House in April:

Top constitutional expert Herb Titus contends that a “natural born citizen”  is born of parents who are citizens. That argument also is supported by a 19th-century U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett in 1875. The case includes one of very few references in the nation’s archives that addresses the definition of “natural-born citizen.”

That case states:

The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.

An extensive analysis of the issue was conducted by Titus, who has taught constitutional law, common law and other subjects for 30 years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools. He also was the founding dean of the College of Law at Regent University, a trial attorney and special assistant U.S. attorney in the Department of Justice.

“‘Natural born citizen’ in relation to the office of president, and whether someone is eligible, was in the Constitution from the very beginning,” he said. “Another way of putting it; there is a law of the nature of citizenship. If you are a natural born citizen, you are a citizen according to the law of nature, not according to any positive statement in a Constitution or in a statute, but because of the very nature of your birth and the very nature of nations.”

If you “go back and look at what the law of nature would be or would require … that’s precisely what a natural born citizen is …. is one who is born to a father and mother each of whom is a citizen of the U.S. or whatever other country,” he said.

“Now what we’ve learned from the Hawaii birth certificate is that Mr. Obama’s father was not a citizen of the United States. His mother was, but he doesn’t qualify as a natural born citizen for the office of president.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing!-Posted on The Sacramento Bee-By The Associated Press-On January 20, 2012:

II. Obama’s Motion To Quash My Subpoena Is Denied and He Has To Appear At Trial and Present All The Documents That I Demanded To Produce In My Subpoena!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Ezquire-On January 20, 2012:

III. Obama has to appear in a Georgia Court next week to show his birth document and other records!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 20, 2012:

IV. New activity in the Swensson-Powell v Obama primary ballot access challenge in Georgia!-Posted on Article II Super PAC-On January 19, 2012:

V. Dr. Orly Taitz Files Opposition to Obama’s Motion to Quash Subpoena!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire-On January 19, 2012:

VI. Dr. Orly Taitz Issues Subpoena to Sheriff Arpaio for Obama Georgia Eligibility Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 19, 2012:

VII. OBAMA ARGUES AGAINST APPEARING AT ELIGIBILITY HEARING: ‘Electors, Congress, not Georgia, hold responsibility for qualifications of candidates!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 18, 2012:

VIII. Barack Obama Filed A Motion Asking Judge Malihi In Georgia To Quash Subpoenas By Dr. Orly Taitz!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire-On January 18, 2012:

IX. Exclusive: Deadline challenge to keep Obama off primary ballot?-Posted on WLS Radio-By Mary Frances Bragiel-Updated on January 16, 2012:

X. OBAMA HAS GEORGIA ON HIS MIND: COURT WILL HEAR ELIGIBILITY CASE!-Posted on Amercan Free Press-By Pat Shannan-On January 13, 2012:

XI. Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited!-Posted on The Examiner-By Patricia Walston, Atlanta News-On January 11, 2012:

Note: What follows is a culmination of more than 100 years of negligence and disregard of the global Marxist infection contaminating the world, to include how the destiny of America follows the steps of Russian Empire in its demise by Alexander Gofen.

The author, Mr. Gofen, states the following in his analysis:

“The judicial fight for restoration of the Constitutional order lasts since the end of 2008 and is still in progress. The leader of this fight and the most prominent personality is Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.   As of December 2011, the fight reached the next phase – the challenge to all 50 state election commissions attempting to re-enter the illegitimate candidate Obama into the primary ballots the second time. The main source of information about various aspects of this fight is Dr. Taitz' site  and also a conservative news outlet “

Comparative analysis of demise of the Russian Empire in 1917 and of the United States of America now!-By Alexander Gofen-On December 28, 2011:

Note:  Americans are waking up!

Thanks to Dr. Orly Taitz, WND and others for their unwavering fortitude to continue the fight Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

Continue Reading:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless WND-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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DC vs Citizens

The president and congress know that true patriotic Americans, including citizens who have fought for America, are sick and tired of violations of Constitutional law they are committing. We are not only sick of their unconstitutional acts, we are sick and tired of their criminal treasonous acts against all American citizens. Because they can't overnight abolish the Constitution which protects patriotic citizens they intend to give themselves the power to remove individual citizens from their Constitution. Face it, this president and congress are a clear and present danger to our Constitution as well as every citizens Freedoms, Liberty and civil rights. Not only are they guilty of treason, they know very well they are guilty of treason, it was by their design. Knowing this it isn't  hard to understand NDAA and a law to remove any American's citizenship. The president and congress are taking these steps to protect themselves from "We The People", they know we are not going to allow them to void the Constitution or our freedom. Writing this would be enough for this president and congress to , in their minds, end my life. It wouldn't matter that I am now and have always been a Legal, Loyal, dedicated patriot, with honor and morality who has served and bled for his country.   As a matter of fact, because I posses Honor, Loyalty, morality, and I am a patriotic veteran who intends to keep his oath to our Constitution, I am considered by Obama, his administration and congress to be one of the biggest threats to our country.  I may be a threat to them because they are guilty of committing criminal acts against our nation and its Constitution.  I could never be a threat to my country, I will however be a threat to any government, including this government, when they themselves have declared war on our Constitution, our laws, and the American way of life.  It is my duty as an American citizen.  Obama, we are a nation of laws (not the laws you and the 111th 112th congress pass), Constitutional law, the highest law.  Obama we are not a nation of you or any of your treasonous friends, laws not men, and believe me, you simply do not count as a citizen, a patriot or a man who knows Honor.


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PLAN DO NOT WORK.4063426522?profile=original

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Hey folks---IN one short hour from now, N.H. Rep Harry Accornero will be joining us again on Tea Party Radio---Founder's Quest: The Seigfreid/Toepfer Hour.  You may recall that Harry joined us just before last Thanksgiving to discuss his efforts to have the illegal usurper Obama removed from office, causing quite a stir at the time as he has been the only elected official in the country to initiate any action.  Join us at 9 p.m. EST right here @ and/or call in @ 646-200-4032.  Hope to see you then!

Jim Seigfreid

Host-Founder's Quest: The Seigfreid/Toepfer Hour on

Tea Party Radio Network

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Thursdays debate in South Carolina showed that Gingrich has enough required visciousness to put the media in its place and to put Obama in his place if he gets the nomination. Romney is just too gentle of a man to call the media out and to expose Obama in any final debate should he get the nomination. Santorum showed he is not bashful either when it comes to expressing himself, but he still hasn't called the media or Obama out enough. Romney pretty much treaded water as he generally does. The moderator pretty much humored Ron Paul, knowing he will come in fourth at the final primary vote total.

It will be very important who the Vice President is chosen by the Republican nominee. While Sen. Rubio has a supposed citizenship issue he would almost make the Republican ticket a sure winner in November. It appears highly unlikely that any other candidate currently debating would be chosen by the Republican nominee, given the acrimony of the debates.

The very conservative Sen. Mitch Daniels will be giving the Republican response to Obama's state of the union address due shortly. He would make an excellent V.P. but is apparently wedded to Indiana politics. Congressman Paul Ryan would also be an excellent V.P. choice but he is wedded to his Congressional agenda. The Republican ticket MUST be strong on top and bottom.       

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Illegal Immigration


You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California .

Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".

Ready? Now pay attention....

Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has 9,631 .00.

Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month Federal Rent Subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc..

Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month..

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same elementary school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.

Now, when they reach college age, Joe Legal's kids may not get into a State School and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Joe has been paying for State Schools through his taxes, while Jose Illegal's kids "go to the head of the class" because they are a minority.

Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Now do you get it ?????

If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal aliens...
You are part of the problem!

We need to keep this going--we need to make changes ASAP!

It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!

What are you waiting for? Pass it on.

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4063437814?profile=originalSuddenly, there is a lot of discussion about whether or not we live in a "post-racial society." With the 2012 presidential election right around the corner, I can only conclude that, despicably, "race-baiting" will be a major component of the left's and the White House's Obama re-election campaign.

Recently, a black publication interviewed me for an article, the topic being "Is America a post-racial society?" Then, flipping through the TV channels, I caught a bit of two blacks on CNN discussing whether or not America is a post-racial society. It's coming up everywhere lately.

I am just giving you a heads-up, folks. All this talk about a post-racial society, which sounds like it came out of a marketing strategy meeting, is designed simply to accuse all who are against Obama's re-election of being non-post-racial. In other words, racist.

The post-racial discussion is absurd, divisive, and a waste of time -- a distraction from real issues. The fact that America elected a black man to be leader of the free world confirms that Americans think post-racially. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Even if every black in America voted for Obama, without millions of white votes, Obama would not have been elected. Are we a post-racial society? Of course we are.

What I find so repulsive is that the left and the Obama administration are well aware of this truth. And yet, they will, without hesitation or conscience, double down on their efforts to inspire black hatred against white Tea Partiers and fuel white guilt to achieve their goals.

I witnessed a moving example of our post-racial society while watching a pro football playoff game on TV. Upon winning the game, black football player Vernon Davis, with tears running down his face, ran over to his white coach, Jim Harbaugh. Davis cried as he and Harbaugh hugged for a long time. They were just two men: a respected coach and a respected player. Race did not matter. America is a post-racial society.

Only agenda-driven knuckleheads design new tactics to keep Americans apart, suspicious of one another, and at each other's throats along racial lines.

Now, do not get me wrong. I am not saying racism, on both sides, does not exist in America. Of course, it does, along with every other sin. Such will be the case until the Lord takes us home. But as a nation, the American people have proven themselves honorable, fair-minded, compassionate, and extremely generous.

The '60s TV series Star Trek was an excellent example of a "post-racial society." The crew was of various races and yet they related to each other as individuals. Race was irrelevant.

I love the way the left always accuses us, the American people, of the evils of which they are guilty. We do not sit around thinking of phony intellectual-sounding phrases such as "post-racial society." We simply live, work, and play together as Americans. The left and black Liberal Plantation overlords are the ones guilty of thinking "non"-post-racially for political purposes. Their exploitation of race continues to devastate blacks in terms of their attitudes and expectations. Black race profiteers are betraying their own people by convincing them that they are victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. For crying out loud, I caught one of those Hollywood insider TV shows talking about some black rapper's ninety-million-dollar fragrance line. Black unemployment being at an unprecedented high has nothing to do with white America's views on race and everything to do with Obama's economy.

All of this absurd post-racial talk confirms that most-assuredly, the Obama administration and his minions plan to exploit race, along with class envy, in Obama's reelection campaign. This is why the left has been relentless in their attempts to brand the Tea Party racist. Tea partiers oppose Socialism and ignoring the Constitution, not Obama's skin color.

As a post-racial-thinking American, I am doing everything in my power to make Barack Hussein Obama a one-term president, and not because he is black. Obama must go because his vision for our future is an anathema to all we hold dear and the vision of our Founding Fathers.

If I can offer one bit of heartfelt advice to my fellow black Americans who may be caught up in all of this post-racial vs. non post-racial nonsense, please, forget about race and simply go for your dreams.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Back up my Views

Theres a English version Koran, Ive read it I need to know my ememy Islum. I learned who they are, what they are, what they want,& how they are going to try & get it. Mohamid can stick it. My father retired navy & history teacher, Ive learned alot from. Both of us Christian, conservative, republican. We can get into some heated debates. Everytime at the end of the day, theres love & agreement. Before the 1st caucus or primary we both had our minds made up for a ticket me Mitt for pres because of economy & Newt for VP because of foreign affairs. My dad just reverse. Now someone, somewhere come up w/ a better ticket, that can beat obama, dems & libs. Who ? I took a walk thru DC today on the net, went to our enemies white house, obama, capital many dems. I saw not one word of truth, all lies, distruction of AMERICA theft, contempt of court & our laws. contempt of our constitutions. kissing the butt of our foreign enemies tearing down our economy etc etc. Ive had enough.         GOD BLESS THE TEA PARTY & GOD BLESS AMERICA

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King Hussein I

Is there any doubt that Obama is our first tyrant-n-chief!

His contempt for the Constitution, for the will of the people, for our free market society is legendary.

He is the biggest liar in American history.

How do we get enough people to realize this in time?

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