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If you live in New Hampshire, please vote for me as a "write in" candidate in the Republican presidential primary. Let's show the establishment that someone does not need to be a career politician or millionaire to be President. Please read my blogs and discussions and see my Facebook page 'Christopher Canaski for President'. Thank you.
A black website published one of my articles. The black publisher asked his readers to forgive me for being a black member of the GOP and review my article with an open mind.
In response, a subscriber wrote, "You can ask us to look past him being a GOP, but you can't ask us to look past his claim to be a tea party Christian."
Grateful for an opportunity to enlighten indoctrinated blacks, I asked the website publisher to publicly post my reply to the ill-informed subscriber's comment.
Please do not think me rude or mean by stating the following truth. The subscriber's comment reflects an ignorance of the facts and history prevalent in the black community.
Many blacks erroneously believe the GOP consists of rich racist white people. In reality, the GOP was founded to free blacks. Only five years after slavery, there were black congressmen, all Republicans. The KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and denying blacks the right to vote where all birthed by Democrats.
Even today, Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats say having to show ID when voting disenfranchises blacks. This is merely a tactic by which the Democrats implement voter fraud. However, in the process, they are saying blacks are too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed.
Republicans deal with blacks respectfully, as equals. Democrats thrive on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement.
While sold as compassion and "fairness," Democrat programs are always about making as many people as possible dependent on government to secure/buy votes. In the long run, all Democrat policies and programs hurt people!
There are black idiot knucklehead racists who want to believe a lie rather than the truth. Yes, I said black racists. I reject and resent the satanic notion that because of slavery, blacks have a right to be racist. Racism is evil, period, whether it comes from blacks or whites. It you disagree, it is fruitless to continue reading this article. I will keep you in my prayers.
In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats "ain't" your friends.
Every program which demeans and stifles blacks has come and continues to come from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.
Democrats still want to keep blacks on their plantation of needing government handouts -- thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning ways to "keep them down." Thus, you blacks need us Democrats to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs.
In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. So you can imagine my frustration and impatience with ignorant knuckleheads who trash me for being a Republican. I am working to liberate my people -- to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.
When I became supervisor of my mostly white department at a TV station, rather than celebrating me and my achievement, my liberal and Democrat friends demeaned my achievement by saying I got the job due to affirmative action. Wrong. I got the job because I proved myself most qualified. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"
Now, let's talk about the Tea Party.
Again, all you folks who think the Tea Party is racist are ignorant of the facts and just plain wrong! I am sorry, but that is the gospel truth. You are being "played" by the Democrats and their liberal media buddies, who also "secretly" think we blacks are inferior and need their help to succeed.
As a singer and speaker, I have attended over three hundred Tea Parties nationwide, on five Tea Party Express national bus tours. I have been warmly embraced by the mostly white audiences because we share a love for America and are opposed to socialism. These Tea Party folks are not opposing Obama's skin color. They are opposing his agenda.
A Congressional Black Caucus member actually said the white folks at the Tea Parties want to "see blacks hanging from trees." Knowing what I know from my personal experience, the Caucus member's statement is irresponsible, absurd, shameful, and divisively evil -- all about ginning up racial hate and securing votes for Obama. Despicable!
Now, I know some blacks who are stuck on stupid and hate who want to believe otherwise. So be it. All I ask is that before you write me off as an Uncle Tom traitor, check you facts. And quite frankly, I do not care what anyone thinks of me, because I know I am on the Lord's side. God bless.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Our U.S. military members are somewhere in the world tonight missing
his/her family while you are safe at home. In the minute it takes you to
read this, military members all over the world are not only saving lives,
but sacrificing their own for your freedom! THIS IS VETERANS DAY, folks!
~So show support for our Troops~
GIVE IT UP FOR EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM; and while you have taken this
pause for a moment, also take the next step to pray for all of them, being sure
to include all their families, their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters!
How to Destroy America in 13 Lessons
If you were an enemy of the U.S.A wanting to deliberately undermine the nation’s economy, and weaken this country, how would you most effectively carry out your hostile mission while avoiding detection? How would you carry out your nefarious plans? Your first goal would be to raise the nation’s joblessness. You’d have to create statistics that actually hid the devastating size of the true numbers behind gobblygook B.S. statistics so people saw 9% unemployment when the true figure was almost double that. Most importantly, you dramatically increased the size and scope of government to strangle the free enterprise system with taxation, burdensome regulations, unnecessary environmental restrictions and wild uncertainty about the future. Now the ball’s rolling, what next? Follow this 13-step roadmap:
1) Attack corporate profits and rich individuals every chance you get casting them as enemies of “the 99%.” Forget mentioning that living standards for everyone rise when corporations make profits and entrepreneurs are successful. Give us the highest corporate taxes in the world, driving companies anywhere but America and making us uncompetitive with economies like China’s.
2) Refuse to call spades, “spades.” So when the nation’s UNfunded liabilities and national debt reach $116 TRillion and $15 TRillion respectively, hide the looming economic Armageddon behind talk about “putting the burden on the elderly, the poor, the middle class” (the very people who would be MOST helped by reforming Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid) and covering up the fact that you are bankrupting the nation and putting the burden on our children and grandchildren.
3) Promise to “make electricity prices skyrocket” and drive energy costs like gasoline and heating oil dramatically higher with an “energy” program that emphasizes conservation over production. Deliberately seek to drive the coal industry (47% of our present energy) bankrupt. To think the people you’re driving to the unemployment lines happy extend their benefits, they’ll never know you cost them their jobs.
4) Because no one can be against a clean environment, safe working conditions, and protecting consumers . . . let’s employ a hyper-active program of safety and regulation and ecology carried to ridiculous extremes. Demand changes in every damn thing possible thus escalating the cost of doing business and cutting production. People are so dumb they'll never connect the dots, will they?
5) Double-down on the environment. Stop irrigation in the nation’s vegetable basket and drive unemployment sky high in Central California. Close down jobs to protect strange mice, tiny fish and spotted owls knowing that long before men were around Mother Nature had already made 99.99999% of all species extinct without any help from man; and since the 15th Century, Mother Nature eliminated 99.996% of all species that died out again without man’s help. Let’s get that last ¼ of 1% of pollution and kill another 100,000 jobs by all means.
6) Drive jobs out of right-to-work states and out of the United States altogether by coddling the unions and their stranglehold upon the workplace. Emphasize workers rights and never mention what it does to the taxpayer.
7) Get the young attacking capitalism by raising the minimum wage ceaselessly. Once the minimum wage is high enough who’s going to hire them? Of course that and outrageous union demands; and outrageous payment and benefits for government workers at all levels will make us totally uncompetitive in the world markets driving unemployment higher and corporate profits far lower. The young won’t like “zero dollar non-jobs” and they’ll attack Wall Street and corporations never realizing you “done them in,” you caring rascal you.
8) Ignore the U.S. Constitution and vastly expand the scope and power to foul things up of the Washington bureaucracy. Require industries to meet certain standards like 35 mpg for the automotive fleets and then destroy perfectly good used cars giving “cash for clunkers.” Never mention that now that used car shoppers are paying an average of $2,100 more and that the ecological impact of the program was devastating. Never mention that so-called hybrid cars are five times harder on the environment than regular ICE (internal combustion engine) cars are . . . and that for environmental reasons all these hybrid jobs are now in Canada.
9) Dramatically increase SNAP (food stamps) and other welfare programs and extend jobless benefit durations to 380% of their former weekly limits (26 to 99 weeks) and make it “nonsensical” to take lower level work rather than getting paid to stay at home. Who wouldn’t reject a job at $10 per hour if staying home nets you $9 per?
10) Raise the inheritance or “death” tax so that family farms and businesses must be sold to pay taxes; and give no support for new investment (keep taxes high all around) because the voters will believe whatever nonsense you’ll tell them about slower growth, reduced industrial capacity, and lowered need for new workers . . . the more they complain they more likely you’ll be able to sell them on the next wave of government interference and spending boondoggles you’ve got up your sleeve.
11) When the downturns come, as they must, blame them on the “Free Market” that you’ve been so effectively garroting for the last 46 years (since LBJ with kudos to Carter, Obama and G.W. Bush) and apply even more restrictions upon business.
12) Never let on that all the government’s major decisions for almost half a century have caused the debt and UNfunded liabilities crisis that is on the verge of making the dollar of today worth six cents in 1964 buying power.
13) Never let on that promising voters everything in accord you’re your “nanny-state” mission is the underlying cause of the recent collapse and that you, you progressive politician, you are behind it all:
a) That the near-depression of 1973-74 and the bankruptcy and bail out of New York City in 1975 were the result of Cloward-Piven strategies that doubled the nation’s welfare rolls from eight to sixteen million recipients courtesy of C-P’s National Welfare Rights Organization and their Saul Alinsky street theater tactics.
b) That the architects of that collapse were the architects of ACORN which took advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA '77) and four expansions by Bill Clinton (three legislative and one regulatory edict expansions of CRA '77) to FORCE banks and mortgage companies for three decades to knowingly make stupid loans to unqualified home buyers without jobs; without credit; whose only “income” was food stamps; and even to illegal aliens.
c) Never admit that the cheerleaders while all this was going on (and while one of our major parties was selling out to the progressive-left) was CPUSA, the Communist party.
d) Never admit that the biggest funder of our current president; of “Occupy Wall Street”; and of several major progressive foundations (e.g. Code Pink; Tides Foundation etc. which are also funding the President and Occupy Wall Street) is octogenarian George Soros, the money-manipulator and currency dealer known as “the man who broke the bank of England” (and five other currencies) and that George Soros the world’s 6th largest man looks to become the world’s far and away richest man when, not if, the dollar collapses.
e) Never admit that the elephant in the room while all this was going on in Washington and elsewhere is the mainstream media (MSM) . . . which has chosen to abandon fair and balanced and relevant journalism to support the politicians and the extreme political left to make all this madness possible.
f) Never admit that you count on the voters to be “useful idiots” and to entertain themselves with sit-coms and reality TV rather than defending their own freedoms and our once-great nation. Ultimately, they’re at fault even beyond the MSM.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Posted on November 9, 2011:
“WASHINGTON – With the economic crisis worsening and Barack Obama resorting to rule by executive order and thepresidential election still a year away, Americans from both sides of the political aisle are wondering if there are ways to “stop the bleeding” before January 20, 2013, and a change of administration.
1. Could Obama be removed for violations of the Constitution?
2. Could he be removed for still-unresolved issues of constitutional eligibility?
3. What about a Democratic Party challenge to his nomination?
“Americans aren’t just whispering about these ideas in darkened rooms,” says Joseph Farah, columnist and editor of WND, America’s independent news network. “They are actually writing thoughtful books, making documentaries and laying out prescriptions for a change in leadership. Some of these works have received ‘mainstream’ attention and some haven’t. But all of them are worth the consideration of Americans faced with the gravest challenges to liberty and self-government in the last 230 years.”
This special report, prepared by Jerome Corsi and Brad O’Leary, is the place to start. “How Obama Can Be Defeated in 2012” should be required reading by the campaigns of every candidate seeking to unseat Obama. It’s about real numbers crunching, based on insider polling and what it tells us about America’s new demographic realities. There’s good news here for anyone who wants to listen – and real practical advice. “The data’s in. It just needs to be understood,” says Farah.
So you think the birth certificate issue is dead? Think again. It’s more than just a distraction in the 2012 presidential race, with new investigations showing the document Obama released is fraudulent and leading to the possibility he may not qualify on some state ballots. It’s back in the news and there’s only one book providing you with all the facts on eligibility. It’s Jerome Corsi’s bestselling “Where’s the Birth Certificate?”
In “Crimes Against Liberty,” attorney David Limbaugh, Rush’s younger brother, lays out an actual indictment of particulars against Obama – one that could be used in actual legal or political proceedings, such as an impeachment. Limbaugh charges that this presidency is ambitiously unraveling the Constitution, actively rooting out American traditions and values, and most of all, committing crimes against American liberty.
Here’s another straightforward way of approaching the same issue – from WND Books: “The Case for Impeachment.”For anyone who has any doubts that there is such a case, this special report will put those doubts to rest. Order one for yourself and one for your member of Congress.
One of the best insights into the nature and character of Obama comes in Jack Cashill’s “Deconstructing Obama.” If you think you know him, think again. This book really lays it out. In the world of Obama, nothing is as it seems.
Among the newest entries into the Obama library is “The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama” by Mondo Frazier. It validates all the fears about his illegitimacy and his deceit.
Do you want to know the full extent of Obama’s socialist connections? “Manchurian President” by Aaron Klein provides the exhaustive and documented links. Now on sale at a greatly reduced price.
And don’t forget the No. 1 bestseller that warned Americans of what was to come before Obama was elected –Jerome Corsi’s “The Obama Nation.”
Read the book that started the myth. Obama may not have actually written it, as Cashill reveals, but it’s still an important work to understanding the real Obama and the myth: “Dreams From My Father.”
Do you want a quick and dirty look at the Obama eligibility issue – and one that’s entertaining and more than a little hilarious as well? Molotov Mitchell’s his name, and you’ve got to see his brief documentary called “I’m Not Crazy.” The DVD is on sale to move at $9.99.
“The Obama Eligibility Primer” is another great tool for understanding the constitutional issue that could strip him of office overnight.
Some thought he should be the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. But Sean Hannity is content being a loud voice in the conservative alternative media with a popular TV show on Fox and the No. 2 talk-radio show in the country after Rush Limbaugh.
Hannity has laid out his prescription for change in “Conservative Victory.” He draws on the examples of Ronald Reagan and the GOP’s Contract with America to show how conservatives can unite behind this country’s most cherished principles and act now to get America back on the right track – while it still can.
In “Caucus of Corruption,” Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan expose the dark underbelly of the Democratic Party and its reliance on corruption. If conservatives and Republicans want to know what they’re up against in 2012, this is the definitive resource on the dubious ethics and fraud upon which the Democrats use as the pathway to achieving their political goals.
Worried about ACORN and its role in the next election? You should be. But its tentacles have been thoroughly exposed in Matthew Vadum’s “Subversion Inc.”
Right in line is “Gangster Government” by David Freddoso. You’ve got to know what you’re up against – and this book pulls no punches.
Of course, you can’t beat something with nothing. And author Tony Blankley lays out the essence for an alternative vision that can stand in stark contrast to Obama’s – providing a clear alternative for Americans to embrace. That’s what you’ll find in “American Grit.”
What about Obama’s greatest ally – the American news media? Who better than to expose its methodology and mischief than Bernard Goldberg, a long-time media insider? Any plan to change the nation’s direction will have to account for the media’s role – and that’s what you’ll get in “A Slobbering Lover Affair.”
Another voice many thought would oppose Obama head-on in 2012 is Mike Huckabee. But he, too, chose to remain in his media perch rather than contend for the opportunity to unseat Obama. His prescription for change is found in “A Simple Government.”
“A Question of Eligibility” is the only video documentary primer on the question of Obama’s constitutional legitimacy. Available exclusively from the WND Superstore, this video is more steeply discounted than ever before at just $9.99, while supplies last.
If you think Obama’s weaknesses are relegated to the economy, you’d better think again, says author Marc Thiessen. There’s the crisis of national security. In “Courting Disaster,” he makes the case that American policies are now inviting attack by U.S. enemies.
Maybe you know all you need to know about Obama and just want to shout it out to the whole world. Here’s a way: This bumper sticker comes in regular adhesive style or magnetic. Take your pick. Either way you can make the announcement much of America wants to hear: “Drop the Teleprompter and Step Away from the White House.”
Here’s another one that might make you sit up and take notice: “I have a dream … CAIN-WEST 2012.
This one has an eternal message: “No Hope in Socialism.”
Here’s something to show your neighbors or your tea party groups: “I Want Your Money!” This entertainment and enlightening DVD documentary will energize just about anyone about the problems we face and their solutions.
“No He Can’t” is not just a slogan for 2012, it’s also a manifesto by radio talker Kevin McCullough.
What about the younger generation that was convinced Obama represented the kind of change they were looking for? Jason Mattera can speak to that in “Obama Zombies.”
“The Audacity of Deceit” by Brad O’Leary is the answer to “The Audacity of Hope.” No library on Obama is complete without it.
Whistleblower magazine offers what no other publication offers – timeless special reports on the big issues of the day.“The Fighting Back” collection from the Obama era offers a real blueprint for real change.
Here’s another Whistleblower collection not to be missed – as relevant today as the day these issues were first offered: It’s “The Obama Secret Bundle.”
It’s what Obama wanted to have – and he got his way.
Also, there’s “The Post-American Presidency” by Pam Geller. This book shows just how high the stakes really are.
Rage? That word may not resonate with people when they think of Obama. But Dinesh D’Souza provides needed insight in “The Roots of Obama’s Rage.”
“The case against Obama is strong – as this library of work suggests,” says Farah. “Use these resources to arm yourself for the battle that is here – and the battle that lies ahead.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Impeach Obama Protest Will Greet Obama in San Diego!
Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On November 11, 2011:
“Move over Occupy Wall Street; the impeach Obama rallies are going viral.
As veterans and patriotic Americans gather Friday morning in Washington, D.C., to protest for Barack Obama’s immediate resignation or impeachment, they will have a counterpart rally in San Diego — complete with a sky banner proclaiming “IMPEACH OBAMA” — just as the president plans to visit the city.
The West Coast demonstration is being planned by the Impeach Obama Tea Party and Stop Obama Now – San Diego.
Organizers got the idea after Barack Obama announced he was visiting the city to honor veterans. Naturally, he’s actually going to watch basketball.
After all, November 11 is not just a day to remember the sacrifices of America’s enlisted men; it’s also the day of the “Carrier Classic,” when the Michigan State Spartans will face off against the University of North Carolina Tarheels in the first-ever collegiate basketball game played on an aircraft carrier. Another historic Obama first! In a statement, the White House boasted:
This Veterans Day, President Obama will honor our nation’s veterans by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and then by traveling to San Diego, California, to attend the Carrier Classic on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson. He looks forward to a great game between Michigan State and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Emphases added.)
Mike Whalen, director of Morale Entertainment Foundation which organized the game, has said while the mostly military crowd of ticket holders will observe stadium seating, Obama can sit “wherever he wants.”
He feels their pain.
The college titans will play onboard the USS Carl Vinson, the ship where Osama bin Laden was buried at sea, in San Diego Bay. Organizers have rented an airplane to fly a special “Impeach Obama” sky banner before the game. The banner will fly from 7-9 a.m. Pacific time, before security requires the skies be shut down. Organizers write:
The banner is intended for the public to see, not for Obama. The banner will also have the time and place of the protest to be held later that day. The actual message will be the following:
“North Island” is short for the “North Island Naval Air Station.”
The San Diego Impeach Obama protest will take place from 3-6 p.m. PST at the corner of Tow Way and Gowan Street in Coronado, California. The group hopes a large crowd will show up to be seen by the game’s visitors.
San Diego has been a hotbed of anti-Obama citizen activism. Patriots posted an online video of an “impeach Obama” rally held in the city last year.
The undertaking is a labor of love but not one without expense. Organizers add, “The overflight cost is $1,058 .” You can make a contribution toward their expenses here.
The San Diego protest comes the same day that veterans, small business owners, and Tea Party activists are gathering in Washington, D.C., to call for the immediate resignation or impeachment of every official in the Obama administration. That rally is organized by the Veteran Defenders and the Patriots Union, headed by Major General Paul Vallely.
The Veteran Defenders’s “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic” states, “We call upon ALL independent truckers, independent contractors, all non-union workers, all independent business owners, agents and investors, all who support free-market capitalism and the right to work, earn and own, to march together with our veterans and former service members on November 11, 2011 – Veterans Day!” The protest in the nation’s capital begins at 6 a.m. EST at the Washington Monument and will last until 5 p.m.
If you plan to be in either area, show up and peacefully communicate that America would be better off without another 14 months of the Obama administration. If you cannot, consider hosting a protest in your city. And be sure to tell me about your plans; you can contact me here.
Together, average Americans can make their voices heard and build a consensus to remove Obama from office, nominate a conservative in the Republican Party, and restore the nation to a sound constitutional order.”
Click here to learn more about the Impeach Obama Campaign. Click here to sign the impeach Obama petition.
II. Obama Ignores Subpoena; E-mails Show Solyndra Exploited “Unnatural Relationship” to Get Taxpayer Money!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On November 10, 2011:
III. Race to impeach: Solyndra or Fast and Furious?-Posted on Don Surber-By Don Surber-On October 6, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/
Is it time to call for Obama's resignation!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
In numerology, 4 is stability, the symbol of law, system and order. It is the builder submitting to earthly things where form and substance are the predominant elements.
In Entangled Minds, chapter 4, Dean Radin, student of the paranormal, wrote the reason some of us understand things others don’t is due to a property paranormal specialists know as “latent inhibition, an unconscious process that degrades the ability to pay attention to stimuli that in the past has had no consequence.”
The more the latent inhibition, the more focused one is, the more tuned into system and order. The more imaginative one is, the less the focused attention. They are more creative and better suited for change.
When I came into this life, I couldn’t talk or walk. I fell a lot. Got burned on the stove. Crying didn’t help. After I grew teeth, I was expected to eat the food put before me, most of which I didn’t like. A lot was expected of me. Small children have short attention spans. They are more imaginative, more creative. They have low latent inhibition.
After I had become comfortable with the routine at home, I was hustled off to school, and a whole new, somewhat hostile world. And if that wasn’t bad enough, came the day I had to exist on what I was taught. I was a slow learner. At midlife, I had no place to go, and left strictly on my own. After the initial feeling of panic, then acceptance, and finally what to do, I decided to cut out and start from scratch.
I decided to write a book of memoirs. Thinking back on my life caused me to pay attention to the stimuli I’d ignored.
Radin remarked that he was not a good history student. I flunked high school history. Said Radin, learning dates and places of important events isn’t the important thing to learn. Radin and I think alike on this: who we are and what we are about is deeply rooted in the past. Whatever the challenge and whatever the reaction is the important thing to know about history.
Again, Radin and I think alike. Early Americans, Radin points out in chapter 4, did not have “cell phones and grocery stores and life was hard. Nature was unpredictable and unforgiving. . . Magic has been defined as ‘the employment of effective techniques to allay anxiety when effective ones are not available.’” In other words, necessity is the mother of invention.
Magic, we know, is a hand-is-quicker-than-the-eye game. The mainstream, focused on this or that, don’t see themselves as the individual they were created to be. These latently inhibited folks don’t see which shell the pea is under. Their attention is focused on things. This leaves the door open to political, legal, and religious authorities to practice their magic on us.
The author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was a deist. Deism: belief in the existence of God on the evidence of reason and nature, with rejection of supernatural revelation. We Americans are told we practice freedom of religion. It’s a shell game. Some Americans want us to be freed altogether of religion. A Christian told me I was a secular humanist. I looked it up. Secular humanism: any set of beliefs that promotes human values—without specific allusion to religious doctrines; in other words, deism.
Under secular humanism is secularism: a system of political or social philosophy that rejects religious faith and worship; the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the influence of religious beliefs. Distinguish the difference. Secularism embraces the expedient idea that Jesus was a socialist: that Christians who believe otherwise are against Jesus. President Obama is an advocate of Liberation theology, “collective salvation.” It’s a shell game dividing America. United we stand, divided, we fall. To be sure, we Americans are “latently inhibited.” One never knows where the ax will fall next.
In 1975, I was living from hand to mouth. The IRS claimed, mistakenly, that I owed $1,500 in tax. My landlord was threatening to lock me out for non-payment of rent. Uncle Sam was taking in withholding tax 20 percent of my meager wages. I had petitioned the Tax Court but that didn’t solve the immediate problem. If I didn’t pay the tax the IRS said I owed, the IRS had the right to seize my car, the only thing of value I owned. I would lose my job—be a homeless bum on the street.
I filed a carry back tax refund form for $5,000 of already paid tax I was entitled to get back. The IRS informed me that it was taking the $1,500 tax I allegedly owed off of what it owed me and would not send the balance until I withdrew my petition to the Tax Court, thinking I’d be forced to accept this deal. The IRS was not authorized to hold the balance of my refund. The IRS was breaking the law in more than one way. The IRS knew that its $1,500 assessment was erroneous.
The IRS was playing the old shell game on the wrong person. I’d made an intense study of the law. I knew which shell the pea was under. I could play the same game. I made it known to Attorney General William B. Saxbe in 1973 that the United States was unconstitutionally taxing me. He forwarded my letter to Director of Internal Revenue Ervin B. Osborne for answer, who wrote:
"I am glad to respond to your letter of August 19 addressed to me and your letter of July 12 addressed to Attorney General William B. Saxbe, which has been passed along to me for reply."
"You asked if Congress has the right to tax any amount of personal income tax up to 100%, with no limitations."
"The 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which was passed by Congress in 1909 and finally ratified by three-fourths of the states in 1913 provides . . . "
"This Amendment to the Constitution, which has been upheld by the Supreme Court, makes no mention of limitations, so I assume that Congress has the power to tax total income at a given level."
Imagine that, assuming the power to take every cent of our effort to provide for ourselves. I doubt very much that you knew that. The Director was lying. It was not the 16th Amendment he wrote about. It was the 3,000,000 ambiguous word-long U.S. Tax Code. A congressional shell game gave your elected representative full control over your lives.
The law said I had the right to challenge the IRS “mistake” in Tax Court, but I must pay the deliberately mistaken tax and wait three or four years to be heard, an act of Congress. Clearly, America’s elected representatives, due to the latent inhibition in the American people, were taking away my right to exist in violation of a fundamental right. Due to latent inhibition, the United States, the world’s police force, is out of control. Today is Veteran’s Day. I’m a World War II veteran. Since World War II, the American people have been needlessly sacrificing their lives and going bankrupt fighting losing wars.
The beginning of the greatest fraud of all times, the United States of America, was In 1937, and by none other than We-have-nothing-to-fear Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal Law—the old shell game. Claimed Roosevelt, “The balance between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.”
A Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, Justice Brandeis, asserted, “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.” Goodbye to my inalienable right to exist on the fruits of my labor. The United States gave itself the authority to put me on the street and nobody knew that, thanks to latent inhibition. You can read more about it at the Internet’s Google.
The law in today’s America is based on the majority vote. Anything can be lawful. The house of cards America’s elected representatives have built will collapse. You can be sure of that. And then what? What’s taking place in America today is a repeat performance of what happened in Germany. The Weimer government, the same as America’s government, ran the nation bankrupt. Hitler was the answer. The likes of Obama is America’s answer.
Reprint from CBN
Senate Democrats took a step Thursday toward ending the federal law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. The next stop is a full Senate vote.
All eight Republicans on the committee voted against the measure.
Supporters of the "Respect Marriage Act" said the legislation would give same-sex couples access to the same federal benefits as couples in a traditional marriage.
"Repealing DOMA is a matter of fairness," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said. "And those Americans who are lawfully married should have the same protections that my wife and I enjoy."
Opponents argued that the bill would lead to court challenges forcing states that ban same-sex marriage to recognize the unions.
"Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been the foundation of our society for 6,000 years," Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said. "The Defense of Marriage Act protects this sacred institution, which I believe in, and attempts to dismantle this law are likely to be met with a great deal of resistance."
Nearly 40 states have laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman.
From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
November 10, 2011
The Media Research Center’s reports that NBC and ABC in their evening and morning newscasts completely ignored the grilling Attorney General Eric Holder received on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, over his role in the 'Fast and Furious' scandal.Senate Republicans forced Holder to admit his initial sworn testimony to Congress about his department’s role in gunwalking was "inaccurate."
Our own reports that, despite the fact that two “Fast & Furious” guns were found at Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder scene, Holder told the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that it wasn’t “fair” to assume the ATF operation led to the agent’s death. Holder followed that outrageous statement by declaring that he had not and would not apologize to Agent Terry’s widow and family.
Holder also admitted that Fast and Furious was “flawed,” but then urged the Senate not to lose sight of “what’s really at stake here.”
Holder’s reflections on “what’s really at stake” led Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to question if ‘Fast & Furious’ is a scheme to undermine Second Amendment rights. “My suspicion is they don’t like the Second Amendment the way it is, and they are going to do everything possible to hurt the current gun legistlation and restrict guns.”
Holder went on to argue that the discussion of what he knew and when he knew it was “a distraction.” The real focus should be on stopping the flow of guns into Mexico. Holder then insisted that Congress give the ATF MORE power to stop guns flowing south!!! This may be the boldest bait and switch by Holder to date.
To put it plainly, there were several bombshells in Holder’s testimony, and also the fact that 2 of the 3 major broadcast networks ignored them completely!
<Synopsis from CNSNews.COM>
+ + “Fast and Furious” Meets Bias By Omission
The sitting United States Attorney General is hauled before Congress, admits to “inaccuracies” in sworn testimony, suggests that federal program that has led to the death of hundreds is a “distraction” and the insists Congress give more power to the agency that ran this lethal fiasco. The liberal media’s reaction: “Nothing to see here folks.” There is only one reason that this story is not being covered, it exposes the Obama Administration for gross incompetence, corruption and dishonesty.
The Media Research Center and are committed to uncovering the truth and exposing the liberal media for trying to hide it!
Our analysts and reporters are bringing this story to light. We are demanding answers and accountability -- both from the Obama administration and the Obama-controlled media.
Just days ago we launched our national petition demanding the media report the truth about the botched “Fast and Furious” operation. We received more signatures on this petition in the first 24 hours than we have on any petition in recent memory. We will be delivering these petitions to the Washington, DC offices of ABC and NBC and need to make a strong statement!
We need to get to the truth on what increasing looks like a botched attempt to subvert the Second Amendment by our own government. We can’t allow liberal media silence to sweep this story away from public view.
Alert your friends by forwarding this message to them. Encourage them to take fast action with you -- first by reading our accounts of this failed sting, and then by signing our petition.
The liberal media are President Obama’s willing pawns. It is up to the citizens of our nation to hold them accountable, to demand honesty and truth in reporting!
Thank you for standing with us in holding the liberal media accountable!
Liberal feminist attorney, Gloria Allred held a press conference in which her female client made shocking graphic sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain. Sharon Bialek described a Herman Cain totally alien to the man I know.
Think about this folks. Suppose someone came out of nowhere to make totally out-of-character sexual harassment allegations against your dad, pastor, husband or friend. You would give your dad, pastor, husband or friend the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. This is called loyalty and friendship.
You would not go along with the politically correct way of thinking by demanding your dad, pastor, husband or friend prove they are not guilty. You would insist the burden of proof be placed squarely on their accuser where it rightfully belongs. I mean, we are talking about possibly destroying a priceless possession, one's reputation.
When Republicans or Conservatives are accused of sexual harassment, the left says the facts do not matter; only the seriousness of the charge. Anyone daring to question the accuser of a Republican or Conservative is attacked for being “pro sexual harassment” and a hater of women.
The arrogance and hypocrisy of the left continues to amaze me. ALL the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment were called liars and sluts by the left and the Clinton administration. Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. In an effort to discredit Jones, Clinton adviser, James Carville said, “Drag $100 bills through trailer parks, there's no telling what you'll find”.
Gloria Allred never came to the defense of Paula Jones or ANY of Clinton's numerous accusers. For crying out load, during his 1992 campaign, a Clinton staffer coined the term “bimbo eruptions” after being assigned to deal with women who might come forward alleging extramarital affairs.
Clinton was given a pass because he is a liberal Democrat. The left which includes the National Organization for Women and the liberal media are not about empowering women as they claim. They are really about furthering liberalism and a socialistic/progressive agenda.
If the left truly cared about empowering women, they would not despise Sarah Palin as they do. Palin should be their poster girl; the epitome of a powerful successful woman both inside and outside side of the home. If the left truly desired to offer women a “choice” regarding abortion, they would not have a cow when a mother is persuaded to birth her baby rather than abort it.
My comments have nothing to do with defending Cain as a presidential candidate. While I hold Cain in high regard, I have not formally endorsed anyone. However, I smell the disgusting putrid odor of the left attempting to destroy ANOTHER black conservative.
Does the name Clarence Thomas ring a bell? In 1991, Democrats brought Anita Hill forward with charges of sexual harassment against black conservative, Clarence Thomas in a strategically planned “left wing” effort to deny Thomas a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. They failed.
But the battle was brutal. The liberal media tried to assist the Democrats by digging deep into Thomas' life including investigating the movies he rented from his local video store. Their desperate quest was to find anything they could use to destroy Thomas' character. Anita Hill's graphic claim of a pubic hair on a soda can will live forever in infamy. Stay tuned folks for a Cain accuser to surface with allegations of a pubic hair on a pizza.
The liberal media's enthusiastic attack and attempt to destroy Cain, a black conservative, is deja vu all over again. In both incidences, the black conservatives were on the threshold of winning extremely powerful positions based on their merit rather than the left's sacred cow, Affirmative Action.
And come on folks, you have to admit the timing of this scandal is extremely suspect. The moment Cain stunned the political intelligentsia by becoming the front runner, these women decided to come forward with 20 year old “vague” allegations.
Then, right on cue, kicking the scandal up SEVERAL levels, Sharon Bialek comes forward alleging that Cain is not just a passive sexual harasser, but a predatory bully as well. Clearly, Bialek's over-the-top allegation was designed to be the “knockout punch” for the Cain campaign.
I remember a comment a woman made to me years ago during the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill scandal, “Something MUST have happened between them!” I thought, “Wow, despite no evidence, Thomas' reputation is tarnished for life”. Thomas, as other black conservatives, paid a huge price to escape the liberal plantation. His scars are deep and life long.
I do not know Cain's accusers. However, after conversations, interactions over the past few years and witnessing his graciousness towards everyone behind the scenes, I admire and respect Cain. The man I know is a gentleman of character and faith. So please forgive me for not accepting the word of strangers and politically motivated spokespersons; especially knowing the modus operandi of the left.
Far too often, whenever one of “ours” is targeted by the liberal media and the left, Conservatives immediately run for the tall grass to distance myself. Until proven wrong, I believe and stand with brother Cain.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Posted on Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On November 10, 2011:
“Veterans Day 2011: A Tale of Two Marches
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”—John Stuart Mill
Across our nation, there is a sharp division between two groups of Americans marching to very different drummers.
I am not referring to the current politics of disparity promoting class warfare between the 35 percent of statists (dependents who label themselves “99 Percenters”), and the other 65 percent who are hard-working and self-reliant American citizens. The former are busy fomenting socialist protests in urban centers across our nation while the latter are busy working and caring for their families and communities.
Rather, the division I note is made plain by the vivid contrast in character between two groups—those on the frontlines in defense of Liberty versus those who seek to subvert it.
On the right side of Liberty, we have American Patriots in uniform who, since the dawn of our great nation, have put their lives, fortunes and sacred honor on the line “to Support and Defend” the Liberty enshrined in our Constitution.
On the wrong side of history, we have Leftist cadres loyal to Barack Hussein Obama, who seek to supplant republican Liberty and its principle expression of free enterprise with socialist democracy. Although the so-called “99 Percenters” are marching to Obama’s beat, their protests are trivial compared to the endemic threat to Liberty posed by the rest of the Leftist hegemony in control of our central government.
Could the contrast be any starker?
The threat of Obama’s minions notwithstanding, I am greatly encouraged, especially on Veterans Day, by the fact that American Liberty is defended, first and foremost, by the current generation of Patriots within our Armed Services, and the plurality of citizens who support them. It is fitting that we would reverently honor those whom, for generations, have sought to defend Liberty.
Veterans Day began as Armistice Day, when on 11 November 1921, the remains of an unknown World War I American soldier were buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in recognition of WWI veterans and the official cessation of WWI hostilities “at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” of 1918. President Warren Harding requested that “All ... citizens ... indulge in a period of silent thanks to God for these ... valorous lives, and of supplication for His Divine mercy ... on our beloved country.” Inscribed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are the words, “Here lies in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”
In 1954, Congress was determined to additionally recognize the sacrifice of veterans before and since WWI, and those of future generations, and thereby proposed to recognize 11 November as Veterans Day. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, former Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII, signed legislation establishing Veterans Day.
Insight into the sacrifice of our veterans and their families can be gained by noting that, since the American Revolution, tens of millions of Americans have served our nation with honor, and almost 1.2 million have died in defense of it. Another 1.4 million have been wounded, many gravely. The numbers, of course, offer no reckoning of the inestimable value of these Patriots’ lives or the anguish borne by their families, but we do know that their sacrifices defended a most precious gift—the gift of Liberty that we cherish to this day.
On previous Veterans Days, I have had the privilege of writing about great American Patriots who have profoundly influenced my life, including Roger Helle (USMC) and Roger Ingvalson (USAF). I have also profiled outstanding members of the current generation of uniformed Patriots such as Lee Miller (USA).
I am a humble descendant of generations of Patriots. My father, and his father before him, were Naval Aviators in WWII and WWI respectively. Our family lineage records veterans back to the American Revolution.
These men have heeded the call to serve others before self, and have sacrificed accordingly. And now, my eldest son has received his acceptance letter from the United States Naval Academy and is awaiting Air Force notification.
This personal backdrop, which has stewarded my full appreciation for veterans and the day we set aside to honor them, is a driving force behind The Patriot Post’s mission of service to our nation and the military personnel who defend her.
Our mission is the antithesis of that pursued by the current commander in chief, as Obama demonstrated this week when his administration announced his rejection of a request to place a small prayer-adorned plaque adjacent to the World War II Memorial in Washington. This was not just any prayer, I might add, but President Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day call to prayer on 6 June 1944, as 57,000 American and 75,000 British and Canadian troops made their way into bloody battle to establish five beachheads on the coast of Normandy.
Roosevelt proclaimed, “Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. ... Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace—a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil. Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen.” (We invite you to read or listen to the full text of FDR’s prayer.)
The Department of Interior ruled that posting Roosevelt’s prayer would undermine the purpose of the memorial. According to DoI’s Bureau of Land Management Director, Robert Abbey, “Altering the memorial in this way ... will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial’s central message and its ability to clearly convey that message to move, educate, and inspire its many visitors.” Abbey said the plaque would “intrude” on the memorial.
Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH), who sponsored legislation to approve the plaque, said, “It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans. President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”
Unfortunately, Obama and his administration have a sordid history of intentional omission when it comes to the notion that Liberty is “endowed by our Creator,” and not some potentate or government. This is the fundamental basis for our Constitution’s Rule of Law as opposed to the rule of men.
This revelation came in the same week that Obama chastised Congress for reaffirming the 1956 Act of Congress that made “In God We Trust” our national motto, while he was busy issuing an official statement “to Muslims worldwide” celebrating Hajj and Eid al-Adha. (Perhaps Obama should consult a veteran member of Congress, one willing to speak the truth about Islamo-fascism.)
Of course, you must recall that Obama was inculcated with the teachings of Jeremiah Wright, the disciple of hate who officiated at Obama’s wedding and baptized his children. “’God Bless America’? No, no, no, g-d d--- America!” Wright raged in one of his frequent anti-American rants. “G-d d--- America for treating our citizens as less than human! G-d d--- America!”
At no time in generations has the contrast between those who support Liberty, and those who want to tear it down, been so striking.
Despite this contrast, America stands proud and free because our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen have stood bravely in harm’s way—now and for generations. For their steadfast devotion to duty, honor and country, we, the American People, offer our humble gratitude and heartfelt thanks.
On this Veterans Day, and every day of the year, may God bless our men and women in uniform, those who have served before them, and their families. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-14)
As a final note, I received an email this morning similar to many we receive daily during our support campaigns. This message was from an aging and disabled Veteran: “Mr. Alexander, Just a note of thanks for all that your Patriot team does to promote Liberty. It does my heart good to know that there are those among the generations that follow mine, who are steadfast in their devotion to Liberty, and to sustaining it for the generations to come. Though I do what I can to promote The Patriot Post, please forgive my small donation. I would like to do more, but I am an old beat up Marine GySgt, and can barely make ends meet now. Semper Fi!” (Gunny, on this date, anniversary of the establishment of the Continental Marines in 1775, a special word of thanks to you, all our Naval Infantry brethren—Semper Fi indeed!)”
Continue Reading:
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this issue-You Decide:
I. U.S. Army Alaska Military Police Officer Put In Protective Custody After Warning Mother of Imminent Threat!
Posted on Press-By PAUL W KINCAID, World news-On November 4, 2011:
“An Alaska military police soldier was put in protective custody after a FBI strike team tried to enter an Alaska military base to arrest him on suspicion of espionage. According to Army 22 year old Army Specialist William Millay, a military policeman from Owensboro, Kentucky, stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska was the target of the FBI Strike Team. The alleged charges stem from National Security Agency (NSA) wire taps of the United States military and all US soldiers. The NSA turned over wire tap intercepts to the FBI which sent a FBI strike team to Alaska to arrest Millary. The Army refused to give up Millary and immediately put him under protective custody until after the NSA and the FBI explains their actions to the US Army – eavesdropping and intercepting United States military personnel communications.
The attempted FBI arrests reveals that the NSA has been spying (espionage) on the US military and military personnel. Why are they now spying on the United States’ own military? They have been ordered by the White House to look for whistle blowers – people who are leaking information concerning ongoing illegal CIA false flag operations against the United States. They have been put on high alert by the White House and have been ordered to pay particular attention to information being leaked about imminent false flag attacks by the United States government against the United States people.
Late last month NSA data snooping computers flagged Army Specialist William Millay emails and phone calls to his mother, and other family members living in Kentucky, warning them of a imminent threat and that they should “Prepare for the end of the world.”
The NASA notified the FBI and they immediately sent a FBI strike team to Alaska to attempt to arrest Millay but left empty handed after the US Army Military Police challenged the NSA and the FBI charge of espionage. Being the US Army’s military police they issued their own red flag because of how the NSA and FBI became aware of what was emailed or uttered by Millay. It was clear to the US Military Police that the NSA is engaging in espionage against the US military. Espionage is the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information. The National Security Agency was set up to spy on foreign nationals and foreign governments, to collect and analyze foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, not United States military communications.
The Monday edition of the US Army Times (posted on the Army Times website on Tuesday Nov. 1/11) reported that Specialist Millay was arrested for “espionage” and held by the US Army. They would not allow Millay to be charged by the United States government.
What was Millay so concerned about that he warned his mother and family to “Prepare for the end of the world.”? On Nov. 9, the federal government will conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System. Also on November 9, 2011 (November 9/11) the Medical Reserve Corps will be conducting community medical exercises . Hospital personnel and various first responder agencies from the MidSouth region will participate in community medical exercises. The official government storyline is that these exercises will provide practical training experience to prepare for medical response during a large scale event.
On Wednesday November 9/11, hospital personnel will work with volunteer patients playing the role of injured victims to provide a realistic and practical experience in treatment and response. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and preregistration is required. In order to participate in this drill you must be a member of the Medical Reserve Corps.
Also beginning Nov 9/11 Exercise Pacific Wave 11 will take place. PacWave11 will be held on November 9/11 as a multi-scenario exercise that will allow all PTWS (Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System) countries to exercise using a destructive local or regional tsunami scenario.”
II. Obama Administration Opposes FDR’s Prayer At WWII Memorial!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On November 4, 2011:
III. Service chiefs warn $1T cut would be ‘catastrophic!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times-On November 2, 2011:
IV. Gutting the Military!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Owen Graham and Jackson Marsteller-On October 27, 2011:
V. Occupy Wall Street– Best Thing That Could Happen To The Tea Party!-Posted by AWD-On October 24, 2011:
VI. Video: Obama's Private Army!-Posted on lawjared-On March 28, 2011
VII. FBI Handout Lists Purchase of Preparedness Items as “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities”!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Stewart Rhodes-On August 10, 2011:
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:
Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!
The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/
It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Is it time to call for Obama's resignation!
Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Please support the Veteran Defenders of America and its parent organization, The United States Patriots Union, who are protesting in Washington D.C. on November 11, 2011 to take our country back.
The following website and video provides you with the details of how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:
Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic!
Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 9, 2011:
“Amid death threats, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scratching his head over the major media’s virtual silence about his decision to investigate Barack Obama’s eligibility to run for re-election.
“Getting death threats is nothing new for me,” Arpaio told WND, referring to his national reputation as a tough enforcer of immigration laws. “But why has the media has decided to black out all news of our Obama investigation? That’s what I don’t understand.
“I’m a controversial guy and usually the media is all over me,” he continued, “but when I decided to investigate Obama, the media has suddenly gone missing in action.”
Arpaio said that if the media’s strategy is to minimize the impact of his investigation by ignoring it, it is not likely to work.
“If the mainstream media thinks our investigation will go away if it remains unreported, they’re wrong. The investigation is proceeding, and I fully anticipate we will publish a report early next year.”
He said his law enforcement investigation is being professionally conducted and is wide-ranging in scope. It includes an investigation into whether or not Barack Obama is using a fraudulent Social Security number, as WND has previously reported, as well as whether the birth certificate issued by the White House on April 27 is a forgery.
Arpaio said he was also surprised by how vile the threats he has gotten from Obama supporters turn out to be.
“I’ve got the drug cartels from Mexico sending me death threats,” he said, “and now I have the Obama supporters sending me death threats. I’m not sure which are worse.”
Arpaio told WND he turns over all threats to his office for investigation.
Speaking in Orlando Saturday:
Undaunted by the lack of media attention, Arpaio is scheduled this Saturday to be the keynote speaker in Orlando, Fla., for the “Choose Liberty 2012” event held by the Eastern Orlando Tea Party and America Countdown to the 2012 Elections at the Orlando Airport Marriott, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
He said he plans in his Orlando presentation to cover his Obama investigation as well as the efforts his office is making to enforce immigration laws.
WND has previously reported Arpaio has demanded to see the original microfilm records of Obama’s birth certificate held in the vault of the Hawaii Department of Health.
WND has also reported that on April 27, the White House released three versions of Obama’s long-form birth certificate, each one of which appears fundamentally different from the other two:
1. An electronic PDF computer file that contained a green background clearly showing the green hash marks of Hawaii Department of Health security paper;
2. A photo taken by the Associated Press and attributed to J. Scott Appleworth shows a blue background, with no hash marks and no green security paper background; and
3. Two photographs the White House staff allowed NBC photographer Savannah Guthrie take on April 27 that show a gray background on which grey hash marks are clearly visible on the security paper background.
Arpaio has also suggested the White House should authorize the Hawaii Department of Health to release for independent court-authorized forensic examination any 1961 paper-and-ink original Obama birth records the department has on file.
The Maricopa County Cold Case Posse assigned by Arpaio to investigate Obama’s eligibility has now assembled some 2,000 pages of evidence in the case and is preparing to conduct interviews.
The posse is also currently in the process of briefing various Arizona state officials about the progress of the investigation to date.”
Note: What follows is an article and/or blog post that was published by Ali Sina on or about November 26, 2008 that gave us an alarming prediction of what we would be experiencing under President Obama-Were his predictions on target?-You Decide:
What Will The Future Bring Under Obama?
Posted on Ali Sina-On November 26, 2008:
“Obama ran on the platform of change. Although he never defined that change, he left enough clues so that we can make an educated guess about what that change would entail. The most important clue is his mental profile. We need to understand his mind, the way he thinks and how he perceives the world in order to calculate what he’s likely to do.
Mr. Obama most likely suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. It means he fantasizes about unlimited success, power and brilliance, without commensurate talents. Many people tell me, so what? Everybody is narcissist to some degree. Why should Obama’s narcissism concern us?
In view of the fact that there is so little understanding of narcissism and this disorder has caused so much havock, I will explain it first. The darkest chapters of history, nearly all wars, and many religions are owed to this disorder. Narcissism has the potential to wipe out humanity and end life on this planet. No other disease has caused so much death and devastation than narcissism. We must learn about narcissism for our own survival.
It is true that we are all narcissists and actually a healthy dose of narcissism is essential for our well being. It makes us feel good about ourselves, we expect good things to happen to us, believe in our own potential, have a positive outlook at life, be optimistic and happy. However, narcissism as a disorder is an entirely different thing. Let me explain this with a couple of examples:
Blood pressure is a good thing. It is vital. Without it we would die. However, when blood pressure becomes too high, it develops into hypertension and becomes a killer. Take another example: We all have fat in our body. We cannot live without it. But obesity is a killer.
Likewise, a healthy dose of narcissism is necessary. Pathological narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is destructve. For the scope of this article, when I talk about narcissism I am referring to pathological narcissism.
Despite the common misconception, pathological narcissism is not caused by too much self-love, but rather by its absence. It is the result of intense feeling of inferiority.
All humans have feelings of inferiority. From the moment we become conscious of the world around us we notice our own weakness and see everyone else as big and powerful. This awareness causes feelings of inferiority. To avoid it we strive to overcome what causes it. So we learn new skills, triumph over our weaknesses and with each victory our self-esteem and self-confidence grow. The feeling of inferiority becomes the drive behind our successes. To compensate for what we lack, we keep learning new things, acquiring new skills and gaining more mastery as we grow.
For that to happen, it is imperative to have a healthy nurturing environment, particularly during the first six years of our lives. We need love, attention, care and encouragement in healthy doses. That is what must be provided by the primary caregivers, particularly the mother.
What happens if the nurturing during these crucial formative years is not adequate, or is missing, faulty, or smothering? This is more likely to happen when one or both parents are absent, the primary caregiver is too young and inexperienced, or suffers from her own feeling of inferiority. The child does not receive the nurturing and the encouragement to develop the skills that he needs to overcome his weaknesses. Consequently his feeling of inferiority becomes chronic, or in Alfred Adler’s parlance, “inferiority complex.”
The feelings of inferiority, or an inferiority complex causes shame. Two things then may happen.
The shame may cause identity disturbance, an unstable self-image and the loss of sense of self. This may result fear of abandonment, unstable interpersonal relationships (idealization and devaluation), impulsivity, engagement in self-damaging behavior (e.g., spending, sex and/or substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating), recurrent suicidal or self-mutilating behavior, irritability, anxiety, chronic feelings of emptiness, and many other debilitating traits. This kind of emotional imbalance is classified as borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Alternatively, you may choose to conceal your feeling of inferiority and your shame. Instead of developing skills to overcome your shortcomings, you become proficient in hiding them. You wear a mask. Your preoccupation becomes how to polish your image and how to keep up appearances. Your world becomes a world of pretense. You become a sleek actor, a magician, a chameleon.
Since you have not developed your own sense of self, you mirror that of others. You become a blank slate upon which others project them selves. Since we all love ourselves, we like those who mirror us, and since you have mastered the art of mirroring everybody, you receive everybody’s love. This is the narcissist’s way of dealing with his feeling of inferiority. However, deep down inside, you know that you are a failure, an unaccomplished flop, a fraud, unworthy of love and undeserving of the attention that you are getting. You know that you cannot accomplish anything in life because you do not have the skills and your treatment of issues is often partial and incomplete. You get bored, frustrated, and move from one thing to another without accomplishing anything.
But, you have excelled in the art of deception. You wear a mask that makes you look appealing, attractive, desirable, enthralling, fascinating, graceful, seductive, tantalizing, even tempting. You know that once people see through your mask and find out who you really are, you are finished. So you carefully wear your mask at all times and jealously guard it. Despite your ineptitude, you get along in life and do well by deceiving and by cheating.
You become so good in deceiving others that you eventually come to believe in your own deception. Once you see people fall for your lies, you become convinced of them yourself. “How can all these people be wrong?” you wonder, “If they believe me, then I must be right.” Your grasp of reality is tenuous. You can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction. You come to believe that you must be a gift from heaven, a superior being, with innate grandeur that was waiting to be discovered. You are the One that everyone is waiting for.
Once convinced of your own superiority, you expect everyone to acknowledge it too and if they don’t, you get really angry. “How can these miserable crawling ants not see what everybody else sees? There must be something wrong with them. They must be envious of me. There must be some disease in their hearts that prevents them from seeing my greatness. They are dumb, deaf and blind. They are garbage, unworthy people who don’t deserve to live.” Thus the narcissist turns his anger on his detractors and comes down on them with his full rage. BPD sufferers direct their anger and destructiveness towards themselves. Narcissists direct them towards others.
As a narcissist you don’t love yourself. You don’t have a sense of self. How can you love something that does not exist? Because you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others. You treat people like a commodity. You use them as long as they serve your egotistic needs, and discard them when they no longer do.
You are a disaster as a mate, unless you find another narcissist - an inverted narcissist, a co-dependent, who is equally devoid of sense of self, just as needy as you and as hungry for recognition and power. She sees herself as your extension and seeks her greatness in yours. Then you two form a symbiotic relationship that benefits both of you, not based on love, but on need. Together you create a shared psychosis, a folie à deux. Yours is a sick co-dependent relationship, but it works to perfection. When we have this combination, the result can be catastrophic, particularly for others who may become infected by the couple’s folly. Behind every successful narcissist there is a co-dependent. The folly then spreads like an epidemy and becomes mass psychosis. The best example is the relationship of Khadijah and Muhammad.
When you do not have a sense of self and are unable to love yourself and others, you also don’t have empathy and lack conscience. You will lie, cheat, abuse, and commit all sorts of crimes with no remorse. You will do anything, as long as you can get away with it and your image is not blemished.
The truth is that narcissists are extremely dangerous. The Bible personifies them in Satan. They are charming, charismatic, persuasive, attractive, lovable and believable, but that is a mask that they wear. Beneath that mask, there is a haughty, presumptuous, cunning, deceiving, abusive, cold-hearted, insensitive and ruthless monster. You see the lovely mask and you cannot believe what is beneath it.
Does Obama fit the profile of a narcissist? Let us see how Obama fairs.
NPD sufferers fabricate lies, are secretive, and are megalomaniac.
Obama lied when he said he was never a Muslim. He lied about his 20-year association with his pastor, the racist anti-Semite, anti-American Jeremiah Wright, who claims whites invented AIDS to kill blacks. He lied about his 15-year friendship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, when the truth is that he launched his presidential campaign in Ayers’ home. Obama lied about his shady business transaction with the criminal Tony Rezko. He lied about his ties with Khalid Abdullah Tariq Almansour, the Muslim black supremacist who accuses America of committing genocide against blacks. Obama lied about not knowing that his Auntie Zeituni was living illegally in America and had contributed to his campaign. He lied about his uncle liberating Auschwitz. He lied to Ohioans about wanting to scrap NAFTA, telling the Canadians that it was just campaign rhetoric. He lied when he ran for the president of the United States while constitutionally unqualified to do so by virtue of his dual citizenship(s), when in fact he may not even be a ‘natural born’ American. Obama claimed that he writes his own speeches. The truth is that he has a team of speechwriters, (see also this). He always uses notes and teleprompters, stutters and stumbles through most extemporaneous speechifying, often getting himself into trouble. Obama lies about everything.
Obama told many outright lies about rival John McCain during the presidential campaign, also claiming that he had a greater percentage of small donors than previous candidates, but that too has been proven false. And Obama is constantly shape-shifting his positions and commitments, e.g. refused public financing after committing to take it. He disabled the fraud prevention security features of credit card campaign donations (the supposedly non-partisan FEC has refused to investigate Obama’s campaign donation:).
Most importantly, Obama lied when he ran for the president of the United States while constitutionally unqualified to do so by virtue of his dual citizenship(s). He has refused to prove that he is a ‘natural born’ American.
Another trait of narcissists is that they are secretive and have a lot of skeletons in their closet. Obama hides his college records, his thesis paper, his Selective Service Registration, his medical records, his Illinois State Senate schedule, his law practice client list, (he did not have any clients), his embossed Certification of Live Birth, his Harvard Law Review articles (he has not written any), his University of Chicago scholarly articles (there are none), his record of baptism, his Certified Copy of original Birth certificate, his Illinois State Senate records, his medical records and so on and so forth. Every detail of this man’s life is a secret. Therefore he lies when he says his presidency will be transparent.
All these, combined with his megalomaniac assertions, such as “We are the ones we were waiting for.” and his grandiose claims of wanting to change the world, despite his nugatory life achievements, suggest that Mr. Obama suffers from severe NPD.
Although most people have no knowledge of pathological narcissism and often confuse it with excessive self-love, narcissistic personality disorder is a well-defined science and narcissists are quite predictable.
For example, Hitler was a pathological narcissist.
James Laxer writes: In our collective memory, we have created a space, or an abyss, for Hitler and the Nazis that removes them from historical analysis. Hitler, the Third Reich and the Holocaust have become absolutes, synonymous with the extreme negation of all that is human.
It is regarded as outrageous, even unforgivable, to compare any contemporary political movement, party, or political leadership to the Nazis and Hitler. One runs the risk of being accused of monstrous exaggeration on the one hand or of cheapening the memory of the Holocaust and the full range of Nazi evil on the other. As a consequence of this way of thinking, we fall prey to failing to pay attention to what gave rise to Hitler and the Nazis, and so are less able to recognize those forces in the contemporary world that contain within them the potential for extremes of inhumanity.
Seventy-five years after Hitler’s rise to power, we should not imagine that in our time extreme inhumanity will come bearing the Swastika. Instead, those who would negate humanity or very large parts of it, will come dressed in the garb of the 21st century.
There are many similarities between Obama’s rise to power and Hitler’s. Both lied and used aggressive propaganda. Both appealed to the working class and the poor while they were financially backed by the wealthy. Both came to power in the midst of economic crisis, depression and general discontent. Both gave promises of drastic change. The list of similarities is long. The same can be said about Khomeini and other revolutionary narcissistic leaders who came to power through demagogy and with the acclaim of the masses.
People supported Hitler because he told them what they wanted to hear. If today Hitler came to America, his message would be different. He would not speak against the Jews because that would not be accepted. On the contrary, he would hide his hatred of the Jews, would go to Israel, would meet with Jewish businessmen, would cast himself as a defender of the Jewish state.
Hitler made the Germans believe that the Weimar Republic had no idea how to solve the problems of the Depression, while he had all the solutions. Germans felt humiliated for signing the treaty of Versailles, for being forced to admit that they had started the war, and for having to pay reparations. Hitler promised to make them proud again. He pledged something to everyone.
This is what narcissists do best. They give vacuous promises, paint their own bogus world in all the colors of the rainbow and hype their audiences with false hopes. If you are an Arab living in a desert and all you can think about is sex and gluttony, they will promise you a paradise of orgy and debauchery with rivers of milk, honey, water and wine. If you are a proud German, defeated and humiliated, they will promise you mastery over all the other races. If you are an American, have everything, are bored with opulence and do not know what you want, they promise you change without telling you about the nature of that change. As long as it is change, you don’t care one way or another. To Iranians, Khomeini promised democracy. That is what they actually wanted. What a rude awakening they had! I wonder whether other species are as stupid as we humans are? Animals don’t seem to be so enthusiastic about their own self-destruction.
Obama has described himself as “a blank screen, on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.” Sometimes all we have to do is to listen and the truth comes out. This is the most telling revelation that he is a narcissist. You can’t describe narcissism in better words.
Obama portrayed America as a country falling apart, so bad that no one would want to come to it. He promised that he would change that. Looks like his Auntie Zeituni did not hear about this. She left her “luxurious” mud hut in Kenya and is living illegally in subsidized public housing in America though her application seeking asylum was rejected four years ago. Of course Barack and Michelle would have told her that America is a crappy country which they have never been proud of, but they did not know that she was here!
There was no dearth of gullible souls to gobble up all this mindless drivel. Millions of people went to his rallies and were dazzled by his speeches, but Obama’s measly life achievements are proof of what he wrote in his autobiography: “My treatment of the issues is often partial and incomplete.” Sometimes narcissists do tell the truth. They are persuasive talkers, good charlatans; that does not mean they can run a country!
To understand what changes Obama will bring, we have to study the rise to power of other demagogic narcissists like Hitler, Mussolini, Khomeini, Mao and Castro.
Obama will bring sweeping changes to America. He will be a populist president. During the first years most of his changes will be welcomed by the majority of people and his popularity will grow. That is what all revolutionary leaders have done. Hitler set up soup kitchens for the dispossessed and he created lots of jobs for the unemployed (mostly in the army and in the arms industry). This brought Germany out of recession. Khomeini did the same. He sent food to the houses of the needy people and distributed food coupons in the mosques. Castro made health care and education free for all Cubans. All revolutionary leaders do things to endear themselves with the people and thus strengthen their grip on power. This allows them to discredit their opponents and get rid of them as traitors and ‘enemies of the people.’
Obama will likely start universal health care. The majority of Americans will like this and frankly it is overdue.
He will restrict the sale of guns, which will be also welcomed by a great many people.
Then he will start with his Marxist agenda that he has been indoctrinated with all his life and will pass laws to redistribute the wealth. This will change the face of America forever. It will make lazy people and millions of illegal immigrants very happy. They will become his base and will defend him with all their might. His popularity will skyrocket.
Dictatorship in America:
These radical changes will also anger the conservatives. The modern day Robin Hood will then start hammering on these disgruntled people who “bitterly cling to their guns and their religion.” Oppression will intensify and so will the opposition against him, one fueling the other in a vicious cycle. Obama will see his position threatened and, with the consensus of the Senate and the majority of his supporters, he will limit political criticism. America will become a totalitarian country. I am talking about Obama’s “Truth Squads.” This was set in motion even before Obama won the election. Totalitarianism will be the way he survives. The great mass of his supporters will back him all the way. In fact, they will volunteer to act as vigilantes and will harass and report anyone who opposes him.
What about the Constitution? For America to become a totalitarian country the Constitution must be scraped. That is not possible. Or is it? Nothing is impossible when the majority of people make their minds. In WND’s forum, on the subject of Obama’s birth certificate, one of his supporters wrote:
“The Constitution means what we today decide it means. The Constitution exists to serve the people, not the people to serve the Constitution. … The precise nature and meaning of particular Constitutional clauses is to be decided by the people through our elected representatives, and through the judges appointed by the president we elect. That president will be Barack Hussein Obama, for at least the next four years.”
If those who voted for Obama decide to reinterpret the Constitution or give this man the power to toss it in the fire, who can stop them? Based on my conversation with Obama fans I can say with near certainly that by now most of them already suspect that Obama has won the elections through fraud and that he may not be a natural born American and therefore unqualified to be the president, but they are willing to bend the law and disregard the Constitution for him. This level of mindless devotion to one man can only be seen in cults where devotees are so enthralled with their leader that think he is above the law and the rules should bend to accommodate him. America is at the verge of becoming a dictatorship.
Dictatorships are created because masses of people fall in love with a charismatic leader and let him do as he pleases. Virtually all totalitarian regimes founded by a charismatic leader have come to power with the support of the majority. That is why Aristotle was suspicious of democracy. He thought the populace is ignorant and ignorant people can be duped. Millions of deaths and the great devastations caused by numerous narcissistic charismatic leaders who came to power with the full support of the masses prove him right.
A Zogby survey found that just 2% of voters who supported Barack Obama on Election Day obtained near perfect scores on a post-election test which gauged their knowledge of statements and scandals associated with the presidential tickets during the campaign.
Once the second amendment is scrapped or amended, it will be the turn of the first amendment. People will be prosecuted for “lying” about our beloved leader. He will be anointed as the savior of America and mankind. His critics and detractors will be berated as racists, a bunch of disgruntled losers, and branded as the enemies of the people.
His popularity will grow abroad. Obama wannabes will win elections in other countries and the road for a world socialist government will be paved with Obama as its leader.
There will be no war against other countries. Instead, a war will take place in the streets of America against those who oppose the glorious new world order and resist change. This would not necessarily be a war waged by the government per se. Obama and his propaganda machine will continue beating their unity drum. What they actually mean by ‘unity’ however, will have clauses that would not be accepted by a free people. All narcissists are harbingers of ‘unity,’ but only under their yoke. Hitler was also for world ‘unity’, so was Muhammad, Khomeini, and also the Communists. What the narcissist understands by ‘unity’ is not unity with freedom and diversity, but unity in conformity, in subjugation and in submission.
The upcoming war will be waged in the streets of America between Obama supporters and his opponents. The seeds of that disunity have already been sown and they are rapidly germinating. This nation has never been so divided since the Civil War already.
Catherine Vogt, a 14 year-old Illinois 8th grader, and her teacher decided to conduct an experiment in political tolerance and diversity of opinion in Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School in the liberal suburb of Oak Park, which overwhelmingly supports Obama.
On the first day of her experiment Catherine wore a T-shirt bearing the words, “McCain Girl.” Immediately, she learned she was stupid. And not just stupid. Very stupid. ”People were upset. They started saying mean things, calling me very stupid, telling me my shirt was stupid and I shouldn’t be wearing it,” Catherine said. Then it got worse.
“One person told me to go die. It was a lot of dying. A lot of comments about how I should be killed,”
Even one teacher indignantly expressed her “surprise” over Catherine’s McCain shirt.
One student suggested that she be put up on a cross for her political beliefs. Someone else shouted, “Burn her with her shirt on for being a filthy-rich Republican.” Some said that because she supported McCain, by extension she supported a plan by deranged skinheads to kill Obama before the election.
One girl pulled her aside in a corner, out of earshot of other students, and whispered, “I really like your shirt.”
The next day, in part two of the experiment, the brave Catherine wore a T-shirt with “Obama Girl” written on it. She was amazed to see how the same people, who had harassed and assaulted her the day before, smiled at her and congratulated her for finding her brain.
It is truly a sad day that in a country founded on the ideal of freedom, a young citizen should dare to express her political views only in a whisper and people be pestered, insulted and threatened for expressing an opinion that is not shared by the majority.
How did we get here? How did we stoop so low, and so fast?
Make no mistake. This is only the beginning. A narcissistic leader is a devious master of lies, deception and manipulation. We humans are animals beneath our skin. Our rational brain is only thousands of years old, while our emotions go deep millions of years and lie at the root of the evolutionary tree. The narcissist leader knows how to play with human’s primitive emotions. He arouses our passions. On that level we are no longer human, but animal. We don’t act rationally, but react emotionally.
Who can forget the ludicrous scenes of mass psychosis that Obama and his wife created when they made hysterical people repeatedly shout “YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN!” The truth is, that the only thing narcissists do well is to lie and to bamboozle. It is amazing how a couple of charlatans can manipulate masses of people and make them act like silly children. (Both Michelle and Barack are narcissists, see Understanding Obama: The making of a Fuehrer.)
The Germans were not necessarily more evil than other people. But once Hitler reached their inner core through the power of his oratory and tapped into their raw emotions, he aroused their primitive instincts to the extent that they were reduced to beasts. Hitler elevated their hopes to such a point that they believed all his lies. They wanted to believe. His lies were so sweet that they shunned the truth. He brought them into a trance from which they did not want to come out. We see this sort of irrational devotion to lies in the followers of all cults, whether religious or political, and even in multi-level marketing schemes where people are hyped with bogus promieses.
The narcissist baits his victims by telling them big lies, promising them the moon, making them dream, and giving them hope. Their promised land is so beautiful that you don’t want to wake up and realize it is a lie.
The narcissist has an x-ray vision. He sees through people’s emotional shields and intuitively grasps their goals, ambitions and self-interest and accurately predicts the strategy and tactics they will adopt in order to achieve them. (Sam Vaknin)
The narcissist reads your mind and becomes a blank screen on which you can project your hopes and dreams. Once you come to realize that what you see is only a two-dimensional projection of your own desires, with no depth and no reality, an echo of your own wishful hopes, a mirage from the barren soul of the narcissist, it will be too late. You don’t know it is bait until you bite. Then it is too late.
Today it is the turn of the Americans. Millions of intelligent people have fallen for the big lies of Obama - a narcissist, as clever and as deceiving as those that preceded him and left nothing behind but devastation. His lies are so sweet that his believers do not want to hear the truth. He has given them a dream so lovely that they lash out at you, insult you, and even assault you if you try to wake them up.
The evidences of Obama’s lies are everywhere, but his worshippers refuse to see them. They refuse to look at his track record. They ignore his past and his paltry achievements. They disregard his questionable associations. They take no notice of his intolerance for criticism. They pooh-pooh the fact that he has not yet proven himself a natural born American and therefore eligible as president. Obama is a nobody. He is a cipher. He has done nothing noteworthy except aligning himself with racists, terrorists and con-men. He has not written a single scholarly article. As a lawyer he never had any clients. All he has done is to run for political office, seek power and live off public monies, while using his influence to wheel and deal, such as his role in ACORN. There is not a single shiny spot in the life of this man. But none of this matters to his starry-eyed followers. They live on cloud nine and don’t want to descend. They are dreaming and don’t want to wake up.
Obama’s supporters are collectively suffering from a nihilistic mass psychosis. Nihilistic because they deny all reality or the existence of objective truth. They refuse to see the reality of the man with whom they are enthralled. They praise the invisible clothing of their emperor thinking that everyone must see it, believing it is not possible for so many of them to be fooled. I have discussed Obama with many of his worshippers. Not a single one of them has given a logical argument as to why this man should be president. Very intelligent people resort to all sorts of fallacies to defend the indefensible. They rely on their emotions, which they mistake as intuition. They overlook his lies, his secretiveness, his disturbing past and troubling deceptive behavior.
One Obama fan showed a smiling picture of him and his family and asked how I could say such things about this man. This intelligent man probably thinks narcissists can be distinguished by their horns, or that maybe they share some features with Dracula. It is this ignorance of the subject that gives the narcissist the edge. The truth is that narcissists are extremely charming. That is their main advantage. If they act grumpy, they can’t seduce. The narcissist’s main preoccupation is to project a lovely image of himself. Since his image is the only thing that matters to him, he hones it to perfection.
In the end, Obama can’t deliver.
Pretense cannot offset ineptitude. After being elected by duping the voters with megalomaniac speeches such as,
“This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; …. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation... “
After lifting himself to an iconic figure, capable of healing the planet, ending the hunger, disease and devastation, and bringing the world together in peace and harmony, the Messiah and his advisors now want to temper public expectations. CBS2 reported:
“President-elect Barack Obama and his inner circle fear that some voters expect him to turn around the economy, wind down the war in Iraq and, perhaps, cure cancer—all by the Fourth of July.”
Yep! The elections are over and it is time to tell the gullible votaries to get real, that it was all campaign rhetoric, that we just lied to get elected. Did you really think we could do the things we promised? Now come on, don’t be stupid!
“This might be a long haul,” said Robert Reich, who was President Bill Clinton’s secretary of labor. “2009 is going to be a very hard year. Some economists say we won’t be out of this for two years, others are saying it may be three, or four, maybe five years.”
It is foolhardy to rely on the campaign promises of a narcissist. His words mean nothing to him. He will do and say what suits him at the time and is not bound by a code of ethics.
Putting a man of such a low caliber in such a high office is proof that we humans are indeed silly creatures. As time passes, many people will wake up and will realize that Obama is an empty suit, a power-hungry racketeer who lied to get elected.
In an interview with CBS “60 Minutes,” Obama said, “You know, you’ll get advice, and you’ll get counsel. Ultimately, you’re the person who’s going to be making decisions.”
This is what is most frightening. The little that we know about this man does not give us confidence that he is capable of making the right decisions. The narcissist generally does not value the opinions of others whom he considers inferior.
A crook will always be a crook. Most of Obama’s associates and friends are crooks. Great men are not make from filth. His shady business dealings with Rezko and ACORN are not the only dark spots on his otherwise secretive resume. After Obama became a state senator, his wife’s salary at the University of Chicago Hospital, a not for-profit organization, was nearly tripled (from $121,910 to $316,062). One must be born yesterday to not see the connection. The narcissist is helpful to those who are helpful to him. If Obama’s past in any indication, what assurances do we have that he will not be self-dealing in the future, now that he is master of the universe? Who is going to put a check on him? The Democratic Senate? The purchased judges? The same judges that throw the suits demanding him to prove his nationality out of court?
A narcissist is extremely audacious. He dares to do things that others never dream of and they aren’t suspicious therfore of those that do. The narcissist knows this and takes full advantage of it. Furthermore, he has no conscience. He will calculate his risks and the chances of being caught. He will bank on the credulity of his trusting admirers and the fact that they will never doubt his integrity. His image has been impeccable and he knows that image is everything. Not only his admirers, even his opponents doubt that he would do such things. The only thing that deters a narcissist is the fear of being exposed—not his conscience, because he has none. All he cares for is to protect his image.
The discontent will grow and with it, Obama’s narcissistic paranoia. There will be unrest and attempts to assassinate him. He will then pass laws to quash the opposition. He may even stage attacks himself in order to obtain special powers from the Senate. This is what Hitler did. It is believed that Hitler burnt the Reichstag, the Parliament building in Berlin, and blamed the communists. He banned the Communist Party and arrested its 90 MPs. By eliminating the opposition his minority party became the majority.Then he convinced the parliament that he needed more power to deal with the problem and restore order. After that he became Germany’s dictator - and the people welcomed it.
Obama’s popularity will grow so much that few will dare to openly oppose him. Hillary Clinton backtracked from her opposition to the rising Fuehrer after seeing his widespread support and realizing that her antagonism towards him would further marginalize her.
The majority of the people will support handing the beloved leader powers that are not stipulated in the Constitution. Songs about Obama will be sung in schools (already are). His portraits will adorn public offices and stores (already are). Few will dare to speak against him openly (MSM is already monolithic in supporting Obama). Radio and television producers will avoid criticizing him for fear of losing their advertisement business. Google seems to have already started censoring the sites that are against Obama.
Only 17 days after the elections, a school in Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y. renamed itself Barack Obama Elementary School. The renaming was thanks to the initiative of the school’s students who, who are predominately black and Hispanic Think about it. This man has not yet occupied the office and schools are being named after him. Is this not insanity? Can you think of something stupidder?
Notice how the majority of the conservative producers have been silent and have avoided talking about Obama’s birth certificate. That’s because companies do not patronize shows that criticize Obama because his supporters will boycott their products.
I receive countless emails from Obamaists warning me that my opposition to him is bad for my reputation and will come back to haunt me. Too bad for these “well wishers,” that I am not seeking anyone’s approval and do not depend on their patronage.
Unlike virtually all Obama supporters, I did not base my opinion of him on my gut feeling, but on my understanding of NPD. It was also my understanding of NPD that made me realize Muhammad was a narcissist and not a prophet of God. Ten years ago, when I started writing against Muhammad, mine was one of a few solitary voices in the vast cyberspace. My “well wishers” advised me to stop this folly. They said it was arrogant to think billions of people don’t understand and you alone do. I told them that facts speak for themselves. It does not matter how many people believe in a lie. It is still a lie. Time has proved that I was right and billions were wrong. Now those Muslims who are learning the truth are leaving Islam in droves.
If you don’t care to learn the facts about Obama now and prefer to live in your bubble universe of delusion, time will teach you the truth. I am right because facts are on my side, not because I “feel” that I am. Feelings can be deceptive. I don’t know what the future holds for certain. If Obama is strongly opposed, he may not get the chance to do much harm. But, I know that this man is worthless. You could have picked a name out of the phonebook and with high probability you would have found a better president.
The Obama crackdown on the Jewish media may have already begun:
“Editors and staff working for local Jewish papers that have run articles critical of Obama have been receiving hostile phone calls. While critical phone calls are not unusual when you’re working on a newspaper, these phone calls are not from random readers, they are coming from lawyers and sometimes doctors who wield influence in the community and may often be advertisers, “[who unabashedly say the opponents of Obama have no right to have opinions against him.]
Lawsuits against Obama will be dismissed. The judicial system will become as corrupt as Obama’s administration and the Democratic Senate. Judges will be either bribed or will be intimidated. The three branches of the government will be reduced to empty shells, filled with yes-men and sycophants. Obama’s minions will come to believe he is a gift from God, as many of them already do. His will be, the most corrupt administration in American history. He is the most corrupt man elected to this office. I am not guessing here. I am basing my opinion of him on all the lies I have heard from him.
Failing to deliver in substance, Obama will intensify the propaganda. Propaganda works. It worked for the Nazis, it worked for the Bolshevists, it worked for Mao, for Castro and for the Iranian regime. It has so far worked for Obama. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels said; “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Through propaganda, Obama’s popularity will soar. But ultimately there will be the rude awakening that this man is a fraud and none of his plans have worked. You can’t run a country with hypes alone. But a narcissist does not admit failure. Instead, he will spend millions more of your money on propaganda to persuade you that America has become a paradise and his detractors merely liars.
Meanwhile, the crackdown on the opposition will increase and they will be blamed for spreading false rumors and poisoning people’s minds. The opposition will retreat to the anonymous blogosphere, using servers stationed outside the U.S. and in a few countries where they maybe safe. The discontent will keep growing.
In the mythology of Narcissus, this vain boy disdainfully rejects the love of Echo, but falls in love with his own image reflected on the calm water of a spring. He sits by the spring admiring his own reflection. Eventually he grows thirsty, and as he bends down to drink and his lips touch the water, his image is shattered. To protect that image he remains thirsty until he dies. The narcissus flower grew where he died.
The narcissist is a psycho bereft of feelings and incapable of truly loving others. He is enthralled with his own reflection. He is protective of it and will not allow his image to be shattered, defiled or destroyed. As such, he is intolerant of those who would make ripples in the water. He cannot accept criticism. He will fiercely defend his precious and precarious image by attacking his critics, demonizing them, eliminating them.
Likewise Obama’s Truth Squads will expand to all spheres. On November 13, 2008 Durham Police reported that they were on the hunt for someone who had written “derogatory remarks towards the President-elect,” over the Internet. Can you envision this ever happening in America? Has anyone ever been arrested for making derogatory remarks against the “evil” Bush?
Obama’s Truth Squads will evolve into his Gestapo. It will comprise FBI staff, sheriffs, prosecutors and corrupt judges. The secret police will monitor everyone’s words and movement. The Obama youths, consisting mostly of blacks, Latinos and other minorities, will take to the streets to ensure that the beloved leader is not maligned. For the narcissist, image is everything. If you destroy his image, you have destroyed both the man and his cult. The narcissist and his worshippers will do everything in their power to protect that image. Remember how Muslims reacted when the image of their prophet was derided? Compare that to the angry reaction of Obamaists when you criticize their beloved leader.
The propaganda machine will brainwash some to the extent that they believe white is black and vice versa. This is what the Obama camp did during the elections. Aided by the media, people were kept in total darkness about this man’s past and his plans for the future.
There will also be an army of cyber thugs to spread misinformation, confuse the public, muddy the waters, and drown any voice of dissent. This army is already in place and has been active since Obama started running for president.
This situation cannot last forever. Obama worshippers will continue hailing him as their god and his detractors will see him as the devil. Passions will soar and anger will overcome patience. The far right elements that are marginalized today will receive unprecedented support.
Do you recall that KKK supported Obama, saying that “anything is better than Hillary. Vote Obama? “
But don’t count on that love to last long. KKK endorsed Obama for the same reason that Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Cuban communists, black supremacists, Bill Ayers, and other American haters endorsed him. They all want America’s demise. Obama is the man that in their estimation will make that dream come true. It is here that you can grasp what Obama meant when he wrote; “I am a blank screen, on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”
When you read my articles you can never be confused as what I say because I say it loud and clear, without mincing my words. I state my opinion (backed by facts) even if it makes me more enemies than friends. Can the same be said about Barack Obama? Does anyone know where this man stands on anything? He tells you something and turns around and tells the opposite to someone else. His words change as do his audience. This is what narcissists do best. They have done this since childhood. They have mastered the art of deception. This is a clear sign of narcissism.
However, once Obama is in power, each group will go its own way and the struggle between them will begin. The love born out of the hatred of a common foe is never lasting. Obama’s associates and friends were all black supremacists. He never identified himself with his white side, no more than Hitler, a grandson of a Jew, identified himself with Jews. Both these men harbored resentment towards one side of their own roots, which they thought had not accepted them unconditionally. The pain of rejection, felt in childhood is too intense to overcome.
Obama speaks of this feeling of not being loved in his autobiography My Father’s Dream. “Ann’s mother, who went by the nickname Tut, did not want a black son-in-law, and Obama Snr’s father ‘didn’t want the Obama blood sullied by a white woman’.:
With a black president, harboring a hidden resentment towards whites, the KKK will find its raison d’être and will be back with a vengeance. Obama youth brigades will be confronted by equally vicious and determined white supremacists. Blood will run in the streets. Racial tension will grow to levels never before seen.
With America in crisis, Obama will seek the support of Muslims. Muslims backed Obama’s cousin, Odinga, the dictator of Kenya, and they were behind his own candidacy. Obama has not disclosed the sources of his 3/4 of billion dollar campaign fund. No one can find out how much of that money came from Islamic countries. That is part of Obama’s secrecy. There must be a reason for him to keep that a secret. A weakened and beleaguered America will then become an easy prey to the “Religion of Peace,” which will promise order, the end of chaos, and bring morality to the tired masses under the banner of Islam. The same people that were duped into voting for Obama, will be duped to embrace Islam. Propaganda works. Millions of dollars will be spent on da’wa, Islamic propaganda, while the voices of opposition to Islam and to Obama will be silenced. Freedom fighters like this author will be found, jailed or assassinated. People in authority with access to sensitive information about citizens will identify the enemies of the leader and will report them. An example is Helen Jones-Kelley, the director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. She used state computers to search for information on “Joe the Plumber.” Likewise. the detractors of the new order will simply vanish in thin air.
Under Obama’s watch Islam will rapidly spread in America. New mosques will be built, more Muslims will be let into the country and the legality of Sharia law will be recognized. Islam will be declared a protected religion, and its criticism outlawed. Obama knows who his real supporters are. America will collapse. The objective of the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy America from within will be fulfilled.
No, this is not just fiction. This is all in the realm of possibility. How much of this will actually happen? It depends on how much is allowed to happen. There is no limit to a narcissist’s insanity. Narcissists are like a racing car with no brakes. It is the society that must stop them. The only people who could stop Hitler were the Germans. If a society is enthralled by a narcissist’s charm and charisma and hoodwinked by his bogus promises of Nirvana, then his insanity will be bequeathed to his followers and it can grow exponentially.
Like the Nazis, the Obama camp relies heavily on propaganda, misinformation, and the suppression of truth. They spent ¾ of billion dollars on propaganda to dupe the voters. And the media lied. They portrayed a wolf as a shepherd. Some were bought, but most simply lied because of ideology. People swallowed all their lies uncritically. It became vogue to make fun of Governor Palin when in reality the only joker in this race was the media’s naked emperor. Is the fact that Palin has not travelled the world funnier than the fact that Obama travelled to all the 57 states of America? By the way, there are 57 Islamic states, in case you wondered where that number came from.
The above are nine of the world’s most famous narcissists (Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Joseph Kony, Mao Ze Dong, Barak Hussein Obama, David Koresh, Adoph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein.) All these men were adored by those who fell under their spell and believed in them. Obama is still an incognito. The rest were demented. Their power came from their believers. The devastation was caused by their believers. Their dark souls were hidden behind their charismatic masks. They raised hopes, but brought death. The one in the center has the potential to cause more harm than all of them combined, because he would be the most powerful man on Earth with access to the deadliest weapons ever invented and because the number of people who believe in him exceed the votaries of the rest. Today, Obama is the most popular man on the planet. His followers lie, cheat and break the law for him. Good people will do evil things under the spell of narcissists with clear conscience. That is the surreal power that narcissists have - the power to deceive.
Not all is lost.
Obama has not yet shown his real birth certificate. He may not be a natural born American. He admits he was Kenyan until he was 21. Almost certainly he was/is Indonesian. The American Constitution disqualifies a person with dual citizenship from becoming president. Maybe God is watching over America!
It is now time to apply the law and uphold the Constitution. Let not an alien deride you and step on your Constitution. That document is sacred. It is what made America what it is. Obama lied about America falling apart. America is still number one. Don’t let this man destroy it.
“How can anyone have the audacity to run for president without being an American?” you ask. That is a fair question. But remember that Obama is not an ordinary man. In all likelihood he is a narcissist and will do things that others don’t dream of doing. Narcissists have no grasp of reality and of their own limitations. They lie audaciously. They can say lies so big that most people think no one would dare say them and therefore they must be true. They are like drunkards who audaciously take risks that sober people won’t. They do not have a grasp of reality. Their thinking is impaired. Hitler audaciously invaded several countries all at the same time—something no sane person would have done. His gamble might have paid off if it weren’t for another insane man in Soviet Union (Stalin) who resisted him with dogged determination. In Iraq, Saddam, audaciously defied the might of the American coalition forces. He rejected the offer of asylum made to him by Russia. Narcissists are insanely audacious. Sometimes their gambles pay off, sometimes they don’t.
Only a narcissist can have the nerve to bamboozle an entire country with sheer lies. By doing so, Obama had nothing to lose and everything to gain. As of now, there are 17 lawsuits filed against him demanding that he prove he is a natural born American. Obama’s people have called these suits “garbage.” The narcissist divides the world in two camps. Those who are his minions and therefore the best people, and the others who are “garbage.” Obama petitioned court to not produce his birth certificate until after the elections.
Obama is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and is hiring an army of lawyers, (including the lawyers of the pro-terrorist Islamic group CAIR) to fight these lawsuits. But he is not showing his birth certificate. You figure why!
There is reason to believe that Judge Barkley Surrick, who dismissed the case brought by Attorney Phillip Berg to verify Barack Obama’s eligibility for presidency, might have been instructed on how to rule on the case.
It seems that Obama is adamant in not showing his birth certificate. Maybe he is hoping to bribe/bully every judge so they throw all these cases out of court? And for the same reasons that the Republican Colin Powell sided with Obama, the Republican governor of Hawaii has fought tooth and nail the release of Obama’s vault copy birth certificate. Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate’s birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Why? What is there on his certificate that Obama does not want you to see?
Meanwhile, the Kenyan police have banned Obama’s grandmother from giving interviews. There is fear that a slip of a tongue may occur that may reveal the identity and birthplace of her grandson. Earlier she told a reporter that Barack Obama was born in her village.
Unfortunately, Obama’s Hawaiian grandmother died. We can no longer hear the truth from her. But the truth is out there. It is in Obama’s original birth certificate, which is registered in Hawaii. Does it say that he was born in Hawaii or is Kenya specified as his birthplace?
This is America’s last chance. Don’t remain silent. Demand that Obama abide by the Constitution and prove his legitimacy. If the man is capable of defrauding an entire country about so many things, what else he is capable of? You don’t want this man in the White House. Obama has come this far by lying. It’s time to stop him.
Those who claim he is a good man should demand that he show his real birth certificate and end this brawl. It is pointless to attack those who want to know the truth. This is not the way to heal the nation. This is a sure way to divide it.
If there had been enough opposition to Hitler, he could not have become a dictator and millions of lives would have not been lost. It would be a grave mistake to be united under a psychopathic narcissist who has usurped the presidency through fraud and demagogy. Don’t let history repeat itself. Don’t think it can’t happen again or can’t happen here. The rise of Obama and the rise of Hitler have many similarities, and the end result may not be so different.
Obama accused Bush of failing to respect the Constitution, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution,” he said. Article II of the U.S. constitution is crystal clear. The Commander-in-chief must be ‘natural born’ and without past or present foreign allegiances. If it’s discovered that Obama is not eligible, he will not be a legitimate President. His victory in election, based on fraud will be invalid. America would be in crisis because technically none of the treaties or legislative bills signed by Obama would be binding. They will be challenged if he is exposed. The mere threat of exposure makes Obama vulnerable. There are reports that Raila Odinga’s bloody genocidal government (Kenya) traded favors with Obama in exchange for protecting Obama’s Kenyan ‘documents’ (a birth certificate, or Kenyan passport? What else could there be, since Obama has never lived in Kenya?)
“How can anyone have the audacity to run for president without being an American?” you ask. That is a fair question. But remember that Obama is not an ordinary man. In all likelihood he is a narcissist and will do things that others don’t dream of doing. Narcissists have no grasp of reality and of their own limitations. They lie audaciously. They can say lies so big that most people think no one would dare say them and therefore they must be true. They are like drunkards who audaciously take risks that sober people won’t. They do not have a grasp of reality. Their thinking is impaired. Hitler audaciously invaded several countries all at the same time—something no sane person would have done. His gamble might have paid off if it weren’t for another insane man in Soviet Union (Stalin) who resisted him with dogged determination. In Iraq, Saddam, audaciously defied the might of the American coalition forces. He rejected the offer of asylum made to him by Russia. Narcissists are insanely audacious. Sometimes their gambles pay off, sometimes they don’t.
Only a narcissist can have the nerve to bamboozle an entire country with sheer lies. By doing so, Obama had nothing to lose and everything to gain. As of now, there are 17 lawsuits filed against him demanding that he prove he is a natural born American. Obama’s people have called these suits “garbage.” The narcissist divides the world in two camps. Those who are his minions and therefore the best people, and the others who are “garbage.” Obama petitioned court to not produce his birth certificate until after the elections.
Obama is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and is hiring an army of lawyers, (including the lawyers of the pro-terrorist Islamic group CAIR) to fight these lawsuits. But he is not showing his birth certificate. You figure why!
There is reason to believe that Judge Barkley Surrick, who dismissed the case brought by Attorney Phillip Berg to verify Barack Obama’s eligibility for presidency, might have been instructed on how to rule on the case.
It seems that Obama is adamant in not showing his birth certificate. Maybe he is hoping to bribe/bully every judge so they throw all these cases out of court? And for the same reasons that the Republican Colin Powell sided with Obama, the Republican governor of Hawaii has fought tooth and nail the release of Obama’s vault copy birth certificate. Hawaii’s Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate’s birth certificate under seal and instructed the state’s Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.
Why? What is there on his certificate that Obama does not want you to see?
Meanwhile, the Kenyan police have banned Obama’s grandmother from giving interviews. There is fear that a slip of a tongue may occur that may reveal the identity and birthplace of her grandson. Earlier she told a reporter that Barack Obama was born in her village.
Unfortunately, Obama’s Hawaiian grandmother died. We can no longer hear the truth from her. But the truth is out there. It is in Obama’s original birth certificate, which is registered in Hawaii. Does it say that he was born in Hawaii or is Kenya specified as his birthplace?
This is America’s last chance. Don’t remain silent. Demand that Obama abide by the Constitution and prove his legitimacy. If the man is capable of defrauding an entire country about so many things, what else he is capable of? You don’t want this man in the White House. Obama has come this far by lying. It’s time to stop him.
Those who claim he is a good man should demand that he show his real birth certificate and end this brawl. It is pointless to attack those who want to know the truth. This is not the way to heal the nation. This is a sure way to divide it.
If there had been enough opposition to Hitler, he could not have become a dictator and millions of lives would have not been lost. It would be a grave mistake to be united under a psychopathic narcissist who has usurped the presidency through fraud and demagogy. Don’t let history repeat itself. Don’t think it can’t happen again or can’t happen here. The rise of Obama and the rise of Hitler have many similarities, and the end result may not be so different.
Obama accused Bush of failing to respect the Constitution, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution,” he said. Article II of the U.S. constitution is crystal clear. The Commander-in-chief must be ‘natural born’ and without past or present foreign allegiances. If it’s discovered that Obama is not eligible, he will not be a legitimate President. His victory in election, based on fraud will be invalid. America would be in crisis because technically none of the treaties or legislative bills signed by Obama would be binding. They will be challenged if he is exposed. The mere threat of exposure makes Obama vulnerable. There are reports that Raila Odinga’s bloody genocidal government (Kenya) traded favors with Obama in exchange for protecting Obama’s Kenyan ‘documents’ (a birth certificate, or Kenyan passport? What else could there be, since Obama has never lived in Kenya?)
We are in the midst of a developing crisis. Obama can easily end this crisis. All he has to do is to show his real birth certificate. His reticence proves that he does not care about the country. All he cares about is power. This is another sign that he is a narcissist. This is not the man you want as commander-in-chief.
There is a conspiracy at work to destroy America from within. Don’t let it happen!”
Question: Does President Obama suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?
The following report by Dr. Sam Vaknin meticulously compares President Obama’s actions with an individual suffering from NPD. Please note that I have included my own notes within the contents of Dr. Vaknin’s report as a means of sharing some recent articles and/or blog posts and videos that I believe further support his report-You Decide:
Barack Obama - Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?-By: Dr. Sam Vaknin:
Note: These are articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal some disturbing actions by Google, which I believe relate to this issue-You Decide:
Does Google spy on you for NSA? Judge says, 'None of your business'!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On July 15, 2011:
Google and Obama: Joined at the Hip-Posted on Big Government-By Capitol Confidential-On May 1, 2011:
Google & The U.S. Government-Posted on January 24, 2011:
Video: Investigate Google’s “Secretive Relationship” with Obama Administration-Posted on January 28, 2011:
Google’s Close Ties With Obama Administration Reap Rewards, Consumer Group Alleges-Posted on Henry J. Reske-On January 24, 2011:
Congress Must Investigate Google-Obama Ties-Posted on National Legal and Policy Center-By Ken Boehm-On November 10, 2010:
Watchdog Group Slams Federal Agency For Closing Its Investigation Of Google-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-On November 4, 2010:
Daily Kos launches googlebomb midterm campaign against GOP candidates-Posted on Hot Air-By ALLAHPUNDIT-On October 8, 2010:
Shadow Party: Daily Kos Wants to Googlebomb Republicans into Electoral Oblivion-Posted on Pajamas Media-By Bryan Preston-On October 8, 2010:
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Sheriff Joe: 'Show me the microfilm!'-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 1, 2011:
II. Sheriff Joe’s posse delivers promised Obama surprise: ‘Panel probing eligibility for 2012 ballot wants to see original birth certificate!’-Posted on October 31, 2011:
III. Sheriff Joe Predicts Obama Investigation To Be A ‘Shock’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 26, 2011:
IV. Two Lawsuits Filed Seeking to Stop Democrats From Certifying Obama For 2012 Ballot!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 27, 2011:
V. No Certification Without Verification!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-On October 25, 2011:
VI. Class Action Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief!-Posted on October 25, 2011:
VII. Occupy Wall Street– Best Thing That Could Happen To The Tea Party!-Posted by AWD-On October 24, 2011:
VIII. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/
Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Should Americans Fear Islam?
Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!
What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Were We Forewarned About What to Expect If President Obama Got Elected?
Is it time to call for Obama's resignation!
Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Please support the Veteran Defenders of America and its parent organization, The United States Patriots Union, who are protesting in Washington D.C. on November 11, 2011 to take our country back.
The following website and video provides you with the details of how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:
Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic!
Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
We need to get the U.S.A back on track by:
- Electing politicians that can make good decisions and get things done including working with the opposite political party.
- Cutting taxes and preferably flatter rates where everyone pays something and into the system they benefit from.
- Reducing government spending & indiscriminate government subsidies which I know is hard to do but it needs to be done. Have some of the government agencies privatized or abolished especially Fannie May and Freddie Mac which have run deficits in the billions and continue to do so plus these agencies were a large contributor to the down turn in the U.S.A. economy in 2008 which has not been corrected.
- Reducing the amount and breadth of government regulation so that our business can get back to conducting their real business objectives but maintaining some basic common sense safe guards to protect its citizens.
- Getting our people back to work including our valuable blue collar workers. Let's compete on an international but fair playing field. Take into account other countries that are subsidizing their private industries and playing currency manipulations; which is not by definition a fair playing field.
- Improving our educational system by rewarding our excellent teachers for performance in grades K to 12. Also make our university system affordable and practical leading to employment opportunities in the 21st century. Much of our educational curriculum especially in college is not tied at all tied to employment upon graduation.
- Remove Obama Care but revise our private medical & dental insurance system to make it more affordable & accessible with varying levels of payment tied to coverage.
Rusty Gilbert
While Herman Cain is being viciously assaulted by the MSM and anybody else with a bone to pick with conservatives, particularly BLACK conservatives, there is a lot of information coming out concerning the "accusers", who now state that they wish to team-up for a final assault, a glorious bashing and public assassination of an honorable man that knew it was coming, and has the guts to go forward anyway.
What an inconsolable pack of weasels. As usual, Ann nails it in her own inimitable way.