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The government is making you poor, and making you more poor, still as time

passes by. That's because congress is negotiating

with the White House, on how to make YOU pay high taxes, forever. If not

through higher rates, than through an even more pernicious means...

INFLATION.  The deficit makes you poorer. Read that last sentence again,

it's that important. And then ponder this FACT...

Both Democrats and Republicans want to add trillions of dollars to the

national debt. They only disagree about how many trillions, and when

we should schedule the next "debt limit" crisis.


Have you had enough? Or do you think we need Democrat tax rate hikes

or tax by inflation instead?

Do you believe we need...

* a smaller government

* a balanced budget

* and a strong economy



These can ALL be achieved if Congress simply refuses to raise the debt

limit. They don't even need to schedule a vote! That's why I sent this letter

to Congress using's "Cap the Debt" campaign.


You may borrow from or copy this sample letter...

I believe government is too big and too costly. Capping the debt limit

where it already is will force government to become smaller.

But there's another big reason why you must stop running budget

deficits. The more Congress spends, the weaker my saved dollars

become. This means I have to pay higher prices. It wipes out my

savings. Deficits make me poorer!

Economist Christopher Lingle explains why this will happen.


In the second round of Quantitative Easing (QE2) beginning in

November, 2010 . . .

* the Federal Reserve created money out of thin air

* and used it to buy a whopping 85% of all government debt sold by the


In other words, your record-setting deficits aren't being financed

through purchases of bonds by you and me, or even by China. Those

dollars are being created out of thin air.

That means the value of those dollars falls, and then prices go up.

The Consumer Price Index may not yet reveal it, but Americans see

prices going up in the grocery aisles.

Your deficit spending is being done through monetary inflation on the

backs of the poor, the elderly on fixed incomes, and even the middle

class you so claim to love.


Moreover, inflation . . .

* Creates uncertainty about future price increases...

* Leading investors to purchase assets and commodities as a hedge

against inflation...

* Instead of investing in new enterprises and business expansion...

* Which means stagnant growth, high unemployment, and depressed wages.


In other words, there is a direct relationship between inflation on

the one hand, and slow economic growth and persistently high

unemployment, on the other. Both are the fault of a Congress that

refuses to make real, dramatic spending cuts. But the leadership of

BOTH parties continues to sell Alice in Wonderland economics. They

would have us believe that all this deficit spending is good for us.


Yet as Lingle points out, another increase in the debt limit will most

likely mean a "QE3" where the Fed will create even more money to

purchase even more federal debt.


Here's what's needed, NOW: A balanced budget. It will bring stability

to the dollar's value. Stability will lead to a greater sense of

certainty for investors and businesses, which will spur new investment

and create jobs.


Stop inflation now. Stop deficits now. Do NOT increase the debt limit!

And demonstrate political courage -- make the cuts.


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Because of 'We the People' having demonstrated our power of  RELENTLESS PRESSURE upon

Congress, more and more Democrats realize the U.S. is on an unsustainable path

and that reforms must be implemented NOW instead of putting them off any longer.


The vote was good news, but this is only the beginning of the fight.


NO increase on the debt ceiling.

Unless you tell your Representative and Senators where you stand, they

may be tempted to cut a deal which will raise the debt limit while

making only symbolic and marginal spending cuts.


Both Democrats and Republicans need to learn from history,

particularly the Democratic Truman Administration. That's why I sent

this letter to Congress, from which you may borrow or copy . . .

I understand the concern you have about making the drastic spending

cuts necessary to balance the budget and maintain the current debt


However, the last time the national debt was this high relative to

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at the end of World War II.

Economists Jason E. Taylor and Richard K. Vedder tell us what a

Democratic-controlled White House and Congress did to the budget after

World War II. They . . .


* slashed spending by more than 50% in one year

* removed ten million servicemen and one million civilian employees

from the federal payroll

* lifted wartime economic controls, AS WELL AS many New Deal era

regulations/Instead of a new Depression, the opposite occurred . . .

* The economy grew by 10% in two years

* Unemployment was under 4.5% in the first three postwar years

* By 1947, budget surpluses reached 6% of GDP, and the U.S. started

paying down the debt

This isn't surprising. It makes economic sense . . .

* More money is available for capital investment and economic growth,

when government spends, taxes, and borrows less.

* It is less expensive to hire new workers, when regulations are reduced.


1. End the wars, cancel defense contracts, and bring the troops home.

2.Cut spending to balance the budget, AND lift regulations that strangle the economy.

3.Follow the 1946, Truman formula, and America will adapt quickly to a

more free and more prosperous reality. 

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4063407768?profile=originalJohn Cornyn
‎"Households have reduced debt by $549 billion since 2007, mostly by cutting mortgages through defaults and paying down credit cards. During that time, the federal government has added more than $4 trillion in debt, pushing the country's total borrowing to a record $36.5 trillion, excluding the financial industry, according to the Federal Reserve."
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The Story of an Illegal Tax Protester

For 25 years, I’d been a successful go-between for independent lumber mills and retail lumber yards. I was a successful entrepreneur. Unfortunately, before Nixon left office he established price controls favoring a few corporate giants in the lumber industry. Thousands of independents were put out of business. 

Government was responsible for the double digit inflation—called stagflation—that put me out of business.  People couldn’t afford 15 percent interest rates on home mortgages. My business depended on homes being built.

Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate commerce, but no authority to control the economy. It is an assumed authority with an ulterior motive.   American’s politicians are playing a shell game, the motive of which is to divide and conquer.  The free enterprise system that gave me the opportunity to build a successful business, destroyed by price controls and stagflation, America’s political maneuver aimed at turning the nation into a collectivist autocracy, this colossal fraud and the American people’s passivity has wrecked America’s free enterprise system.

  West Va. State Board of Education v. Barnette:

The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and  officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property. . . and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.


The above Court decision was written by Justice Jackson.  Jackson was one of the judges at the Nuremburg trials in Germany after World War II.  The Nazis on trial claimed they were following German law. Likewise America’s politicians, who have invented an income tax (now 3,000,000 words long), the aim being to redistribute the nation’s wealth, the motive to buy votes with our money, falsely claim to be following the law. “One’s right to life, liberty, and property and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”  The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to stop politicians from doing exactly what they are doing, I might add, with the leftist press’ overwhelming approval.

I heard Chief Justice Black say that the Constitution was what he said it was.  The Supreme Court, by decree, is America’s super legislature.  I say to hell with that.   

I’d not spent one day in law school. I knew the law, not how to get around it. I was not about to allow Nazi law to prevail in America without a fight.

If I have a personal stake in the outcome, I am permitted to take the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to court. What did Moses do to free his people? He went to the highest authority. I’d written Attorney General William B. Saxbe a letter letting him know that I believed federal income tax was unconstitutional—as it applied to me—and that I’d see him in court. Prior to my letter, I had read law professor Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, incidentally, published in 1925, the year of my birth.  In the year of my birth, also, Congress authorized the IRS to examine personal records for income tax purposes. Little did the American people know what that meant in 1925.  At the time, only the rich paid income tax. Live and learn.

America’s unscrupulous press set me up. I was on a nutcake rant, one of those “spurious constitutional objectors” judges talked about, and you read about in the newspaper. I was an illegal tax protester. What you didn’t read was that I was acting under the law.

Saxbe, the IRS’ lawyer, forwarded my letter to the IRS.  With the authority to examine this illegal tax protester’s personal records, the IRS, simply because I wrote the Attorney General a letter, in violation of my constitutional right to be secure in my possessions, which prohibited unreasonable searches and seizures—Amendment IV—a federal autocrat trespassed my Fourth Amendment right. Be informed that the word legal is merely the form of law. Hitler was legal. An IRS agent legally entered this illegal tax protester’s home, unconstitutionally, and spent a week going through my personal records. The motive was to intimidate. Without showing me any of the notes he took, and without comment, other than to notify me that I failed to report $5,000 of taxable income, the IRS departed.  The IRS called to set up an appointment. I told the IRS to go straight to hell.  If you think things were going to go very badly for me you are wrong.  Things went very badly for the IRS.  I had the law. The IRS hung itself with its own rope.

Ostensibly, in an effort to spur growth and hiring, but actually putting off on tomorrow’s taxpayers an enormous debt, President Obama, Congress, and the Federal Reserve have flooded the economy with monopoly money—no way to help the economy. Unemployment rates refuse to dip below their current levels of around 9.1, while inflation pressures and other harmful side effects of such corrupt policies are becoming more and more threatening. The above named are actually bent on controlling the economy, thus the American people. The egomaniacs the American people elect, the same as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, feel that they know what is best for America,

The founding fathers named U.S. currency after a Spanish-milled dollar, which represented 371.25 grains of pure silver, and placed protecting its value a congressional responsibility. The above named frauds have no authority to deliberately devalue the dollar through inflation. Protectionism, tax increases, attacking the free enterprise system, in the courts and through regulations, creating a climate of uncertainty, these were the very ways birds-of-feather created the Great Depression. Get ready for a depression that will make the Great Depression look like prosperity.


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365 Days and Counting


By John W. Lillpop

Just one year from today, on November 6, 2012, Americans will be empowered to end the nightmare occupation of our precious homeland by Barack Hussein Obama, a dedicated socialist who has great disdain for American history and values and who came into office with the arrogant notion that he had the experience and wisdom to ‘fundamentally transform’ the greatest nation in human history.

As of this date, November 6, 2011, the Obama Administration has been an unmitigated disaster, both domestically and internationally.

Barring some dramatic event, or series of events, this man will be sent back to the streets of Chicago (or Honolulu) after one tumultuous term in which he, assigned responsibility as the chief law enforcement authority of the nation, scoffed at the rule of law and encouraged illegal behavior by others, while personally violating the Constitution in order to advance his extreme ideological agenda.

Barack Obama’s involuntary exit on January 20, 2013 will be welcomed with a huge sigh of relief by scores of millions of Americans who demand change--of the sort  that will unshackle them from oppressive government.

For all of his policy gaffes, the most important failing of Barack Obama is that he never really seemed an American in spirit, or as some contend, by birth.

Moreover, owing to his bitter disrespect for American history and values, Barack Obama never seemed comfortable serving as president of the nation he so despised.

God willing, on January 20, 2013, Barack Obama will be set free.
Concurrently, God willing, the American people will  begin the process of healing from the nightmare that has consumed and divided this great nation for four long years.

The big question: Can the American people wait another full year for the redemption of our treasured values and heritage?

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I won't vote for a mormon

 Do you want a man in the white house that thinks he can be a God of his own planet.  They have some really weird beliefs.  What a man thinkif he is . We have had enough men in the white house that think they are the High dude to rule us the way they want!
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Right ON!

Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-On November 4, 2011:

Montana Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg is calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s immediate resignation, becoming the 35th member of Congress to demand it.

“It’s become clear that in his efforts to advance the President’s anti-gun agenda, Eric Holder was willing to cross lines that should never have been crossed,” Rehberg said in a statement Friday morning. “Mr. Holder has lost the public confidence necessary to do his job.”

“He has also put our Second Amendment Rights, rights he swore to uphold, in serious danger,” Rehberg continued. “Mr. Holder should immediately resign, and the Senate should refuse to confirm anyone who won’t respect our gun rights.”

As of Thursday morning, there were 34 Congressmen calling for Holder’s immediate resignation and many more have publicly stated their distrust of him. Rehberg brings that number to 35, adding extra clout to the fight as chairman of the House appropriations committee’s subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies.

Virginia Republican Senate candidate Jamie Radtke also told The Daily Caller she thinks “all indications are that Eric Holder perjured himself.”

“If he perjured himself and was involved in selling guns to the Mexican Drug Cartel, he should be removed from office and charges should be immediately considered,” Radtke said in an email to TheDC.

Radtke is running against former Virginia Gov. and U.S. Senator George Allen, and others, in the Virginia Republican Senate primary. Whoever earns the GOP nomination will face former Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine in the 2012 race.

Allen’s campaign did not respond to TheDC’s request for a statement on whether the former governor believes Holder should resign.

Members of Congress who have previously called for Holder’s immediate resignation include: Rep. Connie Mack, Rep. Walter Jones, Rep. Dan Burton, House Transportation Committee chairman Rep. John Mica, House Small Business Committee chairman Rep. Sam Graves and Reps. Ted Poe, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, Quico Canseco, Rodney Alexander, Paul Gosar, Allen West, Tim Huelskamp, Mike Pompeo, Duncan Hunter, Devin Nunes, Dennis Ross, Trent Franks, Lynn Jenkins, Raul Labrador, Joe Walsh, Gus Bilirakis, Paul Broun, Randy Hultgren, Stephen Fincher, John Culberson, Michael Grimm, Andy Harris, Mike Coffman, Kenny Marchant, Thaddeus McCotter, Diane Black, Bob Latta and Vicky Hartzler.

No Democrats have called for Holder’s resignation yet. On Thursday when he called for Holder to step down, National Rifle Association president David Keene told TheDC Democrats are playing politics to protect the high-ranking members of their political party.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Top Justice Dept. Official Admits ‘Mistake’ in Ignoring ATF’s ‘Unacceptable Tactics!’-Posted on Susan Jones-On November 1, 2011:

II. Darrell Issa’s Fast and Furious rebuke of Eric Holder is one for the ages!-Posted on The Coach Is Right-By Coach Collins-On October 30, 2011:

III. Sen. Feinstein: Lax gun control is real ‘problem’ with Fast and Furious!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-On November 1, 2011:

IV. NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment!-Posted on Martin Gould and Ashley Martella-On October 14, 2011:

V. CBS Highlights ‘Fast & Furious’; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand!-Posted on News Busters-By Matthew Balan-On October 4, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?

Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and “sanctuary cities”!“sanctuary-cities”/


The following website and video provide you with the details on how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic!

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Judicial Watch-On November 1, 2011:

In this new era of political correctness, the U.S. Army has published a special handbook for soldiers that appears to justify Islamic jihad by describing it as the “communal military defense of Islam and Muslims when they are threatened or under attack.”

Because radical Muslim groups consider Islam to be perpetually under moral, spiritual, economic, political and military attack by the “secular west” they consider military jihad a “constant necessity” and use it as a “rallying cry to resist and attack all this is un-Islamic,” according to the new Army manual.

The handbook was created to help soldiers become “culturally literate” ambassadors with sensitivity and understanding of Islamic civilization. The goal is to help them understand how vital culture is in accomplishing military missions. Military personnel who have a distorted picture of a host culture make enemies for the United States. At least that’s what the publication (“Culture Cards: Afghanistan & Islamic Culture”) says. An organization of scientists dedicated to national and international security issues discovered the new Army tool and published it on its website a few days ago.  

The manual has nearly three dozen informative chapters dedicated to subjects such as Muslim taboos, the five pillars if Islam, Jihad, the Quran and Muslim festivals. There are also sections on ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and social norms and mores. The lengthy introduction defines cultural competency—awareness and sensitivity of another group—and social norms and mores in Arab countries.

The portion on jihad is especially interesting because it’s described as a wide-ranging term that includes the everyday spiritual and moral struggle to live a life submitted to God, the attempt to spread Islam by education and example, and the communal military defense of Islam and Muslims when they are threatened or under attack. Today radical Muslim groups consider Islam to be perpetually under attack by the “secular West” – morally, spiritually, economically, politically and militarily, the Army handbook says. They thus consider military jihad as a constant necessity, and use jihad as a rallying cry to resist and attack all that is un-Islamic.

At the end of each section there is a question that’s supposed to stimulate “critical thinking.” At the end of the jihad section the question is: “How can the concept of jihad add legitimacy to the claims and aims of Al Qaeda and others?It would certainly be interesting to see how most enlisted men and women, or American civilians for that matter, would answer that particular question.

The new Army manual concludes by revealing all the things that make soldiers “culturally literate.” Among them are appreciating and accepting diverse beliefs, appearances and lifestyles, understanding the dangers of stereotyping and ethnocentrism and understanding Islamic and jihadist cultures.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials!- Posted on The Daily Caller-By Kenneth Timmerman-On October 21, 2011:

II. Deputy U.S. AG Confirms Obama Administration Pulled References To Islam From Terror Training Materials!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Kenneth Timmerman-On October 21, 2011:

III. Obama’s Diplomacy Sets the Stage for an Iraqi Slaughter!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-OnOctober 31, 2011:

IV. Church to host anti-Shariah conference!-Posted on November 1, 2011:

V. Muslims tell DOJ to find a way to criminalize criticism of Islam!-Posted on Creeping Sharia-By creeping-On October 24, 2011:

VI. The Administration Takes on ‘Islamophobia’: ‘The White House is giving free-speech opponents a megaphone’-Posted on National Review Online-By NINA SHEA-On September 1, 2011:

VII. Jihad 101-Posted On Act For America!-Center for Security Policy-By Frank Gaffney, Jr.-On December 29, 2009:

VIII. Obama is a Useful Pawn of Radical Islam!-Posted on Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD-On October 27, 2011:

IX. Islam, Appeasement, and Western Suicide!-Posted on CultureWatch-By Bill Muehlenberg-On September 3, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!

What are CAIR’s obstructionist goals?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

Please support the cause to get our country back. The following website and video provide you with the details on how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic:

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on arnierosnerOn October 9, 2011:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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The following is a quote from “Dreams of My Father”, President
Obama’s book:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I choose my friends
carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists,”

who or what is he selling out,I believe it is clear to any right thinking person.

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Veteran Mentality

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

I’m a World War II veteran. I wrote the following in my book of memoirs this morning.

The IRS sent me a phony tax assessment and ordered me to come in and discuss the tax I allegedly owed. His enormous belly hanging over his belt, his shirt buttons close to popping off, tie askew, red faced, his eyes bulged when I told the slob that I’d see the IRS in court. The response: “Oh, you’re one of those Fifth Amendment freaks. We know how to deal with you.”  

The Fifth Amendment says I have the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. It’s called “due process of law.” Government’s replacement of due process of law with Nazi law affects families. The family used to be America’s cornerstone.

People like me who protest society’s rational laws are seen by government officials as mentally deficient. This is also the view of some in the medical orthodoxy.  My behavior fits the description of schizotypal personality disorder.  I suffer perceptual distortion. Come to think of it, that was the Nazi view.  A key symptom of schizophrenia is hearing voices. When I studied the Constitution, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.

The Veteran’s Administration doctor asked me if I heard voices. I’ve experienced clairvoyance, a symptom of schizophrenia. Schizophrenics believe they are God-directed. Another symptom, I trust in God. I do “irrational things,” according to the “educated.”

I recently underwent a brain scan in the Veteran’s hospital.  They didn’t find anything wrong in my brain.  Officialdom need not worry anymore. This veteran isn’t going to blow up the Whitehouse.  

But Mr. President, we note that life is getting worse for the average American. You are not creating jobs.  America’s morals are slipping.  America has lost much of her world respect, lost her excellent credit rating, and government spending is more out of control. You are still fighting losing wars. I’m worried about you. You appear to suffer from  schizotypal personality disorder.

My life is as good as life gets. Take your choice, “education” or experience.


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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 4, 2011:

A Minnesota congressman has proposed federal legislation that would impose his state’s type of voter registration – which leads the nation in voter fraud cases – on the other 49 states, according to critics who have launched online campaigns to make people aware of the dangers of Rep. Keith Ellison’s H.R. 3316 and its companion H.R. 3317.

“Our votes control trillions of public dollars, yet Ellison would have us believe nobody would ever steal them. We can trust everybody, right?” said a commentary posted on the Election Integrity Watch site.

“Would you keep your money in a bank that allowed people to make withdrawals without checking their identity and verifying that they are entitled to the money?” the site wondered.

In a commentary promoting his H.R. 3316, which would banish all photo identification requirements, and H.R. 3317, which would allow people to walk into a polling location, register and vote immediately, Ellison said his intent is to curb “voter suppression.”

“The Same Day Registration Act would require states to provide for same day voter registration for a federal election. The Voter Access Protection Act would make sure election officials cannot require photo identification in order to cast a vote or register to vote,” he said.

Get “Taking America Back,” Joseph Farah’s manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal 

He said there are 34 state legislatures that have considered bills requiring photo ID to vote.

“These are solutions in search of a problem,” he said. “Statistics show an infinitesimal number of proven voting fraud cases occurring in the United States. And these few cases have been successfully prosecuted like any other criminal offense.”

However, an organization that monitors elections in Minnesota and roots out fraudulent votes is warning ballot fraud is on the rise across the nation, and if unchecked, the ultimate consequences would be an electorate that simply doesn’t believe the system works and refuses to participate – “a total breakdown in the cohesion of American society.”

That’s from Executive Director Dan McGrath of the Minnesota Majority, which advocates for traditional values in state and federal public policy through grassroots activism. The group also contributes to the work to focus specifically on elections and voter fraud.

Minnesota Majority reported that its investigations of fraud allegations arising from the 2008 general election in the state so far have resulted in 113 convictions. Another 200 or so cases are being processed or are pending but might not be completed because the statute of limitations expires this month, three years after the election.

And a stunning 2,800 or more cases cannot be prosecuted because of the wording in the Minnesota state law that essentially requires voter fraud participants to admit they knew what they were doing was illegal in order for a conviction to be obtained, the organization said.

The organization’s report on voter fraud said the convictions appear to be the highest number since a scheme in Jackson County, Mo., in 1936 resulted in 259 individuals convicted of voter fraud.

A more recent effort by the U.S. Department of Justice that encompassed five years resulted in just 53 convictions, the group said.

“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the U.S. Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Minnesota Majority president Jeff Davis in a statement on the results.

The group identified a wide range of illegal votes, including incapacitated patients at a mental health home who have guardians and are not eligible to vote to “upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election.”

“These convictions are just the tip of the iceberg,” said Davis. “The actual number of illegal votes cast was in the thousands. Most unlawful voters were never charged with a crime because they simply pled ignorance. We have evidence of these people casting illegal ballots, but in Minnesota, ignorance of election law is considered to be an acceptable defense.”

It’s not just in Minnesota.

The organization lists reports from dozens of locations around the nation where voter fraud cases have been brought, and convictions won, by prosecutors. Among them are a 10-year prison term for an NAACP leader for vote fraud, several cases in Houston, more in Wisconsin and some in Florida.

Ellison, whose schemes are being cosponsored by Reps. Yvette Clarke of New York, Marcia Fudge of Ohio, Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Alcee Hastings of Florida, Barbara Lee of California, Gwen Moore of Wisconsin and Jose Serrano of New York, noted that such “fraud” “seems to be occurring only within historically Democratic voting blocs like minorities and students.”

He said organizations critical of looser voting procedures “have no problem squashing these groups’ voting rights – or the rights of elderly voters.”

He continued, “Imagine an 80-year-old grandmother, who has never driven and uses a wheelchair, going through the process of getting non-drivers ID. If her Social Security card is accepted identification for her benefits, why isn’t it good enough to identify her for voting?”

McGrath told WND that Ellison’s proposals for the nation are very similar to the procedures now used in his home state of Minnesota, which “right now is leading the nation in convictions for voter fraud.”

“He wants to take a system producing more fraud than anywhere else in the country and impose it on all states,” he said.

“Voting is a right, but it’s a qualified right. You have to be at least 18 years old, a citizen of our country, resident of the state and precinct, and not be a convicted felon still serving your term or mentally incompetent.”

He said the system is set up with all of these qualifications, yet under Ellison’s plan, “we’re supposed to take people’s word for it.”

The 2nd Amendment also gives people the right to own a gun, but there are verifications and qualifications there, too, he said.

He said “some would argue” those with ill motives can do more damage with an illegal vote than an illegal gun, because the vote can affect “everybody in the country.”

McGrath said the move is more than just an effort by Ellison, as the issue has been “brewing for awhile.”

He said when voter registration and identification laws have been tightened in specific states, voter participation actually has gone up.

“It goes to that confidence that participation will make a difference,” he said.

In Minnesota, he said, prosecutions are rising at least partly because of a new team of county attorneys elected in 2010 who are taking the violations of voting laws seriously.

Also posting comments on the issue was the We Want Voter ID site, which carried an image of Ellison “holding” a sign stating “Voter Fraud For All!”

“The net effect of Ellison’s two bills is to allow anyone and everyone to cast a ballot on Election Day without any mechanism to verify their identity, citizenship, eligibility, or that they live in the state and precinct they are voting in,” it said.

With estimates that range into the tens of millions for the number of illegal aliens inside the United States, races easily could be decided on those counts, officials noted.

Minnesota Majority notes that in 2008, the Minnesota U.S. Senate race was decided by just 312 votes.

“Never in our state’s history did the words ‘every vote counts’ ring so true. However, a cloud of doubt still hangs over the results. Post-election analysis showed that hundreds of ineligible felons voted in the election. Over 17,000 more ballots were counted than voters accounted for as having voted in our Statewide Voter Registration System. Over 23,000 addresses provided by Election Day registrants could not be verified. Voter rolls contained the names of non-citizens and deceased individuals,” the organization reported.

What that means is that Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., may not have won, although he has been casting votes from his U.S. Senate seat ever since, the group said.

“Political analysts estimate that voter fraud may account for 3 percent of the vote in any given election. Applying this statistic to Minnesota’s 2006 gubernatorial election, that would mean that we would have had over 66,000 fraudulent votes. Remember that Gov. Pawlenty won this election by just 21,000 votes,” the organization reported.

Sens. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota endorsed Ellison’s plan, explaining, in Feingold’s words, “We should constantly be looking for ways to make it easier for Americans to exercise that right [to vote].”

ElectionIntegrityWatch notes that photo ID laws in more than a dozen states have been challenged “and plaintiffs have not yet produced a single voter who would be disenfranchised by those laws.”

McGrath said the potential ramifications are very serious for the nation, and “that’s why we’ve been so dogged about this.”

“The foundation of the country rests on the confidence of the people that they’re being represented,” he said. “That they have a voice in the process. If they feel they have become disenfranchised, they’ll ask, ‘What reason do I have to participate?’

“That’s why it’s so very alarming.”

It was just last month that former Indiana Gov. Joe Kernan said a signature on a petition to put Barack Obama on the state’s primary ballot in 2008 isn’t his.

The Democrat, who had campaigned for Hillary Clinton, told the Associated Press the printing next to the signature doesn’t even look like his.

He was among dozens of people contacted by the South Bend Tribune who declined to verify that their names on the petition were in their handwriting.

Officials called for a federal investigation.

WND also previously reported that a number of names among ACORN’s “shock troops” have been linked to or convicted of perjury, forgery, identity theft and election fraud in recent years.

Mathew Vadum, a senior editor for the Capital Research Center, released before Obama took office a report titled“ACORN: Who Funds the Weather Underground’s Little Brother?” documenting the troubled past and problems facing the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

The organization for which Obama at one point trained activists and to which he directed grants while aboard the management of the Woods Fund established a reputation for doing pretty much as it pleases, the report said.

While the election 2008 controversies over electoral fraud efforts “have been indelibly imprinted in the public consciousness,” Vadum said, that work is only a “smidgen of what ACORN actually does.”

While ACORN officially went out of business earlier this year, Vadum has documented how most of the people involved simply reported many times to the same offices and same work desks, just under the name of a new organization.

The issue of misbehavior at the polls caught the attention of the public in 2008 when voter intimidation by members of the New Black Panther Party was caught on video:

The Justice Department originally brought a case against the organization and several individuals who witnesses say derided voters with catcalls of “white devil” and “cracker” and told them they should prepare to be “ruled by the black man.”

One poll watcher called police after he reportedly saw one of the men brandishing a nightstick to threaten voters.

“As I walked up, they closed ranks, next to each other,” the witness told Fox News at the time. “So I walked directly in between them, went inside and found the poll watchers. They said they’d been here for about an hour. And they told us not to come outside because a black man is going to win this election no matter what.”

He said the man with a nightstick told him, “’We’re tired of white supremacy,’ and he starts tapping the nightstick in his hand. At which point I said, ‘OK, we’re not going to get in a fistfight right here,’ and I called the police.”

Subsequently, former DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission that the Voting Section of Attorney General Eric Holder’s organization is dominated by a “culture of hostility” toward bringing cases against blacks and other minorities who violate voting-rights laws.

Further, two other former U.S. Department of Justice attorneys later corroborated key elements of the explosive allegations by Adams.

One of Adams’ DOJ colleagues, former Voting Section trial attorney Hans A. von Spakovsky, told WND he saw Adams was being attacked in the media for lack of corroboration. He said he knew Adams was telling the truth, so he decided on his own to step forward.

Adams had been ordered by his superiors to drop a case prosecutors already had won against the New Black Panthers. When they were ordered to stop prosecution, Adams and the team of DOJ lawyers had already won the case by default because the New Black Panthers declined to defend themselves in court. At that point in the proceedings, the DOJ team was simply waiting for the judge to assign penalties against the New Black Panthers.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Video: Democrats: States Should Not Require Voters to Present Photo ID!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Nicholas Ballasy-On November 7, 2011:

II. MSNBC’s Sharpton: People Favoring Voter IDs Want to ‘Revoke the Voting Rights Act’!-Posted on News Busters-By Noel Sheppard-On October 16, 2011:

III. Is Obama’s DHS Helping Illegal Aliens Commit Voter Fraud?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Kevin “Coach” Collins-On October 24, 2011:

IV. Did Obama Submit Phony Ballot Petitions in 2008?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 13, 2011:

V. Suspicious petitions got a stamped signature: ‘Former Gov. Kernan, 12 others come forward to say they didn’t sign!’-Posted on South Bend Tribune-By ERIN BLASKO, South Bend Tribune Staff Writer-On October 12, 2011:,0,3946909.story

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Court overturns Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration!’s-proof-of-citizenship-requirement-for-voter-registration/

FEC allows SEIU's illegal political fund-raising scheme!

Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!’s-campaign-finances/

ACORN Charged With Voter Registration Fraud!

New York Times Finally Admits It Spiked Obama/ACORN Corruption Story!

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

Please support the cause to get our country back. The following website and video provides you with the specifics of how you can help:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic:

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on arnierosnerOn October 9, 2011:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted PJ Media-By Patrick Richardson-On November 4, 2011:

UPDATE: Since this piece was written, the Department of Justice has backed down from the proposed rule change described herein, the Daily Caller reports:

“The Department of Justice has canceled a controversial planned revision to Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) rules that opponents said would have allowed federal agencies to lie about the existence of records.
In a letter to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley on Thursday, the DOJ wrote that the proposed rule “falls short” of its commitment to transparency, and it “will not include that provision when the Department issues final regulations.”

As part of larger revision of FOIA practices, the proposed rule would have allowed federal agencies to deny the existence of records when applying an exclusion, even if the records did exist.”

Which is all well and good, so far as it goes. The problem here is there’s nothing stopping them from proposing this rule again when some larger issue is obscuring it. Legislation is rarely a good solution, but may be the right one in this case.

Fox News reported last week that the Obama administration is promulgating a new rule which would allow Justice Department officials to lie about whether or not records exist when asked for as part of a Freedom of Information Act request:

“A longtime internal policy that allowed Justice Department officials to deny the existence of sensitive information could become the law of the land — in effect a license to lie — if a newly proposed rule becomes federal regulation in the coming weeks.

The proposed rule directs federal law enforcement agencies, after personnel have determined that documents are too delicate to be released, to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests “as if the excluded records did not exist.”

An interesting position from “the most transparent administration ever.

Their reasoning for this new policy is interesting as well, from an administration, which has repeatedly slammed its predecessor as being secretive:

“Justice Department officials say the practice has been in effect for decades, dating back to a 1987 memo from then-Attorney General Edwin Meese.”

In that memo, and subsequent similar internal documents, Justice Department staffers were advised that they could reply to certain FOIA requests as if the documents had never been created. That policy never became part of the law — or even codified as a federal regulation — and it was recently challenged in court.

Earlier this year, in a case involving the Islamic Council of Southern California brought against the FBI after the plaintiffs learned about the existence of documents denied by the FBI, a federal judge in California expressed great concern about the agency using the internal policy not only in response to the FOIA but to mislead the court.

“The government, cannot, under any circumstance, affirmatively mislead the court. … The court simply cannot perform its constitutional function if the government does not tell the truth,” the judge wrote in a stinging rebuke.

According to Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch director of research, this ability has somewhat existed for decades, but was generally handled in one of two ways. (Judicial Watch is the largest and most frequent FOIA litigator in the country, and often handles PJ Media’s FOIA litigation.)

Rarely, the agency receiving the FOIA would give what is known as a “Glomar response,” referring to the Glomar Explorer, which the CIA used to recover a sunken Soviet submarine. In other words: “We will neither confirm nor deny the documents exist.”

The other, far more common, method, Farrell said, is to generate what is known as a “Vaughn Index.”

A Vaughn Index is a list of the documents generated by a FOIA search with attached reasoning for any denials: “Yes we have the records, but we’re not giving them to you, and here’s why.”

According to Farrell, now they’re seeking permission to affirmatively lie to the American people:

“In theory down the road you could go back and see them after they were no longer classified. This is wildly different. They had an opinion that said they could do this, but it wasn’t a policy.”

Farrell notes that, should this rule pass it would make lying in response to a FOIA request or FOIA litigation legal — as in not perjury:

“There are things which are technically legal, but which are atrocious and that’s the direction they’re going down.

This is, of course, nothing new for an administration, which has taken nearly two years to generate four blank pages on a routine FOIA request asking for highly routine information.”

Farrell was perhaps more blunt:

“The most transparent administration in history is going out of the way to be opaque. It’s Orwellian, it’s circular double talk. The law that exists is more than adequate (to preserve secrecy when needed.) They don’t have the guts to do this legislatively so they do it by regulation.”

From Farrell’s point of view — and mine — this is deadly dangerous stuff from the standpoint of the health of the republic, coming as it does while Obama is signing yet more executive orders:

“It’s an incremental slide down the slope. It’s a corrosion of the public’s trust,” he said. “If the government is giving itself permission to affirmatively lie to you, how can you ever have accountability?”

There is some hope this egregious policy will not become a federal regulation with the force of law. Even the ACLU — not the most conservative of organizations, nor exactly enemies of the current administration — is howling bloody murder. According to Fox, there was so much pushback after the original public comment period that the proposed regulation was reopened for public comment a second time.

With supreme irony that is apparently lost on them, the DOJ is claiming their move to destroy transparency … has been open and transparent:

“Melanie Ann Pustay, director of the Justice Department’s Office of Information Policy, said the entire consideration process for the proposal “has been open and transparent.”

She also notes that sensitive information requires special consideration.

“To ensure that the integrity of the exclusion is maintained, agencies must ensure that their responses do not reveal the existence of excluded records,” Pustay said.

Of course, that’s what the aforementioned Glomar response is for. Also left aside is who gets to decide what an excluded record is. Given this administration’s history of excluding even the most innocuous records on the flimsiest of pretexts, it would seem imprudent at best to give them more ability to do so.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. WH Rejects Subpoena Request For Solyndra Docs!

What’s wrong with this picture?

The Washington Examiner-By Philip Klein Senior Editorial Writer-On November 4, 2011:

President Obama’s attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.

“I can only conclude that your decision to issue a subpoena, authorized by a party-line vote, was driven more by partisan politics than a legitimate effort to conduct a responsible investigation,” Obama’s counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, wrote in a letter to the top Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce committee. (Read Ruemmler’s full letter here).

Committee chairman Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich, blasted the White House response:

“We have been reasonable every step of the way in this investigation, and it is a shame that the Obama Administration and House Democrats continue to put up partisan roadblocks to hide the truth from taxpayers. Solyndra was a jobs program gone bad, and we must learn the lessons of Solyndra as we work to turn our economy around and put folks back to work. Our judicious and methodical work over the last eight months has garnered tens of thousands of pages of documents from DOE and OMB that have proven we are on the right track. Now, we need to know the White House’s role in the Solyndra debacle in order to learn the full truth about why taxpayers now find themselves a half billion dollars in the hole. The White House could have avoided the need for subpoena authorizations if they had simply chosen to cooperate. That would have been the route we preferred, and frankly, it would have been better for the White House to get the information out now, rather than continue to drag this out. Our request for documents is reasonable - we are not demanding the President’s blackberry messages as we are respectful of Executive Privilege. What is the West Wing trying to hide? We owe it to American taxpayers to find out.”


II. White House Fires Back at 'Overboard' Subpoena on Solyndra Documents!-Posted on Fox News' Ed Henry-On November 4, 2011:

III. Democrats rally support against Republican bid to overturn FCC net neutrality rules!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Josh Peterson, Tech Editor-On November 4, 2011:

IV. The Government Can ‘Seize Control’ On November 9, 2011 And ‘There Is Nothing We Can Do!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On October 24, 2011:

V. DOE Caught Removing Company’s Name From Old Press Releases!-Posted on The Glaze-By Becket Adams-On October 20, 2011:

VI. FCC: Your Internet belongs to us!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Tina Nguyen, The Daily Caller-On September 23, 2011:

VII. Government to Monitor Social Networks For “Extremist Propaganda”!-Posted on Prison Planet-By Paul Joseph Watson,
Prison August 4, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

Please support the cause to get our country back. The following website and video provides you with the specifics of how you can help:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic:

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on arnierosnerOn October 9, 2011:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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You will love this one, I haven't stop laughing yet..... Before we start....

For those of you who have don't have a clue about what CATTLE GUARDS are, they are horizontal steel rails, pipes, or metal rods placed at fence openings, in dug-out places in the roads or adjacent to any roads (sometimes across roads), to prevent cattle from crossing over that area. Usually seen in areas where open ranges or government leases of public lands. For some reason the cattle will not step on the "cattle-guards," because their instincts perceive it as an unsafe footing, their natural fears cause them to completely avoid getting their feet caught between the rails.

A few months ago, President Obama received and was reading a report that there were over 100,000 cattle guards in Colorado .. Colorado ranchers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, so he ordered the Secretary of the Interior to fire half of the "cattle" guards immediately!!

Before the Secretary of the Interior could respond and presumably try to straighten him out, Vice-President, Joe Biden, intervened with a request that.. before any "cattle" guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.And these guys are running our country, OMG!!


By: Renee Duman Nuxoll

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11-11-11 FYI

Vets, Small Businessmen to March for Impeachment on Veterans Day


While the media have lavished attention upon the Occupy Wall Street movement (although perhaps not on every aspect of that movement), they have turned a blind eye to a march two national patriotic organizations have scheduled for Veterans Day — 11/11/2011 — calling for the immediate resignation or impeachment of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and every official in the Obama administration.

The march on Washington is being organized by Veteran Defenders and the Patriots Union, headed by Major General Paul Vallely.

Its flyer states, “Veterans have called for the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden, and every member of the Obama administration and they are headed to Washington, D.C. — November 11, 2011.”

Americans patriots must stand with military veterans “not just to celebrate our soldiers,” the flyer continues, “but to take our government back from anti-American thugs currently destroying the greatest nation on earth!”

The organizers hope to effect the resignation or impeachment of the president and vice president, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, Hilda Solis, Timothy Geithner, Arne Duncan, Lisa Jackson, Supreme Court justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, every czar, and every other member of the most corrupt administration in memory.

This rally is not merely for veterans. Veteran Defenders’s “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic” states, “We call upon ALL independent truckers, independent contractors, all non-union workers, all independent business owners, agents and investors, all who support free-market capitalism and the right to work, earn and own, to march together with our veterans and former service members on November 11, 2011 – Veterans Day!” (Emphasis in original.)

It further states that “in the event that these individuals refuse to immediately resign in an orderly fashion,” the congressmen who voted against raising the debt ceiling must “immediately begin impeachment proceedings against every member of the Obama administration.”

To reestablish the Constitution as the law of the land, the Declaration demands that “every verifiable member of The Communist Party USA, The Socialist Party USA and The
Democratic Socialists of America be immediately publicly identified and removed from office for overtly acting against freedom, liberty and the Constitutional Republic.” This would sweep such radical leftists as Bernie Sanders and Jan Schakowsky from office. Indeed, in October 2009, the DSA released a list of 70 Congressmen who purportedly hold membership in that socialist organization alone.

It would also like to see special interest House groups, such as the Congressional Black Caucus, disbanded.

Many of the two organizations’ aims are presented in this video.

These two organizations are not the first veterans groups to support Obama’s impeachment and removal from office. The Central Florida chapter of the far-Left Veterans for Peace called for Obama’s impeachment in 2010.

Maj. Gen. Vallely (Ret.) is an outspoken patriot who has previously proposed laws reasserting states’ rights to refuse to implement unconstitutional federal legislation.

These hearty men fought bravely to preserve freedom abroad. In this cold winter of our republic’s history, they must fight again to ensure its survival at home.

By Ben Johnson, The White House Watch


Other Important Posts on this Subject

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  2. O’Reilly: Obama Will Face Impeachment If He Pardons Illegals Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly is warning that if President Barack...
  3. Media Explode with Talk of Impeachment Suddenly, as if they realize the president’s crimes against liberty...
  4. Texas Congressman: Impeachment “Needs to Happen” Impeachment usually represents a punitive act following the commission of...
  5. Times Treats Massive March For Life As If It Never Happened By Don Feder More than 300,000 people assembled in Washington,...
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