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The Wall Street Camp-out

What do the Wall Street campers mean? Up to this point, I have not heard, so I’ll tell you what it means, and in the same breath what the Tea Party means. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t whine to your peers. You go to the top with your beef.

Basic to life is the personal challenge, not only to survive, but to improve what life has been for one’s own kind, nature’s built in attribute.  America’s pioneers placed themselves in a highly challenging environment. I studied in the Constitution, the American people’s original thought.  How different it was from present day American thinking.  By going strictly on my own, I was doing what early Americans did. This was my thought when I studied the Constitution. I felt that voices from America’s past were speaking to me.

America’s present makers and keepers of the law hold that the law must fit today’s needs, as determined by them. It’s not the law. It is their will against mine—what you see every day in your government’s actions. So now we’ve got Wall Street campers. If you want it to be your will, you have to let your government know, emphatically!  Your elected representatives are terribly hard of hearing. They misconstrue what you tell them. Instead of balancing the budget, they think what you really want is government handouts. After all, this is what has been keeping them in office all these years.   

Obviously, King George held the opinion when he read America’s Declaration of Independence that it was total nonsense. He was not going to let those stupid Americans get away with that. 

Up to its old tricks, the establishment, instead of viewing this displaced individual, due to corrupt official acts and in 1975 demanding his constitutional rights, had it that I was on a nutcake rant, one of those “spurious constitutional objectors” judges talked about, and you read about in the newspaper. I was an illegal tax protester. What you didn’t read was that I was acting under the law. In the end, the establishment hung itself with its own rope. Miraculously, I got a life.   It can be the same for you.


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From the Desk of the Exceptional Conservative


     It is good to know that Mayor for Life Marion Barry, Council Member for Ward 8, has a plan.  Some may believe it is a plan to overcome the dramatic population loss in Ward 8.  When Mr. Barry was Mayor in 1980, Ward 8 had a population of 93,358.  As Ward 8 Council Member, Barry oversees a population of 70,712.  Maybe it is a plan to restore Ward 8 families from poverty to prosperity.  Mr. Barry as Mayor in 1980 witnessed 27% of Ward 8 families in poverty.  Today, as Ward Council Member, over 35% are in poverty.  Whether as Mayor or Council Member, the Father of the District's Socialist Democrats (His ardent support of the civil rights movement earned him the nickname "Shep", in reference to Soviet propagandist Dmitri Shepilov.) has never witnessed single District unemployment in Ward 8 amongst adults or teens.  In fact, the number of female headed households with children has risen from 67% in 1980 to 74% today.  Yes, three quarters of all children raised in this East of River Utopia have no FATHER in the home.  Ken, you are being to hard on the man.  Socialism and government dependency works, Ken.  It just takes time.  While Obama is known as the food stamp President, his success is merely a powder mirror image of the infamous man who gave every DC voter a summer job.  As his Mayor-ship ended, Ward 8 residents that obtained food stamps numbered 24,389.  Today, the number has risen to 35,423.  Yes, my Occupy DC Marxists, more than half of the adult population in Ward 8 depends upon the District and Federal government for their food!  Well, Ken, maybe the rich have gotten richer in Ward 8 and that's why the poor have gone without.  For the POOR, we need to tax the RICH Ward 8 residents more to pay for their education, their healthcare, their food, their shelter and their general welfare.  The RICH have gotten richer?  In 1979, the average family income (in 2010 $) was $46,902.  Today, that number has FALLEN to $44,076.  In the neighboring East of the River Ward 7 communities, the numbers are starkly equal or worse.  Legislative Utopian Yvette Alexander oversees a Ward 7 population has fallen from 92,841 in 1980 to present 71,068.  The poverty rate has risen from 22% in 1980 to 26% in 2010.  The unemployment rate has risen from 8.6% in 1980 to 19%, today.  Of Ward 7 families, 40% live in poverty, one-third (1/3) receive food stamps and average income has fallen from 1980's $58,619 to present $54,677.  Let's just make it plain, DC's Marxist, Socialist Economic Policies have not improved the financial lives of the citizens of either Ward 7 or Ward 8.


You have patiently waited.  So what is Mayor for Life Barry's Plan? 

By Washington Post's Mike DeBonis, Published: November 7

Marion Barry, towering figure of D.C. politics, has discussed bringing his four decades in public life to an end by kindling a family dynasty.

Barry, 75, has long been reluctant to acknowledge a District without himself in power. But in recent conversations with political associates, the former four-term mayor has openly considered his
political legacy, pondering whether the Barry brand — tarnished in many
corners of the city, but sterling in his home ward — might span another

In those conversations, Barry (D) has outlined plans to run for a third consecutive term as D.C. Council member for Ward 8 but serve only part of that time, backing his only son, Christopher Barry, to fill his seat.


It is the depressing KGB response to economic deprivation and social disdain that Ward 7 and Ward 8 residents have become accustomed.  There's no redress for the vile 40 years of absolute rule by Socialist Democrats in the Nation's Capital. Milton Friedman once asked, "Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest?"  Liberals that have never run from sourcing a noble cause with taxpayer's dollars and the cry for higher taxes see no insult in deigning a citizen's political seat an ornament of nobility for a family lineage.  Damn the poverty, full speed ahead!  It makes a hardened Democrat, like Ron Moten, find religion and run as a "Civil Rights" Republican.  What's a people to do when a government demands, without hearty protest, that it be served rather than serve?  What does an Urban American do when his governors adhere to the "laws of men" rather than the "rule of law"?  Thomas Jefferson and Our Founding Father's gave instruction on the most just cause:


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.


Or maybe The Joker said it best, "This town needs an enema!"


     Kirk Russell wrote that "a conservative is not, by definition, a selfish or stupid person; instead, he is a person who believes there is something in our life worth saving."  The District of Columbia needs to be saved.  If not the District of Columbia, those that least afford to live under the Despotism of the DC City Council--East of the River Citizens.  There is a time and a need for a declaration amongst men to be proclaimed in all of the Earth: "Set the citizens and residents free of the economic malfeasance of the Democrat controlled White House, US Congress, Mayor's Office and DC City Council.  Allow the East of the River families to live under the august proviso that all men are created equal with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  Yes, allow those that have been beaten into the submission to poverty to pursue the course of prosperity rather than to the Road to Misery.  Socialism and Marxism have not worked and will not work for those that need prosperity the most--the POOR.  The benevolent actions of a few with good intentions have led to generations of impoverished and undereducated persons seeking the rewards of equal outcomes and reaping the harvest of entitlement and dependency.  Allow the East of the River communities to pursue equal opportunity over the next 4 years with the same vigor that Socialist Democrats pursued poverty over the last 40 years.  Let the next 4 years be years of creation rather than destruction.  Let us not see another generation die off in the hopes that racism and the protections of our differences will save us.  in order that one city may know unity and prosperity, let this be the season that we place our trust once more in the innovation of man rather than the rut of government.


     I propose the Four Pillars of Prosperity that will lead to economic renewal and jettison many families out of the maze of poverty and into the open fields of success.  The Pillars are: (1) Create the Walter E. Washington Stakeholders Leadership Team; (2) Create the East of the River Power Zones; (3) Create a Free Market School Reform; and (4) Create a Free Market Health Care Reform.  Friedman opined, "Most economic fallacies derive from the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie, that one party can gain only at the expense of another."  There are many that will read this and ask, "Then, what will happen to the government if you are successful with your Four Pillars?"  My answer is simple.  The DC Government will shrink from lack of need, will improve in the humility of servant leadership and will prosper in serving those isolated by greatest unmet need and surrendering those with desires unmet by dependency and bureaucracy.  Friedman said it this way, "So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system."  Not all men want to be free.  However, all free men eventually serve with greater efficiency, more resources and unlimited ability those in bondage to their oppressors.  The East of the River Communities and all other Urban Communities would greatly improve and present the greatest evidences of the land of liberty and home of the brave if their governments would merely free the people to do what is ingrained in them since conception: PROSPER!


     Create the Walter E. Washington Stakeholders Leadership Team.  It would be comprised of free market advocacy groups, entrepreneurs, community groups, churches and private sector organizations.  The first person that recommends "government" as a solution to any community cause is expunged.  The purpose of this group is to identify barriers to economic development, present free market legislative proposals and promote economic activity in East of the River Communities.  Can you imagine a Pastor preaching to you on Sunday about how you came through for your community rather than how government came through for the community?!  The Stakeholders will develop plans and initiatives that will incentive state authorities and agencies and fellow stakeholders that lessen government dependency and reduce barriers to economic growth.  The organization will monitor poverty levels, unemployment levels, educational attainment and all other economic measures and take personal responsibility for success and failure.  The Stakeholders will report all successes and failures and compare outcomes with remaining 2/3rds of the city (Transparency? Who thought of That in DC Gov?) via a "Power Zone" website.


     With the approval of the US Congress and the White House, the DC Government will create a new "Goshen".  Not Biblically based on the ideals of dependency to a benevolent tyrant.  This Goshen will be built on the principles of the free market and capitalism.  This Goshen would be composed of the East of the River Communities of Wards 7 and 8.  The purposes of the "Power Zones" are to maximize economic activities and opportunities through the implementation of conservative free market initiatives that reduce the role of government and increase the earning power of the individual.  This area of the City would be liberated from the irresponsible mandates of the federal and state governments for example, the Bag Tax.  The goal of the Zone is to reduce the tax rates and expand the tax base.  The District charges a tax rate of 4% for incomes less than $9,999, 6% for incomes between $10,000 and $39,999 and 9% for incomes above $40,000.  A Minimum Wage worker earning $15,000/year pays $900.00.  A worker earning the median salary of $45,000 pays $4,050.00.  An upper class worker earning $100,000/year pays $9,000.00.  Under the Power Zone, there would be only two (2) tax rates: 4% for incomes less than $9,999 and 5% for incomes that are $10,000 or more.  A Minimum Wage worker earning $15,000/year saves $150.00.  A worker earning the median salary of $45,000 saves $1,800.00.  An upper class worker earning $100,000/year saves $4,000.00.  In an age where East of River residents have become accustomed to losing income, the Power Zone increases income and buying power.  The Flat Tax Rate for all Long Term Capital Gains and all Food and Prescription Drugs purchased from East of the River Businesses would fall to 0%.  All East of the River Businesses will pay a 5% tax rate rather than the City's 9.98% rate.  The Vendor Discount would be Raised to 5% on the First $2,500 of Sales Per Month.  This will make this Power Zone the most attractive in the US for businesses.  Energy Star Products will have their own Tax Holiday in the Power Zone.  Each May, Appliance Purchases up to $2,000 in East of the River Businesses would be Tax Free.  This will drive individuals to become entrepreneurs and businesses to establish themselves within the borders of the Zone.


     School Reform will be one of the central conservative cores of Revitalization of the Power Zone.  It will allow Parents of the “Power Zones” to use $10,000 to fund the choice of private education for their children.  The Vouchers will hold harmless private institutions from the legal attachments of the city in providing education services to students.  The students are not the property of the DC Government and should be encouraged to perform with excellence in the sphere of influence that will best promote their success.  The Voucher program will maintain the integrity of the schools that will educate the children and give parents in distressed learning communities the opportunity to educate their children in better performing schools.  The DC Public Schools per pupil rate is $16,408 per annum.  The Power Zone Voucher will allow the DC Government to save $6,408 per pupil.  If 150 East of the River High School students obtained vouchers, the city would save nearly $1 million ($961,200) and reduce classroom crowding.  The School Reform would allow District Individuals and Corporations a dollar for dollar donation deduction of up to $10,000 for direct contributions to “Power Zone” DC Public Schools.  This initiative would be known as the “Power Donors” Program.  Allowing the free market to pierce the four borders of public education allows public schools with union entrenchment to compete against "sleeker" learning institutions that prepare the child for success in and out of classroom, that compels the parent to actively particpate in the future and encourages teachers to remain traditional in the values taught and modern in its delivery. 


     Finally, Health Care Reform must be at the center of all reform.  The choice is simple: Individual or Government.  In an age where centralized management is preferred over the patient's natural inclination to choose what is best for him or her, the greatest cost savings in this entire free-market social experiment would be found in this activity.  The cost is liberty and freedom.  Once gone, there is no hope of repurchase.  Repeal the Certificate of Needs (CONS) Requirement for East of the River Communities.  Since new hospitals cannot be constructed without proving a "need," the certificate-of-need system grants monopoly privileges to already existing hospitals. Consequently, Alaska House of Representatives member Bob Lynn has argued that the true motivation behind certificate-of-need legislation is that "large hospitals are... trying to make money by eliminating competition" under the pretext of using monopoly profits to provide better patient care.  In a large minority population with a large contingency of poor, the certificate of need is detrimental.  It prevents needed medical providers from liberally selecting a marketplace.  This legislative barrier prevents such medical providers from meeting the needs of the most distressed.  Removing this burden will allow providers to build new surgical and urgent care facilities in the Wards, seed more providers and serve more citizens at a cost savings to the City. Secondly, Eliminate all licensing requirements for medical schools, hospitals, pharmacies, and medical doctors and other health care personnel within the “Power Zone”.  Members from voluntary organizations as the American Public Health Association, the American Cancer Society, the National Foundation, the American National Red Cross, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and others will comprise an independent Board that will assure the Public of the viability of every medical provider in the “Power Zone”.  I assure you that Medical Physicians and other Scientific Entities would come from miles around to build offices and centers in the Zone.  Construction creates jobs (especially if you elect a Congress that will repeal the Bacon-Davis Act and the City Council repeals the Living Wage and Minimum Wage Laws).  I say to Washington and the World, after 40 years in the desert and desolation, What could possibly be Lost?  Creation and Empowerment are the Last Hopes of Urban America.  It is time for Urban America to declare its Independence from the Noblemen of the Left.


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A Citizen's Petition to:
My U.S. Senators and Representative
Whereas:   Every year militant union bosses deploy their thugs to target innocent men and women with threats, brass knuckles, knives and beatings in an attempt to send a simple message -- do what we want, or pay the price; and
Whereas:   Because of the 1973 Enmons decision, union officials are exempt from federal prosecution -- as long as the campaign of violence they incite is in the name of "legitimate union objectives"; and
I have faxed mine in
Whereas:   Union violence is a crippling blow not only for innocent American workers targeted by union militants -- but for every American citizen; and
Whereas:   Passage of the Freedom from Union Violence Act would close the loophole in federal law and finally allow authorities to prosecute union officials for inciting violence;
Therefore: I urge you to help hold union officials accountable for union violence by cosponsoring and seeking roll-call votes on the Freedom from Union Violence Act.
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I HAVE HEARD REPORTS THAT RON PAUL SAYS THAT IF HE ISN'T THE MAN, HE WILL NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THE OTHER CANDIDATES ELECTION. What does he mean by that, is he willing to forfeit the white house to another 4 years of policies he claims to hate and which he has stated will be the destruction of constitutional law.  I find that difficult to believe, I had always considered him to be constitutanial american and would like to see him as attorney general if he is not chosen to represent the G O P in 2012.
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Gutting the Military!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Owen Graham and Jackson Marsteller-On October 27, 2011:

In his straightforward and scathing piece for today’s New York Post, Heritage senior fellow Peter Brookes discussed the devastating impact a sequestration of the defense budget would have on America’s military.

If the congressional “super committee” cannot find $1.5 trillion in budget savings over the next 10 years by November 23, the law would trigger automatic spending “sequestration” cuts of $1.2 trillion—of which roughly half a trillion or more would be from the defense budget. This spells major trouble for U.S. national security.

Since President Obama has been in office, Brookes points out, there have already been some $850 billion in Defense Department spending cuts (past, present, and future) over a 10-year period. These cuts eliminate 50 major weapons programs, and any more cuts would, in the words of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, “be shooting ourselves in the head.”

These are scary words coming from (in Brookes’s words) “previously a green eye-shade ‘budgeteer’” like Panetta, but they are backed up by a recent House Armed Services Committee report that spells doom and gloom for our military and our economy if more cuts are made.

According to the report, the cuts would effectively “hollow out” America’s military. They would deeply undermine the Marine Corps and the expeditionary fighting force, leading to the smallest force in 50 years and compromising their ability to deploy to hot spots quickly in the event of a crisis—a hard-learned lesson from the Korean War. The cuts would take the Army below pre-9/11 troop levels and lead to an Air Force with two-thirds fewer fighters and strategic bombers than in 1990.

And last but not least, the Navy would have to mothball over 60 ships, including two carrier battle groups, shrinking it below pre–World War I levels.

America’s nuclear deterrent force—the foundation of U.S. national security—would be undermined as we would likely lose one of the legs of the U.S. nuclear triad. As the U.S. nuclear deterrent shrinks and loses credibility, some of the 31 countries that enjoy protection under the U.S. nuclear umbrella may consider going nuclear out of growing fears about their vulnerability. This would be extremely destabilizing and could lead to costly conflicts.

These cuts, Brookes warns, would “harm our ability to deter, dissuade or deal with adversarial activities and shape world events in our favor.” This is particularly the case with Iran and North Korea as well as with China, which has increased its yearly defense budget by double digits for the past two decades and has shown itself to be increasingly assertive in Asia Pacific. With rising threats to America’s interests at home and abroad, now is not the time to reduce America’s military deterrence.

Finally, America needs to reform the real drivers of the debt crisis—the big three entitlements—instead of trying to balance the budget on the backs of the U.S. military and compromising U.S. national security.


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Service chiefs warn $1T cut would be ‘catastrophic!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times-On November 2, 2011:

II. Video: Obama's Private Army!-Posted on lawjared-On Mar 28, 2011:

III. Armed Services chairman: Obama is anti-military!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Shaun Waterman, The Washington Times-On September 12, 2011:

IV. Obama Strategy Guts U.S. Armed Services!-Posted on July 23, 2011:

V. Push for Pentagon cuts tops Panetta’s agenda!-Posted on Idaho Stateswman-By DONNA CASSATA - Associated Press-On April 27, 2011:

VI. The Plot to Destroy the US Military!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 21, 2011:

VII. Obama’s War Against the U.S. Military!-Posted on Human Events-By Buzz Patterson-On September 10, 2010:

VIII. Revealed: How Obama was playing golf until 20 minutes before Navy SEALs began mission to take out Bin Laden!-Posted on Mail Online-By DANIEL BATES-On November 7, 2011:

IX. Congressman: Science ‘czar’ giving China U.S. technology!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 5, 2011:

X. Obama Administration Opposes FDR’s Prayer At WWII Memorial!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On November 4, 2011:

XI. WH Minimizing Beijing's Military Threat, Denying its Expansionist Intentions!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 23, 2011:

Note: The following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways: (a) by characterizing the United States as an evil, militaristic, oppressive nation that exploits vulverable populations all over the globe; (b) by accusing the U.S. of having provoked, through its unjust policies and actions, the terror attacks against it, and consequently casting those attacks as self-defensive measures taken in response to American transgressions; (c) by depicting America's military and legislative actions against terror as unjustified, extreme, and immoral-You Decide: 

Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts reveal that the president is an Alinskyite, so steeped in the ideology of the seminal community organizer that he became a top instructor in Alinskyite tactics for other up-and-coming fifth-column radicals, whose single, animating ambition is to overthrow the capitalist social order, which they claim to see as racist, corrupt, exploitative, imperialist, etc. He also frames national security as a distraction from his more important work socializing our economy and thus knows that as long as he is tepidly supportive of a military mission, even one that neither aims to achieve nor can possibly achieve victory over America’s enemies, conservatives will not only overlook the slights, but will anxiously commend him and help the New York Times take the lash to those who won’t-You Decide:

Alinsky Does Afghanistan! (Part I)-Posted on National Review Online- By Andrew C. McCarthy-On December 4, 2010:

Alinksy Does Afghanistan! (Part II)-Posted on National Review Online-By Andrew C. McCarthy-On June 23, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Will The New START Undermine Our Nuclear Security?

Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy!’’s-‘fantasy-foreign-policy’/

China Nuclear Deal With Pakistan!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


The following website and video provide you with the details on how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic!

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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               “Yeah really..........” Photo: AFP


President Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are looking dumb after talking s*** about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of a microphone that journalists weren't supposed to be plugged into (first rule of journalism: plug into anything a president tells you not to). According to the BBC, Sarkozy said "I can't stand him any more. He's a liar” and then Obama was like, "You're sick of him. I have to deal with him every day!" And then a journalist quietly said, “Yessss.”


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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted CBS Los Angeles-On November 7, 2011:

SAN DIEGO (CBS) — A pair of Southland street cart vendors who were forced to shut down their businesses after “Occupy” protesters vandalized their carts are hoping to get some help from local residents.

KNX 1070s Tom Reopelle reports a fundraiser in the Gas Lamp district in San Diego on Monday night is aimed at helping two vendors get back on their feet.

The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks.

“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.

The damages will likely require at least a complete cleaning if not a replacement of the cart covers, DeMaio said.

In addition to the attacks, the vendors also said they recently received death threats.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to help the two business owners.

After a relatively peaceful start, the “Occupy” movement has sparked violent clashes with police in Oakland and recently saw protesters push an elderly woman down a flight of stairs in D.C.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. These are Obama’s Riots!

Posted on Godfather Politics-By THE GODFATHER-On November 5, 2011:

We’ve seen social revolution before, but this is the first time a sitting president, his advisers, union supporters, and a supporting media have endorsed it with such vigor. Rudy Giuliani said it best: Obama owns Occupy Wall Street.” Here are his extended remarks:

“This is a very dangerous movement, and it’s ironic it’s happening under a president who promised to unify us. Barack Obama owns the Occupy Wall Street movement, it would not have happened but for his class warfare. . . . Barack Obama praised it, sympathizes with it. As it gets worse and worse, I believe this will be the millstone around Barack Obama’s neck that will take his presidency down.”

Irony has nothing to do with it. Obama’s goal has always been social disruption, class warfare, and institutionalized envy. The late 1960s and the early 1970s protestors hoped to bring down the government of the United States using the War in Vietnam as a catalyst. Obama and his supporters are using social and economic discontent to do the same thing.

The timeline and tactics are not new. They begin with the youngest members of society who have little to lose because they don’t any economic skin in the game. In the 1960s, Columbia University and other major universities were marked by student sit-ins. The catalyst for student rebellion that swept the nation in the tumultuous decade was the Berkeley “Free Speech Movement” (FSM). The FSM was decidedly anti-establishment, painting university personnel as “repressive autocrats lurking behind a benign mask of liberalism.”[1] Authority was questioned at every opportunity. The police were described as “pigs,” accomplices of the establishment rather than enforcers of the law that was supposed to apply to everyone without distinction.

The counter culture decade of the 1960s was described as the “decade of anger and rebellion.” While most channeled their anger in constructive ways, some went off the deep end and turned to violent measures. Sit-ins led to explosions when anti-war activists planted a fertilizer and fuel oil bomb at Sterling Hall, home of the University of Wisconsin’s Physics Department and the Army Math Research Center. The explosion killed a graduate student. Violence begat violence when four students were killed by National Guardsmen on the campus of Kent State University on May 4, 1970. Student protesters had set fire to an ROTC building and thrown bottles at police.

By the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a resurgence of left-wing radicalism that led to further violence. On May 7, 1967, just weeks before the Newark riot, Greg Calvert, a member of Students for a Democratic Society, described its members as “post-communist revolutionaries” who “are working to build a guerrilla force in an urban environment. We are actively organizing sedition.”[2] The SDS was a growing radical movement made up of college students. The rhetoric of the SDS was at its core anti-government. “SDS organizers denounced ‘oppressors,’ ‘exploiters,’ and ‘the Al Capones who run this country.’ The university was depicted as a ‘colony’ of ‘the military-industrial complex’ and a ‘midwife to murder.’ ‘Imperialism’ was offered as a convenient scapegoat for every frustration and failure.”[3] A keynote speech at a 1962 SDS convention praised the freedom riders, not for furthering civil rights but for their “radicalizing” potential, their “clear-cut demonstration for the sterility of legalism.” The speaker continued:

It is not by . . . “learning the rules of the legislative game” that we will succeed in creating the kind of militant alliances that our struggle requires. We shall succeed through force—through the exertion of such pressure as will force our reluctant allies to accommodate to us, in their own interest.[4]

Tom Hayden, a former SDS organizer and strategist, member of the California General Assembly, and one-time husband of Jane Fonda, intoned the following in 1967: “Perhaps the only forms of action appropriate to the angry people are violent. Perhaps a small minority, by setting ablaze New York and Washington, could damage this country forever in the court of world opinion. Urban guerrillas are the only realistic alternative at this time to electoral politics or mass armed resistance.”[5]

Tom Hayden’s anti-government, revolutionary rhetoric bordered on the fringes of sedition and treason. His speech inflamed so many radical extremists that some blame him for agitating fragile race relations in Newark, New Jersey, causing nearly a week of rioting in the summer of 1967. While Hayden was not directly involved, he seemed to approve of using violence as a way of “shattering the status quo.” The August 24, 1967, issue of The New York Review of Books includes an article in which Hayden wrote:

The role of organized violence is now being carefully considered. During a riot, for instance, a conscious guerrilla can participate in pulling police away from the path of people engaged in attacking stores. He can create disorder in new areas the police think are secure. He can carry the torch, if not all the people, to white neighborhoods and downtown business districts. If necessary, he can successfully shoot to kill.

The guerrilla can employ violence effectively during times of apparent “peace,” too. He can attack, in the suburbs or slums, with paint or bullets, symbols of racial oppression.

These tactics of disorder will be defined by the authorities as criminal anarchy. But it may be that disruption will create possibilities of meaningful change. . . . Violence can contribute to shattering the status quo, but only politics and organization can transform it.[6]

Civil unrest and purposeful destruction of the nation’s infrastructure and authority institutions was the order of the day in the late 1960s. “On September 3, 1968, The New York Times reported that the city of Berkeley was declared to be in a state of civil disaster; the city authorities invoked emergency police powers, and the campus of the university was placed under curfew rules.[7]

Obama is hoping for social unrest. He and his Leftist cronies want more control of the economy. They want to bleed it for some larger purpose. I believe Obama is deliberately sabotaging the economy. He knows that tax cuts work and deficit spending is a fiscal drag on the economy. It’s hard for some to fathom, but I believe that Barack Obama has a long-held grudge against American ideals that he inherited from his anti-American parents and his radical friends who groomed him for the Senate and the presidency. The 1960s have been reborn in Barack Obama.


1.     Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter, Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), 18. []

2.    New York Times (May 7, 1967). Quoted in Eugene H. Methvin, The Rise of Radicalism: The Social Psychology of Messianic Extremism (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1973), 497 and The  Riot Makers: The Technology of Social Demolition (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1970), 27. []

3.    Methvin, Rise of Radicalism, 504. []

4.    Thomas Kahn, “The Political Significance of the Freedom Riders,” in Mitchell Cohen and Dennis Hale, eds., The New Student Left (Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press, 1966), 59, 63. Quoted in Rothman and Lichter, Roots of Radicalism, 13. []

5.     Quoted in Methvin, Rise of Radicalism, 505. []

6.    Quoted in Riot Makers, 51. []

7.     Feuer, The Conflict of Generations, 479. []


II. House Oversight Chairman Calls for Probe into ACORN Role in Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on Jana Winter-On November 7, 2011:

III. ‘Vendetta’ Mask Becomes Symbol of Occupy Protests!-Posted on TAMARA LUSH AND VERENA DOBNIK, Associated Press-On November 4, 2011:

IV. Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in nationwide Occupy protests!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On November 4, 2011:

V. #OccupyOakland Teachers Gone Wild!-Posted on Big Government-By Kyle Olson-On November 4, 2011:

VI. ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests!-Posted on Jana Winter-On November 03, 2011:

VII. Is the Tide Turning for OWS? ‘Local residents abandon political sympathies in favor of law and order!’-Posted on National Review Online-By CHARLES C. W. COOKE-On November 3, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


The following website and video provide you with the details on how you can participate in and/or help the cause-You Decide:

Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic!

Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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     I hear a great many people complain that the nation's political system is too polarized. They say that as if Congress existed in a vacuum rather than as a reflection of the electorate. If the middle-of-the-road is hard to find, it's because the right and the left are on completely different highways.

     The Conservative Flyer leaves Union Station at 0800 traveling south at 45mph on track 9. The Liberal Express pulls out of the same station 15 minutes later going west at 65mph on track 7. At what time will both trains arrive at the Tropic of Capricorn? The answer is: the same time a consensus is reached on debts and spending.

     The truth is Americans have very different ideas about where the country is and where it ought to be going. Those differences are nearing the point of being irreconcilable. It has happened before. The question is, what happens this time? A peaceful, no-fault divorce is the contemporary thing to do. But, is liberal America open minded enough to "let the erring sisters depart in peace?" I doubt it. If they were they wouldn't think of representing themselves as the 99%. Conservatives are not simply the unconverted. We are the opposition. We are committed to our vision for the country.

     Jefferson was speaking of human nature not spouting political theory when he wrote:

     "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

     Will history repeat itself? Time will tell.

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Properly functioning Capitalism requires a moral people; just as our Government requires a moral people to operate properly. Is the government in America functioning as it was intended? Why not? The moral compass that once directed our ship of state and sat at the head of commerce has been lost.

A moral people must be guided by a set of tenants and percepts outside of their own nature; as man’s inhumanity toward man has clearly demonstrated there is no good or moral nature to be found within a man who acts alone. The 'God of Creation’ and the Judeo/Christian ethic is the moral compass our forefathers chose and the one we need to follow in government and business. It is the Creator that bestows the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It follows, that God's order (Word/Law) is necessary to the orderly maintenance of these rights.

When people deny the Creator's Law and reject His guidance, they abandon the Truth and suffer the ills of their own making. Whether, their abandonment be manifested in economic, political, or cultural decay; the sums of their calamity matter little, as the result is the loss of their liberty. Today, we see the result of a long and deteriorating relationship between God and America.

Can our Nation retain its founding principles without its Creator? It is not only the government that has strayed... It is the people themselves, and the damage is not only visible in government, but our homes and CORPORATE BOARD ROOMS of America.

America must return to the standards of equity that God demands in commerce… a just balance/scale and equal measure. God’s precepts of equity and justice must once again be the rule for engaging others... at home and work... in our schools and organizations. America must return to Nature's Creator if she desires fruit from the Tree of Liberty.

Capitalism and Democracy are empty shells that must be filled with the right measure of moral order and purpose, to be instruments of righteousness and a blessing to the people. Without God at the helm, Capitalism and Democracy soon become shipwrecked in a sea of despair and hopelessness. Where is God in our government and Corporate Board Rooms today? Does God sit in a seat of honor, as Lord, or has Mammon, the love of wealth and power, become lord in America?

There is no such thing as the separation of Church (God) and State… One's government and religion are a reflection of their faith… What they believe. What image does America reflect in its culture, commerce, and government? Is it God’s image? Can America separate God from its government and the engines of her commerce and still claim to be Christian (God-like, Christ-like)?

Board rooms and businesses that use an unjust scale or measure to conduct their commerce don't fool God... Equity is not blind, nor is a just contract or balance derived by taking undue advantage of others. Godly capitalism EARNS reasonable profits based on VALUE ADDED... not by the use of one's position, leverage, or raw power to exploit others.

A Godly people understand what I'm speaking about... However, the ungodly will never understand Godly commerce, or that we are ‘our brother's keeper'. The world considers windfalls and the exploitation of others justified as the tools of a free market. They don't see the exploitation of markets as the use of an unjust scale or measure…taking where they have not added value to the market… reaping where they have not sown or more than they have sown. Godly profit and wealth are gained honorably not at the inequitable expense of others. Using one's position, power, or wealth to extract more than is equitable from trade is unjust, ungodly, and immoral. One should not take simply because they can.

God doesn't support slothfulness in labor nor is he pleased when the Ox is muzzled. Labor and Capital must find an equitable arrangement where a just reward is earned by each... through an equitable exchange... just weights and measures. When Godly commerce is conducted, both parties are satisfied. This form of Capitalism results in prosperity for all and was once the traditional mode of exchange and commerce in America.

A Capital market that allows products manufactured at .12 Cents an hour, to be marketed where labor costs are 100 times greater, is a textbook example of the manipulation and exploitation of world markets… this is a clear example of commercial exchange used to achieve an unjust return on investment. Profits taken under these market conditions are not earned through value-added… or a just weight or measure. They are earned through the exploitation of unequal markets and are the tools of GREED and ARAVICE. God is not pleased and where such commerce is permitted the poor and working-class are being exploited and soon will find their neck under the heal of the despots… robber barons.

It is hypocrisy for the capitalist to point at the socialist to accuse him of robbery; when the same capitalist is engaged in the same act by another means. What difference is there between robbing the wage of the poor and unjustly taking (taxing - redistributing) the wealth of the rich? Both are WRONG and ungodly, immoral acts.

There can be no moral rationalization or argument that justifies slave wages. Capital that earns an exorbitant profit from labor through market position is using a form of unequal balances and weights in their commerce. God is not pleased and the result is a corrupt system of commerce for all.

The markets in America are no longer open or free; consumers, small businesses, and new enterprises are forced to compete with immoral businesses practices that exploit wages and the unregulated marketplaces of the third world. The unethical businessman takes advantage of market forces to achieve a market share that is unjustly earned. This makes it difficult for small businesses and labor to obtain an equitable share in the marketplace or a just return for their labor. At one time, such market exploitation was corrected through trade laws… the use of tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports. Tariffs were the champion of small business and labor... engaging a JUST BALANCE and Measure in commerce.

Tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports are not immoral or anti-trade; they seek to keep commerce on a moral keel. They deny unfettered access to our markets for those who would seek to exploit labor and small businesses by exploiting inequities (wages, taxes, business regulations, etc) in the world market. In fact, tariffs, duties, and import restrictions are Constitutional powers permitted to the Federal government for the regulation of commerce. It is time that we reengage these Constitutional powers to return balance and equity in our markets. Unfair trade serves no good purpose and is the enemy of legitimate small businesses and American labor… who are unable and unwilling to operate under third-world market conditions.

Obviously, these practices were considered both moral and necessary for the regulation of commerce by our founding fathers. Tariffs, import duties, and restrictions are the safeguards against the exploitation of markets, and the destruction of American small businesses, and labor. The use of these market tools was understood by our founding fathers as they battled to preserve US Commerce from global giants like the ‘East India Company’… who found nothing improper about the exploitation of world markets.

There exists such greed and avarice in the world today. The ‘East India Company’ lives in the embodiment of a thousand like corporations who would rather earn their profits by manipulation of markets than… hard work, intuitive marketing, and better ideas. No, the capitalist whose wealth is earned without producing ‘added value’ simply robs the wealth of others through market manipulation and raw power. He unjustly and unfairly manipulates the world markets to increase his own wealth at the expense of others.

It is time to reconsider our ‘Free Trade Agreements’ and Treaties… to bring back moral equity to our system of trade and commerce. Free trade is not the equivalent of fair or equitable trade; unless a just scale and equal measure is applied to every commercial transaction… they are immoral. Where our trading partners exploit cheap labor, poor environmental, manufacturing, and labor standards to reap windfall profits… America should impose heavy tariffs, imposts, and customs fees, as a matter of equity and fair trade. Not all ‘Free trade’ is moral or equitable… nor should it be allowed. Our markets have real value, it is time to charge for that value and to ensure that it is maintained… through the proper regulation of imports that originate outside of our well-regulated and prosperous markets.

America must reengage equity in commerce to expand its economy and return its citizens to full employment. Manufacturing is the engine of wealth… not a service-based industry. America’s wealth is the result of manufacturing goods not the product of McDonald’s or Sears. China did not gain its wealth thru selling hamburgers or insurance it prospered because of its manufacturing base… we must rebuild our manufacturing base, our heavy and light industry if America is to regain its world economic preeminence.
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Herman Cain and Killing Babies

4063408328?profile=originalHerman Cain has a bulls-eye on his back. In the center is a red circle that reads "I am for limited government." The innermost ring says, "I am a black Conservative Republican." And the outermost ring, the biggest, most visible, and most irritating to the Left says, "I am pro-life." Yes, Herman Cain is targeted for destruction because he opposes the wanton killing of unborn babies.

It has been within the last month that Herman Cain made a number of statements clarifying his stance on abortion. He didn't waffle or dance towards the middle. He was clear in his unapologetic pro-life positions. He is a champion for the unborn, a champion for life. The bulls-eye on Cain's back is made even larger by the fact that he is a devout and practicing Christian. It must have irked the Left to the core when he sang "Amazing Grace" at the National Press Club.  

The attack on Cain from his enemies, who are numerous, is to be expected. The GOP establishment dislikes limited-government Tea Party Conservatives. Liberals fear Black Conservatives. But today, when Gloria Allred reared her pro-abortion advocate head, the true mastermind behind the unsubstantiated accusations of sexual harassment against Cain was betrayed. Gloria Allred has made her career defending Liberal, pro-abortion women. She arrives on the scene predictably when "reproductive rights," aka killing babies, is at issue, or if there is a Conservative, pro-life politically or culturally significant individual that must be destroyed in the name of protecting the Left's Holy Scripture, Roe vs. Wade. Gloria Allred is the point man in the campaign to eliminate the threat of Herman Cain. The pro-abortion Left hates Herman Cain more deeply, more savagely, than any other group in American politics. And they hate him precisely because he opposes their darling cause; abortion on demand. 

Abortion on demand, and a Black, Christian, Pro-life POTUS, are simply incompatible in the pea brains of Liberals. Herman Cain defies all of the stereotypes contained in the Liberal fantasy that says they support the interests of the Black Community. They purport to value Black families and pretend to want the best for the children. The truth is that, while Blacks in America make up less than 13% of the overall population, 30% of all abortions are performed on Black mothers. Thanks to the Left, unborn Black babies are killed at a rate 3 times that of the rest of the population. Herman Cain is not just a threat to their agenda and stereotypes, he is a threat to their most beloved and defended issue; abortion for any reason, at any time a woman may deem appropriate. And as a Black man, he has a personal interest advocating for life.

Herman Cain must be defended against the relentless and brutal attacks on his record, his character, and his basic goodness. What is more effective and irrefutable than to destroy an individual through rumor and hearsay? Even when no evidence exists, an onslaught of defamation, if it goes on and on, will harm the image of an individual in the eyes of the public. This is their plan. It is vicious, it is based on a lie, and it has been devised by those who fear Herman Cain because of he is Black, Christian, Conservative, and opposed to killing babies for any reason at any time Gloria Allred may deem appropriate. 

We need to support Herman Cain. The future of this decent man, and the future of the Republic hangs on our ability to stand against the evil forces that want him out of the picture of American politics.


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4063408360?profile=originalby little tbocaWell the Liberal News Media is at it again dumping their garbage on the citizens of the USA; here’s their spin on the Wall Street protestors in an effort to continue the class warfare that Obama has started on his 2012 campaign gigs.This isn’t “class warfare” the Wall Street Protests are preplanned event similar to the protests in the foreign Countries and the wonderful “Arab Spring” movement that Obama and gang support. The end result as we now was to give the Muslim Brotherhood a hand up, so they could take over these Countries and implement Sharia Law.The protestors are the little robots financed by Soros, the Unions and various community interest groups like or the Soros Tides Foundation. This can’t be called a peaceful protest movement – it’s more like an Obama tantrum. Obama has called in his armies to spank us and put us in our place for not passing his second stimulus.What is occurring is vandalism, disorderly conduct, blocking vehicular and pedestrian traffic, drugs, sex and over all filthy conditions due to protestor’s lack of personal hygiene. This group of people can’t expect good things due to their behavior. They are willfully taking over public areas that belong to all citizens in these communities.They have no self-respect, no respect for others or their property and they certainly aren’t responding as responsible adult citizens. Biden knew this movement was in place when he made the speech saying there would be more rapes, murders etc…Of course there will be more rapes, murders and crimes committed because Obama and his army have taken our police force away from their precincts in order to control a group of unruly people.This is the perfect example of the “Rules for Radicals.” Make the most out of a crisis, distract and divide the troops. It’s a deadly prescription that will result in violence if Obama doesn’t call off the “wolves.”What we’re seeing is nothing but staged events to set our law enforcement officers up in an attempt to prove police brutality. These protestors show blatant disrespect to our law enforcement officers and the laws of our land.ABC not only has been showing support for the protestors they put videos on You Tube that the protestors took during their confrontation with police. ABC conveniently forgets the other side of the story. ABC refuses to tell both sides of the story, but why should this surprise us? ABC is just another “garbage dumpster” with low ratings, so they opt to dump crap on their viewing public in an attempt to improve their poor ratings.Randi Rhodes, Liberal talk radio host says the Oakland Police department is using warfare tactics against peaceful demonstrators?” Now Randi, even a 2nd grader would know it’s wrong to throw rocks, paint, and bottles at our police men and women. Oakland’s Mayor said, "Over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the city could maintain safe or sanitary conditions, or control the ongoing vandalism."Basically, Obama threw another tantrum and his cronies came to his rescue. This is a scare tactic and there is a slight possibility that it could work– it worked in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.Obama is a disgruntled employee of ours, he’s angry, dangerous and he realizes that a second term isn’t probable so he will continue punishing us via “Executive Orders, protests and redistribution.May God Bless AmericaAs Always,Little Tboca
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10 Questions for Americans


by little tboca Times are tough; Americans are struggling just to keep food on the table. Many who are unemployed have given up looking for a job; they’re totally discouraged, angry and confused.College graduates are flipping pancakes at McDonalds, taking any part time job available and many have moved back to their parent’s home - they’ve lost hope.Seniors are finding higher health costs, less care and are being turned away by some PC’s. Instead of enjoying their retirement, seniors find that daily cost of living is increasing at a terrifying rate. Gasoline prices have soared, inflation has kicked in big time and many are finding retirement funds are dwindling and this is one of the scariest times of their lives.Here’s 10 questions that should be answered and after answering them look at yourself in the mirror and say, “What has happened to America the Beautiful, what do I want for my family, my grandchildren or myself, do I believe in the Constitution handed to us by our forefathers and do I want to “take my Country back” and restore it’s once strong foundations.1. Why did Americans lose 787 billion dollars?2. Why did our National Deficit jump 4 trillion dollars in less than three years?3. Why is Obamacare causing problems with businesses (big and small,) the medical world, private individuals and with insurance companies?4. Why are we losing billions of dollars to “green companies?”5. Why did Obama fund the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program with our stimulus money?6. Why are we backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Yemen placing one our great allies (Israel) in a very dangerous situation?7. Why was the debt ceiling passed before spending cuts were in place – why would we need a “super committee?8. Why haven’t Democrats created a balanced budget in 915 days?9. Why are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae snagging big bonuses, when they contributed to our financial meltdown? Why isn’t our Government saying “No” to bonuses?10. Why is Obama and Democrats asking for a second stimulus amounting to 447 billion dollars?It’s time to restore our Government as a Government, of the people, by the people and for the people.May God Bless AmericaAs Always,Little Tboca
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Many people hate corporations. Progressives and populists blame them

for a host of sins, and several libertarians assert they couldn't

exist in their present form without the State. We at

oppose the crony capitalism of the Corporatist State, and we cringe

whenever people assume our pro-free market philosophy is a "defense"

of corporations. 


That is why our new campaign is a "heresy." What we propose may shock

you, but we have good reasons. 

Our position is that even if you hate corporations . . . 

Abolishing corporate income taxes is in your self-interest. 

These taxes are unproductive as revenue-generators, but what they

really do is make politicians more powerful, at your expense. 

The following letter to Congress explains the benefits of abolishing

the corporate income tax. The hard-wired message to Congress says


Please repeal all corporate income taxes and replace them with

nothing.  I then added these personal comments, which you may borrow from or

copy.  The facts are plain. At Reason, economist Veronique de Rugy explodes

several myths about the corporate income tax.


 She demonstrates that . . . 

 * high corporate income taxes actually reduce employee wages. 

 * federal revenues from this tax are lower than in other countries,

even though we have the highest tax rate among industrialized nations. 

 * corporate taxes fund a minuscule part of the federal budget. 

On the other hand, if we scrapped corporate income taxes entirely . . 

 * foreign corporations would move here to take advantage of our ZERO

corporate tax rate. 

 * the ZERO tax rate would cause many new corporations to form that

wouldn't have been viable under the old tax system. 

 * costs to comply with the corporate tax would disappear, leading to

expanded investment. 

 * the number of new jobs would soar, and wages would rise at the same


 * the resulting economic expansion would more than offset the "lost

tax revenue." This would also be a sustainable boom, unlike the booms

caused by the Federal Reserve's legalized counterfeiting. 


This would be the ultimate economic stimulus. Nothing else could do so

much so fast to boost the economy. 

So why isn't this done?  Because it's against the interests of the Political

Class.  Think about the typical political demagogue. Early in his speech, he

promises to end "tax breaks" to corporations. Then, later in the

speech, without any sense of irony, he says there should be "tax

incentives" to encourage companies to do certain things. 

Of course, the tax incentives he says he wants to create are exactly

the same as the kind of tax breaks he says he wants to end, but the

demagogue doesn't want you to connect the dots. 

So what he's really saying is that he wants to end tax breaks to some

corporations he doesn't like (probably the ones that have received bad

press) while extending tax breaks to other corporations who will do

what he wants. 


Politicians couldn't care less how much revenue the corporate income

tax generates. The revenue isn't the point. The point is the

complicated laws, breaks, and loopholes that the politicians can

manipulate to enhance their own power and importance. 

Take the side of the people, NOT the Political Class. Abolishing

corporate income taxes will reduce corporate influence in Congress, by

removing a major incentive for lobbying. It will revive the economy

almost instantly.





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WE THE PEOPLE................!



Quote of the Day: "A constitution is not the act of a government, but

of a people constituting a government; and government without a

constitution is power without a right. All power exercised over a

nation, must have some beginning. It must be either delegated, or

assumed. There are not other sources. All delegated power is trust,

and all assumed power is usurpation. Time does not alter the nature

and quality of either." -- Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

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