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From the Desk of The Exceptional Conservative


     One of the great times of my life and my living is Election season.  I have great love for politics and economics.  As a conservative, my passions for these blood sports led me to join the ACNation Radio Network and found the Exceptional Conservative Show.  I wanted to bring the "movers and shakers" that I meet daily in Washington, DC live to you.  I wanted to do this without the filter of the Lame Stream Media or Cable Stations that Represent the Inside the Beltway Establishment Opinion.  The Big Picture of politics and economics is often skewed when left in the capable hands of those that hope the GOP get a Grand Wizard like the DNC or that a Republican pundit believes that "our blacks are better than their blacks."  As one whom professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, I know the power of eye-witnessing.  In the Court of Public Opinion, it is merely enough to see or hear an allegation as to validate its truth and execute swift justice.  In the Courts of Law, where God has vested the expoloration of justice amongst human beings, it is with meekness that we craft our understandings and humility that we apply our knowledge.  Any wisdom offered apart from Divine Inspiration makes for foolish merriment and destructive behavior among men.  Unless duly changed by a wicked and vain legislature, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and Oregon will express their consent of whom would best represent them in the White House effective January 2013.  I wish to encourage those that follow the soap opera known as the GOP Presidential Campaign to not lose focus on the true choices at hand.  At the lowest moments of our Nation's history, we need leaders that will not offer Infrastructure Banks as an example of action but offer the principles essential to rebuilding the main cog of economy--our people.


     Let me make this plain for all of those following along at home. There are only two issues at stake.  The first issues is political and Constitutional in its essential nature.  Issue One (Thank you, Mr. McLaughlin!): Will I rule my life or will the government run it for me?  Issue Two: If we keep spending, things will get and be better (Keynes) or We need to put the brakes on spending, return to 2008 budget assumptions and cut taxes and regulations (Hayek).  Either you support the US Constitution, are a free-market, free enterprise conservative or you are not.  I need to know (Thank you, Marc Anthony!).  For those that get a thrill up their leg because of the rise and fall of candidates, you need to get a clue.  It's the GAME!  You are watching displays of people at the height of their political careers presenting themselves and their beliefs to a people with the power to turn the channel in a moments notice if any bad news is received.  This American Idol presentation of classical liberalism and progressiveness demands a level of critique that seems to fail the group of pundits that are hired to make such observations.  It seems that the GOP Establishment and their Media pundits have bought hook line and sinker the mythical Barack Obama.  They still see the Barack Obama before the Columns in open celebration.  They hear his voice before the crowds of European liberals and socialists.  His ability to profound the Media with eloquent bluster and synchronicity of verve and pageantry has left many suffering from "Shock and Awe" syndrome.  His abilities were so heightened by God that he was deemed the Messiah by some and by others merely the Second Coming.  As he ascended to title and eminence, those that suffered beneath his policies were more quickly willing to subdue their common sense for the hopes that were promised:


Dude, do you seriously think that after only 6 months obama can magically raise the number of jobs? We need time and cooperation two things the GOP doesn't want to give. Instead, they criticize and put fear into idiot's minds.


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Dear Fellow Patriots:

I wanted to take the liberty of sharing a follow up e-mail that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall and NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich today regarding my concerns with Mr. George Soros’ numerous anti-American agendas, especially those regarding Mr. Soros’ Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and registering new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections in all 50 states:

I.  E-Mail Addressed To Senator Tom Udall:

“November 18, 2011 

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On or about November 9, 2011, I received an email from you informing me that, now more than ever, the American people are showing just how fed up they are with the explosion of big corporate influence over our politics because the Supreme Court is ignoring its own precedents to unleash a torrent of corporate and special interest money in our elections and that we must put the American people back in charge of our democracy and/or republic, along with asking me to sign a petition to amend the Constitution so Congress and the states can enact common-sense campaign finance reform.

I totally agree with you regarding this disturbing issue, but I am honestly just as concerned about the following issues that I believe relate to this matter:

Issue #1:

The following websites and article and/or blog revealed Mr. Soros’ Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and register new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections in all 50 states:

George Soros’ Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!

Issue #2

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Soros funds foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!

Issue #3

The following article and/or blog post revealed Mr. Soros’ assault on our U.S. Constitution:

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution!

Issue #4

The following report reveals that over the past ten years Mr. Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) has invested at least $45.5 million into a campaign that is meant to reshape our judiciary. This campaign encompasses efforts to rewrite state constitutions, abolish judicial elections and impose a judicial selection system that takes power away from ordinary citizens and gives it to a handful of legal elites, which could have the greatest impact on our legal system since the founding fathers:

Justice Hijacked!

Issue #5

The following articles and/or blog posts revealed a disturbing global land grab movement by George Soros and other hedge fund managers, which will require Americans to give up their individual freedoms, personal property and redistribute their wealth. Also included are articles and/or blog posts that revealed that Sheriffs here in New Mexico and around the country are rising up against the movement:

Is The Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ A Hidden Plan For World Government?

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds in Agenda 21 Land Grab!

Sheriffs Rise Up Against Feds!

Issue #6:

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed the shared agendas of Mr. Soros and President Obama:

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama!

The Obama-Soros Connection!

On or about August 9, 2011, I wrote to you and shared the following website with you that revealed Mr. Soros’ personal and professional/political background, his agendas, which I honestly found to be anti-American, his establishment of the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 1979 and was one of the prime movers in the creation of the so-called "Shadow Democratic Party" or "Shadow Party" in 2003:

Guide To The George Soros Network:

In this same letter I also provided you with the following website that revealed that Mr. Soros was one of your major political campaign contributors: 

Tom Udall:

Much to my dismay to date I have not received a response from you regarding this disturbing matter, which truly concerns me because, as I mentioned to you in my previous letter, I have honestly become extremely concerned about what this information revealed about Mr. Soros’ agendas, along with your voting record that seemed to be in line with some of those agendas that I consider, in part or as a whole, to be anti-American.

As I’ve also mentioned before, my main purpose and/or reason for sharing all of the above information with you is simply to get your feedback as to the validity of the information, which I truly hope and pray is misinformation for the sake of our state and, most important, our country/republic.

As a Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something reeks.  I am not a politician and thus am not known for always being politically correct because I call it as I see it.  I also come from a long line of family members that are Veterans. Four out of my six male siblings honorably served their country and my father was a WWII Veteran, who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but lost the battle with his PTSD symptoms at the young age of fifty-nine.  My two eldest sons honorably served their country as Marines.  My eldest son participated in the first Gulf War as a Marine and Iraqi Freedom as a weekend warrior with the Air National Guard, which he continues to be a member of, along with being a Combat Air Traffic Control Instructor.  Additionally, I lost many a friend during the Viet Nam War that fought and died to uphold our “Constitutional Rights” and the freedom that sadly too many Americans take for granted.  As a result, I have to admit that I tend to get extremely concerned when I see politicians, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (in the Marine Corps we were all green), creed, ethnic origin or religion, doing things and/or taking actions that I see as a threat to the freedom and/or rights given us under our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights” and/or the safety, security or welfare of our Veterans, active duty members or their dependents/survivors.

Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below my name should you have any questions regarding any of this information.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you’ll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I’ve been doing on Campaign Finance & Election Reform as your U.S. Senator.

II.  E-Mail Addressed To Congressman Martin Heinrich:

“November 18, 2011

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

Capitol Office

336 Cannon HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225-6316

Fax: (202) 225-4975

Dear Congressman Heinrich:

On or about November 18, 2011, I received an email from you informing me that the Citizens United Supreme Court decision opened the flood gates for secret groups to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence my vote right up to Election Day and that this was a victory for the Wall Street Banks, Big Oil, and foreign corporations, but it was a slap in the face to our average Americans.
 You also informed me that you saw this issue as a choice between the American people and big corporations and that it was time that we put the American voter first and increase transparency and disclosure of political spending. 

I totally agree with you regarding this disturbing issue, but I am honestly just as concerned about the following issues that I believe relate to this matter:

Issue #1:

The following websites and article and/or blog revealed Mr. Soros’ Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and register new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections in all 50 states:

George Soros’ Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!

Issue #2

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Soros funds foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!

Issue #3

The following article and/or blog post revealed Mr. Soros’ assault on our U.S. Constitution:

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution!

Issue #4

The following report reveals that over the past ten years Mr. Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) has invested at least $45.5 million into a campaign that is meant to reshape our judiciary. This campaign encompasses efforts to rewrite state constitutions, abolish judicial elections and impose a judicial selection system that takes power away from ordinary citizens and gives it to a handful of legal elites, which could have the greatest impact on our legal system since the founding fathers:

Justice Hijacked!

Issue #5

The following articles and/or blog posts revealed a disturbing global land grab movement by George Soros and other hedge fund managers, which will require Americans to give up their individual freedoms, personal property and redistribute their wealth. Also included are articles and/or blog posts that revealed that Sheriffs here in New Mexico and around the country are rising up against the movement:

Is The Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ A Hidden Plan For World Government?

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds in Agenda 21 Land Grab! 

Sheriffs Rise Up Against Feds!

Issue #6:

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed the shared agendas of Mr. Soros and President Obama:

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama! 

The Obama-Soros Connection!

On or about August 10, 2011, I wrote to you and shared the following website with you that revealed Mr. Soros’ personal and professional/political background, his agendas, which I honestly found to be anti-American, his establishment of the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 1979 and was one of the prime movers in the creation of the so-called "Shadow Democratic Party" or "Shadow Party" in 2003:

Guide To The George Soros Network:

In this same letter I also provided you with the following websites that revealed your Bio.Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)Interest Group RatingsPosition PapersSpeeches and Public StatementsCampaign Finances, along with your Voting Record while a member of the House, which seems to be in-line with what I consider to be Mr. Soros’ anti-American agendas:

Rep. Martin Heinrich [D-NM1]:

Voting Record:

All Votes In 2009:

All Votes In 2010:

All Votes In 2011:

Much to my dismay to date I have not received a response from you regarding this disturbing matter, which truly concerns me because, as I mentioned to you in my previous letter, I have honestly become extremely concerned about what this information revealed about Mr. Soros’ agendas, along with your voting record that seemed to be in line with some of those agendas that I consider, in part or as a whole, to be anti-American.

As I’ve also mentioned before, my main purpose and/or reason for sharing all of the above information with you is simply to get your feedback as to the validity of the information, which I truly hope and pray is misinformation for the sake of our state and, most important, our country/republic.

As a Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something reeks.  I am not a politician and thus am not known for always being politically correct because I call it as I see it.  I also come from a long line of family members that are Veterans. Four out of my six male siblings honorably served their country and my father was a WWII Veteran, who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but lost the battle with his PTSD symptoms at the young age of fifty-nine.  My two eldest sons honorably served their country as Marines.  My eldest son participated in the first Gulf War as a Marine and Iraqi Freedom as a weekend warrior with the Air National Guard, which he continues to be a member of, along with being a Combat Air Traffic Control Instructor.  Additionally, I lost many a friend during the Viet Nam War that fought and died to uphold our “Constitutional Rights” and the freedom that sadly too many Americans take for granted.  As a result, I have to admit that I tend to get extremely concerned when I see politicians, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (in the Marine Corps we were all green), creed, ethnic origin or religion, doing things and/or taking actions that I see as a threat to the freedom and/or rights given us under our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights” and/or the safety, security or welfare of our Veterans, active duty members or their dependents/survivors.

Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below my name should you have any questions regarding any of this information.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Where Is America Today?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

Have A Great & Safe Holiday Season-God Bless & Keep The Faith.

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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An Aquarian Message

9/11 was an inside job.


On Good Friday 1975, I drove away from my Texas home, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. It meant nothing to me, but a sign, as it turns out, one of many to come.

We are not what we “see,” but relative to a great many factors we don’t see. Love goes beyond this life. Everything reduces to energy and energy returns to its source. What one puts out, one gets back.

As much as the stars in the heavens, we are the mass equivalence of energy and energy returns to its source. This is the law of the universe.  The timelessness in you is aware of life’s timelessness; and knows yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream; and that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the bounds of that moment which scattered the stars into space. –Khalil Gibran

So may those who lost their lives on 9-11 be an emblem of reborn hope—knowing the resiliency of this moment, the immortality of our souls.

In numerology, there are nine progressive cycles.  9 is selflessness and compassion. It desires to apply its energy to universal service.  This is the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.

I began life a self, like other life. But unlike other life, I learned to identify a unique self. Unlike other life, oddly, we humans were created with reason and logic, and obviously for a unique purpose, but at the same time for a common purpose.

We call it progressive government, common purpose overriding the individual’s unique purpose. As society progresses, as history records, societies age and die, making the statement that the individual’s purpose is higher in value than society’s purpose. This is spelled out in America’s Constitution, and actually seen in numerology’s the nine cycles of my life.  

What happened to the individual’s higher purpose? Social Security began as a fantastic deal for very little money. My father paid little into Social Security in the few years he paid. In return he received for 29 years a nice monthly income. It was called New Deal Law. We got what we paid for, a pyramid game.

America’s Great Depression came upon us when I was age eight. The family was America’s cornerstone but that gave way to government redistribution. America became dependent on government, causing great division. Thanks to Social Security, we are drowning is a sea of debt. But America’s politicians are not about to correct their wrong. With Congress currently in an uncompromising mode, the President is hoping to be reelected on the idea of a do-nothing Congress.

Once you let politicians get their foot in the door, you are imperiled in your rights.  Nothing could be clearer than your individual rights superseding political flimflams. Giving politicians control is bankrupting America. Weakened in our moral fiber, we are easy prey for predators.     

Before New Deal Law, it only took one job to support a family. Divorce was rare. My mother was at home for me. We didn’t have the crime and drugs we now have.  Schools were under local control. Education was better, and at a fraction of today’s cost, to name a few of the travesties New Deal Law has caused.

America is fast becoming a basket case. Allow those trespassers of your rights to have their way and you end with zero rights. Therefore, “Let us make man in our image” in Genesis 1:26—in God’s image—“in earth as it is in heaven,” in Matthew 6:10, our image universal consciousness: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” in Matthew 6:33, there is a distinction to be made. Earth and heaven are quantitative; the kingdom of God, universal consciousness, is qualitative.  

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” in Matthew 6:34. In Astrologer’s Handbook, the morrow, the Age of Aquarius, “The sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.” With regard to “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” we are now in the Age of Pisces’ death throes.

“Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.” –Astrologer’s Handbook.  “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.”   

“The symbol for Pisces is two attached fishes, one swimming upstream the other downstream, implying a drastic duality of emotion.” –Astrologer’s Handbook

“I believe that a widespread understanding of the potent but usually unconscious archetypal dynamics that coincide with planetary cycles and alignments, both in individual lives and in the historical process, can play a crucial role in the positive unfolding of our collective future.” –Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche.

In my astrological reading by James Redfield, “The Vigo ego integration with the higher self, and the higher self perspective is going to be defined along the lines of the Virgo archetype, which is, of course, our need for organization: to be effective, to be conscientious about making things better.” Thus, with regard to our collective future, in Jungian psychology, the part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experience—and is common to all.

 “The Dispensation are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said, “Distinguish the ages and the Scriptures harmonize.” –Rev. C. I. Scofield, Editor of The Scofield Reference Bible.

In earth as it is in heaven—what we make it—“we” are not going to continue to enjoy the luxury of depending on government. A drastic change is in the wind. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.  Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount

Keep the faith. Follow your conscience. We are all God’s children.  


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A Thanksgiving to Remember - Can You Wait?

Thanksgiving 2022

 "Winston, come into the dining room, it's time to eat," Julia yelled to her husband.
 "In a minute, honey, it's a tie score," he answered.
Actually Winston wasn't very interested in the traditional holiday football game between Detroit and Washington.
Ever since the government passed the Civility in Sports Statute of 2017, outlawing tackle football for its "unseemly violence" and the "bad example it sets for the rest of the world", Winston was far less of a football fan than he used to be.
Two-hand touch wasn't nearly as exciting. Yet it wasn't the game that Winston was uninterested in.
It was more the thought of eating another Tofu Turkey. Even though it was the best type of Veggie Meat available after the government revised the American Anti-Obesity Act of 2018, adding fowl to the list of federally-forbidden foods, (which already included potatoes, cranberry sauce, and mincemeat pie), it wasn't anything like real turkey.
And ever since the government officially changed the name of "Thanksgiving Day" to "A National Day of Atonement" in 2020, to officially acknowledge the Pilgrims' historically brutal treatment of Native Americans, the holiday had lost a lot of its luster.

Eating in the dining room was also a bit daunting.  The unearthly gleam of government-mandated CFL light bulbs made the Tofu Turkey look even weirder than it actually was, and the room was always cold.

Ever since Congress passed the Power Conservation Act of 2016, mandating all thermostats - which were monitored and controlled by the electric company - be kept at 68 degrees, every room on the north side of the house was barely tolerable throughout the entire winter.

Still, it was good getting together with family. Or at least most of the family.

Winston missed his mother, who passed on in October, when she had used up her legal allotment of life-saving medical treatment.

He had had many heated conversations with the
Regional Health Consortium, spawned when the private insurance market finally went bankrupt,and everyone was forced into the government health care program.

And though he demanded she be kept on her treatment, it was a futile effort.

"The RHC's resources are limited", explained the
government bureaucrat Winston spoke with on the phone. "Your mother received all the benefits to which she was entitled. I'm sorry for your loss"

Ed couldn't make it either. He had forgotten to plug in his electric car last night, the only kind available after the Anti-Fossil Fuel Bill of 2021 outlawed the use of the combustion engines - for everyone but government officials.

The fifty mile round trip was about ten miles too far, and Ed didn't want to spend a frosty night on the road somewhere between here and there.

Thankfully, Winston's brother, John, and his wife were flying in.

Winston made sure that the dining room chairs had extra cushions for the occasion.

No one complained more than John about the pain of sitting down so soon after the government-mandated cavity searches at airports, which severely aggravated his hemorrhoids.

Ever since a terrorist successfully smuggled a cavity bomb onto a jetliner, the TSA told Americans the added "inconvenience" was an "absolute necessity" in order to stay "one step ahead of the terrorists."

Winston's own body had grown accustomed to such probing ever since the government expanded their scope to just about anywhere a crowd gathered, via Anti-Profiling Act of 2022.

That law made it a crime to single out any group or individual for "unequal scrutiny," even when probable cause was involved.

Thus, cavity searches at malls, train stations, bus depots, etc., etc., had become almost routine.


The Supreme Court is reviewing the statute, but most Americans expect a Court composed of six progressives and three conservatives to leave the law intact.

"A living Constitution is extremely flexible", said the Court's eldest member, Elena Kagan. "Europe has had laws like this one for years. We should learn from their example", she added.

Winston's thoughts turned to his own children.
He got along fairly well with his 12-year-old daughter, Brittany, mostly because she ignored him.  Winston had long ago surrendered to the idea that she could text anyone at any time, even during Atonement Dinner.

Their only real confrontation had occurred when he limited her to 50,000 texts a month, explaining that was all he could afford.

She whined for a week, but got over it.

His 16-year-old son, Jason, was another matter altogether. Perhaps it was the constant bombarding he got in public school that global warming, the bird flu, terrorism, or any of a number of other calamities were "just around the corner", but Jason had developed a kind of nihilistic attitude that ranged between simmering surliness and outright hostility.

It didn't help that Jason had reported his father to the police for smoking a cigarette in the house, an act made criminal by the Smoking Control Statute of 2018, which outlawed smoking anywhere within 500 feet of another human being.

Winston paid the $5,000 fine, which might have been considered excessive before the American dollar became virtually worthless as a result of QE13.

The latest round of quantitative easing the federal government initiated was, once again, to "spur economic growth."

This time, they promised to push unemployment below its years-long rate of 18%, but Winston was not particularly hopeful.

Yet the family had a lot for which to be thankful, Winston thought, before remembering it was a Day of Atonement.

At least, he had his memories.

He felt a twinge of sadness when he realized his children would never know what life was like in the Good Old Days, long before government promises to make life "fair for everyone" realized their full potential.

Winston, like so many of his fellow Americans, never realized how much things could change when they didn't happen all at once, but little by little, so people could get used to them.

He wondered what might have happened if the public had stood up while there was still time, maybe back around 201
1, when all the real nonsense began.

"Maybe we wouldn't be where we are today if we'd just said 'enough is enough' when we had the chance," he thought.

 Maybe so, Winston. Maybe so.

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Sit Down When You Read This--Breaking

This was just sent to me by my fellow compatriots at Constitutional

"The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed By The MF Global Collapse" - Presenting The First MF Global Casualty


Presented without comment, merely to confirm that the market as we know it, no longer exists.

BCM Has Ceased Operations (source)

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 17, AD 2011 10:27 AM MST

Dear Clients, Industry Colleagues and Friends of Barnhardt Capital Management,


It is with regret and unflinching moral certainty that I announce that Barnhardt Capital Management has ceased operations. After six years of operating as an independent introducing brokerage, and eight years of employment as a broker before that, I found myself, this morning, for the first time since I was 20 years old, watching the futures and options markets open not as a participant, but as a mere spectator.


The reason for my decision to pull the plug was excruciatingly simple: I could no longer tell my clients that their monies and positions were safe in the futures and options markets – because they are not. And this goes not just for my clients, but for every futures and options account in the United States. The entire system has been utterly destroyed by the MF Global collapse. Given this sad reality, I could not in good conscience take one more step as a commodity broker, soliciting trades that I knew were unsafe or holding funds that I knew to be in jeopardy.


The futures markets are very highly-leveraged and thus require an exceptionally firm base upon which to function. That base was the sacrosanct segregation of customer funds from clearing firm capital, with additional emergency financial backing provided by the exchanges themselves. Up until a few weeks ago, that base existed, and had worked flawlessly. Firms came and went, with some imploding in spectacular fashion. Whenever a firm failure happened, the customer funds were intact and the exchanges would step in to backstop everything and keep customers 100% liquid – even as their clearing firm collapsed and was quickly replaced by another firm within the system.


Everything changed just a few short weeks ago. A firm, led by a crony of the Obama regime, stole all of the non-margined cash held by customers of his firm. Let’s not sugar-coat this or make this crime seem “complex” and “abstract” by drowning ourselves in six-dollar words and uber-technical jargon. Jon Corzine STOLE the customer cash at MF Global. Knowing Jon Corzine, and knowing the abject lawlessness and contempt for humanity of the Marxist Obama regime and its cronies, this is not really a surprise. What was a surprise was the reaction of the exchanges and regulators. Their reaction has been to take a bad situation and make it orders of magnitude worse. Specifically, they froze customers out of their accounts WHILE THE MARKETS CONTINUED TO TRADE, refusing to even allow them to liquidate. This is unfathomable. The risk exposure precedent that has been set is completely intolerable and has destroyed the entire industry paradigm. No informed person can continue to engage these markets, and no moral person can continue to broker or facilitate customer engagement in what is now a massive game of Russian Roulette.


I have learned over the last week that MF Global is almost certainly the mere tip of the iceberg. There is massive industry-wide exposure to European sovereign junk debt. While other firms may not be as heavily leveraged as Corzine had MFG leveraged, and it is now thought that MFG’s leverage may have been in excess of 100:1, they are still suicidally leveraged and will likely stand massive, unmeetable collateral calls in the coming days and weeks as Europe inevitably collapses. I now suspect that the reason the Chicago Mercantile Exchange did not immediately step in to backstop the MFG implosion was because they knew and know that if they backstopped MFG, they would then be expected to backstop all of the other firms in the system when the failures began to cascade – and there simply isn’t that much money in the entire system. In short, the problem is a SYSTEMIC problem, not merely isolated to one firm.

Perhaps the most ominous dynamic that I have yet heard of in regards to this mess is that of the risk of potential CLAWBACK actions. For those who do not know, “clawback” is the process by which a bankruptcy trustee is legally permitted to re-seize assets that left a bankrupt entity in the time period immediately preceding the entity’s collapse. So, using the MF Global customers as an example, any funds that were withdrawn from MFG accounts in the run-up to the collapse, either because of suspicions the customer may have had about MFG from, say, watching the company’s bond yields rise sharply, or from purely organic day-to-day withdrawls, the bankruptcy trustee COULD initiate action to “clawback” those funds. As a hedge broker, this makes my blood run cold. Generally, as the markets move in favor of a hedge position and equity builds in a client’s account, that excess equity is sent back to the customer who then uses that equity to offset cash market transactions OR to pay down a revolving line of credit. Even the possibility that a customer could be penalized and additionally raped AGAIN via a clawback action after already having their customer funds stolen is simply villainous. While there has been no open indication of clawback actions being initiated by the MF Global trustee, I have been told that it is a possibility.


And so, to the very unpleasant crux of the matter. The futures and options markets are no longer viable. It is my recommendation that ALL customers withdraw from all of the markets as soon as possible so that they have the best chance of protecting themselves and their equity. The system is no longer functioning with integrity and is suicidally risk-laden. The rule of law is non-existent, instead replaced with godless, criminal political cronyism.


Remember, derivatives contracts are NOT NECESSARY in the commodities markets. The cash commodity itself is the underlying reality and is not dependent on the futures or options markets. Many people seem to have gotten that backwards over the past decades. From Abel the animal husbandman up until the year 1964, there were no cattle futures contracts at all, and no options contracts until 1984, and yet the cash cattle markets got along just fine.


Finally, I will not, under any circumstance, consider reforming and re-opening Barnhardt Capital Management, or any other iteration of a brokerage business, until Barack Obama has been removed from office AND the government of the United States has been sufficiently reformed and repopulated so as to engender my total and complete confidence in the government, its adherence to and enforcement of the rule of law, and in its competent and just regulatory oversight of any commodities markets that may reform. So long as the government remains criminal, it would serve no purpose whatsoever to attempt to rebuild the futures industry or my firm, because in a lawless environment, the same thievery and fraud would simply happen again, and the criminals would go unpunished, sheltered by the criminal oligarchy.

To my clients, who literally TO THE MAN agreed with my assessment of the situation, and were relieved to be exiting the markets, and many whom I now suspect stayed in the markets as long as they did only out of personal loyalty to me, I can only say thank you for the honor and pleasure of serving you over these last years, with some of my clients having been with me for over twelve years. I will continue to blog at, which will be subtly re-skinned soon, and will continue my cattle marketing consultation business. I will still be here in the office, answering my phones, with the same phone numbers. Alas, my retirement came a few years earlier than I had anticipated, but there was no possible way to continue given the inevitability of the collapse of the global financial markets, the overthrow of our government, and the resulting collapse in the rule of law.


As for me, I can only echo the words of David:


“This is the Lord’s doing; and it is wonderful in our eyes.”


With Best Regards- 
Ann Barnhardt



Tags: AnnBarnhardt

(In case you are not familiar with Ann Barnhardt, while Tea Party Founder was out with his back surgery earlier this year, I invited her on as a guest on Tea Party Radio.  Ann Barnhardt, of bacon-bookmarking Koran-burning fame----yeah, that girl!)  I'm going to see if I can do that again.  Stay tuned.

While we are all talking about what to do, the Rule of Law, Constitution, candidates, etc.etc.etc., please consider joining these people also because as we move forward, WE ALL NEED TO BE IN THIS TOGETHER and there is so much happening that we have no clue about, the more, as we say, the merrier.  God Bless, and God Bless the United States of America.---Jim

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By John W. Lillpop

What in the hell is happening to the Republican men and women who once seemed so attractive in the race to replace Barack Hussein Obama with a freedom-loving American citizen?

In stunned silence, we on the right have stood by as heroes and heroines of our cause have walked off the plank of presidential candidacy into the dark, cold sea of political obscurity.

First it was conservative favorite Tom Pawlenty who decided that he did not have the wherewithal to fight the good fight any longer, which led the charisma-challenged former Governor to withdraw his candidacy.

Many were disappointed when Pawlenty bailed, yet back then the problem seemed to be an overcrowded field, rather than the opposite.

Besides the announced candidates, the rumor mill was ripe with speculation about the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, and lord knows how many others, all waiting in the wings to be drafted into service by conservatives ravenous for a reincarnation of Ronald Reagan to deal with Barack Obama as Reagan had with Jimmy Carter 30 years ago.

Alas, one by one, those magnificent would-be presidents came forward and tried on the Golden Slipper.

And one by one, each discovered that the slipper simply did not fit, for one reason or another, although in the case of Governor Christie, his foot was just too damn fat!

Still, the field included such stars and budding stars as Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, John Huntsman, and newcomer Rick Perry.

Oh, and we must not forget a fellow named Herman Cain.

With that roster of firepower and talent, there was no need to fret about finding a suitable candidate, right?

Then the Rick Perry shoe dropped, even before the infamous “pause.” Shortly thereafter, Herman Cain started to make negative headlines with sexual accusations coming from former female associates, rather than economists challenging “999.”

To make matters worse, Cain seemed confused about whether or not China has nuclear weapons and did a fantastic impression of the “Perry Pause” when discussing Libya, said pause being quite entertaining, but hardly presidential.

The bright light of hope then moved to the personage of Newt Gingrich who despite some disturbing personal history, seemed formidable.

In fact, Newt seemed very formidable what with his keen intelligence and expertise as leader of the now defunct “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” that drove Hillary Clinton to distraction 20 years ago. In short order, the former Speaker catapulted into the lead over Mitt Romney.

All looked swell until it was announced that Newt took over a million dollars from Freddie Mac after leaving office.

Freddie Mac for gosh sake, that gaggle of leftist moon bats who have all but destroyed the American Dream for millions of responsible Americans in order to reach out and “include” people who simply do not have the income, credit worthiness, employment history, or assets to qualify for home ownership!

Freddie Mac, that shadowy, suspicious institution, which along with Fannie Mae lost an additional $13 billion dollars of taxpayer money in 2011, for which several executives were rewarded with million dollar bonuses.

Egad, Newt, say it ain’t so!

Newt did try to explain his cavorting with Freddie by saying he served as a “historian” for a cool $1.2 million dollars.

For the record, Freddie declared that Newt was more of a “consultant.”

Either way, Newt, your credibility is shot. Who in the hell is going to trust you to smite big government now that we know that you actually spent time in bed (figuratively) with these charlatans?

And, lest we forget, earlier this year Gingrich blasted Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” with this tirade on Meet the Press:

I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate… I’m against Obamacare, which is imposing radical change, and I would be against a conservative imposing radical change.

Unbelievable: A bloke living high on the public dole by working for Freddie Mac has the audacity to call the conservative blueprint for saving America “Right wing social Engineering.” Some gall that!

Still, remember fellow conservatives, Mitt Romney is a very strong candidate—excepting for his love affair with socialized medicine and gay marriage, and a sorry tendency to flop when he should flip.

What the hell is going on with my GOP?
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Obama was in Asia

I thought Obama was born in America...specifically Hawaii?  According to Obama on Monday, he stated (while not reading a teleprompter) that Hawaii was part of Asia now.  Hmm...Hey Obama maybe you shouldn't go off your teleprompter any more.  Last I checked Hawaii was still a state in the United States.  In fact it was the 50th state accepted into the Union.  You should have learned this in Hawaiian History in school.

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Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 16, 2011:

“A hearing, with the apparent support of two state lawmakers, is scheduled before the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission to hear a complaint filed by Orly Taitz that alleges Barack Obama has used fraudulent documents and a fraudulent Social Security number.

The hearing is scheduled Friday at 2 p.m. in Room 307 of the New Hampshire Legislative Office Building, and Taitz is encouraging the public to be present.

The state holds the first presidential primary Jan. 10, 2012.

On her website, Taitz said state Rep. Harry Accornero had said he was joining in her complaint, and she expects Rep. Larry Rappoport also to be in attendance. The lawmakers could not be reached immediately for comment.

“Let’s hope the elections board of New Hampshire will have the decency to refuse [to allow] Obama to appear on the ballot due to undeniable evidence of him using a stolen [Connecticut Social Security Number] … and due to the fact that he is using a computer generated forgery instead of a valid birth certificate,” Taitz wrote.

She noted that the election code in the state contains a statement that requires a candidate to swear to his qualification to be president pursuant to Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 of the United States Constitution, which states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president.”

Taitz has been involved in a long list of high-profile cases over the past few years that have challenged Obama’s eligibility under the Constitution’s requirement that the president be a natural-born citizen. Some believe that means a birth in the United States, and they doubt the validity of the image of a Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth that Obama released in April.

Others say natural-born means both parents must be citizens at the time of the birth. Under that standard, Obama could not qualify, because his father was a student in the U.S. but not a citizen.

The complaint alleges that Obama is ineligible because “he never provided any documentary evidence of his natural born status.”

Further, “The most staggering evidence is Mr. Obama’s lack of a valid Social Security number and his use of a fraudulently obtained Social Security number from the state of Connecticut, a state where he never resided, which was never assigned to Obama, according to E-Verify,” the complaint states.

It alleges not only is the Obama birth documentation a modern printout, there are numerous experts who attest it is fraudulent.

“Taitz received an affidavit from scanning machines expert Douglas Vogt. … It shows further evidence of forgery, such as different types of ink used. Some of the document shows as gray scale scanning, some as black and white scanning, some color. It shows different types of letters and kerning … numerous other parameters lead to the same conclusion, that the document in question is not a copy of a 1961 type written document, but a computer generated forgery, created by cutting and pasting bits and pieces from different documents and filling in the blanks with computer graphics,” the document explains.

“Obama does not have an valid identification papers, which are necessary to be a candidate on the ballot, running for the U.S. presidency, based upon New Hampshire elections law 655-17 and on Article 1, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution,” Taitz wrote.

“This case shows an unprecedented level of corruption and lawlessness in the federal government and in the government of Hawaii, which allowed Obama to get on the ballot in 2008. … Petitioner demands removal of Obama from the ballot in the state of New Hampshire in the Democrat party primary and demands immediate criminal prosecution of Obama and his accomplices for elections fraud, common law fraud and uttering of forged documents.”

Meanwhile, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County in Arizona has assigned a special cold case team to investigate the possibility that Obama could use fraudulent documents to apply for the Arizona ballot next year.

He’s said the investigators have accumulated thousands of pages of evidence and his report likely will come early in 2012.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Sheriff Joe on Obama eligibility probe: 'Where there's smoke ... '-Posted on Art Moore-On November 13, 2011:

Sheriff Joe Threatened For Probing Eligibility!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 9, 2011:

Video: Sheriff Joe: Why I’m investigating Obama’s Birth Certificate!-Posted on Western Journalism-On November 15, 2011:

Note:  This is a powerful message from a former C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:

Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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The following articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal a disturbing global land grab movement by George Soros, President Obama, elitists (both Democrat and Republican), and other hedge fund managers as part of the New World Order, which will require Americans to give up their individual freedoms, personal property and redistribute their wealth. Also included are articles and blog posts that reveal that Sheriffs around the country are rising up against the movement-You Decide:

Agenda 21:

The U.N.’s “Agenda 21 must be stopped now!-Posted on Vickie Goes to Washington-By Victoria Jackson-On September 15, 2011:

Global Land Grab: Nervous Rulers and Hedge Fund Managers Alike Scramble for Land!-Posted on The Truth is Treason-By KEVIN HAYDEN-On August 22, 2011:

Video: Is Obama Regulating Rural Areas by Executive Order?-Posted on August 4, 2011:

UN’s Agenda 21 Update: Family Farms Are Under Attack!-Posted on The Blaze-By Mike Opelka-On July 31, 2011:

The CLEAR Act of a Federal Land Grab (HR 3534)-Posted on The Truth is Treason-By Cassandra Anderson, MorphCity-On July 22, 2011:

Is The Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ A Hidden Plan For World Government?-Posted on The Blaze-By Mike Opelka-On June 14, 2011:

Video: Texans for Accountable Government Exposes Agenda 21!

Video: John Bush Speaks On The Austin Regional Intelligence Center!

Video: How your community is implementing AGENDA 21!

Cedar Falls, Iowa City Council defies citizens; says YES to the United Nations and NO to the 4th Amendment!-Posted on The Gaspee Gazette-On June 11, 2011:

Video: Wildlands Project!-Posted on You skiebus-On June 28, 2008:

For more analyses on Agenda 21, visit Cassandra Anderson’s website at






Sheriffs Rise Up Against Agenda 21:

Sheriffs Rise Up Against Feds!-Posted on American Free Press-By Pat Shannan-On November 2011:

New Mexico Law and Local Sheriff Trump the Feds in Agenda 21 Land Grab!-Posted on The Truth is Treason-By KEVIN HAYDEN-On November  8, 2011:

Note What follows is an article and/or blog post that contains a WikiLeaks Cable that reveals the “North American Initiative” as being part of the New World Order agenda, along with other articles and/or blog posts that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory': 'Most believe the incremental approach most appropriate at this time'-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 21, 2011:

North American Union: WND killed it?-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 15, 2011:

'North American Parliament' under way: ‘Some hope exercise of U.S., Canadian, Mexican reps becomes reality!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 28, 2008:

Note:  This is a powerful message from a former C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:

Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Judge or Be Judged! The Tyranny of Judges.

Prior columns of mine have attempted to lay the groundwork for restoring constitutional government and principles to our United States of America. Obviously we must elect ONLY candidates who agree with our goal, and we must initiate primaries and targeted campaigns against those who do not. With two chambers in Congress and three branches of government, the task may appear to be insurmountable. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however if constitutionalists (not merely the GOP as the present circumstances illustrate) control the House. Boehner and company are NOT committed to reducing government let alone shrinking it to meet constitutional muster.

The House of Representatives was designed to be the most powerful element of the federal government because it controls the power of the purse. The House could refuse to fund much of the unconstitutional activity of the federal government, or they could pass funding reductions over a short 2-5 year term for “zeroing out” the violating programs. Clearly for this strategy to be successful, the House must have a veto-proof majority of strict constitutionalists. The President if he were opposed to the budget cuts would be hamstrung, and the Senate would be forced into stalemate with the House. When nothing gets done, nothing gets funded….unless the House caves.

What about the judiciary you may ask? They have overturned and undermined many legislative initiatives over the years as well as declaring and creating “new rights” from the bench. Is there any way for them (aside from more discerning appointments) to be restrained from their sometimes bizarre interpretations of the Constitution? Yes, there is. Here is the relevant portion of the Constitution of the United States of America:

Article III - The Judicial Branch

Section 1 - Judicial powerssupreme-court-of-the-united-states-29197.jpg?width=216

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.     Source: 

Congress has the responsibility to establish and ordain courts other than the constitutionally-mandated Supreme Court of the United States. With the power to establish comes the authority to restructure or abolish. This is not some wild-eyed theory. It has been done before through the urging of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison who were major proponents of The Judiciary Act of 1802.

The Judiciary Act of 1802: "An Act to amend the Judicial System of the United States"  2 Stat. 156. April 29, 1802. 


Soon after its repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801, the Republican majority in Congress in the spring of 1802 recognized the need to enact its own organization of the federal courts. The resulting statute was a response to the practical needs of a growing judiciary and the continuing partisan conflict over the role of the federal courts. The Judiciary Act of 1802 perpetuated the Federalists’ plan of six regional circuits. Although Supreme Court justices again were required to serve on the circuit courts, the circuits were smaller and travel accordingly less demanding than in the 1790s. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Maine remained outside the circuit system, thus relieving the justices of travel to these distant areas. When the district judge and circuit justice were of divided opinion on a case before a circuit court, the new act gave either party the right to refer the case to the Supreme Court, whereas since 1793 split decisions had required the attendance of a second justice to issue a ruling at the next session of the circuit court.

In the Judiciary Act of 1802, Congress eliminated the Supreme Court’s summer session and provided for one annual session to begin on the first Monday in February. This provision intensified the partisan dispute that began when Congress, in an act of March 8, 1802, revoked the judiciary act of the previous year and restored the structure of the judiciary as it had stood previously, thereby abolishing the sixteen judgeships assigned to the reorganized circuit courts. Jeffersonian Republicans asserted that Congress’s right to establish inferior courts implicitly allowed it to abolish such courts. The incumbent circuit judges and their Federalist supporters insisted that judges appointed for service during good behavior could not be removed by statute. When the act of April 1802 canceled the Supreme Court term scheduled for June of that year, Federalists accused the Republicans of seeking to delay a ruling on the constitutionality of the repeal act until months after the new judicial system was in operation.


Chief Justice John Marshall, who entered office in February 1801, doubted the constitutionality of the repeal act as well as the new act’s requirement that the justices resume their circuit duties. Following an exchange of letters in which a majority of the justices concluded that they were obligated to serve on the circuit courts, Marshall deferred to the act. In March 1803, the Supreme Court in the case of Stuart v. Laird ruled that Congress had authority to transfer a case from a court established by the act of 1801 to one established by the act of 1802, and by implication affirmed the constitutionality of the Judiciary Act of 1802.
Source:  Federal Judicial Center 


Sixteen federal judgeships were abolished via this legislation, and it was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court. So, after our newly elected Congress refuses to fund unconstitutional federal programs and begins to wean the states and citizens from their dependencies through diminishing block grants, then they should ABOLISH the entire federal court system (having a new plan in hand) and begin anew with constitutionally-committed appointees. 

See? Wasn’t that easy? The point of these columns is that the tools to clean up the mess are already present in the Constitution. We merely need citizens and political officeholders who are committed to doing it. This is why ABSOLUTE FIDELITY to the Constitution is so critical a criterion for choosing and supporting candidates. Our leaders, our public servants must be willing to use the entire toolbox to “fix” our Republic.

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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Media Research Center-By Kyle Drennen-On November 15, 2011:

On Monday’s Rock Center on NBC, correspondent Kate Snow savaged Alabama’s new immigration law, touting left-wing historian Wayne Flynt comparing it to the racism of the 1960s: “This is just mean-spirited. This is – this is finding the most vulnerable people within a’s like the blacks in 1963 who could not vote in Alabama.” [Audio available here]

Snow followed by citing the plight of one illegal immigrant family operating a bakery in the state: “The Sanchezs agree. They feel like Alabama blacks of the Jim Crow era.”

Snow then turned to Republican Governor Robert Bentley and leveled a harsh accusation: “The woman who owns this bakery, she said the men who did this are racists. She was talking about you, sir.”

As Snow made the “Jim Crow era” comparison, footage appeared on screen of blacks being sprayed with fire hoses and threatened with attack dogs during civil rights marches in the ‘60s.

Anchor Brian Williams introduced Snow’s hit piece by declaring: “Tensions have reached a boiling point in the state of Alabama, which recently enacted the nation’s toughest immigration crackdown, one that has sparked a big and ugly fight.”

Talking about the Sanchez family – not using their real name – Snow explained: “They say they’re responsible, church-going, tax-paying members of their community. And Maria Sanchez says she believes the charge of criminality isn’t the real motivation for the crackdown.” Snow wondered: “Why do you think this law passed?”

Maria Sanchez ranted: “Because of racism, it’s as simple as that....You have to look at the smiles on those people’s faces when the Governor signed that law. Just look at that sinister smile. That’s why I say it.”

As the show went to a commercial break, Williams teased: “And when we continue, Alabama’s governor answers that charge of racism, and the fierce criticism from farmers who thought he was on their side.”

Following the commercial, before returning to Snow’s report, Williams informed viewers:

“The Obama administration is suing Alabama, along with Arizona and South Carolina, claiming the states have overstepped their authority to regulate immigration, traditionally considered a federal matter. But Alabama has a tougher fight, much closer to home...”

After demanding Governor Bentley respond to accusations of him being racist, Snow followed up: “Can you understand, sir, how this looks to people outside of Alabama? People think about Alabama and they think about the past, unfortunately.”

Bentley replied: “In the ‘50s and ‘60s, the federal government was trying to get Alabama to obey the Constitution. They were right and we were wrong in the South....Today what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to get the federal government to obey the law.”

As proof of the supposedly racist nature of the new immigration law, Snow provided this anecdote:

“The day after the immigration law took effect, the Sanchezs’ daughter tried to carry on as she normally would, boarding the bus for school. From the bus, she sent us a text message saying that the driver had snapped “You’re Mexicans, you’re going to have to leave.” Maria and Jose Sanchez were trying to get over the shock, as we walked through their neighborhood, already abandoned by many residents.”

After Snow concluded her report, Williams remarked to her in studio: “We said at the top of the evening, this was getting ugly and it is.” He later added that the story was a “powerful piece of work.”

Here is a full transcript of the November 14 segment: 

10:21PM ET

WILLIAMS: If you scratch the surface, most Americans admit to mixed feelings about illegal immigration. People who take a hard line against undocumented workers in this country are often unable to say exactly where our produce would come from without them. On the other hand, folks who are sympathetic to the plight of undocumented workers often ignore the strain they put on public services. These tensions have reached a boiling point in the state of Alabama, which recently enacted the nation’s toughest immigration crackdown, one that has sparked a big and ugly fight. Kate Snow tonight reports on the state where if you’re undocumented, help is not wanted.

KATE SNOW: It’s a bitter harvest this fall on Chandler Mountain in Alabama’s northern hill country. Farmer Ellen Jenkins couldn’t find enough help to pick her tomatoes and now they’re rotting on the vine. The Mexican workers who used to be here are gone. Ever since her husband passed away two years ago, she had counted on those workers. She says they helped her save her farm.

ELLEN JENKINS: They practically become your family when they start working with you. You can ask them to do anything in the world and they’ll come to you. A lot of times you don’t have to ask them. They see you doing something, they’ll come and help you.

SNOW: And they did. Until that day in late September when Alabama’s new immigration law, the toughest in the nation, went into effect. The law covers a lot of ground. Among other things, it prohibits employers from hiring undocumented workers, has police demand proof of legal residency when they pull someone over, and orders schools to gather citizenship information from new students. That last part was temporarily blocked by a court. It all proved too much for Jenkins’ Mexican workers.

JENKINS: They just said, ‘Well, we’re going to have to leave.’ And I said what have you got to leave for? ‘Well, we don’t want no problems.’ The women were literally crying because they didn’t know what was going to happen to their families.

SNOW: It’s the same for undocumented families across Alabama. Like Jose Sanchez’s family. He and his wife, Maria, say they risked everything to get here to open their own bakery. They asked us not to use their real names and hide Maria’s face. They say eight years ago they were desperate to leave the violence of Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez and that they tried and failed to get U.S. visas, so they decided to cross through the desert with their two children. Do you remember this journey? You were six years old.

MS. SANCHEZ [DAUGHTER]: Yeah, I remember.

SNOW: How hard was that?

MS. SANCHEZ: It was really hard because it was walking through the desert, not knowing if you’re going to survive, if you’re going to get sent back, if you’re going to die like many people did, because while you were walking through the desert, you would see dead bodies. You would see poisonous animals.

SNOW: Do you think about it anymore?

MS. SANCHEZ: There’s times where I have nightmares.

SNOW: Why would you take so much risk to come to this country?

MR. SANCHEZ [FATHER]: To have a better situation for my family, be able to live more freely, not go hungry, and to give them the opportunity to go to school. That’s why we risked our lives, so they could live better lives than we did as children.

SNOW: In Alabama, the Sanchezs both worked full time and at night they baked bread and delivered it door to door.

MR. SANCHEZ: Sometimes we’d knock on 150, 200 doors.

SNOW: 200 Doors?

MR. SANCHEZ: Bringing bread. And that’s how we became a very popular family.

SNOW: So popular that two years ago, they were able to open the bakery. The Sanchezs acknowledge that they broke the law when they entered the country, but now they say they’d do anything, pay any penalty, to become legal residents. But there’s no way to do so, and things just got tougher.

SNOW: When you first heard about this new Alabama law, what did you think?

MR. SANCHEZ: That the sky was crashing down on us. Not just for me, but for everybody here, because these are people who came to work, really work. There might be some people who came with other intentions, but we’re just here to work and offer our kids a better life.

SNOW: That better life may be ending. Because of the new law, they won’t be able to renew their business license and will have to give up their bakery. That’s all fine with Clarissa Winchester, whose father immigrated legally from Mexico, but whose opposition to illegal immigration is deeply personal.

CLARISSA WINCHESTER: Illegal immigration had cost our family member her life. That was at the point that I became angry enough to act on it.

SNOW: Winchester has been lobbying Alabama politicians for a crackdown since 2005, when her sister-in-law was killed by a drunk driver who was an undocumented immigrant. You started advocating?


SNOW: What’s the link between this one man who did this horrible thing to your sister-in-law and this entire pool of people that are here illegally?

WINCHESTER: Definitely for me the connection is the word “illegal.” Many times people try to tell me, ‘Well, you don’t know so and so. This is my friend or this is my employer.’ But it’s really hard for me to hear anything else that they have to say when the first sentence out of your mouth was let me tell you about this great person that’s a criminal.

SNOW: Not surprisingly, that’s a description the Sanchezs reject. They say they’re responsible, church-going, tax-paying members of their community. And Maria Sanchez says she believes the charge of criminality isn’t the real motivation for the crackdown. Why do you think this law passed?

MRS. SANCHEZ [MOTHER]: Because of racism, it’s as simple as that.

SNOW: So you think people here just don’t like having Latinos around.


SNOW: How do you know?

MRS. SANCHEZ: You have to look at the smiles on those people’s faces when the Governor signed that law. Just look at that sinister smile. That’s why I say it.

WILLIAMS: We’re going to take a break in our story right here. And when we continue, Alabama’s governor answers that charge of racism, and the fierce criticism from farmers who thought he was on their side. That’s when Rock Center continues.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back to Rock Center. Alabama is now the epicenter of this national argument over illegal immigration thanks to the state’s new law that is the toughest in the nation. The Obama administration is suing Alabama, along with Arizona and South Carolina, claiming the states have overstepped their authority to regulate immigration, traditionally considered a federal matter. But Alabama has a tougher fight, much closer to home, and now Kate Snow continues her reporting.

SNOW: Since Alabama’s strict new immigration law took effect, some farm workers have pitched in for one last harvest. Others are already gone, leaving behind rotting crops and desperate farmers. Farmers who were giving an earful to the legislators who voted for the law.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN [ALABAMA FARMER]: No farm workers, which is costing the farmer. Dead crops, spoiling crops is costing the farmer.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN [FARMER]: We need anyone that will listen that we are starving right now.

SNOW: The new law has pitted natural allies against each other. In the southeast corner of Alabama, we talked with four farmers, Amy and Lee Fitch, Jerry Danford and Todd Shelly, who have all seen the exodus of their workers. How many of you voted Republican in the last presidential election?


SNOW: Show of hands.

AMY FITCH: I would consider myself a Republican and normally vote that way.

SNOW: How many of you have ever voted for a Democratic president? Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton?


SNOW: And Republican Governor Robert Bentley, who signed the immigration law, did you vote for him?

DANFORD: Yeah, I voted for him.

SNOW: How do you feel about that vote now, Jerry?

DANFORD: Bad. Real bad. It was an honest mistake. But, you know, I feel bad over it.

SNOW: One of the strongest veins of opposition to this law are Republicans. People who voted for you. Farmers.

ROBERT BENTLEY: That’s right.

SNOW: This is Governor Bentley’s first national TV interview on the immigration law. Diehard Republicans say this is the worst law that they’ve seen in a long time. It’s going to destroy their business.

BENTLEY: If they are using illegal workers right now, will it hurt them? Possibly. Especially this first year or maybe the second year. But eventually it will not hurt them because we will get back to doing things the right way.

SNOW: As the Governor sees it, the flight of undocumented immigrant workers will put a dent in the state’s nearly 10% unemployment rate. When they leave, the theory goes, legal residents will take their place. But all the farmers can see is a future without anyone to pick their crops.

TODD SHELLY: I probably can’t find anybody else, so that would be it.

SNOW: What do you mean that would be it?

SHELLY: No more watermelons. Not on my farm. Or Lee’s farm.

SNOW: But here’s the counter-argument, if you paid more, if your hourly wage was higher, you could get Americans to do this work, Jerry.

DANFORD: I doubt it. Regardless of what you offered them within reason, they wouldn’t put in the long hours. If they will find me a pool of labor, I will hire them. I’ll do that.

SNOW: You just don’t think that exists?

DANFORD: That don’t exist.

SNOW: That’s exactly what Ellen Jenkins discovered when she brought Americans to work at her farm after the Mexicans left. They just couldn’t take the long hours of hard, physical labor. Most stayed a day or two. Only one lasted a few weeks before he quit. I’d like to play you a clip of a tomato farmer, if it’s okay, that we met yesterday. We asked her directly what would she say to the Governor.

JENKINS: I’d just ask him why couldn’t he at least come and see what it was all about before he, you know, jumped the gun. Before you sign a bill and destroy people’s life. Why them? You know? You see anybody else that can come up here and work 14 hours a day and do this kind of work, I want to see them.

SNOW: What would you say to her?

BENTLEY: I mean I feel – I really do feel sorry for farmers, but here again, she understands that she is hiring people who are not legal.

SNOW: She’s afraid her business is going to go under.

BENTLEY: And I understand that. I understand. And I feel sorry for her and her business, I really do. And we are working, trying to fit workers with jobs. And we’re going to continue to do that. We eventually will be able to find workers that will do this job.

SNOW: It’s not just agriculture. A new forecast out of the University of Alabama estimates the law will cost the state economy at least $40 million. Workers are fleeing construction companies rebuilding from last spring’s tornados. And Latinos, both undocumented and legal residents, are abandoning Hispanic neighborhoods and businesses. The undocumented immigrant population in Alabama was never huge, only 2.5%. Yet as their numbers grew over the past decade, so did anti-immigrant sentiment. This law is popular, more than 60% support the law.

WAYNE FLYNT: Oh, absolutely. Oh, absolutely. There’s no question.

SNOW: Historian Wayne Flint of Auburn University is the author of nine books about Alabama’s history.

FLYNT: Anti-immigration is probably as popular a political issue as you can find in Alabama. I would remind you, however, that being against the federal government’s integration policies in 1963 was equally popular.

SNOW: Are you equating those two things?

FLYNT: I am equating those two. This is just mean-spirited. This is – this is finding the most vulnerable people within a society, people who can’t vote, most of them are women and children. They have no political power. And so in a sense it’s like the blacks in 1963 who could not vote in Alabama.

SNOW: The Sanchezs agree. They feel like Alabama blacks of the Jim Crow era. And as in 1963, Alabama and the federal government are at odds over a racially charged issue. The woman who owns this bakery, she said the men who did this are racists. She was talking about you, sir.

BENTLEY: Well, that’s – I am certainly not racist. I am not racist. In fact, that’s insulting to anyone to think that I would be racist. I love everyone.

SNOW: The Governor says Alabama had to pass its law because the federal government wasn’t enforcing its own laws on immigration. Can you understand, sir, how this looks to people outside of Alabama?


SNOW: People think about Alabama and they think about the past, unfortunately.

BENTLEY: Well, but they shouldn’t link it. In the ‘50s and ‘60s, the federal government was trying to get Alabama to obey the Constitution. They were right and we were wrong in the South. They were trying to get us to obey the law. Today what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to get the federal government to obey the law. So it’s just the opposite.

SNOW: The day after the immigration law took effect, the Sanchezs’ daughter tried to carry on as she normally would, boarding the bus for school. From the bus, she sent us a text message saying that the driver had snapped “You’re Mexicans, you’re going to have to leave.” Maria and Jose Sanchez were trying to get over the shock, as we walked through their neighborhood, already abandoned by many residents.

MRS. SANCHEZ: I don’t know where to go, what’s going to follow this.

SNOW: What are you going to do, do you know?

MRS. SANCHEZ: We don’t know. We just know we’re going to go, but we have no idea where. One day, I’ll be back with my papers, I promise it. If I came in through the back door before, I’ll come in through the front door next time.

SNOW: But for the Sanchez family and others who came to this country illegally, that may be an unrealistic dream. And many won’t even try to return.

JENKINS: Some of them said if Alabama didn’t want them, then they’re taking their whole family. They made it perfectly clear, we won’t be back. And I believe them.

WILLIAMS: Kate Snow, we said at the top of the evening, this was getting ugly and it is. And let’s all agree that farming is some of the hardest, most back-breaking, honest work in this country. And let’s just cut to the economics of it. Aside from the human toll, am I correct in guessing that when more crops end up on the ground rotting and perhaps prices are affected and availability, that then more attention will be focused on this?

SNOW: Perhaps. And in the short term that’s certainly true. The people in northern Alabama who love those Chandler Mountain tomatoes, they can’t get those at the farmer’s market right now. They’re getting Tennessee tomatoes instead. However, the farmers did say to us that they will adjust, they’ll have to. They’ll probably have to plant more row crops coming in the spring because a lot of this law starts to really take effect come January 1st. The employment provisions, which by the way say that not only can you not hire someone who doesn’t have the proper documentation, but you have to check every one of your existing employees. If you have more than one employee, you have to check your staff. If you want to hire your mother, you’ve got to check her paperwork and make sure, through E-verify system, verification system, that she’s legit.

WILLIAMS: And more on the web of all those interviews you conducted.

SNOW: Including the Governor, who spoke with us at length, his first television interview on the subject. So there’s a lot more of that on our website.

WILLIAMS: Powerful piece of work. Kate Snow, thanks for coming back.”

-- Kyle Drennen is a news analyst at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Kyle Drennen on Twitter.


Question:  I wonder how many Hispanics and/or Mexican-Americans know that Jim Crow was in fact a Democrat, along with the racist history of the Democratic Party?

The following article and/or blog post reveals the deplorable and/or disgusting racist history of the Democratic Party, to include revealing that on or about February 18, 1946 federal judge Paul McCormick, who was appointed by Republican President Calvin Coolidge, ended segregation of Mexican-American children in California public schools:

Astonishing History of Democrat Racism: ‘Democrats have always been the Party of Slavery and Racism!’Posted on Sports Refuge-By Bearsownpackers-On April 4, 2009:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Video: Democrats: States Should Not Require Voters to Present Photo ID!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Nicholas Ballasy-On November 7, 2011:

Voting without photo ID pushed for all 50 states: ‘Just walk into a polling location, register, cast ballot immediately!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 4, 2011:

Is Obama’s DHS Helping Illegal Aliens Commit Voter Fraud?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Kevin “Coach” Collins-On October 24, 2011:

MSNBC’s Sharpton: People Favoring Voter IDs Want to ‘Revoke the Voting Rights Act’!-Posted on News Busters-By Noel Sheppard-On October 16, 2011:

Black Activists Criticize Jesse Jackson on Voting Rights!-Posted on The Center For Public Policy Research-On June 22, 2011:

Time to Launch Operation Chaos!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On June 16, 2011:

64,000 Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Being Investigated in New Mexico!-Posted on Susan Jones-On June 15, 2011:

Despite Congressional Leader’s Claim, Requiring an ID to Vote is Nothing Like Forced Segregation!-Posted on The Center for Public Policy Research-On June 7, 2011:

Maricopa County GOP Website Alleges Massive Voter Fraud in Arizona and Colorado!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On October 24, 2010:

AZ Group Accused of Massive Voter Fraud Is Offshoot of SEIU-Posted on Big Government-By Jim Hoft-On October 22, 2010:

NoteThe following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways, to include one which strives to eradicate America's national borders and institute a system of mass, unregulated migration into and out of the United States -- thereby rendering all distinctions between legal and illegal immigrants anachronistic, and making it much easier for aspiring terrorists to enter our country-You Decide: 

Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:

Note The following web sites and article and/or blog reveal George Soros’ Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and register new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections to Democrats (Progressives) in all 50 states-You Decide:

George Soros’s Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!-Posted on

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!-Posted on

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-OnJuly 1, 2011:

Note:  The following website and article and/or blog post reveals that George Soros funds Leftist foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye-You Decide:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!-Posted on

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By J. Christian Adams-On August 12, 2011:

Note:  The following article and/or blog post reveals how the Main Stream Media is assisting President Obama and minions to bring down capitalist America, as the propaganda machine of the neo-fascist Left, along with my blog post that reveals that George Soros owns the Main Stream Media, to include Hollywood-You Decide:

The Judas Media!-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Note:  My following numerous blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

'Game Change':  New Book Reveals 2008 Campaigns' Messy Moments-To Include Racism!

How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!“illegal-immigration”-issue-affects-our-everyday-lives/

Is “Illegal Immigration” Illegal?“illegal-immigration”-illegal/

Backsliding On National Security: The Immigration Connection!

U.S. Southwest Border Smuggling and Violence!

What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?

Threat of the Mexican drug cartel, illegal border-crossers and “sanctuary cities”!“sanctuary-cities”/  

ICE Agents Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Leaders!‘no-confidence’-in-leaders/

ICE chief says feds might not ‘process’ illegals arrested in Arizona!  

Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico!    

Obama’s Arizona Immigration Law Hypocritical Lie!’s-arizona-immigration-law-hypocritical-lie/

Arizona-Style Rebellions Over Immigration Spread!

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Court overturns Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration!’s-proof-of-citizenship-requirement-for-voter-registration/

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

North American Union: WND killed it?

Have they?

Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 15, 2011:

American University political science professor Robert A. Pastor, whom WND termed in 2006 as “the father of the North American Union,” has written a new book in which he blames WND for the failure to realize his dream.

On page 11 of his Oxford University published new book, entitled “The North American Idea: A Vision of a Continental Europe,” Pastor openly attacks WND by suggesting the news site’s concerns with the plans Pastor advanced for North American integration amounted to nothing more than baseless “conspiracy theory”:

In “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Jerome Corsi makes a conspiratorial case that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Council on Foreign Relations and me were secretly conspiring to create a North American Union in the same way that Jean Monnet and others established the European Union – step-by-step. “Our national sovereignty is in danger,” he warned.

Two paragraphs later, Pastor sharpened his attack by a disparaging reference to two unrelated books, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” published in 2004, and “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” published in 2008:

Corsi, who wrote a book impugning John Kerry’s service in Vietnam and another attacking Barack Obama, developed arguments that the John Birch Society and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum used to try to show that the SPP [Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America] was a first step toward a North American Union (NAU). Together, they persuaded conservative legislators to introduce bills in 23 states that condemned the NAU and also a nonexistent NAFTA superhighway.

With these comments, Pastor’s resentment that his notion of a “North American Community” faced serious political opposition is obvious, as is his determination to insist that anyone who disagreed with him must be some type of right-wing fringe conspiracy theorist whose concerns were reducible to an atavistic prejudice that prevented appreciation of the benefits Pastor saw to advancing political globalism in North America.

Get the book that helped put a halt to globalist designs in North America—now just $4.95 -- Corsi’s “The Late Great USA”

Similarly, Pastor castigates commentators Lou Dobbs and Pat Buchanan, writing the following in the opening paragraph of the preface to the book: “Every time this dynamic duo [Dobbs and Buchanan] let loose on TV or radio, my email box filled with the most scurrilous attacks.”

Pastor has difficulty accepting that the American people rejected his plan in full appreciation of the fact that Pastor did intend to move NAFTA in the direction of an EU-like political compact, complete with a North American parliament and a North American central bank, complete with the “amero,” a North American currency.

The death of the ‘North American dream’

With his new book, Pastor is attempting to revive the idea of North American integration by repackaging ideas he presented in his many previous books and articles on the subject.

With “The North American Idea,” Pastor appears to be calculating that his idea of North American economic and political regional integration can be more easily sold if he downplays the idea of “Toward a North American Community,” the title of his 2001 book, in favor of “The North American Idea,” the title of his current book.

As recently as 2008, WND reported Pastor had declared that his North American dream was “dead.”

He correctly predicted in the July/August 2008 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations magazine Foreign Affairs that the president following George W. Bush would discard the SPP – the agreement to increase cooperation on security and economic issues made by President Bush with the heads of state of Mexico and Canada following a tripartite summit held in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005.

WND reported that at its height, the SPP had some 20 different working groups composed of policymakers and bureaucrats from the United States, Mexico and Canada working together in joint committees spanning a wide range of issues, ranging from commerce, to aviation policy, to border security and immigration – all implemented without the approval of a treaty by the U.S. Senate and without congressional approval or oversight of working-group participation by dozens of U.S. federal government employees.

The NAU stealth agenda

Before killing the SPP website completely, Obama did follow Pastor’s advice, first by migrating to contain unrelated Commerce Department content, then by killing the website altogether – even though a SPP website yet remains operative in Canada.

Today, under the Obama administration, SPP-like meetings are being held, but under the less controversial “rebranded” and “refocused” structure designated as the “North American Leaders Summit.”

The most recent meeting, scheduled to follow the APEC summit in Hawaii for Saturday, Nov. 20, 2011, had to be postponed when Mexican President Calderon decided to remain home following the helicopter crash that killed Mexican Interior Minister Francisco Blake Mora.

While the 20 working groups appear to have been disbanded when the SPP was formally abandoned, the Obama administration nevertheless continues to advance the NAU agenda below the radar of national public opinion.

On Feb. 4, 2011, for instance, the Obama administration signed without congressional approval a joint declaration with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, entitled “Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness.”

Then, WND reported the decision to declare a continental perimeter for the United States and Canada, designed to effectively combine the two nations in mutual national security and economic efforts – a move dubbed “Beyond the Border.”

This agreement affirmed the Obama administration’s decision to implement the key objectives of the SPP so as to avoid the public scrutiny that dogged President George W. Bush after he openly proclaimed with the SPP his plans for North American integration.

Without doubt, the “Beyond the Border” declaration followed the blueprint Pastor as co-chair published in a 2005 Council on Foreign Relations report, “Building a North American Community.”

That report called on page xvii of the foreword for the “establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security perimeter, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter.”

Notably, the “Beyond the Border” declaration created a new Beyond the Border Working Group, designated by the acronym BBWG.

According to the joint declaration, the BBWG, composed of “representatives from the appropriate departments and offices of our respective federal governments,” was tasked with developing a “Plan of Action” to realize the goals of the declaration and to report annually to the “Leaders,” specified as the president of the United States and the prime minister of Canada.

Pastor’s grand ‘North American Idea’

In a clear effort to avoid the type of publicity that killed the SPP, Pastor’s new book suggests the agenda to advance North American economic and political integration beyond NAFTA can best be achieved by promoting what he now describes in his latest iteration as the “North American Idea.”

How exactly the North American Idea differs from the North American Community is hard to distinguish, unless we are to assume the North American Idea is the articulation of the grand scheme that to Pastor and other globalists justifies moving from NAFTA to a new stage of regional integration, evidently still designated as the North American Community.

“Without a vision of a future North America, minor incremental reforms are not worth the energy, and bolder proposals will not be taken seriously,” Pastor writes on page 167, as an introduction to his blueprint of 20 proposals “that could be the building blocks of a North American Community,” in policy areas dealing with 1) the North American economy; 2) national and public security; 3) transnational issues, like immigration and climate change; and 4) institutions.

Regarding institutions, Pastor returns to his familiar recommendation that a North American Advisory Council consisting of non-governmental policy experts be constituted to advise the heads of state of the three nations and that the existing U.S.-Canadian Inter-Parliamentary Group and the U.S.-Mexican Inter-Parliamentary Group should be combined into a North American Parliamentary group to prepare a North American legislative agenda.

“If the leaders explain to the people how our individual countries will grow as we integrate a North American Community, then many things become possible,” Pastor concludes on page 201.

“If the three countries can view themselves as part of a region in which each has a challenge that requires cooperation to succeed, then North America becomes larger than the sum of the parts.”

Interestingly, this time around, when the survival of the euro as a regional currency is in question, Pastor avoided advocating explicitly the creation of the amero as a North American currency, a proposal he openly urged in the pages of his 2001 book on the North American Community.

Old wine, new bottle

What is remarkable about this book if nothing else is that Pastor persists with his dream of North American integration.

Still, this time around, he remains as careful as ever not to claim he truly aspires to create a North American Union, along the EU model.

Even today Pastor evidently believes the distinction is meaningful.

He seems yet convinced some readers will buy the notion that he means to stop short at creating a North American Community, without advancing to a North American Union, because he says so – despite clear evidence the EU was itself created by stealth methodology, as documented by Christopher Booker and Robert North in their 2003 bookentitled “The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union.”

Evidently unable or unwilling to accept defeat even today, Pastor refuses to consider seriously that the citizens of the three nations rejected the SPP not because President George W. Bush and the leaders of Mexico and Canada fumbled the process, but because an informed citizenry in each of the three nations preferred retaining strong national sovereignty, rather than embracing Pastor’s idea of creeping globalism realized through regional integration.

Pastor’s new book proves the dreams of the globalists do not die easily, at least not as long as university presses are willing to bet Pastor’s warmed-over polemic might yet sell a few books to those elitists among us still longing for continental identity.

In the final analysis, Pastor continues to look at the map of the United States, Mexico and Canada and see not three nations, but an arising North American something-or-other – call it “Community,” or call it “Union” – what exactly is the difference?

Perhaps most importantly, Pastor’s book serves to remind opponents that we must remain ever more vigilant to prevent presidents such as Obama from using stealth methodology to implement piecemeal what George W. Bush at least had the courage to proclaim openly that he was trying to accomplish.”


Note:  What follows is an article and/or blog post that contains a WikiLeaks Cable that reveals the “North American Initiative” as being part of the New World Order agenda, along with an article and/or blog post that relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory': 'Most believe the incremental approach most appropriate at this time'-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 21, 2011:

'North American Parliament' under way: ‘Some hope exercise of U.S., Canadian, Mexican reps becomes reality!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 28, 2008:

Note:  The following website reveals that George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) funds organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations-You Decide:

Organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies:

  • According to George Soros, “We need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.” Consistent with this perspective, the Open Society Institute in 2008 gave $150,000 to the United Nations Foundation, which “works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach.” Moreover, OSI is considered a “major” funder of the Coalition for anInternational Criminal Court, which aims to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures in certain cases to an international prosecutor who could initiate capricious or politically motivated prosecutions of U.S. officials and military officers.


Guide to The George Soros Network-Posted on

NoteWhat follows is a “Soros Files” website that was recently launched by Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc. that does a meticulous job of revealing other deplorable actions by the anti-American hedge fund billionaire that I believe, if not stopped now, will ultimately destroy this great country of ours as we know it:

Note:  The following videos and article and/or blog post reveal the New World Order, along with the role of the U.S. in the New World Order-You Decide:

Video: The Power Behind the New World Order (Full Movie)!

Video: Fall of the Republic!

Video: The Obama Deception!

Video: Illuminati Obama and The New World Order!

Video: Illuminati New World Order Martial Law!

Video: The President who told the Truth about illuminati!

Video: New World Order End Game!

Video The NWO Agenda Exposed!

The U.S. Role in a New Global Order: Obama’s Speech Before the British Parliament-Posted on Brookings Institution-By Bruce Jones, Director, Managing Global Order, The Brookings Institution-On May 27, 2011:

Note: This is a powerful message from a former C.I.A. Agent to all Americans-You Decide:

Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?’s-‘one-nation-working-together’-rally/

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Declaration of Independence

My name is Molly, I am new here. Last night as I was watching Glenn Beck he talked about the Declaration of Independence. I don't know if anyone else has had this idea, but I felt the Holy Spirit move and heard God tell me that if the government takes the Declaration of Independence out of our school systems and out of the government system, then we should nominate a few good men or women to write something like the Declaration of Independence. We could send it to Congress and see if it would pass. This might just be the first step in turning the country around. Please give me your take on this.



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