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To the People of the Republic of Texas:

April 30, 2011 in the Year of Our Lord

It is with little hope of publication that I sit to record these, my thoughts on the current state of affairs affecting our Republic of Texas. Many are the ills confronting us as a people of this proud state, indeed, too many to commiserate here in a limited missive.

I have been awakened on occasion the last few years by a loud thumping noise. The noise vexed me greatly for I could discern no ready source of the chaotic din. After long hours of intense contemplation, and some investigation, I have discovered the source. It is the sound of the past patriots of the Texas soul spinning in their graves. Sam Houston, Stephen Austin, William Travis, Jim Bowie, Ben Milam, and a host of others have indeed polished the insides of their coffins. The despicable levels we have allowed this once great and noble example of liberty to descend to are unconscionable. The Lone Star no longer waves proudly for all to see. Instead it hangs limply in shame for want of a patriotic spirit in its peoples.

There is no question, at least in my admittedly limited intellect, that we are in the closing stages of a long, protracted agenda intended to strip the peoples of the United States of all that freedom and liberty once meant. We are being morphed from free citizens with rights reserved to subjects with no such rights as are not allowed to us by our masters. The usurpations and transgressions are too many to list, yet a few of the most onerous must indeed  be addressed.

The problem as I see it is we are being attacked from so many directions that we lose focus on what is important to us as citizens of Texas. To be sure, the national issues must be confronted; however, it is apparent to my poor cognizance that we should perhaps get our own house in order before cleaning up the neighborhood. Perchance, if the citizens of the greatest state in the union can stand up and loudly proclaim “Cease!  No More!”  then the other more timid will find their wits and courage and follow the example. Texas and Texicans have a moral imperative to be leaders in the defense of our rights and liberties. The spirit of Goliad, the Alamo and San Jacinto courses hotly through our veins. The honor and sacrifice of those Texicans who rose and defended the union in World Wars one and two deserve no less. The countless brave souls who have spent their lives and honor to protect us in undeclared “wars” and “police actions” deserve no less. And finally, we who have been graced by the almighty to have been born in this great state must rise to our rightful height of dignity and honor and lead where no other will advance. If our current state leadership is not up to the task, we must cast them aside and find those who will lead. We can no longer sit and listen to the mindless drivel being spewed by our leaders. Mediocrity and compliance are no longer possible or desired. We need leaders who will protect and defend most vigorously our rights and interests as Texicans.

Much is being said about the process of State nullification. Many brush it aside as wishful thinking and others merely shrug out of ignorance of the process. Rest assured fellow Texicans, nullification is a real, viable reply to the transgressions of the mighty. It is a remedy that we should be pursuing with boldness and intent. Alas, the only alternatives are secession or, worse, submission.  Dissolution of the union is not an option in my opinion.  Forcefully returning it to its enumerated scope of powers is an option and in these times, a vital necessity.

The uncertainty of will would seem to me to be a serious lack of education. Our children are no longer taught to be citizens. They are instead taught to do whatever makes them feel good. It would appear that self-esteem is thought to be more important than intellect and integrity.  There is no right or wrong, only that which pleases us. Our churches, schools and most definitely our parents have instilled no sense of patriotism or civic mindedness in our youngsters. How then are they to defend themselves against those who would harm them? Would you have them become a herd of mindless, obedient slaves to the moneyed elite? Would you condemn them to an eternity of abject servitude to a powerful nanny state that forbids individuality and independent thought?  Is this really what you and we wish for our children and their children? God Forbid! I would rather they grow up with the chance to be anything they desire. I would wish them the success that all should be free to attain.

So, who will take up the burden? Who will lead and who will follow? Do we Texicans no longer have the will and honor to lead? I wonder… and I fear.

Upon this missive rests the likelihood of others. I feel the need to address the nullification issue. And I should like to point out how I see it as a deterrent to the various usurpations cast upon us. Perhaps I shall offer my thoughts in a future letter. It all depends.

American by Birth, Texan by the Grace of God.

An Old Texican

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Last night, I said to my wife, Karen, “I’m burned out. There is nothing but bad news.” She agreed. This  Monday morning, May 2, 2011, I turned on my computer and the headlines read, “Osama Bin Laden Killed.”   On President Obama’s orders, U. S. troops raided Osama’s compound, killed him, and took custody of his body.  The man responsible for thousands of senseless American deaths is gone for good.  Justice has been served, but there is much more to do to bring peace to the world. “Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar’s” (Mk 12:17), “and to God the things that are God’s,” Jesus’ advice applies today as much as it did in Caesar’s time. 


Osama bin Laden was first against the United States; later against the American people for agreeing to finance this “Great Satin.”  This blog comes to you as a result of my questioning U.S. federal income tax.  I maintain it is unconstitutional, in fact, lawless and against the will of God.  If the American people had known the law, and held their Constitution sacred,  the United States would have remained the envy of the world and Osama bin Laden would have been just another Muslim.  There never would have be a war against Islam’s terrorists.  The American people have been led down a garden path to their jumping off place, and unprepared.   America’s leaders, who think they have better answers for us, have divided America for their good and the American peoples’ harm.


The question to Jesus was: Shall we give or shall we not give to Caesar? I went to the county law library for my answer.  While I read U. S. constitutional law, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  I had a bigger than life calling, a calling that changed my direction. 


My life was over. My calling came at a time when my business enterprise of 25 years was on the rocks, thanks to misdirected government; also at a time when my second wife was divorcing me.  With my strength coming from within, I cut my umbilical cord with my past and departed in search of a new and better life.  Once strictly on my own, I discovered who I really was and my life began to improve.   


So much for the establishment. We appreciate all the great things you’ve said about American values, President Obama—giving yourself credit by ordering Obama’s death—but you are misdirected, sir.  Your plan for America is a loser.  We are not here to work toward sharing and sharing alike.  We are not of hive insect mentality.   Jesus was not for what you say—collective salvation.   Hope in what you want will end in despair.  Jesus was for individual salvation.  I know because  I’m for Jesus’ way.  My life is good. 


We find that the universe has other than your ideas for us, President Obama.  How do I know? When I departed in 1975, Jesus of no influence at all,  by coincidence on Good Friday, the day Jesus was hung from a cross, I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.  This was an omen of things to come. Twenty-five years after my departure, with nothing better to do with my time, I was retired, I decided to write my memoirs.


One morning, first thing, I wrote on a yellow pad, the same as now, my thoughts. By typing my writings into my word processor, enabling me to move thoughts around and create a flow, groups of thoughts connecting with other groups, it has been like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together to form a picture.  


Shortly after my departure, by chance I ran into a professional astrologer and had him create my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. Of course it didn’t fit.  I had been living by the establishment’s rules. I had not been living the life I was intended to live.  My astrological chart now fits like a hand in a glove. For you astrologers, I was born on September 17, 1925 in Houston, Texas at 4:51 P.M.  I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising.


In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Pisces people are easily influenced and usually weak willed.  They are impressed by external factors.   The Pisces emblem is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.


Jesus arrived at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, his birth heralded by Persian astrologers. The three wise men were Persian astrologers, led to Jesus’ place of birth by the Star of Bethlehem.


Astrologers say that Aquarius rising can be someone with insight of the future.  The emblem of Aquarius is the water-bearer.  Astrologer’s Handbook says Aquarians are stubborn in their beliefs; they dislike hypocrisy in any form; and that they operate as equals among equals. 


Take note, President Obama, that we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius, astrologers say, an age of brotherhood and fraternity. I submit to you, President Obama, that, rather than for the good of all and naught for the individual, we are entering an age when the individual knows the power that lies within and shares with his brothers.


In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, we read in Chapter 6, “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven . . .No man can serve two masters. . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God. . .”  Jesus makes a distinction. Earth and heaven are places. The kingdom of God is a state of mind.  Once I looked within for my answers, I got the right answers.


The cutting edge of science clarifies Jesus’ message.  Earth and heaven are governed by immutable laws.  But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind.  With the advent of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in creation.  The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown that objective reality, as it has been conceived by the authorities, is not the true fabric of reality.  We humans have the ability to perceive.  The observer interacts with matter.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality. 


By reading this blog, and all the other 54 of my blogs at, you will expand your awareness considerably, as well as your insight into our future.  We are presently at the threshold of a quantum leap, the next stage of human evolvement.  Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.  




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The Stock Market UPTICK RULE needs to be reinstated again in order to prevent stock manipulators from doing what they did a in 2008-2009, that is, driving the stock market into the ground and consequently transfering wealth to those "powers behind the throne" who wish to transfer the wealth of this nation to their own pockets. Why did they conveniently get rid of the UPTICK RULE several years ago prior to the market crash?  The answer is self-evident in that they made hundreds of billions driving the market into the ground and hundreds of billions more riding it back up.  These manipulators did the same thing with the housing market and are the reason why we have a high unemployment rate.  Why did they send our 4000+ factories overseas to the detriment of the working people?  Do they have the politicians in their back pocket?  You bet!  But that is not all they want.  They also eventually want to transfer political power to themselves more fully than the power which they now control. 


We need to vote and we need to demand that honest, moral, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens run for all government offices and that we support their efforts to elected office.  Finally, we need to hope and pray for God to show His divine mercy by allowing these people to be elected to office to replace those who would and are harming us now.



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May 1, 2011


Fellow  Patriots:


I choose  "May Day," the Communist Party's day to celebrate its enslavement of people,  to urge my fellow  Patriots to make this latest lie by The White House of Barack Hussein Obama,  the release of a  fraudulent  "Certificate of Live Birth of Barack Hussein Obama II," which was today documented as fraudulent by The Washington Times and The Western Center For Journalism, the death knell of Obama's political life and the beginning of a Congressional Impeachment Process for  "high crimes and misdemeanors" that, when proven, will  Impeaches  him,  to discourage others from following in his footsteps. 


Massachusetts is integral to the birth of our  United States of America, and  we are, therefore,  a most fitting citizenry  to create the wave of action that will rid our country of this man who appears to act   against both our Republic and  our Constitutionally Conservative Freedoms.  There are more Tea Party Constitutional Conservatives in Massachusetts than there are progressive socialists any day of the week -- we  simply need to become  better  "community organizers."



Everything that Obama has said and done since he ran for this office appears to have been aimed at the destruction of our wealth, our freedoms and our values.   From his campaign statement that got him elected, "The only people who do not want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide," to his then spending millions in legal fees to seal all his  personal records from any  Congressional Inquiry into his Article II, Section I Presidential eligibility as a "natural born citizen," Obama appears to have practiced deceit to get the power he needs to destroy our limited Constitutional Government and replace it with an unlimited socialist government.  Under the Obama Federal Government  the TSA  now gives people unconstitutional full body feel downs when they try to board a plane while, as Commander In Chief, he is endeavoring to promote homosexuality in the Military by forcing a chain of command order to openly embrace homosexuality down the throats of  the military while simultaneously refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.  It has been shown that the Obama Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureaucracy recently and deliberately bought from gun dealers and sold to Mexican drug cartels some 1500 automatic weapons,  apparently so that Obama could claim American weapons dealers were to blame for these weapons being in the hands of the drug cartels and apparently so that he could then move to eliminate our Second Amendment Rights To Keep and Bear Arms.  Another result of giving weapons to the Mexican drug cartels  could well be that it would make crossing our apparently,  deliberately unprotected Mexican border far easier by the many Mexicans that freely cross that border daily  until our Mexican Border disappears altogether and, together with his strident push for blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, could well usher in the kind of North American Union that so many progressive proponents of Blanket Amnesty have been championing ever since George H. W. Bush signed the "Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America,"  without Congressional approval,  with the president of Mexico and the prime minister of Canada in early 2004.   This would appear to be the most obvious answer to Obama's open border / amnesty actions.  


We all remember that his very first act as president was to bail out, with our tax dollars, under a "too big to fail" doctrine, the banks  after they virtually collapsed our economy and lost money from the September 2008 evaporation of $50 Trillion (that is Trillion with a "T") of the $250 Trillion of mortgage backed securities  the private Federal Reserve Bank  had sold into the world market from Chase Manhattan (now J.P Morgan Chase) by bundling up the home loans all banks were forced to make to the non creditworthy from and after Barney Frank's 1994 amendment to the "Community Reinvestment Act of 1976" that President Clinton signed that year.     It was that massive mortgage backed securities evaporation,  never of course covered by our lock-step complicit media, that put us into the financial mess we are in now, in my opinion,  and which  Obama  has used, in every way possible ever since, as a tool  to spend and borrow us into bankruptcy as a country and to force us into the socialism he apparently believes in.  


We also recall that his next act was to "nationalize" our auto industry by taking over General Motors, with the complicity of and and apparently for the benefit of its unions, who now own the majority of General Motors stock!   He then rammed 2200 unread pages of "Obamacare" through the Progressive/Democrat controlled House and Senate on Christmas Eve, 2009,  and, thereby, attempted to nationalize  1/6  of our U.S. economy.  He has increased our "admitted"  national debt to $14 Trillion, and our actual national debt to around $40 Trillion, and appears to be  intent on spending and borrowing at a fevered pitch until,   our dollar is no longer the World's reserve Currency and we and it are viewed by the World as unstable, which is happening as I write this.   He even engages us in a war, without Congressional approval,  with a country that apparently did not attack us,  thereby causing us to interfere in  the domestic affairs of another country, apparently at the request of  and to please the "One Worlders" in control of the United Nations, which he is the only President in history to hold a seat in while in office.  Declaring war in this fashion would be  an impeachable offense,  in and of itself.  He appears to do, in a word, whatever he pleases, whenever  it pleases him, to apparently destroy the Freedoms and Wealth of We The People of the United States--  all with the complicity of the "lock step media." 


Fellow Patriots, now is the time to rise up and take our country back.  This is exactly why the Tea Party Movement was founded.  The time for action is now. 


Kind Regards,







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Video Posted on Vision to America-On April 30, 2011: 

Laura Ingraham discusses the Harry Alford hearing (Boxer)!

Posted on logalogalog-On Jul 25, 2009:

Note:  My following blog post includes the above video, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Google and Obama: Joined at the Hip!

Posted on Big Government-By Capitol Confidential-On May 1, 2011:

“Sources have told the Chicago Tribune that Google’s Eric Schmidt was seen dining with Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign manager Jim Messina at Café Spiaggia in Chicago last week providing further evidence of Google incestuous relationship with the Administration.

Democratic sources told the Tribune that the dinner was “part of the Obama team wooing and coordinating with the tech world.”  In the case of Google, we are confident it was more about coordinating than wooing.

Google and the president are well beyond the wooing stage of a relationship. Schmidt has been named a potential nominee to fill the vacated Secretary of Commerce position.  Such a nomination would cement Google’s influence over the Administration – a relationship that has put the company in a position to steer policy and taxpayer funded contracts back into the pockets of Google executives who have funded the president since his initial foray into the presidential arena in 2007.

In 2008, Politico detailed the relationship between the newly elected president and the company.  “’ From the staff attorney all the way up the line, everybody now knows that Google is close to Obama,’” Politico reported. “And that could subtly affect the policy playing field in Google’s favor.”  Subtly was an understatement.

The group Consumer Watchdog has detailed some of the way Google has benefited from their relationship with the Obama Administration, including how NASA’s Moffett Airfield has been turned into a subsidized private airport for Google executives.  But that is just crumbs off the government largess table.  Google has received contracts from NASA, the NSA and other government agencies.  At the same time, they have placed key people in policy positions in the White House.

Conservatives have little qualm with companies that are successful, hence some reservation about efforts to call for anti-trust review of the behemoth.  However, Google isn’t running away from the government – it is running to the government with arms wide open.  They are seeking contracts, policy bailouts and taxpayer support to help beef up their bottom line.  This spigot of taxpayer support for the company needs to be cut off and conservatives need to lead the charge.”


Note: My following blog posts include numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

What Happened to Free Speech?

The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Where Is America Today?

As a proud American that happens to be a Hispanic who honorably served his country selflessly for twenty years as a Marine Corps Mustang Officer, I am of the opinion that we have been experiencing a moral and spiritual crisis in America for some time now and are currently steamrolling into socialism and/or to come under Sharia Law and ultimately a one world government since the inauguration of President Obama.  As a result, I believe that there is an urgent necessity for each of us to peacefully do what we must to help recover the truth about America’s Christian heritage and stop our country from becoming a socialist nation and/or coming under Sharia Law and a one-world government before it is too late.

Although I am a registered democrat, on election day I decided not to vote for President Obama because I had numerous concerns and/or unanswered questions regarding what I saw as his lack of executive experience and seemingly shady background, to include his association with radical individuals and/or organizations, which were revealed during the process of conducting my own extensive research and/or investigation into each Presidential candidate’s personal, professional and political background with the intent of determining who they were, where they came from and, most important, what they stood for, as a means of educating myself prior to casting my ballot.

After having some time to experience and/or evaluate his governing of our country for approximately twenty-eight months, I am now convinced that since taking office this President, his Administration and allies, to include those Democrats in Congress and the Courts, with the help of the Main Stream Media, have intensified their transformation of our country into a socialist nation, which I believe has been in play in our country for some time now. This transformation includes the destruction of our American sovereignty and capitalist system and the creation of a New World Order in which the U.S. plays a subservient role.

In order for them to be able to finalize their transformation of our country President Obama must be re-elected in 2012 because I believe that the next step in the transformation process includes bringing on the next collapse that will be accomplished by suffocating and smothering our economy, which is already built into all the recent legislative reforms and regulatory changes that will take effect in 2013 or shortly thereafter.

I also believe that part of their transformation strategy includes the use of Hispanics, African Americans, union thugs and our youth as pawns to push their unrelenting racial and/or class propaganda as a means of dividing our country to the point of causing civil unrest and an uprising because this would allow the President to declare “Marshal Law”, as a means of completely doing away with our “Constitution Of The United States Of America and/orBill of Rights”, and take over as our country’s dictator, which would be the final step in their transformation process. 

As an American Citizen I also believe that I have a God given right and/or duty to stand up for and defend those rights given me under our “Constitution” and/or “Bill of Rights” and have chosen to do this under my “Freedom of Speech Rights” by laying out my numerous concerns and posting them on my blog post web site as a means of getting the word out on those issues that I believe will ultimately destroy our country.

Knowledge empowers all of us and I feel that this is the least I can do to hopefully help change our nation’s current destructive course before it is too late because it has become quite obvious to me and others in our country that the Main Stream Media has deliberately and blatantly kept these pertinent issues from the American public as a means of helping this President, his Administration and allies to intensify their stealth push to convert us into a Socialist nation and/or to come under Sharia Law and ultimately a one-world government. 

The following blog post contains some, but not all of my blog posts that support my numerous concerns regarding our country’s future under this President and his administration-You Decide:

Note:  Please be aware that the above blog post is dynamic in that it is continually being updated through the addition of new blog posts and/or the amendment of those blog posts listed therein to include the latest resources that may relate to and/or support them. 

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech? 

Just Everyday Americans (Hold On):

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Birth cert. SO WHAT, Focus on SPENDING

     Obama's Birth Certificate, SO WHAT!  He can not be removed from office even if he was not born in the USA.  The congress will not impeach Obama.  Education history of Obama also does not matter.  Lincoln's education history and Bush's history did not matter.  Clinton, Kennedy, etc. sexual histories did not matter. 

     Focus on the big issues,  First SPENDING,  Second REMOVING THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL FOURTH BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT.   Note the first and second issues are tightly intertwined. 

    First Put Ryan's Budget in place.  Which will require not increasing the debt ceiling as the lever to force the adoption of the Ryan's Budget, and likely shutting down the government.   Remind people that both have occurred in the passed and we the citizens outside Washington DC area DID NOT EVEN NOTICE THE EFFECT, THAT IS WHY WE DO NOT REMEMBER IT.

    The effect of shutting down the government is to shut down the fourth branch of government.  So get after the weak representatives and remind them that by republicans' unanimously passing the Ryan budget with full knowledge that it would not reach the floor of the senate they made a promise to us the citizens of the USA.  We hold them to this promise.


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Obama’s Secret Fraud Kingpin?

Obama’s Secret Fraud Kingpin?

A silent, possibly complicit Kingpin must be brought out of the shadows to answer burning inconsistencies.

It is becoming apparent the Birth Certificate which Mr. Obama presented to the public as a “true and accurate copy of the original” is neither. As a matter of fact, many are claiming it is a fraud!  Forensic specialists have examined the publicly displayed Obama Birth Certificate and are claiming it is a poorly created dummy document, a fake!

However, the alleged fake document is what many are calling ‘an expected result from a charlatan of the likes of Obama’.   At a closer view the document carries with it a higher degree of suspicion because of the nature of the forced disclosure by Obama. Whatever the motive to present this ‘Birth Certificate,’ may be, it has placed the Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, in a precarious position.

In sum, it appears Abercrombie is one of the few people who can actually verify the validity of the Obama ‘Birth Certificate,’ for he, is the one whom the trust and validity of these documents reside, nonetheless, this may change if the court orders a forensic examination of Obama ‘Birth Certificate.’

Let us not forget, ONLY States and territorial jurisdictions of the United States can issue birth certificates. In short, there is no such thing as a ‘federal birth certificate.’ This means the weight of the validity of any State issued birth document is shifted onto the State, and then flows up to the chief official, in this case, Neil Abercrombie.

One important caveat, if it is found the Obama ‘Birth Certificate’ is a fraud, which at this writing, proof has revealed the document presented by the White House are most likely a forgery than not, then the focus shifts from Obama to Abercrombie.

Quite simply, if a falsification of a Hawaiian State issued Birth record is discovered, then the Hawaiian Governor has a fiduciary responsibility to the people of Hawaii, and, to the people of the United States of America. A responsibility to verify the validity of the ‘Birth Certificate’ in question, or denounce it as a fraud, anything less would be disingenuous of the highest office in the State of Hawaii, as evidenced by the oath of office[i].

The implications could be staggering. If it is found Obama’s published ‘Birth Certificate’ is a fraud and the Governor does not denounce such an open and conspicuous falsehood perpetrated upon the American people, then he will be complicit and perpetuate a fraud by defaulting on his responsibility to protect the interest of the good people of Hawaii and the United States as a whole. If a falsehood is knowingly covered-up by Abercrombie, then he has dirty hands, thereby, having used his office as an instrumentality for the committing of a series of crimes. 

Make no mistake; if Neil Abercrombie chooses to be silent on a false Obama ‘Birth Certificate,’ he is as much an accessory to conspiracy to defraud, as if he personally printed the fabricated document himself.  With Abercrombie’s authority and responsibility to the State of Hawaii, as well as to the laws of the United States, he is placed into a position of being the chief enforcement authority by this jurisdiction. Furthermore, he has sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States of America, this equates to a Judicial mandate which he must enforce or be negligent in his sworn duties as Governor.

This could translate into an effort by the office of the Governor to launch a full and thorough investigation into birth certificate abuse.  Not just in the light of the possible Obama Birth Certificate scheme, but also in other cases which have, or may not have, defrauded the people of Hawaii.

Additionally, the issue doesn’t stop with just a single birth certificate fraud case.  The document in question could possibly represent hundreds, or even thousands, of fraudulent birth certificates used to commit a plethora of crimes. Crimes such as credit fraud, passport fraud and possibly has created a hidden pathway, which illegal aliens have trod for years, as they nefariously enter into the United States and pose as citizens.

Truth be told, the State of Hawaii, and it’s Governor, has authority under the Police Powers as guaranteed in the 5th and 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which raises the question of Federal jurisdiction as pertaining to State created documents. These State created documents carry Federal authority, and in this particular case, qualifies or disqualifies a person running for the office of the President of the United States of America.

What’s more important is, if Neil Abercrombie becomes aware of a fraud and refuses to act, this demonstrates a mens rea[ii] on his part. Men Rea is a necessary element in the determination of the intent to defraud, therefore, possibly setting the stage for being charged as a co-conspirator; consequently, Neil Abercrombie would have committed a crime on behalf of another.

In short, if Abercrombie has concealed the Obama ‘Birth Certificate,’  purported to be a State issued document, is indeed a fraud, then this places the Hawaiian Department of Justice on notice of the general intent by Abercrombie to mislead law enforcement and the specific intent to commit a crime on behalf of another by duplicity.  

Will Abercrombie conceal the truth of the birth certificate by refusing to verify or denounce the accuracy of the ‘Birth Certificate’ presented by Obama?  

Would the people of Hawaii be defrauded by the altering of a State issued birth certificate?

Yes! Because of the fact the Office of the President of the United States has, and will continue to exercise Federal jurisdiction over the people of Hawaii, not only in Federal questions, but also in monetary issues will have a direct impact on the economy of the State of Hawaii.

The question must be asked; is Neil Abercrombie complicit in the crime of defrauding the people of Hawaii and the government of the United States of America through duplicity, by concealing incriminating evidence of the Obama ‘Birth Certificate’?  

Was document fraud deception deliberately practiced with a view to gain an unlawful advantage? Birth document fraud is injurious to society, especially through deceit and trickery to mislead the course of due process. Is this what has happened?

Was our beloved Nation betrayed through a well-conceived and executed hoax?

Look at it this way, maybe, just maybe, the birth document is truly the actual Obama ‘Birth Certificate’ and Neil Abercrombie has nothing to worry about.

What do you think?



Visit Neil Abercrombie at:

[i] I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, and that I will faithfully discharge my duties as ... to best of my ability." As used in this section, "eligible public officers" means the governor, the lieutenant governor, the members of both houses of the legislature, the members of the board of education, the members of the national guard, State or county employees who possess police powers, district court judges, and all those whose appointment requires the consent of the senate.  Source:


[ii] The state of mind that the prosecution, to secure a conviction, must prove that a defendant had when committing a crime; criminal intent or recklessness. Blacks Law Dictionary 7th Edition, 1999, Page 999


 Stephen Eichler J.D. is a Legal Analyst having graduated from Trinity Law School with additional studies in International law. Eichler is a founding student of Liberty University being personally taught by Dr. Jerry Falwell. Stephen Eichler is bringing national awareness to issues that challenge the security, sovereignty and domestic tranquility of the United States.  He is the Executive Director of the Minuteman Project, Inc. led by Jim Gilchrist and Executive Director of the  Stephen Eichler is represented by Tim Bueler and may be contacted at for Radio/TV and Print media bookings. 


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Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On April 29, 2011:

Being one of the mega-page Facebook types, I think I can justifiably say I’m an expert at detecting Trolls.  In case you’re not familiar with the term, it’s basically a word used for the instigator-types who sneak around Conservative websites trying to start fights.  They know exactly which buttons to push; they know what to say to spark a debate and then they sit back in their Evil Troll basements laughing maniacally at the chaos they’ve induced.  (At least that’s the way I picture them…)

The ‘old school’ Trolls were pretty straightforward and easy to spot.  It’s sort of like they spoke their own brand of Trollaneze, dropping in key liberal phrases like “evil capitalism” or “Bush lied, people died!” or “No war for oil, man!”   Everyone could tell who the Troll was, usually resulting in any number of people writing ‘Troll alert!” resulting in a mass Troll attack, ultimately causing the Troll to either suddenly disappear or and/or drop-kicked and blocked forever.  Their type is more annoying than dangerous—sort of like gnats.

But folks, times have changed.  The Left is getting desperate and they’re resorting to different measures.

I’ve discovered a brand new breed of Troll and they are much sneakier and much more dangerous to Conservatives.  I’ve even coined a new term for them:  Faux-ConTrolls—a Liberal blend of fake Conservative and Troll, resulting in that favorite Liberal word, ‘control’.  (Oh–and “faux” because it’s French.  Enough said.)

I’m not sure exactly when they switched over to this new stealth-mode of trolling.  It’s almost like they all got together and had a huge Liberal Troll meeting, probably someplace like San Francisco, and led by Troll leaders like George Soros and his Media Matters.  They realized they had to use another tactic than simply showing up in the middle of Conservative conversations and blatantly causing arguments; it was too easy to get kicked off sites that way.

No, they needed to find a way to infiltrate undetected; sneak in the back door, and find new ways to instigate and cause chaos.

It’s interesting that these Faux-ConTrolls are very much in line with Cass Sunstein’s book, “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness.” Basically, “Nudge” is a Liberal how-to about how to be sly and inconspicuous in getting your Liberal views across without alarming all of us easily-alarmed Conservatives.   So on Conservative websites, instead of the usual Troll MOA of shoving everyone into mayhem, they are now gently, subtly nudging.

I recently discovered a few ConTrolls-types on my own Facebook page.  They had been posting the same type of provocative statements–almost verbatim– on almost every link I posted.  Each time, they would instigate extremely negative discussions on my page, resulting in people beginning to cry ‘Troll alert’—yet they kept insisting they were ‘one of us.’  I checked out their Facebook pages and at first glance they seemed perfectly normal–had all the correct Conservative Pages and Groups ‘liked’, including key Conservative catchphrases like “Constitution” and “Fox News.”  But looking deeper, I knew immediately who they really were and what they were trying to do.  On their pages, I was able to see dozens and dozens of negative comments they’d been leaving on almost every Conservative site on Facebook (including my own).  It was as if they were cut-and-pasting the same statements all over Facebook—“He’s a RINO!” or “She’s too stupid to win!” or “He voted against (_______) so he’s a RINO!”  After following their trails and seeing the debates they were inciting all over the place, I knew I’d caught myself a few ConTrolls.

Don’t get me wrong; just because you’re passionately for or against a politician doesn’t mean you’re considered a ConTroll.  We all have gripes about almost every politician, myself included.  No politician is perfect nor has perfect voting records on every issue–and we can’t all like everyone equally.  But every Conservative I know has at least ONE politician they respect other than President Reagan; on the contrary, the ConTroll rarely if ever says anything good about any Conservative.  If asked straight-out, he will usually either try to divert attention away from the question or, if desperate not to blow his cover, will mention someone’s name with a back-handed swipe to undermine THAT person, too.  Remember:  the ConTroll hates all Conservatives so the last thing they want to do is elevate anyone on our side in any way.

What the ConTroll is ultimately looking for is cracks on our Conservative veneer through which they can squish their poison.  All they need to do is sprinkle a little seed of doubt here—a little piece of “concern” there—while subtly mentioning every negative side of every issue.  The ConTroll rarely talks badly about the Liberal side unless they feel they absolutely have to—but mostly, their job is to tear down OUR side, to make us feel doubt and concern about people on our side.  And all they have to do is jump into a conversation disguised as “one of us,” point out all those bad things and then disappear.  They want to take advantage of our concerns, exploit our fears, propagate our frustrations, deflate any ideas or solutions to problems and possibly even to incite violence.  Bottom line, they want to break us down from within—and they are counting on our side imploding.

And when you think about it, that’s really all they have to do to win in 2012, isn’t it?

The GREAT thing about ConTrolls (and all Liberals-in-general) is that they’re not very smart.  They remind me of a Simpson’s episode called “The Prisoner.” A female mad scientist tries to capture Homer by releasing a giant balloon (which Homer promptly pops).  Her partner asks, “Why did you think a big balloon would stop people?”  Her response, in typical Liberal form:  “Shut up, that’s why!”

Now, personally I understood her rationale (because of my irrational fear of balloons).  But the Simpson’s/ConTroll analogy totally explains their ultimate reasoning for almost everything they believe when cornered with actual facts, truth and light:  “Shut up, that’s why!”


Note The above article and/or blog post is included in my following blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

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“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Who is a natural-born citizen?

Who is a natural-born citizen?Supreme Court cases relating to citizenship at birthDred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857): In regard to the "natural born citizen" clause, Justice Benjamin R. Curtis states in his dissenting opinion that such citizenship is acquired by place of birth (jus soli), not through blood or lineage (jus sanguinis):^ United States.; Supreme Court, Dred Scott, John F. A. Sanford, Benjamin Chew Howard (1857). ": Dred Scott, John F. A. Sanford, Benjamin Chew Howard". A Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Opinions of the Judges Thereof, in. D. Appleton. pp. 576–582. ISBN 0306711834.Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874): In this case decided after the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Court stated (pp. 167–68):The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens.Legal opinionsJohn BinghamJohn Bingham stated in the House of Representatives in 1862:Who are natural-born citizens but those born in the Republic? […] [P]ersons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians.^ Congressional Globe 37.2 (1862), p. 1639.He reiterated his statement in 1866:Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.^ Congressional Globe 39.1 (1866) p. 1291. Stated again during a House debate in 1872; cf. Congressional Globe 42.2 (1872), p. 2791.In a 2008 article published by the Michigan Law Review Lawrence Solum, Professor of Law at the University of Illinois, stated that "[t]here is general agreement on the core of [the] meaning [of the Presidential Eligibility Clause]. Anyone born on American soil whose parents are citizens of the United States is a 'natural born citizen'".^ Lawrence B. Solum, "Originalism and the natural born citizen clause", Michigan Law Review: First Impressions 107, peer-reviewed print version, September 2008, p. 22.
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Patriots Union tonight

Helloo all.  Tonight @ 9 est, the United States Patriots Union is broadcasting for 2 hours on BlogTalk Radio, featuring Twana Blevins hosting, bringing on board noted authors and patriots J.B.Williams and Tim Harrington to discuss the natural-born citizen issue that eclipses the "birther" issue.  Go to the website listed above or call in @ 646-716-4024.  Should be very interesting and informative.
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Posted on Trevor-On April 28, 2011:

Communist Party USA labor journalist John Wojcik is predicting huge labor union/immigrant rallies across America on May 1.

The US left wants to legalize millions of illegal immigrants, because they know that the vast majority will vote Democrat. In these times of high unemployment,  resentment among many unionized and unionized workers and the unemployed against illegal immigrants is high.

Therefore the left is deliberately trying to bring all these groups into an alliance behind Barack Obama and the Democrats and against the G.O.P.

From today’s Peoples World

Hundreds of thousands across the nation marching and rallying this May Day will be fusing two of the great struggles of the day – the fight for workers’ rights and the fight for immigrant rights.

The labor movement, rejecting the notion that immigrants are taking jobs away from the native-born, has jumped with both feet into the fight for immigrant rights.

“Workers’ rights and immigrant rights are connected,” said James Parks, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO. “CEO-backed politicians are targeting all working people – including immigrants – with their corporate-sponsored political agenda and continuing power grab.”

In the wake of the massive and prolonged demonstrations in Wisconsin it is no surprise that almost all the marches and rallies will demand protection for collective bargaining rights.

Rally organizers stress, however, that in addition demonstrators will call for comprehensive immigration reform, starting with passage of the Dream Act. The Dream Act would provide undocumented young people with a route to legal residency through either higher education or service in the military.

“These May Day marches are driven by the same spirit of activism and commitment that drives our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin and every other community that is now fighting back against the attacks on working people,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

Trumka is the featured speaker at a rally in Milwaukee that the labor federation expects will draw at least 60,000 people. Unions and their allies will use the rally to boost recall drives now underway against Republican senators who stripped workers of their collective bargaining rights…

“Corporate greed. Working people rallying in the streets. It sounds like Madison, Wisconsin,” said Jorge Ramirez, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor. But it’s actually the scene from Haymarket Square in Chicago. One hundred and twenty-five years later, working people are in the fight of their lives for the right to have a voice at work through collective bargaining.”

The national federation’s secretary-treasurer, Liz Shuler, will address the thousands of Chicago workers expected to gather on May 1 at the site of the Haymarket martyrs’ monument in Forest Park Cemetery.

Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker will speak at a mass rally in New York.

March organizers in Boston are connecting their action to the fight for workers’ rights around the world. They expect thousands to demonstrate under their theme of “From Cairo to Wisconsin to Massachusetts, Defend All Workers’ Rights.”

Houston could well see one of its largest workers’ rights demonstrations ever. The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement in that city is joining with the labor and community-backed Houston United for a rally that will also demand both workers’ rights and immigrant rights.

Hector Sanchez, executive director of LCLAA, says the labor movement and immigrant rights struggles complement one another.

“Now is the time to grow up as a nation,” he said, “and we need to stop bullying immigrants. We need a smart policy that is good for all workers, one that will help us recover from one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history. Immigration reform can be the first step in that direction.”

In many cities the May Day demonstrations will bring union and immigrant rights activists together in support of ongoing local struggles.

To see how the US left cynically exploits immigrants for votes, go here


NoteMy following blog posts include numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to and/or support this issue-You Decide:

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?

“Food For Thought”

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Semper Fi!


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The Judas Media!

Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

The badly misnamed “mainstream” media have been outdoing themselves lately in their efforts to bring down capitalist America, as the propaganda machine of the neo-fascist Left. The notion that they are even aware of mainstream American thought is a big lie, in and of itself. The radical leftists whose agenda they push amount to at most 20 percent of Americans.

Over the past few weeks, the propaganda machine has worked overtime to make it seem like the miniscule and largely symbolic cuts to the Obama-Soetoro/Reid/Pelosi/Soros budget were on par with the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide. They uncritically parroted every wild charge and insane lie that any Democrat chose to make, and largely suppressed the truth of the cuts and the so-called “compromise” until after the fact, when the damage had been done. Joseph Goebbels must have been smiling in Hell, seeing how well his lessons have been learned by the present generation of “journalists.”

Continuing on, the propaganda masters are out to sell Americans another huge lie: that if they don’t let the neo-fascistsraise the debt ceiling, again, the world will end. It appears probable that allowing the Democrats and their running dog Republican allies, i.e., the Republican “leadership” and “moderates,” to continue borrowing and spending will pretty much guarantee that the double-dip recession we’ve been warned about will occur. Though the media are either ignoring it or trying to put a positive spin on it, we, who have to pay for it with middle class wages, are already seeing inflation accelerating at an alarming rate. And what do we get from the media? The radical environmentalist spin that higher gas prices are getting us to drive less, lowering our carbon footprint. And the Obama-Soetoro reaction to $5 a gallon gas? To investigate the people who produce and sell it, rather than change his and the Democrat’s policies that have caused the problem in the first place. This “courageous” stance, of course, is trumpeted from the minarets…er…the rooftops by the media, with no mention that if we had been drilling in ANWR, off California, in the Gulf, and in a zillion other places put off-limits by our phony “environmental” laws, we would not be in this fix.

However, what is reported is not the only sin the propaganda machine is guilty of. What is not reported is perhaps even more damaging, since you can’t influence or stop what you don’t know about. For instance, how many were aware of a major economic conference attended by China, Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa – representing around half the total population of the world – that discussed, in depth:

"reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty. We welcome the current discussion about the role of the SDR in the existing international monetary system including the composition of SDR’s basket of currencies."

This a tactful way of saying they are seriously looking at dumping the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And they are not the only ones, but you aren’t hearing about the others, either.

How many of you have heard about the economic conferences that multi-billionaire, sociopathic America-hater, and head neo-fascist George Soros is putting on? News of these confabs has been sparse in the conservative media, and virtually non-existent in the “mainstream.” Soros got his start “confiscating” the property and belongings of his fellow Jews during the Nazi domination of Europe. He has publicly stated, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” He brought down the British pound in 1992, making billions in the process, and appears to be out to do the same with the U.S. dollar. And though the leadership of PBS was scheduled to be in attendance at the Bretton Woods conference (note the symbolic location), has anyone heard even a mention of this? You would think that people planning to foment an unprecedented economic disaster that will destroy the lives of millions of poor and middle class people, all over the world, would be something the ever-so-compassionate-and-caring leftist media would be interested in, but apparently not. It seems that, as always, the ends justify the means, and collateral damage only counts when stopping it will hurt the enemies of fascism.

Much as the “mainstream” media hate Christianity and Christians, they seem to have learned at least a little from the Bible. Their imitation of Judas, and the selling out of those who have nurtured them and made their freedom possible, is nearly perfect.


Note:  The above article and/or blog post is included on my following blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videoe relating to this issue-You Decide:

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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