Six months ago Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government, said,
State of Union Speech Shows Obama
Seeking Utter Dominance of AWI
In the good old days, the so-called “Misery Index” (MI) was achieved by adding the unemployment rate to the inflation rate. Notable, for example, was President Jimmy Carter inheriting Gerald Ford’s 13.45 misery index and then handing off a staggering 20.76 misery index to Reagan. The term “stagflation” was invented to describe the particular type of mess that Carter had generated with his big government policies. Reagan in turn handed off a relatively low 9.57 misery index to his former Vice President G.H.W. Bush. By the way, the only reason Carter got off so well is that the Democrats were keeping the stats and didn’t admit that inflation was 19% when he left office.
Rajjpuut would like to submit for contemplation, however, the far more sensitive and indicative AWI or “Absolute Wretchedness Index” created by adding the weekly interest on the REAL NATIONAL DEBT (RND) to the Misery Index. Currently the nation’s REAL NATIONAL DEBT based upon a National Debt of $14.1 TRillion and UNfunded liabilities (just in Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid) amounting to $114.6 TRillion equals a grand total of . . . (Drum-roll, Maestro please . . . ) $128.7 TRillion. Welfare costs are another huge UNfunded outlay which the nation is obligated to cover, but the math gets too complicated so let’s stick with a current RND of $128.7 TRillion. That means the weekly interest on a Real National Debt would amount to $ 73 Billion or about $250 per week per American man, woman or child . . . not the debt itself, just the interest we pay on it . . . so with 9.5% unemployment and .4% inflation and $73 Billion weekly RND interest rates Mr. Obama’s current Absolute Wretchedness Index stands at 82.9 easily the worst in history. His predecessor George W. Bush’s highest AWI reading was 72.6. The closest thing we see to Obama’s 82.9 AWI is Carter’s at roughly 76.6.
For those who decry any measurement system which disparages the noble contributions of that stalwart statesman Barack Hussein Obama, perhaps a little deeper study is required. While we appreciate that it’s just not cool to talk about esoteric subjects like having revenues meet obligations, according to information found in a book recently written by a former Comptroller General of the United States (Comeback America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility by David M. Walker) at the time he wrote his book the National Debt was about 5.5 times our income (the revenues of the nation). So considering our UNfunded liabilities as well as the debt, our obligations are now more than fifty times our revenues. We have thus severely mortgaged the country’s future and our children’s, grandchildren’s and great grandchildren’s future all the while facing a markedly different world in which America no longer has a virtual monopoly on desired goods and services and technologies but every year faces more and more serious competition in the global marketplace. Current taxes are one thing, but if we don’t start reducing our debt and the interest on the debt, then deferred taxes will destroy the nation. Let’s be clear on this: future taxes could triple and we’d still have trouble paying off both the interest on the National Debt and our future now UNfunded liabilities. That is, unless we do something NOW, everyone in the future would be taxed 100% of earnings and we still could not pay off either debt interest or obligations . . . and, of course we would have zero dollars for Defense or any other budget item . . . and still would not be dealing with the debt itself (again, just the interest).
How far in the future are we talking about? Within 12 or 13 years the interest on the National Debt will be the single largest item in the nation’s budget unless current trends change dramatically. And you get absolutely nothing in return for it, all this interest we pay . . . hence we’ve named this measure of problematical agony: the Absolute Wretchedness Index or AWI. 50% of this money is owed to foreign governments with China being #1 and Japan #2 in holding our debt; a bloc of oil producing nations combined hold’s the #3 amount. This is a crucial factor. Why did we back Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae with $5 TRillion? Because foreign debtors demanded it, since they held so much of these U.S. debt instruments.
The problem has two components, but despite all our current “pain,” only one of them matters. In the short term due to the economy, our two wars, and unemployment things are going to be painful . . . but this is a small drop in a huge ocean. The main component is the long-term structural imbalance. The budget and the deficits and the debt and the interest payments on the debt which are NOT sustainable. Once the economy recovers we get out of the wars and finally see 5% unemployment again . . . things will be even worse because we’ll have continued on several more years increasing the debt; the interest on that new higher debt; and all our UNfunded liabilities as well. Huge unending deficits, year after year, as far as the eye can see will still loom ahead of us. It is this structural imbalance that threatens to destroy the country . . . hence our headline “State of Union Speech Shows Obama Seeking Utter Dominance of AWI.”
Mr. Obama has, in real terms not in CBO configurations, increased the federal budget 41% if Obamacare and his other initivatives are considered. Now he talks about freezing discretionary federal spending at this super-elevated level for three years. What utter nonsense that pretense of his amounts to. We must begin to slash spending immediately towards 2006 or even 2004 levels. If we don’t we will lose the confidence of foreign lenders and find ourselves floating down the proverbial open sewer lacking a paddle or other means of locomotion other than our own hands as the dollar drops precipitously, interest rates and inflation soar, and our mild recession becomes a real depression and we see truly scary unemployment. Walker in his book called Washington “a lagging indicator” meaning that the politicians in their ivory towers and the political class who adore them aren’t getting the picture nearly as rapidly or as clearly as the people now do.
It is the people, the voters, who are demanding something be done about these problems even if the solution is arduous and unpopular among politicians and their allies with a vested interest in the current unstainable structure. The current Obama administration and the Democratic majorities they had in Congress have called the TEA Party movement “astroturf” rather than a true grassroots movement; accused them of being merely a more rightwing version of the Republican Party; and shown them no respect at all. Many of the current Republicans, such as John McCain’s daughter, lightweight pundit and columnist for The Daily Beast Meghan McCain, are proving just as blind about the TEA (Taxed Enough Already or Taken Enough Abuse?) Party as the Democrats. Ms. McCain objected to the TEA Party’s Michelle Bachmann commenting on Obama’s State of the Union address in addition to the Republican response so ably handled by Rep. Paul Ryan, saying, Bachmann was “at best a poor man’s Sarah Palin.”
Ms. McCain, whose only accomplishment in life is being the daughter of a famous man, ought to show a little respect when she’s talking about her elders and about a woman of true accomplishment. As Walker’s book points out, the people are aroused now and Ms. Bachmann, Sen. Paul and Sen. DeMint recognize it even if she can’t.
Let’s give you a real blast from the past when Time Magazine which loved Jimmy Carter finally had to admit things were none too rosy in their March 24, 1980 edition . . . .
"As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—as to inspire a contagion of fear. Usually confident businessmen and bankers have begun talking of Latin American-style hyperinflation, financial collapse, major bankruptcies, a drastic drop in the American standard of living."
We’ve heard plenty of talk about Obama’s and Bernanke sooner or later handing us a hyper-inflation and moving America toward Banana Republic Status so it appears history if it’s not repeating itself is at least humming the same rhyming song. Knowing that lesson in absolutely wretched history, let us pray not repeat it. Instead let us be pro-active in the Reagan sense and severely constraining the parasitic government, let us unleash the free market by cutting debt**; cutting spending; cutting taxes; cutting regulation; and ultimately under-cutting unemployment.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** actually Reagan’s negative legacy is the mountain of debt he handed us because dominated by Democratic congresses the welfare state continued to expand even during his eight years.
No. No they do not.
I am not a Palinatic or anything...but come on, this is just beyond the pale.
I will harrass the NBA, TNT and everyone else involved for this - hopefully it leads to some kind of change...I know, doubtful, but this cannot go by without comment.
President Obama made his Ronald Reagan Address, with this exception: instead of self-government, it was his government that is going to do wonders, for a cost of trillions of dollars. Obama’s innovation is certain to take us back.
I’m occupied at the present writing a book, my personal experience tied to the Constitution and divine humanity, which should be complete within four months. It will give you information on how to deal with the drastic change about to take place. The result of 10 years of mind search, my thoughts are not every day reading. Rather than thoughts that will take you back to candles and wood burning stoves, my thoughts will take you forward to the exciting age just ahead.
What it's all about was a title I place on a photo I submitted on the 13th and one comment was to maybe post a Blog once or twice a month about it so here it goes.
As I watched the Presidents speech on The State of the Union I thought I heard remarks about fiscal responsibility and reducing the redundancy of BIG GOVERNMENT (ak the Salmon solution ). Shortly after those statements I heard INVESTMENT in this project, or that program. How can we believe that the President with his new 1.5 trillion deficit can be seen as anything other than the spend and tax master of this Century. I was wondering if anyone else heard the same trap I heard?
There was one exciting thing that did happen at the speech. As I looked at the podium while the President was speaking I didn't have to look at Nancy.
Freedom is ours to cherish and protect. Watch the left and right hand of all government entities, as they move forward with their agendas on " what is best for the American's". Insist that the future has the freedom that our founders from the past believed in!
From the office of Congressional Candidate Eric Maloney
Candidate for U.S. Congress for South Central Pennsylvania, York, Adams and Cumberland Counties.
Today January 25th 2011 we are returning to our daily activity following an event many across the country missed.
The annual march for life in Washington D.C. coincided with the horrific news of a Philadelphia Doctors practice of butchering babies at his abortionarium. The horrific accounts speak to the practice of using scissors to decapitate babies as late as the 9th month. Women who changed their minds were beaten, tied to the table, and had their babies murdered while they watched in horror. As one raised, educated and practicing Conservative Roman Catholicism, I am appalled to say the least and promise that when I am elected in November of 2012 to make it my one of my first priorities to bring an end to this ruthless industry once and for all.
As we are all aware his travesty has occurred because just as in the case of Mr. Platts, we have begged and pleaded with him to keep his promise, only to be rebuffed with the statement that nothing can be done to stop it.
Actions really do speak louder than words!
Republican (R.I.N.O.) Congressman Todd Platts Pa-19th stated that he had an epiphany and is now pro-life, however as I said, actions speak louder than words.
Before Todd Platts became pro-life (only to get conservative votes), he was an ardent pro-abortion supporter, some even say an abortion activist!
Todd Platts has the highest rating of any republican and even some Democrats from the abortion industry.
But worst of all Todd Platts enjoyed the addition to his household income, and campaign coffers derived from the slaughter of innocent children through his wife's employment with Planned Parenthood of Central Pennsylvania.
What this really shows us is that he's just another liberal ensuring abortion mills keep up their gruesome work.
The business Mr. Platts recieved money from (Planned Parenthood) was started by Margret Sanger who was a devotee of racial/ethnic cleansing A.K.A. Eugenics.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated the position of those who support this genocide;
"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of"
Planned Parenthood targets what insiders in the abortion industry call "The Dirty Races" (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and yes even the Irish) by placing the majority of its abortionariums in the inner city. To work for Planned Parenthood one must advocate abortion at every stage of pregnancy to include a period of time after the child is born naturally.
Planned Parenthood makes most of its money through federal and state funding.
You would think that he would have done something positive! however during Mr. Platts tenure, he has done nothing to interfere with or frustrate Planned Parenthood receiving tax payer dollars even though we have told him to stop. On the contrary, Todd Platts has made even more money available to Planned Parenthood through increases in federal spending.
So Mr. Platts really hasn't turned over a new leaf, and just like during the second world war - he's looked the other way when millions children considered by some as "Dirty" have been murdered.
I contend that a person just cant go from being in favor of murdering babies, to being pro-life in the blink of an eye while still taking blood money from the industry that butchers children.
Mr. Platts the blood of those children are on your hands!
I forward the following challenge to Mr. Platts. If in fact you have turned over a new leaf then calculate how much money your family earned from the abortion industry, and out of your own pocket donate an equal sum divided equally between "Sanctity of Life Ministries", and Rachel's Vineyard Ministries Rachel's Vineyard serves those who are suffering the emotional and spiritual effects of an abortion.
Eric Maloney
The last few days I have been contacted several times by good intentioned folks who want me to support HR25, the so-called Fair Tax Initiative. Well, I cannot do that.
Before somebody starts to climb on my back, let me preface by saying there is no fair tax when we are talking about personal income. Flat tax, fair tax, etc., all discuss different ways to get more money out of the American taxpayer. This in and of itself raises my hackles. Being a strict constitutionalist, I don't think that any tax that encroaches on the personal income of American citizens is fair. The founders specifically excluded this as a source of government income. This wasn't an oversight on their part. They understood that once Pandora's Box was opened, there would be no closing it back up. Once the government was allowed to get its hands on the personal wealth of the average citizen, its rapacious appetite for more, more, MORE would preclude us ever being able to stem the tide. And here we are. in 2011. There is constant pressure from the progressives and entitlement crowds to take yet more of our personal wealth and redistribute it to those of less fortunate means. NO, HECK NO and HELL NO! If I want to support charitable causes, I will see to it myself. I most emphatically don’t want Obama doing it for me.
As for the Fair Tax, the recommended starting point is 23%. Twenty-three percent! Doesn’t anyone but me see this as obscene? Since there is apparently no meaningful and enforceable cap on how high it could go, at what point does it creep to 25%, 30% or 100%. What’s to stop the government thugs from increasing it to 100%? Who is to say they will actually drop the income tax and shut down the IRS? All we have is the word of … politicians. Sorry, that’s a risk I don’t want to take. This isn’t a leap of faith; it’s a leap off of a very high cliff.
I cannot support ANY scheme to defraud the citizen of his or her hard earned wealth. Period. Return government to its constitutional means of income. Repeal the fraudulent, never ratified, 16th Amendment. Reduce government and its programs to those which are constitutional. Stop trying to be all things to all people. There are some who are just too damn lazy and shiftless to make an honest living. This is a fact of human nature. We are under no moral or legal obligation to see that they don’t starve. It is sad, but we cannot expect the taxpaying citizens to keep funding this bottomless hole forever. If this makes me heartless and mean spirited, so be it. My first obligation is to my own family. If there is anything left over I might feel compelled to help my fellow man or woman.
If you were to logically examine the greatest dangers facing America right now and then to put a face to each of them, it’s likely you’d be stunned at what many of those faces look like . . . as you’ll see from our countdown of the . . . .
Nine Ultra-Dangerous
Anti-Americans at Large Today
#9 Osama Bin Laden has become largely toothless, the danger lies from the newer, younger faces now in charge of the various Al Qaeda branches around the globe . . . faces largely only known to the CIA. However, one face that many Americans are aware of is Anwar Al Awlaki a man with dual citizenship in Yemen and the United States. Despite President Obama’s efforts to remove the concept of Islamic Terrorism from our radar scopes, Awlaki, who was raised right here in the United States, is the highest profile semi-successful terrorist most of us know about. Besides being the “brains” behind the high profile failures of the “Underwear Bomber” and “Times Square Bomber” and “UPS Bomber,” Awlaki was the inspiration for the Ft. Hood massacre carried out by Islamic Army Major Hasan who cried out “Allah Akbar!” as he started the shooting rampage that claimed the lives of 13 people and wounded 29 others, mostly soldiers at the U.S. Army base near Killeen, Texas. Like Bin Laden, Awlaki during his young manhood got involved with prostitutes and became so self-loathing that he needed a big scape-goat for his sins: Western Decadence and the United States. Luckily so far, except for the Army’s total incompetence in dealing with the danger of Major Hasan . . . Awlaki and his followers have thankfully proven themselves quite incompetent. Grade as an Anti-American so far? D+
#8 Faceless foreign Islamist terrorists eager to kill Americans on foreign shores have done a chillingly effective job against Americans outside this country. Whether its suicide bombers; planters of improvised explosive devices (IEDs); Taliban fighters in Afghanistan or those who slaughtered over 100 and wounded at least 250 (mostly Americans and British) at the Indian hotels favored by Westerners and other areas in Mumbai, India in coordinated attack waves; or the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole . . . these guys mean business and have had success against us. In light of the large number of terrorist attacks they pull off, however, Americans have been surprisingly infrequent targets. Their greatest latent threat? Taking over Nuclear-armed Pakistan. Anti-American Grade: C+
#7 The greatest and obviously fastest growing threat so far comes from faceless home-grown Islamic terrorists as the recent FBI sting operation that foiled a would-be Christmas Day attack in Portland Oregon. Because of the failure of Islamic leaders in this country to face down terrorism and the idea of Jihad . . . thousands of young Muslims are being indoctrinated and radicalized right here in this country. Barack Obama and Eric Holder who could easily have sought their help in a high profile way, have pretended that there is no Islamic terror war aimed against us . . . it’s unlikely their political correctness can save us from such attacks. The recent broad-daylight attack on a Detroit police precinct wounding four officers is a shocker. Was this an Islamic Terror attack? We’ve not been told anything; the shooter has been identified, but not yet “characterized.” We do know that the Detroit area holds the highest Muslim population density in the country. In any case, unless something changes such attacks will be carried out by Jihadists sooner or later. Grade: F- Threat A+
#6 Chinese President Hu Jintao and his country pose huge military, economic and cyber threats to the United States and have abetted the insane regime in North Korea as well. He is now calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the American Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. If this happens the American economy will be able to hide behind Obama’s and Fed Chief Ben Bernanke’s façade no more: we will be exposed as utterly bankrupt and economic chaos the like of which the United States has never known will collapse the entire economy. Barack Obama seems content to let China continue to lead us down the primrose path in that direction. Grade D- but threat A++.
#5 Frances Fox Piven has been the most successful and little-appreciated American traitor in history. She clearly was the power behind the throne of the Clinton presidency.
Earlier, the efforts of Piven, her husband Richard Cloward, Black militant George Wiley and the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) created by the threesome to show the strength of the infamous “Cloward-Piven Strategy” took eight years to bankrupt New York City (it required a federal bailout in 1975). NWRO used Saul Alinsky’s (author of Reveille for Radicals in 1946; and Rules for Radicals in 1971) street crusade tactics to double the nation’s welfare rolls from 8 to 16 million between 1967 and 1975; and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York.
While working with NWRO, Wiley Lieutenant Wade Rathke was considered imaginative. He put that trait to bad use in creating his original ACORN (Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now) in conjunction with the support of Bill Clinton were answers to Cloward’s and Piven’s calls for their army of supporters to move on to “voter registration and housing as our next emphasis areas” for radicalism. After Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) first required home lenders to knowingly make bad loans to high risk people, ACORN was created and immediately the landscape of American mortgages began changing. After success in Arkansas and in supporting and getting Bill Clinton elected governor for 12 of the next 14 years, ACORN became national and changed its name slightly dropping “Arkansas” and replacing it with “Association.”
ACORN helped put Bill Clinton into the White House in November, 1992, and he immediately set to work to definitively answer the Cloward-Piven call for radical attacks on voter registration by enacting the Motor Voter Act in early 1993. Piven and Cloward are standing just behind Slick Willy in the official photo of the signing ceremony. Motor Voter was called “a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud.” Clinton also enacted serious and deep reform of the regulations behind CRA ’77 in 93; and then twice had bills expanding CRA ’77 become law in 1995; and finally passed a steroid version expanding CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton clearly had repaid his debts. In 1975, before CRA ’77, one in every 404 home loans was issued at 3% down or less and virtually all loans were granted with 20% down payments. By 2005, More than one in every 3 home loans (34%) was done at 3% down payment or less; many with zero down payment.
Thanks to the Clinton steroid expansion in 1998, ACORN was able to use its street demonstration tactics to get loans as easily for $440,000 homes in 2005 as they had for $110,000 homes in 1995. Now people with no job; no savings or estate; no ID; no rental history; only food stamps to show as “income”; terrible credit ratings; and, yes, even illegal aliens could be put into ultra-expensive homes. Piven was the founder of our financial meltdown as the sub-prime lending crisis infected the very soul of the nation’s economy . . . .
Today Piven is aghast that the unemployed are not angry enough and not taking to the streets. She has called for violence akin to what’s going on in Greece to finally bring the Marxist Revolution here to fruition. Things haven’t changed much for Piven. Cloward and Piven’s infamous article “The Weight of the Poor” first exposing us to Cloward-Piven Strategy for revolution brought on by chaos first ran in the Nation magazine.
“Now, with the dropping New Year's ball, Piven is at it again, ringing in 2011 with renewed calls for revolution. In a chilling and almost unbelievable editorial again in The Nation (”Mobilizing the Jobless,” January 10/17, 2011 edition),” she is again calling on the poor to be storm troopers for her revolution. For the angry unemployed “to rise up in a violent show of solidarity and force. As before, those calls are dripping with language of class struggle. Language she and her late husband Richard Cloward made popular in the 60s.” Grade A+ Current Threat C
#4 George Soros: So-called “philanthropist” Soros has had a checkered past. As a 14-year old in his native Hungary, George Soros was (as a capo for the Nazis) delivering the orders from the Third Reich officials for his fellow Hungarian Jews to assemble for their freight car trips to the death camps. Today the 80-year old Soros is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England.” Multi-billionaire Soros is claimed to be the world’s 4th to 8th rich man. He’s made an awful lot of his money by taking advantage of (and some say by “engineering” or “manipulating”) currency collapses. Full-fledged economic meltdowns in England, Russia, Thailand and Malaysia and in a couple of Balkan States which Soros exploited made him a billionaire. He is currently backing the Chinese Yuan and appears to be seeking harm for the Euro and Dollar. If he succeeds and makes a greater fortune by destroying the dollar, however, it will be Congress and the Presidents seem 1964 who have load the gun, Soros will just have incidentally pulled the trigger. His real danger is as a so-called activist and philanthropist. Soros right now funds the Tides Foundation and 48 other anti-American progressive foundations all aimed at bringing about an eventual collapse of the American economy and Marxist takeover of the United States. The incredible chart at the bottom of this blog link says it all; George is funding every single bit of it:
A good friend of the Clinton’s and close to Barack Obama, Soros could become the world’s first trillionaire if he can pull of the collapse of the Euro and the Dollar and getting the Yuan to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. His danger to the United States, however, lies in his being the banker for the progressives’ revolution. Grade C- potential danger A
#3: Obama’s “Regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein is called “The Most Dangerous Man in America” by fiscal-conservative and constitutional-conservative political pundit Glenn Beck. In the face of the House Republican majority, Obama will rely on Sunstein to take over the country for progressivism much like Bill Clinton did using regulatory fiat to expand the powers of CRA ’77 in 1993. Sunstein and progressive think tanks are the ones who get together behind closed doors to write up the massive Obamacare; Financial Takeover; and Cap and Trade Bills turning America into a socialist state. He’s currently working to undo Talk Radio and Fox News; and drastically limit Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech in this country. Grade B- Potential Threat A++
#2 While Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have done great harm to our country, at the end of the day, they were both just leaders of the yes-people for our President. Barack Obama’s charisma is not ever to be underestimated. Intelligent conservatives realize that the president’s multiple failures in every avenue of Oval Office accomplishment mean absolutely nothing. After flirting with a 40% approval rating against 56% disapproval in September, 2010 . . . 51% of the nation now believes Obama’s job performance is effective. The son of a liaison between a radical communist American mother and a Marxist Kenyan, Barack Obama has zero accomplishments to his credit over almost half-century of living. He is living proof that Abraham Lincoln was wrong, not only can you fool some of the people all of the time, you can definitely fool most of the people most of the time. His lackey, Sunstein, is a dangerous man, but only Obama can get their entire administration another four years to carry on with their mischief.
Community Organizer Obama and ACORN lawyer Obama were highly effective at not only getting banks to give bad home loans to ultra-risky clients, but was also famous for shaking them down for ACORN donations. A master propagandist, Obama has the American people believing that conservatives and the free market caused the crash which progressive laws like CRA ’77; progressive programs like Medicare and Medicaid; and progressive interference shackling the free market created.
Obama, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers; Richard Sander and some forty-five other noted liberals created the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which would have made the group hundreds of billions if not TRillions of dollars with the passage of cap and trade laws. Last month the group disbanded after CCX’s nine-year old potential failed to come to fruit. Had they succeeded, the $10 TRillion per year carbon-trading industry (producing nothing but selling supposedly clean air) would have turned the $15 TRillion U.S. economy into a $25 TRillion economy with the same goods and services and nothing better to offer. This would have amounted to a 67% virtually immediate inflation in the country. This would have also fulfilled two of Obama’s campaign promises (to “bankrupt the coal industry” and to cause the price of electricity to skyrocket”) as revealed in a San Francisco Chronicle interview.
Mr. Obama has also promised to create five million new green-tech jobs. Based upon a Spanish economist’s study of Spain’s efforts along similar lines (which took Spain from the most prosperous economy in 1997 and 4% unemployment; to being endangered by bankruptcy and today’s 20.8% unemployment rate) with the government subsidizing “green programs” . . . those five million green jobs would cost the real economy eleven million real jobs. Furthermore (just as in America, the Spanish politicians treated and counted jobs lasting two weeks or three months as if they were permanent jobs so that count is NEVER to be trusted) only 10% of the green jobs in Spain proved permanent . . . bottom line: half a million permanent green jobs would cost eleven million real jobs (a disastrous 22/1 job-killing ratio). Also of interest, the green jobs averaged about $12.44 per hour. It’s obvious that the media and the voters don’t pay attention to Obama’s words since they’re so enthralled by his pretty face? We could go on and on, but we’ll live out Obamacare and all his other disasters such as stopping oil-drilling in the Gulf . . . . Grade B+ Threat A++
#1 The top spot on our Anti-American wanted posters is a tie between the mainstream media (MSM) also known as the “lamestream media”; and the unaware and ignorant American Voter. Even more than Frances Fox Piven, these are the willful powers behind the presidential “throne” and also every seat in the House and Senate. All of the content of the eight earlier bad boys should be common knowledge in America but our MSM has contrived in Obama Adulation that none of it is known by more than about 8-9% of the populace. The voters, for their part, have shown a marked preference for sitcoms and “reality” TV over understanding how they’re being governed and informed. The rise of FoxNews and the demise of the liberal-leaning NY Times; Washington Post; etc. shows that enough people (who want the truth and will accept nothing less) are no longer funding the MSM’s lying; slanted and willfully incorrect news coverage to eventually bankrupt them all. The voters after partially coming to their senses in November have dropped back into the lap of apathetic ignorant bliss. Obama seems like such a nice fellow . . . it’s hard for them to be mad at his treason for very long . . . . Grade A+ Threat A+++
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
Spammers are Deleted as soon as they are reported or identified
Thank you for reporting. These are attacks to disuade people from joining together to restore our nation. These people are committed to undermine our mission and we must resolve to overcome and remain strong. Thanks again for helping us identify and remove these attacks.
The truth about what is happening to this country! The Democratic Party and the leftists are attempting to roll back the history books. This time they do not care about race, color or creed. They are driving the country down a road that leads to one place. This place is for all of the citizens of this great country. Does anyone remember the word Debt Bondage, otherwise known as indentured servitude? Or, under more common terms Slavery! The enormous amounts of debts that this country is accumulating, and the Political decisions of the Democratic Party, are driving the citizens into slavery.
We must turn the tide on this agenda immediately. We need to start casting our votes on a daily basis. Every dollar we spend in, or on a business that supports this cause or party is a vote in favor of them. These dollars are going to re-elect the politicians that are supporting this agenda.
I am just one man, but I send this call out to the nation! We must rise up and stay ever vigilant! This is “The Land of the Free and the home of the brave”, but not for long if they have it their way.
We hear all this talk about defunding Obamacare, but what about the Democratic Party. It is the sad truth, but money buys elections. If we send a sharp message to the businesses, that are supporting the “Slavery Party”, or any other expansion of Governmental power. I hope that you will all consider this as a viable option for achieving our mutual goals. Please comment and pass along to all of your friends.
To whom it may concern.
Contact your State Legislators and urge them to press for a State Issued Photo I.D. carry requirement.
I can speak only for California here, but those of you who are in other States might want to consider this as well.
Currently, in the State of California, our DMV issues State Photo I.D. cards, either as a California Driver's Licenses or as a California Identification Cards. These I.D's have a recent Photo, biometric data including a “fingerprint”, and a magnetic strip on the back that can be linked to a DMV database. When you apply for a new I.D. you are required to show a Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate and proof of California residence, as well as provide the original biometric data including a “fingerprint”. When you renew, a new Photo is usually taken and your "Fingerprint" is scanned again.
A very short passage in the CVC alludes to the effect that all adult California residents are expected to obtain one of these two cards, but there is only a direct provision that all persons operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway in the State of California Carry a Valid California Driver's License, or an out-of-State equivalent. There is no direct provision that all California residents shall carry one or the other at all times.
It would seem as common sense that all adult persons would need one simply to do day-to-day business, but this is apparently not the case.
Contact your State Legislators and urge them to enact a State Issued Photo I.D. Carry Requirement!
I can hear the Libertarians out there already riling against this idea. "You are trying to take away another one of our liberties!"
But I ask you this, if you were in a war-zone, which California virtually is, would you be more comforted if that trooper who just jumped into your foxhole next to you was in the Same Uniform you were wearing or in street clothes, or even a totally different uniform? Why do you think closed association groups have secretive ways that only the members know? Do you not already stand prepared to prove ownership of your properties? How can you do this without valid I.D. even if you are not "operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway"? If someone were to challenge your home ownership, would you not be able to provide ownership documentation AND to show that YOU are the Entitled holder of that documentation?
Why, then, is it not appropriate to require that All Legal Adult California Residents, or Legal Adult Residents of any other U.S. State, have AND be prepared to produce, on the spot when stopped by Law Enforcement for a suspected infraction, Valid, and Verifiable, State Issued Photo I.D. The I.D. Card is a hard copy and the Magnetic strip on the back, or simply the number, can be used to verify this hard copy against the database stored by your local DMV. Granted, this is not proof against forgery, but it does come quite close. And, if that DMV database is corrupted, we have much larger problems.
Legal resident Aliens could be issued similar type I.D.'s, but on a provisional basis and keyed to the specific limitations and provisions of their Federally Issued Visa.
Contact your State Legislators and urge them, strongly, to make this a Statute.
ALL Adult, Name your U.S. State, Residents, 18 years of age and older, SHALL have in their possession a Valid State Issued Photo I.D./D.L.
In All cases where a Law Enforcement Officer stops any person for an infraction, the nature of that infraction shall be stated prior to further process.
All persons, when stopped by a Law Enforcement Officer for a suspected infraction, shall produce Valid State Issued Photo I.D., or an Out-of-State equivalent.
Minors, and persons determined not to be competent, when stopped by Law Enforcement for a suspected infraction, shall produce a responsible adult blood relative, or Legal Guardian, with the appropriate State Issued Photo I.D., or Out-of-State equivalent.
Failure by ANY person to provide proper and Valid State Issued Photo I.D., or a Verifiable Out-of-State equivalent, when stopped by a Law Enforcement Officer for suspicion of an unrelated infraction, shall be reasonable cause for immediate detention of the suspected person until their I.D. has been confirmed or further action is deemed to be necessary.
Unidentifiable Persons Shall Not be denied Legal Representation, but they shall not be released from detention until, at the very least, their Identity has been verifiably established.
Persons who remain unknown for 72 hours, after they have first met with Legal Representation, shall be referred to Homeland Security for further Processing.
Read this over!
Think about it!
ALL Comments Are Welcomed.
The Pleiadians come to Earth at different times to do their work. They have a plan for us, which has been heralded by the Pleiadians for many eons.
Having spent two years sailing in the Bermuda Triangle, experiencing miracles I’ve written about in my blogs, and now reading The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Berlitz, wherein he speaks of the legendary Atlantis, which I connect with the Age of Aquarius, I typed in my Google search “Aquarius and Atlantis” and found a video entitled Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by purplehaze 1212.
It is nice to hear that we are inwardly magnificent beings, after being incessantly told that we can’t make it without the help of this planet’s earthbound orthodoxy. The Pleiadians, we are told, are a collective energy from another universe now here to work toward completion of their plan or transformation of us.
This is an extremely important time for the people of the planet Earth, we are told. For what happens now will affect the entire universe. The Pleiadians gave us their DNA. It is now time for a dimensional uplifting. There are others than the Pleiadians here, who have other ideas for us. The Pleiadians are here as an act of love. They say that it is out of love that all exists; out of love that all purpose exists; out of love that all progress is made.
The Pleiadians tell us that before we came to Earth we were told we would receive help while here, not that the Pleiadians would change us, but that they would act as a catalyst. There are those who think the Pleiadians are too ambitious; that they risk failure. The Pleiadians insist on helping us achieve ever-higher levels of consciousness. Their aim is to encourage new ideas, and not to get stuck on any one idea. If in doubt, you liberate yourself for all concerned. This brings us to the Pleiadian’s final tenant: It is the power of your thoughts that got you here, and with the assignment to bring many forward. You are needed.
You have been in training for your assignment for lifetimes. You did not come unprepared. All that you need to know is inside of you. This is not a lifetime of new information. This is a lifetime of remembrance, we are told by the Pleiadians. You are here to remember what you already know. The Pleiadians are simply here to remind you of that, we are told.
This universe was created by your prime creator, we are told, out of extensions of itself, created for self-gratification and self-expression, created with the command to go out and create, and to bring back all that you create to the prime creator.
In this way, we go about individually creating, and creating our own hierarchies, each succeeding hierarchy creating other hierarchies. Eventually, a plan developed to design Earth. It was an incredible plan. Earth was a beautiful place, and located on the edge of the galaxy, making it easily accessible to other galaxies.
The original planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light. Light is information. Earth is a place where all may participate and share the information that comes by means of the cosmic library.
“Do-Over King” Barack Obama Profits
from Media-Induced Mental Fog among Voters
Of all the endearing movies featuring and flaunting quirky leading man Bill Murray, two are especially memorable. In the one produced first, he eschewed straight comedy for serious dramatics and, thanks to some excellent script writing, Murray and Catherine Hicks, James Keach and Theresa Russell easily outdid the sensational 1946 quartet of Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, John Payne and Anne Baxter from the beloved silver screen classic version of The Razor’s Edge. Along the way, the theme from author W. Somerset Maugham’s novel becomes even more phenomenally stark and yet somehow eternally light-hearted and much, much clearer (even though the character “Maugham” himself was written completely out of Murray’s 1984 version). As strong as Murray is in The Razor’s Edge,however, the unforgettable dramatic/comedy vehicle for which Murray will be eternally toasted is 1993’s Groundhog Day . . . .
This more than bizarre (surreal?) fantasy in which a misanthropic, self-important weatherman Phil Connors relives the same day, February 2nd (the single day of the year he most despises; in the place he most despises Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania; during the event he most despises: Groundhog Day Festivities), over and over and over again without hope for reprieve . . . has been embraced by the Buddhist fate and has even entered American slang lexicon as a shorthand term for any miserable, seemingly inescapable recurring fact of life.
"A thousand people freezing their butts off, waiting to worship a rat," Weatherman Connors gripes.
The American Buddhist movement finds the movie a strong allegory for life in general and for their religion more specifically. In real life as it’s lived by we, the non-believers in Buddhist Nirvana, however, Groundhog Day has come to the Oval Office courtesy of the ceaseless Obama-adulation by the mainsteam media (MSM). Let us adopt Sara Palin’s more accurate “lame-stream media” here for they have made the President appear not, as a cat with nine lives, but rather as a jaguar with 9,000. So far as it is within their power they have created a politician who really can’t fall short on anything. If the president bashes business and the financial industry ceaselessly for two consecutive years he has but to name a Chicago crony who happens to carry some business experience as an advisor and he suddenly becomes magnanimous in his “outreach to the business world.” No matter how great or repetitive his mistakes, let the Great Barack make even the slightest symbolic gesture of reasonableness while posturing for the media and . . . suddenly all his long-standing substantial errors and sins are forgiven, for the Anointed One has given the appearance of statesmanship.
To say this was “all smoke and mirrors” would be demeaning magicians everywhere. This is rather, all freely-given PR puffery designed to glorify Obama. Consider these nine key areas as impartially as possible:
Foreign Policy
Fairness, Openness, Bi-Partisanship
The Gulf Oil Spill
GIBs and GSBs (Obamacare in particular)
Relationship with Business
Keeping Promises
The unbiased observer must give the President nine F’s for nine substantial failures. In fact, however, the man’s “Messiah” status is ever-reinforced ever more desperately with each pathetic showing he makes. Consider more closely:
JOBS: 17.6% of America’s people are unemployed in real measurement. 9.5% are still looking for jobs and thus still on the labor rolls, the rest have given up; many are substantially UNDERemployed. Obama promised once his $787 BIllion stimulus package was passed in February, 2009, that unemployment would not exceed 8%. In the upcoming State of the Union address he will pretend that the country was on the brink of a Great Depression and only the quick thinking of he and his Democrats was able to save us . . . at no small expense . . . and the MSM will sell that unenlightened viewpoint as Gospel. By the way, if the official “unemployment” statistic is ridiculous, then the Obama “jobs saved” stat is absolute horse pucky.
SPENDING: Obama’s sycophant-girl, Nancy Pelosi, has echoed the party line that deficit reduction and reduction of the National Debt has long been a top concern among Democrats and “Deficit Reduction has been our mantra.” Pelosi and the House Democrats last year refused to pass a budget because it would have been the country’s first $5 TRillion budget and required $1.6 TRillion in deficits. Then there’s the little matter of the $14.1 TRillion National Debt which has increased $5 TRillion under Democratic house leadership which is 56% in four years. Besides the bailouts and Obama stimulus, Obamacare will increase deficits by $300 Billion yearly while claiming it reduces deficits. The MSM abets Pelosi, Reid and Obama at every turn for their humane and far-thinking new approach.
FOREIGN POLICY: Despite Obama’s “Apology Tour”; repeatedly breaking promises to allies while embracing those who have no love for the United States and orally wish us ill; kowtowing to Eastern potentates and premiers; and doing everything possible to make the nation appear and be weak, weak, weak . . . the MSM has refused to analyze, investigate or seemingly even care about the utterly negative Obama legacy in foreign policy. Did they report in depth on his shabby treatment of Israel? On the weakness toward Iran and Russia implicit in not building the promised missile defense for our eastern European allies? No, naturally no. But they couldn’t wait to fall all over themselves in slobbering joy proclaiming the START treaty with Russia was not a shameful sell-out but somehow a wonderful coup.
LEADERSHIP: More than anything else, the election of the nation’s first Black president was supposed to usher in a new era of enlightenment in racial matters and tolerance at all levels. Polls on the subject say that relations between the races have gotten worse under our first “post-racial” president. And, up till his recent posturing as a “centrist president” now that the Republicans dominate the House, President Obama led the way by constant race-baiting; and stupid stances like getting involved in the Cambridge arrest in early 2009 that led to his infamous “Beer Summit.” Mr. Obama has also threatened freedom of speech and freedom of the press by his constant attacks upon FoxNews and the TEA Party. Instead of leadership, Obama has constantly whined and called all those who dislike his policies as racists, haters, extremists and stupid. People fifty times as patriotic as the President then were subject to one hundred times the abuse by the MSM and by the most progressive elements of the Democratic Leadership.
FAIRNESS, OPENNESS and BI-PARTISANSHIP: Mr. Obama promised to change the culture of Washington and to give us “hope and change we could believe in. He talked about having TV cameras involved so that people could see every aspect of the health care deliberations and like his favorite YES MAN, Harry Reid in the Senate and YES GIRL, Nancy Pelosi in the House, Obama promised to run the most open, honest and accountable administration in history. Instead he’s overseen the most corrupt, closed, dishonest and unaccountable administration since Woodrow Wilson. Just the matter of those 42 non-vetted Obama Czars speaks volumes . . . of course, it would have been impossible to get all those admitted communists and radicals into the White House any other way. The MSM did nothing to hold Obama’s feet to the fire . . . he was given a free pass on all of this. The Van Jones affair was classic MSM. While FoxNews and others were revealing video clips of Jones talking openly about revolution and his communism and his 9/11 Truther activities for two and a half months, the MSM ran a 30 second clip the day after Van Jones “resigned.”
THE GULF OIL SPILL: It took the Obama administration six weeks to really get involved and their involvement in the first two weeks thereafter was making speeches about how they’d been on the ground dealing with the issue since the first few hours it was known about. Then, like all leftists, Obama made a horrible situation worse . . . first his EPA would not allow the building of sand berms and other defenses against the spill (because they might harm the environment); and then he cost the nation loads of oil and the Gulf loads of jobs with his six month moratorium on drilling which is now nearing nine months and which is projected to last 2.5 years. The MSM hardly covered these important matters but found a patsy in the BP President and made Mr. Obama into a hero, as usual. Will they love him as much when gasoline is $4.50 per gallon?
GIBs and GSBs (OBAMACARE in particular): Like the oil spill made worse by government involvement, GIBs and GSBs (Government interference and government spending boondoggles) are the utter limits of arrogance with the federal government showing they know best and in the process taking over more of American life and making it worse. In the case of Obamacare the lies involved are incredible, and of course the MSM will not deal with them or expose them to the public. Mr. Obama personally pledged that zero federal dollars would be used to fund abortions under Obamacare but we found out in the first week that the program went into operation that abortions were routinely covered by Obamacare. They added money to other programs in two other bills (Medicare and Medicaid) so they could show the Congressional Budget Office false numbers that would make Obamacare look like it would lower the deficit when in truth the big picture is that 30 million people are added to the program at a far greater expense than the private sector would have caused and the program is another entitlement GSB, GIB that will dramatically ramp up the National Debt and the yearly deficits. In addition we have stimulus funds that only stimulated the pocketbooks for Obama supporters and created no new jobs; the laughable “Cars for Clunkers” which claimed that destroying perfectly good cars would jumpstart the economy (all it did was create a massive shortage of used cars and drive the price of the typical used car upward by $1,800); the AIG and auto bailouts; the takeover not only of health care but of the financial industry, the student loan industry, and now the beginning of the coal industry. And the MSM has been applauding every step of the way.
BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS: Mr. Obama spent the first two years of his administration feathering the cap of the unions and taking every possible opportunity to bash business, business people, finance, financial people, capitalists and conservatives all the while imposing all manner of extra bureaucracy and expense upon the free markets . . . MSM cheering every step of the way. Now as he makes cozy to enhance his 2012 presidential bid, little is made of his hypocrisy.
KEEPING PROMISES: From Guantanamo Bay to Afghanistan and all the promises mentioned above . . . President Obama has made a splendid career of promising out of one side of his mouth and alibi-ing out of the other. It’s likely that Barack Obama will at the end of the day (as a one-term president) actually only keep two promises, both made in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle on the 2008 campaign trail:
a. To bankrupt the coal industry
b. To make the price of electricity skyrocket
Actually, that’s only one promise since 52% of our electricity comes from coal . . .
Of course, the MSM gives Mr. Obama free rein to do as he pleases and enthusiastically supported him in 2008 and will support him in 2012. Call them “mulligans,” “do-overs” or Groundhog Day . . . the tremendous leeway that Obama has received from the MSM amounts to about 25 times the tolerance given to his predecessor and about 30 times what they’ve allotted to the TEA Party . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Nothing irritates the Left more than being caught in a lie. Reading the Consitutiton in the opening session of the 112th Congress was nothing less than a revelation of how far it has been abused, and why the Left doth protest too much. It's something that should be done before every new session.
If they are trying to change things for the better, why should there be any limits on them?