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“Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” an interview with author James Simpson.On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”Alinsky is considered to be the founder of modern community organizing in America. Alinsky’s teachings influenced Obama early in his career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago. Obama worked for Gerald Kellman’s Developing Communities Project where he learned and taught Alinsky’s methods for community organizing. Obama would later work for ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.According to Sol Stern of the Manhattan Institute, ACORN is a modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left” and holds a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to be implemented through “undisguised authoritarian socialism.”“This new and complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is … outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed,” H.G. Wells wrote in The New World Order.It is a brand of “undisguised authoritarian socialism” supported by the establishment. As the Union News reported last October, ACORN receives funding from the Robin Hood Foundation, a charity supported — to the tune $9,859,453 — by the globalist George Soros and his Soros Fund Charitable Foundation.“Soros is the visible side of a vast and nasty secret network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe, centered in the British House of Windsor,” writes William Engdahl. According to Engdahl, Soros “is part of a tightly knit financial mafia — ‘mafia,’ in the sense of a closed masonic-like fraternity of families pursuing common aims.”As Antony Sutton documented (Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution), the very fount of “authoritarian socialism” was created and lavishly funded by the bankers. “The involvement of the Rockefellers with their supposed blood enemies, the Communists, dates back to the Bolshevik Revolution,” notes Gary Allen (None Dare Call it Conspiracy, chapter 6). “The Federal Reserve-CFR insiders began pushing to open up Communist Russia to U.S. traders soon after the revolution.”In addition, the bankers have supported “communism” in the United States. Considering this, it should come as no surprise the anti-capitalist “Cloward-Piven Strategy” was published by The Nation, a magazine with a well-documented connection to the CIA. As researcher Bob Feldman notes, The Nation is connected to the National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA front group involved in overthrowing countries around the world by way of “color revolution.” The CIA has a history of collaboration with the Ford Foundation (see James Petras: “The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret Police”).A d v e r t i s e m e n tIn 1954, Rowan Gaither of the Ford Foundation told Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd that “the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”This merging with the Soviet Union (or more accurately, “authoritarian socialism”) has nothing to do with the sort of communism taught in school textbooks — a dictatorship of the proletariat and the workers — but rather it is an authoritarian control system engineered by the bankers and the global elite. “This new and complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is … outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed,” H.G. Wells wrote in The New World Order.It is a mistake to believe the Cloward-Piven Strategy is scheme cooked up by academic Marxists of “New Left” bent dedicated to the destruction of capitalism in the name of some sort of vaguely defined humanitarianism. In fact, “the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions” is a meticulous plan on the part of the global elite to consolidate power and destroy all opposition.It has nothing to do with liberating the proletariat but rather subjecting them to banker engineered “world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed” and devised to transform the planet into a banker dominated high-tech prison gulag.Print this page.Comment RulesLoginUsername:Password:Remember meRegisterLost your password?Comments are closed.
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The folks who brought us the “Defend Public Education” actions last March in California, Wisconsin, New York and Michigan are planning a new round this year and will be drawing on the “energy” created by the violent, destructive riots in Europe.The Huffington Post reported last year about college students shutting down major freeways in California. In Wisconsin, protesters threw “punches and ice chunks” at police after the students were refused entry into an administration building in Madison.Now, plans are being made for a month of similar actions this year, kicking off March 2nd.Some activists have complained that unions are not currently leading the charge because they’ve become too “corporatist.” But they believe once they make their move, unions will move to “co-opt” the movement.“Student strikes” will occur in March to fight budget cuts and increased fees for students. What's happening in Europe is about to be emulated in America, friends.Radicals know this is one of their last opportunities to keep the gravy train running on time. But reality, courtesy of fed up taxpayers, may interrupt their plans.One of the movement’s leaders, Los Angeles high school teacher Omar Hussein, recruited “student militants” to support the March 4th protests in 2010. He’s a leader again this time around, according to sources within the movement.The month of “actions” will be capped off with a global action stemming from a huge union/socialist rally in London March 26th. As many as one million people will show their solidarity with those “in the firing line of the government’s cuts,” according to a statement posted on a public employee union website.The pro-big government radicals are in the planning stages of something similar in the United States. One radical from Arizona pledged that the actions will be “very militant” because what they’ve done so far hasn’t worked and “there are no other options now.”Radicals who fantasize about Che Guevara’s revolution, the Soviet States of America and the good ole days of Chairman Mao will soon be making their move. They’ll be doing their best to seize the current “crisis” and push their socialist agenda.Will they get anywhere? The big government agenda certainly had its wings clipped in the November election. But that doesn’t mean violence, upheaval and chaos can be stopped.And we shouldn’t kid ourselves that it’s simply a small band of “student militants” that break a few windows and celebrate at the local (fair trade) coffee house. When this action occurs, SEIU, AFL-CIO, NEA, AFT, NAACP and others will be right behind them to push the socialist agenda forward.This is the moment to stand up to them, crash their agenda and defend a free and capitalist America.Kyle OlsonKyle is founder and CEO of Education Action Group Foundation, a non-partisan non-profit organization
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Intelligent Design

All these questions we read on this blog and no answers; we are getting nowhere. What comes around goes around, but not always.  America was peopled by Europeans. They came to a wild land with many dangers, by reason of having the freedom to do their thing without government interference.  When King George’s taxes were seen as oppressive, they said, no way, wrote the Declaration of Independence, and beat the most powerful nation in the world, in fact, replaced the most powerful nation in the world, so what’s the answer? I haven’t heard it here.


Here is the answer. Knowledge has no mathematical definition.  For instance, the molecular knowledge in DNA requires the quantification of the amount of information, to give quantity to something having only quality, as anything scientific, or legal, most have a precise or mathematical definition.  The everyday definition is that knowledge conveys something useful.  Neither the legal nor mathematical definition takes into consideration that knowledge conveys something useful. After beating around the bush, both come up with useless answers. A good example is Obamacare.  The proverbial Tree of Knowledge, with its serpent, go ahead and partake, and know what the gods know. That’s my advice.


In communication systems, information is not required to contain knowledge. The same might be said of biological systems, except for the fact that information that does not provide selective advantage is lost. Evolution involves the creation of information that provides a selective advantage, something in which the information is useful.


The first biological systems on earth, one cell organisms, had to have for their survival collective intermediaries  Humans are the only biological system created to be self-governed. The establishment position is that knowledge does not have to be useful. The prime consideration is that the establishment remain in control, thus the intermediary—something useless.  In religion, man creates an intermediary god—something  useless. 


In the Scofield Study Bible Introduction (to be read), we read, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize.’”  Thus, all said and done, the establishment seeks to carry us back in time, to the time when life had intermediaries—hive mentality, and later herd mentality.


In Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, a federal judge decided that Intelligent Design involved religious belief. I’m not religious but certain that I’m here by Intelligent Design.  Quantum physicists who try to show that we are here by Intelligent Design are accused of trying to smuggle God into science, God, the supreme being.  Some quantum physicists, I’m here to tell you, do not see God as a supreme being, but as the supreme consciousness of the universe, and that we are inextricably part of it.


If we did not have the supreme being the acceptable definition, but rather Intelligent Design or Supreme Consciousness, the law and science required to accept that we are logically each here by Intelligent Design, the individual therefore empowered, of course Intelligent Design would be rejected by the establishment.


Knowledge being quantified, wherein something useful is not a consideration, the individual merely a quantity—does not have a legal leg to stand on—it is precisely this reasoning—that we are merely a quantity with no rights—that made it legal to eliminate German Jews.


Taking it for granted that the progressive order of the universe leaves us here with increasing purpose, it is a distortion of the meaning of the word progressive to quantify us.  Quantum, the same as quantity, the smallest excitation of a quantized wave or field, as a photon, a photon is a tiny packet of energy that is created by our observing light waves. From wave we create a particle merely by observation, thus by Intelligent Design these tiny packets of energy, through our eyes, are channeled to the brain, processed, and we see a tree.  Knowledge, by scientific and legal definition, does not take this scientifically proven fact into consideration. Thus we have progressive government. Thus, the American masses, on the Yellow Brick Road, went to see the Wizard of Oz, and believing, do not want to be confused by the facts I reveal.


When life commenced on earth, one cell organisms, some intermediary force directing life, and still only one life form capable of being self-directed, by Intelligent Design, in that the establishment is against Intelligent Design, and the Supreme Being an invention, an intermediary, early Americans, it seems, were here before their time.  It is now back to what comes around goes around.  America’s government, having painted itself into a corner, and desperate, is implementing all manner of devices—lies—to remain in control. Flying on a wing and a prayer and adding weight as it goes, the United States, a disaster waiting to happen, is the same as Europe.


 The law, based on reason—codified experiences—and some things never change,  America’s current keepers of the law, maintaining that they must interpret the law in light of today’s needs; that is, needs as they see it, don’t accept that we are here with increasing purpose.  The way our judges reason, we are here for their purpose.  I know the law; they don’t.


Mahatma Gandhi knew the law. He reasoned that non-violence is not a garment to put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and must be an inseparable part of our living; that is, living by the Intelligent Design that created us. America’s judges have changed from Jim Crow law. Now they have replaced Intelligent Design with themselves. Never in the history of law has the law ever come down to a full circle of truth. That’s because we leave the law to the professionals. In Early American courts, lawyers were forbidden.  We only think we’ve advanced beyond animal. Expedience is always in the rule of law. The ink had not dried on the Constitution when expedience left only white people with rights.   The makers and keepers of the law simply will not turn lose of their hold on the people.


I’m not a quantum physicist but understand the subtle workings of the universe. I’m ahead of my time. You can read about me in astrology books. I’m an individual Intelligent Design’s increasing purpose put here to deliver a message. I’m someone taken with a grain of salt, but time waits for no man. The moment of truth is now upon us.  The time has come for another quantum leap in our human destiny. We’ve delayed the change, but only for a limited time. Pressure is building behind the dam. The makers and keepers of the law refuse to open the flood gates.  

The longer we wait, the worse the consequences. After the inevitable happens, comes the innovation that always accompanies disasters.  The process begins of rebuilding what we lost by refusing to look within for our answers.



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I have An Oligopoly. Do You?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Blue Shield of California is planning to go forward with planned health insurance rate increases despite calls from government regulators to delay the move.

The San Francisco-based insurer said Friday that it asked an independent actuary to review the increases and would issue refunds if problems were found with the rates.

The insurer has implemented two rate hikes since Oct. 1. Some policyholders would pay 59 percent more in premiums cumulatively over the three increases.

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones had asked Blue Shield to delay planned March 1 increases so his department could do a full review.

Blue Shield CEO Bruce Bodaken says the increases are necessary because of rising health care costs.

""Consumer advocates fear that the health care law could worsen some of the very problems it was meant to solve — by reducing competition, driving up costs and creating incentives for doctors and hospitals to stint on care, in order to retain their cost-saving bonuses.
“The new law is already encouraging a wave of mergers, joint ventures and alliances in the health care industry,” said Prof. Thomas L. Greaney, an expert on health and antitrust law at St. Louis University. “The risk that dominant providers and dominant insurers may exercise their market power, individually or jointly, has never been greater.”""
The above quote is from the November 21, issue of the New York Times.
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Never Let A Crises Go To Waste


This picture is of Mt. Hood, 35 miles northeast of my home. It represents the mighty rock upon which my faith in God rests, and with good reason. All of my dreams have come true.


Let the tragedy at Tucson go down in history as the re-awakening of spiritual America, the so-called spirit of 76.


President Obama, at the Tucson memorial, said our hearts are full of gratitude for those who saved others. The hopes of the nation are with you. That’s fine, but Obama did not know the reason for Jared Lounghner’s monstrous deed. It should have been obvious to everyone that Jared was consumed with self-hate, as it is inconceivable that anyone who thought highly of himself would do what Jared did. But no, those who think highly of themselves cannot put themselves in Jared’s place.


Our ego-self is the part we show the world, but deep within each of us lives an archetypal self, which was on display when the bullets were flying. It is the innate desire to protect our own kind from harm. That desire must surely be weighing heavily on President Obama and a great many Americans in the aftermath.


President Obama can be commended for telling us we must not use this tragedy to play the blame game.  But this is clear: The great division in the nation at this time is due to poor leadership. Lest I play the blame game, though, I must add that poor leadership can be attributed to how the individual perceives himself, whether he feels self-reliant and personally responsible or dependent on others. This is the key to the door of self-realization.


President Obama said we can do better than this, but he did not, and has not in the past told us how. We can only assume that he is reaching out for answers. We’ve got to do a rewrite on the course we are taking. Otherwise, we are an accident waiting to happen.


The memorial bears witness to the fact that our leaders are cognizant of their souls. My Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: Our immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of life. Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven.” Were it on earth as it is in heaven, it would be limited to what our sensibilities tell us. We are all-too-prone to be sidetracked by our sensibilities. In earth connects with our inner selves—as it is in heaven: the state of our being.


Surely you cannot believe that you are not here for a purpose, or that no one is here for a purpose, or that this tragedy had no purpose. Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper. Clearly, this was exhibited in Tucson.  It is weighing heavily on the nation.


Jared was a young man whose blame game left him without his soul for guidance. After Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven,” he said, “No man can serve two masters,” and then he said: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Thank God that I never lost my soul. I’ve many times been mad enough to kill.


What to do with people who have lost their souls?  At this time, President Obama does not know. Why doesn’t he know?  Because he is a Harvard trained lawyer. Harvard’s view has been made abundantly clear in the appointment to the Supreme Court of Elena Kagan. When asked if she believed that God plays a part in our laws, Kagan was evasive. That is a tragedy in and of itself. The Tucson massacre could have and should have been avoided. We can all take a share of the blame. Jared should have been placed in a structured environment where he could have been nurtured back to sound mental health.


Blame the courts for leaving psychopaths free to commit their murderous acts. Blame the A.C.L.U. Citizenship should not be seen as a fundamental right; it should be seen as an earned privilege if we are to preserve ordered liberty.  Where was President Obama in his message at the memorial. He was like the man that wrote the St. Louis Greens. It was a good song, but it didn’t sell.


I think I know the law as good as anyone you can find, and better than any judge, and surely better than President Obama. The record I left for you proves it. I know that God is in the law. I know that God looked out for me when I used my Constitution to protect my rights. I know how great my reward has been. Follow me and the law. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. . . Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”


We’ve turned entitlement upside down; we have corrupted our purpose.  If we don’t rewrite the law, we can kiss the America we love and cherish goodbye.



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The Real Rate of Inflation and How to Protect Yourself


The CPI, or Consumer Price Index, is the official measure of inflation in the

United States. The government utilizes the CPI as a way to make adjustments to

interest rates for things like TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) bonds

and entitlement payouts like Social Security. According to the Bureau of Labor

and Statistics, the CPI for the month of August was 1.1%, which means that prices

were up just 1.1% over the previous year. According to Federal Reserve chairman

Ben Bernanke, this is proof positive that there is no inflation to be had, and that we

are, in fact, in a deflationary spiral.

This explains why those purchasing TIPS bonds to preserve their wealth via inflation

protected interest adjustments in recent weeks were actually getting near negative

interest rates - in some cases buying TIPS was an immediate loser in terms of capital

gains. It may also explain why, for two years running, the U.S. government has failed to

make upward adjustments to social security checks.

On its face, viewing the government’s official numbers, the uninformed observer would

assume that inflation really is under control, and that the immediate threat, as touted by

mainstream economist is deflation. This has been used to justify what has been referred

to Quantitative Easing 2, or QE2, leading to ever more money printing by The Fed.

As with all things “official,” however, the CPI lacks appropriate weighting for critical goods -

essential goods - like food and energy.

The following chart from Casey Research shows just how skewed the “official” CPI figures are.

Hint: It’s as big a lie, if not bigger, than the unemployment numbers!


While you may be able to get a great deal on debt-based assets like a house or a car,

it’s obvious that the real cost of living, as measured in critically essential goods like food

and energy, is skyrocketing - just as wages, credit availability and jobs are plummeting.

In April of 2010 we wrote about the possibility of significant food prices increases by 2011,

estimating that at current rates the price of food by April of 2011 may rise 20% - 30%.

Admittedly, we may have been wrong.

It’s may be much worse than we originally anticipated.

If the US dollar continues to be debased by Federal Reserve and Treasury Department

intervention, we can expect hyperinflationary price increases much sooner than we think.

The hyperinflations of the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe started in similar fashion.

The first few years saw price increases of anywhere from 10% to 35% on foodstuffs.

Within five years however, they were experiencing significant price jumps and overall

instability with their currencies, topping off with inflation rates well above 100,000%

per year. It is a truly terrifying proposition.

What is the best way to protect yourself against such price instability?

Ideally, you’d want to be invested in hard assets - things that will actually be worth something

when paper money is not.

A number of ideas come to mind, and should be able to fit most any budget:

  • Gold (physical bullion preferable)
  • Silver (physical bullion or 90% junk silver for those on tight budgets)
  • Stored dry goods such as wheat, corn, rice, beans, oils & fats, sugar,
  • salt, coffee, tobacco
  • Tools
  • Guns, ammunition
  • Skills (developing skills that will be tradeable for other goods is just like
  • having cash in your pocket. Can you sew, or grow food, or machine tools, or weld?)

For those who have not yet taken steps to protect themselves against the possibility of

inflation - hyperinflation - take another look at the chart above.

Historically, for the last 100 years, the US dollar has lost over 95% of its value.

Do you think The Fed or US government will implement policies that aim to change this trend?

For more information about hyperinflation and what you can do, we recommend

the following articles:

What is money when the system collapses?

Hyperinflationary Depression - No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon

Author: Mac Slavo
Date: October 27th, 2010
Visit the Author's Website:

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Contact: Jackson-Lee

Email: Jose Borjon

Phone: (202) 225-3816


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Washington, Jan 13 - 2011


“Wednesday evening in Tucson, Arizona, President Obama
accurately said, ‘There is no way to know what triggered the

rampage that left six people dead, thirteen others wounded and

the nation shaken.’ And he further challenged us by saying,

‘we can be better.’ I agree.

“Also on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., on the floor of the
House, in tribute to Congresswoman Giffords, her staff, those

who lost their lives and the wounded, I said that ‘now it is

time for us to do our best, to be a servant and a leader

giving to others first, showing by example.’

“That is why I am so very, very disappointed that the
former Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, chose to

interrupt this spirit of harmony by interjecting an eight

minute discussion that was more divisive than it was unifying.

I am saddened because the day that she chose, was the day of

the Memorial Tribute, and that day should have been a time

when no one interjected themselves above the non-partisan

spirit of reflection and inspiration. Further, the use of the

term “blood-libel” was unfortunate and warrants a

clarification. I hope -- as we go forward, we can have a

collective unified voice against violence, and not focus on

our individual selves or any perceived personal slight. And we

should continue to reach out to each other.

“Finally, I join the President in saying again, ‘We can be
better,’ and I personally believe America is at her best when

she is doing her best.”


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If you havent seen this site, please visit it - a sister org is doing the pledge against Obama care that was referenced by Rush and the Wall Street Journal - below is info and links (If I get this right!)

If it doesnt post correctly, for sure you can find it at Floyd Reports.

Sign it TODAY!


Fellow Patriots,
Far and wide, Americans sent a message last November that we want less taxes and smaller government that starts with the Repeal of Obamacare. The 112th Congress was sent to Washington with this mandate and now we must support John Boehner, Eric Cantor and the other members in succeeding at these specific endeavors.
The U.S. House has scheduled a vote for a full and complete Repeal of Obamacare when it holds a vote on House Resolution 2 next week.
Members of Congress need to hear from you TODAY. need you to remind them that Repeal of Obamacare is the will of the American People.
They need to be reminded that Repeal of Obamacare demonstrates a commitment to the Constitution, fiscal responsibility, and fundamental American freedoms.
Independent Women's Voice along with Americans for Tax Reform and American Majority have formed the only official coalition to Repeal Obamacare in full, once and for all. We've since been joined by dozens of other state and national leaders who share our desires to end Obamacare in the 112th Congress.
Will you join the tens of thousands of other Americans in voicing support for H.R. 2, the full Repeal of Obamacare?
Our efforts have been supported by Rush Limbaugh, who on September 28, 2010 stated:
"Obamacare must be repealed... Okay, you say you want to repeal it? Sign the pledge."
Then the Wall Street Journal followed suit on September 30, 2010:
"Launched a week ago by the nonprofit outfits Independent Women's Voice and American Majority Action...The hard political slog ahead could use an accountability tool like The Repeal Pledge."
By signing the letter in support of H.R. 2, you will be sending a clear message to Members of Congress, the U.S. Senate and the White House. We must be clear next week and for the fight ahead in the Senate that Americans do NOT want Obamacare.
We know there are many requests in your inbox to sign petitions to Repeal Obamacare. This, however, is the only one that is tied to concrete and specific actions required of our Representatives and Senators - this is the Repeal effort where your signature amplifies the importance of their pledge, and helps us hold them accountable.
Moreover, this is the letter that will put pressure on those who claim to oppose ObamaCare but so far are signaling they will follow the wishes of Nancy Pelosi. Your signature reminds them that 2012 is coming sooner than they think and that there will be a price for ignoring the will of the American people AGAIN.
Voice your support for H.R. 2, the full Repeal of Obamacare by signing the letter here.
Let's save America and put an end to Obamacare in the 112th Congress.
Yours in freedom,
Heather Higgins
Independent Women's Voice
P.S. Fighting to Repeal Obamacare is not cheap. So will you follow this link to make an urgently needed donation of $50, $100, $250 or more to help us repeal Obamacare in both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate? I am counting on your immediate support so we'll have the resources to dispose of this unconstitutional, shameful law as quickly as possible. Thank You.
You may also mail your contribution to:
Independent Women's Voice
4400 Jenifer St., Suite 240
Dept Code: 39530
Washington, DC 20014

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A New Revelation

It has been suggested that I’m being naive to say Obama spoke the truth at the memorial for the fallen in Tucson, Arizona. Said Obama: "None of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack. None of us can know with any certainty what might have stopped these shots from being fired or what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man's mind. . . Those who died here, those who saved lives here — they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us. . . At a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do . . . Have we shown enough kindness and generosity and compassion to people in our lives?"

Was Obama the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing of which Jesus spoke? Said Jesus: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” (Mt. 7:18). Aah! But there is more here than meets the eye.

Obama said, “Those who died here, those who saved lives—they helped me believe.”  There was the time when I blamed all of my woes on others. I played the blame game.  I believed that I had done all that anyone could do, but no one appreciated me. Coincidentally, I was a miserable wretch; my business enterprise was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. I blamed it all on a corrupt government.   

Yes, the evidence was there, externally. I was right. My government was corrupt.  I studied the Constitution and particularly how to go about taking Uncle Sam to court. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. They helped me believe. The next thing you know, I was not playing the blame game anymore. I was internally empowered.  

A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit, but said Jesus: “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” We need to distinguish the ego-self from the God-self.  I had yet to find my inner self. And speaking of that, President Obama has had a rude awakening. Playing the blame game got him nowhere. In fact, he lost big time. It would not be wise to rub it in.

President Obama was cognizant of my misguided thoughts at the above mentioned unfortunate time in my life when he said, “they helped me believe.” The voices of the past helped me believe. Obama was speaking to those people who instinctively thought more of other lives than they did of their own. Obama told his audience the story of each of these heroes when the bullets were flying. Two died that others might live. Obama was visibly shaken. His countenance was deeply troubled. I could read his mind; I knew his pain well. Those Tucson heroes inspired him. I could see it in the look on his face throughout the time he was there.  His wife instinctively knew his thoughts. I could see it in the look on her face.  Those two are extremely close. I heard Obama say it. Mrs. Obama was extremely proud of her husband for what he said at that memorial. Everyone there was in tune. It was an extraordinary time for America. As well as the Obamas, that memorial was quite an awakening for me.  Thank God! There is yet hope for us.

If you want to prove me wrong, don’t believe the President. Continue believing he is the worst president America has ever had. If you want to prove me right, pray for a miracle. Give the President credit for taking a peak at his inner self, and give him the help he needs to serve his country well. Please give me some feedback.




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After the Calamity Hope and Renewal

At the Memorial for the fallen in Tucson, Arizona last night, for the first time I’ve seen the President, in my opinion, act presidential—forget politics—at long last our President spoke the truth.  For the first time I’ve listened to him, President Obama, instead of angering me, made me proud to be an American. I heard President Obama say something I thought I’d never hear him say. He admonished us to not let this tragedy divide us. Our President united the American people last night in Tucson.  Praise God!


I’m reminded of the death of my grandson. His mother and I clashed. She is very much the feeling person. I’m very much the thinking person. Both of us are very stubborn in our beliefs.  Three years ago, my daughter telephoned me with the sad news that my grandson was dead. Instantly, my heart went out to her. We cried. My daughter said she wanted to visit me. We had not visited for years.  She brought my grandson’s guitar with her, which I’ve learned to play quite well.  Now I play the guitar, my keyboard, and sing. I’m a one-man band. It brings me a lot of pleasure. My daughter and I are communicating like mature adults. I love her very much. For the first time, I can see that my daughter has much to offer, even though she admonished me during her visit for killing a slug that was eating my plants.


My grandson was a talented artist. He was away in college when he died. His friends told his mother he died of an overdose of heroin. He and his girlfriend split, his mother told me. My grandson was never a druggy. Heroin is a killer drug. Not knowing what he was doing, my grandson died a senseless death at age 21.  Coincidentally, drugs played a role in the Tucson tragedy. So many lessons we ignore!  My grandson’s death and the Tucson tragedy are signs of the time. We must deal differently with this problem.


Again, on a personal note, on the first date with my fourth wife, a hike in the mountains near Mt. St. Helens, on the day the mountain erupted, a sign—after the calamity hope and renewal—the calamity my life had been brought wife number four and I together. My fourth wife was sent to me. From the moment we met, I knew she was meant for me. Our meeting took place only two weeks after wife number three walked out. The last thing I wanted when we met was another wife. My fourth wife is the best thing that could ever happen to a man.


We learn that nine year-old Christina Taylor Green, God rest her soul, was born on the day the World Trade Center was destroyed and thousands died. Christina died by the hand of a druggy madman. After the calamity hope and renewal, this tragedy brought the American people together.


I’m a born again non-Christian. I believe Jesus is my savior and redeemer. How do you reconcile that? My faith is based on personal experience, not religion. A sign of the time, on Good Friday 1975, this non-Christian, by the way, not anti-Christian, arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.  


In the Bible, Jesus tells us “in earth as it is in heaven,” but first comes the kingdom of God, this distinguishing aspect of earth, heaven, and God has been made clear by the cutting edge of science. Science has now found that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space is false dogma. Nothing can exist without consciousness.  As conscious beings, we are more than matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality, the observer interacting with matter, and having fundamental existence, science now fits our existence into the overall tapestry of reality.


Faith was never meant to be blind faith. Those willing to observe greater truths than their religions bring them will find hidden wonders in what they already believe.


We are more than Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, Jews, Christians, Muslims. There are natural laws we cannot overcome. We are all God’s children. Believing this, I’ve experienced miracles, not the least of which was being led to the Constitution. After studying the Constitution, and using it, my life changed drastically for the better.


The Constitution tells us that President Obama is a servant of the Higher Law, the background of the Constitution; and the same for Congress, the Judiciary, and the bureaucracy; and the same for the people.  President Obama reminded us in his Tucson speech that we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people.


Again from personal experience, I can say we have no idea of the power God has vested in we, the people, though the Constitution.  We can make everyone in government serve the people, and the people all we could ever hope to be.  It seems to me that President Obama, in his Tucson speech, agreed. Our President, we know, can be led astray. He has much with which to contend. Let us help him live up to his high principles and values.



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We Need Solutions

Today, Glenn Beck reported that he sent every Member of Congress, all 545 of them, a copy of a one-half page non-violence pledge, asking that they sign it.  He put his whole staff on the phone calling them. Only 14 signed.  Your representatives have too many personal reasons not to do anything you want them to do.  You can’t depend on them.  Leave it to Congress and the America you know will be no more.  


I note that bloggers here are long on criticism and short on solutions.  Think of yourselves as bigger than life, here to serve your fellow man—what is needed to save your America—and that you are more than willing to do your part. That is the only way we are going to save the nation.

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Too Big to Succeed

The article below appeared in the New York Times on December 2,2010. THE MESSAGE IS RIGHT ON! It was written by Thomas M. Hoenig, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
"ThE world has experienced a severe financial crisis and economic recession. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve took actions that saved businesses and jobs and may very well have saved the economy itself from ruin. Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day. Why? 
Americans are angry in part because they sense that the government was as much a cause of the crisis as its cure. They realize that more must be done to address a threat that remains increasingly a part of our economy: financial institutions that are “too big to fail."
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LaRouche Denounced Media Fraud Following Arizona Shootings: BERWICK, BLAIR, OBAMA AND HITLER
January 10th, 2011 • 6:41pm •


LaRouche Denounced Media Fraud Following Arizona Shootings:


-Lyndon LaRouche today denounced what he called a "widespread fraud, perpetrated by much of the press," attempting to blame former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, among others, for creating the "climate of hate" that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona. Within hours of the Saturday morning shooting spree by 22-year old Jared Loughner, at a campaign appearance by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), a media propaganda barrage, led by the New York Times, the London Guardian, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, and others, targeted Palin and other critics of the Obama Administration's Nazi-modeled so-called health care reform bill, as politically and morally responsible for the shootings.

"The mere idea that critics of Obama's Nazi-modeled euthanasia policy should be held accountable for this crime is, in itelf, criminal. The basic facts, known to anyone who cares to look," LaRouche explained, "are that President Obama imposed a so-called health care reform, manufactured in Britain by Sir Donald Berwick and then-Prime Minister Tony Blair, that was modeled, precisely, on Adolph Hitler's 1939 T-4 program for euthanasia and genocide against targeted segments of the German population, who were deemed 'lives no longer worth living' by the Nazis. The doctors and other Nazi officials who were the authors and executors of the T-4 program, beginning in September-October 1939, were later tried, convicted, and hung at Nuremburg, for crimes against humanity."

LaRouche continued. "How can anyone be criticized for opposing outright crimes against humanity, modeled on Hitler's own T-4 program? This is the media fraud to which I am referring. The New York Times, the Fabian Society's London Guardian, and others, propose that it is a crime to attack those perpetrating a revival of the very Nuremburg crimes that led the Nazi Doctors to the gallows after World War II. This is the mentality inside the U.S. government today, including inside the U.S. Congress. They show a zeal to commit the crimes of Hitler, because it is so important to save money for the continued bailout of London and Wall Street, that people must die, needlessly. There are some elements of the corrupt U.S. and British media who say that those condemning Hitler-style genocide are annoying them.

"I do not know the circumstances of Rep. Giffords' voting in favor of the T-4 Obamacare bill. I do know that Congressional Democrats came under massive pressure from the White House, and from President Obama, personally, to pass this euthanasia bill. The President was fully witting in this revival of Nazi policies, transmitted through Britain, where Tony Blair's N.I.C.E. (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) first revived the T-4 program through the National Health Service. Donald Berwick, President Obama's current chief health care policy advisor, as chairman of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was an architect of the Blair revival of Hitlerian euthanasia in Britain, and he is now working with President Obama to impose the identical policies here in the United States—targeting the elderly, the chronically ill, and other of the most vulnerable among us."

- Palin in the Cross-Hairs -

LaRouche noted the speed with which Sarah Palin was targeted by the liberal press, ostensibly for posting a list of 20 incumbent Members of Congress who backed the Obamacare, and were therefore targeted for defeat in the November 2010 elections. During the fight over the Obama health care bill, Palin had rightly denounced the bill for promoting "death panels" that would deny care to the elderly and to those with life threatening conditions, on the grounds that care would be "too costly." Indeed, the final bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama, created an Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB), delegated with precisely those "death panel" powers. The backlash against the "death panels" did, however, force the President to remove section 1233 of the draft bill, that would have established government-financed "end of life counselling" for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.

When President Obama's CMA chief, Sir Donald Berwick, attempted to reinstate section 1233 through regulatory means, a public backlash threatened repeal of the entire Obamacare bill. The President backed down from the provisions that would have created financial incentives for doctors to curtail end of life care, and would have eliminated whole categories of life-saving treatements for patients with terminal conditions. Berwick was made an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, by Queen Elizabeth II, for his work on Britain's own T-4 program, N.I.C.E.

LaRouche concluded: "I am struck by the speed with which the usual corrupt media outlets here and in Britain launched their coordinated campaign against Palin and other critics of President Obama's Nazi-modeled policies. It is as if they were waiting for precisely such a heinous incident to occur, to attack those criticizing the attempted revival of Hitlerian euthanasia. I wish I could say that I am shocked at this disgusting behavior, but I am not. The J.P. Morgan-backed New York Times and the Fabian Society-linked Guardian have a long track record of support for such outright genocidal policies. The Guardian was the chief booster of Tony Blair, when he was Prime Minister, and pushed through his N.I.C.E. program of premeditated targeted denial of life-saving medical care, for purely austerity reasons. These were Nuremburg crimes between 1939 and 1945, and they are still Nuremburg crimes today."

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“Left-wing Lies Tie Slain Judge to 'Hateful Radio Talk Shows'”  


Slain Judge Roll (Target of Death Threats

for Sensible Immigration Rulings)

Personally Applauded by Talk Radio


            The word “assassin” is a derivative of the word “hashish” due to the fact that the original Arabian “assassins” did their work influenced by an ultra-THC-laden drug which steadied their nerves.   “Leftist pot smoker” Jared Loughner (who killed Federal Judge John M. Roll, a nine-year old girl and four other innocent victims; and wounded a U.S. Representative and thirteen other unlucky standers-by) according to the latest left-wing propaganda would have shot Judge Roll on purpose rather than incidentally because hate-filled right-wing talk show hosts were harassing him . . . WOW! That may be the LIE OF THE YEAR. Here’s the background and the truth . . . .

            There seems only mild doubt that the deranged Tucson, AZ, shooter Loughner’s intended assassination target was Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, a popular Democrat elected three times to the United States House of Representatives. It was after all Giffords who was conducting her “Congress on the Corner” event and Giffords he shot at point-blank range and presumably whom he shot first (the details are still not clear). Nevertheless, Loughner’s surprise harvest was the killing of federal judge John M. Roll, a conservative who has long been the target of death threats particularly for his immigration rulings over the years. John M. Roll, the chief federal judge in Arizona who was killed in the attack near Tucson, was described as “a tireless advocate for his district and no stranger to the risks of public service;” risks which included numerous death threats. The most famous of Roll’s decisions has angered many sympathetic to the “rights” of illegal immigrants.

            In this highly publicized appeals trial, Roll (the presiding judge in the Ninth District Court of Appeals) found himself twice in an unusual illegal immigrant case wherein sixteen illegal immigrants were suing an Arizona rancher, Roger Barnett -- a Clint Eastwood wannabe -- who apparently had rounded up at least 12,000 illegals on his land since 1998 and turned them over to the U.S. Border Patrol. Barnett’s Cross Rail Ranch lies upon a major corridor for illegal crossings and Barnett has a very large dog and a very large gun. In the case in question, Barnett accosted eleven men and five women on his land in 2009 . . . .

            The resulting suit from the trespassers was frivolous to say the least. The illegals wanted $32 million from Barnett for “violating their civil rights.” In his first contact with the case Judge Roll ruled in favor of the illegals’ lawyers who wanted the case to be tried before an American jury rather than handled administratively by the Border Patrol. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) which represented the illegal border-crossers aimed to make an example of Barnett for his “citizens' arrest tactics” which they said was dangerous and clearly stomped upon the illegals’ rights. After the jury trial was lost, the MALDEF lawyers appealed the case. 

            Again, Judge Roll found himself adjudicating “Barnett vs. the Illegal 16.” Judge Roll's decision against the illegals explained that “illegal aliens have no constitutionally protected right to travel in the U.S. and that people, like the Barnetts, who live in close proximity to the border can make a reasonable assumption that large groups of people they encounter hiding or trespassing on their land are doing so with the aid of smugglers, a federal felony for which private action is authorized under Arizona citizens' arrest and criminal trespass law."  Thus the Barnetts who were represented by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) won the case which is then tried to appeal to a higher court. IRLI lawyers easily dismantled the MALDEF argument that the sixteen illegal immigrant plaintiffs were detained by Barnett only because of their ethnicity, in this case all sixteen were Hispanics. 

A notable side-effect of the case was the revelation that the Mexican government was using these impoverished illegals to further its agenda which acknowledges that $50 billion a year in that country’s income arrives courtesy of illegal aliens sending money orders home to Mexico.  Since on the one hand Mexican authorities are fighting a to the death battle against drug cartels and people-traffickers headed north and American guns headed south . . . conflicted interest is clearly on display here . . . .

Judge Roll who under ordinary times might have rejected the MALDEF maneuvering right from the git-go by allowing the Border Patrol to continue with normal administrative functions . . . erred on the side of political correctness and put himself literally inside the crosshairs. Four death threats were received by Roll from Hispanics upset by the case and he was advised by Federal Marshall David Gonzalez not to file charges against the men who’d threatened him.   Jared Loughner, of course, enters the situation here . . . .

Loughner’s listed his two favorite books as the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf and posted a very strange internet video depicting a wandering illegal alien Arab burning the flag. On top of all this, it’s believed that Loughner is the Daily Kos blogger “BoyBlue” who wrote two days before the shooting that “Rep. Giffords “was dead to me.” If so here’s what we know about BoyBlue: 

1.       He’s an online supporter of gay activism . . . .

2.     He purportedly helped raise money for Giffords’ re-election.

3.     He felt betrayed by Giffords’ vote against Nancy Pelosi (ex-Speaker of the House) for Minority Leader following the 2010 elections which turned the House to Republican control. Most of us have seen the weird video of Pelosi hugging and kissing John Boehner. The vote was meaningless; Pelosi won the Minority Leader post easily.

4.    Online it went down like this . . . BoyBlue’s original posting, dated Jan. 6, 2011, "My Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords voted against Pelosi and is now dead to me" was scrubbed hours after the massacre on January 8, then reposted when someone at the Daily Kos, impersonating "BoyBlue" made an apology. Obviously trying to keep the Daily Kos from being the supportive element of the vitriolic element that led to the tragedy . . . which made it easier to blame “the TEA Party and other hate-groups and their violent rhetoric” and made it easier to cover-up BoyBlue being Loughner, IF, indeed that is the case.

5.     Loughner as BoyBlue says he raised $100,000 for Giffords.  This needs to be verified. This seems highly dubious; Loughner doesn’t appear to have had the organization skills for any long-term commitment such as this.

6.     Undeniable, however, is that Loughner had been a frequent visitor at Giffords’ Congress on the Corner events over the last three and a half years. “Stalking” may be too strong a word, 

 but from a creepy fellow like this:  support and affection can be a dangerous thing.

7.     IF Loughner is the BoyBlue blogger, then the Jan. 6, posting sounds very much like the words of a jilted or scorned “lover.” Perhaps we’ll find out more since the FBI is involved and Pima Sheriff Clarence Dupnik doesn’t have the final say in the investigation . . . .

You've seen left-wing statements (shall we call them "lies?") that tie Judge Roll's death threats to "hateful right-wing" talk shows and the Giffords' assassination attempt to "conservative politics as usual" . . . how impressed are you now with these arguments?   As Paul Harvey loved to say, “Now you know the rest of the story,” well at least part of it.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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OK, Illinois just raised there taxes 66% in the middle of the night, because they have a $15 billion deficit. Why is it that our national government can’t see the obvious? We have 50 states in our union. Of those 50 states we have 50 separate economies. They range from farming to manufacturing, tourism to technology and some are carrying a surplus and some have a deficit. Why can’t our national government look at the top 10 states and what they’re doing well and see why they are doing so well?
Come on, we have 50 economic experiments going on in the United States of America, some have worked and others have failed. Just like in business take the Research and Development experiments that have worked and go make some money. The ones that failed, they stop spending money on and move forward to the next idea.
Am I missing something here?

G. Kent
Looking for support to run for Office in Michigan.


Illinois 66% tax increase

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The Purpose of Income Tax

Before you read this, please read, under “Congressional Ignorance and Self-Importance,” at the bottom of the comments, Charlie Reese’s offering on tax. Charlie was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel.


I made it my business to study the law on federal income tax for a purpose: to force the makers and keepers of the income tax to eat crow. Mission accomplished.


Biologist Julian Huxley, in his essay The Future of Man, asserted: “Man’s exploration and control of external nature has outdone his exploration and control of his own nature.” Exactly!  We learn that in the Picean’s nature, although Pisceans want desperately to do the right thing, they do not have strong will power. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.  


We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius.  We learn that Aquarians are strong willed.  They dislike hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. They are not dependent on their environments for their security.


I happen to be blessed with the Aquarian nature. I made the makers and keepers of the income tax eat crow.  Nobody jumped for joy.  The purpose of the income tax is to make your lives secure.  The majority voted for this.  Otherwise, we would not be paying tax on our incomes.


Something went awry. Please give me some feedback.


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Republican Turncoats



  Once again Peter King shows his true colors. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of infringed don't these mulletheads  understand. They violate their oath of office for trying to pass bills they swore an oath to, impeach em. They did read the Constitution yet they didn't learn anything. Any Cong/Sen that has been in there for over 2 terms should be bounced out. These folks are heavily invested into wall street, all they want to do is  protect their investment, not yours so they pass bills the banks present to them. Vote em out audit the fed and jail the bankers. A victory against the fed has come where they have to turn over internal docs about gold manipulation, also the maryland decision to hold banks acountable for the forclosure debackle. The banks are  gonna fight back against this so keep a watchful eye. I am tired of these mulletheads bought and paid for by special interests, and now the tea party has been infiltrated by the repubs to bring u all back into the fold. Theydon't want a 3rd party they can't control u otherwise.  Remember when folks booed rick perry offstage and other neo-cons well now he is governor again? How does this happen, think about it. Glen Beck had deborah Medina on his radio show, first question out of his mouth was are you a 9/11 truther, submarined madenahs chance for gov and perry got it, thanks, glen be careful of glen beck.


keep a watchful eye,


disabled vet

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