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"Donald Trump"

On several occasions I've had the opportunity to listen to interviews with Donald trump and I liked what he said, not to mention the way he said it.  In June he will make his decision with regards to placing his bid for The Presidency.  In my opinion, he's the only choice for America and the American people.  He's the one person who can bring America back to the greatness it once was.  He's the one person who can bring an end to the corruption in government, something plaguing our nation for decades and presently devastating our American way of life.


We drastically need change.  Our present administration and following Democratic Congress are our destruction on the horizon, and if we don't think smart and challenge their decisions, we are going to fall and when we land, it won't be softly.  


In closing, I hope Donald Trump enters the race.  I believe him to be the right choice for America and the American people and as always, "God Bless America". 



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            It’s not been a good week for Obamacare, by any measure:  

A) Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted 245-189 to repeal the law (a far larger margin then originally passed it). The fact that only three Democrats voted to repeal the law shows the tremendous sway that Nancy Pelosi still holds B) Two Rasmussen Reports surveys meanwhile showed that 75% of American voters want changes to Obamacare; and
C) 56% of voters actually want it repealed, while
D) six more states (Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Ohio, Wisconsin and Wyoming) joined a suit claiming the law is unconstitutional. This brings to twenty-sex, the number of states involved in the lawsuit originally begun by Florida. The other nineteen states that are suing are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.            

            All six of the new states joining the law suits have Republican Attorney Generals, but the action in the House was, at least, somewhat bi-partisan as three Democrats joined the unanimous Republican voting ranks against Pelosi and the health care “reform” bill. With the new additions, over half the country’s states are now opposing the law.  "It sends a strong message that more than half of the states consider the health care law unconstitutional and are willing to fight it in court," Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said in a statement.

The states claim the health care law is unconstitutional and violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by 2014 or face penalties. Government attorneys have said the states do not have standing to challenge the law and want the case dismissed.

Lawsuits have been filed elsewhere. A federal judge in Virginia ruled in December that the insurance-purchase mandate provision was unconstitutional, although two other federal judges have upheld the requirement.   It’s widely believed the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately have to resolve the issue.

Meanwhile, at the White House, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dismissed attaching any importance to the vote repealing the law, saying the Republican effort was “not a serious legislative” push. Democrats have a majority in the Senate and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said his party would block repeal in that chamber; and will not allow the bill to even reach the Senate floor if he has his way.

In the Florida case, the states also argue the federal government is violating the Constitution by forcing a mandate on the states without providing money to pay for it. They say the new law gives the state's the impossible choice of accepting the new costs or forfeiting federal Medicaid funding.  By 2024 at the latest, the new Obamacare requirements for the state side of Medicaid are potentially expected to bankrupt almost all the fifty states. As a side note: Unfunded liabilities of $112 TRillion in Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid amount to more than double the gross national product of the entire world. These three entitlement programs and the new Obamacare entitlement appear nationally and for the states to be ticking time bombs . . . .

Florida U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson is expected to rule later this month whether he will grant a summary judgment in favor of the states or the Obama administration without a trial. Former Florida Republican Attorney General Bill McCollum filed the lawsuit within seconds after President Barack Obama signed the 10-year, $938 billion health care bill into law in March. He chose a court in Pensacola, one of Florida's most conservative cities.  The nation's most influential small business lobby, the National Federation of Independent Business, also joined the suit saying that the law’s costs and paperwork would make small business ownership a losing proposition. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has made similar assessments about Obamacare. A recent analysis showed that where before there stood only the patient and his/her doctor . . . 1,968 bureaucrats have now entered the relationship courtesy of Obamacare.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Vitriol As Defined By The Iron Curtain


Christopher talks about the president saying "end the vitriol" and then lines it up with the hate speech on Sirius XM Left (Clips of Stephanie Miller and Mike Malloy) he also plays clips from 3 calls in a row to the John Gibson Show where 3 liberals call for the death of Dick Cheney. Fox On The Run: Christopher exposes the ridiculousness of the left on the Gabrielle Gifford case in terms of this fox shooting a hunter in Russia, who is to blame? Fox News? The TEA Party? Sarah Palin? Talk Radio?? Where is the American left in terms of trying to get answers as to what motivated this fox to shoot this hunter? The Messianic Testament Segment: Christopher talks with Lillian Boyington and Mike Haynes from The Ministries of 4 Yahweh (


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FCC allows Comcast  to buy NBC while Comcast also buys votes
"As is normal in media mergers, the F.C.C. imposed a long list of conditions on the deal. They were outlined in an F.C.C. news release on Tuesday. The conditions are intended to ensure that Comcast plays fair when dealing with rival programmers, cable providers and broadband Internet providers. Many of the conditions are intended to remain in place for seven years, an unusually long period of time." New York Times, January 18, 2011
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The two greatest egomaniacs in the world—both one-worlders—meet  in the White House for a talk, the one, head of the greatest creditor nation of all times, the other, Hu, who is the head of the greatest debtor nation of all times, guess who, but Hu will be calling the shots?


I’m a Tea Party member, whose head is the U. S. Constitution.  Understand that ours is a nation of laws, not of men.  For its background, our Constitution has the Higher Law of all times, under which the said two proponents for one-worldism are subservient.


You don’t believe me? Of course you don’t.  You don’t know Smith v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (1980) before the U. S. Supreme Court. The Commissioner admitted to the Supreme Court that he made an “error.” He didn’t go into any detail. My case was dismissed.  Now you are going to hear more.


This nobody from Nowswhereville beat the Commissioner, made him eat crow before the whole world.  I’m not a lawyer.  No lawyer could have done what I did.  It is all recorded.  In fact, my case was published on December 1, 1986 on the front page of The Palm Beach Post, under “Taxpayer wages 11-year feud with IRS.” 


Have you ever heard the IRS admit that our tax laws are lawless? Have you ever heard a Member of Congress admit America’s tax laws are lawless? Have you ever heard Obama admit that his thinking is lawless?  Think what you can do with your Constitution.  The above mentioned are always hard at work to make our tax laws more fair. The IRS made an “error” that took 11 years to correct. Why? Obama, you know, is for the good of all—“collective salvation,” he calls it.  


The case I mention was before the U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U. S. Court of Appeals and the U. S. Supreme Court, not one of which saw the IRS “error” as confiscation of property.  As a matter of record, Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, claimed, and I quote, “Property is only a means; it has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.”  It could not be said more clearly:  America’s judges see IRS errors as a means to their end.


The Palm Beach Post, when presented with my court record, thought America’s judiciary position interesting and newsworthy, in that I had pointed out to the Post that the New York Times said government entitlements come before taxpayer rights.


The Post investigated. The Commissioner, through Holger Euringer in The Palm Beach Post, “Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonville, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.” 


By being the three monkeys who heard no evil, saw no evil, spoke no evil, every court in America, save the Court of Claims, sanctioned IRS “errors” in Smith v. Commissioner.  It reminds us of Nazi Germany’s judges.  The New York Times was right. Government entitlements come ahead of taxpayer rights. Therefore, do you have any idea of why the IRS would not say that government entitlements come ahead of taxpayer rights, would instead say that the IRS was “wrong all along?”


We cling to the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate others to keep everything just right.  Uncle Sam and her courts know that we don't want information that rocks the boat. We don’t appreciate negativism.  We want to feel good—ignore the problems. They will go away.  When the music stops, and it will, there are going to be a lot of people left standing.


In China, for the good of all, Mao killed 70 million people. Mao said they have that many to spare. Now China is America’s banker.  


We are a religious people, the most generous people on earth, and proven to be the most helpless ever in the history of mankind. Thomas Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, was a secular humanist.  He promoted human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine.  I promote human values.   I say that if the American people knew God and our Constitution we would not be plagued by Islam’s radicals; would not be the biggest creditor nation the world has ever seen, now going to China for financial help. The undeniable fact is that we don’t have the spine to stop that which we know is taking America out: we don’t know God. We’re religious; Islam is a religion. It’s an ill wind that blows no good.


Facts are stranger than fiction.  The universe is not only mysterious, it is unbelievable.  When it is absolutely proven beyond a doubt, people of religious faith refuse to see the truth. Case in point: Galileo  proved beyond question that the earth was not at the center of the universe. The religious orthodoxy condemned Galileo. 


From the study of the microcosmic, quantum physics has absolutely proven that there is a higher power than the local forces of gravity and electromagnetism. The orthodoxy says quantum physics is trying to smuggle God into physics.   Quantum physics looks within atoms for it answers. When you want to know how something works you take it apart and examine the parts.  God is not out there in the vastness of the universe or hidden within atoms. Says quantum physics: God is not in a place; God is the Super Consciousness of the universe without which the universe could not exist. We are inextricably connected with the consciousness of the universe. We reject it, instead invent various concepts of God.


We don’t know the Constitution. As far as we’re concerned, tt rests in a grass case in Washington, D.C—dead as a doornail.  I saw the Constitution as a life-giving instrument to be used by the individual and proved that it works.  Bottom line: all my dreams have come true. I come to you as a voice of experience, one who conquered the orthodoxy.  


Because we don’t know our God-given rights under our Constitution, we are as divided as we were during the Civil War. A house divided cannot long stand.  If we but knew that we, individually, hold the key to every situation; that we, individually, can make ourselves into anyone we choose to be, we would not have an out of control government begging China for financial help, would not be helpless government dependents if we knew and demanded our God-given rights.  


China has money to lend.  While we buy their stuff, while manufacturing jobs are disappearing wholesale in America, while China is buying America, if we don’t go along with China’s game plan, what then? We can’t pay our debts.  The economy will melt down. How many times have we heard that?


In China they sleep in three high bunk beds, 30 or more to a room.  They dine in huge cafeterias in the building where they sleep. They work in factories, in the building where they sleep. No question about it, the way of life in China is efficient.  China’s government is the same as the queen bee.  Keep borrowing and the Chinese will put a queen bee in America.


Your liberties are not automatic. One-worlders, for efficiency’s sake,  and out of fairness to all the under-privileged in the world, want you to live in a hive, quite simply, for the good of the egomaniacs in control.  Don’t look to Washington for answers; look to your Constitution—know your God-given rights—know that they supersede government entitlements—and then act. For if you don’t act, you have nobody to blame but yourself for a bankrupt America, and for the good of all, living like a hive insect.  

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FCC allows Comcast  to buy NBC.
"As is normal in media mergers, the F.C.C. imposed a long list of conditions on the deal. They were outlined in an F.C.C. news release on Tuesday. The conditions are intended to ensure that Comcast plays fair when dealing with rival programmers, cable providers and broadband Internet providers. Many of the conditions are intended to remain in place for seven years, an unusually long period of time." New York Times, January 18, 2011
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Voters Losing Faith in Dem Politicians



     According to a Rasmussen Reports survey . . . American voters, who have recently acknowledged more faith in Barack Obama than they’ve shown in several months, are now apparently rapidly losing faith in his fellow Democratic politicians and trust Republicans more on all ten of the nation’s top issues.  Looking at the top-10 issues as selected by those surveyed: Voters trust the G.O.P. on the Economy (their #1 issue) by a 9% margin; on health care (issue #2) by 14%. Only on education (#3) was the matter much in doubt. The voters trusted Republicans by only a 2% margin on education while the minimum trust edge for all the other issues was 8% on ethics; and Social Security; and Iraq. The national security (#9) edge given to the G.O.P. was a whopping 15%; and the edge on handling taxes (#10) afforded to Republicans was a phenomenal 19%.








 Health Care












 Social Security






 Government Ethics



 National Security








          As new House Speaker John Boehner and the G.O.P. take over the House of Representatives this month (the Dems still control the White House and Senate),  this marks the first time according to Rasmussen since August, 2009, that Republicans have been trusted more on all ten top issues. At this time two years ago, the soon to be inaugurated Obama and his Dems were trusted more than Republicans on almost every issue. Republicans have held double-digit or near double-digit leads on generic Congressional ballots over the last few months. Congress means both the House and Senate . . . so possible implications are that Democrats in the House and Congress need to respond to the people’s wishes for sweeping change in their handling of the nation’s business. The election results indicate that voters want that from both parties but perhaps are looking for even more marked change among Democrats.



            Meanwhile Barack Obama today meets with Red Chinese leader Hu Jintao. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has been even more INeffective on the world stage than he has been at creating jobs here at home.  Jintao's country has abused ours in trade agreement after trade agreement and now he's calling for the world to replace the dollar with their currency (the Yuan).  Mr. Hu Jintao is an enemy intent upon economic destruction of this nation and needs to be handled as such.  Of course, we've hurt ourselves much more than the Chinese have damaged us and it's about time Mr. Obama looks back in history to the last time a President actually made a difference in ending a serious financial downturn.

            Warren G. Harding in 1921 inherited a terrible recession from progressive President Woodrow Wilson, much worse than the one in 1929 Herbert Hoover caused for himself with his economic interference policies (raising tariffs in particular). Thanks to Harding’s decisive action the so-called “Invisible Depression was ended in fifteen months. What did Harding do? He cut taxes 49%; cut spending 48%; and reduced the national debt by 30%. He died in office before getting to see the country’s full rebound, but his Vice President Calvin Coolidge after being sworn in continued the policies and gave us the “Roaring Twenties” the decade in American History which showed us the most dramatic surge in prosperity the country’s ever known. How does Harding’s example relate to Obama’s visit with Hu Jintao? Rajjpuut would suggest seven steps for the country per se; and three more steps with regard to the Red Chinese:


A.    Internally


1. Reduce government spending by 40% and maintain it at that level for a period of 10-15 years depending upon progress in the economy; national debt and UNfunded liabilities.

2. Reduce taxes on individuals and businesses by 60% for a period of five years; by only 40% for years six-ten.

3. Pay down the national debt by 12% per year for the next dozen years.

4. Create a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. And an amendment requiring that each new Congress must in their first 90 days pass a budget.

5. Pass an amendment to the Constitution abolishing income tax for individuals and businesses and replacing it with an 8% Value-Added Tax (VAT) on all individual and business purchases; and a 12% VAT on all purchases of imported goods.

6. Eliminate all foreign aid.

7. Allow refineries to be built in the United States and drilling of oil inland and offshore to proceed and nuclear power plants to be built.



B.  Vis-a-vis China
      Until such a time as China agrees to 100% fair trade with this country in all aspects charge a 40% VAT on all Chinese goods entering the country, and . . .


1. Forbid all knowledge-sharing and technology-sharing with the Chinese.

2. Add a $1 million surtax upon any company doing business with the Chinese.

3. Forbid ownership or exchange of Chinese Yuans in this country.


Rajjpuut states unequivocally that the measures mentioned above will return this country to greatness and put us on the road to curing the worst 85% of our nation’s economic ills within a dozen years.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Truth About Fax-Blasting

I visted all those 'Fax-Blast' sites and found 2 things.

Either a person can send just 1 page at a time free, or there is a very high cost to blast Paks.


To send 500 fax pages this group charges almost $ 250.00!!! <- LOL

Credits                                                 Price
1 credit                                                  $1
5 Page Fax Pak                                  $3.49
10 Page Fax Pak                                $6.49
25 Page Fax Pak                                $14.99
50 Page Fax Pak                                $25.99
100 Page Fax Pak                              $49.99
250 Page Fax Pak                              $119.99
550 Page Fax Pak                              $249.99  <- LOL


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjmtr7fyJZZGDtr7u1H3p4InEHzVZoWg6Yr42PysNXU8Fywj_HLaz0TpAtAt any one can send all the Senators (100) all the Representatives (435) and all the Governors (50) for under $ 60.00 ! :-)  DO THE MATHWHY PAY MORE?


Anyone can send a single fax page from their own machine, but for bulk fax blasting, no one can beat the Tea Party Fax Project. 

We have sent well over 5 million faxes to our representatives in Washington and to the Governors, had feed back from their offices and have made a big difference. Faxing is the way to go to get your message to the right people, weither they want to read it our not!

Did you know several Members of the House ask us (TPorg) to send certain faxes? Why? Because this is the only way they have to get the 'message' to the otherside! Of couse we say: YES!

Just rememeber, there is no such thing as a free lunch, unless you pack it yourself!


OBTW:    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjmtr7fyJZZGDtr7u1H3p4InEHzVZoWg6Yr42PysNXU8Fywj_HLaz0TpAt

...and your fax-blast order supports the Tea Party!

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Anger is a Loser

Minnesota Governor Tim Paulenty: “Our great nation is facing a crisis in part because the government’s out of control, and it’s particularly out of control with its spending. It’s going to take us into a deep hole even further than we already are."


Paulenty is telling it like it is, but I’m here to tell you far more. My talk is out of the public’s sight, out of the public mind.  My talk is like the tiny mustard seed that in time becomes a great tree.


Hello anybody out there. This is Joseph Aquarius Smith talking. Senator Chuck Schumer is angry at the Chinese for manipulating money. If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black . . .I was angry at the IRS. I went to the country law library to study the Constitution and how to proceed in taking the IRS to court. I heard voices of the past speaking to me.  Schumer, typical of a Democrat, is talking to himself.  We see where it’s getting him—up a creek without a paddle. Send this piece to him. He is badly in need of sound advice.


I sublimated my anger. I felt a bigger than life calling.  I challenged the all-powerful IRS. Not only did I win, but everything started going my way.  How could that be?  The answer lies in As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.  Read this little volume. It won’t take long.  Follow its advice  and you will be empowered.


If you knew the story of my life, you would marvel over how our thoughts affect our lives, how much power the right thoughts give us, how much the wrong thoughts sap us of our energy. It is no coincidence that the Democrats faired very badly at the mid-term election.  Winners are actors. Political Progressive is really political regressive, clinging to the status quo. The badly beaten Democrats are angry and playing the blame game.  It’s a certain loser.  


The profile of a Democrat: Extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others, they unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.  The symbol of Pisces, two attached fishes, one swimming upstream and the other downstream, implying the drastic duality of emotions, Democrats, obviously unable to make up their minds, they belong to the Age of Pisces, an age of orthodoxy, an age we’re leaving. Let us inform Democrats that they cannot change that which is destined to be.


Instead of a solution to the problem Democrats caused—runaway government spending—Democrats blamed Bush and attempted to solve Bush’s problem by outspending him outrageously as a way out of recession.  Is it any wonder that they lost the election big time? Those big time losers are now angry at the opposition for the Tucson tragedy. What to do about lunatics who take their anger out on responsible, law abiding folks who make the wheels turn?  Never ask a Democrat.  Those control freaks will  every last time come up with ways to take away your liberties.


Liberty is not a right, folks, a right to be kept by the taxpayers if you don’t choose to produce.  Liberty is a personal responsibility.  America is going bankrupt because Democrats believe government has a duty to keep us. Tucson’s lunatic was well known. He should have been in a structured environment where he could have been brought back to good mental health,  but no, because it is better to have a Latino judge than a white male, the Democrat stand, lunatics are on the street, along with millions of the government entitled.  The result: mayhem and bankruptcy.


The Democrat’s anger is self-directed. If anything positive is ever done, it will not be done in Washington.  By leaving it to Washington and minding our own store, our stores are going bankrupt all over the place. America will soon enough become another banana republic with a dictator.  Frankly, I think it is too late to change the course we are on.  Washington is going to increase the debt limit and hope for a miracle.  Miracles don’t happen to people who take no responsibility for what they do.


But if I may be permitted to continue, it is not too late to change the course of history. You can be part of the energy that transforms humanity into being our brother’s keeper, be one of the age we are now entering, the Age of Aquarius.  The Aquarian is stubborn and determined to make his life better. The Aquarian operates as equals among equals. He is independent, personally responsible for his life, and self-reliant.


My advice: Decide what you can do, personally, to protect your constitutional rights—what you can do to bring back to life the document the American people ordained at the beginning of our great nation as their sacred torch of freedom.  If every member of the Tea Party took my advice, we could change the course of history, and not only that, but our personal lives could be made immeasurably better.  


We are now at a jumping off place. The choice is yours. Either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. Speaking from personal experience, I studied the Constitution, sublimated my anger, jumped the hurdles placed in my way, and discovered my personal power. It became routine to face my challenges with determination. I became the person I was intended to be.  I’m Aquarius rising. 


We are each here with a unique purpose and a destiny.  Instead of Murphy’s Law—if anything can go wrong it will—the Higher Law, when everything could go wrong everything goes right, the background of the Constitution, live by it.  You will be part of our human destiny. All of your dreams will come true.




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The judge from the Tuscon shooting


My nephew, who is a lawyer for the govt. (puts away the bad guys) had spent the entire day with the judge the day before he died.  He said he was one of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet and the best judge on the bench.  So sad.  May he rest in peace along with the others.  

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Rasmussen: Only 26% Say

Nation is on the Right Track


            A recent Rasmussen Reports survey shows only 26% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction while 68% of us believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Broken down by party sympathies: 43% of Democrats; 73% of Independents: and 88% of Republicans believe the country is headed the wrong way.  Only 48% of Democrats believe the country is moving in the right direction. Black voters are the only large bloc saying the country is on the right track with 52% agreeing; meanwhile 72% of Whites; and 75% of voters from groups not Black or White say the country is moving in the wrong direction. Here are a few areas of discontent:

ITEM: Rasmussen also showed that 75% want the Obamacare health care law changed at a minimum and 60% believe that it will cost much more than we’ve been told and increase the federal deficit. 55% say it must be repealed.

ITEM: 61% of voters say that Congress (U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate combined), no matter how bad things are, can always make things worse.

ITEM: Chinese President and leader of the Communist Party Hu Jintao has called the U.S. dollar functioning as the global currency a "product of the past" and is promoting a move by the global community toward his Chinese yuan for international investment.  Listen here to the video as George Soros the man who has stated that “the United States is the greatest threat to world stability and vowed to destroy the American Dollar; imagine his “new world order” being led by a Communist China which killed 58 million of its own people since 1950:


ITEM: Today the Environmental Protection Agency moved to keep one of President Obama’s more dubious promises. The EPA in moving toward closing down a West Virginia coal mine seems hell-bent upon confirming a statement that Obama made to the San Francisco Chronicle during Election 2008, “My energy and cap and trade policies won’t prevent you from building a coal mine, but you’ll go bankrupt if you do.” In the same interview, then Senator Obama, said, “My energy policies will necessarily make electricity prices skyrocket.” U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat who’s been pushing for jobs and economic growth was among the first to protest this ridiculous action.

ITEM: The U.S. labor Department is awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and scholarships to fill scarce green jobs.   Despite the fact that no great number, if any, vacancies exist in green jobs across the nation numerous universities and specialized vocational schools are seeking grants of government cash to provide graduates for non-existent or scarce green jobs and the Labor Dept. is giving out the money in keeping with President Obama’s pledge to create five million green jobs. As mentioned earlier, based upon an economic study of the reasons that Spain went from the strongest economy in Europe in 1997 to one of the worst today (4% unemployment to 20.8% unemployed now) subsidies creating five million green jobs here will put eleven million jobs at risk in the real American economy and only 500,000 (10% of those jobs will prove permanent).

ITEM: The EPA is moving by government regulatory edict to force business closedowns for high carbon dioxide emissions having named CO2 a “toxic emission.” The same justification could allow the EPA to kill off all animals and humans as toxic emitters. Of course CO2 is necessary for plant life and plants create the oxygen we need.

ITEM: George Soros, who is right now seeking to destroy the American Dollar (Yes, he declared it openly; it won’t take much, George) after becoming a multi-billionaire by destroying four other currencies including the Russian Ruble and profiting from the meltdowns of seven others (George is known as “The man who broke the Bank of England”) has his CAP (Center for American Progress) providing financial support in the drive to expand California’s Paid Family Leave Law by imposing an increase of 1.2% on payroll taxes so that fathers and mothers will have even more time to bond with their newborns.

ITEM: While the federal government is going bankrupt and the state governments are likewise under huge pressure courtesy of huge union employee pensions and salaries. President Obama moved to freeze federal salaries (when it looks like budget cuts of 15% will be demanded in virtually all other areas of the budget?).

ITEM: The president of one of Ben Bernanke’s federal reserve banks, Charles Plosser, abhors Ben Bernanke's dramatic intervention policies toward the economy. Plosser, President of the Philadelphia federal reserve bank said, "Monetary policy cannot reverse the sharp decline in house prices when the economy has significantly over-invested in housing."  Plossser went on, "I have advocated the elimination of Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, which allowed the Fed to lend directly to 'corporations, partnerships and individuals' under 'unusual and exigent circumstances.” Plosser also said, “We are in danger of assigning to monetary policy a larger role than it can perform, in danger of asking it to accomplish tasks that it cannot achieve, and, as a result, in danger of preventing it from making the contribution that it is capable of making.”

ITEM: Coming soon to a town near you? Just about the worst housing market in the country is found in Nevada. The absolute worst housing market in Nevada is in and around Las Vegas . . . so, guess what? Las Vegas construction companies are building homes like crazy. What, the??? Yes, it’s true. Apparently, because so many Las Vegas homes and especially new homes have stayed empty for so long . . . new home buyers in Las Vegas don’t want to move into the virtual ghost towns infested with mice and rats and other vermin . . . so the only course of action seems to be to build in whole new areas (and eventually bulldoze the empty “ghost towns?”).

ITEM: You know that British health care system that sent thrills up the legs of Obama and his progressive congress?  The system they want to emulate and imitate? British Prime Minister David Cameron says his government will make fundamental changes to Britain's state-run health care system," according to the Associated Press.  Cameron aims to save money and cut red tape by giving control over management to family practitioners rather than bureaucrats. He said Monday, “standards of care in Britain have fallen behind other European countries." You do remember that Dr. Donald M. Berwick, Obama’s Medicare and Medicaid administrator, praised Britain’s National Health Care system as "one of the truly astounding human endeavors of modern times" about 16 months ago.

ITEM: Hypocrisy comes unglued . . . . Is there something in Tucson’s water? One of the victims of Jared Loughner’s shooting spree in Tucson nine days ago was a man named James Eric Fuller. Mr. Fuller’s website:   states among other things: “I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blasé, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity.” In a crowded Tucson town-hall meeting, Fuller recently told a TEA Party leader, “You’re dead” and when removed by deputies, called out to all those assembled, “You’re wh_res!” This coming less than four days since Fuller made the round of talk show programs on radio and TV accusing Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Speaker of the House John Boehner and the TEA Party of full responsibility for the shooting that killed six and wounded fourteen. So whose speech is “uncivil” and “incendiary” and “violent,” Mr. Fuller? If you listen to the LEFT and you listen to the RIGHT in their own words and watch their actions (violent protests; in Arizona, Oakland, Seattle, Pittsburg, etc. compared with sedate TEA Partiers sitting in lawn chairs) you’ll find the vast majority of instances of such speech have long belonged to the LEFT and the violence of the speech is unquestionably theirs as well. We’re sorry Mr. Fuller got shot, but he and the LEFT needs to practice what he and the LEFT preach: non-violence, tolerance and fairness.


ITEM: The House of Representatives is voting this week to repeal Obamacare. As President Obama’s “State of the Union” speech approaches shortly afterward, we’ll get a good luck at his latest pledges “to work with Republicans” and “to refocus on jobs and the economy.” Shortly after that the House, now controlled by Republicans, will be dealing with raising the debt ceiling and seeking to rollback his unspent stimulus money; and to rollback the budget to levels not seen since 2008 or 2006. The President’s true colors (centrist or leftist) should emerge very soon. 


ITEM:  The Obama Justice Department is siding with Labor Unions wanting to be able to pass out literature in front of shopping centers.  According to the union claims, Girl Scout cookie sellers and Salvation Army Santas show "unfairness" to Unions.  The Supreme Court has long held that unions and political activity can be treated differently than bona fide benevolent organizations with regard to free speech and assembly on private grounds; but Obama wants to waste your money to give the unions another chance . . . .



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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The End Time

The Book of Revelations speaks of the End Time, the Mayan calendar, as well. The way it looks now, in March Congress is going to vote to increase the national debt by one trillion dollars, because if it doesn’t the United States will not be able to pay its bills.  Sounds like the end of America.  America’s economy and Europe’s, as well, will go into the tank if the money is not provided.  We can’t have that, can we? The greatest part of the problem is people who see only the problem, never the cure. The United States is willing to pass its problem on to future generations as long as it can get away with it.  Rather than this one last effort, they say—to get things under control—increasing the national debt by another one trillion dollars is driving the last nail in America’s coffin.  We’ve run out of options.  The majority of the people agree.


We’ve allowed government to manage our lives and the economy. Look what government has done to us. Look at Kevin Kelly’s economic prediction I posted yesterday.  We are about to witness the greatest economy of all times, springing up in China because America, instead of getting spending under control,  is playing the blame game.  Give your President credit for getting it right for once, for the first time acting presidential.  We’ve got to stop playing the blame game and fix the problem.  


We are all in agreement. We’ve got to cut spending, but a paradigm limitation is befuddling the American people.  We so want our cake and eat it, in fact eating it without the means of paying for it. It means someone later on is going to have to pay for the cake we now eat.  Are Glenn Beck and Joe Smith asses for telling it like it is? 


B.C., before Christ, A.D. after the death of Christ, for 2,010 years, rather than our brother’s keeper, it has been after me you come first—rather than taxpayer, government entitlements and such.  Just by coincidence, the Age of Aquarius is an age of brotherhood.  The establishment calls it socialism—or collectively saved by the establishment—collective salvation, Obama calls it.  Not exactly what Jesus had in mind, if you read what he said. In fact, Jesus turned over the money changers tables, which was against the establishment.  The establishment crucified Jesus.


One of the victims of the Tucson shooting blames the Tea Party.  It makes as much sense as crucifying Jesus.   


The Age f Aquarius, according to astrologers, could have begun a couple of hundred years back, or could yet be a couple of hundred years in our future. Time will tell.  We have not yet arrived. The way it stands now, I’d put my money on China emerging as the leading economy in the world.  I’d bet that the United States is going to end a banana republic with a dictator. 





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A Sad End to the American Era??



            Greatly accelerated by the policies of Barack Obama and his progressive supporters, the bankruptcy of the United States is now a fact of lifeThe only questions left are A.  how and when the masses will become aware of it and B.  Will there be an honorable rebound or complete chaos as a result. Rajjpuut has long been warning about the ills of big government, unconstrained spending and of the deliberate betrayal of the country by the progressive-wing of the Democratic Party. 


            When the American Dollar loses the position it’s held for the last sixty years as the world’s reserve currency; virtually immediately a shift toward large-scale inflation will be incurred. How will you know that the curtain’s coming down on the American Greenback? Here are seven likely warning signs marking the end of the global U.S. Dollar standard (for most Americans that would mark the figurative “end of the world”) based upon historical antecedents in other countries which have seen their own currencies destroyed:


Warning Indicator #1: the price of gold will begin to accelerate toward it’s natural balance level of $12,000 per ounce. 


Since the price of gold has already risen over ten consecutive years some say gold has already achieved the acceleration required to prove the point. Others might be suspicious, “If it’s risen that much, isn’t it time that gold started to drop, no investment always goes up.” True, true, but when a currency is being deliberately devalued by its government, gold and silver always get much more valuable compared to that country’s money; and make no mistake, the United States has been deliberately devaluing the Dollar for roughly the last 28 months; and incidentally devaluing it for roughly the last 45 years. Normally markets and the price of commodities fluctuate all over the place as time passes. But the steady rise of gold (the world’s preferred money) as it is priced in dollars over such an extended time period shows that the dollar is not being taken seriously by knowledgeable people. 


Warning Indicator #2: Government’s deficits and liabilities are out of control and the interest on the national debt becomes a major source of deficit increase. 


Because the deficits of the United States government are right now well over $1.3 TRillion annually; our national debt has doubled since 2005; our total national debt is over $14 TRillion; and UNfunded liabilities without counting items like welfare and food stamps have now reached $112 TRillion . . . it’s a safe bet that this benchmark has been passed. By the way, even the numbers we’re fed are absolutely false. Did you know that the government counts all $850 billion of payroll taxes (Medicare and Social Security) as current income when we all know that the money in question is supposed to be a “set aside” marked for its intended use only rather than included as “general revenue.”  If you or I or any business carried on their accounting this way, jail-time would be in the offing, but our government has been handling things this way as far as the Social Security "set-aside lockbox" for nearly 80 years.  That's why UNfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid amount to $112 TRillion, twice the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world.

Warning indicator #3: Spending gets so out of control that generating high enough tax revenues to deal with federal spending becomes impossible.


            Annual deficits are no longer related in any way to tax revenue.   Last year the Democratic-controlled congress refused to pass a budget . . . their most important duty according to the Constitution . . .  revenues were $1.1 TRillion and spending amounted to almost $3.7 TRillion and they want to raise the ceiling on the National Debt. Even if taxes tripled we’d still have run a significant deficit for the year . . . and yes, the interest on the debt runs to roughly $170 Billion yearly . . . all of that’s a sign that the crisis point has been passed.


Warning Indicator #4:   The political class begins to bail out and in doing so takes care of their cronies and of the masses to keep them under control -- all at the expense of the middle class. 


            Right now federal government unions; state and municipal unions; and other special interest groups are looting the U.S. and the 50 state treasuries. The Obama $787 Billion stimulus cost us a lot of free market real jobs, but the looters maintained and grew the government enormously while the rest of us suffered. $200 Billion per year is wasted on just the federal pensions; welfare amounts to $450 Billion per year; Social Security and Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid cost $1.8 TRillion and much of those funds is tied up in fraud, abuse and waste benefitting the political class . . . none of this was ever authorized by the U.S. Constitution . . . but wait, there’s more: remember national defense; border control and roads and all the other stuff the Constitution actually said the federal government must do? That an an equal amount on “discretionary spending that was never authorized by the Constitution amounst to roughly another $2.6 TRillion . . . aha, now you see why they didn’t want to create a budget! Tell me that a $5.1 TRillion budget with a $1.4 TRillion deficit wouldn’t shock the sensibilities of all sensible Americans. This warning indicator has been passed also.


Warning Indicator #5 The government will begin creating money out of thin air.


            Yes, this too has already happened. Between late October, 2008 and today, the Federal Reserve Bank has printed and electronically created “magic money” amounting to roughly 29 times the amount of dollars circulating in September, 2008. Technically speaking the 2011 U.S. dollar is now worth 3.4 pennies-worth of the September, 2008 Dollar. In other words, all those banana republics we used to laugh about . . . well, our money is becoming less valuable than theirs. As Stansberry & Associates financial advisors reminds us:  If printing money were truly good for an economy, Zimbabwe would be the world’s wealthiest country.”  Yet that's precisely what we're being told by our President and by our financial leaders . . . .  Our Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has alternated between denying that he was “monetizing the debt” (a.k.a. “printing money”) and then defending the practice. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner denied the United States would ever resort to such “devaluation of the dollar” but it’s going on anyway; meanwhile Bernanke keeps busy explaining that it's not exactly "counterfeiting" what he's doing and it's actually good for the economy in the long run (not mentioning that it's a huge gamble with the future of the country and the planet in the short run). A planetwide “run on the dollar” could literally destroy our currency overnight. The whole world has warned about this; the credit-rating firms have pretended it’s not so, but expect it very soon.


Warning Indicator #6: We will not be able to repay our debts in the international community.


            America’s $55 TRillion international debt amounts to $681, 178 per each American family of four. The average income of American families amounts to less than $50,000 per year. Just the interest on our international debt amounts to $34,000 per family per year. And if we resort to the printing presses to print of more dollars to pay the debt (OOOOPS, I forgot, we’re already doing that!) Then, first the interest rates for borrowing will skyrocket; then people and nations will stop loaning money to America, period.   Friends, once that happens the printing presses can run day and night and there’s no helping us . . . yep, we’ve passed this crisis point, too. The world’s greatest creditor nation has within the 45 year lifetime of President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great Society” which ushered in Medicare and Medicaid and dramatically expanded welfare programs of all ilks become the greatest DEBTOR nation the planet has ever seen.


Warning Indicator #7:   American citizens will catch on and, discovering that debt has the potential someday to evaporate in hours, they personally will churn out new debt like a bullet-train parting the atmosphere.


            Despite all the talk of the American consumer “cutting back” and practicing austerity issuance of new debt in the United States is soaring. Public and private debt both reached record levels in 2010. The potential is that the economy will twist inside-out if this practice continues. This is the only one of the seven warning indicators that hasn’t yet come to pass.



            Where there’s life there’s hope . . . . Rajjpuut believes the individual ought to prepare himself and his family and other loved ones for the very worst; while still striving to do everything possible to prevent those ills from befalling all of us.  The HOPE that exists lies with the actions of 
individuals protecting themselves^^ and quite frankly with the Republicans in the House of Representatives. UNLESS their actions signal a strong “about-face” to the rest of the world and to our nation’s financial momentum: we’re doomed within 18 months. Everything you and I can do as an individual and through leverage groups such as the TEA Party to change the fiscal- and Constitutional course of the nation must be done. Here’s a story to give us all hope.

            Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, was the first Progressive president, indeed his personal “Bullmoose Party” was officially called the “Progressive Party.” TR was, thankfully, a great American patriot and his modest progressivism actually benefitted the nation for the most part leading to modernization of the navy, for one good example and the building of the Panama Canal (the land for which was actually stolen from Colombia and renamed “Panama”; not only progressive but unethical as well). Woodrow Wilson was, up till Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, the most sinister progressive politician of them all. After running for a second term under the slogan “He kept us out of war,” within a month of his March, 1917 inauguration he put us into the European War. He left office with the nation undergoing the biggest depression up to that time. The conditions were much worse than what Herbert Hoover (another Republican Progressive) did himself in with. That late 1920 depression came to be known as “The Invisible Depression” after Wilson’s successor Warren G. Harding cut spending 49%; cut taxes 48%; and paid down the National Debt by 30% and was ended within 15 months . . . so it is possible to avert disaster but the Democrats seem to have embraced it and the Republicans must show the political will to do it pretty much on their own, with, of course, constant pressure from you and me.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



 ^^  Purchasing a $100 face-value bag (or more) of "junk silver" might be the simplest most patriotic act you can do while saving yourself.  The bag would cost roughly $2,100 - $2,400 depending upon the value of silver when you buy.  IF and WHEN the currency fails, some sort of new money is going to be in high demand and the 90% silver dimes or quarters minted before 1965; are the most likely candites.  To a lesser extent the 40% silver money minted between 1965 to 1970 would also be accepted as a "new currency" but not nearly so readily as they will be worth 56% less than the 90% coins.

Some more important reading:


Here’s some other key reading that’ll shake the earth under most Americans’ feet:,__to_gop,_%e2%80%9cride_in_back%e2%80%9d;_no_one_tells_truth.thtml


All the worst ideas still plaguing America (and a lot of other bad ideas as well) right now are rooted in progressivism, all of them. Think of the worst UNfunded liabilities initiated for “all the best motives” and you’ve described  tyrannical progressivism to a “T.” Here are some of those ideas and the president’ in power when they began: 

1.       Truly Big Government: Teddy Roosevelt

2.     Government Control over large land tracts: Teddy Roosevelt

3.     The Federal Reserve Bank: Woodrow Wilson

4.     The Income Tax: Woodrow Wilson

5.     Fighting in Europe’s Wars: Woodrow Wilson

6.     Government propaganda: Woodrow Wilson

7.     Internment Camps: Woodrow Wilson

8.    Controlling (and shutting down) the press: Woodrow Wilson

9.     Government welfare programs: Herbert Hoover
10. Land banks and other agricultural subsidies:  Herbert Hoover

11.Ultra-high protective tariffs: Herbert Hoover

12. Huge Tax and Spend Government: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

13.Confiscation of Gold: FDR

14. Devaluing the Dollar to fill government coffers: FDR

15. Ultra-big Government: FDR

16.  Social Security: FDR

17.  Expansive Welfare: Lyndon Baines Johnson

18.  Medicare: LBJ

19. Medicaid: LBJ
19 1/2.  Taking silver out of money:  LBJ and Richard Nixon
20.  Leaving gold standard entirely:  Richard Nixon

21. Government Bailouts of Cities: Gerald Ford

22.             Government control of Mortgage Industry Jimmy Carter

23.   Government bailouts of Chrysler automobile company : Jimmy Carter
24.  Regulatory expansion of CRA 77:  Bill Clinton

25.     Expansions by fiat thrice by legislation to Carter’s CRA: Bill Clinton

26.     Motor Voter Act: Bill Clinton
27.     Medicare Part D:  G.W. Bush

28.    TARP bailouts: G.W. Bush

29.    Federal Government involved in bankruptcies: Barack Obama

30.   Nationalized Healthcare insurance: Barack Obama

31.   Government bailout  and control of auto companies: Barack Obama

32.   Government control of Banks: Barack Obama
Government control of student loans: Barack Obama

34.  Financial control “reform”: Barack Obama

35.  Bailouts of Banks and Wall Street:  Barack Obama

36.  State Socialism: Barack Obama



                Remembering the “Watermelon-Connection” wherein ultra-socialists “green on the outside and Deep RED on the inside” want to use Cap and Trade as a stepping-stone to government takeover of virtually everything because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how . . . . isn’t it fitting that Barack Obama and progressive-elitist and would-be president Kerry are so interested in this seriously flawed “science?”  And so looking over that unending list of failure every time serious government taxing, spending, control or interference is contemplated, Senator Kerry still just can’t understand why the masses of sheep are no longer following him to the slaughter house,  "It's absurd. We've lost our minds," he keeps repeating.





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Free Our Free Markets

What does the American auto industry, the health care industry, wall street firms and the banking ndustry all have in common; other than they were all on the brink of failure?

These are industries where the production side of the industry is no longer a free market with many producers competing head-to head to earn the business of consumers, or customers, of the industry. instead each of these industries are controlled by a relatively small number of very large corporations that have transformed these markets into oligopolies.
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Spree Killers, the Second Amendment, and Those Damned Guns
This is not about guns or freedom of speech.
It is about the impossibility of forcing psychiatric therapy on someone who is obviously disturbed but who has (and will insist upon using) the right to continue being mentally messed up, without interference from police, physicians, or other protectors and defenders of the public.
This is a 'lawyer disease' - a social problem created by the same profession that refused to let gays be subjected to contact tracing (thus accelerating the spread of AIDS) and now are refusing to allow meaningful tort reform (thus accelerating the CYA ordering by doctors of tests and procedures that cost about 150 Billion (with a B) dollars annually).
Shakespeare was a bit harsh but right about the problems created by lawyers, but nobody listened. Were he alive today he might have some words about the ACLU and even the ACRU as well.
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Kevin Kelly's Economic Prediction

  1. The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections will tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy.
  2. The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all.  Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members
  3. The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating.
  4.  The Law of Tipping Points:  Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively.  It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone?
  5. The Law of Increasing Returns:  Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.
  6. The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.
  7. The Law of Generosity:   Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need. 
  8. The Law of Allegiance: The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network.  
  9. The Law of Devolution: The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment.  
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The Scopes Trial, held in 1925, the year of my birth, and coincidentally, Werner Heisenberg’s publication of the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics, published in September 1925, the month and year of my birth, all connecting with the time and place of my birth at 4:21 p.m., September 17, 1925 in Houston Texas, making me Aquarius rising.  


By coincidence, immediately after I posted “Intelligent Design” on the Tea Party blog, I turned on the History Channel. Surprisingly, the Scopes Trial was being aired.  It was like my post was predestined.  In the Scopes trial, two big time lawyers, Clarence Darrow for the defense and William Jennings Bryan, three time presidential candidate for the Democrats, for the prosecution, Scopes was on trial for teaching in public school that we humans evolved from monkeys. The folks called it the Scopes Monkey Trial. It was seen as the trial of the century. It was modernists who said religion was consistent with evolution and fundamentalists who maintained that “the Word of God” (The Bible) trumped all human knowledge. Amazing! The judge forbid any scientific knowledge from being presented at the trial, which left Darrow to attack religious fundamentalism, and his friend, religious fundamentalist Bryan.  It didn’t help the fundamentalists any that Bryan died shortly after the trial. They blamed it on Darrow. Familiar?


Isn’t it interesting that after I posted “Intelligent Design” that I viewed the Scopes Trial?  It’s as if I’m being directed by voices of the past. With knowledge of the Scopes Trial, now that I’m directed by voices from the past, I must tell you that both the modernist and fundamentalist views were wrong. Neither position lines up with Intelligent Design, nor the message in the Bible.


God did not create a perfect universe.  God decided to create the time-space universe and man—and change. Genesis 1:26—“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion . . . ,” our physical image or our spiritual image?  Modernists and fundamentalists, with opposing views, using the world is flat idea instead of their spiritual selves to make judgments (monkeys don’t possess human spiritual values) how could that be a matter of opinion? Spiritually, we did not evolve from monkeys. It is ridiculous to argue that. It was monkey see, monkey do. We are animals physically, obviously evolved from monkeys, humans spiritually, with no connection to monkeys. But these people were acting, ironically, like monkeys. If we start with such a ridiculous idea, then everything we read in the Bible is wrongly interpreted. And boy! Was that ever true in what William Jennings Bryan said at the trial.  Bryan knew to the year when the world began, I think some 22,000 years ago.  It’s scary. In a world that is technologically rapidly advancing, hundreds of millions of the faithful believe the Scriptures trump all human knowledge.


Is it any wonder that religious zealots would think America is the Great Satin?  Is it any wonder that the pope would send Christian Crusaders to the Holy Land to take it back from Islam? Think of the suffering and death man’s foolish interpretations of the Scriptures have caused.  It is unbelievable. “After our likeness,” says the Bible.  God created man with reason and the ability to self-govern. The faithful allow themselves to become mindless herd animals.


Fundamental to life is control of the situation we find ourselves in—so to speak, small fish finding a way to keep from being eaten by big fish. Making man in our image involves Higher Law, which happens to be the background of the American Constitution, if we but knew it.  We’ve been brainwashed. If you knew the story of my life, you would know that your control of the situation requires that you look within for your answers.  You would know, if you look within, your power to control is far greater than you thought.


For the good of all, the people in control make war; the winner has God on his side. It’s insane.  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?  For God’s sake, God didn’t create man to make war. The Bible is the moral story of man, the good and the evil. In the New Testament, Jesus teaches that we are our brother’s keeper; that we must do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  Who could disagree? This is making man in our unique spiritual image.  I AM THAT I AM—the Supreme Consciousness—included, my conscious awareness, as limited by me, Jesus: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God is distinguished from the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of God is internal in each of us, if we but knew it.  We are consistently being misdirected.


Astrologers tell us about the Age of Pisces, when people would be extremely responsive to the feelings of others, when they would unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them, when they would desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule would not have strong wills, when they would be influenced by external factors. With the Age of Pisces came Jesus. Jesus told Peter that before the cock crowed Peter would deny him three times.  It fits with what we read in astrology books, and in the Bible, with regard to seeking first the kingdom of God.


Astrologers tell us the Age of Pisces is ending, being replaced by the Age of Aquarius, and that Aquarians are born under the sign of brotherhood, whose symbol is the water-bearer who spills out the life-force of mankind: spiritual energy—who are stubborn in belief, who operate as equals among equals, who are not dependent on others.  This has a lot of similarity with what Jesus preached, if you are open minded, but not if you have been brainwashed by the orthordoxy.


Fox News: “Now that they're freshmen in a GOP-run House, the political movement's candidates are running smack into the traditions, partisan divisions and powerful competing interests that make it so hard to redirect the government,” exactly what I’ve been writing.   


Jesus said in earth as it is in heaven. We read in Cosmos and Psyche astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. Astrologers talk about our signs as being archetypically, from the standpoint of the original pattern of man, how we feel as we go through life, how we naturally uplift people, what our spiritual mission is.


We’ve not wanted information that rocks the boat. We are now developing a new image, a growth image, forced by the rapidly changing world. Join us, my representatives, or be left at the switch.  We will replace you.


Pluto, known as a generational planet, is now unfavorably aligned with Saturn, the learning planet, and until November 2012, a month prior to the Mayan calendar’s end of the world prediction.


When a lesson from a prior life was not learned, one can experience inexplicable guilt. Saturn, the source of many self-imposed restrictions,   known by the placement of Saturn in the chart, Saturn in my 9th House means I have serious interest in religion—philosophically. I base my philosophy on what I believe to be right, not on what is acceptable. That’s Aquarian.


A new world order, an innovative, entrepreneurial world is already emerging, a world, according to astrologer Jeanne Avery, with Aquarius rising, which is my rising sign. My emerging world began in 1925.  I may bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries, says Avery. I can be very avant-garde, can be the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, can show the rest of humanity the way, says Jeanne Avery. I know where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit.


Jesus, Avery, and I say, “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works . . .”(Mt. 5:15, 16).  I’m inclined to believe that all these coincidences in my life are not by coincidence.  Why would all my dreams have come true?  I’m doing as I’m ordered to do.









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It’s been called a federal retirement plan that’s better than the official federal retirement plan, a taxpayer-funded program for government workers that may be ripe for abuse.But it’s a gravy train that could be brought to an abrupt halt very soon.Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has filed a request with the Government Accountability Office [GAO], the Congressional watch dog agency, to audit once more the nearly century old federal workers’ disability program, where federal workers get lucrative disability payments. The government lists beneficiaries in their 100s receiving these taxpayer-funded payments.The program, the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act [FECA], which the government launched in 1916, is supposed to cover lost wages for federal employees who suffer on-the-job injuries.But many federal workers stay on the program for decades, well into their retirement. Those federal workers on disability can get nearly 75% of their salary tax-free for the rest of their life if they have one dependent, with annual cost of living adjustments.Related LinksThe Black Swan Events of 2011?U.S. Cancer Costs May Hit $207 Billion by 2020A History of Debt-Ceiling FightsWhere is the Deficit Czar?Housing Market Remains HAMPered YOU MIGHT ALSO BEINTERESTED IN7 Things That Will Cost More in 2011 86 Teens Pregnant at One Memphis High School Jobless Claims Post Biggest Jump in 6 Months A Nice, Wholesome Hooters Girl for the Kids Palin Targeted in Violence-Tinged Tweets Following Arizona Massacre That compares to regular federal retirees with 30 years of service who get much less, 56% of their gross wages, which is taxable. “FECA has no limits on the amount of time spent in the program or the amount of money given to recipients,” the Senator notes in her statement, and adds: “FECA has no caps or cut-off periods, which is why there are reported cases of recipients in their 90s and 100s still receiving workers' compensation benefits.“Stunningly, the program does not require regular third-party certifications of continued need for payments, which “expose the FECA program to possible fraud,” the Senator, ranking member on the Senate Homeland Security panel, said in her letter to the GAO.The senator also indicated in her statement the benefits were even more generous than federal retirement, noting they contain an annual cost-of-living adjustment, where as federal retirement pay does not.Already, public sector workers make, on average, about a third more than their private-sector counterparts, studies show.The Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan federal research agency, has already made similar findings.“FECA benefits substantially exceed a worker's retirement benefits in most instances,” the CBO says.The Labor Department says there are roughly 49,000 purportedly injured federal workers who have not returned to work and who are receiving FECA disability payments to cover lost wages.Out of those 49,000 recipients, about 7,200 workers are listed as being over age 65 and potentially will not return to work.Senator Collins says in a statement that the Labor Department unit which oversees the program paid out about $2.8 billion in disability payments over a recent 12-month span, without ensuring whether federal workers employees are exploiting the program."At the U.S. Postal Service, for example, 1,000 employees currently receiving federal workers' compensation benefits are 80 years or older,” the Senator adds. “Incredibly, 132 of these individuals are 90 and older and there are three who are 98. This abuse may extend across the government where the Dept. of Labor regularly pays benefits to employees in their 70s, 80s, 90s, and even 100s.”In her statement, Senator Collins notes she has asked the GAO “to audit FECA and report on the length of time individuals remain on the program, the number of recipients who exceeded the standard federal retirement age, and how the federal program compares to state workers' compensation best practices,” to see if the federal program is more lucrative, in turn hurting federal taxpayers.Senator Collins also asked the GAO to compare FECA’s records against the government’s “Death Master File and the civilian payroll database,” to ascertain whether deceased federal workers continue to receive benefits or whether recipients are "double dipping.""I am increasingly concerned that individuals with no intention of returning to work continue to receive these benefits," said Senator Collins in her statement.Sen. Collins has also suggested transferring workers' compensation recipients to the federal retirement system when they reach retirement age. "These individuals should be switched to the retirement system. They're never going to return to work over age 90,” she has said.Federal worker groups have opposed that idea, noting that injured federal employees have forfeited their right to sue the government in exchange for disability payments, among other issues.The Washington Timesquotes Shelby Hallmark, director of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs at the Department of Labor, who in 2004 testified to Congress about the problem."Under current law, the thousands of long-term FECA (Federal Employees' Compensation Act) beneficiaries who are over normal retirement age have a choice between federal retirement system benefits and FECA benefits, but they overwhelmingly elect the latter because FECA benefits are typically far more generous," Hallmark reportedly said.The Times says a “2005 audit by the Office of Inspector General for the Veterans Administration found that beneficiaries can remain on workers' compensation rolls until they die.”And it says “in 2003, the U.S. Postal Service's inspector general cited potential savings of $19 million over 10 years if only 255 totally disabled postal employees were required to retire.”The Timessays that “same report found there were 81 employees who had been collecting workers' compensation payments for between 40 and 50 years.”The CBO report says that “FECA provides what could be considered a windfall for permanently disabled employees who otherwise would be retired, indefinitely paying them benefits that are higher than those offered by their retirement plans. “And the CBO notes that “permanently disabled employees covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System can cash out the defined-contribution portion of their retirement plans in addition to receiving FECA benefits. The higher benefits could encourage some employees to claim to be disabled in order to raise their retirement income.”Roughly 140,000 FECA claims were filed in 2006, the CBO says; of those, 55,000 federal employees received long-term replacement benefits (averaging about $36,000) for a job-related injury, disease, or death. About three-fourths of those beneficiaries received augmented benefits. More than 60 percent of the beneficiaries were at least 55 years old.The CBO says that “such benefits are out of line with those of other workers' compensation systems.”It adds that “only six state systems authorize additional benefits for employees with at least one dependent, and those benefits are much smaller—about $5 to $10 per week in five states and $25 per week in the sixth, compared with 8.33% of the worker's previous salary in the case of FECA, or about $80 per week for an employee making $50,000 per year. Moreover, salaries and other employee benefits do not increase for workers with dependents.This is of a piece with what cities and towns are seeing across the country. Eight out of ten senior California Highway Patrol officers discover a disabling injury about a year before they retire, the Economist Magazine reports.And according to an audit released in August 2010 by the Buffalo City Comptroller, the city spent $1.99 million in taxpayer funds on health insurance premiums for 152 deceased employees – some [of whom] had died as long ago as 1998.Print Email Share Comments (55) Text Siz
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Forget the "new tone of civility."  Forget that the Tea Party had NOTHING to do with the shootings in Tucson.  Forget the fact the shooter was a loon who claimed two of his favorite books were The COMMUNIST Manifesto and Mien Kampf.  None of that matters.

Now, those associated with Giffords, those who were there with her when she was shot (and who we can assume are themselves Democrats) are now targeting Tea Party have to read this!  It is simply unbelievable.

The Sheriff of Pima County needs to be sacked and run out of town - he started all of this, and if anyone in the Tea Party gets hurt, I will donate money to sue that fat bag of crap until he cant afford a freakin hamburger!!!!!!

I hope they lock this jack wagon up and make him do some time for making a death threat! Arghhh!! I am so pissed off!!!!

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