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Voting against Nancy

If all of those Dems out there are so against Nancy all of a sudden, then why in the WORLD did the health care bill pass, the fiance bill pass, cap and trade and stimulus? Hello, did they just put this into law illegally??????? Wake up AMERICA, just because they are so now against all of this to save their ever loven necks, don't you think something smells of DEFEAT???????
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George Soros Calls for
“Managed Decline of the Dollar”
One of the richest men in the world, who has already profited mightily from the collapse of four separate currencies around the globe, now appears prepared to “encourage” the collapse of the “world’s #1 reserve currency”: the American Dollar. Of course the great Marxist “philanthropist” George Soros is not expected to make a penny from the financial ruin he’s engineering against American citizens and the great hordes of dollar-holders around the globe . . . no, never could happen with the “managed decline of the dollar” he's calling for.
Soros, who along with Hillary Clinton**, helped create the liberal propaganda and attack-foundations Center for American Progress and Media Matters (Media Matters showcases among the most vicious and outspoken left-wing critics and smear campaigns upon Conservatives like Glenn Beck^^, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity)
has long been in the shadows hiding behind his Tides Foundation to
disguise the movement of his millions into leftwing American and European organizations designed to upset the American apple cart.
Over the years the single most effective of Soros’ shadow organizations benefitting from his money was our very own ACORN begun in GASP! Arkansas. ACORN (originally named the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now), of course, was created in Arkansas by Wade Rathke@@ the same year that CRA ’77$$ Legislation was passed and besides all the problems they created (in building up to our recent very own financial collapse courtesy of the ACORN-induced sub-prime lending crisis) also played a major role in ensuring that William Jefferson Clinton would be the state’s governor for 12 of the next 14 years and, oh yes, become the 42nd President of the United States.
Soros, possibly in response to a Glenn Beck challenge the day before to appear on the Glenn Beck Show with him for one hour and reveal his intentions for America, yesterday came out of the shadows long enough to write a check directly to Media Matters for precisely $5 million to hire “investigative journalists.” Since Media Matters has 50,000 hits on the search subject “Glenn Beck” one wonders if George is trying to find something on Beck that’s eluded him so far.
Going back to Soros’ aiming to profit from devaluation of the American dollar . . . as a matter of “full disclosure,” your blogger Rajjpuut, recently suggested that patriotic right-wingers invest in silver and exit the stock market based upon the actions of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who within four months of the September, 2008, financial meltdown upped the amount of greenbacks circulating in the country to 15 times its previous level thus theoretically making the 2009 dollar worth 6.7 cents in 2008 money. Of course, Rajjpuut, has never been accused of deliberately collapsing anybody’s currency, but only of not wanting to hold onto money that’s not worth the paper it’s printed on . . . and suggesting that his relatives, friends, readers, and acquaintances avoid that problem also.
So . . . you’ve been warned TWICE.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
$$ CRA ’77 was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, passed on Jimmy Carter’s watch . . . which opened the door for government to force lenders to make knowingly bad loans to people who did not qualify for a mortgage by any reasonable standards. Bill Clinton after coming into office in 1993 immediately set out to create law by presidential directive to give CRA ’77 the teeth it lacked. Then in 1995, he twice oversaw legislative expansions of CRA ’77. And finally Clinton’s 1998 expansion of CRA laws put the whole system on steroids. What effect did this have? In 1975, 0.24% of all home loans were granted at 3% down payment or less. In 1985, working primarily in Arkansas, ACORN had more than doubled that percentage to 0.51%. Thanks to Clinton’s efforts by 1995 14% of all home loans were granted at 3% down payment or less. After Clinton’s “steroid expansion of CRA in ’98, the 2005 figure showed 34% of all home loans were granted at 3% or less. By the way, ACORN lawyer Barack Obama was shaking down lenders in Chicago between 1994 and 1996. ACORN after Clinton left office found that they could get homeless people into $400,000 homes just as easily as they had put semi-poor folk into $150,000 homes five to ten years earlier. ACORN’s success in putting people without jobs; without decent credit; without rental histories; who gave food stamps as “income”; welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens into homes was the prime cause of the recent sub-prime lending crisis that instigated the financial meltdown we’re now enjoying.
@@ Rathke, who went to Arkansas seven years earlier in 1970, was a lieutenant of George Wiley and part of Wiley’s, Richard Cloward’s and Frances Pivens’ National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). NWRO was created to overwork the Welfare system in 1967 and by 1975 had bankrupted New York City (the federal government bailed them out) and came within a whisker of bankrupting New York State. The trio was seeking to put the infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy (based upon a C-P article in The Nation in 1966) into operation to force the United States into a GNI (guaranteed national income) and they presumed wipe out poverty forever. Rathke ran the Arkansas NWRO. After bragging about their great success Cloward, Piven and Wiley suggested the next areas for “Alinsky!! street theater” and Cloward-Piven Strategy should be voter registration and housing legislation . . . enter Rathke and ACORN two years later.
!! Saul Alinsky was the self-described neo-Marxist author of Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1971) who literally dedicated his Rules for Radicals to Satan.

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The real Tea party

I was a huge supporter at first of the tea party but not so sure anymore. I thought this stood for people standing up for our constitutional rights and make sure washignton did the same. I am a republican who is tired of seeing our rights and our tax money dissapear.

This movement should have been about showing washington we the people have a right to representation and when we are not heard we should and would vote people in to office that will listen. Washington is spend happy with no payments into their own social security or healthcare and high salaries but the rest of us are left worried that we will have to work unti lwe are 80 and pray no one in our family gets sick bc we cant afford the health care. Washington needs to cut salaries go back look at the 16th amendment and if it truely was not fully ratified install a constututional flat tax. The money to pays for roads schools and local goverment is their in the everyday taxes we have but we the people should stop funding salaries and a plush lifestyle for those who dont or wount represent us.

Look at healthcare both parties fight with oneanother on who is right and in the mean time we all lose. jobs are out sourced b/c healthcare companies are trying to save money and opperate more efficiently which they have the right to do. why dont they focus on the cost of the care? look at how a standardization of cost from hospital stays to giving birth range from 2000-15,000 if you cut it to a regualar flat amount healthcare companies would spend less our cost of the premiums and the care its self would be allot less and caregivers would know what they will be getting and have more effiencent offices and expected payroll. We would not need the debate on socialized medicine. Shouldnt the tea party find somone to step up speak to the average american and say this is what we will get done. But you say the democrats wount play ball or even some repeblcians?? Well I have a solution go to the media explaine the plan and the costs and cuts and tell them american its time stand up give you're congressman and senator the message just give us what we want...NO what we deserve or go find another job. The men and wemon who use to run for office ran because they wanted to make a difference where are they now??

Lastly I know immegration is a hot buttom issue but people please this country was founded solely on imigrants. it was built with the blood and sweat of people who wanted to come here to make a better liviing for themselves and their families. They had no sense of entitelment they just showed up and said just give us a chance, and it worked. We here in this country have people with a unique sense of pride for what our Irish,Scottish,German,Italian,Armenian,Russian,Chinese,japanese ect familes did when they got here. The people from mexico and cuba and all the other places want and deserve the same things. Now that being said border security is essential to keep out the horrid drugs and guns that pass thru but we can come up with somethign surely that recognizes these people just want what all of us here now have.. A chance at just a better life. Do they take Jobs of course they do but they also create jobs. With more people working for a lower wage than you or I get more stores, restaurants, farms will open the price for services go downs as new and more quality products are produced here in America.

I beg of anyone in the tea party to just simply ask you're selves what is it to be american. To me its about a voice. Giveing a voice to those who came and built this contry who gave the greatest sacrafice to fight for what we have now. its about whats written on the slatue of liberty. Its about fredom to worship how you want to and not to demonize anyone for the actions of a few. This is just an open letter from a married catholic republican father of soon to be three and I hope it really it just heard. This party has a unique chance to recapture what our founding fathers envisioned. If not for us here and now then for our kids and grandchildren. I want my kids to grow up learn about our contry and feel proud of what we did as I do and to also feel proud of what we are doing for eachother now which I have great hopes for.

Thank you.

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George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressive groups deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Could that be true?
“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.” Rajjpuut
Cassandra and The Shocking Truth
that Sets the Country Free
Those of you who've heard a little bit of mythology have almost surely run into Cassandra. She was the daughter of King Priam of Troy and sister of Hector and Paris. Supposedly she slept overnight in the Temple of Apollo and the snakes therein licked her ears so clean she could "hear the future." Because her clairvoyance might quite likely interfere with destiny, Apollo cursed her with being unbelieved. For example, she foresaw the defeat of Troy, her brother Hector's body being brought back within Troy's Walls and also warned of the dangers of the Trojan Horse . . . but, of course, no one would believe her ever, about anything. Ouch!!!
Rajjpuut is beginning to know exactly how that unlucky lady felt. In November of 2003, James Stack of started running a chart that he would continue to run for an unheard of length of time -- almost five full years. The gist of the chart (Housing Industry Bubble) was that not only were housing prices artificially high, but that mortgage industry stocks and virtually all stocks associated with housing in any way (construction, home improvement, insulation, insurance, etc.) were in a huge bubble (1400% of their 1995 values) which was sure to collapse AND that something called the "sub-prime lending crisis" as well as derivative investments based upon that crisis were threatening to undermine the very foundation of our nation's economy. The story involved in creating that crisis covers over 44 years and is NOT, like Cassandra's tales from the future . . . but rather from the past and all easily verifiable, yet like Cassandra . . . Rajjpuut finds no audience that listens . . . .
In seeking to understand that situation, Rajjpuut uncovered all these truths and he began writing about them to each and any and every ear he could find roughly seven years ago. It's all true, all verifiable and it amounts to tying together two of the greatest acts of treason in America's history with each other and the two most corrupt presidents in our history, our two ACORN presidents, with each other and with the "Founding Destroyers" of our country, Saul Alinsky and his two greatest disciples: Richard Cloward and Frances Piven . . . .
It’s well known and documentable that . . . the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days . . . and only when they actually failed or some shenanigans were discovered would the government step in in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that. Be prepared to be shocked . . . .
It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a real political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .
Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas seven years earlier. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.
It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) and by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. What happened exactly? In the late-sixties, founder George Wiley forged an army of tens of thousands of single minority mothers, whom he sent out to disrupt welfare offices through sit-ins and demonstrations demanding an end to the “oppressive” eligibility restrictions that kept down the welfare rolls. His aim: to flood the welfare system with so many clients that it would burst, creating a crisis that, he believed, would force a radical restructuring of America’s unjust capitalist economy.
The flooding of the welfare rolls succeeded beyond Wiley’s wildest dreams. From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared so that by the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city’s private economy. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ That great accomplishment? Instead of igniting a restructuring of American capitalism and a GNI, this explosion of the welfare rolls only helped to create a culture of family disintegration and dependency in inner-city neighborhoods, with rampant illegitimacy, crime, school failure, drug abuse, non-work, and poverty among a fast-growing underclass. Wiley, Cloward and Piven told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas they needed to probe. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known most of all for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .
So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .
However, because of huge success in registering Democrats, ACORN was quickly expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. After that, things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies.
Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs** by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on poor inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”
Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.
With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.
In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.
President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.
All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine. It was working so fine that it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.
You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . and remember that George W. Bush was only barely successful in his efforts to fight the evils of CRA laws . . . so that today 90% of the same laws (and 75% of the Clinton steroid-version expansion of 1998) that contributed to the fiasco and empowered ACORN are still on the books waiting to do us in once more. Every bit as dangerous as the new welfare laws threatening to overload the food stamp program; as dangerous as Obamacare; and as dangerous as progressivism itself are the CRA laws still on the books . . . .
You've read it all, you have it in your power to fact-check every item of the story . . . this is a story all America needs to know, don't you agree?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Let's spread the blame around deservedly: George H.W. Bush succeeded with 44 out of 45 vetos and presumably would have succeeded in mid 1992 also with a large, complicated, many-faceted bill pushed through mostly by progressive Democrats. He should have vetoed it because one tiny part of it passed CRA '77 legislation into the realm of Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae the two federally-backed mortgage-guaranteers. The bill was still unwieldy and had no teeth but it was potentially a monster-disaster in the waiting . . . this was the law with which Bill Clinton began the mammoth attack on the mortgage loan industry; the law that made ACORN infamous.
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Susan G. Komen Donated Over $700,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2007
10-19-2010Categorized in: Business, Family, Health and FitnessShare66A new report from a Planned Parenthood watchdog finds chapters of the Komen Race for the Cure breast cancer group gave affiliates of the national abortion business over $700,000 last fiscal year. The enormous amount should be a red flag to pro-life advocates, one leading activist says.

Figures from STOPP International show Komen chapters giving $711,485 from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006 to Planned Parenthood affiliates.

Jim Sedlak, a representative of the watchdog group says the numbers are concerning given than millions of pro-life Americans will participate in Komen events during the month.
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obamas hometown

Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
10-19-2010Categorized in: Ethics, Government, PoliticsShare235Over 35 counties in Illinois missed the deadline to mail military ballots to our soldiers defending America. But in Chicago, county election officials have taken special steps to ensure that no inmates at the Cook County Jail are unable to cast a ballot.

The Chicago Board of Elections hand delivers ballots to the jail. They don’t even wait for the inmates to apply – they bring the applications with the ballots! Over 2,600 inmates have cast ballots so far – strikingly similiar to the 2,600 soldiers who will likely not recieve a ballot for the Nov 2 election.

Disgraceful does not begin to describe the Illinois Election system.
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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Fact Checked by: AWC

Source of the information: America's Wrongfully Convicted

Note: This article is to expose that the criminal justice system needs a overhaul and that we need to expose the light of criminal
justice system corruption in the media. So USWGO Alternative News will
be the first ones to expose innocent people being wrongfully convicted
because the police either failed to fully investigate or other reasons
which should have never happened in a good law system.

Legal Notice: We acknowledge that everything we written is truthful and that all facts have been checked before the publishing of this
article. All information brought forth here has been sourced from the
evidence presented to us by America's Wrongfully Convicted a
organization dedicated to bringing out evidence that proves the
innocence of those wrongfully convicted by the system. We also made sure
that all content in this article is well backed up, plus is 100%
truthful. You also acknowledge that by reading this article since we
aren't the original source of the information that since it IS fact
checked (Means legally we ARE telling the truth) we cannot be held
liable to any emotional damages caused by this article.
Roberts brother's picture

According to the America's Wrongfully Convicted website, a ongoing case battle to help vindicate a disabled man named
Robert McClendon, that was wrongfully convicted of aggravated assault
with a firearm on a family member, then convicted to 5 years on
probation. Also according to my research on the AWC website and various
YouTube Videos it was his, brother, sister, and even his mother that is
helping him with the whole case. This event took place in Houston Texas
from 2005 to now with a trial to come after Christine for lying to the
whole court, and the judge.

Apparently it started in 2005 when Robert's girlfriend had two daughters which one had a mental problem and the other was the one that
plotted to get Robert arrested. What led from one tragic event to
another can be very confusing that it can take a while to exactly learn
about what exactly happened and so I will go ahead and tell you what
exactly happened according to the evidence and the report.

Anyways the people I will be mentioning below are Robert McClendon (A victim of being wrongfully convicted of a crime he never commited),
Sara Trent (The one that had a mental problem and caused trouble for
Robert), Paula Trent (The one that plotted to get Robert arrested), Jose
(The one that ended up in a affair with Paula which caused Emma to
leave Jose), Emma (The victim of having her husband cheat on her), and
Christine the one that helped Paula achieve and succeed in her plot to
set up Robert as a abuser and have him arrested.

Sara Marie Trent

So first of all Sara Trent started getting out of hand by breaking things,
cursing at everyone including her own mother, Christine, and then
threatening to beat up Roberts own mother who was about 70 years old at
the time. Then she was starting to urinate everywhere in the house,
including the furniture and floors at will. So Robert had no choice
because of the explosive behavior and urine on the furniture and so he
found it necessary to call the police on Sara. So police from the
Montgomery County Sheriff's Department arrived and so they had a talk
with Sara about her behavior. So after the talk the police officer told
both Christine and Robert that Sara was not right in the head and that
she needed psychological counseling. Apparntly it was discovered that
Sara suffers from spina-bifida, a congenital condition, and that she has
had water build up on her brain and so it has to be controlled with a
shunt which drains cerebral spinal fluid from her brain.

Although this did not go well with Christine because she became angered of Roberts call to the police department because it may ruin the
income from the Social Security Administration. So she yelled to Robert
in anger"That is just great! They are going to put Sara in a psych
ward, and I am going to lose Sara’s Social Security check!" (It looks
like she was using the income from Sara because she did not want to work
a regular job). The anger Christine had against Robert stayed all day
for simply calling the police on Sara for her behavior.

Now this story gets even worse then just what happened with sara, the real drama starts up with Paula...

So then on September 14 2005, the oldest daughter of Christine, named Palua, had been having boys coming through her window to her room in
the mobile home the family stayed at. One of those boys is Derek who was
only 15 years of age at the time.

Anyways lets speed it up because a article shouldn't be too long and you can pretty much read the story on Roberts story on AWC.
Paula Trent

So anyways Paula is angry that she is not allowed to sneak boys into her
room and so Robert wanted to have a talk with Dereks mother. Also to
make sure no more boys or even grown men could ever be allowed to sneak
through Paula's window to her bed room a lock was installed on her
window since she abused the rights to have her window open.

Then a break in happened and Derek happened to had a reputation to break into homes
in the neighborhood. So after that Robert decided to call the police on
Paula for disobeying Roberts trust sneaking boys through her window, and
for Derek breaking into the mobile home. The police officer had to
explain to Paula that what she was doing was wrong and so her mother
Christine started claiming that since she was 18 and Derek was 15, that
Robert was trying to get her 18- year-old daughter into trouble for
having sex with a 15 year-old-boy (aka sex offender laws where it
prohibits minors from having sex with grown adults, BUT that law doesn't
get enforced in certain cases such as a 17 year old being in love with a
18 yea old), but that wasn't the case either because he never mentioned
the age of Derek to the police. Still Christine got angry again at the
fact that Robert called the police again on her daughters for
misbehaving, and so she told Robert that he had better not ever call
another cop on her kids. According to the law of morals if somebody is
behaving badly to the point where that person has people break into your
house, you have every right to call the police on your girlfriends
daughter and if your girlfriend doesn't like it well then maybe you
shouldn't be around her and her kids if she goes around making your life
a living hell. Anyways enough ranting now back to the story.

This really made Paula Angry so after a church-run in which Robert did some work for
the church for all the times the church has helped him, he got back but
because of his disability his back was hurting, and so he laid on the
bed to get some rest.

Then Paula decided right at that moment while he needed some sleep to turn up the
volume of the music she was listening to very loud to the point where it
was bothering him. So he asked Christine to have a talk with Paula
regarding the loud music then she simply turn the music even louder
after Christine left. So again Robert asked Christine to stop this so
she started running outside while yelling that he never let's her do
anything she wants and so he yelled at her to stop yelling outside in
fear that neighbors would hear her and then asked Christine to get her
to go inside then she for some reason just looked at him and smiled,
then shook her head "no." Then Robert thought that Christine was going
to get Paula but instead Paula fled to the office to call the police on
Robert because all of the sudden the Maintenance man ran into his living
room demanding his guns. After a few more minutes the cops just came in
there and arrested him without a investigation.

Also about the Jose and Emma situation anyways that was pretty much around as well
before the plot by Paula to set up Robert to be arrested. To make a long
story short Paula was paid to take care of Roberts mothers house and
she was not allowed any boys over but yet she betrayed his trust by
going outside and having an affair with a married man named Jose. After
she was caught she then again lied and tried to make out like Jose took
her out back, took off her clothes, then raped her, but then why did she
get upset whenever Robert thought about calling the police or firing
him. Even though Jose cheated on his wife Emma he did knew about Paula's
plot to set up Robert. Anyways onto the court trials...
Christine Trent

So first Christine and Paula set up a Protective Order Hearing to bar him
from having any access to his personal belongings, then stole all of his
belongings, even drivers license, maybe even his social security card
(Well if they could get his drivers license easily it would be obvious
they may have his other cards as well since he was just whisked off to
jail without collecting his personal ID Cards), and they got completely
away with it at least for now. Then all Roberts brother attempted to
track down who broke Roberts mothers mail box then what Christine and
Paula did was made out like Robert broke his Protective Order to stay
away from them. It was just one bit of hell after another.

Paula and Christine had been caught at each court hearing making different
statements each time changing the story. The fact that the judge and
jury sided with these two lying women proves that there was some
judicial corruption going on.

Anyways here is the audio podcast about the event:

[audio:|titles=recording - by Americas Wrongfully Convicted]

So right now a legal battle is still going on for Robert to be vindicated, his record expunged, and to lock up the real criminals
(Paula and Christine) that abused the Justice System to their advantage.
Also according to the letter written by Emma Paula and Christine planned to set up Robert.

So for those that want to set things right and are sick of the Injustice in the Justice System check out

Also here are YouTube Video embeds regarding what Robert is going through:","allowfullscreen":"true";" class="mceItemFlash" src="" height="424" width="710">","allowfullscreen":"true";" class="mceItemFlash" src="" height="557" width="710">","allowfullscreen":"true";" class="mceItemFlash" src="" height="424" width="710">

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In elementary school, our teacher screened a little known Cary Grant film "The Howards of Virginia". Now you might ask, why would a teacher be showing a Cary Grant film during school hours? Well, we were studying American Colonialism (you know, Obama's favorite 'hate America' topic), back in the day when American History was still taught in schools with great detail. It was a film [and subject] I never forgot, and still hold near to my heart today.


But there is still hope for our country: the Tea Party

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“Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational message and made fearful voters unable to think clearly about the issues . . .” Rajjpuut

Q: Why is golf the perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency?
A: He's continually striving for the perfect lie.

TEA Party Women Deplore What Obama

Refuses to See on the Tip of His Nose

Sarah Palin’s nomination as the 2008 Republican Party’s Vice Presidential candidate has been followed by the rise of the TEA (Taken Enough Abuse? Or Taxed Enough Already) Party and a simultaneous upsurge in the involvement and commitment of Conservative women to returning the nation to small and responsive federal government, lower taxes, dramatically lowered spending and alignment with the purposes and practices of Constitutional Republicanism. Despite mountains of evidence that these women and a whole groundswell of the people are in synch with reality and that he is not, Barack Obama and his media sycophants can’t seem to see the forest for the trees surrounding them . . . .

ITEM: While being interviewed by the New York Times President Obama admitted “. . . there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project,” they do not exist in Washington’s bureaucracy and thus the stimulus didn’t work.

ITEM: In selling that $787 Billion stimulus, the president swore to us that unemployment would NOT rise above 8% if the bill became law. Unemployment, of course, rose to 9.6% and is now reportedly headed to over 9.9% according to the Gallup polling organization.

ITEM: We are coming to realize that according to all the latest administration projections high unemployment is expected to be a fact of life and the only way to sort of deal with it is to allow them to tax us more and spend more of our money.

Item: One more broken promise, the House of Representatives adjourned for last minute campaigning without bothering to vote on extending the Bush Tax Cuts; and one more broken law, they still have not passed a budget. Is that a problem?

ITEM: College age voters (Obama’s most fanatical multi-racial support group) are in growing agreement that despite all the spending, unemployment is rising and their chances of finding jobs under Obama are shrinking by the day.

ITEM: Mr. Obama states that “most of the unemployed had already lost their jobs when I took office,” failing to mention that their numbers have increased by 40% since he came to Washington, D.C.

ITEM: Progressive economists have been uniformly inaccurate and ineffective throughout history. Four of the five economic “architects” of the Obama job approach (just throw money at the problem) have already left the administration for greener pastures.

ITEM: Speaking of progressive economists . . . their version of truth, known as “Keynesian Economics,” is a progressive (“we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution”) tool encouraging politicians to tax and spend and throttle the free market. The country as a whole is now, however, coming more and more to realize that government canNOT create jobs or wealth but can only redistribute wealth so ineffectively that all government programs to either create jobs or spread wealth inevitably destroy jobs and mean individual and overall wealth for our citizens.

ITEM: Progressive politicians cannot intelligently answer the question “How do you create a job?” Yes, they can hem and haw and stumble through the idea of how jobs that are already created can sort of create other jobs . . . but they have no idea. And God help us if you, a voter, don’t know either, here’s the answer:

ITEM: Progressives see naturally arising free market forces as exploitation. They don’t understand that when one person willing trades his goods or services or money for someone else’s goods or services or money . . . pay attention, progressives . . . they both feel like they got the better end of the stick, and that this is the very key to capitalism. They believe only government can intelligently create jobs to benefit all. The true model of reality is that government is a hooligan or a thief, explained here:

ITEM: Fifteen million people are still unemployed and Nancy Pelosi’s and Obama’s solution extend unemployment benefits and multiply food stamp eligibility. Pelosi says that these programs are “biggest bang for the buck” as far as getting the economy in motion . . . claiming they return 179% on the dollar. Since government’s can’t create jobs or wealth and government programs are at best highly INefficient at transferring wealth the true number would probably be much closer to 39% which means that they kill 2.5 jobs for every job they help create in the economy. It’s also a proven fact and demonstrable part of reality (with unemployment benefits now extended to 99 weeks) that a surprising upsurge in job “discovery” takes place during the last three weeks of receiving unemployment checks regardless of whether that is the 23rd week or the 80th week . . . indicating that long periods of “covered unemployment” actually retards job-hunting.

ITEM: The majority of the public wants Obamacare repealed. Why? They’ve come to realize it will be the biggest drain on the economy of all time, won’t make us healthier and won’t lower costs, will allow federally-funded abortions, and actually make access to medicine, much less good medicine much more difficult. Now they’re seeing that Obamacare is jerking health insurance costs sky-high for private companies. So far at least 30 major corporations have been granted waivers to implementing Obamacare (so they don’t have to drop coverage of employees) and hundreds more are applying. And by the way, the reality that more and more Americans will lose their present insurance (“If you like your present insurance, then you can keep it.”) is not what even the supporters of Obamacare bargained for.

ITEM: Among Democrats, at last count only Nevada’s Harry Reid is running his re-election campaign with any mention of supporting Obamacare . . . and Harry Reid looks to be losing to one of the most bone-headed persons to ever call herself a “conservative.”

ITEM: The progressives are poised to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve and that will surely amount to the largest tax increase in history.

ITEM: Obama’s much promised “transparency in government” and “bi-partisan involvement” allowed bribe after bribe after bribe (Cornhusker Kickbacks; Louisiana Purchase; building a new bank here; exempting a hospital there; etc., etc. ad nauseum) to ram the unpalatable Obamacare law and other unwanted bills down our throats and the process was certainly not broadcast openly but largely played out behind closed doors with only key Democrats invited in.

ITEM: Barack Obama said this in summing up his presidency so far for the New York Times . . . “I think they (people) could say, on a bunch of fronts he (the president) still has an incomplete. But I keep a checklist of what we committed to doing, and we’ve probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we talked about during the campaign. And I hope as long as I’m president, I’ve got a chance to work on the other 30 percent.”

ITEM: Sorry, Mr. President, if your child was assigned to clean up his room and take the garbage out and he instead opts to scatter the garbage around the house and light the house on fire: his grade is not “incomplete,” it’s utter and horrific “FAILURE!”

ITEM: An “F” is NOT nearly low enough and NOT close to what America and history will someday record. Rajjpuut gives the president NOT a FAILING grade but a -400% grade based not only upon his demonstrated ineptness, but also upon this greater truth which no one seems to be noticing . . . .

Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational messages and made the fearful electorate unable to think clearly about the issues . . . the truth, of course, is that the President has been casting about for the last two months searching for the “perfect lie”** to muddy the waters and give him and his toadie progressives some hope of retaining their unwarranted power over our lives. Thankfully, in large part due to the rise of a brave and intelligent new Conservative Women’s Movement, especially noticeable among the TEA Party activists, but found all across our resurgent nation.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Of course Governor Jerry Brown has broken out his own version of the perfect lie; and other versions of it are springing up all over the place, most noticeably in the campaigning of Dem Representative Grayson in Florida. Obama’s latest effort, saying that the Chamber of Commerce is receiving and using huge amounts of foreign donations to support Conservative candidates totally ignores the facts that A. That’s a 100% lie B. Obama’s campaign still hasn’t revealed the origin of about $320 million of us campaign donations with at least $105 million of that coming from foreign sources.

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Will we be fooled again?

Hello Folks,

As you know I am a retired disabled vet and wonder why folks get so fooled? Meet the NEW BOSS same as the OLD BOSS signing we won't get fooled again... I wrote a post about Newt New World Order Gingridge remember the contract with America? Brought us Nafta and Gatt bigger gov-ment some contract eh? Now we are getting a new contract, so my question is why ? What is wrong with the contract we have? It is called the Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution that is the contract and if you don't you get impeached, voted out or tried as an ethic violation and removed from office. Need to repeal every unconstitutional law, repeal the 17th amendment and break up the good ol boy senators club. They use to be pulled out of office by the state when they misbehaved. Plus we need to get rid of every unconstitutional alphabet agency... Here are some good articles and videos to peruse and get educated... So someone tell me where exactly in the Constitution is it written that there is a Separation of Church and State? you been fooled again...

Do you know what the School of the Americas is? ; ; (Also known as School of Assasins) Thats right, are very own terrorist training camp for puppets we set up in power, then invade the country and take all they have...go check it out...

The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes

What is the TRI_Lateral Commission?
Another good article

Member List of TLC

Is your Politician a CFR Member? Here is the list

What is the CFR?

Videos Does the CIA and the Military bring in Drugs? Go here youtube of Geraldo Rivera Plus so many more youtube videos ;Remember Vietnam? The Golden Triangle and body bags..

The Private federal Reserve... youtube video The Secret of Oz

Alex Jones Videos Obama Deception, End Game, Police State 4 Rise of Fema,

That's enough for now...Remember if they attack your message then your over the target...

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Hello World!


My name is AnonymousBritishGuy. That's all you need to know. I live in the UK not America but I wish you guys good luck. Here we have David Cameron doing a fantastic job but in America I can see how Barrack is messing up the ecomony. Good luck with all your protests on behalf of the British Friends of the Tea Party.

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SB550 the forcing people into homeless bill IS AN ARTICLE IN THE SUNDAY ST.PETE TIMES, it talks of the settlement reached with the enviormental groups and the clean water act. the connection between the SB550 bill for Fl. forcing 2.6 septic tank owners to have a $500 inspection and upgrade to a new $13000. electric septic system with the State putting a lien against your property if you can not pay and they can CONDEMN your home till you upgrade to where you are homeless is scary. the business office of Gov. Charlie 850 488 4441 is where I called and got my info. about how they can FORCE YOU FROM YOUR HOME. Ask questions. This is bigger than we know, this is a Fl. bill with the Dept of healh and the EPA involvement on the Fed. level and no one is talking!
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What has happened to america?

I have to first say that most of these blog posts are in my opnion nowhere near what I thought the Tea party stood for. American needs to get back to a all around smaller goverment. Yes that means cut in everything Military salaries for senators and congress ect. We need to also make those perople who represent us to pay into social security and their own health care that they get for free. How can we expect them to listen to us the people when they make in most cases 3 or 4 times the average houshold income of those they represent.

Lets throw all of the rhetoric out the windo both republican and democrats. The tea party should have been about making wasjington realize they have to listen to us and start NOW. Look where we are now further in debit No healthcare plan that works and people are out of more jobs bc of it. Washington needs to cut spending on everything create a constitutional flat tax rate to benefit everyone not just middle class not just lower income but everyone. Lastly we need congress to stop fighting with eachother its not about a democratic agenda or a republican agrenda. If those people we vote cannot make decisions that are right for us than we should have the right to fire them on the spot and get someone in there who's first job and responsibility is to the constitution of the united states and its people. Not to long ago you went to washington to make a difference not for free healthcare a bif pension plan and a huge salary.

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Where are most of our taxes going?

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

I used to ask my mom and grandma why we need to pay taxes and the response was that it is so that the Government can provide us all ofthese services (Which most are Free!!!) but now in 2010 I am seeing lessand less of our tax dollars going to all Government programs and so Iam seeing money making schemes all over the Government programs just tosimply stay alive.

Some of these examples are that most National Parks and Pass roadways are no longer free and end up usually charging you $20 per visit withnothing to show for it except you get to see the park and hike there,then several criminal records sites I found while doing research nolonger offer free records search and now force you to pay the Governmenta fee in order to check state criminal records, so many public schoolscan't even function anymore without fundraisers and box top collectors,then now I hear that libraries in certain areas of the country are in threat of being shut down,and I also hear about a halt on any raises for Social Security moneydue to belt tightening budgets even though prices are on the increase.

So while funding for Government programs is down, why is our taxes going up!

I even checked the last receipt at Walmart and my NC state taxes have increased from 7 cents to 7.75 cents. We are seeing a major rise inmore Government taxes but yet we are seeing more funding being strippedfrom programs anywhere from National Parks (Gee with the fees theycharge anymore no wonder why I hear stories that there's people that tryto take stuff from National Parks such as rocks and other stuff fromparks cause they used to be free now it's all money at parks), to PublicSchools (No wonder so many wish to leave the public school system andenroll in Home School), to libraries having to reduce days (They did inMayodan NC they are now open only 3 days a week), to the post officehaving a debate on whether they should cut off Saturday deliveries, toSchool cafeterias going from regular cafeteria food to TV Dinner like meals,to Medicaid making constant cuts from dentist care to certainprescriptions being no longer covered by medicaid, to those that receiveSocial Security Disability benefits being fined (Penalized) for simplyplaying the lottery or even making less then $600, heck even less then$300 a year or even just for receiving child support payments, and topolice officers being unable to prosecute people for smaller crimes ormore police officers being laid off due to tightening budgets.

I saw it all on my trip last month and I've heard it all. The state is officially in debt plus all states are losing money. Still though youwould think taxes would still be used to fund all the Governmentprograms I talked about since it is basic services for the community andfor Conservation. Since we are seeing a fall in all funding sources forGovernment programs including National Parks then why on earth are we paying more taxes???

Where is our money going? Why is it going? Why is many branches of government programs charging and doing fund raisers just to make it? Isour taxes going down a Black Hole and being wasted???

First of all lets talk about the why and how our taxes are being used up:

  1. First of all the first of many of our primary tax wasters is !!!THE BAILOUT!!! where executives were receiving bonuses and many corporationsreceive free money from the Tax Payers but never gave anything back inreturn, nor did they bring anyn new jobs but in fact instead moreemployees are being laid off due to the worsening economic recession dueto the bailout.
  2. The 2nd primary tax waster is the stupid (Ah Did I mention Stupid!) War in the middle east that's been going on for almost a decade now.This war is the 2nd worst primary tax waster and is also responsible forthe massive debt our government has collected which they will eitherexpect the tax payers to pay up on the debt we DIDN'T Started (OurGovernment did!) or else foreign countries may consolidate our countryand states piece by piece which will end the Constitution forever(Eminent Domain). The wars going on and all the money spent on themilitary industrial complex is going through our tax money like it wasall being dumped into the harbor.
  3. The Stimulus package which was a revised version of !!!THE BAILOUT!!! where again not just executives and corporate money mastersreceiving free tax payers money but also state Government guys can wasteour money around since they can receive big checks without worryingabout conditions since it looks like Obama isn't enforcing that themoney be spent wisely.
  4. The Federal Reserve - They are the forth largest tax... Well I wouldn't call them a tax waster but they cause the dollar to lose valueby inflating the printing of dollar bills and so this forces the valueof everything to drop while prices of everything are inflating accordingto the economic situation. The Federal Reserve has made it hard forthose with even lots of money to survive due to the devaluation of thedollar bill.
  5. Campaign ads are where much of our tax payers money is instantly wasted. What's wrong with keeping it simple instead of flashy politicalads that probably cost hundreds to thousands per run on TV Stations.Campaign ads, hit pieces, and other forms of political party promotionends up using up loads of tax payers dollars. Don't worry though if youlet corporations bribe your candidates you won't have to worry muchabout tax usage for political campaigns.
  6. Government/Public Grants being wasted on corporations and high up organizations. While the small guys have a hard time obtaining a grant,high up organizations and corporations easily obtain government backedgrants and never have to pay them back. The corporations already havemillions to billions of dollars so why on earth can they just simply andeasily get Public funded Grants?
  7. It is suggested that many of our taxes are now being funneled (wasted!) for then foundation of a World Government, a North AmericanUnion, and a police state surveillance system that not only is not cheapbut will destroy the U.S. Constitution as we know it.
  8. and the tax wasters probably just goes on and on while the Government wants to ration all Government services to the people andproducts people err peasants can buy.

So where are our taxes going? You can guess after reading the list above!

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Dear Members


Ted Greene U.S. Navy Officer

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“There are liars, damned liars and statisticians . . .” (old saying)

specifically quoted:

Obama Administration’s SEVERE

MISCOUNT of Stimulus jobs

Aims to Hide Sickening Truth

It’s considered unpatriotic by Mr. Obama to criticize him or his administration or their ineptness. If that’s so, you’re about to hear some truly unpatriotic blasphemy. Are you one of those Doubting Thomases very skeptical about the honesty of reported federal government statistics? The word on the street is that “figures don’t lie, but liars sure can figure.” Here’s a case in point, among all the “jobs created or saved by the Obama administration’s $787 Billion stimulus were 384 jobs created at Hormel’s Jennie-O Turkey Store in Willmar, Minnesota at a cost of $7,144,000 ( a mere $18,600 per job, fantastic by normal government standards). The summary of the grant reads this way: “production and delivery of small cooked deli breasts.” Sounds good. The turkey breasts in question are part of a $100 million package of grants received mainly for canned fruit, canned pork, and sliced ham for stocking food pantries across the nation.

OOOOps, one small problem: the 384 people hired eventually worked for less than 40 hours each. How many actual permanent jobs were created by this grant? ZERO! Cost per day for each of these jobs? $3,720. Are you still impressed? How much REAL money went into the pockets of Obama supporters for FAKE jobs on this one? Unfortunately, those statistics are not available . . . .

This is why virtually all federally released figures must be taken with a huge grain of salt by any intelligent voter. Weasel phrases akin to calling the neighborhood “pool parlor” a “Pocket Billiards Emporium” are the very stock in trade of federal liars like Barak Obama and all the people who surround him and support his efforts all the way right down to the sour-faced neighborhood bureaucrat. Do you remember back when Senator Obama was talking about creating five million new green-tech jobs as soon as he became president? If that was realistic and helpful, surely that’s where the bulk of the stimulus money should have gone, no? Well, Rajjpuut, and a whole hell of a lot of other bloggers around the country put the national media straight and that starry-eyed notion melted away like butter on a hot skillet bottom. Since the “green-tech” lie is a classic example of what we’re up against, it bears repeating . . . .

Admit it, it sounds terrific! Imagine five million new jobs in the green-tech industry helping get our nation off the oil bandwagon and all the pollution it produces. That was NICE. Now let’s face the facts . . . .

Up until about thirteen years ago, Spain was the top job creator among all nations in the European Union. Then they got the starry-eyed notion to pour money into "alternative energy," clean up the environment and create even more jobs via green tech. Sound familiar? One caveat for Mr. Obama, Spain's present unemployment rate at more than 20% is more than double the European Union average. Barak, of course doubles-down on green-tech, steadfastly refusing to let Americans drill off America's shoreline, in the country itself, or even to let Americans use new technologies to drill out old oil wells: all policies even the green-smitten Spaniards would call "absolutamente loco!"

So what do the stats tell us? The Spanish economy lost 2.2 jobs from the wider marketplace for every single green job created. That would mean Obama's program could cost America eleven million other jobs or a net loss of six million jobs, but wait . . . . Remember from our one-day turkey breast example, whenever liberal politicians "create" jobs they tend to count in "funny" sorts of ways, acting as if a one-week job and a permanent job were all the same thing. What happened in Spain was that ultimately only 10% of the green jobs they created were permanent jobs . . . ooooooops that means that instead of creating five million REAL JOBS, Obama will likely be creating five million bogus-counted funny-jobs in green tech that amount to only 500,000 real jobs-- so now we're looking at an overall loss of 10.5 million real jobs . . . that's 22 real jobs lost** by the subsidies needed to fund creation each single green-tech job, OUCH! Here’s a report from another heretic that Rajjpuut loves:

This info, from the U. S. Senate Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy, concludes that many green jobs pay low wages, require expensive taxpayer subsidies, and require killing existing jobs to subsidize these new green jobs. Of course, Missouri Senator Kit Bond author of that report Yellow Light on Green Jobs and subcommittee ranking member is a conservative Republican and he's surely regarded as "unpatriotic" by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Obama too??? Senator Bond, by the way, is retiring by choice and will be sorely missed. And also, “sorely missed”? All those jobs created or saved by the Obama stimulus . . . . jobs that upon closer examination all POOF! Disappear into thin air.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** "How can this be?" you ask . . . . Government canNOT create jobs they can only redistribute wealth. Even creating apparent jobs in the military or the border patrol to carry out obvious and necessary government functions of protecting the nation comes at a cost of real jobs in the free market economy, it just so happens that almost all Americans agree those are worthy functions and don't begrudge the government the cost, but make no bones about it, there is a cost. World War II saw the "creation" of 16 million jobs and brought the Great Depression to an end because of that. What was the cost? Virtually all economic activity was diverted into the military sphere in one way or another and the entire country was under rationing beginning in the spring of 1942. Ordinary citizens found that certain foods were almost impossible to get and they cost much more than previously. Items like metals; gasoline and other fuels; tires and other rubber goods; a lot of food especially coffee, meats, butter, fats, cheese and oils; and even clothing such as nylons and shoes were rationed. In other words the citizens sacrificed greatly by government decree so the war effort could continue. Additionally, huge amounts of time and energy normally devoted to other activities by individuals and businesses was turned toward the war and the needs of the troops: scrap drives, huge drives for war bond sales, virtually all the normal activities of a nation at peace were foregone or dramatically reduced so the military could succeed. Besides the loss in people and in maimed individuals, the material wealth of the nation was greatly reduced, but it could have been far, far worse . . . imagine being a Japanese, Italian or German citizen and not only sacrificing so much, not only losing so many of your relatives, friends and neighbors, but also having your very homeland destroyed and so many of you killed in the process. War is not pretty and all the costs of it should always be understood before it's every embarked upon.

More reading desired?

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