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Being a very young single mother during the mid-60s and 70s, my liberal upbringing took a beating and got a breath of reality. As I struggled on my own (without depending on anyone or any government) to keep a roof over my little boy's head, food on the table, and clothes on his back, I watched young people collecting welfare, food stamps, free clinics, free eye-glasses, asking me for "some change", while marching themselves in protest of the government that gave them these freebies. College campuses were another great stage for more protests, and let us never forget the likes of Hanoi Hannah, Jane Fonda.

These hypocrites (hippies for short) are now running our government, and are very close to their lifelong goal of redistributing wealth by destroying our economy. But in the process, they have underestimated the American spirit, inbred for many generations, now fighting back to preserve the American Dream and our Founding Father's vision.

The left has a very different vision of America than those who hold the founding values of America

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Glenn Beck Was Interrupted At CPAC


by Frequent Raucous Applause from the audience of the most vociferous Conservatives in the U.S. at their Conference in Washington D.C.

Glenn Beck, the Fox News commentator was the final speaker at the three-day conference following the Conservative, and some of the Republican Party's "Brand Names."

Glenn Beck spoke of his lack of a college education and how he has become a success in spite of being an alcoholic.

He also spoke of his love of reading, that he continues even now that he has both a daily radio show and Fox News Cable TV program. His speech than concentrated on the history of the "Progressices" in the U.S. and the real story, Click Link: Behind The Statue Of Liberty

Many of the Conference attendees would be surprised at some of, Click Link:

Glenn Beck's Other Ideas

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NEWS ALLERT!!! America has been attacted.

A war has been declared on the hearts and minds of our children and most people do not realize it.

The special Glenn Beck night needs to be watched by every parent and shown to their kids and grandchildren. Political indoctrination of our children is happening all across the nation and has been going on for a while. It has recently been really stepped up. Parents need to be aware what is being taught to their children in the local schools. Most of this stuff is very suttle and on the surface sounds good and is easy to sell. You will not believe your eyes if you have not already seen this special. This is very insidious. I read the Communist Manifesto in the early 70's and this type of thing was one of the planks used to move a country to Communism.

If you missed his show you can see the entire show through these links. Please pass them on to everyone.





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Protest the problem not the Lion

Ever wonder why people gather to protest the intentions of our leaders? Do we believe our voices and sign are seen and heard by the protested? Could be. Policies we protest sometimes get stopped or slowed down but are the policies really the only problem.

Our President is, well a marxis. He was before he became president, while he was running for president, and remains one. Why is it that in this nation, a radical leftist can run the greatest, most free and most opportunistic nation in history?

When I watch nature shows with lions taking down a zebra, I think, it sucks to be that zebra. I may imagin myself in the role of that zebra and think that the lion is a terrible menace. But then I come to reality and know the lion is what it is.

I see our liberal leaders kind of the same way. They are what they are. They have a game changing goal that I think is terrible and do not want are nation transformed into a stagnent socialist, statist or marxist nation. While protesting at the steps of the capital building is very necessary, we MUST look at the source. BHO would not be where he is if he did not have the backing of our media. We say, 'media bias' then go on sniveling about what is being done to use. The media will just marginalize our efforts and call us racists or extremists.

I have the best idea in the whole protesting world. Instead of.... NO on top of protesting with a million people at the capital build steps, lets gather outside the headquarters of cbs,abc,nbc,cnn, and nyt and demand truth and a fair depiction of the view of the elected officials.

2012 slogan (WE THE PEOPLE)

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After all the business that has been thrown at the American people the past 18 months, it feels like we all need to take a long hot sanitizing shower. The feeling of being played is not a nice one, and boy, have we been played by this administration. You even heard it from their very mouths in the beginning, when both Rahm Emanuel and Duchess Hillary Clinton proclaimed,

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before...."

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Who's really ready?

I, like many others don't want a post Tea party event, but am afraid we the peopel just might have to wage an outright war on the maggots in DC. They will not relinquish their money grubbuing hands just because of a vote. They are already set for life if they just keep taking from the rest of us. I believe before it's all over that most Americans will be driven into poverty. Do you really think they are responsible to the rest of us. Let's face it, they don't givve a damn about how poor most of us will become if this "health care plan" gets passed. Those reps in Washington will follow what the Bilderbergers want them to do to ensure thier status and privilige. Is anyone listening? Letters to the so-called elected officials don't even get read. They only read letters of praise for the piss-poor job they are doing. The government has gotten so corrupt they can't do anything right, and Obama bin Laden is going to get his way no matter what anyone says.

I feel a real war is coming. None of us who have fought for this country want to see it happen here again, but no one has come up with a solution to the problem. Just a bunch of words that mean nothing. It has never worked before, so why does anyone think it will work now. We the people will have to defend ourselves against the mercenaries callled the FBI,DEA, CIA, etc, etc.. Are you ready for a war in order to save the Constitution from those who swore to defend it against enemiess, both foreign and domestic. Ron Paul had the right idea and that's why he didn't come close to getting the nomiation. The powers that be want world control. They are more than willing to turn this country and the rest of the world into the nightmare story movie callled Soylent Green that came out in the 70's.

why isn't Jean Reno in prison for ruby Ridge and Waco. Weaver was a licensed firearms dealer. and the people at Waco weren't bothering anyone. Those idiots in Washington are too educated to understand the simple words, These rights shall not be infringed upon."

Like the Senator from new hampshire said to Bill maher when asked, what do you do about gun control in your state. The Senator replied with a smile,"the second ammendment." He had to repeat himself several times with the same words. Let's elect him president. At least he's not bought and paid for like our current government.

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"Fire them all.."

A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry ( up for new articles at“Fire them all…”Over the past thirty or forty years, I’ve hired and fired a good number of people. Hiring is easy, firing is hard. When you’re hiring, you’re giving someone a chance and a hope that their actions (as well as yours) will lead everyone to a more productive lifestyle. Firing someone is somewhat more difficult since you know your actions are going to cause stress on someone’s life and most likely their family. If you hired someone by mistake (mine) and they really were not cut out for the job position, you could not help but feel sorry for them because you had to let them go. They should not have been hired in the first place, but often times you just were hoping they could pull it together and make the cut.The only time you didn’t mind firing someone is when you had put your faith and trust in them and they have let you down. They either failed to do what they were hired to do or they were totally unresponsive to your instructions concerning their job descriptions. The folks who fit into this category were never an issue with me. Shame on them for taking my money and my time. Good riddance.The people in Washington fit the second category. An argument can be made in light of Senator Bunning’s’ actions these past several days. Senator Bunning is not running for re-election and effectively stopped the extension of the unemployment payments by asking how the congress expected to pay for the benefits. For this he has been called every name in the book. The liberals have pounced on Senator Bunning as if he were the anti-Christ and the foulest monster known to mankind. The senator was merely asking the congress to live up to their own rules imposed a few weeks ago to pay for any new benefits ‘as you go’. It’s obvious the liberals (and some Republicans) are uncomfortable with actually putting this concept into action. Let’s talk a good game, but carry on business as usual. Meanwhile the national debt is approaching 13 trillion dollars and once the unfunded liabilities are factored in, we have a debt in this country equal to over 4 times our total gross domestic product. The various unfunded liabilities are as follows:OASDI (Social Security) (7,677)Medicare Part A (13,770)Medicare Part B (17,165)Medicare Part D (7,172)Unfunded Liabilities (45,784)Net Explicit Debt (11,456)Total Debt and Unfunded Liabilities (57,240)GDP 9/2009 14,242Ratio 402%Hiding some forms of debt is as old as the hills; anyone who has ever borrowed money for a corporation knows how this game is played. You lease rather than buy, and the balance of the lease is not shown anywhere, but believe me it’s there if you want to drop out and go home. A good CPA will tell you that accounting is an art not a science. The government employs the same people; they know how the shell game is played.It appears so do the members of the United States Congress, they want to continue to play this old game until they get their money and head for the hills. They don’t think we’re smart enough to figure out what is happening. We’re too stupid to know anything or be able to do anything about their actions.They are not listening to us. They are not paying attention to what we are saying. They are not following our directions.They need to be fired.They need to be replaced with individuals who will listen to what we’re saying to them. They need to respect the wishes and thoughts of the voters in their districts. Members of Congress ( Baron Hill) who make statements such as … “This is MY town hall meeting and you Will abide by MY rules…” ( should be sent home and kicked out of their political revelry. This is not representation in any way shape or form. This is pure distain for the voting public.Do not let this moment in time pass, keep up the pressure, talk to people, e-mail your friends, stop watching sit-coms and watch the news on every channel, make noise….if enough of us bang the drums….someone will hear.Comments go to pperry@austin.rr.comComplaints go nowhere.(sign up for new articles at
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Look whos voting to screw SENIORs

Republican Senator Judd Gregg pointed by giving out $250.00 to seniors would defeat the purpose of indexing Social Security payments to inflation."The law says it shouldn't be given,( like when it comes to their own pocket is the only time they really care) 250 bucks to them is nothing to us life or death! Oh if you die SS gives you $250.00 for burial expenses. So you see you'll get it one way or other!

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The Declaration of Independence was written by some of the most brilliant minds God and Man ever created. Written by men and women who had lived through one of the worst tyrannical rules in history. Most of the time, people don't think about the Declaration of Independence, until recently. Over the years, we have seen the chipping away at the edges of our Constitution, believing that the people we elected would protect it and our freedoms -- until the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Now, with a narcissistic psychopath in the White House, all hell has broken loose.

WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS.... Reconcile this, you distasteful, malevolent little....

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Ever notice when the Republicans used the reconciliation process, it was called Nuclear. But when the Libs use it, it's conveniently called reconciliation, euphemistically now called "a majority vote". This is an excellent dissertation on the use of "Reconciliation" by Newt Gingrich at Human Events:

What Is "Reconciliation" And Why Is It A Threat? And why, exactly, is it so controversial a move...

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History and a slight twist.

Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel " pick up your shovel, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land".

Nearly 75 years ago, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land".

Now Obama has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels, and mortgaged the Promised Land!

I was so depressed last night thinking about health care plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, social security, retirement funds, etc. So, I called Lifeline, the suicide help line. Got a freakin' call center in Pakistan and when I told them I was suicidal, they all got excited and asked if I could drive a truck...

How the world has changed or has it?

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Rid the Nation of the Federal Reserve

The Fed Has been stealing the wealth from this nation since 1913, thanks to Woodrow Wilson and the others who conspired with Paul Warburg on Christmas eve 1913. Since then Congress, Senators, Fed Judges have done everything in there power to keep that bunch of crooked bankers in our pockets. Naturally they are being paid off and answer to them daily. Check this out Lincoln was shot not for slavery but for printing Green-backs, U.S. dollars. He didn't want central banks in this country. Andrew Jackson didn't either, he had four assassination attempts on him. John F. Kennedy wrote an Executive Order to end the Fed in 1963, actually had some U.S. dollars printed. Go to any coin collector they will show you originals or copies of those bills. Sixteen weeks later JFK was dead. Ever since the Constitution was in place the money changers have been in this country destroying the wealth. They are just following what is in there own holy book, the Talmud, stealing from the Goyim. They are still in place and now have embedded themselves into practically every area, to stabilize there power over us. Just to name a few: Bernanke, Greenspan, Geitner, Rom Emanuel, Schumer, Weinstein The Zionists control the media , TV, Papers, Magazines, Movie industry,Google, Jewish run you name it they own it. The things that just Greenspan & Bernanke have done to this nation makes Bernie Madoff look like a rookie. Let me stop you before you say it, I am not anti-semetic, I think the media has worn this statement out and its getting obvious who they are trying to protect. They are deliberatly destroying this and other nations thru the money systems. Soon these people will have nowhere to hide, they are being exposed, finally. I'm just giving you facts that are right there for you to look up for yourself, ARE YOU READY FOR THE TRUTH OR DO YOU WANT TO JUST LISTEN TO THE SAME OLD MEDIA LIES AND LOOSE THIS GREAT COUNTRY. My final statement is to the Fed from all Americans, stick your debt! You created this false debt under fraud of our constitution. So there is no debt. Anything created under fraud is mute. Maybe the Fed should go talk to Red China and tell them about all the worthless Bonds you sold them, maybe China will occupy Israel really quickly and our problems will be over. At least we won't have to send $15,000,000 that's millions of dollars each day to Israel in Foreign aid money, that we don't have, I say take care of our own. Start our own state run banks, just like North Dakota has already done. And of course print and distribute our U.S dollars thru those banks.
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Respect and Decorum to other Members

This movement is not selective and is open to various points of views. There is a difference in disagreeing with someone and being malicious. I like wit and believe in free speech, however, it should be limited when the intent is to do harm and not add value to the converstion. There is not a perfect individual here, so quit pontificating that your arrogance doesn't stink. It is often said I think thou protests too much, which means you must have faults of your own and covering by attacking others.

I do not like character assassinations and social issues are quite different then fiscal issues. This is a non-partisan forum and all our members shares the same fiscally conservative values and love of the Constitution. The problem plaguing us is a misguided administration, whether there are Republicans or Democrats in office. I'm asking each member to kindley to redirect your comments on the policies that are weakening our nation than attacking other members. Hopefully, you can display some decorum and a degree of respect to your fellow man.

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How to take back America !!!!

As the Extreem Right and Extreem Left wrangle for money and power, the main streem Americans ignored and the our so called leaders chosing to do anything but to "represent the will of the people" - it is utterly shamefull that the predicment Amerca is in at present. One way we can take back America is to follow a peacefull, anti-incumbancy movement. Let's send a message "America comes first".

Let's vote out every incumbant - Democrat or Republican. The newly elected, inexperienced Congressman and Senators can't do any worse than what the current leadership has done.

Let's hold criminals responsible for their actions. Let's focus on the victims and NOT the criminals.

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House Speaker Nancy FULOFBULLOSI said Monday that Obama will have a OBOMBA HEALTH CARE proposal on the table "in a matter of days." Don't they mean DAZE?
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Another March On Washington is Scheduled


for Sunday March 21, "The March For America"

WeMarchForAmerica dot org is organising this march so "Thousands of working families will be coming to Washington, show that the 'American People'(?) want a practical solution to the immigration problem. This will be a dramatic demonstration of support for fixing our 'broken' immigration system." Ali Noorani, executive Director of the National Immigration Furum.

This March On Washington will show the illegal immigrants brazen disegard of the U.S. Immigration Laws by marching in force down Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation's capitol.

The illegals have better representation in the Congress than we do! Click Link:

Al Congreista Luis Gutierrez, Lider del Movimiento por la Mgratoria Reforma, Amnistia


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contacting elected officials

I had the crazy idea to help further our cause by contacting U.S. Congressmen( senators and representatives). I soon realized they must consider me a right-wing radical. I haven't had any replies yet but I am going to keep sending them e-mails every chance I have!

I wasn't being rude or obnoxious, I asked one question,one question no one is willing to reply to!

When are our elected officials going to take a stand against the foreigner in the White House?

I now have a fear that "WE THE PEOPLE" may be too late. Maybe I shouldn't have signed them

Zane C. Sharum teaparty member, who will ever know?

We must keep our dream alive! A return to the Constitutional ideals and Moral values put forth by our founding fathers! Not so much for my generation, but for the next and the next and the next.....

I pray to Almighty God that the citizens of the United States have not atrophied to the point of giving up!

I would storm the Gates of Hell with fixed bayonet if guided by the Holy Spirit to do so!

I would lay down my life for my God, my family and my Country!

I pray you will not cease in you efforts democrat, republican or independent it matters not! We are all connected by a common thread.....WE ARE AMERICANS!!!!!!!


Let's keep The US of A going for at least another 234 years!

We owe that much to our founding fathers and our children!!!!

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