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Had O-nough?

Vince HaleySpecial to AOL NewsFeb. 24, 2010In 1946, Republicans ran on a campaign slogan of............................"Had Enough?" mobilize voters who had grown tired of 16 yearsof Democratic control of Congress.Yet only one year after electing him to office, voters have grown tiredof President Barack Obama, or more precisely, his agenda to "transform"the United States. So much so, in fact, that the 1946 slogan is againfinding traction. With a nod to the ubiquitous Obama campaign logo,the simple question that frustrated Republicans, Democrats and Independentsare asking family and friends is now:............................................."Had O-nough?"..........................................There's a joke going around Washington.President Obama can take credit for exactly three new jobssince he's been in the White House:one in Massachusetts, one in Virginia and one in New Jersey.And now he's creating a fourth in Indiana, where Evan Bayh is walking away fromthe U.S. Senate. Bayh was surprisingly honest on CBS' Early Show last week:"If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business,that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months."It sounds like Bayh has...............................................Had O-nough..............................................The Department of Labor announced last week that 473,000 new unemploymentbenefits applications were filed. Picture the crowd at this year's Super Bowl inMiami's Sun Life Stadium. Now multiply by six. Yet, the White House insists that2 million jobs have been created, and Vice President Joe Biden assures us that"the best is yet to come." Biden may believe this, but almost nobody else does.A recent CBS News poll notes,"just 6 percent say the stimulus package has created jobs ...".................................................Had O-nough?.............................................When the Bush administration put forward a plan just before he left officeon energy exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf, public comments rantwo-to-one in favor (which is in line with public surveys on the question).But as the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire reported, Obama's InteriorDepartment was more interested in hiding this fact than acting on it."The Secretary may get questions about this ... while he's in Houston,"an e-mail said. "We do have a preliminary tabulation of the comments,it has not yet gone to the Secretary. So the Secretary can honestly sayin response to any questions that he's not yet seen the analysis of the comments."...................................................Had O-nough?..............................................Americans' frustration with Obama's agenda goes beyond jobs.A week after the Justice Department announced 9/11 terroristKhalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a federal court in New York City,the Gallup organization found, "By 59 percent to 36 percent, more Americansbelieve accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should betried in a military court."Yet, the White House adamantly defends the rights of terrorists..................................................Had O-nough?................................................Let us not forget the health care debate.Rasmussen Reports noted "61 percent of U.S. voters say Congressshould scrap that plan and start all over again."But Obama insists on trying to ram it through............................................Had O-nough?.........................................Evan Bayh took the easy way out.The question remains whether or not American public opinionwill rise to such a boil that President Obama changes his agenda –but one thing is for sure, and that is the question every American is asking:.......................................................Had O-nough?....................................(Vince Haley is vice president for policy at American Solutions,which recently launched – an online portal forcitizens to let it be known that they have had enough with PresidentObama's agenda and want a new direction.)
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Should The Tea Party Founder, Dale Robertson, Run for Texas Governor?

I've submitted all the paperwork to run for Texas Governor and I'm fighting an uphill battle. It is virtually impossible to get 50,000 to 100,000 signatures to get on the ballot for Texas Governor in a 60 day period. Would Texas be interested in really having a fellow patriot to restore this nation and our state. The start date for signatures is 2 March. Let me know if you would be willing to provide a choice or not.

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Lipstick on Pigs

When I went to college in the early 60's the campus was full of people who called themselves SDS, Communists, Marxists. Now they call themselves progressives. To quote our 'great' president, "If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."

These self appointed geniuses never worked a day in their lives and were all to good to wear a uniform, but they were sure they should control the country. Now we have a president who had a free ride and spent his formative years contemplating his navel while being told how brilliant he is because he could mouth garbage given to him by leftist professors and spew it back. What I don't understand is how all of these so-called advocates of the downtrodden get to be millionaires since their constituency doesn't have any money.

I'm 70 years old and I don't need a bunch of narcissistic jerks micromanaging my life and health. The thought of having some union bureaucrat, who doesn't give a damn because he has a job for life no matter how incompetent or indifferent he is, with a life or death say, is an Obamanation.

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State & Federal employees healthcare

So how are we going to get the state & federal employees (congresses) into the same health care and retirement packages that they control? At at least they are talking about opening state borders to health insurance companies so we can buy from another company that has better coverage and the insurance companies bear the cost of reorganization. But lets get the guys voting on things into what they are voting on!!!!
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Yesterday was a glorious day. The Republicans finally had their day in court, and they came well prepared. It's not as though this is new to them. They have been trying to get their ideas on the table for over a year, and have been dismissed, ignored and shut out for the same amount of time. The Republicans looked intelligent, thoughtful, articulate and committed, while Obama looked more obvious that ever before. His contempt, antipathy, arrogance and loathing was so apparent it was almost laughable, except for the fact this man is in the White House.

After a year of anguish, frustration and sorrow for Americans who have felt their sovereignty slipping away, Obama's dog and pony show "summit" was a sight to behold.


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President Obama, determined to press for the government takeover of our entire health care system, is reviving a tweaked version of the Senate health care "reform" bill. If possible, it's even worse than the one Sen. Harry Reid cobbled together in secret and then sprung on the country just before Christmas.The president will hold a highly-publicized just-for-show "summit" Thursday in an effort to breathe life into his version of this monstrosity.As our good friend Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families and American Values points out, here are just some of the problems with the bill:•The president is threatening to use what's called the "reconciliation process," a gimmick that will enable him to enact socialized medicine with just 51 votes in the Senate.•A Rasmussen poll found that 58% of likely voters oppose both the Senate and House health care bills, and 61% want Congress to tear up both bills and start over. The American people have already made it clear they do not want the government takeover of health care.•The president says his proposal will cost about $1 trillion, but the Congressional Budget Office says the language is too vague even to come up with an official cost estimate.•Under his plan, senior citizens living off investment income will get hit with a new tax on so-called "unearned" income. (It's hardly "unearned" - you worked all your life to build those investments.)•It extends the "Cornhusker kickback" to every state in the Union, essentially offering a bribe to every senator.•It includes the unconstitutional mandate that every American buy insurance or pay a fine. (This means you will get taxed for not doing something!)•It imposes price controls on the health insurance industry. Every time in history price controls have been used, they have resulted in shortages and rationing.•It not only makes taxpayer funding of abortion a right, it provides for the direct funding of abortions through Community Health Centers and would lead to mandates that would require every private insurance plan to cover elective abortions.But as Gary says, "we stopped socialized medicine before...and I believe we can stop them again
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The Hijacking of America

This was in the first paragraph in the last email I received from Tea Party:

"Starter talents like John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Van Hipp, Dr. Jerry Corsi, Lt. Col. Allen B. West, Newt Gingrich"

It's official. Tea Party is being Hijacked! This grass roots movement to return to the principles of our Founding Fathers might as well be titled "Republican Party" or "Democratic Party"! This is not what Tea Party represents to me.

As Americans, we have allowed the political machine to grow out of proportion. We have become apathetic. impassive, indifferent! We're past complacency and are willing to not only listen to but to believe these would be despots who are not satisfied with the run they have had. They are playing to your fears and concerns. Notice there used to never be any reference to the Republican party in their writings, now they are tentatively arising. This is because their efforts here are subversive and Machiavellian. It's the same old story of the tail wagging the dog with the Republicans pointing at the Democrats this time. Our country is in trouble and we want it back and the politicians see this Tea Party and figure it's a great opportunity to rail against the other side, trying to spotlight them as the cause of our woes. Well they're half right! Had this party started 4 years ago, we'd be reading about the wonders of Dianne Feinstein or Obama with their own talk about change and taking back our country.

What we have here is a group comprised of two segments. They infect our government, continually perverting our perceptions and instilling fear with themselves painted as our salvation, the only balance against the other side. Focusing on popular passions, they hide behind closed doors and plot on how to squeeze out more money and power for themselves and the federal government. In the mean time, our children are educated to be good little sheep, believing the Constitution to be a relic in the face of a world wide economy. They have exploited our greed and manipulated our vocational skill levels to that of a third world country as Americans no longer have the innovative skills or incentives to keep us as a manufacturing giant with China's cheap products or agriculturally diverse with automated mega-farms sucking dry the vast underground watershed of the Midwest, replacing it with chemically enhanced runoff. All the while they ignore the national debt and while America lives on credit, they line their coffers along the way. The problem with becoming a nation of consumers is we need the consumables we can no longer provide for ourselves. This leaves us vulnerable to those who provide them to us and the kind of desperation these politicians use against us. Imagine if China were to decide to cut us off! Everything from toys for our kids to heavy construction equipment would either be totally unavailable or quadrupled in price. China likes our money but the arrogance of our representatives continually annoys them with efforts to impose our ideals onto them. It isn't hard to imagine this totalitarian government with their vast untapped natural resources, absorbing the impact on their people as they plunge us into depression. With millions of our citizens living in sardine cans, things like growing vegetables, raising animals for food, trading services and bartering will not be an option. Despite what folks like John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Van Hipp, Dr. Jerry Corsi, Lt. Col. Allen B. West, Newt Gingrich or Obama would say, America is not the mighty world power she once was.

Tea Party has the attention of enough Americans to provide a platform for unity without the disingenuous involvement of career politicians. Don't believe the lie that running government requires experience in politics or the law degree most of them possess. Honor, integrity, patriotism and common sense are all one needs if the rest of the sharks are ejected from the pool. We are being drained by social programs directed at the vast pool of voters who feel America owes them a living. Following like sheep we allow ourselves to be distracted as America's viability diminishes to the point we will have no choice but to face anarchy or give up our Constitution.

I want my country back. For well over 300 years my family has fought to build it along with countless other patriotic Americans. The lazy days of complacency have weakened us. The influence on our schools has minimized the teaching of American history, the revolution and the civil war. Did you know that the Star Spangled Banner, our National Anthem actually has 4 verses? That the civil war was fought because the federal government decided to take property worth vast sums of money belonging to American citizens with no compensation? All this downplaying of our roots is meant to desensitize us from any passion for the true principals America was created with and founded on because these passions are obstructions of their efforts to gain wealth and power over us. We are viewed as a resource and no longer respected as sovereigns. They are parasites and every vote for any one of them only serves to perpetuate the decline of our way of life. We have to pull up our pants, stretch out and have confidence in ourselves. We have a pivotal choice to make on the approaching crossroads. We can believe the same old lies told to us by these despots or we can seek representation from individuals who would rather be home with their friends, businesses and lives. The kind of people we can relate to and who are unspoiled by the corrupting allure of power.

January 2010
We must use caution and critical thinking when reading what is written here and exuded by tea party advocates.
What I mean by this is there seems to be a distinct Republican undertone in much of what I have read here and neither Republicans nor Democrats can be trusted. The reason for Tea Party is America has lost her way. This venue notwithstanding, she has succumbed to complacency and apathy in the attitudes of her Sovereign Citizens. She has lost her way because the political oath of office is not taken seriously and infractions go unpunished by Congress and the Senate. When it seems like they are? It is always politically motivated as demonstrated by the same sharp line down the center of isle that appears in virtually every house vote. In fact, to Preserve and Defend the Constitution should be the main reason any individual try's their hand in politics. Selfishness and greed have created the "Career Politician". These individuals propose to serve us but in reality they serve their benefactors, themselves and their party. Far detached from the reality of American life, they live in ivory towers, pampered, indulged and insured at our expense. What happened? The original politicians were land owners and business owners who left their farms and homes to serve for a short time, then returning to their private lives. Now they are nothing more than actors. Exuding charismatic smiles and appealing rhetoric, never intending to live up to their promises. The worst part is? We not only let it happen, we made it happen! Tea Party can easily be usurped by whichever party is not in power simply by touting the disingenuous practices and failed promises of the other. Republicans like Sarah Palin have no business associating themselves with a grass roots movement to reclaim our country because she is no better than Obama. She simply professes to fundamental ideals we all yearn for. She is still a career politician!

The two party system has evolved into a self serving partnership between the two party's, bought and paid for by the big corporations. Each blames the other for the ills of this country, while the same deceptive and Machiavellian practices of gaining power over us and running this country as "Leaders" and Law Makers" instead of representatives both tempts and motivates them. In our name they are selling the farm under our very noses as we move toward an oppressive world government. America is now living on credit from the World Bank and our debt continues to grow geometrically instead of being paid down. Neither the Sates, local governments nor individuals can do this without eventually loosing everything. What makes us believe America can? Americans believe the lies and through our votes, allow this irresponsible practice and worse, accept it. This is being done in our name by the Federal government and there is only one form of collateral capable of securing this massive debt we can barely pay the interest on. This very land itself, yours and mine! The amount we owe has grown so large it is beyond the comprehension of most people. We dismiss its significance and its importance for just that reason. We cannot allow this debt to continue to grow. If that happens, the Constitution will become just a piece of parchment. A curious relic in some museum for a failed American experiment, right along with every single right we still rightfully possess. It is not too late but if we continue to bury our heads in the sand, it soon shall be.

Somewhere in the early to middle 1900's, Federal authority grew far beyond healthy limits. Presidential authority has reached a frightening level. We've been in numerous armed conflicts since Korea without a single Congressional declaration of war. The president alone holds the power to launch an unprovoked nuclear attack as an individual. He can mobilize countless troops unchallenged. He can render any right unconstitutional with the stroke of a pen. He appoints judges to S.C.O.T.U.S. based on political agenda rather than Constitutional preservation, the same basis under which, they are confirmed. Lobbyists are allowed to influence Senators and Congressmen with money unchallenged as many lobbyists are ex Congressmen, hired by large corporations. These corporations control the media thanks to Bill Clinton and now it is all but impossible to get any message out which, isn't in line with their interests like imposing term limits or limiting political contributions or transparency in government. Secrecy, back room deals, unrelated riders attached to wordy and complex bills, miss-direction and fear mongering are all used to bolster federal authority over us, pay off contributors and cloud the minds of the average citizen, while federal authority dictates what our children are taught in schools. Our children no longer have clear awareness of what civic responsibility is or critical thinking skills. We have become so dependent and beholding to the federal government, it's true reason for existing has been lost in history, replaced with an overwhelming complexity and warped perception of its purpose and authority. This has to stop! We The People have the power to make it happen if we can make enough citizens aware of this looming disaster and convince them to take part.

To retake our country, we must eliminate the career politician from American Politics. We must eliminate our national debt and we must embrace the fact we are all Kings of America. We are the only country in history where the people have the authority to rule themselves and their government. The Federal government was enacted solely to provide for the common defense of the union and ensure harmony and equality between the states through SPECIFIC limited powers. These powers were limited as a safeguard against a government becoming so powerful as to be capable of oppressing us. We have already lost that advantage. We can be subjugated with a stroke of a pen and our rights suspended with no due process. The reason for the Bill of Rights was not to give us rights but to preserve the rights we had already won for ourselves with the blood of our citizens. Rights which define us as sovereign rulers. A right is defined as needing no ones permission. Now we have created so many laws that most rights actually require permission, all under the guise of public safety. A term which is now generic and can be applied quite broadly. One element of a free society is something we seem to have forgotten as a culture. Because we will have to face the consequences, we have the right to commit a crime. That is the responsibility of freedom and the cost of liberty. We have hundreds of thousands of laws designed to prevent us from being in the position to make a free choice. In California we cannot buy cold medication freely because me might make meth amphetamine. We cannot own a 50 caliber B.M.G. because we might shoot at an airplane. These kind of laws sacrifice freedom for the sake of security and as Ben Franklin said, those who would do so? Deserve neither! They do not because that attitude is not the American way. It can be argued some of these laws make common sense but I believe this is a slippery slope which in the long run, leads to oppression. Freedom is neither safe nor easy but it is worth the risk. The Tea Party and others like it hold the promise of change. A promise made often during the last election. We long for it but for different reasons. Most selfishly relate change to their passions like gay rights, economics or gun control but these and issues like them are used by politicians to distract us from the hijacking of America.

We must keep our eyes, ears and minds open. Question the motives behind everything said from atop a soap box. Popular phrases and playing to passions are tools of the career politicians trade. Look at this supposed health care plan. A perfect example of politicians using our fears and concerns to further benefit themselves and the insurance corporations. Heavily lobbied by the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, it subsidizes them and ensures these corporations will have an endless pool of money and indentured "customers" with which to grow even stronger. How is it a citizen of Taiwan can walk into a medical office and get a C.A.T. scan in half an hour without paying a dime through a health system which amounts to less than 2 percent of that country's GNP? The term Pre-Existing Condition does not apply there. Prescriptions, doctor visits, prenatal care etc. These are all free of cost! How can they do that when we cannot even come close? Simple. Because their policy decisions were not made by the highest bidder.

We must understand, not only is the system we have not working in our best interests but those who control it will never change it. The Tea Party can. IF enough of us work together for real change. We must all shout it from the rooftops for history has shown us every civilization has come and gone for the same reasons. People have gone from bondage to liberty. From liberty to complacency. From complacency to apathy and from apathy back to bondage. America seems to be in the last stages of this. We must learn from history or we shall be destined to repeat it. We as Americans seem to feel we are owed our lifestyle and standard of living but we do not. It is such as it is through the sacrifice, hard work and innovation of previous generations. They earned it, we did not. If we hope to keep it, we must earn it as well so you do your part, I'll do mine and together perhaps we can convince enough Americans to do theirs as well.
Thank you.

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Republicans have their flaws, God only knows, but during this past year they have been joined at the hip - in unison against Obama, his cronies, and his government run healthcare. That took a lot of courage.

They should be praised and encouraged, not spanked as Glenn Beck did at CPAC this past weekend. After over a year of negativity and bashing from this president, Americans, especially Republicans, needed a good old fashioned Reagan speech. Just think back to last year's CPAC. Republicans were a party in turmoil, with the lowest ratings ever, and no hope for the future. In less that one year, it's a completely different story.

But, a third party will ensure another Obama term, and if we are to fix and take back the Republican Party, it cannot be done with negative attacks. At this point, with the elections close at hand (including the primaries) intimating is not going to do it. Take a stand, no time for playing games or being vague. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. And so it goes....

In the spirit of FOX News: I report, you decide

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Tea Party Radio Celebrity Receives Honors

Dr. Laurie Roth an outstanding radio host of her nationally syndicated “The Roth Show” was honored at CPAC numerous times.

Dr. Roth, PhD. hosted the first Tea Party Hour on her national talk show and continues it weekly from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. PST. The Tea Party Hour, also internet streams from her site at for those who are in non-broadcast locations.

Her first honor was an all expense paid round trip from her home in the State of Washington to CPAC. She enjoyed this exciting honor because of her diligent work in writing lead articles for outstanding News sites across the Internet. She has written over 50 articles for Canada Free Press alone, not to mention her articles being published on World Net Daily and other world class E-publications.

Her second honor came when she was asked to be the Master Of Ceremonies for the most prodigious event at CPAC. Dr. Laurie Roth introduced Newt Gingrich, Representative Ron Paul, Allen B. North, Brigadier General Van Hipp and a host of other “Who’s Who” of the Conservative Movement. Dr. Laurie Roth hosted the three hour event in the Marriot Ballroom, filled to capacity with over 5,000 people in attendance which was televised on CSPAN to a viewing audience numbering in the tens of millions.

Her third award was the best of all. Dr. Laurie Roth was honored by being nominated for the impressive Ronald Reagan Award. Each year less than 5 candidates from across America are considered for such a distinguished award. Dr. Laurie Roth’s enduring service to her nation, her ability to give breaking lead stories on her show, as well as being the first to host the Tea Party Hour, no doubt weighed heavy on the Judges decision to nominate her. Her miraculous recovery from a near fatal motorcycle accident and getting off life support no doubt had a bearing on her nomination as well.

After the announcement that the Ronald Reagan Award was given to all the Tea Parties it became obvious Dr. Laurie Roth also added to the over all influence of the Tea Party movement. No doubt her Patriotic influence by the promoting of the Tea Party with some of her best radio time is having a great impact on America.

After the award dinner was complete; Dale Robertson - President/Founder of the Tea Party, www.TeaParty.Org, interviewed Laurie Roth, she said: “I am so honored to even be considered, I am truly blessed and grateful for this moment.”

In another interview, Dr. Roth was quoted: “When I agreed to have the Tea Party Hour on my show, I knew this is what I was supposed to do. It felt right and I believe God is blessing it and me as well.”

Dr. Laurie Roth’s friends have sent her countless accolades.

Stephen Eichler, J.D. made this statement to the press about Dr. Laurie Roth:

“To think just a couple of years ago she was fighting for her life and now, she in on the stage introducing the leadership of America to the world. It makes me proud to call her my friend.

Laurie got off life support, and so can America.”


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Maybe some of you can remember back when ABC, NBC & CBS were not owned by a multi-national conglomerate, our news was only a little slanted not twisted like it is today. In the early 80’s, some of you might recall that ABC was looking to buy an outlet called Capitol-Cities for around a mere $700 Million.

The bottom line was, Cap-Cities didn’t want to be taken over by ABC, what they did in response to ABC’s offer was raise the money needed to buy ABC, a company five times their size. At the time it was a huge thing. It’s time for another huge thing, and it can be done!

It has been said that the Republican Party is working to take over the Tea Party Movement. In this election year, the power base within both parties, Republicans and Democrats, are coming up for election as well, and you can become involved.

Inside these parties at the local level is the ‘Central Committee’. These are the very committees that vote on what platform, issues and candidates the party will endorse. Instead of the Tea Party Movement being taken over by either of these parties, members of the Tea Party Movement should be running for these Central Committee seats. Once we fill 60% of those seats, it would give a powerbase inside that party at a local level to change the direction of those County Parties and a start to taking our country back.

Within 4 years, we in fact could be determining which candidates get vetted for public office. By taking both parties, there would be no need for a 3rd party to split the vote. Gridlock might be broken. The Country might start to function like America once again.

But you have to run for these very important seats. Check with your county Registrar of Voters about what forms you will need to fill out and how many signatures you have to collect to make the ballot.

Just think, in a few short years, we might just be able to start getting the good people we need in office to restore the Constitution to what our Founding Fathers intended.

Please, let me know what you think about this or have to add to it.


Brando Fontaine

US Patriot

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I've joined in the protection of USA

How do I go about helping my area to help all of america?

I do not have internet at my home (can't afford it) so my response is dependant on my getting to a pc hooked to the web. Forgive me if I am slow on replying to anyone!!!!!

24 years in the military, raise two children and now 52 years old, out-of-work, single female who is still willing to fight for my country and the rights for myself, my child and my grandchildren. I felt helpless and hopeless till I learned of the tea party..NOW....I fell brave and ready.

How can I help?

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really want the respect of the american people and lay it on the line indefensibly to the president on national tv? then SOMEONE ask the question that's MOST disturbing to the american people.

"mr president, why is it that congress and their families, and you and your family are exempt from the democrat healthcare legislation? if it's good enough for the rest of the american people and their families, why is it not good enough for you and us and our families?"
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Why would Obama and the Democrat congress invite the Republicans to a healthcare 'summit' (his fav) at this late date? One answer is the ever declining polls and the South Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts election results, along with the upcoming ever critical November elections. But, it's more diabolical than that -- it's a trap, and, God willing, the Republicans will not play into their plan, because they have to show up. To not show up at this obvious trap, leaves the door wide open for the Dems to say "See, we tried, and they still are the party of NO", with the Republicans not there to defend their reasons.


Obama planning one final push to pass healthcare with no Republican support

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When I think abou the amount of money that I have paid into social security and the fact that the government took it upon themselves to reach their grubby little hands into my retirement (which I had no choice about contributing to) and use this money as they see fit, it amounts to ARMED ROBBERY. The goverment should never have the right to touch our social security benefits....We have to stop them and their arrogance. They should not be allowed to spend one dollar of our money without our approval. When we fill out our tax returns we should be able to indicate how we would like our taxes spent. We have had TAXATION without REPRESENTATION for too long. We should also refuse to file our tax returns in April.....
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How has your small business been doing under obama’s administration?....

A recent USA TODAY/ survey askeda similar question of small business owners.....

11% of respondents said things were good.....

13% of respondents said things haven’t changed (“change you can believe in!”).....

77% of small business respondents said that obama’s small business policies have negatively affected their small businesses.....

This can’t be!....

As part of the non-spurring stimulus bill left to obama’s administration toimplement, $200 BILLION was to be used to assist small business owners.....

It was to be Main St. over Wall St.....

However, the owner of your favorite coffee shop down the street sat with his other smallbusiness buds and watched as obama’s great economic minds handed out TARP cashto banks and large corporations.....

Things were not going as obama’s treasury secretary Timmy Geitner had originallyplanned.....

So, in March 0f 2009, obama had another plan.....

Give them more money (since the money was notcoming directly from the Treasury, no Congressional approval would benecessary.)....

obama goes for political points as he makes a tiger woods-like public announcementthat $15 BILLION more would beallocated from TARP monies to help out small business guys.....

“This will unlock our frozen credit markets which is essential for economicrecovery,” obama assured us.....

obama’s chosen SBA chief, Karen Mills, said that small businesses “create 70%” of newjobs each quarter.....

The plan was to use tax-payer monies to back 100% of SBA loans. The thinking was that this would loosen upcapital, create jobs and give small business owners “change they can believein.”....

How’s that unemployment rate working out for ya?....

We’re not investment bankers, but we play them in D.C.....

To spur interest, obama signed off on removing the restrictions on executivecompensation for those receiving TALF (small business bailout plan) funds.....

Did it work?....

Between June 2008 and June 2009, 6 months after obama’s small business plan, small business bankruptcies were up81%.....

For the first 3 quarters of 2009 (latest for which figures are available), smallbusiness bankruptcies were up 13%.....

In October 2009, Democratic Senator Mark Warner of Virginia said, woa, we needmore cash for this thing. He proposes thatanother$50 BILLION be made available for this most excellent plan.....

Oh, it worked in some places.....

Back in Maine, where obama’s chosen SBA chief Karen Mills hails from in her pastlife as a venture capitalist; aluminum trailer maker Alcom, Inc easily receiveda $1.1 million dollar loan from obama’s government.....

But down in Fort Lee, New Jersey, small business owner James Daigle said that hewas “laughed off” when he attempted to get a loan for his business.....

They are cheering in Oman and Bahrain however.....

obama’s SBA announced in February of 2010 that they had just entered into a partnershipwith Middle East and African countries to provide access to capitol and tostrengthen small enterprise in those regions.....

Greaaaat; Oman, Bahrain. Those aren’t cities inSouth Dakota.....

Also in February of 2010, obama said an additional $30 BILLION should besent to little community banks around the country…I think he meant thiscountry, not sure. ....

It appears that too many banks that received the original funds for this most awesome plan were just hoarding the cash andnot lending it and the little guys were getting screwed…or so the storygoes. ....

Who’s ordering dusty daiquiris in Bahrain right now?....

Toyota wasn’t doing to bad with the plan.....

$750 million of the original plan funds were to go to World Omni Financial Corp, thecompany that makes loans through Toyota Motor Corp. And a great American company it is.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out in stimulus funds by the obamaadministration and we watch as large banking executives continue to awardthemselves billions in bonuses.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for a jobsstimulus and unemployment rises; then billions more are asked for.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for the homemortgage industry and still we see increases in mortgage bankruptcy filings.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for a failedsmall business bailout; and still more money is allocated.....

I’ve got another plan. Let’s stop givinganything incorporated any of our money, and start giving the billions out toindividual tax-payers. We will spend,we’re good at that. We’ll savebusinesses, help the economy, and then travel to Bahrain to buy a Toyota.....

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The Founding Fathers

Go Back to whever you came from obama you are a discrace to the United Statea of America, our founding fathers wouls have you impeached the first day you took office, what a discrace you are!
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