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Liberals Need to Lobby for a New Hobby

By Craig Andresen on July 2, 2014 at 4:28 am

hobby-1.jpg?width=301Man oh MAN…Monday’s Supreme Court decision on the Hobby Lobby case has left liberals, already barely hanging on by the last threads of one screw, completely unhinged.

Not at all surprisingly, the decision went 5-4 but liberals and their ideology that ALL of us should pay for what a FEW want, was struck down and more to the point, it was struck down because of Obamacare and Obama himself were not allowed to force ‘freedom FROM religion’ down We the People’s throats.

Five of the nine Justices agreed that a corporation, owned by those with deeply held religious beliefs could not be forced, upon mandate of government, to abandon those beliefs once they walked outside their doors or the doors of their chosen church.

For once, the Founders and Framers were smiling.

As the Founders and Framers set up our Constitution and specifically, the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment guarantees every American Freedom OF Religion. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” and this has today’s liberals all tied up in knots.

For instance…


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 by Admin online


State Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the senate education committee, told Fox News he is very disturbed by the photograph as well as reports that students were exposed to a story that blamed Egypt’s turmoil on democracy – rather than the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Parents are very sensitive to any issue that seems to be anti-American – that blames democracy for some sort of trouble in the world,” he said.

A Texas mom became outraged after she discovered a Facebook photo of her child wearing Islamic garb.

The lesson on Islam was taught in a world geography class at Lumberton High School. 


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Americans It’s Time for Tough Love


Who’s gonna pay for Viagra for men or tampons, pads, and pantiliners for women? Taxpayers of course if Obama gets his way! Everything goes on our tab – including Obama’s fetish for Green Things and “God’s Country.”

We paid billions for those lousy “green companies” that didn’t create jobs yet they padded the pockets of the criminal scum. By the way another green company (Abound Solar) is hitting the dust laying off employees and taxpayers are about to lose 400 million dollars more.

They hit us for a debt ceiling increase, promising to reimburse us for that costly expense. What did we get – higher inflation, higher gas prices and a note from Congress saying poor ole Fannie’s financially strapped again due too many bonuses, too many incompetent CEO’s and back yard junk dogs. Fannie needs a little hand up amounting to the tune of 6.4 billion dollars.

No doubt we are our brother’s and sisters keeper, but there comes a point in time that little brother and little sister need to step up to the bat. Obama and DEMS say little sister wants “The Morning After Pill” so she can play around at night. I say, she can give up a couple of cokes, a bag of chips and buy it herself or if that doesn’t suit she can opt for abstinence. There comes a time that Americans must revert to “Tough Love.”

Congress treads on our freedoms and rights again – just like the Supreme Court they choose to rewrite the laws of our Nation. The Obamacare mandate forces contraception coverage on Religious Institutions who morally don’t believe in it. So Obama did a little soft shoe and pulled another skunk out of his hat.

He just sort of rewrote the mandate, bypassing the Religious Institutions and throwing the costly responsibility of contraceptives to the insurance companies. He ignored our religious beliefs and rights jamming the mandate down our throats insisting that insurance companies would have to offer the contraceptives. Guess who will foot this bill – it darn sure isn’t the insurance companies?

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Today a bill was nixed by Congress that would have allowed insurers to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage if employers had religious or moral objections. Once again Congress thumbed their noses at us and stomped on our Constitution.

There’s a lesson here that all Americans need to learn. A quote from Ronald Reagan, "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will."

I say, “Let’s quit feeding the crocodiles and send them back to the Zoos from whence they came.” It’s time to “Take Back Our Country America.”

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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