ronald (7)
( Happy Birthday to this GREAT President Ronald Reagan! )
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan!!
I Liked Ronald Reagan Very Much!! In Fact I voted to Him back in the 1980′s!! Ronald Reagan was a GREAT President and we all will miss him!! God Bless Ronald Reagan, his Wife, Family and Friends!!
Ronald Reagan was in Office from 1981 to 1989, he was our 40th. President of the United States of America!! Ronald Reagan Kept His Oath to the CONSTITUTION and BILL Of RIGHTS!! Praise Jesus Christ for this missed Great President!!
Redistribution Front and Center
Over the past five years our Nation has been attacked by Barack Obama and Liberals, they have been relentless in their strategy to create an army of the poor. In 2009 Americans had a renewed hope that Obama would stand by all of his promises to create jobs, downsize the Government, insure transparency, secure the borders and use our stimulus money to start our economic wheels rolling.
None of these commitments were enacted by Obama; instead he concentrated on “redistribution” not with the intent of helping the poor sector, but to increase the entitlement society. (1) Via EPA Obama put a screeching halt to job growth, (2) He continued his reckless spending policies knowing that our National Deficit would mushroom, and (3) In 2010 passed the Obamacare law planning to place our healthcare under Government control (one payer system.)
- During the last five years, unemployment sky rocketed from according to legitimate reports the unemployment rate in 2009 was 9.2% and in 2013 hovering around 14.4% or higher. The unemployment rate during the Great Depression was 25% so the actual unemployment rate when you include those no longer looking for work and those working seasonal or part time jobs is most likely 20% plus.
- According to CBS – the National Debt has surpassed an increase of 6 trillion since 2009.
- Breitbart released information from Bloomberg government analyst that the Obamacare cost is over a billion dollars – this doesn’t take into consideration the subsidies and payoffs for insurers nor does it include the extremely high co-payments and deductibles of the consumer.
In 2014 Barack Obama has placed “redistribution” front and center once again. The strange disturbing thing is this - many of the GOP have joined him in this destructive venture by pushing for amnesty. In the past few days the GOP continued Obama’s “redistribution” by passing the 956 billion dollar Farm Bill.
This bill has more sticky fingers in it than carters got pills. This is what Mr. Wobbly (Speaker of the House) said as he jammed the bill thru the House. "I've got concerns," Boehner said of the farm bill. "But doing nothing means that we get no changes in the farm program, no changes in the nutrition program and as a result, I'm going to vote for the farm bill." Did it ever occur to John Boehner that he was hired to do a job not crumple every time the going gets tough?
Wrapping up here once again the Conservatives, tea parties and Libertarians have one viable option – take back the Senate and control the House. In order to do this, we must unite and work together. As long as all of the small clusters are content to go it alone and go their own way, we very likely will not be able to place good Patriots (men & women) in the Senate or the House.
2010 was a great start, but the job isn’t finished yet and we’re faced with almost insurmountable odds, because the Old Republican establishment, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Liberals along with George Soros all pretty much on the same page in the mission to control us.
We need a leader, someone who can unite the tea parties, Conservatives and Libertarians in the most difficult fight in our recent history. Hopefully we can chuck our petty grievances and power plays in the garbage and work for a common cause, “taking back our Country.”
Remember Reagan’s 1981 speech when he said, “All of us came here because we knew the country couldn’t go on the way it was going. So it falls to all of us to take action. We have to ask ourselves if we do nothing, where does all of this end. Can anyone here say that if we can’t do it, someone down the road can do it, and if no one does it, what happens to the country? All of us know the economy would face an eventual collapse. I know it’s a hell of a challenge, but ask yourselves if not us, who, if not now, when?”
As Always,
Little Tboca
Please help spread this . Cairo Embassy attacked, 4 dead including U.S. Amb Chris Stevens,1.5 Billion to Muslim Brohood,Obama apologizes on 11th Ann of 911 to Muslims makes wonder why people wouldn't want to double their odds at getting Obama out in the U.S. Supreme Court and helpn out a little because Obama's seeing the writing on the wall. He's beating Mitt Romney. Please help support the SCOTUS Effort everyone! We might not get another shot at this.
Candidate ID | P20003372 |
Committee ID | C00501593 |
Hi my Constitutional Friend of the USA ; )
You know many more people are tuning into the Presidential Race after the conventions now and I have a very special date coming up. That date, TWO WEEKS from now, is Sept. 24th,2012 in The United States Supreme Court, case Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and I need your help because there’s an IRON CURTAIN in the Media that I need your help with in TEARING DOWN! Remember Ronald Reagan saying that? Well guess what its’ here in America now.
As a facebook friend of mine 100 to 1 your conservative and will probably vote for Mitt Romney in the general election, however, I want to ask you if you’d like to double your odds at getting Barack Obama out of the White House before that; for $25.
You know as well as I do Mitt’s behind in 2 major, of the most reliable, polls right now, and there’s at least a 50% chance he won’t win anyway, so why not DOUBLES YOUR ODDS? Talk about a good deal for $25 dollars. Please,..let me explain.
One normal $50 dollar commercial for any company only cost a Presidential Candidate about $25 dollars and is estimated VERY conservatively to reach over one thousand people. I have about 4,500 facebook friends. If each gives $25 dollars we can reach conservatively four and a half million people and tune them into what’s happening in the United States Supreme Court in two weeks; but that’s not all.
With 4,500 commercials we gain major credibility ground with the networks that must air our commercials or can face big law suits for denying the Federal Guideline Standards of Advertisement for Presidential Candidates. That’s a law suit any attorney would delight to get their hands on because of the huge fine. We also gain credibility in the face of the Court which has never been done at this level!
Now $25 dollars is just between you and me, your name does not have to be reported to the FEC unless your contributions exceeds $200, so Mitt Romney is never going to know and you could still vote for him in Nov if you choose. Be my guest if you can contribute more than $200! (smile)
As you know Mitt’s taking on Obama on just the economy, but I’ll bet within the next two months you see gas prices going down, as well as employment numbers reported to the media and by the media by you- know-who. I’ll bet $25 that you might see it reported as 7.9% the first of November and guess what? Mitt Romney loses the economy battle as hope has suddenly and miraculously sprung back into the economy, we have to face it, that’s the way a major portion of our fellow Americans think.
That’s exactly what happened in reverse to John McCain in 2008 to help Obama out; thanks in large part to Saudi Arabia’s kings Obama bowed himself so low to. Don’t you think there was not a reason Obama bowed so low. Of course a U.S. President should never be beholden to a foreign power.
So, we Birthers have one more shot at this in the U.S. Supreme Court that is liberal of course, but guess what? I’m running as a Democrat in the same party objecting to campaign damage because Obama won the nomination and isn’t ‘playing by the same rules’ as Mrs. Obama quoted they think America should, and ‘it’s just not fair’. It’s a no brainer and my case has Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse investigation set in it and has from the onset from the lower Superior Court in Georgia. This has never happened in BIRTHER HISTORY exactly!
How about holding the Obama’s to the same standard they profess? Wouldn’t that be a treat for $25?
If you absolutely positively can’t do $25 dollars today, please send this to 25 friends and we’ll call that just as good; deal?
Otherwise I need you to hit this link now and send me $25 today ok; we only have 2 more weeks to make a statement!
Doubling your odds to get Obama out, preserving your vote for Mitt Romney, and being able to tell God in your prayers tonight you have done all you could do. That’s pretty good deal, and I believe you could hold yourself blameless before God if you could do that.
You see I am a Christian and I don’t mind telling you in my opinion God will do most of the work. He only wants us to just show a little faith in him. Think of coming an inch while God has come a whole mile.
Well most of the work is done. Our case is in the U.S. Supreme Court now; the Campaign has been built from scratch, we just need a little publicity. That’s the inch I think God just wants to see from you, and I believe we can be successful together. I just can’t do it alone.
Here’s a little rhyme for you to think about: “It may come down to one single Justice and I believe God can handle one heart if you will just show him your little $25 part. WE can build this truck together!
Well I believe our Constitution was inspired by our Creator, and I know our Founders and Framers did to. You might not agree with their religious principles or mine, but we both neither can deny the freedom and liberty our Constitution has given to us our whole lifes.
George Washington is my favorite U.S. President, can’t say as I’ve met him, but I’ve sure felt his spirit as a hand on my shoulder throughout the 12 courts over the last 4 years I’ve been through to get to this moment in the United States Supreme Court against Obama’s eligibility. Can you pitch in a little?
A commercial is intelligence and knowledge for the general public and in 1796 Pres. Washington said, “it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened”, “A primary object for our youth should be education of our youth in the science of government. In a Republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important?”, and he said it was our duty, communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of our country.
If you see any other Presidential candidates around with Obama in the U.S. Supreme Court before the General Election I recommend you contribute $25, otherwise my friend, I hope you’ll log on now and get that $25 to me in my goal to reach 4,500 commercials in two weeks. Together we can build this truck!
Can you please help me out and log on to my web site now and contribute that $25? Thank you so much.
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign YouTube: CODE4PRES
Who’s gonna pay for Viagra for men or tampons, pads, and pantiliners for women? Taxpayers of course if Obama gets his way! Everything goes on our tab – including Obama’s fetish for Green Things and “God’s Country.”
We paid billions for those lousy “green companies” that didn’t create jobs yet they padded the pockets of the criminal scum. By the way another green company (Abound Solar) is hitting the dust laying off employees and taxpayers are about to lose 400 million dollars more.
They hit us for a debt ceiling increase, promising to reimburse us for that costly expense. What did we get – higher inflation, higher gas prices and a note from Congress saying poor ole Fannie’s financially strapped again due too many bonuses, too many incompetent CEO’s and back yard junk dogs. Fannie needs a little hand up amounting to the tune of 6.4 billion dollars.
No doubt we are our brother’s and sisters keeper, but there comes a point in time that little brother and little sister need to step up to the bat. Obama and DEMS say little sister wants “The Morning After Pill” so she can play around at night. I say, she can give up a couple of cokes, a bag of chips and buy it herself or if that doesn’t suit she can opt for abstinence. There comes a time that Americans must revert to “Tough Love.”
Congress treads on our freedoms and rights again – just like the Supreme Court they choose to rewrite the laws of our Nation. The Obamacare mandate forces contraception coverage on Religious Institutions who morally don’t believe in it. So Obama did a little soft shoe and pulled another skunk out of his hat.
He just sort of rewrote the mandate, bypassing the Religious Institutions and throwing the costly responsibility of contraceptives to the insurance companies. He ignored our religious beliefs and rights jamming the mandate down our throats insisting that insurance companies would have to offer the contraceptives. Guess who will foot this bill – it darn sure isn’t the insurance companies?
Today a bill was nixed by Congress that would have allowed insurers to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage if employers had religious or moral objections. Once again Congress thumbed their noses at us and stomped on our Constitution.
There’s a lesson here that all Americans need to learn. A quote from Ronald Reagan, "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will."
I say, “Let’s quit feeding the crocodiles and send them back to the Zoos from whence they came.” It’s time to “Take Back Our Country America.”
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
The image below isn't mine, but it perfectly sums up the effects of the Obama economy. It comes from the webpage of Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) ( Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I don't think what has happened to our country in the last three years was an accident.
There are those who assume from the negative results that Obama and his advisors don't know what they're doing. This assumption is based on the thought that they want the same things we do: prosperity, freedom, and to retain America's status in the world. I am one that does not make such an assumption.
I believe they know exactly what they are doing. When Obama said he was going to "fundementally transform the United States of America" he meant to drag us into his vision of a socialistic nation. What we are seeing now,, the languishing economy, rise in poverty rates, increase in energy costs, expansion of the recipient class, are the results.
His foremost foreign polcy initiative when he took office was "Muslim Outreach". That was his reason for the Cairo apology speech. Before his venture into politics, Obama was a leftist community organizer. I don't believe it is a coincidence that after two years of "Muslim Outreach" by a leftist community organizer, that the community got organized in the Muslim world. What has since become known as the "Arab Spring" But, what have been the results? The Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt, the Al Quaeda flag flew over Libya, there is civil war in Syria, there is unrest in Tunisia and Yemen still, and Iran is closer to acquiring nuclear weapons.
We patriots have to be the Paul Revere's of our generation. In this election year, we have to carefully screen our candidates and support those that will return us to our country's founding principles.
Ronald Reagan once said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" (http://bit/ly/11a87R).
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