arizona (25)

Yes, it’s true, society has changed dramatically since the beginning of the end of the last half of the 20th Century. Fifty years ago, in 1960 when the Donna Reed Show and

Father Knows Best broadcast their visions of the ideal American family, 88% of all American children were raised living with both of their biological parents until they reached adulthood. While that statistic is hugely altered for all Americans, it’s become unrecognizable for Black Americans.

Today, like Obama himself, 80% of all Black children in America are conceived out of wedlock. The president has hidden his birth information fairly effectively so we can’t say for sure about him, but 70% of today’s Black children are born to unmarried women. Whatever happened to the Black family? More importantly, how does this occurrence impact today’s Black child? And how, does this disintegration of the once proud Black family impact today’s political climate, and what does it portend based upon Mr. Obama’s actions? Before answering the first and third question, let’s deal with the second.

In the aggregate, statistics tell a depressing story for all American families, once the bastion of our nation. However, the Black statistics tell a tale of utter ruination. If White society has trouble understanding the Black experience, it is more than anything else a result of the massive changes that have occurred since 1965 to the Black community. Today, less than half of all children – all races examined together -- are raised entirely by their birth parents and 33% of all children are born to unwed mothers. Another 33% of all those children born to married couples will find their parents divorced well before the child reaches adulthood, for Blacks these statistics are much worse.

Looking briefly at just the White children . . . the educational, economic and family stability advantages of being White drop totally away for White kids raised in a family without a father. The high school drop-out numbers for White kids are roughly 3.5 times higher if raised in a family without a father. Such children are between four and five times more likely to live in families with incomes below the poverty line and about three times more likely to divorce or never get married and raise their own children in one-parent families and thus perpetuate the cycle so intimately linked to poverty.

Not too surprisingly, the huge number of fatherless families in the Black community has a slightly less debilitating effect. This situation is the norm among Black families now and almost 90% of Black families exhibit one-parent status. The Black community as groups and individuals have institutionalized some fairly effective responses, often based upon multi-generational families which have tended to be matriarchal. However, that “norm” is certainly not beneficial for mother or children. Living without a father increases the school dropout likelihood for Black children to 175% compared to intact families (and, by the way, for Hispanic children to 196%) compared to 250% for Whites. The impact of living in a fatherless home, however, is definitely even bigger economically for all races.

As a whole for Blacks, as well as Whites and Hispanics, the single biggest social disadvantages seem to align with fatherless families. Since Black families are much more likely than White families to begin below the poverty line and 2.8 times more likely to begin with an unmarried woman at the helm – the economic challenges are much, much greater and the consequences for the Black children are generally negative.

The one-parent household, typically headed by a divorced- or never-married mother, has significantly fewer financial resources than intact families do. Poverty statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, show approximately half of households headed by single mothers in 1995 were below the poverty line, in contrast with the 10 percent figure for two-parent households. Yes, many of these families were poor before divorce, and a significant proportion were headed by mothers who never married. Nevertheless, the lack of a father's income has dire consequences for household finances. Even in well-off families, the fatherless home can suffer disproportionately. The newly established home headed in the vast majority of cases by the principal bread-winner holds typically far fewer members and receives the lion’s share of the divided resources . . . so the economic status of the mother often plummets dramatically.

The most obvious thing is that most children raised in a one-parent family, regardless of race, face a far greater chance of economic hardship. For Black mothers raising children without a father, this situation is much more common and much more devastating. How did the once-proud Black family get to this point?

Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” programs begun in 1965, hold some of the answers. The Civil Rights Bill, Kennedy had sought was signed by LBJ, an unmitigated boon to all of society and the Black community especially. But Johnson didn’t stop there. He launched his “War on Poverty.” The goals of the Great Society were twofold and entirely laudable on their face: elimination of poverty and elimination of social injustice. Truly the greatest of LBJ’s actual accomplishments was the Voting Rights Bill.
The hallmark of all the Great Society effort, from misguided liberal point of view was, however, “Affirmative Action launched by an LBJ speech** on June 4, 1965.” Its ghost haunts the Black citizen still today. Like most government spending and government interference boondoggles (GSBs and GIBs), however, much of the GS programming produced entirely the opposite effect at enormous expense. The cost of the Welfare State and the $74 Trillion in unfunded obligations arising from LBJ’s Medicare and the federal portion of his Medicaid today has been enormous and largely negative . . . and that’s just the dollar and cents cost.
In fairness to Johnson and liberal Democrats, the Johnson programs expanded greatly under Republican presidents Nixon and Ford before dramatically taking off under Carter, a Democrat. Under Carter the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA of 1977), the first mortgage-guarantee boondoggle (to be followed later by three more expansions in 1992, ’95 and ‘98) ultimately set us on the path that led to the sub-prime lending crisis and didn’t that turn out well? But mostly, they were “great notions – good intentions” that, like most government programs just weren’t thought out in accord with human nature. Humans need incentives not handouts.

And then there was . . . the juxtaposition of the War on Poverty and Affirmative Action with the undeniable fact that in 1964, after sixteen years the disaffected mostly-southern Democrats known as the Dixiecrats finally found a new home and voted as a bloc for the Republican presidential candidate. Barry Goldwater, who authored “The Conscience of a Conservative,” attracted the Dixiecrats and that was not lost upon the nation’s Blacks. The G.O.P., the party of Lincoln, now in the eyes of Blacks had become the party of Strom Thurmond. In 1968, 72% of Black voters went Democratic . . . in 2008, 95. 8% of Black votes went for Barack Obama. The Dixiecrats found their home and the Black’s found a new political home. The unfortunate result of that fissure was that the Democratic party has become greatly tied up with the notion of advancing Black well-being. Their electoral survival has depended upon it and the Democrats are seeking to add Hispanics as 90% loyal Democrats as well.

The “government dependency” syndrome for the Black community that’s grown out of that situation has had a horrendous effect upon Blacks. It is no exaggeration to say that the Black community is far worse off today than it was before the Democrats started helping them. Black Republicans like Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, Thomas Sowell, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Claude Allen are without exception such an anomaly in the Black community that all of them have encountered Black backlash for their “betrayal” and “Uncle Tomness.” Democratic Black leaders, for example, excoriated Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. Black people who succeeded without relying upon Democratic largesse are uniformly held is disdain, a sad state of affairs that says more about Black problems today than just about anything else you might think of. The most successful of Blacks outside of the athletic field and show biz are disdained by the Black populace as a whole.

All of this is bad enough, but now we are dealing with a president who, though he promised to unite us, is clearly the most divisive influence in race relations since the Ku Klux Klan. The American Dream is disappearing from our shores with each utterance of Barack, the Divisive, now committed to a policy of creating race war for political benefit. On the one hand, for the first time in history it appears one generation of America will not leave their children better off than they themselves were – the point at which all political discussion should begin.

Barack Obama has decided that the battle will NOT be fought upon that ground, however, but on one of his choosing. Deplorably, the mainstream media has abetted him in this ugly switch of emphasis. Deplorably, too large a percentage of Americans don’t choose to understand the issues, but only to listen to the mainstream media rhetoric seldom sung with evidential accompaniment. He is playing to the weakest part of our natures. Only those locked into self-doubt so deep as to believe they cannot make it without huge amounts of help from the government favor socialisms and dependency, but many do and the media perpetuates that self-limiting stereotype at every opportunity. Instead of really helping poor people by teaching them the skills and attitudes needed to transform themselves, Blacks are almost always portrayed as helpless victims of the system, the only Black success stories routinely shown lie in two fields of endeavor: show business and sports.

Obama, unable to win on the factual basis of his promised job-creation ability has played the “race” card like a master of cacophony. His latest target is one of the most cynical and hateful ploys ever played upon the American public. His sneaking attempt to make Puerto Rico^^ a state; his lying attacks upon the Arizona immigration law, while doing nothing federally to attack the problems that spawned that law; and his hoped for coup de gras Amnesty and overnight citizenship for 14 million illegal aliens is all designed to make the “dependency class” permanent and much, much bigger; and permanently enshrine a whole host of Democratic-favoring welfare-dependents into the voting rolls. Never mind the devastation to the country as a whole. “Hispanicos, que siempre vivan fuertes e independientes y nunca como esclavos del dictador Obama, jamas!” (“Hispanics, may you stand strong and independent and never become slaves to Obama’s oppression!”).

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** LBJ paid brief lip service to the fact that Black (he called them “the NE-gro”) economic status had risen dramatically since the end of World War II, but all the other statistics he cited in the speech were about differences between Black and White earning power and how government must intervene in the interest of fairness. Mandated social justice has never worked. Like the American Revolution, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s marches and sit-ins and Gandhi’s non-violent opposition that eventually gained India her freedom, social justice is largely earned or it does not occur. Just imagine . . . what kind of shift would occur in Black consciousness if Clarence Thomas was suddenly considered a prime role model for black youth rather than Rangel, Jesse Jackson, and Sharpe. Unfortunately, the easy way doesn’t work well or frequently, but it’s always more popular than the way of character. Black Americans hearing MLK’s inspiring “I Have a Dream” speech must truly take to heart the sentence about “the content of their characters?” That is the sentence that defines the American Dream.

^^ Obama knows little about the proud people of Puerto Rico. The “51st State” issue is not a hot-button Puerto Rican issue. Puerto Rican people, when they consider “la situation Puertoriquen~a” think independently. This issue comes up routinely for vote about once every decade and is a frequent visitor at kitchen table discussions. Roughly 34% of the islanders called “Independistas” think Puerto Rico needs to become an independent nation. Roughly 32% (the “Estadistas”) hope for big advantages if they were to become an official part of the United States. Meanwhile 33-34% of the populace like things just the way they are. They like the upside of being U.S. citizens without a lot of the downside, they represent the “Estatus Quo” and they always win whenever “la situation” is voted upon. The size of the voting base for each group changes only slightly over time. Two thirds of Puerto Ricans are NOT interested in statehood, period. No act of congress can change that. All said, the racism of Obama is clear and evident and unbelievably, the mainstream media can't see it.

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Since Arizona's just illegal immigrationlaw states in large part what federal law already states, why arepro-illegal groups and persons not protesting out in front of the WhiteHouse and threatening D.C. with silly boycotts?

Since 1986,federal law (Title 8 US Code, 1304 & 1324)has held that: it is acrime for aliens to refuse to register and be fingerprinted;

aliens 18 years and older must carry an alien registration card or proof of registration;

employers are prohibited from hiring illegal aliens;

employersmust verify identify and eligibility of all new hires through thepresentation of specified documents - if they do not have the correctdocuments that cannot be employed.

News reports on Arizona's newlaw love to mis-use the word "now" when telling listeners/readers thatimmigrants must "now" carry documents to prove their legal status inArizona.

This has been the case since 1986 throughout the wholecountry, thus the word "now" is used to inflame the controversy andoverstate the significance of the new law.

But that's expected,many reporting the news, like Katie Couric, have never really proventhemselves to be professional newspersons.

obama hasn'tinvalidated these laws so shouldn't he be included in the criticismfrom those who favor illegals making themselves at home?

Similarly,obama's Homeland Security chief, Janet Napolitano, as democrat governorof Arizona in 2007 signed the Legal Arizona Workers Act which gavecourts the right to revoke the business license of any business thatemploys illegals...why are they not protesting Janet?

Now thatshe is in obama's government however, Janet is questioning theconstitutionality of the current illegal immigration law signed by thecurrent republican governor.

That's being sort of Kerry-esque: "I was actually tough on immigration before I was weak on it."

In2007 there were at least 35 local ordinances passed along the samelines as the Arizona law, so Arizona's law is not nearly as historicaland earth shattering as CNN would leave you to believe, yet it isgetting played as such.

Some twit with a crayon included aneditorial cartoon in USA Today on Thursday which showed a sheriffconfronting a group of people holding the constitution and demanding tosee their "papers."

This has been ok under federal law since 1986, has he used this cartoon before? Probably not.

Federallaw illegal immigration law since 1986 has not been carried out -enforced, there in lies the source of today;s discontent.

Aphoto caption in April 28 edition of USA Today said that demonstratorsin Illinois were recently arrested as they attempted to interfere withthe scheduled transportation of immigrants ordered to be deported.

They are protesting the carrying out of the law...incredible.

These people ought to be put on hold when they next call 911.

Anotherphoto caption showed protesters of Arizona's law in NY City anddescribed these twits as "supporters of illegal immigrants..."

Supporting illegal activity?

What other laws would you like us to ignore?

Can I choose one?

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Read the Arizona Immigration Bill

I read this last night and see no reason for Obama and his henchmen to be acting as they are. I thought I would give you all easier access to the bill. It's below.

The one thing I will say is that children, when they are found out for doing something wrong, immediately pass the blame to someone else. They don't want to deal with the consequences after all. It's almost as if we should all be vehemently angry at Obama for not securing the boarder, and when he recognizes he is about to be found out, he attacks the morality of the people he is suppose to be protecting. Now, since they are obviously so evil, he doesn't look as bad for not securing the boarder. After all, no one cares about immoral people being put in danger. We all wish the second highest kidnapping rate in the world for the people in Phoenix, since they are so racist. And they deserve to be afraid to leave their homes up to 60 miles north of the southern boarder, since they are evil people that would discriminate, as you will see in the bill below, against these poor drug dealers and people smugglers.

I suggest we start prison camps for the people of Arizona that aren't moral enough to deserve life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let them work for Obama to help build green garbage cans our of grass.

So why isn't Obama impeached yet? Oh thats right, because he has so many facebook friends.

Here's the bill.

SB 1070
immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods
(NOW: safe neighborhoods; immigration; law enforcement)
Sponsors: Senators Pearce R, Gray C, Gray L, et al.
Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety
Caucus and COW
As Transmitted to the Governor
SB 1070 makes changes to laws relating to the enforcement on immigration laws, failure to carry an alien registration document, day laborers, harboring or transporting illegal aliens and employer sanctions.

8 U.S.C. § 1373(c) requires Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to respond to inquiries by federal, state, or local government agencies seeking to verify or ascertain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual within the jurisdiction of the agency for any purpose authorized by law, by providing the requested verification or status information.

Laws 2007, Ch. 279 enacted the Legal Arizona Workers Act (Act). The Act: expands aggravated taking the identity of another person or entity to include the intent to obtain employment; prohibits an employer from intentionally employing an unauthorized alien or knowingly employing an unauthorized alien; requires the Attorney General (AG) or county attorney to investigate complaints and classifies filing a false and frivolous complaint as a class 3 misdemeanor; provides for license suspension for the first violation; requires license revocation on a second violation during a probationary period; and after December 31, 2007, requires every employer to utilize E-Verify to verify employment eligibility. Laws 2008, Chapter 152 further amended the Act.

Enforcement of Immigration Law
· Prohibits law enforcement officials and law enforcement agencies of this state or counties, municipalities and political subdivisions from restricting or limiting the enforcement of the federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

· Requires officials and agencies to reasonably attempt to determine the immigration status of a person involved in a lawful contact where reasonable suspicion exists regarding the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation.

· Stipulates that if the person is arrested, the person’s immigration status must be determined before the person is released and must be verified with the federal government.

· Stipulates that a law enforcement official or agency cannot solely consider race, color or national origin when implementing these provisions, except as permitted by the U.S. or Arizona Constitution.

· Specifies that a person is presumed to be lawfully present if the person provides any of the following:
Ø A valid Arizona driver license.
Ø A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license.
Ø A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification.
Ø A valid federal, state or local government issued identification, if the issuing entity requires proof of legal presence before issuance.

· Requires that if a person is convicted of any state or local law, on discharge from imprisonment or on the assessment of any monetary obligation imposed, ICE or U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) must be immediately notified.

· Authorizes a law enforcement agency to securely transport an unlawfully present alien to a federal facility.

· Requires a law enforcement agency to obtain judicial authorization before securely transporting an unlawfully present alien to a point of transfer that is outside of Arizona.

· Prohibits, except as provided in federal law, officials and agencies of counties, cities, towns or other political subdivisions from being prevented or restricted from sending, receiving or maintaining information relating to the immigration status, of any individual or exchanging that information with another governmental entity for the following official purposes:
Ø Determination of eligibility for any public benefit, service or license.

Ø Verification of any claim of legal domicile if legal domicile is required by law or judicial order.

Ø If the person is an alien, determination of the person’s compliance with federal registration laws.

Ø Pursuant to federal laws regarding communication between government agencies and federal immigration agencies.

· Stipulates that these provisions does not implement, authorize or establish and cannot be construed to implement authorize or establish the REAL ID Act of 2005, including the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

· Allows a person who is a legal resident of this state to bring an action in superior court to challenge officials and agencies of the state, counties, cities, towns or other political subdivisions that adopt or implement a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

· Requires the court to order any that a violating entity pays a civil penalty of at least $1,000 and not to exceed $5,000 for each day that the policy has remained in effect after it has been found to be violating these provisions.

· States that the court will collect the penalty and transmit the collected monies to the state Treasurer for deposit in the Gang and Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission (GIITEM) Fund.

· Authorizes the court to award court costs and reasonable attorney fees to any person or any official or agency that prevails in a case brought under these provisions.

· Indemnifies officers against actions brought under these provisions, except if the officer has been adjudged to have acted in bad faith.

· Stipulates that these provisions are to be implemented consistent with federal immigration law protecting the civil right of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of US citizens.

Willful Failure to Complete or Carry an Alien Registration Document
· Specifies that in addition to any violation of federal law, a person is guilty of willful failure to complete or carry an alien registration document if the person is in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1304(e) or 1306(a).

· Stipulates that the immigration status may be determined by:

Ø A law enforcement officer who is authorized by the federal government to verify or ascertain an alien’s immigration status.

Ø ICE or CBP pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1373(c).

· Prevents a person convicted of the new offense from being eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, pardon, commutation of sentence, or release from confinement on any basis except for as authorized by the Director of the Arizona Department of Correction until the sentence imposed has been served or the person is eligible for release due to early release credits.

· Requires the court to order the person to pay jail costs and an additional assessment of:
Ø At least $500 for a first offense.

Ø Twice the amount the person was ordered to pay for the first offense if this is the second or subsequent offense.

· States that the court will collect the assessments and transmit the collected monies to the Department of Public Safety for deposit in a special sub-account of the account established for GIITEM.

· Stipulates that monies in the sub-account are subject to legislative appropriation for distribution for gang and immigration enforcement and for county jail costs relating to illegal immigration.

· Stipulates that any record that relates to the immigration status of a person is admissible in any court without further foundation or testimony from a custodian of records if the record is certified as authentic by the government agency responsible for maintaining the record.

· Makes a first offense a class 1 misdemeanor.

· Increases the penalty to a class 3 felony if the person commits the offense while in possession of:

Ø A dangerous drug (A.R.S. § 13-3401).

Ø Precursor chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine (A.R.S. § 13-3404.01).

Ø A deadly weapon (A.R.S. § 13-3101).

Ø A dangerous instrument (A.R.S. § 13-105).

Ø Property used for committing an act of terrorism (A.R.S. § 13-2308.01).

· Makes violations a class 4 felony if either:

Ø It is a second or subsequent violation.

Ø Within 60 days, the person has been removed from the U.S. either under 8 U.S.C. § 1229a or 8 U.S.C. § 1229c.

Unlawfully Picking up Passengers for Work
· Specifies that it is a class 1 misdemeanor for an occupant of a motor vehicle that is stopped on a street, roadway, or highway to attempt to hire or hire and pick up passengers for work at a different location, if the motor vehicle blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic.

· Specifies that it is a class 1 misdemeanor for a person to enter a motor vehicle that is stopped on a street, roadway or highway in order to be hired by an occupant of the motor vehicle and to be transported to work at a different location, if the motor vehicle blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic.

· Specifies that it is a class 1 misdemeanor for a person who is unlawfully present who is an unauthorized alien to knowingly apply for work, solicit work in a public place or perform work as an employee or independent contractor.

· Defines solicit and unauthorized alien.

Unlawfully Transporting or Harboring Unlawful Aliens
· Stipulates that it is unlawful for a person who is in violation of a criminal offense to:

Ø Transport or move an alien in a means of transportation, or attempt to do so, if the person knows or recklessly disregards the fact that the alien is here unlawfully.

Ø Conceal, harbor or shield an alien, or attempt to, if the person knows or recklessly disregards the fact that the alien is here unlawfully.

Ø Encourage or induce an alien to come to this state if the person knows or recklessly disregards the fact that doing so would be a violation of law.

· Specifies that a means of transportation used in a violation of these provisions is subject to mandatory vehicle immobilization or impoundment.

· Specifies that these provisions do not apply to a Child Protective Services worker acting in the worker’s official capacity or a person who is acting in the capacity of a first responder, an ambulance attendant or an emergency medial technician and is transporting or moving an alien in relation to emergency medial services.

· Stipulates that violators are guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor and subject to a fine of at least $1,000. However, a violation involving 10 or more illegal aliens is a class 6 felony and subject to a fine of at least $1,000 for each alien involved.

· Requires a peace officer to immobilize or impound a person’s vehicle if the officer determines either that:
Ø In furtherance of the illegal presence of an alien and in violation of a criminal offense, the person is transporting or moving, or attempting to do so in a vehicle if the person knows or recklessly disregards the fact that the alien is here unlawfully.
Ø The person is concealing, harboring or shielding an alien in this state, or attempting to do so in a vehicle if the person knows or recklessly disregards the fact that the alien is here unlawfully.

Employer Sanctions
· Provides employers with the affirmative defense that they were entrapped, but they must admit the substantial elements of the violation.

· Stipulates that the employer has the burden of proof proving the following by a preponderance of the evidence:

Ø The idea of committing the violation started with the officer or their agents.

Ø The officers or their agents urged and induced the employer to commit the violation.

Ø The employer was not predisposed to commit the violation before the law enforcement officer or agents urged and induced the employer to do so.

· Stipulates that an employer is not entrapped if the employer was predisposed to violate the law and law enforcement merely provided the employer with the opportunity. Additionally, it is not entrapment for law enforcement to use a ruse or to conceal their identity.

· Requires employers to keep a record of the employment verification from E-verify for the duration of an employee’s employment, or three years, whichever is longer.

· Authorizes peace officers, in the enforcement of human smuggling laws, to lawfully stop a person if they have reasonable suspicion to believe the person is in violation of any civil traffic law.

· Authorizes a peace officer to arrest a person without a warrant if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed any public offense that makes the person removable from the U.S.

· Establishes the GIITEM fund (fund) and directs monies collected from penalties resulting from policies limiting the enforcement of federal immigration law to the fund.

· Requires the Arizona Department of Public Safety to administer the fund, which is subject to legislative appropriation and is to be used for gang and immigration enforcement and for county jail reimbursement for costs relating to illegal immigration.

· Contains intent and severability, implementation and construction clauses.

· Specifies that this act may be cited as the “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.”

· Makes technical and conforming changes.



· ---------- DOCUMENT FOOTER ---------

· Forty-ninth Legislature

· Second Regular Session 5 April 19, 2010


· ---------- DOCUMENT FOOTER ---------

©2007 Arizona State Legislature.
privacy statment
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Why does the TEA Party exist? It exists because people who love their country were not only fed up with the string of radical actions raping our wallets and spitting upon our Constitution by the spring of 2009, but also because these patriots felt isolated and helpless in the eye of the media storm of unceasing raucous support for this totally UN-American transformation of America into the nanny-state, abject socialism and now as we see more clearly communism itself. Look at it this way, we are suffering through a crisis created by, managed by and exploited to their great advantage by the progressive (those who feel the need to “progress” FAR BEYOND the Constitution of the United States) element in this country. People are afraid to call them “Communists” because it invokes memories of the McCarthy era, but communists they are . . . .

IF, and it's a big IF, IF the Mainstream media did their jobs instead of engaging in gutless and corrupt partisanship ever-benefitting the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party . . . IF they did their jobs, by 2000 Americans would have been well-informed enough to understand the present crisis was coming and informed enough to do something to ward it off, specifically:

o Presumably, one hundred times as many people would have read “Rules for Radicals” by community organizer Saul Alinsky and understood what and how the Communist Party planned to cleverly and subtlely bring down and replace the U.S. Government. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Citizens would have understood the much publicized and discussed (by the left wing) Cloward-Piven Strategy and read their boasting and detailed description of how they deliberately created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) specifically for the purpose of employing C-P Strategy and used NWRO to bankrupt New York City and almost New York State in 1975, a project that took them roughly eight years to complete. The citizenry would have understood the in-your-face radical affrontery of these radicals that made their uprising work. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would have understood the original CRA ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) was an unneeded GIB (government interference boondoggle). The United States at that time enjoyed the highest home ownership in the world at well over 60% for over thirty consecutive years when it was passed. Then they’d have seen the ’92 expansion into the Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae programs with mortgage-guarantee legislation for the danger it was; the ’95 expansion of M-G programs similarly; and understood why Clinton’s ’98 expansion was the final piece of the M-G puzzle that put the whole process on steroids. These were all both attacks on landlords and unneeded interference in the free market system which has made us the wealthiest and most just country in the world. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would not have been surprised by the creation of the C-P organization ACORN and its Saul Alinsky style of operation. They would have understood what radical lawyers like Barack Obama were doing and why and how they were doing it. They would have understood how and why they were able to force banks and lending organizations to hand out hopelessly ill-advised loans, often to people without I.D., without jobs; with abysmally poor credit ratings; without home addresses or rental addresses; even to illegal aliens. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o If if Americans didn’t discover all the previously items until 2007, when the crisis raised it’s ugly head, if they’d known then what was going on, our country NOW would be markedly different. But the media failed to do its job and Americans still remained unaware.

Today, the media is not only NOT doing its jobs (and much of the country still remains unaware of the truth of our situation, but the media still continues to act as a joyful advocate for the Communist Obama agenda . . .

Presently there are two righteous non-violent uprisings going on in this country, these two protests are based upon the single-most important of our Bill of Rights: the 10th Amendment which says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

A. On the one hand citizen-activists such as the TEA Party movement are making their outrage known. They are asking for fiscal responsibility, responsiveness by the Congress and President to real concerns; a return to honoring and obeying our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; balanced budgets and elimination of deficits and national debt; and transparency and honesty in government.

B. A second rebellion is marked by the individual states enacting laws that oppose federal legislation and a set of law suits against recently enacted unconstitutional federal programs.

C. There are only 17 specific powers which the Constitution allows our federal government, perhaps ten times that number of powers have been exercised by the federal government up till January, 2009.

D. Since that time perhaps 17,000 federal powers have been enacted by the Obama adminstration . . . pay attention here . . . the New Deal under FDR created 39 brand new federal agencies between 1933 and 1938. In just one law “Obamacare” the federal government has enacted the creation of almost 400 new federal agencies.

E. While the actions and unwise inactions of the progressive Republican President Hoover and the ultra-progressive Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt extended a recession into a twelve and a half year ordeal known as the Great Depression, revisionist history has NOT told the truth and made Roosevelt a hero. They have eliminated the fact that Roosevelt ran on promises of cutting taxes, cutting spending, bolstering the gold standard, and eliminating programs that Hoover had introduced. Why would he run his successful campaign like this?

F. Because the “Unknown Depression” begun in late 1920 under the progressive President Woodrow Wilson, was cleared up quickly by Harding cutting spending 49% and cutting taxes 40%. Harding died in office, but his vice-president Calvin Coolidge continued his policies which reversed the fiscal disaster and ushered in the Roaring Twenties the greatest shift in prosperity ever seen in the world. This is when for the first time, Americans in large numbers came to own their own automobiles, folks in cities and farms all had electricity and 85% came to have indoor plumbing. Virtually every household obtained an ice box or refrigerator, etc.

G. Because the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware, we have long lost our way and as we continued in the wrong direction, the media have cheered us on every misguided step of the way. We need, we demand a responsible new journalism interested in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Meanwhile . . . .

Our brothers in Arizona have created a law that mirrors precisely the attributes of the federal anti-illegal immigration statutes while emphasizing the need for police fairness and avoidance of even the appearance of racial profiling. The state and local police may act on this new law, ONLY when a just arrest or detainment is in progress, by asking for identification when an apparent illegal alien is in their custody. Since LEGAL justified aliens are required by law to carry a green card at all times, the Arizona law is a virtually perfect instrument for the state to take back its southern border. Nationally over 60% favor the Arizona law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Within its borders 70% of Arizona citizens believe it’s a good law. However, President Obama and the progressives seeking to add fourteen million Pro-progressive votes by enacting an Amnesty law for illegals . . . has now chosen to once again raise the “racism” card. The same media that accused peaceful TEA Party demonstrators of racism, extremism, hate-mongering and radicalism is cheering on and abetting the violent demonstrations in Arizona. The law, is our protection. Non-violence, a la Gandhi is our protection. Quiet persistence is our protection. And ultimately the wisdom of our Founding Fathers is our protection. We must wield these weapons wisely and relentlessly if we are to ever hope to bring this country back to reasonableness and prosperity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Drops Homeland Securtiy Ball, Blames Arizona

The man who pledged that during his presidency, he would be a statesman who “would bring us together,” has become a politician of the lowest ilk and a massively divisive influence upon the nation. Playing the race game for political gain for at least the fiftieth time since last June when he first turned the spigots of hate and intolerance upon the TEA Party protestors with thumbs in both his ears, Barack Obama also showed that for a man who lectured upon Constitutional law, he knows nothing about the 10th Amendment, the foundation of the Bill of Rights. Let us be clear: the reason that millions of pounds of drugs are going through Arizona every year and that Phoenix, Arizona is the kidnap capital of the country and only second to Bogota, Colombia as kidnap capital of the world is because President and his Homeland Security group have dropped the ball willfully on illegal immigration.

Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary and the former governor of Arizona has no political will to protect the United States or Arizona from the Mexican Drug Cartels, human-traffickers and assorted felons mixed in with the one million border-crossers who use Arizona as an entry point. She, herself, as goverenor asked for a military or national guard presence along the border to stem the relentless tide of undocumented entrants into the state. But Obama has made it clear, he favors eventual amnesty in which he expects 90% of the new citizens will automatically become Obama voters . . . nothing, not even performing the federal government’s main job (protecting the country and its borders) will be allowed to come between Barack and his unbridled ambition.

Obama and the Democrats are hollering “Nazis,” “police state,” “racial profiling” and “civil-right’s nightmare” to describe a fair and well-written law which has been crafted to mirror exactly the federal immigration law that Obama’s federal government won’t enforce and to minimize any chance of racial profiling by Arizona police. Unless the citizen is arrested or detained with real likelihood of being involved in a crime, I.D. cannot be called for. Since all legitimate non-citizens are required to carry a green card with them at all times, the only problem is in Obama’s mind. It’s all a cleverly designed ploy, as are all Obama’s resorts to crying “racism,” to create unrest among Hispanics in hopes of solidifying that voting bloc for himself and thus for Democrats come November. The lamestream, mainstream media which unhesitatingly broadcast every claim of “racism, violence, extremism” and the like against the serene Tea Partiers . . . now is talking about the “justified anger” as they portray milling angry mobs in Phoenix as merely “righteously upset” citizenry. Well righteously upset citizenry don’t call for burning down the city of Phoenix. These are the “journalists” who will report all the news fair and square, hah?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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