conservative (475)

Our Tea Party Express team spent the night in Tallahassee, FL. We arose the next morning and traveled in our tour bus a few hours to our first rally of the day in Panama City.

Ray “the bus driver” parks our Tea Party Express tour bus in back of the stage to serve as a backdrop and our green room. While on the bus waiting for my turn on stage, I heard on TV that NBC's Brian Williams basically accused Governor Jan Brewer of racism for pointing at President Obama. I thought, this whole race thing has gotten totally out of control and insane.

The emcee announced me.

Before singing my parody of “New York, New York” titled, “We're Gonna Vote Obama Out in 2012”, I told the audience how furious I was about Williams' attack on Brewer. I added, “For the first time, we have a president that it is deemed unacceptable and racist to criticize or disagree with him in any way. Even gestures are reviewed as having racial connotations. This is absurd!”

I also told the audience that Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president in U.S. history.

I later learned that Brian Williams did worse to President Bush than Brewer allegedly did to Obama.

4063444059?profile=originalAt our second event in Pensacola, I ran into a patriot I met a few years ago at a tea party, Dr. B Leland Baker. Dr. Baker is the author of “Tea Party Revival: The Conscience of a Conservative Reborn: The Tea Party Revolt Against Unconstrained Spending and Growth of the Federal Government”.

After we bear hugged, my patriot brother Dr Baker shared how he has traveled to 35 states so far lecturing, teaching and selling his book. Now get this folks, Dr Baker does this on his own dime and donates the money from the sale of his book to various tea party groups. Wow! What an extraordinary patriot.

4063444015?profile=originalI could not help contrasting Dr Baker's passion, love, commitment and willingness to “give” in order to save his country compared to the self serving entitlement minded lowlifes of the occupy movement. How dare the media claim the occupiers are equal to the tea party.

Ninety-nine percent of the tea partiers I have met over the years are people of the highest caliber who are working and sacrificing to save our great country; true patriots who desire the best for all Americans regardless of race, color or creed. And this is why I love them.

Apparently, Pensacola, FL is Cajun country. Various Crawfish dishes dominated the menu. They fry every and anything! I tasted and enjoyed fried pickles. My cup of seafood gumbo was to die for. I ordered the seafood platter thinking it would be broiled. Wrong. It was all fried, a mountain of seafood. I ate a few pieces of fish and shrimp. Delicious. I had the waitress box up the rest (clams, shrimp, oysters and fish). We have a seven or eight hour ride to Orlando tomorrow. I will nuke my seafood leftovers in the microwave on the bus and share them with the team – cause that's how we roll on the Tea Party Express.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.


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Our Tea Party Express tour bus arrived at the Newt Gingrich rally in The Villages to see a huge enthusiastic crowd of thousands. I must confess I was somewhat surprised because I was told The Villages is Romney Land. I suspect the great turn out for Newt will go unreported because the media is in the tank for Romney.

The media's goal is to select Mitt Romney as our Republican presidential nominee. Remember how the media LOVED our so-called “electable moderate” presidential candidate, John McCain, until he won the nomination? Then, they trashed McCain, while fawning over all things Obama, their Black Golden Child. Well, the media is hoping for a sequel starring “electable moderate” Mitt Romney. Their game plan is the same as the last presidential election. The headline: “Obama Wins Second Term!”

As I stated, I was pleasantly surprised seeing the sea of Newt Gingrich supporters at The Villages.

Yesterday, in Jacksonville at the first rally of our four day Florida tour, a patriot asked former Congressman J C Watts if he thinks Newt can win. Watts replied, “Who would have thought a freshman senator could defeat Bill and Hillary Clinton to win the nomination and the presidency? Newt Gingrich can win!”

4063442828?profile=originalI wish to offer my condolences to Vietnam vet and tea party patriot Gerry Millholen regarding the recent loss of his 85 year old mom, Mary Jean Millholen.

The Millholen family is the epitome of the phrase, “Freedom ain't free!” Mary Jean was a Blue Star Mother; all three of her sons Vietnam in-country Vets as well as her son-in-law – her husband, Gale, a WW II USN Vet. Her father and father-in-law, both US Navy Veterans of WW I. Mary Jean's mother-in-law, Myrtle Millholen, was a Gold Star Mother. Gerry's father lost his only brother in WW II. Wow! An extraordinary family history of service to our country.

We MUST continue our fight to preserve and restore the freedoms families such as the Millholens have given so much, including the ultimate sacrifice to defend. Gerry, you and your family are in my prayers.

Our second Tea Party Express rally of two for the day was in Gainesville, Fl. Patriots were fired up and very busy involved in the movement.

For the grand finale of our Gainesville rally, I felt led to love on the patriots a bit. I asked my Tea Party Express team to join me on stage. Then, I invited the audience to come forward and shake our hands while I sang, “God Bless America”. It was awesome fellowship.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Tea Party Express Touring Florida: DAY ONE

4063441167?profile=originalTea Party Express Touring Florida: DAY ONE

My colleague on three Tea Party Express national bus tours has been conservative rapper David Saucedo known as Politik. One of David's songs is titled, “That's The Tea Party”. Tea Party Express team members have adopted David's song title to describe traveling on the Tea Party Express. For Example: “Functioning on little to no sleep – that's the tea party”.

Well, here we go again. Tea Party Express called me 10pm Thursday to hit the road Friday at 2:30pm to begin a four day tour of Florida. Fellow team member and patriot, conservative radio talk show host, Andrea Shea King picked me up at a gas station off of I-95 to rendezvous with the Tea Party Express tour bus in Jacksonville. This life is too glamorous for words.

Our Jacksonville rally hosted by First Coast Party featured former Congressman, J.C. Watts. I did not know he was a Baptist minister until I heard his wonderful compelling speech today. Before he spoke, I met and chatted with Congressman Watts on the Tea Party Express bus. I complemented him for standing firm when he was attacked for being a black republican on the Chris Rock TV show. Congressman Watts said he refuses to fit into a suit someone else has prepared for him, nor will he succumb to group think. I was impressed. J.C. Watts is a great man of character.

Team members were moved by the passion of the Sciolaro family who drove from Kansas to attend our rally. They traveled to primaries volunteering for Rick Perry and were heartbroken when Perry dropped out. As per Perry's instructions, they have rallied around Newt.

The eldest daughter of the Sciolaro family was so frustrated with her college professors, she changed her major to Political Science. Mom, Vicki Sciolaro said she woke up this morning so discouraged about our country that she cried. But, she prayed and God gave her courage to push forward. Folks, the Sciolaro family are great patriots – passionate in their love for America and their commitment to save her. They ARE the tea party.

Newt Gingrich signs dominated at our Jacksonville, Fl rally.

So, that is it for now. I am on the bus headed to Winter Park, FL for our second of three rallies today. No time to stop for lunch – guess I will microwave a hot pocket; not a big fan of hot pockets.

Tea Party Still Alive & Well.

4063441190?profile=originalHi Folks. Lloyd Marcus reporting in from the road with Tea Party Express. At our Winter Park, FL Tea Party Express bus tour rally, I met patriot Peggy Spencer. Peggy volunteers for Americans For Prosperity. She told me that our rally was her third tea party event this week. Peggy said the media would love to say the tea party is over, but it is not. She and her fellow patriots are very busy working for change behind the scenes.

My observation of the state of the Tea Party aligns with Peggy. As a movement, we have matured beyond being the naïve fearful-for-our-country babes we were two years ago. Tea partiers are first time candidates, authors, strategists, educators, film makers and more – each following their gifts, talents and passion to take back America.

While our Jacksonville rally was dominated by Gingrich signs, Santorum signs ruled this rally.

Liberty Counsel founder, Matt Staver gave the welcoming address at the Winter Park rally. Staver stressed the importance of making a “change” in the White House in November.

Attorney, teacher, author and speaker KrisAnne Hall joined the tour as a speaker at our Winter Park rally. KrisAnne was fired from her position as Florida Assistant State Attorney for speaking at a local Tea Party rally. KrisAnne is fired up and committed more than ever to the tea party. Our movement is alive and well.

This just in. This is a first. Attempting to leave Winter Park headed to our rally in West Palm Beach, the driver rear tires of our bus succumbed to a small Florida sink hole. We're stuck! We are waiting for a tow truck.


Gingrich Announces Cain Endorsement at Tea Party Express Rally.

Newt Gingrich announced at our West Palm Beach Tea Party Express rally that Herman Cain has endorsed him. The audience, mostly Gingrich supporters, were excited.

This was the first day of our four day Tea Party Express tour of Florida. We begin with a rally in Jacksonville, then Winter Park; Gingrich spoke at our third rally of the day in West Palm beach. On every tour, I enjoy meeting new patriots and hugging old brother and sister patriots at the rallies.

We have TV and WiFi on the tour bus. Today, while traveling on the bus, I responded to a hand full of negative emails. These doom and gloom people basically said both political parties are corrupt and I am an idiot for thinking the efforts of our Tea Party team will make a difference.

To them, I say, so what should we do? Should we park the Tea Party Express tour bus and go home? Do we simply surrender the country to Obama?

Well, I say NOT on my watch. Yes, both parties have negative issues. But, what part of four more years of Barack Hussein Obama will end America as we know it do you not understand? The stakes are far too high to stay home election day because both parties suck or because your candidate did not win the Republican nomination.

If my favorite candidate does not win the Republican nomination, I love my country far too much to have a temper tandem, stopping working to defeat Obama and stay home election day. Obama MUST be stopped. Obamacare MUST be repealed. If not, it is checkmate – the socialism, Marxist and Progressives will have won. Freedom, for which many have made the ultimate sacrifice, will be over. Government will have complete control of our lives. Good Lord people, THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER ELECTION!

How could anyone who claims to love this country allow it to be destroyed simply because they did not “get their way” or they felt uncomfortable voting for an imperfect candidate?

This is MY country. I love her, warts and all. I will NOT stand by and allow her to be overrun by this evil administration. As God continues to give me grace, I will fight to defend and save her against all enemies foreign and domestic.

May God bless my nationwide tea party family. And may God bless Tea Party Express!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Dear Tea Party Patriots: We Are Family‏

4063440452?profile=originalAs we enter the year which will make or break America as we know it, I wish to remind all of you that We Are Family. Together, we took the House, and together we must take the White House.

In my travels across our great land, six times on national "Our Country Deserves Better" and "Tea Party Express" bus tours, I have been blown away by you -- your dignity, your sense of right and wrong/good and evil, your love for America, and your desire to see all Americans succeed.

I have been moved by your passion to save America. After the initial round of Tea Parties, which were themed "our country is moving in the wrong direction and something must be done about it," you began taking action: organizing, writing books, making informative videos, writing songs, and designing games to teach our kids the Constitution. I am so proud of you guys.

In my travels, I have heard countless stories about how Obama's economy has devastated lives. But to their credit, these patriots are surviving as best as they can while diligently working in our divinely inspired Tea Party movement.

In his book, Nothing Is Easy, author Gary Paduch coined the phrase "Classic Americans" -- people who were tough and hardworking, who did whatever needed to be done without complaining. "Classic Americans" best describes my wonderful Tea Party brothers and sisters whom I have met across America.

Because I have come to know who Tea Party folks truly are, it infuriates me when the liberal media and Obama sycophants intentionally misrepresent you. You guys are my family. My deceased Momma taught me that you never allow anyone to "dis" your family.

This is why every time I have a national microphone -- CNN, Fox News, etc. -- I defend my Tea Party family against evil, divisive, racist, and absurd lies. Thus, I called NAACP President Ben Jealous a liar on national TV. Jealous said he saw signs at a Tea Party which read, "Lynch Barack Obama" and "Lynch Eric Holder." If these two signs existed, they would be posted everywhere. To date, no one on the planet has seen these signs other than Jealous. Jealous' lie is evil, divisive, and meant to inspire racial hatred for the Tea Party. Jealous should be ashamed of himself. A Congressional Black Caucus member said that Tea Party people want to see blacks hung from a tree. How outrageous, stupid, and evil. I have no respect for such peddlers of hate.

I have written about the white Texas cowboy I met at a Tea Party who was the proud father of two black babies he and his wife had adopted. Then there was the terminally ill Tea Party white lady in Michigan whose daughter told us her mom said she wanted to meet me before she died. These people have nothing against a black man being in the White House. They are simply saying "no" to Obama's socialistic agenda. Obama minions trashing and misrepresenting these good people is despicable politics.

As every family, we have feuds. I still haven't forgiven my brother for being a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. For crying out loud, he lives in our hometown, Baltimore -- support the Ravens!

The liberal media loves to make a big deal about Tea Party infighting. Well, the truth of the matter is that wherever there are human beings, there will be disagreements -- even in church. I believe that Billy Graham said if you find a perfect church, do not join, because you will mess it up.

So yes, our Tea Party family will disagree on various issues. And when you think about it, this is great. It confirms that we are intelligent, independent thinkers, as opposed to the emotion-driven, mind-numb idiots so prevalent in left-wing circles.

I wish to encourage my Tea Party family to stick together. I also wish to remind you who is the true enemy of freedom, liberty, and all we hold dear. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

Brothers and sisters, this election is unique. It is not politics as usual -- the Dems having their turn recklessly spending our money, and then the Repubs having their turn. The stakes are far higher than that. This election is about stopping a man who is committed to ending America as we know it. Therefore, any of our flawed candidates is better than four more years of Obama.

Good Lord, the Obama administration admitted that it does not care about the working-class white vote. They are going after the deadbeats, the haters, the class-envy crowd -- as many as they can drag out of bed, pay ten bucks, put on buses, and drive to the polls to vote for Obama eight or nine times.

This is serious business, folks. Obama must be stopped.

If not, the concept of Classic Americans (tough, hardworking, and doing whatever needs to be done without complaining) will be lost forever. Obama is aggressively transforming us into a Needy Everyone is Equal America.

A third party, not voting at all, or any other nonsense will insure Obama's re-election and the end of America. I implore each and every member of my Tea Party family to rally around whoever becomes our Republican nominee.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Newt Gingrich – Man With A Dream for America


He came to the White House with a dream, a dream of a more prosperous American, a dream for those not quite so fortunate who were struggling to make ends meet, a dream to take over a house majority, the first time in 40 years. A man arrived at the White House with a Contract for America and that man was Newt Gingrich.

The Republicans sat around for years peacefully enjoying the bonuses and perks from taxpayers. They were totally disengaged refusing to perform their God given duties to maintain a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. They had formed an Elite Club and were most protective of the status quo. They really didn’t aspire to be a majority in the House – why ruffle any feathers when their cushy jobs gave them special perks, bonuses and lots of time to dwell on their social life.

In fact politics was the Republicans’ hobby and they weren’t inspired to make it a real job and become a public servant. But, Newt Gingrich came along and their lives were changed forever, although many resented Newt he was able to reach across the aisle and join hands with President Clinton. Clinton and Gingrich weren’t bosom buddies, absolutely not - but they both agreed that our Nation was stumbling and in need of major repairs.

Newt was aggressive, demanding and on a mission that the Republican establishment didn’t wish to participate in, now that they were a House majority after 40 years some of the younger studs decided they’ve remove this “super star” so they could re-establish their Elite Club and live happily ever after.
Newt definitely was one of Clinton’s best resources and when it came to foreign policy Newt was definitely an ally of the White House.

This was one time in our Nations’ history that that Republicans and Democrats reached across the aisle and our Nation became strong. The budget was balanced with a surplus of approximately a quarter of a trillion dollars. 2012 our Nation is Over 15 trillion in debt, it’s hard to envision a surplus, but it can be a dream come true in the next few years.

Newt Gingrich and President Bill Clinton accomplished more in a short time than any two men in our Nation’s history. Due to the bills passed unemployment went to 4%, millions of Americans were working again. The two corrected many of the core problems that our Country is facing now.
Together they addressed and implemented regulations on financial institutions, income equality working together on poverty – in short they brought a struggling Country back to a Nation with a robust economy, a balanced budget and both Republicans and Democrats concentrated on those who were in the poverty bracket.

But, as so often seen when one person jumps to stardom literally overnight, there were those who would rather “fight than switch.” So overnight a few renegades decided to bring the star back to reality; they felt they’d lost their identity and were determined to remove Gingrich as Speaker of the House.

So Congressman Tom Delay the exterminator and majority whip devised a scheme to remove Gingrich from office. Tom surrounded himself with Republicans that he thought he could trust to undertake this mission. Tom Delay along with majority leader Dick Armey, G.O.P. conference chairman John Boehner and leadership chairman Bill Paxon--not to mention 20 or more insurgents from the rank and file started to make their move only to find they hadn’t dotted their “I’s” or crossed their “T’s.” Gingrich actually was empowered by the failed coup, but he was already making plans to step down as Speaker of the House and make a run for President of the USA.

Newt Gingrich learned many hard lessons during this time, but the positive changes and progress made during this interim will remind all Americans that it is possible to balance a budget and create a surplus. It is possible to give those living in poverty a hand up not a hand out and it is possible to bring the unemployment rate to an awesome 4%.

It is possible America to put America back to work, just think we have a pipeline that would put thousands of Americans back to work. We have some of the greatest sources of energy in the whole World – we just need to tap into our God given resources. Although Republicans and Democrats have kicked our American Dream under the bus – we can still retrieve it and bring it back to America.

It is possible for Republicans and Democrats to reach across the aisle working together to restore our struggling Nation. President Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich are the proof of the pudding – nothing more needs to be said at this time except put Newt Gingrich in our White House as President of the United States of America in 2012.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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Pelosi Loves her Cushy Seat!


Nancy Pelosi usually does her dirty work behind closed doors, but the DEMS are not exactly in a comfort zone with their Commander in Chief and their greatest fear is Newt Gingrich. So good old Nancy erupts once again in a frantic attempt to derail Newt Gingrich. Nancy like Obama just can’t get enough of National TV and here are her latest comments about Newt.

Pelosi With Conviction, mouth puckered up like a prune and watery tearful eyes said, “Newt Gingrich will not be president" She Knows something! Nice try Nancy – I heard Newt respond to her threats this morning saying, “If she knows something, I have a simple challenge: Spit it out,” Gingrich said Wednesday on NBC's "Today" show.

Let’s check out Newt Gingrich, in fact let’s get the real stuff out in the open so everyone not only has an opinion, they have correct information.

Many moons ago in 1996 and 1997 House Speaker Newt Gingrich was charged by congressional Democrats of using a college course he taught to help him in his political activities. The allegations resulted in many stories on Dan Rather's CBS Evening News; but when Gingrich was cleared of all charges by the IRS, Dan Rather did not report on it.

The Democrats and many Republicans from the old establishment continued their attack on the Speaker of the House (Newt Gingrich) even after the first coup fell apart at the seams. They feared and still fear Gingrich more than the plague because once again he will take down their comfy house of cards, one card at a time.

They trumped up a total of 84 charges against the Speaker of the House only to find that 83 charges were false. The last charge, the 84th was tossed out the window by the IRS who was asked to investigate Gingrich on a tax fraud. The IRS found no violation and vindicated Newt Gingrich. Do your homework – find out the truth in the link provided below.

[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 145 (1999), Part 5]
[Page 6304]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office,]

In other words, the ethics charges David Bonior filed against Newt were all bogus. Every single charge was merely an attempt to derail the Speaker. If Newt Gingrich made any mistakes it was agreeing to pay 300,000 which basically paid for a 3 ½ year investigation by the Ethics Committee and voluntarily stepping down as House Speaker. .

The irony of this story that never seems to make headlines is this was about a college class that Newt taught on television about “Renewing American Civilization.' Here you will be able to read about each class Newt presented to colleges.

If you take time to read each college session offered, you will see that Newt Gingrich is truly a Patriot who loves his Country and fellow Americans. Newt Gingrich believes in a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. The Constitution is his road map and in 2012 he’s fighting to “Take Back Our Country America,” and vows to restore our freedoms and rights as set forth by our forefathers in 1787. Not bad for grandfather who has never given up the fight for his Country and fellow Americans.

May God Bless Our Nation
As Always,
Little Tboca

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4063437814?profile=originalSuddenly, there is a lot of discussion about whether or not we live in a "post-racial society." With the 2012 presidential election right around the corner, I can only conclude that, despicably, "race-baiting" will be a major component of the left's and the White House's Obama re-election campaign.

Recently, a black publication interviewed me for an article, the topic being "Is America a post-racial society?" Then, flipping through the TV channels, I caught a bit of two blacks on CNN discussing whether or not America is a post-racial society. It's coming up everywhere lately.

I am just giving you a heads-up, folks. All this talk about a post-racial society, which sounds like it came out of a marketing strategy meeting, is designed simply to accuse all who are against Obama's re-election of being non-post-racial. In other words, racist.

The post-racial discussion is absurd, divisive, and a waste of time -- a distraction from real issues. The fact that America elected a black man to be leader of the free world confirms that Americans think post-racially. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Even if every black in America voted for Obama, without millions of white votes, Obama would not have been elected. Are we a post-racial society? Of course we are.

What I find so repulsive is that the left and the Obama administration are well aware of this truth. And yet, they will, without hesitation or conscience, double down on their efforts to inspire black hatred against white Tea Partiers and fuel white guilt to achieve their goals.

I witnessed a moving example of our post-racial society while watching a pro football playoff game on TV. Upon winning the game, black football player Vernon Davis, with tears running down his face, ran over to his white coach, Jim Harbaugh. Davis cried as he and Harbaugh hugged for a long time. They were just two men: a respected coach and a respected player. Race did not matter. America is a post-racial society.

Only agenda-driven knuckleheads design new tactics to keep Americans apart, suspicious of one another, and at each other's throats along racial lines.

Now, do not get me wrong. I am not saying racism, on both sides, does not exist in America. Of course, it does, along with every other sin. Such will be the case until the Lord takes us home. But as a nation, the American people have proven themselves honorable, fair-minded, compassionate, and extremely generous.

The '60s TV series Star Trek was an excellent example of a "post-racial society." The crew was of various races and yet they related to each other as individuals. Race was irrelevant.

I love the way the left always accuses us, the American people, of the evils of which they are guilty. We do not sit around thinking of phony intellectual-sounding phrases such as "post-racial society." We simply live, work, and play together as Americans. The left and black Liberal Plantation overlords are the ones guilty of thinking "non"-post-racially for political purposes. Their exploitation of race continues to devastate blacks in terms of their attitudes and expectations. Black race profiteers are betraying their own people by convincing them that they are victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. For crying out loud, I caught one of those Hollywood insider TV shows talking about some black rapper's ninety-million-dollar fragrance line. Black unemployment being at an unprecedented high has nothing to do with white America's views on race and everything to do with Obama's economy.

All of this absurd post-racial talk confirms that most-assuredly, the Obama administration and his minions plan to exploit race, along with class envy, in Obama's reelection campaign. This is why the left has been relentless in their attempts to brand the Tea Party racist. Tea partiers oppose Socialism and ignoring the Constitution, not Obama's skin color.

As a post-racial-thinking American, I am doing everything in my power to make Barack Hussein Obama a one-term president, and not because he is black. Obama must go because his vision for our future is an anathema to all we hold dear and the vision of our Founding Fathers.

If I can offer one bit of heartfelt advice to my fellow black Americans who may be caught up in all of this post-racial vs. non post-racial nonsense, please, forget about race and simply go for your dreams.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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The Tebow Effect

4063435088?profile=originalDenver Broncos rookie quarterback Tim Tebow is an unapologetic, outspoken born-again Christian.  No politically correct, careful not to offend anyone, skirting around the issue of his faith for Tebow.  When interviewed after winning a game, Tebow says, "First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Numerous pro athletes are Christians.  None have been so innocently bold about expressing their faith as Tebow.  It is as if when Tebow entered the national stage, he never got the memo sent by the left stating that God is banned from the public square, and anyone who dares speak of God will be branded a religious nutcase.  Tebow simply loves Jesus and sees no reason to hide it.  Thus, the left hopes that Tebow fails as a quarterback and a role model.

Oh, I just got a thought.  Wouldn't the mainstream media be celebrating and rallying around Tebow if he proclaimed that he was in love with and planned to marry a fellow teammate?  Imagine the major TV network bidding war for the rights to broadcast the wedding nationwide.

Meanwhile, the left has deemed Tebow proclaiming his love for Jesus offensive.  A blogger called Tebow the most polarizing figure in America.  Several TV shows promote homosexuality.  Another TV show promotes Islam.  And yet, Tebow mentioning Jesus is considered polarizing.

Tebow is not polarizing/dividing people.  Tebow is bringing people together.  Remarkably, Tebow fans are all races, ranging in ages from eight to eighty.

Folks, I am telling you.  There is something uniquely special about this fine young man, Tim Tebow.  Cultural rot is eating away at our country like a terminal cancer.  Our boys aspire to look and act like thugs.  Women are dressing themselves and their daughters without modesty.

Unintentionally and, I believe, unknown to him, Tebow appears to be leading a movement toward a miracle cure: returning Christian values and principles from many years of exile.  More and more pro athletes and politicians are boldly speaking about their faith on national TV.  We are witnessing the birth of The Tebow Effect.

Tebow is making it cool to be a "good guy" again.  He has sparked a national dialog in the secular arena regarding faith.

Christian broadcasting networks do a wonderful job.  But rarely these days do we see anyone speak as comfortably and as matter-of-factly about his faith as Tebow in "secular" settings.  Tebow is not trying to start a movement, nor is he trying to offend.  The kid is simply being himself, and people are following his example.

God is so awesomely cool.  The Bible says God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.  Who could have imagined that God would use something as foolish as a twenty-something-year-old kid, playing football, having fun, and being himself, to inspire millions?

Tragically, many Americans have accepted incidents of terminating a sixty-year tradition of opening their town's spring festival or city council meeting with prayer because one person complained.  Many have accepted their children being forced to say "happy winter break" because "Christmas" is declared to have offensive religious connotations.  At secular events where prayer is allowed, clergy are cautioned to refrain from using the name of Jesus for fear of offending someone.  Yes, the left has done a pretty good job of intimidating Christians into not honoring Jesus in secular settings.

Then, along comes this superstar football player cheerfully spouting the name of Jesus all over the place.  The anti-Christian crowd who thought they had us Christians securely under their thumb are furious.  Who does this Tebow guy think he is, and does he know the rules?

I believe that Tebow is passively leading us back to a time when all things Christian were not attacked, demeaned, ridiculed, or made fun of.  Many years ago, secular companies produced movies like Boys Town, in which Father Flanagan was the hero.  Nowadays, though, can you name a recent movie produced by a secular company which features Christians in a positive light?  Remember the grief Mel Gibson caught from the anti-Christian community for following the biblical account of events in producing his movie, The Passion of The Christ?

When I was a kid, my family loved watching the Red Skelton TV comedy show.  Skelton would end every show saying, "Good night and may God bless."  Today, letters from a few non-Christians claiming to be offended would prompt the show producers to instruct Skelton to cease ending his show with a "prayer."

Tebow represents a paradigm change -- a new sense of freedom to say "Praise God!" in secular settings.  I love it!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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New TV Show Idea: All-American Christian

4063432224?profile=originalI have a GREAT idea! How about a TV show titled, “All-American Christian”? Christians have been getting a bum rap in cinema and the mainstream media for quite a while. In a spirit of fairness, compassion and tolerance, a TV show promoting Christianity is simply the right thing to do. After all, the last thing we need are Christian-phobic Americans.

We must educate Americans to realize Christianity is a religion of peace. Christians are not anti-American. The TV show will confirm Christians are not much different than you and me and just as patriotic. Also, Christians would never attempt to force Biblical Law down our throats.

Now, where can I find fair minded, tolerant and compassionate celebrities who will enthusiastically support and speak in defense of the show. I know! Russell Simmons, Bill Maher and Rosie O'Donnell are a good start. These guys are all about fairness, tolerance and compassion. I am extremely confident they will leap at an opportunity to fairly portray Christianity.

Christians are not rioting, seeking to physically punish offenders or lobbying to make it illegal to speak against their religion. Thus, beheading non-believers who reject their religion is not in the Christian recruitment manual. As a matter of fact, the founder of Christianity said, “With loving kindness have I drawn thee”.

Rosie O'Donnell, great advocate of women rights that she is, will surely love this. Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men. Under no circumstance does Christianity condone a husband beating, stoning or beheading his wife. A Christian woman is pretty much free to be all-she-can-be from a mom to governor of Alaska to president of the United States. Believe it or not, a Christian woman can even venture outside without having her head covered and face veiled. Thus, it makes perfect sense that the American Feminist Movement would rally around Christianity. Right?

I can not think of a single group of people Christians seek to remove from the planet. While more than 18,167 deadly terrorist attacks, since 9-11, have been carried out in the name of another religion, zero attacks, since 9-11, have happened in the name of Christianity. We know the American left is all about peace; “all we are saying is give peace a chance”and so on. One can only conclude that Christianity's non-violent track record wins their endorsement. Correct?

Unfortunately, Christianity does not have a “lying clause”. Another religion has a privilege authorized in its holy book called, “Taqiyya” which means never-feeling-guilty-for-lying. In other words, Taqiyya makes it permissible to lie to protect their religion. Common sense tells us that anything these people say about the intentions and motives of their religion should be taken with a grain of salt. Meanwhile, Christians are stuck with “Thy shall not lie.”

It is truly tragic that Bibles, after school Bible studies and prayer at school sporting events are being banned from public schools. Christian graduates are commanded to censor all references to God and especially “Jesus” from their commencement speeches. And yet, nationwide special concessions are being made for another religion; installing foot bathing facilities and etc.

By the way, our government has sponsored the defacing of Christian icons. A photo of a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine was funded by the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts). The award winning photo is titled, “Piss Christ”. The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dong.

Christians are legally fighting the court ordered removal of crosses which have been displayed on sites for many years, one out in the middle of nowhere. Nativity scenes are becoming more and more taboo in public schools and government buildings. Our kids no longer go on Christmas break from school. It is now called Winter Fest-a-something or other.

Some paranoid conspiracy theorists say Christianity has infiltrated high levels of our government. Rumor has it that even President Obama is a Christian. However, this rumor is yet to be confirmed. I wish to go on record stating that I am not Christian-phobic. America was unarguably founded on Biblical principles. Therefore, I am completely comfortable with Christians influencing our government.

We can count on Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to aggressively work to make Christian-phobia punishable by law the way she is for another religion.

So yes, the timing is perfect for an “All-American Christian” TV show. I am sure Hilary, Obama and all those compassionate tolerant Hollywood types will enthusiastically join in our effort to get out the truth about Christianity- a virtuous, misunderstood and wonderful religion of peace.

Folks, this is gonna be great! I am soooooo excited. For the debut of the “All-American Christian” TV show, I wonder if we can get Tim Tebow to make a special guest appearance. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Race & Politics Based Law Enforcement.

4063429025?profile=originalSix months ago, I returned home to discover a family had moved into my backyard storage shed. Displaying an incredible sense of entitlement and off the chain arrogance, the family refused to leave, arguing they were simply seeking a better life. Adding insult to injury, their TV, computers and etc were powered by an electrical cord plugged into the exterior outlet of my home.

Infuriated, I immediately sought help from law enforcement to remove the squatters from my property. After inquiring about the race of my intruders, law enforcement accused me of racism. Law enforcement declined to assist me. I yelled, “These people are breaking the law! What about my rights as a property owner?”

Law Enforcement scolded me, “Don't try to hide your racism behind the law!”

I returned home frustrated to witness more of the trespasser's family and friends setting up residency in my backyard. One invader brought an old piece of crap RV. My Home Owner's Association is fining me daily until its removal. There are tents and people living in an old Chevy station-wagon; all powered by a dangerous poor imitation of a MacGyver style electrical hookup into my power including a maze of electrical cords.

To stop further invasion, armed buddies volunteered to secure my fence, take turns keeping watch. Local media caught wind of my buddies sympathetic generous offer and branded them an angry racist mob of vigilantes. Law enforcement threatened my buddies with arrests if they intervened in any way.

With city elections only a few months away, the mayor showed up at my home with fruit baskets for the invaders. His honor assured the invaders that he supported their honorable pursuit of a better life 100% and would not tolerate the “racist” property owner (me), evicting them. After the thunderous applause subsided, the mayor's assistant made sure each invader filled out a voter registration form which he collected before the mayor and his entourage departed.

So, here I am. My monthly electric bill has tripled. Cited for code violations, I was forced to install more outlets and electrical power. My backyard landscape with my wife's prize-winning flower garden is now a mud-pit resembling a scene from the movie, “Woodstock”. Invaders now occupy every inch of our exterior property.

Local media continually write stories about what a cruel, heartless, evil and racist SOB I am for not providing food for my “guests” and adding them to my health insurance.

Upon returning home from school, we keep our kids in the house. Our neighborhood has become unsafe and in rapid decline; selling drugs and lord knows what illegal activities are taking place in our backyard.

The Home Owner's Association sent a petition to the city demanding they do something to stop the invasion spreading all over our community. In response, the city is suing us. The local media has joined the city in their effort to portray us as racists who are somehow breaking the law.

Unbelievably, to assist the invaders, the city has raised our taxes to provide by-lingual signage throughout our community, food, education and health care for our “guests”.

Please understand. Our history of swiftly coming to the aid of people in need around the world confirms that my neighbors and I are a charitable, generous and compassionate people. Thus, we wholeheartedly support anyone seeking a better life.

But, there is a right and wrong way of doing things. An illegal invasion is not the correct way. It is also immoral to send a message that it is acceptable to break our laws; a slap in the face to all who play by the rules.

What happened to “equal justice for all”? Law enforcement and government lending a deaf ear to lawbreakers for political reasons is the worse kind of corruption. Their motives are not about compassion, but rather securing potential new voters. Such a self-serving exploitation of power is shameful, despicable and ugly. How can my city, with a straight face, instruct kids to obey the law and not sell drugs when the city decides to enforce laws based on their agenda or the race of the offender?

Got to run, the Spot-O-Potty delivery guys have arrived. Yes, it is another expense, but it is worth it.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Herman Cain: A Final Word

4063409159?profile=originalI would not blame Herman Cain if he said, Lloyd, I know you mean well brother. However, the relentless vitriolic media attacks against me have finally subsided since I dropped out of the presidential race. My family and I are finally having some peace. So, why on earth would you bring up my name again?

Well, in a nut shell, I just did not like the way the whole “Cain Thing” went down. Also, we live in a fast paced news cycle, carelessly nuke a person's life and in two days everyone has moved on, disposable world. Herman Cain's courageous bid to serve his country deserves more than, “Cain, wasn't he the black dude sex fanatic who ran for president as a Republican?”

OK, Cain is gone and we conservatives must focus on selecting our candidate to defeat Obama in 2012. I got it. But, it breaks my heart seeing what happened to this “good man”. Cain was attacked from both sides of the aisle. A few conservative pundits even accused Cain of not seriously seeking the Oval Office, but simply seeking self-promotion.

Please do not get me wrong. I realize playing with the big boys in the national arena is tough. I just did not realize how much tougher and blatantly unfair it is for conservatives. As a conservative seeking to win the Republican presidential nomination, Cain endured a deep rectal vetting not even required of our current president. As a matter of fact, we still know very little about Obama's history.

Obama is a liberal. Thus, the liberal media deems probing Obama's history, associations and even using his middle name to be racist.

As a black conservative myself, I was excited about black America meeting Herman Cain – a brilliant black businessman who loves God and country. Cain's message was a refreshing breath of fresh air; a striking contrast to the absurd victim/entitlement minded garbage coming out of the mouths of too many successful rich blacks who say - Yes, we are multimillionaires, but America is still racist, sucks and owes us.

Unfortunately, here is how this great black role model was introduced to much of black America. My 84 year old dad phoned me, “Do you know this Herman McCain who is involved in all these sex scandals?” I replied, “His name is Herman Cain, dad”. I then proceeded to tell my dad about the great man I know.

Think about this folks, Cain's candidacy and reputation, in the minds of many, was destroyed by unproven “he said, she said” allegations. Please do not come back at me arguing about whether or not Cain was qualified for the office. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the no-holds-barred, nothing-is-off-limits or over-the-top relentless campaign to destroy this decent man.

Good Lord, the allegations went from “possible” sexual gestures to Cain supposedly forcibly reaching under a woman's skirt. Since Cain has dropped out of the race, all of his accusers are gone. Imagine that.

Something has gone terribly wrong in our country folks. Meanwhile, the mainstream liberal media are deaf, dumb and blind regarding all of the huge elephants in America's living room unfavorable to Obama. Why? Because Obama is their rare Teflon ticket to making all of their progressive, anti-America and socialistic dreams come true.

While I “feel” for brother Cain, I am fully confident Herman Cain will be OK. Remember, Cain beat cancer. Using his faith, character and infectious optimism, Cain will find a way to make extraordinary lemonade using the Left's lemons (their evil attacks against him).

Wow, I may have just come up with a brilliant Capitalistic, sorry Occupiers, entrepreneurial marketing idea. Famous Amos sells his cookies, Rush Limbaugh sells his tea; how about Herman Cain Lemonade?

Brother Cain, I just want to say one more time how much millions of us truly appreciated and thank you for stepping up to save our great country. You led the pack for a reason, your business sense, optimism, character and love for America. You and your family remain in our prayers.

Another reason I know Cain will be OK is because referring to Christians, the Bible says, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”.

I am sure the Left, Obama administration and the liberal media were dancing to the classic Martha Reeves and the Vandellas hit song, “Dancing In the Street”, the day Cain withdrew from the race. But mark my words, God “ain't” done with Herman Cain. Not only will his extraordinary life and story continue to positively impact millions, his success will reach unprecedented levels.

Take that you arrogant godless left-wingers. Lemonade anyone?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063425745?profile=originalSome may say, for crying out loud, Lloyd. You're as bad as Tebow. Must you always interject God and the Bible into everything? Well folks, it is just who I am.

Canaan was God's “Promised Land” to the Israelites. Upon their arrival, Moses sent twelve spies to check out the land. All twelve spies reported that the land was beautiful and awesome. Ten of the twelve spies fearfully said the land was possessed by giants which they could never defeat. Only two spies believed they could defeat the giants and claim the land which God had promised to them. Interestingly, God described the lack of faith by the ten spies not simply as negative, but evil.

Brother and sister tea party patriots, I believe Divine Providence inspired the Tea Party movement to restore America from it's path of cultural and moral rot. Thus, we have the power to take back America, which was founded on Biblical Principles, from the Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Marxists and Occupiers.

The “giants” in our scenario are an anti-America president Obama with a billion dollars to spend on his lie-filled reelection campaign and a sycophant liberal mainstream media openly committed to his reelection and goals.

Please do not misinterpret what I am about to say. I am not endorsing Michele Bachmann or any candidate for that matter. But I heard a conservative say, “No, we absolutely can not select Bachmann because she is unelectable!” I ask, Why is Bachmann unelectable? What has Bachmann said or done that is so crazy or stupid? What did I miss?

In reality, because the “giants”-- i.e., the mainstream media – have labeled Bachmann “extreme”, conservatives fearful of Obama being reelected have disqualified Bachmann.

The “giants” tag team of the Obama administration and the liberal media who have successfully taken Cain out of the race, will repeat this process, destroying each of our candidates until the last candidate standing is the moderate they really want to run against Obama – namely, Mitt Romney. They know that Romney is a clone of John McCain whom Obama defeated four years ago.

What is my point, you ask? My point is I am sooooooooo sick of our side forever playing on defense, allowing the left to control the language, empowering them to set the rules of engagement and making decisions based on fear.

We conservatives are the good guys! Yes, I believe that God is on our side. Conservatism is unarguably best for all Americans. The liberal agenda is evil.

Here is an example of allowing the left to call the shots. During a Republican Presidential Debate on ABC, the candidates were basically asked if they knew what it is like to be poor. Each candidate began defending his or her success. The liberal moderator's question, which would never be asked of a democrat, was rooted in the stereotype that Republicans are rich white racists. Also, hidden in their question was “class envy” which is the main strategy of Obama's reelection campaign. Meanwhile, mega-rich Democrats such as the late Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have never been asked to defend their wealth.

When did poverty because a virtue and crucial to being a good president?

In response to the liberal moderator's when-did-you-evil-republicans-stop-beating-your-wife style question, I would have loved for one of our candidates to have refused to play their game; to refuse to apologize or defend his or her financial success.

Speaking of controlling the language, a conservative pollster suggested that we refrain from using the term, “Capitalism” because it turns-off the Occupiers. This is yet another example of “allowing the inmates to run the asylum” – that is, operating out of fear. Capitalism is not a dirty word. Why should we surrender to the Occupiers allowing them to make it dirty?

God has designed life in such a way that success requires risk and backbone. In life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Risk-takers experience what Jim McKay of ABC Sports described as, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!” By the way, liberals believe that God's system is unfair and seek to legislate equal outcomes in the name of fairness.

In our quest to defeat Obama, due to his horrific record, we hold the winning hand. Failure would be the consequence of fear. It will require backbone to defeat our “giants” (Obama and his media).

We must not allow Obama and company to select our presidential candidate. This requires that we cease allowing them to call the shots. Conservatives must boldly go and stay on offense in our fight to defeat the “giants”, who currently occupy our great land, in 2012.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Obama and the 2012 Presidential Race


by little tboca

Here’s a taste of what Americans can expect in the Presidential Race of 2012. Obama has already kicked his class warfare into all of his campaign speeches and will continue this strategy for the next 11 months. He’s pretending that he’s looking out for the “middle class” – what a laugh.

He’s the one who knocked the middle class off their feet in three years; he stopped any and all job growth, he redistributed 787 billion dollars known as the stimulus bill, which should have been called Obama’s “Dissuasion” bill. He backs the Muslim Brotherhood, trashes Israel, supports the Wall Street Protestors and continues hanging out with “America’s Most Wanted,” Marxists, Communists and Socialists.

Our final decision in 2012 will determine the future of our children, grandchildren and future generations. We must be resilient, determined and give them a legacy that they can wrap their arms around with pride.

So the question for 2012 is do we want to vote for the person who can “take our Country back” or will we succumb to the Liberal News Media’s lies and propaganda and give Obama his second term?

There is one man who can restore our Nations weak foundation, give us back our Freedoms, Rights and our voice. We can beat him to death for his mistakes, or we can acknowledge that he is the one person who has learned from his mistakes, asked God’s forgiveness for his indiscretions and give him 100% support.

Newt’s positive positions on economy, taxes, free trade, spending and regulations far outweigh his mistakes. We have the option of going to his website and asking specific questions, if we have any doubts on how he stands on certain issues. or

There wouldn’t be a Republican majority in the house today without the Republican Revolution led by Newt Gingrich in 1994. Newt is the reason and the only reason that the GOP took over the house for the first time in forty years.

Newt Gingrich made mistakes, but the difference between him and so many of the Old Establishment Politicians is this; Newt actually revisited his errors while serving in the House of Representatives analyzing and correcting his mistakes in order to become the committed leader that he is today.

Two Quotes that come to mind about making mistakes:

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from. -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” Winston Churchill

Everyone has the right to decide who the next 2012 Presidential Candidate will be and pick the man or woman of his choice. We must be strong and arm ourselves against the lies, propaganda and political rhetoric and that can only be done by doing our homework.
If we want to sit on our butts and let Obama and the Liberal News Media spoon feed us lies about Obama’s ideology, we’ll face defeat due to our own complacency, negligence and ignorance.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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4063420823?profile=originalThe devastating price of government dependency. I witnessed it up close and personal in the late 50s when I was a child. Both of my mom's sisters had five kids each by various men who simply deposited their seed and moved on. Thus, both of my aunts were totally dependent on government. They lived in the projects.

The oldest of five children, I remember when my parents and four siblings also lived in the projects. We moved out to a black suburb when dad broke the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department and became a firefighter.

Still, it was a treat whenever I was permitted to sleepover at my cousins' home in the projects in the exciting city.

The atmosphere at my welfare dependent cousins' home was strikingly different from mine; a subtle sadness which made me feel a little sorry for them. I felt they envied me and my siblings for having a dad who actually lived with us. I remember seeing large cans and boxes of generic labeled foods, peanut butter, powdered milk, meat and cheese. As a child, I felt food was weirdly important to them. My siblings and I could go into our fridge anytime we desired. My cousins' fridge was off limits without permission.

Despite lots of extremely loud talking and laughter in their homes, both my aunts appeared chronically angry and bitter with short explosive tempers. A threat of violence constantly loomed over life in the government projects inside and outside of the home.

If you add up the financial value of what my welfare cousins received for “free” from the government (housing, food and health care) their annual income probably far surpassed that of my dad. And yet, I considered my cousins to be poor. They perceived themselves to be poor as well.

Of my ten welfare dependent cousins, only one remarkably “made it”. He worked his way through college and became very successful. The other nine never ventured off of the government plantation; seduced by the false promise of security. Consequently, they succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse and out of wedlock births. Four of my cousins' lifestyles caused them to suffer early deaths.

Clearly, my two aunts choice or perceive lack of any other option but to totally rely on government for their survival came at a devastatingly high price; the self image and spirit of themselves and their children.

This tragic scenario sponsored by mostly Democrats has been playing out in the black community for at least 50 years.

A black man in the Oval Office affords the Democrats a unique opportunity. They can scream racism whenever anyone disagrees or opposes any of Obama's policies. Thus, his presidency is a golden opportunity to spread their destruction of the black family nationally to all Americans.

Why would the Democrats desire to do this, you ask? In a nut shell, it is all about them. The more Americans dependent on government, the more Democrats are empowered. Also, the Democratic Party enthusiastically embraces all who hate America. Pure and simple.

The Democrats supported by the liberal media are well on their way to transforming America into a giant government-controlled plantation of dependent lifelong indentured servants.

For example. Under Obama, a record number of Americans receive food stamps. Another Democrat tactic to increase the number of Americans dependent on government and voting democrat is to keep extending unemployment benefits which is now up to 92 weeks, almost two years. What incentive is there for the unemployed to aggressively pursue a job when they know they can sit on their butts and receive a check for two years? Rather than Obama reducing ridiculous costly regulations on small business which would create jobs, Democrats and their media partners are pressuring the Republicans to join them in further extending unemployment benefits.

Beginning in public school through college, liberals have indoctrinated our children teaching them America is unjust, Capitalism is evil, they are entitled to the fruit of other peoples' labors and only government can make things fair and right. Liberal indoctrination birthed the Occupy movement; losers hating achievers and demanding their “fair share”.

Meanwhile, 47% of Americans, almost half the country, are exempt from paying federal income taxes. Despite the rich paying most of the taxes already, Democrats are screaming for the rich to pay more.

But here is my point. There is a scary question on the minds of decent Americans. The question is have we reached “the tipping point”-- the point where teachers and professors have stolen the minds of too many of our youths; the point where Democrats have made so many Americans dependent upon some form of government handout that a majority of Americans surrender their freedom, liberty and our culture to big government.

Nothing in life is free. While my cousins received free cradle to grave government handouts, they paid a devastating price for their dependency. They lost themselves, their self-esteem, pride and dignity. They lost the joy of success after failure. They lost the pursuit of their dreams. They lost the experience of developing their God given gifts and talents. For perceived security, my cousins willingly remained slaves on the Democrats' government plantation.

Here is what Ben Franklin had to say about folks who worship security.

"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security."

Due to the lack of American history taught in our public schools, I would not be surprised if a student asked, “Ben Franklin, ain't he the guy who dated J-Lo?”

I do not fear for America because I believe God still has us in His Hands. However, I am extremely concerned that we have culturally and morally lost our way.

Today, it is no longer embarrassing to depend on welfare for survival. Many feel justified demanding government rob the rich to redistribute to them in the name of fairness and compassion. These suckers are clueless to the truth that the confiscated funds go to public sector unions which recycles the funds back to the Democratic Party via union dues.

But here is the rub. You government dependency junkies do not get of Scott free. Remember, nothing in life is free. You ultimately pay a devastating price for your class envy, laziness, hate and fear. In the process, you lose yourself.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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4063417641?profile=originalThe criteria embraced by the liberal media, Democrats and some conservatives for selecting the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is quite clear. Imperfect conservatives need not apply. Conservative presidential candidates must have been born yesterday; not having lived long enough to break any of the Ten Commandments, make a mistake, say or do anything stupid.

However, in their short time on the planet, our conservative candidate along with possessing a “perfect past”, must display a masterful expertise of all topics foreign and domestic. Anything less means our conservative guy or gal is an incompetent idiot.

Then, there is the Reelect Obama Liberal Media/Democrat multi-headed dragon which is committed not only to simply defeating our conservative candidate, but beheading him or her and hanging their bloody dead carcass in the public square to discourage all future challengers of Liberalism. Our candidate is expected to flawlessly and masterfully battle this beast, winning every skirmish, lest we chorus that they are not quite presidential material.

Conservative presidential candidates unwilling to wear an “I heart Chaz” t-shirt are homophobic and vehement haters of homosexuals. Conservative candidates not having at least one Kanye West song in their iPod are white supremest redneck Tea Party racists. Black conservative Republican candidates are obviously self-loathing traitors to their race suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Meanwhile, the requirements for the Democratic presidential candidate are a bit less demanding. The liberal media's and the Democrats' candidate can hangout with self-proclaimed America haters. Their candidate can say America has 57 states and mispronounce corpsman as “corpse-man” and still be considered a genius. He can travel the world bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. He can wreck America's economy, hostilely takeover a private auto company, cram government-controlled healthcare down our throats, bully banks and funnel money to his supporters via government bailouts. A New York Times article reported that the Time's candidate has abandoned pursuing the white working class vote to target entitlement-minded, loser Occupy voters without anyone raising an eyebrow.

Liberal media and Democrats do not give a rat's rear end about the character of their candidates as long as those candidates further Liberalism.

Conservative candidates are expected to have lived flawless lives without leeway to repent, learn and grow.

Peter in the Bible was a cruel tax collector who cowardly betrayed Jesus. And yet, speaking about Peter, Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” St. Peter repented, developed and grew into a courageous Christian ultimately dying for his faith. If running for office today as a conservative, Peter's former cruelty and cowardly beginnings would end any hope of him being elected; too much stuff in his past.

Moses began as a murderer. And this religious guy Moses wants to lead his people to the Promised Land. The liberal media would say, “Forget about it; too much stuff in your past!”

Conservative presidential candidate Herman Cain is a gifted businessman of character; never been arrested, saved and created jobs and touched many lives in a positive way. However, some conservatives and the media say Cain is a little weak on foreign policy and has too much stuff in his past.

Conservative presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is really smart. Actually, Newt is brilliant with great ideas to reverse the devastatingly destructive results of liberalism. Newt would eat Obama's lunch in a debate. However, Newt does have his share of self admitted poor judgment calls. Thus, some conservatives and the media say Newt has too much stuff in his past.

Conservative presidential candidate Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has a great record in Minnesota. She and her husband adopted a ga-zillion kids which speaks to her great character. As with all conservative women, left-wing feminists despise Bachmann. If the feminists were true to their supposed mission, Bachmann would be their poster girl; a strong woman successful in and outside of the home. Instead, for reasons I do not understand, an NBC program introduced Bachmann by playing a song about a “lyin' a-- b----!” Bachmann has been attacked for comments she has made expressing her Christian faith. Some conservatives and the media say there is too much stuff in her past.

Conservative presidential candidate Gov. Rick Perry has been super in Texas. Some conservatives and the media say Perry is not the smoothest guy in the world during TV debates, is weak on immigration and has too much stuff in his past; something about a rock on a property rented by his family for hunting which still bears the “n” word, put there many years earlier. Surely, the Texas governor must be a member of the KKK. Bottom line, too much stuff in Perry's past.

The rest of the Republican field of contenders for the nomination have not yet been targeted by the liberal media. Rest assured, whoever rises to frontrunner status will be attacked and discovered to be racist, sexist, homophobic or stupid. The Republican candidate will be stripped naked and made to suffer the humiliation of “gang allegations” by the liberal media. For example. Upon becoming the frontrunner, Cain was declared an Uncle Tom, stupid and a serial sexist by the liberal media (as the knockout punch) by the liberal media.

We conservatives hold our candidates to a high standard. And for that, I make no apology and proudly name myself among you. Still, I believe any of our flawed conservative candidates are far superior to Obama in terms of their qualifications, core values and love for America. So I will not toss every frontrunner into the unelectable trash can whenever the liberal media dictates.

But obviously, some conservatives believe all of our conservative candidates are too flawed with too much stuff in their past to enthusiastically embrace as our Republican nominee. So, let's just settle for the “articulate and clean” RINO Romney, watch him go down in humiliating defeat and buckle our seat belts for four more years of Barack Hussein Obama.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for
Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

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Part (2) Liberal News Media

by little tboca

In part (1) the evolution of Liberalism, Socialism and Communism were sort of lumped together showing, but it shows how our youth many years ago were being brainwashed by many different factions. The innocence of our youth made them the perfect victims for those on the left.

Liberalism, Socialism and Communism have created the “Lost Generation.” It was very subtle at first and rather hard to pinpoint just how they infiltrated our Government, our schools, our Colleges, our Supreme Court and our homes. Let’s dissect the brain washed Liberal News Media in an effort to see why they’ve turned into a demonizing faction in our USA – the lost sheep and the lost generation.

All three of these ideologies mentioned are closely connected by certain beliefs; therefore they share a common link or connection with each other. First, they consider all Americans too ignorant and stupid to live independently and be their own counsel.

Second, notice how Obama’s ”better than thou” demeanor is just like Saul Alinskys, George Soros, Bill Ayers & wife Bernadine Dohrn, Cass Sunstein, Eric Holder (AG), Lisa Jackson(EPA), Richard Trumpka (AFL-CIO). They actually believe they’re a superior race and have been endowed the authority to control us. Our White House has been infiltrated with these Liberalists!

Third, they hate groups of people like the Tea Parties, who are fighting to restore our Nation. They want to remove the 2nd Amendment and disarm the citizens of the USA. If they in fact disarm our Nation, we will be totally dependent upon the Government.

Fourth, they fear “God,” and keep trying to remove “God” from our schools, our courtrooms, our Federal buildings, our coins and our Constitution. They’ve been trying to wipe “God” off the map for many moons. God’s not afraid of the Church card they keep jerking out of their pocket. Nope, “God” is alive and well and isn’t about to leave his kids alone in their fight to “take back their Country.”

The Liberal News Media has been spawn by those who wish to take over our Country; they’ve evolved into a bunch of brainless puppets unable to exist on their own. They’re the masters of X-rated regurgitated chewed up and re-edited fiction in an attempt to keep Americans distracted, while they continue gnawing away at our rights and freedoms

Their hatred has no limits as they continue their rampage against the Tea Parties, calling them terrorists, racists, Wahhabis, tea baggers, suicide bombers and the list just rambles on- remember they fear groups of people who meet together to restore our Nation.

They’re pros at using the Church card, the race card and the terrorist card when the going gets tough, but they’re starting to lose traction. They’re losing steam – God’s alive and well, the race card looks like Obama’s last year’s fake birth certificate; the one that was layered and photo shopped. The terrorist card is sort of their wild card specifically used for any person or groups of people who disagree with their ideology.

The worst error the Liberals could have made was to compare the Wall Street Protestors to our Nation’s Tea Parties – this strategy backfired on them! The OWS Protestors are just another generation of lost sheep, who have no respect for themselves or others. They are raping, destroying property, creating unsanitary conditions, and doing drugs and don’t have a clue why they are protesting. They are dangerous because of the puppeteers orchestrating their movement!

The tea parties are our “freedom fighters, they don’t kill, destroy other’s property, throw stones, cans and make threats. They will continue their peaceful march to “Take Back Our Country,” from those who will and have harmed our Nation, our children and our grandchildren.

The Liberal News Media are the robots pre-programed for the destruction of America; they are fed daily by the puppeteers and thrive on lies, propaganda and corruption. They’ve not only lost their way, like the OWS – they are the LOST GENERATION.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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Liberal News Media the Lost Generation

Part (1) Liberal News Media 4063408360?profile=original
by little tboca

I’ve written many articles about the Liberal News Media their lies, propaganda and vile responses about our Churches, “God,” our Constitution, our rights and freedoms and their relentless attempt to destroy our great Patriots of 2011. Today, I thank God for giving the Tea Party movement the wisdom and strength to restore our Nation’s once strong foundation.

I understand why generations of youth are so confused, disoriented and incapable of being productive young adults with high self- esteem – I realized that they are the product of the Radicals who infiltrated our Government, our schools and our Country.

Now, it’s apparent the OWS protestors are an offspring of the lost generations. They’re unable to function, to think on their own and don’t have a clue about our Nation, our Constitution, our freedoms, our rights – they’re not only lost, they are dangerous to themselves and our Country. They are the sheep controlled, not in control!

The Liberal News media is the result of the New Left of the 60’s and 70’s, which was the time of the Hippie movement and college protests. They are the end product or the result of the Saul Alinsky, Frank Davis, Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn (Weatherman Underground terrorists), and many others starting back way before the 40’s.
Now we’re living in the dangerous radical world of Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood., Obama, George Soros and 100’s of radical Community organizations who are continuing to brainwash our youth. Many of our children have developed a total dependency on these corrupt mentors and leaders.

It’s sad to realize the baby boomers of which I am one, was too busy playing around in our sandbox until the sand was all gone. We allowed the once strong family unit to disintegrate as we developed a politically correct attitude allowing the “norm” to change over the years.
The hi-tech revolution started and we were promised less working hours and more time with our families and children – that didn’t happen; we had longer hours and less family time.

Latch key kids came on the scene; parents helped the Radicals destroy our beautiful educational system via one lawsuit after another until we the people totally derailed our teachers, school superintendents and basically set our kids free and at the mercy of the Radicals. We allowed dangerous people in our Supreme Court who re-write laws, not interpret them.

As years passed we were locked into a fish bowl chasing material possessions, trying to keep up with the Jones’s and the “norm” continued to change. Television revolved from wholesome family entertainment to crime, violence, sex and sleazy shows like Jerry Springer’s.

The Liberal News Media sneaked in our backdoors and took control of our lives.
We become accustom to “shacking up,” because everyone seemed to be doing it. We used TV, Computer and high tech gadgets to help raise our kids and keep them occupied.

We delegated teachers, child care facilities and College Professors to raise and mentor our kids. We let Susie talk us in to high heels, revealing clothes, excessive make up and jewelry because we thought trinkets, toys and gifts would make up for lost time with our kids. Inadvertently we changed roles with our kids – they ran the show, dictated the rules and we became victims.

We contributed to the lost generations that we’re seeing in the OWS Protestors and we helped create the Liberal News Media who are unable of function or think on their own.

The greatest movement that’s happened in many years is the Tea Party movement and they will “take back our Country,” restore our Constitution, protect our borders, restore our rights and freedoms and most of all they will rebuild the family unit for the family unit is the strength and the heart of our Nation.

They will once again become mentors, disciplinarians and offer guidance to their children, their grandchildren and future generations. They will prevail for a small group of people can change the world – look what the Nazarene did 2000 years ago!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
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4063409083?profile=originalA black website published one of my articles. The black publisher asked his readers to forgive me for being a black member of the GOP and review my article with an open mind.

In response, a subscriber wrote, "You can ask us to look past him being a GOP, but you can't ask us to look past his claim to be a tea party Christian."

Grateful for an opportunity to enlighten indoctrinated blacks, I asked the website publisher to publicly post my reply to the ill-informed subscriber's comment.

Please do not think me rude or mean by stating the following truth. The subscriber's comment reflects an ignorance of the facts and history prevalent in the black community.

Many blacks erroneously believe the GOP consists of rich racist white people. In reality, the GOP was founded to free blacks. Only five years after slavery, there were black congressmen, all Republicans. The KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and denying blacks the right to vote where all birthed by Democrats.

Even today, Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats say having to show ID when voting disenfranchises blacks. This is merely a tactic by which the Democrats implement voter fraud. However, in the process, they are saying blacks are too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed.

Republicans deal with blacks respectfully, as equals. Democrats thrive on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement.

While sold as compassion and "fairness," Democrat programs are always about making as many people as possible dependent on government to secure/buy votes. In the long run, all Democrat policies and programs hurt people!

There are black idiot knucklehead racists who want to believe a lie rather than the truth. Yes, I said black racists. I reject and resent the satanic notion that because of slavery, blacks have a right to be racist. Racism is evil, period, whether it comes from blacks or whites. It you disagree, it is fruitless to continue reading this article. I will keep you in my prayers.

In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats "ain't" your friends.

Every program which demeans and stifles blacks has come and continues to come from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.

Democrats still want to keep blacks on their plantation of needing government handouts -- thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning ways to "keep them down." Thus, you blacks need us Democrats to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs.

In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. So you can imagine my frustration and impatience with ignorant knuckleheads who trash me for being a Republican. I am working to liberate my people -- to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.

When I became supervisor of my mostly white department at a TV station, rather than celebrating me and my achievement, my liberal and Democrat friends demeaned my achievement by saying I got the job due to affirmative action. Wrong. I got the job because I proved myself most qualified. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

Now, let's talk about the Tea Party.

Again, all you folks who think the Tea Party is racist are ignorant of the facts and just plain wrong! I am sorry, but that is the gospel truth. You are being "played" by the Democrats and their liberal media buddies, who also "secretly" think we blacks are inferior and need their help to succeed.

As a singer and speaker, I have attended over three hundred Tea Parties nationwide, on five Tea Party Express national bus tours. I have been warmly embraced by the mostly white audiences because we share a love for America and are opposed to socialism. These Tea Party folks are not opposing Obama's skin color. They are opposing his agenda.

A Congressional Black Caucus member actually said the white folks at the Tea Parties want to "see blacks hanging from trees." Knowing what I know from my personal experience, the Caucus member's statement is irresponsible, absurd, shameful, and divisively evil -- all about ginning up racial hate and securing votes for Obama. Despicable!

Now, I know some blacks who are stuck on stupid and hate who want to believe otherwise. So be it. All I ask is that before you write me off as an Uncle Tom traitor, check you facts. And quite frankly, I do not care what anyone thinks of me, because I know I am on the Lord's side. God bless.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for
Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.


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4063409159?profile=originalLiberal feminist attorney, Gloria Allred held a press conference in which her female client made shocking graphic sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain. Sharon Bialek described a Herman Cain totally alien to the man I know.


Think about this folks. Suppose someone came out of nowhere to make totally out-of-character sexual harassment allegations against your dad, pastor, husband or friend. You would give your dad, pastor, husband or friend the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. This is called loyalty and friendship.


You would not go along with the politically correct way of thinking by demanding your dad, pastor, husband or friend prove they are not guilty. You would insist the burden of proof be placed squarely on their accuser where it rightfully belongs. I mean, we are talking about possibly destroying a priceless possession, one's reputation.


When Republicans or Conservatives are accused of sexual harassment, the left says the facts do not matter; only the seriousness of the charge. Anyone daring to question the accuser of a Republican or Conservative is attacked for being “pro sexual harassment” and a hater of women.


The arrogance and hypocrisy of the left continues to amaze me. ALL the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment were called liars and sluts by the left and the Clinton administration. Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. In an effort to discredit Jones, Clinton adviser, James Carville said, “Drag $100 bills through trailer parks, there's no telling what you'll find”.


Gloria Allred never came to the defense of Paula Jones or ANY of Clinton's numerous accusers. For crying out load, during his 1992 campaign, a Clinton staffer coined the term “bimbo eruptions” after being assigned to deal with women who might come forward alleging extramarital affairs.


Clinton was given a pass because he is a liberal Democrat. The left which includes the National Organization for Women and the liberal media are not about empowering women as they claim. They are really about furthering liberalism and a socialistic/progressive agenda.


If the left truly cared about empowering women, they would not despise Sarah Palin as they do. Palin should be their poster girl; the epitome of a powerful successful woman both inside and outside side of the home. If the left truly desired to offer women a “choice” regarding abortion, they would not have a cow when a mother is persuaded to birth her baby rather than abort it.


My comments have nothing to do with defending Cain as a presidential candidate. While I hold Cain in high regard, I have not formally endorsed anyone. However, I smell the disgusting putrid odor of the left attempting to destroy ANOTHER black conservative.


Does the name Clarence Thomas ring a bell? In 1991, Democrats brought Anita Hill forward with charges of sexual harassment against black conservative, Clarence Thomas in a strategically planned “left wing” effort to deny Thomas a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. They failed.


But the battle was brutal. The liberal media tried to assist the Democrats by digging deep into Thomas' life including investigating the movies he rented from his local video store. Their desperate quest was to find anything they could use to destroy Thomas' character. Anita Hill's graphic claim of a pubic hair on a soda can will live forever in infamy. Stay tuned folks for a Cain accuser to surface with allegations of a pubic hair on a pizza.


The liberal media's enthusiastic attack and attempt to destroy Cain, a black conservative, is deja vu all over again. In both incidences, the black conservatives were on the threshold of winning extremely powerful positions based on their merit rather than the left's sacred cow, Affirmative Action.


And come on folks, you have to admit the timing of this scandal is extremely suspect. The moment Cain stunned the political intelligentsia by becoming the front runner, these women decided to come forward with 20 year old “vague” allegations.


Then, right on cue, kicking the scandal up SEVERAL levels, Sharon Bialek comes forward alleging that Cain is not just a passive sexual harasser, but a predatory bully as well. Clearly, Bialek's over-the-top allegation was designed to be the “knockout punch” for the Cain campaign.


I remember a comment a woman made to me years ago during the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill scandal, “Something MUST have happened between them!” I thought, “Wow, despite no evidence, Thomas' reputation is tarnished for life”. Thomas, as other black conservatives, paid a huge price to escape the liberal plantation. His scars are deep and life long.


I do not know Cain's accusers. However, after conversations, interactions over the past few years and witnessing his graciousness towards everyone behind the scenes, I admire and respect Cain. The man I know is a gentleman of character and faith. So please forgive me for not accepting the word of strangers and politically motivated spokespersons; especially knowing the modus operandi of the left.


Far too often, whenever one of “ours” is targeted by the liberal media and the left, Conservatives immediately run for the tall grass to distance myself. Until proven wrong, I believe and stand with brother Cain.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome

4063405598?profile=originalI was stunned when conservative author Ann Coulter endorsed Mitt Romney for president. I love Ann. I even named her in my tribute song honoring Conservative women, “Our Girls”.



Why would one of my conservative heroes select a liberal-lite to run against the Mike Tyson of political opponents. No, I am not suggesting Obama would bite off the ear of our presidential candidate, but Obama is a Chicago style no-holds-barred politician. If your opposition brings a political stick, you bring a political gun. That's the Chicago Way.


As Chairman of the, I have taken heat from folks on our side angry because of our ad exposing Romney's liberal choices and tendencies.


Folks, here is the deal. Romney is not a conservative. Yes, Romney has made some conservative choices. But, they seem to have come after he has been drug kicking and screaming to the conservative side of the street.


Obamacare is an Obama-nation in regards to freedom. If implemented, Obamacare will end America as we know it. A Herculean effort will be required to repeal Obama's evil socialistic mega-control monstrosity. Can we trust Romney to go “all in” to repeal Obamacare?


Intimidated, fearful intellectual conservatives say Obama has the bully pulpit of the White House, the majority of the media and a billion dollars on his side for re-election. In essence, they believe we have lost our country. They believe a majority of Americans are infected with entitlement mindsets and class envy disease. Obama's media manipulated ill-informed infected zombies are going to vote for the guy (Obama) who promises freebies and vows to punish the rich.


Driven by fear, the game plan of our smart conservative gurus is to offer a liberal-lite candidate who will also promise freebies, but not so irresponsibly; punish the rich, but not so severely.


I believe these conservative colleagues are suffering with Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome.


Intellectuals in our party such as Coulter and others are rallying around Romney because they fear America will not elect a pedal-to-the-metal true conservative. They believe we need a liberal-lite to defeat Obama.


Meanwhile, we not-so-smart naïve tea party patriots believe a true conservative will win in a landslide.


From national to local elections, solid conservatism was a huge winner in 2010. Since then, the pain, suffering and economic bleeding caused by Obama and his agenda has intensified. Thus, the referendum against him will be far greater in 2012. It is crucial that we exploit this golden opportunity to challenge Obama ideologically by selecting a true conservative presidential candidate.


While the democrats, by far, have been the major offenders, liberalism in both parties has been taking us down the road to destruction for years. In 2012, with a true conservative Republican presidential candidate leading the charge, we can begin taking America back from both parties; pointing her in the right direction on the road to recovery.


We did the “liberal-lite thing” in '08 and lost. Remember a guy named John McCain? So, why on earth would we go there again?


We know the drill. Here is the play by play. The lib media and Republican elite convince all the “smart people” on our side that only a reasonable “moderate” like Romney can possibly beat Obama. So, out of fear, we select Romney as our 2012 presidential nominee.


Upon Romney officially winning the Republican nomination, the lib media turns on him. Suddenly, they declare Romney a Mormon religious nut. They release all kinds of stories about how electing Romney would equal the personification of evil in the White House.


And no left wing/democrat exploitation of having a black candidate would be complete without the lib media, NAACP and the Obama administration finding ways to portray Romney as a stealth KKK card carrying racist. This would be the left's 2012 presidential campaign against our “moderate” Republican candidate.


Since we know the left will attempt to demon-ize and destroy whomever our Republican nominee, why not run a thoroughbred “real deal” conservative?


We tea party patriots have more faith in our fellow Americans than do our fearful intellectual conservative colleagues. We believe entitlement mindset and class envy disease has not yet infected a critical mass of Americans. There is still time to vaccinate the infected with the cure and restore our great country to it's former glory. The vaccine/miracle cure is Conservatism spread boldly and lavishly by our 2012 presidential candidate.


Conservatism won a former actor presidential candidate a 44 state landslide victory in 1980 and a 49 state re-election landslide in 1984. Conservatism can win huge again in 2012.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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