immigration (75)

Rubio- Listen UP

I just posted this comment

Check it out!

The formatting is simple…limited by the website I posted on


Rubio..... hear this.............

Fool me once, damn you
Fool me twice, damn me.

For You and Ryan and all the others pushing instant forgiveness, wrapped any way you want (after sinking a 12 foot putt for a 7 on a par 3,in golf we called it "Whipped Cream on Cowpie")...... listen up

We do not hate immigrants, certainly NOT LEGAL immigrants.

But you tell me about the criminal gangs who fly a foreign flag above OUR Flag.
You tell me about the felons who are "kissed" with a free ride thru our "ILLEGAL System".
You tell me about CRIMINAL employers who hire CRIMINALS instead of American citizens.
B A R F .......B A R F .......B A R F .......B A R F .......

We may even, somehow, accept the criminals who have invaded our country....did you read that....CRIMINALS WHO HAVE INVADED OUR COUNTRY!

BUT WE absolutely do NOT trust you and others , collectively the Government, to do what you promise....

WE absolutely do NOT trust you and others , collectively the Government,
to do what you promise....
Either you will get bought off or voted out or ....1000 other reasons
Our Supreme Court has even made matters worse!

IF you really want to connect with TRUE Americans, STOP the charade and doble cara!
IF you REALLY want to reach America, slice the pork loaded, bribe filled monstrosity you now support into at least two parts.
Part #1 - Secure Border
* At least 90% of attempted illegal entries are thwarted.
* This thru a combo of Fences, More Border Agents, Instant/temporary
   reinforcement of State National Guard, Drones, IR, TV, Etc
* Ingress < Egress + 25%
* Ingress controlled and measured as above
* Egress measured by Border Crossing ID Checks
* Results must be confirmed by an INDEPENDENT, Non-Governmental
  US Company such as AMEX, VISA or BIG Accounting Firm
* Results must be above prescribed thresholds AND stable for 3+
  years BEFORE any other laws or Parts can be triggered.

Part #2 - Amnesty ( Purchased Citizenship)
* Regardless of any other necessary requirements, ALL/ANY candidates
go to the END of existing lines for application for citizenship
* To be a candidate you must
* Properly Identify yourself
* Pay back taxes
* Learn English ( 8th grade proficiency in Reading, Writing, Speaking)
* Pledge Allegiance to America
* Quit whatever job you now have as an ILLEGAL
* Apply for a new job under stiffly administered e-Verify with a properly
issued Green Card
* What Greta said... READ IT .... much easier than 1200+ pages of legalese.

Lo entiende?


Get it?


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It was a dismal epoch in Delano, CA. The goal of the infamous Delano Grape Boycott was to force unionization of the farm workers to improve their pay and working conditions while subjugating their employers.

The majority of the workers were Americans of Mexican descent, plus documented immigrants and illegals. They have a certain love of the soil and a sense of true beauty and artistry that benefited California agriculture for generations. They could draw the best out of a grape vine or a fruit tree or make a broken down tractor hum.

They are also Roman Catholic from the time Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in 1531 Mexico and freed them from the despotism of Aztec rulers. As many as 300,000 victims were sacrificed every year to Aztec gods until Our Lady fulfilled an ancient Aztec prophecy on the Hill of Tepeyac.

Working conditions and treatment of employees varied with the nature and character of the farm owners, but they largely cared for their employees as much as any other employer. Sanitary conditions and other aspects of toiling in the hot sun have been vastly improved. Many migrate north following the harvests each year, often making their lives difficult save for growers’ labor camps. Many of the growers are also Roman Catholic. Their Church leaders stood against them, adding to the chaos caused by well-trained and funded leftist community organizers.4063711191?profile=original

The United Farm Workers was formed around Fred Ross’ Communist tactics taught to Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta when in New Mexico. Seeking union organization of the workers, the UFW was quickly embraced by Democrat politicians and church leaders of several denominations. They came by the busload from UFW headquarters, they marched, they threatened, they destroyed and they carried banners of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Che Guevara.

The contrast between the freedom of Christ Our Lady delivered and the mass murdering Communist slavery of Che Guevara was not lost on Josephine Gabaldon. (Shown 4th from right)

Josephine from Earlimart, California, just north of Delano organized a group of farm working mothers she called “Mothers Against Chavez.” Today I call them “The Hispanic Tea Party.” As meetings were held in churches with special services and processions for the fledgling UFW, the Mothers tried to participate and express their feelings about the tactics of the UFW organizers. They were rebuffed and not even allowed in church halls. After all, the Kennedy’s and noted church leaders were on the side of the UFW. Leftist defined Social Justice, you know.

Chavez and Huerta were showered with accolades so numerous it boggles the mind… even to today where the Obama Administration is being lobbied by the UFW to posthumously present the late Fred Ross with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Mothers Against Chavez drew some financial support from a man who flew in on his Learjet, according to her son Tony, who was 12 at the time and carrying a sign in the photo. A short time later, his jet crashed and killed all aboard.

History has a strange way of working things out. Josephine’s “Hispanic Tea Party” – Mothers Against Chavez, losing its benefactor in a plane crash never succeeded in stopping the UFW as it grew to around 350,000 members to the joy of leftists and Democrats all the way to Washington, DC with a lot of taxpayer dollars. Almost the same number of victims the Aztecs sacrificed every year to assure their food supply.

The UFW has failed to win repeated elections at farms and food processing plants whose workers were well treated. UFW is now down to less than 5,000 members – a drop of over 98%. Dolores Huerta still runs things. She still receives accolades for service to humanity through her failed union - even named to the list of “Top 100 Women of the 20th Century.”

You won’t find a word about Josephine Gabaldon, the God-fearing Founder of the “Hispanic Tea Party” – Mothers Against Chavez. Maybe some day when we are free again under our Constitution they’ll name a school or a boulevard for her.

Her son Tony, who marched with her and saw the injustices of the left is today a successful communications specialist, father of 4, including a little girl he and his now late wife adopted 4 years ago. Tony is a staunch Republican who cajoles his relatives and co-workers to wake up.

I know – Tony is my friend and his little girl is my Goddaughter. She loves having tea parties with Nana and our dog Emily. Emily enjoys the special treatment and dutifully drinks her cup of tea. And life goes on.

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Immigration - 06

Senators, Congressmen

Especially the Immigration Gang of 8 and Supporters


Why do you ask for a Cadillac when you haven’t shown you can ride a bicycle

Why make immigration so intricate?

We have existing Immigration Laws which YOU choose to ignore in violation of your Oath


Instead of 844 pages of complexity (plus who knows how many more amendments),

how about .....keep it simple.

Why enact 844+ pages of “stuff” that only lobbyists have read and will be forgotten tomorrow?


DO YOUR JOB…. Live up to your Oath

Jump all over the Executive Branch for FAILURE to Enforce existing Law.

But most of all, FOCUS on America…. Is your allegiance to 316,000,000 Citizens or 11(33?) million illegals?


Let’s go back to fundamentals, like

Don’t get the cart before the horse……..

TRANSLATION: Border Protection FIRST. Amnesty (or whatever you call it, LATER)


Don’t let the Horse out of the Barn…

In this case…..don’t let the fox into the hen house!



Don't wanna build a fence?

Why not? Fences are Great. Look at the Great Wall of China! YOU can become Famous

Besides it helps to keep out all sorts of things



Remember that old saying Feed a cold, starve a fever?

Well, it applies to our Illegal Immigration FEVER


Just give e verify to visa or amex Let them set the penalties…..but the penalties have to be returned to taxpayers….

Rubio says………..

Marco Rubio: We need to legalize immigrants so they can pay for border security


Are you kidding?

Where is there one single shred of logic/data/evidence that the Illegals are NET contributors?

…unless he means ( political doubletalk) that they will have taxes confiscated from their pay check, while US Citizen contributors pay for food stamps, housing, education healthcare, cell phones …..etc to the tune of $6,000,000,000,000?


With NO attractions (amnesty, jobs, free stuff) who will be interested in sneaking in?

ANSWER: Terrorists…. Which is why we STILL need Border Protection…. Fence +


So………….. KISS……. Keep It Simple, SIR !




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By Oscar Y. Harward


SC Sen. Lindsey ‘Flimsy’ Graham says he believes that the Republicans may be “in a demographic death spiral”.  Sen. Graham, the only ones that may apply are Moderate to Liberal Republicans In Name Only (RINO) like you, Sen. Lindsey ‘Flimsy’ Graham (R-SC) who are attempting to redirect our Conservative South Carolina and other states to a more-Liberal Democrat Party. 


You, Liberal Democrats, and RINO members of your ‘Gang of Eight’ want to add an additional $6.38 Trillion of National Debt to (y)our children, and their children, just to subsidize and grant ‘Amnesty’ to 11 Million ‘illegal immigrants’.


Sen. Graham was the Majority Senate Manager in President Bill Clinton’s Impeachment trial in 1999 for his removal from office; however, Sen. Graham was ‘ineffective’ in swaying some of his fellow Republicans and most Democrats; ending as a failure of removal on a 50 to 50 vote.  SCOTUS did later find President Obama guilty to ‘lying’ under oath; denying him to ever act as an attorney in the US Supreme Court.


‘Flimsy’ Graham verbalizes that he is ‘pro-life’; however, ‘Flimsy’ Graham makes it clear how he votes contradictory to his own words, as he votes in support of President Obama’s two most left-wing, anti-Christian, Pro-abortion SCOTUS nominees ever, and others.  Wasn’t it ‘Flimsy’ Graham who said in support of President Obama’s nominees, “Elections have consequences,”


South Carolinians have a lot of good ‘old-fashion’ ‘common-sense’; an ‘element’ lacking in ‘Flimsy’ Graham.  Giving credit where credit is earned, ‘Flimsy’ Graham is usually reliable in supporting our US Military, but isn’t he on that payroll, also?


There is serious concern asking ‘Flimsy’ Graham and others as to why should the USA send and/or provide our men and women of our US Military, any military equipment, financial resources, or anything else for either member side in the ‘civil war’ in Syria; whereas, both sides in this war ‘openly’ hate the USA and everything America is supposed to represent?  Americans and/or our other resources should not be sent anywhere in the world, just to die. 


It is apparent that being a US Senator must be a very easy job.  With an assembly of taxpayers’ paid staff, ‘Flimsy’ Graham spends a considerable amount of time ‘chasing’ TV Media cameras.


South Carolina has many potential 2014 GOP Senatorial nominees who will be more respectful to their citizens, their political values and their principles.

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By Oscar Y. Harward


SC Sen. Lindsey ‘Flimsy’ Graham says he believes that the Republicans may be “in a demographic death spiral”.  Sen. Graham, the only ones that may apply are Moderate to Liberal Republicans In Name Only (RINO) like you, Sen. Lindsey ‘Flimsy’ Graham (R-SC) who are attempting to redirect our Conservative South Carolina and other states to a more-Liberal Democrat Party. 


You, Liberal Democrats, and RINO members of your ‘Gang of Eight’ want to add an additional $6.38 Trillion of National Debt to (y)our children, and their children, just to subsidize and grant ‘Amnesty’ to 11 Million ‘illegal immigrants’.


Sen. Graham was the Majority Senate Manager in President Bill Clinton’s Impeachment trial in 1999 for his removal from office; however, Sen. Graham was ‘ineffective’ in swaying some of his fellow Republicans and most Democrats; ending as a failure of removal on a 50 to 50 vote.  SCOTUS did later find President Obama guilty to ‘lying’ under oath; denying him to ever act as an attorney in the US Supreme Court.


‘Flimsy’ Graham verbalizes that he is ‘pro-life’; however, ‘Flimsy’ Graham makes it clear how he votes contradictory to his own words, as he votes in support of President Obama’s two most left-wing, anti-Christian, Pro-abortion SCOTUS nominees ever, and others.  Wasn’t it ‘Flimsy’ Graham who said in support of President Obama’s nominees, “Elections have consequences,”


South Carolinians have a lot of good ‘old-fashion’ ‘common-sense’; an ‘element’ lacking in ‘Flimsy’ Graham.  Giving credit where credit is earned, ‘Flimsy’ Graham is usually reliable in supporting our US Military, but isn’t he on that payroll, also?


There is serious concern asking ‘Flimsy’ Graham and others as to why should the USA send and/or provide our men and women of our US Military, any military equipment, financial resources, or anything else for either member side in the ‘civil war’ in Syria; whereas, both sides in this war ‘openly’ hate the USA and everything America is supposed to represent?  Americans and/or our other resources should not be sent anywhere in the world, just to die. 


It is apparent that being a US Senator must be a very easy job.  With an assembly of taxpayers’ paid staff, ‘Flimsy’ Graham spends a considerable amount of time ‘chasing’ TV Media cameras.


South Carolina has many potential 2014 GOP Senatorial nominees who will be more respectful to their citizens, their political values and their principles.

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Jeb Bush at the recent Faith and Freedom Coalition conference said immigrants are more likely to start and succeed in small business than American-born citizens.  I assume that in making such a statement there are the statistics that bear that out.  Given Bush is correct, what does that say about our long-held belief in American exceptionalism.  Granted, we have never believed that the American people are in any manner superior to any other people around the globe.  Rather, we believe that American exceptionalism is rooted in the convergence of many fundamental concepts, e.g., limited government, free enterprise and rugged individualism, and the heritage of our nation and its unsurpassed Constitution. 

How, then, is it possible that immigrants, not raised in this environment can nonetheless excel over our own people?  How can immigrants, not exposed to all the opportunities granted the American people in the course of their growing up, out-perform Americans?  Do Bush's remarks, in effect, constitute an indictment against our national education system?  We have known for years that the education system in America, for the most part, is failing our children.  The liberals and progressives who have exerted undue influence in the system for several decades now have left it in complete ruin.  We hear and use the term "dumbing down" so much that we have de-sensitized ourselves to the problem.  We have learned to accept lower educational standards for our children.  We have learned to accept greater and greater costs to educate our children without accountability from those to whom the money flows.  Now comes Common Core, the complete takeover of the education system by the federal government (meaning the far left).  What little integrity and effectiveness remains in our education system will be completely destroyed by Common Core, as the system will complete the final leg of its journey away from a knowledge-based instructional system to a system of indoctrination and propagandism.  But that is another discussion.

The truth is, American exceptionalism is not a "right" nor a guarantee.  Yes, you can be born an American citizen, grow up in the midst of all that is America, and never be exceptional.  American exceptionalism is not a birthright, but it is a standard.  For to those who embrace it, who work hard and run the race well, their dreams are possible, albeit not certain.  But possible is enough for hope, and it is hope that compels people to commit to dreams and to endure the inevitable hardships.

American exceptionalism is a support structure, if you will, that avails itself to anyone at any time who is willing to work hard.  It is an American exclusive here for the taking.  But it is fragile, and the assault on its mighty underpinnings by the far left is fierce and relentless.  It cannot prevail under big government.  It cannot prevail if the rights and privileges accorded us by the Constitution begin to falter at the hands of immoral men hungry for power and control over us all.  Ironically, those who drink from the well of American exceptionalism are not necessarily those who are charged with its protection.  Only Americans can protect and preserve American exceptionalism, handing it down to the next generation.  Immigrants, though grateful beneficiaries, cannot participate it its preservation until they achieve citizenship status.

So, why do immigrants succeed while Americans fail?  One word - motivation.  Immigrants come to America knowing it is THE best hope in all the world where the freedom to succeed can be had.  Our own children, however, are raised with an entitlement attitude that robs them of the motivation and personal responsibility necessary to compete and to thrive.  For now, American exceptionalism is alive, however bruised.  And it remains available to anyone of any background who is prepared to appropriate it for their benefit.  If Americans are either unwilling or incapable to do so, then by all means, let the immigrants step forward.


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By Oscar Y. Harward


30 Senate RINO Republicans joined all Senate Democrats and President Obama to ‘add’ an additional ‘$6.38 Trillion’ onto our National Debt.  Where will the ‘$6.38 Trillion’ come from?  Who will RINO Republicans and Senate Democrats blame for this additional ‘$6.38 Trillion’ onto our National Debt?


How will 30 RINO Republicans and all Senate Democrats justify their vote to ‘increase our National Debt’ for an additional $6.38 Trillion, as ticketed by the CBO, to cover their votes on S. 744 of ‘inviting’ some 11 million ‘illegal’ Latinos for USA ‘citizenship’?


30 ‘RINO’ Republicans voted to ‘invite’ ‘citizenship’ to some 11 million ‘illegal’ Latinos at a cost of an additional $6.38 Trillion on an additional National Debt; Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH), Blunt (R-MO), Burr (R-NC), Chambliss (R-GA), Chiesa (R-NJ), Coats (R-IN), Coburn (R-OK), Collins (R-ME), Corker (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Fischer (R-NE), Flake (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), Grassley (R-IA), Hatch (R-UT), Heller (R-NV), Hoeven (R-ND), Isakson (R-GA), Johanns (R-NE), Johnson (R-WI), McConnell (R-KY), Moran (R-KS), Murkowski (R-AK), Paul (R-KY), Portman (R-OH), Rubio (R-FL), Thune (R-SD), Toomey (R-PA), and Wicker (R-MS)


Only 15 ‘Conservative’ Republicans voted to ‘deny’ ‘citizenship’ to some 11 million ‘illegal’ Latinos at a cost of an additional $6.38 Trillion onto our National Debt; Barrasso (R-WY), Boozman (R-AR), Cochran (R-MS), Crapo (R-ID), Cruz (R-TX), Enzi (R-WY), Inhofe (R-OK), Kirk (R-IL), Lee (R-UT), Risch (R-ID), Roberts (R-KS), Scott (R-SC), Sessions (R-AL), Shelby (R-AL), and Vitter (R-LA) voted to save our USA from Trillions of Dollars more National Debt.

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Senators, et al - Immigration

Senator or Congressman

Immigration Reform…. YOU MUST! LISTEN UP

Do we need it?………..DEBATABLE

Have you ever heard of enforcing existing law?


ANY new Bill amounts to trashing existing law…. Capiece?

Numero Uno = Enforce Existing LAW….y’all do understand LAW, eh?


Regardless, you will do what you do………….so,

  • NO Immigration Bill WITHOUT Border Protection up front , #1
    • NOTHING else till ..
    • No Immigration Bill WITHOUT 100% E-Verify #2
    • No Immigration Bill without STIFF E-Verify violator punishment
    • …. Finally, NO GIVEAWAY of MY hard earned tax$$$ as Food Stamps/Rent/Medical/etc
      • My ancestors and I EARNED our benefits…so should ALL others

VOTE NO in the Senate

VOTE NO in the House

Until/Unless we have a bill that “Preserves and Protects America” , YOU are violating your Oath of Office

… case you might obfuscate that, re-read the bullets above Border Protection, E-Verify…Capiece?

Violation of Oath is a crime, agreed?

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Government Gone Illegal

Government GONE Illegal

In a report about Obama meeting with Illegal aliens it is pointed out that he has refused to meet with Border Patrol Agents for their views in Immigration.

Obama refuses to meet with Border Agents

I think the DHS has gone ILLEGAL

= = = = =

“To be effective any immigration reform bill must heed the warnings from our federal immigration agents,” the letter reads. “Unfortunately, far from being included in the process, ICE officers have been shut out and have even had their day-to-day operations handcuffed by DHS officials to the point of being unable to carry out their sworn duties. These brave whistleblowers have been left with no other option but to file a lawsuit in federal court to fight the abuse of power from DHS leadership.”

= = = = = =

…”handcuffed by DHS officials to the point of being unable to carry out their sworn duties.”


Preventing someone from carrying out their sworn duties sounds ILLEGAL to me.


Imagine the howling if Obama was handcuffed from carrying out HIS sworn duties!


We want Government of/by the People; NOT Government ON the People.

Come on Obama! Shape up!

STOP using OUR White House as your personal Community Organizing HQ.



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Immigration -03

Immigration -03

A lot has happened since my original posts

Here is the link to the 2nd post

Immigration -02

Which has a link to the 1st post.


Since then I have discovered there is buried in the 844 pages a National Biometric Database.

I emailed several……….




I also responded to a “Rubio Victory” beg-for-$$$


         Here is part of my reply

 = = = = = =

Sen Rubio,

You are not right.

You are wrong.

You will NOT get one red cent, not even a BINGO token so long as you are pushing Amnesty.

How unfortunate that you lost your way into the Gang of 8

Not terribly different from other unfortunate kids who get lost in street gangs.







 = = = =  = = = = =

A friend also shared his thoughts to Rubio directly

  1. 1.       Get OUT of the Gang of 8
  2. A group that has lost it’s way. with CONFUSED Strategies
  • $17 Trillion in Debt
  • President who wants to be Fidel Castro
  • NO longer safe from Terrorist Attacks
  • The Elite Ruling Class “President” didn’t/won’t defend an American Ambassador
  • 23 million people unemployed/underemployed
  • Free Food stamps and Cell phones for  MILLIONS of Votes
  • Ignored warnings about Boston Marathon Bombers
  1. Create MORE Unemployment
  2. Spend  $6.3 TRILLION MORE of Taxpayer $$$$
  3. A link to an LA Times Article that SPELLS it OUT
  • I wish I had the link, but I don’t
  • So…… is the “blood and Guts”


This is absolutely unsustainable thus it is the making of a perfect storm.


Just One State , this is only one State...............
If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will !

 See Photo of California below …

>From the L. A. Times

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal aliens working without a green card.

95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

75% of people on the most-wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports
half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. Are Spanish speaking.

10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 4.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County .)

(All 10 of the above statements are from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue!


Send copies of this letter to at least two other people. 100 would be even better.


And you wonder why Nancy Pelosi wants them to become voters!



  1. Can you BELIEVE IT?
  • It is hard, but …………………………….
  • Like so many STREET GANG kids in S Miami
  1. 8.       RUBIO …. Your Parents would CRY if they knew!...
  2. 9.       STOP IT
  3. 10.   GET OUT……………..NOW



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Obama, Progressivism, Disaster – 2

Obama, Progressivism, Disaster – 2

The prior post… part 1 is available at

Part 1

Now to continue to Part 2

Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system;

[[MGI...]]] … which is what BHO is doing today, even as he adds millions to the welfare roles

 the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands.

[[MGI...]]] Aha…. Preaching SABOTAGE, CRISIS, REVOLT….. sounds like a hate speech to me… send them to jail…. But BHO has an opening…… Having fomented political/financial crisis, BHO becomes DICTATOR via declaration of Martial Law…. PLANNED/Aggravated Crises… THE Obama strategy.

HIS Chief……..”Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste

….and Obama’s Corollary…… Lacking a serious crisis…. Generate one!

The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state.

[[MGI...]]] Republicans have been fighting the inadequacy of welfare ever since FDR (Social Security) and LBJ ( War on Poverty)….both demonrats

Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals.

[[MGI...]]] I think that will work just fine on nobama; MAKE HIM LIVE up to his rules!

When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and  

[[MGI...]]]……..oooops… who slipped THAT in…..” every implicit promise of the liberal social contract,”

 human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether,

[[MGI...]]] Oh…such as existing law on Immigration, Border Protection, Guns, but with a twist………NOT to replace the Capitalist Rule book, but to replace the Socialist regime

 and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one.

Enough for Part 2…. It should be clear that Nobama has a Plan – DISASTER.

……………more later

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Fax to Sen. Graham ( R???? - SC)

Numbers USA is a terrific Organization.

You can send a Fax to your politician (canned or customized) and they DO NOT BEG for $$$

Here is a fax I sent to Sen. L. Graham (R???-SC)

If you are from SC…….. copy and paste this or dial up Numbers USA

Graham needs to be brought back to earth!

I sent this to Sen. Graham.

He needs to hear from you too

  = = = = = = =

Mr.                                                                              4-21-13
Address blanked out

Phone blanked out

Senator Lindsey Graham
U.S. Senate, 290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Graham:

It is disappointing that you keep telling the media that South Carolina's voters are "sold" on an amnesty for illegal aliens. This is not the case and you know it! I hope you will start putting the needs of South Carolinians ahead of the wants of illegal aliens!

You say you're not feeling the heat like you used to on illegal immigration and amnesty. Just how much heat do you need to feel before you start taking the concerns of South Carolina's voters seriously? Giving any benefits, let alone a "pathway to citizenship" to illegal aliens, is incredibly unpopular in our state and we've made that loud and clear. Unfortunately, you insist on pushing forward on legislation that would do just that.

You also say you won't back down on this issue. I wish you would fight this hard for unemployed South Carolinians as you are for your cheap-labor employers who are backing an amnesty.

Know this...... IF you won't back down and start representing SC Citizen Taxpayers, you will have one vociferous foe in 2014.
I can not afford a Senator who misrepresents my positions.

An American for sovereignty,



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By Oscar Y. Harward


Terrorism is growing as it crisscrosses across America.  President Obama, the Democrat Party, and the ‘main-stream’ Medias continue to welcome and support 2.6 million Islamic Muslims and another 11.5 million ‘illegal immigrants’ into our great nation.  Many ‘illegal immigrants’ are ‘demanding’ equal freedoms as ‘legal’ Americans have; a policy supported by President Obama and a majority of Capitol Hill Democrats.  As there are no individual ‘checks’, all ‘illegal immigration’ allows more ‘terrorism’ into our neighborhoods.


On Monday, April 22, 2013, the Democrat controlled Senate Judiciary Committee has a scheduled hearing on ‘Immigration’ and/or ‘illegal immigration’.  The Democrat controlled Senate has scheduled some 15 ‘Pro-Immigration’ witnesses as compared to 4 ‘Anti-Immigration’ witnesses; a more unfair balance in witnesses to any open debate.  ‘Illegal immigration’ and criminal activity is relevant to all ‘immigration’ wherever they come from.


Why doesn’t the ‘main-stream’ Medias demand the majority Democrat Party Senate to allow a more balanced Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing request?  Law enforcement recognizes the explosive potential growth of criminality in (y)our communities.


Islam has hundreds of years of terrorism in their society.  There is one common factor to indicate Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’.  “Allah’s Apostle (Muhammad) said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror” Bukhari V4 B52 N220.


In 1921, Sir Winston Churchill, in a speech to the House of Commons, spoke of a militant Islam sect, the Wahabis, more violent than any in history, which would kill their own sisters for wearing the wrong attire. These fierce zealots would terrorize the West with bomb-carrying Jihadists who would burn embassies and destroy buildings by their passion to sacrifice their lives for guarantee of Islam heaven.


If I may rephrase Danny Jeffrey:  Islam is coming to America.  It is touted to be a religion but it lacks any of the qualities that are part of anything that we here in the west would regard as religion. There is nothing uplifting about Islam. It is a belief based on hatred, death, domination, slavery and blind allegiance to a man who was himself a pedophile.


With all this history, ‘main-stream’ Medias continue their support of a Democrat Party agenda of ‘Islam as a Religion’ and the Democrat Party’s ‘illegal immigration’ policies as established; differently from current ‘legal immigration’ legislation.  It appears the Democrat Party, main-stream Medias, Islamic Muslims, and other ‘illegal immigrants’ are selling the same ‘direction of destruction’ political agenda; and wrongly selling their unjust message of our Constitution based on Christian values and freedoms.


On Sep 5, 2012 in Charlotte, NC at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) Convention, the Democrat Party had more ‘Islamic Muslims’ as ‘Delegates and Alternates’ than ever in their history.  On an open vote, a clear majority of all Delegates and Alternates wanted to continue the removal of “God” within the Democrat Party Platform.


The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. - Psalm 14:1 (KJV)


If we are to use critical thought, we must have a firm foundation. All Muslims agree that:

“There is no god, but Allah and Mohammed is His messenger.”


Would you believe that as recently as on September 11, 2012, President Obama’s administration rewarded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a Boston Marathon ‘bomber’, with American Citizenship in Boston?  Older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who never the less could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence conviction.  ‘That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.’


Other ‘bomber’, little brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was arrested on April 19, 2013, was granted asylum in Arlington Virginia on September 27, 2002, and later was rewarded with American Citizenship on September 11, 2012 in Boston.


Why did Attorney General Eric Holder direct FBI agents ‘not to read’ alleged Boston Marathon ‘bomber’ Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the ‘Miranda Rights’?  Will the Federal Courts now deny the United States from prosecuting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?  Will this ‘deliberate legal failure’ set this alleged killer free?  If so, what then?  What may be next?


Islamic Muslims in America, and ‘around the world’, are attacking and killing Christians‘Main-stream’ Medias ignore or fail to report these Islamic attacks and/or killings, for whatever reasoning, as the ‘main-stream’ Medias judge these atrocities.


President Obama and a majority of Capitol Hill Democrats continue their support of more Islamic Muslims immigrating into our USA.  ‘Main-stream’ Medias are in support or are silent on the issue.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) Platform has many social issues agreeing with our US Constitutional ‘Christianity’ values: Support our Constitution; Support  sanctity and dignity of ‘Life’ over abortion; Secure our Borders;  Make our Military number one in the world; All members of our Military will be under US Command; Smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes; a Balanced budget; Protect the Second Amendment; Freedom of Religion; Maintain a free and secure Israel; to name a few.


As the RNC Platform demonstrates policies equal to our Constitution based on Christian values, the Democrat Party and their DNC Platform is joined by Islamic Muslims and ‘main-stream Medias’ to disrupt our nation; as regular reports outside the ‘main stream’ Medias.


Islam and Sharia Law is conflicting to our Constitution based on Christianity and our Holy Bible.


Do not be misled!  Any new ‘immigration’ legislation in support of ‘illegal immigrants’ from around the world will ‘magnify’ the Democrat Party and ‘shrink’ the Republican Party as more Constitutional freedoms are denied.


It is most ‘dishonorable’ for the ‘main-stream’ Medias to hide behind the ‘First Amendment’ in joining a Democrat Party agenda, ‘illegal immigration’ and ‘unbelievers’ over a Republican Party with a Platform based in support of Constitutional values and freedoms.

Read more…

Immigration - Gang of 8 - America -02

This is the 2nd in a series of blogs about Immigration

Here is a link to the first one

This blog addresses ONLY the element of Border Protection from "the Bill" ( check links below to access the Bill 113 S.744))

= = = = = = = =

About the 2013 Immigration Act

The Gang of 8 has released their proposed “Comprehensive” Immigration Act

Firstly, who are the Gang of 8?

  • Michael Bennet  (D-CO)
  • Chuck Schumer (D- NY)
  • Dick Durbin ( D – IL)
  • Bob Menendez ( D – NJ
  • John McCain ( R- AZ)
  • Jeff Flake ( R- AZ)
  • Marco Rubio ( R- FL)
  • Lindsay Graham ( R- SC)



Here are some reference links

National Law Review Summary

Thomas LOC


Sen DeMint Comments



And some correspondence from an unnamed Senator to a Constitutent.

This excerpt is limited to Border Protection.

It demonstrates the ambiguous language Senators use to “try to slide by”

My comments illustrate the ambiguities.

Hopefully my suggestions make more sense…………let me know

 = = = =

 Dear Mr. xxxyyy

     Thank you for sharing your concerns about immigration reform.  No matter how anyone feels about this issue, we all can agree the system we have is broken--and it needs to be fixed.


     But if we try to deport the 11 million people who are working in this country with undocumented status, it would devastate our economy.

[[ME...]]] Says WHO?...... What about the TRILLIONS we will save in ILLEGAL Federal Benefits?......... That statement is typical Wash BS ---- pure UNSUPPORTED  bull feces!


     Their plan for immigration reform has a number of key elements, the first of which is that there is going to have to be real border security.  It's hard to patrol a border of thousands of miles, particularly where people can merely walk across.  But it has to be done in the context of overall immigration reform.

[[ME...]]] Context of overall immigration reform is more forked-tongue Wash double speak.

The Senator does NOT reveal that the Bill treats Border Security as a “Ho-Hum” 5 year experiment with provision for an “After-Study” IF it is declared a failure.

The Bill creates a “ GOAL”…. A GOAL that has to run for 5 years before being evaluated. THEN, if the GOAL has not been met, a Commission to Study the problem is created.

How about this Mr. Politician……

  • Put all benefits on hold immediately ( benefits and the Bill is another whole story)….
  •  a diversion ….about Benefits
    • An individual who has been granted RPI status is not eligible for any Federal means-tested public benefit (as such term is defined in section 403 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1613)).
    • …. Should also include “ALL OTHER PUBLIC BENEFIT” too
    • Better …………Do the study first…. 9 months should be plenty
      • Define the resources needed …. At least for the GOAL, but more for ADEQUATE Border Protection
      • I defined ADEQUATE for Ms. Napolitano as :                                          
      • When INFLUX of illegals is LESS  than EFFLUX….. or simply                              

                              When MORE are LEAVING than are Coming IN

[[ME...]]] Then…. Get it implemented within the next 12 months, with weekly “effectiveness” reports


     We also need to have an effective way for employers to verify whether the people they hire are eligible to work here.  This also has to be part of any immigration reform.

 …………..separate issue……….more later…………

Read more…

Debt Guns Immigration

McCain & Lindsay…… gotta go!


It is one of a vast minority of RNC dispatches that address a real issue

GOOD for the RNC…..

Maybe they got the message that until they go to work for America, I will go to work against the RNC.

Anyway, their “Supporter” ranted……… and I agree….

We MUST stop immigration giveaway amnesty…. It is a BIG component of future spending

We must stop the news-grabbing gun-grabbing hype…. But it is SO important.

It is not too much to expect that our high priced help in Washington can handle several issues.

Especially if they do them one at a time……..

  1. Cut Spending……check my Debt Reduction Initiative
    1. DRI
  2. Gun- Control is great IF……….
             It punishes BAD Guys but Protects the Innocent
             Show me a bill that DOES NOT punish the innocent, and I’ll support it
  3. Immigration is wonderful, if done LEGALLY
  4. NO/NADA/ZIP/ZILCH rewards for law breakers
      1. NO anchor baby hotels or anchor babies
      2. E-Verify for ALL …with TEETH…including Employers
      3. Green cards for every College Grad that agrees to stay/work in America for 10 years

Now his rant

= = = = =  = = = =

When the number one problem in the Country is the Debt and Spending we have the Gang of 8 doing a horrible Immigration bill that is being sold as one thing when it is really something else and is being pushed by Lindsey Grahamnesty and John McCain the News hound.

These two guys should be reprimanded by the GOP as RINOS and wasting the taxpayers money chasing a ghost for their own publicity.

I think these two are the best Obama Supporters in the Senate.

Why do we want to support garbage these two use to help the President change the subject from the Importance of Reducing Spending and Reducing the Debt to chasing an Immigration Bill and trying to Destroy the Second Amendment.

 But it puts McCain and his side kick Grahamnesty on 4 or 5 Sunday talk shows every weekend. They also appear to be trying to keep up with the President on how long they can grow their noses. And McCain was one of the few RINOS that voted for the Gun Bill...... What a pair of Jokers.... get them off the role call we do not need them leading the band of idiots that are destroying the credibility of the Republican Party.

The GOP needs to sit down with both of them and tell them the jig is up to go to work on the priorities of the American people and stop supporting every whim of the President......

I would appreciate a reply ... I write this knowing everyone I talk to and I talk to many see them the same way I do.....  I will not support the Republican party if Graham and McCain don't shut up......and start working on the Debt..... and not take the divergence given them by the President....

Sent: 12/13/2012 1:55:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Cut the spending




Time is running out, but President Obama and his liberal allies in Congress refuse to enact serious spending reforms to avoid the looming fiscal disaster. Instead, they are holding our economy hostage until they get what they want - massive tax increases and more reckless spending.

The president may want more spending, but the American people don't. We can't keep mortgaging our children and grandchildren's future.

Significant spending reform would not only allow us to avoid the devastation of the fiscal cliff and its across-the-board tax hikes, but it would also put us on a path toward a more secure future.

Too much is at stake to sit idly by. Sign the petition and call your representative to tell them it's time to cut spending.




Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.




Read more…

I wrote another letter to my Representatives US Senators Marco Rubio and Bill nelson, and House of Representative Congressman Bill Posey.

Date : 03/06/2013 Time - 11:50 am


Respected Representatives,

I just received this reply from US Senator Bill Nelson of Florida and I am greatly disappointed in our Representatives decision. There are millions of AMERICANS out of work and you want to keep nearly 12 to 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS that are sucking away very precious US CITIZEN PAID RESOURCES ? DO YOU WANT TO CUT ENTITLEMENTS AND WASTED EXPENSES FROM THIS GOVERNMENT ??? DO OUR SO-CALLED REPRESENTATIVES IN OFFICE NOW WANT TO JOIN THESE ILLEGAL INVADERS OF OUR COUNTRY IN DESTROYING THIS NATION ?


This is the response letter I received.
Please do not reply to this e-mail. If you need to send another message to Senator Nelson, please use the form on his Web site:

Dear Mr. Gamble:

Thank you for sharing your concerns about immigration reform. No matter how anyone feels about this issue, we all can agree the system we have is broken--and it needs to be fixed.

But if we try to deport the 11 million people who are working in this country with undocumented status, it would devastate our economy. So, I agree with the bipartisan group of senators, that there are steps we can take to ensure we're not amplifying the problem.

Their plan for immigration reform has a number of key elements, the first of which is that there is going to have to be real border security. It's hard to patrol a border of thousands of miles, particularly where people can merely walk across. But it has to be done in the context of overall immigration reform.

We also need to have an effective way for employers to verify whether the people they hire are eligible to work here. This also has to be part of any immigration reform.

I think the principles laid out for them by the bipartisan group are very good. Anyone who is here must follow the rules, not have a criminal record, pay a fine, learn English, and go to the end of the line to have an opportunity to get a green card. Those who are unwilling to play by these rules should be deported.

Be assured that in this debate I'll work to strengthen border security and for the creation of a guest-worker program that is functional. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future.

Bill Nelson

P.S. From time to time, I compile electronic news briefs highlighting key issues and hot topics of particular importance to Floridians. If you'd like to receive these e-briefs, visit my Web site and sign up for them at




We are tired of this crap ! DO YOUR JOBS FOR US CITIZENS ! There are millions of US CITIZENS THAT NEED JOBS !

Send all those ILLEGAL SPONGES back where they came from.


YOUR INCOMPETENCE ALLOWED A KENYAN BORN MUSLIM COMMUNIST INTO OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Now, even under a so-called 'Sequester' this criminal is sending support to ISLAMIC RADICALS...while the US CITIZENS are being threatened with WHITE HOUSE RETALIATIONS by cutting services and even eliminating VOLUNTARY TOURS THRU THE WHITE HOUSE...

EVERY REPRESENTATIVE that votes to allow these criminals in this country will have my total rejection and I WILL ADVOCATE VERY LOUDLY EVERY WHERE I GO AND I WILL EXPRESS THIS OPINION TO EVERY ONE I KNOW.

I have HUNDREDS of friends on social sites...and those friends also have hundreds of friends...AND WE WILL BE HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR COME ELECTION TIME, I GUARANTEE YOU THAT FACT.

You all had better start getting your effects packed and ready to head back to what ever home you have left if you keep this crap up. You will be out of a job and when we finally do take this country back to were it needs to be, THERE WILL BE NO FREE RIDES FOR PAST REPRESENTATIVES EITHER....ANY OF THEM AND NO PUBLIC SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION OR OTHER BENEFITS OF ROYALTY THAT YOU ARE GETTING USED TO IN OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICES.


Robert Gamble - 82nd Airborne Artillery 1977

Read more…

As many of you know, communicating with our Senators is severely hindered by an archaic firewall they have felt necessary to put up.

I will send this in "plain text" via their protected protocol.

But y'all should know about this communication.

In fact you should each/all send the link of this Post  to your Senators and Representative

(I am currently UN-Represented in 1s District SC) so it only goes to my Senators

Perhaps with a burst of unknown reserve energy I will seek out email addresses for all 16 who wish to

"represent Me" and send this to them also.

Until then,


= = = = = = =

Sen. L Graham

Sen. T Scott


I am writing as a troubled citizen.

The course of our Nation, driven by y’all, is VERY troublesome.

In case this is too long for you to read thru, here is the wrap up

 = = = = = =

Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)



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Now, before you click off, read at least this……….

 we have public blogs trashing Sen. McCain.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Sen. Graham, your alliance with McCain on Immigration makes you especially vulnerable/suspect.


You likely don’t have the time or interest to personally review he links that follow.

But, trust me, they should OPEN your eyes.

At least charge your staff with reviewing and reporting on these views ; held by Patriots of America.

Don’t let that happen to you!

Here are some links to a blog and comments in reply.

Don’t let that happen to you!

The main blog………


Questions for Senators… this post from “bobmann101” is LONG but revealing.

Study it.

Don’t let that happen to you!



This post asks that you stop being complicit… also LONG but revealing

Don’t let that happen to you!



stranger said……. They aren’t listening anymore… We seem to have 535 Dead Fish in Washington.

Don’t let that happen to you!


Strippling Warrior posted a very ominous thought.

This begins to address the Gov’t DHS orders for 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS of AMMO and 2700 Light Armored Vehicles (MRAP?)




Read more…


By Oscar Y. Harward


Some Conservatives are unhappy as how our government has swayed to the left, now suggest a new Constitutional Convention.  My response is with President Obama in the White House, and a Liberal Democrat controlled US Senate, a Constitutional Convention would likely end up with an even more left-wing Socialist-led Constitution than under our current.


The same applies to new legislation on ‘Immigration’‘Legal immigration’ is not broken. Do not allow the Liberal Democrats and Republicans In Name Only (RINO) to falsely convince you otherwise.  Do not follow their ‘aggressive and hostile’ policies to change our Constitutional system.


‘Legal immigration’ is where the heart and the brain unite; all is welcomed!  ‘Illegal immigrants’ must follow our ‘immigration’ laws that have worked well for more than 200 years.  Our Capitol Hill Democrats and Republicans must stop the invasion of unidentified, unknown, and all criminal ‘illegal immigrants’ from stealing and/or purchasing a fraudulent Social Security and/or Driver’s License, etc. of Americans identities, prior to and/or after their arrival?


RINO Senators, namely, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have been so ‘aggressive and hostile’ by allowing Democrats Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL.), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), and others into supporting new ‘immigration’ to some 11 million “illegal immigrants” into our great nation.


Anytime Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Robert Menendez, and/or Sen. Dick Durbin are leading legislation(s), it is not good for Republicans.  It is not good for law-abiding and/or tax-paying Americans.


America is in a depressed economy and we are seeing even more disappearing jobs, while President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats are demanding more taxes that destroy more jobs.  Who, how, and when is the $16.5 Trillion debt to be paid?  Americans are searching for jobs.  Americans should come first.  “Illegal immigrants” must be rejected.  Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R-AL) says this newly proposed legislation will add Trillions of dollars more to our national debt.


President Obama and every Capitol Hill legislator should be asked, “Who, how, and when is our increasing ‘National Debt’ to be paid that has now passed $16.5 trillion?  More ‘illegal immigrants’ would take more of our American jobs.  These same ‘illegal immigrants’ are increasing American taxpayers’ more cost for their education, food assistance, healthcare, housing, etc.  Are you willing to force (y)our child(ren), (y)our grandchild(ren), etc. to be further burdened with even more debt?


Each Republican who supports new legislation on ‘illegal immigration’ is a Republican In Name Only (RINO) who may unknowingly support more of the ‘Socialistic’ Democrat Party control.  New immigration legislation for ‘illegal immigrants’ will ‘magnify’ the Democrat Party.

Read more…


By Oscar Y. Harward


Do Capitol Hill legislators and/or the main-stream Medias have any respect for over 600,000 American men and women who have given their lives in the Military and/or the millions who have served in defending our Constitution, our American Flag,  and our freedoms?  Someway, we must stop President Obama and Capitol Hill legislators from granting ‘freedoms to criminals’.


Now, President Obama, and the US Senate ‘Gang of Eight’ are attempting ‘freedoms for criminals’, including Sen. Robert Menendez who employed Luis Zavaleta in his Senate office; an ‘illegal immigrant’ and a registered sex offender.  The Miami Herald  reports “FBI agents late Tuesday night raided the West Palm Beach business of eye doctor Salomon Melgen, left, suspected of providing free trips and even underage Dominican prostitutes to U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J. — who has denied what he calls the “fallacious allegations.””  Homeland Security instructed federal agents not to arrest Zavaleta until after Election Day.


Sen. Menendez is not being forced out or openly implied by his fellow Senate colleagues that he must resign from his US Senate office or even any Senate  Democrat Party Committee. 


The ‘Gang of Eight’ consists of Democrats Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL.), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO).  They are joined by Republicans Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ).


Anytime Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Robert Menendez, and/or Sen. Dick Durbin are leading legislation(s), it ‘ain’t’ good for Republicans.  Their voting records will sustain this accusation.  What and why are Republicans so intense in support of the Democrat Party Platform and a disgrace to all Americans who have served and/or died to defend our Constitution, our American Flag,  and our freedoms?  Instead, support the Republican Party Platform on ‘immigration’, and nothing less.


Illegal immigrants are invaders of the USA as they purchase and/or steal an American identity; Social Security number, Driver’s License, etc., and often survive off the government for subsidized housing, food, education, healthcare, etc.; all at American taxpayers’ expense.  The USA currently has some 11 million to 12 million Latino ‘illegal immigrants’.  Some suggest another 11 million ‘illegals’ from the Middle East and North Africa, a breeding ground for ‘terrorists’.


Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R-AL) says, “A large-scale amnesty is likely to add trillions of dollars to the national debt over time, accelerate Medicare’s and Social Security’s slide into insolvency, and put enormous strain on our public assistance programs.”


President Obama and every Capitol Hill legislator should be asked, “Who, when, and how is our increasing ‘National Debt’ to be paid; currently approaching $16.5 trillion of debt?  Are you willing to force (y)our child(ren), (y)our grandchild(ren), and further generations to be hopelessly burdened with your created debt?”


Without a ‘stoppage’ and ‘reduction’ of our rocketing National Debt and a newer form with higher cost on ‘immigration’, President Obama and every Capitol Hill legislators are driving our policies achieving in the direction of retaining bank robbers and employing these corrupt individuals as police officers and/or bankers.


Enforce current ‘immigration’ laws first.  Law-abiding Americans welcome ‘legal immigration’.  Criminal Americans support ‘illegal immigration’.


Do not be hoodwinked allowing Liberal Democrats and RINO Republicans to grant ‘freedoms for criminals’ or other Constitutional freedoms to repetitive offenders.  Do not believe it when main-stream Medias tell you that ‘legal immigration’ is broken.  It is not!  It has been legal, fair and equal, honorable, and successful for more than 200 years.  Many elected and/or appointed officials are, themselves, violating our Constitution, US Code, and our enclosed ‘Immigration Laws”.


If ‘illegal immigrants’ love America’s freedoms so much, they will seek to obey the laws of the USA that have been so privileged by many for more than 200 years.  Legal Americans deserve our jobs and our freedoms.


Do not permit President Obama and Capitol Hill legislators to provide ‘freedoms for criminals’.

Read more…


By Oscar Y, Harward


The USA is in a recession and/or a depression.  Many Americans are searching for jobs in the ‘private sector’, yet Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and many Republicans In Name Only (RINO) are coordinating with Capitol Hill Democrats to scrap a near perfect ‘legal Immigration’ system; new legislation to open more ‘illegal immigrants’ to take more of our American jobs while these same ‘illegal immigrants’ are increasing American taxpayers’ more cost for their education, food assistance, healthcare, housing, etc.


Speaker John Boehner, Sen. Mitch McConnell, and Republicans should be focusing on requiring the lawless elected and appointed government officials to obey the Constitution, our US Code, and our ‘legal immigration’ laws; not ignoring and/or disobeying our laws.  For now, these GOP leaders are following and granting more ‘lawlessness’, rather than leading Americans under our Constitution and US Code.


Please explain to me and many others.  What is wrong in requiring ‘illegal immigrants’ to follow our ‘immigration’ laws that have worked very well for more than  200 years; and to stop ‘illegal immigrants’ from stealing and/or purchasing a fraudulent Social Security and/or Driver’s License, etc., prior to and/or after their arrival?


Furthermore, how are Boehner, McConnell, his RINO Republicans, and his Liberal Democrats going to prevent more ‘terror’ from being approved to relocate and live in our neighborhoods?


Back on the economic issue, under the Obama administration’s ‘political policies’, our economy may get even worse with increasing unemployment and more snowballing inflation; 
however, Obama can always blame it on G.W. Bush and the main-stream Medias will follow.


Speaker John Boehner, Sen. Mitch McConnell, his RINO Republicans, and his Liberal Democrats continue to spend as if America has ‘unlimited Federal funds’.  Boehner, McConnell, and his RINO Republicans continue to negotiate away more of taxpayers’ Federal money and our Constitutional freedoms.  They say one thing, only to continue to negotiate and spend (y)our taxpayers’ money on a ‘credit card’ leaving more and more debt to our children, their children, etc.


Conservative Republicans all across America are becoming more disgusted with the Senate and Congressional Party leadership.  The GOP leadership of today is joining Democrat Party’s policies by duplicating their Liberal political policies in more recent years.


It is time to say ‘NO MORE” to Liberalism.  Quit negotiating with Liberal Democrats as if you are defenseless and indecisive children.  Save our nation!  Americans are waiting!

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