laden (3)

4063823058?profile=originalOsama bin Laden - Professor says he was a freedom fighter

photo credit - Telegraph

A California professor is teaching his students that the devastating attack on America on September 11th 2001 was engineered by an Osama Bin Laden: Freedom Fighter, according to Fox News. Professor Emmit Evans who teaches at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo is using his political science lectures to rewrite history for students who in taking his class must use his book.

The book, which he co-authored called “The Other World,” portrays the mass murdering Al Qaeda mastermind and leader of the terrorist organization as a simple freedom fighter. On the other hand this leftist-leaning lecturer portrays the United States as, a “neocolonial power,” that had to be targeted for its efforts to “prop up” Saudi Arabia.

The students learn that the means justify the ends and that innocent-minded Osama Bin Laden had to engage in mass murder of innocent Americans in order to send a message to the, “ corrupt and repressive regime” in Saudi Arabia. Dangerous rants of a fringe professor could be one way of looking at the effort by Professor Evans to sanitize the recent history of America’s national tragedy. Yet there appears to be more to this professor’s agenda than just showing Osama bin Laden as some shining white knight of Arabia.

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Obama Earns Kudus for
Bin Laden Raid, Slaying
Censure for Loud Mouth

     In an ideal world, President Obama would be telling us three weeks from now that Usama Bin Laden was killed, showing us a picture of the evil one in death, and saying that the information captured with him had already led to the killing of five other Al Qaeda bigwigs and the capture of three others. Mr. Obama deserves high praise for his decision to launch a gutsy Seal strike on the compound in Pakistan where UBL has been hiding out for about six years . . . he deserves acute censure for the idiocy of showboating on this when by merely keeping the secret for a few days, he’d be allowing American intelligence officials to deal a far greater blow to Al Qaeda. The CIA’s top officials must be going nuts taking orders from this idiot.
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
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