Myron Fagan recorded his exposé on the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations in the late 1960's on three LP Records.
Myron Fagan recorded his exposé on the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations in the late 1960's on three LP Records.
The Democrats are shrewd as is the Obama Team. Mr. Romney can only win by abandoning his liberalism-lite philosophy and embracing strong Conservative values. The Republican are being fooled and led down primrose path of moderation which will lead to a Republican defeat.
Defend and support the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES every day as it is in your own best interests to do so. The question to ask oneself is are we as Americans asleep behind the Wheel of Freedom?
This represents the most flagrant disrespect for the Constitution of
the United States, and the rule of law, represented by all the valid
amendments that have been ratified. Beyond that, it has become
representative of the most insane threat to individual rights that have
been established by our founding father's efforts in their original intent
to initiate freedom for all citizens! I'm most perplexed to see such
denigrating and reprehensible attitudes reflected by our representative's
from both side's of the political spectrum in their almost complete abandon
of their constituent's wishes and their adamant demands to effectively
legislate their responsibilities. At times it seems as all have completely
no common sense nor concern for even a realization of the most primary
pretense of right or outright rebellion and lawlessness!
I find it so amazing, that in total, the entire Legislative and Executive
Branch membership have become so unaware that any individual is
to be required to answer for their actions. This is absolutely contrary to
every established authority under GOD! To those whom more has been
given, more will be required. It always has been so simple. And it always
is to those who know their GOD. I would hope that all would give some
serious consideration to my request.
With my respective regards,
Rev. Jerry L. Robertson
Normally you would be receiving one of my blogs about Obama this, Obama that and did you know kind of information, but tonight something inside me said it’s time to do something positive like the TPN did in 2010.
It’s time to do more than kick the same political crap back and forth to each other with our comments, solutions and possible cures. So what one thing could we do that would rock Obama back on his heels and make him gasp for air? Here’s the deal – hope you all agree with my plan and let’s join together and pack Obama and Michelle’s bag and send them off with a canoe and paddle, because they surely hate Americans all Americans including the African American Community.
Let me preface a few things – we all know it’s not the color of one’s ski that makes the man. In 2008 we were thrown a big curve that we must partially assume responsibility for – we weren’t exactly engaged in 2007 and 2008. One man running for President in 2008 was a non - descript person with a fancy teleprompter and no past. The other person was an old dog who had been in the political arena too long and succumbed to the addictions of politics – he was what we refer to as a member of the Old Republican establishment.
So back to what we can do to give Obama a grand send off. It’s time to get off our duffs and join our Conservative African Americans who believe in the Constitution, secured borders, a strong Military, small Government and total transparency. Like us they’re fighting for their lives, the lives of their children and grandchildren.
There’s a rumble in the streets that is starting to finger Obama for his devious class warfare tactics. Just when Obama thinks he has the black community wrapped around his little finger some very prominent black American patriots are notifying their brothers and sisters that he is the problem not the solution.
Starr Parker, a great African American Patriot doesn’t mince words. Star has created the Black Pastor network and hundreds of pastors are joining her to “Take Back Our Country.” She says, Help me build the Black Pastor Network and protect American exceptionalism! We can all help Starr by posting her website, blogs and speeches to Conservative sites all over the Nation.
The National Black Republican Association (NBPA) remain true to their Country, their Constitution believing that all men are created equal – they are not afraid to march forward in a united effort to take back our Country. Let’s join our brothers and sisters in their effort.
There’s many more African American Patriots out there – let’s reach them via email, offer our support and unite as one group of people working for common solutions. Put Allen West, Starr Parker and the NBPA’s blogs all over the Internet, send them to our friends. Contact our Congressmen and in plain English tell them we’re joining forces with our black brothers and sisters and we’re giving them a 90 day notice to either straighten up or start looking for a new job.
In closing, a small group of people can change the World – remember the Nazarene 2000 years ago.
May God Bless Our Nation
As Always
Little Tboca
How low will they stoop, the Obama Administration that is – Joe Biden sent me another email crying the blues pleading, crawling and begging for $3.00. Joe said, “ in the last two weeks of this month, Romney and his allies had an almost 2:1 spending advantage in Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia -- and that could be the election right there.” Wow, as if I’m going to lose sleep over his Joe’s dilemma. Joe needs to find a new doghouse for he’s about to loose his bone.
Valerie Jarrett made an absolute fool of herself when she spoke with the NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists.) Cornel West and Tavis Smiley thought she was insincere and phony as a $3.00 bill parroting a sick message from Obama about his
genuine love for black people. One journalist just rolled their eyes asking Jarrett this question, “Why not just send a [campaign] video?”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz struggles trying to defend Obama’s comments “That you didn’t build that – she says businesses misinterpreted and took Obama’s statement out of context. Debbie what about his remark that the “private sector is doing fine?” Anyway the news on the streets from the National Journal is she’s about to get the Obama boot – Shultz has been a thorn in the Democrats side since she was hired to be their mouthpiece.
Nancy Pelosi is the two cents queen who just can’t stay out of the political spotlight – you know the one that told the whole World that Obamacare must be passed so we can read what’s in it. The one who scammed about 30 millions of dollars from taxpayers to create a little haven for her “tit mouse” or “salt marsh harvest mouse.” Pelosi’s just claimed that President Obama “has been to Israel over and over again.” Not on our watch Nancy, not even once since his inauguration!
The one who hands out waivers on Obamacare like they were free tickets to the zoo and the person’s whose brother-in- law received an incredible amount of our money for another dirty green scam. Well, in a last minute ditch movement to revive her image she gets in on the Chic-Fil-A controversy tweeting that she likes Kentucky Fried Chix.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said it appeared someone within the White House may have been responsible for leaks on America’s ongoing cyber war with Iran and an Al Qaeda plot to take out a commercial plane.
In response to Feinstein’s statement Obama says he has a handle on the cyber war situation and will have Holder and his buds investigate it. Isn’t that the same thing he did on the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation? It’s called sweeping it under the rug friends – Holder is still the AG and Obama is still the President there’s definitely something wrong with this picture.
Nothing new in the Democratic camp, same old lies, political rhetoric and vicious Liberal Media gossip, but wait there’s something stirring in the wind that proves Obama is desperate and struggling in his campaign; hejust got put on life support.
First the Democrats gave themselves an infusion for their Convention; they’ve decided to add “gay marriage” to their sagging party platform hoping to buy some more gay votes. The really big change in their party platform is President Bill Clinton has been asked to deliver the major speech at the Convention in an attempt to revive Obama’s Democratic fallout. Me thinks – the DEMS just hung themselves on this one.
Clinton already has set the stage in his 2007 comment on PBS about how many Presidents have been elected after serving such a short time in the Senate. This was one of the most important messages that Americans received in the history of our Country and we just ignored President Clinton. This year President Clinton acknowledged that Mitt Romney actually passed the qualification threshold for President due to his business expertise. Bill was right on both issues and his honesty has him with a 67% approval rating compared to Obama’s 44% - not bad for an ex pres folks.
So what will Bill Clinton do to prepare as the major speaker at the Democratic Convention? 2016 is etched all over his forehead and yet he’s being asked to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (President with no record.) His only alternative is to wine and dine Americans as only Clinton can do and give Mitt Romney the “roast” of his lifetime.
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
How low will they stoop, the Obama Administration that is – Joe Biden sent me another email crying the blues pleading, crawling and begging for $3.00. Joe said, “ in the last two weeks of this month, Romney and his allies had an almost 2:1 spending advantage in Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia -- and that could be the election right there.” Wow, as if I’m going to lose sleep over his Joe’s dilemma. Joe needs to find a new doghouse for he’s about to loose his bone.
Valerie Jarrett made an absolute fool of herself when she spoke with the NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists.) Cornel West and Tavis Smiley thought she was insincere and phony as a $3.00 bill parroting a sick message from Obama about his genuine love for black people. One journalist just rolled their eyes asking Jarrett this question, “Why not just send a [campaign] video?”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz struggles trying to defend Obama’s comments “That you didn’t build that –says businesses misinterpreted and took Obama’s statement out of context. Debbie what about his remark that the “private sector is doing fine?” Anyway the news on the streets from the National Journal is she’s about to get the Obama boot – Shultz has been a thorn in the Democrats side since she was hired to be their mouthpiece.
Nancy Pelosi is the two cents queen who just can’t stay out of the political spotlight – you know the one that told the whole World that Obamacare must be passed so we can read what’s in it. The one who scammed about 30 millions of dollars from taxpayers to create a little haven for her “tit mouse” or “salt marsh harvest mouse.” Pelosi just claimed that President Obama “has been to Israel over and over again.” Not on our watch Nancy, not even once since his inauguration!
The one who hands out waivers on Obamacare like they were free tickets to the zoo and the person’s whose brother-in- law received an incredible amount of our money for another dirty green scam. Well, in a last minute ditch movement to revive her image she gets in on the Chic-Fil-A controversy tweeting that she likes Kentucky Fried Chix.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said it appeared someone within the White House may have been responsible for leaks on America’s ongoing cyber war with Iran and an Al Qaeda plot to take out a commercial plane.
In response to Feinstein’s statement Obama says he has a handle on the cyber war situation and will have Holder and his buds investigate it. Isn’t that the same thing he did on the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation? It’s called sweeping it under the rug friends – Holder is still the AG and Obama is still the President there’s definitely something wrong with this picture.
Nothing new in the Democratic camp, same old lies, political rhetoric and vicious Liberal Media gossip, but wait there’s something stirring in the wind that proves Obama is desperate and struggling in his campaign; hejust got put on life support.
First the Democrats gave themselves an infusion for their Convention; they’ve decided to add “gay marriage” to their sagging party platform hoping to buy some more gay votes. The most significant change in their party platform is this - President Bill Clinton has been asked to deliver the major speech at the Convention in an attempt to revive Obama’s Democratic fallout. Me thinks – the DEMS just hung themselves on this one. Told you Joe needed to find a new dog house!
Clinton told PBS in 2007 that Obama wasn’t qualified for the role of Presidency probably due to his deplorable voting record and short time in the Senate. This was one of the most important messages that Americans received in the history of our Country and we just ignored President Clinton. This year President Clinton acknowledged that Mitt Romney actually passed the qualification threshold for President due to his business expertise. Bill was right on both issues and his honesty has him with a 67% approval rating compared to Obama’s 44% - not bad for an ex pres folks.
So what will Bill Clinton do to prepare as the major speaker at the Democratic Convention? 2016 is etched all over his forehead and yet he’s being asked to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (President with no record.) His only alternative is to wine and dine Americans as only Clinton can do and give Mitt Romney the “roast” of his lifetime.
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
Barry Soetoro.
Barak Hussein Obama.
No Birth Certificate. TestTube Baby, LIAR, Cheat, Thief
Abuser of Animals, Women, Children, America, Armed Forces, Congress, US Supreme Court, Unborn Children, Weather, The Universe as a whole, Time, Space, Matter, The World in its entirety, Israel, Syria, Africa, All the Island nations at large, The Earth, Moon, Stars, Sky, Oceans, Earth, dirt, mud puddles, curb stops, J-Johns, fire Hydrants, Emergency Rooms, Public Restrooms, ad infinitum.
He is a Tagger with No Swagger. A lungful of puss aimed at a face near you. A commander-hand-ker-chief. Never wears a napkin, drools in his sleep. Even the very air he breaths is an abomination unto the Most High God and Planet Earth.
Using an Alias and he's our elected official of the most powerful nation in this world.
At least the other runners up for this position know who their fathers are.
The choice is clear, yet, the choice is still yours.
Choose wisely America. The last 4 years should say something within your inner ear. Everyones minds-eye should be blinking and twinkling maddly at the potential of another 4 years with this self-addict.
America can not afford another mistake like this, ever. EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Max Simon Uhrig
The following eye-opening article and/or blog post was published by The Post & Email back on December 12, 2009, which I believe is worth sharing with you again-You Decide:
Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 12, 2009:
“(Dec. 12, 2009) — After 12 months of investigating the truth behind the lies which are Obama’s public persona, citizens should investigate the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by Obama supporters during the 2008 Election.
The results won’t be surprising, but the evidence should be gathered.
One such case involved the charge of falsehood leveled against the professional journalist, David Pipes. Pipes had published an article entitled, “Was Barack Obama a Muslim?” on Christmas eve of 2007.
In response, Media Matters for America attacked him, charging him with publishing falsehoods. Pipes responded in an article entitled, “Confirmed: Barack Obama Practised Islam” on Jan. 7, 2008.
Media Matters for America claims to be an organization dedicated to exposing and correcting errors promoted by the media which serve the conservative agenda. Evidently the 501©(3) non-profit is not concerned with errors promoted by the media which serve the liberal agenda — but that is another story.
Pipes in his Jan. 7th piece successfully rebutted the charge leveled against him.
But the story here is who is behind Media Matters for America, and why were they so sensitive to the issue?
According to Wikipedia, the New York Times reported that Media Matters for America was financed in March of 2004 by a group of wealthy liberals, with help from the newly formed Center for American Progress.
The Center for “American” Progress
The Center for American Progress, according to the same online “encyclopedia,” was founded in 2003, and is secretive about its sources of funding, for good reason. According to Wikipedia:
The Center has no information on its website about its funding, but the Washington Post reported that “seed money pledged by such deep-pocketed Democrats as financier George Soros (and mortgage billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler)” assisted its formation.[8] The authors of Her Way, a biography of Hillary Clinton, also assert that the Democracy Alliance, a progressive donors collective, has funded the Center. They also assert that the Sandlers and Soros provided seed money.[9]
So as early as late 2003, it can be surmised that George Soros was preparing the Obama campaign, and creating and funding organizations which would serve in the information war to spread disinformation.
The Center for American Progress has a multicultural staff. According to Wikipedia one of its major projects is publishing,
… a daily email newsletter entitled The Progress Report, which is a recap and analysis of major political news in the United States, providing a progressive perspective on the day’s stories. The authors are Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, Matthew Corley, Ali Frick, and Benjamin Armbruster.
Another principal project of the Soros funded organization is pushing the Global Warming agenda, by means of publishing,
a daily global warming blog called Climate Progress. Edited by climate and energy expert Joseph J. Romm, the blog discusses climate science, climate technology solutions and political news related to climate change. It is a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. In April 2008, TIME magazine named this blog one of the “Top 15 Green Websites”, writing that it “counters bad science and inane rhetoric with original analysis delivered sharply…. Romm occupies the intersection of climate science, economics and policy…. On his blog and in his most recent book, Hell and High Water, you can find some of the most cogent, memorable, and deployable arguments for immediate and overwhelming action to confront global warming.”[11] In March 2009, Thomas L. Friedman, in his column in The New York Times, called the blog “indispensable”.[12]
The third major project of Center for American Progress is to create and promote the modern equivalent of the communist student organization from the 60′s, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The project is advanced with the name, “Campus progress,” and has the following purpose according to Wikipedia:
Campus Progress, launched in February 2005, is the Center for American Progress’s comprehensive effort to help young people make their voices heard on issues and to empower new generations of progressive leaders. Campus Progress is active on over 500 U.S. campuses and in communities across the United States.
And Campus progress was an early bird on Obama promotion, according to the same article:
The second annual conference, held on July 12, 2006, in Washington, featured Senator Barack Obama, and was attended by over 1000 students from 48 states.
It just goes to show you that the Socialists were planing and working for years for the Obama revolution, and that all that grassroots ground-swell for Obama in 2008, was merely carefully planned and engineered foreign influence funded by the Greek socialist, billionaire, George Soros.
But let’s not forget Think Progress!
Last, but not least, the Center for American Progress editor, Faiz Shakir publishes a blog called Think Progress, according to Wikipedia. Think Progress is one of the most influential pro-Obama sites on the internet, implicated as the origin of much of the propaganda pushed by Obama’s internet “helpers,” who are rather the modern equivalent of Hilter’s Brown Shirts, since they operate on fora all over the net to harrass, insult, demean, and otherwise badger American citizens who would dare think about what Obama is saying, and conclude with facts and evidence, that he is full of it.
The site, which is run by a Victor Zapanta, was the first to put out that the Kerchner Advertorial had “racial undertones.” Following their lead, Obama supporters round the net and in Washington, D.C., began the campaign against the Kerchner Advertorial. It was during that time that The Post & Email’s website was also hacked as has been reported. (For more reports on the Advertorial click here)
The charge that the Advertorial had “racial undertones” was a clear sign that Think Progress has a deeply seated, racial bias; for in some manner they psychologically connect chimpanzees with Obama, even though in the ad no such association exists. In this way the liberals show that they are the intellectual heirs of 19th century racists, whose hatred guides their perception of reality.
The participation of Think Progress in the attack on the Kerchner Advertorial is, thus, a crucial piece of evidence showing that in all probability, the White House itself gave the command to attack the Washington Times on account of the ad.
Discover the Networks, run by David Horowitz, a former leftist, now one of the far-left’s worst critics, published a detailed exposé of the Center for American Progress and Think Progress. It is a must read to understand whose behind Obama.
The Power & Money behind the Misinformation Campaign
Today the Center for American progress, whose president is John Podesta, the former White House Chief of Staff under Clinton, is heavily funded, still, by Soros and company; according to Wikipedia:
From 2003 to 2007, the center received about $15 million in grants from 58 foundations. Major individual donors include George Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing, and Herb and Marion Sandler.
If you trace the liberal roots further, you will find that the billionaire, Peter Lewis is the President and CEO of Progressive Insurance, whose TV ads are famous.
Steve Bing is the founder of Shangri-La Business Group; at 18 he inherited $600 million from his father who made a killing in NY realestate. He wrote the screen play, “Missing in Action” in which Chuck Norris starred. But his importance to the Democrats is that he is one of their biggest consistent donors, having contributed tens of millions of dollars to their poltiical efforts in the last decade.
Herb Sandler created Golden West Financial Corporation and subsequently sold its assents to Wachovia Bank for $24 billion; his take was $2.4 billion. He is a heavy funder of strategic Democratic political organizations.
So the next time you hear that Obama was “the peoples’ choice”, ask, “Which people?”
Appendix: A Geography of Obot Land
Here is a brief listing of sites collaborating in Soros’ misinformation campaign. Mind you, don’t let yourself be trapped dialoging with these guys: truth is their enemy; pyschological warfare and misinformation dissemination is their profession:
Oh, For Goodness Sake:
Via OFGS – Jack Ryan’s “Birther Lawsuits”:
BadFiction: – this guy is an IT specialist and a member of the Society for Creative Revisionism — oops! — Anachronism
BadFiction’s Birther Calender:
Obama Conspiracy Theories:
What’s Your Evidence:
Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored: this guy began as claiming Obama was “native born” and when it was shown that that wasn’t good enough to be president, changed his tune but not his message.
Stupid PUMAs!:
Crazy Internet People:”
Note: The following websites and article and/or blog post reveal George Soros’ ultimate goal of destroying America and establishing a one-world socialist government, along with the connection between him and Obama-You Decide:
George Soros is Implementing a “One World” Socialist Government!-Posted on
The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama!
The Obama-Soros Connection!-Posted on Human Events-By LtCol Buzz Patterson-On September 9, 2010:
Note: My following blogs contain numerous articles and/or blogs and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; 3) the President's secret CIA connection; and 4) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections, which I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):
Note: The following article and/or blog by Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson, United States Air Force (Ret.) revealed Obama’s secret link to Hamas-You Decide:
OBAMA’S SECRET LINK TO HAMAS!-Posted on Human Events- By LtCol Buzz Patterson-On September 8, 2010:
Note: The following articles and/or blogs, report and videos relate and/or support the above articles and/or blogs, websites and videos-You Decide:
OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michel!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:
Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:
Video: Proof Obama’s A Muslim!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 11, 2012:
Video: PROOF OBAMA IS MUSLIM: “Ring Of Truth” Inscription!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:
OBAMA FAMILY BUSTED IN SHARIAH SCHEME: ‘Foundation funding training for Saudi-style government!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 10, 2012:
U.S.-based Marxists Subvert Friendly Regimes and Support Foreign Terrorist OrganizationsI-Posted on USA Survival News-By Cliff Kincaid-On February 2011:
Obama, Clinton, Piven, Ayers, Dohrn and Soros behind Middle East Meltdown!-Posted on Patriots News-On February 7, 2011:
You wouldn’t expect George Soros’ tentacles here, or would you? ‘Group promoting ‘peace’ in Middle East tied to Occupy, MoveOn, ACORN, more!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On December 25, 2011:
Soros fingerprints on Mideast chaos: ‘Billionaire tied to opposition leader, funded groups opposing U.S. allies’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On February 6, 2011:
Video: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt!-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 31, 2011:
Video: One World Government & Collectivism - G. Edward Griffin!-Posted on GoodFightUploads-On April 26, 2011:
Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?-Posted on American Thinker-By Nancy Morgan-On March 5, 2011:
Video: Alex Jones Show: Wayne Madsen, Joel Gilbert & Larry Pinkney!-Posted on Planet Infowars-On July 24, 2012:
Obama’s relationships: much more than guilt by association!-Posted on WMD-By Andrew L. Jaffee-On October 21, 2008:
Powerful Men Who Meet Secretly and Plan-Posted on Halifax Live-By D.L. McCracken-On 14 January 2006:
Note: What follows are 'The Betrayal Papers' published by a Coalition of Concerned Citizens via The American Report and is a six-part research and multimedia campaign that presents evidence that the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ is a fundamentalist Islamic organization recognized by many as the parent group of many of today’s terror organizations. While the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is a worldwide Islamic State (aka, Caliphate), it has established influence over the highest levels of American government.
The Betrayal Papers also revealed the incredible influence that the Muslim Brotherhood exerted over the Obama administration, many members of Congress, and on American foreign and domestic policy.
This series has been meticulously researched by a team of journalists, national security bloggers, and retired military operatives. This revelation has become an indisputable fact for those who examine the evidence. All of the information contained in this critical and informative campaign is compiled using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) best practices:
Part I – Under Obama, the US Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood
Part II – In Plain Sight – A National Security “Smoking Gun”
Part III – Obama’s Scandals and Assaults on Freedoms Explained
Part IV – A New Genocide
Supplemental Article – And the Press Says Nothing…
Part V – Who is Barack Hussein Obama?
Part VI – The Chicago Connection
Source Link:
Note: My following recent blogs relate to and/or further support the above articles and/or blogs, report, websites and videos-You Decide:
Note: My following blogs relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:
Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:
Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2014:
Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 25, 2014:
Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 13, 2014:
Vice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!
Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!
White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!
Is Obama The Godfather of The Islamic Revolution?
Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?
Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?
Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
Who or What Was Behind the Financial Crisis?’s-behind-the-financial-crisis/
ACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!
Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!
New World Order By Executive Order!
It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/
Is there a Christian basis for combating the threat of global warming?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
Letter to Congressman Allen West-RE: Congressional Insider Stock Market Trading and Agenda 21 (Land Grab Movement)!-Posted-On We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On December 9, 2011:
Update On: Explosion Of Big Corporate Influence Over Our Politics (Senate Joint Resolution 29 (S. J. Res. 29)!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On November 23, 2011:
Explosion of big corporate influence over our politics!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On November 18, 2011:
Letter To My NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 10 2011:
Letter To My NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 9, 2011:
Note: The following video shares my sentiments and hopefully yours-You Decide:
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
Hello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up Before The Lights Go Out?-God Bless The USA!
Semper Fi!
No rest for the weary. Or those thinking they will get a good night's rest. Like me.
I just had tocheck my email before turning in. "Face-palm", "For the Love Of" "Serenity Now" and all that jazz.
First, if you do not have this information saved, written down, printed out, etc, please do it now. You will want to be making some phone calls first thing tomorrow.
Let's begin with the Senate Version of CISPA and a cute little gun-control amendment being attached to it:
Congress threw us peasants a bone when PIPA and SOPA were stopped. It re-emerged with a news name, the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act" (CISPA). The House passed their version of CISPA back in April (H.R. 3523), 248 - 158. You can find out how your Representative voted here(which should be helpful to know in the upcoming Primary).
Now the Senate version, S3414 is being fast-tracked [Side Note: How about a bill to not allow any legislation to be passed during a Lame Duck Session. Fast track that one!]. Cloture passed for the bill on last Thursday by a vote of 84-11. I think many have beaten a dead horse about why this so-called "security" bill is a huge mistake, and yet another way to indiscriminately invade your privacy no matter what security measures you have taken. By how much, no one really knows but a select few. Maybe the bill has to be passed to know what is in it. Read this for opines by Heritage Foundation regarding the bill:
"Senate Cybersecurity Bill Gets Worse the More You Read It." Even if a miracle happened, and a couple of 'compromises' were added to it (the Franken and Wyden Amendments*, it is still a grab bag of items stripping away privacy rights, rather than actually successfully protecting United State's infrastructure from cyber threats. Before moving on, if you have a Twitter account, go here ==> "Stop Cyber Spying." It is a quick way to tweet your respective Senators that you oppose S 3414.
But how do you make a bad bill even worse? By having "well meaning liberals, democrats and progressives" in the Senate add an amendment in order to protect us from ourselves for we do not know what we do. Amendment S.A. 2575, the latest attack on our Second Amendment Rights (whoops - 'Gun Control') is sponsored by Democratic Sens. Frank Lautenberg (N.J.), Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Jack Reed (R.I.), Bob Menendez (N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Schumer and Dianne Feinstein (Calif.). S.A. 2575 would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition. Obviously, this add-on is to take advantage of the recent horrific murders in Colorado as a way to further the gun-control agenda.
If the sponsors of this bill happen to know the following fact, they are assuming no one else does or care (unless you are one of those right-wingers 'clinging to your guns and religion!): The standard capacity for rifle magazines is thirty rounds, not ten.Furthermore, what is to prevent someone buying 10 round magazines and and practice reloading/tape two magazines together? Researching a little bit more, I discovered what is known as a "CA Legal 30-round magazine" which actually only holds a 10-round, but it can be easily converted to its original capacity. If an insane person (like the Colorado murderer) was living in California and planning on a mass murder, he could just modify it. Do we really think that any law would stop him?
Are we supposed to be gullible enough to assume creating more laws actually force criminals to finally turn over a new leaf? When you contact your Congresspersons, also point out:
The National Research Council of the National Academies released a study with the aim of finding whether a causal relationship existed between homicide and gun ownership. It didn’t find one, and it said that the available research itself was lacking. "In summary, the committee concludes that existing research studies and data include a wealth of descriptive information on homicide, suicide, and firearms, but, because of the limitations of existing data and methods, do not credibly demonstrate a causal relationship between the ownership of firearms and the causes or prevention of criminal violence or suicide." In other words, none of the studies can prove causation. They merely examine the statistical association between gun availability and homicide.
United States, on a National level, the overall number of violent crimes have decreased even though we have/are going through the worse recession in history. States with liberalized gun laws have followed the national trend of decline, and there are others whose crime level has not changed. Then there are the states with restrictive gun laws where crime has either risen or leveled off, but then are others where crime has also declined.
If gun-control advocates justify their infringement on our Civil Rights - rights that are not subject to a majority vote, mind you - is crime control, there is no factual support for their reasons to reduce the power of or eliminate the Second Amendment, whose purpose is to protect our First Amendment. Gun control efforts hasn't been attributable to any meaningful decline.
So.....Gun control does not necessarily beget crime control. None of the studies can prove causation. They merely examine the statistical association between gun availability and homicide. And drug users, criminals and other "undesirable types" don't give damn about statistics.
*The Franken Amendment removes Section 701 from the S 3414. The section would provide companies with the explicit right to monitor private user communications and engage in countermeasures. The Wyden Amendmentrequires law enforcement officials to procure a warrant before obtaining location data from a person's cell phone, laptop or other gadgets.
Next Stop - Call the Senators Again About the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
"Talk to the hand 'cos the ear ain't listening " That's the impression I am getting from some of the Senators in the Foreign Relations Committee.
What I really think it means is, "I am enjoying my ignorance. Please do not ruin it by discussing facts or logic with me."
This Treaty is an affront to the basic rights of parents - see here and here. Last Thursday (July 26th), the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted by a 13-6 margin to send the CRPD to the full Senate.
From Michael Ramey, Director of Communications & Research at opposes this treaty because it poses a threat to the traditional role of parents in the upbringing of their children with special needs, and because it sets the dangerous precedent of expressing social, economic, and cultural entitlements as legal rights and obligations.Senators who stood with us to oppose ratificationof this treaty include: Senator Corker of Tennessee, Senator Risch of Idaho, Senator Lee of Utah, Senator Rubio of Florida, Senator DeMint of South Carolina, and Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma.
All ten Democrats and three Republican senators – Senators Richard Lugar (IN), John Barrasso (WY), and Johnny Isakson (GA) – voted in favorof the treaty.
Please Call Again
In light of this morning’s hearing, it is time to call your senators again. Even if you just called them yesterday, our effort starts over right now. Yesterday’s call was about the hearing; today’s call is about the floor vote.
In your own words, please give your senators the following message:
“I oppose ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. If our Reservations, Understandings, and Declarations are not air tight, the language of this treaty will severely damage the traditional role of parents with disabled children in making important decisions for their children. If they are not air tight, we could be obligating ourselves to sweeping changes in U.S. law to meet the demands of this treaty.
“And if our Reservations are air tight, and our nation takes on no new obligations under this treaty, then it makes no sense to adopt it. Our ratification will not make it any more binding on other countries, and it will not change the quality of the example we already set by domestic law. We are already leading the world. We do not need to spend the money every 4 years to ask for the U.N.’s opinion on how we are doing.
“I sincerely urge my Senator to oppose ratifying this treaty. The potential unintended consequences are too great a risk for a mere symbolic gesture.”
- Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Senator by name; or
- Visit and click on your state. Your Senators’ D.C. phone numbers are listed at the bottom of your state’s page.
(If your senator voted to oppose CRPD, do not call their office – but send them an email thanking them for their position.)Several senators clearly want the CRPD to pass. Right now only a few are standing up for the rights of parents by actively opposing it. But based on today’s hearing and the word from the Hill, there are still many senators undecided on this vote. So thank you for taking the time to call. Your voice can make a tremendous difference in whether or not this treaty gets the two-thirds vote required for ratification. We only need 34 “no” votes to stop it. So please call your senators today.
This image is not really relative to the post ~ I just really liked the image.
I want to try this with my dollar bill.
Howdy all! The week will begin in just a moment. But first, a word from our sponsor.
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
~ Romans 5:8
Our family had a loss this past week or so. My wife lost her step mom to leukemia. She was doing fine until she came down with shingles, and that triggered the leukemia to end her life. ‘Mom’ had a bunch of kids and grandkids, but Nancy treated us like her own. What a great woman. Tough, and kind. She worked as a lead maid in a number of upscale mansions in the Watch Hill area of southern Rhode Island, but she never let that get to her head. She worked hard to take care of her large family, and never let anyone go without. God has shown us all so many times how much he loves us. He sends us our parents, our friends, our children; all to make our lives complete and filled with happiness and love. And he gives us responsibilities along with these gifts. Our challenge in life is to make the best of our lives, and of those around us. Not a mandate or a dictatorship, but a challenge and a burden which come with happiness and sadness over time. And we make mistakes along this way, this path we take. God knows we will, so he places help along the path to offer direction and guidance. Nancy was such a person. She was always there for Terri and I when we needed her. Christ was sent to us by God to save us, which I believe unconditionally! He also sent people like Nancy, to give us a little nudge when needed. Thank you God for the gift of Nancy. And thank you Nancy for all you have done for Terri, me, and your wonderful husband, my father-in-law Ralph. May you rest in wonderful peace along Their side.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
The following is taken from "The Fearful Master" written by noted author and patriot (on the order of Paul Revere) G. Edward Griffin:
"In 1928 and again in 1936 the Communist International formally presented a three-stage plan for achieving WORLD GOVERNMENT:
1. Socialize the economies of all nations.
2. Bring about regional unions of various groupings of these socialized nations.
3. Amalgamate all of these regional groupings into a final worldwide union of socialist states."
"The following is taken directly from the official 1936 program of the Communist International:
Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries after which the proletariat republics would unite on federal lines with those already in existence, and this system of federal unions would expand length forming the World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics."
"The plan is both simple and brilliant. But have the Communists succeeded in conquering one third of the world through stupidity? Did they do it with brute force? Was it luck? The answers to these questions are obvious. One thing for which the Communists must be given credit is that they are master strategists. They know full well that they could never hope to conquer the world through military might alone. But through trickery and deception, they have developed a formula whereby they can take over America, and thus the rest of the world, without firing a single shot. Krushchev has said that when the Red flag flies over America, it will be Americans who put it there. And in that simple boast lies the key to everything the Communists and their allies are trying to accomplish through the UNITED NATIONS."
"Abraham Lincoln predicted, 'If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of FREE MEN, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
"It is a sad commentary on contemporary America that when anyone tries to call attention to the fact that known Communists have succeeded in penetrating into key positions within our government, he is usually met with a barrage of wild accusations and condemnations from the anti-anti-Communists who now seem to dominate our opinion-molding channels of mass communications. Anyone who tries to arouse his fellow citizens to the terrible danger of allowing Communists and fellow travelers in high places runs the risk of becoming the object of public scorn. He will be labeled 'extremist,' 'radical right,' 'crackpot.' He will be contemptuously dismissed with the observation, 'Oh, he sees a Communist under every bed.' This phrase has almost become the national slogan of that great army of Americans who, being afraid to examine the evidence closely lest they discover a truth too unpleasant to bear, loudly repeat over and over again, as though saying it made it so, 'It can't happen here; it can't happen here.' As a former head of the U.S. Communist party, William Z. Foster, put it: American imperialism is now strong. Its champions ridicule the idea of a revolution......they console themselves with the thought that 'it could never happen in this country,' and they scorn the at-present weak Communist party. But they overlook the detail that the same attitude was taken toward the pre-revolution Bolsheviki."
"In 1950 the State Department issued a volume entitled 'Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation,' 1939-45. It described in detail the policies and documents leading up to the creation of the United Nations and named the men who shaped these policies. This and similar official records reveal that the following men were key government figures in UN planning within the U.S. State Department and Treasury Department: Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Virginius Frank Coe, Dean Acheson, Noel Field, Laurence Duggan, Henry Julian Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Irving Kaplan, Solomon Adier, Abrahan George Silverman, William L. Ullman and William H. Taylor. With the single exception of Dean Acheson, all of these men have since been identified in sworn testimony as secret Communist agents!"
You might be asking yourself at this point that this is all history and all in the past. The point is that their replacements are alive and well and are continuing to push socialism which is the predecessor of communism. And why do they want to do that? My answer is that they are intent on creating a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT wherein they are in control of the rest of us...the sheep. They are interested in establishing a feudal type government wherein we are all enslaved without freedoms. Capitalism may have its faults and may once in a while lift your wallet but the Socialists and the Communists have a history of terminating lives and not just taking your money which they have succeeded in doing with all of their stupid and irresponsible social programs.
The Socialists are alive and well and are determined to do away with your freedoms and thus far they have been extremely successful.