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L. J. Martin
Want to know what's going on in Egypt. The questions are mine, the answers from a young Egyptian who's in the street, in the middle of the fray:
A very intelligent young man, Shehab El-tawel, who works for my internet partner and I doing web and internet work, is located in Egypt, and has been part of the struggle for democracy. I’ve posed some questions to him and he’s anxious for the American public to understand what’s happening there from the POV of the average man. His English is not perfect (and my Egyptian is non-existent), but in respect for his answers and to make sure I don’t misinterpret what he’s trying to convey, I’ve reproduced his answers verbatim. This will be an ongoing dialog, so watch for more in the near future, featured on my blog Shehab has agreed that I may use his real name. My comments delineated with a (C), and in italics and in red on some browsers, follow his answers.
He refers to "Gaz" which is the natural gas Egypt sells to Israel.
He refers to the SCAF, which is defined by as follows:
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) (Arabic: المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة, al-Maǧlis al-ʾAʿlā lil-Quwwāt al-Musallaḥah, also Higher Council of the Armed Forces) consists of a body of 20[1] senior officers in the Egyptian military. As a consequence of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the Council took the power to govern Egypt from its departing President Hosni Mubarak on February 11, 2011.[2][3]
My first set of questions:
Q) It’s my belief and understanding that the Muslim Brotherhood believes that government should be subservient to Islam, that the church should rule over all. How can Egyptians obtain a democracy with a Muslim Brotherhood president?
A) First of all we should agree that Constitution have no relation with the President of Egypt , Every political or regional Faction will share writing the new Constitution. Our Constitution isn't face any danger by Muslims Brotherhood. but all the Danger coming by SCAF . If the president will be from Muslims brotherhood so they just have to help rebuild the country for only four years. and please notice that SCAF took all the powers from the next president. So Muslim Brotherhood have no power here.
C) It’s hard for me to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood has no power in Egypt, and won’t do their best to take over the country, and that a Muslim Brotherhood president will not expedite that eventuality. Remember that Osama bin Laden and most of his followers were members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Q) Our news says that the military is in control and has disbanded the government. That, of course, is not a democratic action. However, if the military believes that the Muslim Brotherhood will eventually destroy any chance of Egypt’s democracy coming to fruition, could they be right?
SCAF is who trying so hard to protect the crimes they did and the money they collected , Its not logical to think that history of 60 years of suffering by the Military rules will be Merciful and more Democracy comparing of the Future of Muslims Brotherhood who we didn't saw yet !
C) There’s no question in my mind that the average Egyptian has suffered under former rulers and under the military. The pity is that Americans have suffered as well, as the billions we’ve sent to Egypt and other countries have long been siphoned off to accounts in Switzerland for the benefit of rulers, not the average man.
3) If the country believes in Sharia Law in the majority, will a democracy ever come to fruition?
A) You talk about Sharia while 90% of the Egyptian Law since 1971 is by Sharia law , There is no way to Put Sharia 100% instead of Law , cause Egyptian's Muslim themselves Doesn't agree. but SCAF always use like this words to scare Muslims and christians. You know that at Feb 2011 the SCAF it self said that USA is about enter egypt to make people leave Tahrir Square ?!.
C) It would be easy for the average Egyptian to believe that the USA would send troops in to squash their revolution. After all, we’ve had troops in Lebanon, Irag, and Afghanistan. It’s easy to misinterpret our intentions as no one points out that we’ve never, since the Spanish American War, stayed in any country we’ve occupied. The only Americans left were in graveyards.
Q) I know that friends of yours have already given their lives to bring democracy to Egypt. If the Muslim Brotherhood gains control of the government, and democracy becomes a sham, will those same young freedom fighters rise up against the Muslim Brotherhood, or are they one and the same?
A) We wont allow any Faction to jump on the Democracy , We would happily bleed again for defend our freedom . by the way i'v noticed that you miss to know that 80% of Egypt population hate Muslim Brotherhood ( youth, normal muslims , christians, police, army ). You talk like Muslims Brotherhood have the power to jump on the Democracy and law , While they are so week , and every one at Egypt watching them so closely !
C) I hope and pray that Shehab is correct in this, and that I’m totally over estimating the power of the Muslim Brotherhood. Shehab, from your lips to God’s ears, no matter which God you pray to.
Q) Our mutual friend advised me that you and most Egyptians feel that America is trying to control the Middle East with our military intervention and money. How would Egyptians feel if America stopped giving the billions of dollars annually to Egypt, and if so would they merely turn to Russia or China for aid?
A) Actually we don't need any money from USA , and Egyptians have said this many times.
IF USA stopped spending the taxes of americans on how to grant safety for Israel, and stopped supporting the traitors who steal our Money and sell our Gaz to israel like ( Mubarak & SCAF members ) , we wont need to go west nor east for anything. USA paid Mubarak "Not Egypt" all the previous years cause of Camp-David. and the prove that egypt really doesnt need USA money that , Egypt have been stolen since ages , and still no one at this country die out of hunger .
C) I hope every member of Congress and the president reads this particular answer. As I’ve said many, many times, we can’t buy friends, particularly when the money we send is gleaned only by those in power and does not go to help the man on the street, and his family. How stupid are we?
L. J. Martin
They are silent because news is owned almost exclusively by the infamous George Soros a self declared enemy of the state. Liberal media is not going to report anything that uncovers the truth about what is happening in our nation today. Far from it. They will continue to help the campaign to bring Socialism into our nation. Any voice that speaks out in opposition to what is taking place. Any who dare speak the truth are effectively silenced by no coverage. Look at the Rolling Thunder event that occured over Memorial Day, no one covered it from beginning to end. Nearly 500,000 riders and the media was deafeningly silent. Look at the next election voter ballot count. George Soros a company of his in Spain (a socialist nation) is going to count this years ballots. You should be scared. The media will continue to ignore every act of treason being conducted in our House Senate POTUS SCOTUS EPA Dept of Ed, FDA, and instead be sure to promelgate the homesexual issues or sexual preditor's and murders. Effectively blacking out any real and important information that you an American citizen might become alarmed about and take action against. The time to WAKE UP AMERICA! is here. The time for action of We The People has come. If we fail to stand up and depose this corrupt gov't from our nation then the idleness of inaction, the silent consent of what is about to take place is upon all our heads. The move toward socialism by this illegal alien who holds the office of POTUS and the inaction of the representatives who serve us, whose job it is to uphold and defend our constitution, will bring about forever the death of Freedom and OUR LIBERTY! Every day the senate and congress do nothing to stop this campaign to descimate our way of life and allow the enslavement of our people is another day of treason, treachery, and the instillation of the tyranny that is socialism. We The People Are The Gov't. We are not their slaves! It is time to RISE UP form a campaign enmasse and depose these tyrannical greedy corrupt ambassador's of self wealth and taxation without representation from office. Millions must take to DC and arm in arm march down Penns. Ave and ARREST THEM ALL!!! There will be no need for violence, not by those of us that are son's and daughter's of Liberty, America's true Patriot's. They will not murder million's infront of the eyes of the whole world. Even so if they did then the civil war will have begun and America would become desolate anyway. Obamanation will still have accomplished his mission. What is that mission you ask only to destroy America. It is so apparent so obvious congress and senate are in collusion with this effort, as is the Supreme Court who continues to legislate socialist ideaology from the bench. This is not the way our forefather's created our rule of law. Nor is it anytime to give up. Stop backpeddling to accusations of rascism, the far greater peril is our entire nation's enslavement to the elite's the wealthy corp's and socialist nations that will soon be too powerful to contain. A power built on our tax dollar. WAKE UP!
I went to Wikipedia yesterday, after the proclamation by BO of Executive Privilege over “Holder-gate.” I was looking for a definition of “executive privilege.” I was not really expecting anything but slanted information, but it was a start. I found the page and read through the information which started with Washington, and went through all of the presidents ending, much to my shock, with June 20, 2012, Obama’s proclamation. It had been less than 2 hours since the declaration by the White House and it was already changed. As the kids say, OMG, I felt the touch of BIG BROTHER, I immediately got off Wikipedia and came to the Tea Party site and immediately joined. We must stop this man!
Howdy all! And, hey! I’d sure hate to be Eric Holder today! It’s June 21! Summer Solstice otherwise known as ‘the longest day of the year.’ Imagine having to wait for the sun to go down alllll dayyyyyy lonnnnnggg. I wonder if the full house will wait for the end of the day to vote on his contempt charge. And since he’s not prosecuting anyone around the country for anything, all he has to do is twiddle his thumbs. Here’s some help Eric. It goes, “a hundred bottles of beer on the wall, a hundred,..”
Any hoo,….
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:7
A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired.
~ Alexander Hamilton
Well, it’s simple. People who get in position of ’authority’ usually mistaken that for power. And when that happens, the abuse of power begins. This is one of the main reason the founders included Art IV, Sect 4, first line in the Constitution. “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,..” What has been going on over the past three years, and even more intensely of late is those who presume a position of power (versus authority) are afraid of losing that power, and are doing everything they can to preserve as much power as possible. In many countries, the power would not be reversed, and the tyranny would begin. This country of ours is different. Thank GOD for that difference. The Constitution has been dragged through the mud, and lighters have lit its edges. But it still stands as our primary rule of law document. We will find out very soon how important and how powerful this document really is. You see, the power that truly exists in our country does not lie with the President, VP, Senate, Congress or even the Supreme Court. It lies with you, me, We the People. So, for those who think they have ‘the power’, it’s time to squirm. Your imagined power is about to be cut off. And for the rest of We the People, all we have to do is remember Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Embrace that peace. Keep a sharp eye out, but embrace the peace that this power grab, too, will pass.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
Fellow TPP guy sent me message concerning my post about the Chinese.
He said people who showed up at BP spill to help had to join Union and that
the Chinese Contractors exempt from the Union jobs compliancy within the
stimulus requirements.
Why am I not surprised? Becaause its JUST ANOTHER BadObama click on tearing down America and...
Because Obama is our FIRST BLACK-HEARTED President...
Everyone should write, call and e-mail your senators !
Obama is planning to ratify five treaties that give away our sovereignty to UN groups. They will give the UN authority over the US, our property rights, and our money.
ONE The Law of the Sea Treaty
This has already been signed, and Obama was going to have Richard Lugar (who was just defeated) help him get it ratified. That's right, a RINO repuplican was going to help Obama give away our sovereignty. This treaty forces us to give the UN half of our royalties from offshore drilling. Then the UN would give that money to whomever they see fit. We would get one vote out of 160 as to where the money goes. And we'd have to give our (offshore) drilling technology to any nation that wants it - free.
TWO Outer Space Code of Conduct
Using the excuse that we can't let space junk build up in space...the EU has persuaded (bet that wasn't hard) Hilary Clinton to negotiate a code of conduct. That code would ban anything that might generate any debris in outer space (littering).
Here's the real prevent the US from placing anti-missile missiles on platforms in space. That leaves us defenseless from missile attacks by N Korea, Iran, China or whomever. Lefties of all types had a hissy when Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning weapons of defense. Now they're trying to get it back in under a phony-baloney "code of conduct" to prevent littering.
THREE International Criminal Court
Hilary Clinton has reversed Bush's policy and has been negotiating over U.S. Participation in an international court. Euro-leftists who are sponsoring the court are trying to craft a new "crime of aggression"; basically going to war without the approval of the UN. If we go along with that, our president and Cabinet officials can be arrested and prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. Approval. The court could even prosecute our Generals, soldiers or whomever they say was involved at their SOLE DISCRETION. Why does Hilary want to trust the UN to have real power over our president and our military??? Does she trust them? I don't. Do you?
FOUR Rights of the Child
A fourteen member court will be set up for this one. The draft for the treaty dictates that wealthy nations will be obligated to provide monies for housing, clothing, shoes, food, and schooling for kids in poor countries. This would dictate how much foreign aid we'd be obligated for - whether we could afford it or not - regardless of our struggling economy, our debt or whatever. And WE would have NO say in it. Euro-lefties are already using this in England to stop welfare cuts that England cannot afford to maintain...imagine that...Europe is dictating welfare obligations in England.
FIVE Small-arms control
Hilary is about to start negotiating on a global ban on the export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens - so far - but most small-arms deals come from governments, specifically the US, Israel, China, and Russia. The treaty would enforce the requirement that each nation implement measures to STOP the exportation of small arms. It can easily be used to force a national registration of all guns AND ammo.
Liberals and lefties of all types may applaud this, but it's giving up PERMANENTLY large portions of our sovereignty, money, and property rights. It will function as an amendment to our Constitution.
What can we do to stop this? Tell everyone !!! Call your legislators. This is NOT a small matter.
And shame on you , DICK Lugar for assisting Obama ins getting these ratified... You had to go, you traitor; don't let the door hit ya in the ass.
Patriot Concert to "Honor Our Heroes"
Help our Veterans by spreading the word to "Honor Our Heroes". Concert is tomorrow 21 June 2012 at Colorado National Speedway 6-10pm. If you can't attend, then donate a ticket so a veteran can attend. Proceeds support needs of our veterans: and families including issues of homelessness, Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), unemployment and service connected disabilities. Check out more details at .
Obama creating Chinese Jobs by letting Chinese Contractors and workers build Bridges and Roads Here in America!
Where's the "America First" Job' Hire Promise/Law?!!
Freaking Obama is a one man plague on America and anyone who can't see it is as blind as one of those creatures that have been found in those DEEP DARK caves !
ps-Holder hands out business cards that say "Blacks First"..Rascist?
Fellow Steven of the Tax Technicaldiscussioin group which I am in on linked in posted this interesting and accurate dissertation. Does it sound familiar.
I'd like to make you business offer
Seriously, thjis is a real odder that you realy can't turn down, as you'll understand in a moment.
Here's ther deal, You're going start a business or expand the one you've got nowq, It doesn't realy matter what you do, I'll partner with you no matter business you're in-as long as it's legal.
But I can't give you any capital-you have to come up with that on your own. I wont give you any labor. Thats definitly up to you. What I will do, however, is demand you follow all sorts of rulesabout what products and services you can offer, how much and how often you pay your employees, and where and when you're allosed to operate your business. Thats my role in the affaie-to tell you what to do.
Now in return for my rules, I'm going to take roughly half of whatever you make in the business each year.
Half seems fair, doesn't it? I think so, of course thats half of your profits.
You're also going to pay me about 12% of whatever you decide to pay your employees because you've got to cover my expenses for promulgating all of the rules about who can employ, when, where and how.
come on, you're my partner, its only fair.
Now, after you've put your hard savings at risk to start the business, and after you've worked hard at it for a few decades, paying me my 50% or a bit more along the way each year, you might decide you'd like to cash out-to finally have the good life.
Whether or not, this is "fair"-0some people never can afford to retire-is a different argument. As your partner, I'm happy for you to sell whatever you like-because our agreement says, if yoiu sell, you have to pay me an additional 20% of whatever the capitalized value of the business at that time.
I kn ow, I know,you put up all the original capital, you took all yhe risks, you put in all the labor, thats all true. But I've done my part too, Ive 50% of the profits each year. And I've always come up with more rules for you to follow each year, therefore, IU deserve another, final 20% slice of the business.
Oh, and just one more thing
Even after you've sold the business and paid all of my fees, I'd recommend buying lots of insurance. You see, even after you'v e been retired for. years, when you die, you'll have to pay me 50% ofr whatever your estate is worth.
After all, I've got lots of partners and not all of them are as sucessful as you and your family. We don't think it's "fair" for your kids to have such a big advantage, but if you buy enough unsurance , you can finance this expense for your children.
All in all, if you';/re a very sucessful entrirepreneur - If your one of the rare, lucky and hard working people who can create a new company, enjoy lots of people and satisfy the public--you'll end paying me more than 75% of your income over your life
Thanks so much
'm sure you'll think my offer is a reasonable and happily partner with me-- but if it doesn't realy matter how you feel about it because if you ever try to stiff me-or cheat me on any of my fees or rules--I'll break down your door in the midle of the night, threaten you and your family with heavy, automatic weapons and throw you in jail.
This ius how civiul society is supposed to work, right? This is A,erika, isn't it
thats the offer Amerika give its entreprenuwers. And the idiots in Washington wonder why there no new jobs.
Originall posted by Porter Shansberry on June 17, 2012
As I progress further into the world of old goats, I finde that a pretty girls smile is a wonderful remin der that "I aint dead yet
I taped the debate on YNN of the debate of 3 contenders for the republican senatorial candidatacy for N Y and after reviewing it severasl times, I would like to share my perceptive on the casndidates. Congressman Bob Turner apparantly has a good awareness fo the various problems facing our great nation and has apparantly done a good job furthering many of the principles embraced by many teapartiers< he has a good voting record- votinmg in favor of many of the house bills that now languish in the dark recess' of senator Reids secret archives and I question the wisdom of having him give up his seat in the house for an unknown. He does not strike me as the type who coiuld be an effective force in the senate. The small business man of the group does not appear to me to have any kind of a grasp on the ways our congress works and I applaud him in the manner in the ways he beliueves the congress would operate, he doesn't appear to me that he has sufficient grasp of the magnitude of governmental finances as opposed to the financial operation of a small business. Wendy, seems to have the intellectual capacity to grasp the magnitude of national operations in the overall picture and she appears to possess the dynamicsm that could help the process of reforming the government and she was unamisously selected as the canditate of the consertative party of N Y and was very impressive throughout the debate.
Howdy all! You know, kids, especially the toddlers are so much fun to play with. They smile just because you look at them. They laugh at your jokes, even though you know they don’t understand. And you can teach them so many things, sometimes in short order! Like my granddaughter. Many times she will blankly stare at us when we try to get her to say ‘papa’ or ‘grandma’. But give her a simple sounding word, like ‘Coco’… Hey, coco. Hi coco. Mama coco. I coco.
Any coco (I mean hoo),..
Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance. ~ Proverbs 1:5
[I]f the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them. ~ Candidus (Samuel Adams), in the Boston Gazette, 1772
Ok Mr. Adams, you’ve been paying attention from your lofty place above. You’ve noticed what is going on here. We beg of you to pass on to your fellow founders about this. Yes, if We the People are bound to obey the laws we don’t approve of, (Obamacare, et al) we become slaves to those who make them. And I think it is safe to add executive orders in this message as well. In fact, it’s downright mandatory, since most of the laws we feel enslaved by have come from a usurpation of our legislative capabilities as a nation by a majority slave owner, or the dictator in the White House. And those dang federally elected employees won’t lift a finger to stop it. Too busy trying to save their jobs. Jobs? Do they really think being elected to office is a job? Hmm, something we may need to clarify soon. Also, many Americans are still asleep; all cozy and warm in the fuzzy cozy blanket they receive every night, fresh and smelling so good, courtesy of the mainstream media. “Life is good, right? You still have a car, and a home, and a job, right?” Well, how many Americans cannot answer all three? How many in this audience would have trouble saying yes? Up until a couple of months ago I couldn’t. But the, what are they? Can’t call them progressives; that seems too meek anymore. But the leftists would love for us all to wear our best Lemming outfits and eat the soft chewy candies all day long and leave the tedious minutia to them. So, the tea party folks, the 9/12 groups, and all the conservative entities must stand up and take position, NOW. I don’t mean man the walls with guns and ammo. I mean stand and speak up. Forget speaking to the elected employees; they’re a lost cause. Talk to your families. Talk to your friends. Talk to an Occupier. Show them what you know. Don’t waste your breath thinking they will believe you because of what you say. Show them the facts of which you speak. The more you say, the more they will question. That’s ok. In fact that is what you want. You want them to research and find out what you found out. It’s the only way they’ll believe. So, if this is true, what do we do next? Well, look to Proverbs. Let the wise listen and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance. Why? Why should we receive the guidance? Aren’t the lemmings the ones who need the epiphany? Yes, but they will need leadership, and guidance. You must receive that guidance from Him, so you can share it with others. Speaking to, or at our elected employees will no longer be as effective as it was. The people now need to hear the message first hand. Take the guidance from Him, and speak of the message Candidus relates. We are edging closer and closer to a dictatorship. Once there, our country will not be ours anymore. You must stand and be a presence.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley