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Great video, listen to what comes after the first prayer and then to the reaction. If all churches would speak with one voice, loudly, to the country, to the parishes and congregations, the right change would happen in a groundswell. Please listen, this is great.

"The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism'." - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2425

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I went to this rally (or tried to) on June 8 at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. It was a rally protesting against forcing churches to violate their consciences with abortion funding. I could not even find the rally as the police had made every single person take down all their signs. No free speech in Dayton, Ohio.



On June 8, more than 160 “Stand Up for Religious Freedom” rallies were held nationwide to protest recent mandates regarding contraceptive and abortion-related healthcare coverage from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. One of the rallies was held at Sinclair Community College (SCC) in Dayton, Ohio, hosted by SCC’s Traditional Values Club. You’d have been forgiven, however, if you had walked past the rally and had difficulty figuring out what everyone was talking about. Why? Because SCC’s police department ordered everyone to put every single sign down on the ground.

Photos taken at the event show police forcing rally attendees to put down their signs, and in this video you can hear an officer saying that “no signage whatsoever” was allowed:



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Be Encouraged! 6/24/12

Howdy all! 


Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.    ~Ephesians 2:9

There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has now come." --Peter Muhlenberg, from a Lutheran sermon read at Woodstock, Virginia, 1776

I want to do something a bit different today.  I want to ask your help in sending the message about all the treasonous shenanigans going on.  We all know of many wrongs our federally elected employees and their cronies have done to We the People, yet the lemmings and ostriches among us don’t seem to believe.  ABC, CBS, NBC and all the liberal acronyms on TV are purposely silent, keeping the ignorant ignorant.  Peter Muhlenberg had the guts to speak from his pulpit and speak these words.  And the Black Robe Regiment as they were called gave all they could to the revolution, knowing what was written in Ephesians 2:9.  Their effort was not to get salvation as a reward.  That was for God to decide.  But it was the right thing to do.

I think this is the right thing as well.

This link is to a story about the democrats in Tennessee stating that they can place anyone on the ballot for President, regardless of their qualifications.  They believe they know better than the constitution is someone is eligible.  In my mind, by taking this stance, they are silently admitting that Obama is NOT eligible based on the qualification requirements in the Constitution.  Why else would they go this far to make the point?

This link is to a tape from CSPAN-2.  David Ogden, the deputy Atty Gen, in 2009 (THREE YEARS AGO)  speaks about how the President gave direction to fight the drug cartels through gun ‘tracing’ (operation fast and furious), and he even names the other project involved, operations gunrunner.  Again, this is 2009.  In 2010 and 2011 the DOJ and everyone else said they knew nothing about the gun trafficking gone horribly wrong, leading to the death of agent Terry. 

The lamestream media will not give these 2 accurate stories the time of day.  And our friends and neighbors who have their heads in the sand, or are lined up to drink the koolaid have no clue about these and other stories.  The word must get out.  We must do it.  We must make these stories go as viral as possible.  It’s up to us.  I write this message as close to daily as I possibly can.  I’ve been told that I connect with many of you on a regular basis.  But the problem is, you are all willing readers.  It’s a closed audience.  I will be pasting this on facebook, where those who I know may read and forward.  I ask you to do the same.   Forward this to as many people as you can, the lesser their knowledge and involvement the better.  They are the ones who need a new alarm clock.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Long Live the Queen!

Lets say Rothschild was granted permission by the king to swindle the country in order to gain dominance of England over their subjects?

Only makes sense

Since no one killed him

But hey never dreamed or did they that it would lead to world dominion

World Bank world dominance

pfft so a few lousy colonist got away with some land

They would be their subjects, I mean slaves forever wether they new it or not, liked it or not

All the kings horses all the kings men

Pawns of chess expendable all day long

hmmmm... matters not King of Kings, Lord of Lords is coming to claim what is rightfully his

Then there will be HELL to PAY!

That's an eternity long time in an oven u ask me

Amazing how old the queen is, still looks great too bless her heart

Not a bit of power on her throne, just a figure head nothing more

Amazing King gives man freedom to rob all the aristocracy

Then builds empire that reigns over everyone no matter what

Treats everyone any way they deem is their authority to do so

Their divine right their blood blue and pure

Could they possibly have realized the magnitutude of what they pulled off?!

Could they have ever invisioned world dominion forever?!!!!

Keep the peons at bay

Keep em at each others throats

Use em like cattle to build the market

Let em eat brackish water and soiled mash

Matters not the King rules all the rest

But the queen in her impish elegant smile is delicate and with out airs

Off with their heads she squeals in delight

And the multitude amasses in piles of her plight

Headless and bound

Into the ground

Oh the charm oh the grace

The dignity of her lovely face

It is Royalty after all... we must give her her due...

After all she kills at her own disgression

Doesn't answer to me or you

If she sees fit to keep you in her good graces, then blessed your little heart you don't have to suffer like the feices

She giggles at the horrors of the decades past

At the slaughter of the innocence

Never looking back

Oh those sheckles of walking dead

Brings delight each and every nite

Adams apples bigger than gords bulging from a throat

Eyes popped open unable to shut

oh the carnage

oh the pain

oh the travesty

opps shes doing it again...

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"39 STEPS"

"39 STEPS"

1.) Selma March Got Me Born - NOT EXACTLY , your parents felt safe enough to
have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965.
(Google 'Obama Selma ' for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles a bout
its various untruths.) ! !

2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - NOT EXACTLY, he was a privileged, well
educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government.

3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - NOT EXACTLY , he was part of one of
the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.

4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - NOT EXACTLY ; your cousin
Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a
legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence
in decades. The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to
overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law. Your half-brother, Abongo
Obama, is Odinga's follower. You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning
to speak to Odinga on the phone. Check out the following link for
verification of that....and for more.

Obama's cousin Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried to get Sharia
Muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers
have burned Christians' homes and then burned men, women and children alive
in a Christian church where they took shelter... Obama SUPPORTED his cousin
before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see
what you get. No one wants to know the truth.

5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - NOT EXACTLY , she does her
daily Salat prayers at 5 am according to her own interviews. Not to mention,
Christianity wouldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.

6.) My Name is African Swahili - NOT EXACTLY , your name is Arabic and
'Baraka' (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language. Hussein
is also Arabic and so is Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. He is the first Arab-American
President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50%
Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro
from his father's side.

While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya , his father's family was
mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro
and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not
African Negro).

7.) I Never Practiced Islam - NOT EXACTLY , you practiced it daily at
school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31
years, until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.

8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian - NOT EXACTLY , you were registered
as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces
(check your own book).

February 28, 2008. Kristoff from the New York Times: Mr. Obama
recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with
a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated
(it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to
prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.' This is just one
example of what Pamela is talking about when she says 'Obama's narrative is
being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts.'

9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - NOT EXACTLY , not one teacher says you
could speak the language.

10.) B ecause I Lived In Indonesia , I Have More Foreign Experience - NOT
EXACTLY , you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn't even speak
the language. What did you learn except how to study the Koran and watch

11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - NOT EXACTLY , except for Africa
(surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise); you have never been
anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest

12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - NOT EXACTLY , you were
quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no
mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine

13.) An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - NOT EXACTLY , Ebony has
yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did,

14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - NOT EXACTLY , Life
has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never
did, exist.

15.) I Won't Run On A National Ticket In '08 - NOT EXACTLY , despite saying,
live on TV, which you would not have enough experience by then, and you are
all about having experience first.

16.) Voting 'Present' is Common In Illinois Senate - NOT EXACTLY , they are
common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.

17.) Oops, I Miss-voted - NOT EXACTLY , only when caught by church groups
and Democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.

18.) I Was A Professor Of Law - NOT EXACTLY ; you were a senior lecturer ON

19.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - NOT EXACTLY , you were a senior
lecturer ON LEAVE.

20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - NOT EXACTLY , you didn't
write it, introduce it, change it or create it.

21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - NOT EXACTLY , it took just 14 days
from start to finish.

22.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - NOT EXACTLY , your bill was rejected by
your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because
of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.

23.) I Have Released My State Records - NOT EXACTLY , state bills you
sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special
interests pork hidden within.

24.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - NOT EXACTLY , you were
part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to
mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.

25.) My Economics Bill Will Help America - NOT EXACTLY, your 111 economic
policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU
voted against your own bill.

26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - NOT EXACTLY , even your own
supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.

27.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - NOT EXACTLY , they were not
YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow
Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.

28.) No One on my campaign contacted Canada about NAFTA - NOT EXACTLY , the
Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your
campaign had with them.

29.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - NOT EXACTLY , you missed the Iran Resolution
vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction
of Israel.

30.) I Want All Votes To Count - NOT EXACTLY ; you said let the delegates

31.) I Want Americans To Decide - NOT EXACTLY , you prefer caucuses that
limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate
during small windows of time.

32.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - NOT EXACTLY , you passed 26,
most of which you didn't write yourself.

33.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - NOT EXACTLY , you used tactics to
eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.

34.) I Don't Take PAC Money - NOT EXACTLY , you take loads of it.

35.) I don't Have Lobbyists - NOT EXACTLY , you have over 47 lobbyists, and

36.) My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad - NOT EXACTLY , your own
campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.

37.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq - NOT EXACTLY , you weren't in office
to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time.

38.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - NOT EXACTLY , your plan
leaves us all to pay for the 15,000,000 who don't have to buy it.

39.) My uncle liberated Auschwitz concentration camp - NOT EXACTLY , your
mother had no brothers and the Russian army did the liberating.

So, who EXACTLY is this Obama guy and what is he trying to sell us?! Please
get to work now...not enough of your loved ones and friends know about this

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now.


Curt Harrell
President, CenLA Patriots, LLC

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Notice Reagan Far Above (literally) flippers...

Wish they would stop showing Sandusky makes me want to do what "Boss" Bluebonnet did to that crazy rancher in "Open Range"...
I haven't heard back from the hand-cleaner company I tried to get to endorse Sherrif Joe....GO JO!!!
Someone sent me a picture of a really nicely-dressed lady doing some shopping...


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A U.S. military investigation into the burning of Qurans at Bagram Air Base near the Afghan capital, Kabul, last February has recommended disciplinary action against up to seven troops.

U.S. military officials said Tuesday no final decision has been made yet on the findings of the probe. According to the officials, one member of the Navy and up to six Army troops could face administrative punishments, but no criminal charges.

NATO troops stationed at Bagram attempted to dispose of a load of Qurans by setting them on fire, but were stopped by Afghan employees.

The incident sparked deadly riots across Afghanistan and attacks on NATO troops that killed some 30 people and led to the deaths of four Americans and plunged relations between coalition troops and their Afghan allies to an all-time low.

U.S. President Barak Obama apologized for the incident.

A preliminary joint investigation by senior U.S. and Afghan military officials in March concluded that while mistakes were made in the burning of copies of Islam’s Holy books, there was no intent to desecrate them.

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Last Friday, an attaché of important gay people from Philadelphia made a trip to Washington D.C. as invited guests of President Barack Obama for the White House’s first-ever gay pride reception. There, they danced to the sounds of a Marine Corps band; they dined on crab cakes and canapés; they hand-delivered letters from concerned citizens like this 18-year old who has had four people close to him gunned down, and noted rhyming raconteur CA Conrad; and some of them took advantage of photo opportunities to give the late President Ronald Reagan the middle finger.

“It’s not a gesture that would use in the White House when representing our city and our community,” opines Philadelphia Gay News publisher Mark Segal (center), who opted for a sarcastic thumbs-up pose in front of the portrait of George W. Bush over the more vulgar one demonstrated by his Reagan-loathing peers, Matthew “Matty” Hart (left), and self-taught photographer turned toast-of-the-town Zoe Strauss (right).

“I have friends who work in that building,” Segal explains. “I’m not going to do something that could embarrass them or that could somehow damage a campaign that is so important. ‘Be on your best behavior,’ my staff told me.’ I think they know me too well.”

This wasn’t Segal’s first trip to the White House, having twice visited during Bill Clinton’s gay-friendly tenure. “One of the things on my bucket list was to dance with my boyfriend at the White House,” remarks Segal.”And this is the second time I got to do it. We come up to the main foyer, and what do they play? Barbra Streisand. ‘The Way We Were.’ And I thought, Are they going to play nothing but Barbra, Bette and Lady Gaga? I was waiting for ‘Over the Rainbow.’ I mean, this is the Marine band!” Clearly, Segal, a dedicated activist but also an astute political hobnobber, wants to be invited back.

But his counterparts couldn’t seem to care less. Hart posted his photo on Facebook with the caption, “Fuck Reagan.” Strauss simply posted hers without commentary. After all, the murderous facial expression and double-barreled bird-flipping seem to speak for themselves. Comments ranged from “you forgot to add with a chainsaw” on Hart’s “Fuck Reagan” note, to my personal favorite, “star wars … up yours,” on Strauss’s.

Strauss, who is also seen here, kissing her partner beneath the Reagan portrait, declined to comment for this story (“I’m keeping out of the press!” she texted me), but made crystal clear her position on Reagan by posting on Facebook a long list of things that happened under his watch, including the Supreme Court’s Bowers v. Hardwick decision, upholding the constitutionality of Georgia’s anti-sodomy law, the Iran-Contra affair and the invasion of Grenada.

Additionally, Strauss posted Reagan’s memorable statement on LGBT rights from the 1980 campaign trail: “My criticism is that [the gay movement] isn’t just asking for civil rights; it’s asking for recognition and acceptance of an alternative lifestyle which I do not believe society can condone, nor can I.”

“Yeah, fuck Reagan,” reiterates Hart one week after the reception. “Ronald Reagan has blood on his hands. The man was in the White House as AIDS exploded, and he was happy to see plenty of gay men and queer people die. He was a murderous fool, and I have no problem saying so. Don’t invite me back. I don’t care.”

Switching gears, Hart describes the reception as “fantastic” and notes that the White House staff seemed “giddy.” ”A lot of work had to happen to make this reception politically viable and possible,” he observes. “There were many service members there. I met a woman with lots of medals, an important military person, who was with her partner. And all her life, she had to be in the closet—until now. And I met a couple from Tennessee in their mid-50s, two men who have been in a relationship for 22 years and run an LGBT youth program. They could barely speak with their emotions. They kept saying, All through grade school and high school, people were telling us we’re gonna burn in hell. And here we are honored guests of Obama.

Referring to the reception and not to his photo op, Hart adds, “It was just a gesture, but a very powerful one.” Speaking of powerful gestures, Hart shot portions of the video below, which features, among other things, Segal dancing to the Marine Corps band and a wedding proposal between a female-to-male transgendered person (killer suit!) and a biological woman.

“And so is it correct to refer to this as a transgendered wedding proposal?” I asked Hart this morning, via Facebook chat, naturally. “2012 is so confusing!” His reply: “I think this is the proposal of our time. It is not so easy to categorize. Liberating.” 

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Will there be an election?

          I posed a question to David Limbaugh last evening on Twitter, ‘What makes you so sure there is going to be an election? He ignored me, and I don’t blame him, he thinks within a box. But then a pretty young lady took up the question as well, and David, being the gentleman that he is, had to answer; I quote, “I have to assume so, yes.”



          ‘I have to assume so,’ think about the meaning of these words. His brother Rush is known for saying ‘words mean things,’ and I agree. ‘Have’ is a verb of possession, ‘Assume’ makes an ass-out of u-& me’ That is to say, he is in possession of something he does not know to be true.


          Why didn’t he say? ‘Of course, there will be an election!’ I’ll tell you why, a gentleman doesn’t lie to a lady, and the evidence in play, says there will be no election.


          Consider the last paragraph of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes.’



          ‘The Emperor realized that the people were right but could not admit to that. He though it better to continue the procession under the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes was either stupid or incompetent. And he stood stiffly on his carriage, while behind him a page held his imaginary mantle.’


          Obama can not afford an election, his numbers are in the tank, and he knows it. Look at the crimes committed by this man; I get sick of the E-mails that come around listing these crimes. And now with ‘Fast and Furious’ hanging around his neck, and we do nothing? What evidences do I have there will be an election? Tradition? Really? How many times have we broken tradition in the last fifty years?


          Our problem is we are all tangled in the ‘Tar Babies’ the libs keep putting in our path. We are busy fighting the right hand, and are unaware of what the left is doing. Leave the Tar Babies alone, all they do is buy time, and time is the friend of the corrupt. Wise up to who they are, and use it against them.


And the sand trickles, and the upper glass gives way to the lower. Wake up!!! The sand is just about gone.


          This is a ‘Clarion Call,’ examine the evidence, and realize there will be no election, unless we stand up and make damn well sure there is.


        Democracy is two wolves and sheep voting what’s for dinner, Liberty is a well armed Sheep contesting the vote.” Ben Franklin


                                      George Henry Nichols 

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“The Proper American Involvement In The Syrian Crisis”
Civil wars are ugly matters in whatever nation that may be involved. The United States had seen it's bloodiest battles not with the matter of the Revolutionary War with King George III and his hired Hessian mercenaries, no the American Civil War cost much more in terms of lives lost and was perhaps the worst war of not only in terms of lost American lives, but also in terms lost dreams, and certainly lost hearts. Those of us who who have learned the lessons of history are fully aware what civil wars are all about; that is the breaking of a nation torn in what cultural norms and also what a particular people of that nation hope to either change or remain in those things some would want to keep-good or bad.
In Syria, there is indeed a split in that culture, within the Syrian people are those who on one side want their ways to continue originally set by a previous dictator and now that dictator's son with much of the same policies to remain in power; that is to say; those aligned with the Assad family dictatorship are embedded in areas of the Syrian nation and have made their lives very comfortable in maintaining as well as supporting that dictatorship. On the other side, that is opposite of the Assad supporters are the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. This particular group has been heavily involved in the supposed “Arab Spring” in which nations that were once ruled by monarchy, dictatorships, other kinds of governments have been toppled by the Muslims sweeping in a whole host of Islamic Laws to rule the nation including the infamously restrictive Sharia Laws.
So, within Syria, we have two factions fighting one another; that is the ones loyal to the oppressive Assad dictatorship and on the other side; we have the oppressive Muslim Brotherhood. Doesn't sound much like a good choice for the Syrian people to me. Two factions fighting one-another to see which will control the Syrian people more. I have heard foolish US politicians like John McCain and others like them who have little interest in getting government out of the “business of war” continues in calling for the US Government to supply the Muslim Brotherhood with weapons to fight against the Assad loyalists, but in all honesty this is a just a stupid idea. When we have helped other Islamic nations in the past such as Egypt and Libya where the Muslim Brotherhood gained power, America not only didn't get a “thank you,” no, The United States instead was told to get out and refereed to as once again as the “great satan”----one minute we are awesome, the next minute we are poison. When the Muslim brotherhood gains power, America is the most evil nation on the world and “every American must submit to Allah, or die !
While Hilary Clinton tears up the Middle East wheeling and dealing for George Soros the Bilderbergs and“New World Order”, American tax dollars are being used to support Islamic revolutions all over the Middle East. Indeed, George Soros is an intelligent man, he is utilizing his money to build up a army of strong and fanatic men that are disguised as faithful followers of Muhammad. Soros knows that with the right “carrot” in front of these religious fanatics, his Islamic “army” can be placed in any nation Soros chooses and thus make any nation his financial slaves- the United States included. Let there be no doubt in you mind and heart that George Soros is one of the most evil and vile men ever to walk the world. George Soros has already given away billions of dollars(that's billion, with a “b”) to left wing and Communist organizations here in the United States so as to help topple our Republic. The end result if we are not careful, will be Soros having total control over ever aspect of our lives and Islamic's ruling our nation. Learn in detail just exactly what this man is doing and you will find everything I just shared here to be absolutely 100% true, this Soros may even be the anti-christ, he is that evil.
The America's economy is basically in the toilet, there is hardly any job growth and many American's have not only lost their jobs, they have also lost homes, families, and food is something that once was easy to purchase, but gasoline prices have cut heavily into family food budgets as well all across our land. What I'm leading to is that our nation has spent trillions of dollars since the Vietnam War, with not much good to show for the money spent-the world is still a dangerous place and we have less friends and allies, not more. We need a newer, smarter and much more practical way to fend off our enemies and protect our vital national as well as our international interests and allies as well. Being financially “broke” doesn't mean we have to flee from our “Super Power” status. We can certainly maintain our military might by beginning with utilizing much better and much more intelligence ways when using our resources and spending our hard earned tax dollars. Beginning with Syria, the USA needs to not supply weapons to either the Assad nor the Muslim Brotherhood forces. Instead, The United States should call upon the factions to have a 72 hour cease-fire. The purpose of the cease fire is to give all Syrian women and children time to temporarily exit the nation to bordering Arab nations as refuges and live there until the hellish Syrian civil war can be settled. The United Nations can use buses, planes, vans, whatever is at their disposal to help get these women and children to safety. Surrounding Arab nations surrounding Syria such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iraq should carry the brunt of the cost in transporting the Syrian women and children, even in terms of cost in setting up “tent cities” if necessary for housing for them. The United States should not have to contribute not even one dollar in this effort. Nations such as Saudi Arabia has more than enough money and ability in helping in paying for transportation and living quarters for these Syrians. In fact, the KSA, has a vested interest in seeing Syria stabilized and through acts of “good will” towards both of the Syrian factions, it would only benefit the Saudi royalty to help defer the costs of helping Syrian women and children in being safe.
For the United States, no need to spend one dollar more towards another stupid war where our Marines guard CIA poppy plant(heroin) fields. Nope, the US Military can stay home this time. The American People need to send Biblical Christian Missionaries to the Syrian refugees to help feed, clothe and take care of the medical and spiritual needs of those who need it. Not one US tax payer dollar should be spent on war----nope, like I already shared; smarter, more useful and beneficial is using American Christian Missionaries in ministering to the lost, dying and hurt. We have larger and even smaller ministries(such as mine and , we are always accepting financial donations as well) that are well equipped in helping just the sort of people who need help in Syria the most-that is Americans who have dedicated their lives in the call to serve others with the love of Christ. Perhaps you are not a true believer in the methods I described here as most helpful...Let me ask you, would you rather spend your (hard earned)tax money(without your consent nor approval-you don't get a choice from the US Govt.!) for guns to be purchased to see a mad man like George Soros gain more corrupted power, or would you rather see none of your tax money spent and you instead through your own choice-yourself give a few dollars to help keep women and children be blessed with a good meal and a safe place to live ? For most Americans, I believe the later of the two choices would take precedent.
We as a people have a choice, we don't need to allow evil people like the Clinton's, George Soros, John McCain and others like them push “ We The People” into more war and conflict. I'm all for a strong military, having one keeps evil nations and evil people in check and helps keep all America safe. There are many more opportunities though where we can “catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Why not let Biblical Christian missionaries do their job and show the love, compassion of Jesus Christ ? It's the Biblical, smarter and cheaper way to go !
Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Pastor Paul Waldmiller-Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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It's easy to see the similarities between what Arizona and other States are doing to enforce Illegal trespassing,  and the 287g Federal Immigration Enforcement Program, thus Obama's attempt at defunding & eliminating it.  (P.Z.)

June 21, 2012

The Obama administration has been working to eliminate an effective joint state and federal program to control illegal immigration, Heritage Foundation expert Matt Mayer argues.

Since Congress created the so-called 287(g) program in 1996, 120,000 illegal immigrants have been deported under its auspices. But the executive branch has disrespected legislative authority by seeking to unilaterally end the program.

President Obama’s attempts to interfere with the program is a violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers, Mayer explains:

Congress clearly provided state and local governments with the ability to leverage Section 287(g) to enforce federal immigration law. Yet the Obama Administration has gone beyond its executive branch power to enforce the law by ending the Section 287(g) program.

287(g) allows an arresting officer, whether federal or local, to act in place of a federal immigration agent and deport the suspect. Mayer explains how important these programs have been:

For participating cities and states, Section 287(g) has been a critical tool for enforcing America’s immigration laws, because it has become a force multiplier for the under-resourced ICE. In the first seven years after ICE started using the authorities under Section 287(g), more than 60 state and local agencies entered into MOAs resulting in roughly 1,000 law enforcement officers being “deputized” to enforce federal immigration law. Even more important, over 120,000 individuals were identified as illegal immigrants under the program.

Despite President Obama’s efforts to kill this highly effective program, Congress has held firm. In a June 7 vote, Congress chose not only to uphold 287(g), but also to increase its funding from $5.4 million to $68 million.

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Peter Orszag, former head of the Obama Office of Management and Budget, is desperate. With even Roll Call recognizing that President Obama is fighting an uphill battle for re-election, Orszag is floating a trial balloon: mandatory voting. His call for forced voting comes in an op/ed for Bloomberg News:

The U.S. prides itself as the beacon of democracy, but it’s very likely no U.S. president has ever been elected by a majority of American adults.

It’s our own fault -- because voter participation rates are running below 60 percent, a candidate would have to win 85 percent or more of the vote to be elected by a majority.

The irony, of course, is that the Democrats seem fine with forcing people to the polls, but object strenuously to people showing ID at the polls when they show up voluntarily.

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     China on the Move!   It's been four years since I blogged "China on the Move!" on Townhall, published  July 29, 2008, reflecting today's economic status.  Americans now find themselves facing the dragon!  China has now moved ahead as they slowly and consistently built up their armies, arms, and economic status with the help of globalists, such as Kissinger, and Soros, while China has been buying up every commodity in the world that they can get their grubby hands on and control, especially nickel.  Americans can thank President Bill and Hillary Clinton, COSCO, Walmart, U.S. corporations, the Obama's, as well as congressional members who did nothing to stop the"outsourcing" of America's jobs and secrets of technology and innovation to the detriment of America, the military, and the American people. Ironically, the title, "China on the Move" is somewhat prophetic.

     According to Larry Edelson, the globalists set a goal that Communist China will supersede the economic status of the world and end the economic status of America by the year 2016!  About 1993, I felt that the Clinton's weren't on track with middle America as they were closly tied to Communist China and Russia.  I created and produced a talk radio show titled, Issues of the Day, and warned America that they may have to slay the dragon [Communist China] which was heard on syndicated radio produced at KIEV - the home of the dynamic George Putnam - who passed away. 

      In 1993, I had an epiphany and became more concerned about the injustices recurring silently in America's courts.  So, I aired a radio show at a time when talk show hosts didn't discuss stories which were wrongfully promoted as conspiracy theories.  I invited a special guest, who confirmed my beliefs and he predicted that China and Russia and the Middle East would come against America after the year 2000.  I was very concerned that China quietly built up a one million man army and that the Clinton administration was selling arms to Communist China and Russia.  But, this didn't seem to disturb the majority of the American people, who didn't want to hear the truth, perhaps out of fear.  Americans for the most part ignored the warnings of the patriots.  The information presented by patriots didn't  reflect the American way of life.  But, after the elections of 2008, millions of Americans began to awaken and the Obama administration changed the mind set of Americans who began believing that there were some rats in the attic.   

    Unfortunately, Americans weren't disturbed that President Bill Clinton sold arms to Communist China and simultaneously cut the U.S. Military Budget substantially.  He slashed the Military Defense Budget to the surprise of the Military and the American people.  Many military employees lost their homes, but as Clinton stated after taking office, "The American people must sacrifice!"  Well, he wasn't willing to sacrifice when he fled to Russia as a draft dodger.  Unfortunately, the American people and the media discredited the book and the taped documentary, The Clinton Chronicles, published by "Patrick Matricisiana. The reason [just an FYI: if you put the letter "t" before the word "reason" - it becomes "treason"] that American citizens didn't pay much attention is the simple fact that the media didn't really want to touch those stories in my opinion.  At the time, most of us were in la la land and didn't realize that we'd been brainwashed into believing it's a material  world and it's all about "me!"  Many of us bought into it, at least temporarily, others still believe it!  Americans were intentionally led to believe that the government was looking out for the best interest of the U.S. and U.S. citizens, but that was far from the truth. 

  Although, there has always been a nazi type mentality of citizens, who didn't let the nazi mentality die  after WWII, they went about their business unnoticed quietly indoctrinating people for decades until it spread like a cancer. Today, we have 80 card carrying Socialists in Congress and one known Communist lobbyist accessing the White House and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization who reportedly had ties to Hitler during WWII.  The secret socialists and secret anti-Americans continued to spread their anti-American views through the courts, schools, churches, and universities, without anyone paying much attention to their new agendas.  They wrote new laws under the guise of women's rights and charitable acts or "for the protection of the people" as they moved "forward," so Americans wouldn't object, but in fact, support their goals.  Also, Americans didn't feel they had any reason to question the public schools who were slowly introducing a more liberal educational system.  The socialists cleverly, slowly, and  quietly, turned good into evil and evil into good, infiltrating the minds of the youth without a cure today - 2012 -on how to restore conservative teachings.  In 2008 and thereafter, we've seen kids supporting socialists agendas, but as more people are awakened, they are realizing that the politically correct liberal agendas enslave a nation. 

     About July 29, 2008, my Blog "China on the Move" created an unexpected stir of controversy, even anger, by mainly liberals and Rinos.  Many readers at the time defended Obama with their very being.  They truly believe Obama to be a U.S. Natural Born Citizen based on  his published on-line publication of the blacked out on-line Certificate of Live Birth.  One of the opposing persons, who called him or herself Tinsldr 2, commented on my blog dated 11/5/2008, stating, "to continually say that he [Obama] has not proven his citizenship and is not going to be the next President is foolish in the extreme.  It makes you sound loonier than those who claim Bush stole the 2000 elections and those that claim 911 was an inside job of the Bush administration oil when you start going down those roads."  I wonder if Tinsldr2 still has the same opinion of Obama and the road on which Obama has led Americans for the past 3 1/2 years. Even today, there are millions of Obama supporters as well as supporters of Bill and Hillary Clinton who  approve of their socialist and global agendas. 

     There are millions of Americans who should ask if the Clinton's and Obama's sold out America and the American people when they outsourced U.S. technology, jobs, and manufacturing, and attempted to nationalize health care.  President Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and opened up the borders devastating our sovereignty. He tried to lease the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese, but Anthony J. Hilder led a protest in Washington D.C. and prevented the lease.  Bill Clinton opened up the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese and helped Hillary Clinton, who was a member of  the Walmart Board of Directors for six years, while a partner of  the Rose Law Firm working to import consumer products made in China formerly made inthe USA. It appears quite convenient that President Bill Clinton implemented 'outsourcing" as well as opening the Long Beach Port all about the same time that Walmart was ready to cast off.  The Rose Law Firm represented Walmart.  So, as a joint effort their actions created easy access for Communist China to import consumer products into the U.S.A.  COSCO is a communist owned corporation.  By these actions, th Clinton's were the catalysts who caused the loss of U.S. manufacturing and U.S. jobs for millions of Americans and this obviously would help build up the economic status of Communist China. There's no doubt that the Clinton's and the Obama's worked diligently on making Communist China a economic powerhouse.  

     In fact, it appears that millions of Americans could care less that Hillary Clinton has been working with Obama and Feinstein, Holder, and Schumer, for decades in support of the U.N.'s Small Arms Treaty with the intent of disarming Americans.  Hillary and Feinstin support the U.N.'s Rights of the Child that deny parental rights to Americans.  Obama is propped up by the Clintons, but in reality, he's carrying on the same agendas as the Clinton's, which reflect not the U.S. Constitution, but the U.N., E.U., NATO, U.N., and Globalists also known as the New World Order.  In fact, Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, stated at a congressional hearing that "we" [Obama and Panetta] seek international permission to take action! 

         About June 2011, I had the pleasure of visiting Washington D.C. and meeting with my Congressman. I told my Congressman that America doesn't owe anything to Communist China!  I stated that Communist China owes America!  They should wipe the slate clean! I said that we should close the Long Beach Port or charge China tariffs before importing consumer products formerly made in the USA that hurt America's economy and the job market in America.  I stated that we should withhold imports if they threaten to take over our soil as collateral for the loans owed to China.  After all, the U.N. and foreign nations are conspiring to reduce the manufacturing businesses in America and bring Americans to their knees.

     The American people should demand that Congress take immediate action and determine how much money does Communist China owe to  America for the use of  U.S. technology, innovation, manufacturing, and jobs that Clinton outsourced without any reciprocation on their part to repay America!  And Congress should enforce the tariffs.  For example, if  corporations want secret technology from an inventor or another corporation, they must pay for it, but the Clinton's gave U.S. jobs and technology to Communist China without an agreement to repay America for helping build up their economic status.  Under which constitutional authority did President Clinton outsource U.S. technology, manufacturing, and jobs, and how is that not considered to be economic espionage?

      I toured the Kennedy Center which was very impressive.  The tour guide told us to follow her and she remarked that there are two private rooms at the Kennedy Center. We viewed the one private room which was reserved for the U.S. President and his guests.  Afterwards, we were led to a second private room - this room was much larger than the room reserved for the U.S. President - and to my surprise, we were told that this second private room was reserved for the Communist Chinese and their guests.  I believe I am the only U.S. Citizen who is disturbed that a large private room is permanently reserved for a Communist nation on U.S. soil in a U.S. building dedicated to a U.S. President.  In fact, I'm probably the only American disturbed by the fact that inside the building is a glass entrance from the floor to the ceiling and on the glass was red lettering with Chinese writing - and the words "Red China" - but no one seemed bothered except for me.  I asked the tour guide why the red lettering written in Chinese and the words "Red China" was scrolled across the glass.  She stated that there was a performance about one year ago.  I asked, "Why don't they remove it if the performance ended", but she just shrugged her shoulders.  I don't know if it is still on the glass, but it should have been red, white and blue lettering stating, U.S.A.

       Recently, the economic guru, Larry Edelson, commented that there are 810,000,000 Communist Chinese employed today, but only 160,000,000 Americans employed.   Remember, it was President Bill Clinton, who opened the flood gates to Communist China by cleverly calling his actions that devastated America's jobs -  "outsourcing"  - helping build up Communist China, not America.  Clinton's outsourcing included America's technology, innovations, manufacturing jobs, and military arms, as well as opening up the Long Beach Port to the Communist Chinese, which Obama has moved "forward."  President Bill and Hillary Clinton catapulted their globalist agenda by working with the Communist Chinese to make COSCO and Walmart super discount stores.  But, China's economic status is devastating America's economic status as consumer products formerly made in the USA are now made in China for COSCO and Walmart.  George Soros stated that his goal is to make Communist China the economic power in the world and devalue the U.S. dollar. This raises the question if Obama is secretly meeting with the Communist leader to discuss the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.  Americans should be concerned and asking if Beijing is now the economic powerhouse in the world, not Wall Street?  COSCO and Walmart import about 90%-99% of their consumer products from Communist China.  The high quality standards for consumer products made in the USA was devastated by the Clinton's outsourcing of America's manufacturing businesses.  Their actions have lowered the economic lifestyle of every middle class citizen to a new low.  Middle Class Americans have had their lifestyles reduced by 39% since Obama took office. 

     Unfortunately, Obama has continued the agendas of the Clinton regime and outsourced 85,000 green solar jobs to Communist China while American workers suffer.  During that same time, Obama granted about $535M to Solyndra, who reportedly granted themselves huge wages and bonuses, and thereafter, bankrupted without accountability.  Edelson states that  China's economy has grown by 9.2%, while the U.S. economy has only grown by 1.7%!  Edelson says that the Peterson Institute and the University of Pennsylvania believe that Communist China is the #1 economic status in the world currently and has surpassed the economic status of the U.S.  Therefore, I've included excerpts from my Townhall Blog, "China on the Move!"  pub. 2008:

     "It appears that China is on the move and is outsourcing America's middle class workers [morphing them into Chinese workers].  It's ridiculous to believe that a Communist country will abide by a treaty except for the sake of appearance.  All nations, who are being negatively viewed by the world, can lead people to believe that a signature or a hand shake will resolve the problem.  The Middle East treaties for peace were violated before the ink dried. 

     The fact that the U.S. is providing its seal of approval for our women to compete in a Communist country, who punished women if they were pregnant with baby girls, by allegedly killing the pregnant women and aborting the female babies is the epitome of human rights violations against women. These alleged killings and abortions have gone on for decades so an unknown amount of blood has been shed in violation of human rights, which exceeds gender bias, against women.  In fact, the news reported and alleged that the fetuses were [cooked] and eaten as a delicacy......." 

     Also, "During the 90s, the CEOs of oil companies and prominent politicians and corporate leaders under the Clinton administration determined that we should open up our borders and give up our sovereignty for globalization which use to be called "The New World Order."  They determined that if they wanted to become extremely wealthy that they must "outsource" American jobs to India and Communist China.  They decided that they would "marry" China, a nice way of saying they were crawling into bed with Communist China.  So, they opened up the "superhighway" to China and outsourced [U.S.] jobs that had been created for future generations of Americans since the inception of our country.  U.S. corporations were greedy seeking higher profits and sold out the American people with the help of Bill Clinton and Congress. They determined that they would pay these foreigners less money and then sell the [consumer products] formerly made in the USA back to the American people for cheaper prices by opening up discount stores [COSCO and Walmart], which made those on Wall Street, even wealthier. 

     Therefore, If the government intentionally lowers the standard of living for Americans,  so they can implement  globalist agendas in line with the U.N. then Americans had better wake up now!  The goal would be to decrease manufacturing companies in America so China controls the manufacturing on American soil. If that were the case, Americans would become enslaved to a Communist nation and treated and paid accordingly.  This would reduce the middle class down to poverty level dependent upon a foreign government for jobs and wages.  They would not tolerate a Middle Class as communists oppose a Middle Class. They would not favor  Christianity  -the  Jewish religious beliefs - Catholic beliefs and there could be mandates to reduce the population of U.S. Natural Born Citizens.  The end result could be devastating to America - the end of America - and possibly the end of the U.S. Natural Born Citizens dominating the United States of America.  America and U.S. Natural Born Citizens could become the latest lost land and people - like Atlantis - only lost because of being dominated by foreign nations under an iron fist!  

     But, the serious problem of being forced to purchase inferior products and unsafe products, or products that are known to have caused injuries, death, or illness, which have been reported on a steady basis is not to be taken lightly.  Unfortunately, Americans are the recipients of these serious problems caused by consumer products made in Communist China.  There have been reports of high lead content, children in China dying from the high lead content in products; mold reported in dry wall which caused people to lose their homes without reimbursement; dangerous issues with blinds and cribs as well as death from tainted baby's formula.  Congress or presidents who followed Clinton haven't done much to stop or limit the out-sourcing of U.S. jobs, technology, and manufacturing, to Communist China and India, for more than 20 years.  The outsourcing of jobs has caused middle class Americans to suffer the consequences of higher unemployment and loss of  businesses as well as forcing businesses to downsize and lay off employees.  That's the reality!  Americans can barely afford to buy products at a discount that are imported even from China or India today.  Also, Americans are suffering from the high cost of gasoline.  For example, if you paid $20 to fill up your tank back in 2008 - the same tank of gasoline could cost $60 or $80 - in today's market at $4 per gallon.  

     Never forget that under President Clinton's reign, he sold arms to Communist China and Russia.  He sent millions of dollars to Russia.  He had defected to Communist Russia where he was protected from dodging the U.S. Draft.  Obama never served in the U.S. military.  So, how could a draft dodger be eligible to be a U.S. President who defected to a Communist nation?  Obama stated he comes from a long line of Mulsims and that his grandfather and father, Barack Hussein Obama, were born and raised in Kenya, under the rule of Great Britain, and they herded goats.  Obama's statements make him ineligible to be a U.S President according to Article II, but who cares about Article II in the government?

     Clinton supported Communist China's building up of China's one million man army by selling arms to Communist China and Russia, while simultaneously defunding the U.S. Military Defense Department and reducing the number of military personnel.  He closed military bases around the nation.  Clinton caused a substantial number of  military personnel the loss of their jobs and many military personnel lost their homes. [also, Obama's goal has been to reduce the military and military budget, even though he created more wars].  But, did any of these actions shout out to the masses back in 2008 - "China on the Move!" - to the sleepy Americans who were swooning over the handsome and wealthy players [such as Bill Clinton] at that time -[or swooning over Obama's glistening pectorals or sending chills up the legs of Chris Matthews?] 

     In conclusion, the Clinton's and the Obama's are leaders who one could say seduced a nation with the help of the Hollywood glitz!  The 2008 Obama campaign was nothing short of the world's biggest audience on live theater - the most successful reality show ever produced!  The Obama campaign and inauguration superseded the excitement of "American Idol"  In fact, the 2008 Obama presidential campaign and inauguration could have been produced by Hollywood as  - "Political Idol!"  

         Subscribe to her 2 Facebooks - Rose Colombo and Fight Back Legal Abuse; Follow on Twitter at Rose4Justice; Read Complimentary pages of Irwin Award winning book,  "Fight Back Legal Abuse" on Amazon or; You;re invited to follow Rose, named as the authority on legal abuses and injustices, and listen to her new on-line radio show,  taped live and archived  -

















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Psalm 91


    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

       will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 

    2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,

       my God, in whom I trust."

    3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare

       and from the deadly pestilence.

    4 He will cover you with his feathers,

       and under his wings you will find refuge;

       his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

    5 You will not fear the terror of night,

       nor the arrow that flies by day,

    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

       nor the plague that destroys at midday.

    7 A thousand may fall at your side,

       ten thousand at your right hand,

       but it will not come near you.

    8 You will only observe with your eyes

       and see the punishment of the wicked.

    9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—

       even the LORD, who is my refuge-

    10 then no harm will befall you,

       no disaster will come near your tent.

    11 For he will command his angels concerning you

       to guard you in all your ways;

    12 they will lift you up in their hands,

       so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

    13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;

       you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;

       I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

    15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;

       I will be with him in trouble,

       I will deliver him and honor him.

    16 With long life will I satisfy him

       and show him my salvation."


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2 Scenarios

I am tired and the battle to win back our nation hasn't even started.  I fear the battle will never get started before it's too late to stop what is happening.  Bernanki brazenly says he will initiate another QE.  The audacity of what is happening amazes me even now! No the power of our nation is it's people, but they are blind and deaf, and only God can remove these obstacles as with any great calamity human nature is reactionary... Only blood being spilt will wake them.  Frankly if 911 didn't do it the impending chaos of what those here illegally are about to carry out may, but then it will be too late between the cartel al Qaeda and a host of other nations Brazil and Russia included. They have been lined up at our border and crossed it.  The end is quickly drawing near.  Cuba emptied it's prison's invading Florida and among them were Russian special forces trained psychopaths that are running lose on our society.  That is a para-military operation no one talks about.  Look how so many bizarre killings and acts of torture are growing in number as you watch the news.  It is no accident...  Then this marxist obamanation turns our rule of law and our constitution on it's head and grants amnesty to illegal youth and the only thing congress can do is sue.  Are u F***ing kidding me?  The treason of our government is no longer even being bothered enough to mask their corruption and self service.  It is all too apparent as they continue to gain personal wealth at the expense of those they were elected to represent.  Oil is below $84 a barrel (inflated price) yet we still pay 3.50 on average.  Why are we being force fed a load of dog dew and accused of racism as our laws are violated on every front?  Yet we are expected to obey their law or pay serious consequences.  Taxation without representation is tyranny.  Why should anyone obey a single law or pay a single tax?  I am seriously asking.  The time for action is here if we wait there will be no stopping what is headed our way.  There are 2 best scenarios I can come up with.

1st stop trucking for 3 days.

2nd Flash mob every bank and financial institution as well as gas station/oil refinery and hold all assets in reserve.  This will put the fear of God into all the nations elite.  Then amass a Giant March on DC and arrest everyone who holds office including these unelected bureaucrats who think they are the law (lobbyist included). SCOTUS who continue their campaign of legislating socialism from the bench like we are too ignorant to notice.  Then hold a true honest election to hire Christian Patriots to restore our constitution Judges included.  Then begin speedy trials to imprison those that are destroying our nation as is our right to do.  It is our heritage.  Deport illegal aliens and their illegal children to their country of origin at that countries expense.  Exact restitution for the monetary damage they have created upon our nation.  Then add punitive damages as a result of what has happened to our society and those victims that have suffered at their hands.  Finally wipe the ledger clean and start fresh all debts public and private null and void. If the foreign nations that have robbed America of it's wealth for no less than half a century wish to try and take what is not theirs to begin with... then let the War of all Wars begin and may God have mercy on them.  That is how I see it.

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It's a Duck!

I think Republican’s and Tea Partier’s keep making a basic mistake; getting tangled in the tar babies the administration keeps setting in our path. We find ourselves debating these tar babies, and time marches on. Time is the friend of the corrupt. While we are fighting the right hand, we are unaware of what the left is doing.


          I urge you to pass the tar babies by, and reduce the actions of our foes to the lowest common denominator, and then act accordingly.


          For instance, Eric Holder, ‘If he looks like a duck, walks like duck and quacks like a duck… He’s a duck!!!’ If Obama, Pelosi, Leigh come to his defense, Well? ‘Birds of a feather, flock together.’ I think we have a flock of fowl. Ducks that is.


          Remember why they create these Tar Babies, ‘The devil is in the details.’


          We need to be ashamed because, ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.’


          Holder needs to go jail and Obama needs to be impeached now; because, ‘Action speaks louder than words.’


                                      George Henry Nichols

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