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What is Judicial Activism?






Obama is going to sue Sheriff Joe for violating the rights of Latinos.  I hope Sheriff Joe kicks some Latino butts all the way back to Mexico.

Obama accuses the conservatives on the Supreme Court of being judicial activists. Black’s Law Dictionary: “Judicial philosophy which motivates judges to depart from strict adherence to judicial precedent in favor or progressive and new social policies which are not always consistent with the restraint expected of appellate judges. It is commonly marked by decisions calling for social engineering and occasionally these decisions represent intrusions into legislative and executive matters.”

First, keep in mind that Obama is a highly trained and skilled lawyer, trained to sway the case in his favor.  Secondly, keep in mind that that I’m not a lawyer.  I’m self-trained to sway the case in the individual’s favor, and, as my case will prove, highly skilled, like Sheriff Joe.

Obama is aware of his right as President to appointment, as per Marbury v. Madison.  He is a white hat appointing white hats, his opposition black hats—progressives trying to force new social policies, “which are not always consistent with the restraint expected of appellate judges.” Says Obama, said judicial activists, the conservatives on the Supreme Court,  have the final say, but their decisions “represent intrusions into legislative and executive matters.” I guess Obama knows more than we know about those black hats on the Court.   Says Obama, our representatives were democratically elected, leaving out a few things that don’t matter about how and why they were elected.  


Thank you President Obama! President Obama has just made himself the best promoter of my book,   In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  Those who read my book will be able to determine who is more skilled, Obama, the professional liar, excuse me, lawyer, or voices of truth. Sheriff Joe is one who speaks the truth.  I'm another voice of truth.   

Obama calls himself a Roosevelt Democrat, and appoints like-minded white hats.  Looking at my case before the U.S. Supreme Court in the October term of 1980, case number 1570, I find that it is apropos with today's judicial activism.  I’m reading the part in my petition I bring up about Roosevelt.  In 1933, Roosevelt asserted, “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.”  In 1937, FDR asserted, “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court,” exactly what Obama is currently about.

As per Marbury v. Madison, Obama has appointed  two white hats to the Court.  Roosevelt appointed the white hat Brandeis, who asserted: “Property is only a means. It has been the frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.”  In other words, the means, you and I, are mistaken. We have no right to property.  The end of Obama care is for the good of all.

Said John Adams, judicial activist that he was, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God anarchy and tyranny commence.”

Speaking for the Court in West Virgina State Board of Education v. Barnette, another judicial activist, Justice Jackson,  “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts.”   

In my case before the Supreme Court, my claim was that my right to exist on the fruits of my labor was higher than the government’s right to tax my income, this is judicial activism.  The IRS claimed it had the right under the Sixteenth Amendment, and Congress agrees, although they’ve not generally done it, if they want to our representative can take every cent of our income, which they did in my case, calling it a mistake.  I have no right to eat, to a roof over my head. I’m entitled to whatever the white hats give me.  

The IRS made a mistake and taxed me more than the law allowed. I was obliged to take the IRS to court. I'm guilty until I prove my innocence.  The Tax Court ruled against the IRS.  The money the IRS mistakenly took from me was returned and then taken again as soon as the case was closed.  The U.S. Court of Appeals, ignoring the second mistake, actually obstruction of justice, said federal income tax was legitimate.  The Solicitor General told the Supreme Court that the mistake the IRS made had been corrected.  I guess the Court didn’t believe me. Although the IRS had mistakenly taxed me, an obstruction of justice, as it were,  my case was dismissed without a word.  Presumably, the IRS is permitted by your government to make unlimited mistakes against individuals it thinks are powerless. It does not do the same to millionaires. It is for the good of all to take from the poor and defenseless their means of existence, and, instead, give them entitlements.   

A district court decided to hear me.  The DOJ admitted the mistake and refunded my property. The IRS went to my bank and took every cent in my bank account.  The white hats claim that my sweat is theirs for the taking.  I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post asked the IRS why they confiscated my bank account.  The IRS told the Post that it was a mistake, and refunded my property.  Then the IRS went a after my wife, claiming that she owed $35,000 in unpaid tax, and that if she didn’t pay the tax she owed immediately the IRS would take our home and everything else we owned.  My congressman intervened.  The IRS admitted it was mistaken.  

 Thus white hat law: as long as the mistake is for the good of all, it is law.  For the good of all, hundreds of millions of human beings have been starved, machine gunned, or poisoned like vermin.  What is good for you now could be very bad for you later. You never know.

When you read my book, you learn the “Higher Law” the background of America’s Constitution.  You learn, also, that the “Higher Law” places in you the kingdom of God.  You have an immortal soul.  My life is as good as life gets. It has to be true that if you believe in yourself no power on earth can defeat you.


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Be Encouraged 4/4/12

Howdy all!  I had a great conversation with other citizens of Washington State over who may be the republican candidate for governor.  It was very much similar to the debates all over the country about who will be the GOP pres candidate.  I won't tell you how it turned out (although I thought I did pretty darn good), but if you have a state or local election that may be a close race in the primary, get involved with it, even if only in a discussion.  It'll be good practice for the coming election.  (and just who is this guy to give such advice anyway, right?)

Any hoo,..

Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. ~ Isaiah 61:7

I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary reward.  I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary for the public good, become honorable by being necessary.  Nathan Hale, Remark to Captain William Hull, 1776

Nathan Hale.  A great patriot.  He even had a submarine named after him.  Pretty cool, eh?  But the real cool thing is that all he wanted was to be a part of the revolution.  Read his words. He wished to be useful.  He wasn't looking for a promotion, "fame and fortune" as is said today.  He wanted to be part of gaining freedom, at any cost.  And we all know what cost he paid.  In Isaiah, we see the laying of foundation for what is coming for Israel.  The verses before speak of the freeing of Israel, freedom from slavery.  And when this would be achieved instead of dishonor there would be double shares of honor.  Everlasting joy would be theirs.  But it would through much sacrifice that they would achieve their freedom.  And so, centuries later, the people of the American colonies wanted their freedom.  There would be sacrifice, as Hale had to pay.  But it was that willingness to sacrifice to each other their 'Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor' that gave the colonies a new title; the United States of America.  Today we find ourselves striving again for our freedoms.  Now, we are striving to retain the freedoms our founders gave us, and our present employees in DC are trying to eliminate.  We all need to be a part of this service,necessary for the public good.  Not for promotion or pecuniary reward, but for the success of our republic.  And those who wish to end the republic will try to shame us, defame us, even destroy us.  Know that we will have no shame or dishonor in restoring our republic.  Our honor will be doubled instead. 

Now, you know one reason why I always invite you to stand with Israel.  They won their freedom from tyranny.  We won our freedom from tyranny.  They have always been under threat to lose their freedom.  Now we are under threat to lose our freedom.  And you wonder why Israel and America have always been friends?

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Wake Up Call


I receive a LWF Devotional every day and I hope youall won’t mind me sharing the one I received today because it touches on several subjects being discussed here….also I do not believe in coincidences..and I am convinced our Founding Fathers and Mothers(you think THEY did not have some say so in the homes?!)….were People First..
then Christians!!
The Wake-Up Call BIBLE MEDITATION:”And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11 DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT:Do you know what Napoleon said about China? ”There lies a sleeping giant, and let him sleep, because if he awakens, he will shake the world.” I believe the devil says that about the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I believe the church is just that: a sleeping giant. We’re asleep because we have been chloroformed by the spirit of this age. We’re bombarded on every side by all kinds of amusement. Do you know what amuse means? It’s a combination of two words. Muse means to think, and the alpha prefix in front of it means ”not to.” We are a generation that is amusing ourselves into oblivion. And it’s time to wake up! ACTION POINT:Are you taking the Christian life seriously? If this were your last day on earth, how would you spend it? In amusement? Or in evangelism? GBAAIGWT

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The Self-Evident

As Bill Clinton put it, is is.  Going further, however, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote it is self-evident that all men are created equal. Socialists claim that means , individually, we have zero rights; the collective will of society makes rights. Jefferson claimed that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. 

On the other hand, God’s vicars claim we can’t know why God does what he does.  In any event, we are left with the impression that might makes right.  Basically, this is the issue that divides us.  Half of we Americans, like Bill Clinton, say is is; half of us, like Jefferson, say our Creator endowed us with unalienable rights.

As for God’s vicars, the above was obviously the issue in the Bible’s first book, Genesis.  Genesis was obviously written by someone with the idea that man was created in our image, whoever that might be.  Islam’s prophet Mohammad had the idea that might makes right.  Socialists share that idea.  This is what divides us.

Science employs mathematics to establish the truth of the matter. Music reduces to mathematics. It also establishes nature’s doubling process.  Middle “C” on the keyboard vibrates at 512 times per second, the next “C” up vibrates at 1024 times per second.  

4063486058?profile=originalAmong the talents nature gave me, music was one of them. I never studied music.  From Wikipedia, under music and mathematics, we read that the Greek, Pythagoras, who was an ordained Egyptian priest, and knew much about mathematics, as they applied to the heavens, found that “all of nature consists of harmony arising out of numbers.”  By the way, Pythagoras was also a musician.

In numerology, starting with the number 1, seeking to find one’s identity, we progress toward the number 9, which stands for selflessness.  It makes sense. We come into this life knowing nothing. We came from state of consciousness, which is selfless, and end selfless, if we follow the path of destiny.

For ten years, every morning first thing I wrote my thoughts on a yellow pad and later tried to put them in an order that made sense out of my life in my computer’s word processor. When I learned about numerology’s nine progressive cycles of development, I fit the events of my life as best I could into those cycles.  The events of my life made sense.  And now, here am I with all of my dreams come true. It’s all in a book I’ve entitled In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.

If each of us were free to do our own thing, logic tells me, we would not struggle to make our group’s rights greater than another group’s rights, the might makes right theory.  We would know that by cooperating with others we all benefit—socialism in a voluntary form instead of by law, you might call it.  The control freaks in charge now don’t know this about human nature.  

Not long ago, another in a series of very strange things in my life happened to make my point.

Recently, I purchased an Apple computer. We know that Apple is one of the most prosperous companies in the world.  And why? They create things people want.  That’s part of the benefit we receive from the voluntary cooperation I above mentioned.  It’s what made America prosperous.  It is also what divides America.  It’s what we call class warfare, or Marxism opposing capitalism.   It’s a play on words—knee-jerk reaction.  What could be wrong about Apple making things people want—or capitalism?

My Apple computer includes a feature, called “Garageband,” which allows me to record in my Apple up to eight tracks of music.  As I’ve mentioned, music  comes to me naturally.  I play by ear; can’t read a note of music.  With my Apple, I’m a one-man band.  I play the guitar, the banjo, the keyboard, and I sing.

Karen, my wife, purchased a CD of the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou music.  I decided to record some of it in Garageband and play my instruments and sing along with it. I was astounded.  I had never played nor sung this well.  I sounded like part of the bands. There is something mysterious about music, something basic to our lives, something, I think, I’m here to advance.  I invite you to Joe’s Garageband on the Internet. .

At the same time I prove that music is basic in our lives, I prove that so is free enterprise.

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Be Encouraged 4/2/12

Howdy all!  And what a weird weekend for yours truly.  I spent most of it getting the squirrels fed so the computer would work right.  The rest I spent trying to find all of my old bookmarks without knowing what their internet addresses were.  In the immortal words of the Beatles, "I got blisters on my fingers!"

Any hoo,..

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. ~ Proverbs 2:7

Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without a rudder, is the sport of every wind.  With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Smith, 1822

What do you think of Jefferson's quote?  Does it sound like he is dissing faith, calling it gullibility?  Sounds like it, but he is definitely not.  And one only has to look to the verse from Proverbs for proof.  He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  Common sense; aka, reason.  With reason, He also is a shield to those who walk with integrity.  Now a s Thomas says, the man who gives up his reason has no remaining guard against the most monstrous absurdities.  So,if one has the common sense (reason) granted by our Creator, we have His guard remaining, and therefore protected.  We must only walk with integrity.  To illustrate this one simply needs to look at the difference between a tea party rally and an Occupy Wall Street rally.  I don't think I need to describe these two scenes to clarify.  What about the difference between the Restoring Honor rally and President Obama's Inauguration.  The national grounds were left pristine by the restoring honor crowd, but the aftermath of the inauguration looked like nuclear winter.  Or in other words, a wreck.  Jefferson's message is not one of bashing religious faith over reason.  Instead it is a message to Americans on how to maintain the republic. It is a message expecting Americans to use the reasoning, the treasure of common sense granted by Him to the honest, as the shield of integrity against the most monstrous of absurdities which will send this ship of ours aimlessly into the rocky shores of socialism.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Today Obama fired one of his minions for wasting a few thousand dollars of taxpayers money…does this mean we can look forward to him firing Michelle, Himself, AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY?! image002

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Kit is a fan of the essential items. Unfortunately, due to gender relations and the family did not approve of the sake of attitude, I always can't realize this dream. Perhaps because something is always the best, I dream for the shirt in my eyes as if one is a valuable art works is not and. Especially your favorite team shirt, printed on your favorite player name and conspicuous number... Heavens! That will be a great piece of art how!!!!! At least for me is like this. (I said, artistic, is relative to the individual)

We remember the Italian blue ever made of how many people drunk; Brazil's yellow once made the of how many people surrendered; The Netherlands orange and about how a warm; Manchester united have made the red or how many people crazy; Or real Madrid white threw the people into again and again boundless of natural and elegant. Of course we also can't forget that one of the great article between unlined upper garment-Juventus between black and white strip ever control whole serie a for several decades; AC milan's red and black unlined upper garment once swept over the whole article between Europe, horses, very WanLiRu tiger; And Argentina between blue and white strip of god because he 10 and sending out the permanent eternally! However, I only love in that one-appearing Germanic national special temperament shirt, the color not puffed up, with the German people rigorous work style PiaoRanErZhi fragrance. I like this kind of feeling, I think this is very artistic things.

90 years of the summer, every German would never forget that summer. The white jersey from the bone on both sides to his chest position three ribbon parallel arrangement into "V" type, which is the color of the national flag ribbon-black and red yellow, a symbol of Germany chariots and all will be stepping over the title and get the final victory! They succeed! They will be proud of national dignity and forever engraved on the glittering on the cup!

In 96, the same is exciting a summer. Euro made Germany and then a brilliant, also created a manly man was a late bloomer-oliver bierhoff! The England shirt a session of a 90 compared to the more concise, black side small round brought, accept cuffs, clothes on the national flag of no obvious signs, only a also reflect the German people of individual character "mercedes-benz" sign. Look is another very tasty! Personally, the most attractie this session of national team is the shirt style, feel very western style, also very alive. With the next shirt expectations, I ushered in the 98 World Cup.

98 years of shirt style let me have the feeling of a few years back. I was but was not the feeling and the fate of the German contact together, until a quarter-final over, I just deep experience how much I don't like this year's shirt! This is also I think Germany don't art works of the shirt. That summer in 98 story not mention want.......

01-02, they changed into the New Jersey. The shirt is grass green, very vigorous and more a rebirth of felling! After the World Cup qualifying campaign, which have been mixed. I do not have too big crave, only the court of World Cup of hope, they can have better to play!

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The Sinking of the Titanic

The iceberg that sank the Titanic on April 14, 1912 could have been there because of a celestial event.  When the moon is closest to Earth the tides are the highest. The moon had been closest to Earth on January 4, 1912 since the year 796, surely releasing many of Greenland’s icebergs to head southward.

This finest of ships the world had ever seen was made economically feasible by the large number of Europeans immigrating to the United States. She was heading full speed for New York, for the grandest celebration ever of man’s accomplishment. There were only enough lifeboats for the wealthy on board, we learned after the tragic loss of lives.  The small number of lifeboats, we were told, was because the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable.  Why any lifeboats?  Are privileged lives the only lives worth saving?  Not in my estimation.   

World War II picture. 4063485759?profile=originalI'm left in the front row. I'm nineteen years-old.

I’ve  just learned that only eight percent of the German people voted Hitler into office.  Many Americans don’t vote. They either trust in God keeping them safe from harm, or don’t think it matters whether they vote or not.

Germany’s Jews had that view. Six million of them  died for thinking that.  I’m a World War II combat veteran, an eye-witness of Germany being flat on the ground, many millions of Germans dead, a great many live Germans homeless and desperate.  I saw with my own eyes what Hitler did to Germany’s Jews.  Because the German people allowed eight percent of the population to vote Hitler into power, the world suffered the worst disaster of all times.  

I read that a Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be President. What were the American people thinking when Obama was elected President? The evidence was all there. I knew Obama was not fit to be our President.  What are they thinking now?  They are not thinking, period! They still don’t know that wolves in sheep’s clothing are always looking for an opportunity to devour us.  Jesus told us that.

There is a lot we don’t know and refuse to learn.  On Cosmos and Psyche’s back cover, we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.  Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age.  It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”

My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, links with the fate of the Titanic and Cosmos and Psyche. I tell of the United States exploiting the meek and defenseless, and how I took on their cause.  I’m the diametric opposite of Obama.  I’m out to give the defenseless the personal power back that Obama has taken from them.  

Wouldst thou know the secret of the sea?

Only those who brave its dangers,

Comprehend its mystery.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I was sailing from Nassau to Palm Beach, Florida with three friends on my thirty-seven foot sloop Bold Venture when we ran into a tropical storm.  We were in the Bermuda Triangle, where ships have been disappearing without a trace.  It is thought that time warps exist, that this could be the cause of some of the disappearances.

Due to the storm, we should have been far out to sea and far to the north of our course, but we were not. We arrived at our destination at my estimated time of arrival.  We were in a time warp that put us where we wanted to be.  Seas were breaking completely across our inlet.  I sailed straight into the breakers. We slid down a wave into the inlet that never broke.  When one experiences what I’ve experienced, one takes a wholly different view on life.

Ever since I legally challenged the United States for not adhering to my Constitution, I’ve been living a charmed life. How many of us can say their dreams have come true?  After the fact, I discovered that the stars predicted everything that I am and everything that I’m doing.  I spell it all out in great detail in my book.

The sinking of the Titanic is an amazing story, but not nearly as amazing as my story. The Titanic drama is one that is being continuously reenacted on various scales, but all for the same reason: lack of foresight.  The United States, heading for an iceberg at full speed, was unable to turn the ship of state in time.  The ship’s crew has tried desperately to save the ship.  Most Americans don’t know they are on a sinking ship. Once it is known by the ship’s crew that saving the ship of state is hopeless, they will lock the gates and let the masses go down with the ship. The crew and the privileged will occupy the lifeboats.

My personal ship went down with me on it.  I was reborn to tell the old story told in the Bible’s four gospels, with today’s spin.

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The Road to Freedom, by Anders Gravers

Today’s gathering marks a new step along the road of freedom from Islam for Europe.

Today we see organisations coming together in the cause for freedom and to protest against tyranny.

Most of us here today know we are in a war.  A war that has been fought for centuries.

Even those who have not yet realised that we are in a war know we face a big enemy that plans to rule the world.

This enemy of freedom is called Islam and Muslims are its soldiers. These are not our words, they are the words of a Muslim poem used by the President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan.

The poem says “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers”.

Yes…those soldiers are called Muslims.

Some say we provoke hatred against a religion when we protest against Islamisation.

It is not WE who provoke hatred.

Islam is not a religion. It is the world’s biggest hate group.

Muslims choose to be members of this hate group. Europe’s laws protect this hate group because its member’s call it a religion.

Political parties do not receive the same protection in law that Islam does. We have seen European politicians arrested and convicted for speaking against Islam.

Islam is in reality a political party because it has its own manifesto to rule the world.

Islam is a dictatorship.

Its manifesto crushes all freedom. It dictates how people should behave for every second of the day.

Islam is the opposite of freedom, just as communism is.

But Islam is worse than communism. It is communism with a viscious, violent god attached.

This so-called god commands Muslims to make war on the Kuffar who live around them. The worst insult a Muslim can make to other people is to call them Kuffar.

This insult should be banned in Europe as hate speech. Islam should be banned in Europe as a hate group. The Koran should be banned for being a manual of hate, just as some European countries have banned Mein Kampf.

Mein Kampf means “My struggle”.  Jihad also means “My struggle”. The difference is for Muslims, the struggle is to make Islam rule the world.

Both Mein Kampf and the Koran are full of Jew-hating. Mohammed called Jews “the sons of apes and pigs”.

Mohammed personally beheaded 900 Jewish men in a single day. That is 900 more than Hitler beheaded in his entire life.

Hitler led the Nazi hate-group that  murdered six million Jews and five million others who they hated.

They tried to get rid of all Jews in Europe. They failed to do this despite the Holocaust . However, the world’s biggest hate group, Islam, with its Jew-hating Muslims got rid of all Jews from the Arabian Peninsula and all other non-Muslims they hated.

Mohammed gave the women and children to Muslims as slaves and all their property to his followers.

Not only is Islam the world’s biggest hate-group it is also the world’s biggest organised crime syndicate.  Like the mafia with a violent god attached.

Recently we saw in Toulouse just what Islam’s Jew-hatred brings to Europe.

70% of attacks on Jews in France are done by Muslims. And this is being repeated across Europe.

The media try to excuse the Muslim Jew-hatred by blaming Israel and the so-called occupation of Palestine.

They will try to find any excuse to blame the Jews for Muslim violence. The media are as bad as Muslims and Nazis. The media lie about Israel by saying it commits atrocities against Palestinian Muslims.

We all remember how Israeli soldiers were accused of killing a 12 year old Muslim boy who was hiding behind his father against a wall. This was found to be a complete lie in a French court of law. These lies against Israel are repeated time and time again.

However, even though a French court exposed one of the biggest lies, the French media tries to excuse the murder of Jewish children in France.

However, the world knows that those helpless children were deliberately murdered by a member of the world’s biggest hate-group.

Those helpless Jewish children were just the latest victims in the world’s longest war.

This war is not of our making. It was started by Muslims who have only one ambition. To rule the world.

They will lose and we will win.

We will win because we have right on our side.

We will win because we do the right things. We use democracy and our right to protest to beat the violence and lies of the world’s biggest hate group. Islam.

The media and politicians call us far right and hate groups. However, it is not SIOE and the Defence Leagues who took our countries to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not we who stone women to death or bomb trains.

We have always done things according to the law. This has not stopped politicians and media accusing us of murders and other violence we did not commit.

We are only using our democratic rights to peaceful protest. And we will win.

We have to step up the action. We have to make our protests stronger. We have to make our language stronger.

But we have to stay within the law. And we will stay within the law.

Every mosque being built must be protested against. Not only must protests be held outside mosques, but also the building companies making the mosques. Also the councils allowing mosques to be built.

Whenever a woman, or even worse, a child is raped, we must protest outside the mosque closest to where it happened. Even if it is only four or five people.

The media must be challenged to report our protests or we will accuse them of supporting the violence of the world’s biggest hate group. Islam.

All anti-Islam groups must work together to defeat our enemy and to win this war.

Victory is ours. NO SURRENDER.

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Another call for a brokered convention



As I have said, the cry of the Tea Party now should be for a brokered convention.  Here is another voice added to the growing chorus of voices calling on Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to listen to the voices of their own constituency.

Streetcar Line
This Race Is Far From Over

By Quin Hillyer on 4.2.12 @ 6:10AM
How an open convention could reinvigorate Republicans.


"No, no, no. The Republican presidential nomination really is not over despite the parade of rather craven endorsements now flowing Mitt Romney's way."


For more, click here.



ex animo


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The way we undo the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Regime's disastrous legislation is one Bill at a Time, and then The Way To Undo The Past 50 Years of the Nanny State's Construction is one Bill, One Agency, One Bureau, One Commission and One Departiment at a time.  Encourage your congressmen/women to behave responsibly and stop the fascist takeover in this country.  This socialist model has already run up a multi-trillion dollar national debt.
As late as 1979, the entire amount of deficit spending which had accumulated during the first 200 years of the history of this nation when added together was less than 1 trillion dollars.  Now, in oly 30 years, that figure has reached 15 trillion dollars and is growing by billions daily.  No country can sustain this kind of Insane Spending which is all being Spent to Amass Federal Power By Expanding the Size, Scope, and Power of the Federal Government.  We have one useless agency after another and this administration is still piling them on.
And, the Gulf Oil Disaster is giving us a really good look at that Worthless Bureaucracy at work.  These useless agencies such as the EPA, took weeks and weeks to do a supposed Environmental Impact Study on How Piling Dirt Barriers in the Gulf might harm the environment, while the Oil That We Already Knew What It Was Going To Do was destroying the Environment, and then when this worthless agency finally gave Governor Jindal Permission to Build the Dunes, they only said they coud build about one fourth of what they had asked for.  Without this Useless and Needless Delay by a Worthless Federal Agency, Governor Jindal could have made a decision at the local level and Acted To Save The Marshes in a Timely Fashion.
Most things that need to be done in this country are best handled by the Local and State Government's who are close to the problem, can assess the problem and act on the problem swiftly and efficiently.  This is how the United States was designed to Work.  The Social and Political Engineers over the past 40 to 60 years have been Re-Constructing The United States' Foundations and these Re-Constructed Foundations are Faulty and Do More Harm Than Good.
The only thing that the Feds should be doing is providing for National Defense, Infrastructure, Protection of Ports and Borders, and othe National Security Issues.  The Federal Government should never have been allowed to Become a Carbon Copy of the Worthless Russian or USSR Communist Model which was Made UP Of Huge, costly, and worthless bureaucracies that had to control it's citizens with an iron fist, lest they would revolt against the excesses of it's own government.  This is pretty much what is happening in the USA today.  The Obama administration and many in congress are continually talking down on those of us who are trying to rein in the government's excessive spending, excessive regulations and excessive taxation, and especially sick of the messages coming from this administration and his hate groups such as the New Black Panthers, ACLU, ACORN, SEIU, NAACP, SPLC, SCLC, LaRaza and others calling those of us who oppose this socialist movement by the government racists and bigots.  We are not Racist or Bigoted.  We are Americans trying to Get The Government's Attention, and at the same time to Educate other Americans as to what is going on in this great country of ours.
So, when we say We Want to Take This Country Back, it has nothing to do with Obama's Race, which as I understand it, he was the Product of a White Woman who was a United States Citizen and a Communist Black Man From Kenya, Africa. This makes Obama Equally White and Black, so why can we Whites not Claim him as our own.  So, now I assume Obama to be a White since His Legal Parent was White, and looking at him this way, in no way changes my opinion of His Policies and his Beliefs, which, as president, he is able to act on.   So, all of my Conservative buddies out there, do not waste one second defending against Racism.  This is nothing but a Political Tactic being used by the Liberal Democrats with the aid of the MSM and their Hate Group Organizations mentioned above in order to Squelch the Truth of What We Stand For, which is we Stand for America, and a return to Constitutional Law, and Fiscal Responsibility.
And, that is not racist.  FDR was not Black or Black and White, LBJ was not Black, Jimmy Carter was Not Black, Bill Clinton Was not Black, Hillary Clinton Is Not Black, Nancy Botox Pelosi is not Black, Harry Reid is Not Black, Barney Frank is Not Black, Christopher Dodd is not Black, Princess Barbara Boxer, a Senator and not a Maam, is Not Black.  So, do not let these scoundrels in DC, The MSM, or their Strong Arm Groups and Shake Down Artists such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louie Farakhan, the New Black Panthers or others Distract You From the Cause of Returning this Nation to Constitutional Law and Fiscal Responsibility which will provide LIberty and Justice For All which is what was intended by the Founding Fathers and that is why we have a Constitution and A Declaration of Independence which served this nation and it's citizens well for over 200 years, and Change We Do Not Need, except Changing It Back To What It Is Supposed To Be.  Limited Federal Government, with most power being held at the local and state levels to deal with Domestic Policies.  The feds are responsible for National Defense and Border Security, and they are doing neither of these very well, because they are too busy Politicizing Everything and in Building a Complete Fascist Nanny State that We, The People Are Telling Them:   WE  DO  NOT  WANT!!!  Do not let them get you off message.  This is the message.
Like Bo Jackson Said, Just Do It!  That is what we are telling the Feds.  Just Do Your Legitimate Jobs and Leave The Rest To Us in our Communities and States.  Then, everybody can just get along, and we will do just fine. 
Thank You--M. Jerome Ennis, MAed Tuscaloosa, Alabama

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Over at WND there was an article published: 12/12/2011 at 10:00 PM, hat proclaimed: SANTORUM'S MOM: I CAN DOCUMENT RICK'S ELIGIBILITY

The article goes one to say that Rick's mother had a copy of Aldo's naturalization papers. I was just wondering: has anybody seen a copy of it?

Since this article came out Santorum's campaign won't respond to this question.

ex animo


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Our Government is trying to stop all news about Obama's bc...especially from other countries! I saw this bc two years ago in the Canada Free Press..."It looks real! More information in column on lower left.

President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape

Posted by African Press International on March 9, 2012

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