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There is a storm coming our way!


Posted on The Daily Pen-By by Penbrook Johannson of THE DAILY PEN-On February 9, 2012:

“This is part one of a three part story which will present evidence discovered within the vital records archives of the United States, Great Britain and the Prefecture of Hiroshima, Japan which shows that Barack Obama exploited the municipality of Hawaii and U.S. Vital Statistics reporting methods in order to counterfeit birth records in a criminal attempt to deceive the American people and fraudulently usurp the power of the U.S. Presidency.


New York, NY – Barack Obama’s ineligibility to be President remains the most troubling concern for the American people over the past four years. The issue outweighs concern over healthcare, the economy and the war on terror, combined.

Regardless of transient political and social lusts, immovable Constitutional prerequisites dictate that no office Obama holds, or policy he implements, is legitimate without proving that he is qualified to implement them, first. Compounding our constitutional crisis, an ineligible President only makes these problems worse, no matter what party he or she represents. Marco Rubio will come to understand, just as Obama has, that hypocrisy is not a part of the constitutional eligibility platform.

Despite spineless commiseration with Obama by the mainstream media complex, including abettors at Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC, public sentiment demanding a formal investigation into the matter of Obama’s Natural-born status, and thus his eligibility, continues to grow beyond the control of our government and media.

Soon, the vast and shocking truth about Obama’s otherness, based in part on evidence revealed in this report, will begin to rupture the constructs of Obama’s massive deception.

Presented here for the first time, in coordination with longstanding evidence supporting charges of fraud against Obama, is documented proof demonstrating multiple discrepancies between the dates and locations of Obama’s alleged birth registration and uncorroborated claims that his birth actually occurred on the island of Oahu, Hawaii in 1961.

Along with valid proof that the image of Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” is a digitally manipulated forgery, analysis of data on the image in reference with 1961 vital statistics reporting methods reveals there are conflicts between the vital statistics data educed about Obama and his ambiguous birth narrative.

As this report will show, the proof of Obama’s fraudulence resides in the domain of publicly accessible records which show that the birth registration procedures, federal vital statistics reporting methods and organizational structure of the Hawaiian municipality expose these contradictions and reveal that Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a fabrication of modern administrative processes and that his actual natal biography has been actively and intentionally obscured by present-day governmental officials.


Vital statistics reporting methods in 1961 dictated that when births were registered in Hawaii, the official vital record was coded with a seven digit number called a geographic reference codes (This code became nine digits long in 1962). Hawaii’s vital records are reported to the main office of the Hawaiian Department of Health in Honolulu from five counties comprised of seven geographic reference codes as shown in the Vital Statistics Instruction Manual for Births occurring 1960-1961. In Hawaii the geographic areas, numbered in alphabetical order by name of county, were coded as follows:



Geographic reference coding is essential in vital statistics reporting due to the need for accurate accounting of vital events across as many demographics and populations as possible. The geographic reference table shows the alphabetical order in which the counties of Hawaii were numbered by the National Vital Statistics Division and how vital statistics were required by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare to be reported using codes indicating the state (first and second digit), county (third and fourth digit), population (fifth digit) and City or other geographic unit code (sixth and seventh digit).


Cities with populations of 2,500 or more within each state are numbered in alphabetical order. Rural areas not identified in birth records which have a population up to10,000 are numbered 9 in each state. In 1962, there were only two incorporated areas in Hawaii, the City of Honolulu in the County of Honolulu, and the City of Hilo in the County of Hawaii.

As indicated by this code, in reference with the population codes, the city of Honolulu was reported by 1960 Census figures to have a population of 250,000 to 500,000 (Code 2), and the city of Hilo, 25,000 to 50,000 (Code 5) with the City of Honolulu being designated as the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA).

Notice, according to the National Vital Statistics Division, Hawaii contained only two geographic references with populations specified as greater than 25,000. They are the incorporated area of Hilo in the County of Hawaii, which is located on the Island of Hawaii, and the incorporated city of Honolulu in the County of Honolulu on the island of Oahu which is also part of the state of Hawaii.


The incorporated area of Honolulu County covers the City of Honolulu for Region 3. This the region in which Obama’s birth would have been recorded as occurring if his mother’s usual place of residence was at 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., Honolulu, Hawaii, the address appearing in the announcements in two Honolulu newspapers.



As first reported by The Daily Pen in 2010, in order to streamline accounting of millions of births reported by all the states in 1961, the National Vital Statistics Division (NVSD) of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, as it was known, mandated a 50-percent reporting method from state agencies using even-numbered certificates only. This commonly practiced statistical accounting method was implemented periodically in order to accelerate the quantification and categorization of natal statistics while preserving the margins of accuracy of the data to be included in various reports and Census data. 

In Hawaii in 1961, birth registration records were collected by the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health each week for births registered throughout the five regional offices between the previous Sunday at Midnight through Saturday at 11:59 p.m. Records from the five reporting counties were grouped in order by their geographic reference code into the seven groups shown above. Then the state of Hawaii’s Vital Statistics Registrar assigned birth registration numbers based, first, on regional occurrence with secondary consideration for chronological occurrence, as so stated in the 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. Report in Section 5, pg. 5-8. 

In 1961, upon receipt of the states’ data by the U.S. DHEW, the final even-number total for each reporting region (divided by counties) in each state was simply multiplied by two, thereby assigning an equal statistical value for the unreported odd numbered certificates. The resulting number was published in the annual 1961 “Natal Statistics of the U.S. Report Volume 1: Natality” issued through the National Center for Health Statistics headed by Dr. Forrest Linder and members of the National Vital Statistics Division at the time. 

Since state-level Departments of Health were mandated by the federal government to convey their data by the 50-percent reporting method using only even numbered registration numbers, the states’ health departments were not able to utilize “chronological” birth numbering to account for births in 1961. This means that as birth registration requests arrived at states’ main Department of Health offices, registrars had to first account them in order of receipt from regional office locations around the state. These were the offices in outlying and unincorporated areas (non-metropolitan areas), which most often provided birth registration services for rural, non-hospital, indigenous and foreign births since most main offices are nearest to major hospitals and city populations. Understanding this regional birth registration system is critical when analyzing Obama birth records and it is essential to understanding why his birth registration number indicates that he has provided fraudulent birth data and, also, why it is out of sequence with other birth registrations. 


The 1961 Vital Statistics Report of the United States reveals there were 17,616 births registered in the state of Hawaii between midnight, January 1, 1961 and 11:59 p.m., December 31st, 1961. This means that the State of Hawaii reported 8,808 even-numbered registrations to the U.S. Department of Health. 

Of the total births registered in the State of Hawaii, 14,906 were registered in the County of Honolulu, alone. This means that almost 85% of births are registered in just one of the five Hawaiian counties using 7,453 of the 8,808 even-numbers available leaving only 1355 even numbers for the remaining six regional birth registration areas. 

If the state of Hawaii had assigned birth registration numbers in chronological order, without consideration for the regional origin of the birth registration, many of the remaining 2710 births in the four remaining counties would have been assigned a disproportionate number of odd registration numbers because they were “outnumbered” by Honolulu County births by 5.5 to 1. 

Statistically, for every 16 births registered in the City of Honolulu, only one birth is registered in the City of Hilo. If the birth in Hilo were chronologically numbered among those other 16 from Honolulu and just happened to receive an odd number in 1961, it would never be reported as ever occurring. Worse yet, what if all 524 births in Hilo were randomly assigned odd numbers because of their chronological occurrence with the 14,906 births from Honolulu County. This is not impossible considering there are 7,453 odd numbers available. 

The data reveals there were a total of 17,616 births registered and reported to the U.S. DHEW from the state of Hawaii in 1961. Of these, 9348 were registered outside the incorporated area of Honolulu leaving more than half the birth registrations of the Hawaiian Islands from places outside the shoreline boundaries of Oahu and, thus, outside the geographic authority of the Honolulu based Department of Health. 

As shown in the table below, births were registered, numbered and reported from seven different regional groupings among five counties (Hawaii, Honolulu, Kalawao, Kauai and Maui) which are numbered in alphabetical order, according to NVSD protocols outlined in the Vital Statistics Instruction Manual, Part II, Section C - “Geographic Code”. 


In order to avoid this statistical inaccuracy, states adopted regional birth numbering which assigned an equal percentage of even numbers within all birth regions, not just cities and densely populated areas. This allowed rural and urban births to be accounted accurately regardless of their chronological occurrence.

The only way to make sure there was an accurate accounting, based on the federal health department’s request that states use even-numbered reporting of natal statistics was for the states’ main DOH office to number births in order of receipt from regional offices, first, then consider them chronologically, second. 

Therefore, the State of Hawaii, like many states, implemented a regional numbering of birth registrations to ensure that births outside of the urban area of Honolulu would be accounted for using the 50-percent reporting method using even-numbers only. 

This “regional” ordering of birth registrations prevented an over-counting of native urban births because urban births occur in a much higher density and frequency and, therefore, are statistically more likely to receive an even number if only chronological birth numbering were used.


Compounding this problem in Hawaii is the fact that births can occur in a region stretching more than 1500 miles across the Pacific Ocean and still be called “Hawaiian” births. Hawaii’s municipal government does not operate like one in a mainland state. In 1961, the geographic chain of Hawaiian Islands stretched far beyond the reach of Honolulu’s municipal authority. The main offices of the Hawaiian Health Department had only enough resources to take registration information at face value and create documentation without investigation. It did this so often, it eventually became permissible by law via HRS 338 and Administrative Rule 91.

Also, five of Hawaii’s regional birth registration districts are separated from the City of Honolulu by oceanic boundaries and open water of the Pacific Ocean. In 1961, the municipal government of the State of Hawaii did not have computer technology and had tremendous difficulty in implementing native birth verification and immigration laws. 

The regions from which birth registrations were received by the Hawaiian Department of Health’s main office in 1961 were: 

1. Births registered in the County of Hawaii and within the incorporated area of Hilo on the island of Hawaii – 524 births. 

2. Remaining births registered in the County of Hawaii (births registered outside of Hilo yet on the big Island of Hawaii) from the areas surrounding Hilo - 668 births. 

3. Births registered in the County of Honolulu and within the incorporated City of Honolulu on the Island of Oahu – 8,268 births (Registered in Kapiolani Medical Center…i.e. the Nordyke twins 10638 and10637, and, allegedly, Obama with 10641); 

4. Remaining births registered in the County of Honolulu in remaining areas surrounding the incorporated City of Honolulu on the island of Oahu – 6,638 births; 

5. Births registered in the county of Kalawao on the north shore of the island of Moloka’I – 0 births. 

6. Births registered in the County of Kauai which consists of the islands of Kauaʻi, Niʻihau, Lehua, and Kaʻula – 604 births, and; 

7. Births registered in the County of Maui which consists of the islands of Maui, Kahoolawe, Lānai, Moloka’i (except for a portion of Molokai that comprises Kalawao County), and Molokini – 914 births. 

The following table illustrates Hawaii’s regional statistics and shows the order of the numbering sequence as it applied in 1961. 


The 1961 Vital Statistics Report of the United States reveals in Section 5-5 that birth statistics are classified by the mother’s usual place of residence. This means that, in Hawaii in 1961, if the mother of a child resided in Region 4 (in Honolulu County but outside of the Incorporated area of the City of Honolulu), but came into the City of Honolulu (Region 3) to have the child at one of the urban hospitals, the vital statistics for that baby were recorded by the Department of health as occurring in Region 4, not Region 3. However, if the father was a resident alien, foreign student or undocumented immigrant, the mother’s usual place of residence was considered the place of occurrence, regardless of the birth location. 

Contrarily, if someone wanted to conceal a birth or obscure its data, registering it in an outlying area would accomplish this. 

Therefore, chronological birth registration numbering creates a statistical accuracy problem when attempting to account the births which are not registered in major hospitals because those less frequent births might just happen to occur in a chronological order which renders a disproportionate quantity of them with odd numbers, therefore, preventing them from being reported by the 50-percent, “even-number-only” method. 

Because of the even numbered reporting in Hawaii in 1961, if the birth registration numbers were assigned chronologically, and those from Hilo, Kalawao, Kauai and Maui counties were lumped in with the births registered in Honolulu county, they would not be accurately counted by the U.S. Department of Health, Welfare and Education because their fewer numbers would be vulnerable to odd numbering in higher proportion. 

If this were allowed to happen without regional consideration, those rural or foreign birth registrations would not be reported to the U.S. Dept. of Health, and therefore, they would not receive “credit” for future federal services and funding of various programs. 

Therefore, in 1961, the “50-percent” reporting method of even-numbered certificates only, forced state vital records agencies to use the Regional numbering system, instead of exclusive chronological numbering in order to make sure an accurate proportion of even numbered rural, foreign and non-hospital births were accounted for census and natal statistics reporting. This is one reason the U.S. DHEW added data categories to the official “Certificate of Live Birth” template in the 1950’s in order to account for non-hospital births in comparison to the higher number of urban births. 

The table below demonstrates the importance of clarifying birth registrations by regions in Hawaii. The U.S. Department of Health wanted to know the natality rates and status of births not only in highly populated areas, but in rural areas and non-metropolitan counties of each state. 

In the alleged year of Obama’s birth, regional clarification of birth data allowed Hawaii, with its scattered indigenous population and foreign birth registration history, a way to modulate the birth registrations from foreign, unnattended and non-hospital births without allowing them to be lost in odd numbers of the 17,616 total births that year and therefore promoted the Hawaiian municipal government’s need for federal funding for its population growth and expanding municipality. 

As a result, Obama’s birth was registered in a region whose certificates received a higher number even though his birth outside of Honolulu was recorded as allegedly occurring earlier than the Nordyke twins, because the regional offices, including the one which registered the Nordykes, had a lower regional reference number and served the main hospital at Kapi’olani. 

Obama’s birth did not occur in Kapi’olani Medical Center and these data prove it.


There were an average of 48 birth registrations per day in the state of Hawaii in 1961. That extrapolates to about 338 registrations per week. The Hawaiian Health Department issued a birth list to the newpapers for printing announcements in the papers’ “Bureau of Vital Statistics” section. However, the newspaper editors did not investigate the circumstances of the registered births on the list, they simply printed the information as they were given it by the Department of Health. 

Therefore, since we now know the Hawaiian Department of Health issued native Hawaiian birth documentation to foreign-born children as part of the “Certificate of Hawaiian Birth” program from 1911 to 1972, as well as to children from Asiatic nations whose parents had migrated to Hawaii since the late 1800’s, we understand that newspaper announcements are not accurate with regard to three vital pieces of information about the birth. 

One, the marital status of the parents was not accurate in many announcements. Announcements were always printed showing the parents as being married even though NVSD statistics show that 1044 births in Hawaii were illegitimate or with only one parent of record in 1961.

Two, the location of the birth is not printed. Birth announcements in Hawaii in 1961 did not reveal the name of the hospital or the location of birth. The birth announcements were printed with the address of the registrant and the last name of the parents only without clarification whether the address was the actual usual residence of the mother. Public records reveal that many Hawaiian birth announcements show addresses where the baby’s parents did not reside. We now know that Obama’s father was not a resident of the address printed in the announcments for Obama’s birth. 

Three, registration dates are not printed along with alleged birth dates. The order of birth announcements are based on the order of regionally assigned birth numbers as they are provided by the Hawaiian Department of Health. They are not ordered chronologically by date of occurrence and, therefore, information about whether the child was native born or foreign born is not determinable. 

Of the average of 338 state-wide registrations per week, the County of Honolulu and remaining Island of Oahu, Regions 3 and 4, registered 286 of them to mothers who stated their usual place of residence was on the Island of Oahu with more than half of those, about 159 per week, stating their residence was within the incorporated City of Honolulu of Region 3. Therefore, birth announcements appearing in the Honolulu newspapers required more column space over several days in order to include them all. 

Moreover, the newspapers printed their birth announcements in the same order the certificates were numbered and in the order they were regionally registered by the main office of the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health in 1961. 

Notice where Obama’s announcement occurs within the columns of the two newspapers compared to the dates of other births in other announcements. Several births are dated days after his yet they are printed above his. This is because they were registered either in a lower numbered region or in the office serving Kapi’olani Medical Center and, therefore, received a lower registration number despite occurring after his birth, chronologically. 

At the top of the column, why does the birth announcement for the Kitson’s August 6th birth occur before the Ayau’s July 31st birth? Because the birth of the Kitson’s son was registered with a lower number than the Ayau’s registration. 

The Nordyke twins’ birth announcements appear several days later, on August 18th because, although they were born just a day later than Obama, their births were still numbered higher than other births at Kapi’olani that week because they occurred on the last day of the reporting period on August 5, which was a Saturday. The regional batches of births were printed in their respective groups by the newspapers with respect for column space available. This is yet another indication that the Nordyke births were registered in the Honolulu county main office while Obama’s was registered in an outlying regional office. His birth announcement appear before the Nordykes even though his number is higher, because his birth was registered with a batch of regional births requiring less column space to include the entire week’s registration from that region. 

The fact that Obama’s birth registration number is higher indicates that his birth was not in the same order with other births in Region 3 because his birth did not actually occur in the City of Honolulu. In fact, his birth was registered some time after once a registration number became available in another region. In this case, probably region 4. 

Therefore, this statistical evidence is a powerful indicator that Obama’s birth was not registered as a result of a birth in Kapiolani because his registration occurred after registration numbers were already applied to births for the week ending Saturday, August 5th, which did occur in Kapiolani medical center. 


It should be no surprise, given the Obama eligibility saga, that the word “Honolulu” means “place of shelter” in native Hawaiian language. In June of 1959, two months before Hawaii was officially granted U.S. statehood, the governor-to-be of Hawaii and the mayor of the Prefecture of Hiroshima, Japan met to discuss, among other things, a way to “streamline” immigration and citizenship rights for residents between the two states and, thus, help struggling Japanese citizens find refuge in the wake of the destruction wrought by World War II. The relationship between Hawaii and Japan was originally seeded by the “People to People Program” established by Eisenhower administration in the 1950s to promote peace and mutual understanding between citizens in the two former enemy nations. 

In that same year, government officials of Honolulu and the city of Hiroshima officially adopted each other’s city as a “sister city” paving the way for an open and cooperative induction of bureaucracy, commerce and migration between the two municipalities. However, records show that the symbiotic history between these metropolises extends even deeper into Hawaii’s history than the 1950s and reveals that thousands of Japanese immigrants, since the mid 1800s, have entered Hawaii and received official native birth and citizenship status from the Hawaii Office of the Secretary of State via the Hawaiian Department of Health.

Most mainlanders do not realize that Hawaii has been under American statutory and legislative influence since 1898, 61 years before officially becoming a state. In 110 plus years, Hawaii has had 19 governors, 12 appointed prior to statehood, seven elected since statehood. Stanford B. Cole was the first governor of Hawaii, appointed by the McKinley administration from 1900 to 1903, 59 years before Hawaiian statehood. William Quinn became Hawaii’s first elected governor upon statehood in 1959. Between these two administrations, Hawaiian laws evolved out of what most Americans would consider foreign influence and cultural exclusivity. 

From its earliest history, Hawaii cooperated with Asiatic nations in creating a model of immigration which, while intended to improve the lives of suffering immigrants, actually evolved out of social values and cultural homogeny into the very laws and administrative regulations of the state of Hawaii which would eventually facilitate Barack Obama’s illegal presidency. 

Essentially, by exploiting Hawaii’s cultural history of drawing poor foreigners through its municipal exclusivity, without accountability to mainland America, Obama was able to deceive America. By using Hawaii’s municipal history and vital records processes to create a façade of legitimacy, Obama simply did what foreign immigrants have been doing for 100 years in Hawaii. Lying about who they really are, and where they actually come from. 

The result of this deception was that he was able to hypnotize a bowing liberal consensus into accepting, wholesale, that he was eligible to be president by exploiting their willful ignorance and emotionalism. 


The exploitation of babies by their foreign-born parents as a means to achieve sanctuary within the U.S. and its affiliated territory and states has been around long before border jumping from Mexico. It appears that Hawaii, not Arizona, was the first anchor-baby harbinger in the U.S. 

As stated, Hawaii has strong historic ties to Hiroshima. In as early as the decade between 1885 and 1894, approximately 30,000 people arrived in the island nation from Japan, primarily to work in the sugar industry. 

Among these earliest recorded Japanese-to-U.S. immigrants were more than 6000 Japan-born children who received native Hawaiian birth records and, thus, native Hawaiian citizenship allowing their parents a legal mooring for residency and land ownership. Many foreign-born Japanese adults also received birth records, which legally stated they were born in the territory of Hawaii. An estimated one-third, 10,000 of these 30,000 immigrants, came from Hiroshima.

New and not-so-new arrivals could receive birth records from the Hawaiian territory’s municipal records office by presenting nothing more than a handwritten or verbal testimonial of native birth from one witness (a medical doctor was not required), and an application signed by the applicant, the witness and the Territory’s Secretary of Records. 

Archive records and recently filed vital statistics reports by the Hawaiian Office of Vital Statistics via the Sinclair and Hamilton libraries show that more than 357,000 Japanese citizens entered the U.S. through Hawaii illegally between 1911 and 1972. With them, were more than 41,000 young and newborn children who were relocated with many being granted Hawaiian native birth status and, thus, citizenship in the Hawaiian Islands and, eventually, by default as a result of statehood, citizenship of the U.S. At some point, soon after 1959, this infiltration of nameless hordes triggered a formal response from the government of the State of Hawaii to introduce “accommodation” policies. Therefore, Hawaii’s administrative authority formed the “Certificate of Hawaiian Birth” program in which anyone willing to apply could receive a Hawaii birth certificate regardless of where they were actually born. 

“This is unprecedented in American immigration history. Essentially, immigrants who were already present in Hawaii at the time of statehood were automatically granted U.S. citizenship by default when the islands became a U.S. state, and they were provided false birth documentation as a primary form of official U.S. identification,” says Dan Crosby after his investigation of the history and vital records processes in Hawaii. 

“Municipal officials and law enforcement personnel working in Hawaii simply did not question identity and citizenship at that time. It would have been like verifying the source and identity of a grain of sand on a Hawaiian beach,” Crosby continued. 

“Once you look at the history of this place in depth, it really is not surprising to learn that many of these ‘citizens-by-presence’ simply claimed that their children were born in Hawaii so they could have an identity as Hawaiian citizens, nor is it surprising, once you look at the dynamics between Hawaii and Japan, that they were issued simple birth records stating so. In fact, it seems logical that they allowed it,” says Crosby. 

“Unfortunately, however, it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution when one of those foreign-born Hawaiian orphans tries to run for president.” 

Crosby explains that the large volume of people actually prevented an extensive legal verification process because the time and resources required to accomplish it were simply not available. He also gives compelling reasons why it was actually a benefit to Hawaii to declare foreign-born children as native Hawaiians.

“Money. Duh!” quips Crosby. 

“The bigger the population native to Hawaii, the more financially viable the demographic is to the federal bureaucracy. Tax payers and municipal services keep the federal government in business. Keep in mind, there was little to no official immigration enforcement in Hawaii before statehood. Hawaii just didn’t have the municipal resources from 1898 to the 1960’s to verify the legitimacy of applicants’ birth claims and parentage, so they just handed out birth certificates like candy,” says Crosby. 

“Eventually, the informal social precedence became statutory law and the state of Hawaii, after 1959, simply made it a policy and formal process to issue native birth records to foreign born children because it was so burdensome to enforce rigid verification standards for so many entering the islands from all sides. Remember, this is not Oklahoma or North Dakota…this place is in the middle of thousands of square miles of open water directly accessible to more than 80 different countries. This little island didn’t stand a chance. You could’ve had Asian immigrants walking into Hawaii after swimming the Maui Channel between islands. Once they got here, who the hell is gonna know they aren’t native? There is no immigration enforcement body. Who would care when everyone else is lying too?” 

Wayne Miyao, president of Honolulu Hiroshima Kenjin Kai and chairman of the Hiroshima-Hawaii Sister State Committee says, “The numbers seeking a new life were staggering. Thousands of Japanese citizens who had been struggling for years since the end of the war were desperate to enter the U.S. via the remote, unchecked Hawaiian Territory after 1945. This should not be a surprise to anyone considering what happened in Hiroshima.” 


Supporting Hawaii’s explanation for its failed immigration and vital records enforcement policies between 1945 and 1964 was that those living and working in Hawaii were torn between their political moorings with the U.S. and their sympathy for atomic bomb survivors from Japan. 

“This is at the heart of the two city’s sisterhood celebration here,” says Crosby, “The sentiments over this issue were so deeply held and so evocative that it was essentially made a law of social nature that Japan had open and unfettered access to Hawaii. From there, I believe the social attitudes and municipal policy of Hawaii officially supported, if not actively promoted, the extralegal assimilation of all foreigners into the American landscape. Ultimately, these attitudes and ‘creeping warrants’ is how Obama ultimately became an illegitimate president. Guilt and shame, not hope and change.” 

In 1985, the Prefecture of Hiroshima presented Honolulu with the Hiroshima Peace Bell. A bell-ringing ceremony is held each year at the Izumo Taishakyo Mission near Chinatown to mark the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Included in the ceremony is a traditional Shinto offering of fruits, vegetables, sake and rice for purification and blessing. 

In 2001, the Hiroshima Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hiroshima Prefecture, and the City of Hiroshima presented to the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce a replica of the Torii Gate at Hiyajima, a World Heritage Site, as a symbol of our everlasting friendship.

In 2002, the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce presented the same token of friendship to the City and County of Honolulu. This $165,000, tax funded, 26-foot-high structure, a symbol of Japan’s illegal immigration into the U.S. and the preeminent symbol of the Shinto religion, now stands on public land at the intersection of King and Beretania streets, in Moiliili. 
In 2009, the cities of Hiroshima and Hawaii celebrated the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Sister City Relationship between the City and County of Honolulu and the City of Hiroshima. 

“Hiroshima was Honolulu’s first sister city, and we’re very proud of our warm and strong relationship,” Mayor Hannemann said. “It’s very important that we celebrate this historic occasion appropriately and continue to share our aloha with the wonderful people of Hiroshima.” 

....and a few other people, it appears.”



Posted on The Daily Pen-By Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby of THE DAILY PEN-On February 29, 2012:

“SHOCK AND ODD –Along with previous evidence proving the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted on the internet in April, 2011 was digitally fabricated, we reveal powerful new evidence which shows that data contained on the document contradicts Obama’s birth narrative and vital statistical accounting methods used at the alleged time of his birth. Vast disparities between the natal information appearing in the image and the standard methods used by federal and municipal governments to code, identify and report the contents of U.S. vital records prove that Obama’s alleged Hawaiian birth record was assembled to intentionally obscure the truth about his natal biography.

By Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby


NEW YORK, NY – An intensive examination of the contents of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” image by the most respected experts in vital records accounting and identity investigation reveals that much of the contrived information about his alleged Hawaiian birth simply renders his Natural-born status impossible.

In cooperation with former members of the Social Security Administration’s Records and Claims Investigation office, along with information provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), this installment of our report reveals evidence, for the first time, which shows the content of Obama’s document image was hastily and recently manufactured by criminal counterfeiters secretly working in collaboration with both the White House and the municipal government of the State of Hawaii.

Most importantly, the actual data found in the document image reveals that Obama’s natal history is in direct, and even absurd, conflict with historical precedents defining citizenry, demographics and birth metrics as well as protocols governing vital statistics accounting while exposing epic deceptions on a scale never before seen in American political history.


Aside from the contextual contradictions revealed by Obama’s alleged 1961 birth records, it can never be dismissed that, according to centuries of legal and doctrinal precedence, the fact that Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth forever disqualifies him from ever being eligible to hold the office of president unless the Constitution were to have been legally changed prior to his presidency.

The best way to define a natural-born citizen is not so much by what it is, but what it isn’t. A natural-born citizen is one born of geographic and biological circumstances, and to have remained under those citizenship metrics from birth to election, which make it impossible for any authority or public perception to consider him or her allied with any status other than naturally-born as a citizen of that nation.

Being born in a geographic location, which is under the protection of the U.S. Constitution to two citizen parents are two of the three major components of natural-born citizenship according to historical authority defining the term. The third requirement of natural-born citizenship is continuity of that status without renouncement, voluntary or not, by expatriation, extradition or adoption to foreign parents.

These metrics were not made to hurt the feelings of those not qualified. They were intended to protect the sovereignty of the United States of America and its Constitutional rights through ensuring, to the highest possible degree, the allegiances of its executive powers. For, only the executive branch is led by one.

Failure to understand this is tantamount to willful ignorance and inferior understanding of the reason why American remains the greatest santuary of freedom and protection in world history.


The evolution of methods used to collect, prepare and report vital statistics must be carefully examined in order to understand how Obama exploited Hawaiian culture and its municipality to become America’s first ineligible president.

Vital statistics reporting methods fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Health, Center for Disease Control, Census Bureau and multiple branch agencies in public health monitoring. This federal cacophony of bureaucracy works in collaboration with the state health municipalities in each state and U.S. territories to manage the nations vital records and statistics standards.

Vital records are implemented without concern for defining the citizenship status of the subjects on the vital records. Regulations governing the collection and reporting of vital statistics are purposed for improving accuracy, timeliness and availability of vital statistics data to be used for public health services, disease prevention and population.

Most certainly, vital records and statistics were never intended to be used as evidence for determining the eligibility of individuals to hold public office. The information contained in them does not provide an accurate portrayal of the specific natal circumstances, biographical events and geographic indicators required for determining Natural-born citizenry. Vital records simply are not qualified for making such determinations, but in the absence of other vetting resources and effort by authorities, they serve as a starting point for investigation.

Since some have chosen to elicit validation from the absurdity of internet images of alleged 50-year-old birth records, without so much as questioning their authenticity or origins, to determine a previously obscure politician’s eligibility to hold the most powerful and dangerous position in the world, they get what they deserve in their failure to demand a higher vetting standard.

Not only has the American public descended to new depths of endemic irrationality over Obama’s alleged birth records, the complex world of vital records and statistics has been breached to reveal some of the most bizarre protocols and complex logistics of any municipal service.

Tragically, so many remain willing to accept an ambiguous, uncorroborated image of an alleged document posted to the most corruptible and unreliable source of mythology in history, the internet, as the holy grail of some politician’s legitimacy to hold the greatest executive and military power on earth.


According to the 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. Report, Vol.1: Natality (VSUS Report), Hawaii’s 1961 birth statistics were tabulated by the National Vital Statistics office from microfilm copies of the certificates provided by the State of Hawaii’s main Vital Records office in Honolulu.

The records were organized by the main Hawaiian Vital Records office in order of “regional” sequence according to the alphabetical order of the five counties and two metropolitan areas in which the birth record was originated, not where the birth occurred. They were then assembled into “blocks” of 20 records and microfilmed.

Upon delivery to the NCHS, the data was transcribed by personnel and then manually “punched” onto cards prior to their insertion into a card-reader where the data was stored on magnetic tape in a 150+ digit string of code numbers for each record, each digit specifying a distinctive piece of data on the certificate accounting for birth metrics, demographics, age, location, parentage, health statistics, etc.

In successive years, according to the U.S. Vital Statistics System guide, beginning in 1962, the NCHS evolved to electronic data allowing each state to place the records on magnetic tape themselves as the preferred media for delivery of birth data. Computer processing and software media began to be used in the early 1980s.

In 1961, the NCHS stored birth statistics in “blocks” of 20 records on magnetic tape based on a 50-percent sample of even-numbered certificates only. This fact raises doubts about the authenticity of Obama’s alleged certificate given its alleged odd number and yet it contains preliminary codes scribed in the margins of the item entry spaces.


Pencil marks indicate Obama’s certificate was prepared for coding and statistical tabulation.

Data found in the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” demonstrates the disparity between the documented evidence about his birth facts and the propaganda supporting his claim to natural-born citizenship as well as America’s first so-called “black” president.

According to the 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual (VSIM) Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” reveals that he is actually not America’s first “black” president. In fact, by vital statistics reporting standards, he is not even bi-racial. This is significant not to the issue of his race, but to the accuracy of the information on the image in comparison to his widely accepted birth narrative, in general.

Demographic coding of the information as it is stated on the image causes him to be classified as “white”, not “black”, contrary to what media propaganda has tried to convince us. Vital statistics reporting protocols state that a child’s race is classified by the race of the parents with consideration given in the following priority.

1. If the race of both parents is coded the same, the child is that race, as well.

2. If one parent is classified as white (Code 1) and the other is classified as one of codes 0 or 2 through 8, then the child’s race is also classified as one of the classification codes found in 0 or 2 through 8.

3. The child’s race is classified by the father’s race unless the father’s race code is 9, which means “Not stated” or “not classifiable”, then the child’s race is classified by the mother’s race.

Race codes for reporting the mother’s and father’s race on the standard Certificate of Live Birth in 1961 were the same codes and were as follows:


Recall, Obama’s father’s race is shown as “African” which does not appear in the “Detail Race of Father” table as a classifiable race according the NCHS. It is coded as a number 9 which is “Not Stated”. Therefore Obama’s race is based on his mother’s, not his father’s, by federal law. We know the vital statistics of Obama’s father’s race was recorded using this code because within the margins of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” there are preliminary coding marks written in pencil as prescribed by the Vital Statistics Instruction Manual for 1961 reporting. Obama’s certificate has the number “9” scribed in the margin of the item for his father’s race.


According to vital statistics coding protocols in 1961 this code dictates the race of his father is “not stated” and, therefore, according to the Model State Vital Statistics Act of 1942 (MSVSA) and the VSIM issued by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Obama’s race must be classified by his mother’s race when the father’s race is reported as “not stated” or “not classifiable”. Therefore, since his mother’s race is classified as “1 ... White”, according to the reporting code found scribed next to her race on the image, Obama is “white” according to the NCHS.


Table above shows the term “African” coded after 1989, not number 9.

Propaganda supporting Obama’s birth narrative pushes the lie that he is America’s first “black” president which would mean that either parents’ race would have to be coded as the number 2, not 9, with other parent being coded number 1. Otherwise, if both parents are not coded as 1 or 9, then the father dictates the race of the child.

For example, if the father is coded “1” and the mother is coded “2”, then the race of the child is “2” because “2” is the non-white code of one parent. If the mother’s race is code “2” and the father’s race is code “5”, then the race of the child is coded “5” because both parents are non-white but the father’s race dictates the child’s race when both parents are non-white. However, if the father’s race is “9”, then the race of the child is the same as the mother’s.

This example is just one of the inconsistencies between the data found within Obama’s alleged “Certificate of Live Birth” and his popular, but false, birth narrative conveyed by propagandists and media abettors.


Many have wondered why the left margin of the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” is curling away under a digital “clipping mask”. An obvious explanation used by Obama’s defenders is that it was copied from a book of bound certificates in the main office of the Hawaiian department of Health.


However, this explanation does not explain two very significant facts about the image which, when considering vital statistics reporting methodology, render the certificate image a fraudulent document unqualified to determine the eligibility of Barack Obama to be President.

First, the overlay of what appears to be security paper was used around the visible part of the document image to conceal the lower portion of the document which contains birth metrics, health information and coding guidelines about the specific circumstances of the birth and the child’s biography after birth. For example, the author of this story has an original birth certificate which contains notations in this portion of the document indicating a change in paternity five years after his birth.

More importantly, however, the left margin of the document is not visible because the forgers wanted to conceal the codes scribed in that area. A few of these numbers are visible. However, the ones that are only partially visible or concealed are the ones which reveal the codes reported about the location and circumstances of paternity of the birth.

The numbers 6, 2 and what looks to be the flourish of a 5 appear next to the entry boxes for parental information.

The possibility of the presence of a “5” in this location has foreboding implication with regard to Obama’s birth. According to the Vital Statistics Instruction manual, this code means “Other” with regard to “Type of Location of Birth” – Code Outline shown here:


Essentially the presence of this code in any case is an indication of a Place of Birth other than a Hawaii Hospital and other than by a Hawaiian Medical Doctor.

The presence of the “6” next to the “Place of Birth” item is most troubling. As the second digit of the number 56, the 1961 VSIM uses the number 56 to code the location of births which occur outside of the United States but which are processed “in conjunction with” the county of registration. The states and the District of Columbia are numbered in alphabetical order from 01 to 51 while Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Panama Canal were 52 through 55, respectively. This left the number 56 as the code for classifying “Remainder of the World”. This can be found in the 1961, 1962, 1968, 1977, 1993 and 1999 versions of the VSIM. In 1993, number 55 became the code for New York City because of its large birth volume it was classified as its own major birth rate statistical reporting area.

Essentially, this means the code tape file contains two spaces for the state to record a geographic code for the foreign location of the occurrence of the birth without showing that location on the certificate for a resident mother.

The presence of a “2” is probably the second digit of “12” which is the indication of the VSIM geographic code for Hawaii as the state of the Mother’s “Usual place of Residence.”


According to the NCHS, the birth rate of residents of any statistical reporting area must be based on the total population of the residents of that area in order to be accurate. Therefore, according to the historical methods prescribed by the NCHS from 1945 to 1968 for attributing birth statistics to location, it is a requirement for State Vital Records and Statistics reporting offices to include births of residents in the birth rate no matter where the birth occurs. Logically, this is essential because the population and, therefore, municipal services are affected by those births when the mothers return to their residence with the child.

This circumstance is the impetus for Hawaii’s flexible birth registration process, which allows residents of Hawaii, within a year of the birth, to register the birth in Hawaii up to one year after the birth. Theoretically, a pregnant woman who considered Hawaii her usual place of residence up until January 1st, 1960 could register a birth that occurs on December 31st, 1960 as late as December 30th, 1961, and she would not have had to live there for almost two years (See HRS 338-17) and the Certificate would not be marked “delayed” (See MSVSA, Reg. 3.1)

In the alleged year of Obama’s birth, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) published data in its 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. Report (VSUS Report) which shows that the state of Hawaii had the highest rate of Resident Birth Allocation by its state Department of Health than any state by more than 41 times the national average.


Areas directly outside of U.S. cities between 1950 and 1970 show a comparable annual rate of population increase using a ratio of birth rates, mortality and immigration rates with existing population. In the United States in 1961 birth data reveals that births to nonresident mothers in all counties occurred at a rate of 16.5% throughout the nation which matches the expected yearly population increase rate over the previous 10 years.

However, in the state of Hawaii in 1961, this rate was shockingly disparate with only a 0.40% birth rate to nonresident mothers while population outside of Honolulu increased by an annual rate of 96.4% in just ten years. This means that, in 1961, Hawaii registered births to mothers who were allocated residence in Hawaii on the birth certificate at a rate 41 times higher than the rest of the nation even though the population within the largest city, Honolulu, increased at the same rate as the rest of the nation (about 18.6% in 10 years).


For example, if a small U.S. county of 1000 people contains 100 pregnant residents and 50 of those women happen to give birth to one child each while traveling to various places outside of the county, including foreign countries, while the other 50 give birth to one child each while in the county, the native (non-immigrant) population of the county will have increased by 100 when the 50 travelers return to the county with their babies. Therefore, according the VSUS Report, Part II, it is not accurate to account births, which only took place in the county because that would give a false birth rate of 0.05 if they are accounted by place of occurrence. Reporting the actual birth rate of 0.10 must include residents who give birth outside of their usual place of residence.

However, in Hawaii, this was opposite in effect with regard to natal statistics reporting. Census data shows massive population growth outside of Hawaii’s metropolitan area, which is shockingly incongruent with national birth rate statistics. This is because the Hawaiian Department of Health refused to distinguish between mothers of foreign, non-resident and resident births. Aggregately, Hawaii’s population rate also exceeded the national average, overall, based on the ratio of birth rates, immigration, and mortality rates.

Hawaii was the easiest place for a foreign mother to list Hawaii as her place of residence and have her birth allocated to that state than any other state. Likewise, Hawaii was the easiest place for a resident mother to give birth in a foreign country, return to Hawaii and have her birth registered as occurring in Hawaii. The two predominant reasons for this are a chronic misallocation of “usual place of residence” as the location of the birth and Hawaii’s isolated geography.

“Usual Place of Residence”:

The “Usual Place of Residence” allocation for birth statistics was based on criteria described in both the 1960 Census Report published in October of 1961, and Section 5-11 of the 1961 VSUS Report, Volume 1: Natality. Census criteria describes “Usual Place of Residence” as “the place of residence where one lives and sleeps most of the time…”

Additionally, adopting the definition for birth statistics, the VSUS Report, section 5-11 states, “Errors in residence reporting result in a significant overstatement of births to residents near urban places…”

Therefore, cross referencing statistics of Hawaiian population growth between 1950 and 1960 with “birth-by-attendant in hospital” data in the VSUS Report indicated that significant errors in Hawaiian “birth by residence” reporting was the result of widespread overstatement of births to mothers who claimed Hawaii as their place of residence but did not actually give birth in a hospital in the state of Hawaii.

Recall, as of today, Obama has never provided a corresponding copy of his alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” directly from the alleged hospital of his birth. The absence of his birth documentation is supported by these statistical facts. Hawaii’s “birth by residents” data errors were the result of basing census population growth indicators from native birth registrations without natal statistics supported by hospital records and prenatal medical services. Babies were appearing everywhere in Hawaii according to native residence census data, but, unless everyone was having twins, no one could account for these births as occurring in Hawaii according to Natality data and American Hospital Association (AHA) statistics.

The only other state to show such disparate native birth statistics in relationship with normal native birth rate (non-immigration) population growth in the same period was Florida…as a result of mass exodus from Cuba. Like Hawaii, one year old “American” babies of “resident mothers” were showing up in doctors’ offices and state department of health offices in Florida, but no one could account for their hospital birth rates or location of occurrence.


This is important in the case of Obama’s ambiguous birth narrative because he was born at the height of Hawaii’s natal accommodation movement. Municipal funding struggled to keep up with demand as areas outside of Honolulu exploded. Accounting foreign births as native births greatly assisted Hawaii’s justification for federal tax funding to build infrastructure, providing municipal services and, most importantly, expanding public health/natal care services.

Therefore, because of decades of “open door” immigration policy in Hawaii prior to statehood, unless special care was taken in asking for residence information on birth certificate applications, mothers were simply identified as being Hawaiian residents outside of the central city when they registered the births within a year of their occurrence. The idea that such misrepresentation could affect political eligibility or citizenship status under the weight of Hawaii’s municipal development challenges simply was not considered by state and local governments.

In 1960, this situation assumed special importance with the completion of Honolulu International Airport renovations and international aviation service expansion. The increased use of air travel made utilization of American hospitals in cities by non-resident aliens easier creating a massive transaction of people via Hawaii and Asia between 1945 and 1965. Likewise, it made departure from, and return to, Hawaii for residents more efficient as well. This trend saw a pronounced increase in the years 1959-1961 when commercial aviation development reached its peak in Hawaii.

Frustrated and overwhelmed, the Hawaiian Vital Records office, under Title 11, Chapter 8 of its Public Health Regulations, following a radical interpretation of NCHS birth statistics reporting protocol, implemented a remedy for this disparate anomaly after the 1960 Census. In what can only be considered one of the most bizarre examples of twisted municipal logic, rather than record foreign births, the Hawaiian government simply decided the local office where the record was submitted was the location of the occurrence of the vital event, no questions asked (or, at least very few).

Essentially, this means that births could occur anywhere else in the world and the parents could apply for a birth certificate knowing the state vital records and immigration authority would not investigate the circumstances of the birth. This was the case with more than 6000 reported cases of immigrants from the Prefecture of Hiroshima, Japan, China and Siam from 1946 to 1959, as well as the oft noted case of Chinese born Sun Yet Sen, leader of the democratic movement in China, who was born there but possessed an original birth certificate from the state of Hawaii stating he was born in that state.

Shockingly, statistical comparisons of birth data between 1950 and 1960 reveals that Hawaii’s birth registration volume was higher than the calculable volume of births based on the ratio of non-immigration population increase to birth rate. This is because Hawaii registered births as occurring in Hawaii which do not actually occur in Hawaii and then reported them as native birth statistics to the federal government in order to inflate its statistics triggering federal funding for public services.

The foul reality is that any member of Barack Obama’s family could exercise specific legal and administrative procedures clearly outlined in statutory language and acquire an official, original, standard “Certificate of Live Birth” which, by evidentiary provision after the fact, can legally state he was born in Hawaii, without him actually being born there. The only three things needed for this to occur for Obama is that a lie be told, an affiant confirm the lie, and the Director of the Hawaiian Department of Health rubber stamp it.

Though legal in Hawaii, such misrepresentation disqualifies presidential candidates because it does not endow Natural-born citizenship as defined by the legal foundations of the U.S. Constitution.


Enemies seeking to confiscate the power and resources of any nation will attempt to infiltrate its citizenry and government structure through the most unmonitored, isolated and easily bypassed points of entry. In 1960, that point of entry in the U.S. was Hawaii.

The Hawaiian islands sit in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at an equal distance from 18 different countries, all having direct flight access to more than 15 airports on eight different islands all of which are within 190 miles of Honolulu. No place in the world in 1961 was more traveled by people from more destinations that the Hawaiian archipelago.

Research also reveals that no state in American history has enacted more customized laws to facilitate an open birth documentation process than Hawaii. The perplexity of the Aloha state’s vital records administrative processes are the result of that states struggle to account for native indigenous Hawaiian heritage, U.S. citizen non-residents and foreign immigrants.

Essentially, Hawaii’s vital records laws are intended to integrate indigenous and migratory populations with American economics and modalities while, at the same time, maintain cultural exclusivity through oscillating statutory revision. Hawaii’s vital records management system has never been exempt from this ever adjusting accommodation.

These enigmatic warrants originate long before Hawaii’s statehood in August, 1959. For more than 110 years, indigenous populations, geographic isolation, unmonitored migration, international tourism, transportation modalities, municipal underdevelopment and multicultural inclusivity make Hawaii the single most unaccountable native birth allocation destination in American history.


One misconception about Obama’s natal records is that the alleged date and time of his birth are responsible for the allocation of the certificate number shown on the upper right corner of the images posted in 2008 and April, 2011. The image of Obama’s 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” shows it was allegedly stamped by the main office of the Hawaiian Health Department with the number 151-61-10641.

There are three successive sets of circumstances which impact the assignment of a record number found on vital records, the least of which is the date and time of the occurrence of the birth.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics and the Model State Vital Statistics Act, Section 1, in order for birth records to be official they must:

1. Establish a date, time and location of the birth based on medical or administrative authority (administrative declaration must be used if occurrence was in the absence of medical verification);

2. They must be submitted to a local (county) registrar jurisdiction in an appropriate location as defined by state public health regulations prior to legal deadlines governing birth registrations and;

3. Upon receipt by the main office of the state Health Department’s Vital Records Registrar, they must be stamped with an official record number and affixed with a state registrar seal.

In the case of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” the progression of these circumstances combined with Hawaii’s extremely liberal public health regulations reveal shocking misrepresentations.

Date, Time and Location of Birth:

According to the MSVSA (Rev. 1959), the network of local (county) registrar offices in the seven jurisdictions of the state of Hawaii were not under the official authority of the main office of the State Health Department’s Registrar (until 1977) as much as they worked collaboratively within best practices to implement an effective vital records system among a geographically challenged and culturally complex population.

Births were recorded under two circumstances. Upon the attendant’s filing of a birth certificate within seven days of the occurrence of birth or the filing of a certificate upon examination of the child for the first time by a Hawaiian medical professional with competent jurisdiction to determine if the birth had occurred within one year of the examination. Both circumstances allow for the filing of the same standard “Certificate of Live Birth” based on the certification of a medical authority without special indications as to the date of registration or actual location of the birth.

Therefore, many assume Obama’s record number would have been stamped to the document in August of 1961 because that is the date of birth shown on the document. However, according to Hawaii Public Health Regulations Title 11, in coordination with the Model State Vital Statistics Act of 1942 (Rev. 1959), this is not true.

For the past several years, many have wondered why Obama’s alleged record number is higher than those of twin sisters, Gretchen and Susan Nordyke, since the widely accepted account of his birth is that it occurred in the same hospital 19 hours before the twins. The Nordykes’ certificates were assigned the lower numbers of 151-61-10637 and 151-61-10638.

After months of ambiguity by Obama, conflicting hearsay and wrangling by world-wide media sources over the actual place of birth, leading up to the 2008 election, it was finally decided by Wikipedia (Wiki article: “Barack Obama”, August 2008) that Obama’s birth must have occurred in the Hawaiian hospital at 7:24 p.m., August 4th based on uncorroborated documentation from unanimous, unaccountable sources. Interestingly, ensuing discussion was no longer permitted about the subject on the site’s “talk” page. Therefore, simply taken, if record numbers were thought to be assigned chronologically in order with the date and time of occurrence of the three births, sequence dictates that Obama’s number should be much lower.

Theoretically, based on data provided by the 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. Report, Vol. 1: Natality, which indicates an average of approximately 48 birth registrations per day (one every 30 minutes) throughout Hawaii, this would mean that there were approximately 38 other births registered between Obama’s and the twins, based just on date and time of birth, alone.

However, an accounting of newspaper announcements for all births appearing on August 4th and 5th reveal there were as many as 46 between 7:24 p.m., August 4th and 2:00 p.m., August 5th. By these statistical disparities, one might expect Obama’s actual birth registration number to be around 10591 (subtract 46 from 10637) based on the alleged date and time of his birth.

However, record numbers were not assigned by date and time of birth in Hawaii in 1961 as indicated by Hawaii Administrative Rule 117 of the Hawaii Public Health Regulations.

Date and Time of Submission:

Upon an extensive examination of 1961 Hawaiian birth announcements in comparison with vital records archives, it was discovered that announcements were published based on the order of submission to each local office within each region of Hawaii, not the date of the occurrence of the birth (see Vital Statistics Instruction Manual, Section C, p. 55 and Model State Vital Statistics Act Section 6©). However, birth record numbers were not assigned by this local submission sequence, either.

Hawaiian Public Health Regulations for Vital Records Processing (HAR 117, Section 2) dictated, then and now, that when a vital event occurred with an attendant, the vital record must be submitted within seven days to the local vital records receiving office (this became five days in 1977) of their occurrence and duplicates maintained within the local jurisdiction of their origination (See Section 2 and Section 8 of HAR Title 11.117.8).

In Hawaii, there are several variables, which affected the definition of “origination” of a vital record in 1961. Origination was not always defined as the location of the vital event but rather wherever the birthed subject was first examined by a medical professional of authority as defined by the Health Department.

The most significant development, and one that opens Obama’s eligibility to intense scrutiny, is that the NCHS made the distinction, for 1961 statistics, (after Census data and the addition of an additional entry box for the revision to the standard certificate in 1956) between a mother’s location of usual residence and the actual location of the occurrence of the vital event, regardless of where she was when the event occurred.

This distinction was made because, as transportation modalities improved and hospitals developed better natal care facilities, previous birth records did not account for a sudden accelerated increase in birth rates shown in the same counties as the hospitals. These modern developments skewed data making it appear as though virtually all the births in a state were by mothers who lived in the same county as the location of the hospital. They didn’t, they just traveled there from another county to give birth.

This is particularly significant in Hawaii in 1961 since Hawaiian counties and their populations are separated by ocean. The statistical distinction was eventually morphed and contorted as part of the justification for passing latter sections of Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17 governing the issuance of original Hawaiian birth certificates to foreign-born children as late as up to one year after the birth (See also Model State Vital Statistics Act, Regulation 3.1), further confirming reasons that birth records from Hawaii should never be relied upon for determining the eligibility of a President without extensive investigation of the circumstances of their origins.

We now know that Hawaii’s derelict laws pose a serious threat to national security with regard to its permissiveness of false natal citizenship status for aspiring presidential candidates. 

Additionally, a mapping of birth announcement addresses with respect to their order of newspaper publication reveals their sequence was established by the order of their submission from the State of Hawaii Department of Health main office to the newspaper, which, prior to this, was established by the order of their submission from the regional offices to the main office. This multistep process shows that record numbers were not assigned in chronological order of registration, nor were they assigned based on the date and time of the birth. They were assigned first, by region code, which is based on an alphabetical order of counties (See VSIM, Sec. C, p. 55), of registration and, secondly, with time needed to process, by date of receipt and verification by the State Registrar in the main Health Department office in Honolulu. A number was not assigned until the information was attested and verified by a medical authority at some point after the birth, regardless if the birth was attended by the signing physician (see MSVSA, Section 7 and Reg. 3.1).

Recall, as stated in the Vital Statistics Instruction Manual, Section C, “Coding and Punching” and the 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. Report, Table 3-1, the “regional” ordering and numbering of vital records was necessary to prevent inaccurate accounting of rural, foreign, non-hospital and unattended births, which did not occur with the same frequency as more numerous urban, hospital and physician-attended births. The increase in statistical probability for inaccurate accounting was due to the federally mandated 50-percent reporting method using even-numbered certificates only.

In Part 1 of our report, we showed that the main office of Hawaii’s Health Department processed birth registrations from seven such regions in 1961. They were:

Hawaii County which was divided into:

1. The incorporated area of Hilo and,

2. The remainder of the island of Hawaii (which is the remainder of the county);
Honolulu County which was divided into:

3. The incorporated area (standard metropolitan statistical area) of Honolulu and;

4. The remainder of the Island of Oahu and;
The three remaining counties including:

5. Kalawao County on the island of Molaki;

6. Kauai County which includes the Island of Nihau and;

7. Maui County which includes the islands of Maui, Lanai and Molokai (except for the peninsula settlement region of Kalawao County).

Therefore, along with eliminating time and place of birth, record numbers were also not assigned based on date of submission to local offices.

September Surprise: Receipt of Obama’s Records by the State Office:

The record number is the very last piece of data to officially be placed on a birth certificate. Only after all signatures, information, birth data, stamps have been finalized is the record indexed by the State Registrar’s office.

There were 1472 births registered in Hawaii in August, 1961 which averages to about 48 per day. However, because births outside of Honolulu County were collected by the main registrar’s office on a less frequent basis, Honolulu County births were not only assigned a higher proportion of registration numbers in the reporting period, they were assigned more numbers earlier in the reporting year. About 3% more, or, statistically, about 528 record numbers, over the 1961 reporting year.

This disparity should raise suspicions on its merit as to the number of birth registrations compared to the expectable birth rates among any population.

If birth certificate numbers were assigned based on submission order, not birth occurrence, one would expect Obama’s birth certificate number to be even more disparate from the Nordykes because his birth was allegedly submitted three days before the Nordykes’ on Tuesday, August 8th. The Nordykes’ records were not submitted to the local office in Honolulu until August 11th and were not stamped until at least the 14th, the first Monday after submission.

Chronologically speaking, based on birth rates in August of 1961, if numbers were assigned based on submission dates, this means that Obama’s certificate number should be as low as 10492.

Deadlines for transmittal of completed birth submissions from local offices to the main Department of Health Office varied depending on the location of the local office. The general rule for transmitting vital records in Hawaii in 1961 is outlined in Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11 Rule 117, Chapter 8, Section 8 of the Hawaii Public Health Regulations for Vital Statistics Registration and Records. The rule states: “Local registrars shall transmit certificates filed with them weekly to the State Health Department, except that on the outlying areas all certificates on hand the 4th of the month following the month of occurrence shall be mailed immediately by airmail.”

The rule does not define “outlying”, nor does it prescribe measures for transmittal when airmail service was not available (which happened four times in 1960-61 due to tropical storms, see History of Hawaiian Aviation, State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation 1925-Present). Also, the 4th of each month occurred on a weekend four times in 1961 in February, March, July and November which means transmittal was delayed at least two more days, or about 400 births, statistically speaking.

This means that a birth registration which was submitted in Lihue, Kauai on December 1st, 1960 could be stored for 35 days before being sent to Honolulu via airmail on January 4th, 1961 where it would be received the next available business day, reviewed and finally be stamped with a number and state seal sometime before July 31st, the mandated federal deadline for reporting of birth statistics to the National Vital Statistics Office. This monthly “stacking” of outlying birth registrations created fluctuations in record number sequencing.

Further clarification of the rule through HAR 91 indicates that local clerks’ offices and courts in Oahu are required to transmit vital records to the main Health Department office in Honolulu by hand delivery each week while offices not on the island of Oahu were requested by the main office to transmit uncertified, unstamped vital records, via airmail, but when information on the record was incomplete or unverified, a voucher was sent to the local office asking for clarification which would delay the record another week or two. Meanwhile, the record is held without a record number for all this time while other birth records are being stamped and filed.

Hawaii’s interisland airmail service from outlying islands to Honolulu was conducted from the following airports:

• Lihue Airport, Kauai County (91 miles to Honolulu)

• Kahului Airport, Island of Maui, Maui County (89 miles to Honolulu)

• Lanai Airport, Island of Lanai, Maui County (63 miles to Honolulu)

• Kalaupapa Airport, Island of Molokai, Kalawao County (54 miles to Honolulu)

• Hilo International Airport, Hawaii County (incorporated) (189 miles to Honolulu)

• Keahole International Airport or Waimea-Kohala Airport, Hawaii County (unincorporated) (151 miles to Honolulu).

In Hawaii, in 1961, birth registrations occurring outside of Honolulu County (off the Island of Oahu) were collected on a less frequent basis than births in Honolulu County, but the totals were divided into monthly statistics based on registration dates, for federal report data. Since the main health department office was in the city of Honolulu, on the island of Oahu, and more than 85% of the births in Hawaii occurred on Oahu, which is Honolulu County, it was beneficial for the registrar to account these births on a more frequent basis due to their higher volume. Birth registrations occurring inside of Honolulu County were accounted in the State of Hawaii’s main Department of Health Office each week. This is confirmed by the accounting of birth announcements in the newspapers with registrant addresses located in Honolulu County compared to those announcements for births whose registrant addresses are outside of Honolulu County.

This is a significant discovery given the disparate record number appearing on Obama’s alleged “Certificate of Live Birth”. The fact that his birth registration number is out of sequence with other births is an indication of anomalous circumstances involved in its assignment.

Additional to Hawaii’s geographic challenges, the state Health Department’s contract agreement with the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) stated that birth statistics were to be reported before July 31st of the following year in order to be included in publication for the previous year’s statistics report.

The 1961 Vital Statistics of the U.S. report shows there were 826 male child births in Hawaii in the month of August, 1961. A cross reference of addresses found in birth announcements published in the Hawaiian newspapers in August of 1961 with archives of residential listings shows that, out of all 826 births, only Barack Obama’s birth was registered to an address where the stated father did not live. According to reporting protocols this fact forces the Department of Health to allocate the usual residence of the mother as the location of the birth, no matter where the birth actually occurs. This was done to protect the custody rights of the mother and welfare of the child in cases when custody was challenged by a father residing in a foreign country. The child was declared a U.S. citizen by default of the mother’s usual place of residence and thereby protected under the U.S. Constitution.

This registration number is also out of sequence with other registered births in the same region Obama is alleged to have been born. This indicates that Obama’s registration number was assigned based on the occurrence of the birth registration in another location, and it was assigned up to a year after the actual occurrence of the birth using a number made available after the official reporting period, perhaps by a previous fetal death which authorities simply chose to classify as a non-Live birth event after the fact.

The registration number has no association with chronological ordering of birth occurrences. In 1961, the first three digits of a birth registration number represents the NCHS code for each Standard Metropolitan Statistics Reporting Area (151 for Honolulu), the following two digits were the year of the registration and, final five were the yearly accounting of birth registrations based the next available number for that region and registration period. This five digit number was expanded to six digits in later reporting periods to account for increase in yearly birth volumes.

Since Hawaii allowed birth registrations up to one year after the occurrence of the birth, it was impossible to keep sequential record numbers based on the time of each live birth event. For example, a birth which occurs in August of 1960 can be registered with Hawaii’s Health Department in August of 1961, but this birth would be given a 1961 registration number, not a 1960 number if the birth date was not established. 1960 registration numbers would be reported by July 31st of 1961.


Upon analysis of Obama’s alleged “Certificate of Live Birth” image by former Social Security Administration record investigators consulted for this report, artifacts appearing on the document indicate this document is not a reliable source of identity verification. They provided this assessment for our report:


Thank you for inquiry regarding the contents of the document image you submitted on February 8th, 2012. We are familiar with the controversy surrounding this particular document and have included our best possible evaluation without access to the corroborating information.

ITEM 1: The image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted to the internet in April, 2011, contains handwritten (penciled) numeric and alphanumeric characters which confirm that preliminary coding marks were applied to the document.

On authentic certificates filed by the Health Department, these penciled notations were used on the original, paper version of the record kept by the State-level office of the Department of Health after a photo static copy was provided for medical record archives to the facility shown on the certificate. Moreover, they were applied to even-numbered certificates in 1961, which were those from which statistics were reported to the National Center for Health Statistics. Typically, they are not found on an original certificate which was prepared by an attending medical authority present at the live birth event because the medical personnel do not report natal statistics, the state registrar’s office does.

Therefore, an official copy of the hospital version of this same document in coordination with the code file tape created by the National Vital Statistics office will confirm whether the birth information is accurate between the four agencies who processed it, including the local registrar office, the state registrar, the hospital and the U.S. Vital Statistics office in the appropriate reporting region. All should have copies of this record.

If Obama’s birth occurred in 1961, it would be subject to the NCHS reporting methods and coding for that year. Therefore, his birth statistics would have been tabulated in the State office but not necessarily recorded and published by the NCHS statistics report. However, if the tape file record of his birth were discovered in the NCHS tape file archive, this would be contradictory to what we have been told about his birth.

Therefore, according the SSA panel, it is unlikely the certificate would not have been coded with preliminary notations in 1961, since vital statistics were coded from microfilmed images and translated to punch cards which contained approximately 150+ digit spaces for each birth registration. These cards were tediously completed, in blocks of 20 birth records, with a majority of the records being required, by contract with the NCHS, to be completed by July 31st of the following year.

Beginning in 1960, punch cards were hand-fed into a scan machine and the resulting data was then stored on a magnetic tape reel by the NCHS. According to the official U.S. Vital Statistics System Development handbook, this procedure required several hours for each record and was in effect under Hawaii’s contract with the NCHS until 1971.

ITEM 2: It is important to remember that births are just one of four types of more than 40,000 vital records which required processing, copying and filing in Hawaii. State vital records registration officials simply could not afford to spend time applying preliminary handwritten codes to vital records which were not going to be included in the annual reporting block.

Adding to the challenge, unlike today’s electronic system, the initial coding process was manually performed in 1961. With more than 40,000 records in need of processing and microfilming, why would a municipality waste resources to do unnecessary accounting? The resources were simply not available to do this for all the births, deaths, marriages and divorces in the time frame required, so the even-numbered reporting method was introduced. Besides, the NCHS contract with the states paid only a few cents per record to the (state) Health Department. If these penciled numbers appear on a vital record, the content of that record was reported as part of the even-numbered certificates to the NCHS as required.

Based on this, it is conclusive that Obama’s certificate number is either fraudulently assigned by forgers, or it was changed to an odd number after the original contents of the document were entered in order to prevent inquiries into Obama’s record file tape. Under either circumstance, information about Obama’s birth is being intentionally obscured in order to hide his actual natal history and the negative impact it would have on his eligibility to be president.

It is our recommendation that the identity of this individual, including his natal history, as well as all major forms of primary identification including social security number, education records, licenses and travel records be formally and thoroughly investigated.

Based merely on the fact that Obama’s stated father, as shown in the image of this alleged 1961 Certificate of Live Birth was not an American citizen, Obama is not eligible to president of the United States. However, the NCHS coding and vital statistics reporting methods have left more than ample artifacts to formally investigate the truth about this most ambiguous shell of a man.

Perhaps it’s time for America to embrace the truth, engage the consequences of this deception and lies and, then…move on.”


Note: Americans are waking up!

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

Continue Reading:’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/


Today, March 1, 2012 at 1:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time Sheriff Joe Arpaio Will Hold News Conference on Results of Cold Case Posse’s Five Month Investigation Regarding President Obama’s Eligibility to Hold The Office of President and Commander-In-Chief:


“Food For Thought”

God Bless Sheriff Arpaio-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Peace at any Price?


I'm Joseph Whitworth Smith, the music man of 2012. You've been listening to the wrong orchestrations.


The mistaken burnings of the Koran in Afghanistan, coupled with Obama’s apology, is part of the ongoing orchestration of revolutionaries out to control the world.   Their idea is to plant fear in the hearts of the masses—give them the idea that the individual is helpless; that he must depend on the authorities.

We are discouraged from saying anything derogatory about Islam.  The talk of Israel making a preemptive strike against Iran without telling U.S. authority is a grave danger to the American people.  It will cause Iran to strike the United States.  It makes us realize how powerless we are—how much we must depend on the authorities.  We must stop Israel (and at the same time do nothing to stop Islam).

We must listen to those in the know.  This has been ongoing since the year one.  The way to gain control is to bring about division. Don't listen to them.  My music harmonizes with the "Higher Law."

I’ve never heard any authority ask us to look within for our answers.  How many of you would like to see us go to war?  It is authority that causes war, one authority trying to control another.  Face it. We are helpless. There is nothing we can do!

Everyone thought I’d lost my mind when I attacked the IRS.  This maniac beat the IRS at its own game—without anyone’s help, in fact, with everyone against me, except, can you believe this, the liberal press?  The liberal press went on the attack. The IRS caved in and ate crow on the front page of the Palm Beach Post.  

I looked within for my answers.  All my dreams came true.  Stick with me and the liberal press will make Obama eat crow.

You are soon going have the privilege of reading my life story and philosophy.  I give you an explanation of the underlying mechanism of creation.  I take you from the ancient past to the cutting edge of science, explaining the centuries-old readings of the stars, as well as the doctrines and dogmas of religions and quantum physics. You have no idea of the power that lies within you. My book is close to being published. Look for In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012  at Amazon.   

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Be Encouraged 3/1/12

Howdy all!  How is the week going?  Feeling political this week?  Primaries occurred on Tuesday. Wednesday, Wyoming had something go on that wasn’t mentioned much in the news.  Washington has caucus on Saturday.   And it is all leading up to next Tuesday when someone jumps out of a phone booth and flies off to save Miss Polly Purebread.  Ya think?

Any h- look!  Up in the sky!  I mean, Any hoo,..

The Lord is my strength and shield.  I trust him will all my heart.  He helps me and my heart leaps with joy.  I burst out in songs of Thanksgiving. ~ Psalm 28:7

Men of energy of character must have enemies; because there are two sides to every question, and taking one with decision, and acting on it with effect, those who take the other will of course be hostile in proportion as they feel that effect. --Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, 1817

There are always two sides to every question.  And deciding to act upon one side will of course be hostile to those deciding on the other side.  Who does not understand this simplest of principles.  Ever watch 2 children with one squeaky toy between them?  One will always cry because they want it but the other has it.  But it’s always made good by someone like a parent to get the kids off the problem and back on track and happy again.  Sort of like our federally elected employees isn’t it?  They argue, bicker, scream at each other and whine when they don’t get their way.  The unfortunate part is that they would rather stick to their position (that’s MY squeaky toy!) than listen to reason.  I am absolutely certain that I do not know everything.  So I must at least listen to ideas and positions of others before I decide which I want to believe; which stance I want to take.  And if, just if, there is future information that may prove that I am on the wrong side, I’ll listen to that as well.  Yet, I will always have someone who believes differently than me.  I must accept that.  If not these others become my enemy.  Is this not the same with you?

So, what to do?  Well, just look at Psalm 28:7.  The Lord is my strength.  It doesn’t matter which side I take.  I must follow my heart on the path I take.  If I don’t allow Him in my heart; if I don’t trust Him with all my heart, I will inevitably be led astray.  Trust in Him, and I feel so full of joy, because I know He will help me along the way. 

Is this not the same with you?


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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New to Tea Party.

Just saw Act of Valor. Would like to give a shout out, to the Navy Seals, thank you for your service. 

I pray the tea party can help install some politicans with valor/honer

Just talked to my sister (librial) in Topeka Ka. Not hurt by tornado, thank God.

She believes that aboma could nod get anything done, due to not having control of the house or senate

at any time.    That scares the hel out of me.

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New to Tea Party.

Just saw Act of Valor. Would like to give a shout out, to the Navy Seals, thank you for your service. 

I pray the tea party can help install some politicans with valor/honer

Just talked to my sister (librial) in Topeka Ka. Not hurt by tornado, thank God.

She believes that aboma could nod get anything done, due to not having control of the house or senate

at any time.    That scares the hel out of me.

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          BEFORE IT's  TOO LATE



Obamas  your  promeses ????



Brazilian Oil Drilling 
Thank God for Fox News and Glen Beck!

This is a perfect example why many refrain from watching news on ABC, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC.
Last week on a segment of the "Glenn Beck Show" on FOX (Fox Cable News) was the following:
Even though President 
Obama is against offshore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan $2 Billion of our taxpayer dollars (which we can't afford to loan since we're broke) to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil! The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA ! 

Now here's the real clincher. The Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels"..
We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!

Wait, it gets more interesting.

Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was President 
Obama's mostgenerous financial supporter during his campaign. If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks! Are they doing their job? Think about it.

Forward this factual e-mail to others who care about this country and where it is headed. Also, let all your Government representatives know how you feel about this.

Below is the Wall street Journal article confirming this information.

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IS THIS INTERESTING OR WHAT? . . . . . Oregon State University Athletic Director Bob DeCarolis.
Now Mr. DeCarolis was considering firing their Basketball Coach.......
Craig Robinson
After an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference). When word reached  Washington , Undersecretary of Education
Martha Kanter
Was dispatched to  Corvallis with $17 million in stimulus money for the university.
Thankfully,Craig Robinson's job is safe for another year
Now comes the interesting part of our story....  For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson,
He just so happens to be the brother in law of none other than our country's beloved President Obama,
NOW YOUR CATCHING ON...... that's right he is the brother of Michelle Robinson Obama!
But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson'sjob security was all just a coincidence?
I'm sure of it .... Aren't You? Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!!But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?
If this doesn't anger you, nothing will...  Remember to vote in 2012 !!!!!!

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Manuel Cereijo


Cuba represents a threat to the national security of the United States in many fronts: biowarfare, cyberwarfare, gathering  intelligence information, alliances with iran, North Korea, China, penetrating many countries through the disguise of medical, IT, engineering assistance, in order to control their infrastructure. All of these fronts we have exposed for many years.

 What are the latest threats?



Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is asking the Department of Health and Human Services to look into whether the Cuban government is helping to scam the U.S. Medicare system.
The Hill reports that Grassley "asked Health and Human Services officials testifying before the Senate Finance Committee whether they were aware of any evidence that Cuba might be involved in fraud." The department last month unveiled its top 10 most wanted Medicare fraud fugitives and 7 of the 10 had ties to Cuba.
The allegations of potential meddling by Cuba surfaced last month in coverage of a University of Miami report that quoted an anonymous former Cuban official as suggesting that the government in Havana is "orchestrating and assisting" in large-scale Medicare fraud in the U.S.
Federal authorities began cracking down on Medicare offenders in 2005, leading to the prosecution of some 3,000 defendants charged with bilking the federal healthcare program. But in all those cases, prosecutors have never asserted that the Cuban government was orchestrating any of the Medicare rackets run by Cuban exiles in South Florida.
FBI and Health and Human Services agents have said privately that they’ve always wondered if the Castro brothers were behind the wave of Medicare cases, but haven't been able to uncover any proof linking the Cuban government to the widespread fraud in Miami and beyond.

FBI struggling to catch dozens of fraud fugitives hiding in Cuba


As Medicare crime spreads across South Florida, accused scammers are escaping in droves to Cuba and other Latin American countries to avoid prosecution — with more than 150 fugitives now wanted for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. healthcare program, according to the FBI and court records.

The tally of fugitives charged with healthcare fraud here has tripled since 2008, when The Miami Herald first reported on the phenomenon of Cuban immigrants joining the Medicare rackets and fleeing to evade trial in Miami.
But during the past three years, the FBI has captured only 16 fugitives, reflecting the difficulty in catching Spanish-speaking suspects who head south to hide out. Most of the fugitives were born in Cuba, immigrated to South Florida after 1990 and can easily live under the radar in Latin America with hundreds of thousands or millions in taxpayer dollars fleeced from Medicare.
Even if fugitives can be located in Cuba, there’s no way to get them back because of the political realities at play.
“They go to Cuba so they can’t be caught,’’ said Rolando Betancourt, a longtime Miami bail bondsman who has tracked one Medicare fugitive to Havana. “You can find anybody in Cuba; you just can’t arrest them.’’
Because so many of the Medicare defendants are Cuban, rumors have swirled for years that the Castro government has purposely trained and deployed immigrants to take over Medicare-licensed clinics in South Florida, and then harbored them after they returned home. But federal agents and prosecutors, while privately speculating about an official Cuba connection, say they’ve never uncovered evidence linking Fidel and Raul Castro’s regime to the rampant healthcare fraud on this side of the Florida Straits.
Moreover, the feds have made no official attempts to seek extradition of fugitives in Cuba, mainly because the United States has no formal relations with the government. Agents have captured some Cuban fugitives returning from the island as they travel through Miami International Airport.
Repeated calls and emails seeking comment from the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, D.C., were not returned.
Earlier this year, a University of Miami report quoted a former Cuban intelligence official who suggested there were “strong indications” his government was either facilitating the Medicare fraud or providing safe harbor for fugitives in exchange for hard U.S. currency. But the report provided no examples.
Soon afterward, U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a Medicare watchdog for years, questioned Health and Human Services officials at a congressional hearing about the possible Cuban government link after the department’s inspector general posted a “Most Wanted” list of Medicare fugitives, and seven of the top 10 were Cuban.
Cuba watchers, legal experts and others who have witnessed South Florida’s ascendance as the nation’s Medicare fraud capital say the Cuban government’s involvement would not be that far fetched — though they have no proof to back it up.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if one day that is proven to be a fact,” said Miami attorney Sam Rabin. One of his clients, Eduardo Moreno, fled to Cuba after posting a $450,000 bond in 2007 on healthcare fraud charges. He had collected $2 million from Medicare on bogus claims for medical equipment and HIV services.
“I think it would be very hard for someone with millions in currency to stay under the radar in Cuba” without that government’s protection, Rabin added.
Andy Gomez, a senior fellow at the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, said he has heard from sources in Miami and Cuba allegations that the Castro government extorts Medicare bounty from criminals who are allowed to go back and forth between here and the island nation. But he said he knows of no evidence directly implicating the Castro regime in the fraud.
“The Cuban government knows what’s going on,” Gomez said. “The government knows who the fugitives are, and the bigger they are, the more the government expects to be paid by them. ... It’s a way to obtain hard currency and a way to discredit the Cuban-American exile community.”
James Cason, who served as chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana from 2002-2005, said he was not aware of the fugitive phenomenon during his tenure, but noted that relaxed travel restrictions in recent years have enabled Cubans to fly more easily between Havana and Miami. He said it’s highly probable that the Cuban government shakes down Medicare fraud fugitives, but doubts its direct involvement in the healthcare scams.
“There is no way the Cuban government wouldn’t know about this,” said Cason, who was recently elected mayor of Coral Gables. “Whether the Cuban government is involved or not [in Medicare fraud], the Cuban government wants the hard currency from the fugitives.”
Cason called the Medicare offenders “scammers, not revolutionaries,” saying the FBI should try to work with the Justice and State departments to engage Cuba in extraditing some of the fugitives.
“The Cuban government will investigate if they think it’s in their interest,” he said. “But I bet the FBI hasn’t asked them.”
Officials for the FBI and Justice declined to comment. A spokesman for the State Department also declined to comment on Medicare fraud fugitives, but said that the federal government has sought the extradition of fugitives in Cuba wanted for other serious crimes.
Four years ago, Eduardo Moreno, the Miami-Dade man who had collected $2 million from the government program and fled back to Cuba, became the poster boy for Medicare fraud fugitives. The feds featured him in a news conference with a “Most Wanted” mug shot along with a photo of his $200,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Moreno, who bail bondsman Betancourt believes is running a Havana disc jockey business for clubs, weddings and other events, is among 54 fugitives identified by the FBI who collectively submitted at least $545 million in fraudulent bills to the Medicare program in the last six years, according to federal court and other records.
From those claims, Medicare paid the fugitives a total of $218 million, records show.
An additional 102 defendants have been charged with Medicare fraud under sealed indictments, but the FBI has been unable to arrest them because they have fled South Florida or the country.
The U.S. attorney’s office keeps the suspects’ names under wraps so they won’t know that they’ve been charged — sometimes leading to fortuitous situations when the defendant reenters the United States and gets arrested.
The FBI says the 156 Medicare fraud fugitives from Miami-Dade and other parts of South Florida comprise the majority of fugitives charged with ripping off the program nationwide.
Still, since 2008, the FBI has struggled to capture Medicare fraud fugitives, especially those who flee abroad. Of the 54 named fugitives, 26 are believed to be in Cuba and the rest in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries.
The bureau, working from 2008 to 2011 with foreign governments except Cuba, captured and arrested 16 fugitives charged with pocketing $83 million from Medicare. Of those, four were known to have fled to Cuba and were apprehended when they returned via Miami International Airport.
FBI agents and federal prosecutors say several factors have fueled the fugitive trend. One is sheer volume: Since 2006, the U.S. attorney’s office in Miami has prosecuted about 1,200 defendants on Medicare fraud charges, accounting for one-third of all such cases in the country.
Also, federal judges have issued much tougher sentences, with the average prison term ranging from five to 15 years. Last month, a physician convicted of writing phony prescriptions for unnecessary HIV therapy was sentenced to 20 years.
Another influential factor: In 2008, Chief U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno of Miami, troubled by the rising tide of fugitives — including some with bonds who fled the country after being convicted — advised his fellow judges to set higher bail for Medicare-fraud offenders.
“They realized that although it’s a white-collar crime, there’s still a risk of flight,” said FBI special agent Bryan Piper.
Also at play: The lure of a quick and easy buck for new Cuban arrivals. Some established clinic operators recruit the Cuban migrants to pose as “straw owners” of their Medicare businesses to protect the real owners’ identities. Then, the migrants are sent back to the island with a pocket full of cash as part of the deal.
The leader of one $100 million HIV-clinic scam in Miami-Dade and other parts of the Southeast admitted that he recruited three Cubans “with the understanding that the ‘straw’ owners would flee to Cuba to avoid law enforcement detection or capture,” according to court records.
Michel De Jesus Huarte pleaded guilty in 2009 to fraud charges and was sentenced to 22 years in prison. His accused recruits — Orlin Tamayo Quinonez, Juan Carralero and Madelin Barbara Machado — are suspected of having fled to Cuba, the FBI says.
Huarte’s accused business partner, Ramon Fonseca, is believed to be in Venezuela.
The Miami FBI’s toughest case involves the Benitez brothers — Jose, Luis and Carlos — who owned and operated a dozen HIV-therapy clinics in Miami-Dade. They allegedly filed $119 million in false claims with Medicare, raking in a whopping $84 million.
The Cuban-born brothers, who fled to the Dominican Republic before being indicted in May 2008, are accused of funneling millions through sham companies to finance their purchase of luxury toys and properties in that country.
Their acquisitions included homes, motels, apartments, land, cars, boats, horses, a helicopter, a distribution plant leased to Coca-Cola, and a hotel flanked by water- and dinosaur-theme parks, all in the areas of Punta Cana, Bavaro, Higüey and the capital, Santo Domingo.
“They became little entrepreneurs with their Medicare money,” said FBI special agent Ellen Lapp, adding that Dominican authorities have helped the United States seize the Benitezes’ properties so they can be sold by the Marshals Service to pay back the Medicare program.
In the past 15 years Cuba has been involved in the illegal entrance, not only of Cuban natives, but persons from other countries, to the United States. This is done through speed boats, or through Mejico’s borders with the United States. The objectives are two:

1.    Infiltration of possible members of terrorist and intelligence activities


2.    Source of dollars for the Cuban government


World Report: Hezbollah Sets up Shop in Cuba

Cuba has allowed a group of Hezbollah operatives to establish a base for external terrorist operations in the region, according to the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera.

Reports of a Hezbollah base on Cuba are still in the early stages, but Investor’s Business Daily has already referred to the base described by Corriere as “Cuba’s Terror Smoking Gun,” and wrote of the operation’s details that:

“Three Hezbollah terrorists operating out of Mexico have left that country to establish a permanent ”bridgehead” to the communist island, calling their clandestine operation “The Caribbean Dossier.” Twenty-three other terrorists from the Iran-linked terror group are expected to join the operation, which has a startup budget of more than $500,000…Corriere reported that the mission in Cuba is to provide logistical support for upcoming terrorist attacks planned in the hemisphere.”

Hezbollah has been considered active in Latin America for years, particularly South America’s Tri-Border area. There have also been press reports on the strengthening ties between Mexican drug cartels and the terrorist group.

    Cuba, obviously, represents a very serious threat to the security of the United States





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 President Barack Obama issued an executive orderTuesday establishing another new bureaucracy.

Obama again circumvented Congress with his latest Executive Order, the Establishment of the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center.

The order begins with the line, "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America," which begs the question: Is the president ignorant or indifferent?

The Constitution gives the president no such power to regulate commerce. This power is exclusive to the Congress.


When wil the people in Charge put folks in Jail for Breaking the Law. Did the President & Congress Swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the UNITED STATES ? When the General Public Break the Law are they not arrested.Well it couldn't be any more present though no one not hte Congress not the Senate do nothing are they all part of this take over ??


Please can someone explain the procedures when these oaths are broken ??

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Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:32:23 +0000


Spanish /

From: Enrique Artalejo <>
To: "Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart" <>, "Congressman David Rivera" <>,, "Marco Rubio" <>, "Senator Robert Menendez" <>
Cc: "'Radio Martí'" <>, "Capitol Hill Cubans" <>
Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 3:27 PM

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:32:23 +0000

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Obama Illegal ??

When Obama was running for Senate this article was written in Kenyan paper.No one contested this When Obama ran for President the Paper was asked to change wording.


Big Issue | Financial Standard | Maddo | Pulse | Style | Society   Sunday, June 27, 2004   Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.    Barrack Obama  

"It’s clear to me that a vigorous debate on the issues most likely could not take place if I remain in the race," Ryan, 44, said in a statement. "What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign – the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play."

Although Ryan disputed the allegations, saying he and his wife went to one ‘avant-garde’ club in Paris and left because they felt uncomfortable, lashed out at the media and said it was "truly outrageous" that the Chicago Tribune got a judge to unseal the records.

The Republican choice will become an instant underdog in the campaign for the seat of retiring Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald, since Obama held a wide lead even before the scandal broke.

"I feel for him actually," Obama told a Chicago TV station. "What he’s gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody."

The Republican state committee must now choose a replacement for Ryan, who had won in the primaries against seven contenders. Its task is complicated by the fact that Obama holds a comfortable lead in the polls and is widely regarded as a rising Democratic star.

The chairwoman of the Illinois Republican Party, Judy Topinka, said at a news conference, after Ryan withdrew, that Republicans would probably take several weeks to settle on a new candidate.

"Obviously, this is a bad week for our party and our state," she said.

As recently as Thursday, spokesmen for the Ryan campaign still insisted that Ryan would remain in the race. Ryan had defended himself saying, "There’s no breaking of any laws. There’s no breaking of any marriage laws. There’s no breaking of the Ten Commandments anywhere."


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Try finding this article I have !!

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Full Sec



‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency.

‘‘(2) REQUIREMENT.—All commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.

What is without regard to Civil Service laws or compensation ???? How many Men what pay scale who Trains them with what Doctrine Who is paying attention to this vague part of the Bill that could be a force to contend with !!!!!!!!


Now read what Mussolini did:

The Blackshirts (Italian: camicie nere, CCNN, or squadristi) were Fascist paramilitary groups in Italy during the period immediately following World War I and until the end of World War II. Blackshirts were officially known as the   Voluntary Militia for National Security

(Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, or MVSN     Are you starting to see the light people ???

The term was later applied to a similar group serving the British Union of Fascists before World War II, to the SS in Nazi Germany, and to members of a quasi-political organization in India.

Fascist logo

Inspired by the military prowess and black uniforms of the Arditi, Italy's elite storm troops of World War I, the Fascist Blackshirts were organized by Benito Mussolini as the military arm of his Fascist political movement

Mussolini used the Unions just like Obama is !!


Please people look at how these Dictators came into power Pol Pot Cambodia  Mussolini Italy  Hitler Germany



German wartime propaganda utilized a variety of forms in its delivery. Much of the propaganda was implemented through the recently invented radio, as well as through speeches from the main Nazi leaders. Posters and other visual material were also widely circulated and vital to the persuasion. Much other visual and printed material, such as books and leaflets, was only circulated to specific groups, such as Nazi party members or soldiers. However, almost all the propaganda was spread though a variety of media


So I know this is a lot to digest but it is happening under our noses

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Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is my recent letter to our NM Secretary of State regarding my request to remove President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes:

Letter to NM Secretary of State:

“February 29, 2012

Mrs. Dianna J. Duran

New Mexico Secretary of State

325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300

Santa Fe, NM 87503

Phone: (505) 827-3600

Fax: (505) 827-8081

Dear Mrs. Duran:

On January 19, 2012, I wrote to your office to inquire into the status of my letter of January 5, 2012, which requested that President Obama be removed from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot and to date I have not received a response.

I am writing today to inform you I am extremely disappointed that your office has never responded to either of my letters regarding this disturbing issue. Although I am a registered Democrat I voted for Governor Martinez because of her proven professional track record and can do attitude and when she was elected I felt a sense of excitement not only because she is the first Latina to hold the office of governor in our beautiful Land of Enchantment, but I truly expected that New Mexico taxpayers would see a more professional and responsive administration when she took office, which, much to my dismay, does not seem to be the case. 

Mrs. Duran I realize that you have no idea who I am and/or what my professional background has been so I’ve decided to take the liberty of sharing the following information with you that basically outlines the positions that I honorably and proudly served in during my approximately fourteen and a half years of public service employment with New Mexico state government:

1984– 1987:  Staff Development Specialist/Coordinator,  NM State Personnel Office           

Researched, designed, and developed curriculum, to include participant handouts, and conducted/facilitated ten managerial, supervisory, and support staff soft-skills training seminars that were offered statewide to over 20,000 employees.  Supervised the initial establishment and subsequent management of the New Mexico Management Training Academy.  My duties included, but were not limited to:  master scheduling of training sessions; preparation and maintenance of the Academy budget; purchase and inventory control of training equipment, supplies, and materials; and upkeep and maintenance of training facility. Directly supervised and periodically reviewed and evaluated the job performance of one Secretary/Receptionist and one Staff Development Specialist.

1987–1988: Director, Human Resources Development Division, NM State Personnel Office           

Managed, directed, and supervised the division’s programs and services, which included, but were not limited to: overall coordination of statewide training, training assessments, master scheduling, and compilation and review of training plans for all agencies in the Executive Branch of Government; ongoing program evaluation; budgetary activities; and purchase and inventory control of training equipment, supplies, and materials. Duties also included the research, design, development, and conduct/facilitation of managerial, supervisory, and support staff soft-skills training seminars and supervising the maintenance and upkeep of the primary training facility.  Directly supervised and periodically reviewed and evaluated the job performance of one Administrative Secretary and three Staff Development Specialists.

1990–1991:  Drug and Alcohol Abuse Coordinator, NM Department of Heath              

Administered the Department’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse program.  My duties included, but were not limited to: coordination of all required drug and/or alcohol screening; coordination of all incumbent referrals to an Employee Assistance Program or a Drug and/or Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Program; coordination of any sanctions that were imposed upon incumbents who abused drugs and/or alcohol in the workplace; and administered the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness Training Program.

1991–1995:  Applicant Services Chief, NM State Personnel Office             

Managed, directed, and supervised the State of New Mexico’s Human Resources Management programs and services, which included, but were not limited to: recruitment; consultation and initial qualification determination services; test administration; and certification of applicants for all classified positions in the Executive Branch of State Government.  Supervised and coordinated the design, development, and implementation of a computerized imaging document processing system, which contributed to the expediting and streamlining of all State Personnel Office processes. Directly supervised and periodically reviewed and evaluated the job performance of two section supervisors and twenty-four professional staff.

2002–2006: Veterans’ Service Officer, NM Department Of Veterans’ Services

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to providing Veterans and their dependents with: general information on Department of Veterans’ Affairs and New Mexico benefits; eligibility requirements for each benefit; application process; and the appeals process.

I can honestly say that I honorably and proudly served in the above positions because I took my public service serious and did my utmost while in those positions to serve the New Mexico taxpayers that paid my salary with dignity, integrity, and, above all, professionalism by making sure that I was responsive to their needs and expected and/or demanded nothing less from those individuals that I was given the opportunity to supervise. Any co-worker and/or employee that knew me while I was employed by state government can attest to this. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate because I acquired my work ethics, which includes my professionalism and can do attitude, while honorably and selflessly serving my country for twenty years as a member of the Marine Corps where I was given the opportunity and excelled to the rank of Mustang Officer, which basically means that I served both in the enlisted and commissioned officer ranks.

My main reason for sharing the above information with you is not to impress you, but to let you know that during my short tenure with state government I considered myself as the ambassador for New Mexico state government because I realized that my actions and/or the actions of those of individuals that I was charged with supervising, whether they be positive or negative, would be directly reflective of the image that taxpayers had of not only state employees and/or state government, but, most importantly, of the governor of this great state of ours.  

For your information, although I never received a response from your office, I ended up getting my response to my complaint indirectly from another fellow New Mexican patriot, as documented below:    

On or about February 20, 2012, I received an email from Mr. Jerry Clark from Las Cruces, who filed a similar complaint with your office on January 9, 2012, informing me that on February 10, 2012 the Associated Press had reported the following information regarding the NM 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot:

  • Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul have earned a place on New Mexico’s June 5 primary election ballot.
  • Secretary of State Dianna Duran said Friday that President Barack Obama was certified to appear on the Democratic ticket.
  • Other Republican or Democratic presidential candidates can get on the primary ballot by submitting about 16,000 voter signatures to the state by March 12.
  • A committee of state officials and leaders of the state Republican and Democratic parties nominates and certifies presidential candidates for the primary election.

On or about February 22, 2012, I received another email from Mr. Clark, who shared an email that he had received on February 17, 2012 from Mrs. Bobbi Shearer, Director of the Bureau of Elections that informed him that she had forwarded his and other similar complaints to Chief Justice Charles Daniels, Chairman of the New Mexico Presidential Nominating Committee, who reviewed the complaints and drafted an opinion in response to those complaints, which basically stated that “state law cannot grant either the Secretary of State of the Presidential Nominating Committee the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office.”

To be honest with you and with all due respect, after taking time to read and digest Chief Justice Daniel’s opinion on this disturbing issue, I found myself flabbergasted and in disbelief because I took the time to re-read the ‘2012 Candidate Guide’ that your office provided me and I can’t seem to find anything in that guide that would preclude the ‘Presidential Nominating Committee’ or the ‘Secretary of State’ from having ‘the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office’ so am I missing something or is their a different law and/or guide that I should be looking at for my answer.  Please advise.

I am not a lawyer and don’t claim to be one, but it seems to me that our entire electoral system has been turned upside down and/or has been hijacked by individuals/groups with deep pockets who seem to have their own agendas that are extremely different from the ordinary American citizen like myself who still believes in and loves this great Country/Republic of ours as it is. 

For your information, in the recent past I shared my concerns on this disturbing issue with our New Mexico U.S. Senator Tom Udall and am taking the liberty of sharing the following pertinent excerpts from my letter to him with you because I truly would appreciate your feedback on this matter:

Issue #1:

The following websites and article and/or blog post revealed Mr. Soros’ Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and registering new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections in all 50 states:

George Soros’ Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!

Issue #2

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Soros funds foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!

Issue #3

The following article and/or blog post revealed Mr. Soros’ assault on our U.S. Constitution:

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution!

Issue #4

The following report reveals that over the past ten years Mr. Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) has invested at least $45.5 million into a campaign that is meant to reshape our judiciary. This campaign encompasses efforts to rewrite state constitutions, abolish judicial elections and impose a judicial selection system that takes power away from ordinary citizens and gives it to a handful of legal elites, which could have the greatest impact on our legal system since the founding fathers:

Justice Hijacked!

Issue #5:

The following website and article and/or blog post revealed the shared agendas of Mr. Soros and President Obama:

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama!

The Obama-Soros Connection!

As a Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something reeks.  I am not a politician and thus am not known for always being politically correct because I call it as I see it.  I also come from a long line of family members that are Veterans. Four out of my six male siblings honorably served their country and my father was a WWII Veteran, who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but lost the battle with his PTSD symptoms at the young age of fifty-nine.  My two eldest sons honorably served their country as Marines.  My eldest son participated in the first Gulf War as a Marine and Iraqi Freedom as a weekend warrior with the Air National Guard, which he continues to be a member of, along with being a Combat Air Traffic Control Instructor.  Additionally, I lost many a friend during the Viet Nam War that fought and died to uphold our “Constitutional Rights” and the freedom that sadly too many Americans seem to take for granted.  As a result, I have to admit that I tend to get extremely concerned when I see politicians, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (in the Marine Corps we were all green), creed, ethnic origin or religion, doing things and/or taking actions that I see as a threat to the freedom and/or rights given us under our “Constitution” and/or “Bill of Rights” because I truly love this great Country and/or Republic of ours. 

Please feel free to contact me at the above email address should you have any questions regarding any of this information.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all your hard work as our Secretary of State.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez”

Note: Americans are waking up!

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 1:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time Sheriff Joe Arpaio Will Hold News Conference on Results of Cold Case Posse’s Five Month Investigation Regarding President Obama’s Eligibility to Hold The Office of President and Commander-In-Chief:


“Food For Thought”

God Bless WND-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Goodbye America 2015 (a frightening new book)

A frightening new book titled "Goodbye America 2015" is about to be released.

From a career sheriff's view this story describes the America of 2015 if the TEA Party fails.
The author wrote his masters degree thesis on organized crime, aysmmetric war, and international terrorism.

He draws a picture so realistic you will think you've stepped ahead five years in time.
This will be a TEA Party secondary bible, beneath the US Constitution.

FREE copies will soon be made available for Kindle users for one week.
This is a MUST READ story. 

It's part fiction, part non-fiction, and a lot of prediction.
"Goodbye America 2015" is George Orwell's "1984" written for a 21st century reader.


John Cover.JPG

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Again just because Romany wrong by a few vote do not mean that I have to play follow the leader,so if you want to vote for him the go ahead but do not look for me. My vote may be the one that puts him in or keep him out.For now it will not help him win. They will be someone better just what and see.

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BELLEVUE, WA - The suggestion by a University of Texas law professor that Monday's deadly school shooting in Ohio was a "typical exercise of the Second Amendment" is an outrage, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Calvin Johnson teaches law at UT in Austin, and his comments appeared in an e-mail that was exposed by a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. The story also revealed that Johnson defended the City of Chicago's handgun ban, which SAF successfully challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. City of Chicago. Prof. Johnson has also suggested that it is "quite reasonable" to dismiss James Madison's motivations for including a right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights as "historical trivia."

"To contend that Monday's tragic school shooting is typical behavior for citizens exercising their rights under the Second Amendment is simply outrageous," said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. "What is even more alarming is that this fellow actually teaches law at an American university."

Prof. Johnson reportedly sent a note to the Washington Free Beacon that stated, "The original meaning of the second amendment was to form a better militia. Under original meaning, guns fit into militias, [sic] and militias are subject to Presidential orders. Disobey the order and you can be shot. That is the real second amendment. The fake one allows high school adolescents to have easy access to the opportunity to work out their fantasies. That is bad originalism."

"Someone with so little understanding of a major tenet of the Constitution should not be in front of a classroom," Gottlieb observed. "If he can so deliberately distort the historic background of the Second Amendment, what else is he distorting to his students?

"Evidently," he added, "Prof. Johnson is like so many other gun prohibitionists who habitually politicize and exploit tragedies to further an anti-gun agenda. We are stunned at Johnson's callousness. Killing innocent people is no more an exercise of the Second Amendment than is Prof. Johnson's abuse of his First Amendment right to engage in what amounts to scholarly malpractice. A man with his perspective should no more be teaching basket weaving than legal doctrine."

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation's oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. In addition to the landmark McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court Case, SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; New Orleans; Chicago and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and numerous amicus briefs holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.


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