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U.S Government- The Largest Human Trafficker Of Children In The World.

U.S Government- The Largest Human Trafficker Of Children In The World.
In the United States, most Americans have no idea and extent of the horrible things that our Federal, state, county and local governments do to it's own citizens especially children. Now I fully realize there are real child abuse cases and they need to be dealt with swiftly and accordingly however most child “neglect and abuse” cases in America are complete fabrications made for the benefit of selling children for government profit. Now you would think that with all the legislation in the USA and laws that have been passed regarding so called “protection” of it's own citizens and all the hollering and complaining our own government does in the United Nations against other nations such as China, Thailand, the Philippines, India and the like in regards to child trafficking, that in fact our government would have a spotless record and be an outstanding example of how to protect children from human trafficking. However, just the opposite holds true, yes the word hypocritical can and should be appropriately applied here to all American Government agencies in regards to all U.S children. If one just took a few minutes to do just a little research on this important subject matter, you would discover indeed that our American children are being bought and sold by our own government and just as sadly, the Christian Community does very little about it !
Something else most Americans are not well enough informed about nor take Biblical action is that their hard earned tax dollars support various state, county and local programs where by children are “legally” stolen for profit. How can this be you ask ? Fairly simple as it turns out; The culprit is the Federal Title IV programs where by states, counties and local municipalities/ Family Courts and other courts as well as foster and adoption agencies are that are awarded billions of tax dollars annually to take children from good and healthy parents. Were you aware of actual “head hunters” who are are also employed through social services and various government agencies that look for children to steal ? I'll bet you(if I were a betting man) that you were unaware of this. You see, the system operates so that state, county and it's social services agencies can easily take children from good parents and make a huge financial windfall on each child taken. Children are taken from good parents through false allegations of abuse and the children are later often times sold to foster care agencies or adoption agencies. Federal monies are easily gained as the more children that are as identified (often times) as being “in crisis”(These children are often from poor families and typically blonde in hair color and also have blue colored eyes), the more cash courts and governments make. Profiteering at the expense of children's lives though use of false abuse and or neglect allegations against parents has made many a judge, lawyer, court and government employee rich through these government monies as well. Now you may be asking yourself, what kind of evil person does, this? Well, It's a well documented fact that many Child Protection Workers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, cops, teachers, judges, lawyers lie to snatch children from millions of parents in the USA each year. It's the cold hard cash that attracts these evilist's to do such diabolical and wicked things as take lovely children from great mommy's and daddy's. See video-
Domestic Violence Workers have also been known to get into the act since it is their desire to eliminate men and families as God intended anyway, you can see these Domestic Violence workers visiting schools talking with teachers, children and school officials trying to drum up business. They also get a huge chunk of Title IV Federal monies as well and just like the other fore mentioned evilist's who participate in stealing children for cash, many of these Domestic Violence Workers also lie to gain cash. It's a feeding frenzy for the evilist's these days. Our legislators and even those elected to to the Executive branch are well informed of the child stealing and profits made but these government leaders by and large want nothing to do with changing the system and ridding the lies. Corrupt Federal Legislators like Charles Shummer are quite content with the billions of dollars that flows from our Federal Government to these legislators pockets and their home political districts. Millions of children are stolen illegally from corrupt government agents and there is little protection in the law from them. I suppose if you had enough money or have a personal relationship with one of these corrupt government leaders, a phone call to the “right people” could be made on you and your child's behalf to rescue them from the claws of these wicked people but in reality, but who of us has a political friend and ally to get what is already guaranteed to us in our US Constitution ? We should not have to be concerned about, nor have fear that our child will hurt themselves playing or have an accident and then CPS, Government agents, cops, teachers, DV workers and the like will be like vultures that will come and take away our child making false allegations of abuse against us- . Please remember, if you ever are hauled into Family Court or in front of CPS agencies, the law says everything must be decided “in the best interest of the child” meaning the government can do anything it wants at anytime with your child and you have NO legitimate claim nor recourse. You are at the total mercy of the judge and or government agency. As a parent, you can be court ordered for all sorts of psychological, physical and other tests, all returned finding you without fault or issue yet for no real or appropriate reason, your children can still be taken away from you, and that includes having your parental rights terminated for no real or appropriate reason as well.
Parents who home school their children and or Christians in the USA are especially vulnerable to being falsely accused of abuse these days and should take special note of what I am sharing here and prepare for action to protect their children and their families at all costs ! Please note that anytime the government cannot control, manipulate or indoctrinate persons with government propaganda, the entire family becomes suspect and is put on a watch list by various government agents who look for an open door to destroy the family unit. The family unit in America is in a purposeful cross hairs for destruction by government paid workers with their wealth of taxpayer funded Federal Title IV programs.
As well, In case you were uninformed, children in foster care and adoption agencies are inappropriately and horrifically often times being drugged up with psychotropic medications as young as three years old . I can tell you as a professional therapist that there is no child at the age of 3 that will need to be medicated with psychotropic medications for any reason-ever ! The only and sole purpose of medicating the vast majority of children while in foster care and or in foster care type housing is to cause them to be domicile, that is to force the children in care foster care more compliant and more easily to manipulate. The social experiments that have been occurring especially with our boys in schools for years now have also been extended to all children and adolescents in foster care and adoption agencies. Since Feminists have been the ones mostly insistent to destroy the male gender, they are also the main force behind our male children with mental health diagnosis such as Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder then pollute their minds with psychotropic medications such as Ritalin. These anti-christian women's groups for years now have looked to destroy God's plan for the family, there are many so called trained mental health professionals that are in place already to destroy more children as children are often seen as a liability and not an asset to these feminists.
We are commanded by our Lord Jesus to pray for our enemies and that we must do but unless Biblical Christians get up off their butt's soon and fight back at all costs, most of our children will be gone. There are over 50 million children that have been murdered through abortion in the USA so children living outside the womb are the next obvious target by evilist's. We need Godly men of action(James 2:17-20).This is and can be a very frighting situation and season for the ill equipped Christian and or family. Families should take this article as a very serious call to action and a warning to beware of just what the U.S and all it's states, counties and local governments are involved in. The US and it's states governments are largely not interested in helping people in their God given liberties of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as documented in our Deceleration Of Independence. The question for you and I has become; do you love your children and family enough for America to once again become “home of the brave” ? Meaning that we stand up and protect our children and families from wickedness, or do we stand aside and let evilist's go on with their onslaught against our family, friends and neighbors ???
Please be sure to view all three of the videos in this article. It will hopefully ignite your soul to do something to fight back and get our children back !
Psalms 37:17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

** Reminder; Don't Forget That On February 12th, 2012 To Have Your Christian Pastor And Or All Christian Pastors Around The World To Preach Against The Purposeful Destruction Of Families At The Hands Of Governments.
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          One of the most common and frustrating complaints of fiscal-conservatives and Constitutional-conservatives is watching what a terribly inadequate job so-called conservative leaders do in articulating the nature of the mess in Washington and in putting the standard of truth forth against the never-ending progressive lies and distortions.  Recently, a nearby (Westminster, CO) weekly ran a letter to the editor dissing Mitt Romney and supporting Barack Obama in the form of a godawful parable about country life and muddy roads.  Here's the letter I wrote in response and expect to appear in the Westminster Window this Feb. 15th.


    Letter-to-editor writer Rich Stewart’s quaint (1/26) story imitated the approach of a Nazarene parablist (circa 33 A.D.) while attempting to discredit Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.  I am NOT a Romney supporter but totally DISrespect near-totalitarian big-government-deluded social-engineer Barack Obama. 

    A parable’s power lies in telling a simple story with universal application easy for ordinary folks to hear.  Mr. Stewart’s story missed the standard of simple-profundity badly because his parable lacked an underlying true analogy. 


              “Once a preacher named Obama drove a Deeeconomy SUV. Obama blamed the previous preacher because Deeeconomy was in the ditch all the time.  One day, however, we saw him deliberately drive into the ditch.  Then his principle supporter, Progreh Sivdemocrat got several thousand bags full of $100 bills and using them as kitty litter hoped to change things by providing traction for the preacher’s SUV.  Progreh Sivdemocrat’s big tractor got stuck and it took five hours, several other tractors, and a passel of farmers with hip boots, shovels and planks to free everyone.  Meanwhile the money flowed downriver and was eventually used by a blind friend of Preacher Obama as kindling for his fireplace."


    Translation:  in 1977, President Carter and his progressive congress passed CRA’77 aiming to give a private home to everyone, whether they could afford it or not.  Progressive president Clinton and ACORN helped expand CRA’77 four times (three times legislatively) so that 1977’s 0.24% suspect home loan rate expanded to 2007’s devastating 34.2% suspect loans many at 0% down payment to people without jobs or credit whose only “income” was food stamps  -- even to illegal aliens.  By the way, in fairness: one of the “stuck tractors” belonged to George H. W. Bush who won 45 of his 46 vetoes but did not veto the first expansion of CRA’77 in 1992.


    One more thing:  in 1930 it took a total of 57 seconds worth of work for the average American to pay off all his local, state and federal income taxes.  Today that average American works 99 days before he's free of income taxation; which doesn't include a host of other taxes including 7+% for state sales tax and huge gasoline taxes as well.


Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


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4063447336?profile=originalDo we have Rule of Law or a Constitution in America?-You Decide:

Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-On February 4, 2012:

“On Friday, February 3, 2012 the death knell of America the Beautiful tolled across the fifty states and around the world. An administrative judge in the state of Georgia rewrote the Constitution and ruled in favor of putative president Barack Hussein Obama declaring him a Natural Born Citizen and eligible to be on their state ballot.

Our rule of law is no more. Our Constitution is no more. Obama, Soros, state media, activist judges and all the ‘powers that be’ of a New World Order sealed our fate. The United States is a land of liberty no more.

When Georgia State Judge Michael M. Malihi released his shocking ruling we were stunned. This couldn’t possibly be true. On the eve of the hearing Obama’s lawyers had written a thinly- veiled threat letter to Brian Kemp, GA Secretary of State, demanding that Kemp stop Judge Malahi from moving forward with the three lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be on the state ballot. This letter followed another sent days earlier by Obama’s Atlanta attorney Michael Jablonski to Judge Malihi demanding he stop the January 26th hearing and advised the GA judge that Obama would not be attending anyway citing it would interfere with the president’s duties. Malihi replied quickly to the first letter: the hearing would go on. SOS Kemp responded within 2 hours of receiving his letter stating, “…if you and your client choose to suspend your participation in the OSAH proceedings, please understand that you do so at your own peril.”

At the very least when Obama or his lawyers failed to show up in court a default judgement, earlier considered by the judge, should have denied Obama’s placement on the ballot. Not only did Malihi rule in favor of Obama he completely destroyed the credibility of the plaintiffs, their lawyers, witnesses and evidence that the judge found “unpersuasive.”

Shortly after the devastating ruling, Constitutional Attorney Mario Apuzzo, wrote an editorial entitled, “All That Is Wrong with Georgia State Judge Michael M. Malihi’s Decision.”


Paragraph 2 reads, “The Court held: “For purposes of this analysis, this Court considered that President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Therefore, as discussed in Arkeny [sic meant Ankeny], he became a citizen at birth and is a natural born citizen.”

Paragraph 4: The court did not engage in its own thoughtful and reasoned analysis of the meaning of an Article II “natural born Citizen,” but rather relied only upon Ankeny v. Governor of the State of Indiana, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Ind. Ct.App. 2009), transfer denied, 929 N.E.2d 789 (2010), a state-court decision which erred in how it defined a “natural born Citizen.”

This little known ruling that was undoubtably proffered up by Obama’s dream team of lawyers piqued my curiosity. Why Indiana? Isn’t that the state where they found dozens if not hundreds of faked signatures used to place Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the state’s Democratic primary ballot?

Excerpted from Several pages from petitions used to qualify Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the state’s Democratic primary contain names and signatures that appear to have been copied by hand from a petition for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Schellinger. The petitions were filed with the Indiana Election Division after the St. Joseph County Voter Registration Office verified individuals’ information on the documents.”

The state media will not report on “birther’ issues but I scoured the headlines looking for coverage anyway and my heart leaped when I saw on Yahoo! News an AP headline that read, “Indiana election chief found guilty of voter fraud, other charges; faces removal from office” 

As I read my heart sank lower and lower. This had nothing to do with democrat voter fraud and everything to do with getting rid of a republican election official. No doubt with trumped-up charges. The transparency was so obvious and the statement at the end of the article clinched it.

Indiana was setting up a fail-safe system to steal the election for Obama: “A Marion County judge has ruled that White should be replaced by Democrat Vop Osili, the man he defeated by about 300,000 votes in the November 2010 election, but that ruling is on hold pending an appeal. Attorney Karen Celestino-Horseman, who watched the trial and spoke on behalf of Indiana Democrats following the verdict, said the party believes White’s conviction further affirms that Osili should be secretary of state. “(White) has been convicted, but the judge has left it open for misdemeanor sentencing. That’s something that’s going to have to be examined,” she said. During his closing arguments, assistant special prosecutor Dan Sigler Jr. argued that White knew that he was committing voter fraud but did it anyway for political power. “If we aren’t going to enforce election law against the secretary of state of Indiana, who are we going to enforce it against?” Sigler said.”

In the Epilogue of my book, Memoirs of a Community Organizer from Hawai’i 


is another damning implication for Indiana: “Through private investigators and skip-tracers associated with

we learned that Obama’s Kenyan family members’ Social Security numbers were issued around the same time as his. When Obama’s long-lost “Uncle Omar” was arrested for drunk driving, he was exposed as an illegal alien but has a valid Social Security number. Digging deeper they found it was assigned in the late 1970’s as was a Social Security number for Obama’s half-aunt, Zeituni Onyango, who had also been issued a deportation order but was allowed to stay when she surfaced in government-subsidized housing collecting welfare in Boston, MA. Zeituni’s Social Security number begins with a prefix reserved for residents of Indiana, but there is no evidence she ever lived in or even visited the state.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. All That Is Wrong with Georgia State Judge Michael M. Malihi’s Decision that Putative President Obama Is a “Natural Born Citizen!”-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-On February 3, 2012:

II. Open Letter to GA Secretary of State Brian Kemp!

Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 5, 2012:

“To: Secretary of State, Mr. Brian Kemp
Date: February 5, 2012
Re: Eligibility Ruling of Feb/4/2012 (Judge Malihi)

Dear Brian Kemp,
I am writing this letter to you not as an attorney, a Democrat or Republican, but as a citizen that has become very concerned with the direction this country has taken over the span of my lifetime.

As of this date you have no doubt been contacted by many people from both sides of this issue, many with the law degrees or years of political activism, all of whom can better address the legal issues and social consequences, much better than this retired contractor.  So I want to address this issue with you on the field of personal foreboding that I just can’t shake.

It has been and remains to this day, my belief, that what has made this country the greatest place to live, in all of recorded history, is that wonderful and brilliant document, authored by intellectual and God loving geniuses, the United States Constitution.  It is true that our country is made up of many cultures and many religions whose people left their homes in far away lands to come here and have contributed mightily to what we are. 

As the US Constitution allowed for every citizen to pursue success, happiness and fortune, to the best of each one’s ability and desire, because of the promise that the rule of law, as opposed to the rule of man, would protect their rights and their property, so too did it draw to this country, the best the world had to offer.  This is what America is and America is the US Constitution.

Clearly the Constitution has been under attack from the left and from the right for many years now.  This past week, as Judge Malihi’s obviously political ruling settled over this nation like a dark onerous cloud, one could not help but think the enemies of our democratic republic are winning in their struggle to destroy the freedoms we have for so long enjoyed.

Whether it be in sports, business or legal contracts, if any rule is allowed to be ignored or misused, for any purpose, the system will break down.  Mr. Kemp, so many of us out here, fear for our children and theirs as we see, time after time, this system  breaking down.

Just a few words on the ruling this past week.  Not being an attorney, but having developed a sense of what is fair and what is not, when we watched as the defendant in the case, not only refused to provide evidence, in accordance with the court order and the election laws of Georgia, but also refused to even participate, that sense of “rule of man”  descended on us like hammer and, shall I suggest, sickle?  There appears to have been no “peril”, except to our freedom.

As you review this ruling there are a few things I know you are aware of and hopefully you will consider.

1. Why did the Judge make a ruling on “credibility” of the witnesses without either cross examination or appointing an expert to review the charges and testimony?

2. Why did the Judge reach out to a lower court ruling, where clearly the few people involved in that case had no clue about Article II, and ignore case after case from our own United States Supreme Court?  Could it be because he was operating on an agenda as opposed to the law?

3. If the Judge was going to allow the defendant not attend or testify under oath and thereby made his ruling based upon the “defense” he provided for the defendant, why were the plaintiffs not given the opportunity to cross examine the Judge before he made his ruling?

4. Since Judge Malihi was performing as the defendant’s advocate, should he not have been put under oath and questioned as to why he refused to have other experts verify that the birth certificate is a forgery and that Obama’s SSN failed E-Verify instead of simply dismissing the testimony?

5. If Judge Malihi was going to allow the defendant not to participate, should he have cross examined the plaintiff’s witnesses as to why he thought they were not credible? Or is it possible, that line of questioning would serve no purpose to the preconceived outcome?

6. Could it really be possible that the brilliance of our founding fathers faltered when they wrote the special qualifications for the President and Vice-President in regards to the “Natural Born Citizen” clause?  Or would anyone with a modicum of sense believe they thought the foreign affiliation protection they sought would be accomplished by only one parent being a citizen?  If we were to take that as possible we would have to believe, that in their time, Thomas Jefferson and John Jay would have no problem with the King of England being the father of the next President. 

If any Judge or any politician, can pick and chose, for ideological reasons or convenience, which part of the Constitution they will adhere to, there will be no future for this country.  The founding fathers gave us a way to alter the Constitution for parts that may have become obsolete or not practicable.  That of course is the Amendment process, which, by the way, does not include ruling from the bench by some idealistic jurist.

Mr. Kemp, I know it would take a great act of courage for you to not just accept this very unfortunate ruling by one of your judges.  This case will be destined to go down in history as the most one sided ruling in the favor of a defendant that didn’t even provide a defense.  

While it would be much easier on you personally, as well as the short time comfort of your department, to just agree with Judge Malihi and allow an ineligible candidate on your ballot, the long term effect on the slow degradation of the rule of law will be moved forward in a new giant step.  

What is it that I and millions of Americans across this country would like the Honorable Brian Kemp do?  Simple. Before you accept or reject the ruling of the Judge in this case, we would like you to perform a review of the following points.

1. Why Judge Malihi did not ask for verification on the forged birth certificate and mal-use of Social Security numbers.
2. Why did he select a lower court’s clearly mis-evaluated ruling in stead of being guided by decisions form the  United States Supreme Court?
3. Why were the plaintiffs not given the opportunity to cross examine the Judge on the defense he donated to the defendant?
4. Has there been any contact between the defendant and Judge Malihi that has not been made part of the court record?

If these issues are addressed and reasonable answers obtained, consistent with the concept of law, then any decision you make will at least be done after a full accounting.  No one can ask for more than that.


Dwight Kehoe

Little Silver, NJ


III. Video: Why We Were Defeated!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 4, 2012:

IV. JUDGE SAYS OBAMA CAN BE ON GEORGIA BALLOT!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 3, 2012:

V. A Week of Injustice (Four Years, Actually)!-Posted on Obama Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 4, 2012:

VI. DNC Refuses to Remove Obama From Presidential Ballot!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Daniel Greystone-On February 3, 2012:

VII. Video: Georgia Judge Malihi Under Siege!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 3, 2012:

VIII. Media Reports on The Georgia Decision for Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge- By GeorgeM-On February 5, 2012:

IX. Obama shows contempt for judicial process!-Posted on The Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On February 1, 2012:

Question:  Did a Pennsylvania District Court rule that President Obama was ineligible for Presidency in 2008 and ordered the DNC to withdraw him or is it just another distraction?

The following article and/or blog post seems to make that case-You Decide:

Pennsylvania District Court Ruled Obama ineligible for Presidency in 2008 and ordered DNC to withdraw him!-Posted on Press-By PC-On October 2, 2011:

Note:  The following videos, articles and/or blog posts reveal how our American Constitution faces a ‘progressive’ threat, with the help of the main stream media, along with a video regarding our Constitution and our Republic-if we can keep it-You Decide:

Top Jurist Undermining The U.S. Constitution!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 4, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:

Miss America: Obama Shirking the Constitution!-Posted on Tom O’Connell-On Juy 13, 2011:

Florida D.A. Fired for Talking About Constitution Settles Case!-Posted on The Blaze-By Madeleine Morgenstern-On July 8, 2011:

The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:

Exposing the Mindset of Modern Liberalism!-Posted on Commentary Magazine-By Peter Wehner-On July 5, 2011:

American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:

The Constitution Matters: ‘A reply to Time magazine’s Richard Stengel.’-Posted on National Review Online-By THOMAS SOWELL-On June 28, 2011:

Video: TIME Magazine Asks: ‘Does the Constitution Still Matter?’-Posted on The PatriotPost-On June 24, 2011:

CNN Analysts Want Constitution Modernized; Bash Second Amendment Wording, Electoral College!-Posted on News Busters-By Matt Hadro-On June 27, 2011:

Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011:

Video: A Republic, If You Can Keep It – The American Form of Government!

Note:  What follows are eye opening websites and articles and/or blog posts that meticulously reveal George Soros’ plans for: 1) implementing a “One-World” Socialist Government; 2) abolishment of judicial elections and the reshaping of America’s courts:  3) buying-off all 50 Secretaries of State in hopes of tipping the up-coming Presidential election; 4) funding Leftist foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye; 5) meddling with the courts and the buying-off of Left wing judges to use them as pawns to implement some of his many agendas that are meant to destroy our country from within; and 6) using Hollywood and the media as pawns to push his outrages propaganda down our throats-You Decide:

I. Implementing A “One World” Socialist Government:

George Soros Files!

George Soros Is Implementing A “One World” Socialist Government!-Posted on

II. Abolishing Judicial Elections and Reshaping America’s Courts:

OSI’s $45M Campaign to Abolish Judicial Elections and Reshape America’s Courts!-Posted on American Justice Partnership-By Colleen Pero-On September 2010:

III. Buying-off all 50 Secretaries of State:

George Soros’s Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!-Posted on

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On July 1, 2011:

IV. Funding Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Election Laws:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!-Posted on

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By J. Christian Adams-On August 12, 2011:

V. Meddling With The Courts and Buying-Off Left Wing Judges:

Soros meddles in courts, attempts to buy Leftwing judges!-Posted on National Examiner-By Anthony Martin-On June 27, 2011:

VI. Using Hollywood and The Media As Pawns to Push His Outrages Propaganda:

The Intersection of Politics and Hollywood Propaganda!-Posted on Big Hollywood-By Liberty Chick-On July 26, 2010:

Soros-Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million Every Month!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 25, 2011:

Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 18, 2011:

Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 11, 2011:

Citizen Soros: Funding Anti-American Film!-Posted on Big Government-By Matthew Vadum-On January 17, 2012:

George Soros, Movie Mogul: ‘Social Justice’ Cinema and the Sundance Institute!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By Rondi Adamson-On March 20o8:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Recently we have heard a lot about the finger pointing incident on The Tarmac by Governor Jan Brewer at President Barack Obama.  The incident is now being proclaimed as a racial situation, and The Governor is being blamed by Jessie Jackson and others as causing division, and calls are being made to smear her name.  It has even being suggested that her actions may cause The President to be assassin...ated. I am not writing this note to debate the ethical question of whether or not this incident is right, wrong, or disrespectful.  I wish here to address the issue of whether or not those that accuse this incident of being racial have any merit. How Race entered into this situation based on a picture is beyond belief.  It seems as if those that will use discrimination as an excuse to divide us will stoop to any level to cause racial strife as a way of maintaining themselves in a position of power. Prior to this event, Governor Brewer has not to my knowledge ever been mentioned or charged as a person with a history of racial discrimination.  If we are to be suspect of any one of the two, the lot would fall on our President as he is the one with the history of promoting class warfare, and standing along the side of the likes of Jeremiah Wright as he proclaimed Black Liberation Theology (a doctrine of hate) from the Church that he attended for over twenty years.  Our President also stands with The Attorney General Eric Holder who refuses to prosecute The Black Panthers for intimidation against Whites. Many Blacks have jumped on the band wagon and are blaming Governor Brewer of being a Racist because they accuse her of wanting to “set a Black man of power straight.”  They accuse her of using the opportunity to promote her new book, and to show the nation that she has the nerve to stand up and put him back in his place publicly. They also point out that it is disrespectful for someone White to ever point a finger in a Black persons face in public because of the dark racial history of our country. They also have failed to take into account that our current President, Barack Obama has himself repeated this gesture on several occasions to State Officials and foreign leaders.  Are we to assume that his actions were Reverse Discrimination? We need to approach this situation with caution and with the facts.  We have enough problems in America and should not add fuel to the fire by placing charges of racial hatred to incidents simply because of a picture or historical stereotypes.  Many people also exercise their freedom of speech with incident hand gestures that may not carry any measure of contempt in their appearance. Let us not rush to judgment and accuse others of such a serious charge before we investigate the facts.  We must move on and tackle the problems that are pressing this country.  We must not use The Race Card to unjustly cause someone to receive scorn.  We must move forward and unite as One America and maintain our respect for one another.
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Be Encouraged! 2/5/12

Howdy all.  Or should I say in my previous vernacular; "Ey, how ya doin'?"  I mean after all, dem Giants are gonna split the Patriots up into little bitty bitttsss. You know waddeye meen, enh?  Sum tink de patz can do it.  I say fuhgeddaboudit!

Any hoo,..

For we believe by believing and not by seeing. ~ 2 Cor. 5:7

We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people.  Now we are told in advance, the government shall be broken up, unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices.  In this they are either attempting to play upon us, or they are indeed earnest.  Either way, if we surrender, it is the end of us, and of the government.  They will repeat the experiment upon us ad libitum. ... They now have the Constitution, under which we have lived over 70 years, and acts of Congress of their own framing, with no prospect of their being changed; and they can never have a more shallow pretext for breaking up the government, or extorting a compromise, than now. ~ Abraham Lincoln, confidential letter to James T. Hale, January 11, 1861.

I have some great friends in New England, and many family members as well.  We get along pretty good, until a game between a New York team and a New England team; any sport, any level.  Today's Superbowl is no different. We will castigate each other for rooting for the 'losing' team, which the other team always is, regardless of the final score.  But in the end, we will still be close.  I don't think the same can be said about our government; or more correctly, our federally elected employees.  I mean, just read the letter from Lincoln.  It was written in 1861!  It is uncanny how similar things are today.  In fact it is down right scary.  The only changes to be made in Lincolns letter to reflect our issues with the government today is to change the 70 to 221, and the date from 1861 to 2012.  Everything else is as it is today.  Will the progressive movement disband after the elections in November?  Or will they attempt to take the government after being beaten, as Lincoln feared in 1861?  I believe it's possible that something might be done after the liberal/progressive movers and shakers get shaken out of their shorts.  Even more telling is that Lincoln's concern of a broken government was over slavery.  JUST LIKE NOW!  Then it was slavery based on race.  Today, it is slavery based on political ideology.  But either way it's slavery.  And look at the date of writing; Jan 1861.  Just before the office of president was to be exchanged. Here is where the similarities part ways.  We have until November, 10 months to prepare, 10 months to prevent, 10 months to protect our Constitution, our form of government, our nation from being torn to bits.  Ominous sounding, yes.  Avoidable?  ABSOLUTELY!  Avoidable yes, because we have what wasn't available in 1861; awareness.  Awareness to the fact that our Constitution is under violent attacks from the left.  Awareness that We the People have been enlightened to our rights and responsibilities as citizens of the United States of America.  Awareness so strong,that we believe we can preserve our great nation, our city on the hill.  We believe so strongly.  We do not need to see how strong we are; we know how strong we are - because we believe in al lour hearts and minds that we are strong.  We the People; the first words of the greatest document to ever grace our earth, outside the ten commandments and the bible.  No blaspheme here, just truth.  So help me God.

We have been told in advance, the government shall be broken up, unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices.  But We the People believe that we will make historic change ourselves.  We will save this great nation and the Constitution; the document that defines our principles fairly stated to the people.

By the way, isn't Mr.Lincoln an idol, or at least a source of guidance for POTUS?  Yeah, I thought so. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Thank God For These True Patriots!

Posted on English Pravada-By Dr. Eowyn-On February 2, 2012:

“Something extraordinary and historic took place mere days ago in Las Vegas, Nevada.

For three days, from January 29 and 31, 2012, in the Tuscany Hotel & Casino, more than 120 county sheriffs, from across the United States of America, met in a first annual, “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention”.

This is what Wikipedia says about U.S. sheriffs: “In the United States, a sheriff is a county official and is typically the top law enforcement officer of a county. Historically, the sheriff was also commander of the militia in that county. Distinctive to law enforcement in the United States, sheriffs are usually elected. The political election of a person to serve as a police leader is an almost uniquely American tradition.”

The first Constitutional Sheriffs Convention is the brainchild of the and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association at

For a video describing the CSPOA, go to and type in: Special report: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds

The convention’s objective is two-fold:

1. To increase the understanding and awareness for all sheriffs and peace officers regarding the true power of our constitutional authority and duty to serve and protect the people for whom we work.

2. To unite in a concerted effort to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.

Given the importance of the convention, it is curious to say the least that the media have chosen to totally ignore it. Curious, too, is the fact that I scoured the Internet yesterday but could find scant news on the convention, much less a report - not even on the website of the County Sheriff Project.

But I did find an audio of a 1.5 hr Revolution Radio broadcast on the convention, an hour of which consists of phoned-in interviews with several sheriffs who attended the conference, as well as other attendees, mainly Stewart Rhodes, founder of To listen to the audio, Go to google and type in: Revolution Radio: Constitutional Sheriffs Conference

Stewart Rhodes said the sheriffs “are working on a series of resolutions” at the convention, among which is a “Resolution of the Sheriff Against NDAA 2012”, drafted by Rhodes and constitutional attorney Richard Fry, for the sheriffs to sign.

NDAA is the notorious National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 which effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights by making it lawful for the U.S. President and the military to arrest and detain U.S. citizens without charge or trial. From the Oath Keepers’ website, it appears the sheriffs at the convention did not sign the Resolution as a collective body. Rhodes is asking the sheriffs to sign the Resolution as individual sheriffs.

Rhodes opined that political party labels don’t mean much anymore, referring in particular to how the NDAA is “a bipartisan assault on our civil liberties,” which was spearheaded by Republican John McCain and Democrat Carl Levin.

Rhodes emphasized that a second American Revolution has already taken place under our noses and our Constitution’s been overthrown. “We have had people who are determined to destroy our Constitutional Republic to create a tyranny.” But this revolution is not fully recognized by the American people, who must be informed and educated. He calls for Americans, especially the military and the police, to emulate the “peaceful revolution of 1800″ when Thomas Jefferson and James Madison rose up against the Anti-Sedition Act to sweep federal oath-breakers out of office.

Rhodes was followed by several sheriffs, who spoke one by one. They included: Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte County in Northern California, Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County, Colorado, Sheriff John Lopey from Northern California’s Siskiyou County and Sheriff Greg Hagwood of Plumas County in Northern California. An excellent video of these men explaining there problems with Federal agents and how they defeated them can be seen by going to and typing in: Constitutional sheriffs. And for a very good explanation of a Sheriff successfully opposing the Federal Government and protecting the citizens in his county, type in: Sheriff Tony DeMeo.

120 to 140 sheriffs from all across America. Many (“a great showing”) from California and the western states, but also from Texas, Florida and the eastern seaboard. Some sheriffs also brought their second-in-charge to the convention. A list of the names of the sheriffs who were at the convention will be published.

There was a Sheriffs Panel in which 8 sheriffs spoke.

There were presentations by various speakers who “spoke powerfully” on Agenda 21 and the Bill of Rights. Even though some of the sheriffs didn’t know about some of the issues, “they are listening” and “have a humility about them.” “They really want to know and are sticking their necks out by coming here.

What the sheriffs got out of the conference:

1.  A renewed knowledge and understanding of the U.S. Constitution and “how it’s related to county sheriffs who are sworn to defend and protect the Constitution.

2. “A good idea and understanding of what’s been going on” in the sheriff’s own county and in other counties.

Sheriff Wilson’s county, as an example, is on the border between Northern California and Oregon. 74% of the county is federal and state land. The county’s agriculture and timber industry are under “attack” by the federal government’s Interior Department and BLM (Bureau of Land Management). Sheriff Cooke described how the federal government wanted to burn some grassland in his county which was adjacent to farmers’ and ranchers’ property. So he issued a warning to the feds not to burn, which was ignored. But the county stood firm - and the federal government backed down and decided not to burn. Sheriff Cooke also said that the federal government tells the sheriffs how to run their jails, although Washington D.C. has no authority over this.

3. The realization that many of the problems experienced by separate counties are common to all sheriffs across the nation, “all part of a larger picture.” Sheriff Cooke calls the conference “awesome”: “We sheriffs tend to live on an island, but the conference makes us realize we have common problems.” Those common problems are the federal government’s over-regulation; “overreach” of its authority on matters such as forest land in Northern California; and “infringement against the Constitutional rights of our citizens.” The sheriffs “heard absolute horror stories on what’s going on from one coast to the other - especially in Connecticut and Delaware.”

4. Not only are these problems common to the counties of all the states, these issues also “affect all the citizens of America.” “The problems we’re facing are universal.”

5. One of those issues that affect all the citizens is the NDAA. The sheriffs at the convention learned how the NDAA “blatantly strips authority from sheriffs into the hands of the military and the President” as well as stripping “the rights from citizens.”

6. Learning about the limits of the sheriffs’ own authority, even in “little things.” Sheriff Cooke gave an example of a Sheriff Akita who said he “did away with DUI checkpoints because they are unconstitutional” and sheriffs “shouldn’t tolerate it.” Why? Because “it is not right to stop people when they haven’t done anything wrong.”

What is needed:

The sheriffs said an organization “like this” (i.e., the convention) is needed “on a national level” to help county sheriffs across America. “The time has come for a nationally recognized organization” of America’s county sheriffs.

In the meantime, there are already plans for Northern California’s sheriffs to meet again, scheduled for 2 p.m., Saturday, February 25, 2012. There are also plans for other events in Northern California to discuss land management, land use, water issues, the declining timber industry (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently issued yet another spotted owl protection), and threats against mining, agriculture, and recreational use. California’s State Sheriffs Association has formed a policy committee to deal with common problems, especially those in Northern California.

What most impressed the sheriffs:

1. Sheriff Hagwood: It’s an “eye opener” that the same issues are being dealt with across the country. That’s “disturbing”. At the same time, it’s “good to know that distinguished sheriffs are taking steps to safeguard our Constitution.” They are willing “to stand up, stand tall, to serve the People and stand for the Constitution.

2. They now feel emboldened: Sheriff Wilson: “Just having an organization like this and meeting sheriffs from across America who are like-minded, emboldens you to take steps that are necessary to stand up for the rights promised in the Constitution, because now you know other sheriffs have his back” and will “stand beside me.”

3. Sheriff Cooke: “There’s strength in numbers, not fighting it alone.”

What the sheriffs promise:

“The U.S. Constitution was founded by devout Christian men and they got it right. Now it’s up to us - sheriffs and peace officers - to keep it.” “The problems we’re facing are universal. But sheriffs bound together have real strength to push back.” “Sheriffs all over are going to fight back.”

The number of sheriffs who will attend next year’s convention will probably be double the number as this year. Sheriffs are learning “how to fight back with an organization like this.” “The only thing I’ve ever sworn to is my oath of office and my marriage vows. When sheriffs take a leadership role, the people will also be inspired. We realize that our freedoms are being threatened” on “county, state, and national” levels. We must energize and educate citizens and officials.” “Sheriffs are beginning to recognize the responsibility they have to citizens is much larger than upholding the law. We now appreciate the gravity of the situation. We recognize our larger responsibility is to protect the liberties [that are] absolutely essential to our way of life. The 2012 election is make or break. We must realize that the enemy is within, not without. We must demand that the federal government behave.”

“It won’t be easy but we’ll do it!”

That’s when my vision got blurred by the tears streaming down my face....God bless the county sheriffs who attended this convention. May their numbers multiply. Pray for our sheriffs! Pray for America!”


Video: Special Report: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds!-Posted on onelantern-On November 19, 2011:

Note: On or about December 22, 2011, Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers, called an emergency conference to be held for all active Oath Keeper Members on Friday, December 23, 2011. This conference was called to discuss the Oath Keeper’s response to the provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 that authorizes military detention and trial by tribunals of American citizens, right along with foreigners, which is a clear violation of #3 of Oath Keeper’s Declaration of Orders They Will Not Obey. What follows is a resolution that resulted from this conference-You Decide:

RESOLUTION OF THE SHERIFF Against NDAA 2012!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes & Patriot Coalition National Director Jeff Lewis-On January 29, 2012:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Supreme Court Rules Americans are Protected from “Surveillance State!”- Posted on The National Center For Public Policy Research-On January 23, 2012:

II. Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (PART 1)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On January 21, 2012:

III. Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (Part 2)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On 
February 4, 2012:

IV. Obama Usurps Our Freedoms with the Stroke of a Pen!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On January 20, 2012:

V. James Madison And The ‘Gathering Storm’ Prophecy!-Posted on News With Views-By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.-On January 27, 2012:

VI. All Who Signed The NDAA Bill Should Be Impeached!-Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Laurie Roth, January 20, 2012:

VII. The Real 2012 Doomsday: U.S. Falls To Tyranny!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Sam Rolley –On January 18, 2012:

VIII. 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Jonathan Turley-On January 13, 2012:

IX. Video: NDAA: Rhode Island Rebelling? More States To Follow?-Posted on Western Jorunalism-On January 16, 2012:

X. Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:

XI. Resistance or Apathy – Victory or Defeat in 2012!-Posted on News With Views-By Greg Evensen, January 14, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless These Sheriffs & Oath Keepers-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Obama and tuition reduction

So Obama will withhold federal funds if colleges raise tuition.  Where does he get the right to start managing colleges and universities.  Here is the deal, the federal government now controls the federal grants to colleges and universities and is the only one now allowed to loan money for college  tuition.  That gives the federal government control of our higher education.  Their next step is not just tuition cost containment, but whether the students they are paying for are  receiving value for what the government spends and that means control of the curriculum .  They may elect not to pay colleges that have Ayn Rand and Friedrich von Hayek on their mandatory reading lists.  That's how they do it, little by little in small steps.

I wrote a book of short stories to educate Americans about how Obama and his progressive colleagues act and  think.  It has been called a Tea Party primer.  Check it out on in soft cover and Kindle version or on Barns and Noble as an e-book for their NOOK.  The title is OBAMA'S SHORTS.  WARNING: This book contains a political treatise and satire.  The text has not been approved by the U.S. Department of Thought or The Reading Protection Agency.  You may incur tax liability from reading it, pending new regulations from Obama's Kinetic Knowledge Transfer Czar.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. 

More book  information at  The only way to save America is to educate its citizens about our founding principles. 

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My story is a long one.  I will shorten it here, but you may read more at my web site at


On July 4, 2010, I wrote an email to the Israeli Prime Minister asking for help with my "mission" and for work doing Bible Code Research.  I then was visited by the police, looking for my wife, she was missing.  I thought the email was misunderstood, so I consulted with the Bible Code, and I wrote the Israeli Prime Minister back, again by email, saying I thought he must have misunderstood me.

I then tried callling the President, Barack Obama, to request his help to avoid a possible war with Israel because of my confusing communications with the Prime Minister.  I was unable to reach Obama.  So I called the FBI collect, because I had no long distance on my phone, and asked them for help.  They assured me nothing was wrong, and so I thanked them, got off the phone from them and then called the Findlay Police Department, and I asked them to please arrest me.

The officer from Findlay Police instead offered a courtesy ride to the mental hospital for me.  I rode to Blanchard Valley Medical center's Orchard Hall, where I refused to sign any paperwork.  Instead, I told them I was in crisis because I feared I caused a world war with Isreal, and I hoped I could be forgiven, and that I thought my wife had been kidnapped by Barack Obama's men as my punishment for sending the misunderstood email to Israel that day.

To top things off, I had no health insurance.  I had signed myself off of health insurance several months prior, because I hated, as I hate now, all psyiatry and I disfavor medication used to alter moods or thinking to an intense degree.

My mother and wife visited me at the Orchard Hall, at Blanchard Valley Hospital several times, and my mother told me codes that she claimed were from the Bible Code, to be supposedly used to impeach the president.  I did not understand, but I memorized some of the codes anyway.  They included my birthday, the name "d-tenna" and a written card with the words on it of "resist" "dance" and "spit".

I was then, after seven days at Orchard hall with no health insurance, transported in shackles to a different hospital, but I thought I was going to an airport to be sent to California, since the Bible Code said "CALI" from my own inspection of the prophecy.

Upon arriving in Toledo, at the Northwestern Ohio Psych Hospital, a state facility, I was deshackled, and they wanted to scan my eye for identification.  I thought they wanted to do RFID implatation, so I refused.  I do not remember if I later agreed or still refused.  I was very scared.

I was told by LORD Jesus Christ to not dance, except to show joy or praise Him, the LORD Jesus Christ.  So I stopped dancing, and sat down, and prayed for a while.

I then appologized profusely and thanked the staff for allowing me to stay at their facility, and asked it I may sign up for medical experimentation so I may get a lighter sentence.  I was told by my mother tht I would need to impeach the president, with a tooth infection during electroshock thearpy, by my death.  But I did not want to die and I did not want to impeach the president.  I wanted to see my wife and have hope of my freedom in the future some day, maybe in 2-3 years, maybe in 5 years of my prison sentence for emailing the Israeli Prime Minister on July 4, 2010.

On July 18, 2010 around 1:45 pm, I was raped by David Bellian.  The Bible Code said this would happen, I just did not believe the Bible Code initially.  Other keywords came true, too, from the Bible Code:

"ardent" was the name of the maker/distributor of Abilify psych medication, and this was found in theh Bible Code under prophecy Levicriticus with unlock code of "14".

I also saw these keywords: "Cloud, Block, Misery, Corpulent, Capacitor, Cable, Blade, Rape, Jail" and more keywords.  I saw a painting in a building with the words "CLOUD" by "Marcia Burtt".  I was in the A-400 unit Block of NOPH Hospital for 11 weeks.  I felt complete misery.  My wife was corpulent and is a bit heavy in weight.  Capacitor and cable make an electro shock machine, which the hospital wanted to use on me, but could not get authorized.  The "BLADE" referred to the Toledo Blade newspaper, but also meant brain surgery and lomotomy operations to me at the time.  I was raped, indeed.  In the future, David Bellian will go to jail, this part of the prophecy has yet to happen.

By being sent to this facility, I was denied permission to be present at the trial where it was determined that I am incompetent by a court of law.  My wife was invited to be present, but she said the paperwork for the trial date was received the day after the trial took place.  From that day forward, I have been forced to have a legal guardian.

The purpose of the legal guardian is to prevent me from having my rights, including my right to sue over the mistreatement I received while in custody.  Besides being raped, by a doctor, the same doctor declared me totally incompetent, to protect himself from a lawsuit.

My court appointed guardian thinks I am mentally ill, because he was told that by Century Health.  The purpose of the guardianship to to take away my legal rights, because I was injured by the doctor in the state mental hospital.

My wish now, because of the stature of limitations, and because I have no proof of what happened to me while in custody at NOPH Hospital, is to rebuild my life, and try to get off this guardianship so that I may continue to write computer software and do my journalism writing and book writing.

I claim that the hospital had probable cause to think I was a spy, because I did a coding system in the hospital, including by writing notes in encrypted binary barcodes, all done by hand, due to my prayers with LORD Jesus Christ.  With the probable cause, they injured me in other ways besides raping me, because I appeared to be a spy. 

However, I am not a spy.  INstead, I was in fear of being used for the construction of a super computer for time travel, known as "Clean Slate" which I read that the government was supposedly trying to build.  I thought the government was using mental subjects' brains with a drilling and a blade, to insert a cable into the skull, to create a computer.  Of course, this was confused thinking, because of misunderstanding  the Bible Code and the hospitals were drugging me with strong medication.

I thought, at the time, by doing coding systems, I would prove I am intelligent, and my brain would not be used for making a weapon of time travel computer, but instead I would be imprisoned and medically experiemented on as my punishment instead for the misunderstood email to the Israeli Prime Minister.

My present goal is to write powerful Bible Code software, for which I have already researched over 30,000 keywords in the Bible Code and plan to continue to invest some days 12 hours.  Typically, I spend about 45 hours week developing the product, to unseal the Holy Bible Code of LORD Jesus Christ.

In the hospital, I named in court that my employer was LORD Jesus Christ.  Initally, the hospital did not believe me.  But after the hospital used the Bible Code, LORD Jesus Christ confused the hospital by making me appear very violent, so I would be injured worse by the hospital.  I was not violent, except I threatened to destroy property, in hopes of getting to a trial in a court of law.

In the end of my hospitalization, I fasted, and went from 183 pounds to 118 pounds, in a demand for an attorney to try to win my freedom.  My dad visited me after two weeks, and he said to eat food and he would sue the hospital if necessary.  So, I ate, and in about 2 or 3 weeks after I ate food, I was discharged from NOPH and sent to a group home, called Brookside run in Findlay Ohio by Century Health.

I did not like the group home, but it was better than the hospital by far.  I resided in the group home for about one month.  I then came home to my wife.  I have been seeking my freedom from this guardianship for the past year and a half now, and so far, the new guardian is Jeffery Fort, attorney at law, in Findlay Ohio.

My object is now not to sue anyone but rather to move to Toledo to live near my father, James Meyer, and to seek work both in the community and in my self employment doing computer software engineering.   I find the guardianship very distasteful and frustrating at times.  I look forward to my freedom being restored someday, so I may once again have the legal rights that so many Americans have, including the right to choose my own medical decisions and have control of my own money, and the right to own property beyond simple things like clothes and books.

Please feel welcome to contact me and to verify all people, places and events in this document.  I want no secrets between me and the American people.  I once ran for public office, which was derailed by the email and my punishment that followed the contact by email with the Israeli Prime Minister on July 4, 2010.

I certify the facts contained in this document are honest and accurate, and I invite you to read more and see actual copies of historical writings I made while in hospital custody following the email to Israeli back in July 2010.  I will glady speak with anyone about what happened to me and try to funish supporting evidence by email if I have it.  Thank you for allowing me to share this writing with you.  This essay is hereby written into the Public Domain and may be copied and published freely for any purpose by any person, without the need for any additional permission.  Thank you and God Bless you Brothers and Sisters!

The essay is exclusively written for the Tea Party organization of Patriots like you.  No other web site or publication has a copy of this specific version of my account of what happened to me following my email to the Israeli Prime Minister on July 4, 2010.

-Eric S. Meyer

February 4, 2012

P.S. I DO NOT want Obama impeached for his actions against me.  I simply want to go to work for the American people doing good deeds in a position of power, for the public benefit.  I would like to be appointed by Obama to a job working for him, in the Department of Peace, a new cabinet level job from my prayers.   I did in the hospital say I wanted to impeach the president, but that was because my mother said I should do that and she claimed (falsely) that such impeachment was in the Bible Code.  The truth was discovered by me in late 2011, in that I learned from the Bible Code that God wants Obama reelected, so Obama can do good things for this country, with my help and guidance as one of his employees.  Point of reference, the phrase "Bible Code" refers exclusively to the Old Testament Christian Bible, or Torah, in its original Hebrew language form, unmodifed from the 2,800 old scriptures that were started by Moses and contained the Ten Commandments by God, aka LORD Jesus Christ, the creator of the Universal and all knowing being.  While hospitalized, I repeatedly said, "I am sent by God to Impeach the President" and the hospital did not like me saying, "I must break the Concordac that Obama forced my family to sign".  The hospital labeled me mentally ill, when I was quoting Bible code and prayer insights with LORD Jesus Christ.  I want world peace and economic stability, and see myself helping this happen in a few years for America.  I love the American people and want to see our country shine with beams of love to all the poor people and impoverished nations, while loving our enemies and all those nations and people who may injure us.  We must bless all that is evil, so that we chance our own wicked ways towards divine love and pious living.

Please share this essay with everyone you can.  Please investigate my story and verify the facts.  Know I am speaking the truth, am oppressed and value doing good deeds for all people of this Earth, under God, with love and kindness for all those God blesses me to come into contact or communication with.

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Elk County Tea Party, Courthouse, Ridgway, Pennsylvania- Freedom Rally 2011




"THE WAY", the Only Way: "Je'-sus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14-6. The very first Sin of the Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is Aborticide the Murder of the Innocent. The second is the Rejection of His Preserved, and inherent Word the Holy Bible(Almighty God is not the author of confusion He has but one Bible). The third is knowing the truth and then supporting the State Church(Incorporation). The fourth is attacking, maligning, the anointed preachers of the Saving Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There are more Sins, but these four must be considered paramount.



Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole(Chaplain Tom) VETERAN OF VETERANS, FATHER OF VETERANS

vda logo
owner Unified Christian Gospel Association...

Pennsylvania Chaplain's Corps



Standing strong in the Covenant in Heaven and earth.  This ministry is in the Truth(Christ Jesus is the Truth), and we lie not!






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Obama Ballot Challenge Denied---Mad Yet?

I don't know about you, but my teeth can only stand so much grinding.  Guess I better get to a dentist and get ready for some false teeth, because by the time this is over, all that will be left in this mouth will be nubs.  Having been on the frontline of this fight for over 4 years now, this just gets more maddening every single day.  Here is the ruling in it's entirety from Article 2 SuperPac:

I am getting in touch with Helen Tansey, director of Article 2 SuperPac right now, and hopefully we can get her back on the radio again tonight.

Join us live @ 9 pm EST tonight on Tea Party Radio: Founder's Quest-The Seigfreid/Toepfer Hour with co-host Peggy Burgess. and call in to rant @ 646-200-4032.  See you there!

Jim Seigfreid

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In 1994 the Pentagon’s deputy chief of staff for intelligence, a Major Ralph Peters, wrote a position paper Warrior Class:


The desire for patriotism is considered an enemy doctrine.  The U.S armed forces must be prepared to fight against all those who oppose the New World Order and who are holding out for nationalism… This new warrior class is most dangerous because they consist of those who fight out of strong religious beliefs… There is a worldwide class of patriots (i.e. “terrorists”) who number in the millions, and if the current trend continues, there may be more of these who…love freedom and are now the target of the New World Order… You cannot bargain and compromise with these warriors… We, as the military, need to commit more training to counter these warrior threats.  We must have an active campaign to win over the populace.  This must be coupled with irresistible violence. - from the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, May/June 1994. 


There you have it.  Religious, Patriotic American Gun owners are the Number One Enemy of the New World Order.  Since we can’t be bargained or compromised with, prepare for “irresistible violence.”


Major Ralph Peters, not only identified me, but gave me my name: WarriorClass III.

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***VERY IMPORTANT TEACHABLE MOMENT FOR THE GRASSROOTS, PLZ READ!*** I want you to understand how the elite media/political establishment is USING you: Exibit 1:  Media outlets have been teasing that Donal Trump would endorse Newt Gingrich for the past 24 hours. ... Method:  Gingrich has massive grassroots/social media support, far outdoing Romney. Spinning this fairytale endorsement put the spotlight on Trump using the power of the grassroots. Outcome: Global spotlight on a Mitt Romney endorsement, of the type Romney couldn't even buy with money, with promise of continued exposure as the protest/complaint chatter lingers on & on. This same, exact tool was used to put the "birther" issue to rest. Even using the SAME protagonist! Trump got the grassroots behind him in a fake quest to expose the birther issue. Trump framed the issue falsely from the very beginning; making it about a piece of paper instead of the ACTUAL issue of Natural Born Citizen. A piece of paper was produced, burying the issue altogether & completely impugning legitimacy of every group associated with questioning: the TEA Party, Republicans, Libertarians, etc. The effects of that little scheme are seen large-scale today as the media, en masse, ignore the court case happening at this very moment. This is a very effective means as using you as idiot tools to your own demise. I'm not trying to criticize anyone here, we're all guilty of falling into this trap, but be warned & take it to heart. These people are crafty & you must be on guard for them using you against yourself!

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