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Starting in the late fifties, the Democrats took God out of Schools, and also Prayer, because they aid the clause "Separation of Church and State". There is No Such thing in the Constitution. The real meaning of that, was done by the Founding Fathers', to mean that the State should never be able to set up one religion, and be run by the state, as it is in England.
The government knew that by not teaching the whole truth to children, they could tell them "News", that was actually mostly lies, and they would not know the difference.
When they took God out of the schools, Crime, crimes against women and children, murders and robberies shot up, because they were not being taught in the schools. The new way, is "If it feels good/right, do it. There is no right or wrong, because there is no God.
You do not have to take responsibility for your actions.
Prior to 1958, most crimes were very small, because God was being taught in the schools, and that everything had consequences.
There was prayer in the schools, and the Bible was actually taught in the schools.
Obama keeps saying that this has never been a Godly country. That is a lie right out of the pit of hell.
The problem is, the Liberals/Progressives in the country want nothing to do with God, but everything to do with atheism, and the communist ways of sharing thew wealth.
When we elect a new president, we want a GOD FEARING person, who worships the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
If you elect anyone who belongs to a cult, then they will preach their agenda, and it will be no better than just letting Obama stay in office for another eight years.
You should go to, or, and watch "The Obama Deception".
Go to :, this will explain what Thomas Jefferson meant, when he wrote the letter to the Baptist Assembly.
There are also a number of other files talking about the subject.
You're protesting the wrong "Robber Barons"
As usual the liberal progressive socialist Marxist's have got it wrong. They are currently ranting and raving about bankers, investors, corporate CEO's, etc., who based on their performance and guidance, reap the rewards of their fiscal acumen. Most of these perceived "Robber Barons" are paid on the profitability of said corporations they run. They in essence get paid on the value of their work not the volume or lack there of like most of the unions thugs and Democratic politicians and communist idealists like the Hollywood crowd that now join their ranks.
The problem with the government educated useless idiots that "Occupy Wall Street" cannot be summed up in a few words, because they themselves, as all "useless idiots" are, are a mob with a mob mentality not a singular view point. Their anti-American progressive socialist behavior is too deeply rooted. It has been hammered into them by a corrupted education system that since the formation of the Dept. of Education by the Socialist Ruling Class Elites has focused entirely on indoctrinating this Nations youth into their dogma. They have spent the last 144 years creating it.
They have also created the greatest system of corrupted crony capitalism that has been intentionally ignored by the main sewer media and have profited by it, unfettered by legal restraint or legislative restrictions for BILLIONS of dollars. Yes that is correct there is no legal restraints on any member of congress or their staff or the White House and its staff from trading on information on pending legislation!
The following is a report by Securities Docket originally published by Compliance Week.
Closing the Congressional Insider Trading Loophole
March 11, 2009, 7:09 am
In the days leading up to Nov. 16, 2005, the stock prices and trading volumes of several companies with asbestos-related liabilities including USG Corp., W.R. Grace & Co., and Crown Holdings, began to spike up in an otherwise flat market. No publicly available news about these companies or the industry explained the increases in price and volume.
What the public did not yet know—but what was known to certain investors with political connections—was that on Nov. 16, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist would deliver a speech announcing new legislation to relieve companies such as USG Corp. and others of their liabilities in asbestos-related lawsuits.
The asbestos legislation is an example of the effect that Congressional action can sometimes have on a stock’s price, and also of the potential for insider trading based on that knowledge of non-public information. Notably, and to the surprise of most people, no laws or regulations prohibit members of Congress (or their friends, staff, neighbors, or other acquaintances) from trading freely on such material, non-public information about a public company.
Indeed, members of Congress and their staff currently do not owe any “duty of confidentiality” to Congress and can’t be held liable for insider trading based on congressional knowledge under the current laws. Nor is there anything at this time that would prohibit Congressional staffers and executive branch employees from sharing inside information obtained from Congress with their friends—potentially allowing the recipients of such information to use it to make huge trading profits or prevent big losses. That means trading on inside knowledge of upcoming Congressional action is today one of the few forms of legal, repeatable insider trading (see my December 2008 column for a list of the others).
An academic study released in 2004, as well as some other more recent developments, indicates that this Congressional loophole to the insider trading laws isn’t just theoretical. Georgia State University professor Alan Ziobrowski released a study showing that during the 1990s, senators’ stock picks (which must be publicly disclosed periodically) beat the market by 12 percentage points a year on average. By comparison, corporate insiders only beat the market by about 6 percentage points a year, and U.S. households underperformed the market by 1.4 percentage points.
Ziobrowski and his colleagues concluded their findings “suggest that senators are trading stock based on information that is unavailable to the public, thereby using their unique position to increase their personal wealth …” Ziobrowski later was quoted as stating that, in his opinion, “there is cheating going on.”
There were also published reports in the wake of the study that the Securities and Exchange Commission had reviewed the findings, but decided not to pursue the issue because such cases would be difficult to prove. Critics, however, observed that a more cynical explanation for the SEC’s decision to do nothing might lie in the fact that the U.S. Senate is responsible for approving SEC commissioners and the agency’s budget.
In September 2008, U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, drew criticism for his trading of short-term put and call options in 2007, including a single transaction on Dec. 10 that netted him $15,000. He’d held that particular investment for just two weeks, and sold it on the same day that the company’s stock price surged following its announcement that it would acquire a competitor. Bachus’ trading in 2007 reportedly allowed him to supplement his $165,200 annual congressional salary by $160,000 that year.
There’s more: Tony Rudy, a staffer for former House Minority Leader Tom DeLay, was suspected of consistently trading based on material, non-public legislative information. While a DeLay staffer, Rudy reportedly traded hundreds of thousands of shares of stock from his work computer in 1999 and 2000.
Failure and Reform
It’s hard to come up with any compelling reason why trading based on Congressional knowledge should remain legal, and quite easy to build the case against it. Still, despite a situation that cries out for legislation to end this loophole, recent efforts to pass a bill that would do just that have gone nowhere. In January, U.S. Reps. Louise Slaughter and Brian Baird introduced—for the third time—legislation intended to stop insider trading on Capitol Hill called the “Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act” (the STOCK Act). Slaughter and Baird also introduced similar bills in 2006 and 2007, without success.
Slaughter and Baird have persisted, however, and Baird recently stated that he considers the legislation to be more important than ever as the government prepares to direct billions of dollars into the economy through the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The STOCK Act of 2009 (H.R. 682) would, among other things, amend Section 10 of the Securities Exchange Act and Section 4(c) of the Commodities Exchange Act to:
- prohibit members of Congress, employees of Congress, or executive branch employees from buying or selling stocks, bonds, or commodities futures based on non-public information they obtain because of their status;
- prohibit those outside Congress from buying or selling stocks, bonds, or commodities futures based on non-public information obtained from within Congress or the executive branch;
- prohibit Congressmen and employees from disclosing any non-public information about any pending or prospective legislative action obtained from a member or employee of Congress for investment purposes; and
- require members of Congress and employees to report the purchase, sale, or exchange of any stock, bond, or commodities future transaction in excess of $1,000 within 90 days.
It would also require firms that sell “political intelligence” and obtain their information directly from Congress to register with the House and Senate, and to make disclosures much like lobbying firms are now required to do.
There are arguments against the STOCK Act, but none strike me as particularly strong. One is that the law is unnecessary because congressmen already have a duty preventing them from trading on inside information that derives from some combination of common law relationships, agreements to maintain information in confidence, and a history of sharing confidences. But it’s difficult to see this ill-defined and never-before applied “duty” serving as the basis of a future insider trading case against a congressman.
Another practical limit on Congressional insider trading may lie in the concept of “democratically accountability”—that Congressmen must publicly disclose their trading activity, and their constituents will take note and vote them out of office if they appear to be engaging in insider trading. This, too, seems like a weak argument. If we really want to deter insider trading flowing from Congressional knowledge, legislation seems like a much more effective and direct means of doing so.
If anything, the more interesting arguments against the STOCK Act are that it isn’t strong enough. While the STOCK Act amends the rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit disclosure of material, non-public information to others, for some reason it does not similarly amend the rules of the Senate. In addition, while corporate executives must publicly disclose their securities transactions within just two business days under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the STOCK Act gives members of Congress the luxury of a full 90 days to do so.
Finally, the STOCK Act places greater restrictions on federal employee insider trading than on congressional insider trading: While it broadly prohibits federal employees from trading securities based on material non-public information relating to the issuer of the securities, it only prohibits insider trading by Congressmen with respect to “any pending or prospective legislative action relating to such issuer …”
In short, a loophole currently allows members of Congress and their “tippees” to engage in legal insider trading based on what they learn from their elected positions. The only way to close this loophole is for the very people that benefit from the loophole to close it themselves.
So far, however, the efforts of Representatives Slaughter and Baird to end this loophole have gone nowhere, and there is nothing to indicate that Round 3 of their attempt to “Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge” will have any greater success. With hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars of federal money poised to gush into the economy by the U.S. government, now seems like the perfect time to pass legislation such as the STOCK Act.
Originally published in Compliance Week. Reprinted with permission. © 2009 Financial Media Holdings Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Compliance Week can be found at Call (888) 519-9200 for more information.
This is just one instance in what has been a carte blanche behavior that has led to the greatest wealth growth by percentile of any group of people in this country. While average households have lost money they have had returns of at least 185% above the net average. YES That is correct it is the net average increase of the figures below divided by the return timeline.
This is a trend analysis of the data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics using their average net worth calculations.
The total net worth increase from ’04-’08: $151,550,660.
The total net worth in 2009: $291,093,347
Growth ’04-’08 | % Change | 2009 Net Worth | |
Totals for 41 Dems | $75,707,343 | 756% | $95,620,163 |
Totals for 39 Repubs | $75,843,317 | 168% | $195,473,184 |
Total 2009 Net Worth | $291,093,347 | ||
Total $ Increase From ’04-’08 | $151,550,660 |
Here is the video report for the above information:
Here is the link to the full report with the list of the top 80 representatives who had the highest gains:
And it is not just our elected officials who are prospering while we suffer, here is a copy of an article from the Wall Street Journal from Oct. 11, 2010 that goes into length on one individual who recently doubled his $3500 investment in a solar stock.
Congressional Staffers Gain From Trading in Stocks
So the Occupy Wall Street useless idiots are going after all the evil institutions with the support of the real thieves that besides the aforementioned personal gains through if not illegal, immoral behavior, are guilty of the single greatest act of outright theft in this countries history! Where is the 4.7 trillion dollars that was with interest, paid into the Social Security trust fund that they were entrusted to safeguard for the trustees?
The Democratic party with the use of the "Great Society" legislation stole every single cent plus all of the potential earned interest from said funds to create and fund the destruction of our Republic and its society. They used those funds to create the following bureaucracies and the entitlement programs which have not only failed the people they were "supposed" to help but instead enslaved them. Starting in 1965 and going forward they have used those "trust fund" dollars to create and fund the Dept. of Health and Human Services to create Medicaid which is bankrupting Medicare and almost every state in the union. The food stamp program which is overseen and funded by the Dept. of Agriculture where it is now 80% of their budget. The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development ( originally the Public Works Administration) which led to the great Housing Projects fiasco that many cities are still cleaning up, also the section 8 voucher program paying hundreds to thousands of dollars to individuals to subsidize or pay in full their rent. The Dept. of Energy and within it the low income utility subsidy for section 8 housing occupants. The list is so large that the subsidized programs created by Johnson and the Democrat party with this legislation would take up several hundred pages. In just the years since our government passed this legislation it has grown by 400% while our population has grown by 30% .
The Cronies who have been willful participants with the criminals factually identified in the information here today, and are just as guilty as the politicians who have benefited from their largess and contributions. They deserve to be punished as much as, if not more so then the politicians themselves, because they are even more duplicitous and create the fiscal opportunities by which the others have prospered. They have used their financial positions to subvert and subjugate this countries free market and replace it with a centrally planned economy run by a socialist autocracy where we have lost our freedom and created the useless idiots who now protest them.
The useless idiots that occupy Wall Street are being used and manipulated by the Democrat party and their co-conspirators because their whole agenda for America is being repudiated by overwhelming numbers and they are now in full damage control mode. They need a villain besides themselves and when your entire modus operandi is based on the Marxist socialist model, you use class and racial warfare to vilify your enemy and hide your fear. You identify a group or class and keep lying about them until you incite mob reaction and then foster that reaction with your thug army. You use your propaganda to create a false persona of the offensive behavior or action or completely repudiate and lie about the obvious actions or words from those you support. You infiltrate the mob with your manipulators to direct and focus the mob into following and implementing your agenda. You use your media personalities that can communicate your message without being eviscerated by the media. You continue to incite violence or rebellious behavior without overtly implicating yourself or your agenda.
This was used with great effect in 1917 to oust the last Monarchy from Russia and start the reign of communist rule with 80 million people paying the price with their lives.
This worked well in 1932 Germany and helped elect a little known former convicted political agitator by the name of Adolf Hitler.
I hope it does not come to this but as long as we have the criminals in this country untouched by the law and hiding behind the same Constitution that they are bent on destroying, then we must be ready to fight for our Freedoms and our lives if necessary.
In Freedom,
Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.
For instance, what does a group think about Jesus? Jesus Christ is God, Lord of all, the only source of salvation. Invariably, a cult will put something else on an equal footing with Christ. It will have a ritual that is equal to Christ, or it will have a doctrine equal to Christ, or it will have a leader who is equal to Christ. In other words, even if it acknowledges Christ as Savior, it will say that you need something else before you can get into heaven. Cults teach that salvation comes through Christ, plus their little unique way. Some cults do not acknowledge Christ at all. They may make Him coequal with their religious teachers or with certain great men of history. The quickest way to recognize a cult is by its treatment of Jesus.
Second, cults frequently attempt to instill fear into their followers. The followers are taught constantly that salvation comes only through the cult. "If you leave us, you will lose your salvation," they say.
The third area has to do with the exaltation of the leader of the cult. Cults often center around a man or woman who is trying to gain power, money, or influence from manipulating people. This appears to be the case in the Unification church with Sun Myung Moon. In the Children of God, Moses David Berg is an autocratic leader. In the People's Temple, Jim Jones drew attention to himself and asked his followers to die with him. A true leader who serves Jesus Christ has one goal, and that is to exalt and manifest Jesus. When someone says he has unique insight into God or is the special one that God has anointed to reach the world, you are dealing with cultic behavior.
A final mark of a cult is the unwillingness of the leaders to let the people grow up. A true shepherd will do everything he can to bring Christian people to maturity as quickly as he can. He will not seek to avoid necessary teaching, nor will he try to keep people from maturity. Many cults perpetuate spiritual dependence so that their followers lose the ability to make independent, rational decisions. Often techniques of brainwashing are used to create robotlike behavior.
Although there are other marks of cultic behavior, these seem to be the ones that stand out.
Mormons are some of the most exemplary human beings, especially in regard to their behavior patterns and their adherence to the fundamental values of our society. But their religious beliefs are, to put is simply, wrong. They believe that an angel named Moroni left some gold tablets in upstate New York and that these tablets were discovered by a man named Joseph Smith. From these tablets, Joseph Smith "translated" the Book of Mormon, which is the foundation upon which Mormonism is built. Mormons also consider two other books, Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price, to be divinely inspired.
Mormonism differs from biblical Christianity in several areas. Mormons do not believe, for example, that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Mormons must work their way to heaven. (B. R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine (Salt Lake City:1958), p. 191.)
Mormonism teaches that God is not the only deity and that we all have the potential of becoming gods. (Ibid., p. 576.) (Remember that Satan's fall came about because he wanted to be like God.) God, according to Mormons, is not just Spirit but has "a body of flesh and bones as tangible as a man's." (Doctrine and Covenants, 130:22.) They teach, "As we are, he was. As he is, we shall become." (Joseph Smith, "The King Follett Discourse," p. 9.) There has been constant revision of Mormon doctrine over the years, as church leaders have changed their minds on a number of subjects including polygamy, which was once sanctioned by the church.
In summary, the Mormon church is a prosperous, growing organization that has produced many people of exemplary character. But when it comes to spiritual matters, the Mormons are far from the truth.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe, essentially, that to gain salvation you must witness for Jehovah; you must go out on the streets and proclaim salvation in Jehovah. They are different from Christians in that they believe Jesus Christ is only one of many gods and that He is a created being. They translate John 1:1 as, "In the beginning was the word...and the word was a god." The Greek says, instead, "And the word was God" (John 1:1).
Because Jehovah's Witnesses give allegiance only to Jehovah, they do not pledge allegiance to the flag, they do not vote, they do not serve in armed forces, and they do not hold public office. They do not celebrate holidays or birthdays. Another unique teaching prohibits them from taking blood transfusions.
Jehovah's Witnesses originally taught that the world would end in 1914. It obviously did not. They also taught that there were only 144,000 people who were going to be saved by going to heaven. When Jehovah's Witnesses membership went past 144,000, they said they were the meek and were going to inherit the earth.
A major problem with the tenets of Jehovah's Witnesses is that there is never an assurance of salvation. In Christianity, a person can know that he is saved by trusting in Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that salvation comes through good works, so they must work continuously, without ever really knowing whether they will be saved. Many of their other doctrines are not biblical either.
In one way or another each of these cults focuses on the "universal consciousness" concept that human beings --
- are part of a vast, timeless consciousness,
- are ultimately divine,
- will live forever in various forms,
- can communicate with the dead or various spirits in the universe through reincarnation,
- and can receive power through psychic and, in some instances, bodily exercise to transcend nature, understand mysteries, and affect their own destinies or the lives of those around them.
The Greek word psuche is translated "soul," and from that we get the term psychic. Most of these things deal with psychic, or soulish, phenomena. When people touch the true God, they do so through the human spirit. God does not work on the soul of man but the spirit.
The apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians, said the psuchikos man, the soulish man, will not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him (see I Corinthians 2:14). Mind control, the Edgar Cayce teachings, and the new age movement all appeal to the soulish man, because they do not require repentance. They do not require being born again. A concept in most of these cults is that if a person gains sufficient knowledge, he can dominate and control the events of the world because he is part of god. He can manipulate god, because he is god. He is part of the universal consciousness, and as he opens himself up to progressive revelations, he in turn is lifted to higher and higher levels of understanding. As he advances, they teach, he gains authority over himself, his body, and those around him.
We must remember that the soulish realm is the realm of demons. Demons can and often do enter into this psychic area. The people who are in touch with the dead, in touch with "the other world," are not tapping into some universal consciousness. They are in touch with demons. Demons lurk behind the Hindu and other oriental religions, as well as behind the mind control teachings. As people try to exercise their soulish powers and manipulate others, they are trying to project themselves into this world of demonic power. They are not asking for a savior. They are not asking for forgiveness. Instead, they are asking for human power, for expansion of human psychic potential, and therein is their downfall. Those who stay with these beliefs long enough get deeper and deeper into them. They will sooner or later be in touch with, and perhaps even possessed by, demons.
The Bible does not tell us to get involved in sharpening our psychic powers. Such things are not of God. God will give people the wisdom they need through the Bible. And through the Holy Spirit, He will give them the power they need to live the life they are supposed to live. This inordinate seeking of knowledge about the future, the inordinate seeking of power over other people, the inordinate seeking of enhancement of human potential, is dangerous. Just entering into such activity is bad. I have heard of people who have started to levitate, and some who have had horrible faces appear to them in the night. All such things are symbols and signs that these people are in touch with demons.
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White liberals are telling Herman Cain how to be black. I'm here to tell white liberals how to be black and black liberals how to be white.In numerology, 9 is selflessness and compassion. It desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world. That’s me.
We each come to this life with reason and logic, and our own purpose—our destiny, if you will—born to be self-governed. “Born for justice,” said the father of modern law, the Roman judge Cicero, “and right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion but an institution of nature.”
In violation of Higher Law, the bulk of America’s taxes go to pay government dependents The sole reason that America is going bankrupt morally, spiritually, and fiscally is government entitlements. Everyone knows this and few want to correct this known wrong. “Thou hypocrite,” said Jesus, speaking to the current powers that be, “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye” (Mt.(7:7). Jesus said, “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in” (Mt.23:13).
From an accurate outline of the law, professor of law Edward S. Corwin left us in The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, a 2,000 year history of the law. Known as the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, meaning duality of purpose, the corruption of Higher Law is about to be replaced by law that says do unto others as you would have them do unto you—the Golden Rule. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer to humanity, in spirit, the second coming of Christ—we are our brother’s keeper.
When I studied America’s constitutional law, with the purpose of using it to assert my God-given rights, I felt picked. Everything started going right in my life. All of my dreams have come true, proof that we are here, rather than to live under man’s corrupt law, to live by Higher Law.
We have a new image of what it means to be a human being. At first unconsciously, but by using our minds we gradually bring into consciousness our inner will—when ego integrates with Higher Law, the God-Self, the human’s unique archetype—which is our conscience: knowing right and wrong.
We all start at immature levels of ego functions. We have a sense of security based on how much we feel in charge of our lives. We want to keep the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate things to keep everything just right. We need to keep this allusion for security purposes. If new information comes in, we can act defensively. We don't want information that rocks the boat.
What happens is that this allusion, based on security control, has to shift to our inner connection, our God‑self force that gives us a sense of well being no matter what's going on out there. We have to make that opening on the inside.”
As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self, you will be guided into how to find that true work expression. It will be shown to you intuitively. This becomes the way you uplift everyone who comes into your life. When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent. – Astrologer James Redfield.
President Obama, coincidentally, became President of the United States in November 2008, when the planets Saturn and Pluto were in unfavorable alignment. It means decadence, indulgence, denial. Both World War I and World War II occurred when Saturn and Pluto were in unfavorable alignment. The destruction of the World Trade Center occurred when Saturn and Pluto were in unfavorable alignment.
The Mayan calendar says our world is going to end on December 21, 2012, when our solar system lines up with the center of our galaxy. It happens every 26,000 years. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian is independent, stubborn in belief, operates as an equal among equals, hates hypocrisy, doesn’t submit to the vogue—you could say subjective. Pisceans are inclined toward looking at external factors, the individual counting for naught. The conflict that divides America is due to the confluence of the rivers of thought, the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. I’m Virgo with Aquarius Rising. H.G. Wells, famous for predicting the future, was Virgo with Aquarius on the rise. Looking downstream, by supporting the born losers messing up Wall Street—in violation of the law—Democrats are whistling Dixie. Conscious awareness of our reality rapidly growing, I see a new age. No longer rebels without a cause, more and more people are looking within for answers.
A sign of people looking within for answers is the meteoric rise in Herman Cain’s poll numbers. I never heard of Herman Cain a month ago, nor had most Americans. He has little organization and little money, we’re told. The establishment doesn’t give him a chance of winning. Independents will vote for Obama. Obama will win. Someone said Cain’s 9-9-9 plan makes him want to call 911. Mainstream Republicans suck wind. None of this we are witness to is in any way representative of the Tea Party.
Cain’s plan is to put the individual back in the driver’s seat by shrinking government’s power. What sets Cain apart is that he wants personal responsibility to replace government dependence. I love that idea.
For those who fret about cults and the danger of electing a Mormon to the Presidency, there is both bad news and good news to share.
Because of Barack Obama’s charisma, charm, cunning, and color, traditional procedures for ‘vetting’ those who would aspire to the job as the “most powerful person on the planet” were deemed unnecessary by the liberal media which was more interested in assuring that the likes of W. Bush were never again allowed in the White House.
Media complicity and ACORN voter fraud worked like a charm in creating ObamaMania as a world-wide cult and in thrusting a grossly unqualified Barack Obama into the Oval Office.
The rest is history. Ugly history at that.
Record unemployment, devastating federal deficits, loss of American influence throughout the world, and the passage of even more crippling entitlements were our just rewards for allowing the ObamaMania cult to thrive.
Now for the good news, such as it is.
After months of gushing over the high-rhetoric of Barack Obama, the U.S., and indeed the world, were jolted back to reality by the raw facts: Barack Obama was only slightly above average. Any intellectual advantage that he owned was more than offset by his lack of experience, judgment, and common sense.
To put it gently, Barack Obama and ObamaMania were frauds, plucked out of the air by goofy leftists in order to attack W. Bush.
The good news in a nutshell: Cults based on fraud and myth will be rooted out and dismissed by an American public which is a lot smarter than most liberals typically care to admit!
To: Joe Biden and the Socialist Ruling Class Elite in Washington;
Thank You for your recent statement calling me and the 60+% of Americans like me: American terrorists!
Your recent “non-statement” that you and your boss have vehemently denied through your White House mouth piece Mr. Carney the carnival barker stating that those people who do not share, support, or defend your Marxist Socialist agenda for this country are terrorists. It is refreshing to know that the Executive Branch of OUR federal government is so engaging to the majority of its citizenship. It is comforting to realize that the elected representative values that were created by our Constitution still hold such great value to those whom we call our employees.
In response to your statement I would like to illuminate several historical and contemporary facts that you and your masters and those who share your ideology and agenda have yet to comprehend or dare I say think are not prescient.
You may think that your “Great Society” implementation of Socialist Marxist programs have sufficiently subverted the Constitution of this Great Republic and its Freedoms guaranteed by its first 10 Amendments’ called the Bill of Rights but as you are now coming to terms with they have not. Since the 1870’s in this country you and what you represent which is progressive socialism have attempted to destroy our “God Given” freedoms as determined by the following statement: “We hold these truth’s to be self-evident that ALL men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. These words were preceded in the Declaration of Independence by the following:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”.
The men who wrote such eloquent words to break the bonds of an “unclean tyrant” were by a majority of the population of this “colony” also described in similar terms and that was the lesser of what they faced: The Price They Paid
And in retrospect to be included with the following men is truly an honor to which I personally am very undeserving:
Georgia: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
North Carolina: William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn
South Carolina: Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton
Massachusetts: John Hancock
Maryland: Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Virginia: George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton
Pennsylvania: Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross
Delaware: Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean
New York: William Floy, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris
New Jersey: Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple
Massachusetts: Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery
Connecticut: Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire: Matthew Thornton
The path that you are attempting to steer this Republic down is filled with the pitfalls of your previously failed attempts. The results have been recessions and depressions that you have created and then blamed on others that you have managed to scapegoat. But the Tea Party majority sees through this charade and that is what fosters your rhetoric and response. Your fear is palpable! You and your ilk now face 190 MILLION AMERICANS who no longer believe your lies or the propaganda that your allies in the press expound. Your actions have defined you and there is no hiding the facts that you and the modern “unclean tyrant” you share office with and the minority of supporters that you can call upon, are as exposed as a newborn. You have made the classic mistake of assuming that based on the lack of rebuttal or direct confrontation it is the approval of said action or idea. WRONG! Just because you honestly believe that when you walk into the room you are the smartest in it, does not make it true.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” P.T. Barnum.
So if you wish to insist upon this tack please continue because even if your propaganda machine thinks it really is being the 4th. Estate we do not. If you really believe that Honor, Integrity, Fortitude, Responsibility and Valor are forgotten values of what we expect from our elected officials, please, continue to do so. To your own demise!
Your class warfare rhetoric and your attempts to insight social unrest to ferment your opportunity for continued rule will be held into account when the reckoning is held. Your denial of your Oath of Office and the consequences that it brings during this time of war under the War Powers Act will be enforceable. Your arrogance of superiority that you are far better to control our self-determination as guaranteed by the aforementioned documents than the voters of this country is noted. As it was once before:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”.
Your party has been in control of this countries government for 110 of the last 144 years and has been responsible for every single economic down-turn, recession and depression with your attempts and success’ in the desire to create your “progressive dream” of a socialist ruled country with a centrally planned economy.
You have failed every single time because this countries freedoms are as inherent as its soil. Our freedom is organic and existed here long before white men set foot on this soil. It is part and parcel to our DNA and is as needed as the air we breathe and the water we drink.
We are and always have been the continent where freedom of man exists, and you think that because you can enslave a small portion of the population with your entitlements and that you can convince others that what you offer is greater than what you take, all will follow or be intimidated or excoriated into subservience. You think the population of the government educated outreaches the enlightened electorate and your sphere of influence encompasses more than the reality of the truth. Your steadfast adherence to the theory of “telling a lie often enough and it will become the truth” is only effective with those that are motivated by personal self interest and irresponsible gain, if their is nothing in it for them then they will not react.
You really aren’t very smart at all and it is vividly obvious why you and your kind chose public office, you could never sustain that level of incompetence and ignorance in the results oriented private sector.
But by all means please feel free to call me a terrorist or racist or whatever derogatory, insidious, vile, despicable negative statement that your small minds can come up with because when I look in the mirror I see a Patriot that is going to stop you and take my Republic back.
In your defeat and possible future prison term,
Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.
ps. It is nice to know you and your Marxist boss are honoring his own words:
From the Desk of the Exceptional Conservative
Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.
George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796
What's Love Got to Do With It? The second single on Tina Turner's Private Dancer in 1984 marked an "amazing comeback" by a singer-song writer whom overcame the cocaine addiction of a spouse, domestic violence, divorce, debt and an extensive business dry-spell. It is her only number one hit in US Pop Music History. Yet, the songstress was not deemed exceptional because she had a number one song. There are a multitude of one-hit wonders that could share such accolades. Tina Turner is exceptional not because of the circumstances and obstacles that caused weaker persons to fall by the wayside. Every man, woman and child will face a burden so substantially that it will bring them to their knees. She got up! Turner was recognized by the Kennedy Center Honors at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. and was elected to join an elite group of entertainers. President Bush commented on Turner's "natural skill, the energy and sensuality", She is exceptional because she remained resolute in the midst of downturn, faithful to her ambition to succeed and unyielding in performing with the excellence that it would take to garner world recognition. What does love have to do with it? Love has everything to do with a commitment to servant leadership that seeks to preserve the greatness one inherits and the profitable stewardship by which one is noted in leaving an inheritance. As George Washington observed, you must love this nation unceasingly in order to maintain its exceptional mystique.
Fareed Zakaria hosts CNN’s flagship foreign affairs show, is Editor-at-Large of TIME Magazine, a Washington Post columnist, and a New York Times bestselling author. Liberals and those stuck in airports, train or bus stations tune into him on Sundays at 10 AM and 1 PM on CNN. Forbes, in January 2009, referred to Zakaria as one of the 25 most influential liberals in media. While I have never subscribed to his political or economic opinion, others find him quite addictive. Maybe my envy of his handsome persona blinds me to his stellar ability to pick winners and losers in public policy. On his CNN program in 2008, Zakaria endorsed Barack Obama for the 2008 US Presidential Election. How did Barack Obama pay him back? He chose to follow the advice of the man of a 1,000 political philosophies. In preparation to take the helm of the Most Powerful Nation in the History of Mankind, he spent time perusing the global policy etchings of the CNN mastermind. Finding great ease toting the published manuscript about as he traveled, the Most Powerful Man in the Free World was coached on how to accept his place behind China, Russia, India and Brazil. What better advice could Obama have received? Prepare for The Post-American World. According to Amazon, the Global Policy Guru "describes with equal prescience a world in which the United States will no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures. He sees the "rise of the rest"—the growth of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, and many others—as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world." What followed such great advice? The Obama Apology Tour! "I'm grateful that President [Daniel] Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old," Mr. Obama said after the Nicaraguan delivered a 52-minute anti-American tirade that touched on the Bay of Pigs. Somehow, sold on apologies as a sexy foreign policy, Obama traveled the world. The impact? He left such an indelible mark that liberal newspapers feel they must fact check the sins away from the apologies. The impact? An exceptional nation is weakened in the eyes of those that respect only strength. That same weakness abroad has been awakened at home and endorsed by the ONE deemed Executive of the Oval Office.
Nothing stirs the heart of a man more than, at 2 AM feeding, look into the eyes of his daughter and know that she will bear the burdens of economic and foreign policy decisions of the ONE called President. Andy Barr, conservative candidate for Congress out of the great sta... (6D), said. "It kinda makes you mad that politicians can be so selfish..." While many in Election 2012 will turn to the President as the Sage of Economic Recovery, his or her greatest role is military and foreign affairs. According to Article 1, Section 2 of the US Constitution, the primary role of the President is military and foreign policy. I digress for a moment. Many commentators, inclusive of yours truly, have rightly questioned Herman Cain's military and foreign policy experience. However, Cain spent six years in the United States Department of Navy, which provides operational and organizational support for both the Navy and Marines. Cain supports the Bush Doctrine. Which one of the many is questionable? Of those in major foreign and military power today--Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Obama--none had military experience. Their foreign policy skills were developed through Congressional briefings from the Pentagon and State Department. By the way, Obama campaigned for two of the three years that he served in Congress as a Senator from Illinois and before that, he a community rabble rouser like the ones that shut down the Air and Space Museum. I return to my road well worn. If anything that the Obama Presidency has wrought America, it is a diminished image of a unique people that pursued equality, liberty, rule of law and free market enterprise with fervor.
What proof have you that we are weaker? Let us look at two things. One, the "hot, flat and crowded" theory that Zakaria builds upon in his writing. Secondly, the booty obtained by the four nations before us in the treasured foreign policy of the ONE. Zakaria borrows themes from Thomas Friedman, author of Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America. The “Hot” is the global warming problem among industrializing nations. The “Flat” is the growth of the middle class in all nations that are industrializing and reducing available resources. The “Crowded” is the overpopulation of the planet that comes with global trade and technological advances. Don't worry! No lawsuit here for they loved exposing us to the scientific data that showed mankind frying the planet like an egg in a skillet. O! What's that? There is no such thing as man-made global warming. We know because GE will be shipping technologically advanced equipment overseas to lower emissions of the Far East's totalitarian industrialists. Whew, at least they are creating jobs at home! Whoah, Biff! GE is taking the jobs over to the Far East to create middle class jobs for totalitarian regimes. So what are we going to do about their overpopulation? No worries! We will reduce our own population and control it. Obama will sign an Executive Order turning control of various US agency programs under Agenda 21. A Central Planning Agency controlled by the United Nations. One World Order at the expense of American Exceptionalism. Settle any disharmony, we will take a trip to the Heartland with a bus made in Canada. We will have them toast us to Green Jobs! Nothing could go wrong there! Hey Boss, there are no real green jobs. Really? Yeah Boss and I quote:
A new report by the Labor Department's Office of Inspector General examined a $500 million grant under the stimulus program to the Employment and Training Administration to "train and prepare individuals for careers in 'green jobs.'" So far about $162.8 million has been spent. The program was supposed to train 125,000 workers, but only 53,000 have been "trained" so far, only 8,035 have found jobs, and only 1,033 were still in the job after six months.
Former lib Democratic pol/CNN host Eliot Spitzer told Fareed Zakaria it “brought a smile to my face” and “makes my heart warm” to learn President Obama “calls you for wisdom and advice about issues around the world.” Such great advice from a visionary that sees the US ranked fifth.
On the right, the word exceptional--or exceptionalism--lately has become a litmus test for patriotism. It’s the new flag lapel pin, the one-word
pocket edition of the U.S. Constitution. … So why won’t Obama just
deliver the one word that would prompt arias from his doubters?
If lately is 1796 and the original tester is President George Washington then, Kathleen, you are in the ballpark. It seems that the longer Obama remains in office the weaker we become at home and abroad. In a scheme that I believed only Hollywood could fathom, Iran conjures a plan to assassinate a Saudi Arabian Ambassador using a Mexican Cartel on American soil. This ain't CSI or Law and Order. This is REAL! Was this even considered as an attempt under the Bush Administration. Historian Gordon Wood has argued, "Our beliefs in liberty, equality, constitutionalism, and the well-being of ordinary people came out of the Revolutionary era. So too did our idea that we Americans are a special people with a special destiny to lead the world toward liberty and democracy." We once sent our best and brightest to fight the battles of liberty and democracy first by trade and then, war. We believed that our strength was in our people and their individual desire to pursue life, liberty and property without guarantee of outcome or safety net of government. Now, we have become a nation of entitled brats that seek a flag to defecate on because we can not garner a free car, a free house, a free education and a life free from work balanced on the backs of the rich. In 1929, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin chastised members of the American Communist Party for believing that America was independent of the Marxist laws of history "thanks to its natural resources, industrial capacity, and absence of rigid class distinctions." In 2011, a White House Marxist chastises the US Congress for not supporting class distinctions, reducing industrial productivity with regulations and forbidding any American company from excavating our nation's resources. The Obama Presidency has wrought us the same malaise as the Jimmy Carter era. Each blew out the candle on American Exceptionalism. It will take an army of conservatives to reignite the candle that will allow America to shine like a light upon a hill.
Do you know that as a Follower of Jesus, I have eternal life, only after accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. This is the only way to eternal life, there is no other.
Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers, and their Prophet is Joseph Smith, Not Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith got the Context of the Book of Mormon, from a spirit by the name of Moroni.
Jesus told his followers that the only way to Eternal Life, is to accept Him as their Lord and Savior, for the Forgiveness of Sin, which He paid for by Dying on the Cross, and then Rising on the Third Day; So that no one could boast as to how they got to Heaven.
Mormons are now, trying to get Polygamy made legal, everywhere.
You may as well have same-sex marriage, because if they have three of four wives, that goes against what God Created. Genesis 2:24 says "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his Wife, and they shall become one flesh".
Mormons believe that Jesus was born of a woman, and that He, has never been God. They also share the fact that Christians are not really important, that Mormonism is the real Religion.
If you really want to know all there is to know about the Cult of Mormonism, then you should go to Christian Book Distributors (, and Get "Kingdom Of The Cults". Retail Price is $30.00, but CBD Price is $19.49.
The Democratic Party Platform, is Socialism, so in order to understand them completely, you really need to get "The Communist Manifesto", also at CBD, for $6.29.
I was talking to a lady the other day, and she told me that she had been in Germany, when Hitler took power, and she lost everything, and also was sent to Auschwitz. She escaped, and was placed in a hole in the wall in Germany, and given barely enough to survive, by the Communists.
This is what we can look forward to if we keep the Democrats in Power; The United Socialist States of America.
By John W. Lillpop
So, it turns out that the Iranian killers working to conduct Jihad against various and sundry individuals on the streets of America have been aided and abetted by another third-world, failed state, and sponsor of terrorism:
That being the drug cartel state of Mexico!
Yep, the despicable state of Mexico, the dim wits who, when they are not exporting their illiterate masses to America for U.S. taxpayers to support, are in cahoots with the bag men of Tehran who want America destroyed so that Iran can drive Israel into the sea without resistance from Jew-loving infidels in America.
Once again, the homeland security of America is compromised by progressives more concerned about puffing up the rolls of the Democrat Party base than in protecting American citizens.
Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 12, 2011:
“Rush Limbaugh is asking if the foiled terrorist plot Attorney General Eric Holder announced yesterday was a ploy to distract the American people from Holder’s role in a deadly Mexican gun-running operation. Holder announced the plot — in which Iranian forces allegedly plotted to hire a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. in a Washington, D.C., restaurant — shortly after Congressman Darrell Issa threatened to subpoena him for misleading Congress about Operation Fast and Furious. “What a great way to sidestep the fact that he’s being delivered a subpoena for Fast and Furious,” Limbaugh told his audience on Tuesday. “That’s exactly what this is all about…No question in my mind what Holder’s press conference is about.”
Is it possible Rush is right that Holder, or someone other than the Iranian government, has overhyped the story for political ends? The evidence shows, surprisingly, that the possibility of a hoax cannot be dismissed out of hand.
According to Eric Holder, an Iranian contacted a member of the Mexican cartel Los Zetas in May about a plan to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Jubeir. Manssor Arbabsiar, a naturalized U.S. citizen, allegedly also offered to pay the Mexican gang to bomb the Israeli embassy in America, and the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Argentina. However, the Los Zetas connection was an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), who informed the DEA about the offer. In August, Arbabsiar wired him a $100,000 down payment on the $1.5 million promised fee. When Arbabsiar flew into Mexico as human collateral, the government routed his plane to New York, where federal agents took him into custody.
Once there, he named Gholam Shakuri, a member of Iran’s Quds Force, as his co-conspirator and made covert calls to Shakuri from prison. (Shakuri is still at large, presumably in Iran.) The administration is designating three other members of Quds as terrorists.
So far, no one has disputed these facts.
Yet Holder insisted at yesterday’s press conference, “High-up officials in those [Iranian] agencies, which is an integral part of the Iranian government, were responsible for this plot. I think one has to be concerned about the chilling nature of what the Iranian government attempted to do here.” And Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, said, “it looks like it’s the Quds Force.”
This is highly questionable. Experts on terrorism question the tactics and generally unprofessional execution of the plot, saying they indicate the Quds Force did not authorize this, much less the higher levels of the Iranian government.
Roger Cressey, who worked in national security in the Clinton and Bush-42 administrations, called the entire plot “a sting operation.” He added “corroborating evidence” would be “critical” to establish that the Iranian government had anything to do with it.
Robert Baer, a CIA expert on the region and author of See No Evil, said the operation’s sloppiness “defies belief.” This operation did not match his knowledge of Iran’s elite fighting force. “The Quds are better than this,” he said. “If they wanted to come after you, you’d be dead already.”
Rasool Nafisi, an expert on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard of which Quds is a part, agrees, “It’s not typical of the Quds Force or the I.R.G.C. to operate in the U.S., for fear of retaliation.”
The mainstream press has so far shown remarkable skepticism of an Obama administration assertion. Media outlets are universally calling the scenario an “alleged plot.”
The Washington Post reported, “The brazenness of the plot outlined by Justice Department officials struck many current and former U.S. officials as out of character for Iran, which has rarely, if ever, been so bold as to strike targets in America.”
The New York Times writes, “Experts on Iran expressed astonishment at both the apparently clumsy tradecraft and the uncertain goal of the intended mayhem on United States soil.” It adds the assassination conspiracy would be “uncharacteristically bold.”
Reuters summarized, “The Quds Force has not previously been known to focus on targets in the United States.”
Even those who propound the story seem to acknowledge its fanciful nature. FBI Director Robert Mueller said the plot he unveiled “reads like the pages of a Hollywood script.”
Did Eric Holder announce this to draw attention away from Operation Fast and Furious, as Bill Clinton launchedOperation Desert Fox in the midst of impeachment?
It did come immediately after Congressman Darrell Issa questioned Holder’s “credibility” to served and sternly informed the attorney general in a letter, “you own Fast and Furious.” Holder has a history of misleading Congress. Congress seemed poised to examine the attorney general’s own Operation Fast and Loose.
And Holder did seem awfully motivated to leave the press briefing the instant a reporter brought up Operation Fast and Furious. When asked, Holder rhetorically pivoted, implying it was a mere trifle. He said, “what I want the American people to understand is that in complying with those subpoenas and dealing with that inquiry, that will not detract us from the important business we have to do here at the Justice Department, including matters like the one that we have announced today.”
Is it possible Holder hyped the story? Perhaps. At a minimum, the Iranian leadership’s involvement is far from the proverbial intelligence “slam-dunk.”
Make no mistake, committing an act of terrorism is not beyond Iran. Tehran’s mullahcracy has destabilized the region ever since Jimmy Carter abandoned the Shah three decades ago. State-sponsored terrorism is an action the Iranians have raised to a fine art, as Michelangelo did to sculpture or Shakespeare did to verse. That proficiency calls into question the Keystone Cops nature of this amateurish operation.
It is possible the gold standard for world terrorism became inexplicably incompetent for this one job? Then again, if the Quds Force or the Iranian government did not authorize this hit, who did?
To be fair, Iran has plotted to murder a Saudi ambassador in Germany. And who, looking at the sheer incompetence of Operation Fast and Furious, would believe it was designed by the U.S. government? (On second thought….) Perhaps the evidence will connect these dots. Until it does, this author will remain dubious.
Americans’ minds are now consumed with finding out whether the highest levels of the Iranian government hatched this harebrained plot. They should remain vigilant about discovering who in the highest levels of the U.S. government authorized Fast and Furious.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Issa Issues Subpoena to Holder in Fast and Furious Investigation!
Posted on William Lajeunesse and Mike Levine, Fox News-On October 12, 2011:
“Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a subpoena Wednesday to Attorney General Eric Holder as part of his investigation into the gun trafficking operation known as“Fast and Furious.”
“Top Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Holder, know more about Operation Fast and Furious than they have publicly acknowledged,” the California Republican said in a statement. “The documents this subpoena demands will provide answers to questions that Justice officials have tried to avoid since this investigation began eight months ago. It’s time we know the whole truth.”
The subpoena seeks, among other things, all communications regarding the operation from 16 top Justice officials, including Holder, his chief of staff, Gary Grindler, and the head of the department’s criminal division, Lanny Breuer, as well as correspondence on specific dates to and from the former head of the ATF’s Phoenix field division, William Newell.
It also asks for all documents and communications referring or relating to the murder of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, including any correspondence outlining the details of Zapata’s mission at the time he was murdered.
Zapata was killed in a drug cartel ambush on a northern Mexican highway with a gun that was purchased in a town outside Forth Worth, Texas. Three Dallas-area men—one accused of buying the gun, his brother and their neighbor—are facing federal weapons charges, although none related to Zapata’s death.
Congressional investigators are also demanding information regarding the investigation into the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Two guns found at Terry’s crime scene were linked to the failed operation that allowed more than 2,000 weapons to “walk.”
The subpoena asks for correspondence that Justice Department officials had with the White House about the gun trafficking operation, as well as what information was shared by Justice officials in Mexico.
Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, sharply criticized Issa for sending the subpoena.
“This subpoena is a deep-sea fishing expedition and a gross abuse of the committee’s authority,” he said. “It demands tens of thousands of pages of highly sensitive law enforcement and national security materials that have never been requested before and are completely unrelated to Operation Fast and Furious. Rather than legitimate fact-gathering, this looks more like a political stunt.”
This second subpoena follows the first one issued in March to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Asked about the development Tuesday, Holder said his department “will undoubtedly comply with them,” noting that Justice officials have already sent “thousands of pages of documents up to the Hill.”
But Holder wouldn’t answer whether he or anyone else at the department knew about the controversial tactics.
Holder addressed the matter at the end of a press conference about an alleged Iran-tied terror plot foiled by U.S. investigators. “What I want the American people to understand is that in complying with those subpoenas and dealing with that inquiry, that will not detract us from the important business that we have here to do at the Justice Department, including matters like the one that we have announced today,” Holder said.
The new subpoena follows a week of back and forth between congressional investigators and Justice Department officials of “who knew what, when.” Under scrutiny was Holder’s testimony from May 3 when he told Issa that he“probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”
Fox News obtained documents addressed to Holder as early as nine months before that, which described the concept of Fast and Furious.
In addition to the congressional investigation being led by Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, is calling for a special counsel to look into the matter.”
II. Video: AG Holder Dodges & Ignores Questions on Fast & Furious!
III. Fast and Furious: Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber!-Posted on InfoWars-BySmoking Mirrors-On October 13, 2011:
IV. Feds Foil Own Saudi Assassination Plot: Pin it on Iran!-Posted on InfoWars-By Tony Cartalucci, October 13, 2011:
V. FBI Insider: Obama Administration Likely Manufactured Dubious Terror Plot!-Posted on InforWars-By Paul Joseph Watson, October 13, 2011:
VI. Iranian Terror “Mastermind” Described as Drunk, Pothead, Hooker Frequenting “Joke”!-Posted on InforWars-By Steve Watson, October 13, 2011:
VII. Republicans Adopt Obama’s “Bad Movie” Iran Terror Plot!-Posted on InfoWars-By Kurt Nimmo, October 13, 2011:
VIII. Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker!-Posted on Examiner-By Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner-On October 10, 2011:
IX. Hillary's enemies list now includes Gunwalker reporters!-Posted on Examiner-By Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner-On October 8, 2011:
X. Gingrich: ‘Holder Ought to be Fired’!-Posted on Fred Lucas-On October 10, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
The President Must Stop Voting "Present" on Iran!“present”-on-iran/
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Colonel Anthony Shafer has confirmed on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano. A federal plot to use so-called 'terror' plot by a supposed Iranian mastermind to assassinate a Saudi diplomate for a pretext to war has been given the GREEN LIGHT-GO. Israel will attack Iran in the next two weeks, which will bring about world war III. Martial Law will be implemented, effectively shutting down America, airwaves, internet, and annointing Obama as dictator-in-chief. This is being partially done to distract from the federal indictment of Eric Holder in Fast and Furious and its connections to the White House and other administration officials. It is also being done to suspend elections, to give Obama a 'presidential' moment like Bush had after 9-11 to justify war. War is always used to boost sagging ratings by presidents, to divert huge profits to those heavily invested in the industrial military complex and to push the world into more slavery and control. This must be exposed. Whether or not you like Alex Jones, you must see these articles and decide for yourself. Since it has been independently verified, you may wish to withhold any bias and let the information speak for itself.
See the following links:
To renegade students and labor thugs in the OWS movement: Greed has once again consumed the body politic, big time, and We the people need for YOU to get on it ASAP.
The fact: A major American political party raised $70 million in the 3rd quarter alone!
$70 million, brothers and sisters, at a time of double-dip recession, when trillions of dollars of debt are being piled on the backs of young bucks and fillies like YOU, your children, your grandchildren, their children, and on and on!
$70 million, you anti-capitalists, at a time when employment in decent-paying jobs has become more of an optical illusion than a Dream, thanks in part to treasonous Marxists who drive down wages and benefits for working Americans by importing tens of millions of unskilled, non-English speaking invaders from Mexico—for votes and power!
$70 million dollars, fellow occupiers, while millions of Americans are being foreclosed upon and forced to leave their homes because of reckless endangerment by power-mad Marxists who forced lenders to lower the time-honored underwriting standards in order to placate those who simply cannot afford homes, thereby effectively ending the American Dream for millions who used to be able to qualify!
$70 million dollars, OWS owls, at a time when 40-50 Americans are forced to grovel in the mud for food stamps just to survive!
In addition to these facts, fellow marchers, note that the leader of this political party has a goal of raising one billion dollars so that he can be reelected and continue his genocide against the middle class.
No doubt you are salivating at the thought of securing the names and addresses of the white Republicans guilty of the above-mentioned abuses?
Surprise, fellow communists and union thugs, the “guilty” party is none other than the Democrats, headed by a person of color who was supposed to usher in an age of “post-racial” utopia, but whom instead has turned our melting pot into a smoldering cauldron of racial hatred and enmity.
Repeat: The Democrat Party raised $70 million of its goal to raise one billion dollars for the reelection of an unqualified community organizer who hates America.
So, fellow marauders, now that you know the truth, what the hell are you going to do about it?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on National Review Online-By R. JAMES WOOLSEY & SETH LEIBSOHN-On October 6, 2011:
“Shortly after 9/11, many thought it was imperative to teach about and promote the heroes of that deadly day. One such hero whose life and example we can never learn enough about was Rick Rescorla. Originally from England, he came to America and distinguished himself as an Army infantry officer in Vietnam. Later he became head of security at Morgan Stanley, and, after the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, he knew the terrorists would go after the Twin Towers again. He warned the authorities continually; moreover, he led regular evacuation drills between 1993 and 2001. On 9/11, he successfully led almost every Morgan Stanley employee out to safety. He himself did not make it. His last known words were, “As soon as I make sure everyone else is out.” He said those words to another Morgan Stanley employee who had yelled to him that he had to get out too. Rick Rescorla’s remains were never found.
Rick’s life was not wasted; he saved a lot of people. But if the government had listened to him before 9/11, he would have saved even more. Rick was somebody who should have been posted at the top of our intelligence community, but he wasn’t. Today, we are still not listening to the most creative and prophetic thinkers among us. One of them is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder of the American Islamic Forum on Democracy. He is the intellectual Rick Rescorla of our day.
Dr. Jasser, a practicing Muslim, is a physician and former lieutenant commander in the Navy — someone who, like Rick Rescorla, served his country with distinction, and continues to do so both in his medical practice and in his public warnings and teachings about the dangers from radical Islam. One of his efforts has been to confront members of Muslim Brotherhood organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who continually denigrate America. Jasser’s view is that we should promote the virtues of American freedom and tolerance, which American Muslims enjoy, and should also publicize the way our efforts abroad have given freedom to Muslims in other countries.
Indeed, while most so-called mainstream Muslim and Arab groups in America feed hysteria and spread conspiracy theories, Dr. Jasser despises the grievance narrative; he loves America. Now more than ever, he is the kind of man our government should listen to — and, more important, he is the kind of man our government should use.
But, although Dr. Jasser has offered to serve his country again, this administration has ignored this unique opportunity. Last year, recognizing the need for a shift in our thus-far-ineffective public-diplomacy program, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and others nominated Dr. Jasser to serve on the State Department’s U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The commission is charged with “Appraising U.S. Government activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics.” There could be nobody better suited to serve in this role. Here is some of what Dr. Jasser said when testifying — extemporaneously — before the House Committee on Homeland Security earlier this year:
“Until we have an ideological offense into the Muslim communities domestically and globally to teach liberty, to teach the separation of mosque and state, you are not going to solve this problem. . . .
. . . Our organization has . . . created a Muslim liberty project that looks at inoculating Muslims with the ideals of liberty, giving them the empowerment to counter imams, to feel that they can represent their own faith. . . .
This is our homeland. And we want to begin, if you will, a counter-jihad, an offense to counter these ideas. That, I think, is the best way to use our resources as a nation, and remember that the freedoms that we have don’t come with a cheap price, and we need to give back.”
This is, simply, Dr. Jasser’s life’s work. This is the kind of thought and talk we need more of, not less. This is the intellectual Rescorlaesque effort we should be promoting and the government should be availing itself of.
Upon his nomination, Dr. Jasser submitted reams of information about himself to the State Department and the White House Office of Personnel Management. He spent hours upon hours in interviews. He passed every clearance with flying colors, including receiving confirmation of a top-secret clearance. This is a man, after all, who gave eleven years of service to the U.S. Navy, including some very sensitive assignments. And, now, after 15 months of vetting, he has learned that his nomination has been “removed from consideration,” with no explanation.
What explanation could there be? Unlike some commission members, Dr. Jasser was not a donor to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. But something else must have been at work as well. That something might have ranged from a lack of understanding of the dangerousness of jihadism and Islamism to a lack of respect for the muscular advocacy of the ideas of freedom and liberty. And, probably, one other thing was at work too: a political decision based on Dr. Jasser’s open criticism of the administration for its lack of clarity in the war of ideas and its inability to identify the ideology we are fighting. It should be noted, however, that Dr. Jasser is an equal-opportunity critic: He has spoken out against both the Bush and the Obama administrations when he believes they have faltered.
Clarity in the war of ideas, the ability to identify the ideology we are fighting, and expertise in the religion of Islam are precisely what we need. It’s ten years late, but not too late. It is a shame we will not soon be availing ourselves officially of Dr. Jasser’s work. It is work that we sorely need. Indeed, it is intellectual and rhetorical courage and heroism. We ignore and spurn it at our continued peril.”
- R. James Woolsey is the chairman of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and was the director of central intelligence from 1993 to 1995. Seth Leibsohn is a radio host and the co-author of The Fight of Our Lives.
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. American Muslims speak out against the enforcement of shari‘ah law in America!
News Release posted on Act for America!-By Gregg Edgar and Gordon C. James, Public Relations-On August 11, 2011:
“Washington, DC (August 31, 2011) – A coalition of diverse American Muslim leaders has announced support for a proposed bill in the Michigan State Assembly, HB 4679, that is intended to bar Michigan courts from enforcing any foreign law, if doing so violates any rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and/or the state of Michigan’s constitution.
Like many Americans, members of the American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC) have been observing the efforts of a growing number of state legislatures, which are seeking to address the incompatibility of various shari‘ah court systems around the world with the principles and foundations of our Constitutional republic and its laws. As American Muslims, we believe that the law should treat people of all faiths equally, while protecting Muslims and non-Muslims alike from extremist attempts to use the legal instrument of shari‘ah (also known as Islamic jurisprudence, or fiqh) to incubate, within the West, a highly politicized and dangerous understanding of Islam that is generally known as “Islamism,” or “radical Islam.”
We see no evidence that statutes like HB 4769 will adversely impact the free exercise of our personal pietistic observance of Islam, which is not in conflict with the U.S. or Michigan constitutions. We recognize that not only Muslims, but also Jews, Christians and all people of faith need the government to protect their right to peaceful assembly, mediation and arbitration free of coercion, but also within the bounds of American constitutional principles. Therefore, we stand together as a diverse coalition in support of any legislation that serves to protect and integrate our communities into the fabric of this great nation, by strengthening our accountability to the laws of the land, and the constitutions of the various states in which we live.
As American Muslims we are conscious of the fact that Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups and other Islamists and their surrogates in the U.S. are trying their best to portray any opposition to manifestations of shari‘ah law as “racism” and “discrimination against Muslims.” However, as a coalition of traditional, liberal and secular Muslim Americans, we denounce this fear-mongering and playing of the race card, which only serves to mask the Islamists’ highly politicized agenda. According to AILC member C. Holland Taylor, “the Islamist agenda threatens not only the well-being of the United States and its inhabitants, but also undermines and distorts the highest principles of Islam itself.”
“Michigan House Bill 4769 seeks to ensure that American Muslims can live in freedom and safety, in accordance with our constitutional principles, and not be enveloped by the tentacles of medieval, man-made laws that have been falsely accorded divine status,” said the AILC.
“To equate Bill 4769 to racism is not only dishonest, but is a poor and clumsy attempt at making ordinary Muslim Americans feel alien in their own homeland, while creating a rift between Muslims and the rest of our country,” said AILC member Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser. Michigan House Bill 4769 states:
“[To] ...limit the application and enforcement by a court, arbitrator, or administrative body of foreign laws that would impair constitutional rights; to provide for modification or voiding of certain contractual provisions or agreements that would result in a violation of constitutional rights; and to require a court, arbitrator, or administrative body to take certain actions to prevent violation of constitutional rights.”
The AILC statement reinforces the American Muslim community’s commitment to the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and the separation between religion and state. Unfortunately, Islamist groups would like to compromise this separation and provide cover to medieval, misogynistic and homophobic laws that no Muslim is obligated to demand as public law.
“Shari‘ah law, wherever it has been applied in the public domain, be it in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, has resulted in untold misery and oppression of Muslims, in particular Muslim women, by Islamists and dictators who invoke shari‘ah law to justify their rule,” said AILC member Manda Ervin. “Many of us fled the Muslim world to escape shari‘ah law and to practice Islam in our personal lives, by moving to the USA and other western countries. We do not wish these laws to follow us here,” she concluded.
The Michigan state senators are not alone in expressing concern about foreign laws creeping into North America under the guise of religious freedom. Many Muslim academics, religious scholars and human rights activists have voiced their concern.
The contrast between what has occurred in Britain and in Canada provides a roadmap for how the U.S. may address these legal issues. In Britain, shari‘ah arbitration courts have been allowed to assume virtually unchecked control of legal arrangements in many Muslim communities. This is creating a ghettoized, medieval and separatist state within Britain. In Canada, however, local Muslims led strong opposition to the Islamists’ shari‘ah agenda and were successful in preventing its implementation, thereby sparing our Northern neighbor the fate of so many Muslims in the United Kingdom, where women are commonly subjected to forced marriage and the denial of basic human rights.
“We Muslims in Canada defeated an attempt by Islamists to sneak shari‘ah law into Ontario,” said AILC member Tarek Fatah, who has been on the front lines of this struggle for many years. “We recognized the damage shari‘ah had inflicted on Muslims in the UK, and its oppressive nature in Muslim-majority countries, and decided to oppose it. We urge American Muslims not to succumb to the Islamists’ propaganda, and to back the Michigan Bill, which will protect Muslims and non-Muslims alike from the impact of foreign laws that violate the U.S. or Michigan constitutions.”
About the American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC):
The American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC) is a diverse coalition of liberty-minded, North American Muslim leaders and organizations. AILC’s mission advocates for defending the US Constitution, upholding religious pluralism, protecting American security and cherishing genuine diversity in the faith and practice of Islam. AILC provides a stark alternative to the Islamist organizations that claim to speak for what are diverse American Muslim communities. For more information on AILC, please visit our website at
II. Sharia Compliance in Dearborn, Mich.!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Cal Thomas (Archive)-On April 26, 2011:
III. Islamic Law Comes to Dearborn!-Posted on Big Government-By Pamela Geller-On April 22, 2011:
IV. State Dept Considering 5,662 ‘Diversity Visa’ Applicants from Terror States!-Posted on Elizabeth Harrington-On October 11, 2011:
VI. Exposed! Muslim Brotherhood's U.S. front groups: ‘Investigation documents 'terrorists with neckties' in nation's capital!’-Posted on October 7, 2011:
VII. Google Censor Flags WND's 'Muslim Mafia' Ad!-Posted on October 6, 2011:
VIII. Three-quarters of non-Muslims believe Islam negative for Britain: “Muslim organisation calls for efforts to improve awareness as four-fifths of those polled admit to little knowledge of the faith”-Posted on Haroon Siddique-On August 2, 2010:
IX. Stakelbeck on Terror: Muslim Brotherhood's Growing Influence!-Posted on September 21, 2011:
X. Smear, Inc.: Silencing the Critics of Islamic Supremacism!-Posted on Mark Tapson-On September 14, 2011:
XI. DOJ in bed with Islamic supremacist groups!-Posted on Pamela Geller-On September 6, 2011:
XII. Why Has The Muslim Brotherhood Been Banned In Russia?-Posted on From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
XIII. Video: Is Our President A Terrorist?-Posted on amy2x-On June 4, 2011:
XIV. Video: The Basics of Shariah Law By Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Jerry Boykin!-Posted on YouTube-Byferval59-On January 23, 2011:
Note: The following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways, to include one that strives to eradicate America's national borders and institute a system of mass, unregulated migration into and out of the United States -- thereby rendering all distinctions between legal and illegal immigrants anachronistic, and making it much easier for aspiring terrorists to enter our country-You Decide:
Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:
Note: What follows is a web site that reveals a George Soros funded group titled “Arab American Institute (AAI)”, which is a self-described "nonpartisan" group, that was established in 1985 to promote "Arab American participation in the U.S. electoral system" and to advocate for the "domestic and policy concerns" of that demographic.
The AAI has developed a strong reputation for organizing "voter-education" campaigns and acting as a liaison between the Arab American community and the major national political parties. The AAI opposed the end of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist regime and opposes Israel’s security wall.
Also included is an excerpt from the booklet that reveals the historical background of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. and Canada, along with revealing that communities of Arab Americans and American born Muslims are now dominated by advocacy organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s and have assumed a particularly important role after 9/11. These groups are linked in the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), which was set up by the former American Muslim Alliance (AMA), since linked with the Muslim American Society (MAS), along with the American Muslim Council (AMC), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC):
Arab American Institute (AAI)-Posted on
An Activist's Guide to Arab and Muslim Campus and Community Organizations in North America!-Posted on Stephen Schwartz-On May 26, 2003:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Should Americans Fear Islam?
The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!
Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!
What are CAIR's obstructionist goals?
CAIR sues Oklahoma for banning Islamic law!
Federal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!
Europe's Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!