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By John W. Lillpop
By suggesting that electrical fences be used to thwart illegal invasions into America, Herman Cain has raised the bar on civility and has restored the term ‘compassionate’ to the working lexicon of conservative office seekers.
As reported at the reference:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain told crowds in Tennessee on Saturday that an electrified fence should be built on the Mexican border to prevent, or potentially kill anyone attempting to enter the country illegally.
As expected, legions of Hispanic racists who believe that Hispanics should be allowed to invade the U.S., whenever and wherever they choose,with impunity, simply because they are Hispanic, went loco.
According to unstable Hispanics, Herman Cain is now officially a racist, a condition that goofy African-Americans have heretofore denied was possible. In that respect, Cain has advanced the cause of free speech immeasurably.
In all fairness to Cain, his remarks portend far less violence than words issued by President Obama at the border when he lowered the bar on intelligent dialog by suggesting that Moats and Alligators are the choice of Republican lawmakers seeking to defend U.S. borders, sovereignty, and rule of law.
As reported in part at the reference:
Moats and alligators?The president just concluded what was billed as a major policy speech on immigration in El Paso. In fact there was little news in it. Obama reaffirmed his support for the DREAM Act and for a path to citizenship for large numbers of illegal aliens, while touting his efforts to increase deportations and improve border enforcement. Perhaps the most colorful bit of rhetoric was his dinging of Republicans for being unsatisfied with border security. “All the stuff they’ve asked for, we’ve done,” he said, and the fence along the Mexican border “is now basically complete.” But Republicans want still more, he said. “Maybe they’ll need a moat, maybe they’ll need alligators.”
Only an unhinged lefty with approval ratings headed toward the 20s would even float such violent imagery on an issue that is dead serious to tens of millions of American citizens, about whom Obama could care less!
Once again, Herman Cain demonstrates that he is the smartest and most compassionate black candidate for the U.S. Presidency.
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are...?." When you take the devil's money; there's hell to pay. I hear the government is planning to restrict the number of potatoes kids eat at school. To be honest nothing the government dreams up surprises me these days. What troubles me is how easily people accept intrusion upon their lives.
When Christians suggest people "do what's best for them," we're trying to force our standards on everyone. But when Uncle Sam does it, like obedient puppies we all follow along. We darn well better go along with Sam; he's paying the bills and as long as we live under his roof...well, you know how the rest goes.
We are raising a generation indoctrinated in the proposition that government has the right to tell us all what to eat; what to weigh; what habits are bad; what advertisements are safe to see; which companies are too big to fail; and even whether or not we can get a toy with that Happy Meal.
I don't know the answer to the question: "How stupid can a person be?" I've done some study on it, but haven't found the bottom. However, I can tell you exactly where the government is driving the herd--into the branding pen.
"Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind...Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh."
I keep having images of Herman Cain barefoot, covered in sweat and mud, wearing an old patchwork shirt and hand made burlap pants held up by a rope rather than a belt, out of breath and frantically running for his life; to freedom. Menacing sounds of barking dogs in the distance focused on Cain's scent. Not far behind, hot on Cain's trail, are black overseers determined to keep their fellow black slaves in check for their white liberal democrat massas.
Cain's crime? He achieved success via traditional routes; education, hard work and character. Cain did not use or need Affirmative Action or lowered standards; a clear violation of the left's law for acceptable minority success.
White massas Lawrence O'Donnell, Janeane Garofalo and the Democratic Party leadership have instructed their black “slave control” enforcers/overseers to “Stop Cain! NOBODY, escapes the Liberal Democrat Slave Plantation! NOBODY!!!”
So a posse of black overseers consisting of Harry Belafonte, Tavis Smiley, Morgan Freeman, Al Sharpton and other blacks who are loyal to their white liberal democrat massas are on a mission to destroy runaway slave, Herman Cain.
Why has the left launched a stop-at-all-cost political hit on Herman Cain? The answer is quite simple. Herman Cain represents truth. Truth can be devastating such as the great Oz is only a man behind a curtain pulling levers, Soylent Green is people and the greatest enemy of black Americans is the Democratic Party.
Cain was correct in saying black voters have been brainwashed by the democrats. Black overseers have kept blacks obediently and mindlessly monolithically voting democrat for years despite huge elephants in the black community's living room; over 70% black high school dropout rate, over 70% black out of wedlock births and unprecedented black unemployment under Obama.
Black overseers and liberal white democrats do not want to see a character driven black in the Oval office who will not exploit his race to further a socialistic agenda. They do not want a black Commander in Chief whose life confirms the limitless opportunities for success available to all Americans who choose to “go for it”. The last thing in the world the left wants to see is a black president who does not think more government control is the solution to every problem. They also do not want a powerful black voice celebrating America rather than proclaiming America to be the greatest source of evil on the planet. A black leader who loves and stands up for America, individual rights and freedom petrifies the left.
Obama uses his skin color to insulate himself from criticism as he usurps authority like no other president before him. All opposition to Obama's hostile takeovers is branded racist. Obama preaches his gospel of entitlement; everyone is a victim and everyone is entitled to the fruit of someone else's labor. Again, anyone daring to disagree with Obama's sermons are declared heartless and racist.
As president, Herman Cain would be the left's worst nightmare. Cain would be historic, not as the first black president, but as the first black “leader” to occupy the Oval Office. Cain's Justice Department would distribute equal justice to all Americans regardless of skin color; unlike the Obama Justice Department who said they would not press charges against fellow blacks.
President Cain would be a true celebration of all which has made America great; education, hard work, individuality, character, religious faith and freedom. Such wholesome virtues are deemed corny and repulsive to the left who are typically spoiled brat former hippie rich white kids.
And for this reason, black overseers and liberal white democrats must capture, hogtie and drag Cain's black “n----- a--” back to the liberal democrat plantation where he belongs.
And yes, my personal experience bears witness that white liberals freely call us black conservative runaway slaves the “N” word.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin
Five signers were captured by the British as traitors,
and tortured before they died.
Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army;
another had two sons captured.
Nine of the 56, fought and died from wounds,
or hardships of the Revolutionary War.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they?
Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.
Eleven were merchants,
Nine were farmers and large plantation owners;
men of means, well educated,
but they signed the Declaration of Independence
knowing full well that the penalty would be death if
they were captured.
Carter Braxton, of Virginia, a wealthy planter and
trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the
British Navy. He sold his home and properties to
pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British
that he was forced to move his family almost constantly.
He served in the Congress without pay, and his family
was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him,
and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,
Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown , Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that
the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson
home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General
George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed,
and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.
The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying.
Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill
were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests
and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his
children vanished.
So, take a few minutes while enjoying your day of FREEDOM and
silently thank GOD for these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price
they paid. Remember: 'FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE' !
I hope you will show your support by sending this to as many
people as you can. Will you please? It's time we get the word out that
~ patriotism is NOT a sin, no it's not, it is very costly and can
be deadly!
It would be wonderful if all of our citizens, and all of our government
officials, really know their history of our nation and the reality of the
sacrifice that our “founding Father's”,and many other of our patriot's
have believed that we all deserved to have this FREEDOM to enjoy.
And they stood on GOD's WORD and HIS Principle's; too many of
them giving all their LOVE, and ultimately their lives. We owe them
an eternal debt. It is time for us all to humble ourselves and pray
according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, “Asking GOD to hear our prayers
and heal our land in Jesus Christ Name. May GOD Bless the
United States of America!
~ Rev. Jerry L. Robertson
By John W. Lillpop
Brian Terry was a U.S. Border Patrol agent, former police officer, and Marine Corps veteran, a super patriot by any measure.
This brave, proud American was murdered by border-crossing criminals from Mexico. His killers used weapons ‘walked’ to Mexico from America via the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, a federal program that deliberately pushed American guns into Mexico and ultimately into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
Terry’s killers were armed with at least one AK-47 provided via Fast and Furious, the huge federal scandal that House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), is working to unveil. Issa’s efforts are, and have been, stonewalled by Erick Holder and his minions in the Department of justice.
So, a top-notch border-patrol agent was murdered by Mexican criminals using weapons ‘walked’ into Mexico by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice.
Amazingly enough, there is no record of a public apology or issuance of condolences to the family of Brian Terry. In fact, in a crude reminder of how callous and cold the Obama administration can be, there is even evidence that the Terry death was regarded as ‘collateral damage’ by federal authorities.
Brian Terry was an exceptionally-patriotic American hero who gave his life in defense of his nation.
Unfortunately, his sacrifice did not warrant honor or condolences from the federal thugs who shipped the weapons to Mexico that were used to end the young life of this agent.
Its not as though the Obama administration does not offer condolences to surviving family members of those killed by the government.
In fact, our government actually offered condolences to the family of Samir Khan, an al-Qaida propagandist killed in a U.S. drone attack. As reported at the reference, in part:
An official from the U.S. State Department has called the Charlotte family of al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan to offer the government's condolences on his death in a U.S. drone attack last week in Yemen, according to a family spokesman.In the end, Brian Terry was apparently just too patriotic and pro-American for Obama and Erick Holder.
"They were very apologetic (for not calling the family sooner) and offered condolences," Jibril Hough said about the Thursday call from the State Department to Khan's father, Zafar. [...]
Khan published a pro-jihadi website from Charlotte, to the chagrin of his family. In 2009, he left the states to live in Yemen and head up "Inspire," an English language al-Qaeda publication. "In one early edition," reports the Charlotte Observer, "Khan said he was 'proud to be a traitor to America.'"
Things might have been different if Terry had only been a card-carrying member of al-Qaeda with Jihad and murder of Americans on his resume!
How much more of this idiocy must we endure?
Tea Party Radio was wide-open tonight, and one of our callers mentioned a site he had been on. I happen to be a member of that organization, and promised I would post the information here.
Back when Dale Robertson was having back surgery and I was temporarily hosting Tea Party Radio with David Toy, we had the founder of on. JB Williams and co-founder Timothy Harrington spent an hour with us, as well as fellow co-conspirators extraordinaire Twana Blevins and Arnie Rosner.
The initiatives and actions that The United States Patriots Union engage in are extremely focused, organized, targeted and, judging by the flood of e-mail I get from across the country, effective.
The Patriots Union is probably a little more structured than the Tea Party movement, with a stricter code of conduct than will be encountered in some other groups, and actually pre-dates the Tea Party. But the goals are very much the same as our goals are here. Many local Tea Party groups are not willing to vocally address the most important issues that face us. Tea is one of the few that continue to stand up for the things that most orgs don't have the cajones to. The Patriots Union is not aligned with the Tea Party as such, although many members have that affiliation, as do I also. What matters is that intensity of spirit, of Constitutional integrity and the Rule of Law that all true Patriots adhere to and are willing to fight for.
One of the latest initiatives is the Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders Call for Action, the March on Washington on 11-11-11...Veterans Day, to demand the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden and every member of the Obama Administration.
I was honored to be the spearhead e-mail for Arnie Rosner's pilot program the E-Mail Warriors Project, where my letter to my Senate Reps was sent to all 7,451 elected officials, from city and county, to the State and Federal offices holders in Congress, each one personalized. I've known Arnie from the early days of the American Grand Jury, where we worked with founder Bob Campbell to remove this Kenyan usurper from office during and after the fiasco election of '08. At 70+ yrs young, I'd be hard pressed to find someone with more energy and dedication than that man, JB, Tim, Twana, Miki and a host of others.
As with most of us here, we belong to a number of organizations, but we must choose those who we believe best suit our goals and can get the job done to interact with.
The address is The members-only address is You don't have to be a member to read most of the information posted there, but dues-paying membership is required to access the heart of the organization where the real action is, and it's not expensive by any means.
Dale Robertson and Steve Eichler continue to do an extraordinary job here on Tea, with the essential participation of all these great Patriots involved here. Check out the United States Patriots Union also, if you are so inclined to continue the up-hill battle we face against the now-entrenched hordes of communists, Marxists, radical anarchists, and the facilitator of it all, the Islamofascist Barack Hussein Obama. We have got our work cut out for us.
United We Stand! God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America!!!
How come the tea party is not running its own candidate?
Its obvious that the GOP is running a bunch of RINOs so Barry will win and be in office when the double dip hits and therefore be the one with egg on his face when we are all eating cats.
Couldn't the Tea Party offer up an alternative.
Iven if that candidate did not win, the millions of votes would be a bargaining chip in the next presidential elections. I would show how big the conservative movement really is.
And how come somebody won't close the frigging borders?
Come on, drugs keep pouring in to get our kids hooked. Does no one have a soul?
Tea Party, do something. Resurect the Minute Men, do something. Anything.
Proof! Wall Street protests no 'spontaneous uprising'
Major demonstration directed by leftist shadow organization
5:01 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2011
A public relations firm closely partnered with the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation represented last week's anti-Wall Street march past millionaires' homes in New York, WND has learned.
Fenton Communications has been behind the public relations strategy of a who's who of far-left causes, organizations and activists, from Soros himself to Health Care for America Now to crafting strategies for and a litany of anti-war groups.
Fenton, which works closely with Tides, first made its name representing communist dictatorships in the 1980s.
Fenton's founder is tied to President Obama and to a slew of Saul Alinsky-style community organizing groups directly involved in recent U.S. street protests, including in Wisconsin and New York.
Fenton's fingerprints on promoting and organizing the march bring further evidence suggesting the anti-Wall Street movement is a well-planned campaign and not the spontaneous uprising its leaders claim.
Here's the rundown on Obama's ties to "communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists" – all in "The Manchurian President."
Already, questions have been raised by the news media about Adbusters, the magazine that is reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The media has been probing Adbusters' source of funding – the Tides Foundation.
Tides acts like a massive clearinghouse of donations to a slew of liberal groups. Critics have alleged the center acts to obscure the ultimate sources of donations by collecting significant sums of money from a few large donors and then funneling the money to thousands of liberal causes.
Soros' Open Society Institute is a prominent Tides Center donor, giving the group $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone.
(Story continues below
Posted on Act for America!-By Jennifer Scholtes, CQ Staff-On October 17, 2011:
“Pleas for the Obama administration to focus counterterrorism efforts in the Western Hemisphere have begun resonating on Capitol Hill this week following news that the Iranian government allegedly wanted Mexican drug cartels to carry out an assassination.
South Carolina Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan is rounding up cosponsors for legislation he introduced Oct. 11 after hearing the announcement that U.S. officials disrupted a plot by those within the Iranian government to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. The resolution (H Res 429) specifically sites the alleged foiled plot as one of the reasons the administration should include the Western Hemisphere as an area of focus in its 2012 National Strategy for Counterterrorism, to focus on the threat posed by “Iran’s growing presence and activity” in the region.
The fact that there is a relationship between Iran’s militant group Hezbollah and the cartels prevalent in Mexico is not a new discovery, Duncan said. He pointed to reports of the capture of Hezbollah agents along the U.S.-Mexican border as proof of that link.
“We have been trying to raise the awareness for months,” Duncan said during a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I don’t believe anyone who has been following this has been caught off guard, but I think America as a whole was caught off guard. And I think it’s time for us to wake up in this country that this is a real threat to the Western Hemisphere.”
Duncan has gotten New York Democrat Brian Higgins to sign on as a cosponsor of the legislation, which states there is significant cause for concern and further investigation into the threat of Iran’s influence. The resolution also calls on the White House to use an existing counterterrorism taskforce to look at Iran and its affiliates’ activities in the United States and the rest of the Western world as well as submit a report to Congress on a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy to defend against Iranian interests.
California Rep. Howard L. Berman, the ranking Democrat on the panel, said that while security-related issues in the region deserve close attention, it’s a mistake to view the Western Hemisphere as “a constellation of threats, rather than a series of opportunities.”
“It is critical that our policy toward the region be based on solid facts,” Berman said. “Yet we sometimes seem to be chasing ghosts or creating caricatures of security threats.”
Officials have confirmed that those allegedly working to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador were in contact with a U.S. agent posing as a Mexican cartel leader, rather than with those actually running the narcotics rings. But lawmakers have continued to use accusations that the Iranian government aspired to link with the cartels as an argument for adding the groups to the list of state-sponsored terrorist organizations.
“We must stop looking at the drug cartels today solely from a law enforcement perspective and consider designating these narco-trafficking networks as foreign terrorist organizations and their leaders as specially designated nationals . . . ” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla. “This week’s foiled plot contributes to the growing evidence of the potential links between these groups and the drug cartels. As we know, such a linkage was not made because those were our guys posing as members of the drug cartel. But it seems that our sworn enemy Iran sees a potential kindred spirit in the drug cartels in Mexico.”
The division between entities notorious for drug trafficking in the West and terrorist organizations in the East is not as clear as it once was, Ros-Lehtinen suggested. The chairwoman noted reports that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia has expanded into West Africa and could be linked to Hezbollah and al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, that Iran and other countries in the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America inaugurated a military academy in Bolivia this summer to educate and train their forces, and that Cuban intelligence officers are embedded throughout the Venezuelan government to work against U.S. national security interests.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. PBS In Tandem With The State Department Smears Shelbyville To Advance Al Hijra (Muslim Immigration)!
Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On May 22, 2011:
“For years I have been writing about the refugee resettlement program here: Refugee Resettlement: The quiet Jihad tsunami that is wreaking havoc on “gateway cities” like Lewiston, Maine; Shelbyville, Tennessee; St. Cloud, Minnesota; Clarkston, Georgia; and Jamestown, North Dakota. (here)
More deeply disturbing is the UN decides who gets refugee status. I have recounted the subsequent sometimes violent repercussions of these “religious” communities attempting to advance Islamic supremacism by targeting gays and hurling stones at them, trying to impose Muslim prayer on the public schools, imposing sharia law on these workplaces in America (go here and here and here and here and here and here)....
More on al hijra here.
Brian Mosely, staff writer for the Shelbyville Times Gazette, contacted me on the topic of Somali immigration in that small Tennessee community. He has written a number of articles over the past three years dealing with the strains and culture clashes that have occurred as a result of that.
In his email, Mosely describes the Islamic supremacist propaganda war being advanced by the notoriously left PBS (your taxpayer dollars at work) and the Arabist State department:
One of these stories took the national stage in 2008 when the Times-Gazette reported that a new union contract at the Shelbyville Tyson Foods facility replaced Labor Day as a paid holiday with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr.
Following that, a documentary crew came here and shot “Welcome to Shelbyville,” which will air nationwide, May 24 on PBS..
The film received financing and support from progressive migration advocates, with the hand of George Soros thrown into the mix, and has also been sponsored by the state department as overseas propaganda. The “propaganda” label comes from no less an authority than the New York Times
I am in the film and after seeing it in October, found it a completely biased distortion of what has happened, one that depicts myself and Shelbyville as “unwelcoming.” In short, they came to town with a prearranged agenda to link the community with the Jim Crow past and the KKK and then proceeded to stage events with the Soros supported Welcoming Tennessee activist group, but completely edited out important issues like the communality’s reaction and resistance to the demands of the Muslims during the Eid al Fitr controversy. The event is not mentioned at all.
Writing about this topic has so far resulted in my appearance in this left wing movie, as well as a right-wing book. I learned last week that I am in Chapter 4 of Erick Stakelbeck’s The Terrorist Next Door, which examines Somali immigration and is partly based on my work from 2007-2008. Erick came down an shot a segment for the 700 Clubwith me in 2009 about our situation.
It even got so nuts for this country-boy scribe in 2008 that no less an authority than Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy flew down here to meet with me personally in order to pick my brain about creeping Shariah.
This morning, our paper published an editorial calling into question the motives of the filmmakers, and my publisher has allowed me to take them to task for the way I am portrayed in my blog. I detail my experiences with the director, who was only focused on arriving a prearranged story, no matter what the facts were.
Times Gazette wrote of the film here.
There is quite a bit of money and media support for this effort by the filmmakers and the state department, but I feel that the other side of the story is not being told. I am just a small town journalist with only one voice, and now I learn that the state department is throwing their weight behind this slanted film:
Look at the email being sent to journalists from the State Department:
Subject: Press Conference Call - U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program - Tuesday May 24 1:00-2:30
Special Conference Call Briefing:
Refugees in Your Town – Nuts & Bolts Briefing on the
Resettlement of Refugees to the U.S.
The U.S. State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services invite journalists to participate in an on-the-record conference call on the resettlement of refugees to local communities across the United States under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) on Tuesday, May 24 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EST.
Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration; and Ron Munia, Director of the Division of Community Development in the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Dept. of Health and Human Services will give brief remarks to explain their agency’s role in the domestic resettlement process, and then will respond to reporters’ question.
The Departments of State and of Health and Human Services play essential roles in the resettlement of refugees to the U.S., including more than 73,000 refugees in FY 2010. The briefing will provide journalists from around the country the opportunity to speak to U.S. government experts about the domestic resettlement process, including the challenges of local integration, which is the subject of the soon-to-be-released PBS documentary film “Welcome to Shelbyville.” The Department of State will host a screening and panel discussion of the film on May 25 which will be open to press (details to follow in a separate Notice to the Press).
Ann over at Refugee Resettlement Watch posted this:
Those comments are from reporter Mosely (whose words and deeds were twisted for the film) from the ShelbyvilleTimes-Gazette yesterday in advance of this week’s debut of a Leftwing propaganda film (Welcome to Shelbyville) to be released widely throughout the US with the help of the US State Department. The reporter and the newspaper are attempting to fight back against monstrous lies perpetrated by the federal government and George Soros sponsored film makers.
“RRW Editor: We have followed the making of this propaganda film from the first arrival of the team in Tennessee (led by Kim Snyder) and have posted many times on it. Please return for a moment to read this post in January with background information and links to earlier posts.
It is very important that after you learn the truth about the film that you send the Times-Gazette link to your local reporters and to everyone you know who might see the film. I was told by a reader last night that it will be shown in Emporia, KS this week which long-time readers know was a town embroiled in the Tyson’s /Somali issue in 2007 as well (we have a whole category here at RRW about Emporia). In that city, Tyson’s pulled the plug on the controversial meat packing plant and moved Somalis from the town clearly in response to the upheaval in that city.
It has been my contention from the early days of RRW that the US State Department and its federal refugee contractors are working to supply cheap immigrant labor to the meatpacking industry, as well as to import third worlders to change the political landscape of middle America. They hide behind the cover of a “humanitarian” agenda.
The film’s purpose is to smear Shelbyville as a racist town and shame any other town into silence that might have a problem with third worlders, especially Muslims, flooding their communities.
Know that the US State Department will be promoting this film in a conference call to reporters on Tuesday.
It is so awful (and so scary) to see the lengths our own government will go to to promote lies, and a political/crony agenda.”
Here is the opening to the Shelbyville Times-Gazette story yesterday:
“As many of our readers are aware, in late 2007, I wrote a five part series about the impact that the introduction of Somali refugees were having on Bedford County. The stories focused on how the refugees got here, their traditions and beliefs, and took an honest look at the many cultural clashes that were taking place between the locals and the newcomers.”
The series provoked a huge controversy, along with much discussion and debate from members of our community.
Then, in August 2008, the Times-Gazette reported that a new union contract at the Shelbyville Tyson Foods facility replaced Labor Day as a paid holiday with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr.
That story put Shelbyville on the national stage, with the topic touching off coverage from the national news media, as well as massive attention on the issue from talk radio hosts, websites and blogs, some of which continues to this very day.
The controversy the stories created led a documentary crew to Shelbyville in late 2008 to shoot “Welcome to Shelbyville,” which will air nationwide, May 24 on PBS at 9 p.m.. The film received financing from progressive migration advocates, and has been sponsored by the state department as overseas propaganda. The “propaganda” label comes from no less an authority than the New York Times.
I viewed the film twice in October of last year during its local premiere, and found the filmmaker’s depiction of myself and the stories published by the T-G to be a monstrous distortion, with an incredible series of blatant omissions and dishonest misrepresentations that was obviously designed only to advance the political agenda of the filmmakers and the progressive organizations that funded and supported its production.
While the filmmakers certainly have a right to express their views, in the process, I feel they have engaged in a completely unfair character assassination of both myself, the Times-Gazette, not to mention how the entire city of Shelbyville is depicted.
They have told their story. Now, I shall tell mine.”
I was planning to give readers more excerpts, but I want you to go to the original story and read the whole thing (with links)—it is so shocking! And, as I said in January, someone should write a book about this—about the making of Marxist/Socialist propaganda in the modern day.”
II. Hezbollah Gaining Strength in Latin America!-Posted on July 17, 2011:
III. Video: Hezbollah Foothold Growing on Mexican Border!-Posted on July 20, 2011:
IV. Former Intelligence Agent: Terror Group Hezbollah Has Infiltrated Our Southern Border-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 6, 2011:
V. Exclusive: DHS Can’t Account for 10 Libyan Men It Caught and Released Inside U.S.-Posted on Penny Starr-On April 22, 2011:
VI. Pentagon to Senators: ‘All Your Constituencies Are Confronted by This Threat’ from Mexican Drug Cartels-Posted on Edwin Mora-On April 14, 2011:
Note: The following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways, to include one that strives to eradicate America's national borders and institute a system of mass, unregulated migration into and out of the United States -- thereby rendering all distinctions between legal and illegal immigrants anachronistic, and making it much easier for aspiring terrorists to enter our country-You Decide:
Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and reports reveal how George Soros, along with other liberal backers use their money to fund and/or manipulate media outlets, to include Hollywood because they see that as a powerful way to influence the American public.
It’s a strategy that Soros has been deploying extensively in media both in the United States and abroad. Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news - journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations-You Decide:
Nearly 30 Soros-funded Media Operations Part of 'War on Fox'!- Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On June 1, 2011:
Soros-Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million Every Month!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 25, 2011:
Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 18, 2011:
Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros!-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Dan Gainor-On May 11, 2011:
Citizen Soros Manipulating the Media!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By Matthew Vadum-On January 2011:
George Soros, Movie Mogul: ‘Social Justice’ Cinema and the Sundance Institute!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By Rondi Adamson-On March 20o8:
The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power!-Posted on AIM-By Cliff Kincaid-On October 27, 2004:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico!
The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!“present”-on-iran/
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Another really good Resource to know more about our Great Leader, and his methods of operation, is the New book, by Ann Coulter, "DEMONIC", which tells How The Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.
Areas covered:
The Psychology Of The Liberal (Part 1)
The Historical Context of The Liberal (part 2)
The Violent Tendencies of The Liberal (Part 3).
Why Would Anyone Be A Liberal? (Part 4).
ISBN 978-0-307-35348-1
This book should be at your local bookstore, or possibly at Costco or Sam's Club.
As you know, our new leader and savior is President Obama.
You should also know how he is pushing bills through the Senate, with only Democratic votes, and Pay-To-Play Chicago Politics (also know as Hoodlum, and backdoor politics).
You should also know, that the Democratic Platform, is one of Socialism (The "Polite and Deceivers way of covering Communism).
In order to understand how Obama and his Goonies are doing things, and deceiving the public into believing that it is in the Publics best interest, You need to get the Handbook of the Democratic Party. You can get this book, at your local bookstore, unless of course, Obama has had it marked a Forbidden book, and removed it.
In that case, you can go to Christian Book Distributors, and get it at an even better price than it would be at the store, even with shipping. That address is:, and the book you want, is "The Communist Manifesto".
While you are there, you may also want to get "Kingdom Of The Cults", which describes in detail, why you would never want to have a MORMON elected as President.
If you are a Christian (previous description is one who attends church, and just holds down the pew; while a Follower of Jesus, is an active God-Fearing believer who believes the Holy Bible is The Absolute Word of God, and follows the Ten Commandments completely).
We must know that our next leader is a Follower of Jesus, and will uphold The Word without trying to re-interpret what they think God really meant that scripture to say; those who do this are following their god, and it is not the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits". His Father is Jehovah Shalom, the creator of all things; but those who tell us one thing, and do the opposite, their god is the father of lies, who was kicked out of Heaven, by GOD. His name is Lucifer.
You should also watch "The Obama Deception" video, at