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Is Barack Obama ‘Too Dark’ to Fail?

By John W. Lillpop

Notwithstanding Barack Obama’s naive promise to usher in an age of ‘post-racial’ politics, the fact is that his presidency has led to sharper and deeper divisions among Americans, many of those divisions rooted in racial discord spawned by Barack Obama.

This is so because Obama routinely plays the “we versus them race card' such as when he speaks to Hispanic groups where he claims that Republicans are the “enemy” which must be punished as in this rant before the 2010 mid-term elections:

If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values”
More recently in October of 2011, again speaking to Hispanics, Obama again played the R card as reported at the reference in part:

In his remarks made yesterday before the administration’s Forum on American Latino Heritage, The Unifier-In-Chief launched into his 2012 campaign strategy themes of class warfare, racism, blaming others all while attempting to pacify the Latino voters.

I ran for President for the same reason many people came to this country in the first place: Because I believe America should be a place where you can always make it if you try; a place where every child, no matter what they look like, where they come from, should have a chance to succeed.

Obama has mastered the art of interweaving the race card into his speeches. This is in stark contrast to vintage 2008 Obama in his beloved “Race Speech/A More Perfect Union” wherein he states:

For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle – as we did in the OJ trial – or in the wake of tragedy, as we did in the aftermath of Katrina – or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright’s sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she’s playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.

We can do that.


The oddity is that President Barack Obama was elected because of his race by those anxious to eradicate liberal white guilt and by people of color acting on their own racist impulses.

The big question facing American in 2012: Is Barack Obama too dark to fail?
Read more…

Posted on Bloomberg-By Alan Bjerga and Susan Decker-On October 16, 2011:

Oct. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Military force shouldn’t be ruled out as a response to an Iranian assassination plot on U.S. soil, the top House Republican on intelligence issues said.

“I don’t think you should take it off the table,” said Representative Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said on ABC’s “This Week.” Rogers said other options would include rallying the international community against Iran or taking action against Iranian operatives in Iraq.

U.S. officials are considering what action to take following the Justice Department’s Oct. 11 accusation that Iran sponsored a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the U.S. The conspiracy involved a secret Iranian military unit and a citizen of the Islamic Republic with a U.S. passport.

President Barack Obama said this week that there were “direct links” to Iran’s government, which has rejected the allegation.

Two men were charged with conspiracy to use C-4 plastic explosives to murder Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir and attack Saudi installations in the U.S. Targets included “foreign government facilities associated with Saudi Arabia and with another country,” the U.S. said in a complaint filed in federal court in Manhattan.

Increased Economic Sactions:

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she supports increased economic sanctions, especially against Iran’s Central Bank, with black lists of any foreign country or company that does business with the Central Bank.

Without some discussions to force Iran to change its policies, “we are on a collision course,” Feinstein said on “Fox News Sunday” program. “If we want to avoid it, we have to take action to avoid it.”

She rejected a call from retired U.S. General Jack Keane, an architect of the troop surge in Iraq, for the U.S. to engage in covert operations to kill members of Iran’s Quds Force. Feinstein said that, while Quds leaders were aware of the plot, there’s no evidence that the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is the highest ranking religious and political authority in the country, knew of it.

“It probably would escalate into a war, and the question is: Do we want to go to war with Iran at this time?”Feinstein said. “My judgment is no. We have our hands full with Iraq, with Afghanistan, with the deteriorating relationship with Pakistan.”

Ahmadinejad Rejection:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected the U.S. allegations in a Tehran meeting today. “Each day they try to campaign against Iran,” Ahmadinejad said, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency.

Khamenei warned the U.S. that any action taken will be met with a “resolute” response, according to the Associated Press.

“If U.S. officials have some delusions, (they must) know that any unsuitable act, whether political or security, will meet a resolute response from the Iranian nation,” the AP said, citing a report on Iran’s state television.

Iran has claimed that the Obama administration made up the allegations to divert attention from unemployment, the Occupy Wall Street movement and other economic problems in the U.S.

Feinstein said she had initial doubts before learning some of the details learned by investigators.

“There should be no doubt, and the evidence is very strong,” she said. “The FBI believes that the case is both strong and good and will result in a conviction.”

Rogue Nation:

Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican who lost the 2008 presidential election to Democrat Obama, criticized the administration’s handling of Iran, which McCain called “a rogue nation.”

The administration’s “engagement with Iran has clearly been a failure,” McCain said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

McCain said Obama should have done more when students protested on the streets of Tehran in 2009. McCain called for “severe sanctions” and said the U.S. should engage in “covert activity” to undermine the current Iranian government.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican presidential candidate, said Obama is “absolutely clueless” in his dealings with the Iranian government.

“Our goal should be the replacement of the Iranian dictatorship,” Gingrich, from Georgia, said on the CNN program.“We have done nothing of consequence to systematically undermine the regime.”

Troops to Africa:

Gingrich also criticized the president’s plan to send 100 troops to central Africa to help fight against Uganda’s renegade Lord’s Resistance Army. The troops are to “provide assistance to regional forces” and are not to directly engage with the forces unless necessary for self-defense.

Gingrich called the strategy “nonsensical” and said the administration needs “a grand strategy and a set of priorities.”

“If you can’t control the American border, why do you disperse our troops?” Gingrich said.

The White House was responding to 2010 legislation pushed by a group of lawmakers and human rights organizations that supported a comprehensive U.S. effort short of active military involvement to mitigate or eliminate the Lord’s Resistance Army threat.

The Lord’s Resistance Army is “one of the most horrible groups to inhabit the earth,” McCain said. Still, he said, “we’ve got to be very careful in how we engage.”

He also said Obama should have done more to notify Congress of his intentions.”

  • With assistance from Phil Mattingly and Kate Anderson Brower in Washington and Ladane Nasseri in Dubai. Editors: Ann Hughey, Christian Thompson.


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Why U.S. military in Uganda? ‘Obama's billionaire friend has interests in African country's oil!’

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 15, 2011:

After President Barack Obama announced earlier this week that he would be sending American troops into Uganda, WND uncovered billionaire activist George Soros’ ties both to the political pressure behind the decision and to the African nation’s fledgling oil industry.

Soros sits on the executive board of an influential “crisis management organization” that recently recommended the U.S. deploy a special advisory military team to Uganda to help with operations and run an intelligence platform, a recommendation Obama’s action seems to fulfill.

The president emeritus of that organization, the International Crisis Group, is also the principal author of “Responsibility to Protect,” the military doctrine used by Obama to justify the U.S.-led NATO campaign in Libya.

Soros’ own Open Society Institute is one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, a doctrine that has been cited many times by activists urging intervention in Uganda.

Authors and advisers of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, including a center founded and led by Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights, also helped to found the International Criminal Court.

Several of the doctrine’s main founders also sit on boards with Soros, who is a major proponent of the doctrine.

Soros also maintains close ties to oil interests in Uganda. His organizations have been leading efforts purportedly to facilitate more transparency in Uganda’s oil industry, which is being tightly controlled by the country’s leadership.

Soros' hand in Ugandan oil industry:

Oil exploration began in Uganda’s northwestern Lake Albert basin nearly a decade ago, with initial strikes being made in 2006.

Uganda’s Energy Ministry estimates the country has over 2 billion barrels of oil, with some estimates going as high as 6 billion barrels. Production is set to begin in 2015, delayed from 2013 in part because the country has not put in place a regulatory framework for the oil industry.

A 2008 national oil and gas policy, proposed with aid from a Soros-funded group, was supposed to be a general road map for the handling and use of the oil. However, the policy’s recommendations have been largely ignored, with critics accusing Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni of corruption and of tightening his grip on the African country’s emerging oil sector.

Soros himself has been closely tied to oil and other interests in Uganda.

In 2008, the Soros-funded Revenue Watch Institute brought together stakeholders from Uganda and other East African countries to discuss critical governance issues, including the formation of what became Uganda’s national oil and gas policy.

Also in 2008, the Africa Institute for Energy Governance, a grantee of the Soros-funded Revenue Watch, helped established the Publish What You Pay Coalition of Uganda, or PWYP, which was purportedly launched to coordinate and streamline the efforts of the government in promoting transparency and accountability in the oil sector.

Also, a steering committee was formed for PWYP Uganda to develop an agenda for implementing the oil advocacy initiatives and a constitution to guide PWYP’s oil work.

PWYP has since 2006 hosted a number of training workshops in Uganda purportedly to promote contract transparency in Uganda’s oil sector.

PWYP is directly funded by Soros’ Open Society as well as the the Soros-funded Revenue Watch Institute. PWYP international is actually hosted by the Open Society Foundation in London.

The billionaire’s Open Society Institute, meanwhile, runs numerous offices in Uganda. It maintains a country manager in Uganda, as well as the Open Society Initiative for East Africa, which supports work in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

The Open Society Institute runs a Ugandan Youth Action Fund, which states its mission is to “identify, inspire, and support small groups of dedicated young people who can mobilize and influence large numbers of their peers to promote open society ideals.”

U.S. troops to Uganda:

Obama yesterday notified House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, that he plans to send about 100 military personnel, mostly Special Operations Forces, to central Africa. The first troops reportedly arrived in Uganda on Wednesday.

The U.S. mission will be to advise forces seeking to kill or capture Joseph Kony, the leader of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. Kony is accused of major human rights atrocities. He is on the U.S. terrorist list and is wanted by the International Criminal Court.

In a letter on Friday, Obama announced the initial team of U.S. military personnel “with appropriate combat equipment” deployed to Uganda on Wednesday. Other forces deploying include “a second combat-equipped team and associated headquarters, communications and logistics personnel.”

“Our forces will provide information, advice and assistance to select partner nation forces,” he said.

Both conservatives and liberals have raised questions about whether military involvement in Uganda advances U.S. interests.

Writing in The Atlantic yesterday, Max Fisher noted the Obama administration last year approved special forces bases and operations across the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and Central Asia.

“But those operations, large and small, target terrorist groups and rogue states that threaten the U.S. – something the Lord’s Resistance Army could not possibly do,” he wrote.

“It’s difficult to find a U.S. interest at stake in the Lord’s Resistance Army’s campaign of violence,” continued Fisher. “It’s possible that there’s some immediate U.S. interest at stake we can’t obviously see.”

Bill Roggio, the managing editor of The Long War Journal, referred to the Obama administration’s stated rationale for sending troops “puzzling,” claiming the LRA does not present a national security threat to the U.S. – “despite what President Obama said.”

Tea-party-backed presidential candidate Michele Bachmann also questioned the wisdom of Obama’s move to send U.S. troops to Uganda.

“When it comes to sending our brave men and women into foreign nations, we have to first demonstrate a vital American national interest before we send our troops in,” she said at a campaign stop yesterday in Iowa.

Soros group: Send military advisors to Uganda:

In April 2010 Soros’ International Crisis Group, or ICG, released a report sent to the White House and key lawmakersadvising the U.S. military run special operations in Uganda to seek Kony’s capture.

The report states, “To the U.S. government: Deploy a team to the theatre of operations to run an intelligence platform that centralizes all operational information from the Ugandan and other armies, as well as the U.N. and civilian networks, and provides analysis to the Ugandans to better target military operations.”

Since 2008 the U.S. has been providing financial aid in the form of military equipment to Uganda and the other regional countries to fight Kony’s LRA, but Obama’s new deployment escalates the direct U.S. involvement.

Soros sits in the ICG’s executive board along with Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton’s former national security advisor; George J. Mitchell, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader who served as a Mideast envoy to both Obama and President Bush; and Javier Solana, a socialist activist who is NATO’s former secretary-general as well as the former foreign affairs minister of Spain.

Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is the ICG’s senior advisor.

The ICG’s president emeritus is Gareth Evans, who, together with activist Ramesh Thakur, is the original founder of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, with the duo even coining the term “responsibility to protect.”

Both Evans and Thakur serve as advisory board members of the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect, the main group pushing the doctrine.

As WND first exposed, Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect.

Soros’ Open Society is one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Government sponsors include Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Rwanda and the U.K.

Samantha Power, Arafat deputy:

Meanwhile, a closer look at the Soros-funded Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect is telling. Board members of the group include former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former Ireland President Mary Robinson and South African activist Desmond Tutu. Robinson and Tutu have recently made solidarity visits to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip as members of a group called The Elders, which includes former President Jimmy Carter.

WND was first to report the committee that devised the Responsibility to Protect doctrine included Arab League Secretary General Amre Moussa as well as Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, a staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat.

Also, the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy has a seat on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that originally founded Responsibility to Protect. The commission is called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. It invented the term “responsibility to protect” while defining its guidelines.

The Carr Center is a research center concerned with human rights located at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights, was Carr’s founding executive director and headed the institute at the time it advised in the founding of Responsibility to Protect.

With Power’s center on the advisory board, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.

Power reportedly heavily influenced Obama in consultations leading to the decision to bomb Libya, widely regarded as test of Responsibility to Protect in action.

In his address to the nation in April explaining the NATO campaign in Libya, Obama cited the doctrine as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.

Responsibility to Protect, or Responsibility to Act, as cited by Obama, is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of “war crimes,” “genocide,” “crimes against humanity” or “ethnic cleansing.”

The term “war crimes” has at times been indiscriminately used by various United Nations-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops who commit alleged “war crimes” overseas.

Soros: Right to 'penetrate nation-states':

Soros himself outlined the fundamentals of Responsibility to Protect in a 2004 Foreign Policy magazine article titled “The People’s Sovereignty: How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the World’s Most Vulnerable Populations.”

In the article Soros said, “True sovereignty belongs to the people, who in turn delegate it to their governments.”

“If governments abuse the authority entrusted to them and citizens have no opportunity to correct such abuses, outside interference is justified,” Soros wrote. “By specifying that sovereignty is based on the people, the international community can penetrate nation-states’ borders to protect the rights of citizens.

“In particular,” he continued, “the principle of the people’s sovereignty can help solve two modern challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid effectively to sovereign states and the obstacles to global collective action dealing with states experiencing internal conflict.”

'One World Order':

The Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect, meanwhile, works in partnership with the World Federalist Movement, a group that promotes democratized global institutions with plenary constitutional power. The Movement is a main coordinator and member of Responsibility to Protect Center.

WND reported that Responsibility doctrine founder Thakur recently advocated for a “global rebalancing” and “international redistribution” to create a “New World Order.”

In a piece last March in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, “Toward a new world order,” Thakur wrote, “Westerners must change lifestyles and support international redistribution.”

He was referring to a United Nations-brokered international climate treaty in which he argued, “Developing countries must reorient growth in cleaner and greener directions.”

In the opinion piece, Thakur then discussed recent military engagements and how the financial crisis has impacted the U.S.

“The West’s bullying approach to developing nations won’t work anymore – global power is shifting to Asia,” he wrote. “A much-needed global moral rebalancing is in train.”

Thakur continued: “Westerners have lost their previous capacity to set standards and rules of behavior for the world. Unless they recognize this reality, there is little prospect of making significant progress in deadlocked international negotiations.”

Thakur contended “the demonstration of the limits to U.S. and NATO power in Iraq and Afghanistan has left many less fearful of ‘superior’ Western power.”

  • With research by Brenda J. Elliott.


II. Iran's former president warns of possible US attack!

Posted on Saudi News Today-on October 13, 2011:

Iran’s former president Mohammad Khatami on Thursday warned the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of a possible US military attack, following charges that Iran was behind a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington.

“Our political officials should be careful not to give the US any pretext to target our security and territorial integrity,”Khatami told the opposition website Rahesabz.

After his eight-year presidential tenure that ended in 2005, Khatami has become a senior member of the Iranian opposition and on several occasions has blamed Ahmadinejad for creating unnecessary international crises by making thoughtless and provocative remarks.

“I am worried because the pretexts for starting campaigns against Iran are constantly increasing, and escalation of the current pretext and use of any hostile language could have consequences that eventually only harm the Iranian people,” Khatami said.

Khatami rejected the latest US charges as a conspiracy by the US administration to gain advantages in next year’s presidential election.

“We should all stand united with regards to any possible threats against our land and people, but at the same time also be more careful not to give any pretexts to others to raise such charges against us,” the 68-year-old cleric said.

The foreign ministry in Tehran meanwhile said in a press release that it had invited the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Tehran to a meeting in order to reassure him that Iran was not involved in the alleged plot.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian categorically rejected the charges, which he termed as a “fabricated and see-through scenario” by the US and Israel.

In his meeting with the Saudi diplomat, Abdollahian blamed the Saudi embassy in Washington for what he called a “premature and undocumented reaction” to the charges.

The Saudi ambassador was quoted as responding that his country simply reacted to the incident itself, without accusing any country by name as long as the investigations were not concluded.

According to state media, the foreign ministry also summoned the Swiss ambassador to Tehran, in order to protest the US charges levelled against the Islamic republic.

As the US has had no diplomatic mission in Tehran for more than three decades, Switzerland represents Washington’s interests in Iran.”


III. Saudi Arabia Vows ‘Measured Response’ to Alleged Assassination Plot!-Posted on October 13, 2011:

IV. Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’!-Posted on Matt Cover-On June 13, 2011:

V. Podesta: Obama Can Use ‘Armed Forces’ To Push Progressive Agenda!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On November 18, 2010:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The President Must Stop Voting "Present" on Iran!“present”-on-iran/

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is George Soros deliberately handicapping American energy?

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Pay up or get out.

Con Ed has given the Ground Zero mosque an ultimatum: Pay the $1.7 million you owe in back rent, or we’ll terminate your lease and take back our property.

Con Ed and mosque developer Park51 have an unusual, uneasy alliance, sharing ownership of a site slated to be one of the most controversial projects in city history.

The utility owns a former substation on the western half of the property, at 51 Park Place, and the mosque developers own a five-story building on the eastern half. The buildings were connected years ago and used to house a Burlington Coat Factory store.
Read more…

4063396503?profile=originalFor years, I have been impressed with this young man I see working at Walmart retrieving shopping carts in the parking lot. He is challenged, I suspect from birth, with physical issues involving an arm and a leg. I saw him leaving work one evening in his car. While I do not know his living situation, I do know he has a job and drives what I assume is his own car.


Looking at this young man hobbling around doing his job, one could think, “Why isn't this poor soul home collecting disability?” He obviously prefers the dignity which accompanies earning his own money. Thus, the reason for my utmost respect for him.


Then, I look at the Occupy Wall Street despicable mobs; spoiled brat college students, America hating Marxists, paid professional protesters and plain old lazy bottom feeders, all demanding freebies while claiming ownership of the fruit of other folk's labor. And the left expects me to respect and sympathize with these parasites.


The liberal media, the left and the Obama administration are trying to convince us these ignorant arrogant Occupy Wall Street knuckleheads represent the thinking of most Americans. If their premise were true, we would be in deep, deep trouble as a nation. Fortunately, these mobs are NOT a majority.


Like parents who are in denial protecting a juvenile delinquent child, the left is doing everything in their power to portray these violent, destructive, anti-Semitic and ungodly Occupy Wall Street thugs in a positive light. Meanwhile, the left remains relentless in their quest to slander the tea party with false undocumented accusations of racism and violence.


The Tea Party movement which is driven by “We The People” is the polar opposite of the George Soros and far left organizations funded Occupy Wall Street assault on Capitalism and America. How dare they compare their low rent “trashy movement” to the dignified Tea Party.


As a Tea Party activist/performer who has traveled on five Tea Party Express national bus tours, I have attended over 300 tea parties. I can assure you the well-informed, hard working and decent people who attend tea parties represent the thinking of a majority of Americans, not the Occupy Wall Street mobs.


While Occupy Wall Street participants trash, vandalize and disrespect public parks and government buildings, we tea party patriots leave our rally sites the way we found them or cleaner. The Tea Party is inspired by love for America and a desire to follow our Constitution. It is also in rebellion of political correctness and about restoring values and principles which have made America great. Tea Party goals are far superior to Occupy Wall Street which proclaims, “You rich guys have too much and we're takin' it!”


Occupy Wall Street is nothing more than a vile orgy of class envy, covetousness and hatred of achievers.


You Occupy losers need to get a clue, a life and a job!


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin

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OK, everybody, when WE, the American people say: " They should do this or that", we have to ask ourselves who "they" is. "They" is US. We started this illegal alien invasion mess, now we have to fix it. WE, not they. Obama is benefiting from the illegals and, unfortunately, so are many American businesses.

I say that we started this mess because we patronize and support the illegals and then we complain about illegal immigration. 

We all have an opinion of what others should do, and we even list it. Now, here is the to-do-list for ourselves, the real American citizens who care for our community, and our country. Remember, "Ask not what your country can do for. ask what you can do for your country". We do not need the help of the government to fix illegal immigration; we can do it ourselves. How? Here is how:

1. Stop hiring day labor for your house chores and maintenance. No more yard workes in our subdivisions. If you must use outside help, call a friend who knows legal workers who do the same type of work. Call your neighbor. Post it here. Offer the job (at the same rate or even higher) to high school kids, they really need to start early learning about personal responsibility.

2. Apply the same principle to cleaning people. Go to your church and start a group to help each other. Stop hiring illegal aliens to clean your house!!!

3. Baby-sitters...Do I need to tell you again?

4. Home remodeling, repair or painting people. Come on!! Didn't you know?

4.Post the business names who you know that use illegals to conduct business in your neighborhood. Here is a hint (in case you are one of those who "can't tell the differece" or say: " I am not an immigration agent")

In Houston most of the following business hire illegals:

 a) Car washes

 b) Dry cleaners

 c) Almost all mexican restaurants (I give some the beneifit of the doubt)

 d) Most McDonalds

 Now, hopefully whoever manages this site could open a special tab to post the businesse who hire illegals by Zip Code for example. We, then, send them a friendly reminder of their betrayal to our country and that we wish that they clean their act swiftly, before the boicott and bad publicity starts.

So, stop NOW hiring illegals to do your house chores and post the businesses names with as much information as posible (address, phone, website, manager's name, etc), and stop patronizing that or those businesses. We have to stop this madness because Obama, nor Perry for that matter, are going to do it for us.

It is, also a good idea to post here reports of what's wrong with our country. How about flooding our representatives e-mails and websites with denounces of illegals abusing the Lone Star card, or the WIC benefits.  If you see something, say something in the government official' websites!


Here the first post:


Bear Creek Car Wash

5614 Highway 6 North, Houston, TX 77084

Uses illegal aliens to do the work.


Governor Perry said that we don't have a heart...we do. But the illegals hate America and they have become a very serious threat. Enough is enough. I say.




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Did Obama Submit Phony Ballot Petitions in 2008?

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 13, 2011:

A former Democratic governor of Indiana says a petition to place Barack Obama on the state ballot during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary is not his, raising the question of voter fraud. Former Governor Joe Kernan, a Democrat, replied, “No, not at all,” when the South Bend (Indiana) Tribune asked if the signature, which helped qualify Obama for the ballot, belonged to him.

The newspaper reports it has spoken to at least 40 other people in St. Joseph County, Indiana, whose names erroneously appear on petitions for either Obama or his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Indiana requires those running for statewide office to collect 4,500 signatures from registered voters, 500 from each congressional district, before their names may appear on the ballot for voters’ consideration.

Local newspapers have reported the names appear to be copied from signatures submitted for another statewide candidate that year.

Eric Holcomb, the Republican Party chairman for the state of Indiana, has demanded a federal investigation, asking, “How deep does this problem go?” Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Dan Parker said he wholeheartedly concurs. “Even an isolated instance of misconduct, by one individual among the hundreds of volunteers working to collect signatures for the candidates, should be thoroughly investigated, and we support such an inquiry,” he insisted.

Allegations of voter fraud continue to dog Democrats in general and Barack Obama, in particular. Catherine Engelbrecht, a founder of the Texas-based “True the Vote,” investigated the Texas Democratic presidential primaries in 2008 and announced:

There was no one checking IDs, judges would vote for people that asked for help. It was fraud, and we watched like deer in the headlights…

The first thing we started to do was look at houses with more than six voters in them [a common red flag for voter fraud]…Vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address.

Andrea “Andi” Pringle, a former aide to D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray, resigned from her post after admitting she fraudulently voted in the Washington, D.C., primary, although she is registered to vote in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Lessadolla Sowers, a member of the executive board of the Tunica County, Mississippi, NAACP, received five years in prison for voting 10 times in other people’s names.

But these cases are the exception. The vast majority of fraud goes unchecked.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler revealed in March that 12,000 non-citizens were registered to vote in the state, and 5,000 had non-citizens voted in the 2010 election.

Election fraud has consequences. The conservative group Minnesota Majority discovered last summer that 341convicted felons, who had been disenfranchised under state law, illegally cast ballots that probably put Al Franken ahead of Norm Coleman in the state’s hotly disputed U.S. Senate race. (Franken won by a mere 312 votes following multiple recounts showing him behind.)

Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez of California likely won her California seat from Bob Dornan thanks tomassive voting by illegal immigrants.

It appears the Obama administration is gearing up for the next round of fraud. This author reported last year that Project Vote, an ACORN-affiliated organization that once employed the president as a community organizer, intended to “help” more than 50,000 people vote in seven key swing states.

Meanwhile, Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandes has openly declared, “We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law,” which requires states to purge dead voters from the rolls. “It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.”

Although states have begun to look into the pandemic of voter fraud on their own, the only sure remedy is a landslide election in 2012. As Hugh Hewitt wrote, If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Suspicious petitions got a stamped signature: ‘Former Gov. Kernan, 12 others come forward to say they didn't sign!’

Posted on South Bend Tribune-By ERIN BLASKO, South Bend Tribune Staff Writer-On October 12, 2011:

SOUTH BEND - Suspected fake petition pages to place Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the ballot during the 2008 Indiana primary passed through the county voter registration office on days when the Republican head of the office was absent, The Tribune has learned.

The pages in question bear the stamped signature of Republican Linda Silcott, indicating Silcott was not in the office at the time to sign the documents by hand. By comparison, most of the other, non-suspicious pages examined by The Tribune contain Silcott’s written signature.

Meanwhile, 13 more St. Joseph County residents whose signatures appear on the petitions, including former South Bend mayor and Indiana governor Joe Kernan, have come forward to say they did not sign the documents, and the Indiana Republican Party has called for a federal investigation into the matter.

“How deep does this problem go?” state GOP Chair Eric Holcomb asked. “Is it isolated to St. Joseph County or was it a broader, coordinated effort across the state? ... Who forged the signatures and why?”

Typically, petition pages in St. Joseph County are signed by hand by both the Republican and Democratic members of the Board of Voter Registration.

In early 2008, however, Silcott missed a number of days of work because of the death of her husband. Consequently, her first deputy, Mary Carrol Ringler, often stamped Silcott’s signature on the pages.

Each of the suspected fake petition pages bears Silcott’s stamped signature, indicating the documents passed through the office on days when she was off.

Though Ringler was the only person permitted to use the stamp, she kept it in an unlocked desk drawer, Silcott said.

In addition, Ringler only began working in voter registration on Jan. 22, 2008. The suspicious petition pages are dated Jan. 28 and 29 and Feb. 4 and 5, within the first two weeks of her arrival.

Ringler told The Tribune Tuesday she could not recall how often she used the stamp during the 2008 primary. “Honestly, I don’t know,” she said. “I know I didn’t do a lot petitions that year because I was brand new.” She said she mainly uses it on purchase orders now.

Pam Brunette’s written signature also appears on the backs of the suspicious petition pages. She is the Democratic member of the Board of Voter Registration.

Brunette did not respond Tuesday to a call seeking comment about the stamped pages. She said last week that voter registration workers “are not handwriting experts, so our job is basically making sure the papers are complete.”

Parties respond:

As part of a joint investigation, The Tribune and Howey Politics Indiana reported Sunday that dozens, if not hundreds, of signatures on petitions to place Obama and Clinton on the Indiana primary ballot in 2008 were faked in St. Joseph County.

Before that story was published, The Tribune spoke with more than 30 people whose names appeared on the petitions. All but one confirmed not signing the documents. In addition, a forensic document analyst identified a number of suspicious pages that appeared to have been filled out by a single person.

Since then, Kernan, now owner of the Silver Hawks, and 12 others have also told The Tribune they did not sign the documents.

“No, not at all,” Kernan said when asked if the signature next to his name on the Obama petition looked like his own. “Nor does the printing look like mine.”

In addition, Holcomb, the state Republican Party chair, has called on the Department of Justice to investigate the matter.

“The integrity of every election is of the utmost importance,” Holcomb said in a news release. “This weekend’s disturbing news that perhaps hundreds of ballot access petition signatures submitted by the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fraudulent raises real questions about the integrity of our process and whether or not those individuals should have been on the primary ballot in the first place.”

In response to the ongoing joint investigation by The Tribune and Howey Politics, county Prosecutor Michael Dvorak has launched his own investigation into the faked signatures.

That said, identifying the person or persons responsible for the fakery is a difficult task. Dozens, if not hundreds, of volunteers carried petitions on behalf of now Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama in the county in 2008, both independently and as part of each candidate’s official campaign.

In addition, receipts that would have identified the people involved in gathering signatures on behalf of the two candidates no longer exist. Voter Registration is required to keep records for only 24 months.

The Office of the Secretary of State did not respond Tuesday to a request for comment on this story. Earlier requests by phone and e-mail also went unanswered.

The Obama campaign, meanwhile, referred the matter to the Indiana Democratic Party, which issued this statement Tuesday:

“The 2008 presidential petitions ... were approved and certified as valid by the Democratic and Republican members of the local ... Office of Voter Registration. But even an isolated instance of misconduct ... should be thoroughly investigated, and we support such an inquiry.”


II. Sharpton’s Atlanta HQ admits handing out possibly bogus stimulus check forms!-Posted on Paul Crawley-On September 30, 2011:

III. Obama’s 2012 Strategy: Fear, Fraud, and a Cowardly Republican!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Doug Book, September 23, 2011:

IV. GOP Controlled States Look to Change Voting Rules Ahead of 2012!-Posted on Associated Press-On September 19, 2011:

V. Are the Democrats Supporting Voter Fraud?-Posted on Godfather Politics-By GIACOMO-On August 1, 2011:

VI. Obama’s HUD execs deliver $730,000 to ACORN spinoffs!-Posted on September 24, 2011:

VII. Obama’s ‘Jobs Bill’ Makes ACORN Eligible for $15 Billion in Taxpayer Money!-Posted on Pjamas Media-By Matthew Vadum-On September 15, 2011:’s-jobs-bill-makes-acorn-eligible-for-15-billion-in-taxpayer-money/

VIII. ACORN operative admits ‘voter fraud’: ‘Americans are sick and tired of having the votes of law-abiding citizens canceled out’!-Posted on September 13, 2011:

IX. Time to Launch Operation Chaos!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On June 16, 2011:

X. 64,000 Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Being Investigated in New Mexico!-Posted on Susan Jones-On June 15, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Posted On America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On October 11, 2011:

“Jumping on the anti-Wall Street media bandwagon, Josh Boak of Politico says Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio’s “measure” to tax Wall Street has “newfound momentum.” The Soros-funded Think Progress blog quickly jumped on the report, saying the plan is being seriously considered on the Hill. There is only one problem: DeFazio hasn’t introduced any such bill in the current Congress.

Despite the hype from Politico, the issue is a real one. And the threat is not only a “Wall Street financial transactions tax” that could affect ordinary investors but a global tax to finance various international agencies and causes.


It’s just a “tiny tax,” say proponents, that has the support of billionaire Bill Gates and can generate $100 billion a year. A global tax on financial transactions could generate at least $700 billion a year from the U.S. and other “rich” countries.

One of the groups pushing the tax is the group National Nurses United, whose Massachusetts affiliate is alreadyputting its political muscle behind radical Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. Her speech to the Massachusetts Nurses Association convention was given in front of posters saying, “RNs say Heal America. Tax Wall Street.”

Warren just made big news by raising more than some presidential candidates did in the last quarter.

Taking Obama’s class warfare rhetoric to a new level, Warren recently said, “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you! But I want to be clear: You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You, uh, were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.”


At this point, the Capitol Hill “Tax Wall Street” measure has yet to be introduced. Backers are apparently waiting for the “Occupy Wall Street” protests to build, with further help from the media.

“The Oregon Democrat has teamed up with Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) to introduce the measure a sequel to their 2009 bill before the November G-20 meeting in Cannes, France,” says Boak.

Boak says the DeFazio-Harkin proposal “fizzled two years ago” in the last Congress. The term “fizzled” is an understatement. The House version, H.R. 4191, only had 25 co-sponsors. The DeFazio bill was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, the Committees on Rules, and the Budget Committee. But no action was taken on it.


Harkin’s Senate version, S. 2927, fared even worse. He had only three co-sponsors: Sherrod Brown, Bernard Sanders, and Sheldon Whitehouse. It was referred to the Committee on Finance, which took no action.

A photo caption for the Politico story refers to Harkin being a sponsor of the bill which “probably” will be offered before the G-20 meeting in November.

So a bill that already had “momentum” may or not be introduced soon. What is going on here?

The Boak story has all the earmarks of a plant by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a Marxist group pushing the tax which held a seminar on the topic at the recent Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington, D.C. It was announced there that a nurses union would be staging a “D.C. action” on November 3 during the G-20 summit being held in France.

Indeed, this is the next phase of “Occupy Wall Street” a carefully orchestrated attempt to make it seem like people all around the world are clamoring for a tax on Wall Street. Here, the National Nurses United (NNU) is leading the charge and will hold its “major action” in front of the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington D.C. on November 3.

The nurses will wear their nurses’ garb and hold signs proclaiming, “Heal America. Tax Wall Street.” NNU has created a “Protest in the USA” web site to help organize the demonstrations.

The “momentum” for the not-yet-introduced proposal is the result of a far-left network that wants to use the current “Occupy Wall Street” protests to push and pass the tax, which could go global.

The effort cannot be dismissed. On the international level, a group called “Make Finance Work for the People and the Planet” boasts 1000 signatures of economists on a petition for the “Robin Hood tax.”

The IPS released a report last year promoting the tax, noting how it could help pay for U.S. “global commitments around poverty, health and climate.” The report states, “If the U.S. is going to fulfill its commitments to the world’s poorest, it needs to contribute an additional $80 billion in revenues per year.”

Internationally, the campaign is being organized by Public Services International (PSI), with affiliates in Europe, Latin America, Asia,

African and Arab countries.

U.S. affiliates of PSI, in addition to National Nurses United, are the American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employee (AFSCME), American Federation of Teachers, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU). United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), and the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA).

“global day of action” for the tax was already held on June 22 but received little attention here. Sympathetic media coverage of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests is sure to generate significant press attention for the November 3 protests.

The media are determined to create a “progressive” version of the Tea Party, even if the bill to tax Wall Street hasn’t been introduced yet. The actual introduction of the measure will be big news on the evening news programs.

After this is accomplished, critics of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement will no longer be able to say that the protesters have no concrete demands. Obama, at the G-20 event, will undoubtedly then “consider” the proposal, even perhaps say some more kind words about the protesters.

We saw this before. In my December 14, 2009, column, “The Secret Plan to Pass a Global Tax,” I noted that there was a push for the DeFazio-Harkin plan at that time.

The difference now is that the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters, assisted by Van Jones, Soros-funded progressives and labor unions, are mounting a major effort to get the measure passed and they have the support of the major media.

Even if they lose the battle in Congress, Obama will have revitalized his base.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Calling Wall Street A ‘Gambling Casino,’ Democratic Rep. DeFazio Proposes Financial Transactions Tax!

Posted on Think Progress-By Marie Diamond-On Oct 5, 2011:

Echoing the demands of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is proposing to tax the trading of stocks, bonds, and derivatives. DeFazio, along with his Senate co-sponsor Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), has proposed the tax several times in the past. But this time around, the idea is getting a boost of momentum from the popularity of a similar measure in Europe, as well as renewed national media focus on Wall Street profiteering as a result of the 99 Percent Movement:

“Declaring Wall Street a “gambling casino,” DeFazio said the new tax would “both raise needed revenue for the Treasury and rein in speculation on Wall Street.”

Already, the business community is mounting a counteroffensive. With the congressional supercommittee looking to trim at least $1.2 trillion in projected debt over 10 years, the tax could look tantalizing, despite public opposition from many Republicans and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. [...]

The tax could help shrink the deficit — its previous iteration was estimated to add $150 billion a year to federal coffers — and spare Social Security, Medicare and other programs from jarring cuts.”

Even representatives from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce admit that this proposal is going to receive serious consideration this session, as congressional Democrats look to trim the deficit in a way that doesn’t overburden the middle and lower classes that are already stretched to the breaking point. “In reality, a proposal like this is going to be on the table in some regard,” said Tom Quaadman, executive director for financial reporting policy and investor opportunity at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

France and Germany have embraced taxing financial trades, and proponents say it’s only a matter of time before the common-sense solution is finally adopted in the U.S. While American bankers are predicting dire consequences if the tax goes into effect, Dean Baker, a co-director at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, says that’s nonsense. “The reality is all you’re doing is raising transaction costs back to where they were 15 or 20 years ago,” he says, noting that the tax has not prevented countries like the United Kingdom from developing vibrant economies.

Top economists and analysts like Reuters’ Felix Salmon have long advocated for a transaction tax as an important moderating influence on Wall Street excess. As Pat Garofolo has explained, “It will help temper trading for trading’s sake and excessive speculation, particularly in the form of high-frequency trading, which only major Wall Street players have the infrastructure to engage in and which will become far more expensive.”


II. The Secret Plan to Pass a Global Tax!

Posted on Accuracy In Media-By Cliff Kincaid-On December 14, 2009:

“With President Barack Obama attacking “fat cat bankers on Wall Street,” left-wing non-governmental organizations (NGOs) see a great opportunity to pass a global tax on financial transactions that could generate at least $700 billion a year from the U.S. and other “rich” countries. They are expecting Obama’s support.

The banks are a key target because of the “anger” that already exists against them for their roles in the global financial crisis, says a detailed 13-page memorandum from Max Lawson of the foreign aid group Oxfam.  

Calling the global Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) “an idea whose time has come,” Lawson says in his memorandum that “politically the time is now” to pass such a tax. “It will take some great campaigning but I think we can do this,” he says in a message introducing the memo.

Lawson explains, “The global anger against the bankers; the huge pressure on rich country budgets; the need for money in 2010 to rescue the MDGs [Millennium Development Goals] and from failure; to protect poor countries from the economic crisis; and the need to come up with money for climate change to unlock a global deal. All combine to make a very strong political backdrop.”

The MDGs were established by the United Nations to make sure that the U.S. and other Western nations devote 0.7 percent of Gross National Product to official development assistance or foreign aid. As a Senator, Obama had introduced a bill, the Global Poverty Act, to mandate U.S. compliance with the MDGs at an estimated cost of $845 billion.

Lawson, head of development and finance for Oxfam in Britain, has distributed his 13-page memorandum to members of NGOs in the U.S. and other countries. “There is potentially plenty of money here for all of our issues,” he tells them.

The global tax is being called “the Robin Hood tax,” in order to convince people that it is somehow designed to take money away from rich people in order to help the poor. Another variation on this theme is the claim that the tax is aimed at Wall Street to help Main Street.

In reality, such a tax would affect IRAs, Mutual Funds and pensions by taxing the exchange of financial transactions. It would hand over great sums of money to politicians in the name of bashing the big banks but ordinary Americans and their life savings would be hurt.  

As outlined by Lawson, however, the idea is to create the appearance of public support for the plan, ultimately enabling G8 leaders meeting in Canada in June to agree to the global tax and then get acceptance from the G20 leaders meeting afterward.

At the same time, the U.S. Congress is moving ahead with the “Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009″ (HR 4191), a financial transactions tax introduced by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), a leading member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Lawson’s document cites support for the tax from Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who endorsed the DeFazio measure during a December 7 news conference and, according to a CNS News report, announced that the bill would have to be made “global” to keep U.S. investors from taking their business overseas and out of taxable reach.

Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) is introducing a similar bill, which has the backing of the AFL-CIO, in the Senate.

An “Open Letter from Economists in Support of Financial Transaction Taxes” has been released and signed by 200 liberal and left-wing economists.

Lawson also cites support for the tax from billionaires George Soros and Warren Buffet and such media organizations and figures as Le Monde, The Mail, The Guardian and Paul Krugman of the New York Times.

President Obama “supported [the idea] during his campaign,” Lawson says, but the U.S. Treasury Department under Timothy Geithner has been resisting it.

However, Politico reported on December 3 that Pelosi is now pressuring Geithner to accept the global tax proposal. “Geithner was widely seen as opposing such a levy when it was proposed by Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, at a meeting of G-20 finance ministers last month in Scotland,” the publication reported. But after a telephone conversation, “Pelosi told colleagues that the secretary indicated he was more open to some such fee than had been reported,” it added.

Some elements of the Lawson plan that are designed to secure passage of the legislation seem modeled on the 1999 “Battle in Seattle,” when 5,000 activists marched against the idea of global free markets, producing confrontations with police trying to keep order on the occasion of a meeting of the World Trade Organization. Lawson suggests “two or three global events” and “days of action” where “activists climb up banks” in order to pressure officials to adopt the global tax.

Joseph E. Stiglitz, a cabinet member in the Clinton Administration, claimed in his book, Globalization and Its Discontents, that the “protests at meetings of global financial leaders in Seattle, Prague, Washington, and Genoa…” had put pressure on the international community for more global action to solve the world’s problems.

Stiglitz is one of several high-profile figures listed in the Lawson memo as supporting a global financial transactions tax.

In Copenhagen, where governments are now meeting on the so-called “climate change” issue, some of the same leftists have been on display, marching in the streets under the banner of “Climate Justice Action” to demand that the U.S. and other Western nations pay “reparations” and an “ecological debt” to the less developed nations. U.N. reportshave put this figure at $24 – $45 trillion.

On the eve of the Copenhagen summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy joined with Prime Minister Gordon Brown in issuing a statement calling for a global financial transactions tax and other “innovative financing mechanisms” to assist countries fighting climate change.

Other elements of the Lawson plan seem modeled on “anti-poverty” campaigns such as Live Aid and Comic Relief. Live Aid was a rock music concert held on July 13, 1985, in order to raise funds to fight global poverty, while Comic Relief was designed to use comedy and laughter to alert the public to poverty.

In terms of using celebrities and making a big splash in the media, Lawson cites the case of Richard Curtis, a film director and the “creative energy” behind the Make Poverty History campaign, which urges people to wear a white band around their wrists as a “common symbol of the global fight to end poverty.”

Lawson says Curtis “is very interested in a short campaign” to press for a Financial Transaction Tax and “is working with colleagues in the advertising industry to work up ideas around a set of creative ideas that could be used by campaigns around the world, based on a Robin Hood Tax. His hope is to produce a set of materials that would be useful to all, and give the issue a huge global profile. He is also likely to use his media contacts around the world to ensure high profile for the fight for the tax.”

The global targets are the G8 and G20 groups of nations because the G20 summit in Pittsburgh in September decided that the G20 would replace the G8 as the leading international body for economic matters. As numerous media organizations have observed, the move signaled a major shift in global politics that has seen the authority and power of the U.S. in global affairs undermined. President Obama went so far at the G20 meeting to agree to a proposal for an International Monetary Fund study of how a global tax could be implemented.

Oxfam, which is spearheading the campaign to get a global tax implemented, is one member of an international coalition of organizations working “to fight poverty and injustice.” Its American affiliate receives funding from such entities as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

So-called progressives in the U.S. are now openly pressuring the Obama Administration to go along with the proposal. “We need to make this bill [the DeFazio/Harkin approach] a reality in the United States–and then take it worldwide,” The Progressive magazine proclaims.

Support can also be expected from the New Rules for Global Finance coalition, which runs the gamut from typical liberal-left groups to religious-oriented organizations.

The main problem with the Lawson scenario is that the truth about massive corruption in the foreign aid business is a matter of public record.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee published a report in 1995 which revealed that the cost of foreign aid provided by the U.S. to the rest of the world since the end of World War II had already reached nearly $2 trillion, with little to show for it in terms of alleviating poverty.

Two excellent books—The Lords of Poverty by Graham Hancock, and The Road to Hell by Michael Maren–exposed massive corruption in the foreign aid business.”


III. It's Another Soros Link to Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 14, 2011:

IV. PSI healthcare workers to deliver economic prescription to G20 leaders: “Apply a financial transaction tax to heal global inequities!”-Posted on Public Service International (PSI)-On October 14, 2011:

V. 1,000 Economist’s Letter to G20 and Bill Gates Calling for Financial Transaction Tax!-Posted on Making Finance Work For People and The Planet:

VI. GCAP - KENYA mark the ‘Global day of action’ with a call to the government of Kenya to support a Financial Transaction Tax!-Posted on FTT Global Day of Action-On June 22, 2011:

VII. Taxing the Wall Street Casino!-Posted Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)-By Sarah Anderson, Chuck Collins, Scott Klinger, Janet Redman, Kevin Shih-On June 17, 2010:

VIII. Video: Communists and Democrats March Together in Occupy Wall Street protest!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NewsEditor-On October 14, 2011:

IX. Video: Breitbart Reveals Radial Activists Organizing Overthrow of U.S. Government Through Violence!

X. Tea Party Launches Attacks on 'Occupy Wall Street'!-Posted on Martin Gould and David A. Patten-On October 13, 2011:

XI. Protests Peril For Obama!-Posted on Dick Morris-On October 12, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

New World Order By Executive Order!

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…
By John W. Lillpop

The Solyndra fiasco is living proof that government, especially when big and in the hands of spending-addicted, foolish liberals, should never be permitted to meddle in the world of commercial business.

This is true because people like Barack Obama are utterly ill-informed and lack the common sense needed to make sound decisions when it comes to investing taxpayer money.

Solyndra is the nightmare scenario where Obama’s hatred for oil and gasoline and all fossil fuels, combined with his obsession for PC -alternative energy, caused the administration to flush more than $500 million dollars (YOUR money, Patriot!) down the drain by investing in a company that ultimately filed bankruptcy and fired 1,100 employees.

THAT nightmare in which our naïve, inexperienced, and unqualified president pursued his ill-begotten pay back to campaign donors under the guise of creating jobs!

What will it take to convince our community organizer/president that he is simply out of his league when it comes to actually making sound business decisions?

In sum, Mr. President, You ‘HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!’ and should stay out of the way when important business decisions are being made.

Even more disconcerting than Obama’s naïve, goofy bungling, however, is the disclosure that the loan to Solyndra was structured in a manner that subordinates the interests of taxpaying Americans to that of the thugs who bundled campaign donations for Obama’s election.

In simple terms, it means that the Obama wonks placed Obama campaign donors ahead of American taxpayers in the ‘pecking order’ for recovery of money should Solyndra go belly up, which of course it did!

That arrangement is unprecedented and may be criminal.

By the way, why has this news failed to arouse the wrath of the OWS crowd?

Manipulating loan policy to favor greedy corporate interests is NOT OK—even if the greed involves Obama campaign donors!


Read more…
By John W. Lillpop

President Obama is on the move, militarily, once again, this time sending combat-ready troops to Africa to quell an atrocity which has been going on for two years.

In order to turn back critics who demand that he return his Nobel Peace Prize, the President has established a new criteria for defining the term war.

To begin with, the word “War” is NEVER used except when describing Republican assaults on poor and middle class Americans.

The politically-correct term for foreign invasions is “kinetic Military Action.”

When Obama and his Marxist advisers meet to discuss possible U.S. military intervention on foreign soil, the President sticks to a set of rigid standards:

( )In order to be eligible, the foreign crisis must NOT involve legitimate American interests.

( )Military intervention at a time of domestic scandals, such as Solyndra and Fast and Furious, is a big plus. For the uninitiated, its called “wagging the dog,” a term still synonymous with Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and shock and awe over Iraq.

( )All interventions must be described to the media as small incursions taken to advance humanitarian causes where US involvement will be complete in a matter of days rather than weeks.

( )For the purpose of not upsetting peace-loving Americans, Kinetic Military action will be announced by the president in a letter to Congress, released to the public on Friday when most folks are fantasizing about weekend sex, new movies, and food that Michelle Obama secretly admires and sometimes eats, but only when alone.

Based on the above criteria, Obama’s FOURTH WAR was made public as described at the reference:

In a letter to Congress, President Barack Obama said Friday that the troops will assist local forces in a long-running battle against the Lord's Resistance Army, considered one of Africa's most ruthless rebel groups, and help to hunt down its notorious leader, Joseph Kony.

The first of the troops arrived in Uganda on Wednesday, the White House said, and others will be sent to South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Way to go, BHO! You have four wars going at once—who says you are a pacifist wuss?

Read more…

The Crucifixion


On July 27, 2011, ABC World News reported that an atheist group sued over the inclusion of a cross-shaped piece of beam wreckage, dubbed the World Trade Center Cross. It stands on display in the National September 11th Memorial and Museum at ground zero.


Those suing say the cross is nothing more than an “ugly piece of wreckage” that “does not represent anything but horror and death.” The American Atheists claim the cross-shaped beams promotes Christianity over all other religions and diminishes the civil rights of non-Christians. The Cross, rather than a symbol of Christianity, is a symbol of the cross on which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified.  Jesus was not a Christian.


The cutting edge of science has at last admitted that consciousness is fundamental to everything that is. God, in my estimation, is the Supreme Consciousness of the Universe, admittedly an impersonal view. The Christian concept that God is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is the personification of everything that is. No problem, but it is limiting.


Jesus preached against state religion. For this, he was crucified. The legal action to remove the cross is actually the dumbed-down playing into the hands of state control of the individual. Nothing in the Gospels says Jesus preached Christian values, or for that matter any accepted religious value.  Jesus was here to set the human spirit free. As a matter of fact, Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing.  American Atheists are the Pharisees going to Pontius Pilate.  It is a move to enslave us.


How on earth can American Atheists say the cross promotes Christianity over all other religions?  America is not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson was not a Christian.  Jefferson was a deist.  He believed in God on the evidence of reason and nature, with rejection of supernatural revelation. A Christian called me a secular humanist. I looked up the term. Secular humanism: Any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines. The cross at the World Trade Center is silent reminder of what religion can do to people. Religion is responsible for destroying the World Trade Center and murdering over three thousand people. What would you call American Atheists? Religion:  a body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices; something a person believes in and follows devotedly. American Atheists is a misguided religion.  In my religion, I’m a God-self.  I believe in the Constitution and inalienable rights, rights American Atheists, by putting the cart before the horse, want to eliminate.


Is it the luck of the draw that in my twilight years all my dreams have come true? I studied the Constitution, and this is very important, with the idea of actively using it to protect my inalienable rights.  The very thought gives one the sense of voices of the past speaking to you.  You feel picked. Oh, but rest assured you will be viciously attacked by the powers that be if you dare demand your inalienable rights, and constantly reminded that voices of the past are with you. American Atheists are using the Constitution in an attempt to deprive me of my inalienable rights. By keeping faith that the law of all times is on your side, you will untimely win. In my case , the powers that be hung themselves with their own rope.


When I cut from the herd in 1975 and went on my own, I was not religious. I was not anything. I was seeking an identity.  I left my old life in Texas on Good Friday and arrived in Miami on Easter Sunday. At the time, it meant nothing to me.  I’ve lately come to believe that the crucifixion of Jesus was so I could be free. I revere the cross.  I’m not a Christian. I don’t follow the doctrines and dogmas, but I believe Jesus is my savior and redeemer.  I’m empowered. God’s spirit lives in me.  Too bad about atheists.

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