Posted by william uthe on September 2, 2011 at 12:26pm
Posted by john lillpop on September 2, 2011 at 8:39am
By John W. Lillpop
While campaigning in 2008, President Obama promised to deliver a ‘Post-racism’ era in America, an era that would fulfill the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King when King said, in part:
“I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Unfortunately, Barack Obama seems intent on implementing policies that fly directly in the face of the King speech.
Rather than working to eradicate the issue of skin color from public discourse, Obama has exacerbated the issue with his ‘Robin Hood’ approach to life in America.
In Obama’s mind and in the minds of Maxine Waters and others in the Congressional Black Caucus, the federal government exists largely for the purpose of transferring wealth from white Americans to people of color, be they brown, black, red, or yellow.
Its called “leveling the playing field” and is seen as atonement for slavery, Jim Crow laws, discrimination in employment, education and housing, issues long since rectified by white people.
The ‘Robin Hood’ swagger is notorious for spawning un-American sentiments like those of Rep. Carson who illuminated the halls of Congress with this uncontrolled outburst of belligerence and racism:
Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.), the CBC whip, told attendees at the CBC's Job Tour visit to Miami that the Tea Party is actively taking steps to keep down the black community and other vulnerable populations.
"This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow," Carson said. "Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens."
"Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree."
To date, Obama has not stepped forward to demand that Carson and others “tone down the rhetoric;” perhaps because the president agrees with Carson’s hate speech, but is constrained from saying so openly by virtue of his high office.
Once again, this president ‘leads from behind’ on an important issue. The result is a brewing storm of discontent that has lead to increased racial tensions, without any sign whatsoever of ‘leveling the playing field.’
Mr. Obama and the Democrat Party must stop the insane class warfare and politics of race before the nation is splintered to the point of no return.
Drop your ‘Robin Hood’ act, Mr. President, and strive instead to be a healer!
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." ......Cicero, 42 B.C.E
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Friends and fellow Patriots; We have at our fingertips the most powerful voice imaginable. This is not by accident or whim. From the Founding of this Nation, the Hand of the Almighty has guided us when we listened, and we strayed when we did not. Current assessments are-WE ARE IN A WORLD OF HURT.
We can't blame Bush, Clinton, Carter, Wilson, Roosevelt, or Obama....woops...YES WE CAN.
We can also blame the American electorate for falling down face-first in a pool of politically-correct BS in an ill-advised attempt to mollify those who wish to KILL US.
The names may have changed, but the goals have not. Tyranny cannot abide freedom and liberty. Despotism is never altered by the meanderings of the human heart, or human nature. It is specifically the meanderings of the human heart and human nature that allow tyranny and despotism to flourish. When strict adherence to the Rule of Law exists, as in our Founding Documents, liberty, freedom and prosperity flourish. When that begins to change, as our Founding Fathers knew it would, we begin to lose those God-given rights.
"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments or musty papers; They are written on the whole of human nature, as with a sunbeam, by the Hand of the Divinity Itself, and cannot be obscured by mortal power."---Alexander Hamilton.
Even the most basic exploration of the writings of the Founders illuminates the dangers inherent in any attempt at self-governance as witnessed by the corpses of past civilizations laying on the ash-heap of history.
James Madison wrote, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
Washington also wrote, "Should, hereafter, those incited by the lust of power and prompted by the supineness or venality of their constituents, overleap the known barriers of this Constitution and violate the unalienable rights of humanity: it will only serve to show, that no compact among men (however provident in its construction and sacred in its ratification) can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no Wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other."
There you have it-"...the supineness or venality of their constituents..."
"...aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals..."
Here is where we need to be going, IMHO...and I don't hear one damned "candidate" for POTUS speaking of this; restoration AND ADHERENCE to our ORIGINAL Constitution and Bill of Rights that would eliminate this over-reaching, over-spending, out-of-control central/behemoth government monstrosity WE WERE WARNED ABOUT!!! They nibble at the fringes, but are afraid to approach the TRUTH, because they are part-and-parcel born and fed by the Leviathon.
Thomas Jefferson: "Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. ... To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. ... The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. ... The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch. ... On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. ... [C]onfidence is every where the parent of despotism; free government is founded in jealousy and not in confidence; it is jealousy & not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power ... in questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution."
I know this may seem to some as getting long, so GET ANOTHER CUP OF COFFEE WHILE YOU CAN AFFORD IT AND LISTEN UP:
Time is NOT ON OUR SIDE. But I believe that the "Hand of the Divinity" IS.
Alexander Hamilton: "[T]here is not a syllable in the [Constitution] which directly empowers the national courts to construe the laws according to the spirit of the Constitution, or which gives them any greater latitude in this respect than may be claimed by the courts of every State. ... The Judiciary ... has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society, and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither force nor will. ... If it be asked, 'What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic?' The answer would be, an inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws -- the first growing out of the last. ... A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government. ... [T]he present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banners, bona fide must we combat our political foes -- rejecting all changes but through the channel itself provides for amendments."
Through the mists and fogs of history, through all the obfuscations and lies and corruption of the past and present, we still have that one, insurmountable thing: The yearning for liberty that resides in every human heart, and the MEANS WITH WHICH TO RETAIN IT---our Constitution. The only document ever written by man that asserts the God-given rights of mankind as never before. It is only going to be through a complete return to our Founding Principles, and an aggressive defense of them, that we will survive Barack Hussein Obama, Communism, Islam, and every other bogey-man wet-dream devised by the dark and devious minds of evil.
John Adams: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ... The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People. ... [T]hey may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. ... A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."
Article VI of our Constitution proclaims: "This Constitution ... shall be the supreme Law of the Land."
This is our avenue of "hope and change"...we will NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT IT.
Posted by john lillpop on September 1, 2011 at 3:55pm
By John W. Lillpop
To be perfectly clear, I am not a fan of Barack Obama. In my view, he lacks the experience and requisite love of America to serve as our president.
From economic policy to war making, to enforcing the rule of law, President Obama seems to be at odds with the history and culture of America.
After nearly three tragic years under this president, we the people now understand that his lofty goal of "fundamentally transforming America," involves waging war against free enterprise business and traditional family values in favor of growing government and implementing socialist programs like ObamaCare and redistribution of wealth.
Still, aside from Obama’s wrong-headed ideological bent,the greatest damage from his tenure is the humiliating downsizing of the American presidency, its image and stature.
Once accepted as the most powerful position in the world, under Obama the U.S. presidency has been weakened so much that the president is now forced to grovel and crawl in order to present his jobs plan to a joint session of Congress.
What the has hell happened to our great nation when the incumbent president is so distracted and out-of-focus that he schedules an important national address at the same time as a political debate on the schedule for months?
Incredibly, Obama’s latest gaffe forced him to retreat to a time slot which infringes on the start of the pro-football season.
That is both unacceptable and humiliating, not only to Obama, but to all Americans.
We used to be better than that.
As a result of Obama’s failed stewardship, the American presidency, at one time a great and formidable institution, is now pathetically weak and impotent.
Which means it is time to weep for America, including even Barack Obama!
A little something on racism due to Allen West leaving Congessional Black Caucus:
Mr. West has done what is necessary in joining a group he knows he has nothing in common with but the color of his skin, a small affirmation of the historical claims made by this caucus in having the modifier "black" in its name.
It is a repulsive hypocrisy to the intellect to regularly require a racial identity modifier to every organization, even religious beliefs "Black Liberation Theology," while saying "we must get rid of racism."
There may have been a time that such modifiers were necessary, just as there may have been a time when the "n-epithet" was necessary as a form of identity amongst people similarly situated, though today, as Elizabeth Hasslebeck tried to explain, this seems out of touch and provides no opportunity for us to bridge the divide.
This, to me, is a perfect illustration of racists explaining their right to be racists, to carve out an exclusivity for themselves based on race, to want equality in the midst of screaming, "but this you can't touch," which only perpetuates the negatives and stereotyping. This n-epithet is erroneously being used as one word to state an entire history, based on the idea that all of one particular skin color, without exception, have suffered at the hands of white slavery. This is the tone, the mind, the cult side of Progressivism, of those remaining on the Democrat Plantation and who will vote democrat no matter what happens, irrespective of the truth of the situation: That African-Muslims were the largest source of slaves. Emmitt Smith learned, , in his "Who do you think you are" genealogical adventure that was on NBC, that the same people who sold his ancestors into slavery are carrying on this ancient business.
This truth must be repeated at all costs, that it was these African Muslims in Africa who sold their own people into bondage, and it is also this fact that the n-epithet is used to ignore; the "n-word" the way to never have to actually know the truth of history, and is also the left arm that hangs over the ear of the rose colored glasses of Progressivism in a persistent imprisonment for Utopian equality, all giving rise to another slave-master at the cost of the Honor of their ancestors true desire for freedom, vengeance.
Let us hope more come to terms with idea of us being in one World, one reality, instead of trying to keep a second world, an imaginary reality of ancestors we never knew alive, a reality of anguish, fear, and pain, that has only been exploited by others because it is a weakness that can be used divisively for political purposes.
I regularly consider if the slaves who wanted freedom as badly as Our Founders did from the peonage imposed by the Crown Heads Of Europe, are looking at their posterity and fuming, angry that these cannot see that freedom of the kind the master had is what they wanted, not a freedom according to government's permission and allowance, A freedom to access the opportunities available to all through private property rights that assured no central power government holding it all, and knowing they too can use the Constitution to enforce limits on government, not for some subset of "Civil Rights" entirely reliant on government's recognition of them.
And I am sure these slaves knew that their freedom would be for nothing if they were just being "adopted" by a new master named, "Government," or were to carry on the political continuation of the Plantation by supporting the the fire-hose carrying "Dixiecrats."
But just like we're removed from the oppression Our Founders endured which has led us astray from comprehending the meaning of Our Written Constitution (see first few pages of "To discipline & Punish" by Michele Foucault for a detailed account), so too have the modern generations of African-Americans who have risen on the basis of color alone, as shown by their need for "black" as a modifier, have went astray. This is the folly to efforts claiming a historical even the entire heritage of a particular ethnicity in one word whose receiving generation may have misunderstood and misconstrued the larger meaning as applying to all, and therefore, are now the ones, who by claim of "took it from those who used it and made it ours" are the racists now.
This "n-word" was used for all classes of people who were not politically represented, and the reason is, that taxation was once a very limited specie of governments actions, and that is because the people of this nation knew that government isn't entitled to revenues, that the authority to tax must be earned by using the tax paid to accomplish the Will of The People according to a strict schedule, Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, without usurpation. The people and government both knew they were subject to our rescinding the powers granted if they violate Our Written Instrument instituting this government, Our Written Constitution.
You'll find the following accounting term a good means to discover the whole and accurate meaning of this "n-word," historically: "niggardly." -- A term used occasionally in public, and even then erroneously charged as a racist term, whose root exposes that the term never had anything to do with race, until a race tried to claim it as theirs, and fostered racism.
Sensitive issue? Yes it is. Does it have to be? No, it doesn't, but for those wanting to use it to divide & conquer, by exploiting a people and their history as a source of such division, which is a sort of 3rd party exploitation of the rest of the nation. The racism itself being exploited for political purposes is only obvious at the next point in time where the "racist" accusation is thrown, if we don't get caught in the emotional charge that comes with it.
Mr.West, overall, has taken great steps forward in the truth of and ending all of this in his being a military man, a conservative aware of government's duty to the Constitution, and running as a republican. To me, Mr. West is carrying Honor in all of America even further forward when he leaves the Congressional "Black" Caucus, certainly an organization based on racism by its own terms. In fact, race based caucuses are the epitome of racism by their mere existence, at least today.
It's just like Whoopie in the above clip kept telling Elizabeth what Elizabeth must understand, while not actually having a way to go forward that included what Whoopie needed to understand: use of a specific word, phrase, or term by a particular race or group, as a reserved use, that's never to be questioned, while making sure to watchdog all other users of the same term, is promotion of racism and empowering government over the people as a censor of their Free Speech.
Apologize for length, but there is no escaping that naming something with the term "Black" in it, for purposes of racial identification, is racism, and it seems to me this must be said and never ignored again.
Posted by Ron Robinson on September 1, 2011 at 1:22pm
Just when you thought it was safe to glance away from Congress for a moment, another poisonous issue raises its ugly head in the Senate.And it's on a very, very short fuse - September 6, to be exact, the very day the Senate returns from vacation.Yes, we were wrong to think that just because Congress is on vacation that we were safe to check in with how the kids feel about going back to school, or work on that sorry household budget, or enjoy the staycation. As if the administration and Congress had not soured the economy enough already, on the Senate's very first day back in session, Harry Reid plans to make our challenged economy much, much worse.The "America Invents Act" is more poison for the US economyIt's known as "patent reform" (HR 1249/SB 23) and it's anything but reform with it's current Section 18 intact. It's a bald-faced sellout to Big Banking and Wall Street. There are several difficulties with the bill, but the one that jumps out at me is the fact that it's simply a major job-killer. And for unconstitutionality, it's a two-fer.Target: Hold and AmendThrough the kind graces of Sen Tom Coburn (R OK) the Senate version of the bill is currently on hold, but that won't last when Reid moves for cloture. We should vocally support Coburn in insisting that the bill be brought to the Senate floor in amendable fashion so Section 18 can be removed and the remaining act be given full public consideration, then passed. As noted above, time is short, and this is our last chance. The House version HR 1249 has already passed the US House.Section 18 is the poison pillNormally, when we speak of a poison pill, we think of an amendment to a bill that will prevent passage. In this case, the poison is for property rights and job creation in the US.Predictably, Sen. Chuck Schumer is the one who inserted the Section 18 language into the Senate version of the America Invents Act, and Harry Reid wants the Senate to pass the bill without knowing what's in it, so he scheduled the bill to hit the floor in non-amendable fashion the day the Senate reconvenes.Section 18 applies only to the electronic payment processing industry* and it gives the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) the authority to revoke patents it has granted in the past. Under this measure, the USPTO can only reconsider patents that have been upheld in federal court when challenged. If the America Invents Act passes with Section 18 intact, then expect to see big banks and Wall Street challenge issuance of patents to inventors to whom they currently must pay royalties.There's the pay-off for the banks and Wall Street: they get out of millions of dollars of royalties paid to inventors by getting Congress to confiscate the property rights of inventors and kill plenty of jobs in the process - after a court has confirmed the validity of the patent!How does Section 18 kill jobs?If inventive companies get their patents revoked by the USPTO, then those companies lose their royalty revenues and go out of business and the corresponding jobs disappear. But it gets much worse. Remember, this measure applies only to the electronic payment processing industry. Can you think of any companies that process payments electronically? Venture capitalists are simply balking now at investing in new companies with new payment technology because of Section 18. Those jobs may never appear, and are certainly being delayed.But many venture capitalists aren't just balking at investing in new electronic payment companies, they are also hesitating to invest in any new company that will rely on electronic payment processing to receive a major portion of its revenues.When new companies don't form, new jobs never appear.Then there are many established companies that will almost certainly be threatened in one way or another if patents are revoked simply because Wall Street wants them revoked. Paypal, for instance, holds at least 4 patents that I'm aware of.Oh yeah, then there's that bothersome Constitution thing...As one might expect, Section 18 gives the bill some serious constitutional difficulty.First there's the simple concept of property rights.The word "right" is used only once in the entire US Constitution. That's in Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 8 granting powers to Congress:
“to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”
Section 18 allows the USPTO to withdraw or void a patent, without due process, even if a high federal court has examined the patent, confirmed it, and ordered transgressors to pay the patent-holder damages for unlicensed use of the intellectual property.The second difficulty is the separation of powers issue (noted above) raised by allowing the executive branch to overrule the judicial branch. Section 18 does not simply allow for the possibility of violation of the separation of powers, it requires it in every case. The USPTO cannot consider a challenge to withdraw or void a patent unless that patent has already been challenged in court.Violation of property rights, absence of due process, and violation of separation of powers is non-trivial in my world.Politics is no predictorCuriously enough, politics is no predictor of the position a given member of Congress is likely to take on Section 18. Obama and Reid are for it, but Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and uberliberal Maxine Waters are against it. The best predictor of a politician's position on this issue is to look at campaign contributions. You can figure that one out.
Unexpectedly, even Rep. Maxine Waters says Section 18 "is just wrong."
Since we know that politics is no predictor on this issue, there's nothing for it but for us to contact all our Senators and insist they they help Sen. Tom Coburn keep a hold on the bill until Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agrees to allow the bill onto the Senate floor in an amendable form. Then insist that the bill be considered in the full light of day, with full public disclosure, before passage.Action Center AvailableMy good friends at TEAPAC - the Pasadena Patriots in CA have taken the lead on this issue. They've erected a web site called which contains on online petition you can sign and an online Action Center with a sample letter to help you contact your Senator.If you are a new media/social media type or a blogger, there's help for you there, too.Action NowIf we follow our normal drill of waiting until the Senate has been back in session for a couple of days before we check in on what they are doing, we'll have already lost this battle, and that's exactly the way Senator Harry Reid has planned it.Spread the WordThe Action Center also has tools to help you spread the word to your friends and this part is important: We only have 12 days to get the word out and get this travesty in the Senate stopped. We'll have to overcome the natural inertia activists usually feel when Congress is allegedly on vacation.If we fail to slap ourselves out of our August angst for activism now, we'll see more jobs disappear, far less investment in new jobs, and a Congress that feels safe in confiscating still more of our rights in order to reward still more big campaign contributors.Join us.Crossposted to save jobs and protect private property rights*Disclosure: I hold provisional patents, although not in the electronic payment processing industry. I have been active in the payment processing industry, processing payments for more than 10,000 merchants for over 15 years. I believe strongly in the value of intellectual property and the property rights of inventors, artists and creators to enjoy the fruits of their creations.
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The Gunwalker Scandal Connecting Mexican Drugs, Gun Control and Islamic Terrorism
Charly Gullett
They called it "...the perfect storm of idiocy."
The Gunwalker scandal encompassed the resources of multiple Federal agencies including Eric Holder's Department of Justice, the DEA, CIA, FBI, DHS and the ATF; it was the most profoundly misguided law enforcement effort in our nation's history...but it's only half the story.
Before the scandal was finally exposed two Americans lay dead. US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed in a fire-fight with a drug cartel rip-crew and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata who died in an ambush deep in Mexican cartel territory. The scandal is they both died in gunfights where the criminals left behind firearms supplied originally by agents of the ATF in Operation Fast and Furious. Worse, it appears the plans had been to intentionally traffick firearms to Mexican narco-terrorists and then blame American gun owners and gun stores in order to leverage onerous anti-rights gun control legislation.
The meticulously footnoted research in this book details how the ATF and FBI use a computer program called "e-Trace" to collect private information on law-abiding citizens and then with a digital portal called "Armas Cruzadas" provide that information on American citizens to over thirty foreign governments, many of them with long histories of corruption.
Here is the story that has not been told about the much larger and more dangerous source of Mexican cartel firearms-an international culture of crime that includes the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, their state sponsors of terror in Iran and Syria as well as Central and South American Islamic radicals and incredibly...our own US State Department. Revealed here for the first time, it is an alliance known to Federal law enforcement since at least the 1970's. It is now largely funded not only by Iran and Syria, but by American Muslims funneling cash for radical Jihad through illegal money-laundering operations back over the same shared Arizona trails used by their drug cartel partners.
This exposé includes "Secret" US embassy cables proving Eric Holder lied to the American public about Mexico's "iron river of guns" and the number of firearms found at Mexican crime scenes; confidential emails between ATF agents looking for data to support President Obama's gun control agenda; Federal court documents filed by Sinaloa drug cartel officers revealing a deal with the US Government to trade information on competing cartels in exchange for guns in the Operation Fast and Furious venture.
Extensive endnotes detail the complete and stunning investigative reports by House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) as well as the infamous Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memorandum revealing their strategic and violent plan for the takeover of the United States.
Posted by john lillpop on September 1, 2011 at 9:04am
By John W. Lillpop
By design or by virtue of just more bad luck, the intense battle over the federal deficit, out-of-control spending, and the future of America has turned ugly.
Ugly, indeed, as reported at the reference, in part:
A leading voice in the Congressional Black Caucus told supporters last week that Tea Party-affiliated lawmakers are devastating the black community economically and would be happy to see black people "hanging on a tree."
Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.), the CBC whip, told attendees at the CBC's Job Tour visit to Miami that the Tea Party is actively taking steps to keep down the black community and other vulnerable populations. "This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow," Carson said. "Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens."
"Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree." A spokesman for Carson, later in the article, actually defended his boss' "strong language," saying:
"A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life. So, yes, the Congressman used strong language because the Tea Party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing."
Being without the ability to improve one's economic standing is indeed a dire situation. But it is not the same thing as being strung up by an angry mob from the nearest tree. It just isn't.
The accusation that the Tea Party harbors racism or racist elements has been around since soon after the Tea Party appeared on the American political scene. It is a subject for intense debate. Strong language is often used in this debate. But Congressman Carson's remarks have taken this language to an entirely different level -- a level where he really shouldn't have gone.”
Given Barack Obama’s persistent call for “dialing down the rhetoric” and demand for more civility, one must ask: Where is Barack? Why has the president failed to use his bully pulpit to demand that the CBC refrain from such vile, intemperate public discourse?
Perhaps we need a “civility czar,” one with the temerity and integrity to tell Maxine Waters to, “Shut up and go straight to hell yourself!” and to tell Rep. Andre Carson, “The only advocate for second-class citizenship for African-Americans is folks like you!”
Or are loose canons like Waters and Carson saying things that Obama agrees with but cannot say in public?
Posted by john lillpop on September 1, 2011 at 8:00am
By John W. Lillpop
One of Barack Obama’s more objectionable mannerisms is his maddening arrogance. From his body language to his spoken words, Obama seems to be saying, “I am better than you! So shut up while I explain everything.”
Perhaps that analysis is a perfect manifestation of the “R” word in action? Racism to the rescue?
How, then, does one explain the following comments from the Reverend Jesse Jackson in July of 2008?
“In July 2008, FOX network aired a video in which Jackson leans over and whispers, "See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based ... I want cut his n**s off ... Barack ... he's talking down to black people."
For emphasis, Jackson appeared to make a stabbing or cutting motion with his hand.”
Talking down to black people, of all things! The audacity is palpable.
Since then, Obama has become far more inclusive and he now talks down to all races, faiths, IQ brackets, nationalities, and social classes.
Barack has truly grown into an equal opportunity offender!
If fact, it can be said without fear of contradiction that were arrogance a commodity like gold, Obama would be able to eliminate the entirety of the federal deficit with just the sweat from his brow AND still remain obscenely rich!
In the early days of Obama’s presidency, there was a tendency to dismiss his arrogance because, after all, he was soooooooo very intelligent and gifted.
However, after nearly three years of stimulus failures, raging unemployment, double-dip recessions and a trail of foreign and domestic policy failures that would gag a maggot, Obama no longer deserve any “slack” for that signature smirk.
The man is a failure and, as such, needs to reign in his over-pampered ego to levels more consistent with his mediocre (at best) performance!
Posted by Lloyd Marcus on August 31, 2011 at 9:37pm
Jim Labriola from the “Home Improvement” TV sitcom has been a wonderful addition to our Tea Party Express V national bus tour team. Jimmy's comedic family friendly monologues are a hit with the patriots at our rallies.
With most of Hollywood being hardcore liberals, conservative actor/comedian Jim Labriola is a breath of fresh air.
One of our two tour buses was under repair causing the twelve member administrative crew to pile on the entertainers bus for the two mile ride to the hotel. It was uncomfortable.
Jimmy spontaneously went into a hilarious monologue worthy of a Jim Labriola TV Special. My stomach contracted so much from laughter, I had a great ab workout. As corny as this might sound, we truly are a family on Tea Party Express. Jimmy masterfully used his gift of humor to bring us a little bit closer together.
Hey Jimmy, you should market an exercise video, “The Jim Labriola Ab Workout: Laugh Your Way to Great Abs”.
We just completed our Tea Party Express rally in Sioux City, IA. This morning I logged on my computer to read, “Obama: The Unemployed Are Being Discriminated Against”.
Obama and company never changes their play book to get-their-way. They always divide Americans into victimized groups saying they are either disenfranchised or discriminated against.
Last night, we arrived early enough in Omaha, NE for me to do laundry. The hotel washing machine was not working. The front desk sent a black tech to fix it. After solving the problem, he asked, “So, are you the driver of that bus?”
I explained my role on the Tea Party Express team. Obviously hostile, the big young black man subtly confronted me, “What are you people doing?” Clearly, he was a victim of the liberal media spin which says we are racist against a black president.
I shared with him what the tea party movement is REALLY about. The young black man was clueless about politics.
Listening intensely, he was like a sponge. Amazingly, he said, “I am beginning to see things differently”. Praise God!
God is tooooo cool. A broken washing machine lead to opening a young man's eyes.
Patriots, I pray that someone will sponsor and help organize a tea party tour to black colleges and communities. Misinformed blacks need to see and hear black conservatives such as Herman Cain, myself and others.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Labriola / Bachmann photo courtesy Andrea Shea King
Posted by john lillpop on August 31, 2011 at 3:15pm
By John W. Lillpop
When Barack Obama speaks before a joint session of Congress next week to present his latest “plan” for circumventing the unemployment curse which he owns, he is likely to regurgitate many of the same, old tired themes which have failed time and time again over the past three years.
Key words to look for include stimulus, balance, taxes, fees, training, fundamental fairness, infrastructure, bank, redistribution, disadvantaged, filthy rich, and fair share.
Inclusion of any of these words in Obama’s blathering means only one thing: Hold onto to your wallets because Obama has your wealth in his cross hairs!
Nothing this president has done or proposed to do involves a pro-business, pro-capitalism, free market idea.
In Obama’s world, everything involves bigger and more intrusive government and the obligatory taxes to pay for that government interference.
He knows no other way. Hard work and dedication are non- starters in the heart of this unrepentant Marxist who hates free enterprise because it discriminates against the slothful and unimaginative!
Although there is little to no hope for Obama, one can still offer helpful hints in the off chance that a sliver of sunshine might slither through the dark windows of the Oval Office and end up in The One’s speech.
Five little words expressed with sincerity and honesty could go a long way toward restoring civility and economic sanity to America while producing untold millions of jobs for desperate Americans.
The five words, Mr. President:
Effective immediately, I hereby resign!
Say those five words, Mr. President, and watch the stock market soar like crazy. Business people from coast-to-coast would race to get “HELP WANTED” ads placed as soon as possible.
And Joe Biden, upon ascension to the throne of Obama, would declare, “Our national nightmare is over.”
America would begin to heal, the economy would prosper and the GOP would win the presidency in 2012 and take back the US Senate while improving its majority in the House.
All across America, citizens of all colors, faiths, and ideologies would join in declaring, “God Bless Barack Obama!”
Just five little words, Mr. President, and you can retire to a life of luxury, leisure, and uninterrupted golf.
Go ahead and say it—with a week to practice you may not even need your teleprompter.
Do it for the children, and the children’s children, and the children’s children children, and on and on!
Posted by john lillpop on August 31, 2011 at 12:21pm
By John W. Lillpop
After watching millions of illegal aliens and advocates protest in the streets of America in recent years, it is clear that many newcomers, including those here legally, need to understand the following essential American truths:
*In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the U.S. and Mexican Congresses. That Treaty ended any and all claims Mexico had to land now a part of the United States.
* Native American Indians were the original owners of the American southwest. Were there were any valid property rights claims concerning that land, such rights would belong to Native American Indians, not Mexicans.
*America is a sovereign nation, totally independent of Mexico. It has been that way for over 200 years. We intend to keep it that way.
*Brown may be beautiful in Mexico. But in America, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.
*In America, Mexico is considered a FOREIGN nation and Spanish is a FOREIGN language.
*America operates according to the rule of law which applies to everyone. This is true whether one is brown, black, yellow, lily-white, red, or an exotic hybrid of lavender and green.
*Being hard-working and good hearted is commendable. But those qualities do NOT entitle anyone to enter America illegally.
*Bilingualism is cool---provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in only Mexican and Spanish is not cool in America.
*Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine--as long as it does not interfere with complete and prompt assimilation into American culture.
* Driving while loaded or drunk may be "macho" in Mexico. But in America, driving under the influence is considered stupid and criminal and is not tolerated, regardless of one's country of origin or cultural heritage.
* People here illegally are common criminals, and as such, are most unwelcome. American citizens will fight to have such miscreants deported, regardless of whether or not families are involved. Illegal is illegal, Family or not.
* Demanding that our borders be secured and that the law be enforced is the right of all American citizens; doing so does not make any one a racist or bigot.
*U.S. immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life, and
*Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change in deference to foreign newcomers.
Illegal aliens: Take this list with you when you are deported back to Mexico, and share it with other Mexicans considering invading.
Your experience may cause them to reconsider, and that would be a good thing!
Posted by william uthe on August 31, 2011 at 10:16am
Posted by john lillpop on August 31, 2011 at 6:03am
By John W. Lillpop
Adding to the mind-numbing hysteria surrounding the issue of global warming, and exploitation of the same for ‘obscene’ profit-taking, a new report from ‘down under’ reports that climate change may precipitate mental illness.
As reported, in part, at the reference:
RATES of mental illnesses including depression and post-traumatic stress will increase as a result of climate change, a report to be released today says.
The paper, prepared for the Climate Institute, says loss of social cohesion in the wake of severe weather events related to climate change could be linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and substance abuse.
As many as one in five people reported ”emotional injury, stress and despair” in the wake of these events.
The report, A Climate of Suffering: The Real Cost of Living with Inaction on Climate Change, called the past 15 years a ”preview of life under unrestrained global warming”.
”While cyclones, drought, bush fires and floods are all a normal part of Australian life, there is no doubt our climate is changing,” the report says.
”For instance, the intensity and frequency of bush fires is greater. This is a ‘new normal’, for which the past provides little guidance …
”Moreover, recent conditions are entirely consistent with the best scientific predictions: as the world warms so the weather becomes wilder, with big consequences for people’s health and well-being.”
As with all global warming research and reporting based on voodoo science, A Climate of Suffering perpetuates the foolish notion that man has evolved to the point where the will and power of the Divine Creator can be arbitrarily superseded just to make money!
It’s nothing short of blasphemy, created by and for the ‘greening’ of Al Gore, where greening refers to millions of taxpayer dollars redistributed to climate elitists who know nothing of science and even less of ethics.
An objective review of Al Gore’s greed and manipulation reveals a very telling story: Gore’s loss of mental lucidity and capacity preceded his dangerous obsession with climate change.
Put more simply, Gore was in a quagmire of deep mental dodo when he initially started ‘fanaticizing’ about the evils of combustion engines, coal, emissions, and the like.
The real travesty is that Gore and his ilk have made small fortunes by mocking valid scientific inquiry and replacing it with politically-correct ‘Bull****,’ to borrow a phrase from the deranged one himself!