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Cornelius Osborne may not seem like baby-sitting material.

He was convicted of raping two women. A succession of felonies, from robbery to failing to register as a sex offender, repeatedly sent him to prison, state records show.

But over more than two years, the state paid Osborne nearly $5,000 to baby-sit two children, before his latest conviction — for dealing drugs — put him back behind bars.

Osborne, of Chicago, wasn't the only sex offender paid by taxpayers to baby-sit, according to a Tribune investigation that found cases of convicted rapists, molesters and other violent felons given access to children over the past decade. The money comes from a $750 million-a-year program that subsidizes child care for more than 150,000 impoverished Illinois families.

The state Department of Human Services poorly vetted baby sitters for years — and when a 2009 law forced better checks, it took nearly 18 months to start them, the newspaper's investigation of the Child Care Assistance Program found.

Also, despite the reforms, the Tribune found that even now the state lacks safeguards to weed out baby sitters who watch children while living in the homes of sex offenders and other felons deemed too dangerous. Based on those findings, the state is vowing further reforms.

It's nearly impossible to determine just how many of the illegal baby-sitting arrangements the state has allowed. The newspaper found no cases where children were harmed, although privacy laws shield data needed to do an in-depth study.

Still, the Tribune's findings are frustrating to Sen. Matt Murphy, R-Palatine, who pushed for the reforms mandating better checks to weed out illegal arrangements.

"You're talking about not only the state sanctioning, but the state creating, an economic incentive for someone with a criminal record to be in a room with a kid," Murphy said. "That's frankly not a situation that I find acceptable."

Advocates such as Maria Whelan insist that the vast majority of baby sitters are aboveboard and that the 14-year-old federal-state program is key to helping parents work their way out of poverty. About half of the subsidies are in Cook County, where they are administered by the nonprofit Illinois Action for Children run by Whelan.

"This is a program that is absolutely essential if we are going to, with a straight face, tell families that if they work and if they continue to develop themselves, we can help them make a difference for their families," she said.

Program administrators have gotten national recognition for weeding out parents who don't qualify for the subsidies. But records show they've struggled for years to weed out disqualified baby sitters, such as Osborne.

The honor system

All it took for Osborne was a 2004 application mailed with the help of his sister, whose two children he would be paid to watch in her Englewood apartment.

She was able to pick the baby sitter, and she told the Tribune she didn't worry about her brother hurting the kids. But she did worry the state would object.

"I thought he would be rejected," she said, "but they didn't. I never got a call. They never asked about it."

They should have. The program has long barred those convicted of sex crimes and the most violent felonies. But Osborne wasn't spotted because of how the form was filled out. It asked him if he had been convicted of any crimes and, if so, which ones. His response showed "drug trafficking" — a crime that at the time didn't disqualify him.

He didn't mention the prison stints for rape, robbery and kidnapping, which would have.

And there's no record anyone checked further.

At the time, the state trusted Osborne and tens of thousands of other applicants to be honest.

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Who We Are Dealing With---In His Own Words

This is not easy to watch.  This is probably the sickest I've ever been, at heart, upon viewing this accurate compilation of our Dear Leader, in his own words.  Fox News had been trying to get it out, as I understand it, but is unable to.  Irregardless, if there is any question in anybody's mind as to how essential it is for us to remove, at ALL COSTS, this traitorous cretin that has taken control of this nation, here is an answer to that HIS OWN WORDS:


It's one thing, hearing this stuff disjointed by time and circumstance.  Put together, it is the most revealing and shocking thing you probably will ever see.  Then again, never assume anything.  Something else will probably come along!
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Opening Day: Tea Party Express V

4063369372?profile=originalMary and I left our home in Central Florida at 5am. We flew/traveled 12 hours to hook up with the Tea Party Express bus in Oakland, CA. After a quick shower and wardrobe change, we arrived in Napa, CA where I performed at the tour launching fund raising VIP gala.


Still on east coast time, I awoke at 5:30am for our 11am Napa Tea Party. Napa is absolutely beautiful. I do not drink. But, my wife Mary throughly enjoyed sampling the local wines.


I was excited to meet a young Christian band called “Remnant” who was the opening act before our Tea Party Express team took the stage. Check out “Remnant” on Youtube.


4063369390?profile=originalThe beauty of our extraordinary Tea Party movement is We The People using our gifts and talents and following our passions; patriots doing their part to take back America.


One such patriot I met today at our Napa rally is author, Robin Bohr. Robin's husband Mike got tired of her yelling at the TV. He suggested Robin write a book.


Robin penned, “Tea Party: American Revolution 2.0”. It is the compelling history of average Americans entering the political arena for the first time.


After Napa, we traveled three hours to do our rally in Sparks, Nevada. Then, we traveled three hours to Winnemucca, NV where we spent the night.


4063369489?profile=originalOur bodies still not totally on west coast time yet, we are on the bus headed to Elko, NV, our first rally of two today. Our second rally is in Salt Lake City, UT, four hours away. The mountains and spacious skies are breathtaking. I think I will sing, “America the Beautiful” at our Elko rally.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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4063369078?profile=originalPlease, please, please understand, as we said in the 60s, “where I'm coming from”. This article is NOT about bashing homosexuals. I have homosexual family and friends whom I love very much.


However, I found David Gregory's attack on Michele Bachmann for comments she made regarding homosexuality to be extremely disturbing and offensive. Bachmann is a Christian and simply compassionately espoused the biblical point of view.


Just as Muslims live by the Quran, Christians strive to live by the Bible. Here are a few Bible quotes about homosexuality.


Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."


Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act;...”


Rom. 1:26-27, "...for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts...”


Whether you agree with the Bible or not is irrelevant. My point is Bachmann did not “make up” her take on homosexuality. It came from a holy book considered sacred by mega millions worldwide.


So, when Gregory beat up on Bachmann, he was really attacking Christians and the Bible. But, most disturbing was Gregory's arrogant bullying and implicit threat to all who disagree.


In effect, he announced: We, the media, have declared homosexuality normal; period, end of subject. Anyone of you Neanderthals daring to suggest otherwise will suffer the consequences.


Would Gregory have been so aggressive interviewing a Muslim presidential candidate about their beliefs? I suspect not.


Most Americans accept homosexuals and are repulsed by anyone abusing them. However, America's acceptance of homosexuals is not good enough for the left. The left wish to bend our arms behind our backs until we cry “uncle”, proclaiming homosexuality to be normal.


Even home improvement and cooking TV programs feature a high number of homosexual couples disproportionate to the population. Clearly, many TV producers have an agenda to normalize the homosexual lifestyle.


My dad has been in Christian ministry as a pastor for 50 years. Dad said he is being pressured to embrace the Gospel of Homosexuality. He added, “Those of us who disagree are being pushed into the closet.”


Has the left won? Are we afraid to quote the Bible's rebuke of homosexuality?


Think about this folks. According to the left, if you disapprove of men sodomizing each other and women performing cunnilingus on each other, not only are you a “hater”, you are deemed mentally ill; diagnosed as homophobic and in need of treatment.


During his Bachmann interview, Gregory kept referring to homosexuals as “Gay Americans” in an attempt to make disapproval of a “sexual behavior” the same as discriminating against an ethnic group; African, Hispanic and other Americans. The left reinforces the theme, calling opposition to the homosexual agenda “bigotry”.


Black Civil Rights groups are offended by the left comparing their struggle to that of homosexuals.


I state again, “I have homosexual family and friends whom I love very much.” However, loving them does not mean I must submit to dictatorial pressure from the media to embrace the homosexual lifestyle as being normal.


To get their way, the left always distorts the discord, portraying all opposition to equal the extreme evil.


For example. Americans welcome “legal” immigrants with open arms. We oppose “illegal” immigration and all the crime and stress on our welfare system which comes with it. The left brands anyone seeking to protect our borders extremist, anti-immigration and racist.


If you believe elementary kids should not be forced to celebrate Gay Pride Day and not be encouraged to experiment with homosexuality, the left numbers you among the minority of nut cases seeking to harm homosexuals.


Regardless of the issue, the left via their liberal media enforcers, slanders the opposition, painting them to be haters and extremists. Former Obama supporters turned off by his unfolding socialistic agenda are suddenly, “redneck racists against a black president”.


Patriots, I realize all of you are not Christians and my purpose is not to force my faith on anyone. This article is not about whether homosexuality is right or wrong. It is about the liberal media throwing down the gauntlet saying, “Hey, you Christians had better get with the program regarding the normalcy of homosexuality, or else!”


The liberal media usurping ultimate authority to enforce their “ultimate consensus” on an issue, destroying anyone who dares think otherwise, is a serious assault on our freedom.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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Illegal Immigration

      I believe another way to cut costs in the budget without truly hurting the wrong people is to go after the right people.  Illegal immigrants are a massive drain on many institutions in this country.  Healthcare, education, our courts and prisons, housing, jobs and many more that probably could be named all suffer due to the lack of enforcement of our immigration laws by our politicians.  Allowing lawbreakers access to what law-abiding citizens pay into with their hard-earned money is simply just wrong.  When you allow this to happen, it's no wonder why this country is going bankrupt.  You cannot continue to take out more than what you put in. Before you know it, you are basically robbing Peter to pay Paul and sooner or later, the well will run dry.  

      One way to work towards solving this problem is stop offering incentives for people to enter the country illegally.  Anyone who is not a legal citizen of this country should not be allowed ANY benefits whatsoever: no free money, no free or subsidized housing or healthcare, no free education, no Medicare or Social Security.  NOTHING AT ALL.  There is something wrong with this picture when people who don't basically pay into the system get to receive benefits from this same system.

      Another thing, no more anchor babies.   If you come here illegally, it's not our fault you have a child so don't expect us to pay for it in any way.  No free benefits at all.  Sorry. It may sound hateful but there is nothing hateful about wanting to be able to support all the poor people and children that we already have in our country who by the way are legal Americans.  When illegals drain the limited resources that we have in place, soon those citizens who legitimately need the help can not receive it.  I know too many people who need the help yet can't receive anything.  Of course, i don't only blame this on illegals, because I know that there are many Americans who abuse these systems in place to help those in need.  Root out fraud, corruption and waste and that will also go a long way into helping us save possibly billions of dollars alone per year.


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The Black Caucus in America ....


As a Canadian I was surprised when I heard such a caucus existed in America. I have come to understand that special interest groups have led to a lot of corruption in both our political arenas but when I heard that existed dedicated to a specific race of people gave me great pause. It still does.

I never think about the colour of the persons skin when I cast my vote. In spite of what naysayers echo there is a majority among us in North America that vet our candidates and make our decision on who to vote for based on that alone. It has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of someones skins but rather a personal assessment of the character and experience of those we choose to support. I vote for the person who promises to represent most of what I want my government to do. I say 'most' because you never get everything you want in any candidate.

Why then is there a 'black caucus' made up from elected officials in America? What does that mean? Does it mean they only represent the black voters in their districts? Why would an elected official even feel the need to join a segregated club? Do they feel the need to join because of ongoing race discrimination or grave difference in needs being met in America and if so what does that say? The needs of the black population are more important than the white?  As a white voter am I then pushed to the end of the line of importance by my representative because they happen to be black? If I have a black neighbour are his needs more likely to be met than those of mine because I am white?

Newsflash America!   After watching your politics for a number of years now it would appear that might just be the case. There is now a form of reverse racism taking place in your country that you would do well to recognize and demand be stopped before it gets out of hand! America, like Canada is a melting pot and it is my opinion there are all things special about all citizens no matter what race, colour or creed we happen to be. It does not matter how or when we got to North America. What matters and should matter is the here and now and how we cope with living side by side with each other.

When I hear of groups like this caucus in your government it leads to division and not unification of your country because it means those representatives went there to take care of their own special interest group. When I hear the like of Charlie Rangle and Maxine Waters (to name just a few of the members) spouting off about how mistreated 'my people' are it causes me to listen up and understand that if I were a white person in their district they are not talking about me.

Special interest groups here in Canada have led to be handicapped by an outreach of special treatment. Instead of giving all Canadians equal treatment under our laws my government decided the French speaking population in Quebec needed special treatment. It divided us. My provincial government decided to deal with a large influx of immigrants whose kids started school without being able to speak english with special treatment. All kind of people are now employed on the public dole to teach these kids to speak english and every citizen is paying for this. All of us out of the tax money we surrender and our children who do speak english because time is taken away from them while the special interests are catered to. This has further divided Canadians. Then there was the government many years ago deciding to 'parent' our vast native Indian population and they almost wiped them out entirely.

No one takes better care of myself and my family than I do. No one represents me better in the political areana than the person I help get elected and then follow. To allow special interest groups to form within a government is asking for big, big trouble. It will help the few and not the many.

I have never seen this discussed among Americans so ask again - "Why is a black caucus allowed in your political arena?" With the exception of the colour of our skin everything about us here in North America IS THE SAME. If we are to be given equal representation I think it is long past time that caucus is dissolved. Elected officials can join any club they want to privately but to publicly join a club which divides the people is a boil on the political arena that needs to be lanced.

As a final note when I visited the website of this caucus they were flashing a photograph of Martin Luther King. I followed him in my younger years. Attended many marches across the line demanding equal treatment for all men and women. Dr. King was a uniter. Not a divider. His vision for America was one of equal rights and equal treatment for all. Somehow it would seem that this caucus has corrupted the message he sent around the world to all people of good heart.


I find that very sad indeed.


Just a view from my side of the fence,

I am your Northern Neighbour,

Cam Vallee

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Waste, fraud and illegal immigration.

I believe that many of our problems today that arise from our monetary woes in this country, if tied in together, could go a long way into helping us resolve these woes.  For instance, rather than cutting programs like Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Veterans benefits, etc., if only we went after all the corruption, fraud and waste in these programs, these efforts would go a long way in saving probably  millions, if not billions of dollars being thrown away.  Simply by cutting funding to these programs, it is only those that truly need them who will be hurt.  Those who don't will still be reaping what they don't need or deserve. 

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Ron Paul has waged war on the widespread federal spending he views as outside constitutional boundaries. A LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Ron Paul often votes against spending bills, including funds for the Iraq war, but he leads the Houston-area delegation in the number of earmarks, for special funding requests, he is seeking for his district.
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LITTLE KNOWN FACT: RON PAUL is trying to nab public money for 65 projects, such as marketing wild shrimp and renovating the old movie theater in Edna that closed in 1977 — neither of which is envisioned in the Constitution as an essential government function.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Ron Paul adds his little bit of pork barrel, that is to say he puts in for his goodies, then cleverly votes against the bills...they pass anyway because everybody else who has put in for their pork votes for the bill. You tell me, is this clever or SLICK? I'm tired of slick politicians aren't you?
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A Sad Day, Death of a Patriot

A Sad Day, Death of a Patriot
An Obituary printed in the  London  Times.....Absolutely Brilliant !!! 
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I'm A Victim
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
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I Called To Stop Super Committee

I called Senator Roy Blunt and Rep Billy Long and told them to put a stop to the Super Committee. I mentioned that this committee doesn't answer to the House or Senate at all and at most is against the Constitution. I even mentioned that I'm voting all them out anyway first chance I get. I didn't call Senator McCaskill because she's a waste of good breathe. She will probably be voted out next year anyway but we will work just as hard as if she's a good fighter. : ) American Patriots
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The Magnificent De-Regulatory President!!!

In another stunning act of either ignorance, intentional myopia, or outright promotions of falsehood, the Liar-n-Thief announced he would REDUCE REGULATORY OVERSIGHT to increase American business and CREATE JOBS!!!!    


Now, how does he deal with this little gem?---

DOJ Raids Gibson Guitars looking for Illegal Wood


The Department of Justice is under fire for taking the bold step of sending armed agents into the factories of Gibson Guitar in Nashville and Memphis to seize what it believes to be illegal wood.

Via press release from Gibson:

The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.

Unbelievably enough, this was not the first time that the Gibson factories have been raided for this same reason. 

In 2009, more than a dozen agents with automatic weapons invaded the Gibson factory in Nashville. The Government seized guitars and a substantial amount of ebony fingerboard blanks from Madagascar. To date, 1 year and 9 months later, criminal charges have NOT been filed, yet the Government still holds Gibson’s property. Gibson has obtained sworn statements and documents from the Madagascar government and these materials, which have been filed in federal court, show that the wood seized in 2009 was legally exported under Madagascar law and that no law has been violated. Gibson is attempting to have its property returned in a civil proceeding that is pending in federal court.

So why has the DOJ gone crazy for wood?  They believe they are complying with the Lacey Act, specifically, this provision:

Anyone who imports into the United States, or exports out of the United States, illegally harvested plants or products made from illegally harvested plants, including timber, as well as anyone who exports, transports, sells, receives, acquires or purchases such products in the United States, may be prosecuted.  In any prosecution under the Lacey Act, the burden of proof of a violation rests on the government. (emphasis mine)

It doesn’t seem that the DOJ has lived up to the standard emphasized above according to Gibson.  They are asserting that the Justice Department is actually trying to shut down indefinitely the civil court case that Gibson filed to have their property returned.  Given that Gibson is the premier guitar manufacturer worldwide, you have to wonder where the music industry is on this issue.

Reuters is reporting that the guitar maker is being charged with illegally importing wood under a U.S. law barring importation of endangered plants and woods.

In an affidavit, agent John Rayfield of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said U.S. Customs agents in June detained a shipment of sawn ebony logs from India.

The paperwork accompanying the shipment identified it fraudulently as Indian ebony fingerboards for guitars and it did not say it was going to Gibson, the affidavit said.

Of course there will be some back and forth apparently on the legitimacy of the case and whether or not Gibson actually broke any laws, but one thing from the press release stood out to me:

The wood the Government seized on August 24 is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier and is FSC Controlled, meaning that the wood complies with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an industry-recognized and independent, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.FSC Controlled Wood standards require, among other things, that the wood not be illegally harvested and not be harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights. See for more information. Gibson has a long history of supporting sustainable and responsible sources of wood and has worked diligently with entities such as the Rainforest Alliance and Greenpeace to secure FSC certified supplies. The wood seized on August 24 satisfied FSC standards. (emphasis mine)

I find it fascinating that Gibson had been in compliance with a self-regulatory agency like the FSC and has also been picked on bythe government for alleged non-compliance.  I’ve always believed that self-regulation is a viable alternative for many industries that currently answer to the overreaching government.

It’s hard not to see this as the government getting territorial about who gets paid to oversee American industry.

Follow @Ben_Howe


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The Magnificent De-Regulatory President!!!

In another stunning act of either ignorance, intentional myopia, or outright promotions of falsehood, the Liar-n-Thief announced he would REDUCE REGULATORY OVERSIGHT to increase American business and CREATE JOBS!!!!    


Now, how does he deal with this little gem?---

DOJ Raids Gibson Guitars looking for Illegal Wood


The Department of Justice is under fire for taking the bold step of sending armed agents into the factories of Gibson Guitar in Nashville and Memphis to seize what it believes to be illegal wood.

Via press release from Gibson:

The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India.

Unbelievably enough, this was not the first time that the Gibson factories have been raided for this same reason. 

In 2009, more than a dozen agents with automatic weapons invaded the Gibson factory in Nashville. The Government seized guitars and a substantial amount of ebony fingerboard blanks from Madagascar. To date, 1 year and 9 months later, criminal charges have NOT been filed, yet the Government still holds Gibson’s property. Gibson has obtained sworn statements and documents from the Madagascar government and these materials, which have been filed in federal court, show that the wood seized in 2009 was legally exported under Madagascar law and that no law has been violated. Gibson is attempting to have its property returned in a civil proceeding that is pending in federal court.

So why has the DOJ gone crazy for wood?  They believe they are complying with the Lacey Act, specifically, this provision:

Anyone who imports into the United States, or exports out of the United States, illegally harvested plants or products made from illegally harvested plants, including timber, as well as anyone who exports, transports, sells, receives, acquires or purchases such products in the United States, may be prosecuted.  In any prosecution under the Lacey Act, the burden of proof of a violation rests on the government. (emphasis mine)

It doesn’t seem that the DOJ has lived up to the standard emphasized above according to Gibson.  They are asserting that the Justice Department is actually trying to shut down indefinitely the civil court case that Gibson filed to have their property returned.  Given that Gibson is the premier guitar manufacturer worldwide, you have to wonder where the music industry is on this issue.

Reuters is reporting that the guitar maker is being charged with illegally importing wood under a U.S. law barring importation of endangered plants and woods.

In an affidavit, agent John Rayfield of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said U.S. Customs agents in June detained a shipment of sawn ebony logs from India.

The paperwork accompanying the shipment identified it fraudulently as Indian ebony fingerboards for guitars and it did not say it was going to Gibson, the affidavit said.

Of course there will be some back and forth apparently on the legitimacy of the case and whether or not Gibson actually broke any laws, but one thing from the press release stood out to me:

The wood the Government seized on August 24 is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier and is FSC Controlled, meaning that the wood complies with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, which is an industry-recognized and independent, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.FSC Controlled Wood standards require, among other things, that the wood not be illegally harvested and not be harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights. See for more information. Gibson has a long history of supporting sustainable and responsible sources of wood and has worked diligently with entities such as the Rainforest Alliance and Greenpeace to secure FSC certified supplies. The wood seized on August 24 satisfied FSC standards. (emphasis mine)

I find it fascinating that Gibson had been in compliance with a self-regulatory agency like the FSC and has also been picked on bythe government for alleged non-compliance.  I’ve always believed that self-regulation is a viable alternative for many industries that currently answer to the overreaching government.

It’s hard not to see this as the government getting territorial about who gets paid to oversee American industry.

Follow @Ben_Howe


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Have to share this bunch of bs. Obama has signed an executive order creating a new office of diversity and inclusion. Aimed to put more minorities in federal government positions across the board. Last time i looked there are a lot of minorities on the fed. payroll - so wth? This is pandering to the blacks complaining of unemployment numbers or he's simply a clear cut racist. Nice that this hurricane is keeping the media focus off of this crap!
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“We operate under the assumption that the President will be a net negative for us.”
An aide to a Democratic senator on the Power Play program while discussing their man’s election 2012 prospects.
Obama Hypocrisy Steps Up Front and Center
               Go figure! After spending a month claiming that after he’d personally stopped a full-blown depression only to suffer plain old bad luck and snakebite which stymied virtually all the nation’s economic engines, President Obama is now highly optimistic about the ability of Hurricane Irene to create a huge bunch of new jobs** along its East Coast path of destruction. This message, delivered as the President and his family deserted Martha’s Vineyard, once again reminds even the semi-literate in economics that President Barack Obama just doesn’t get it even 1/10 as well as any college freshman in any old-fashioned classical economics class might have. Obama and the Keynesian economists who have dominated the college and world scene for the last 70 years actually believe that destruction is almost always a blessing in disguise . . . somehow they just can’t see the hypocrisy in their own words. What you curse as personal loss canNOT be considered great good fortune when it happens to the masses around you . . . .
            How, Mr. President, can it be that “bad luck” turned your wonderful “Recovery Summer” into garbage and yet the oncoming Irene shows such great promise in your eyes? Among all the economic fallacies the progressive politicians don’t seem to have a clue about the three major ones are “The Broken Window Fallacy” and its larger context: “The Blessings of Destruction” (sometimes called “The Blessings of Tax Thievery”) and the nature of capitalism and creativity compared to socialism and destruction. Yes, Mr. President it is “an ill wind that blows no one good” and some individuals and some businesses REALLY DO prosper when destruction occurs. However, we have to look back only as far as Hurricane Katrina’s still lasting malaise upon the South Central Gulf region and Biloxi, MS and New Orleans, LA in particular to see just how asinine your thinking process is. You, Barack Obama, actually see Hurricane Irene as a God sent economic stimulus package.
            How thick are the heads of these Keynesian economics devotees and our muddle-headed president anyway? Keynes himself re-canted from Keynesian Economics during the last year of his life saying very specifically as the last month of his life approached, “I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the invisible hand which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago." That “invisible hand” was the combined effect of all the free choices exercised by free individuals in a free marketplace that Scotsman Adam Smith taught the world about in his monumental 1775 work The Wealth of Nations. It was, of course, Smith’s teachings which so influenced our founding fathers who not only established a government based upon laissez-faire religion, laissez-faire speech and laissez-faire economics but also based upon laissez-faire government (Amendment X of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution) to create a capitalistic federal system that has succeeded far beyond any government in the history of the world and served as a shining beacon to freedom lovers everywhere. 
            Keynesian (socialist) economic policies are based upon taxing, spending and UNsound money policies creating inflation which can become the cruelest UNseen tax of all. Keynes, at the end of his life was a born-again believer in Classical Adam Smith economics, but only one man in a thousand knows that . . . Keynesian economics is such a thinly-veiled and utter failure that every year a brand new Keynesian theory wins the Nobel Prize for Economics and none of these theories has ever worked either on the micro- or the macro-level. It is just this kind of thinking that had a Democratic Senator’s aide on Power Play telling us, “We operate under the assumption that the President will be a net negative for us.”
In a Nancy Pelosi-esque way, the President has been saying, “We have a plan, but we won’t reveal it until September” which the Rajjpuut book of Obamaese translates as “We have absolutely no plan except to recycle our previously failed initiatives and then blame the Republicans when they won’t go along.”
            Let Rajjpuut in one paragraph destroy forever the nonsense expressed by President Obama implying that there are blessings in destruction. If you wanted to replace an ancient barely useful building and build a more modern and efficient structure on the site . . . it would indeed be the absolute greatest luck if a Hurricane Ezekiel came along and completely erased the old edifice from the landscape like it never existed . . . luck so great that we might label it a once in a billion situation. For the other 999,999,999 times when such a situation might occur you’ll just have to pay for the people with the cranes and wrecking ball to smash the old building to smithereens before you could expect to start work on the new structure. The same is true of a bomb being dropped upon the plant: imagine that the bombing happened just in the middle of a fire-drill when your old building was 100% vacant, thus forgetting for the sake of convenience all the loss of life and permanent and temporary injuries that would occur if the bombing occurred at some “unlucky time,” certainly that would speed up and reduce the price off beginning the new installation. Other than such true Godsends, destruction in the other 999,999,999 instances is always a net negative, kind of like Mr. Obama himself. The same is true obviously of wild-eyed nonsense like Cash-for-Clunkers ($4C). $4C was a net big negative for the economy of the whole country even while providing a temporary spike for the automobile industry. By destroying thousands of useful and even valuable used cars $4C has made the price of the typical used car rise $1,900 and hurt the lower middle and lower classes dramatically. So much for the notion of blessings found in destruction. So much for the myth of Barack Obama’s intellectual acuity. Ooops, saying that just made me a “racist,” “extremist” and “terrorist” now, didn’t it?           
                  And what is the economic foundation for understanding that destruction brings no blessings? All economic good beyond mere survival is based upon surplus (a.k.a. “profit”) and the main effect of destruction (beyond death, dismemberment, severe injury and full-blown inconvenience) is always destruction of surplus. Even if no one gets hurt and insurance covers everything 100% we’re talking about destruction of the insurance companies’ surplus and in some cases destruction of the insurance companies themselves and all the jobs that they provided. And then again there’s always all those irreplaceable items like photos and keepsakes that are destroyed or lost as well . . . so talk about your “fundamental transformations,” Obama the grand critic of capitalism is criticizing all economic good.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Ex-Obama green jobs czar and Marxist, Van Jones obviously sees things far more clearly than the president.  Jones says Hurricane Irene should be called "Hurricane David Duke" referring to an infamous Ku Klux Klan former politician from Louisiana.  Jones is putting forth the proposition that everything was just getting great in Obamaland and now this "racist" hurricane is going to upset the apple cart.
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    CORRECT DOCTRINE ~ WE ARE AT WAR.4063368456?profile=original

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Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

Liberals are mentally disturbed. They do not understand what a Republic is or how it works. They do not and will not understand what it means to be a 'Non-Dependent Citizen'. They cannot conceptualize the ability of an individual to make a profit so vast as to pay their bills, provide for their family while paying their taxes. These concepts and several others are foreign to them and beyond their comprehension.

Dr. Savage is right, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.   

Or am I mad to even think such an obtrusive thought?

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