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Marxism in America

Five days before his inauguration, Barack Obama confidently said that in five days he was going to begin transforming America. He has lived up to his promise. A year-and-a-half into his presidency, the economy remains unrecovered, unemployment the highest since the Great Depression, and deficit spending out of control.

President Obama, a former community organizer in South Chicago, brought with him his entourage of birds of a feather SDSer advisors (hippie revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s). Obama’s closest advisors are admirers of Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela and Mao, the former dictator of China. Their current number one aim is to take away freedom of press. They have two bones of contention, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. It is not fair, say Obama and his SDSers, that Fox News and Limbaugh be allowed to present only a negative view of Obama. Expect a lawsuit and Fox and Limbaugh fined out of existence.

Two-thirds of the nation is against the building of a mosque next door to the hole in the ground that was the World Trade Center. Obama gives the building of the mosque his blessings, refusing to comment on the wisdom of his decision. Obama refuses to adequately protect America’s southern border. The State of Arizona is forced to do Obama’s job in an effort to protect the citizens of Arizona. Obama filed a lawsuit and succeeded in blocking Arizona from protecting her citizens. Two-thirds of the nation is against Obama on this move. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year. After stating that he was not going to raise taxes, Obama insists on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Less than two months before the midterm elections and Obama shows a blatant disregard for the American people’s desires. What does he know that we don’t know?

Everyone agrees a Republican wave is building that is going to wipe out Democratic control of Congress. Obama, in his own words, pushing “collective salvation.” he claims the Constitution gives the American people “negative liberties,” he is going to rewrite the Constitution, has any president acted like Obama? There is no such thing as “collective salvation.” Is there any doubt that Obama has a Marxist agenda?

Astonishingly, Obama appears to have no doubt that with or without Congress he is going to pull off his transformation. First crack out of the box Obama forced down our throats a $780 billion stimulus package, already written by his SDS friends. It was rushed through without being read. Then came the trillion dollar Obamacare, followed by a 2,400 page gobbledygook financial bill that gives Obama complete control of every business in the United State. If he doesn’t see a business good for America, he had the right to shut it down. Cap and trade is still on Obama’s front burner. He admits it is going cost every American family a bundle. With the vast majority of the American people strongly opposed to Obama’s acts, he continues unabated. Obama and his Marxist pals plan to bankrupt America and start from scratch to build their utopian world. So far they’ve done an excellent job. What’s to stop them?

Even though his pole number is in the low 40s, a large number of Americans, after years of government coddling (strictly for the purpose of taking control of the individual) have the attitude that after me you come first. Many have a dog in the manger attitude. Even knowing the way to avoid bankruptcy is going to mean Social Security, Medicare, and other government entitlements are going to have to be phased out or drastically cut, those on the receiving end are not going to take kindly to it. It doesn’t take much imagination to know that a Republican Congress is not going to stop Obama. Unless the American people wake up to the fact that we are all going to have to face extreme hardships (I don’t see any sign of it) Obama is going to bankrupt America and make us slaves. It appears to me the odds are against us. What say you?

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A) Based upon a 1966 article by two neo-Marxist professors (Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of NYC’s Columbia University) advocating a (GNI) or guaranteed national income as the solution to poverty in America . . . Cloward, Piven and George Wiley created the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization in 1967 to test out Cloward-Piven strategy. In two years they used browbeating and street tactics to add 6.5 million people onto the welfare rolls. By 1975 they’d added 8.2 million and bankrupted New York City and nearly bankrupted the whole state of New York. The trio did not get GNI, but bragged about their great achievement and Cloward and Piven told their followers to use their strategy to attack housing and voter registration.

B) Shortly after progressive Jimmy Carter’s democrats created the (CRA ’77) Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 to force mortgage companies to make bad home loans to clients who could not be reasonably expected to ever repay their loans, Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke (later founder of the SEIU union whose present leader Andrew Stern has visited the White House more than any other individual) already working on NWRO in Arkansas for Wiley was told to create another community organization there.

C) Rathke created ACORN (initially the “A” in ACORN stood for “Arkansas” only later would it come to mean “Association) that same year. They (ACORN) were somewhat ineffective at first in the housing arena but they did help elect William Clinton to the governorship in 1978 and keep him their for 12 of the next 14 years. In the next 21 years CRA ’77 would be expanded four times (three times by Clinton) and benefit greatly from “mortgage-guarantee regulatory review” ordered by Clinton in 1993, his first year in office. That same year Clinton oversaw the passing of the Motor Voter Act which gave ACORN a twelve-lane highway to voter registration fraud. In the official MVA picture of the signing ceremony, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven stand almost directly behind Clinton as he wields his pen.D) Clinton oversees two CRA expansions in 1995 and the steroid-version expansion of mortgage-guarantee legislation in 1998. As a result: highly risky loans (those written with under 10% down payment) increased dramatically and utterly insane loans (with less than 3% down payment required shot through the roof. Here’s the timeline:

1966 Cloward-Piven strategy is published

1967 NWRO is created with Wiley at its head

1975 NYC goes bankrupt and is bailed out by the federal government. Cloward, Piven and Wiley brag about their great deed and C-P followers are advised that the next emphasis areas must be voter registration and housing

1975 less than 0.24% of all home loans @ less than 3% down 1/404

1977 Jimmy Carter is inaugurated. CRA ’77 is passed. Rathke creates ACORN in Arkansas.

1978-1992 ACORN supports Bill Clinton, keeps him in office for 12 of the next 14 years until he becomes the first ACORN president in 1992. Over the years ACORN voter drives “register” tens of thousands of voters in Arkansas, only trouble? They never deliver a single “preferred party-Republican” registration form to voting authorities.

1985 just above 0.50% of all home loans @ less than 3%

down 1/198

1992-1995 CRA ’77 is expanded three times by congress

1993 Bill Clinton’s regulatory review of CRA ’77 puts ACORN on overdrive now they’ve truly got the law and the president on their side

1994 ACORN lawyer Barack Obama begins work brow-beating and shaking down home lenders so they’ll grant stupid loans

1995 roughly 14% of all loans are ill-advised @ less than 3% down

1998 Clinton passes the steroid version of CRA ‘77

2002 ACORN perfects their ploys and discovers that for little more trouble than getting a $120,000 loan they can put a destitute person in a $400,000 home.

2003 Investment advisor James Stack of’s website starts running a chart on the “Housing Industry Bubble” in November, ’03 which he’ll continue running until about April 2008. Stack claims that not only are home prices in a bubble (risky high level) but the housing industry itself, construction and mortgages particularly have risen to 1400% of their 1996 values. On top of this, Stack pinpoints a coming “sub-prime lending crisis” based upon poor people who can’t afford their mortgages being put into very expensive homes.

2005 34% of all home loans are presumably bad business decisions @ less than 3% down; many of them 0% loans granted after ACORN shake-downs to clients without I.D.; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; with only food stamps to list as "income"; without even a rental history; all sorts of welfare recipients; illegal aliens; and others who have no business with a mortgage loan.

2005 The Bush administration has seen enough, in January, 2005 they offer a bill to erradicate the sub-prime lending crisis and undo much of the CRA expansion, particularly with regard to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and to Clinton’s ’98 steroid-version. The bill is soundly defeated.

2007 Finally, in July, 2007, enough conservative and moderate Democrats have understood the crisis and a watered down version of the original January, 2005 Bush initiative is passed . The bill proves to be far too little, far too late and the country falls into financial chaos . . . but the new law does enough that three weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush for saving the country from truly serious problems.

Today, when he and his administration and other progressives are not at work playing the “racism card,” Barack Obama delights in saying that Conservatives created the present mess and blaming everything that happened on the Bush administration that preceded him. The truth is sinister but must be acknowledged. The progressive-wing of the Democratic** Party has deliberately undermined the economy and Constitution of this country and must be made accountable. Who best to do the accounting and to banish the progressive-wing from their midst for eternity? The real Dems must do the deed.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** A strong and honorable Democratic Party supporting the Constitution is needed.

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Faith in our Fathers

The NYC flap over a mosque near ground zero, which marks the death of 2,000 innocent men, women, and children Muslims killed upon orders from Allah, the issue is further complicated by the reactionary Reverend Terry Jones’ threat to burn the Quran. Thousands of Afghans staged a protest. We are due to see much more of this. Feisal Abul Rauf, who insists on building a headquarters for Islamic activities at ground zero, refuses to discuss his source of finances, and little wonder. His financier is known to be connected with Hamas, a Muslim terrorist organization. This is faith in our fathers at its worst. We’re being intimidated by living-in-the past Muslims bent on taking control of the world by the harshest of means. Rauf, by the way, is all for it. President Obama, who is supporting Rauf, who says he is transforming America, should be investigated. Rauf is being paid by American taxpayers to spread his rot in the Mid East, while Obama pushes “collective salvation.” Collective salvation is the radical leftist stand of Reverend Wright, Obama’s former pastor for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America. This Muslim move in the U.S., backed by Obama, is a deadly threat to American liberties.

My father told me I asked too many questions. He also pulled the Adam-disobeyed-God routine on me. My father put me on a guilt trip that took years to overcome. The point is that I did overcome, and my life turned better. I say that Obama should be investigated for treasonous activities.

Our ancient fathers wrote the Bible and the Quran. They gave us an Almighty in far-away Heaven, an Almighty we don’t question. This Almighty, we’re told in the Bible, forbid the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, from partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this tree lived a serpent that tempted Eve, with the promise that if she ate the fruit she would know good and evil. The object lesson: Do not question authority. (Do not question Obama.) By eating the forbidden fruit and knowing good and evil, the punishment was being kicked out of the Almighty’s Garden, being forced to plow the earth for an existence. And not only that, everyone born after that would be born with Adam’s and Eve’s sin. This is written by men in authority. I question that it comes from God.

Salvation, we are informed, comes from confessing our sins and receiving the Almighty’s grace. Otherwise, we are condemned to eternal suffering. Nice work if you can get it. Our fathers have different opinions. Why should we have faith in our fathers? This perfectly good question is either ignored or sidestepped. Did God make a mistake when he created man or did man make a mistake when he created God? This was philosopher Nietzsche’s question, who gets credit for the “God is dead” idea. Let us discuss this idea of God being dead. Do we really need a God who orders Muslims to kill infidels? I want to question Rauf, who supports Sharif law, which goes for torture and murder. I don’t want a center for Sharif law next door to the place where Sharif law killed 2,000 Americans. What a victory that would be for terrorists.

Speaking for myself, when I concluded that faith in our fathers was not the way to go, but to go on Nietzsche’s idea that we are self-determining and responsible for our own well-being, my life turned better. Not only that, my faith that Jesus is my personal redeemer, apart from the artificial, apart from being told, became real. After I hit rock-bottom and went on my own, I had convincing personal experiences.

My faith is not in an external Almighty in a place called Heaven. That place was inaccessible. I had to take for granted that the Almighty knows best. We see now that that idea is deadly. Would man be ordered by God to horribly persecute and kill his own creation? It was misguided men who brought down the World Trade Center. It was Sharif law. It is misguided men bent on taking over the world, which happens to be with Obama’s support, who want to build a mosque near hallowed ground. This has nothing at all to do with freedom of religion. It’s asking for the death and destruction of America’s liberties. It is appalling how many Americans fall for this. It is horrifying to witness. We are in a war that could spell the end of America and freedom, and our President on the wrong side. So much for Obama, collective salvation, Muslim Sharif law—hello the kiss of death for the free world.

The cutting edge of science spends its time taking apart matter in order to know how it all comes together. It has been discovered that subatomic particles communicate, and once connected communicate even if separated and on opposite sides of the universe, and instantaneously, proving that beyond the space-time universe there is a not yet completed universe, a state of infinite possibility.

A thought doesn’t have figure and form. Thoughts originate in our minds. Our minds are in a state, not a place. Our minds, the same as our souls, Webster’s: our immaterial essence, our animating principal, or actuating cause of life. I asked a geneticist from whence the genetic code. His answer: “We don’t get into that.” There you have the answer: faith in our fathers has zero credibility. It’s hazardous to our continued existence.

Basic to human life is mind. We are made, according to the Bible, in the image of God—co-equals in the foundry of creation. Man’s increasing purpose over the ages has been through observing and questioning. Realize that the Almighty in Heaven is dead. It makes utterly no sense in today’s world. We are presently creating a new image of ourselves and God. Now at the threshold of a quantum leap forward, on earth as it is in heaven, welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Learn the wave of the future. I recommend reading The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life by Evan Harris Walker.

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Has Fidel Thrown Open the Path

for Raul to Discard Communism,

Embark upon Economic Reforms?

Following the publishing of a recent Atlantic magazine article, Spanish-language blogsites went absolutely crazy today. Rajjpuut’s translation and interpretation of a couple of them follows:

Ex-Cuban president Fidel Castro stunned readers of American magazine Atlantic and the whole Hispanic world as well when he admitted in an interview (which he’d apparently plotted for all along), “The Cuban economic model no longer works and never did work.” Speculation on numerous Spanish-language blogsites zeroed in largely on just one probability . . . . that Fidel was leaving the road open for his replacement, his brother Raul, to embark upon economic reform of Cuba and lead it away from communism. Among the most interesting features of the interview was the description of an apparently resurrected Fidel putting his recent brush with death aside and showing a return to some of his past vigor.

Among those most shocked by recent events were exiled Cubans, particularly Cuban entrepreneurs in Miami, greater Florida or elsewhere across the United States. Reading about the Jeff Goldberg interview with Fidel in Havana excited Florida Cubans tremendously, “This is NOT a regrettable attack of senility, Fidel Castro is really calling his regime “un fracaso” (a failure) and . . . he seems to really be talking about deep changes . . . not just superficial ones . . .” said Miami University Communications professor F. Rafael Lima. But Cuban-Americans unlike most of us, while shocked have more understanding of the situation. Most of them have been hoping since 1997 that Raul Castro’s trip to China and his exposure to China’s nascent capitalism would bear some sort of fruit. Of course, state-sponsored capitalism in China is not necessarily a harbinger of capitalism or greater freedom in Cuba, but right about now, most changes, hell, any change is considered a good thing for Cuba and potentially for Cuban-Americans.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Updated: According to Mercurynews the pastor wants to continue to burn Qurans even though this may lead tothe end of the first amendment and may lead us into martial law.

Right now could the burn a Quran day be an set up event to anger other religions to attack the United States, or be used as a excuse for afalse flag terrorist attack, and then be used to instigate martial law?

Right now it seems as though it's a huge possibility especially after a internalFBI memo details that the US Government was prepared for violenceif the Burn a Quran day have went through as planned. This may mean thatthe US Government will be able to execute the executive ordersdetailing that martial law is to be instigated on all Americans, thuswould enact the suspension of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Executive Orders associated with FEMA that wouldsuspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years andcould be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:...

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways andseaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks orvehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,seaports, and waterways.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with publicfunds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish newlocations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to putall Executive Orders into effect in times of increasedinternational tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in ExecutiveOrders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicialand legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penaland correctional institutions, and to advise and assist thePresident.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control overthe mechanisms of production and distribution, of energysources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in institution in any undefined national emergency. Italso provides that when a state of emergency is declared by thePresident, Congress cannot review the action for six months. TheFederal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in everyaspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA'sCivil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he sawFEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individualand governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil andmilitary installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well asprevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S.opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powerswere consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the...

National Security Act of 1947 allows for thestrategic relocation of industries, services, government and otheressential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirementsfor manpower, resources and production facilities.

1950 Defense Production Act gives thePresident sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.

Act of August 29, 1916 authorizes theSecretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of anytransportation system for transporting troops, material, or anyother purpose related to the emergency.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act enablesthe President to seize the property of a foreign country ornational. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweepingconsolidation in 1979.

Right now because of all of the anger and attacks against peaceful Muslims this will be used as an excuse for a violent backlash in theform of another terrorist attack. Also even a Top Clinton officialadmits that only a falseflag terrorist attack in the scale of 9/11 or a Oklahoma Citybombing would save Obama and help reenact the agenda of the worldselite.

So could this Quran burning be an attempt by dirty factions of the Government in order to jump-start a religious war against Christians andMuslims?

Well I have helped brought out along with Alex Jones that Machete is a plot to jump-start a plot for a race war to turn Mexicans againstother races of the earth to instigate violence in America, which willturn into the possibility of civil war and even martial law.

So now race war is not the only thing on the minds of the elite but also a religious war between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

If the elite succeed with their plan to burn Qurans it will not only lead to violence but will also lead to martial law where people will beforcefully micro-chipped, vaccinated, then forced to wear metalbracelets plus weekly home invasion searches under the guise of stoppingterrorism created by the super-rich Bilderberg elite.

What started all of this was all over the Mosque being built on Ground Zero of 9/11. The people are not against the rights to build amosque but just to build it away from the site of the terrorist attackthe the US Government claims is started by radical Islams even thoughthe buildings were suppose to fall in order to push forth the PatriotAct which would strip away American rights. Right now there are protestsclaiming that they want a right to religion but they actually do havethe right to build a mosque but as long as they build away from the areaof 9/11 because it would hurt 9/11 victims and be a insult to all whoescaped the building collapse. The same junk went on to make it fair forillegal immigrants to cross the border claiming that going againstillegal immigration is a race issue thus starting the whole racial hateand conflict.

Sources include as followers:

Exclusive secret FBI memo: Government bracing for violence over burn Koran day

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Martial Law 'Executive Orders'

Top Clinton Official: Only a Terror attack can save Obama

Confirmed: machete is a race war epic

U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

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Obama Approval Ratings Blaze New Territory;

Related or Unrelated?

Fidel Castro Communism’s "Not Working in Cuba"

Two surprising and even stunning events occurred today, September 9, 2010 and . . . which in a twisted but positive way, might even be related . . . . “After I’ve seen what I’ve seen and knowing what I know, it wasn’t worth it at all . . .” so said Fidel Castro during an interview while visiting a dolphin show as part of his apparent almost miraculous comeback to salubrious health. Hold on, Brother!

According to the father of Cuban communism, when asked whether old-style socialism in general and specifically the “Cuban Model” which he and Che Guevarra jointly created are appropriate for the rest of the world today, Fidel shocked the reporter and listeners with his unscripted response, “Para el mundo? No sirve aun para nosotros!” That is, “For the world? It doesn’t even work for us!” Castro even cast doubt upon the wisdom of the "Cuban missile crisis" efforts he'd made to gain notoriety back in October, 1962 . . . but that's another story . . . .

In a seemingly unrelated story, today for the first time ever, the Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll documented strong disapproval numbers for Barack Obama’s presidential performance over twice his strong approval ratings. In posting their highest overall negative ratings for Obama (-24%) Rasmussen reported a strong approval rating for Obama among only 23% of likely voters (tying his personal low) and a strong disapproval rating of 47% (tying his personal high). This is the single largest turnaround in Rasmussen history, an incredible shift of -54% remembering back to Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, when Obama began with strong approval ratings of +45% exactly three times as high as his strong disapproval ratings of -15% giving him an overall approval of an amazing +30% at that time.

Rajjpuut would suggest that Fidel’s fellow traveler, Barack Obama, apply a bit of self-reflection and learn from that old, old dog’s newest trick and realize that besides the 120 million citizens of communist countries killed by their own country’s regimes, communism has never brought long-range economic success anywhere in the world . . .

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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another 50 million

President Obama calls his latest attempt to revive the economy a "Plan to Renew and Expand America's Roads, Railways and Runways." I'm calling it "The Mother of all Big Dig Boondoggles." Like the infamous "Big Dig" highway spending project in Boston, this latest White House infrastructure spending binge guarantees only two results: Taxpayers lose; unions win.The plan would add at least $50 billion more to the nearly $230 billion already allocated in the original trillion-dollar stimulus law for infrastructure. Less than one-third of that infrastructure stimulus money has been spent, but the urgency to pile on has increased exponentially as the midterm elections approach and unemployment hovers near 10 percent. So, the president says he wants to "put people back to work" through a new "upfront investment" in surface transportation, airports and the air-traffic control system paid for by repealing tax incentives for the oil and gas industries -- followed by massive, unpaid-for expenditures on pie-in-the-sky high-speed rail, "environmental sustainability" and "livability," whatever that means.Obama spoke emotionally at an AFL-CIO rally on Labor Day about unemployed construction workers. A "lot of those folks, they had lost their jobs in manufacturing and went into construction; now they've lost their jobs again," he said. "It doesn't do anybody any good when so many hardworking Americans have been idled for months, even years, at a time when there is so much of America that needs rebuilding."But here's the rub: Not all workers are equal in Obama's eyes. And most of them will remain "idled" by the Democrats' own design. The key is E.O. 13502, a union-friendly executive order signed by Obama in his first weeks in office, which essentially forces contractors who bid on large-scale public construction projects worth $25 million or more to submit to union representation for its employees.The blunt instrument used to give unions a leg up is the "project labor agreement (PLA)," which in theory sets reasonable pre-work terms and conditions -- but in practice, requires contractors to hand over exclusive bargaining control; to pay inflated, above-market wages and benefits; and to fork over dues money and pension funding to corrupt, cash-starved labor organizations. These anti-competitive agreements undermine a fair bidding process on projects that locked-out, nonunion laborers are funding with their own tax dollars. And these PLAs benefit the privileged few at the expense of the vast majority: In the construction industry, 85 percent of the workforce is nonunion by choice.12Full ArticleNext »Michelle Malkin
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$1.5 million grant to teach U of L students how to ease pain, comfort dyingBy Laura Ungar • • September 8, 2010Comments (1) Recommend Print this page E-mail this article Facebook Digg Reddit NewsvineBuzz up!Twitter FarkIt Type Size A A A The National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant of $1.5 million to a team from the University of Louisville to create a palliative care education program to teach future doctors, nurses and social workers to meet the physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of cancer patients.A team from the schools of medicine, nursing and social work — along with the clinical pastoral education program at three Louisville hospitals — are working together on the project. Palliative care involves end-of-life, hospice care but also alleviation of symptoms and attention to the various needs of seriously ill patients.Experts say the program will be one of less than a handful of palliative education efforts in the nation that ties together various disciplines. University officials said it will be the first such program that is required for students in the various schools.“No one has ever tried this before,” Dr. Mark P. Pfeifer, chief medical officer at U of L Healthcare and principal investigator on the grant, said at a press conference Wednesday morning.Work related to the project will begin immediately, with the program starting for students next year. Officials said the students from the various schools will work together and learn about each other’s roles.“We envision teaching tools that might include clinical rotations, self-study modules, reflective writing and the standardized patient program, in which patient care situations are simulated with real people,” said Marcia Hern, dean of the U of L School of Nursing. “From a nursing perspective we are tremendously excited about the promise of this interdisciplinary program. Nursing has a strong tradition of holistic care and this fits right in with that time-honored practice.”Experts said health care professionals are increasingly learning about palliative care, but not about one another’s roles in caring for patients.“Education tends to be siloed. There’s little cross-talk among the disciplines,” said Dr. David Weissman, director of the End of Life/Palliative Education Resource Center in Wisconsin and one of the nation’s foremost experts on palliative care education. “Breaking down those barriers is really a good thing.…When dealing with complex problems, all people have a role to play.”U of L officials said the grant will help the community deal with one of its largest health problems — cancer. Kentucky has the highest cancer mortality rate in the nation.“The relevance of this grant is in part the tremendous burden that cancer represents to the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” said Dr. Larry N. Cook, executive vice president for health affairs at U of L’s Health Sciences Center. The grant “positions the health sciences center as a leader in interdisciplinary education in a high-profile area.”Pfeifer said there’s tremendous value in treating the patient’s physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs — especially when all hope of a cure is lost.“Palliative care meets patients where they are,” Pfeifer said. “It does not put science upon them.”Reporter Laura Ungar can be reached at (502) 582-7190.1Comments >>Read and share your thoughts on this story.Related Topics■Places - Louisville, KY, University of Louisville■Health - Medicine, Nursing, Palliative CareContextual linking provided by TopixAds by Pulse 360 Get Listed HereElizabethtown TODAY: iPads for $123.89Alert: iPads being auctioned for deep discounts. Learn how Now…www.consumertipsdigest.orgBack To School At MeijerEnter back to school sweepstakes Save on great deals at Meijer! Refinance: 3.7% FIXED!$160,000 Mortgage: $547/mo. No SSN req. No Credit Checks. FREE Quotes!
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AboutContactArchivesRSSColumnsPhotos Michelle Malkin Voter rolls: We see dead people. Does the DOJ?By Michelle Malkin • September 7, 2010 09:27 AMPhotoshop: Conservative ArtsAmerica’s voter rolls are a mess. But you can’t count on the Department of Social Justice and corruptocrat Attorney General Eric Holder to clean them up. It’s another job the feds won’t do. Time for ordinary citizens to step up to the plate. Thanks to a provision in federal law, you can pick up the slack.Former DOJ attorney/whistleblower J. Christian Adams fills you in at Pajamas Media:In November 2009, political appointee Julie Fernandes told the entire assembled DOJ Voting Section that the Obama administration would not enforce the list maintenance provisions of Section 8. Section 8 “doesn’t have anything to do with increasing minority turnout,” Fernandes said. “We don’t have any interest in enforcing that part of the law.” End of story.At the same time, Fernandes stressed that the DOJ would vigorously enforce the welfare agency registration provisions of Section 7.She made these lawless instructions in front of me and dozens of other shocked Voting Section lawyers. The DOJ has never once denied that Fernandes gave these instructions, nor has the DOJ countermanded them.This lawless policy couldn’t have a partisan motivation, could it?Now, Americans are left to clean up the voter rolls on their own. Thankfully, Motor Voter provides a private right of action — that means private citizens can bring lawsuits against states and voter registrars who are allowing dead and ineligible voters to taint the voter rolls.Americans are used to getting the job done themselves. Reliance on government tends to disappoint.Using this private right of action, I have given sixteen states the legal notice required to alert them that they have violated Section 8 of Motor Voter. I am working with private citizens across the nation to help ensure that the elections in November aren’t plagued by ineligible voters……Every two years, states must report to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) information about their voter rolls. The latest report is troubling. South Dakota, Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Indiana report in excess of a dozen counties with more registered voters than living people old enough to vote. Having more voters than living humans tells you something is wrong. In West Virginia, one county reported 113% of the voting age population was registered to vote. Baltimore, Maryland, reported 104% of voting age citizens on the rolls. Iowa and North Carolina also reported counties with more voters than living citizens of voting age.All of these states received a notice letter.Ponce de Leon wasted his time looking for the fountain of youth in Florida — he should have gone to Maryland, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oregon, or Tennessee. These states report that they didn’t remove a single dead voter from 2006 to 2008. Some of the dead registered voters were resurrected on election day and cast ballots.These states also received a notice letter.Much more at Election Law Center.
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President Obama? Get Real

Only 11 percent of the American people approve of Congress. And sadly, your president, under pressure of “the party of no”—Republicans who don’t want anything Democrats want—is showing his desperation. At a loss of what to do to save the day for Democrats, he’s becoming juvenile in his remarks. I thank you Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. You’ve done the country a real service. You’ve given us the wake call that was lacking.

No question about it, Republicans are on a wave, but how do we bring the nation together? Bush didn’t. That’s the question. Before the needed change can take place, we must be made to realize that over the ages we have progressed. As we progress, our purpose increases. Thus, we are more aware of our failures, more determined to make the needed corrections.

Now we know that Obama doesn’t have answers; he’s a divider. The progressive movement, anything but progressive, is clearly bankrupting the United States. We must first stop spending our way out of the problem politicians created. But merely mention changing government entitlements brings howls of protest. Changing government worker’s pensions, even if they are bankrupting states, bring howls of protest. Reducing defense costs is unthinkable. America’s defense spending equals what all the rest of the world put together spends on defense. Anything but progressive, it’s outrageous what the politicians have done to us. After government entitlements, worker pensions, and defense spending, the rest of government expenditures is a drop in the bucket. At the rate we are going now we will soon be spending all of our tax money on government entitlements and interest of the national debt. When the people lose all sense of personal responsibility, first bankruptcy, then dictatorial control, America is on the brink of becoming another banana republic. With Obama’s Marxist revolutionary inner sanctum Glenn Beck of Fox News has exposed, he has already put the system in place. Obama, the divider, could not wait to cram a trillion dollar economic stimulus his inner sanctum wrote down our throats. It simply helped his political interests; it failed to help the economy. And that isn’t all, against the majority, Obama crammed down our throats Obamacare. The cost to employers is discouraging to economic growth. Absolutely, the economy, in spite of what Obama says, is worse off now than when Obama took office. This socialist tyrant in disguise has an ominous bureaucracy ready to pounce on industry. Tax the rich is the same as tax the employer out of his profit. Why hire people when government stands poised to grab the profit. Currently, it’s the blind leading the blind.

Like everything else government does these days, federal income tax is thousands of pages of ambiguous finagling, a shell game designed to make it appear to tax the rich when in fact it is designed to help the richest of the rich, like George Soros, maintain control. They get tax breaks no one else gets and in return finance political races. As a consequence, the guy you vote for is more than likely the guy who stabs you in the back.

The way to beat the biggest fraud of all times is a tax on spending to replace federal income tax. Wall Street pirates could either spend their ill-gotten incomes on themselves and be taxed accordingly or invest the loot they pirate away from the little guy in the economy which helps us all. There would be no incentive to buy politicians, at least for a time. The richest of the rich would have to begin again devising ways to favor themselves at everyone’s expense. They will always find ways. You can’t stop them.

But what a shame that Obama wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. He lives in the past. We find ourselves with all manner of assets. High tech has made it possible for the individual to do a hundred times the work that the individual could do a hundred years ago. You can talk all day about greedy capitalists, but what has this government leech done other than suck the life out of the economy? We should all be living like millionaires. Common sense says to say no to all politicians. The welfare state benefitting only one generation, this government invented Ponzi scheme we endure leaves future generations to bear a heavier and heavier tax burden, and the present generation screaming bloody murder.

The best way to stimulate the economy and job creation is to phase out entitlements and invest in the economy. Redistribution of income stimulates government growth, and government workers to redistribute what the economy produces. Who needs this?

We know now that it was a no-win transformation—all for himself and the shaft for you and I Obama wanted. He’d rather encourage the Mexican vote than protect the American people from Mexico’s out of control crime. Give me a break! Call me racist if you will, but let Obama take a permanent vacation—play golf all day every day; either that or ride the man out of office on a rail.
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“ . . . the result of 45 years of feminism is that we’ve destroyed the American family, made motherhood something to be apologized for and created a carping, bitter useless class of women leaders so on the alert for discrimination and unfairness under every paper clip that they’ve become miserable malcontents totally UNsuited for all but one profession: academic feminism . . . propagating further female misery. Worst of all, the feminists have corrupted the advancement of human potential revolution known as the ‘Women’s Movement’ into something shallow, hideous and destructive. Only one group has prospered from these insidious changes: the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.” Rajjpuut
Crocodile Tears of the Left
Flood America with Corruption
as the “BIG LIE” Dominates
Part III: Victim #3, Responsibility and the Human Potential Movement
In this blog series, we’ve been exposing the self-described “victimhood” of progressives at the hands of their evil, racist, etc. conservative oppressors and showing you where the real victimhood is:
In part I of the series (the link immediately above) the victim was “TRUTH” and among six key areas we hit Rajjpuut documented and exposed this truth:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
The chain of evidence producing that statement is something that every American ought to be aware of, just as every American ought to be aware of the identities of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and be able to articulate what Cloward-Piven strategy is . . . the fact that most Americans are totally ignorant of these things means someone hasn’t been doing their job.
In Part II of the series we examines the “Fourth Estate” and how their willful actions and inactions and choreographed responses (the scandal known as the “JournOList” which many Americans have not heard of because it’s too embarrassing for the liberal media to reveal that over 400 of its people have been colluding on how stories ought to be presented – to the benefit of the progressive political movement in this country) have sabotaged the nation and freedom and the Constitution. In Rajjpuut’s J-school classes reporting was all about revealing TRUTH in an ‘inverted-pyramid’ of Who? What? Where? Why? and How? That immediately put the most important facts at the top of the story and gradually petered out as less important details were shown. Today the inverted-pyramid has disappeared and unsupported opinion has replaced TRUTH in much of what passes for “NEWS.” Now let’s look at how the false victimhood of the progressives (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) has created another real victim:
Victim #3: Responsibility
Americans are very proud of freedom and rightfully so. However, there has always been a dark side to freedom: license. License is the unabated expression of freedom without exercising responsibility. The reason that progressives want to limit our freedoms and our free markets so much is that they don’t trust human nature without government controlling its every ebb and flow. Since they’ve been so instrumental in creating the culture of sexual license in particular it’s easy to see where their fears come from. There are perhaps a hundred key areas of American life that have been corrupted by the false-victimhood of progressivism, but just one will expose the root insanity of it all . . . .
So now let’s talk about a third victim of progressivism in America, RESPONSIBILITY. No area of progressivism so cries out for a full and deep disclosure of truth than progressives creating the victim mentality by insisting upon irresponsibility for their own lives and the lives of other so-called victims. Let’s start out with an attack on another of their sacred cows: single-motherhood, the very crux of feminism (not the women’s movement, feminism). Feminism is another area built up from lies, half-truths and myth having no relation to reality, history, or American culture.
First, however, let’s clear up what the “women’s movement” was and contrast it to feminism. Rajjpuut put his ex-wife through law school and (in her words) was the driving force for her eventually becoming a municipal judge. He also was the early childhood educator of his daughter and her first coach in five or six sports (tennis, swimming, 800 meter dash, chess, soccer, cross-country, and basketball). His daughter set the still-standing 800 meter dash record at her middle school; was a chess champion; earned the MVP honors on her freshman basketball team and on her C-squad basketball team; and an athletic and academic scholarship to college. The women’s movement is really, then the “human movement” where we seek full successful expression of every individual regardless of gender, color, etc. etc.
Feminism is an ugly expression only loosely related to the women’s movement. It’s been built on lies from the start. “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”; “Every act of sexual intercourse, including on the marriage bed, was a rape.” “Great leaders” of the feminist movement began by proselytizing lies like that and the only two things that have changed since they began are that the lies are much more subtle and often statistically based today, and they’ve used the lies to maintain the jobs of 12,600 Women’s studies professors and other feminists for about 40 years now all the while making the world a much worse place. Roughly half the human race is female and half male . . . nothing in the six million years of our evolution has been so important as our families, infant human beings need a minimum of twelve years of care before they’re ready to face the world and that care comes at a huge cost to their parents. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the lies of a few angry women are placed above the truth of our human history . . . .
Beginning with Betty Friedan, American feminists have claimed that women who prefer to be full-time wives and mothers are parasites, leeches upon society and that patriarchal society which created these ‘weak-willed, helpless creatures’ must be overturned. The result of 45 years of feminism is that we’ve destroyed the American family, made motherhood something to be apologized for and created a carping, bitter useless class of women so on the alert for discrimination and unfairness under ever paper clip that they’ve become miserable malcontents suited for only one profession: academic feminists propagating further female misery.
Worst of all, the feminists have corrupted the advancement of human potential revolution known as the ‘Women’s Movement’ into something shallow, hideous and destructive. Only one group has prospered from these insidious changes: the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Because so few women bother to question the illogical underpinnings of feminism, 54% of female voters support the Democrats.
While it is true that until the recent invention of items like the sanitary pad, the tampon, reliable contraception and especially “the pill,” for the most part women did not have a whole lot of control of their own bodies . . . and were often “imprisoned” somewhat by their own bodies . . . and by male dominated society . . . let us attack the great sacred cow of feminism: the single mother. Feminist would have you believe that since their movement arose, women are much freer now than they ever were.
The truth is that feminism has been a self-inflicted nuclear attack upon America and devastation to womankind; and more to the point feminism has enslaved American women into voluntary poverty and destroyed the American family. The crux of the feminist movement is the single-mother; she lies as the glorified desiderata of feminism. A bold, intelligent and free woman using some man or men as sperm-donors and raising her child or children free of evil male involvement. Why is the single-mother so important? As we’ll show very soon, single-motherhood is the single largest predictor of poverty for women and children and for criminal behavior in children once the teen years are reached. Single-motherhood has devastated the lives of American women in general and most specifically of Black American women . . . more later . . . .
Feminists want their cake and to be able to eat it too. Of all the tenets of feminism the most illogical and most hallowed is that women should be free to act like men in sexual matters. Indeed, thanks to feminism, a new breed of highly irresponsible men have arisen alongside the sexually-free feminists -- men scattering their semen across the hitherto virgin landscape . . . men who feel freer than ever (not necessarily happier, but certainly freer in sexual matters) to impregnate women and create families they’ll never be responsible for.
Why is the statement “Women should be as free as men in sexual matters” illogical? DUH! Men don’t get pregnant. Men don’t wind up with a disruptive (often times unwanted) guest inside their bodies for nine months. Men, under the rules of our new and enlightened feminism don’t have a new human being thrust upon them and into their lives for the next 18 years or so. Men don’t have to pay for and care for and be involved with the newly conceived human beings. Men have been utterly freed by feminism’s sexual freedom; women ironically have been enslaved by it.
“Wait! Wait!” you say, “what about birth-control? What about abortion?” Well what about them? Abortion pretty much on-demand has been the law of the land for 37 years now (that’s one and a half generations of women) so single-motherhood and unwed motherhood ought to be pretty much wiped out, no? The United States has the highest percentage of single-mother families in the world. Not talking widows. Not talking even divorcees (although the de-emphasis and hate for men spawned by feminists has seen divorce jump from 4% in 1955 to 56% today and that’s a dramatic undermining of the American family in and of itself) . . . just talking about true single-mothers. This is the supposed age of sexual enlightenment as well as freedom . . . how do, why do we Americans experience this massive onslaught of single-motherhood? Obviously . . . .
If birth-control were 100% effective . . . .
If women were 100% perfect in their applications of birth control . . . .
If, birth-control failing, anything close to 100% of women inconveniently impregnated opted for abortion . . .
If any of these three conditions, particularly the last one were true . . . single-motherhood would not be found except in miniscule numbers. But besides its other shortcomings, the feminist movement has made the single-mother into a progressive cultural icon and hero. She’s virtually always depicted as a heroic, intelligent, strong-charactered young woman who knows what she wants out of life perfectly balancing children and career in her utterly self-determined life. Sort of a Virgin Mary without a hymen, eh? Young girls are shown on all fronts the glory of single-motherhood on TV, in movies, in magazines, on the internet, etc., etc. Glory? What are the facts? Well, as one way of expressing this glory -- “Mugged? Thank a single-mother!”
Before going further, remember we’re talking about American RESPONSIBILITY being a victim of the false-victimhood mentality pushed everywhere upon us by the progressive-left movement. So far incidentally, we’ve seen that large quantities of men freed dramatically from the need to feel responsible for sexual acts or their consequences have become far more irresponsible in this area than at any time in American history.
We’ve seen that many women striving to live up the standards of the most licentious of men from a bygone era now claim the right to act sexually-liberated without the corresponding responsibility to realize that all responsibility for the consequences of sex can and very well might be borne by them and them along.
And we’ve seen a carping sisterhood of b_tchy feminists who have undermined the American family at every turn since about 1965 and who glory in the so-called “gains” of their movement, while taking no responsibility for its decadent effects upon America, and American women; feminists who portray the single-mother as a heroic standard-bearer of their movement. Ahem, so what is the truth about that single-motherhood?
Just as the whole feminist agenda, single-motherhood is a propagation of lies about victimhood. All traditional interactions between men and women are suspect as part of the patriarchal hostility of men toward women. Gloria Steinem’s famous dictate “Every incidence of sexual intercourse, even on the marriage bed, constitutes rape” is the classic example of this principle.) Unless the whole scheme of intergender interactions are shifted 100% toward the feminist delineation of perfection in these spheres they remain examples of evil men dominating and exploiting women. In other words, women have no free will at all unless it’s imposed by feminists? How far have we strayed toward that despicable goal? At the 2001 Academy Awards, three of the five women nominated for Best Actress played “strong, successful single women” and one played a long-time widow. No need for those “pesky men.”
Ann Coulter, in her magnificent expose Guilty: liberal “victims” and their assault on America, devotes her 39-page second chapter in the book to single-motherhood. She begins, “The most worshiped figure in modern America is the “single mother. Politicians tout their programs explaining how they will help single mothers . . . a sure way to draw applause from the crowd is to introduce single mothers in the audience.” Ah, yes victimhood. “Jesse Jackson,” she says, “. . . compares single mothers to Mary the mother of Jesus.” Terms like “unsung heroines” are bandied about frequently while the phrase “single mothers hardest hit” shows up somewhere in speeches, liberal media reports and policy-making bodies perhaps a hundred times each week. Single mothers are the ultimate phony victims. Remember contraception? Remember the morning after pill? Remember abortion? Remember GASP! “choice?”
That is the key word, the choices and compounding of their choices means that more than a million unmarried women every year CHOOSE to needlessly expose themselves to pregnancy and CHOOSE to bear a child out of wedlock . . . not considering that the consequences to themselves, their children and the very fabric of American society are horrendous. While the progressives like to lump widows and divorcees into the category “single mothers.” Widows, on average, do almost as well as married moms financially and in the outcomes of their children. Divorcees usually not nearly so well as married women, but compared to bona fide single moms, divorcees and all other groups of women with children are socially aware and noble plutocrats. Divorced women are not solely to blame for the hardships they and their children face . . . divorced men share some of the blame. So what is the outcome of single motherhood on American society?
Whether the pregnancy is unplanned, unwanted, accidental, or even connived for . . . this makes little difference. The choice to bear children without a father is devastating to the child, the mother and society at large. Girls raised without fathers are far more promiscuous and more likely to become single mothers or to have their marriages end in divorce. The strongest predictor of a child spending time in prison is single parenthood and overwhelmingly single motherhood, 70+%; juvenile murderers72%; rapists, 60%; all of the following situations teenage births, school dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquency, and murderers of their own children . . . 70% or more were raised by single mothers.
Here’s a key factor that explains much about so-called Black victimhood . . . if single-motherhood is taken out of the equation for both Black and White crime statistics, there is NO difference between the races in criminal activity. The deliberate creation of and the great expansion of the welfare state by the progressive left has shattered the solid Black family in existence in 1950 or 1960 and has created not only false-victims, but also a vicious cycle of new victims. And these victims beget new methods among Blacks . . . 84% of all prison inmates, 92% of all runaways and active gang members, and 89% of all homeless children are associated with single motherhood. Did we remind you, this was a choice? By 2005, more than one third of all children born in the United States were illegitimate; in the Black community the number is closer to 48%. 90% of welfare recipients are single mothers regardless of race. Half of all single mothers in the country live below the poverty line and children of single mothers (they tend to repeat their indiscretions) are six times** more likely than other children to live in poverty. We have the sainted single mothers and the feminist strategy of false-victimhood almost singly to blame for the disintegration of the American family and for the devastating consequences that followed in its wake.
While old-fashioned “Scarlet Letter” approaches to single-motherhood are despicable by modern standards, one thing is certain, they seemed to work. The social pressure to conform and “is a good girl” in ages past when reliable contraception was unknown was dramatically effective. What is the answer? Rajjpuut would suggest a GlennBeckian approach along those ancient lines . . . NOT OUTSIDE PRESSURE, but a new understanding by girls and women of the true reality of single motherhood outside of the glorified “single motherhood” image now being propagated by feminists and by Hollywood should lead them to a new pragmatic morality for the benefit of themselves, their children and America.
Next Time: First Crocodile Tears, then Dismemberment Part IV
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** How can this shocking statistic be true? Are single mothers literally breeding a whole new “underclass?” Yes, single moms do tend to give birth to other children out of wedlock but this is hardly the “cause.” One reason is that America has more than twice the teenage pregnancy rate as other developed nations. Whereas a French single mother, for example, might typically be 28 or 33 years of age, and have a career and an education, huge amounts of American single mothers are teenagers with neither a career nor an education. Neither “just say ‘NO!’ nor contraception, etc. seems to work because so many Americans are raising girls to be irresponsible, to have low self-esteem; and seeing the glories of single motherhood flaunted around them in the media. Another reason is that in most of the rest of the world the ‘extended family’ is still a viable social model. People elsewhere are far more likely to care for their extended family then to leave their fate to welfare. Family is important, especially when you get in a bind.
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America's Future

In Tesla, Man Out of Time by Margaret Cheney, we read in her biography of Tesla that he believed we must all have an ideal to govern our conduct, but it is immaterial whether it be one of creed, art, science or anything else as long as it fulfills the function of “dematerializing forces.”

Although his father was a minister of the gospel, Tesla was not into the doctrines and dogmas of the church. Said Tesla, “While I have failed to obtain any evidence in support of the contentions of psychologists and spiritualists, I have proved to my complete satisfaction the automatism of life, not only through continuous observations of individual actions, but even more conclusively through certain generalizations.” He believed we react to external stimulus, and that we are mechanical. Some day robots, said Tesla, will be able to do the same as we do. What did Tesla mean by “dematerializing forces?” Robots cannot be equipped with consciousness; it’s something God gave us. Like Einstein, Tesla was limited to physical observations. If fact, Einstein had the greatest admiration for Tesla.

Tesla struggled all of his life to take his many disappointments philosophically. He had the idea that since he was out of his time that people didn’t understand what he knew to be true. He wrote his banker, J.P. Morgan, “We are but cogwheels in the medium of the universe, and it is . . .an unavoidable consequence of the laws governing the pioneer who is far in advance of the age is not understood and must suffer pain and disappointment and be content with the higher reward which is accorded to him by posterity.” I don’t follow what Tesla meant by the “higher reward accorded by posterity” Cogwheels? Craving a grand lifestyle, but always hard up, the visionary Tesla said we are machines reacting to our experiences. I have a problem with that idea.

Tesla was the inventor of alternating current. He made a deal with Westinghouse to replace Edison’s direct current. With little cash in the palm, Tesla was to get a royalty on the AC power sold. But due to Tesla’s royalty agreement, Westinghouse was unable to borrow the money needed. Westinghouse hated to ask Tesla the way he did, but he offered to let Tesla wave his royalty for the sake of posterity. Tesla waved his royalty. Westinghouse and posterity benefitted. Westinghouse never returned the favor. Tesla understood that’s the way the system works. Be that as it may, but why let yourself be here for posterity and everyone else for self? Let’s see what happens.

Tesla discovered wireless communication and presented his plan to J.P. Morgan to build a world broadcasting station. Morgan agreed to loan Tesla $150,000. It was enough to start the project but Tesla needed more. Then too, Morgan was slow about advancing the money. Marconi stole Tesla’s idea and got the jump. Marconi got credit for discovering wireless communication. Poor Tesla never raised the money needed to complete his world broadcasting plan. Once again, Tesla did something great for posterity, without one dime of financial reward.

Tesla, who gave the world so much, late in life a recluse, hung a “do not disturb sign” on the door of his hotel room home and proceeded to die of a heart attack, we’re told, in his bed at age 86. There is no evidence of foul play, in so far as we know, but it’s a mystery of what happened to the many boxes of Tesla’s papers he stored in the hotel’s basement. They disappeared, later to turn up, but not all—after the United States examined them. The United States doesn’t know anything about it.

There is something familiar about this. I recall that my truck driver refused to join the union where he was delivering lumber. An autopsy ruled that he died of brain concussion. He fell off the bed of his truck and landed on his head, so the union told us. There was no investigation made.

In the biography of Tesla, we read, “On October 24, 1947, David L. Bazelon, assistant attorney general and director of the Office of Alien Property, wrote to the commanding officer of the Air Technical Service Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, regarding the Tesla Photostats that had been sent by registered mail on or about September 11, 1945, to Colonel Holliday, at the latter’s request.” Did you know that in the Attorney General’s office there a Director of the Office of Alien Property? Wright Field denies having any hidden evidence of extraterrestrials, but there is much evidence that it does. Did Colonel Holliday have Tesla killed? We’ll never know. But we know the United States had some of Tesla’s papers. How did the United States get those papers?

Those who are not satisfied with the answers bureaucrats give them, those who look within for their answers, asked about the missing Tesla files. “Our records do not reveal that this material has been returned,” said Assistant Attorney General Bazelon to Wright Field. He requested that they be returned. Wright Field replied: “These reports are now in the possession of the Electronic Subdivision and are being evaluated.” Evaluated for what?

There is no record that the Tesla files were ever returned. The office that had the files has been “deactivated.” We know Wright Field kept some of Tesla’s papers and refused to return them. What’s left of Tesla’s papers may be seen in the Tesla Museum in Belgrade. We’ll never know if Tesla died of natural causes.

In his biography we are told that toward the end of his life, Tesla continued to speak of wireless communication, not only on this planet but with the universe, and that he knew there was other intelligent life in the universe. How did he know? What did this man out of time know that we don’t know? Do we really need to know? The United States obviously doesn’t think so.

In the past, it was Wall Street tycoons in control. Those in control today, Democrat Obama and his revolutionary czars, Democrat dingbat Pelosi of loony San Francisco, Democrat Prince Harry, whose relative was hung for being a horse thief and cattle rustler, Democrat Frank, the tongue tied homosexual who ran a male prostitution racket from his office, Democrat on-the-take, wheeler-dealer Dodd, and the Democrats’ police state bureaucrats, not to mention fat cat Wall Street frauds, all believing there is no need for everyone to know what they know. We’re finding out there is a great deal we didn’t know.

Tesla doing all that he did for posterity, did you know that in poverty, disillusioned, all alone, dying in suffering and shame, Tesla was ripped-off by the United States? I didn’t know this until I read Margaret Cheney’s biography.

At the recent Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial, 500,000 loyal Americans repeated our Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

America’s masters of deceit, declaring it unconstitutional, have removed under God from the Pledge. The federal judiciary, big government, big labor, General Electric, the NAACP, and the ACLU, all want you to work for posterity—for the good of all. You now know where it got Tesla. Vote your conscience on November 2, 2010.

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“Liberals live in a world in which everyone is either an oppressor or a victim. In this rather extreme morality play, they control the casting: they are always the victims and conservatives are always the oppressors.” Ann Coulter from her book Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault upon America

Crocodile Tears of the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part II: Victim #2, The Fourth Estate (Journalism)

LAST TIME:,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

In the previous installment (Part I: Victim #1, TRUTH ) we discussed how the progressives/liberals play fast and loose with the notion of their victimhood by the oppressor-conservatives in society. Indeed, how progressives club the conservative society at large around them (those racists, bigots, Nazis, Fascists, women-haters, who drove the car into the ditch with the monstrous lie of their own victimhood. Then we examined five of their biggest and most popular victim dramas in some depth. We ended with this surprising truth about the “car in the ditch” parable:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy they employed to DELIBERATELY create the bankruptcy of New York City between 1967 and 1975 by creating a community organization that deliberately overloaded the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992 . . . ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff . . . when George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

Admit it, this is a surprising, if not shocking truth but one which we’d already documented earlier in that first blog and which Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner summed up briefly two weeks ago when he praised Bush’s passage of a 2007 law that Geithner was assessing.

While that might play in Peoria, truth is no desiderata for the left. “You can hear the non-denial denials rampant “You’re blaming poor people for the recession?” No, we don’t blame the poor people for letting ACORN, Obama and the progressive movement use them like storm troopers against capitalism . . . no, Rajjpuut blames the progressives who knew damn well what they were doing and who’d plotted it all along. The poor have been doubly victimized by the progressives by a) being used as pawns and b) becoming locked more deeply in to the victimhood lie when they failed to be able to pay their $400,000 mortgages. Let us delve further into these crocodile tears shed before liberals dismember our country . . . .

Journalism was honored in the perspectives of our founding fathers because they saw it as another part of the necessary system of ‘checks and balances’ that kept the Republic strong. Today, however, the Fourth Estate has become the first line of defense for progressive/liberal candidates and ideas. The broadcast media and print media are today NOT trusted by the average Americans because it’s obvious that far from truth, the media are pushing the left-wing agenda.

The Pew Research Center found that for 12 out of 13 consecutive weeks during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama was the presidential candidate most visible in the news. Obama was clearly the “media’s president.” News outlets by their dramatically favorable and dramatically increased coverage of Obama essentially provided free advertising for him, giving him significantly more frequent and more favorable coverage than Sen. John McCain. The cost to the Obama campaign would have been hundreds of millions of dollars to buy all the advertising that the left-leaning media provided him for free. But that’s not all, journalists who gave to Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign outnumbered those who contributed to McCain by 20-to-1, according to Investor’s Business Daily. How severe is a 20-1 edge? Blacks voted for Obama over McCain by 95.6% to 4.4% that’s just barely over 20-1.

Are you surprised to discover that campaign news coverage of Sen. McCain was three times more negative than coverage of then-Sen. Obama following the conventions, according to the nonpartisan Project for Excellence in Journalism. Recently, leaked e-mail messages from an online forum for reporters and commentators called JournOList** gave Americans a look behind the curtain of the national media — a mighty ugly backstage view. During the 2008 campaign, a group of over 400 journalists, academicians, and media bigwigs tried to protect then-Sen. Obama from the Jeremiah Wright “God damn America” scandal that threatened his presidential campaign by focusing attention on the “racism” of Obama’s attackers and non-attackers.

"Journalists from Time, Politico, The Baltimore Sun and The New Republic, among others, expressed outrage over questions regarding Reverend Jeremiah Wright that Obama received during a debate. Some of the journalists collaborated to shield Obama from his association with the radical preacher,” according to Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller website. President Obama won by about 7.3 percent. “That means that if the media’s biased reporting changed the minds of just four voters out of every 100, the media determined the outcome of the election.”

Today, the media coddling of Obama continues. "Hardball questions" are never asked and anytime he's GASP!! criticized, the newsmen break out the "racism" card in his behalf. It's impossible to be just objecting to Obama's actions or his political views, no, you are a racist! Despite Barack Obama’s well-demonstrated ineptness as president and his vicious attacks on America’s free markets and her Constitution, the once proud Fourth Estate in the hands of today's progressive/liberal media is still slanting 99 stories of every 100 in obvious efforts to help him the most or hurt him the least . . . because Barack Obama (and not the voters and taxpayers) is clearly the victim here . . . and if you don’t believe that, you’re a bigoted, racist, anti-woman, homophobe infected with cooties . . . .

Next Time: Part III

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Apparently this joyful collusion between journalists has been going on for quite some time. During the Wright controversy, one female journalist on the JournOList called upon the boys to "man up." She claimed that it hurt her pride and feminist self-image to have to look the other way while Bill Clinton "danced about with Monica, Jennifer, Paula, etc."

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“Liberal Motto: Speak loudly and carry a small victim” chapter one title of Ann Coulter’s book GUILTY: Liberal ‘victims’ and their assault on America

Crocodile Tears from the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part I: Victim #1, TRUTH

The progressive/liberal bullies who have ganged together to take over America in the name of their eventual socialist-Utopia -- like all bullies -- claim to be the victims and stack up an unending list of grievances. Their nastiness is just a matter of self-defense. Victimhood is their 1st nature. Victimhood is their 2nd nature. Victim is their beloved identity. These phony victims are advancing their hellish cause by . . . creating real victims and by destroying our country. Let’s look at some of their real victims:

1. Truth: We, normal everyday patriotic conservative Americans who are banding together in protest of the progressive front’s innumerable affronts, are (pick one or more) racists and bigots; Nazis, Fascists, haters, stupid, warmongers, anti-woman, anti-youth, anti-Semitists, witch-hunters, drivers who put the car (economy) into the ditch, etc. etc. Let’s look at the worst of these lies slung against conservatives, also known as “the right”:

Racism? Since Barack Obama got 48% of the White vote (more than either Gore or Kerry did) and John McCain got 4.2% of the Black vote where does the real racism lie? Since Obama’s Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez dropped a well-documented voter intimidation case against the New Black Panthers already for all intents and purposes won by the Bush administration; and since Ms. Fernandez has told a roomful of DOJ employees they won’t be prosecuting cases in which Black perpetrators commit racial crimes against Whites, who are the real victims?

Nazis? How come no one mentions that Nazi means “National SOCIALIST Workers’ Party” member and that Nazis said their economic plan was neither Capitalist, nor Communist but another way of controlling the economy . . . doesn’t all that mean that Nazis are a left-wing group? That word “workers” and the Nazis attacks upon capitalism all along, doesn’t that mean anything? Since these slanders are routinely tossed about against good people and no proof is ever offered, who are the real victims?

Fascists? Hmmm, forgive our actually looking at history, but Mussolini and the Italian movement that came to be known as fascism, didn’t that start out as workers seizing control of the corporations? Since these slanders are routinely tossed about against good people and no proof is ever offered, who are the real victims?

Anti-woman? Since the feminist movement hijacked the up till then beautiful women’s rights movement, think of all the great things that have happened (Great things like: Hasn’t the American family suffered? Haven’t our children suffered? Haven’t a much larger percentage of women become impoverished? Haven’t a much larger percentage of one-parent families been created? Haven’t many more children been raised in poverty? Hasn’t the number of children born out of wedlock multiplied? Hasn’t the incidence of female alcoholism and drug addiction risen dramatically? Hasn’t the incidence of women getting jobs as Women’s Studies professor’s multiplied?) And since stay-at-home moms are treated by feminists as untouchables, who are the real victims?

Ditch drivers? The left has claimed that our present financial crisis was created by 1) the Bush Administration 2) conservatives 3) lack of government regulations on the economy 4) the free market, etc. who all banded together to drive the car (the economy) into the ditch (deep recession). Progressives forced major changes in mortgage laws five times between 1977 and 1998. Once the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) was passed, they also created ACORN in Arkansas immediately to willfully abuse these laws. In 1975, only 0.24% of all home loans in the country were made with 3% down payment or less. Low down payment mortgages were reserved for exceptionally well-qualified veterans only. By 1995, 14% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment.

That shifty wing of the Democratic Party, ACORN, was shaking down lenders and forcing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people whose only income was food stamps; any person on welfare; even illegal aliens. And who was the best ACORN lawyer at shaking down these lenders who really didn’t want to make loans to people who never had a prayer of repaying their mortgages? Barack Obama!

Somewhere after Bill Clinton’s third expansion of CRA ’77 (two in ’95) put the whole system on steroids in 1998, (Barack Obama was gone by now) ACORN discovered it was almost as easy under the ’98 law to get an impoverished person into a $400,000 home as it had been earlier to put him into a $120,000 one. By 2005, 34% of all home loans were completed with less than 3% down payment. That’s called a “sub-prime lending crisis.”

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner gave George W. Bush a thumbs up about two weeks ago saying that Bush’s efforts to pass a law in July, 2007 kept the country from going really deep into recession and kept home prices from plummeting ever lower. Unmentioned is that Bush sought to pass a tougher law in January, 2005, 30 months earlier but that progressive votes derailed that effort. The 2007 law that Geithner praised was way too little, way too late . . . but it was a life-saver, nevertheless. So the truth about that ditch is . . . .

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

NEXT TIME: Victim #2

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their strategy of orchestrated crisis in 1966 based upon Saul Alinsky’s 1945 book Reveille for Radicals. Obama, only five at the time, would later teach college courses in Alinksy’s later book, Rules for Radicals over several semesters. Bill and Hillary Clinton were also big Alinsky fans. Before marriage, Hillary wrote her honors thesis on Alinsky’s “method” based upon his “guidebook for community organizers” which became Rules for Radicals shortly afterward in 1971.

Cloward and Piven and community organizer George Wiley created the National Welfare Rights Organization in 1967 in hopes of “overloading the system” and forcing the Congress to pass a “Guaranteed National Income” which they believed would abolish poverty for once and forever. After New York City was bankrupted in 1975 (requiring federal government bailout) and New York State came within inches of bankruptcy also . . . the threesome bragged publicly and in print about the great thing they’d accomplished (hardly mentioning that GNI never was even considered. Cloward and Piven told their followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas for emphasis.

Wiley sent his lieutenant Wade Rathke to Arkansas (the “A” in ACORN first stood for “Arkansas” only later for “Association”) in ’77 to help out an up and coming politician (lieutenant-governor by age 30) Bill Clinton and to establish community organizations to work on voter registration and housing. Rathke would later found SEIU. With ACORN’s help Clinton served as Arkansas governor for 12 of the 14 years between 1978 and 1992 until he became president. One of his first laws was the Motor Voter Act in 1993 and in the official photo you can see Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing behind directly behind him as he signs the bill into law. Clinton was responsible for three of the four expansions of the original CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee law. However, to be fair . . . the biggest mistake may have been George H. W. Bush’s . . . .

Successful in 44 out of his 45 vetoes, in 1992 G.H.W. Bush allowed a major and complicated bill to pass by not vetoing it. One of the tinier sections of the bill expanded CRA ’77 for the first time so that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the two federally-owned mortgage giants) had to comply with the CRA ’77 laws and made CRA ’77 “watertight.” This sort of thing is one reason that Rajjpuut favors the TEA Party Contract from America provision that says that all proposed bills need to quote the U.S. Constitution to show what provision of the Constitution allows the new law. One proviso, remember the July, 2007, law that Bush the younger passed which Geithner praised, that law was a stop-gap after the Democrats stopped the much stronger and better law Bush proposed in January, 2005. That means an awful lot of evil is still on the books in all the five mortgage-guarantee laws that were not rescinded. They’re still on the books and still waiting to destroy the country.

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Mighty Dollar In Trouble

Mighty Dollar Madison NC Franchise closes due to continuing economic failure throughout America

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Note: This is a exclusive special report by USWGO

Cropped Picture of Mighty Dollar of Madison NC closed down forever

Many that thought dollar stores will actually do well in a depression style economic collapse is sadly mistaken. According to Brian D. Hillthat is not just a founder of USWGO but also a skilled photographer,and a reporter, he found out after wanting to take a trip to MightyDollar that's located in 706 Rockingham Square in Madison, NC 27025,is unfortunately shut down due to the increasing economic failures.

After seeing that it was closed the USWGO Founder decided to take pictures of the closed down store to show the world how bad Americaseconomy is getting. The official website of Mighty Dollar is at

USWGO hasn't yet contacted Mighty Dollar company for comment regarding the Madison NC franchise shutdown or found a reason why theshut down has occured but further investigation finds that it is theeconomy that gut Mighty Dollar from Madison NC.

In the parking lot at the shopping center where Mighty Dollar is located the pavement in the one area is degrading while not receivingany repair.


So while President Barack Obama says that he will not rest until he brings more jobs, which would restore the economy, the economy isslowly sliding from a Recession, to a Depression, and maybe to the endof the United States of America.

Also before the store had went out they used to sell everything as a dollar including First Aid ointment which would be mainly $2 to $3 inmany other places, then merchandise was not being stocked as well, tosome merchandise not being stocked anymore, and then well you know theyclosed down.

So why would dollar stores go out of businesses since they would sell more due to the fact that prices are going up everywhere? Becausethe price of raw material is being inflated due to the economic failureplus the Federal Reserves excessive printing of money thus causing adevaluation of the dollar next to it's competitors the Yuan, Yen, andEuro.

If raw materials go up then either prices must rise, packaging must be reduced, quality of the product must go down, or quantity of theproduct has to go down.

Already gas stations are reducing their bottled drink sizes from 24 fl oz to 20 fl oz while keeping their prices the same or little bithigher.

Even at Walmart it is now a memory that you can buy a good priced drink that would be 24 fl oz.

If raw materials keep going up in prices then the people may start rioting in the United States over their standards of living and/orquality of life slowly faltering into the dirt.

If seeing a Mighty Dollar being closed down including a Martinsville VA Restaurant hardly getting any customers isn't a sign that theeconomy is falling and that we are in a Depression then we don't knowwhat is.

In the news other countries have either riots or massive revolts over the massive inflation of prices on everything. The same thing ishappening to America so dollar stores all over America may bethreatened by the fact that raw materials can go up in price.

Here is another picture showing even closer how the great Madison NC Mighty Dollar isn't Mighty anymore.


once another great mighty mega store along with many carts for shoppers to use is now another closed down economic tragedy not tomention more jobs lost.

Does it just look like the economy keeps getting worse? Please add your input to the comments below.

Sources include:

Martinsville VA Economy falls: Rise in food stamps usage while Restaurants hardlyget any customers

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Food riots erupt in Mozambique

Riots, instability spread as food prices skyrocket -

The World's Growing Food-Price Crisis - TIME

FOREX-Dollar falls vs euro, higher-yielding currencies

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Is Barack Obama
a Marxist Ideologue?
Your laziness and your stupidity, it they indeed exist, are the #1 weapons in the arsenal of Barack Obama . . . so please, please don't sell yourself, our nation and your own industry and curiosity short . . . go the distance for America.
Actually that title (Is Barack Obama a Marxist Ideologue?) is rather inane, the truth is obvious. The short answer is “Definitely, YES!” as will be proved, in the following paragraphs. The real question for some might then become, will he harm our country? The short answer is “Definitely, YES! And not only that, his already-concluded betrayals since 1995 are worthy not only of impeachment but of a treason conviction and he’s deliberately betrayed us every day since he swore to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ by doing everything humanly possible to undermine this country!” as will soon be revealed beginning with the third paragraph below. And then, friends, it gets worse, so let's get to this nastiness . . . .
Probably the most troubling moment in the recent presidential debates, was when the moderator prefaced his question to Candidate Obama with “It’s been repeatedly shown that every time the tax rate on the highest earners is raised much above 28%, that a recession occurs, given that, will you insist upon raising those taxes as you’ve consistently said up to this point?” Our president did not blink an eye in saying, “Charlie (Rose), I just believe we need to be fair.”
That was telling, a dramatically telling exchange, to Ol’ Rajjpuut, . . . the president of the United States would rather we all suffer in economic misery just so he could punish those “evil richies,” than to do the best thing for the entire nation. In common jargon he prefers to cut off his nose to spite his face. That is, Barack Obama is content to be a one-term president in order to push his Marxist ideology (proved below) to the extreme of wrecking the greatest capitalist nation the world has ever known. Recently 55% of Americans have said in a liberal think-tank poll that “socialist” is the right adjective to describe Barack Obama . . . unfortunately, it’s taken three and a half years for them to discover this inaccuracy. Rajjpuut has read “Dreams from My Father” while most Americans have not. Rajjpuut has read the following essay by Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr., the father of our president which discusses "100% taxes" while most Americans have not . . .
It’s amazing what the dreams of his father actually are . . . oh, but you haven’t bothered to research it and read it, have you? Rajjpuut has also done tons of research that led him to write this blog about a week ago:
which shows that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not only a Marxist ideologue but that he has been involved in deliberately sabotaging the United States with Cloward-Piven tactics and strategy for at least fifteen years.
The provocative and frequently prescient Cook Political Report
recently described Cook’s surprise in hearing early last summer “from a Democratic congressional leadership staffer who had sat in on a number of closed-door meetings between President Obama and Democratic members of Congress" who told Charlie Cook something shocking,
‘I know this isn't true and sounds naïve, but listening to the president
in these meetings, you'd think he really doesn't care if he gets re-elected or not.’ . . .
Cook goes on, "Most recently, I thought of (those words) following the president's decision to weigh in on the proposal to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center in lower Manhattan, not far from Ground Zero . . . . If I were a Democratic candidate on the ballot this year, I suspect I would be livid. Predictably, conservatives and Republicans are having a field day with the issue. No doubt, if the shoe were on the other foot, Democrats would be making hay while Republicans would be seeking a place to hide . . . . At the risk of sounding like an unlicensed psychoanalyst, it seems that President Obama is so supremely self-confident, so self-assured of the righteousness of his positions, that perhaps he believes if he does what he thinks is best and lets the chips fall where they may, everything will eventually work out. And, if it doesn't, well, he'll still think he did the right thing anyway.”
Rajjpuut, believes that both Charlie Cook and the Democratic congressman who told that story to Charlie Cook, are unfortunately, giving Barack Obama too much credit for patriotism and statesmanship. That story alone would cement the “ideologue” label on BHO, but we’ve already seen that there’s more than enough of that glue going round . . . . The fact is that Barack Obama is sacrificing the United States for the greater good . . . the greater good according to the Marxist theory of dialectic materialism**. His every action since 1995 has aligned with exactly that philosophy. It ties together nicely as if with a bright red bow with a hammer and sickle, but you've got to be willing to actually learn and then think about what you learned, and Barack Obama is banking upon Americans being too stupid . . . . The BIG LIE of Barack Obama has been expressed in many forms akin to “Blame it on Bush,” but is most infamously revealed to us as the “car in the ditch” story that he has told fondly on at least thirty different occasions now. The metaphor sounds valid, to those who refuse to go beyond the surface:
A car (the economy) has been driven into the ditch (severe recession) by the Conservatives, the Republicans, Wall Street and whatever other greedy capitalists you wish to finger. Now as the brave work of Obama and his administration has almost got the car out of the ditch, (he says) there stand the Republicans asking for the keys to the car again. Obama says, defiantly, “No, you can’t have the keys back, you put it into the ditch and you don’t know how to drive.”
Only one problem, the fable is not only a lie, but a BIG LIE (a well-known and effective propaganda trick) and Mr. Obama is well aware that it’s a lie. The BIG TRUTH^^ is:
Barack Obama, ACORN, and a myriad of progressive politicians have been DELIBERATELY pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush hops in, grabs the steering wheel and slams on the brakes to create a controlled skid that lands the car in the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Is that possible? Does it even make sense? Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted as much two weeks ago when he said that George Bush’s actions (in 2007) prevented a much deeper recession and prevented a complete collapse of prices in the housing market. The full truth of the matter backing up the Big Truth story about Obama, ACORN and the Cliff can be found in item #7 at this link:
The BIGGER TRUTH, however, is that Americans are too willing to believe lies, because they’re too lazy to question popular-sounding notions from progressive (and other ) politicians as the rest of the blog linked immediately above proves. We got the recession we deserved, because it was deliberately created by the politicians we elected, politicians we deserved because we’re too lazy to deserve the country our founding fathers gave us.
All that being said, the real question is with defeat for his party looming presumably despite ballot box chicanery set in motion by ACORN long ago, what is Barack Obama, not willing to do to screw this country. Might he eventually institute martial law and attempt to rule the country as a dictator? “Definitely YES!**”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Yes, this is what we're being sacrificed for. Some here would split hairs and say, "Not Marx, Hegel." Dialectical materialism is essentially characterized by the thesis that virtually all history is the product of class struggles and follows from a collision of cultures of haves and have-nots both inside and outside a given society. And, of course, the eventual collapse of capitalism is the long-awaited most-glorious-day when socialism takes over, to itself be replaced eventually by a most-perfect socialism (communism) as we all live together harmoniously in Utopia. Did you know that Communist regimes killed 120 million of their own people during the last 90 years? It's called democide, a word that had to be invented just for them.
^^ For the even bigger truth consider this, the UNfunded liabilities of the nation now stand near $115 TRillion. That means in the 75 years since Social Security was passed; and in the 45 years since Medicare and Medicaid were passed, the progressive elements of the congress (and usually even so-called moderates) have been deliberately breaking the law by refusing to fund these three entitlement programs. By the way, besides the federal side of Medicaid, new legislation will presumably bankrupt all of the states between 2018 and 2024 as they face a huge new state burden from Medicaid (as part of Obamacare). And . . . yes, there's always more . . . and the obligations for all the welfare programs in the future are not included in anything discussed so far.

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