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Unspeakable Horrors Up North

While Rajjpuut continues his recuperation from a compound hangnail and aggravated golf-shoulder, 96-year old understudy, Payne Hertz, covers his blog-beat this week.

I found myself singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and getting bewildered looks from the crowd standing at attention around me, then I realized they were singing “God, save our noble Queen” . . . Canada has proven something of a pleasing cultural shock. The last time I visited the country I was 26 and like many adventurous Americans headed north to join the Canadian wing of pilots training for the Brit’s Royal Air Force in hopes of stoppin Herr Hitler. While much has changed on the surface, the underlying benificence of the Canadian people rolls on eternally.

I was assigned a strange story this week, to research “What’s up with the vast emigration of the liberal-elite out of the United States, and specifically the motivations for hundreds of thousands of elite illegal alien liberals sneaking into Canada each and every week?” My first stop was with Robin Glassconk, Dean of the Alberta School of Agriculture and ex institutional head for the Canadian Uranium Network-Technology Outreach. She was a pleasant widow lady who smiled and chuckled after I nimbly deflected her initial efforts to hit-on me with my classic line “Robin, you’re young enough to be my granddaughter . . .” She nodded her head and returned to the business at hand . . . .

“Not since the height of the Viet Nam conflict has Canada witnessed such an influx of leftist malcontents from the States. Frankly, it’s working a great hardship on the Canadian people and we’re only now beginning to understand the causes and how best to deal with this very unexpected phenomenon.”

As some American progressives and progressive-lites a.k.a. “liberals” find themselves facing a complete rejection of their core values at American voting booths this November, the left-wing of America finds itself with two unpleasant prospects: 1) having to take to the streets in demonstrations for the Obama administration and be heckled by the vast new TEA Party majority, the course chosen by virtually all of the ultra-progressive neo-marxist wing . . . OR . . . 2) to flee northward and become illegal liberal American aliens – a path seemingly becoming all too popular for Canada’s native-born and naturalized citizens to embrace.

The Canadian government, initially slow to act, has jumped to this new challenge. The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police a.k.a. “the Mounties”) has quadrupled mounted patrols and walking K-9 patrols of all the most negotiable border crossing hotspots. Robin led me to a small rickety outbuilding at the edge of the campus. There under some loose hay I found the Ridley family from San Ramos, California, all four of them drinking their last sips of the imported bottled-water they’d brought with them. A grim specter haunted their every breath: the recent rise of the TEA Party in America. William Ridley, an ex-Curator for the Museum of Labor Union History who’d also founded seventeen branches of ACORN, explained . . . .

“It’s not just being outvoted, it’s my awful dread of Glen Beck and Greta Van Susteren . . . can you imagine being forced to learn to hunt, trade our SUVs in for one pick up, and pray on our knees. It’s horrible! I can’t imagine my colleagues and I having to discuss Beck, Van Susteren and Chris Wallace all day long.”

Why didn’t the Ridley’s choose to enter Canada legally? Robin Glassconk put it this way. “At first, there were a few legal immigration openings, but they quickly filled up. Our country needs people that are used to doing actual work or better yet entrepreneurial folks who can create jobs and businesses. Canada is still largely a frontier nation and the pioneer spirit is alive and well here . . . I mean, how many lawyers, animal-rights proponents; sociologists, economists and psychologists; radical feminists; environmentalists; and Black Studies profs can we afford to add to our welfare rolls anyway? Did I mention lawyers, one in three liberal illegals has a law degree.”

Checking it out for himself, Ol’ Payne spent a night hidden in a likely forest-crossing point with his infrared scope at the ready. Quickly it was apparent that Canada has a huge problem. One hundred and seventy six illegals crossed in the five hours I maintained my vigil. Children with parents seemed to make up the vast majority of the liberal-elite fleeing American’s mainstream oppression on foot. They came with their sculpted poodles and pedigreed cats. They came with their laptop computers and I-phones pausing occasionally before me to communicate with old friends they might never see again. They came in wave after wave of cold, frightened, hungry, thirsty and exhausted humanity.

They came and later discovered a small all-night diner where they found sadly that organic oranges, almond-mocha-latte coffee, and free-range chicken were not on the menu. They came and only when 100 miles into Canada noticed that Michael Moore movies were not being shown. They came despite brand new 12-foot high chain-link fences with rolls of barbed-wire atop aiming to stop them . . . scaling these fences, tunneling below them and even driving their SUVs through them at full throttle.

They came even though some Canadian border communities had mounted long chains of loudspeakers that blared Ronald Reagan speeches all day and all night and found that 90% of the illegal crossings avoided their towns until the liberal Americans ignored them and crossed with ear plugs. Despite this failure, dairy farmers and egg farmers discovered that Reagan increased typical productivity by 60% and seemed to make their animals more content, so the speeches continue 24-7.

The big problems, Canadian government officials acknowledged, are actually NOT caused by the Americans themselves . . . “The percentages that cross by foot are small. They’re pretty naïve and not used to the ultra-rugged and less comfortable lifestyle up here, it’s the human- trafficking Canadian citizens that are causing most of our problems,” according to a highly placed official in the Canadian immigration service who chose to remain anonymous.

Our “wolverines” can get $70,000 - $80,000 to conduct a family of three or four across and often they just leave them somewhere two hundred miles north of the border beside the road without any clue at all. They’ll promise them anything -- green tech jobs; $200,000 forest ranger positions; professorial seats; even law partnerships, you name it they've promised it.” The official continued. “Helicopters, canoes, tunnels, hot-air balloons, smuggling them across in California wine shipments and organic food crates . . . other than skateboards, it’s all being done. But three or four days later, about the time they find we don’t sell Obama-food or imported drinking water . . . a lot of the illegals turn themselves in to our mounties. I understand a lot of them in our jails discuss trying Cuba next.

“One scam that worked for an awful long time for single persons and childless liberals was to masquerade as senior citizens from the states touring our country by bus or coming north for lower-priced prescription drugs.” The man laughed, “but we stopped that up good, you should see all the gray wigs the border patrol folks collect in any given day!”

The Canadian authorities now give 20-question quizzes to all older Americans. Said one border guard, “If they don’t know the words to “Teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini,” “Splish-splash,” or “Standing on the Corner” they immediately become suspect as a younger person masquerading older. A lot of them have never even heard “Doggie in the Window,” believe it or not. If they’re then shown a dial phone and give us a blank look, they’re busted. But I did have one trivia expert who almost got through our testing process. But when I asked him who “Fess Parker was, he looked blanked and removed his wig to scratch his cue-ball hairless noggin.”

Despite rumors of American plans for “normalization camps” run by the TEA Party where liberals can learn to drink cheap American beer, belch and fart and watch NASCAR, no such re-ed centers are currently planned by the TEA Party or any other conservative groups. "We're pretty much 'live and let live' despite what they believe about us, and only about 35% of us like NASCAR." said one TEA Party activist sporting a "Beck's Right" T-shirt. On the other hand, tensions are mounting among Canadian liberals and the illegals because of projected shortages of imported beer, video rentals of Al Gore’s movie, escargot, caviar and organic foods of all kinds. Initially, sympathetic to the plight of American liberals, Canadians just don’t see the need for any more music history teachers, feminist-lawyers, or art-therapy majors in their country.

In recognition of the crisis and to lessen tensions between the two North American nations, President Barak Obama has 1) promised that the U.S. Mint and Postal service will issue three new collectors’ series -- coins featuring endangered American species and famous labor unionists; and a stamp series featuring Stalin, Che, Mao and other mainstream heroes and 2) Barbara Streisand, Paul McCartney, and several of Mel Gibson’s ex-lovers will all be making Revolution-Victory Tours around the nation . . . according to the president, “It’s very important to reach out to these disenchanted citizens just as we’ll also seek to stymie the hideous efforts of those racists who’ve been oppressing them.”

Note: Even though he posted his story on the internet already, our nonogenarian correspondent Payne Hertz continues his tour of Canada because he so enjoys all the “trivia quizzes” thrown at him every day. He reminds liberals that Fess Parker played Davy Crockett for a Walt Disney movie and make sure you know the words to “Love is a Many-Splendored Thing” should you care to join him . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Is Glenn Beck a Messenger

You better believe Beck is a messenger. President Obama is sticking by his guns, even as he watches his support dwindling. He feels he is right and that it will be proven in time. Hitler had that opinion about his plan for the world. No way, Obama! It’s written in the stars. You are born to lose.

There are some truths that are axiomatic: of a nature that is self-evident. There is also such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy, to quote the originator, sociologist Robert K. Merton, “The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.” Hello, Obama! Figures don’t lie but liars figure.

The nature of self-evident truth ties with intuition: direct perception of the truth, or internal understanding of the external. Obama doesn’t know this, but what is best for all begins with the individual and self-evident truth. Intuition comes from personal experience. Intuition, at times, is inexplicable—extrasensory. There is a lot we don’t yet know about the human mind, and a lot some of us don’t want to know, I’m finding, namely, the leader who refuses to give the individual credit for the ability of knowing what is best for him or her. I’m speaking of the highly educated intellectual who demonstrates the self-fulfilling prophecy. The intelligentsia, out of touch with reality, placing the cart before the horse, its end justifies the means. The intelligentsia has educated the weaker willed to believe it is our caretaker. This describes out of touch with reality Barack Obama.

Eighty-eight percent of black America supports Obama. Is it not ironic that the vast majority of “African-Americans,” who were once slaves with zero rights, depend on Obama and caretaker government? The cocky Reverend Sharpton and African-America staged a rally in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 2010 in protest of Glenn Beck’s Lincoln Memorial rally of mostly white people. Sharpton and his black American following is not about to let white America steal their civil rights movement. Sharpton appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show to let us all know it is not about God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Dr. King’s movement is the rights of the poor to redistribution of America’s wealth. If so, what a shame. Hey Sharpton, you and Obama are for killing the goose that laid the golden egg; leading a sucker’s paradise.

Hello Obama! Come to the party. The Age of Pisces and easily manipulated people is fast being replaced by people with strong wills. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. The United States is not about to change heaven and earth. The American people are now waking up to the fact that caretaker government is not working. The way out of the mess is to start making the individual responsible for his own well-being. But take note that government will be the last to do that. Remember that this is a government of the people for the people. Time to stand and be counted.

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally attracted 500,000 people. He honored Martin Luther King, which offended African-Americans, who saw it as hijacking Dr. King’s civil rights movement. But Alveda King, Dr. King’s niece, spoke at Beck’s rally. She is definitely not liked by African-Americans and their loser’s cause. She called Beck her brother and asked that he pray with her. “We are all human beings,” she said. She’s seen as for the white folks cause—for the rich and against poor blacks’ rights to share equally in America’s wealth: Obama’s cause.

What about this? Chris Wallace of Fox News, immediately after his “Restoring Honor” rally, put Beck on the carpet for calling Obama a racist. Beck apologized, saying he was wrong about Obama, changing his definition to “liberation theology advocate.” Wallace straightened Beck out. Dr. King’s civil rights movements was about economic rights, said Wallace. Said Beck, you don’t understand.

This movement began in South America’s poor. Jesus was seen as a revolutionary with Marxist ideas. The Catholic Church is dead set against liberation theology. Beck says that most definitely, Obama is a Christian. Obama’s Christian minister Rev. Wright for 20 years pushed liberation theology. Beck points to Obama’s present spiritual advisor, Pastor Jim Wallis. Pastor Jim maintains that the gospel was about redistribution of the wealth. Beck told Wallace he was not Martin Luther King. He didn’t know what King had in mind.

No, Obama is not racist; Obama is a liberation theology zealot; in other words, a Marxist with a Christian spin who knows best what is good for America: Barack Obama. Barack is narcissistic. He’s not at all surprised about Beck’s support. He brushes it all aside with a quip.

Opposing Obama, Beck is for going back to the Founding Father’s notions of freedom and justice, as written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. BTW, Obama’s stand is that the Constitution contains “negative liberties.” He’s for transforming America to Obamacare, something that may be good for Kenya, but not America.

I studied the Constitution, recognized that government was trespassing on my constitutional rights, and took legal action. It took eleven years, but I proved the United States to be a liar and fraud. I was robbed by a lawless government. The story made the front page in The Palm Beach Post in December 1986. The American people were not behind me, and that’s too bad. Twenty-four years later America is as divided as she has ever been. A house divided cannot long stand.

At last waking up, Glenn Beck’s August 28, 2010 Lincoln Memorial rally mobilized 500,000 or more Americans—more than any one man has ever before brought together for a common cause in America. I wish he’d have been around for me when I fought the outrageously corrupt Uncle Sam, who is now taking Arizona before a committee of communists in the U.N. for judgment. I feel for Arizona’s government. Obama now lets us know the full truth about the fraud the United States has become.

There are millions of undecided voters. Beck’s mobilization is bad news for Democrats. Then, of course, there’s Obama and his egomania. On November 2, the undecided are going to decide. Looking at the far out liberation theology advocate Obama, not to mention Pelosi, and Reid, are the American people going to vote to keep in place a government that doesn’t know whether it is afoot or horseback? One would not think so. With out of control spending, with the money running out—you don’t spend your way out of debt—time to start thinking about your future; there is no free lunch.

P.S. When my government entitlement money runs out, my new job will be playing my keyboard and singing in a night club. Huckabee doesn’t have anything on me. He can’t sing. Since retiring, I’ve become a musician. Being 85, I intend on bringing back real music. We ate out the other day. The music was so bad it gave me indigestion.

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egg recall

August 31, 2010Dear Friend of Liberty,Power-hungry statists are never satisfied.Now they’re attempting to use a massive egg recall to shove S. 510, the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act," down our throats.S. 510, through a patchwork of rules and regulations on the food "industry," will throw America’s heartland under the government-subsidized corporatist bus as it crushes local and community producers of healthy food.Click here to contact your senators today to tell them to oppose S.510!Like Cap and Tax, which will guarantee higher energy bills during these rough economic times, S. 510 will further drive up the costs of living by adding more layers of bureaucracy on food production – ensuring you pay more to meet an essential need.Congress certainly won’t be the one tightening its belt. Section 401 of S. 510 authorizes nearly $1 billion to grow the FDA’s reach and calls for almost 4,000 new bureaucrats to be hired in fiscal year 2010 alone.This onerous new law will apply harshly to reputable food producers like the independent family farm, where the free market works every day to provide the public with healthy choices.Meanwhile, Big Agriculture will continue to use its well-entrenched connections to make sure it escapes serious scrutiny.The statists have worked to replace "credible evidence" with "reasonable probability" in the U.S. Code, giving the FDA power to invade, quarantine, or shut down private property in search of any foodborne illness.They also changed "presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals" to "is adulterated or misbranded." What exactly constitutes adulterated? That glass of raw milk? An FDA bureaucrat will decide.It gets worse.The bill also grants blanket authority for federal agencies to impose international guidelines and standards on domestic food producers - giving agencies authority to harmonize all American food production and processes in line with the globalist Codex.It should be noted that Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Richard Burr (R-NC) coordinated to reach a "bipartisan" agreement to forge ahead with the otherwise stalled bill.If you are a constituent of any of these senators, they especially need to hear from you.Big Brother and Big Agriculture are combating the truly modern way to improve food safety by targeting the rapidly growing number of food producers who, through the free market, provide diversity and give us choices.The establishment is pushing for more consolidation and is looking to control your food choices to make it happen. Don’t stomach another round of tyranny. Contact your senators today.
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The Fox News connection to Ground Zero mosque or over 600,000 articles on google check it out...

Ha Ha Arizona to UN for Human Rights Violations? How about Mexico, 20 million fleeing the country, maybeMexico has the problem?

Fox News Preying on the Fears of Technologically Ignorant Seniors to Co-opt Tea Party

Jason Charles
August 31, 2010

Sad but true, FOX News has successfully co-opted the entire Tea Party back underthe Neo-Con controlled tent of the GOP.

With Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s RestoreAmerica Rally posting numbers well over the 100,000+ mark we have toanalyze exactly how the “social architects” accomplished this incredible feat.

The Tea Party is largely made up of Republicans, Independents and some Democrats shownin a major study quoted by CBS News in April.

“More than four in 10 self-described members of the Tea Party also identify as eitherIndependents or Democrats, according to a recently released, comprehensive survey.

Yet the Tea Party’s priority appears to be fiscal conservatism, and the group bylarge margins trusts Republicans in Congress over Democrats to solve thecountry’s problems.

In a collection of three national surveys conducted by the Republican-leaning WinstonGroup, 57 percent of Tea Party members called themselves Republicans while 28percent said they were Independents, and 13 percent said they were Democrats. Two-thirdsof the group identified as conservative, but 26 percent said they are moderateand 8 percent called themselves liberal.”

The majority of those who first came to be associated with the Tea Party back in2006 and earlier are people who split from the GOP after the atrocious humanrights and unconstitutional actions of the Bush administration revealed theirtrue colors as war mongering fascists. These are all people who recognize thetwo party system as being totally controlled opposition bringing in none otherthan a New World Order in place of America’s sovereignty.

This early Tea Party movement was all about ending unjust wars, stopping the NorthAmerican Union, and eradicating the fraudulent institution called the FederalReserve. They were mobilizing against such things as wire-tapping, and spyingon American citizens without warrants, the encroaching police state, theeconomic collapse and other issues that were legitimately threatening ourrepublic. They did this during, and against the Bush administration alongsidethe anti-war left.

So what happened to the Old Tea Party?

Who are all the newcomers to the Tea Party movement? How did it massively balloon insize in a matter of a couple years and is now made up of the same war mongering,Muslim hating, neo-cons that the Bush admin was comprised of?

Easy, the answer lays in the FOX News demographics and average age of their viewingaudience. Fox news viewership according to a surveyconducted by Steve Sternber, places the average age of any given FOX Newswatcher at 65 years old.

“According to a survey released by media analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News’ average viewerlast season was aged 65, the oldest audience among fully distributed cablenetworks.

CNN wasn’t far behind, though — its average audience was 63. MSNBC was a perky 59.CNBC is the young turk at 52.”

The technological divide

The early Tea Party was comprised of college students and working adults who having beenexposed to the internet at a very early age and the informational renaissancethat it had to offer. These young people mobilized against real issues thatthreatened our nation. Issues like ending the Federal Reserve, warrant-lesswire-tapping, unjust and endless war. Things they learned about on theinternet and not on T.V. or in universities. They didn’t buy into the two-partyfalse dialectic and actively opposed the corporate sell off of our country tothe New World Order System.

This tech savvy generation translated over into the massive Ron Paul Revolution in 2008and is still going strong, is very patient and growing in numbers, but comparedto traditionally conservative Fox News watchers still a minoritydemographic.

A renaissance has occurred underneath the radar of our nations millions oftraditionally conservative seniors. Documentary films like America:Freedom or Fascism (VIDEO) which explains the fraud that is the privateFederal Reserve system, or the Obama Deception (VIDEO) that tears apartboth Bush and Obama administrations as slaves to the elite agenda of a NewWorld Order, or 9/11 exposing films like Core of Corruption (VIDEO) that methodicallydestroys the official story remain just out of reach because simple ignorance ofbasic computer skills.

This over 65+ demographic is traditionally computer illiterate. They still type domainnames into the Google bar of their browser because URL addresses are a foreign languageto them. In fact their technological skill set is really limited to emailingand flipping their cable box to Fox News in eager anticipation of Glenn Beckand Jack Baur style terrorist busting.

This technological gap in the elderly population is what has allowed FOX News tocontinue to shape the collective fear of an entire generation. In fact if youlook at pictures of Tea Party rallies and who is in attendance a largepercentage of people are sporting silvery/white hair. This is just a fact.

The commies have taken the Whitehouse

Another thing that has totally been overlooked is the constant use of the term‘socialist’, ‘communist’, ‘radical left-wing agenda’ to describe Obama. Thisrhetoric is purposefully preying on the sentiments of the childhood, cold wartraumas of the 65+ generation. The purpose is to pit the U.S. and Israelagainst a very un-likely nuclear Iran, just like the nuclear stand-off with thegodless communist countries of the 60’s – 80’s. The political tool of nuclearthreat has been resurrected by the Bush administration and continued by theObama administration in the guise of so called “Islamo-Fascist” nuclear threat.

We need to worry less about the failed presidency of Obama and more about whether the realcontrolling elite will set a nuke off in America and blame it on the TeaPartiers who are being played up as violent extremists at every turn. GlennBeck, Sarah Palin, Fox News and the Republican Party have monopolized controlover the Tea Party. This technological divide needs to be bridged by those ofus who are associated with the old guard and can educate their Gadsden wavingelders on who the real enemies are in this nation.

DVD truth documentaries play a big role in this educational process. Seniors may not beable to adjust their screen resolution from 800×600, but they do know how tooperate a DVD player.

The only thing that will wake them up to the Truth that Glenn Beck lies by omission iswhen they see exactly what has been omitted on their very own T.V’s.

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Bob disabled Vet

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Obama Seeks Scapegoat for Hurricane Fiona,

Himmicanes Earl and Gaston-Wilbur

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .

naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat, disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, taller and stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Brian Williams, the cub reporter who is somehow anchoring at NBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man was great . . . I outdrove him on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. I could see the date was September 15th, somehow I’d leaped twenty days into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Bry-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the hapnin's of the last twenty days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past twenty days? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Bri, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief.”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Earl, Fiona and Gaston were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Bri, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know the administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Gaston scandal thing.”

Q: “Gaston scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the meterologists would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the third major hurricane to pound the Atlantic Seaboard . . . G.W., that’s really not all that much to ask . . . I mean the storm might have been named 'Gaston-Wilbur,' you know and so G.W. seemed natural enough, but then all those weather people got in a big huff.”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for all three hurricanes! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, we neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Brian Williams’ body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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As this president will no less take credit for any positive and lay blame for all negative on his Tuesday "War" speech, Obama will more than likely bloviate on his brilliance in winning the war in Iraq. Before he does, a horrifying fact must be made. In the 20 months of this man's presidency, we have lost 632 valiant American lives in Afghanistan, the worst being the last three months, more than under the entire watchful eye of the Bush administration of over 7 years.

Have you heard that in the news?

Counting the Deaths on Commander-In-Chief Obama's Impotent Hands

Something to keep in mind during his speech

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Pink Slip, what a bunch of Crap!

I been on here for a few months now and after a while, this is all a bunch of crap. Hey Beck, sit down with me on TV so I can tell the real truth, cause you do not. I dare any of you jack assess to sit with me while American watches. Pink slips, Donations, buying t-shirts, you people are making no difference, but making someone wealthy who really dosn't have much to really say, just talk about problems. Freedom is free and you do not sell crap to get it and I will not pay to have it. You are all free men, if you think making donations or being part of some Mickey mouse club will give you want you want, let me know how that is working out for you, because a year from now, you will all be talking about the same crap and even worse, it will be worse.

"The Declaration of Independence" states that when your Government is no longer in the best interest of it's people, it is the right of the people to abolish them and re institute a new one. That means stop talking and do something, it means be Patriots you morons.

Your Government is coming! Your Government is coming! I don't have to be on a horse to know that. You want to be real Patriots and honor and fight for your rights, give me a shout, otherwise, let me know how deeper the shit your in is getting and remember, just talk, no action, just talk.

Action is real results, talk is just that, Talk! I forgot, who is listening to you! no one right now, get a clue about what is real and what is just crap. Donald Duck is on face book, want to join or maybe you can help Mini with people really are out of touch.

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Bill Press: Talking about God not appropriate for “sacred” spotShare51posted at 3:45 pm on August 30, 2010 by Ed Morrisseyprinter-friendly Greg Hengler captures the moment in which “incoherence” is defined, during CNN’s “Reliable Sources” yesterday. Howard Kurtz notes that libtalker Bill Press had spent the last several weeks crusading against Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally, but that Beck kept partisan politics out of the speeches Saturday to focus mainly on religious themes. Press continued his objection, noting that the Lincoln Memorial and its “sacred” location was no place to talk about either God or politics. Er, it’s too “sacred” for God? Maybe Bill should check his thesaurus:Note that Press manages to assert twice that God isn’t an appropriate topic for sacred ground, a rather novel assertion under any circumstances, but especially so for the Lincoln Memorial. The Great Emancipator certainly didn’t have any trouble speaking about God and faith during his lifetime; in fact, to the right of the massive statue, one can read Lincoln’s second inaugural address, in which Lincoln repeatedly mentions and invokes the Almighty. Shall we get the sandblasters to remove the speech from the wall?Perhaps Press refers to Martin Luther King’s address from the same spot as that which makes the real estate “sacred.” If so, then Press might have a problem with King, too, who mentioned God and politics in the very speech King gave in 1963. Its most famous passage explicitly references God in his plea for equality:And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:Free at last! Free at last!Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!So what does make Press claim that Beck was committing sacrilege by holding a rally about faith in the American life? Perhaps the fact that Press couldn’t comprehend the subject matter.Update: The rally was on Saturday, not yesterday. I’ve corrected it above.
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US Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Pro-Palestinian Ad Campaign in Israel

By Doug Powers • August 30, 2010 03:02 PM

**Written by Doug Powers

Last month, a California Congressman distributed talking points among the ranks stressing Obama and the Democrats “unprecedented” support for Israel:

The July 22 memo from Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs, declared that the backing from Obama and the House Democrats have been unprecedented.

“I think you will find [this document] useful to make the case that House Democrats and the President are as good if not better than any Congress or Administration that has come before,” Berman, who is Jewish, said in an e-mail to Democrats in Congress.

Meanwhile, across the ocean:

Washington is funding an ad campaign in Israel featuring billboards of Palestinian officials asking: “We are partners — what about you?”

The campaign launched Sunday includes the faces of senior Palestinian Authority officials Saeb Erekat, Jibril Rajoub and Yasser Abed Rabo, and Riad Malki, Palestinian foreign affairs minister, Yedioth Aharonoth said.

The aim of the campaign is to persuade Israelis that peace partners on the Palestinian side truly exist, and calls for support of a two-state solution, the Tel Aviv newspaper said.
The campaign has raised a few eyebrows in Israel.

“We are talking about a Palestinian Authority campaign funded by the American government,” an Israeli Foreign Ministry official was quoted saying.

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VA announced today...

The VA said it was adding many new illness's to the list for Nam Veterans. I called Congrssman Latta's office to find out that many ships where included EXCEPT for the USS SARATOGA and other carriers. Why because we were never inside 100 miles of shore which is Bullstuffing. Yankee station is where we are figured from like we never moved? I would ask our pilots how close was shore and I'd hear 10,15,to 100 plus miles away' So drinking water contamiation is next to impossible.according to them. The Amazon spills fresh water up to 150 miles out to sea. So "Agent Orange" and the Gulf of Tonkin simular? My Parkinson's is catching up with me I'll be gone before they admit anything. Then again one less Vet to pay...
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Nine Reasons to Hold the Republican Party

in Contempt, One Reason to Hope

1. 1. Despite the natural advantages of being a conservative group, they’ve been largely impotent since Ronald Reagan’s days.

All surveys for decades show the country is center-right in fiscal matters and Constitutional matters. Yet the direction the country has moved in since 1964, has largely been dictated by the ultra-progressive wing of the Democrats not by Republicans.

2. 2. The Republicans are inarticulate.

Except for Reagan, no one seems to have caught on to the simple Buckley-Will trick of speaking to 95% of the issues as opportunities to clarify exactly what Fiscal conservativism means and exactly what Constitutional conservativism means on a personal level to the voter-citizens. As a result, the lies and propanda of the left have dominated the political argument for decades.

3. 3. Republicans in the last 20 years have become Progressive Lite

Progressivism (we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) is an insidious cancer eating away at the American way of life; Americans’ freedoms and wealth; and the American Constitution and far too many Republicans such as our two Maine senators are continually voting progressive. Citizens can’t trust Republicans to be Republicans.

4. 4. Most Americans think being a “Pure Democracy” is a good thing and have never heard terms like “tyranny of the masses” because Republicans are seemingly afraid to defend Republicanism.

5. 5. Most Americans do not know that the most Republican Document in the world after the Declaration of Independence is the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 Amendments).

6. 6. Most Americans do not even know what the 10th Amendment is. Nor do Americans appreciate that above all other concepts, this is the one that makes America a place where you can vote “with your feet” and that keeps the size of government under control and the power of government as small as possible. Because of the 10th Amendment no place in America can get too oppressive (with taxes, for instance) because people can pack up and move to a place where more respect for the taxpayer is evident.

7. 7. Republicans are perceived as “holier-than-thou” and sexists and have proven they aren’t willing to be the major party in the country.

Unfortunate as it may be, abortion is the law of the land. Thanks to ridiculous Republican constraints against (very young girls; victims of rape; victims of incest; and women whose lives are endangered by childbirth) sentiment against the right-wing stance has hardened into virtual “abortion on demand” in this country. Commonsense says Republicans need to never say another word against any abortions but late-term ones for about 40 years and stick to areas where the country can agree with Republican stands (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism only). 56-60% of women vote against Republicans routinely because Republicans are seen as a male-dominated party and males, not getting pregnant, have NO RIGHT to decide the decisions that belong between a woman and her God.

8. 8. Unwilling to lose the most radical 8% of the ultra-right, Republicans willingly abandon the combined 27-30 % of conservative Independents and conservative Democrats. Ideas are important, but practical politics is all about winning too. The Republican Party has not since Reagan latched on to pure fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism, common sense small government and integrity in politics as its guiding principles. And the present mess is just part of the price America has paid because the country's major conservative party has expressed very little common sense.

Some Republicans apparently are nearer to fundamentalist Islam than they are to patriotic Americans . . . that is, they believe their religion should be the dominant or perhaps only one allowed in the country. When Republicans willing ignore the doctrine of separation of church and state and insist upon teaching Christmas carols in public schools; and that Creationism must be taught in public school science classes they earn utter contempt. This is why school voucher programs are important . . . send your kids to private or parochial schools as you prefer, but don’t attempt to proselytize your version of religion upon the whole country. If Mormons tried to get “predestinationism” into public school science classes we’d all be outraged . . . what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

9. 9. Neither positively nor negatively have the Republicans shown any stomach for the fight over ideas. Every ridiculous progressive argument holds ten times more value in Americans’ minds than the most sound of Republican ideas. For example: 80% of the people believe these lies are true (they’re discussed** in the footnotes).

a. Nazis were Fascists

b. Nazis and Italy’s Fascists were both conservatives

c. Communists are liberals and the opposite of Nazis and Fascists

d. Communism is a benign philosophy at worst, and has worked well for many countries

e. Right-wingers are racists and are ruining the country

f. Feminism has been a great positive and belongs to the left

g. “Creeping Socialism” is a natural evolution and has been totally positive

h. The rich are the country’s enemies and need to be forced to do their share by super-high taxes

i. Government can create jobs

j. Socialism works real well and protects the poor

k. Just a little government tinkering can make good free-market systems much better

l. Lack of regulatory control played a major part in causing the present financial debacle

m. G.W. Bush and Conservatives put us in our present fiscal hole. That is, drove us into Obama’s metaphorical “ditch.”

n. Barack Obama is a great American patriot and statesman

o. ACORN has little to do with Obama or the Democrats

p. Bill Clinton was a great president

q. Bailouts and stimulus from government eventuall do work and put the economy back on track

r. Once we get past this present bump in the road, it’ll be smooth sailing for America

And meanwhile these truths go unspoken and unknown in America:

There is, however, one great reason for hope. A large group of natural conservatives, many of whom have great disdain for the Republican Party have taken upon themselves the role of activists pushing for fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism, dramatically smaller common-sense government and integrity in politics. I give you the single-most Republican document in America since the Bill of Rights, the TEA Party’s “Contract from America” hopefully about 85% of Republicans (and perhaps 20% of Democrats?) will sign this pledge at:

The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)^^

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

More than ever Americans need a strong conservative choice offered to them in the voting booth and the Republican Party has abandoned that initiative and the country has suffered greatly. Now, if ever, is the time for a renaissance in the Republican vision.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The recent blog

discusses all these LIES and the truths no one seems to know
^^ TEA Party members and Americans at large voted on which of their original 24 concerns should be included in the final ten planks of their Contract from America . . . the percentages shown indicate how much support from the voters backed each issue.
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The 545 PEOPLE Responsible for Americas Woes

By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices 545 human beings out of the 300 million aredirectly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for thedomestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated itsConstitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federallychartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce asenator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-pickingthing. Idon't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash.

The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility todetermine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this commoncon regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall ofa Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creatingdeficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force theCongress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating andapproving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House?Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party.

She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over hisveto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- ofincompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domesticproblem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When youfully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of thefederal government, then it must follow that what exists is what theywant to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red .

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want itthat way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose giftsand advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the powerto regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do notlet them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mysticalforces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent themfrom doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it.......... Is up to you.

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The Star of Bethlehem

There is something more American politicians need to be informed about that is going to affect their future that didn’t, specifically, come out at the Restore Honor rally. Moreover, the Tea Party is merely scratching the surface.

From Matthew 2:1-12, on the visit of the Magi, in the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: 'And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.'" Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another path.

On the History Channel yesterday, I learned that the Magi were Persian astrologers, and that they would have been aware that the planets Jupiter and Saturn were in “triple conjuction”, an astrological term, at the time of Jesus’ birth. A triple conjunction foretells of something significant about to happen. BTW, Jupiter and Saturn are in triple conjunction in August 2010. History Channel noted that in this time frame, around the time of the birth of Jesus, Jupiter, in the constellation Pisces, appeared to stop in forward movement. At least it appears that way, because of our planet’s movement. It is thought by students of the Star of Bethlehem that Jupiter could be the star in the east.

We know that “on earth as in heaven” that planetary alignment and the archetypal patterns of human history are consistent. Astrologers tell us that Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces (when the Star of Bethlehem stopped in the constellation Pisces), and that the Age of Pisces is now ending. Astrologers tell us we are entering the Age of Aquarius, and that Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer, will be an age of brotherhood. The Bible predicts a second coming of Jesus, who preached that we are our brother’s keeper.

Something significantly big happened on August 28, 2010. Between 350,000 and 650,000 concerned Americans gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on the day 47 years ago that Martin Luther King was at the Lincoln Memorial delivering his “I have a dream” speech. This time it was conservative Fox News’ Glenn Beck telling his audience that America must now get about restoring her honor, to believe in faith, hope, and charity, to trust in God. Strange talk coming from a media man. An astounding man of faith people cannot help but admire, or fear, Beck is a great threat to the world’s control.

Glenn told his audience at Lincoln Memorial that he is a recovering alcoholic, that he had no faith in himself or his future; that when he was at rock bottom he looked within and found God. Many of Doctor King’s following, namely the liberation theology people—Obama, the Rev. Wright, and millions of like-minded Christians who believe one cannot be saved until everyone is saved; that is, collectively saved, resent conservative capitalist Glenn picking Martin Luther King as an icon of freedom. To them King’s legend is about redistribution of wealth: down with God-given rights spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. Theirs, the ideology of powerful government and zero individual rights, Glenn says it was an act of Providence that he was at the Lincoln Memorial delivering his message on August 28th. He had planned another day. I’d like to remind the believers in collective salvation, those attached to big, powerful government, that government once gave black Americans zero rights.

My rising sign, the time on the eastern horizon of the astrologer’s zodiac when the sun rises, the exact time and place of my birth—when the sun rose on me—turns out to be Aquarius. My rising sign, therefore, is Aquarius. The rising sign is the part of me I show the world. According to astrologers, as I age I become more Aquarius,

When I was age 49, my business career and my second marriage went on the rocks. Like Glenn, I had no faith in myself or my future. Being born Aquarius rising, my ruling planet Uranus, from the time of my birth, Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. This position is indicative of change. It wasn’t planned, but I departed my old life on Good Friday, 1975. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life, which, the same as Glenn Beck’s life, now has meaning. If my life could be any better today I don’t know how.

Someone reading my posts sent me a book entitled The Great Controversy: The Storm Is Approaching. Glenn Beck to his Lincoln Memorial audience said, “the storm is approaching.” Glenn says he doesn’t believe in coincidences. Coincidental with Beck’s stated thoughts, my new life began from the thought, after studying the U. S. Constitution, that I should have faith in myself and trust in God. Voices of the past were speaking to me. Coincidentally, Beck and I say to look within for your answers. Discover the power that lies within you. I listened to Dr. King’s niece at Beck’s Restoring Honor rally tell the audience that she has a dream that we will become one human race. From the comments of those who came to Beck’s rally, I judge that a great many Americans must be hearing voices of the past speaking to them.

There are other voices. At the same time that black Alveta King, Dr. King’s niece, told white America at the Lincoln Mermorial her positive dream, black Reverend Sharpton told black America, “we ain’t giving up.” Sharpton calls white America, in so many words, racist. Obama says the Constitution gives Americans “negative freedoms.” You have a choice of who to believe.

With Jesus’ coming at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two fish swimming in opposite directions, indicative of division—Jesus was crucified—and the Age of Aquarius now upon us, the symbol of which is the water-bearer to humanity, an age of brotherhood (of all races and creeds) approaching, Glenn and I say we can disagree on much but it is incumbent upon the American people to look within and find the God that unites,

Those united in God’s will are Indicative of Christ’s second coming. On earth as it is in heaven, my star in the east (my rising sign) connects with the gospel truth, and to people of all colors and faiths. Believe in your individual God-self, your eternal spirit, and the life you so desire will be yours.

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"It Ain't Just The Size” is written to be interactive and this interactivity draws readers into the conversations. It Ain't Just TheSize tells the story of Lance and Princess as they find their way tolove, what happens as these two find their way to love is the meat andpotatoes of drama and literature. Hardie's characters recitepoetry, talk politics, live their lives and dole out philosophy. ItAin't Just The Size will be featured by and otheraffiliated sites beginning August 30th on the “Today” page. is an educational website which serves a diverse men's community (pro-feminist, recovery, re-evaluation counseling, men'srights and spiritual). lists thousands of on-site men'sbooks, men's resources and hyperlinks to hundreds of events,periodicals and groups. It also provides information on hundreds ofmen's issues regarding positive change in male roles and relationships(including abuse, aging, divorce, fathers, health, mid-life,multicultural, relationship, sexuality, violence, work, etc.)

It Ain't Just The Size is filled with pop-culture, humor, psychology, politics and drama, yet Hardie manages to include revealingdiscussion on having healthy relationships and avoiding abusive ones.This book also shed a much needed light on the Domestic Violence thatis suffered by not only women, but men as well. Here is what reviewershave recently said about It Ain't Just The Size:

"Solid advice for both Women and Men"-Million Dollar Book Reviews

it is a must-read! Indeed.” -Book Reader's Haven

"Hardie’s unflinching courage to open up and sustain dialogues on multiculturalissues, as well as his persistent engagement with everything that iswrong with American society, certainly makes a lasting contribution tothe struggle."- Push Nevahda Review

Hardie successfully mixes Hip-Hop references, pop culture, conspiracytheories, common sense, comedy and hot button issues into anentertaining literary gumbo” -Joey Pinkney

Powerful”-Terry A. O'Neal

If you want real talk about how to deal with real issues. This is the manual you need to read.”- E. Utley Ph.D

It Ain't Just The Size is available online everywhere

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For more visit


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Nine Huge Political Lies

Doom Recovery Hopes

“Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts and our trespasses as we forgive our debtors and those who trespass against us, and lead us NOT into temptation, but deliver us from evil . . . .”

1. Lie: Jobs saved and unemployment are meaningful statistics.

Truth: Only two statistics matter: total jobs in the economy and total people without jobs. Jobs can be lost or gained and those can be accurately measured, but “saving a job” and more particularly saving a government job (or a union job; or a unionized government job) which is 96% of the time what’s being talked about . . . means that tax money was diverted from private individuals and private business to prevent loss of “fluff” jobs that could not survive in the free market. Typically 2.1-2.4 real jobs in the private sector are lost when any government job is created. Our present unemployment numbers are fallacious because they don’t show the true numbers of people without jobs or those who are “underemployed” nor those who’ve been forced to take lesser jobs after losing a better one. Jobs saved and the present unemployment figures are statistical lies created to make economy and government sound much better than they are. Truth shall set us free.

2. Lie: Nazis were Fascists and both Nazis and Fascists were Conservatives and Communism is the opposite of both Fascism and Nazism.

Truth: Nazis controlled the economy through socialism, they were literally National Socialists and their literature said their controlled economic plan was “neither capitalism nor communism.” Fascism is created when labor unions take over the corporations. Communism is the most extreme form of socialism where the government owns everything, both the means of production and distribution, and also controls individual lives and careers almost totally. Nazism, Fascism and Communism are all leftist (a.k.a. liberal, a.k.a progressive) schemes for controlling a nation’s economy and all are particularly vulnerable to totalitarianistic rule. This lie is ultra-important because, today’s progressives have been using the terms fascist and nazis to scare people and to make leftism (communist-leaning socialism) seem so much more attractive. Capitalism is NOT a perfect system but its been the most liberating and most prosperous of all economic systems since its creation. These lies are tied to the progressive-left’s unabated attacks on capitalism.

3. Lie: Communism is a benign economic philosophy that has lifted up many countries throughout history.

Truth: while Hitler’s genocide against 6 million jews is well documented, many people believe Communism is not only the opposite of fascism and nazism but is actually benign and even beneficial. This is the most monstrous lie in history. Communism killed roughly 122 million people (100 million in peace time) during the 20th Century, over nine times what Hitler killed from all over Europe. The word genocide is well-known but “democide” (the killing of a country’s own people by its government) needs to be understood. Nazism was also guilty of democide: German Jews, gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, mentally retarded, handicapped, intellectuals and political prisoners amounted to perhaps three million of the thirteen million killed by the nazis. The great cultural hero Mao killed 55 million Chinese, all in peacetime. That other great cultural hero Che said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed sometime after the 150th. Truth makes those T-shirt heroes really stink. The progressive-left embraces communism and sees our present socialism as just a by-way to that end. Creeping socialism has shackeled the country for the last 77 years. More on this later.

4. Combined lies: Racism goes in just one direction and feminism has made the country better.

Truth: Racism and other prejudicial ‘isms’ like anti-semitism are found in all peoples and have been throughout history. All racism is based upon the lie that despite our basic shared humanity, some people are more preferable than others. The United States is a Republic that uses democratic principles . . . but more than anything else, the United States was created as the world’s first meritocracy and that’s been the reason for the country’s great desirability in so many outsiders’ eyes. Today, however, we have government sponsored racism called affirmative action. We also saw 4.2% of Black’s in 2008 voting for the White presidential candidate and 48% of White’s voting for the Black presidential candidate (more than their party’s candidates Gore or Kerry received in either 2000 or 2004) and yet the huge lies that White racism is the big problem or that Black racism doesn’t exist continue to be believed and propagated.

Truth: Feminism as opposed to (the women’s movement) has been an utter disaster for American families, children’s well-being and created more poverty than any other single factor from 1960 to 2010. To clear up the confusion between Feminism and the Women's movement, Rajjpuut put his ex-wife through law school and later when she became a municipal judge was (she said) the single greatest factor in her preparation for that role and success in her televised job interview. Rajjpuut also was his daughter's first teacher and coached her into a chess champion and outstanding soccer player and track half-miler (she still owns her junior high school’s record). Later she won an academic and scholastic scholarship. Rajjpuut believes in women and men reaching their unfettered full potential but sees feminism as about 80% anti-man. (“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Every act of sexual intercourse, even on the marriage bed, is an act of rape.” “Men have enslaved women and exploited them throughout history.”) The truth is that women’s bodies and scientific ignorance has been about 90% of the enslaver and exploiter of women throughout history. When devices like the sanitary napkin; tampon; birth-control pill and other contraceptive means became available, women in America became much freer. Unfortunately, the progressive movement especially in the Democratic party chose to exploit the gains of the women’s movement and the gains of the Civil Rights movement with many false tales of victimization (of course there was some truth there especially originally, but today’s victimization lie is just a scheme to get large classes of people – women and blacks – perpetually hooked upon their Democratic party). The predominant Democrat majorities in congress for the last half-century have brought us the creeping socialism mentioned above and as long as Black’s and women vote mostly one way in predictably leftist patterns it’ll be difficult to break away from this mold.

5. Lie: The Rich are your enemies, tax the hell out of them to make the country better.

Truth: who would you rather have move into your neighborhood, 100 rich people or one hundred poor ones? The fact of the matter is that rich people are responsible for 85% of job-creation via investments or small business creation. Additionally, the rich have far more disposable income and spend far more which is necessary if present businesses are to continue to prosper. The worst way to help the poor is to tax the rich . . . they just pack up and move out and leave impoverished circumstances behind. The best way to help the “poor” is to allow the rich and the entrepreneurs and the innovators to create an overall prosperous tide that “lifts all boats.” America’s 10% most poor are richer than the middle class in about two-thirds of the world. Tax the rich and you make everyone poorer as they exit your state or country. Reward the rich and the general prosperity that occurs rewards everyone. America has always been the land where everybody felt they had a decent chance of becoming rich someday and where each generation left their children better off than they used to be.

6. Lie: Socialism works well and protects the poor.

Truth: Socialism rewards indolence, taxes innovation, creativity, hard work and job creation and creates poverty. Government programs also never work even a small part as well as they are advertised when created. For example Obamacare is one new law that creates 388 brand new government agencies (10 times as many as FDR created during more than twelve years in office). You used to just be able to visit a doctor or a hospital . . . now you have 388 bureaucratic agencies between you and that happening. Who’s going to pay for all that paperwork? The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has now admitted that Obamacare will give us $3 Trillion more debt than before estimated by 2020; and unlike the president’s promise . . . abortions are now federally-funded. Most importantly, government programs are infamous for their unintended consequences . . . like killing people who can’t be seen by a doctor.

7. A nasty complex of lies: Lack of regulation for Wall Street created the present problems. The Government can create jobs. If a system is NOT broken, government tinkering can make it better yet. George W. Bush and the Conservatives put us into ditch.

Truth: Lack of enforcement of the laws already on the books for Wall Street, did not help. Those laws are still not well enforced and definitely those who break them are not well-punished. The government can NOT create jobs . . . government involvement to do so typically costs more than two private sector jobs for each government subsidized job. The problem is way too much government and not to little. Let’s examine housing . . . from 1946 to 1992, the United States boasted the highest private ownership of housing in the world 62-65%. Today we’re in second to Canada. Briefly due to government interference in housing we got to 69% but the sub-prime lending crisis created by government interference brought the present financial meltdown upon us? How did this happen?

Most progressives are well-intentioned and want a perfect world. In 1975 fewer than 0.25% of all home loans allowed downpayment of 3% or less. The U.S. system for housing was not busted. Progressives tried to tinker and make it better with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 a mortgage-guarantee law designed to get poor people into homes they could not afford. In 1985 little was changed except now 0.50% of all home loans required 3% downpayment or less. In 1992, they tinkered again expanding CRA ’77 with a little provision inside a much bigger law that required the two federal mortage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to get involved in mortgage-guarantees for the poor. In 1995 that law was expanded twice more. By the end of 1995, 14% of all homeloans, one in seven, were made with 3% downpayment or less. In other words, 57 times as many ultra-risky home loans were being made in ’95 as had been made in 1975.

In ’98 a steroid-version law for mortgage-guarantees for the poor was passed. By 2005 34% of all home loans were made at 3% downpayment or less. That means 138.5 times as many highly risky loans were granted in 2005 compared to 1975.

Putting the whole thing together, George W. Bush did NOT put the U.S. economy in the ditch. These risky sub-prime mortgages that progressive law makers created and expanded four times did . . . in fact . . .

Some progressives are not patriotic Americans in the normal sense of that phrase but would prefer to destroy the present system and replace it with a Marxist-socialist state. For example, in 1966 two Columbia University (NYC) progressive professors named Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published an article in the Nation magazine “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” Desiring GNI (guaranteed national income) for all . . . Cloward and Piven opined that if an aggressive drive was launched to get every potential person possible on the welfare rolls, the new strain on the system would create such problems that the Democratic left wing would feel compelled to pass a GNI. They enlisted Black radical community organizer George Wiley and in 1967-68 created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) to test their theory out. In the next two years they added 6.3 million new welfare recipients . . . by 1975 they had bankrupted New York City and come withing a whisker of bankrupting New York State. Even though they didn’t succeed in getting a GNI, the threesome bragged publicly about their “great accomplishment.” C-P told their followers that the next “breakthroughs” should come in housing and voter registration. When the CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee was passed, that same year, Wiley sent a lieutenant named Wade Rathke to Arkansas to create ACORN. The original A in ACORN stood for Arkansas and only later came to mean “Association.” ACORN went to work at first unsuccessfully on voter registration and housing. They also aligned themselves with an up and coming Arkansas politician Bill Clinton who’d become Lieutenant Governor at age 30 in 1976. Both Clinton and his wife were great fans of Cloward, Piven and radical self-proclaimed “neo-Marxist” community organizer Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals” the book that so inspired Cloward and Piven. Within a year Clinton was elected Arkansas governor and continued to hold that position for 12 of the next 14 years until he became the first ACORN president. After the first expansion of CRA in 1992, ACORN was able to totally subvert the housing system in the country. After Clinton’s two further expansions in ’95 and his steroid version expansion in 1998, ACORN became an unstoppable force in the housing industry . . . but first . . .

In 1993 Clinton passed the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives called “A license for voter fraud”) and the official signing ceremony photo shows Clinton at a desk with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him. ACORN finally had the tools for subverting the voting process. From late 1994 to early 1997 a new community organizer Barack Obama who’d teach “Rules for Radicals” classes in Chicago began working for ACORN in Chicago as a lawyer shaking down home lenders to comply with the fiscally-irresponsible CRA ’77 and its first three expanisons to give unjustified home loans to very risky clients. When Clinton’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 was created, Obama was gone, but there was nothing stopping ACORN now. 34% of all home loans were risky ventures given to people without ID; without jobs; without income other than food stamps; without even a recent rental history; on welfare; with abysmal credit ratings; illegal aliens and other horrific risks.

In November, 2003, James Stack of investment advisory service began running a chart of the “Housing Industry Bubble.” The graph would run continuously for parts of the next five years. Stack said not only were home prices jacked up way too high; more importantly the stock market offerings for housing industry stocks had jumped to 1400% of their 1992 value and that bubble was sure to collapse soon. Within six months the bubble-popping began. Stack blamed the problems on a very serious sub-prime lending crisis. By this time ACORN had discovered something wonderful, they could use the mortgage-guarantee laws to get a risky loan for an qualified client, even an illegal alien for $400,00 almost as easily as they could for $120,000.

By January, 2005, the Bush Administration had come to believe the analysis of James Stack and others and sought to pass a law undoing most of the three latest expansion of CRA ’77. A few progressive Republicans and virtually every Democrat defeated their efforts. Finally, in July, 2007 a watered-down and almost-impotent version of Bush’s Jan., 2005 effort was passed with mostly Republican support. It would, of course prove way too little, way too late. However, two weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner risked the wrath of the Obama Administration by saying that Bush’s effort had saved the day. “Without his law in 2007, housing prices would have fallen faster and further and the recession would have been much, much deeper . . . “

In other words, far from driving us into a ditch Bush was a hero: while the radical-progressives of the Democratic (with a handful of Republicans) Party were pushing the car toward a 500 foot cliff, G.W. Bush jumped in grabbed the wheel and hit the brakes to create a controlled skid that put the car into the nearest friendly ditch.

The widespread ignorance of this TRUTH and the belief in the Obama-generated car-in-the-ditch-by-Bush LIE means the guilty will be rewarded by re-election and allowed to continue undermining the country and the laws and actions abusing those laws that put us into the tailspin will continue to dominate our lives. NOTICE: about 85% of the five mortgage-guarantee laws are still in place ready for the next time the new ACORN clones wish to continue their attack upon our country.

8. Lie: Once we get our heads on straight and solve the present jobless crisis and our national debt, all will be well.

Truth: Sorry friends, the economy is not just sick, it’s on its death bed. The lethal germ? Unfunded liabilities. For example, In 1935 as a culmination of FDR’s earliest socialistic moves, Social Security was created. Three things you should know about Social Security 1) it was designed to tide over the very few people who lived beyond age 65 (not many women worked and most men died by age 55). And 2) Social Security was legally designed to be a pay as you go program . . . but social security money set aside was never kept in a separate fund but was raided by congress virtually every year since its creation so today we have no money in social security. 3) People live far longer today and Social Security has never responded to that fact, so of course, people receive Social Security far longer straining the system more.

In 1965 as part of progressive-Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs Medicare and Medicaid were added as programs designed along the Social Security model. They were also never funded. Today . . . Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid are responsible for $114 TRillion in unfunded obligations of the country to its citizens (mostly an older population). Additionally, the new Obamacare laws are poised to bankrupt the individual states by shifting more of the Medicaid burden to them. Unmentioned for years now is a further $116 Trillion in unfunded obligations created by the welfare system. It’s definitely made a quagmire of our present financial condition.

9. Lie: Bailouts and stimulus eventually make the economy stronger and create jobs.

Truth: The first big federal bailouts were in 1975 for New York City and in 1979 for Chrysler Automobile. Because of the bailouts the underlying messes (the welfare system for NYC, New York State and the entire country; and incompetent leadership for Chrysler) were never addressed. Pushing problems off into the future never solves them. Creating more government and more government spending boondoggles and more government interference boondoggles never solves the problems but only stifles the free market’s ability to deal with problems. Let’s look at the Auto industry bankruptcy personally choreographed by President Obama and the bailout that tied into it.

Unions were given money they had no right to, unions were big Obama voters as you know. The money to make the unions part owners of the Auto Companies themselves (remember the definition of “fascist,” do we?) was stolen from certified creditors who by 223 years of bankruptcy law should have received their share of the bankruptcy spoils. GM and Chrysler saw their debts wiped out and were given bailout money equivalent to $14, 478 per car. Ford which had run itself far more responsibly now finds itself competing against companies the government favored.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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