Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 4, 2011:
“Much information has been reported – and much more still is being sought – about Barack Obama’s original birth documentation, and whether it reveals his eligibility to be president under the Constitution’s requirement those in the Oval Office be a “natural born Citizen.”
But under the radar of most new organizations a case has been moving forward in Washington, D.C., through which California attorney Orly Taitz is seeking the original application for Obama’s Social Security number, a document that could reveal a multitude of factors about the president’s early life.
U.S. District Court Chief Judge Royce Lamberth this week rejected a defense concern over procedure in the dispute, and Taitz told WND today the case has moved into discovery and she can issue subpoenas to those holding the documentation she is seeking.
Get the New York Times best-seller “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President,” by Jerome Corsi.
WND previously has reported on the issue that Obama holds a Connecticut-based Social Security number despite allegedly being born in Hawaii, starting his work career in the Aloha State, and never having lived in Connecticut.
For those who never wondered about how Social Security Numbers are generated, the first three digits represent the state of the recipient’s mailing address. In other words, if you live or work in Connecticut, for example, the first three digits of your SSN will correspond to the Connecticut code.
The first three digits of Obama’s SSN are 042. That code of 042 falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049.
The national news media has been virtually silent on this potentially criminal fact.
Indeed, when Fox News finally attempted to explain it, it broadcast false information and then scrubbed it from its website.
When WND asked the White House about it, then–Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dodged the question.
Taitz’ case is against Social Security commissioner Michael Astrue and explains that because of the multitude of questions surrounding Obama’s eligibility, his birth certificate and his other records, the Freedom of Information Act request was submitted.
The Social Security Administration rejected it, and that decision was affirmed by a district court ruling that found the administrative procedures still had a course to run. But that now has been completed and the case is before Lamberth again.
He ruled this week that FOIA actions “are exempt” from a local court “meet and confer” requirement and he gave Astrue 30 days to file “any dispositive motions.”
The federal government had argued that Taitz’ process to subpoena individuals with access to the long-sought documentation was out of order, but the court ruling means it is within procedures.
According to a report in the Post & Email online blog, Taitz reported, “We’re now in discovery, so I can issue subpoenas.”
That is a level that no other case challenging Obama’s eligibility or birth certificate ever has reached.
She said she already has contacted the Hawaii Department of Health, which is custodian of Hawaiian records, about her requests, and she said another recipient very well could be the White House.
She noted that White House Counsel Robert Bauer resigned that post just yesterday, and suggested Bauer might not have wanted to be deposed regarding questions about Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth,” a document presented to the nation as genuine when the White House released it on April 27.
However, a multitude of experts have said it is a document assembled on computer and unlikely to be legitimate.
Taitz suggested that Bauer’s move back into private practiced may have been speeded by worries over the eligibility dispute.
In fact, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., and author of “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President,” said he’s convinced Bauer’s move is because he fears the “Certificate of Live Birth” document would not stand up to the scrutiny of any serious investigation.
Corsi believes Bauer “felt compelled” to resign because of the growing substance to worries that the eligibility issue will blow up into a full-scale investigation.
“Bauer sent Perkins and Coie attorneys to Honolulu to pick up from the Hawaii Department of Health what he believed would be two certified copies of Obama’s 1961 long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate,” Corsi said. “When the White House released to the public the birth certificate in the form of a PDF computer file obviously created on Adobe software and a Xerox copy, Bauer realized the Hawaii DOH had participated in the fraud.”
He said he had been tipped off early in February that a long-form birth document for Obama had been forged and that the document was to be released.
“The information came from a mole within the Hawaii DOH who had been examining the vault logbook for months,” Corsi explained. “Until just prior to February 24, no Obama long-form hospital-generated birth record could be found in the Hawaii DOH.”
As WND has reported, there long have been concerns about the Social Security number.
“There is obviously a case of fraud going on here,” says Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels. “In 15 years of having a private investigator’s license in Ohio, I’ve never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.”
Does the Social Security Administration ever re-issue Social Security numbers?
“Never,” Daniels told Corsi. “It’s against the law for a person to have a re-issued or second Social Security Number issued.”
Daniels said she is “staking my reputation on a conclusion that Obama’s use of this Social Security Number is fraudulent.”
“A person who wants to hide their true identity often picks up the Social Security Number of a deceased person, thinking that nobody would ever look into it,” Daniels added. “I think it was sometime in the 1980s that Obama decided to hide who he really is.”
There is no indication in the limited background documentation released by the Obama 2008 presidential campaign or by the White House to establish that Obama ever lived in Connecticut.
Nor is there any suggestion in Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” that he ever had a Connecticut address.
Also, nothing can be found in the public record that indicates Obama visited Connecticut during his high-school years.
An affidavit filed by Colorado private investigator John N. Sampson specifies that as a result of his formal training as an immigration officer and his 27-year career in professional law enforcement, “it is my knowledge and belief that Social Security Numbers can only be applied for in the state in which the applicant habitually resides and has their official residence.”
Daniels told WND she believes Obama had a different Social Security Number when he worked as a teenager in Hawaii prior to 1977.
“I doubt this is President Obama’s originally issued Social Security Number,” she told WND. “Obama has a work history in Hawaii before he left the islands to attend college at Occidental College in California, so he must have originally been issued a Social Security Number in Hawaii.”
The published record available about Obama indicates his first job as a teenager in Hawaii was at a Baskin-Robbins in the Makiki neighborhood on Oahu. USA Today reported the ice-cream shop still was in operation one year after Obama’s inauguration.
Just last month some 11 months after WND began publicizing Obama’s Connecticut-based SSN, Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News Channel briefly addressed the issue while reading his viewer mail on the air.
In his viewer email segment April 13, O’Reilly was asked: “What about Obama having a Connecticut Social Security Number? He never lived there.”
“His father lived in Connecticut for several years,” O’Reilly claimed, adding that “babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents.”
In reality, there is no evidence Barack Obama Sr. ever lived in Connecticut. He left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard in Massachusetts and then returned to his home country of Kenya.
When WND publicized O’Reilly’s major error, the information vanished from the Fox News Channel’s website, as well as
O’Reilly’s full explanation of the “truth” of Obama “myths” is here:
The website, responding to complaints by Fox podcast customers that O’Reilly’s Social Security claim, broadcast on Fox, had gone missing from the audio archive, trumpeted the headline: “Busted: Fox News scrubbed Bill O’Reilly’s 4/13 mailbag segment on Obama’s Social Security Number reserved for Connecticut applicants.” The site added, “Not only did Fox News scrub the podcast, they also left out the viewer email about Obama’s Social Security number at O’Reilly’s website. I report, you decide!”
Note: The following videos and articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Video: Is Obama a Terrorist?-Posted on June 4, 2011:
Video: Sleepers Emerge and Messiah Appears!
Video: Obama's End Game Revealed!
Video: The KGB Connections in America! Obama And Odinga Exposed!
Video: The Obama and Odinga Connection!
Senator Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, is accused of ethnic cleansing and is currently battling for power in Kenya!
Sen. Obama's Militant Muslim Brother Abongo Is a Luo Activist!
Barack Obama's Early Years as a Muslim!-Posted on Daniel Pipes-Updated on October 23, 2008:"I am a Muslim” Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On June 12, 2010:
US Government Makes It Impossible to Get New Passport!-Posted on Consumer Traveler-By EDWARD HASBROUCK-On April 22, 2011:
The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/
Sen. Obama’s Radical Islamic Past and Ties To Terrorist Groups: complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election? is Obama Handing Out Millions of Dollars to Terrorist?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!