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Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 4, 2011:

Much information has been reported – and much more still is being sought – about Barack Obama’s original birth documentation, and whether it reveals his eligibility to be president under the Constitution’s requirement those in the Oval Office be a “natural born Citizen.”

But under the radar of most new organizations a case has been moving forward in Washington, D.C., through which California attorney Orly Taitz is seeking the original application for Obama’s Social Security number, a document that could reveal a multitude of factors about the president’s early life.

U.S. District Court Chief Judge Royce Lamberth this week rejected a defense concern over procedure in the dispute, and Taitz told WND today the case has moved into discovery and she can issue subpoenas to those holding the documentation she is seeking.

Get the New York Times best-seller “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President,” by Jerome Corsi.

WND previously has reported on the issue that Obama holds a Connecticut-based Social Security number despite allegedly being born in Hawaii, starting his work career in the Aloha State, and never having lived in Connecticut.

For those who never wondered about how Social Security Numbers are generated, the first three digits represent the state of the recipient’s mailing address. In other words, if you live or work in Connecticut, for example, the first three digits of your SSN will correspond to the Connecticut code.

The first three digits of Obama’s SSN are 042. That code of 042 falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049.

The national news media has been virtually silent on this potentially criminal fact.

Indeed, when Fox News finally attempted to explain it, it broadcast false information and then scrubbed it from its website.

When WND asked the White House about it, then–Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dodged the question.

Taitz’ case is against Social Security commissioner Michael Astrue and explains that because of the multitude of questions surrounding Obama’s eligibility, his birth certificate and his other records, the Freedom of Information Act request was submitted.

The Social Security Administration rejected it, and that decision was affirmed by a district court ruling that found the administrative procedures still had a course to run. But that now has been completed and the case is before Lamberth again.

He ruled this week that FOIA actions “are exempt” from a local court “meet and confer” requirement and he gave Astrue 30 days to file “any dispositive motions.”

The federal government had argued that Taitz’ process to subpoena individuals with access to the long-sought documentation was out of order, but the court ruling means it is within procedures.

According to a report in the Post & Email online blog, Taitz reported, “We’re now in discovery, so I can issue subpoenas.”

That is a level that no other case challenging Obama’s eligibility or birth certificate ever has reached.

She said she already has contacted the Hawaii Department of Health, which is custodian of Hawaiian records, about her requests, and she said another recipient very well could be the White House.

She noted that White House Counsel Robert Bauer resigned that post just yesterday, and suggested Bauer might not have wanted to be deposed regarding questions about Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth,” a document presented to the nation as genuine when the White House released it on April 27.

However, a multitude of experts have said it is a document assembled on computer and unlikely to be legitimate.

Taitz suggested that Bauer’s move back into private practiced may have been speeded by worries over the eligibility dispute.

In fact, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., and author of “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President,” said he’s convinced Bauer’s move is because he fears the “Certificate of Live Birth” document would not stand up to the scrutiny of any serious investigation.

Corsi believes Bauer “felt compelled” to resign because of the growing substance to worries that the eligibility issue will blow up into a full-scale investigation.

“Bauer sent Perkins and Coie attorneys to Honolulu to pick up from the Hawaii Department of Health what he believed would be two certified copies of Obama’s 1961 long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate,” Corsi said. “When the White House released to the public the birth certificate in the form of a PDF computer file obviously created on Adobe software and a Xerox copy, Bauer realized the Hawaii DOH had participated in the fraud.”

He said he had been tipped off early in February that a long-form birth document for Obama had been forged and that the document was to be released.

“The information came from a mole within the Hawaii DOH who had been examining the vault logbook for months,” Corsi explained. “Until just prior to February 24, no Obama long-form hospital-generated birth record could be found in the Hawaii DOH.”

As WND has reported, there long have been concerns about the Social Security number.

“There is obviously a case of fraud going on here,” says Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels. “In 15 years of having a private investigator’s license in Ohio, I’ve never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.”

Does the Social Security Administration ever re-issue Social Security numbers?

“Never,” Daniels told Corsi. “It’s against the law for a person to have a re-issued or second Social Security Number issued.”

Daniels said she is “staking my reputation on a conclusion that Obama’s use of this Social Security Number is fraudulent.”

“A person who wants to hide their true identity often picks up the Social Security Number of a deceased person, thinking that nobody would ever look into it,” Daniels added. “I think it was sometime in the 1980s that Obama decided to hide who he really is.”

There is no indication in the limited background documentation released by the Obama 2008 presidential campaign or by the White House to establish that Obama ever lived in Connecticut.

Nor is there any suggestion in Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” that he ever had a Connecticut address.

Also, nothing can be found in the public record that indicates Obama visited Connecticut during his high-school years.

An affidavit filed by Colorado private investigator John N. Sampson specifies that as a result of his formal training as an immigration officer and his 27-year career in professional law enforcement, “it is my knowledge and belief that Social Security Numbers can only be applied for in the state in which the applicant habitually resides and has their official residence.”

Daniels told WND she believes Obama had a different Social Security Number when he worked as a teenager in Hawaii prior to 1977.

“I doubt this is President Obama’s originally issued Social Security Number,” she told WND. “Obama has a work history in Hawaii before he left the islands to attend college at Occidental College in California, so he must have originally been issued a Social Security Number in Hawaii.”

The published record available about Obama indicates his first job as a teenager in Hawaii was at a Baskin-Robbins in the Makiki neighborhood on Oahu. USA Today reported the ice-cream shop still was in operation one year after Obama’s inauguration.

Just last month some 11 months after WND began publicizing Obama’s Connecticut-based SSN, Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News Channel briefly addressed the issue while reading his viewer mail on the air.

Unfortunately for O’Reilly, the news anchor falsely asserted the president’s father lived in Connecticut.

In his viewer email segment April 13, O’Reilly was asked: “What about Obama having a Connecticut Social Security Number? He never lived there.”

“His father lived in Connecticut for several years,” O’Reilly claimed, adding that “babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents.”

In reality, there is no evidence Barack Obama Sr. ever lived in Connecticut. He left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard in Massachusetts and then returned to his home country of Kenya.

When WND publicized O’Reilly’s major error, the information vanished from the Fox News Channel’s website, as well as

O’Reilly’s full explanation of the “truth” of Obama “myths” is here:

The website, responding to complaints by Fox podcast customers that O’Reilly’s Social Security claim, broadcast on Fox, had gone missing from the audio archive, trumpeted the headline: “Busted: Fox News scrubbed Bill O’Reilly’s 4/13 mailbag segment on Obama’s Social Security Number reserved for Connecticut applicants.” The site added, “Not only did Fox News scrub the podcast, they also left out the viewer email about Obama’s Social Security number at O’Reilly’s website. I report, you decide!”


Note:  The following videos and articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Video: Is Obama a Terrorist?-Posted on June 4, 2011:

Video: Sleepers Emerge and Messiah Appears!

Video: Obama's End Game Revealed!

Video: The KGB Connections in America!

Video: Obama And Odinga Exposed!

Video: The Obama and Odinga Connection!

Senator Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, is accused of ethnic cleansing and is currently battling for power in Kenya!

Sen. Obama's Militant Muslim Brother Abongo Is a Luo Activist!

Barack Obama's Early Years as a Muslim!-Posted on Daniel Pipes-Updated on October 23, 2008:

"I am a Muslim” Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister!-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On June 12, 2010:

US Government Makes It Impossible to Get New Passport!-Posted on Consumer Traveler-By EDWARD HASBROUCK-On April 22, 2011:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/

Sen. Obama’s Radical Islamic Past and Ties To Terrorist Groups:

Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!’s-campaign-finances/

Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?

Why is Obama Handing Out Millions of Dollars to Terrorist?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Why I Joined the Tea Party

I am a Conservative and have observed conservative values under steady attack for most of my life. I believe that the Tea Party in its grass roots approach to addressing problems offers the best and probably the only realistic approach to putting our nation back on track.
I also believe that as a conservative citizen it is my responsibility to really listen to what all the candidates for public office have to say and not pay any attention to 10 second sound bites. I will vote for whoever lays out the best approach for putting our country back on track.
I will vote for a candidate based on his adherence to smaller Federal Government and following the constitution , lower taxes, repeal of Obama Care, creating a stable business environment by lowering corporate taxes (we have the highest in the world), reasonable environmental and regulatory laws, balancing the budget, promoting conventional energy sources such as coal and nuclear for domestic electricity production, moving away from subsidizing unworkable green energy such as windmills (the regular electrical infrastructure has to be in place with windmills and a power plant cannot just be put online immediately when the wind goes down). I believe that Climate Change Legislation is just a back door attempt at controlling the masses by the political elite and I am against such legislation such as Cap and Trade.
Douglas Falzerano Sr
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Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes

Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes

Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?

Thanks to Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs for bringing this video to our attention! Ck Out Atlas Click Here:

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Stuck on Stupid in San Francisco in the War on Illegal Aliens

By John W. Lillpop

San Francisco has a well-deserved (and appropriate) reputation as a nesting place for left-wing buffoons, anti-American politicos (Can you say Nancy Pelosi?), and just plain goofy, out-of-touch policies.

For example, take the issue of ILLEGAL immigration. Illegal capitalized because that vital word is almost always omitted by moon bats on the left who favor open borders, suspension of the rule of law, and anything and everything in the way of benefits and perks for anyone who can prove that she or he is here illegally and prove it by speaking absolutely no English, but perfect grade-school Spanish.

The latest anti-American immigration fiasco in not-so-good old San Francisco involves the conflict between the Sanctuary City status prescribed by City law and the federal law called Secure Communities.

As described at the reference, in part, San Francisco Sheriff Mike Hennessey has decided that City Law trumps federal law at least in this bastion of leftist maniacs:

SAN FRANCISCO -- If the San Francisco sheriff's plan becomes reality, illegal immigrants arrested for petty crimes won't be held in jail longer than necessary, even if federal immigration agents may want them detained for possible deportation.

Instead, starting Wednesday, deputies will treat those eligible for release just like U.S. citizens: They will be cited to appear in court.
City officials, however, aren't so sure about Sheriff Mike Hennessey's plan.

The new policy is his attempt to comply with a city law that prevents police from aiding federal authorities in non-felony crimes and a U.S. law that requires authorities to share fingerprints with immigration agents.

"I'm in a position where I'm trying to enforce a local law as well as not violate the federal law and this is the `in-between,"' he said. "It's a difficult area to tread on because emotions run very high here in California and throughout the country on immigration issues."


Actually, this is NOT a difficult area to tread on, Sheriff. Not at all, at least if you have the ability to think with reason.

Think back, Sheriff, to 2008 when on June 22 in San Francisco, California, a 21-year old MS gang member, Edwin Ramos, shot and killed a father, Anthony Bologna, 48, and his two sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16, after their car briefly blocked Ramos from completing a left turn down a narrow street as they were returning home from a family barbecue.

Ramos was an illegal alien whom San Francisco authorities had released because of idiotic compassion and concern for illegals and zero concern for American citizens.

Do the deaths of Bologna and his sons mean nothing to Sheriff Hennessey and his liberal colleagues in this god-forsaken din of inequity?

And where are Barack Obama and Eric Holder when it comes to local authorities whom defy federal law?

Or is it Obama government policy to ignore such defiance when illegal aliens benefit at the expense of citizens?
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I want to personally thank

I just want to take this little bit of cyberspace to personally thank:

Glenn Beck, Pastor John Hagee and Jay Seckulow (ACLJ) for everything and all that you do in the promotion and for the security of Israel.

That is all I have to say about that .


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Is it possible that the Shadow Government is purposefully confounding the Federal Government in order to destroy the Middle Class?  And why would they want to destroy the Middle Class?  Is it because the destruction of the Middle Class is an express train to the establishment of a One World Government?  Why is Washington so intent on playing the blame game instead of implementing the several hundreds of solutions that taken together will solve the economic problems of the USA?  Is the blame game a smoke screen which is causing confusion and is obfuscating what is really going on behind the scenes?  Why are the Republicans and the Democrats afraid to implement the many and varied solutions that will solve our economic problems?  Why are they afraid of allowing the "other" party to make some solid solutions come to fruition?  Why are they at each others throats?  Are they unwittingly being dis-unified to create a smoke screen of confusion and chaos on purpose?  What is the Shadow Government doing behind the smoke screen to our country?  Most Americans are willing to give credit to both parties regardless of who brings to bear solid solutions to our economy.  At this point in time there has been discussion after discussion and the leadership is well aware of the many and varied things which need to be done to reverse this economic depression.  Why won't they implement these well known and well discussed solutions?  Is it a conspiracy?  It may very well be a conspiracy to undermine the Middle Class.  They talk and talk and talk and talk but don't do a darn thing to solve the problems.  They know how to fix the economy.  Are they afraid to fix it?  Who are they afraid of?  What group is causing them to have a paralysis of analysis?  If our politicians are incapable or afraid of resolving the problems because by doing so their careers are in jeopardy or they simply lack the leadership skills to coordinate all of the solutions and bring them to bear, then the answer is simple, i.e., VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.  In that way they can balance the fear of the Shadow Government against the fear of being voted out of office and I would bet that under this kind of duress they would  be motivated to solve the economic problems currently bringing this country to iis knees.  We have had enough of this blame game nonsense and the unending lack of solutions.  The time for solid well thought out economic solutions is NOW!  If the unemployment rate goes up to 11 + percent we will have another depression otherwise currently being called a double-dip.  If you have paid attention to all of the economic debates on TV even as simplistic as they are we know that even these simplistic economic solutions taken collectively will create growth, increase tax revenue, reduce unemployment, solve the housing forclosure problem, etc.

We need to support honest, descent, God-fearing, patriotic, unselfish, intelligent, politicians who believe in and trust God and who support the Constitution of the U.S.  And by the way, we the taxpayers who voted, did not vote for a Shadow Government who remains hidden behind the scenes and who has an inordinate amount of political power which is being used to drive their hidden agendas and not being used for the good of the majority of the citizens of the USA.  We need to send a message to those shadowy people who make up the behind the scenes Shadow Government to take a hike and take their hidden agendas and shove them up where the sun doesn't shine.  By this time I would think that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of this BS.  If you want to understand what is happening turn to the Creator and pray for enlightenment and you can bet that these Shadowy and unfortunately influential people don't want you to do that.  PrayER leads to enlightenment and these characters want you to remain confused and in the dark.


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Hollywood's Radical Leftist Bias Exposed: Ben Shapiro (Primetime Propaganda)
& Steven Crowder
Hollywood picks on conservatives, especially Christians, with our Judeo-Christian/Biblical morality and our insistence upon religious freedom. Everybody who is intellectually honest admits this. Obviously, the left has refused to admit the obvious for decades, but facts can only be ignored for so long.

Now they're finally admitting all of it, in great detail, to Ben Shapiro, on
camera/audio recording. Ben Shapiro is the author of the new book, Primetime
Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took...
ir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=0061934771&camp=217153&creative=399701, and I would be deeply surprised if Ben Shapiro isn't viciously attacked, just like Ann Coulter (the author of many excellent books, including her latest, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering Americair?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=0307353486&camp=217153&creative=399701, which I haven't yet read, as well as my three favorite works of hers: Godless: The Church of Liberalismir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=1400054214&camp=217153&creative=399349, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorismir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=1400050324&camp=217153&creative=399349 and Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Rightir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=1400049520&camp=217153&creative=399349) is regularly attacked, because like Ann, Ben is exposing inconvenient truths that the left would rather than the majority of America never thought about.

It's so much easier for them when we don't have a clue as to their motives, because they have plausible deniability, and most Americans won't call them on it. Now that time is about to come to an end, for all who bother to pay attention, especially those who read Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took....

Not since Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the Newsir?t=&l=as2&o=1&a=0060520841&camp=217153&creative=399349 has a book taken on the leftist establishment of one of the major media industries that shapes American popular culture, and pushes the
radical left's twisted version of morality and truth, and this time it's Hollywood, rather than the News Media originating in New York City that Bernard Goldberg's BIAS took on; Ben Shapiro will probably be treated the same way, except in his case, unlike Bernard Goldberg, Ben Shapiro isn't a leftist, nor is he an industry insider.

But enough of my words. Here's Glenn Beck interviewing him on Thursday on insider eXtreme [iX], in two video clips, followed by Steven Crowder's video clip exposing Jon Stewart's Daily Show for
the same sort of intolerant, anti-conservative bias, refusing to hire a qualified conservative, BECAUSE he's a conservative (they have laws against that sort of thing, do they not?).
And for good measure, here's Steven Crowder on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show's anti-conservative bias:



Posted on June 1, 2011 at 3:55pm by Meredith Jessup

4063318792?profile=originalAuthor Ben Shapiro is working to expose the Hollywood left’s purposeful attempts to promote a liberal political agenda through entertainment mediums. As we reported yesterday, left-wing messages are being woven into popular television shows — from kids’ favorite Sesame Street to “must see TV”
sitcoms like Friends. But as Shapiro’s new book “Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left” demonstrates, that’s just the tip of the liberal iceberg.

In videos sent exclusively to The Blaze from Shapiro, more Hollywood liberals openly admit to how their political biases plague today’s entertainment industry.

Is there a literal “blacklist” against conservatives trying to find work in Hollywood? House creator David Shore says yes:
Marc Cherry, creator of ABC’s Desperate Housewives weaves a pro-gay agenda into his primetime soap:
George Schlatter, creator of Laugh-In, sounds off on conservative radio and television host Glenn Beck. (Hint: it’s not nice):
In addition to these interview exclusives, the Hollywood Reporter has more:

[Friends co-creator Marta] Kauffman also acknowledges she “put together a staff of mostly liberal people,” which is another major point of Shapiro’s book: that conservatives aren’t welcome in Hollywood.

Maybe that’s because they’re “idiots” and have “medieval minds.” At least that’s what Soap and Golden Girls creator Susan Harris thinks of TV’s conservative critics. However, the ranks of dumb right-wingers has dwindled, according to Harris, whose video has her saying: “At least, you know, we put Obama in office, and so people, I think, are getting – have gotten – a little bit smarter.”

Some of the videos have executives making rather obvious revelations, like when Larry Gelbart and Gene
Reynolds talk about pacifist messages in M*A*S*H or when MacGyver producer Vin Di Bona says anti-gun messages were a recurring theme in that show.

But an additional video has Di Bona, who also created America’s Funniest Home Videos, becoming remarkably blunt about his approval of a lack of political diversity in Hollywood. When Shapiro asks what he thinks of conservative critics who say everyone in Hollywood is liberal, Di Bona responds:
“I think it’s probably accurate, and I’m happy about it.”

Another video has Leonard Goldberg — who executive produces Blue Bloods for CBS and a few decades ago exec produced such hits as Fantasy Island, Charlie’s Angels and Starsky and Hutch — saying that liberalism in the TV industry is “100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth.” Shapiro asks if politics are a barrier to entry. “Absolutely,” Goldberg says.

When Shapiro tells Fred Pierce, the president of ABC in the 1980s who was instrumental in Disney’s acquisition of ESPN, that “It’s very difficult for people who are politically conservative to break in” to television, he responds: “I can’t argue that point.” Those who don’t lean left, he says, “don’t promote it. It stays underground.”

In the book, subtitled “The true Hollywood story of how the left took over your TV,” Shapiro also tells anecdotes of bias against conservatives. One example is Dwight Schultz, best known for his roles as Murdock in The A-Team and Barclay in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The late Bruce Paltrow knew that Schultz was a fan of President Ronald Reagan. When Schultz showed up to audition for St. Elsewhere, a show Paltrow produced, to read for the part of Fiscus, Paltrow told him:

“There’s not going to be a Reagan a**h*** on this show!” The part went to Howie Mandel.


 Executives Admit in Taped Interviews That Hollywood Pushes a Lib...

8:00 AM 6/1/2011 by Paul Bond

4063319138?profile=originalIn clips that will hit the Internet to promote a new book,
producers including "Friends" co-creator Marta Kauffman and "House" creator
David Shore say Hollywood discriminates against and belittles

Some of TV’s top executives from the past four decades may have gotten more than they bargained for when they agreed to be
interviewed for a politically charged book that was released Tuesday, because video of their controversial remarks will soon be hitting the

The book makes the case that TV industry executives, writers and producers use their clout to advance a liberal political agenda. The author
bases his thesis on, among other things, 39 taped interviews that he’ll roll out piecemeal during the next three weeks.

The Hollywood Reporter obtained several of the not-yet-released clips, embedded below. Each contains a snippet of an interview, usually some historical footage of the TV shows the interviewee was responsible for and, naturally, a plea to purchase the book, “Primetime Propaganda” by Ben Shapiro and published by Broad Side, an imprint of HarperCollins.

In one video, Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman says that when she cast Candace Gingrich-Jones, half-sister of Republican former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, as the minister of a lesbian wedding, “There was a bit of
‘fuck you’ in it to the right wing.”

Kauffman also acknowledges she “put together a staff of mostly liberal people,” which is another major point of
Shapiro’s book: that conservatives aren’t welcome in Hollywood.

Maybe that’s because they’re “idiots” and have “medieval minds.” At least that’s what Soap and Golden Girls creator Susan Harris thinks of TV’s conservative critics.

However, the ranks of dumb right-wingers has dwindled, according to Harris, whose video has her saying: “At least, you know, we put Obama in office, and so people, I think, are getting – have gotten – a little bit smarter.”

Some of the videos have executives making rather obvious revelations, like when Larry Gelbart and Gene Reynolds talk about pacifist messages in M*A*S*H or when MacGyver producer Vin Di Bona says anti-gun messages were a recurring theme in that show.

But an additional video has Di Bona, who also created America’s Funniest Home Videos, becoming remarkably blunt about his approval of a lack of political diversity in Hollywood. When Shapiro asks what he thinks of conservative critics who say everyone in Hollywood is liberal, Di Bona responds: “I think it’s probably accurate, and I’m happy about it.”

Another video has Leonard Goldberg — who executive produces Blue Bloods for CBS and a few decades ago exec produced such hits as Fantasy Island, Charlie’s Angels and Starsky and Hutch — saying that liberalism in the TV industry is “100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth.”

Shapiro asks if politics are a barrier to entry. “Absolutely,” Goldberg says. When Shapiro tells Fred Pierce, the
president of ABC in the 1980s who was instrumental in Disney’s acquisition of ESPN, that “It’s very difficult for people who are politically conservative to break in” to television, he responds: “I can’t argue that point.” Those who don’t lean left, he says, “don’t promote it. It stays underground.”

Another video rolling out soon has House creator David Shore acknowledging that "there is an assumption in this town that everybody is on the left side of the spectrum, and that the few people on the right side, I think people look at them somewhat aghast, and I'm sure it doesn't help them."

In the book, subtitled "The true Hollywood story of how the left took over your TV," Shapiro also tells anecdotes of bias against conservatives. One example is Dwight Schultz, best known for his roles as Murdock in The A-Team and Barclay in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The late Bruce Paltrow knew that Schultz was a fan of President Ronald Reagan. When Schultz showed up
to audition for St. Elsewhere, a show Paltrow produced, to read for the part of Fiscus, Paltrow told him:

"There's not going to be a Reagan asshole on this show!" The part went to Howie Mandel.

"Most nepotism in Hollywood isn't familial, it's ideological," Shapiro writes in the book. "Friends hire friends. And those friends just happen to share their politics."

Another video Shapiro will release shortly has producer-director Nicholas Meyer being asked point-blank whether conservatives are discriminated against in Hollywood. "Well, I hope so," he answers. Meyer also admits his political agenda for The Day After, a TV movie he directed for ABC that was seen by 100 million people when it aired in 1983.

"My private, grandiose notion was that this movie would unseat Ronald Reagan when he ran for re-election," Meyer says. Even seemingly harmless shows like Happy Days and Sesame Street have been used to
advance a progressive agenda, according to Shapiro.

For example, William Bickley, a writer on The Partridge Family and a producer on Happy Days, says he
infused Vietnam War protest messages into the latter. “I was into all that kind of masturbation,” he says in a soon-to-be-released video.

"Television has been perhaps the most impressive weapon in the left's political arsenal,"
Shapiro argues in the book.

Other upcoming videos include: Family Ties creator Gary David Goldberg explaining how he tried to make Republican character Alex Keaton the bad guy but that actor Michael J. Fox was too darn lovable; and
president of MTV Networks Entertainment Group Doug Herzog talking about his network having “superpowers” when it comes to its influence over young people.

The advancement of a gay and lesbian political agenda is mentioned by multiple executives, including Marcy Carsey, a producer of Soap and Roseanne, and Desperate Housewives producer Marc Cherry, who is a rarity in Hollywood: a gay Republican.

In her video, Carsey also says she insisted on portraying characters smoking marijuana in That ‘70s Show. “If this is a problem for you, we certainly understand, and we just won’t do the show,” she told executives at Fox.

Shapiro released two videos Tuesday, one featuring COPS creator John Langley saying he’s partial to segments where white people are the criminals, and the other has Fred Silverman, the former head of
ABC and later NBC, saying “there’s only one perspective, and it’s a very progressive perspective” in TV comedy today. (Those videos are also posted below).

Shapiro said the executives felt comfortable talking about politics with him because they assumed, incorrectly, that he is on the left.

“Most of them didn’t Google me. If they had, they would have realized where I am politically,” he said. “I played on their stereotypes. When I showed up for the interviews, I wore my Harvard Law baseball cap — my name is
Ben Shapiro and I attended Harvard, so there’s a 98.7 percent chance I’m a liberal. Except I happen not to be.”

Shapiro said he’ll time the debut of certain videos for maximum effect. One that slams Sean Hannity, for example, is reserved for his scheduled appearance on Hannity’s show on the Fox News Channel.

And conservative pundit Ann Coulter has a new book out June 7.  “I have two people ripping her by name, so I’ll release those the day Ann’s book is released,” Shapiro said.

One of those slamming Coulter is George Schlatter, who directed and produced Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In in the 1970s, using the show to knock Republicans and the Vietnam War. “The fact we pissed the Pentagon off, that pleased me enormously,” he says before calling Coulter “the c-word.”

In his video, Schlatter also goes off on right-wing radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham.

Shapiro says he didn’t disclose that he’d be releasing the tapes, but that his subjects have no reason to
complain. “I asked them for permission to tape, and there’s no reasonable expectation of privacy when you’re being interviewed for a book,” he said.

“If they’re going to be shocked at something, it should be themselves, not me,” Shapiro said. “They should be shocked that opinion is so one-sided in Hollywood that it’s OK to say, ‘I’m fine with

“My whole book is a plea for openness in the industry,” he added. “Hire people from the other side of the aisle once in a while, or at least stop mocking them.”
Read more…

Posted on America’s Survival-By Roger Morgan, Founder/Director
Take Back America Campaign-On June 3, 2011: 

Take Back America Campaign


To: Glenn Beck

Re: Soros – Drug Policies

Dear Mr. Beck:

After the great job you have done exposing George Soros, how is it that you not only post the article on his drug policy Summit with former world leaders, all influenced by his money, but also run a video of Ethan Nadlemann of the Drug Policy Alliance, Soros’  number one paid drug peddler in the world?  Have you sold out to Soros?

This isn’t about ideology.  It’s about corruption.  The “harm reduction” mantra pushed by Soros and Nadlemann is simply intended to inflict the disease of addiction of the masses.  They call it “addiction slavery” in Western Australia, where the Soros/Nadlemann influence has already put one addict in every three families, increased the still birth rate by 400% and led to addiction of 70% of aborigines.

Soros financial backing of drug legalization in America is all about pricking the bubble of American supremacy.  In his words, not yours,”….. the biggest obstacle to a new world order is the United States.”

Annihilating significant portions of society through addiction is just part of his plan to achieve his New World Order.

The basic premise of these world leaders is preposterous if you know anything about drugs and addiction.  The concept of human rights to use drugs, which “do no harm to others” is blasphemous.  One’s diminished academic achievement and productivity alone costs society enormous sums in lost income and competitiveness.  But substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco and drugs) costs taxpayers about $1 trillion and year and claims over 600,000 lives.

The world leaders say the War-On-Drugs has failed, and they want policies that have “…empirically proven to reduce crime, lead to better health and promote economic and social development.”  Good idea.  The root cause of most problems of health, mental illness, crime, education, welfare and traffic safety are alcohol, tobacco and drugs.  So lets deal with those factors.

According to research at CASA (Columbia University), 80% of crime is committed while people are under the influence of alcohol or drugs; 66% of inmates have an addiction; and 33% meet the clinical definition of mental illness.  Do you think increasing the availability of drugs is going to solve that problem?

Better health, economic and social development?  According to the latest figures from the CDC, 3,200 Americans die monthly just from drug overdose, and that’s probably 25% of the total of all drug related causes.  According to CASA again, drugs and alcohol contribute to 72 major illnesses, and for every $1 collected in taxes for alcohol, the social costs are $8.95.  Legalization of one more drug will put the nail in the coffin of our already beleaguered deficit.

Addicts can’t work effectively, if they can work at all, thus they become a parasite on society until death.  To feed their habits, they have to beg or turn to crime.  With public services trimmed to the bone, the mentally ill have no place to go except the streets, and turn to crime to get a free night in jail.  How is increased availability of drugs going to help?

Prohibition could have worked much better had anyone done what works to prevent it, instead of spending $1 trillion to simply interdict supply.  Thirty years ago, when parents and kids learned of the true harms of marijuana, consumption dropped 50-60% and remained at that level until 2009, the first year of Obama’s administration, when it jumped 11%.  Why? Because of no enforcement of federal laws to curtail the hoax of “medical marijuana” and because the media is largely controlled by Soros, The Drug Lord.

Glenn, your past statements on legalizing marijuana are cause for concern, if you truly have the best interest of America at heart.  Today’s pot is 20 to 80 times more potent that in the 70’s (Up to 40% THC vs ½-2% in the 70’s).  Because it is fat soluble, like DDT, it attaches to and damages every cell and organ in the body for weeks, even longer, particularly the brain and gonads.  It not only causes birth defects and brain damage on the fetus, it is mutagenic, meaning it can leap over one generation and harm the next.

The 3 lb human brain is one-third fat, the prime collection point for THC.  Unlike water soluble alcohol, where one-ounce of alcohol is excreted from the body in 12 hours, it takes 3 to 7 days for the body to rid itself of ½ the THC, and up to a month for the balance.  Frequent use, even weekend use, stacks THC on top and causes impaired cognition, motor skills and ability to perform complex tasks.  That explains why pot smokers are less productive in the work force, cause more injury accidents and because of the deleterious effects on health, increase the level of absenteeism.  Good for employers?  I think not.

Nor is an impaired brain good for traffic safety?  The death rate in California from marijuana impaired drivers doubled since 2004, from 631 the previous five years to 1240 for the five years hence. (Al Crancer)

How about academic achievement?  America is now 24th in the world academically, and in decline and drugs are a major part of the problem.  Marijuana particularly impairs memory, motivation, maturation and ability to learn.  In California, the drop out rate is 24.2% (UC Santa Barbara High School Drop-Out Research Project), which cost taxpayers $46.4 billion per cohort ($392,000 per drop out).  That equates to about $470 billion nationally based on 1.2 million drop outs.

Because of brain scan technology, scientists have now affirmed that marijuana can cause permanent damage to an underdeveloped brain, and the brain is not fully developed until age 25.  Marijuana use during adolescence has been proven to cause deficits in cognition even later in life, and it is also confirmed now as a causal factor in schizophrenia and paranoia as well as depression leading to suicide.  The two largest age groups for marijuana consumption are 18-25 followed by 12-17, both before the threshold of a mature brain.  This doesn’t bode well for our future.

Soros gets much of the credit for the problem: 1) Kids think marijuana is medicine, which it is not; 2) They think its legal, which it is not; 3) They don’t know any better because Soros largely controls the press and the propaganda; and 4) Because the Democratic party is largely controlled by Soros, as stated by Eli Pariser of Soros’ organization in 2004 … “ We bought the Democratic party.  We own it.”

When politicians base decisions on financial contributions from the master of subversion, whose intent is to destroy our country, we have a problem.  They can’t serve Soros and serve the people.

What has been proven empirically to reduce crime and lead to better health and promote economic and social development is abstinence.  Total abstinence may not be practical, but the disease of addiction is preventable if we have the wisdom, courage and will to do what works to prevent it where it almost always begins, with kids.

According to Joseph Califano at CASA if we get young people to age 21 before they start smoking, abusing alcohol or using drugs, they should virtually never have a problem.  How do we get them there?  In all ways possible, but for certain, we need a mandate for non-punitive random drug testing for all middle and high school kids is a must.  Making drugs even more available through legalization is insanity.

The inability of these world leaders to fully understand that prevention is the missing link in the War-On-Drugs suggests maybe they weren’t the best leaders to begin with.  Or have they been influenced by Drug Lord Soros?

Glenn Beck, featuring drug legalizers like Nadlemann on your website, in addition to your exodus from Fox News, implies that you may have crossed over to the enemy camp.   Please … say it isn’t so.

Roger Morgan

Take Back America Campaign”


Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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“Besides Rasmussen, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4%.
Rasmussen Poll Underlines
Conservative Voter Skepticism, Distrust
        If  the 2010 midterm elections were your way of revolting against the last fifty years of federal government actions, a revolution at the ballotbox by the center and the right, you're not without company.  The term bandied around most by the progressives and other left-wingers over the last 110 years of American history is their Marxist interpretation of the word “revolution.”  These revolting people with the aim of bringing totalitarianism to our shores have ceaselessly talked about “the revolution” and derided the system created by America’s Founding Fathers, the system that has made America a shining beacon of hope around the planet for over 225 years. 
However, throughout real American history it’s been the radical-center and right** that has led the way, who’ve brought great change to these shores . . . and right now, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports it is that same radical-center group that is most likely to “kick the bast_rds out” of the Oval Office and Congress until they get a government that truly represents their interests and highest standards. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Republican voters, if you talk to 64% of them, they now see the divide between the public and their government as the biggest since the American Revolution began in 1775.
In the Rasmussen survey of likely G.O.P. primary voters, 64% of them agree with that sentiment; only 16% disagree and 20% say they aren’t sure. In related questioning, 84% of Republican voters trust the judgment of the American people more than that of the nation’s political leaders and only 4% trust the political leaders more with 12% “undecided.” When Democrats and Independents are added in 76% of the people today trust the people more than the politicians. 
The likely Republican voters deeply distrust their government: 87% say the federal government has become a special interest group with the desire and power to advance its own interests to the public’s detriment. Only 6% of Republicans disagree with that view. 67% of G.O.P. voters think big business and the government often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors; with only 13% disagreeing and 20% unsure.
Rasmussen Reports founder Scott Rasmussen (who’s run the most accurate and trustworthy polling service in the country for the last dozen years; authored the book In Search of Self-Governance; and co-authored Mad as Hell: How the TEA Party is Fundamentally Remaking our Two-Party System with ex-Clinton aide Doug Schoen) said this in In Search of Self Governance, “Throughout American History, voters tend to be a few decades ahead of the political leadership. Voters gradually adapt to changes in the real world while politicians defend the status quo.” If he’s right, it explains why “Revolution” as it’s seen by the left hasn’t caught on. They dynamic in America is, according to Rasmussen, significantly different than it is in European, Asian or Latin American countries where Marxism has played out its hand.
Rasmussen revealed that 43% of the G.O.P. consider themselves part of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement and 22% of all voters align themselves with the TEA Party.   The TEA Party reports that its makeup includes 9% Democrats; 18% Independents and 72% Republicans and Libertarians who are, of course, most likely to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries. The stereotype that the group belongs to “angry old men” is incorrect: 56% of TEA Party members are women and the average age of all regardless of gender is 46. 
Polls by other groups have highlighted some of the problems that the recent Rasmussen’s poll shows Republicans excited about. For example, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4% compared to 24% among non-TEA Party citizens. All this ties in to another Rasmussen poll showing that only 23% of the likely voting public now says the government has the consent of the governed in America.
The main difference, of course between the progressive-radicals and the mainstream radicals is, of course, the question of bullets or ballots.   Many on the left such as Frances Fox Piven have long advocated “bloody revolution.” The quiet revolution via the ballot box is the preferred method of the angry Republicans and TEA Party folk. Surveys of all Americans over the last four decades has shown that the breakdown of self-identification has remained very steady at or around: 44% calling themselves “conservative”; 42% self-labeling as “moderate”; and just 12% “liberal.” The area crippling conservatism’s power in Rajjpuut’s opinion is “social-conservativism” which includes items like strict anti-abortion stands; and desire for creationism and other religious beliefs to be taught in public schools; singing religious Chritmas carols in public schools, etc.. For example: 55% of all Americans are against the strictest anti-abortion views (absolutely no abortion under any circumstances) while only 43% support them. However, combined Constitutional conservativism and fiscal-conservativism as advocated by the TEA Party seems to be an area that at least 55%  of the Independent voters can enthusiastically support.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** The most obvious examples are the Founding Fathers' efforts before the Revolutionary War fighting against the Stamp Act and the tax on tea; creating the Declaration of Independence; and later in creating the Constitution and Bill of Rights; and even more to the point, the abandonment of the Whig Party and the creation and rise of the Republican Party from 1856-1860 after the Whigs repeatedly refused to take a stand against slavery.  Many consider the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 to be another example.
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How Free Is America?

Posted on Pajamas Media-By Matt Patterson-On June 3, 2011:

Americans are accustomed to thinking of themselves as the freest people on Earth. Except that according to the Heritage Foundation’s 2011 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States stands at a dismal 9th in international rankings for economic liberty, embarrassingly behind social democracies like New Zealand (4th) and Canada (6th) and well behind Asian powerhouses Hong Kong and Singapore (first and second, respectively).

It is safe to say that these depressing stats would come as no surprise to the higher-ups at Boeing, who had the temerity to act as if they were a private company operating in a free market when they decided to relocate the company’s 787 Dreamliner assembly from Washington state to a new production facility in South Carolina.This new relationship was poised to be mutually beneficial — South Carolina would get about 1,000 new jobs, Boeing a less regulated, less unionized — read: cheaper — business climate in which to operate.

But it was not to be. In April, Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed a complaint against Boeing to block the move and thwart the South Carolina relocation, charging that Boeing’s decision constitutes an unlawful retaliation against the unionized workers of Washington state.

Boeing contends it simply cannot afford the constant work stoppages of the Washington unions (roughly one every three years over the past decade), and no wonder:  In 2008 alone, a strike instigated by the International Association of Machinists (IAM) lasted 39 days and accrued roughly 1,053,000 in lost work days for some 27,000 employees in Washington, Oregon, and Kansas. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), “Some analysts have estimated that the shutdown of jet production during the work stoppage cost Boeing more than $2 billion in profits.” Ouch. One can hardly blame the company for looking toward the warmer climes and more attractive labor market of South Carolina, one of the 22 states with so-called “right-to-work” laws forbidding the compulsory unionization of workers.

But the Obama administration has, through the NLRB, sided with the unions, in essence affirming Big Labor’s self-assumed right to blackmail and bankrupt private industry. The decision against Boeing (which the company is set to challenge in a June hearing) is indeed a dark and ominous sign:  As Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore poignantly put it in the Wall Street Journal, “It’s the first time a federal agency has intervened to tell an American company where it can and cannot operate a plant within the U.S.” It’s as if a government agent blocked your way while you were fleeing a mugger and ordered you to go back and hand over your wallet.

Of course, Obama is under tremendous pressure to deliver some favors to the unions, who have spent hundreds of millions to put him and other Democrats into power. Having failed to deliver labor’s long-cherished “card check” legislation before last November’s GOP tide swept over Congress, and seeing unions withering under the assault of Republican governors like Wisconsin’s Scott Walker and New Jersey’s Chris Christie, the White House undoubtedly felt it had to give its money masters something.

So it has, and only at the expense of liberty, economic growth, and common sense. So much for land of the free.


Note:  These recent articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. As Gov’t Plays ‘Father,’ ‘Black Males Have Become Dispensable’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Jeff Poor-The Daily Caller-On June 4, 2011:

It’s perhaps not the most politically correct take on welfare in America’s black community, but an interesting one nonetheless.

Walter E. Williams, a George Mason economist and author of “Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?” is not a fan of the welfare state that exists in the country. In an appearance on Thursday night’s “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network, Williams argued that welfare has done more damage to black society than slavery or Jim Crow.

“[T]he welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done, the harshest Jim Crow laws and racism could not have done, namely break up the black family,” Williams said.

“That is, today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two parent families. Historically, from 1870s on up to about 1940s, and depending on the city, 75 to 90 percent of black kids lived in two parent families. Illegitimacy rate is 70 percent among blacks where that is unprecedented in our history.”

But this isn’t just relegated to the American welfare state, but is seen in European welfare states as well.

“Now, it’s not just a matter of a racial thing. Sweden is the mother of the welfare state and illegitimacy in Sweden is 54 percent,” he said.

Williams explained to host John Stossel that this is a natural effect of welfare policies.

“Well, because, look, if you subsidize anything, you’re going to get surpluses of it, and if you tax something you’re going to get less of it,” he said. “If you did not get welfare, then people would decide, I’m going to go out and get a job, I’m going to live more responsibly.”

And with these policies, they have taken a toll on the black family, specifically the black father.”


II. General Motors not eager to be political talking point in 2012-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Amanda Carey-On June 3, 2011:

III. Economy adds paltry 54K jobs, raising fears for recovery!-Posted on The Hill’s On The Money-By Ian Swanson and Bernie Becker-On June 3, 2011:

IV. Half of Last Month's New Jobs Came from a Single Employer — McDonald's!-Posted on The Weekly Standard-By MARK HEMINGWAY-On June 3, 3011:

V. New World Powers Move to Shove Dollar Aside!-Posted on Investment Watch-By MarketWatch-On April 18, 2011:

VI. China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills!-Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On June 3, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?’s-concept-of-buying-600-billion-of-treasuries-just-a-smokescreen/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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1) Marxist Democrats still do not know what is in the Marxist Obamacare Healthplan.

2) Democrats did not read plan before or after they voted for it.

3) Democrats did not write the Obamacare Bill. Not one Democrat had any part of writing the Bill. Not one.

4) The Entire Healthcare Bill was Written by George Soros Special Interests groups.
5) Congress was told by Pelosi to Shutup and "VOTE" for it or they would not get Election Campaign Funding.
6) So, Marxist Democrats knowlingly Voted for Obamacare without one clue what was in the bill.

7) They still do not have a clue what is in it.
8) Ask one Democrat Congressman what is in the bill, and not one knows or can tell you.

9) Marxist Democrat do not read bills before they vote in it.

10) They  are told to "VOTE" Yea or Nea and they do what they are told.

11) And every Marxist Democrat must go and cunsult with their "Lobbyists" to make sure Lobbyist are OK with them voting for or against the Bill.
12) Feel like you have no input? You don't. NONE!

13) Congress just shows up, votes the way Pelosi wants them to and then goes out to lunch. Every day.

Read more…

Posted on Judicial Watch-June 2011:

“Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has uncovered documents from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that indicate officials at the FCC colluded with the leftist Free Press organization to publicly push a new plan to regulate the Internet under the FCC’s so-called “net neutrality” program.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to a December 27, 2010, Freedom of Information Act request.

In December 2010, the FCC voted 3-2 to advance its “net neutrality program.” This decision seems to fly in the face of an April, 2010 federal appeals court ruling that the FCC had exceeded its authority in seeking to regulate the Internet and enforce “net neutrality” rules.

The supporters of “net neutrality,” including Free Press, argue that high-speed Internet access is a “civil right,” and are recommending new government regulations to provide taxpayer-funded broadband Internet access to all populations, especially those deemed “underserved.” Opponents of “net neutrality” argue the program is designed to impose greater government control over the Internet and will result in less access, not more. Moreover, opponents of “net neutrality,” also dispute the claim that Internet access is a basic civil right protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Judicial Watch uncovered internal correspondence showing unusual coordination by some officials at the FCC and Free Press in pushing the “net neutrality” agenda in the run up to the controversial FCC vote in December:

Free Press has deep ties to radical leftists and socialists.

Robert McChesny, former editor of the socialist magazine Monthly Review, is the co-founder and president of Free Press. Kim Gandy, the Chairman of the Free Press Board of Directors, served as the President of the National Organization for Women from 2001-2009. Craig Aaron, Free Press’s President and CEO, formerly worked as managing editor of the socialist tabloid In These Times.

Free Press is financially supported by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and other hard-left groups such as the Ford Foundation and Democracy Alliance.

“Net neutrality is just another Obama power grab. This is nothing less than the Obama administration’s attempt to stage a government takeover of the Internet under the guise of ‘net neutrality.’ So it should come as no surprise that Free Press, the hard left organization with socialist ties, is improperly driving the so-called net neutrality agenda from inside the Obama administration. The FCC is supposed to be an independent agency that follows the law,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The American people should be deeply troubled by the fact that the Obama administration, on issue after issue, seems to be run by shadowy leftist organizations. Our government is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’, not ‘of the Left, by the Left, and for the Left.’”

To access the FCC-Free Press net neutrality documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, please click here.


Note:  The following video relates to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Former Soviet KGB Operative Talks About Communist Takeover of USA!

Note What follows is a YouTube web site that contains a series of videos that bring to light a most startling revelation, which is that the collapse of Soviet Communism was in fact a staged deception to mislead the West and open the way for Russia’s domination of the free world. Since the fate of Western Civilization hangs in the balance, I suggest you ‘play all’, go to full screen and sit back and watch all of these videos. It’s important for freedom’s sake-You Decide:

The Untold Story About The Collapse of Communism!-Posted on TheSpiritOfTruth-On May 19, 2006:

Note:  The following recent articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Video: Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Admits She Wants Gaddafi-Style Government In USA!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On June 3, 3011:

Who Is Behind Adam Kokesh and Russia Today Television?-Posted on America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On June 1, 2011:

Russian TV and Code Pink Disrupt Memorial Day Activities-Posted on America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On May 30, 2011:

SEIU drops mask, goes full commie-Posted on Pajamas Media-By Zombie-On May 6, 2011:

Communist Party Predicts Huge May Day Rallies Across America – Left Exploits Immigrants-Posted on Trevor-On April 28, 2011:

Video: Revolutionary Socialist Group Planing to Recruit Children in JR High School!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On April 24, 2011:

Happy Easter from the Communists-Posted on Conservative Byte-On April 22, 2011:

ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'-Posted on Town Hall-By Matt Barber-On March 25, 2011:

FBI Files: Ted Kennedy Met With Communist Traitor-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On March 24, 2011:

Socialist Mantra Hidden In Grade School Chants-Posted on The Blaze-By Mike Opelka-On March 2, 2011:

Judicial Watch Obtains Previously Redacted Material from the FBI File of the Late Senator Ted Kennedy-Posted on Judicial Watch-On February 25, 2011:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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       If Barack Obama were caught on camera raping . . . how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to . . . ?”

After Using U.S. Constitution for Toilet Paper
King Barack, the Deceiver, Still
Praised by Liberal Lamestream Media
ITEM: The Obama administration (which cheer-led the opposition to ex- Egyptian strongman Mubarak and which has been praising the so-called “Arab Spring” movement to replace virtually all Middle-East dictators with Jihadocracies associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hamas or various and sundry terrorist groups) has approved $2 Billion to help out the new Egyptian regime whatever its politics. Given that the last six weeks have seen an American reporter raped in public by Egyptian mobs; stoning of Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt’s population) and burning of their Christian churches; and angry mobs yelling, “Kill the Jews!” as they demonstrate against the thirty-year peace treaty with Israel – none of which was even half-imaginable under Mubarak over the last three decades -- it seems likely that Mr. Obama has just given aid and comfort to America’s enemies one more time. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: The President took time off from golf and pick-up basketball to proclaim June “National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender Pride Month. Meanwhile he hasn’t had enough time to actually put forth a serious budget; to do any serious work on eliminating the deficit and national debt; or had his Democrats seriously address the budget and debt-cutting that all spectators and participants have long acknowledged must precede the debt-ceiling expansion he’s been so vociferously calling for. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has deliberately dishonored the War Powers Act as he’s continued the U.S. involvement in Libya beyond the 60-day period maximum period that law requires without consulting with Congress and getting congressional approval and funding to continue. By the way, like the situation in Egypt, it appears that the likely beneficiary of our bombs in Egypt will be Al Qaeda leaders. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama without congressional approval suggested the virtual abandonment of the one free society in the Middle East and our biggest ally there, Israel, without a single liberal media voice being raised in question, much less opposition. Mr. Obama has consistently painted the Israelis as the blood-thirsty ones in the Middle East not as the recipient of unwanted missile, mortar, suicide bombing, sneak raids on innocent families and other attacks. While Rajjpuut is NOT a big fan of Israel and is sympathetic to the dismay and anger of those displaced by its creation in 1948, terrorist groups like the (pre-1933 Nazi-connected) Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas calling for the slaughter of “all Jews from the face of the earth” is probably not the answer to the problem. Mr. Obama has been disingenuous on every single Israeli policy decision he’s made over the last twenty-nine months. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama’s policies have led to the departure of 74% of the companies drilling in the Gulf and contributed greatly to the present spiked in gas prices. Mr. Obama’s interior department has reneged upon several drilling permits for operations in Alaska as well. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has a string of forty-two key promises made while campaigning in 2008 that have all been broken. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   Details can be found here:
ITEM: Let us discuss briefly roughly half of the broken promises. Since about 2/3 of these promises were aimed at satisfying Obama’s liberal backers, it’s really quite surprising that the President’s trail of broken promises has not raised more ire on the left. Of course the promises most routinely broken by Obama have concerned creating a new more transparent and responsive Washington, D.C. During the first three hundred and twenty days when he held an invincible majority in both the house and senate, the president failed to even try to get his promised “comprehensive immigration bill within the first year;” centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters; allow five days comment before voting on bills; create tougher rules countering the “revolving-door” policies for lobbyists and former officials; planned human missions to the moon for 2020; give an annual “State of the World” address; enact windfall profits taxes from oil companies (this boondoggle approach has been cheered on by Dems since 1973 incessantly; those same Dems stopped all new refineries in the country since 1974 and have constantly constrained drilling in this country . . . thus raising oil prices and oil company profits); within the first year the entire automotive “fleet” in Washington, D.C. was to have been converted to electrical plug-in cars; recognition of the Armenian genocide;  negotiate every aspects of the health care “reform” negotiations televised by C-Span; no family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase; close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center; allow imported prescription drugs; create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners; and about a dozen specific different promises to increase transparency, openness and accountability of the federal government all have been broken; the promise to run the most “bi-partisan” administration in history has been shattered, of course; not to mention his promise to be the first post-racial American President. Again visit
to find out about all the various broken Obama promises. Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM:  Besides dozens of times breaking promises associated with some version of “the buck stops here,” Mr. Obama has never called the economy his but constantly referred to the lie that the previous administration created the financial meltdown of 2007 (thirty years of CRA ’77 legislation with five expansions – four by Clinton – created the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing home lenders to make knowingly abysmal loans to terribly unqualified buyers; all this was exacerbated by the liberal ACORN organization which Barack Obama was a part of for two years . . . we could go on and on exposing this lie with proof all over the internet, but the liberal media wants no part of the truth, it’s too much fun continuing to kick George Bush around. Bush sought to repeal CRA laws in January, 2005 and for thirty months thereafter. Finally a too-weak version, was passed too late in July, 2007. It helped immensely but was not enough to stem the meltdown.) The liberal media could save America if they wanted to just by printing and broadcasting this little piece of the truth they’ve been deliberating obfuscating for six years.
ITEM: The promise that the auto-bailouts and other bailouts and his $787 billion Obama-stimulus would prevent the jobless rate from ever going above 8% is the biggest obvious broken promise.
ITEM: His cash-for-clunkers program was initiated with the promise that it would save jobs and make the economy heal faster. Instead it was an expensive boondoggle that gave a small temporary boost to the auto industry but no lasting push. It also has raised the prices of used cars by an average of $1,860 each over the last eighteen months. Again Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM: Then there’s this matter of a little promise to halve the budget deficit by the end of his first term. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   
ITEM: Imagine if John McCain had been elected president in 2008, isn’t it likely that each and every single broken promise would have become a cause célèbre? That each failing would be hyped in the newscasts day after endless day? How incompetent must the president be before liberals ask him tough questions in interviews? How often does the President have to treat the U.S. Constitution like toilet paper before one liberal press voice calls him on it? 
The question is: if Barack Obama was caught on camera raping a tee-ball team of ten-year old girls, how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to Youth Sports?” The liberal press’s fair-haired boy seems to have an unexpiring lifetime pass preventing him from ever facing the consequences of his actions in their eyes.
Ya’all live long and strong and ornery,
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Only government can take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it worthless . . . 
American Economy Facing
Death by 100+ Trillion Cuts
Today as President Obama tried to shed his rightful nickname “The Spread-the-Poverty President” by blaming Japan, and the world economy and high oil prices for the recent uptick in the nation’s UNemployment . . . you don’t have to be a gypsy fortune-teller to read-between-the-lines well enough to see that the American economy is dying the death by ten thousand cuts (or perhaps we should say by 100 TRillion+ cuts). Of course, many (if not most) of our fearless leaders in Congress and the White House are proclaiming an ongoing recovery. We’re not talking the Mississippi here, but de-Nile, deep, deep denial. Until we’re willing to face up to the truth, no solutions are possible. The progressive leadership in this country over the last forty-eight years (only Ronald Reagan is exempt among presidents and both chambers of every single congress has been guilty with the verdict still out on our present House of Representatives) have destroyed the greatest economic machinery the world has ever known and substantially weakened and corrupted the greatest and freest society ever known. 
Except for producing reality TV series and useless TV networks, we almost don’t create or build anything anymore . . . we certainly don’t create jobs. The American Dollar whose original symbol was a capital “U” with a capital “S” atop it has been led to a slow death. Thanks to our leaders we are almost literally drowning in debt: $14.3 TRillion officially; plus $115 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid) or a total of almost $130 TRillion we purposefully ignore discussing; plus, oh yes, that Welfare State that just got Obamacare added onto it . . . .
In a recent article the Prison Planet website told a sad story . . . when we’re through examining their cataloging of the situation . . . besides some parenthetical comments you’ll see immediately after each item, Rajjpuut has three shocking insights to add to the picture, Prison Planet said . . . .

The Economic Collapse: 24 signs of economic decline in America
#1 Standard & Poor’s just altered its outlook on U.S. government debt from “stable” to “negative” and warned the U.S. that it could very soon lose its AAA rating (the last time this happened was during the three months following the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor).

#2 China has announced that they are going to reduce their holdings of U.S. dollars (China, Brazil, Russia, and several other countries have openly called for elimination of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and China, Russia, Brazil and India have been moving out of Greenbacks into gold and silver).

#3 Hedge fund manager Dennis Gartman says that “panic dollar selling is setting in” and that the U.S. dollar could be in for a huge decline (the dollar has lost 24% of its value this last decade).

#4 The biggest bond fund in the world, PIMCO, is now short-selling U.S. government bonds.

#5 This cruel economy is causing “ghost towns” and “ghost neighborhoods” to appear all across the United States. There are quite a few counties across the nation that now have home vacancy rates of over 50% (Las Vegas, Nevada has one of the highest home vacancy rates in the nation . . . it’s so bad there that there’s a mini-construction “boom” going on . . . what? why? because rather than clients moving into one of Las Vegas’ many ghost neighborhoods for a bargain price they prefer to get into whole new sub-divisions with other people nearby rather than a seedy area over-run by kangaroo rats).

#6 There are now about 13 million fewer full-time jobs in America than when the recession began back in October, 2007.

#7 The average American family is having a really tough time right now. Only 45.4% of Americans had a job during 2010. The last time the employment level was that low was back in 1983.

#8 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.

#9 The average large company’s CEO made 343 times more money than the average American worker did last year.

#10 Gas prices reached five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19th, 2011. Could we see $6 gas soon? The President continues to spit on the concept of American oil jobs and American oil while recently loaning Brazil $2 billion for deepwater drilling and claiming “We want to be your best customers1”

#11 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.

#12 Due to rising fuel prices, American Airlines lost a staggering $436 million during the first quarter of 2011.

#13 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#14 Approximately one out of every four dollars that the U.S. government borrows goes to pay the interest on the national debt.

#15 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#16 Total credit card debt in the United States is now more than 8 times larger than it was just 30 years ago.

#17 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. In China, average household debt is only 17% of average household income (1/8 as high a percentage on a lot less earnings).

#18 The average American now spends approximately 23 percent of his or her income on food and gas (forty years ago that number was about 7%).

#19 In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting, 74 percent of Americans said that they planned to slow down their spending in coming months due to rising prices.

#20 Over 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.

#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of UNemployment in the U.S. is now an all-time record 39 weeks.

#22 As the economy continues to collapse, frustration among young people will continue to grow and we will see more seemingly “random acts of violence.” One shocking example of this happened on a Metropolitan Atlanta Mass Transit Area (MARTA) vehicle recently. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attack . . . .
Roughly two dozen teens, chanting the name of a well-known Atlanta gang, brought mob rule to MARTA early Sunday morning, overwhelming nervous passengers and assaulting two Delta flight attendants.
#23 Some Americans have become so desperate for cash that they are literally popping the gold teeth right out of their mouths and selling them to pawn shops.

#24 As the economy has declined; the American people have been gobbling up larger and larger amounts of antidepressants and other prescription drugs. In fact, the American people spent 60 billion dollars more on prescription drugs in 2010 than they did in 2005.

            To understand the full picture, consider this: Barack Obama’s puppet-master, George Soros (the “man who broke the Bank of England” and chief funder of some 52 progressive-foundations that have been working to undermine the U.S. economy for the last nine years as well as funding Barack Obama’s campaigns) is openly calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Soros, who has been called responsible for the destruction of at least six other currencies, is now heavily invested in the Dollar’s destruction. Every day that we refuse to emulate the British and adopt severe austerity measures, the closer Mr. Soros gets to adding another few hundred billion dollars worth of profit to his net worth. However, it’s not likely that Barack Obama will cut his own strings and act for the good of the American people over George Soros.
Real money, such as gold or silver, does not change in value over time although because of supply and demand considerations and new inventions, etc. it may be used to buy more or buy less of certain commodities. Paper money which is NOT backed by gold or silver (fiat money) always becomes worth less over time and eventually worthless. Right now Americans are shocked that the dollar has officially lost 24% of its value in a decade . . . but that’s only the official figure. The Federal Reserve Bankers under Fed Chief Ben Bernanke have not so much been “printing money” but merely creating it electronically. If the official figures took into account all Mr. Bernanke’s shenanigans and the world valued the Dollar accordingly then the 2011 dollar would be worth between 3-4 pennies from the 2001 DOLLAR.  Leave it to government to take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it absolutely worthless . . . by the way, gold prices have risen 45% in the last eighteen months; silver has risen 58% in the last four months as people and nations are abandoning paper currencies like the Dollar, Euro and Yen.
            The combined U.S. National Debt and UNfunded liabilities and Welfare responsibilities of the American government right now is equal to about three and one-half times the Gross Domestic Product ($57 TRillion) of the entire world . . . and yet the highly visible film-maker Michael Moore, all the unions, and the Progressives in congress from both parties claim there is “plenty of money” and refuse to cut spending and are debating when and how and how much to increase the debt ceiling right now. They’re counting on higher taxes upon “the rich” (those married couples earning a combined $250,000 or more who create all our small business jobs) to solve all our problems while continuing to create higher deficits, the one thing NOT on their agenda: spending cutbacks.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Can Muslims Be Trusted?

After seeing the video, it reminded me of an incident that happened to me on 911.  I was driving to work, then before 0800 hours.  Pulling into a local 711 for fuel there was no attendant to help with turning on the pumps.  In the back office I could hear a radio or television.  I went back and the two middle east attendants were yelling and cheering over what had to be the first aircraft into the Trade Center.

One of the men got up and said, "oh, I'm sorry, can I help you?", I got my fuel and went on my way.  Listening to local talk radio, I learned this was an unknown but thought to be terrorist attack.

My thoughts often go back to those two men, who claim to be Americans, cheering at the death of 3,000 innocent American citizens, knowing they were cheering for the success of the Muslim Religion against what they call the great Satin.  

If two gasoline attendants, whom I've never met before, could feel as they did; then, how many American Muslims felt pride and celebration for the deaths of over 3,000 innocent Americans that fateful day, September 11, 2001?4063319979?profile=original

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Gunfight At DC Corral: Palin vs Obama.

4063318573?profile=originalI'm sorry guys. Every time you flood me with emails attempting to convince me Palin can not win; is too toxic, not smart enough, a hypocrite and is only in it for the money, the courageous woman boldly does another extraordinary interview that makes me stand up and cheer, “Sarah Palin, you go girl! I love you!”


On the Hannity show, Palin launched another “in your face” attack on Obama, the GOP and the liberal media. I LOVE IT!


Nothing frustrates me more than GOP candidates walking on eggs cautious not to offend or anger the despicable, lying, agenda driven and evil liberal media. Why should we show respect for characterless people who are committed to lying and putting a negative spin on everything we say and do? The liberal media's mission is to politically “kill” the tea party. Get it?


Sarah Palin gets it. Palin does not give a rat's behind about what the liberal media thinks of her.


On numerous occasions, without the slightest hint of reservation or FEAR, Palin has attacked Obama “the man”; his lies, his anti-American associations, his socialist agenda, his assault on our freedom, liberty and culture and his horrific record, thus far. Thank You Sarah Palin! God bless you!


I realize I sound like a broken record, but I can not express the following point strongly enough. To beat Obama and “his media” in 2012, our candidate MUST embrace Palin's aggressive fearless battle plan.


It has been said, only a fool brings a knife to a gunfight. Without restraint or mercy, Obama, the democrats and Obama's liberal media gang will show up at the 2012 DC fight for the White House with mega guns firing at the tea party and the republican presidential candidate.


Any republican presidential candidate who is timid due to the historical context of Obama's presidency saying, “God bless Obama's heart. He meant well, but his policies have failed” is like entering this crucial battle for our country with a butter knife. Such a restrained effort would insure political death to our side and the end of America as we know it.


Patriots, we need a fearless political gunslinging hero. And so far, our heroic pistol packin' mama is Sarah Palin.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Vice Chair,








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Posted Canada Free Press-By John Lillpop-On June 4, 2011:

President Obama continues to commit high crimes and misdemeanors by ignoring the rule of law while making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution.

The president’s latest impeachable offense involves his unilateral decision and order to fire more than 150 Tomahawk missiles into Libya in his failed attempt to oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

The initial missile attack was executed on March 18, more than 60 days ago.

Apparently, the President with the Law degree from Harvard overlooked (chose to ignore?) the provisions of the War Powers Resolution summarized below.

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548) is a federal law intended to check the power of the President in committing the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress.

The resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution; this provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or in case of “a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.

In ordering the missile attack, Obama was quoted as saying,

“I want the American people to know that the use of force is not our first choice and it’s not a choice I make lightly,” Obama said. “But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy.”

The obvious question: What about Iran and Syria, sir?

Back to Obama’s most recent impeachable offense.

As reported at the reference, Obama has decided to treat the War Powers Resolution with the same disdain he has shown for border security, enforcement of immigration laws, health care legislation, and other important issues:

In an effort to satisfy those arguing he needs to seek congressional authorization to continue US military activity in accordance with the War Powers Resolution, President Obama wrote a letter to congressional leaders this afternoon suggesting that the role is now so “limited” he does not need to seek congressional approval.

“Since April 4,” the president wrote, “U.S. participation has consisted of: (1) non-kinetic support to the NATO-led operation, including intelligence, logistical support, and search and rescue assistance; (2) aircraft that have assisted in the suppression and destruction of air defenses in support of the no-fly zone; and (3) since April 23, precision strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles against a limited set of clearly defined targets in support of the NATO-led coalition’s efforts.”

A senior administration official told ABC News that the letter is intended to describe “a narrow US effort that is intermittent and principally an effort to support to support the ongoing NATO-led and UN-authorized civilian support mission and no fly zone.”

Obama’s latest transgression makes clear his cynical mindset.

Namely, If the law or resolution conflicts with Obama’s leftist agenda or reelection strategy, he simply ignores the offending law or resolution.

In a sign that cojones may be making a comeback in the U.S. House, that esteemed body delivered a message to the renegade president reminding him of the fact that America is subject to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, both of which presidents are obligated to follow, regardless of how brilliant said president may be.

As reported” title=“in part”>in part, the House took Obama to the wood shed a delivered a much-needed scalding to our wayward president:

“Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.

In two votes — on competing resolutions that amounted to legislative lectures of Mr. Obama — Congress escalated the brewing constitutional clash over whether he ignored the founding document’s grant of war powers by sending U.S. troops to aid in enforcing a no-fly zone and naval blockade of Libya.

The resolutions were non-binding, and only one of them passed, but taken together, roughly three-quarters of the House voted to put Mr. Obama on notice that he must explain himself or else face future consequences, possibly including having funds for the war cut off.”

What rich irony! The recipient of the most fraudulent Nobel Peace award in history is chastened by the U.S. Congress, including Democrat members, for violating U.S. law pertaining to war.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Obama is Impeachable over Libya!-Posted on AIM-BY CLIFF KINCAID-On June 2, 2011:

Obama Kills the War Powers Act!-Posted on National Review Online-By RICH LOWRY-On June 7, 2011:

Boehner Wimps Out on Libya!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On June 3, 2011:

House calls off vote on Libya resolution!-Posted on Reuters-On June 1, 2011:

Is Obama above the law?-Posted on The Washington Post-By George Will-On May 27, 2011:

Video: Congressman Nadler Compares President Obama To A King!-Posted on Jun 3, 2011:

Video: Biden States That Obama Could be Impeached over Libya!-Posted on Mar 22, 2011:

Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Out of the Blue

Beyond the blue sky, in the blackness of the universe, lies a state of consciousness, as from nothing you get nothing. An example of nothing is the mirage Washington, D.C. has made America.  Pin a rose on America’s political establishment for being the world’s foremost knuckleheads.


The subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, and cells that give humans form and substance, science has finally realized, begins with a state of consciousness.  Bell’s theorem proves that once connected, subatomic particles on up communicate.


Einstein, with numbers logic, proved that all things can be reduced to vibrations.   So many vibrations per second can be reduced to numbers, but Einstein could not see that basic to all things is consciousness.  To Einstein, numbers logic ended with the physical universe.  Both the ancients and cutting edge of science apply numbers to consciousness. Without consciousness, nothing could exist.  


What I’m mentioning is problematic for the makers and keepers of the law, so they deny, deny, deny.  It is all for the sake of convenience, and the same for theocrats.  For this reason alone, you are not likely to know the full truth about the power that lies within you.  You are more likely to believe that the authorities know what is best for you.  To those trained to jump through authority’s hoops, there is nothing beyond blue sky.  Out of the blue jumped Barack Obama.  


Einstein and all the other disconnected folks, without the power to observe the infinite state that exists before things become real, out of which state humans things become real, nevertheless, leave some of us with the power of observation.   The ability allows us to turn the aspects of matter into our reality—such things as computers and atom bombs.  You can surely understand that with this ability it is essential that we expand our conscious awareness.


Applying the above thoughts to our creation, in Gen. 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” connected with Mt. 6:10, “in earth as it is in heaven,” connected with Mt. 6:22, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” our reality depends, you see, on how far-reaching is our awareness. Most cannot see the power to transform a thought into reality, but what makes some more able than others?  More lately, as did our ancestors, we Americans have not been trained to think for ourselves.  

Europeans came to America, a wilderness, with little more than people had 5,000 years ago, and in less than 200 years transformed America into an industrial giant.  It took individual self-reliance and personal responsibility. 


But this American independence was not good for authority.  Authority was the very reason said Europeans came to America.  But, alas, for the good of all, wolves in sheep’s clothing brought us the duty of government to see that, individually, we are properly cared for. The rugged individual be damned.  The meek and poor are the preferred. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Government entitlement was accepted by the meek and poor, the very thing that is today bankrupting America.  The meek and poor can’t find work, naturally, because they depend on government for their existence, not on the private sector that makes jobs.   


Are we so cruel that we are willing to throw grandma over a cliff?  We’re missing the point. The form of law can be anything, but the substance is based on long-standing principles that cannot be broken without dire consequences.  It isn’t up to the vote to decide who receives and who pays.  In Nazi Germany, Jews didn’t have a right to exist.  Their executors were merely obeying the law. Am I the reason others are poor and needy?  If you believe this, your logic and reason has been replaced by political rationalization.  You are trapped—destined to be a slave of the high and mighty.


My good fortune can be attributed to the ability to reason, to do what my inner-self directs.  I’ve made it my business to know the law. Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world. In Mt. 7:8, Jesus said, “For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth.  . .”  In Mt 12:1 Jesus said, “Come unto me, all that labour and are heavenly laden, and I will give you rest.”  You’ve got the choice of looking within or looking to government for help.  I look at government as taking that which it is not privileged to take and giving back little.


Hitler determined what the law would be in Germany. Natural law does not originate in Washington, D.C. It is not the duty of government to provide one individual  and in order to do so robbing another of his rights. Moreover, nobody is smart enough to know what is best for hundreds of millions of individuals.   What is good for all can be and has been seen to deny some individuals of the right to exist.  Chairman Mao said China could afford to snuff out the lives of millions.  


After listening to the politicians yesterday on TV, and at this late hour all they could do is blow smoke, this duty of government they support,  which began with Roosevelt, and is currently bankrupting America,  find me one politician in Washington who is against government entitlement.  It was politicians who established entitlements; it is politicians who lawlessly cling to government entitlement, and promise us cake while we eat it. I was here before Roosevelt’s New Deal Law—the duty of government to eliminate the individual’s self-reliance and personal responsibility.  Before New Deal Law, the American people were not going morally, spiritually, and fiscally bankrupt.  Don’t kid yourself. The debt government has created will never be paid.  The politicians are whistling Dixie.


The family was America’s cornerstone. The law coming from Washington, D.C.  is “out of the blue,” without substance, in principle no better than Nazi law.   Our representatives, whether they be Republican or Democrat, are obviously committed to a mess they created and have no idea of how to fix. No, we’re not so cruel that we would push grandma over a cliff.  In America, we are fair and just. We’re going to prove it, like most of the rest of the world, by becoming equally penniless. 


America’s environmentalists should jump for joy, but then there is China’s emerging capitalism.  I wonder how history will judge America.




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