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They need to go and tale out George Soros (American traitor) next.
Just do it.
Obama Earns Kudus for
What the Legislators of this country set out to do by passing laws they cannot interpret, understand, legislate, nor enforce:
To produce the kinds of results they were designed to create against those who have not and live without:
Are they themselves turning the Government of this Nation into the Monstrous Menstrous Beast they'd feared so long not to see nor become.
Hello Satan!
Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
Please photocopy this and send it to all of
your friends and everybody you know. By doing this you can do your small part in fixing our economy. Which is easy to do. Just issue consumer dollars to individuals to spend on buying things and services and just write it off. There is plenty of unused credit to do this that nobody knows about. That is because there are two systems that are opposite to each other: the Mercantile/Capitalistic and the Industrial. In the Industrial system your entire paycheck should be spent on consumer products and services. Any money not spent such as savings, investments, entitlements and income taxes create the unused credit. It is like borrowing money from the bank, it has to be paid back. There is a difficulty: While putting some of your paycheck into your savings account is an individual act, paying out the unused credit is only authorized by the government, hence the need for grass-root class-action. This puts us in a campaign to Congress and possibly run our own candidates for office. Inflation must be controlled and the Fed stopped from borrowing money. It only adds to the deficit which can be reduced once the economy is prosperous and affluent which can also balance state budgets, create jobs, fund entitlements and pensions. Liberals want to spend money which is good for the Industrial system, but bad for the Investment system and Conservatives want to cut spending which is good for investment capitalism but bad for the free enterprise industrial system because Social Security is the fuel that runs the economy and to cut S/S would cause a recession. So in our two system economy what is good for one is bad for the other and visa versa. So the Liberals want to increase the deficit and the Conservatives want a Depression Down the road later on the Industrial system can be set up in its own right with its own institutions, but for now, what we need is first-aid. That would be consumer dollars given to individuals to spend on consumption and just written off. “Time is awastin” to make our feelings and desires known. Contact Congress and ask your friends to do the same.
Charles H. Seitz website:
628 Topsfield Road blog : http:/
Hatboro, PA 19040-451`3 Book: Revenge at High Tor, available at Amazon .com
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Posted on National Review Online-By Andrew C. McCarthy-On May 3, 2011:
“I hadn’t seen Stanley’s post until I was just about done writing this, but it is along the same lines. A little background: A few months back, as revolt stirred in Egypt, Obama flaks were telling everyone not to worry about the “largely secular” Muslim Brotherhood because the “moderate” Brothers really can’t stand al-Qaeda — you should hear the way they trash bin Laden. I countered that this was nonsense. The Brotherhood is terrorism-friendly (Hamas, after all, is a Brotherhood branch) but that it plays a sophisticated game to obscure this fact from gullible Westerners — a game that has very much included its treatment of Osama bin Laden. As I wrote at the time:
- “Occasionally, the Brotherhood condemns terrorist attacks, but not because it regards terrorist violence as wrong per se. Instead, attacks are criticized either as situationally condemnable (al-Qaeda’s 1998 embassy bombings, though directed at American interests, killed many Muslims and were not supported by an authoritative fatwa), or as counterproductive (the 9/11 attacks provoked a backlash that resulted in the invasion and occupation of Muslim countries, the killing of many Muslims, and severe setbacks to the cause of spreading Islam). Yet, on other occasions, particularly in the Arab press, the Ikhwan embraces violence — fueling Hamas and endorsing the murder of Americans in Iraq.
- In addition, the Brotherhood even continues to lionize Osama bin Laden. In 2008, for example, “Supreme Guide” Muhammad Mahdi Akef lauded al-Qaeda’s emir, saying that bin Laden is not a terrorist at all but a “mujahid,” a term of honor for a jihad warrior. The Supreme Guide had “no doubt” about bin Laden’s “sincerity in resisting the occupation,” a point on which he proclaimed bin Laden “close to Allah on high.” Yes, Akef said, the Brotherhood opposed the killing of “civilians” — and note that, in Brotherhood ideology, one who assists “occupiers” or is deemed to oppose Islam is not a civilian. But Akef affirmed the Brotherhood’s support for al-Qaeda’s “activities against the occupiers.”
Well, the death of bin Laden has the Brothers at it again. At Pajamas, Sami al-Abasi reports that, in reacting to the al-Qaeda emir’s death, the Brothers put out starkly different statements in English and Arabic.
One of the Brotherhood’s leading members, Essam al-Erian, told Reuters that bin Laden was “one of the reasons for which violence has been practised in the world” — a carefully tailored statement that did not necessarily cast bin Laden as the culprit in this “violence” but would surely be taken by the Brotherhood’s Western apologists as if it had. With bin Laden’s death, Erian said, this “reason for violence” has been “removed,” and therefore that “it is time for Obama to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq and end the occupation of U.S. and Western forces around the world that have for so long harmed Muslim countries.” Note that, as always, the Brotherhood’s bottom line just happens to be the same bottom line al-Qaeda desires — regardless of what the Brothers may have said about bin Laden in the course of getting down to it.
Now, behold the narrative that appears on the Brotherhood’s Arabic-language website (which Mr. al-Abasi includes at the end of his post). As al-Abasi observes, it not only says nothing disparaging about bin Laden; it actually refers to him as “Sheikh” Osama bin Laden, using an honorific intended to convey admiration. Moreover, the raid against bin Laden’s compound is condemned as an assassination, and the Brotherhood demands that America stay out of the internal affairs of Arab and Muslim countries, blaming the West for launching a media campaign to demonize Islam. Speaking specifically about Iraq and Afghanistan, the Brotherhood “confirms that the legitimate resistance against foreign occupation, for any country is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine law and international convention.” As al-Abasi correctly concludes:
- “By supporting violence against America’s troops in Muslim lands, the MB essentially defends the al-Qaeda campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. The [Brotherhood] also instructs the United States to stop its intelligence operations in Muslim lands, the key source of information that led to bin Laden’s killing. It furthers support the “legitimate resistance” of Palestinian groups against Israel, and tells the U.S. to do the same. So while the MB claims to have renounced violence, it has honored bin Laden as a sheikh and called for terrorism against American forces in Muslim lands.”
Note: My following blog posts include the above article and/or blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice!
What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Source: USWGO Alternative News
- From image of their press releases and believed to be under public domain government image.
First of all in the Nazi Concentration camps they ordered the Hitlers mad power grab victims off the trains to meet their doom at the Concentration camps that the victims were ordered to cooperate with the Nazi soldiers as they were processed at the concentration camps. Even the MTV Commercial showed what would happen if the same incident that happened during Adolf Hitlers reign happened on American soil.
MTV Commercial and portion from (Anne Frank Movie) showing the treatment of the victims and then show a video of how people getting off of a train at stations are being treated by VIPR security forces:
So these two videos show how aggressive the NAZI Soldiers following a tyrannical leader are and how they treat passengers coming off of a train or subway car now below a WPTV news news report where VIPR teams are occupying America in the name of “security,” having expanded from airports to forcing people exiting trains to submit to bag searches and being dehumanized. Why do these both seem to similar? Because the Pentagon, Northcom, and the Bilderberg Group is preparing Americans to get used to and accept being thrown in a Concentration Camp or FEMA Camp is the new term these days.
The 2nd comparison is that during World War II during the time that there were NAZI concentration camps, the processing centers were taking everything including Jewelry from the camp victims, then forced identification numbers on all the processed victims, then forced them to strip naked like piggies (Both men and women got to see the concentration camp victims naked there was no privacy for them as they were being humiliated) then had their hair forcefully cut off then they were completely processed as slaves in the concentration camps until they get sick then they are thrown into the gas chambers to rot and die.
Some of the same NAZI tactics are being moved into airports under the guise of airport Security the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) squads steal peoples non-weapon possessions then force a grope-down in front of people watching or forced through a highly detailed naked body scanner. So the similar tactics between the TSA Agents and the NAZIs at Concentration Camps are that they both use humiliation and dehumanization as tactics to degrade their humanity into that of cattle or piggies.
Several videos and article links below show proof that the TSA is actively engaging in dehumanization and molestation tactics under the guise of security at public international airports.
6 Year Old Girls being openly Groped By TSA Agents is the same as the NAZI soldiers engaging in NAZI dehumanization tactics by tyrants. When they declare that it is okay to grope little girls like pedophiles then we have truly lost our humanity to dehumanization.
Newark Liberty Airport screener charged with stealing electronics from luggage
Has the TSA stolen from you? – This Just In – Budget Travel
TSA Screening Supervisor Admits to Stealing from Passengers – AOL Travel News
TSA agents busted for stealing from luggage | DailyProsecutor
TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers
TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine – Travel – News – msnbc.comSo how come what VIPR and the TSA Agents seem so similar to what the NAZIs did to the prisoner victims of the concentration camps? Because tyrants like to use dehumanization as a means to reduce the humanity of the population so that they won’t fight back because they are too busy feeling violated and humiliated.
So does this mean that VIPR and the TSA is preparing us for when Martial Law happens then Concentration camps in the United States will be completely legal by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?
You decide when enough is enough!
Brian D. Hill is a Federaljack and USWGO Alternative News reporter. Mr. Hill has autism and severe type 1 diabetes. Mr. Hill writes as a volunteer writer/reporter and makes no commission off of any of his work. Mr. Hill gives his work for the public good as a truth advocate. You can send him news tips at admin @
Posted on Joe Kovacs-On April 27, 2011:
“The former Hawaii elections clerk who has claimed he was told by his superiors a long-form birth certificate for Barack Obama did not exist in the Aloha State says the release of what is purported to be the president's original birth record does not resolve the main issues surrounding Obama and the "overall filth" in Washington.
Tim Adams, who was senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008, told WND: "The real issues involved in the birth-certificate controversy remain the same: Obama's refusal to answer to the American people, the arrogance and crime that runs rampant among the political 'ruling' classes in Washington, and the loss of rights and freedoms by American citizens.
"These haven't changed one bit today – except that it has taken three years of national controversy for a sitting president to grudgingly dole out a milksop of compliance with the laws of the country, this is the best lesson from today."
Adams, a self-described liberal Democrat who thinks Obama is eligible for office because his mother was American, lamented what he feels is an out-of-control federal government, explaining, "There is a group of men and women who currently are waging multiple, illegal wars, paying off special interests with taxpayer monies, violating every law on the books, and operating as if we were subjects to be dictated to at gunpoint; this must end. Obama's controversy is just a symptom of the overall filth that is Washington. These people must be held accountable, must be punished, and must be removed from power, by whatever means are necessary. As for their excuses, every perp has a f---ing excuse."
Specifically concerning Obama, Adams said, "President Obama's problems as a politician, his active membership and support of a racist, religious group; his friendship with a known terrorist and murderer; his extremism; his use of executive orders; his contempt of the rule of law and the limits of government power; his violence and murder around the world; his failed economic and social policies; his rewarding of his political friends and the active spoils system he operates, the corruption and crime of the Daly machine bunch he came out of in Chicago – none of these have gone away.
Adams says the U.S. still needs candidate-validation laws in every state and a codified definition of the Article 2 requirements in the Constitution for the offices of president and vice president. The term "natural-born citizen" has been at the heart of the controversy, since the Constitution itself does not define it.
Concerning the actual image of what is claimed to be the president's original long-form birth certificate, Adams said, "If this document is indeed valid – and I'm not going into the questions of validity – it proves what I said before, that the so-called COLBs (Certifications of Live Birth) that were posted online over the last three years are in fact forgeries and not State of Hawaii issued documents."
The release of the document today – which should settle the issue of his birth – doesn't answer why the documents couldn't be located for so long or what happened to them. The release also doesn't answer questions as to why now, and why not before, except that before it was politically advantageous to continue the controversy, when the issue became too much of a loser for the Democratic Party and the president personally, he manages to find the will to release his documentation.
As I said before, politics as usual, and while this should close this debate eventually, it will not answer the questions about natural-born citizenship, nor the problems of crime and corruption that are more rampant in this administration than any since Tammany Hall.
If this abusive, criminal enterprise that is the federal government of the United States is not caged, punished and reformed, on both sides of the aisles and including all the current players, of which the president is actually only one minor piece, America is headed for economic, political and societal disaster. Period.
As WND reported earlier this month, Adams recently gave an online radio interview in which he said the president and his aides had been "caught fibbing" about Obama's background, and the "embarrassing" situation was making it difficult to fess up to the truth.
In June of last year, Adams burst onto the national scene with stunning claims about no long-form birth certificate for Obama existing in Hawaii.
"I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama]."
At the time, there were conflicting reports that Obama had been born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children across town. So Adams says his office checked with both facilities.
"They told us, 'We don't have a birth certificate for him,'" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man's birth."
Note: My following blog post includes the above article and/or blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Posted on Steve Peacock-On May 2, 2011:
“Wikipedia has undergone further sanitizing of the philosophical underpinnings of what it means to be a “natural born Citizen” as the Constitution requires for U.S. presidents, the latest in an ongoing “edit war” at the online encyclopedia.
In the most recent development, an unnamed “editor” deleted in its entirety a section of a Wikipedia entry for Swiss legal philosopher Emmerich de Vattel, whom Founding Fathers such as Benjamin Franklin have credited for his influence on early American policy formation
The deleted segment, titled “USA Constitution,” had included a reference to de Vattel’s 1757 treatise “The Law of Nations,” which defined natural-born citizenship as “those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”
The now-removed section also had noted the U.S. Constitution’s use of the phrase “the law of nations.”
Wikipedia’s de Vattel entry likewise paired the phrase with the philosopher’s citizenship definition followed by the Constitution’s overall candidate requirements for the presidency.
According to an auto-generated Revision History accompanying the entry, the anonymous editor deleted the USA Constitution section on May 2.
The editor justified changing the separate, de Vattel entry with this brief explanation: “Removed misformatted section, misapplying a quote to provide NPOV support to birtherism.”
The acronym NPOV, according to Wikipedia’s own definition, is “Neutral point of view ‘NPOV’ (journalism), a stance or tone that is free from bias…”
The person who changed the listing sought additional affirmation for his or her decision, inserting in the Revision History page the extra comment, “Moderator support requested.”
That same editor first modified the de Vattel entry on April 30, denouncing the paired inclusion of constitutional presidency requirements and references to de Vattel as “a naked attempt to validate Birtherism (and therefore NPOV)…”
A request made to Wikipedia for comment on this process was not answered as of press time.
The back-and-forth process of deleting and re-inserting the same information has been a source of angst for some of Wikipedia’s volunteer citizen-editors.
Indeed, one commenter on the history revision page exhorted participants to cease this information – or disinformation – campaign with the simple cry: “Let’s stop this edit war.”
Note: My following blog posts include the above article and/or blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Obama's paltry paper trail raises serious questions!
Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On May 3, 2011:
“On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer talked about the US giving $3 billion in aid to Pakistan but he suddenly veered the conversation toward a much more disturbing issue.
“The problem isn’t Pakistan, the problem is Obama,” Krauthammer said. “Obama and the Democrats were so critical of what Bush did—the interrogations, the secret prisons, Guantanamo and all of that and even the ‘War on Terror’—Obama won’t use the word. He’s made a war on the War on Terror, that if we pick up somebody we cannot really interrogate them. You have to use the Army field manual…you’re going to get name, rank and serial number…”
This anti-interrogation problem is the subject of “Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack” written by President George W. Bush’s top speechwriter, Marc A. Thiessen. The book is all about how Obama put an end to the CIA programs used to interrogate Al Qaeda terrorists, including the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.
“We can’t pick anybody up because…there’s nowhere to hold them,” Krauthammer said. “All the secret prisons are shut; he won’t put anyone in Guantanamo—you’ve got to release them in 2 weeks and if you use the kid glove interrogation you’re not going to get anything.”
In Thiessen’s book, he describes in detail how after unsuccessfully trying to get information out of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad they used “enhanced interrogation” and were not only able to get valuable information from him, but he was also used to thwart future attacks.
For unknown reasons (and despite the huge life-saving success of enhanced interrogation), Thiessen wrote, “On Jan. 22, 2009, President Obama issued Executive Order 13491, closing the CIA program and directing that, henceforth, all interrogations by U.S personnel must follow the techniques contained in the Army Field Manual. The morning of the announcement, Mike Hayden was still in his post as CIA Director, when he called White House Counsel Greg Craig and told him bluntly: ‘You didn’t ask, but this is the CIA officially nonconcurring’. The president went ahead anyway, overruling the objections of the agency.”
Regarding the difficulties CIA agents are currently having, Krauthammer said, “Is there anyone in the CIA who is going to want to interrogate after the Obama administration has threatened to prosecute the people who interrogated after 9/11? We have no sources of information and that’s why we’re killing these guys (with drones in Libya) rather than capture them as you want in a war on terror.”
Following is an excerpt from “Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack ” by Marc Theissen and I recommend everyone give it a read:
“Just before dawn on March 1, 2003, two dozen heavily armed Pakistani tactical assault forces move in and surround a safe house in Rawalpindi . A few hours earlier they had received a text message from an informant inside the house. It read: “I am with KSM.”
Bursting in, they find the disheveled mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in his bedroom. He is taken into custody. In the safe house, they find a treasure trove of computers, documents, cell phones and other valuable “pocket litter.”
Once in custody, KSM is defiant. He refuses to answer questions, informing his captors that he will tell them everything when he gets to America and sees his lawyer. But KSM is not taken to America to see a lawyer Instead he is taken to a secret CIA “black site” in an undisclosed location.
Upon arrival, KSM finds himself in the complete control of Americans. He does not know where he is, how long he will be there, or what his fate will be.
Despite his circumstances, KSM still refuses to talk. He spews contempt at his interrogators, telling them Americans are weak, lack resilience, and are unable to do what is necessary to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals. He has trained to resist interrogation. When he is asked for information about future attacks, he tells his questioners scornfully: “Soon, you will know.”
It becomes clear he will not reveal the information using traditional interrogation techniques. So he undergoes a series of “enhanced interrogation techniques” approved for use on only the most high-value detainees. The techniques include waterboarding. His resistance is described by one senior American official as “superhuman.” Eventually, however, the techniques work, and KSM becomes cooperative—for reasons that will be described later in this book.
He begins telling his CIA de-briefers about active al Qaeda plots to launch attacks against the United States and other Western targets. He holds classes for CIA officials, using a chalkboard to draw a picture of al Qaeda’s operating structure, financing, communications, and logistics. He identifies al Qaeda travel routes and safe havens, and helps intelligence officers make sense of documents and computer records seized in terrorist raids. He identifies voices in intercepted telephone calls, and helps officials understand the meaning of coded terrorist communications. He provides information that helps our intelligence community capture other high-ranking terrorists, KSM’s questioning, and that of other captured terrorists, produces more than 6,000 intelligence reports, which are shared across the intelligence community, as well as with our allies across the world.
In one of these reports, KSM describes in detail the revisions he made to his failed 1994-1995 plan known as the “Bojinka plot” to blow up a dozen airplanes carrying some 4,000 passengers over the Pacific Ocean .
Years later, an observant CIA officer notices the activities of a cell being followed by British authorities appear to match KSM’s description of his plans for a Bojinka-style attack. In an operation that involves unprecedented intelligence cooperation between our countries, British officials proceed to unravel the plot. On the night of Aug.9, 2006 they launch a series of raids in a northeast London suburb that lead to the arrest of two dozen al Qaeda terrorist suspects. They find a USB thumb-drive in the pocket of one of the men with security details for Heathrow airport, and information on seven trans-Atlantic flights that were scheduled to take off within hours of each other:
- United Airlines Flight 931 to San Francisco departing at 2:15 p.m.
- Air Canada Flight 849 to Toronto departing at 3:00 p.m.
- Air Canada Flight 865 to Montreal departing at 3:15 p.m.
- United Airlines Flight 959 to Chicago departing at 3:40 p.m.
- United Airlines Flight 925 to Washington departing at 4:20 p.m.
- American Airlines Flight 131 to New York departing at 4:35 p.m.
- American Airlines Flight 91 to Chicago departing at 4:50 p.m.
They seize bomb-making equipment and hydrogen peroxide to make liquid explosives. And they find the chilling martyrdom videos the suicide bombers had prepared.
Today, if you asked an average person on the street what they know about the 2006 airlines plot, most would not be able to tell you much. Few Americans are aware of the fact al Qaeda had planned to mark the fifth anniversary of 9/11 with an attack of similar scope and magnitude. And still fewer realize the terrorists’ true intentions in this plot were uncovered thanks to critical information obtained through the interrogation of the man who conceived it: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
This is only one of the many attacks stopped with the help of the CIA interrogation program established by the Bush Administration in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Editor’s Note: For other foiled terrorist plots, see page 9 of “Courting Disaster.”
Read More:’s-interrogation-phobias-end...
Note: My following blog post includes the above article and/or blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
In case you weren't listening to Tea Party Radio tonight, you missed an extremely informative show, and here's what really gave me goose-bumps and a few tears:
It's not as if we don't have enough on our plate, enough to fume about and enough to try to counter in the complete capitulation to tyranny that has become the norm in our society.
Tonight we had a caller who imigrated here from Brazil and became a United States citizen legally. She left a totalitarian Marxist/Communist tyranny for the beacon and promise of freedom and liberty in the only nation on the face of this earth that exists as such.
She came here with her children, that they may have a better future than what she had known.
She came here without her husband, or her parents, as the communist regime they lived in basically "eliminated" them over time. For speaking out. For seeking God-given liberty in their own country.
She came here seeking a better life, and then saw the election of Obama and the ones he has surrounded himself with.
She KNOWS TYRANNY when she sees it, and was absolutely livid that we have IGNORED IT while it is right in our face, and are failing to adequately address it.
Her message was very clear, and her anquish even more so. To paraphrase slightly, she said that "I did not come here, or bring my children here, to suffer through what I have tried to escape. How could you let this happen? All I hear is talk, I see no actions! These people are tyrants, and this nation will be destroyed. I KNOW tryrants..."
So my friends and fellow patriots, this becomes less of a question than a clarion-call to action...what are we willing to do and WHEN will we start doing it? Brow-beating senators and reps, nationally and locally, really isn't doing a lot, but it is making a difference, albeit not enough of one, as our main dysfunction, as the caller pointed out, is that they just won't listen because they have their own agenda, and that agenda is Washington DC's agenda.
And that is where the change must come from.
We are being destroyed from within, which has been evident for many decades, if you only care to look. It has only now taken on a whole new life in the form of Barack (Barry Soetoro) Obama, George Soros, and the international cabal of bankers, Marxists and globalists that have been working on this since AT LEAST 1850.
I know our HEARTS are in the right place...if we don't follow up with action and integrity, it doesn't mean squat...and we will be ushered into the nether regions of totalitarian hell we have been warned quite clearly about...
As hard as we try, and as much as we THINK we may be doing, was illustrated ever-so-clearly as NOT BEING ENOUGH.
I got her message, as did everyone else participating.
I don't want historians in some future age looking back at the history of this nation, and asking the question " How could those with so much to lose, have DONE NOTHING?", and then using us as a lesson on what NOT TO DO.
A Salute to the U.S. Navy Seals is in order for ridden the world of an evil man.
The last two lines of the third verse of our National Anthem are pertinent:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Posted on NineMSN-On April 26, 2011:
“The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a “nuclear hellstorm” if Osama bin Laden is captured, leaked files revealed.
The terror group also planned to make a 9/11 style attack on London’s Heathrow airport by crashing a hijacked airliner into one of the terminals, the files showed.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators the terror group would detonate the nuclear device if the al-Qaeda chief was captured or killed, according to the classified files released by the WikiLeaks website.
Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, has been held at Guantanamo since 2006 and is to be tried in a military court at the US naval base on Cuba over the attacks.
His nuclear threat was revealed in Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, one of several media outlets which have published the classified assessments of detainees at Guantanamo.
The German weekly Der Spiegel, also citing WikiLeaks, said that Sheikh Mohammed had told his interrogators he had set up two cells for the purpose of attacking Heathrow in 2002.
The aim was to seize control of an airliner shortly after take-off from Heathrow, one of the world’s busiest airports, turn it around and crash it into one of the four terminals.
Sheikh Mohammed said one cell had been formed with the aim of taking flying lessons in Kenya, while the other had been tasked with recruiting participants.
He said the plot had been discussed several times at the highest level of al-Qaeda. One component had involved the infiltration of ground staff at the airport, according to Der Spiegel.
Another attack given the green light in late 2001 would have targeted “the tallest buildings in California” with hijacked airliners, Der Spiegel reported.
The attackers would have gained access to the airliner cockpits by setting off small bombs hidden in their shoes, it said.
Sheikh Mohammed, captured in 2003 in Pakistan, also claims to have personally beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 with his “blessed right hand” and to have helped in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing that killed six people.
Der Spiegel noted that his “confessions” should have be treated with caution as they could have been extracted through torture. Sheikh Mohammed is known to have undergone the method known as “waterboarding”.
Former US president George W. Bush claimed in his memoirs published last year that using the interrogation technique - which simulates drowning - helped prevent planned attacks on Heathrow and London’s Canary Wharf business district.
He also told the London Times newspaper in November that it was “damn right” that he had authorised use of the method on Sheikh Mohammed.”
Note: My following blog post includes the above article and/or blog post, along with numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos relating to this issue-You Decide:
Is Our Government Seriously Misreading Al-Qaida’s Operational Objectives?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On April 28, 2011:
"( - President Barack Obama’s approval rating remained at an all-time low among Hispanic Americans last week, according to the Gallup poll.
For the second week in a row only 47 percent of Hispanics said they approved of the job Obama was doing as president.
Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics first dropped to 47 percent in the week of April 11-17, 2011, according to Gallup. It then stayed at that level for the week of April 18-24.
Prior to this month, there were only two other weeks when Obama’s approval rating dropped below 50 percent among Hispanics. In the week of Sept. 20-26, 2010, his approval dropped to 49 percent among Hispanics and in the week of July 26-Aug.1, 2010, it dropped to 48 percent.
Obama’s approval among Hispanic Americans has declined dramatically since early in his presidency. In the week April 20-26, 2009 and May 11-17, 2009, his approval rating among Hispanics hit 85 percent, its all-time high.
Gallup typically asks more than 3,500 people per week whether they approve or disapprove of the job the president is doing.
According to the Pew Hispanic Center’s analysis of the 2008 presidential election exit polls, then-Sen. Barack Obama defeated Sen. John McCain 67 percent to 31 percent among Hispanic voters.”
Obama’s Support Among Latinos Shaken!
Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Tait Trussell-On Apr 4, 2011:
“Ethnic and racial changes in America signal bad news for Obama in 2012. His most fervent supporters, blacks, are now outnumbered by Hispanics, according to Census figures. This means African Americans will likely lose a “substantial amount of political clout,” scholar Torrence Stephens forecast March 28. He is assistant professor of behavioral Sciences at Rollins School of Public Health. The black vote was 98 percent for Obama in 2008.
The country’s population now consists of 196.8 million whites, 50.5 million Hispanics, 37.7 million blacks, and 14.5 million Asians. Latin voters shifted in impressive numbers away from Republicans in 2008, which gave Obama large margins of victory in three battleground states: Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.
But the Obama “spell” among Latinos is fading. For a group that supported Obama heavily in 2008—who won 67 percent of their vote — only 43 percent of Hispanics polled by Univision at the end of last July say Obama is addressing their needs. Another 32 percent said they were uncertain, and 21 percent said the president has done a poor job. In New Mexico, for example, Gallup polling last June found Obama support down to 57 percent from 69 percent in 2008.
The number of Hispanics has risen from 35 million in 2000 to its present 50.5 million. Moreover, they are no longer concentrated in a handful of Southwestern states, where they have lived for decades. They have moved to all parts of the country. The largest percentage increases have been in southern states, where many Republicans now thrive. The Hispanic population has more than doubled in Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, as Linda Chavez has pointed out, with census counts surpassing previous estimates by more than 10 percent in Alabama, Louisiana, and Maryland. Ms. Chavez is an author, columnist and chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity.
Obama and his Democrat tribe thought they had a golden opportunity to capture the affections of Hispanics a year ago when Arizona passed its reasonable but strict immigration-enforcement law. The president welcomed the opportunity to try to pulverize the Republicans on immigration reform. He spent more time in April and May grousing about Arizona’s law then he did doing anything constructive about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Republicans fretted that the Arizona law would make it hard to attract Hispanic voters. But an October story by reported Hispanic voters’ support for Democrat candidates waned in September and October, cutting the backing of Democratic candidates edge from 32 percent support to only 13 percent.”
Note: As I’ve stated before, I am a proud American, who was raised to love my God, family/friends and Country, who honorably served his country as a member of our armed forces, like other Hispanics before and after me have. Many Hispanics, like many other God, family and Country loving Americans, have not only served, but have given their all to uphold the freedom that comes with living in a Republic, which is sadly taken for granted by so many “Americans In Name Only.”
America, The Republic:
I believe that the reason President Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics has dropped from 85 percent in May of 2009 to 47 percent in April of 2011 is that more and more Hispanics are beginning to wake up to the fact that in the past approximately twenty-seven months he, his Administration and allies, to include the Congress and Courts, with the help of the Main Stream Media, have been actively and relentlessly taking some deplorable actions that will permanently divide our country racially and/or by class to a point of no return.
I also believe that, if they are allowed to continue without restraint, their actions will more than likely cause civil unrest and/or an uprising in our country, which may be their ultimate goal because it would allow the President to declare “Marshal Law”, as a means of completely doing away with our “Constitutional Rights” and/or “Bill of Rights”, which so many God, family and country loving Americans have given their all to preserve, in their final push to transform our country into a Socialist nation and ultimately a one-world government.
Call to Action: All God, family and country loving Americans, regardless of political affiliation, sex, race, color (In the Marine Corps we were all green), ethnic origin, creed, or religion, need to step up to the plate and unite against this Marxist/Socialist attack on our country before it is too late. I truly believe that this President and his minions are doing everything in their power to divide us through their outrages and/or unrelenting racist propaganda, as a means of accomplishing their ultimate goal of permanently destroying the U.S. of A. I hope and pray that I am wrong, but my gut tells me that something reeks.
The following blog posts and/or articles and videos are shared with you as a means of supporting my statement above-You Decide:
Does Our President Hate America?
Obama the Polarizer!
Are we witnessing an absence of inspirational leadership or lack of leadership skills?
Obama's Real Strategy-Posted on American Thinker-By James V Capua-On April 28, 2011:
Some blacks now have doubts about Obama-Posted on Star Parker, Syndicated Columnist-On September 14, 2009:
Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Blasts ‘Marxist,’ ‘Brownshirt’ Obama-Posted on Vision to America-On April 30, 2011:
Laura Ingraham discusses the Harry Alford hearing (Boxer)-Posted on logalogalog-On Jul 25, 2009:
Obama is fomenting a race war?
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Liberal web site publishing harsh racial rhetoric!
'Game Change': New Book Reveals 2008 Campaigns' Messy Moments-To Include Racism!
George Soros is Implementing a “One World” Socialist Government-Posted on
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
New World Order By Executive Order!
The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/
Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?
The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/
Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:
Note: What follows is a Chicago Reader article and/or blog post that reveals what the then Senator Obama’s personal and/or political views were in 1995, along with possibly providing us with a good sense of how his views back then may have affected his decision making process as our President and/or Commander-In-Chief to-date-You Decide:
What Makes Obama Run? ‘Lawyer, teacher, philanthropist, and author Barack Obama doesn't need another career. But he's entering politics to get back to his true passion—community organization’-Posted on The Chicago Reader-By Hank De Zutter-On December 07, 1995:
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Obama the Illusionist
The release of Obama’s birth certificate was just another hat trick, more smoke and mirrors. First of all, it came from a document that Hawaiian officials released and that copy is in the hands of the White House. The online copy is a purported electronic scan of that and more than likely was enhanced for legibility. Of course any enhancement may be innocent in itself or by design used to cover up changes. The point is, there probably are no significant changes to the certificate as provided by Hawaii and in the end if there are any inaccuracies proven, it will fall on some poor scapegoat in Hawaii.
All this furor has done, over the last few days, has been to distract folks from the real business at hand, which is to stop Obama and the left from destroying our Country. Our job #1 this past week should have been to go in to see our Congressmen in the district offices or write and phone them to make our voices heard.
Obama the Illusionist threw out the birth certificate to distract conservatives from the important and real work. He knew full well that Osama Bin Laden would be this week’s news and so for two weeks could draw the conservative fire away from the battle to save our country. He did it to you last year and got Obamacare through. He is doing it again! Ignore the distractions and the smoke and mirrors. Worry about what you can do to make a difference on, not that which you can’t help or change. Make every minute of your valuable time, one that may bear fruit, not one that is spent dallying over that which is a distraction.
We are faced with several huge and looming battles this week and next as the Congress returns and the outcome of these battles will determine the Country’s fate.
- The debt ceiling increase must be stopped. We must take decisive action to stop the financial hemorrhaging. There is plenty of money to pay bills. Just like your own budget, if you come up a little short and do not want to borrow, you protect your assets by paying mortgages and financial obligations first, while allowing other non-critical bills to slide a little.
- The passage of the Full Faith & Credit Act, introduced by Senator Toomey and the House counterpart, must be passed to ensure that the President and Harry Reid don’t intentionally let our debt payments default, in a political ploy just to try and blame the Republicans. After all, if we believe that the left is trying to tear our country down as we know it and fundamentally transform it, we must take those steps necessary to stop them and protect the Country.
- Stop spending and begin making cuts, but the only way we will have an open and honest dialogue that will yield the kind of results necessary to restore financial stability, is if all departments and agencies are squarely on the table. We have a spending problem and that is what has sent our economy into a tailspin.
- No tax increases. The closer we get to balancing the budget the better, but only if it is not at the expense of raising taxes. We need less government impeding the free market and more money available to grow the free markets.
We also need to begin addressing some of the other real problems that are causing the financial havoc, besides the government spending.
1. Start bringing our manufacturing jobs back from overseas. The fabric of our economy has been torn and we have become this voracious consumer society without the ability to produce for ourselves. We manufacture less than 10 % of what we consume. The loss of our manufacturing base is the greatest national security threat that we face. We can no longer fend for ourselves. A new world order be damned, we need to take back our manufacturing capabilities and restore a balance in our economy. We cannot let ourselves become dependent on China and others to manufacture almost all we consume. What if……………………! Yeah, it is too scary to think about!
2. We must stop the one-way flood of dollars going out of the Country. That begins with solving more of our energy needs right here at home with sound policies that recognize the reality of our needs, and can balance domestic production and consumption with research and development toward more efficient technologies and fuel sources going forward, while reducing dependency on foreign sources that leave us at their financial mercy.
3. We need to rethink our defense strategy. Defense represents nearly one third of our budget if you take an honest look and consider all factors. We have excessive numbers of bases overseas, that in this new world of technology and satellites could have many of their functions consolidated and moved back within our borders. Let’s spend some of that new construction and remodeling money here, not to mention what is spent in the foreign local economies by the defense department, our troops and civilian employees and contractors! Go here to see what the Nations leading Conservatives are saying: and then join them by clicking on "Petition" and signing it! We need to change the mindset on Capitol Hill and re-examine our priorities and make informed, deliberate decisions instead of waiting for a crisis and then hurting our troops and missions by cutting indiscriminately.
These are just a few of the areas where, if we pay attention and press hard, we can have a positive impact. That is after all what we are working for, to have a positive impact and make a difference. How well we do should be measured by how many times we contact our elected officials about the current issues and let them know where we stand and to that end how many times there was a positive outcome.
We must be very careful how we measure success and what we choose to measure. Which do you think will have more impact, 40,000 protestors with signs gathering for a couple of hours on Capitol hill, or that same 40,000 activists spending 2 hours churning out perhaps 4 or 5 letters/emails each and a half dozen or more phone calls. I can assure you that 500,000 phone calls and emails in a week on the issues of the day will have a much bigger, longer lasting and more positive impact!!
It is great to do the meetings and go out to the events to recharge our batteries but we must all learn to employ some balance, to make sure we are doing and measuring the right things, to be sure we will make an impact and to make sure we devote enough time to those tasks that will in the end make a measurable and positive difference.
We must look beyond the smoke and mirrors, whether it is from the left or from our own and learn to focus on the future, where we want to see our country be, and prioritize those actions that will yield the greatest results, from contacting our local boards and councils to our State level government, right up to the U.S. Congress.
We must not let ourselves be distracted by Obama and the left, they are masters of deception and illusion. They want to take what you and I have and use it to fundamentally transform our Country so that our children will not have the same fighting chance we had. DO NOT lose that chance, FOCUS, focus, focus, focus,………………
You can reach the U.S. Congress at (202)-224-5121) or (877)-762-8762 and can find many of your elected officials and their contact info at this site: Stay engaged, establish a habit of making a few calls and sending a letter/email or two every week, until it becomes second nature. That is what it takes to win!! If our elected officials don’t hear from us regularly, they start thinking we don’t care and they start listening to the lobbyists, special interests and their colleagues.
Politics is about a fear factor. We would want to believe it is about our representatives doing what is right, doing what we elected them for, but once in office it often becomes more about who they fear most in their reelection, the special interests and their colleagues or “We the People” who elected them. Don’t let a week go by without reminding them how they got there and what we expect, let doing the right thing become the “icing on the cake” for them!! Thank you for all that you do for Liberty!!
For Liberty’s Sake,
Tom Whitmore
May 1, 2011 in the Year of Our Lord
As I noted in my past missive, I firmly believe that State nullification is a very real option for the Republic of Texas to exercise in defense of the liberty of all Texicans. I have studied the papers and pamphlets of many a notable and wise personage, and I have found much to support the case of nullification. While nullification is not explicitly mentioned in the compact between the several States and the United States, it is none the less greatly implied. I shall endeavor to make my point clear in a language most politicians and bureaucrats would not comprehend ... plain English.
Much has been said about the position and role of the several States within the framework of the union as a whole. Are the States a subordinate entity or an equal partner in governing? It would seem that in order to determine the rights of the States, one must first define this relationship. However, I am, at this time, only interested in the relationship between the Republic of Texas and the United States.
Texas has a rather unique status among the States. It was annexed by a Joint Resolution of Congress rather than a formal Treaty of Annexation. Numerous attempts to annex Texas by formal treaty fell apart for various and sundry reasons. Most of these involved regional politics and feelings. Never the less, Texas was admitted to the union for better or worse on June 23, 1845 upon the consent of the representatives of the people. In July of that year, a Constitutional Convention met at Washington on the Brazos to craft the Texas State Constitution.
Under the terms of the resolutions, Texas was admitted with all the powers and privileges granted to the original States of the union … including a means of redress. It MUST be understood that the terms of annexation were agreed to by the United States government and “The Republic (State) of Texas” on behalf of its people. This explicitly indicates that the State is a partner to the terms of annexation and to the powers relinquished and retained under the Constitution of the United States. In other words, the Constitution of the United States is a compact or agreement between the federal entity and the States in their sovereign capacities. The States agreed to yield only those powers explicitly enumerated in the US Constitution and no others. All remaining powers were to continue to be the province of the State and its people.
So, assuming a compact of equals, it behooves us to address the remedies available to the State of Texas whenever the federal government egregiously exceeds its constitutional authority. What exactly is the State of Texas to do during a siege of power? Why, resist of course. Whenever the federal government steps over the boundary of enumerated powers, the State of Texas simply says “We do not recognize this breech of constitutional authority. We declare it null and without force in our lands.” It isn’t rocket science. The State of Texas simply refuses to let the federal government exceed its authority within the boundaries of the State of Texas. Period. Further, the State of Texas denies the federal government the right to enforce its unconstitutional will upon the “people” of Texas. This is called interposition. The State of Texas interposes its will and protections between the people and the encroachments made on their sovereignty. In point of fact, if our leaders are worth our trust, they will see to it that the minions of the federal politic are held powerless and subject to arrest if they fail to heed the warnings of the State. Beware! This is no idle threat by the State.
The concept of nullification and interposition were firmly espoused by the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. Both of these documents put forth the truth that there is no final arbiter of federal encroachment, for who would this be? There are only two parties to these contests, the United States and the sovereign State. Who decides which is the court of final appeal? Some would have us believe it is the Supreme Court of the United States. This is an interesting case of near sightedness. The SCOTUS is a part of the federal government. It can hardly be expected to side with the States even if it was so inclined. As a department of the federal government, SCOTUS is scarcely impartial. So who does decide? The answer, quite simply, is … no one. The federal government and the sovereign State are co-equals. Neither can force its unconstitutional will on the other unless the other capitulates and refuses to defend its sovereignty. Therefore, we have a constitutional stalemate. The federal government is precluded from enforcing its unconstitutional will on the people of the State of Texas. It may do so in other States to be sure. That is their individual problem.
If we, as Texicans, are to retain our liberty and the liberty and well-being of our heirs, we MUST insist that our State leaders do their job and declare our will to resist encroachments on our lives and enduring rights as a free people. They must interpose the might and power of the great Republic of Texas between us and those who would reduce us to humble vassals of the federal state.
It can be seen that nullification is a far better remedy than the more distasteful option of secession. Secession is a statement of failure. We have failed in our commitment to the union, and it has reneged on its promise to protect the States. It matters not who instigated the grievance that precipitated the act of secession, only that it became necessary. The other option I mentioned in my last is that of submission. This is no option. It is total and abject surrender to the forces of evil. I know not what others may do but I shall not submit. I am too old and set in my ways to bend or yield. If my leaders at the state level do not do their sworn duty, I shall stand against them in print, speech and actions. Docility does not run in my family. Be warned.
American by Birth, Texan by the Grace of God
The Old Texican